Haitian Times 9/8/2010

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w w w. h a i t i a n t i m e s . c om

v ol . 1 2 n o . 3 7 /September 8-14, 2010 $ 1 . 0 0

IISO Forms Haitian Amputee National Soccer Team to Compete in 2010 Amputee Football World Cup A team of Haitian amputee national soccer team will compete in the 2010 Amputee Football World Cup Oct. from 17 to 27 in Crespo, Argentina. The team was a late entry into the event, and was formed during a recent mission trip to Haiti by The International Institute of SPORT. ‘’This is part of an amazing relief and healing effort for these individuals and the country of Haiti,’’ said Dr. Ed Sakiewicz, IIOS member. ‘’We must raise the funds to secure passports, visas, equipment, travel and accommodations for training sessions in the United States and travel to the World Cup of Amputee Soccer in Argentina, so we are calling upon our communities in Texas, Arizona and worldwide to support this cause.’’ Haitian national soccer team captain Pierre Bruny, Dr. Sakiewicz and Dr. Fred Sorrells and Chris Campasano, also members of the IIOS contingent, assembled in Haiti on Aug. 12-on a mission trip to meet members of the amputee community, and to begin forming the amputee national soccer team. Dr. Sorrells helped to form the Haiti Amputee Football Association, and under association guidance, amputees were invited to participate in try-out sessions for the national team. Funds permitting, the team’ s logistical plans include trips to Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, Texas and Phoenix, Ariz., during September to train for the Amputee Football World Cup. The organization is seeking funds and equipment in order to assist these young men in achieving a dream of playing soccer for their nation. ‘’The final selection of the Haiti national amputee soccer team includes three

closely with the American Amputee Soccer Association and the Wounded Warrior initiatives, the IIOS is also encouraging the formation of amputee soccer teams in Texas and Arizona. Demonstrations of the World’s Best One-Legged Game are planned between local teams and the visiting Haitian national amputee soccer team. More information on the tournament, a list of participating countries and brackets can be found by logging on to www.worldamputeefootball.com.

European Clubs ask FIFA to Insure Players The International Institute of SPORT (IIOS) seeks to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities in less economically developed countries.

victims of January’s catastrophic earthquake,’’ said Dr. Sorrells, Founder and President of IIOS. ‘’The opportunity to participate on the national amputee soccer team is incredibly therapeutic, especially for the recent amputees.’’ Much of Haiti’s earthquake-affected population lost identification documents as a result of this year’s tragic earthquake, including many of the Haitian amputee football team members. Part of the logistical process being handled by the IIOS is the acquisition of new documents for all of the players including visas for travel to the

United States and Argentina. The World Amputee Football Federation will oversee the World Cup in Crespo, Argentina. The opening ceremonies will be held on Oct. 16, with the tournament concluding on Oct. 27. This is the 14th time the Amputee Football World Cup has been held and first time Haiti has entered a team. The IIOS, whose mission is to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities in less economically developed countries, is managing the trip for the Haitian Amputee National Team. Working

GENEVA (AP)—Europe’s top clubs want FIFA to use some of its billion-dollar World Cup revenues to insure players who are injured during international games. European Club Association chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge said Tuesday that FIFA’s World Cup income is increasing “thanks to our players,” and the governing body can afford to fund insurance that would pay the wages of those who returned injured to their club. “It is no longer acceptable to give up our players taking risk in cases of injuries,” Rummenigge said after being re-elected to lead the umbrella group of Europe’s best

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see FIFA on page 23



w w w. h a i t i a n t i m e s . c o m

v o l . 1 2 n o . 3 7 /September 8-14, 2010 $ 1 . 0 0

Haiti Government and ECCO2 Corp Enter $1.5 Billion Dollar Project Port-au-Prince, HAITI - Haitian Senate president Kely Bastien and environmental innovators ECCO2 CORP have entered into talks regarding the launch of the ”ECCO2 Haiti Project” in efforts to reduce carbon emissions and stimulate the Haitian economy following the catastrophic earthquake earlier this year.

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UN Mission Launches Community Projects in Haiti New York - The United Nations peacekeeping force in Haiti has unveiled three drainage and canal rehabilitation projects that it hopes will boost employment and reduce violence in troubled neighbourhoods of a major city.

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Churches Partner to Donate Shoes to Haiti MIAMI – Hurricane Earl churned toward the North Carolina coast of the eastern U.S. seaboard on Tuesday after lashing Puerto Rico and the northeast Caribbean islands with winds, rain and waves, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

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Haiti Quake Blamed for Malaria Rise in Dom Rep SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) — Health authorities in the Dominican Republic say an increase in malaria cases could be linked to the January 12 earthquake in neighbouring Haiti.

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Photo by Edgard Lafond

Singer turn Candidate Michel 'Sweet Micky' Martelly walk along Eastern Parkway Sept. 6 for the West Indian Day Carnival. See more pictures on pgs 11, 12, 13 19.

Haiti Quake Survivor Returns Home After 6 Months (AP)-Half-buried in rubble, Bazelais Suy struggled to breathe — a dead woman lay on his chest. He knew he had to get her off, fast. Because he could still move his arms, he somehow managed to remove his belt, loop it around the woman’s own belt and drag her off. But his legs were still pinned. In the ruins of a flattened, five-story university building, he was surrounded by survivors and corpses — students crushed in Haiti’s catastrophic earthquake. Suy, leader of an activist group working to help Haiti’s youth lift their homeland out of poverty, was climbing the stairs to a fifth-floor classroom when the building at the University of Port-Au-Prince began to shake. In seconds, the structure collapsed, and the 28-year-old Suy tumbled four floors below. He landed flat on his back on the ground, half-buried in broken concrete. The impact crushed his spine. Suy lay dazed on his back in a small, dark hole. For hours, he heard the cries of people who had been buried alive, and he feared an aftershock would silence them all. “I thought, ‘I don’t want to die,’” he said. “I told them not to be scared.” Suy did not die. Instead, he embarked on a nearly 2,000-mile journey that would restore his health and allow him to return,

a half-year later, to the ground that almost killed him. Suy’s odyssey reads like a cliched Hollywood movie, but it’s a real-life drama, starring a serious and charismatic young Haitian who owes his life to strangers from Chicago, now friends. They transported him to another world for six months of intense

“When I see myself right now, and I think about how I used to be, I cry sometimes,” he confessed. treatment, free of charge, while his country, too, tried to heal. Suy was given little chance of ever walking again, but Haiti without legs is unimaginable — the able-bodied have a hard enough time getting by. Disability there is a stigma, a source of shame. Stubborn and determined, Suy set his mind to beating the odds. In the dark, Suy (Soo-’EE) drifted in and out of consciousness. He does not remember being pulled out and placed among bodies on the sidewalk.

Friends arrived and lifted Suy into a car, heading down bumpy streets, first to a public plaza several miles away where victims were being taken. His family found him there on the ground and took him to a hospital where conditions were filthy and the only treatment consisted of occasional painkillers. Eventually he was moved to a tent clinic outside Sacre Coeur Hospital in Port-au-Prince. A doctor from an aid group asked Dr. Dan Ivankovich, a spinal specialist from Chicago, to check on Suy. Ivankovich was incredulous. Under normal circumstances, patients with spinal-cord injuries would be immediately strapped to a backboard to immobilize the spine and avoid additional nerve damage. Most would then go straight to surgery. Suy’s rescuers had no choice but to move him, probably making the injury worse, Ivankovich said. And 10 days had passed since the quake. “I said, ‘Are you out of your mind?’” Ivankovich recalled. Ivankovich, an irreverent, 7-foot-tall surgeon used to treating poor patients from the inner city, had just arrived in Haiti with a medical team. Like his idol, Johnny Cash, the doctor wears black — from his leather see SURVIVOR on page 3


The Haitian Times





Le gouvernement canadien n'a pas encore annoncé le montant de l'enveloppe consacrée à l'organisation des élections en Haïti. L'ambassadeur canadien à Port-au-Prince, Gilles Rivard, espère que le ministère de la coopération annoncera au cours des prochaines semaines le montant de la contribution du Canada à l'organisation des joutes du 28 novembre. Le diplomate canadien se dit satisfait du déroulement du processus électoral haïtien en dépit des critiques de l'opposition à l'encontre des conseillers électoraux. ” Le CEP a une tache ingrate de prendre des décisions qui sont défavorables à certains candidats” fait remarquer M. Rivard qui a suivi de près la phase de contestation des candidatures. Plusieurs représentants de la communauté internationale dont le secrétaire général de l'OEA, Miguel Insulza, se sont dits satisfaits de l'avancement du processus électoral. Le Canada et plusieurs autres pays amis, dont l'Union Européenne, les Etats-Unis et le Brésil, se sont engagés à financer plus de 65 % des activités liées à l'organisation des élections présidenti-



elles et législatives de novembre 2010. Le représentant du secrétaire général de l'OEA à Port-au-Prince, Ricardo Seitenfus a révélé que l'Union Européenne, les EtatsUnis et le Brésil ont déjà mobilisé des fonds en faveur de l'organisme électoral. Le coût des opérations électorales sont estimées à 29 millions de dollars par les autorités électorales. Les fonds alloués par la communauté internationale seront gérés par le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD). **** Un Collectif d’Organisations de la Sociéte Civile, composé de plusieurs organisations s’étonne que le Secrétaire Général de l’Organisation des États Américains (OEA), dans la Conférence de Presse qu’il a donné le Vendredi 27 Août 2010, à l’issue d’une brève visite en Haïti a apporté un appui sans réserve à un processus électoral entaché d’irrégularités, alors qu’il a été mis au courant d’un certain nombre de faits troublants. En effet, à l’annonce de la visite de M. Insulza, le Collectif, connaissant l’implication de l’OEA dans les opérations électorales, a sollicité et obtenu un entretien avec le Secrétaire Général, afin de lui faire part des préoccupations suscitées par le déroulement des opérations et solliciter l’appui de l’organisation hémisphérique pour des élections acceptables. Le Collectif lui a remis une copie des propositions et déclarations qu’il a faites au cours de ces derniers mois et a consigné ses préoccupations dans une lettre remise au Secrétaire Général. Lors des

dernières élections du tiers du Sénat, les plus graves irrégularités qui ont renversé certains résultats ont été commises au Centre de Tabulation dont l’OEA avait la responsabilité technique. **** Haïti est au centre d'une polémique entre Wyclef Jean et Sean Penn, deux stars, très impliqués dans l'effort humanitaire dans le pays. Les deux affichent publiquement leurs aversions réciproquent. M. Jean qui n'a pas fini de s'en prendre à ceux qui ont fait échoué sa candidature à la présidence d'Haïti, avait lancé le week end écoulé une flèche en direction de l'acteur Sean Penn. ”Peut-être que si Sean Penn ne m'a pas vu à Haïti, c'est qu'il était trop occupé à sniffer de la cocaïne”, avait declaré Wyclef dans une nouvelle version de sa chanson ” If I was president”. M. Penn avait mis en doute l'implication réelle de Wyclef dans l'assistance aux victimes du séisme du 12 janvier. Le porte parole de l'acteur américain a rejeté hier les accusations de M. Jean et a fait savoir que Monsieur Jean fasse une telle accusation mensongère est à la fois inutile et attristant, mais pas surprenant.” Visiblement l'hostilité entre ces anciens amis est entrain de s'intensifier. Au cours des deux dernières semaines les avocats de Wyclef Jean sont restés silencieux. Ils avaient pourtant annoncé qu'un recours sera exercé contre la décision des autorités électorales haïtiennes en raison du rejet de la candidature de M. Jean. L'ex vedette des Fugees avait également envisagé de porter l'affaire par devant les

September 8-14, 2010

juridictions internationales estimant que ces droits de citoyens avaient été violés. **** La journée internationale de l'alphabétisation sera célébrée ce 8 septembre en Haïti par la Secrétairerie d'Etat à l'alphabétisation (SEA) et l'UNESCO, en collaboration avec le Ministère à la Condition Féminine et aux Droits de la Femme, s'apprêtent à célébrer le 8 septembre, la journée internationale de l'alphabétisation. Des activités de sensibilisation auprès des femmes dans trois camps de déplacés (Corail, Tabarre-Issa, Léogane) seront organisées à l'occasion de cette journée qui sera célebrée cette année autour du thème « Le pouvoir de l'alphabétisation des femmes ». Ces activités visent la promotion de l'apprentissage de l'écrit et incluront des ateliers avec des formateurs présentant aux femmes la méthode audiovisuelle d'alphabétisation, interprétée par des acteurs et actrices haïtiens et produite à Cuba. Les participantes pourront visionner des témoignages de femmes alphabétisées grâce à la Campagne Nationale d'Alphabétisation 2007-2010 et un documentaire produit dans le cadre du projet « Savoir pour pouvoir » (LIFE) de l'UNESCO, financé par l'Agence Espagnole de Coopération Internationale et de Développement (AECID) en Haïti. Comme les années précédentes, des matériaux de l'UNESCO, certains traduits en Créole, seront disponibles. Notons que les femmes représentent 52% de la population haïtienne, mais 42%d' entres elles sont analphabète.

Autour d’une pétition de politique linguistique sur le Net 2ème Du côté de chez Hugues

par Hugues St. Fort

Dans la première partie de cet article (voir Haitian Times de la semaine du 26 août 2010 au premier septembre 2010 ou le forum Haiti-Nation du dimanche 29 août 2010), j’ai présenté les arguments de mon collègue J-L (nom d’emprunt) au cours d’une conversation téléphonique que nous avions eue à propos d’une pétition de politique linguistique mise en ligne par le linguiste haïtien, Yves Déjean. Bien que mon collègue partage la thèse principale de Déjean –c’est le créole et pas le français qui doit être la langue d’instruction dans toutes les écoles haïtiennes – il a émis de sérieuses réserves sur les non-dits et certaines implications de la proposition de Déjean. Cet article constituera donc ma réponse à mon collègue J-L, telle qu’on en a discuté au téléphone. Si vous êtes intéressés à prendre connaissance de cette pétition et à la signer, je vous recommande d’aller à l’adresse suivante : http://ayiticheri.com/rebati Tout d’abord, je conteste vivement le point de vue de J-L qui soutient que la pétition de Déjean ne fait aucune mention des autres langues ou de l’autre langue internationale qui devraient être mises à la portée des élèves haïtiens. Je renvoie

J-L à l’avant-dernier paragraphe de la pétition où Déjean dit ceci: « Many countries in the world, especially in Africa and Asia, have 2, 3, 4 or more areas that lack a common language. This problem exists nowhere in Haiti. With Creole (i.e. a language that EVERYONE speaks in Haiti) as the language of instruction, all children would be able to study calculus, geography, history, etc., with utmost earnestness. Similarly they will be able to take advantage of any good program for the study of French, a language that has been implanted in Haiti since colonial times. » Déjean a une longue pratique d’éducateur en Haïti et ne saurait prôner l’élimination du français du système éducatif haïtien. Ce qu’il défend ardemment, c’est l’usage de la langue créole comme langue d’instruction de toutes les matières scolaires. Le français sera alors enseigné en tant que langue étrangère, ce qu’elle est pour la grande majorité des locuteurs haïtiens. Des dizaines d’années de recherche conduites par des universitaires et des institutions internationales (Unesco) ont confirmé le rôle prépondérant joué par la langue première dans l’apprentissage scolaire. Dans le cas d’Haïti, il ne fait l’ombre d’un doute que cette langue première est le créole. Ce fait constitue un atout majeur dans l’établissement d’une politique linguistique sérieuse. D’autre part, la rareté ou l’absence de matériels éducatifs ne devrait pas empêcher que le créole devienne la langue d’instruction dans les écoles haïtiennes. Il incombe à l’état haïtien d’adopter une

politique linguistique, c’est-à-dire un « ensemble de mesures législatives et exécutives prises à l’égard d’une ou de plusieurs langues. » (Grand dictionnaire terminologique) S’il n’existe pas pour l’instant de manuels de grammaire de référence disponibles en créole haïtien, il y a cependant d’excellentes recherches sur quantité d’aspects syntaxiques du créole qui ont été entreprises par des linguistes compétents. Ces recherches pourraient servir de base à l’élaboration d’une grammaire descriptive du créole haïtien qui s’attacherait à établir des descriptions de la syntaxe et de la morphologie de la langue. Il serait en revanche beaucoup plus difficile parce que prenant plus de temps à élaborer un dictionnaire de langue créole. On doit comprendre que ce problème relève directement de l’autorité de l’état haïtien. Aucun particulier ne peut le prendre en main et le traiter à lui seul. Tout au plus, comme Déjean l’a fait, le particulier peut le soumettre au public et demander que l’état lui accorde la plus grande priorité. Il est permis de penser que de telles interventions sont rares dans la vie publique haïtienne mais celle de Déjean est tout ce qu’il y de plus méritoire. J-L a raison de plaider pour un état stable et fort qui pourrait prendre ces questions à bras-le-corps dans la longue durée mais il a tort de croire que la question de la langue n’est qu’une question secondaire. Le caractère central de la question de la langue en Haïti se manifeste dans toutes les dimensions de la société haïtienne où elle est l’un des

moteurs des difficultés scolaires chroniques, de la mobilité sociale, dans certaines circonstances de la communication sociale, etc. La question de la standardisation du créole haïtien qui a été l’un des points forts de la critique de J-L reste finalement mal posée. Sur le plan de l’écriture, il existe une orthographe standard du créole, l’orthographe IPN mise en place au début des années 1980. Bien que beaucoup d’Haïtiens semblent n’avoir jamais entendu parler de l’existence de cette orthographe, à en juger par la façon dont ils écrivent la langue sur le Net ou, s’ils en ont entendu parler, n’aient fait aucun effort pour l’apprendre, il faut reconnaître malgré tout que de plus en plus de locuteurs l’écrivent correctement. En revanche, l’adoption d’une variété standard de la langue dans ses aspects syntaxiques, régionaux ou lexicaux peut poser problème car c’est un travail de longue haleine qui dépend de beaucoup de facteurs sujets à une évolution lente. La Révolution de 1789 a joué un rôle capital dans l’établissement d’une politique linguistique en France. Grâce à elle, il a été mis sur pied « une politique d’éradication des dialectes et des langues régionales, et une francisation générale. » Le fameux rapport de l’abbé Grégoire (1794) a été décisif sur ce point. L’imposition et l’acceptation d’une variété standard de la langue n’ont pris forme définitivement dans la société française qu’à partir du see HUGUES on page 5

September 8-14, 2010

Haiti Government and ECCO2 Corp Enter $1.5 Billion Dollar Project Port-au-Prince, HAITI - Haitian Senate president Kely Bastien and environmental innovators ECCO2 CORP have entered into talks regarding the launch of the ”ECCO2 Haiti Project” in efforts to reduce carbon emissions and stimulate the Haitian economy following the catastrophic earthquake earlier this year. This clean development mechanism (CDM) will be achieved by installing ECCO2's patented technologies within all 133 communes that make up the nation.

Survivor continued from cover

cowboy hat and boots to gaudy onyx rings and black diamond ear studs. It’s an honor, he says, to help the downtrodden. And he shares that passion with his young patient. Suy was born poor in southern Haiti and sent as a boy to live with an aunt in Port-au-Prince and attend school. He was one of the lucky ones. More than half the population lived in poverty even before the quake left more than 1 million homeless. About 40 percent of Haitian adults are illiterate, and almost half of Haitian children don’t attend school. Deeply religious, Suy loves his country but hates its poverty. A few years ago, he formed an advocacy group named GRRANOH, a French acronym meaning roughly “group for ideas, research and action for redirecting Haiti.” Its volunteers have tutored orphans, fed the homeless, visited hospital patients and raised awareness

UN Mission Launches Community Projects in Haiti


New York - The United Nations peacekeeping force in Haiti has unveiled three drainage and canal rehabilitation projects that it hopes will boost employment and reduce violence in troubled neighbourhoods of a major city. The projects will benefit the districts of Goya, Petite Anse and Petite-Riviere in the northern city of Cap-Haïtien, the peace-

“The ECCO2 Haiti Project opens up vast employment opportunities and potential economic growth.” ”We are happy to open discussions of economic development for the ECCO2 Haiti Project and getting the operation active. The ECCO2 Haiti Project can serve as an example for the rest of the world in the fight against global warming,” Senate president Bastien said. Haiti has been a member of the Kyoto Protocol since 2005 and currently has an estimated national carbon footprint of 10 million metric tons per year according to current statistics. The ECCO2 Haiti Project is expected to offset as much as 80 million metric tons of carbon emissions over the next 10 years. The carbon emission offsets will generate certified emission reduction (CER) credits holding a current value of about $1.5 billion dollars (USD). The carbon credits will be sold to various trading firms and investment banks to finance the ECCO2 Haiti Foundation; a

The Haitian Times

The projects will benefit Goya, Petite Anse and Petite-Riviere in Cap-Haïtien. Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive and ECCO2 Coaitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive and ECCO2 Corp are set to complete negotiations

not-for-profit organization whose primary focus is to further economic development in Haiti using environmental initiatives as its catalyst. ”The ECCO2 Haiti Project opens up vast employment opportunities and potential economic growth as Haiti continues to restore its infrastructure. While many have turned a blind eye towards them since the disaster, we are honored to be an active part of rebuilding the new Haiti,” Cary Lee Peterson, President of ECCO2 Corp

about Haiti’s needs. “He doesn’t have much but with the little he has, he wants to help people,” said his girlfriend, Jeanna Volcy. In the chaos of post-quake Haiti, Ivankovich was equipped to handle amputations and fractures, not spinal cord injuries. Nor was the damaged hospital in any position to host spinal surgery. Suy, meanwhile, had pressure sores on his back from lying prone for more than a week, and the risk of infection was grave. When Ivankovich mentioned he would be going back to Chicago, the frightened young man pleaded with him. “Take me with you,” he cried, in halting English. The doctor in black could not turn away. Ivankovich worked with U.S. authorities to help secure a humanitarian visa. Sixteen days after the quake, he flew to Chicago in an air ambulance. It was Suy’s first trip out of Haiti. In a three-hour operation, surgeons at Northwestern Memorial Hospital stabilized Suy’s broken bones with titanium rods and

President’s said. ECCO2 Corp is a not-for-profit sister company of DBS Distributors, Inc. f/k/a Fuel Concepts Pty Limited who are worldwide manufacturers and distributors of the ECCO2 / ECO Systems product line. Although final details of the ECCO2 Haiti Project are still in discussions, Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive and ECCO2 Corp are set to complete negotiations within the next few weeks to launch the program.

screws. Their aim was to remove pressure on the spinal cord and prevent additional nerve damage, while allowing the surrounding bones to heal. Afterward, Suy was still unable to move his legs. He had little sensation below his waist, except for patchy feeling in his thighs. Ivankovich told him: “My friend, you’re paralyzed. You’re going to be in a wheelchair and this is just what you need to accept.” Suy had other ideas. He was moved to the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, one of the nation’s best-known hospitals for brain and spinal cord injuries. Humanitarian funds at Northwestern and the hospital paid for the treatment, which would normally have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. The 18-story center stands in Chicago’s glittery Gold Coast neighborhood, lined with swank shops, posh hotels and gleaming skyscrapers. Suy, who was used to tropical heat, arrived in the dead of Chicago’s bitter-cold winter. The buildings were gigantic,

keeping mission – known as MINUSTAH – Sept. 3rd. Those three districts have been affected by violence and health problems and they are also considered at risk from flooding during the current hurricane season. MINUSTAH reported that the projects should create more than 2,500 jobs and help to reduce flood risks by ditching, paving and rehabilitating channels and canals. The mission is fully funding the projects, estimated to cost just under $600,000, through a community violence reduction programme being conducted with city officials and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

the language strange, his broken body seemed foreign — it all felt like another universe. “He looked like he had seen a ghost. He seemed pretty shellshocked,” recalls Kate Silverman, a French-speaking rehab therapist who worked with him. Suy was haunted by terrifying flashbacks from the earthquake. He wouldn’t eat strange-tasting American food, and couldn’t sleep because the U.S-sized hospital room seemed huge. A room that big in Haiti would house at least five people. But Suy listened when Silverman said he needed to eat to get strong. And gradually, he did. Rehab therapists doted on the handsome foreign student and put him through months of rigorous, painful workouts to rebuild his body. His daily routine became several hours of physical therapy — leg lifts from his wheelchair, tossing a big rubber ball, scooting down parallel bars on his arms. The hope was that some neurological function would return. “It’s OK if it’s hard,” a therapist told him.

“It’s not hard,” Suy insisted. One day in March during a visit from Ivankovich, Suy lifted a leg up off his bed. The doctor was stunned. “It was miraculous. It was the kind of recovery that we couldn’t even have fantasized about,” Ivankovich said. Suy was soon ready to try using a walker. His thighs had regained more feeling and become strong enough to help support his weight. But lifting his feet to step forward required concentration. Even moving awkwardly down the 100-foot hospital corridor was a struggle. The plastic braces on his ankles hurt. “When I see myself right now, and I think about how I used to be, I cry sometimes,” he confessed. Even when his therapy sessions ended, Suy worked out alone in his room, doing leg lifts to speed the healing. “You should never be discouraged in life,” he said. “I know the day will come when I can do what I want.” see SURVIVOR on page 23


The Haitian Times

Has The Recession Solved Illegal Immigration? New York – A new Pew report says about jobs,” so it's ”unsurprising” that the unlawful immigration has dropped sharply influx has slowed to a ”relative trickle,” as jobs have dried up. Will this news cool Jay Bookman at The Atlanta Journal-Condown the red-hot immigration debate? stitution said. But that reduction won't Even as the debate over illegal immigra- solve the real problem: The ”overheated tion has heated up, the rhetoric” and ”hysteria” The recession has dominating the debate. actual number of unlawful immigrants crossing “ This isn't all about into the U.S. has shrunk given us a window to jobs”, Mark Krikorian by about two-thirds, National Review permanently solve the in according to the nonparsaid. ”The decline starttisan Pew Hispanic Cened before the recession, problem ter — with the nation's in response to the stirtotal undocumented rings of enforcement immigration population falling by ”nearly activity at the tail-end of the Bush admina million... between 2009 than in 2007.” istration, and then was accelerated by the And while there are several reasons for this economic downturn.” What we need to do ”first significant reversal” in immigration is increase Bush-style enforcement efforts trends since 1990, the biggest is the drying and ”see how much more we can reduce up of jobs. Has the recession alleviated the total before we surrender and declare America's immigration problem? an amnesty.” Anti-immigration ”hysteria” was never ”If Pew says it, it must be true!” based on facts The recession has given us a winIllegal immigration ”has always been dow to permanently solve the problem

All the ”major indicators... point to the economy as the principal driver” of the ”remarkable numbers in the Pew report,” The Dallas Morning News wrote in an editorial. But we still have 11.1 million

September 8-14, 2010

illegal immigrants, and more will come in better times. The only long-term solution is to build on this ”short-term progress” by finally passing comprehensive immigration reform.

Immigration Debate Weighs On Midterm Election Despite a drop in illegal immigration, could become legal residents and citizens the issue has again become the focus of only if they come forward, register with heated debate heading into the November the federal government, pay a fine and congressional elections. any back taxes, undergo a security check Democrats and Republicans agree that and get in line behind the people who enforcement could be better. U.S. Rep. have already applied to come here legally. Mark Schauer, D-Bedford Township, and While waiting, they would be allowed to his main challenger, Republican Tim Wal- remain in the U.S. berg of Tipton, agree that more needs to be Most Republicans and anti-illegaldone to tighten border security and punish immigration groups say this amounts to companies that hire illegal workers. But amnesty and rewards people who broke that common ground still leaves room for the law to come here. They also say it will disagreement on some immigration issues. encourage more immigrants to enter the A big reason for the renewed attention U.S. illegally. is the passage in April In a statement last of Arizona's toughestweek, Walberg said “Increased enforce- the first step in dealin-the-nation immigration enforcement ing with illegal immiment and penalties for gration is securing law, which is being challenged in federal employers who know- theHeborder. court by the Obama said that while administration. Other ingly hire illegal aliens is serving in the U.S. states are watching House, he supportthe legal battle close- important,” Walberg said. ed bills to increase ly as they consider border patrols. But adopting similar laws. Walberg has been Both supporters and opponents of the criticized for voting against a Homeland law, which makes it a state crime to be in Security budget bill in 2007 that directed the United States illegally, say it under- resources toward border security. scores the failure of the federal govern”We need more border agents, secure ment to solve the daunting problem of fencing and appropriate technology to illegal immigration. But there is a huge secure the border and protect Americans,” split over just what the solution should be. he said recently. Walberg said measures should also be The Debate passed that make it easier for people to The national immigration debate focuses come to the U.S. and find jobs legally, and on two issues: What should be done about then learn English and become part of the immigrants already living illegally in the their communities. U.S. and how should the U.S. increase its ”Increased enforcement and penalties border security? for employers who knowingly hire illegal In the Senate, Democratic leaders aliens is important,” he said. unveiled a plan in April, supported by Opponents of the Democrats' reform President Barack Obama, that would plans say they won't consider allowing increase border security, overhaul the visa illegal immigrants to become legal resisystem, install a biometric employment dents until more is done to secure the verification system to ensure that employ- border and fight the Mexican drug cartels ers hire legal workers, and create a path to that smuggle narcotics and people into the citizenship for illegal immigrants. United States. That last point creates the most controThe Obama administration began versy. Democratic senators and the presi- deploying about 1,200 National Guard dent have proposed that illegal immigrants troops to the border in early August, but

U.S. Rep. Mark Schauer, Democrat

Republican Tim Walberg

critics say that is not enough. Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., a past leader on immigration reform, and Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., the minority whip, have proposed sending 6,000 National Guard troops to the border. Meanwhile, Schauer in August supported a request by the Obama administration for $600 million in emergency funding for 1,000 new Border Patrol agents, 250 new Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, unmanned Predator drones to patrol the U.S. side of the border, and other border security measures. ”While this is an important first step,” Schauer said in a recent statement, ”we must not lose sight of the fact that workers choose to cross the border illegally to find jobs.” Schauer has called for a crackdown on companies that hire illegal workers, such as Hallmark Industries, which allegedly hired undocumented workers to help with the Kalamazoo River oil spill cleanup. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said that spending will add to an unprecedented effort by the federal

government to secure the border. The Border Patrol is better staffed than at any time in its 85-year history, with the number of agents doubling from about 10,000 in 2004 to more than 20,000 today. Napolitano also cites statistics showing that the Obama administration has doubled the number of people assigned to Border Enforcement Security Task Forces, tripled the number of ICE intelligence analysts assigned to the Southwest border and begun screening all southbound rail shipments for illegal weapons, drugs and cash. Will Reform Pass? Few observers believe that Congress will pass a politically divisive overhaul of the nation's immigration system during an election year. Instead, it is more likely that Congress may pass piecemeal legislation such as the DREAM Act, which would allow illegal immigrant children to stay in the U.S. and become legal residents if they attend college or serve in the U.S. military. The story was first published in Gannett. com.

The Haitian Times

September 8-14, 2010

Churches Partner to Donate Shoes to Haiti Jacksonville resident Dee Simmons is willing to give the shoes off her feet to bring relief to someone thousands of miles away in Haiti. “You look in your own closet and see all of the shoes that you’ve got for your feet and you’ve got brothers and sisters who don’t have any,” she said. “The earthquake was months ago and it was in the news and on TV and it was eventually put in the background, but the need is still there.” Simmons, a member of Sandy Run Missionary Baptist Church, is just one of many volunteers who gathered at Rose Brothers Furniture parking lot on Onslow Drive Monday for the Soles4Souls charity shoe drive. Several churches and organizations have given time and money to collect boxes of new shoes for Haiti earthquake survivors since disaster struck the area eight months ago. Joel Churchwell, pastor of Sandy Run Missionary Baptist Church partnered with Soles4Souls, Inc. charity of Nashville to start the community wide shoe drive. Although the original goal was 500, at least 3,000 pair of shoes has been collected since June. They’ve been boxed and driven by volunteers to the Soles4Souls warehouse in Tennessee. Churchwell said that donating shoes instead of money gave people a chance to see exactly how they were helping the residents of Haiti. “We actually started discussing it amongst the membership in late May and we reached out to the other churches and we came up with June 1 as the date to

kick it off,” Churchwell said. “For our particular membership we saw that it gave us a visual of a need and it was very inexpensive because every one could go out and get the shoes they wanted and still be a part of it.” Soles4Souls collects shoes from the warehouses of footwear companies, orga-

People were coming Sunday after Sunday bringing shoes and it just brought tears to my eyes.” nizations and individuals to donate to people in need. Churchwell said that the response from his own congregation was so great that he reached out to several churches across the county. “We asked pastors throughout the community to partner with us and the concept was to allow our members to participate and bring shoes at the altar as a sacrifice to show that we are concerned about the issues in Haiti,” Churchwell said. “So we did it for the next four Sundays. Because of the overwhelming response some of the other community organizations, we

extended it up until the present time.” Churchwell received an outpouring of helping hands from a dozen churches in Onslow County, as well as chaplains with Deployment Processing Command-East aboard Camp Lejeune and Camp Johnson, businesses and non-profits organizations. Other congregations soon followed the lead of Sandy Run Missionary Baptist by placing shoes on their altars as an offering during Sunday services. “Once he reached out and told us the mission he was trying to accomplish it was something we could do as far as ministry abroad and local,” said Pastor William Jones of Marshal Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. “This was our first opportunity to reach out and when he presented this to us we thought it was a good opportunity towards that ministry.” Sneakers, flats, flip flops of all colors and sizes piled among altars across the area every Sunday, an emotional sight for some. “I was overwhelmed, and I did not know that our congregation would come out like they did,” said Miranda Williams, secretary for Marshall Chapel. “I have a passion for shoes, and if I can go out and buy shoes for someone else and not buy any for myself, then I know that's a good thing. People were coming Sunday after Sunday bringing shoes and it just brought tears to my eyes.” Chaplain John Rudd of the Deployment Processing Command said that the mili-

tary community got involved by placing cardboard boxes at several commands to collect shoes. “We put it out not just to service members in command but also to their families and passed the word and let them know what we were doing,” Rudd said. “We’re going to do this through September and we expect to get momentum and get a lot more the next time we do this. Churchwell said that they will continue to welcome shoes as an ongoing contribution to Soles4Souls, and hope that they can expand efforts to a semi annual event each year. He feels that it was not just the actions of one group or congregation, but many people in the community who were willing to come together through their faith and help heal the souls — and soles — of Haiti. “What really got me excited was when we approached our military counterparts and various pastors and we all shared it as a collaboration,” Churchwell said. “We all agreed that it would be at a neutral location, and God would get the glory and not one church. You couldn’t ask for anything more.” Soles4Souls will accept new shoes of all sizes for Haiti earthquake survivors. To schedule an appointment for drop off donations or for more information, call Sandy Run Missionary Baptist Church at 910-346-4840. The story was first published in jdnews. com



continued from page 2

dix-neuvième siècle, au moins dans le français écrit. Car dans le français parlé, il a fallu attendre des instances de grand rassemblement social comme le service militaire obligatoire, l’influence de la télévision, l’introduction d’écoles dans les campagnes les plus lointaines,…pour que le français standard pénètre enfin partout. En Haïti, l’aménagement linguistique conçu comme « l’intervention explicite de l’état sur la question des langues » peine à se profiler à l’horizon. Les questions sociolinguistiques classiques et difficiles à résoudre (quelle variété choisir ? Sur quelle base la choisir ? Comment expli-

quer aux locuteurs des variétés écartées le choix qui a été fait ?) peuvent déstabiliser un état. Comment y faire face ? La relation entre le créole et le français ne se trouve pas maintenant tout à fait dans la même situation socio-historique qui a caractérisé les rapports entre le latin et le français autour du quatorzième et du quinzième siècle. Il n’existe pas de relation génétique entre le français, langue romane, et le créole haïtien, fondamentalement une langue de contact. Cependant, certains parallèles sont évidents. C’est sur le terrain scolaire que l’avenir du créole, du moins en Haïti, sera joué. La pétition de Déjean sera déterminante à cet effet. Contactez Hugues St.Fort à Hugo274@aol.com

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6 8

The Haitian Times


Towards a New State

In a recent analysis of Haiti’s conditions ships among citizens, and more stable after the January 2010 earthquake, Haitian politics. “ Hopefully, he concluded: “If a born Professor Robert Fatton Jr wrote in viable, accountable state were to emerge, conclusion: “If Haiti is to avoid an unend- the earthquake’s senseless destruction may ing dependence on the international com- in fact become the cruel birth pangs of a munity for its very survival, it must place new and resilient Haiti.” the state at the center of any strategy of Neither in this conclusion nor in his reconstruction … What Haiti requires is whole analysis, Professor Fatton had not nation-building, but state-building. “ mentioned the importance of planning he and coordination. Therefore, seemed to refer to Even when calling the government of attention to the ten an organized politithousand ONGs cal community. in Haiti, he had S p e c i f i c a l l y, not suggested how he stated: “While these ONGs could NGOs and other be more beneficial forms of private for the country if assistance might there were some offer some immekinds of coordinadiate and needed tion by the “state”. relief to those Such initiative without shelter should be part of and food, only the a master plan that state can provide emphasized the collective protecbasic importance tion and create an educational systhe conditions for tem integrated into self-sustaining communal and city growth. “ Fursocio-economic ther, he explained: development proj“The creation of a ects facilitated by new and responthe “state”. sible state does not That developimply massive cen- Professor Robert Fatton Jr ment should also tralization nor the include countrycrushing of spontawide agricultural neous forms of citiand industrial zens’ organizations, but rather harnessing undertakings, housing and recreation facilthis spontaneity and giving it the coher- ities, health services, access roads, air and ence and means to succeed. “ sea transportation installations, and other Recognizing the resilience of the Haitian normal life amenities. Most importantly, population towards disastrous situations, the Haitians must realize that their future Fatton wrote: “This behavior in the face and the future of their children and grand of utter adversity is a hopeful sign that children depend on the decision they must Haitians can learn to live in solidarity and take now to establish sustainable projects that the extreme divide across class, color, all over the country with the close involveand gender can be bridged. “ He warned: ment of the inhabitants of the respective “This task, however, requires a responsible localities so that better life is wide spread state with the capacity to generate more and maintained by the population itself. equitable life-chances, more civil relation-

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September 8-14, 2010

Another Opportunity That Should Not Be Lost Under The


By Max A. Joseph Jr.

What was to be a milestone for Haitians in this country was lost when 4 Haitian-Americans, vying for the vacant 17th Congressional District seat in southern Florida, were defeated in the August 24th Democratic primary. The victory was seized by 68 year-old state senator Frederica S. Wilson who is now virtually assured of a victory next November in the predominantly Democratic district. Some 1400 miles up North, in Brooklyn’s 42nd Assembly District, Michèle Adolphe, is also trying to make history by becoming the first Haitian-American elected to the New York State legislature. Unlike her fellow Haitian-Americans in South Florida, she is facing an uphill battle as her opponent, Rodha Jacobs, a master tactician in the art of using legal challenges against potential opponents also benefits from the power of thirty two years of incumbency and a huge war chest. With this year’s redistricting and the prospect of gerrymandering (deliberate modification of the boundaries of a district for electoral purposes) the opportunity to elect one of its own, if lost, could set back the Haitian community’s prospective representation in the corridors of power in Albany for a decade or more. With a large percentage of HaitianAmericans, the 42nd A.D, which is 85% non-white and predominantly Caribbean, is an anachronism of the power of incumbency in which the incumbent keeps getting reelected while losing touch with the communities she represents. First elected in 1978, Rhoda Jacobs has no doubt worked hard on behalf of her constituents during her long tenure as assemblywoman, nonetheless she failed to understand the ever changing needs of these communities made up generally of first generation and naturalized Americans whose path to achieving the “American dream” has become narrower in the last decade. Undoubtedly the 42nd A.D has been adversely, if not disproportionally, affected by the recent economic crisis (2008-?) during which many homeowners have lost or facing the prospect of losing their homes while tuition for their collegebound children continue to rise. These facts notwithstanding, the ever lower quality of education of the District-area’s public High Schools is placing an additional burden on these hardworking folks who are compelled to sending their sons and daughters to private schools and forgo/ sacrifice other needs. The division of the venerated Erasmus Hall High School in 1994 into 4 separate schools due to poor academic scores underscores that reality. Indeed these issues need to be addressed expeditiously and complacency is simply not an option for the constituents of the 42nd Assembly District. Judging the bustling activities along Flatbush, Church and Nostrand Avenues and other commercial arteries within its confines, it is obvious that Brooklyn’s

42nd Assembly District could be to the Caribbean community what Harlem is to African-Americans. What’s needed is a leader that speaks on its behalf in Albany and harnesses its constituencies’ greatest strengths: strong family values and structure, innate sense of entrepreneurship and an infallible belief in the power of education. Needless to say the 42nd Assembly District needs an infusion of new blood and vision, as its social problems have multiplied since Rhoda Jacobs first got elected in 1978 and her long term incumbency may actually be a handicap to taking a crack at them. On September 14, the Haitian community, one of the District’s largest constituencies, has a unique opportunity to end its unenviable status of a politically impotent ethnic group in New York State by massively supporting Michèle Adolphe, one of its own, in the state Democratic primary. Numerous Haitian-Americans, namely Jean Vernet, Rubain Durancy and Samuel Nicolas have tried to unseat Rhoda Jacobs and failed. The reasons are too numerous to enumerate in this article. Four years ago, with Michele Adolphe and Zacary LaReche, two Haitian-Americans, running against her, Rhoda Jacobs garnered 60% of the votes. Nonetheless Adolphe’s grassroots campaign, which has gained momentum, could produce an upset this year as Jacobs’ highhanded tactics of using electoral challenges to disqualify potential opponents have alienated many of her own supporters. Who is Michèle Adolphe? She is a former community organizer and NYC High School schoolteacher, a mother of two daughters and founder and president of Brooklyn Institute for Children (BIC), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of the area’s children. Her academic credentials (she holds a degree in management from the State University of New York (SUNY) and a master in Social Sciences from Long Island University (LIU) do not come close to matching her dedication to the 42nd District where she has resided most of her life ever since she emigrated to the U.S with her parents as a young child from Haiti. Most importantly, Michèle Adolphe’s candidacy is not a purported ethnic-based insurgency, as her detractors are inclined to believe, but a genuine attempt on her part at alleviating or solving the myriad of problems facing the constituents of the 42nd Assembly District. In helping Michèle Adolphe become an assemblywoman for the 42nd Assembly district, Haitian-Americans will finally emulate the feat of this country’s founding fathers by saying no to “taxation without representation” as a clear choice to end their indolence and impotence in U.S politics is essentially in their hands. Indeed, this election matters to HaitianAmericans as it is vital to their assimilation into mainstream U.S politics. For that reason, the community should come out in droves and seize the opportunity to help elect Michèle Adolphe in her noble quest to becoming the first Haitian-American assemblywoman in New York State. Contact Joseph at djougan@yahoo.com

The Haitian Times

September 8-14, 2010

Is The Gop Ready For Prime Time? New York – All signs point to big Republican gains in November, enabling the GOP to implement its agenda. But what agenda is that? After the Republican triumph in 1994, the party commissioned a poll to ascertain the popularity of the ”Contract with America,” the policy platform that had been aggressively promoted by GOP candidates. The surprising finding? Three-quarters of voters had never heard of the Contract. Democrats did not bother with any kind of party platform in 2006, the year they recaptured both Houses of Congress. Now in 2010, the GOP has seized a huge lead in the polls without anything like an updated contract. Guess nobody needs them, right? Wrong. Republicans badly need a platform this year — not for campaigning, but for governing. The GOP policy cupboard is bare — and politics abhors a vacuum. A party manifesto imposes discipline on a party, giving it things to do and steering it away from things it should avoid. The alternative? The alternative is hinted at by an ominous story in Politico: If Republicans win the House in November, John Boehner and his top lieutenants say they’re ready to spread the power. Look for a return of committee influence

in preparing legislation — re-establishing the authority of diminished chairmen — and an easing of the hammerlock that leaders of both parties have exercised. ... Boehner is mindful that ”House members have a pent-up desire to legislate ... instead of having bills written in the speaker’s office,” said a senior House Republican aide. Uh oh. That ”pent up desire to legislate” sounds like a joke in which the punch line is ”Tammany Hall.” Here’s a rule of thumb: Parties with ideas and agendas — parties that want to accomplish big things — concentrate power in the Speaker’s office. Look at the Democrats in 20092010, the Republicans in 1995-97, and the Democrats back in 1975-77. A strong speaker sets priorities, mobilizes majorities, creates a one-stop shop for negotiations with the other party, the Senate, and the White House. But when a party exhausts or abandons its policy impetus, power devolves to committee chairs. Politico describes this devolution as ”opening” government. Well, yes — but opening to whom? Committee chairs occupy one corner of what used to be described as the ”iron triangle” — with the other two corners occupied by industry lobbyists and federal regulators. Boehner is signaling, apparently, that

the Republican congressional majority will arrive preexhausted, without ideas, ready to do business with K Street from Day 1. This is not good news. It's also unfortunately not surprising news. For 24 months, an emotionally intense opposition to the president has been unsupported by anything like a Republican policy agenda. The party is agreed on holding a vote on the repeal of Obamacare. Beyond that — it's all a big void. Politics abhors a vacuum however, and into that void all kinds of mischief can seep. We may be subject to endless investigations of petty scandals rather than measures to restart the stalled recovery. In advance of the election, Republicans might be able to agree on a payroll tax holiday, a redoubled infrastructure program, and federal encouragement of nuclear power generation. But afterwards, defining policy will get much tougher. The iron triangle will assert itself; rather than a finite set of promises to redeem, GOP lawmakers will confront an open-ended set of deals to be made.


In 1994, Republicans arrived in the majority with plans developed over more than a decade of serious work: welfare reform, Medicare reform, budget balancing, education choice. Where is today’s equivalent? Republicans have done insufficient serious policy work over the past half dozen years. The legacy of this inactivity is a party on the brink of power, lacking an intellectual framework for the use of that power. The story was first published in TheWeek. com

Election 2010 Surprise: Rise of Black Republicans Gettysburg, Pa. – In June, a Charleston businessman named Tim Scott won the Republican nomination for South Carolina's First Congressional District, defeating Paul Thurmond, the son of state political legend Strom Thurmond, with nearly 70 percent of the primary vote. And Tim Scott is black. Even more surprising, Mr. Scott's platform is a repudiation of Barack Obama's agenda. He promises to support a repeal of the health-care law, simplify the tax code, and cut federal spending. Overall, the GOP has fielded more than 30 AfricanAmerican candidates for federal office, including Ryan Frazier in Colorado's Seventh Congressional District and Vernon Parker in Arizona's Third Congressional District. And as the economy loses steam, and President Obama's poll numbers sag, the ultimate humiliation in this summer of Democratic discontent is to find Republicans trumpeting 2010 as ”The Year of the Black Republicans.” A trend with historic rootsThis trend defies modern identity politics. In the 2008 election, 95 percent of black voters chose Obama. Yet the attraction between blacks and the Republican Party is not so strange as it seems. For a century after emancipation in 1863, black voters routinely lined up behind the Republican Party as the party of Abraham Lincoln, the Great Emancipator. Republican presidents held

open federal patronage appointments as virtually the only public offices open to Southern blacks during the Jim Crow decades. Republicans in Congress sponsored civil rights legislation in 1866, 1871, 1875, and 1957, plus the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill in 1918. In the 1930s, as New Deal Democrats began cultivating African-Americans, the Republican hold on African-American voters began to fracture. It broke down completely in the 1960s after Democratic President Lyndon Johnson endorsed the civil rights and voting rights legislation of 1964 and 1965. In 1964, 94 percent of black voters lined up behind Johnson, and every Democratic candidate since has enjoyed strong black support. But today, many blacks have different hot-button issues: school choice, job creation, family values. And on these issues, black voters have not been well served by the Democratic leadership. After the 2004 presidential election, Democratic pollster Ron Lester warned that ”there is a lot of compatibility and similarity between a lot of the positions that black folks take in terms of social issues and issues advocated by the Republicans.” Not that this triggered any great shift among black voters. John Kerry captured 88 percent of their support in the 2004 presidential election. But Democratic pollsters noticed uneasily that Mr. Kerry's percentage had slipped two points from Al Gore's percentage

Charleston businessman named Tim Scott won the Republican nomination for South Carolina's First Congressional District

of the black vote in 2000, and in swing states like Ohio in 2004, the percentage of black voters pulling the Republican lever went from 9 percent to 16 percent. The Obama candidacy reversed that slippage. But the Scott nomination may be a small reminder that the mere presence of Obama as the first black Democratic president may not be enough to satisfy African-American restlessness with Obama's party. What have Democrats done for blacks lately?With black unemployment at 15.6 percent,

African-Americans are questioning what Democrats have done for them. What's more, this year's black Republican candidates were far from being upper-middle-class racial mascots. Scott grew up in a poor Charleston neighborhood with a divorced mother who worked double shifts as a nurse's assistant. Vernon Parker (who lost his August primary) was born to a single mother in Houston, and grew up in California with his grandmother, a housekeeper. Still, black Republicans will

have to face four decades of skepticism about GOP bona fides on race, not to mention the opposition of a Democratic party with the first AfricanAmerican president as its head. But the most important question they'll face from black voters will be the one they've posed themselves to Barack Obama and his party: ”What have you done for us lately?” Only if the new black Republicans can answer that question will the pendulum of black political loyalties fully swing.


The Haitian Times

September 8-14, 2010

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The Haitian Times

September 8-14, 2010

Haiti Quake a 'Game Changer' for Corporate Philanthropy As Haiti marks nearly eight months since its devastating earthquake and Chile sees the six-month mark since its own destructive quake, international aid agency World Vision has seen a notable increase in both corporate donations and level of involvement and interest in disaster relief from companies in a broad range of industries. ”Haiti was a catalyst for American companies to look at broader and deeper ways they could partner with aid groups that are on the front lines. Now, with companies like P&G and Verizon contributing to the Pakistan flood response, we're continuing to see this trend,” explained David Owens, vice president of corporate development for

World Vision. ”While we had indisputably one of the most generous set of corporate partners before the Haiti quake, we've been humbled by the overwhelming corporate response in the past nearly eight months,” Owens continued. ”And with the current hurricane season kicking in to high gear, we realize there's a greater demand for charitable partnerships that can serve an enterprise in all the ways it may want to give back�from employee initiatives to corporate foundations to product donations to relevant expertise it can share.” Verizon's financial support for Haiti came through a variety of areas including grants

Taiwan Working To Help Haiti Become More Self-Reliant New York- Seven months after it was struck by a devastating earthquake, Haiti is still in a state of chaos, with at least 1.3 million people living in tents with no running water or electricity. The country's efforts to crawl out of destitution is being hampered by a high cost of living, according to observers. David Chang, a Taiwanese businessman who has been in Haiti for 10 years, said the main problem is the country's lack of production and the fact that it is largely dependent on imports from the Dominican

Republic. ”Even before the earthquake, the cost of living in Haiti was high because it had to import just about everything -- from eggs to chicken,” Chang said. Prices in Haiti have remained relatively stable in the wake of the earthquake largely because of the influx of aid from foreign governments and donations from nongovernment organizations. But even so, most Haitians cannot afford to buy much. see TAIWAN on page 23

from the Verizon Foundation and a program to match employee contributions dollar-fordollar. The company also created a Haiti donation micro site where its customers could contribute online to relief agencies' responses. Best Western International invited its guests to donate reward points from the hotel chain's loyalty program to help survivors of the Chile quake. The company notified customers by email and on its website of the opportunity, which complements the company's ongoing campaign that invites both guests and hotel employees to sponsor children in need through World Vision. JPMorgan Chase, Symantec and Johnson & Johnson provided their staff with a hands-on way to give back, by partnering with World Vision to assemble relief kits for delivery to Haiti. Overall, World Vision's corporate partners have assembled 25,000 kits since October for use in disaster zones and other high-need areas around the world. The Salesforce.com Foundation responded to Haiti based on the company's 1/1/1 integrated corporate philanthropy model, where 1% of the company's time, 1% of its equity and 1% of its products are given forward to the community. Salesforce.com leveraged its website to World Vision's relief effort by providing its customers a link where they could make online donations and encouraged other corporations to make their own contributions. In addition, salesforce.com matched all donations dollar-for-dollar to World Vision's response and used Twitter to spread the word. Further, salesforce.com employees mobilized


and assembled more than 500 emergency relief kits for Haitian earthquake survivors. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Business Civic Leadership Center (BCLC) has also recently noticed a similar trend of increased business involvement in disaster response and global development, particularly since Haiti's January quake. ”We have seen that Haiti rebuilding is a catalyst for corporations to offer both financial support as well as sector expertise,” explained Stephen Jordan, BCLC's Executive Director. In addition, the BCLC together with Executives without Borders is establishing a Haiti Business Corps. The pilot project aims to make it easier for companies to effectively leverage their talent and expertise in the delivery of social good to Haiti. ”I'm grateful to all our corporate partners who have given so generously in this extraordinary year of disasters. But I'm also confident that in future global emergencies, the corporate sector will continue to leverage their influence and stakeholders in ways that make a bigger overall difference,” explained Keith Kall, World Vision's executive director for global partnerships. Given Haiti's high rate of poverty and the massive loss of infrastructure and human capital, this earthquake has proven to be one of the most difficult disaster responses in recent memory. While working to scale up construction of transitional shelters, World Vision is also beginning to implement more sustainable large-scale programs in the areas of livelihoods, water and sanitation, health and education. The story was first published by Reuters.

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The Haitian Times

Paj Kreyòl Ayisyen

September 8-14, 2010

Dèyè Tande ak wè se de 4. Apa tout bagay ou wè ou sezi! Pawòl Gen Pawòl Avèk Wozvèl Jan — Batis Anpil kanmarad m abitye pale avèk yo konn panse m se on moun ki Ayi­ti souvan, tèlman enfò­ma­syon sou sa k ap pase nan peyi a toujou fre nan tèt mwen. Lè konsa m di yo pa gen sekrè: se bran­che tout tan sou di­fe­ran es­tasyon radyo Ayiti m kapte sou entènèt la ki fè m rete konnekte ak sa k ap pase. Gen youn ki te menm di m on lè: “Ou menm, ou pa p gen pyès pwo­blèm non pou ou al viv nan peyi a, paske ou konprann tou sa k ap pase ladan l!” Men, etan m te ann Ayiti ann out la, pawòl sa a re­mon­te nan tèt mwen… e sa te fè m souri. N ap konprann rezon ki fè m souri a, lè m di nou ki pawòl ki deklann­che souvni an. Gen on si­twa­yen m rankontre sou teren an, on sitwayen ki mache avè m, ki fè vire won avè m, ki pilote m, ki di m ki kote pou m me­te pye m on jan pou m pa ni mon­te sou resif ni fè kèk bitay (sitwayen sa a te la avè m nan epizòd ‘plaj Djaksonnvil’ la—m te pale de sa nan premye kwonik nan seri “Tan­de ak wè se de” a), on jen­nonm k ap viv reyalite peyi a chak jou, li rive on

mo­man—sanble l te fatige avè m—epi li di m: “Fò m onèt avèk ou: ou pa san­ble ou ap ka tounen vin viv nan peyi a non! Paske tout ba­gay ou wè, ou sezi. Ou poze on bann kesyon. Ou pa asepte peyi a jan l ye a. Ou pa konprann: lè ou isit, se Ayiti ou ye, se pa nan peyi etranje!” M mele, mezanmi. Podyab mwen! Tou de kanmarad yo gen rezon nan sans pa yo: m konprann men m refize asepte. Se vre gen on seri de ka ko­te konprann vle di asepte (“M konprann ou, mon­chè! Si se te mwen, se sa m ta fè tou.” = M asepte sa ou fè a, monchè.). Men lè konprann se rezilta on bann operasyon kalkile, li pa oblije mache ak asepte; on moun gendwa konprann san l pa asepte (M konprann pou ki rezon machann yo anvayi tout totwa yo—Leta pa bati mache pou yo—men m pa asepte sa.) Ki sa lamitye a twouve m ta dwe asepte a? Pi gwo pwoblèm m rankontre ann Ayiti pandan se­jou m lan, se kesyon pwovizwa / pèmanan an. (Se pa on bagay ki nouvo, m abitye pale de sa nan kwonik mwen yo, men tande ak wè se de.) Non se pa K.E.P. (Konsèy Elektoral Pwovizwa / Pè­ma­nan) a sèlman ki bay move egzanp la. “Abri pwo­vi­zwa” tounen abri pèmanan. Mache pwovi­zwa tounen mache pèmanan. Ou gen enpresyon anvan on jounen 24 è pa­se, tou sa k te pwovizwa ann Ayiti vin pèmanan. E sa pa vin pou kont li: gen on lojik, on rezon, on pawòl ki mache avèk li, pou fè

l vin nòmal—“Depi on bagay kòmanse, se konsa l ap rete, pa gen anyen k ap chanje! Ou menm k ap pale anpil la, se paske ou fenk vini. M pa ba ou twa mwa pou ou kòmanse konpò­te ou menm jan avèk tout moun nan peyi a. Sa ou konprann atò: se ou menm sèlman ki sot deyò? Pifò zotobre nan peyi a te viv nan peyi etranje tou. Kòmanse depi sou prezidan an, pase nan se­na­tè, depite, minis… yo tout nèt fè esperyans viv nan peyi etranje. Men depi yo retounen nan pe­yi a, kèlkelanswa bon entansyon yo te genyen pou yo te fè chanjman, yo tout konfòme yo.” M pran sou dwèt mwen! Men m se on tilandeng. M kontinye poze kesyon. E menm lè m kon­prann, m pa asepte. Kouman pou m ta asepte sa m wè nan pwoblèm sikilasyon, lè m kanpe bò nenpòt lari ap gade osnon lè m sou on wout! M ta gendwa ban nou 10 mil egzanp. Men youn: m sou wout Nasyonal Nimewo 2, ant Grangwav ak Tigwav, anvan Mòn Tapyon, sikilasyon bloke, anwo pa desann, anba pa monte, tout moun de men nan tèt: on kamyon bwat fè kolizyon ak on ti machin. Moun ak chay gaye toupatou, youn sou lòt. Apre 30 – 40 minit, pa t gen ni polis ni anbi­lans—gendwa pa t gen gaz pou yo te vini. “Lavi kretyenvivan pa gen valè nan peyi isit! Chen kay Blan gen valè pase nou!” Fenomèn machin trafik osnon batiman ki toujou twò chaje a, se krèvkè. M te pale n

de motosi­klèt deja, taksi moto, k ap fè tout trajè. M kwaze ak youn nan Mòn Tapyon ki gen 4 moun sou li. Pa gen youn nan moun yo, pa menm chofè a, ki te gen kas nan tèt li. Motosiklèt la pa t gen plak, kidonk li pa anrejistre okenn kote: sèvis sikilasyon pa konn egzistans li. Li dwe pa menm nesesè pou moun k ap kondi taksi moto gen lisans tou? (Pou jan Leta di li be­zwen lajan! Menm si li ta sèvi ak lajan plak yo pou fè antretyen wout yo… Pètèt gen moun ki pran on kòb anba nan men mèt moto yo pou pèmèt yo sikile konsa?) Lè on taksi moto fè on “kon­travansyon” (m pa konn si m ta dwe sèvi ak mo sa a), se arete yo arete moto a, voye l nan pòs polis… pou mèt li degaje l al tire l—sa fè m chonje bèt kaptè te konn pran kondi yo Lako­min! “Pa gen pàn!”—on sitwayen gwo gagann, pòtre ak Gwo Moso, di—“Pa gen pàn! M fè sa m vle nan ti bout Leyogàn lan! M pral chache motosiklèt la mennen ba ou!” M pa konn si se on pawòl Gwo Moso, men sa grav lè on sitwayen kanpe li di li fè sa l vle. Kote otorite nan peyi a? Kote moun ki pran reskonsablite pou yo mennen peyi a? Kote bann chèf m tande tout lajounen nan radyo ap fè gwo gòj yo? Kote ‘depite di pèp yo’? Kote ‘senatè repiblik yo’? Kote ‘prezidan peyi a’? Èske yo konn wòl yo? Èske yo konn pou ki sa yo la? Kontakte Wozvèl Jan-Batis nan rorojb@netzero.com

Obama Assails GOP, Promotes New Jobs Program MILWAUKEE – A combative President Barack Obama rolled out a long-term jobs program Monday that would exceed $50 billion to rebuild roads, railways and runways, and coupled it with a blunt campaign-season assault on Republicans for causing Americans' hard economic times. GOP leaders instantly assailed Obama's proposal as an ineffective one that would simply raise already excessive federal spending. Many congressional Democrats are also likely to be reluctant to boost expenditures and increase federal deficits just weeks before elections that will determine control of Congress. Jim Manley, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, cautioned, ”If we are going to get anything done, Republican cooperation, which has been all but non-existent recently, will be necessary.” That left the plan with low, if not impossible, odds of becoming law this year. When Congress returns from summer recess in mid-September, it is likely to remain in session for only a few weeks before lawmakers return home to campaign for re-election. Administration officials said that even if Congress quickly approved the program, it would not produce jobs until sometime next year. That means the proposal's only pre-election impact may be a political one as the White House tries to demonstrate to voters that it is working to boost the economy and create jobs. At a Labor Day speech in Milwaukee, Obama said Republicans are betting that between now and the Nov. 2 elections, Americans will forget the Republican economic policies that led to the recession. He said Republicans have opposed virtu-

ally everything he has done to help the economy, and have proposed solutions that have only made the problem worse. ”That philosophy didn't work out so well for middle-class families all across America,” Obama told a cheering crowd at a labor gathering. ”It didn't work out so well for our country. All it did was rack up record deficits and result in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.” He said Repubicans have consistently opposed his economic proposals and seem to be running on a slogan of ”No, we can't,” playing off his 2008 presidential campaign mantra of ”Yes we can.” ”If I said fish live in the sea, they'd say no,” Obama said. Republicans made clear that Obama should not expect any help from them. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said the plan ”should be met with justifiable skepticism.” He said it would raise taxes while Americans are ”still looking for the 'shovel-ready' jobs they were promised more than a year ago” in the $814 billion economic stimulus measure. The House Republican leader, John Boehner of Ohio, added ”We don't need more government 'stimulus' spending. We need to end Washington Democrats' outof-control spending spree, stop their tax hikes, and create jobs by eliminating the job-killing uncertainty that is hampering our small businesses.” Administration officials are hunting broadly for ways to revive the economy. But they are likely to drop a separate proposal to renew a law exempting companies from paying Social Security taxes on any unemployed workers they hire, according to a White House official who spoke on

President Obama

condition of anonymity because the decision was not final. Casual in brown slacks and open-collar white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, Obama took a populist tack in his speech, mixing attacks on Republicans with praise for working-class and middle-class Americans. He said he'd ”keep fighting, every single day, every single hour, every single minute to turn this economy around.” He said interest groups he has battled ”talk about

me like a dog.” He also acknowledged that the past eight months of modest private-sector job growth hasn't been enough to bring down the unemployment rate. He said economic problems facing families today are ”more serious than ever,” and seemed to ask the audience in Milwaukee — and voters nationwide — for patience. ”Now here's the honest truth, the plain see OBAMA on page 23

September 8-14, 2010

Thousands of Haitians Attend West Indian Day Parade in Brooklyn By Darlie Gervais

Floats, costumed performers and dancers, costumed bands, stilt-walkers, and more were on hand during the 43rd annual celebration. The West Indian American Day Parade is a traditional Labor Day event, following a path down Eastern Parkway starting in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. The parade and its accompanying street festival turns one of the city's biggest thoroughfares into a crowded, see-and-be-seen, hours-long

The Haitian Times


party. The parade, which lasted all day, showcased the bright colors and sounds of the Caribbean, including Haiti, which was represented by several bands and Haiti Minister of Culture Marie Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue and his cabinet members. Over the past weekend, Haitian Band Carimi along with reggae singers Freddie McGregor, Ky-Mani Marley, David Rudder, and many more performed at a Benefit see PARADE on page 13

Parade Photos by Richardson Dorvil, William Farrington and Edgard Lafond.

See more parade photos on pages 12, 13 & 19!


The Haitian Times

September 8-14, 2010

The Haitian Times

September 8-14, 2010


far right: Haiti Culture Minister Marie Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue with Feet of Rhythm masqueraders.

Revelers around Carimi’s float

Parade Photos by Richardson Dorvil, William Farrington and Edgard Lafond.


continued from page 11

for Haiti concert sponsored by the West Indian American Day Carnival Association, who put on the carnival. Djakout #1 and T-Vice animated the crowd Sep. 6. On Sept. 4 the soul, sounds and spirits of Haiti came alive on the streets of New York City as Feet of Rhythm kids represented the Haitian community in a typical Haitian Theme ”Ayiti, As It Was In The Beginning” that reflected creative costumes worn by the Native, Arawaks and Tainos of Haiti during the 1500’s. Many of the key items of the costume like the ” Pitre” (Sisal) have been imported from Haiti to keep the authenticity of the Haitian Heritage, yet adding modern and colorful details as the creative aspect of the costume. F.O.R. has been created by dancer Nadia Dieudonne and is at its 10 years. Wyclef Jean, the Haitian-born rapper raised in Brooklyn, was slated to attend the event but did not attend. Meanwhile, performer turn candidate Michel ‘Sweet Micky’ Martelly was present. As with all parades for the remainder of the year, the Carnival’s parade route has been shortened by about a block as money-saving measure by the city. It used to end at the Grand Army Plaza and was relegated to stop at the Brooklyn Museum, but it still remains probably the largest parade. Feet of Rhythm masquerader traditional queen Anacaona uniform

For more photos, please see page 19.


The Haitian Times

September 8-14, 2010

Picking Right Blood Pressure Parents Can Take Steps to Boost Kids' Health, Well-Being Medicine Challenging WASHINGTON – It's hard to predict ”The reality is that trial and error is to which pills will best lower which patient's some degree what has to be done because high blood pressure, but researchers are patients are different and some patients hunting ways to better personalize therapy develop adverse effects with one agent and — perhaps even using a blood test. others don't,” he says. The work is controversial, challengBut with blood testing now easier and ing today's usual approach to treating the more reliable, some experts say it's time hypertension that plagues nearly one in for broader studies to settle the debate. three U.S. adults. ”We must redirect our efforts away from Now a trio of studies shows some drug the strategy of treating hypertension as one combinations work better for certain condition,” wrote Wake Forest University populations — and raises the possibility public health specialist Dr. Curt Furberg. that measuring blood levels of a hormone He pushed renin-guided therapy in an ediinvolved in hypertension might help opti- torial accompanying the new research in mize some people's care. this month's American Journal of HyperThe big surprise: Taking a drug that's a tension. poor match to that hormone level may not High blood pressure is a leading cause just fail to work, it sometimes can trigger a of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failjump in blood pressure. ure, and it's on the rise as the popula”The idea that one tion becomes older, size fits all doesn't make and more sedenTaking a drug that's fatter a lot of sense,” says Dr. tary. Only about half Michael Alderman of patients have their a poor match to that of New York's Albert Einhypertension under stein College of Medi- hormone level may not control, and the vexcine, who supports the ing hunt for the right just fail to work, blood test approach. medication is among Don't expect a routhe reasons. it sometimes can tine test for that horNearly everyone is mone, called renin, urged to start with a trigger a jump in any time soon. Many diuretic, an old, cheap doctors are skeptical class of drugs that blood pressure. because initial research reduces fluid in the a few decades ago body, and to add medifailed to show a clear benefit, says Dr. cations that work in different ways as Ernesto Schiffrin of Canada's McGill Uni- needed. Most people wind up on two or versity, a hypertension specialist with the more drugs, and too frequently give up the American Heart Association. pill-popping, not understanding that it's

As children head back to school, parents can help make sure their little ones stay healthy and happy all year, an expert suggests. Adequate sleep and rest are essential, Dr. Peter Richel, a pediatrician at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mt. Kisco, N.Y., said in a hospital news release. His advice in this regard? Establish fixed bedtime routines and avoid booking too many extracurricular activities. Also make sure your children get three healthy meals a day, he added. Breakfast is particularly important, and eating together as a family helps promote good communication skills. To lower disease risk, children should be properly vaccinated against illnesses such as tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis, and parents should consider other vaccines such as hepatitis A and varicella boosters against chicken pox. Seasonal flu and H1N1 vaccines are additional options that most parents can request for their kids, Richel noted. Regular exercise is also important and it should include some form of aerobic activity, such as taking a brisk walk, Richel suggested. This could mean limiting the time kids spend in front of computers, TVs and video games. Reading and music enrich children's lives, the pediatrician added. Very young children should be read to, and older kids should be encouraged to read during lei-

sure time. Singing and learning to play an instrument are also great activities for children. Encourage your kids to do their best, but don't demand perfection, he stressed. Keep in mind that each child is an individual who needs support, but not pressure.

Regular exercise is important and should include some form of aerobic activity

September 8-14, 2010


The Haitian Times


Research at GHESKIO Leads To Update In WHO Guidelines For HIV Treatment The final results from a four-year study on treatment protocols for HIV patients published in the July 15 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine led to the conclusion that immediately initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) greatly improved the efficacy of HIV medications. Led by Weill Cornell Medical College's infectious and tropical disease experts, The study was performed at the GHESKIO clinic in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Prompted by clinical research into the early initiation of antiretroviral therapies for HIV, the research indicates that rather than waiting until a patient's CD4+ T cells fall below the 200 cells per cubic millimeter threshold, as the previous WHO guidelines suggested, immediately initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) greatly improved the efficacy of those medications. The study also linked early intervention with a decreased rate of incident tuberculosis, a leading cause of death among HIV patients in resource-poor countries. ”Beginning antiretroviral therapy before T-cell counts drop to 200 will save lives. In developed countries, HIV has, in recent years, become a manageable, chronic disease rather than the death sentence it was just a decade ago. These results further strengthen the assertion that the right therapies, initiated as soon as possible, can hold the virus at bay,” says Dr. Warren Johnson, study co-author and director the Center for Global Health and the B.H. Kean Professor of Tropical Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College. In December 2009, seven months after the researchers concluded their data gathering, the World Health Organization and the United States Department of Health and Human Services both updated their HIV treatment recommendations to reflect the GHESKIO conclusions: that for HIV-

Haiti Quake Blamed for Malaria Rise in Dom Rep SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) — Health authorities in the Dominican Republic say an increase in malaria cases could be linked to the January 12 earthquake in neighbouring Haiti. Dominican Medical Council epidemiologist Clemente Terrero said heavy rains could be a factor. But he also cited an influx of migrants from Haiti, where malaria is more prevalent. Thousands of Haitians crossed the border after the quake seeking work and shelter, and the incidence is highest near the border. Deputy Health Minister Jose Rodriguez Aybar said yesterday that there have been 1,644 cases so far this year. That's about 200 more than the average for an entire year. Malaria is caused by a parasite transmitted by mosquitoes. There's no vaccine, but it can be treated.

Front entrance to GHESKIO in Port au Prince, Haiti.

1-infected patients, ART is best initiated at a CD4 count of 350 or lower. Between 2005 and 2008, the investigators recruited 816 HIV-1-infected patients at the GHESKIO clinic. All had CD4 counts between 200 and 350, had no history of AIDS illness, and had never received ART, a drug cocktail that works by inhibiting the enzyme that enables HIV to hijack healthy cells and replicate. The cocktail in this case comprised zidovudine, lamivudine and efavirenz. Study participants were randomly divided into two groups; those in the first group began ART immediately, and those in the second (control) group received ART only when their CD4 counts measured 200 or lower

-- standard treatment protocol. Of the 408 subjects in the control group, 160 reached that point and received ART during the study. ”Clinical evidence has long shown that HIV patients become vulnerable to life-threatening illness long before their CD4 count hits 200, but no one had yet definitively established that ART is effective before that crucial number,” says Dr. Patrice Severe, study lead author and graduate student in the Weill Cornell Medical College Program in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Research. ”Because antiretroviral medications are prone - much like antibiotics - to eliciting drug resistance in the target disease,

Dr. Jean William Pape, MD, founding director of GHESKIO

establishing that evidence was essential. The GHESKIO study has filled that gap.” Along with Drs. Johnson and Severe, the paper's authors include Drs. Daniel W. Fitzgerald, Roy M. Gulick, Jean W. Pape, Heejung Bang and Ms. Alison Edwards all from Weill Cornell; Drs. Marc Antoine Jean Juste, Alex Ambroise, Ludger Eliacin, Claudel Marchand and Ms. Sandra Apollon -- all from GHESKIO; Ms. Janet Nicotera, Vanderbilt University, Nashville; and Dr. Catherine Godfrey, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, Md. The story was published by NewYorkPresbyterian Hospital.

FDA Cites Claims on 2 Green Tea Beverages WASHINGTON – Federal health regulators have issued warnings to the makers of Canada Dry ginger ale and Lipton tea for making unsubstantiated nutritional claims about their green tea-flavored beverages. In a warning letter issued Aug. 30, the Food and Drug Administration takes issue with the labeling of Canada Dry Sparkling Green Tea Ginger Ale. The agency issued a similar letter Aug. 23 to Unilever Inc., over website and product labeling for its Lipton Green Tea. Food processors increasingly have been adding vitamins and nutrients to their products to make them more appealing to health-conscious consumers. But the FDA letter to Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, which makes Canada Dry, states that the agency ”does not consider it appropriate to fortify snack foods such as carbonated beverages.” Furthermore, the agency states that the soft drink does not meet federal requirements to carry the claim that the drink is ”enhanced with 200 mg of antioxidants from green

tea and vitamin C.” According to FDA regulations, the ingredients in Canada Dry's product ”are not nutrients with recognized antioxidant activity.” The FDA letter to Unilever takes issue with a company website that mentions four studies that showed a cholesterol-lowering effect with tea. According to the agency, the labeling is misleading because it suggests Lipton tea is designed to treat or prevent disease. The agency also cites antioxidant labeling claims on the company's Lipton Green Tea, which do not follow federal guidelines. The agency asks executives from both companies to respond to the citations within 15 days and to outline their plans for addressing the problems. A spokesman for Plano, Texas-based Dr. Pepper Snapple Group said in a statement the company looks ”forward to working with the FDA and addressing the issues raised.” Unilever issued a similar response. The company's U.S. operations are in Engle-

wood Cliffs, N.J.-based, with headquarters in London and Rotterdam, Netherlands. Once a niche market, nutrient-enriched beverages have grown into a multibillion dollar business that includes everything from calcium-enhanced orange juice to energy drinks containing ginseng, ginkgo and other organic products. In recent years, the FDA has begun cracking down on food companies that overstate the benefits of their products. The FDA generally endorses health claims on foods only after government researchers have verified that the products help prevent actual disease. Food containing oats, for example, can carry the FDAapproved claim, ”may reduce risk of heart disease.” The FDA regularly issues warning letters to companies that do not follow regulations for manufacturing and marketing. The letters are not legally binding, but the agency can take companies to court if they are ignored.


The Haitian Times

New York

September 8-14, 2010

COMMUNITYCALENDAR or email info@chnnyc.org

Manhattan Art for Change is pleased to present a group exhibition called “ While New York City” installed over 14,500 square feet, showcasing artworks by international and national artists exploring historical and contemporary narratives within immigration. “While New York City, East Harlem in particular, offers one of the most diverse populations in the U.S., immigrants here still suffer from a stalled and dysfunctional immigration system rife with injustice and inefficiency,” said Eliana Gody, Founder, Art for Change. “With little action being taken in Washington and an ever-alarming escalation of anti-immigrant sentiment, Art for Change has launched an immigration campaign to increase awareness of the plight of immigrants while redirecting the current rhetoric of criminalization.” Through drawing, sculptures, and interactive, site-specific installations, over one dozen international and national artists are featured in the exhibit, including: Patricia Cazorla, Esperanza Cortes, Aissa H. Deebi, Roberto De Jesus, Laura F. Gibellini, Marissa A. Gutiérrez-Vicario, Alejandro Endoke Makuendo Guzman, Gabriel Pacheco, Tara Parsons, Michael Pribich, Elisa Pritzker, Gabriel Reese, Christina Stahr, The Border Project and Nancy Saleme, with a special installation by Michael Sherman. An opening reception is scheduled on Thursday September 9th, 2010 from 5:30 to 9 pm at Harlem Gateway II, 2082 Lexington Avenue & 126th Street, 1st and 2nd floors. The opening reception is open to the public The exhibit runs September 5 – 30, 2010, viewing by appointment. See schedule below for viewing hours and special workshops, lectures & screenings. For more information, please contact Alyssa Fridgen at 347-804-8336 or alyssamf@gmail.com or Eliana Godoy at 646-240-5986 or eliana@artforchange.org or visit www.artforchange.org. -Helen B. Atkinson Health Center will be having mammogram check every First Monday of each month from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In front of CHN's Helen B. Atkinson Health Center, 81 W. 115th Street, New York. These Mammograms will only be for women ages 40 and older, with or without insurance who are New York City residents. Mobile mammogram unit provided by American Italian Cancer Foundation. To Make An Appointment: Call (212) 426-0088 -The Men's Health Clinic at Helen B. Atkinson Health Center will offer Primary health care services for men in a male-centered environment every first and fourth Saturday of every month from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m at the CHN's Helen B. Atkinson Health Center, 81 W. 115th Street, New York. To Make An Appointment: Call (212) 426-0088 -Helen B. Atkinson Health Center with MTA & Amerigroup Health Plan will be hosting and event on Monday September 13 from 1pm-3pm. Stop by and sign up to receive discounted MetroCards for seniors/people with disabilities, learn about AMERIGROUP'S Medicare Advantage and Managed Long Term Care programs, enjoy free snacks, and learn more about HBA's services. The event is at Helen B. Atkinson Health Center 81 W. 115th St New York. For More Info: Call (212) 426-0088

BROOKLYN -The United Community Centers, a Brooklyn, New York non-profit, needs your help in spreading the word to garner the public’s vote to become one of five organizations to receive $20,000 in project sponsorship through the Tom’s of Maine’s “50 States for Good” initiative. Focused on grassroots projects that bring positive, lasting change to communities, the “50 States for Good” program also asks organizations to share what their volunteer needs are to help get important projects started or to broaden their reach. If named a winner, United Community Centers will use the funds to expand their healthy living project by implementing a new curriculum that will train the twenty-four youth in their paid internship program to cook nutritious meals using fresh, local produce. Following the training, the young people will take the lead in organizing six Community Meals. for information contact Susan Dewhirst at sdewhirst@tomsofmaine.com or call (207) 467-2406. -A Back to School Health Fair at Dr. Betty Shabazz Health Center on Thursday September 9, 3pm-5pm. Stop by the health center to schedule an appointment for a back to school check-up! No-cost height and weight checks for the kids. Free school supplies. Join at the Dr. Betty Shabazz Health Center 999 Blake Avenue Brooklyn. For More Info: Call (718) 566-6270 or email info@chnnyc.org Prospect Park will have ongoing activities for you and your family to enjoy starting this September. Learn games, pastimes and tasks that were common 150 years ago. The Calendar is as followed. - Every Saturday and Sunday at 3 Pm, talk and walk with one of our naturalist to watch for animals, and investigate little-known facts about the Park and its animals residents. - Every Saturday from 12 to 1:30 Pm, take a tour and learn about the magnificent array of birds that call Prospect park home - Every Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4:30 Pm at the 2nd floor of the Lefferst Historic house view significant artifacts from 19th century family life and walk into a fully furnished 1820s bedroom. The tour will be every half hour - Every Saturday and Sunday from 1:30 to 2:30 PM join a naturalist at the Audubon center for a cool science activity. - Every saturday and sunday from 1 to 3 Pm teachers/Naturalists at the Audubon center are available each weekend, leading structured, fun, and engaging arts activities for children. Kids create toys, puppets, and more, using all-natural materials at no cost to you. - On the 5th of september at 8:00 AM, a migration help for birds returning from their nesting grounds to the tropic will be in place. warblers, flycatchers, sparrows, nighthawks and hummingbirds will pass through the park on their way south. led by the Brooklyn Bird club. - Come Celebrate the 2010 harvest the same way Brooklynites did years ago. remember the Potatoes you planted in May? Come back to lefferst to harvest, cook

and eat them. work the Press and Drink fresh apple cider, churn butter and run potato sack races. the Event will be from Saturday, september 11 to Sunday, september 12 from 1 to 4 PM. - celebrate the new exhibit. see, touch, and learn about the fibers and fabrics in use in the area in the 1800s. See a linen spinning wheel in action, sew your own linen pouch and make a wool felt ball on Sunday, September 19 from 2 to 5 PM. - Join nature lovers around the world as we clean up our shorelines. meet at the Rustic Shelter by the lake. Enter the park at Ocean and Parkside Avenue and walk toward the lake. The International Coastal clean up will be on Saturday, September 25 from 10 to 2. - As part of the Historic House trust's Moveable Feats festival, we will be serving sweet and savory treats from the handwritten cookbook Mrs.Lefferst created in the 1800s. we will do so on Sunday, September 26 from 3 to 5 PM. - For A sweet ride on the Electric boat across the lake please call (718) 287 3400 x 102. the admission varies, $8 for age of 13 and up; $4 for age of 4-12 and children of 3 and under ride free with an adult. The hours of opening are form 12 to 4 PM Saturday and Sunday opening on the 6th of September. - Ride on the carousel will be available from September 2 till 6, Thursday to Sunday from 12 to 5 PM ; September 9 to 26, also from thursday to Sunday from 12 to 5 PM. On special Holidays Rosh Hashanah September 9 and 10, and Sukkot September 27 and 28. Ticket price is $2 per ride and a book of 5 ticket will be for $9.

QUEENS -A $1000 grand prize is being offer to the last Poet standing in a contest sponsored by rainbow fine Arts. Poems of 21 lines or fewer on any subject and any style will be judged by the contest director Dr. Jack Carroll. The contest is free to enter and open to poets of any age. Fifty prizes totaling more the $5,00 will be awarded. Entries must be received by Sept.15, and my be submitted by mail to Free poetry contest, 7308 Heritage Dr., Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 or at www.rainbowpoets.com. those sending entries should include their name and address on the same page as the poem. A winners list will be sent to all entrants. for more information you may contact Dr.Jack Carroll by emailing JC1@mighty.net

Long Island -Join the Health Fair at Long Island City Health Center on Saturday September 18 at 1:30pm-5:30pm for a health fair in partnership with Amalgamated Bank. Free health screenings: HIV counseling & testing, pregnancy testing, blood pressure and diabetes checks. Bouncy house, clown, face painting, cotton candy and a DJ. The event will take place at the Parking lot of Amalgamated Bank, located across the street from Long Island City Health Center 36-11 21st St Long Island City. For more Info: Call (718) 482-7772 or email info@chnnyc.org


September 8-14, 2010

The Haitian Times


'Social Business Fund' Proposed to Help Haiti Recover The father of microlending, Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus, is hoping to midwife another idea - this one aimed at pulling Haiti out of the rubble. Yunus was in Miami on Monday to promote the concept of building a ”social business fund” that will invest in companies that are using the tools of the boardroom to tackle social problems in Haiti. Speaking at Miami Dade College, Yunus said the idea is already showing success in his native Bangladesh. One of his flagship social businesses is Grameen Danone Foods, a joint venture between Yunus' Grameen Bank and food conglomerate Danone. In that case, the multinational company agreed to make a special yogurt for Bangladesh that includes micronutrients lacking in the local diet. Two cups of the yogurt per week for one year can reverse the malnutrition that plagues about half of all children, Yunus said. Sold at sustainable but cut-rate prices, former beggars are being recruited as the sales force. While Danone can recover its investment, the social business model requires all profits be plowed back into the business to keep fighting the root problem: malnutrition. Such thinking could also be used in Haiti to tackle transportation problems, housing and health concerns, and the energy deficit, Yunus said. Monday's trip to Miami was part of his effort to raise awareness and generate interest in the idea, he said. Some $5.8 billion dollars have been pledged to Haiti since the Jan. 12 earthquake. But many on the ground say there are few signs of rebuilding. Yunus said financing social businesses might provide the tangible, sustainable results the development community is seeking. He's proposing that 10 percent of all charitable donations be put into the social

business fund. ”In charity, a dollar only has one life. You use it and it's done,” he said. ”As a social business, a dollar has an endless life, because it is recycled.” Even before the earthquake, the U.S. government was searching for ways to encourage investment in Haiti and Yunus' model is intriguing, said U.S. Under Secretary for International Trade Francisco Sanchez. ”This concept is more of a sustainable and enlightened philanthropy. We need to find more creative ways to make use of our philanthropic dollars,” he said. ”Let's spur entrepreneurship to create jobs and solve social problems.” Yunus became a rock star in international development circles when, in the 1970s, he used $28 from his own pocket to start a small-scale lending program for impoverished women in Bangladesh. Conventional wisdom held that the poor -with no collateral -- were a credit risk. Yunus proved that the social networks created by community lending kept defaults low. The idea caught on. His Grameen Bank, which still works with some of that nation's most downtrodden, has helped 8.3 million borrowers since 1976. Microlending programs have sprouted up around the world, including the United States. In Haiti, the group Fonkoze, has been offering microloans since 1994 and has more than 45,000 loans outstanding. In 2006, Yunus work was recognized with the Nobel Peace Prize. Yunus, who has yet to visit Haiti, said he sees many similarities between his own nation and the shattered island. He's also sure that the success he's seen back home can be replicated there. ”Not that Haiti will change right away,” he warned. ”But a process will begin.” The story was first published by hispanicbusines.com

Muhammad Yunus

Obama Backing Research Tax Credits WASHINGTON – Seeking ways to spur economic growth ahead of the November elections, President Barack Obama will ask Congress to increase and permanently extend research and development tax credits for businesses, a White House official said Sunday. Obama will outline the $100 billion proposal during a speech on the economy Wednesday in Cleveland, the official said. The announcement is expected to be the first in a series of new measures Obama will propose this fall as the administration looks to jump-start an economy that the president himself has said isn't growing fast enough. In addition to making the research credits permanent, Obama will also ask Congress to extend one of the credit options available to businesses from 14 to 17 percent, according to the official, who spoke on the condi-

tion of anonymity because the proposal has not been formally announced. Obama has proposed making the research and development tax credit permanent before, as part of the budget he submitted to Congress earlier this year. ”That's where U.S. competitiveness lies in high-technology industries,” Laura Tyson, a member of Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, said Sunday on ”Face the Nation” on CBS. ”I don't think this is something that has ... as immediate a job impact as, say, movement on the current tax credits for the unemployed or extending a payroll tax holiday of some sort. But I think it's very important in terms of job creation over the longer term,” Tyson said. While the idea is popular in Congress, coming up with offsetting tax increases or spending cuts has been a stumbling block.

Obama will ask lawmakers to close corporate tax breaks for multinational corporations and oil and gas companies. Congress has previously passed research tax credits on a temporary basis. The credits expired last year and a proposal for renewal is pending in the Senate. While research credits generally have bipartisan support, Washington's contentious political atmosphere means the White House isn't taking anything for granted. Officials have watched other proposals they deem necessary to economic growth, including a bill to extend credit and cut taxes for small businesses, languish on Capitol Hill. The proposal for research and development tax credits was first reported by The New York Times. Amid an uptick in the jobless rate to 9.6 percent, the president

promised to announce a series of new measures on the economy. The package could include infrastructure bonds for municipalities and extensions for other tax breaks for businesses and individuals that expired at the end of 2009. The administration is also considering extending a law passed in March that exempts companies that hire unemployed workers from paying Social Security taxes on those workers through December. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has proposed extending the exemption an additional six months. Obama is continuing to prod the Senate to pass the small business bill that calls for about $12 billion in tax breaks and a $30 billion fund to help unfreeze lending. Republicans have likened the bill to the unpopular bailout of the financial industry. And the president wants to make

permanent the portion of George W. Bush's tax cuts affecting the middle class. The House has already passed many of the provisions, but they have stalled in the Senate because Republicans and Democrats cannot agree on how to pay for them. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka argued for job investment as a way of putting money in the pockets of middle-class Americans and others who need it. ”We do need more credit for small- and mid-sized businesses so that they can start creating jobs,” Trumka said Sunday on CNN's ”State of the Union.” ”All of that will help, but it may not be enough. Even the holiday on taxes may not be enough, the research and development tax credit may not be enough. We need to create demand.”

18 8

The Haitian Times

September 8-14, 2010

Compiled by Ralph Delly

Statue of Toussaint to be Unveiled in Montreal A statue of Toussaint Louverture, the hero of Haiti’s independence, will be erected this week in Park America Latina in Quebec, was unveiled by Miss Elisa Valentin, Director of International Solidarity of the Canadian Ministry of International Relations. The bronze sculpture, which will be placed behind the Justice Palace, was approved by the National Capital Commission. An official ceremony with a Haitian cultural activity will be held with more than 1,000 invited guests, including the Haitian Consul in Quebec Jean Morisset, and members of the Haitian Community.

T-Vice, Mass Compas and Kreyol La to Perform at World Creole Music Festival

Dominica's 14th annual World Creole Music Festival, featuring Caribbean and African artists will take place at venues throughout the island, starting October 29. Artists and bands scheduled to perform include an eclectic line-up, ranging from folk and pop, Reggae and Compas. This year, T-Vice, Kreyol La, and Mass Compas which replaces Nu Look are set to perform. Some of the headliners include Luciano, Krosfyah, Exile One, Jah Cure, and many others. The Dominica World Creole Music Festival is one of the largest Cultural Festival in the Caribbean, and gathers amazing bands and solo artists to stage their amazing talent in.

Carlo Cheveux to Tie the Knot Soon Carlo “Cheveux” Pierre has got engaged to his girlfriend, Showbiz has learned. The musician will tie the knot with her, one close source confirms to Showbiz. Details on the engagement weren't immediately available. The couple has dated on-and-off for months, but the decision came last month after Carlo went on tour in Haiti with Beldjaz. It is said that the girl has been against the tour; she has put her own career on hold for her man and said that she will be the one to contact before her man travel with any band.


1. Trankil - Pouki 2. Alan Cave - YERESWA 3. Kreyol La - vagabon 4 life 4. Harmonik - Obsede 5. ZIN - Pi Red 6. Top Vice - Let' s make love t... 7. Tina and Richard Cave - A Tes Cotes 8. Teeyah - Je T'aime Je T'aim... 9. Princess Lover - Tu kiffes ça 10. Magic System - 1er Gaou To send in your request, log on to haitinetradio.com

Courtesy of Haitinetradio.com

NBA Player to do Concert for Haiti NBA start Dwight Howard is planning to visit Haiti this month, according to the Orlando Sentinel agency. “Superman”, who is the center of Orlando Magic, is trying to bring help to thousands of young Haitians in crisis after the January earthquake. Dwight Howard will do a benefit concert entitled “Remember Haiti” on September 15 at the House of Blues, in Orlando.

Arly Larivière Won « Le Choc des Tubes 2010 »

Arly Lariviere is the winner of “Le Choc des Tubes 2010“ in Guadeloupe for the song “Is it real”. The song was voted on last week by credited music industry professionals who belong to the Guadeloupean Entertainment Association. “Le Choc des Tubes” contest is the only peer-presented contest that honors artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in a song, without regard to album sales or chart position. Lariviere has proved his talent to a non-haitian committee, and is expected to go on tour in Guadeloupe by the end of the year.

Elie Lapointe to Release the “Gentlemen” Elie Lapointe returns in solo for the third time. After several experiments in groups such as Neks, Fuzion, and Djakout Mizik, he returns with a new album “Gentlemen” to be released next week in the French Antilles. Lapointe goes solo again with an album featuring artists as Djakoyt’s Shabba who did a great job on the song “Wale”. “Gentlemen” is a very original album which incorporates several genres to make one unique and memorable Compas track after track.

Nia is Getting Married to Alan’s Cousin

It's just couple months since their relationship first grabbed the headlines, though it was later revealed that they had dated as long as 2007. Four months pregnant, Nia has done the right thing by getting married before the baby is born. The man’s name is Webens Louis, and he is Zin’s Alan Cavé’s cousin. They will get married on September 25 in Florida. Virginia Mahotiere was looking for a good man to help her raise her kids, but could not find one in Zin. A very close source to Nia told Showbiz that she talks about being pregnant and her healthy, home-cooked diet by her future husband. Nia’s twins are due by mid January, according to sources. see SHOWBIZ on page 19

September 8-14, 2010



The Haitian Times


Parade Photos by Richardson Dorvil, William Farrington and Edgard Lafond.

continued from page 13

Haiti Culture Minister with staff, artists and journalists at the parade

Police Comissionner Raymond Kelly posing with a carnival committe member


continued from page 18

Montreal Philharmonic Orchestra Paid Homage to Haiti

Since its first performance in 1934, the Montreal Philharmonic Orchestra has evolved into one of the great orchestras of the world. The orchestra did offer last week a free performance at “Place des Spectacles à Montreal” in homage to Haiti. The political and cultural elite were there, Quebec former Prime Minister Lucien Bochard and finance minister Raymond Bachard were there. The conductor Kent Nagano had a special note for Haiti after Luc Mervil introduced them to the public. Founded in 1934 by a group of devoted music lovers, with the backing of the Québec Government, the Montreal Philharmonic Orchestra is one of the major cultural organizations of the city whose name it bears with pride. Ten thousand people attended the concert, and more than sixty thousand dollars were collected to benefit Luc Mervil organization Vilaj Vilaj.

Louis-Philippe Dalembert Recieved the Knight of Arts and Letters Order Haitian writer Louis-Philippe Dalembert has received the Knight of Arts and Letters Order by the French Minister of Culture, Frédéric Mitterrand. With this honorary distinction, which is one of the four orders of the French Republic, Frederic Mitterrand wanted to recognize Dalembert contribution and engagement to culture. Dalembert is the author of several books from poetry to novel, and historic document. The writer, who now lives in Germany, is also the recipient of Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, the most important scholarship program in Germany.

Guadeloupe Awaits Belo’s New Album

Jean Bélony Murat, AKA Belo will return to Guadeloupe in December to present his latest album. Winner of Prix Découvertes RFI in 2006, he has registered his name alongside artists such as Tiken Jah Fakoly or his counterparts Beethova Obas. He also has just received this year SACEM Guadeloupe price. The CEDAC and the Center of Arts intend to associate the Haitian artist with their programming in this particular year for Haiti. The event will take place at “Salle George Tarer.


The Haitian Times

September 8-14, 2010

Labor Day in NYC; Bring on the Food! Labor Day in New York City is quite the most anticipated weekend-by West Indians anyways-in New York. Why is that? For no other reason than the West Indian Day Carnival held on Eastern Parkway spanning from Buffalo Avenue and going towards Grand Army Plaza. The parade is held every Labor Day and the event has been known to garner over a million people. Islanders from countries such as St. Kitts, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Guyana, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and of course Haiti, tot their flags and dance their way down the streets as their favorite bands and do’s go by. As one is filled with the jubilation and intoxication that is Caribbean music, another distinctly Caribbean marker catches the senses: West Indian food. Haiti No need for me to reiterate to you the ‘beauty’ that is Haitian food. But I will anyways! Haiti has a lot to offer in terms of cuisine, and honestly, there is no other food that can compare to ours! Yes, I am being biased again, sue me! I am entitled to my opinion. As much as I enjoy the rice and red beans from other countries, none is as good compare to Haiti’s. No one makes it the way we do. So as I walk down the parkway, I am on the look out for the tent with the Haitian old lady, because you know, no one cooks the way the older folks cook, to get my plate of rice, fish, and bannann. I miss the days of when I ate meat because that plate would be rice and griot instead. But alas! As one wanders down, you may be lucky to get a taste of akra! I call our akra our “something healthy turned into something bad” appetizer. It is grated Yutia (a root vegetable known as malanga in Haiti and some other parts). The paste is then seasoned with a spice mixture of scallions, garlic, scotch bonnet peppers, thyme, parsley and fried to a crispy balance of crunch and mush. Trinidad & Tobago Trinidad though they are not the biggest group that represents on what

New Yorkers simply call the Parkway, they truly are carnival king/queens of energy. I have yet to meet the group of people that can party longer than Trinidadians. Young, old, and in between, everyone is on their feet night till night time again. But what really excites me about Trinidad & Tobago is their roti. Trinidadian food is very influenced by Indian cuisine, since many East Indians were brought into Trinidad by the British in the 19th Century as indentured servants -indentured servitude is a milder version of slavery. Most indentured servants agreed to work for a specific time, typically about 5 years. This was in exchange for transportation, clothing, food and other necessities. Thus, the cuisine of T & T is very influenced with spices such as curry, and the like. Their national dish is a Curry Chicken and Roti Skin. Plainly speaking Roti is a thin layer of flat bread that is made with wheat flour, salt, and baking powder. It is then stuffed with your favorite curried meat such as chicken, goat, or shrimp. It is simply divine. Another Trinidadian favorite of mine is phulourie with tamarind sauce which is another Indian influence. This is basically a lighter version of our marinade, a mixture of dough, salt and

water mixed to perfection, served with a sweet and spicy tamarind sauce. Simply delicious! Jamaica Perhaps no country is a greater signifier of the Caribbean, for none Caribbeans, than Jamaica. And no food is more an identifier of Jamaica than the popular jerk chicken. As you drive or walk the streets of New York during the summers and especially during Labor Day weekend, the smell of jerk chicken fills the air from every street corner. Jerking is a two part component when done right. It is the seasoning and the cooking method. Jerk seasoning is a mixture of

all spice, scotch bonnet peppers (lots of it), scallions, garlic, black pepper, thyme, cloves, cinnamon nutmeg, and salt. The seasoning is then rubbed on chicken, fish, pork, or other meat and then grilled over coal in a steel drum jerk pan. When this Jamaican delicacy is done correctly, your taste buds should be on spice nirvana! Whether you decide to go mouth with mouth watering favorites such Guyana’s pepper pot, St. Lucia’s cod fish cakes or Bahamas’ Guava Duff, you will not leave the West Indian Day Carnival hungry or disappointed.

Nadege Fleurimond is the owner & business manager of Fleurimond Catering, Inc., www.fgcatering.com, an off-premise catering firm serving the NY/NJ/ CT/MA areas. She is also the author of a Taste of Life: A Culinary Memoir, a humorous and heart warming compilation of recipes and funny anecdotes. (http:// www.nadegefleurimond.com) For questions and comments you may write her at nadege1981@gmail.com.

Cocktail Corner Miami Vice

5 oz Bacardi® 151 rum 1 packagefrozen pina colada mix 1 packagefrozen daiquiri mix Mix pina colada with 2.5 oz. of rum w/ ice. Set aside. 2. Mix daiquiri with 2.5 oz. of rum w/ ice. 3. While frozen, add pina colada mix to a cocktail glass. Add the daiquiri mix on top, keeping it seperated from the pina colada mix. Serve.

Miami Hurricane 1 1/2 oz Absolut® Kurant vodka 2 parts cranberry juice 1 part orange juice 1 part pineapple juice Mix Ice cube in an hurricane glass


September2-8, 8-14, 2010 December 2009

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The Haitian Times

A Better You Tennis Love

1. People who participate in tennis 3 hours per week (at moderately vigorous intensity) cut their risk of death in half from any cause, according to physician Ralph Paffenbarger who studied over 10,000 people over a period of 20 years. 2. Tennis players scored higher in vigor, optimism and self-esteem while scoring lower in depression, anger, confusion, anxiety and tension than other athletes and non-athletes according to Dr. Joan Finn and colleagues at Southern Connecticut State University. 3. Since tennis requires alertness and tactical thinking, it may generate new connections between nerves in the brain and thus promote a lifetime of continuing development of the brain, reported scientists at the University of Illinois. 4. Tennis outperforms golf, inline skating and most other sports in developing positive personality characteristics according to Dr. Jim Gavin, author of The Exercise Habit. 5. Competitive tennis burns more calories than aerobics, inline skating, or cycling, according to studies on caloric expenditures. With these results in mind, let’s take a look at 33 specific reasons why you should consider playing tennis regularly! Tennis helps your: 1. aerobic fitness by burning fat and


Jan. 20 - Feb. 18

The world will beat a path to your door this week. On Monday the Moon in Aquarius trines Venus and your social life will heat up. Play will take second place to duty on Friday. You may need to take on a responsibility for a family member. This person will require an enormous amount of help. Be prepared to put your life on hold for a while. Try not to be too impulsive on Saturday. Make an effort to be cautious.


Feb. 20 - March 19

Destiny calls this week. Keep your ears open. On Tuesday the Full Moon takes place in Pisces and you'll undergo a lifealtering experience. The Universe is closing doors so that new ones can open. Restless feelings take center stage on Thursday. You may find it hard to concentrate. Your thoughts will be very scattered. This isn't a good time to make important life decisions. Wait until you're on a more even keel. Mixed signals with an associate occur on Saturday.

By Onyi


improving your cardiovascular fitness and maintaining higher energy levels. 2. anaerobic fitness by offering short, intense bursts of activity during a point followed by rest which helps muscles use oxygen efficiently. 3. ability to accelerate by practice in sprinting, jumping and lunging to move quickly. 4. powerful first step by requiring anticipation, quick reaction time and explosion into action. 5. speed through a series of side-to-side and up and back sprints to chase the ball. 6. leg strength through hundreds of starts and stops which build stronger leg muscles. 7. general body coordination since you have to move into position and then adjust your upper body to hit the ball successfully. 8. gross motor control through court movement and ball-striking skills which require control of your large muscle groups. 9. fine motor control by the use of touch shots like angled volleys, drop shots and lobs. 10. agility by forcing you to change direction as many as 5 times in 10 seconds during a typical tennis point. 11. dynamic balance through hundreds of starts, stops, changes of direction and hitting on the run. 12. cross-training by offering a physi-


March 20 - April 18

Aries, you possess a lot of self-esteem, but on Tuesday an associate might make you feel guilty because of past mistakes. You could still blame yourself for actions that occurred long ago. Banish negativity from your life this week. You'll receive a blast of karmic good fortune on Thursday. Someone you helped in the past will return the favor. Misunderstandings will be the norm on Saturday. The Moon in Aries is quincunx Mercury retrograde. Be clear when speaking to others.


April 19 - May 20

Mellow is your middle name, Taurus. You strive for harmony, but you aren't a pushover. On Tuesday the Full Moon takes place in your zone of friends. Tempers may flare with acquaintances. You'll state your case clearly. Watch your words on Friday. Be careful not to disclose confidential matters to anyone you don't completely trust. Don't tell secrets in a public place. Take a new look at a proposed project on Saturday. You may have missed some of the finer details.


May 21 - June 20

Your home will be your castle on Monday. Your feet will be planted firmly in front of the fireplace for a change. Messages may become scrambled on Wednesday when the Moon opposes your ruler Mercury, currently retrograde. Don't assume associates know what you mean. Be as clear as possible when speaking. Idealistic thoughts fill your head on Sunday. You'll come up with a plan to make the world a better place. Use your utopian ideas to create a new lifestyle.


June 21 - July 22

This may be yet another interesting week as Saturn, your partnership planet, squares Pluto in Capricorn and your relationship zone. This could coincide with a problem linked to a family member or to your partner. And yet this isn't the first time that you've had to deal with this particular issue. You know enough now to realize exactly what you need to do. Don't give your power away to anyone. It's time to stand firm and be strong.

cally demanding sport that’s fun to play for athletes who are expert in other sports. 13. bone strength and density by strengthening bones of young players and helping prevent osteoporosis in older ones. 14. immune system through its conditioning effects which promote overall health, fitness and resistance to disease. 15. nutritional habits by eating appropriately before competition to enhance energy production and after competition to practice proper recovery methods. 16. eye-hand coordination because you constantly judge the timing between the on-coming ball and the proper contact point. 17. flexibility due to the constant stretching and maneuvering to return the ball toward your opponent. Psychological Reasons to Play Tennis Tennis helps you: 18. develop a work ethic because improvement through lessons or practice reinforces the value of hard work. 19. develop discipline since you learn to work on your skills in practice and control the pace of play in competition. 20. manage mistakes by learning to play within your abilities and realizing that managing and minimizing mistakes in tennis or life is critical. 21. learn to compete one-on-one because the ability to compete and fight trains you in the ups and downs of a competitive world. 22. accept responsibility because only you can prepare to compete by practicing skills, checking your equipment and during match play by making line calls. 23. manage adversity by learning to adjust to the elements (e.g. wind, sun) and still be able to compete tenaciously. 24. accommodate stress effectively because the physical, mental and emotion-


July 23 - Aug. 22

You enjoy being the center of attention, Leo. This week you'll take a step back and retreat from public view. On Monday your ruler the Sun enters your zone of values. You'll take time to reflect on what makes you happy. You may feel thwarted on Tuesday. An associate will try to take the scepter from your hands. Give an important matter a rest on Friday. There's no hurry to take action on this issue. Wanderlust takes over on Sunday.


Aug.23 - Sept.22

Happy birthday, Virgo! The Sun enters Virgo and your sector of self on Monday. What a wonderful way to start the week. Your sense of personal well-being will rise. ”Yes, I can” will become your favorite mantra. Your insight will be extraordinary on Thursday. A flash of insight will help you solve a perplexing problem. Unfinished business may arise on Saturday. You'll revisit a matter you thought was put to rest. A second chance is a possibility in this situation.

September 8-14, 2010

al stress of tennis will force you to increase you capacity for dealing with stress. 25. learn how to recover by adapting to the stress of a point and the recovery period between points which is similar to the stress and recovery cycles in life. 26. plan and implement strategies since you naturally learn how to anticipate an opponent’s moves and plan your countermoves. 27. learn to solve problems since tennis is a sport based on angles, geometry and physics. 28. develop performance rituals before serving or returning to control your rhythm of play and deal with pressure These skills can transfer to taking exams, conducting a meeting or making an important sales presentation. 29. learn sportsmanship since tennis teaches you to compete fairly with opponents. 30. learn to win graciously and lose with honor. Gloating after a win or making excuses after a loss doesn’t work in tennis or in life. 31. learn teamwork since successful doubles play depends on you and your partner’s ability to communicate and play as a cohesive unit. 32. develop social skills through interaction and communication before a match, while changing sides of the court and after play. 33. have FUN… because the healthy feelings of enjoyment, competitiveness and physical challenge are inherent in the sport. I know you may be thinking that it maybe too late for you to learn tennis. But it’s never too late. There are women in their 50s that I’ve played with that just started playing. So what are you waiting for? Go get a racket and start playing. Until next time, cheers to a better you!


Sept.23 - Oct. 22

You'll be the flavor of the week, Libra. On Monday the Moon trines Venus in lovely Libra and you'll radiate an appealing aura. Get ready to be inundated with invitations. This is the perfect time to meet new people. Your sixth sense will be powerful on Thursday. You'll have a prophetic dream. Follow your hunches. A former foe may want to make amends on Saturday. You may be in no mood to forgive and forget. Act in a way that feels right.


Oct. 21 - Nov 20

Scorpio, the Sun enters your sector of hopes, dreams, and wishes on Monday, galvanizing you to pursue your heart's desire. Finding your bliss will be a main priority. Fate steps in on Thursday and you may receive a chance to revitalize your life. A new opportunity will open many doors. A misunderstanding with a friend could prove difficult to resolve on Saturday. Assess how healthy this friendship really is over the weekend. Changes might be in order.


N o v. 2 2 - D e c . 2 1

You'll engage in a home makeover on Tuesday, Sagittarius, when the Full Moon takes place in your sector of home, family, and property. Don't be too quick to redecorate from top to bottom. Later you'll be sorry you took your prized possessions to the junk heap. A difficult matter will be resolved on Thursday. Rumors may follow you on Saturday. A jealous rival could dish up gossip to your social network. Don't get flustered. This person doesn't have the facts.


Dec. 22 - Jan 19

The way you view the world will change drastically on Monday, Capricorn. As your thinking patterns evolve, so, too, will your perspective. You'll realize that life is full of options. Issues with a sibling will come to a head on Tuesday. The Full Moon takes place in your zone of close relations. A long discussion with your family member may occur. Boredom might prevail on Saturday. Activities that held your interest in the past may be worth another look.

The Haitian Times

September 8-14, 2010


continued from page 9

”Although prices did not go up after the earthquake, cost of living is considered doubly high for those who lost everything in the earthquake,” Chang said. A staff member at the Taiwan embassy in Haiti said a simple lunch of rice, beans and vegetables can cost as much as 200 Haitian Gourde (US$5.00). This is an astronomical price for Haitians whose daily earnings before the earthquake averaged less than US$2.00 (NT$60) a day, according to the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti. Chang's Haitian cook said a single egg can cost up to 10 HTG (NT$9). The cost of renting a car in Port-auPrince can be as high as US$300 per day. By comparison, one can rent a sports utility vehicle in the U.S. for US$80 a day. The cheapest and therefore most popular type of transportation in Port-au-Prince are the ”tap-taps” -- small brightly painted pick-up trucks with bench seating and sun covers. However, the vehicles are privately owned and the fare of $7 HTG is too much for most Haitians, who are surviving on government handouts and by hawking whatever they can on the streets -- from used jeans to roast chickens and barber services. As part of its efforts to help Haiti recover from the disaster, Taiwan has assigned its agricultural and technical mission in


continued from page 10

truth. There's no silver bullet, there's no quick fix to these problems,” he said, adding that it will take time to ”reverse the damage of a decade worth of policies” that caused the recession. Administration officials said the transportation plan's initial $50 billion would be the beginning of a six-year program of transportation improvements, but they did not give an overall figure. The proposal has a longer-range focus than last year's economic stimulus bill, which was more targeted on immediate job creation. The plan calls for rebuilding 150,000 miles of roads; building and maintaining 4,000 miles of rail lines and 150 miles of airport runways, and installing a new air navigation system to reduce travel times


continued from 24

and wealthiest clubs. Rummenigge said European soccer’s ruling body has agreed to work with clubs on a plan but talks with FIFA have not gone well. “(FIFA’s) cake is always getting bigger,” he said. “We don’t speak about millions, we speak about billions. It is a fact that they don’t suffer financial problems so they could, I believe, finance that kind of insurance policy,” he said. European clubs also want FIFA to end international exhibition games played each August because the matches take players away when clubs are preparing to start their seasons. Rummenigge’s club, Bayern Munich,

the Caribbean country to teach farmers how to increase the production of eggs and chickens. One of the main aims of the project is to help Haiti reduce its reliance on Dominican Republic imports by 25 to 30 percent in six years, said Carlos Hsiang, head of the Taiwan mission. Participants in the program will be taught the basics of chicken farming. For example, they will learn how to separate egg-laying chickens from meat chickens and which feeds to use for different types of chickens, Hsiang said. The Taiwan mission will begin the project by giving Haitian farmers chicks to be raised for eggs. Hsiang said the entire process takes only a few months and has a much higher and more efficient return rate than raising cattle or sheep for meat. The farmers will also be taught how to plant bamboo, which can be used to build chicken coops and to make furniture that can be sold on the market. The mission is also helping farmers in Haiti to grow crops such as corn, rice, sorghum, and Congo beans. Unlike other countries in the region, Hsiang said, there is no proper refrigeration system in Haiti, therefore, the focus has to be on micro-farming to avoid producing surpluses. ”This is why it is necessary to teach the farmers to raise a variety of crops that they could harvest throughout the year, ” he said. The story was first published in focustaiwan.tw

and delays. Obama also called for a permanent funding mechanism, an infrastructure bank, to focus on paying for national and regional infrastructure projects. Officials provided few details of how the bank would work. Obama said the proposal would be fully paid for. In an earlier briefing for reporters, administration officials said Obama would pay for the program by asking lawmakers to close tax breaks for oil and gas companies and multinational corporations. The infrastructure spending is part of a package of economic proposals to be announced this week by Obama, who is feeling heat from fellow Democrats and a jittery public to show that he is focused on pumping life into the economic recovery and shrinking an unemployment rate long stuck near 10 percent. ___

has lost Dutch forward Arjen Robben until next year because of a thigh injury he aggravated during the World Cup. “He came back in worse condition and now we have to pay the bill,” Rummenigge said. FIFA’s dispute with clubs over compensation for injured international players helped lead to the creation of the ECA in 2008. Rummenigge said he hoped Europe’s clubs and FIFA could repeat their successful talks of 2008, which brought international match dates forward by one day to a Friday-Tuesday double-header. That allowed players to returned to their clubs earlier. “That is a good example of how things can go in the right direction,” Rummenigge said.


continued from page 3

As spring arrived, Suy went outside in a wheelchair. Port-au-Prince’s narrow sidewalks are covered with merchants’ wares — piles of T-shirts, shoes, pots and pans, and blue jeans — and now, rubble. It’s an impossible obstacle course for someone in a wheelchair. Suy’s dark eyes shone as he talked about the broad American sidewalks, imagining building them in Haiti someday. He lit up, too, whenever Ivankovich visited. “My angel,” Suy called him. “Angels don’t come this big and don’t wear black,” Ivankovich joked. Knowing the street conditions in Haiti, Suy’s therapists created an obstacle course in the corridor, with rubber bumpers on the floor to simulate earthquake rubble. Suy struggled to lift the walker and his wobbly legs over the humps. But he wanted to try, again and again. By April, he circled the entire seventh floor, even though his steps were unsteady and sweat dripped down his nose. All the while, Suy spoke by phone or a donated computer with family and friends, but he did not always ask about Haiti. He feared the answers. By May, Suy was ready for another test. He used to cook for his family, so he asked to make Haitian rice in the hospital kitchen, which is set up to help disabled patients relearn usual skills. A walk to a grocery store less than two blocks away took almost half an hour, as Suy slowly maneuvered his walker over sidewalks and curbs. But he seemed happy to be out in the fresh air. Lake Michigan glistened in the distance, and a construction worker yelled, “Good work. Keep it up!” Silverman fretted about the ethics of returning disabled patients to an ailing country. It was a topic of debate among the doctors and therapists. “We wouldn’t send somebody home to live in the street” if they couldn’t live independently, Silverman said. By June, Suy could walk with crutches or two canes — haltingly, and not very far, but he had surpassed anyone’s expectations. “It would not have surprised me if he did not walk at all,” said Dr. John Liu, the Chicago surgeon who operated on Suy. “The fact that he’s actually doing this well ... is fantastic.” After a month at a transitional Chicago rehab center, Suy was ready to return home. Rosite Merentie, a Haitian-born hospice nurse in Chicago who flew with Ivankovich to Haiti after the quake, was moved to tears by Suy’s progress. “This one patient I know I helped,” she said. “I saw so many in Haiti who were injured — head trauma, leg and spine injuries, burns, infections, wounds, dead bodies, pieces of bodies,” she said. Seeing Suy “for me is just a joy, I cannot even explain.” She found Suy an apartment in Portau-Prince, while Ivankovich looked into online college programs Suy could pursue back home. The doctor made plans for Suy to continue rehab at a newly built rehab clinic, one of the few signs of progress in Port-au-Prince. Suy wanted to volunteer there, to give hope and encouragement to other disabled patients. “He’s not grandiose. He knows he’s not going to save the country. But to hear him say, ‘If I can maybe help one or two people,’ it’s just very refreshing to hear,” said Dr. David Chen, who oversaw Suy’s treatment at the rehab hospital.


Suy looked forward to going home. But he worried too — about finding a job, paying for his apartment, and the challenges of being a disabled young man in an even more disabled country. Suy can expect additional improvement in his mobility for up to a year, Ivankovich said. Whether he’ll ever walk unassisted is uncertain. Merentie and Ivankovich joined Suy on his journey, bringing along eight suitcases brimming with donated clothes, medical supplies and laptop computers. With a small American flag propped in the pocket of his sport shirt, and a redand-blue Haitian flag design on his T-shirt underneath, Suy somberly peered out the window as the plane descended into Portau-Prince. Crumbling houses and tent cities extended for miles below. “It looks terrible. It’s worse than I thought,” he said. At the airport, Suy was greeted by his brother and a cousin. He lived with them before the quake, but now their apartment is demolished. Now they live in tents, with no school and no jobs. ___ At Suy’s request, the first stop after leaving the airport was his old university. The trip was a harrowing ride through streets lined with tent homes, broken buildings and pin-thin little boys begging for money. At the site of the computer science building that could have been his tomb, much of the debris had been cleared away, but piles of rubble remained that kept Suy, with his walker, from strolling the grounds. He stopped near the gate and stared, memories of that awful day flooding back. Surveying the ruins, he spotted a grim piece of debris: A human jawbone with several teeth missing. A visit to his new apartment was a chance to think about the future. It’s in a building owned by one of Merentie’s relatives. Suy pronounced the spacious apartment perfect and thought living on the ground floor would be safe. But he also felt vulnerable, knowing he can’t make a quick escape if another quake hits, or a fire, or some other disaster. Children in school uniforms wandered into the building’s courtyard, curious perhaps about the young man and the giant doctor in black. Suy quizzed them about their studies. The youngsters were drawn to this kind stranger, listening intently as he told about being trapped in the quake. Suy told the children they have a duty: “Since you were saved, you have to save other kids.” The next day was Suy’s 29th birthday, and Merentie organized a party at a hotel in the hills above Port-au-Prince. Suy’s mother and siblings came, along with more than a dozen friends. A young woman from Suy’s advocacy group sang a hymn of praise, and Suy clasped his hands in prayer at the verse, “Say hallelujah.” Tears rolled down his cheeks as he looked around at his supporters. “Suy has gone to hell and back, after being left for dead. This is my brother, but he’s also my hero,” Ivankovich said in a brief tribute. “I couldn’t think of anywhere else that I would rather be tonight.” Suy took a swig of beer. “Thank you all very much,” he said. And then he told of his hopes for his country’s future, where shoeless children won’t have to roam streets washing car windows to survive, and homes will replace tent cities. “Youth is the hope of my country, is the hope of the world,” he said.

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