HT Issue 101710

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w w w. h a i t i a n t i m e s . c om


v ol . 1 2 n o . 4 6 /November 17-23, 2010 $ 1 . 0 0

Argentina’s Batista Relishing Brazil Test DOHA (AFP) – Argentina coach Sergio Batista says he is relishing the chance to put one over regional rivals Brazil when he makes his official bow as the man at the helm after being confirmed in his job as Diego Maradona’s successor early November. Wednesday’s match here is the perfect opportunity for Batista to show his credentials after he won two friendly matches as interim coach - against Ireland and at home to world champions Spain before a surprise loss in Japan. And he says there is no need to be afraid of Brazil, despite the undeniable pedigree of the five-times world champions. “If I were afraid of Brazil I’d have stayed at home,” Batista told reporters Tuesday.“I hold them in respect but I do not fear them. They are our traditional rivals and we respect each other.” Win, lose or draw Batista say he does not expect the result to change much as he seeks to shape a new side in the run-up to a

Copa America in July on home soil. “I don’t think the result will affect my career much. I was confirmed in my post two weeks ago and our target is the 2014 World Cup in Brazil,” where an Argentina triumph really would send his reputation skyrocketing. Batista says that target - the Copa aside - is one reason he is thinking at least medium term “but we still want to put one over our great rivals” in Doha. “But this (his job) is a process which is just beginning and the result is not the priority.” Argentina have not beaten the auriverde in five years and have lost four of their past five meetings but Batista says Wednesday is a chance to stop the rot. “What has happened has happened. Like the whole of Argentina I don’t like to lose to Brazil - people want us to beat Brazil. “I hope we get a good result but the main thing is to concentrate on the future,” he insisted.



w w w. h a i t i a n t i m e s . c o m

v ol . 1 2 n o . 4 6 / November 17-23, 2010 $ 1 . 0 0

Haiti Cholera toll Passes 1,000 as Unrest Fears Grow PORT-AU-PRINCE– Haiti's cholera death toll passed 1,000 on Tuesday as mounting anger at the health crisis saw tensions spike with UN peacekeepers accused by some of being the source of the outbreak.

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Haiti Polls must Go ahead Despite Cholera

Argentina coach Sergio Batista

Euro 2012 Mascots Unveiled in Poland WARSAW (AFP) – The mascots for the Euro 2012 football championships to be co-hosted by Poland and Ukraine were officially unveiled Tuesday at a Warsaw ceremony attended by senior UEFA officials and the two national football federations. Like Euro-2008 co-hosted by Austria and Switzerland which had their twins Trix and Flix, the 2012 mascot also features footballing brothers, each wearing a jersey in their national colours, white and red for Poland, blue and yellow for Ukraine. As in the 2008 championship, the names

of the mascot brothers will be decided in a vote open to the public on UEFA’s official website The result will be announced December 4. Inspired by Polish and Ukrainian surnames, voters will be able to choose between Slavek and Slavko or Siemko and Strimko or Klemek and Ladko. Warner Bros. designed the mascots, for the fourth consecutive championships. Four stadiums in Poland - in Warsaw, Wroclaw, Poznan and Gdansk - and four in Ukraine, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kyiv and Lviv will play host to Euro-2012.

PORT-AU-PRINCE - As Haiti's cholera toll neared 1,000, candidates insisted the health crisis should not derail looming presidential polls with the rebuilding of the quake-hit nation at stake.

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A New Rising Star in Brooklyn’s Political Orbit The recent election of Ms. Rodneyse Bichotte is somewhat the real thing that will enable a Haitian-American person to be at the table in the real decision making /voting sense on the grassroots level in the state of New York Political machine, national and city politics as the Female State Committee Woman in the 42nd Assembly District in Brooklyn.

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Art & Culture Carimi Played for Burkinabe President

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A woman cover her face from the smoke of burning tires set up by demonstrators Nov.15. See story on page 3

Is Cash-For-Work Working? Part 2 of a two part series where Haiti Grassroots Watch takes a look at cash-forwork programs and answers the following questions. Haiti Grassroots Watch journalists – in Port-au-Prince and at five community radio stations across the country – interviewed CFW staff, economists and aid workers, and studied documents from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and agencies implementing cash-for-work (CFW) and food-for-work (FFW) programs. While most workers were happy to have a CFW job, journalists found examples of corruption and mismanagement in the programs. A work crew was managed by a motor cycle taxi-driver who was the cousin of the “peasant leader” and it had at least one under-age worker (Perèy); IN at least two places, workers reported having to pay a “finder’s fee” – 500 gourdes and 1,500 gourdes, respectively – in exchange for getting a job. (Perèy and Carrefour-Feuilles). Other problems were found such as work crews frequently had fewer workers than they were supposed to, were often seen not working and frequently knocked off work early in Port-au-Prince and other places; an incumbent candidate from the ruling Initè

political party controlled the hiring of CFW workers for many crews in Léogane. Haiti Grassroots Watch’s other findings – related to the effects of CFW – are more concerning than these examples of corruption. Undermining the concept of “work” CFW programs are infamously under and even un-productive. One foreign CFW coor-

“They know that they are earning money doing something that is not really working. They are very aware of this. ” dinator called them “Cash for Standing Around and Doing Nothing.” This phenomena is not unique to Haiti. In the US, even though the Conservation Corps or Work Projects Administration produced lasting structures and employed hundreds of writers and artists, the WPA also had nicknames like “We Piddle Around” and “Whistle, Piss and Argue gang” because its road crews were

not always productive. Haitian economists and even some CFW impelenters are worried about the long term effects of CFW programs. “I worry that we’re creating maybe a bad work ethic because I think that you see a lot of cash for work teams all over the city and the country and if you watch, those work teams aren’t necessarily working,” Deb Ingersoll, CFW Coordinator for American Refugee Committee said. “I worry that we’re providing… a visual association of working with not necessarily working hard.” “They know that they are earning money doing something that is not really working. They are very aware of this. You see it clearly when you see people working on the rubble piles. They pick up one block or rock at a time… it creates a kind of deformation in peoples heads about what work should be,” Camille Chalmers said. Undermining government legitimacy and allowing foreign NGOs and agencies to take the government’s place Already in it’s six-month report on relief efforts, last July the UN’s Inter-Agency Standing Committee noted that CFW programs, whose workers often wear tee-shirts see WORK on page 12


The Haitian Times





Plusieurs milliers de personnes ont participé hier à un grand mouvement de protestation contre les casques bleus de la Minustah. On ignore ce qui a déclenché ce vaste mouvement. Toutefois certains manifestants ont accusé les casques bleus d'avoir déversé un liquide blanchâtre dans une rivière de la région. En colère la foule a attaqué deux baraquements des casques bleus chiliens et népalais. Aux jets de pierre les soldats étrangers ont riposté avec des tirs d'armes automatiques. L'intervention des policiers de l'Unité partementale de Maintien de l'Ordre (Udmo) allait provoquer une détérioration de la situation. Les policiers haïtiens auraient fait feu en direction des manifestants faisant au moins 4 blessés. En représailles les manifestants ont



incendié les sous commissariat de Barrière Bouteille et Pont Neuf. D'autres heurts entre casques bleus népalais et manifestants ont causé d'autres blessures par balles. La mobilisation anti Minustah s'est poursuivie jusque dans l'après midi. Les manifestants réclamant le départ des casques bleus et sollicitant l'aide de l'ex commissaire de Police Guy Philippe pour déloger les soldats étrangers. Dans les quartiers populeux les manifestants ont provoqué un climat de tension. Des pierres et tessons de bouteilles ont été lancés durant la journée. Aucun bilan officiel sur le nombre de blessés n'a été fourni par les autorités locales. Les medias capois font état de plus d'une dizaine de blessés. Au moins une personne aurait été blessés lors d'affrontements entre casques bleus et manifestants dans la région de Carenage. Le délégué départemental Ardouin Zephirin avait lancé un appel au calme à la population. **** La Mission des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation en Haïti (MINUSTAH) déplore les actes de violence contre les forces de l'ordre haïtienne et onusienne survenus au cours des manifestations violentes au Cap-Haitien et à Hinche pendant

la journée. La façon dont les événements se sont déroulés porte à croire que ces incidents ont une motivation politique, visant à créer un climat d'insécurité à la veille des élections. La MINUSTAH appelle la population à rester vigilante et à ne pas se laisser manipuler par des ennemies de la stabilité et de la démocratie dans pays. Dans un communiqué l Organisation declare que ces violences ont occasionné plusieurs blessés dont six membres du personnel de la Mission au niveau de Hinche. A Quartier Morin, dans le département du Nord, des manifestants armés ont tiré sur des casques bleus. Un de ces manifestants a perdu la vie lorsqu'il a été atteint d'une balle provenant d'un casque bleu qui a riposté en légitime défense. Une enquête a été ouverte pour déterminer avec précision les circonstances de ce décès. La MINUSTAH réitère son ferme engagement à appuyer la Police Nationale d'Haïti dans le maintien de l'ordre et de la sécurité du pays afin d'assurer la poursuite du processus électoral et de reconstruction en Haïti. conclut le communiqué. **** L'épidémie de choléra qui a déjà fait plus d'un millier de morts a fait son appa-

November 17-23, 2010

rition dans les prisons haïtiennes où plusieurs détenus sont morts. Les autorités pénitentiaires ont indiqué que 5 détenus sont décédés des suites de choléra dans la prison civile de Hinche et plusieurs autres sont atteints de cette maladie. Alors qu'au Pénitencier National, le plus grand centre carcéral du pays, l'épidémie a déjà tué 6 prisonniers. Les responsables du ministère de la santé publique ont fait remarquer que plus d'une trentaine de décès sont par ailleurs recensés dans la capitale haïtienne où la maladie semble gagner du terrain. On craint déjà une propagation de l'épidémie dans les camps en raison des mauvaises les conditions d'hygiènes qui y prévalent. Rappelons que selon une projection de l'Organisation Mondiale de la santé, plus de 270 mille personnes pourraient être touchées par cette épidémie durant les prochaines années. **** Les différents secteurs de la vie politique sont unanimes quant à la réalisation des élections, en dépit de l’expansion de l’épidémie de choléra et les manifestations dans certaines régions du pays en début de semaine.Les candidats consee A TRAVERS HAITI on page 23

Écrire quand on est immigrant Du côté de chez Hugues

par Hugues St. Fort

Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work Par Edwidge Danticat Princeton University Press, 2010. L’oeuvre littéraire d’Edwidge Danticat, pour l’instant, est composée de trois romans, Breath, Eyes, Memory (1994), The Farming of Bones (1998), Behind the Mountains (2002) ; deux recueils d’histoires courtes Krik ? Krak! (1996) et The Dew Breaker (2004); une autobiographie Brother, I’m Dying (2007); un livre d’anthologie littéraire The Butterfly’s Way (2001) et une collection d’essais Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work (2010). Danticat a aussi publié After The Dance: A Walk Through Carnival in Jacmel, Haiti (2002), Behind the Mountains (2002) et publiera au début de l’année prochaine un deuxième livre d’anthologie littéraire Haïti Noir. L’une des choses qui me fascine le plus chez Danticat, c’est sa passion créatrice pour Haïti. Danticat est l’enfant chéri de l’establishment littéraire américain et elle le mérite immensément. Mais elle ne cesse jamais de mettre Haïti au centre de son inspiration littéraire. Danticat, c’est « Haïti jusqu’au bout ». Chacun de ses textes soulève un concert d’admiration non seulement de la part de la grande presse américaine, mais aussi et surtout chez les érudits des plus grandes universités américaines. Jamais un écrivain d’origine haïtienne n’a été autant célébré et récompensé par la critique américaine.

En 1995, son recueil de nouvelles Krik ? Krak ! a été finaliste pour le « National Book Award ». En 1996, le célèbre magazine littéraire britannique GRANTA lui a décerné le prix du « Best Young American Novelists » pour son premier grand texte littéraire Breath, Eyes, Memory ; en 1999, elle a reçu le « American Book Award » pour son roman The Farming of Bones » ; en 2005, le « Story Prize » lui a été attribué pour The Dew Breaker ; en 2007, son autobiographie Brother, I’m Dying lui a valu le « National Book Critics Circle Award » ; l’année suivante, en 2008, le même livre reçut le « Dayton Literary Peace Prize » et en 2009, il lui a été décerné ce qui est peutêtre la récompense suprême : le « MacArthur Fellows Program Genius Grant » d’une valeur d’un demi-million de dollars. Malgré ces sacres, Edwidge Danticat n’a jamais eu la grosse tête et sa simplicité légendaire n’a pris aucune ride. « Create Dangerously : the immigrant artist at work » qui est son plus récent texte littéraire révèle un écrivain au sommet de son art, mature, toujours passionnée mais plus lucide que jamais. Ce livre n’est pas un roman, ce n’est pas non plus une collection d’histoires courtes, ni un texte autobiographique comme l’inoubliable Brother, I’m Dying. « Create Dangerously » rassemble une série de conférences qu’elle a données à Princeton University en mars 2008 dans le cadre de la deuxième série de conférence annuelle Toni Morisson, la somptueuse écrivaine, professeure et femme de lettres américaine, Prix Nobel de littérature en 1993. Le titre et le soustitre du livre énoncent la problématique de ce texte. Écrire peut faire courir des dangers mortels à certains écrivains qui, dans leur société d’origine, font face aux pratiques répressives du régime dictatorial sous lequel ils vivent. Mais l’écrivain n’est

jamais seul dans cet acte de témoignage dont il ne peut se passer. Il/elle entraîne forcément avec lui / elle, le lecteur / la lectrice qui, tout aussi consciemment, tout aussi délibérément participe de cet acte de désobéissance sociale, d’atteinte à cette norme forcée, imposée par le pouvoir. Danticat écrit ceci: « Reading, like writing, under these conditions, is disobedience to a directive in which the reader, our Eve, already knows the possible consequences of eating that apple but takes a bold bite anyway. » (page10). (L’acte de lecture, comme l’acte d’écriture, dans ces conditions, représente une désobéissance à une directive où le lecteur/ la lectrice, notre Ève, connaît déjà les conséquences possibles de l’acte de manger cette pomme mais y prend un petit morceau malgré tout. » (Ma traduction). Le texte qui ouvre le livre et lui donne son ton s’intitule justement « Create Dangerously : The Immigrant Artist at Work » Il raconte une exécution publique à Port-au-Prince le 12 novembre 1964, celle de deux Haïtiens, Marcel Numa et Louis Drouin, qui avaient échoué dans leur tentative de renverser la dictature de François Duvalier. Cet acte d’une audace sans pareille aux yeux du dictateur allait déclencher sa rage culminant dans cette punition publique extrême destinée à marquer les esprits qui se seraient permis de marcher sur les traces des deux rebelles. Edwidge Danticat n’était pas encore né le 12 novembre 1964 quand a eu lieu cette exécution publique qu’elle raconte avec des détails impressionnants. Mais ce point d’histoire, nous dit-elle, fait partie de ces mythes créateurs qui l’ont hantée et obsédée. Elle se réfère en tout premier lieu au plus célèbre de tous, le mythe d’Adam et Ève, qui avaient désobéi à l’ordre émis par « Dieu » de ne pas manger la pomme la

plus désirable du jardin d’Eden, désobéissance pour laquelle ils avaient été bannis d’Eden et condamnés à toutes sortes de peines, la plus douloureuse étant celle qui survient au moment de donner naissance. Malgré l’ensevelissement temporel dans lequel se perd ce mythe, Danticat montre son rapprochement urgent avec l’aventure sanglante de Marcel Numa et Louis Drouin qui sont morts en patriotes pour que d’autres Haïtiens puissent vivre. Elle montre aussi qu’ils étaient immigrants, comme elle, mais n’ont pas hésité à abandonner le confort de leurs existences américaines et se sont sacrifiés pour leur terre natale. L’une des implications de cette exécution publique a été la suspicion qu’elle a fit peser sur l’acte de lire en général, suspicion qui conduisit des familles à bruler leurs bibliothèques quelque soit le contenu des livres qui y figuraient. Tout au long de cette histoire tout à fait officielle, Danticat accumule des références personnelles ou relatives à sa famille et à ses parents. C’est ce qu’on trouve aussi dans la majorité des autres onze essais contenus dans ce livre. J’ai aimé particulièrement l’essai intitulé « I am not a journalist » (p.41-58) et celui qui vient tout de suite après intitulé « Daughters of Memory ». Tous les deux discutent profondément d’une question fascinante : comment l’art (particulièrement l’art haïtien) se fait sous les dictatures. L’histoire d’Haïti est une histoire de tragédies au sens le plus profond du terme. Comment peut-on continuer à écrire malgré la pluie de désastres qui se sont acharnés sur ce morceau d’île ? L’œuvre d’Edwidge Danticat nous permet de comprendre ce paradoxe. Contactez Hugues St.Fort à

The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010

Haiti Cholera toll Passes 1,000 as Unrest Fears Grow PORT-AU-PRINCE– Haiti's cholera death toll passed 1,000 on Tuesday as mounting anger at the health crisis saw tensions spike with UN peacekeepers accused by some of being the source of the outbreak. Burning tires wafted thick black smoke across the northern city of Cap-Haitien, where thousands of protesters went on the rampage Monday, setting a police station ablaze and threatening to torch a UN compound. Two Haitians died in the riots, including one shot by a peacekeeper in an incident that raised fears of further unrest targeting the unpopular United Nations force, which is known by the acronym MINUSTAH. Six UN peacekeepers were injured in a second protest Monday in the central city of Hinche, near the base of a Nepalese unit accused of bringing the Vibrio cholerae bacterium into the country. ”We are monitoring the situation in other towns where demonstrations were attempted this morning,” a police officer told AFP Tuesday on condition of anonymity. He said Interior Minister Paul-Antoine Bien-Aime and Haitian police chief Mario Andresol would lead a delegation to the north in the coming days to help restore calm. The cholera death toll rose Tuesday to 1,034, the health ministry said, with about 16,800 people hospitalized since the disease surfaced in late October -- the quake-hit nation's first outbreak since the 1960s. Haitian officials have struggled to battle the disease in a nation still ravaged by a January earthquake that killed 250,000 people and left 1.3 million people homeless. Officials fear the cholera epidemic could spread like wildfire if it infiltrates squalid camps around the capital where hundreds of thousands of quake refugees live in cramped and unsanitary conditions. MINUSTAH issued a statement linking the protests to presidential elections in less than two weeks time and calling on Haitians


As cholera rapidly spreads through Haiti, protestors marched in Port-au-Prince to denounce the UN peacekeeping mission known as MINUSTAH. Here a protester paints MINISTA=KOLERA on a vehicle.

not to allow themselves to be manipulated by ”the enemies of stability and democracy.” ”The way the events unfolded leads to the belief that these incidents were politically motivated, aimed at creating a climate of insecurity ahead of the elections,” it said. There are claims the outbreak emanated from septic tanks at the Nepalese base which is suspected of leaking diseased feces into a tributary to the Artibonite River on Haiti's central plateau. A Nepalese army spokesman in Kathmandu hit out at the ”false rumors” and told AFP they had reinforced security for their peacekeepers in Haiti and had even drafted in Haitian police to help with their

protection. MINUSTAH has said it has tested some of the Nepalese and found no trace of cholera, and health officials have said that although Haiti's cholera is a south Asian strain this is no smoking gun as the strain is very common. US experts are running more DNA sequencing tests on samples collected from Haitian cholera victims, but experts say the exact origin of the strain causing the epidemic in Haiti will never be known. The November 28 elections could even be in doubt as there are now cholera cases in every one of Haiti's 10 departments and leading aid group Doctors Without Borders

(MSF) says its facilities in the capital are overrun. ”We're worried that we won't have the capacity to treat all patients in the coming days,” said MSF emergency coordinator Caroline Seguin. ”They're arriving in large numbers, our hospital is completely full, we're even having to refuse referrals because we know we?re unable to treat them.” During the first days of the epidemic, MSF said its teams were receiving three new patients with cholera-like symptoms each day in Port-au-Prince, and now they're seeing 300. The story was first published by AFP.

UN Deplores ‘Politically Motivated’ Violence in Haiti

Haiti Cholera Reaches Dominican Republic

The United Nations mission in Haiti has deplored yesterday’s acts of violence against local and UN security forces during demonstrations in the cities of Cap-Haitien and Hinche, saying the riots, which resulted in several injuries, were politically motivated. “The way the events unfolded suggests that these incidents were politically motivated, aimed at creating a climate of insecurity on the eve of elections,” the mission, known as MINUSTAH, said in a statement. “MINUSTAH calls the people to remain vigilant and not be manipulated by enemies of stability and democracy in the country,” the mission added. Those wounded included six MINUSTAH personnel in Hinche. At Quartier Morin in the northern department, armed demonstrators opened fire on peacekeepers, the mission said. One of the demonstrators was killed when he was hit by a bullet fired by a UN peacekeeper, who shot back in self-defense. An investigation is under way to determine the exact circumstances of the death. “MINUSTAH reiterates its firm com-

The Dominican Republic has detected its first case of cholera, following the outbreak of the disease in neighbouring Haiti last month. The patient is a Haitian migrant who had recently returned from his homeland, the health minister said. The Dominican authorities had stepped up border controls and health checks to try to stop cholera from spreading from Haiti. More than 1,000 Haitians have Dominican health minister Bautista Rojas died of the disease. Dominican health minister Bautista Rojas said the patient, a 32-year-old (MSF) said its treatment centres in the Haitian construction worker, was being capital, Port-au-Prince, were being overtreated in isolation in the eastern town of whelmed by new patients. Higuey. ”If the number of cases continues to Like Haiti, the Dominican Republic had increase at the same rate, then we are going not had a confirmed case of cholera in to have to adopt some drastic measures to more than a century until this year. be able to treat people,” said MSF's head of In Haiti, the government says 1,034 mission Stefano Zannini. people have died and the disease is still ”I can easily see this situation deterioratspreading rapidly. ing to the point where patients are lying in 'Drastic measures' see DOMINICAN on page 23 The charity Medecins Sans Frontieres

mitment to supporting the Haitian National Police in maintaining order and security in the country to ensure the continuation of the electoral process and reconstruction in Haiti,” the statement added. The elections are scheduled for 28 November. The Caribbean country is still

“The way the events unfolded suggests that these incidents were politically motivated, aimed at creating a climate of insecurity on the eve of elections.” reeling from January’s quake, which killed an estimated 200,000 people and displaced about 1.3 million others. In addition, a recent cholera outbreak has made over 12,000 Haitians ill and claimed the lives of an estimated 900 people.


The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010

President Obama Reiterated his Support for Fixing Broken Immigration System In an Oval Office meeting Nov. 16, the the nation’s borders, but also to restore President and leaders of the Congressional responsibility and accountability to what Hispanic Caucus (CHC) – U.S. Senator everyone agrees is a broken immigration Robert Menendez of New Jersey, U.S. system. The President reiterated his strong Representative Nydia Velazquez of New support for bipartisan Congressional York, and U.S. Representative Luis Guti- action on immigration reform at the earlierrez of Illinois – discussed the options est opportunity, noting that the American on immigration reform immediately fac- people expect both parties to work together ing the Congress. to tackle the chalconfronting He thanked them for The President and the lenges their constant efforts our nation. on this issue. The President CHC leaders believe that, According to a puband the CHC leadlished note from the before adjourning, Con- ers believe that, White House Office before adjournof the Press Secretary, gress should approve the ing, Congress the President reitershould approve the DREAM Act. ated his support for DREAM Act. This fixing the broken legislation has traimmigration system and urged the CHC ditionally enjoyed support from Democratleaders to work to restore the bipartisan ic and Republican lawmakers and would coalition backing comprehensive immi- give young people who were brought as gration reform. The President repeated minors to the United States by their parents his hope that, with the election season’s the opportunity to earn their citizenship pressures past, Congressional Republicans by pursuing a college degree or through would work with their Democratic col- military service. leagues not only to strengthen security at

Illegal Immigrants in California Get Tuition Break Immigration news continues to dominate national headlines, and on Nov.15, the news was out of the state of California - a hot bed for immigration discussions and legislation. The California Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday illegal aliens are eligible for in-state college tuition, not higher rates charged out-ofstate students. Justice Ming W. Chin in the

court's opinion said California law, which guarantees lower tuition to those students who attend and graduate from high schools in the state, does not conflict with a federal ban against giving illegal immigrants educational benefits based on state residency. The Los Angeles Times said California is one of several states that allow illegal immigrants

lower college tuition when they graduate from state high schools. The newspaper said about 25,000 illegal aliens get in-state tuition rates in California. An anti-illegal immigration group filed a lawsuit contending the California law violated the federal ban on giving educational benefits to illegal aliens, but not to all U.S. citizens, based on residency. The challenge was suc-

cessful in a lower court, but the state appealed. The Times said college students who are illegally in the United States are excluded from federal financial aid programs, and the U.S. Supreme Court is expected eventually to rule on whether the lower tuition rates also violate federal law. Justice Ming W. Chin

Immigration Reform has better Chance Passing in New Congress New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson on Saturday said the new Congress has a better chance at enacting comprehensive immigration reform than the current Democrat-controlled Congress. ”I do believe the chances are improved, (but) not dramatically improved,” Richardson told journalists attending CapitolBeat, a meeting for political and statehouse reporters from across the nation held in downtown Phoenix. That's because Republicans will need something to show for their gains in the midterm elections, he said. The GOP won control of the House and narrowed its disadvantage with Democrats in the Senate. ”It's going to have to not be the 'Party of No,' ” he said of the Republicans, adding that immigration reform is ripe for a bipartisan accord. Richardson, a Democrat, is wrapping his second term as New Mexico's governor.

But while he sounded hopeful that the long-stalled issue might get moving, Richardson said in comments after his speech that he doesn't see anyone stepping forward yet to lead the charge. Leadership, he said, has to come from the president but also from the Republicans. ”It's a dynamic that has to happen,” he said. He said relations with neighboring Arizona have remained good even as the state's political leadership has shifted from Democrat Janet Napolitano, with whom he worked closely on many issues, to Republican Jan Brewer. ”There's been a bit of a rift over the immigration issue,” he said. But cooperation on environmental and other issues has continued. Richardson reiterated his opposition to Senate Bill 1070, the immigration-enforcement measure, telling reporters it is a federal duty to enforce immigration

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson

laws. And, noting the growing influence of Hispanics in this month's elections - notably in the Nevada Senate race and the New Mexico governor's race - Richardson, himself Hispanic, said politi-

cians need to recognize they have concerns beyond immigration or civil rights. ”It's very easy to put Hispanics in a corner (and say) 'Let's put a sombrero on and get their votes.' Those days are over,” he

said. This growing voter bloc has very mainstream concerns, which currently revolve around job creation and improving the economy, he said. The story was first published in the Arizona Republic.

November 17-23, 2010

3 of 19 Haiti President Candidates Debate MIAMI - A campaign debate among Haiti's presidential hopefuls in Miami drew only three of the 19 candidates vying to lead the poor Caribbean island nation. The so-called ”Presidential Debate of the Diaspora” took place at Florida International University's Biscayne Bay campus before an audience of several hundred Sunday night, The Miami Herald reported. Of the 19 candidates in the Nov. 28 election, only three showed up: Mirlande Manigat, Garaudy Laguerre and Gerard Blot. Charles Henri Baker tried to participate by an Internet telephone connection but was stymied by technical difficulties. Candidates addressed reconstruction after the earthquake and the cholera outbreak. Laguerre said he would investigate the source of the epidemic. He said there were rumors that United Nations soldiers were the source of the contamination of Haiti's water supply. ”Too often, Haitians die without rea-

Haitian Presidential candidate Garaudy Laguerre smiles as he greets people before his presidential debate

The Haitian Times


sons and without consequences,” he said. ”This time there will be consequences.” Blot also called for investigating the source of the outbreak and holding accountable whoever is responsible.

”Too often, Haitians die without reasons and without consequences,” he said. ”This time there will be consequences.” Manigat said her top priority would be to house those still living in tent encampments, but cautioned the audience the housing problem cannot be solved immediately. The story was first published on upi. com.

Haiti Polls must Go ahead Despite Cholera PORT-AU-PRINCE - As Haiti's cholera toll neared 1,000, candidates insisted the health crisis should not derail looming presidential polls with the rebuilding of the quake-hit nation at stake. Less than a month after the emergence of Haiti's first cholera outbreak in half a century, the confirmed number of fatalities is at 917 and rising by more than 50 each day on average. At least 27 deaths have been recorded in the teeming capital Port-au-Prince, including its largest slum Cite Soleil. Officials fear the scale of the epidemic could increase exponentially if cholera infiltrates makeshift camps where hundreds of thousands of earthquake survivors live in cramped and unsanitary conditions. And with patients struggling to find care in the rural heart of the country where the outbreak is fiercest, it is hard to imagine

how Haiti can vote in crucial elections in less than two weeks time. But Mirlande Manigat, the former first lady who has emerged as the favorite to succeed President Rene Preval, told AFP the polls must go ahead as planned. ”We are now at the point where we cannot step back because there is a momentum within the population. It's clear that on February 7, President Preval must leave, so we need to have the election now, on November 28.” Another candidate, Leslie Voltaire, agreed with Manigat that it was not ideal with the cholera epidemic, not to mention a recent hurricane, but warned that delaying the poll would only aggravate the situation. ”We cannot postpone the election because of the cholera. You don't know, if you postpone the election by a month or

two, the cholera may be worse than it is today,” he told AFP. ”We could face a new political crisis in Haiti if we have another provisional government after Preval,” Voltaire added. The elections, which will also see over 100 lawmakers chosen, were originally scheduled for February 28 but were put on hold due to the January earthquake that flattened Port-au-Prince and killed more than 250,000 people. Whoever wins will have the mammoth task of rebuilding what was already the poorest country in the western hemisphere -- a Caribbean nation facing vast challenges even to get back to where it was before disaster struck. Problems of corruption, infrastructure and education have now been compounded by the cholera epidemic, which UN health officials are warning has taken root and

UN Launches $164 Million Appeal To Fight Deadly Cholera Outbreak United Nations agencies and their partners today appealed for $164 million to support Haiti’s efforts to fight the deadly cholera outbreak that has already claimed several hundred lives in the small Caribbean nation. The funds sought for the Cholera Inter-Sector Response Strategy for Haiti launched today will go towards getting additional doctors, medicines and water purification equipment to respond to the epidemic, which has spread quickly since it was first confirmed on 22 October. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), over 12,000 Haitians having been hospitalized so far, and over 800 people have died from the disease, which is spread by contaminated food and water. Up to 200,000 cases of cholera are expected to be reported over the next 6 to

12 months in Haiti, which is also dealing with the aftermath of January’s devastating earthquake and flooding in the wake of Hurricane Tomas, which struck the country last weekend. “A major effort has already been made, but the sheer quantity of relief items that need to be delivered in the days and weeks ahead is going to require more logistical and financial support for the Government by all humanitarian agencies and donors and very close coordination,” said Nigel Fisher, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti. “Without this the epidemic could well outrun our efforts,” he said. Five out of the ten departments, or administrative divisions, that make up Haiti have been directly affected by cholera since the outbreak. Nearly half a million water tablets, soap

and oral rehydration salts are being distributed, targeting areas where cholera has already been detected. Cholera treatment centres – an essential first line of response – are now open in 15 urban centres across the country, including seven in the capital, Port-au-Prince. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), in conjunction with the World Food Programme (WFP), are identifying and preparing other suitable locations for cholera treatment units. The bulk of the appeal – around $89 million – will be used for water, sanitation and hygiene, while $43 million will be used for health, and $19 million for efforts in the camps housing people displaced by the earthquake.

Mirlande Manigat

could see hundreds of thousands of cases in the next few years. ”All of the hospitals in Port-au-Prince are overflowing with patients and we're seeing seven times the total amount of cases we had three days ago,” Doctors Without Borders (MSF) head of mission Stefano Zannini said this weekend. ”It's a really worrying situation for us at the moment. Patients are coming from everywhere, throughout the city, slums and wealthier areas.” Almost 15,000 people have been treated in hospital and many in rural areas near the epicenter of outbreak in the central Artibonite River Valley did not even make it that far, dying en route. ”Certainly this is going to continue for months, and if you look at other epidemics, it could move into years,” UN humanitarian coordinator Nigel Fisher told AFP. ”We're in unknown territory here in Haiti.” Of Haiti's 10 provinces, six now have been touched by the cholera epidemic. The United Nations is asking for 164 million dollars to fight the disease, most to be used for water, sanitation and improving hygiene awareness. Although easily treated, cholera has a short incubation period and causes acute diarrhea that can lead to severe dehydration and death in a matter of hours.

6 8

The Haitian Times


What the Candidates Are not Telling the Haitian People By Garry Pierre-Pierre

As the 19 presidential candidates crisscrossed through the mountainous Caribbean nation of Haiti, most of them are boasting crowds in the thousands that have turned out to hear them. The spin from the candidates is that their message resonates with the public and they are the best hope for a brighter Haiti. While the numbers who come out are real, the reason for the large crowd is quite easy one to explain. These days, with unemployment hovering around 80 percent in the country, people don’t have much to do. And so a high profile visitor is likely to draw a curious throng. The same people come out for different candidates. It is unclear how galvanizing if any of the candidates have been. I haven’t heard all of the candidates messages, lest the few who campaigned in New York City. But I’m sure no one is telling the Haitian people what they need to hear. From Charles Henri Baker, to Michel Martelly to Jacques Edouard Alexis and everyone else, we hear lots of vague and ambitious plans on how they plan to restore Haiti to its grandeur that peaked in 1804 and has seen a steady decline ever since. So if I were one of the candidates, this is the speech I would give to the 40,000 or so people who come out to hear them. My fellow Haitians, today I come to you as your presidential candidate. Whether or not you elect me as your president, I want to leave you with some wisdom. First, we need to shed our mendicant mentality. To prove that to you, I will not beg you for an adoken coin for my campaign. I’m calling on all of fellow politicians to stop begging when they go overseas and when we have foreign delegations in Haiti. The world is broke and they don’t have any money to give to us. But if we’re willing to open up the country to real investors, we can get some people in here and create jobs. Speaking of creating jobs, the first thing we need to do is to build primary schools and universities to educate the million high school graduates that have nothing to do, except to be ‘chimeres’ in training. My

opponents have told you that they plan on making agriculture the cornerstone of their plan so that Haiti can be self-sufficient. They are lying to you. We can’t do this alone, we have to get international firms to come in with their technology so our products can be competitive in a world market. A machete these days is not enough to plow the land. You need an educated ‘agricole’ to know exactly what to plant, when to plant and how to defend against the elements. Another opponent who was here recently swore that with our abundant sunshine and beaches we can lure tourists who are looking another place to visit in the winter months of rich countries. What he didn’t tell you is that first we have to clean up our image and that we have to build our roads and electricity and infrastructure before we can convince any tourist that they will not be eaten by werewolves, will not catch AIDS, cholera and be hacked to death by machete wielding mobs. What he didn’t tell you is that to run a real tourist industry, you need highly educated people who are willing to smile all the time in the face of tourists to make them feel welcome and that the people making money are the hotel owners and not necessarily the hired hands, which need to be trained in all aspects of a service industry. Did he tell you how he plans on getting the money so that tourists can flock to Haiti? I’m sure he didn’t, because most likely there is an international organization with grants for Haiti to create its tourism industry. Now don’t get me wrong, these are good plans and should help you and your children get jobs, but can you build your house with the third floor. You don’t have to answer that one. You can’t, even if we Haitians have done the impossible in the past. Certain feats cannot be repeated or be counted on. My fellow Haitians, what I want to offer you is a chance to build 600 public schools and four universities across the country to educate you and restore your dignity. Believe me you cannot work in any capacity if you are unable to read and see EDITORIAL on page 7

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November 17-23, 2010

It Is Selection Time; Therefore Time to Vote Under The


By Max A. Joseph Jr.

The one certainty about the November 28th upcoming legislative and presidential elections in Haiti is that they will be declared “free and fair” by the international community, despite the illegal machinations of Provisional Electoral Council (CEP). In contrast, the November 7th election in Myanmar (formerly Burma) was, for all purposes and intents, declared unfair and undemocratic by the international community, even before the first votes were cast. Two elections with similar dynamic; Haiti and Myanmar’s two largest political parties are excluded in both instances and their leaders, Jean Bertrand Aristide and Aung San Suu Kyi, in exile and under house arrest, respectively. Apparently, free and fair elections, the bedrock of democracy, far from being a universal concept are actually subjective. Based on that reality, wouldn’t it be fair for Haitians to be asked whether they want to be part of this charade? It is by now an historical fact that voting for the wrong candidate can have terrible consequences for Haiti and its people, the electorate should therefore refrain itself from engaging in an exercise that is being used to suppress its aspirations. Unless the people’s choice, no matter misguided it may be, can be validated and respected, what is the point in participating in a protracted process that is expensive and, most importantly, lacking credibility. Obviously, we are going back to the days when a king, having converted to a new faith, orders his subjects to embrace it, regardless of their aversion to it, or face the harshest of punishments. The analogy being: unless the Haitian people conform to this tyrannical, perverted and discriminatory form of democracy, they will be ostracized from the family of nations and made to suffer the consequences. It should be noted that the Haitian people are receptive to the notion of electing their own leaders, which is a core democratic principle, as opposed to sticking with their country’s storied history of imposed rule. They have done so on several occasions but their choice was scornfully and violently rejected by the international community. There are apparently no discernible differences between the two political systems, which are inherently narcissistic and based on unaccountability, subjugation, exploitation and exclusion. Hence, voting on November 28th is tantamount to the Haitian people willingly endorsing the tyrannical rule of their tormentors, as it will be all but impossible to get rid of the tyrants except through the ballot box which, in itself, is stacked against their aspirations. Try imagining an armed rebellion against a Gerard Latortue-type tyrant, not sanctioned by the international community. Unlike Guy Philippe, the wannabe generalissimo, who spearheaded the 2004

armed insurrection against the country’s democratically elected government, any would-be liberator will be sitting on the dock at The Hague answering for a plethora of crimes before the International Criminal Court. Though it may be naïve to expect a modicum of decency from the selected crop of candidates in the upcoming November 28th presidential election, this great little nation deserves better nonetheless. Exceedingly ambitious and correspondingly short on ethical and leadership qualities, this slate of politicians is the embodiment of self-preservation and political expediency and rightfully deserves the labels collaborators” and “puppets.” No one among them can stand up against the politic of organized chaos created by outsiders with the help of the mulatto elite, which allows the international community to present itself as “the savior” rather than the instigator of the cycle of destruction and misery. Though it has been established that the strain of cholera creating havoc in Haiti is South Asian, U.S medical experts are now concerned about its possible spread to the U.S and other countries, which implies that Haiti may be considered ground zero for the epidemic. Yet, Michel Chancy, the Haitian minister in charge of coordinating a response to the epidemic concluded: “Haitians will always complain; it is part of the culture. They blame everyone and anything from colonialism to international aid agencies.” Basically, the man is saying there is nothing to complain about, and no one asks for his resignation. It shows that despite a succession of calamities befallen Haiti since February 29th, 2004, many of which the doings of the occupiers, Haitian politicians remain active participants in the enslavement of their fellow countrymen. A perfunctory look at the problems facing Haiti and the slate of candidates clearly show that the elections will not solve anything. Consider the two frontrunners, Myrlande Manigat and Jude Celestin, as examples. Ms. Manigat is an over-emotional woman who angrily refused to participate in a run-off for a senate seat she was slated to win. This, after René Préval was declared the winner in the UN-organized, fraudmarred, 2006 presidential and legislative elections in which her husband, Leslie Manigat, received a little over 13 percent of the vote and denied a run-off. Even the most dedicated feminist should have second thoughts about voting for such an impulsive leader. As for Célestin, how can he convince the Diaspora and foreign investors to come and invest in Haiti when he, himself, saw fit to invest in real estate ventures in the U.S rather than injecting the money into the Haitian economy and helping create jobs? As per the selective process, one of these two politicians will be president of Haiti on February 7th 2011, and the cycle of apathy, misery and condescension will endure. Aptly, the electorate should desist from participating in this charade until the present situation is reversed. Contact Joseph at djougan@yahoo. com

The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010

A Shared Vision: Haiti Forward Ilio's


By Ilio Durandis

The transition of power or change of government is always a good moment to reflect on where we have been, and where we want to go. In essence, this is a great junction to reflect on what the vision forward really is for the country and the people. More than ever, Haiti needs a transformational leader or leading group that can articulate and execute a share vision for the benefit of all Haitians, regardless of social and economical status. The upcoming elections are significant and could be a major set-point to re-evaluate what is the shared vision of the Haitian people. It is not enough to continually be living in the past and be critical of missopportunities, but rather to take advantage of the few opportunities we have and make possible what many think is impossible. My encounters and talks to fellow compatriots have led me to believe that we all want to be free to control our destiny. Besides demanding access to the basic necessities of life, such as schooling, hous-

ing, healthy food, healthcare, security and the right to be civically engaged, the Haitian people want to be a cohesive society. It is in our DNA to embrace each other, and preserve the ideals that every person is somebody. We have desire to be a great nation, where freedom for all with be the blood that makes circulate our desire to progress. The Haitian vision is not that much different than what other people aspire. We want to be able to live in peace and harmony, where the conditions for prosperity can sprout like a tulip in the spring. It took a solar eclipse to validate the law of relativity; many Haitians thought the earthquake could do for Haiti what the eclipse did for the law of relativity, but conditions after the quake have only validated on thing that it would take a massive Haitian involvement to get Haiti on that right track. We need an open government that will practice a policy of inclusion and that will treat everyone according to the law of the land. In the execution of our shared vision, we will find that it’s possible to think of a new Haiti. A country, where our past will not be zombie to us and haunt every good intentions that we have as a people, but rather to use the past to correct the wrong of the present and set the precedence for an

irreversible prosperous future. If we take for example the unification of Germany in 1990, and understand where that country came from to where it currently is in the geo-political stratosphere, we will come to realize that with a fraternal bond, and seeing our future through a common lens that indeed our potential to be great is limitless. Many times, when the world counted us out, we found a way to

In the execution of our shared vision, we will find that it’s possible to think of a new Haiti. disprove them; some thought, we would go extinct after the earthquake, but we found the strength to live. We need to harness that energy, in order to build a society for the well-being our children. There cannot continue to be animosity among us over petty things. We are too great of a people to be drowning in the ocean of misery. This is our moment to once again disprove the fallacy that Haitians cannot do for themselves, for ever since our inception we have been


surviving solely on our capacity to do for ourselves. A belief in the common vision focus towards openness to prosperity for all will not only guarantee our survival as the greatest among the greats, but also it will emphasize the sheer belief that all Haitians believe in freedom. Our nation has stumbled many times. We have made plenty of mistakes, just like all other nations, but the key to our survival in the face of all these adversities have been our core belief that we are destined to be free and with freedom the sky is really the limit. Together, we fight; together, we fall and together we will once again rise to rejoice in our victory as nation of determined people. Our next president, whoever that might be, will deserve all of our supports, hard work ethics, determination to succeed, and above all our respect, in order for them to lead us out of this obscurity to the field of illumination. This is our opportunity as a people to be part of the solutions and be part of the state. The government philosophy might be different than ours, but the roots that hold us all together breathe and bleed Haitians. We need to share the vision of a free and prosperous Haiti for all Haitians. As one people, one government, we will say we are all Haitians. Contact Ilio at

Yet Another Tragedy Awaits Haiti By Edris Erisnor

What a year it has been for Haiti, 2010, that is. Early on, she was hit by Mother Nature in what is seen as the biggest tragedy in the Americas in recent memory, losing over 250,000 people in the earthquake of January OPINION 12th; a merely 9 months later, an epidemic of cholera intertwined with tropical storm Tomas, killing more than 1000 combined. Now, Haiti is poised to embark in yet another tragedy, but one that is avoidable. In less than two weeks, Haiti will hold presidential and parliamentary elections; elections that Social Scientists, Political Experts and political pundits of all sectors concurred to be the most important elections in years to be held in Haiti. It is our hope that these elections will go forward peacefully and Haitians, including the international community, should

Editorial continued from 6

write. Otherwise, they will have to import workers to do everything and you will not be better off for it. Now how do we go about creating these schools, the government will invest some of its own money and get other universities across the country to open partnership with universities overseas. Now we will attract some factories and these investors will have to create and maintain a specific amount of schools as part of their tax break they will get to operate in Haiti for 25 years. The international community likes to

have an open minded attitude that these elections will not be perfect and there is no reason we should expect them to be so; however, whatever the outcome of these elections, Haiti deserves a break from going through one nightmare to another. We should avoid any political stalemate and try to accept the outcome of these elections however difficult it might be; but allowing a political stalemate would simply imply dismissing the sufferings of the Haitians. This is not implying or advocating for electoral fraud. This would not be the remotest possibility of the truth. This is about looking at the bigger picture and thinking out of the box. With so much going on in Haiti, so much to do to better the lives of the Haitians, we have a duty as citizens and friends of Haiti to stand together after these elections. A political stalemate would be a disservice to Haiti and it would undoubtedly shift focus off Haiti.

brag of our resilience. Yes, we are a resilient people, let’s use that resilience to advance our country. Believe me if you want, NO ONE will “hand” us any money. In the streets of the United States inner cities, there is a saying that goes “thing for thing.” We have to adopt that mindset and if our leaders think they can outsmart the rest of the world, then you’re doomed to remain bare foot, wear second hand clothes and eat expired food. Now when you go to the polls on November 28, you can vote for reality or you can choose false promises being delivered by my opponents. The choice is clear vote for me, None of the Above.

Imagine a scenario where the world that is heavily relies on these scheduled gets tired of Haiti’s nonsense political elections. So let’s not continue to further controversies and shifts it focus to other shame ourselves in these times of needs. needy people. With the world community For too long, we have blamed others for out of Haiti, the country will be left alone our misery, though history would not be to die. There is no reason to believe oth- too harsh on this claim, we have to bare erwise, for in these times of turbulence, some responsibilities for our failures to we have seen the eagerness of the world better the lives of the Haitians. At times, people doubt our to help; we have had for this counfinancial pledges For too long, we have love try. It is not a matter from most governments of the world blamed others for our of loving Haiti. I believe that Haitians except our own. We have no reason to misery, though history love Haiti enough but could it be that believe that these would not be too harsh we love it so much individuals back that we don’t know home really underon this claim, we have how to care for it? stand the magnitude One important of Haiti’s probto bare some responsi- thing we can do in lems, nor should we remotely think that bilities for our failures helping to resuscitate Haiti is to in the absence of the world community, to better the lives of the encourage a massive get out the vote, and these guys would Haitians. that way, we would not have resigned avoid a possible run from their official duties and that includes the office of the off and set Haiti off to the era of prosperity. Otherwise, to borrow a phrase presidency. The world rallied and continues to rally from one of my prior articles, a win for behind supporting Haiti; let’s give them candidate X could very well be a loss a reason to stick around or to put up with for Haiti; and the question becomes, can our usual nonsense. Already, we have the Haiti afford another loss in any shape or so-called leaders waiting to sabotage and form? In the event that we see beyond our contest these elections. The Haitian people need to stand united against this irrel- misgivings of each others and avoid a evant clan of the population, for it must political stalemate after the elections, be clear by now that these elections are Haiti will be applauded and the world the beginning of a new Haiti. November would be more enthuse to help and invest 28th is decision day; it is to either choos- in Haiti. We have nothing to gain and ing between going forward or backward everything to lose in elections contesting. and the decision is only ours to make. So let’s show the world that once again Haiti seems to always fail to seize its we are the true sons and daughters of Desmoment. This is Haiti’s time to rethink its salines and united we will prevail. future; a future which I might remind you Edris Erisnor is a political analyst.


The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010

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4 9 5 F l a t b u s h A v e . • B r o o k l y n N Y 11 2 2 5

The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010

A New Rising Star in Brooklyn’s Political Orbit supporter of Ms. Bichotte. I agree another one replied. In the packed room of Crystal Palace lounge on Flatbush Ave, it was Watching the results of recent local electric as Ms. Bichotte walked into the elections in the city of NY, it is safe to room crowded with her hardened supportsay the Haitian-American community is ers, Friends, family members and newly beginning to make important foray into acquired ones. She smiled broadly stopthe political machine of the state. Granted ping every now and then to snap a picture that we already have achieved the prover- with a supporter or two. I arrived early, as bial milestone for having the first Haitian- usual, on time. I sat quietly by the bar sipAmerican elected official, councilman ping my virgin Cosmopolitan. The parade Mathieu Eugene. But the recent election of more senior elected officials from Conof Ms. Rodneyse Bichotte is somewhat gresswoman Yvette Clark to NY State the real thing that will enable a Haitian- Supreme Court Judges one after the other American person to be at the table in the made flowery speeches to congratulate the real decision making /voting sense on newly anointed political matron. They the grassroots level in the state of New will need her troops next time they run. York Political machine, national and city She was branded as the person that will politics as the Female State Committee bring back the bacon the elected officials Woman in the 42nd Assembly District in in the room assertively claim. Anecdotal, Brooklyn. In this business access is every- I suppose, to be the one that will bring thing. She has become one of the King’s political empowerment to our community. men. Kings County has the largest regisBut experience shows that as soon as we tered Democratic voters in the country. In put our people in power that they convert a county where the voting pattern favors to devote themselves to woefully advocate Democratic candidates by a ratio of 7 to for the interests of the mighty and already 3 for Republican votes in most downstate more powerful factions in our community contests, this qualifies it as a Democratic with fatter purses to the detriment of our stronghold. It is safe to say that once a side of the avenue. One cannot help but to candidate wins a primary election in Kings ask this, however cynical, question I must County he or she would have basically admit. What Now? Well I’m hoping that won the contest. this time that our new star and her handlers We worked hard from near and far to will remember the reason why she ran for elect them that we should be entitle to see office to begin with. results for the sacrifices we made said a Very few understand better than I the


By Georges Boursiquot Special to The Haitian Times

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Rodneyse Bichotte, as candidate for Democratic State Committee seen doing some last minute campaigning with campaign manager Blondell Lightly outside a Brooklyn polling place during September's primary election.

humble lessons and the discipline it takes to evolve in the political process. The Haitian-American community is by no means homogeneous. That explains the reason I supported Ms. Natasha Holliday in the race. I committed to her well before I knew Ms. Rodneyse was in the race. I have no regret of having done so. For two well qualified young women did a splendid job and the stronger one claimed the prize. That I believe makes Ms. Bichotte a stronger and more formidable candidate. I’m indeed very happy and excited that a fellow Haitian-American is on her way to be a key player in the process. I found

Ms. Bichote a very graceful and mature politician. As I promised her then and henceforth she will have my full support. However, I must warn my fellow HaitianAmerican to be vigilant not allow her to pass us by, that support comes with keeping her eyes on the prize. I would be remiss not to mention that to my surprise our illustrious first elected Haitian-American sparkled only by his absence. Well I left after I made my monetary pledge to “Friends of Ms. Bichotte” Campaign fund, just a little bit before the end of the event, puzzled as to why on earth he would miss such a celebration.

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10 8

The Haitian Times

Paj Kreyòl Ayisyen

November 17-23, 2010

Dèyè Ijyèn Kont Kolera: Ki sa yo di? Ki jan yo di l? Nan Pawòl ki lang yo di l? (2) [Jounalis, pran men ou!] Gen Pawòl Avèk Wozvèl Jan — Batis Etan m chita devan òdinatè a dimanch 14 novanm 2010 pou m kontinye travay refleksyon len­gwis­tik m te kòmanse sou tèks m te pibliye apati de videyo m te jwenn sou ‘Le Nouvelliste’ la (“Ijyèn Kont Kolera”, 27 Oktòb ak 3 Novanm 2010), m tande sou Radyo Karayib on emisyon ki mande rete koute: “Konbit Kont Kolera”. Se on emisyon espesyal plizyè òganizasyon pote kole pou yo reyalize, òganizasyon tankou ‘Association nationale des médias haïtiens’ (ANMH), ‘As­so­ciation des médias indépendants d'Haïti’ (AMIH), ‘Rasanbleman Medya pou Aksyon Komi­note’ (Ramak), ‘Sosyete Animasyon Kominikasyon Sosyal’ (Saks)… Objektif emisyon sa a, pifò radyo t ap bay nan tout peyi a e menm sou entènèt se te pou yo bay popilasyon an enfòmasyon sou ijyèn ak demach tretman kont ravaj kolera a. Pami jounalis ki te gen nan emisyon, te gen Venel Remarè (Venel Remarais), Radyo Solida­ri­te; Makis Gasya (Marcus Garcia), Radyo Melodi; Izrayèl Jaki Kantav (Israel Jacky Cantave), Ra­dyo Karayib; Wobèsonn Alfons (Roberson Alphonse), Radyo Majik 9 ak jounal Le Nouvel­lis­te. Plizyè sèvis Leta te patisipe nan konbit la: minis ak lòt gwo anplwaye te la. Minis Sante Piblik ak

Popilasyon an, Doktè Alèks Lasèn (Alex Larsen), te la; men tou, te gen Doktè Joslin Pyè-Lwi (Jocelyne Pierre-Louis), reskonsab Sante familyal nan ministè a. Minis Enteryè ak Kolektive Te­ri­toryal la, Pòl Antwàn Byenneme (Paul Antoine Bien-Aimé) te la; men tou, te gen Delege De­pat­mantal Nò a, Zefiren Adwen (Zéphyrin Ardouin). Te gen lòt zotobre ki t ap pale nan non òga­ ni­zasyon non-gouvènmantal tou, tankou Periklès Jan-Batis (Périclès Jean-Baptiste), chèf seksyon kominikasyon nan Lakwa Wouj osnon Madam Elizabèt Ogisten (Elizabeth Augustin) reskonsab ko­minikasyon nan Inisèf (UNICEF). Lè m ap suiv emisyon an, entansyon m se te transkri on bon kou nan koze ki te derimen nan kon­bit la pou nou, pou memwa, pou listwa… paske gen anpil pawòl ki te tonbe, pawòl konsekan, pawòl temwen. Men chita transkri mande tan. Kidonk, m chwazi pito pou m fè kèk ti refleksyon sou sa m tande. Premye bagay ki te frape m, se fason jounalis yo kominike ak piblik k ap koute emisyon an. Si objektif konbit la se pou bay enfòmasyon enpòtan sou epidemi kolera a, lang y ap sèvi pou yo bay enfòmasyon an ta dwe on faktè ki enpòtan. M remake, anpil fwa, pandan konbit la, alòske on doktè osnon on enjenyè ap pale kreyòl, osnon ap fè efò pou yo kominike an kreyòl, on jounalis gen­dwa kanpe moun k ap pale a pou l mande l on presizyon osnon eklèsi on pwen, men se an jounalis la fè sa. Se reyalite fonksyònman on seri jounalis nan peyi a ki pa reflechi ditou sou pwo­blèm

kominikasyon. Kesyon ‘Ak ki moun y ap pale?’ a pa sanble li janm vin nan tèt yo. Gen on maji mikwo radyo a ki genlè fè depi yo ouvè bouch yo se an franse pou yo fè sa, osnon nan on langaj melanje. Pa egzanp, jounalis k ap resevwa / triye kesyon oditè yo nan fen emisyon an di: “Malgre nou pase kesyon yo nan pèy fen, nou wè ke yo retounen…” M pa konnen si m ta mete espresyon, pawoli, “pase on bagay nan pèy fen” nan on diksyonè, ki sa pifò Ayisyen t ap konprann ladan l. On lòt jounalis li menm deklare: “Sou 14 mil 642 moun ki atenn, genyen 14 mil 83 ki geri, ki egzeyate.” Pou ki sa atenn li di? Èske se sa sèlman ki te vin nan tèt li? Abitid sèvi ak langaj melanje a, langaj tout voum se do a, menm aji sou jan yo jounalis sa yo suiv enfòmasyon on moun k ap pale prezante devan yo. An nou pran egzanp Doktè Joslin PyèLwi ki t ap bay enfòmasyon sou sewòm oral. Men sa l di: “…se mezi pou prepare sewòm oral mezon, wi. Sa pa vle di sa k nan ti sache a pi bon, non. Paske, se avèk menm sèl nou sèvi nan manje nou an, ki gen sodyòm, ki gen klòr ladan l lan, en­ben se avèk menm pwodui sa yo, yo fè sachè sewòm oral la. Donk, li on ti jan an poud, epui, li genyen lòt engredyan ladan l, ti suk tou, pa vre, men ou pa janm pran gou suk la vre. Donk lè sa a, ou ouvè l, ou annik mete l nan dlo a. Donk se sa ou rele ‘des éléments’—alò m pa vle itilize tèm teknik lan, pa vre—se elektwolit, pa vre, sodyòm, klòr ‘que’ ou bezwen. E se sa k fè l pa rekò-

mande si ou pa fè tansyon pou ou pa manje san sèl. Pa vre, fò ou toujou mete on ti sèl nan manje a, paske kò ou bezwen l.” Men kesyon / presizyon on jounalis Radyo Karayib: “Gen on mo ou sot di la a, ou anplwaye l de fwa nan de bagay diferan: ou pale de sèl, lè moun al nan twalèt, ou pale de sèl pou kolera, e ou pale de sèl pou sewòm oral.” Doktè Pyè-Lwi reyaji menm moman an pou l di: “Non! Lè m ap pale de twalèt, m di poupou!” Jounalis la kontinye: “An, oke! Alò pou moun yo pa konfonn yo…” Doktè Pyè-Lwi kontinye: “Sèl ke nou manje a, ke n rele gwo sèl la, ke genyen sèl fen, se sèl ki genyen sodyòm, klòr, sa m t ap di yo la a, se yo menm lan kò ou bezwen, e ke ou pèdi lè ou gen dyare… Tandiske watè, yo rele l tou nan mo franse ‘sèl’, “s-el-l-e-s”, men lè n ap pale la a, sa nou di, nou menm, se poupou.” Si nou suiv byen tèks pawòl Doktè PyèLwi a, n ap remake li pa t janm sèvi ak mo ‘sèl’ la nan sans jounalis la di a. Se nan sans ‘engredyan yo met nan manje’ li te sèvi avèk li. Pou ki rezon jounalis la chwazi pou l kouri ak pawòl la nan sans pètèt on doktè ta ka mande on pasyan pou l al fè yon egzamen sèl? Èske se paske lè l ap pale se plis pou on ti ponyen moun li konnen ki abitye di: “Fò que mwen al wè docteur mwen parce que m gen deux jou m pa fè sèl.”?! Kontakte Wozvèl Jan-Batis nan rorojb@

The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010

Rangel Guilty: House Ethics Panel Rules Misconduct WASHINGTON – New York Rep. Charles Rangel, a longtime power in the U.S. House, violated its rules with financial misconduct, brought it discredit and will be punished, fellow lawmakers sitting as jurors ruled on Tuesday. Protesting the enduring stain on his fourdecade congressional career, the 80-yearold Democrat said he was treated unfairly for ”good faith mistakes.” His statement reflected the bitterness of an eight-month career slide, starting with an unrelated ethics ruling that forced him from his coveted chairmanship of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee. The conduct often cited by critics was his failure to report income to the IRS from a unit he owned in a Dominican Republic resort — showing the chairman in charge of tax legislation shortchanged the IRS. Rangel, a founder of the Congressional Black Caucus, remains a political kingpin in New York's famed Harlem neighborhood and is unlikely to resign. He won re-election earlier this month. Convicted on 11 of 13 charges of rules violations, his ordeal isn't finished. The eight-member ethics panel that convicted him — four Democrats and four Republicans — now will write what is likely to be a stinging report to amplify its findings. Then, the full House ethics committee will conduct a hearing Thursday on the appropriate punishment for Rangel, the silver-haired, gravelly voiced and sartorially flashy veteran of 20 terms in Congress. Rangel can waive his right to the hearing and ask the committee to go straight to deliberations on possible sanctions. Possible sanctions include a House vote deploring his conduct, a fine and denial of certain privileges. Rangel's downfall, in part, came in the way he solicited money for a New York college center designed as a monument to himself. There also was his decade of

misleading annual disclosures of his income and assets and his use of a subsidized New York apartment — designated for residential use — as a campaign office. The panel deliberated over two days before its chairman, Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren, made a bare-bones statement announcing the findings — leaving a full explanation for the upcoming written report. The conviction was a fresh setback for Democrats who lost control of the House to the GOP in the midterm elections, support for Republican candidates' assertions of bad conduct. At his one-day trial on Monday, Rangel was reduced to pleading for a postponement — arguing that his lawyers abandoned him after he paid them some $2 million but could afford no more. The panel rejected his request, and Rangel walked out New York Rep. Charles Rangel of the proceeding. caused by ”sloppy and careless record keep”How can anyone have confidence in the decision of the ethics subcom- ing but were not criminal or corrupt.” New York Gov.-elect Andrew Cuomo, a mittee when I was deprived of due process rights, right to counsel and was not even in Democrat who attended Rangel's fundraisthe room?” Rangel complained on Tues- er in August while campaigning to clean day. ”I can only hope that the full commit- up New York politics, said, ”It's obviously tee will treat me more fairly and take into a sad situation to experience.” ”It's important that people have full faith account my entire 40 years of service to the Congress before making any decisions in the integrity in public service, so it's painful to watch,” Cuomo said Tuesday at on sanctions.” He called the panel's findings ”unprec- a press event near Rochester. ”But we'll see edented” because there was no rebuttal what happens at the end of the process.” The eight-member jury panel was unanievidence. He complained that the rejection of his appeal for more time violated ”the mous on most charges against Rangel. Members split 4-4 on a charge that he viobasic constitutional right to counsel.” Rangel, echoing a statement he made in lated a ban on gifts because he was to have August in a speech to the House, added, an office — and storage of his papers — at ”Any failings in my conduct were the result the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public of good faith mistakes.” He said they were Service at City College of New York.

Black Caucus Gives Clyburn Nod in Dem Race WASHINGTON – The chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus said Monday that Rep. James Clyburn, the highest ranking African-American in the House Democratic leadership, should be the vanquished party's second in command in the next Congress. ”Jim has spent a lifetime working to bridge what divides us,” Rep. Barbara

Rep. James Clyburn

Lee, D-Calif., wrote in a letter urging the Democratic Caucus to vote for the South Carolina Democrat. ”In the 112th Congress, we will need Jim's dedication to thwart Republican efforts to repeal all of the progress we have made.” Lee's letter comes after Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland released the names of 30 rank-and-file Democrats who endorsed him for the same post. Hoyer's letter, authored by Rep. Linda Sanchez of California, praised him as a listener with the ability to stand up to Republicans. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday she would seek the top Democratic job of minority leader, which set up a race between Clyburn, currently the No. 3 as Democratic Whip, and Hoyer, the No. 2 as House Majority leader. Whatever the outcome of that race, House Democrats could see the same leadership roster that was ousted from power in last week's midterm elections. Not all members of the CBC were falling in line behind Clyburn. Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr., D-Ill., released a statement on the Hoyer-Clyburn race endorsing neither one.


Two counts charging him with misuse of Congress' free mail privilege were merged into one. And the panel voted 7-1 on a final charge that he had brought discredit on the House. No breakdown was given on who voted no. The charges said the solicitation for the Rangel Center targeted foundations and businesses that were seeking official action from the House or had interests that might be substantially affected by Rangel's congressional conduct. However, Rangel was not accused of using his influence to pass or defeat legislation. During Monday's trial proceeding, the chief counsel for the House ethics committee, Blake Chisam, told the jury that Rangel could have received permission to solicit nonprofit foundations. However, he could not have used congressional stationery and staff as he was found to

have done. Rangel had previously acknowledged some of the charges, including submission of 10 years' worth of incomplete and inaccurate annual statements disclosing his assets and income. He also admitted he initially did not report his rental income from a unit he owned at the Punta Cana resort in the Dominican Republic. An apartment in Harlem's Lennox Terrace complex housed the Rangel for Congress and National Leadership PAC political committees, although the lease terms said the unit was for living purposes only. Chisam had told the jury that other tenants were evicted at an increasing rate for violating the same lease terms.

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The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010

The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010


Is Cash-For-Work Working?

USAID Administrator, Rajiv Shah poses with a CHF cash for work team.


continued from cover

sporting NGO logos, might be undermining “government legitimacy.” In interviews in the capitol and the countryside, Haiti Grassroots Watch found a growing disregard for the government (although, to be fair, this disregard predates January 12) along with a growing expectation that people’s basic needs and services can and should be met by foreign NGOs rather than the government. “Our future lies with NGOs! We can’t count on the government. If it were for the government, we would be dead already. Nobody from the state has ever come here,” said Romel François, a CFW manager at the Terrain Acra camp in the capitol, home to 5,000 families. “We basically don’t have a government in this country. “Whatever program that comes our way, we’ll do it,” Wilson Pierre, head of the Perèy Peasant Association said. Pierre is currently running a 600-job program for Mercy Corps. “If its work, and we get paid, we’ll do it… I think these jobs should be permanent.” These attitudes are “very concerning,” Chalmers noted. Chalmers was referring to the report

‘Haiti: From Natural Catastrophe to Economic Security, written for the UN by British economist Paul Collier in 2009, and which lays out an economic plan the Haitian government and UN agencies appear to have used as the blueprint for post-January 12 Haiti. Collier’s book recommends that NGOs and the private sector provide basic health and education services since “scaling up public provision is not a viable solution: the problems of the public sector are deep-seated and it is not realistic to expect that they can be addressed quickly.” “This system of ‘humanitarian economy’ or ‘emergency economy’… is locking the country into a ‘humanitarian approach’ and a dependency on aid. There is a growing disconnect between what people think they can do as citizens because more and more roles are being played by NGOs and international actors in all domains... It also legitimizes the presence of international actors in all the domains,” Chalmers said. “And that might be a sought-after result, look at the Collier report.” A more recent paper by the RAND Corporation, a frequent U.S. State Department contractor, makes the same recommendation. Turning to the sought-after objectives, what did Haiti Grassroots Watch find? 1st Objective- Relaunch Economy

One stated objective of CFW programs is to get people working for cash, which is then spent on necessities, and thus contributes to a “relaunching” of the economy. While Haiti Grassroots Watch cannot determine what role CFW programs have played in getting the economy moving, one thing is certain: sidewalks and streets in the capital are crammed with vendors hawking mostly imported goods. While USAID appears to define this kind of economic activity – selling cast-off shoes and imported underwear – as “success” [see this report – PDF - not everyone sees it the same way. “The main impact of CFW is on the circulation of money,” Haitian economist Gerald Chéry said. “Whenever there is a big crisis in an economy… they always look for temporary measures to create work so people can have revenues.” However, Chéry noted, whereas giving people revenues creates demand, the question needs to be posed – demand for what? “We need the money to circulate in Haiti, not leave Haiti to go to another country. The money needs to stay in Haiti so that it will create work. You don’t want to pay someone and the person then buys, but another country, not Haiti, benefits,” Chéry said. And yet in Haiti today, that is exactly what is happening.

Studies by Oxfam and others indicate that CFW beneficiaries spend about onehalf the CFW salaries on food and/or on goods to resell in the street, with the rest spent mostly on rent, school fees, paying off debts and other expenses. If one-half of CFW money is spent on food and goods, the ones getting the boost in this recession-battered world economy are outside of Haitian borders. Haiti buys more than half of its food overseas, so a great deal of CFW cash is going to Haiti’s trading partners, the largest of whom is the US. In 2008 Haiti bought almost US$1 billion in goods from its northern neighbor – US$325 million went for food. Is the salary sufficient? Nobody interviewed – by Haiti Grassroots Watch or by the NGOs who have conducted studies – thinks that the 200 gourdes a day is sufficient. “It helps out, but not that much. It’s just a minimum,” 19-year-old Lorde Jordany, a worker near Maniche in the southern part of the country said. In the Catholic Relief Services-run program, after one month workers get a sack of wheat, a sack of beans and vegetable oil. Jordany said he’ll sell it all and should get about 3,200 gourdes, or about US$81, in return, meaning that he will have earned about 160 gourdes, less than the official

minimum salary of 200 gourdes a day. Economists, human rights advocates and even implementing NGOs agree that 200 gourdes is not sufficient. “We’re finding that people are not really making enough to really meet all of their needs,” noted Ingersoll. A 2008 study conducted by the Washington-based Worker Rights Consortium which took into account caloric needs, rent, schooling, energy, food and other costs of living, determined a living wage for one adult with two minor dependents to be 15,244.48 gourdes per month, or about 548.30 gourdes (about US$13.88) a day. What happens in the countryside? One of the problems with earlier FFW programs in Haiti was that agricultural production suffered because peasants left their plots in order to work on a crew. In 2010, Haiti Grassroots Watch discovered the same phenomena, although admittedly in some regions October is a slow period. Nevertheless, few peasants would admit that their presence on the work crew would hurt their agricultural production. Many claimed that they would work their fields after an eight-hour work day in the Caribbean sun, or “really intensely” on Saturdays instead. But one agronomist, Philippe Céloi, who was supervising the six-month Catholic Relief Services FFW program near Maniche, admitted that most of his 468 workers were peasants. The workers – who spend a month on a crew – are building contours on hillsides and doing other watershed management-related tasks. “After six months there will be benefits – not only the workers have gotten a salary but also the community benefits,” Céloi said. Asked about farmers’ fields however, Céloi admitted there was a down side to the program. “Yes there are disadvantages also. For example, these people are not doing the

planting they ought to be doing. Right now it’s bean season… And they aren’t planting potatoes or manioc or sorghum, so when this program ends, there is going to be a problem because people won’t be able to find real food to eat… Then, these people will be in a difficult situation.” 2nd Objective – Employ camp residents and displaced people in the countryside In the capitol, the program camp residents appear to the main beneficiaries of CFW programs. In the countryside however, Haiti Grassroots Watch was unable to find one single displaced person or host family member working a CFW or FFW job. According to community radio journalists in Maniche, Fondwa and Papaye, very few displaced people remain in their rural communities. Therefore, many of those working outside of the capitol are peasants, youth and older people who got the jobs via their church, a local grassroots group, or through their connections to a candidate or another local “leader,” who personally handed out work cards. In some places, local officials complained that the program gave them problems since it caused “jealousy” in the communities. 3rd Objective – Political Stability Only one CFW document that Haiti Grassroots Watch obtained spells out this political objective – “stability” – in blackand-white, and claims success. The USAID Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI), which through June 30th, had spent over $20 million on CFW programs, via two subcontractors – Chemonics and Development Alternatives Incorporated – had as its primary goals to “support the Government of Haiti, promote stability, and decrease chances of unrest.” In the same document, responding to criticism from the auditor that USAID-funded CFW programs were not removing as much

USAID Cash-for-work program workers cleaning up rubble in the streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, stop to pose for a photo.

rubble as they could, Robert Jenkins, Acting Director of USAID-Haiti as well as the AID/OTI, said OTI’s strategic objective in Haiti was and is to support stabilization in a changing and volatile environment. “The initial means (tactics) to this end were numbers of workers and rubble removal. The underlying assumptions in this regard were that workers (particularly young males) were less likely to resort to violence if employed; infusions of ready cash in the poorest neighborhoods would likely have a salutary effect; Rubble removal, again in the poorest neighborhoods, was highly symbolic because if offered hope of return to some form of normalcy,” he said. Jenkins also noted that the programs were “clearly branded as a Government of Haiti initiative.” This means that, objectively, in an election year, they supporting the incumbent party and its candidate, Jude Célestin. Not surprisingly, there have been clashes over CFW in some neighborhoods, including clashes between apparently pro-Celestin CFW workers and supporters of other candidates who said they have been barred from jobs. “Cash for work is cash for vote!” one group of demonstrators shouted in late October.

Cash for Work is working… So in the long run… do the CFW programs in Haiti “prevent revolution” and “save capitalism”? Certainly there have not been the kinds of major demonstrations like the ones post-earthquake Mexico witnessed in 1985. Within two weeks of that devastating catastrophe, thousands were marching in the streets to make their demands for decent housing heard. Perhaps the “stabilization” effect is one reason the Haitian government is asking agencies and NGOs to continue and even augment their programs. A draft “Operating Manual” from the Haitian government’s “Job Creation Program to Improve Food Security” (PCEASA), released in March 2010, doesn’t mention that outcome. Instead, it claims the CFW jobs will “relaunch the economy,” “improve food security,” “clean up the environment” and “relaunch food production.” However, as Haiti Grassroots Watch’s investigation, the 1997 study and other work has showed, in the long run CFW programs don’t contribute to any of those objectives... but history shows they’re not a total waste of money either.


The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010


Prescription By Dr. Gerald W. Deas

Native Americans Became Immigrants in their Own Land When we consider how the pilgrims were welcomed by Native Americans and given sustenance for their survival, we should question why immigrants entering our country today are being singled out and refused a welcoming hand by those who were once immigrants themselves. In December 1854, Chief Sealth (Seattle) sent the following message to President Franklin Pierce: How Can You Buy or Sell the Earth? The Great Chief in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. The Great Chief also sends us words of friendship and good will. This is kind of him, since we know he has little need of our friendship in return but, we will consider your offer. How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. Every pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every clearing, and every humming insect is holy in the memory and experience of my people. The sap which courses through the trees carries the memories of the red man, So, when the Great Chief in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land, he asks much of us…. This we know; All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. But we will consider your offer to go to the reservation you you have for my people. We will live apart and in peace. One thing we know, which the white man one day will discover- our God is the same God. You may think now that you own Him as you wish to own our land; but you cannot. He is the God of man and his compassion is equal for the red man and the white. This earth is precious to Him and to harm the earth is the heap contempt on its Creator. The whites too shall pass; perhaps sooner than the other tribes. Continue to contaminate your bed, and you will one night suffocate in your own waste. But in your perishing you will shine brightly, fired by the strength of the God who brought you to this land and for some special purpose gave you dominion over this land and over the red man. That destiny is a mystery to us, for we do not understand when the buffalo are all slaughtered, the wild horses are tamed, and the view of the ripe hill blotted by talking wires. Where is the thicket? Gone. Where is the eagle? Gone. What is it to say goodbye to the swift pony and the hunt? The end of living and the beginning of survival. So we will consider your offer to buy the land. If we agree, it will be to secure the reservation you have promised. There perhaps,

we may live out our brief days as we wish. When the last man has vanished from the earth, and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, these shores and forests will still hold the spirit of my people. For they love this earth as a newborn loves the mother’s heartbeat. So, if we sell our land, love it as we’ve loved it. Care for it as we’ve cared for it. Hold in your mind the memory of the land as it is when you take it. And preserve it for your children, and love it…as God loves us all. One thing we know. God is the same God. This earth is precious to Him. Even the white man cannot be exempt from the common destiny. We may be brothers after all. We shall see… In closing, I would like to share with you some Indian tribal proverbs from the book, The Soul Would Have No Rainbow If the Eyes Had No Tears, by Guy A Zona.: Good and evil cannot dwell together in the same heart. So a good man ought not to go into evil company—Delaware Know that we are eager to share our gifts in the name of love—Seneca He who is present at a wrongdoing and does not lift a hand to prevent it is as guilty as the wrongdoers—Omaha Speak the truth in humility to all people. Only then can you be a true man—Sioux The Great Spirit is always angry with men who shed innocent blood—Iowa It is senseless to fight when you cannot hope to win—Apache There is no warning for upcoming danger—Cheyenne The words of God are not like the oak leaf, which dies and falls to the earth, but like the pine tree that stays green forever— Mohawk Those who not fear God are not strong— Seneca Trouble no man about his religionrespect him in his views and demand that he respect yours—Shawnee Sharing and giving are the ways of God—Sauk I am living in poverty, but in peace— Hopi We are friends; we must assist each other to bear our burdens—Osage Walk lightly in the spring; mother earth is pregnant—Kiowa Sharing and giving are the ways of God—Sauk To our Native American brothers and sisters, new immigrants, and all others: I wish you, and your generations to come, a peaceful and hopeful Thanksgiving. For more health tips and access to an online community of physicians and other healthcare professionals visit:

Study: Women With High Job Stress Face Heart Risks CHICAGO – Working women are equal to men in a way they'll wish they weren't. Female workers with stressful jobs were more likely than women with less job strain to suffer a heart attack or a stroke or to have clogged arteries, a big federally funded study found. Worrying about losing a job can raise heart risks, too, researchers found. The results seem sure to resonate in a weak economy with plenty of stress about jobs — or lack of them. The mere fact this study was done is a sign of the times: Past studies focused on men, the traditional breadwinners, and found that higher job stress raised heart risks. This is the longest major one to look at stress in women, who now make up nearly half of the workforce. ”The reality is these women don't have the same kind of jobs as men” and often lack authority or control over their work, said Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, director of the Women and Heart Disease program at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. ”It's not just going to work, it's what happens when you get there.” Steinbaum had no role in the study, which was led by Dr. Michelle Albert, a cardiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Results were reported Sunday at an American Heart Association conference in Chicago. The research involved 17,415 participants in the Women's Health Study, a long-running trial looking at heart disease

and cancer prevention. The women were healthy, 57 years old on average, and had worked full or part-time when the study began in 1999. Most were health professionals, ”anything from being a nurse's aide all the way to a Ph.D.,” Albert said. They filled out surveys about their jobs, rating statements like ”My job requires working very fast,” and ”I am free from competing demands that others make.” Researchers put them in four groups based on stress they reported and looked 10 years later to see how they fared. Women with demanding jobs and little control over how to do them were nearly twice as likely to have suffered a heart attack as women with less demanding jobs and more control. The high-stress group had a 40 percent greater overall risk of heart problems, including heart attacks, strokes or clogged arteries needing bypass surgery or an artery-opening angioplasty procedure. Women worried about losing their jobs had higher blood pressure, cholesterol and body weight. Stress can harm by releasing ”fight or flight” hormones, spurring inflammation and raising blood pressure, Steinbaum said. It did a number on Jackie Morgan, 46, a suburban Boston woman who is on her see VITAMIN D on page 23

November 17-23, 2010


The Haitian Times


Haiti’s Cholera Cases likely to Increase Significantly, UN Relief Official Says As data collection improves in com- with cases reaching every department, munities affected by the cholera outbreak or administrative division, as well as the in Haiti, the number of reported cases capital. is expected to rise significantly, the top “This has gone far beyond a health or United Nations relief official there said sanitation matter. It’s an issue of environNov 15. mental concern, it’s an issue obviously Over 12,000 Haitians have so far been of national security where we have demhospitalized and over 800 people have onstrations starting already, against for died from the disease, which is spread by example cholera treatment centres,” Mr. contaminated food and water. Fisher said. “We are now trying to ramp up the colWith treatment centres facing demonlection of data from communities, so that strations and a large, violent protest targetwe can get a more realing MINUSTAH headistic figure,” said Nigel quarters at Cap Haïtien Fisher, who is acting UN today, communications “We expect a Humanitarian Coordinabetween the UN and significant increase the population have tor and deputy head of the UN mission in Haiti, been expanded to meet in recorded cases. a growing need. known as MINUSTAH. “We expect a signifi“The communicaPeople should not be tions cant increase in recorded strategy is broadcases. People should not ening, not just with surprised by that.” be surprised by that.” information about how Speaking to reporters people can protect in New York via video themselves through betlink from the Haitian capital, Port-au- ter hygiene but also examples as to how a Prince, Mr. Fisher said current data was cholera treatment centre in your locality is based on the Ministry of Health statistics actually an advantage and is not a threat to derived from the number of patients hospi- your health,” he said. talized with cholera. Some Haitians have grown suspicious Up to 200,000 cases of cholera are of UN facilities in the area after a rumour expected to be reported over the next 6 began that a peacekeepers’ camp was the to 12 months, as Haiti also deals with the source of the original outbreak. Mr. Fisher aftermath of January’s devastating earth- responded to questions on the subject sayquake and flooding in the wake of a recent ing that no link had been found between hurricane. the camp and the outbreak. He said the Mr. Fisher confirmed that cases of United States Centers for Disease Control the disease continued to expand rapidly, (CDC) had analyzed the strain of cholera

Up to 200,000 cases of cholera are expected to be reported over the next 6 to 12 months

but had been unable to place a definite source on the outbreak. “The conclusion was that it would be impossible to ascertain where and how it came in,” he said. “The reports of CDC and other tests have been negative so far. CDC has said it would be almost impossible to find a precise source.” He added that the UN’s priority is on preventing the further spread of the disease. “Our emphasis today is on trying to contain the number of deaths from what

is going to be a very severe outbreak,” he told reporters. To help contain the outbreak, nearly half a million water tablets, soap and oral rehydration salts are being distributed, targeting areas where cholera has already been detected. A $164 million appeal was launched on Friday to get additional doctors, medicines and water purification equipment to respond to the epidemic, which has spread quickly since it was first confirmed on 22 October.

Better Sanitation Could Save 2 million Lives A Year LONDON (Reuters) – Nearly 20 percent of the world's population still defecates in the open, and action to improve hygiene, sanitation and water supply could prevent more than 2 million child deaths a year, health experts said Monday. In a series of studies on sanitation published as a cholera epidemic claims hundreds of live in Haiti, public health researchers from the United States and Europe found that this year 2.6 billion people across the world do not have access to even a basic toilet. Unsafe sanitation and drinking water, together with poor hygiene, account for at least 7 percent of disease across the world, they said, as well as nearly 20 percent of all child deaths in the world. Despite this, progress in improving safe water supplies and sanitation has been ”painfully slow” in many developing countries, they said. They urged international donors, United Nations agencies, developing country governments and health workers to act now to reduce this ”devastating disease burden.” Poor sewerage and sanitation

other diseases attributable to can spread dangerous malnutrition.” infections like viral hepaA World Health Organititis and cholera, an acute disease transmitted in zation (WHO) report pubcontaminated water that lished in May found the world was on track to causes watery diarrhea achieve a globally agreed and severe dehydration Millennium Development and can kill within hours if not treated. Goal (MDG) on access to More than 900 people safe drinking water, but more needed to be done to have died of cholera in improve levels of sanitaHaiti -- which is still tion. recovering from a devThe MDG targets call for astating earthquake in January -- in an outbreak the proportion of people which experts believe without sustainable access to was worsened by floodsafe drinking water and basic sanitation to be halved by ing caused by Hurricane 2015 from levels in 2000. Tomas this month. Paul Hunter of Britain's The United Nations forecasts up to 200,000 U.N. investigators seeking the cause of the cholera epidemic gathered University of East Anglia, Haitians could contract human waste from a peace-keeping base in Mirebalais, Haiti. who led one of the PLoS the infection as the outstudies said more research It also found huge regional deaths could be prevented annu- was needed to see which interbreak extends across the country and says $163.9 million in aid disparities in sanitation cover- ally if everyone practiced appro- vention measures could improve is needed over the next year to age. While 99 percent of peo- priate hygiene and had good, sanitation and health. ple in industrialized countries reliable sanitation and drinking ”But ... action must not wait for fight it. In the studies, published in the have access to good sanitation, water,” said Sandy Cairncross of the outcomes of such research,” Public Library of Science (PLoS) in developing countries only 53 the London School of Hygiene & he wrote. ”We know enough Medicine journal, researchers percent have it. Within develop- Tropical Medicine, who led one now about the importance of said that of the 2.6 billion people ing countries, urban sanitation of the studies. ”These deaths are improved water supply, sanitawho have no access to decent coverage is 71 percent while in mostly of children in developing tion, and hygiene ... to consider countries from diarrhoea and sub- universal access to these services sanitation, two-thirds live in Asia rural areas it is 39 percent. and sub-Sahara Africa. ”Globally, around 2.4 million sequent malnutrition, and from to be an urgent imperative.”


The Haitian Times


November 17-23, 2010


The City Council's Committees on Immigration and Fire & Criminal Justice will hold a joint hearing on the NYC Department of Corrections' (DOC) cooperation with United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) On Wednesday Nov. 10 at 250 Broadway, 14th Floor, New York.. This collaboration involves using tens of millions of City dollars to facilitate the enforcement of federal immigration law and the deportation of New Yorkers, who often are not even convicted of serious crimes. Approximately 3,000-4,000 City residents are deported annually through this system, even though New York is wrongly considered to be among the most immigrant-friendly cities in the U.S. Advocates, legal experts, and affected immigrants will testify and call on the City Council to pass new legislation requiring the NYC DOC to affirmatively assist in executing ICE's civil immigration detainers only on those individuals who pose a serious risk to our communities, and to opt-out of the mis-named federal ”Secure Communities” program. - The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) has announced that this year the government has changed its guidelines on who should get a flu shot to include just about everyone. Also according to the CDC, if you got one or both of the available flu shots last flu season, or you had the flu, you still need to get this seasons shot for protection against this seasons flu. If you are currently sick with a moderate or severe illness like a nasty cold or worse, government health experts advise holding off on getting a flu shot until you are better. The elderly, health workers, and people who have chronic immune disorders such as HIV infection are especially encouraged to get a flu shot. The guidelines on who should not get vaccinated have not really changed. Children under 6 months of age still should not get a flu shot nor should those who have had a previous allergic reaction to eggs or other vaccine components. Just call your care provider, local board of health, or your job's human resource department. Or check out to find flu shot clinic locations and more. But do it soon to avoid catching a nasty case of this season's flu.

New York Manhattan

-Helen B. Atkinson Health Center will be having mammogram check every First Monday of each month from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In front of CHN's Helen B. Atkinson Health Center, 81 W. 115th Street, New York. These Mammograms will only be for women ages 40 and older, with or without insurance who are New York City residents. Mobile mammogram unit provided by American Italian Cancer Foundation. To Make An Appointment: Call (212) 426-0088 -The Men's Health Clinic at Helen B. Atkinson Health Center will offer Primary health care services for men in

a male-centered environment every first and fourth Saturday of every month from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m at the CHN's Helen B. Atkinson Health Center, 81 W. 115th Street, New York. To Make An Appointment: Call (212) 426-0088 -The Sidney Hillman Foundation is now accepting nominations and submissions for the 2011 Hillman Prizes, which that honor investigative journalism that fosters social and economic justice. The 2011 prizes will be given for work

produced, published, broadcast, or exhibited in 2010. Our six categories will include books (non-fiction), reporting in newspaper, magazine, and online (including blogs), film and broadcast journalism (includes television and radio), and photojournalism. Authors, editors, reporters, producers and photo editors are urged to submit nominations now. The contest is open to journalists and subjects globally, although work must be published in the United States. The postmark deadline for ALL nominations and submissions is January 31, 2011. There is no submission fee. A cover letter and four copies of the nominated material are all that are required. For photojournalism entries, we would most like to see tear sheets (photos as they were published), but scanned work on discs is also acceptable and/or can be supplemental. Please fill out the nomination form on our website. Online and blog entries can be submitted entirely on this form. Winners will be announced in May 2011. Each winner is awarded travel to New York City to receive a $5,000 prize and a certificate designed by New Yorker cartoonist, Edward Sorel, at our cocktail reception and awards ceremony to be held May 19, 2011. Submissions are judged by a distinguished panel of judges: Hendrik Hertzberg, senior editor, The New Yorker, Susan Meiselas, Magnum photographer, Harold Meyerson, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times columnist and editorat-large, The American Prospect, Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher, The Nation, Rose Marie Arce, senior producer, CNN, and Charles Kaiser, ”Full Court Press,” found on the website of the Sidney Hillman Foundation. Please forward all nominations/submissions to: Alexandra Lescaze Executive Director, The Sidney Hillman Foundation 49 West 27th Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10001. For more information call 917696-2494.

to The Haitian Times For more information visit

Florida Miami

The NID-HCA is providing housing related counseling to all persons/entities with housing needs, FREE OF CHARGE. The agency is staffed by a network of fully training counselors/real estate professionals with extensive multi-choice knowledge of the real estate industry, in general and within their areas, specifically.The agency is a default/foreclosure-counseling program to date has a 95% success rate in avoiding client lose of property due to foreclosure (without the client filing a bankruptcy). NID-HCA works with your lender to negotiate the best terms available for all parties involved. NID-HCA will discuss extensively with the client issues such as, how to avoid foreclosure, options to foreclosure, communicating with your lender/service, renegotiating your loan terms, managing your debt and re-establishing your credit.


November 17-23, 2010

The Haitian Times


Haiti Workshop Helps Canadian Companies to Participate in Reconstruction Efforts TORONTO, ONTARIO – On November 17th an all day workshop will be held in Toronto focused on engaging Canadian businesses in Haiti recovery efforts. TISA (Trade & Investment Services Alliance) will host a workshop to inform Canadian companies about business and investment opportunities in Haiti reconstruction efforts and provide key information and contacts so they can directly participate. Due to the earthquake, the needs of the country are immense, as is the demand for products and services. In addition to construction needs, there are significant opportunities for Canada's private sector to participate in the country's recovery in a wide variety of sectors such as health, education and infrastructure. Workshop speakers will address international reconstruction efforts, Haiti private sector development and the importance of industrial park construction to support the influx of business. Participants will

receive information on the projects of various main players in Haiti Reconstruction, including the United Nations, the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank. The event is one in a series of events organized in Canada to encourage business partnerships between the countries and promote investment. A delegation of representatives from Haitian companies is also expected to attend the Toronto workshop and participate in the afternoon's one-on-one networking sessions. Attendees will represent engineering firms, construction companies and suppliers, international development consultants and companies working with Multilateral Development banks. Any Canadian businesses with interest in recovery efforts related to health, education, agriculture and infrastructure are encouraged to attend. The story was first published on

Due to the earthquake, the needs of Haiti are immense, as is the demand for products and services.

Taxes, Inflation Data to Dominate Week NEW YORK (Reuters) – Without a boost from Washington policymakers or data showing budding strength in the economy, Wall Street's rally may be running out of fuel as the S&P 500 eases off its 2010 high. A data-heavy week could give investors hard evidence to justify a rally that lifted the S&P 500 16.8 percent from its August 31 close to the 2010 closing high hit November 5. But the index has been unable to move above 1,228, a key resistance level, and its chart is brewing a double-top formation, a very bearish signal. ”We're susceptible to a pullback if we don't get any clarity on fiscal policy and if any of this economic data disappoints next week,” said John Lynch, chief equity strategist at Wells Fargo Funds Management in Charlotte, North Carolina. ”I would think you're going to see some, not all, smart money pull their investment (out of stocks) the closer we get to 1,228. These guys recognize we still have above 9 percent unemployment, sovereign credit risks, a consumer deleveraging and no clarity as to what businesses should do with their cash.” Last week, the Dow Jones industrial average (.DJI) and the Standard & Poor's 500 index (.SPX) each fell 2.2 percent. The Nasdaq Composite index (.IXIC) lost 2.4 percent. The S&P 500 brushed the 61.8 percent retracement of its slide from the historic highs in 2007 to the low in March 2009.

This was the second time the index backed away from the 1,228 area and its chart could be drawing a bearish ”double top” formation. The last retreat from that level, in April, was the start of a correction that took the S&P to its 2010 low in July. The S&P 500 dipped on Friday below its 20-day moving average for the first time since September 1, but managed to close above it in a sign that that level, currently just above 1,194, could provide strong technical support. LET'S TALK ABOUT TAXES Investors will closely watch a meeting on Thursday between U.S. President Barack Obama and congressional leaders to discuss policy, including tax cuts. Republicans will take control of the House of Representatives starting in January following their strong gains in the November 2 elections. They have vowed to force a full extension of all tax cuts enacted during the administration of former President George W. Bush. Otherwise, the tax cuts expire at the end of 2010. Most of Obama's Democrats favor extending tax cuts only for the first $200,000 of income of individuals and $250,000 for families. ”Bush tax cuts are very important for the market,” said Michael Yoshikami, president and chief investment strategist at YCMNET Advisors in Walnut Creek, California. ”If they're not renewed, that could cost 0.75 percentage point per year in GDP (growth). I

don't think any other proposal would have that kind of significant impact. If dividend taxes were raised, that would be a still important but more minor issue,” he said. Many Democrats argue that renewing all the tax cuts would swell the record U.S. budget deficit and have little, if any, impact on cutting the high unemployment rate. DATA BACK ON THE TABLE Following a week in which the few macroeconomic indicators barely influenced stocks, a slew of data ranging from manufacturing to leading indicators to retail sales, and, perhaps most importantly, inflation, will return investors' attention to market fundamentals. Producer prices are expected to have risen 0.8 percent monthover-month in October. The U.S. government measure, out on Tuesday, could add to concerns following September's rise, which was twice what analysts expected. With little leverage to pass on costs to cash-strapped consumers, businesses may have to swallow any price increases, weakening margins and profits. The year-on-year consumer prices index, due on Wednesday, is expected to show a dip to 0.7 percent from 0.8 percent in September when food and energy prices are excluded. Consumer staple companies highlighted ”concerns about rising commodity costs and to what extent are businesses able to pass costs through the chain,” said

House Republicans have vowed to force a full extension of all tax cuts enacted during the administration of former President George W. Bush.

Wells Fargo's Lynch. He pointed to businesses willing to absorb much of those price rises, ”which would be consistent with my perception that earnings and margins estimates for next year are too high.” On Monday, data could show retail sales gained in October,

while a separate report on September inventories could detail unwanted supply piling up at businesses. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke could provide a signal on the strength of the Fed's bondbuying commitment in remarks in Frankfurt on Friday.

18 8

The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010

Compiled by Ralph Delly

Beethova Obas to Release a New Album Next Month

CARIMI Performed for President Compaoré

After their sold out concert in Zenith, Paris where one member of the Burkinabe government was in the attendance, CARIMI traveled to Africa to play a short set for Burkina Faso’s President Blaise Compaoré. This is a big thing for the group that performed at a presidential dinner held by the Burkinabe. Around 100 people attended the dinner, including a number of high-rank officials, diplomats, and culture representatives of culture.

Why Did Zenglen Fired Dabenz? According to different sources Zenglen defended itself business wise about firing one of their singers, Dabenz, based on the fact that Dabenz allegedly had planned a “coup d’état” by joining the New York band Oxygen, and by telling the keyboard player Jude to join him. The band has discussed the issues raised by Jude. The sources continue to say that Darbenz attitude was the key to maintain a good relationship with him, but he failed by acting up, and showing off all the time. The long-running dispute between Dabenz and the rest of the band appears came to an end last week with Zenglen apparently reluctant to let the singer stay in the band any longer. For his part, Zenglen’s band leader Brutus who knew about Dabenz secret move, made his point at a performance in Haiti. Something's got to give and someone's got to go he said. After a meeting of all Zenglen’s musicians, they decided to let Dabenz go.

Harmonik Hires Christian Surena as Their New Keyboardist Harmonik has announced this week the addition of Christian Surena of SUAV as their second keyboard player. Surena comes to Harmonik with expertise in both keyboard and lead vocal. The new musician was well received and the new addition was complimented on the ease and success of his transition into a wellsustained band so quickly. Harmonik ended up with Christian Surena when musician Don Bouli decided to focus on his family matters. They could have gone with solo singer Nickenson Prudhomme who is Don Bouli’s protégé, but the band took a cue from the manager and decided to hire Surena. In the coming weeks Harmonik will be integrating the new musician into all tracks that were set for their up-coming album, thus expanding not only their current set list, but their potential to meet the needs of fans in their live performances.

Tammy Babcock is helping Haiti


1. Trankil (20) - Pouki 2. ZIN (18) - Di Papi Wi 3. Alan Cave (16) - BAN MWEN LANMOU 4. Shabba Djakout (15) - Bispidida 5. Mayer Morissette (15) - Feeling yo 6. Steeve Khe (14) - Si Ou Renmen Mwen 7. Jhon Clark (14) - Zopodop Girl 8. Don Q (14) - Tell Me Where You'... 9. Flyers (13) - Bay Vag 10. Hans Jeannot (13) - Chante pou ou To send in your request, log on to

”Future” is the title of Beethova Obas’ new album with the collaboration of several Caribbean and Haitian musicians such as Dominique Berose, Zebina Jose, Sergo Decius, Fabrice Rouzier and Azor. The strings of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Wroclaw (Poland) on the CD will be noted. Beethova is thrilled to be releasing the single “Gòl La” that allows him to use something that has a meaning and compose music beats and lyrics that his fans can relate to. The album contains twelve tracks, including “Futur”, “Rara Bois Verna”, “Ti papa”, and “Yo”. Most of the songs highlight the artist in pitch-perfect vocals and a stylistically fresh sound featuring a cello line, drums, piano, guitar, string instruments and international beats. A release will be held in New York on December 12.

Courtesy of

When Tammy Babcock, the humanitarian, learned of the conditions in Cité Soleil a neighborhood of Port- au- Prince, she worked with the community to build a water-tower, and provide first-aid to the locals, risking her own safety in an area overrun by gang violence. After her first foray into Cite Soleil, Ms. Babcock founded the humanitarian organization, Help Tammy Help Haiti (HTHH), a grassroots organization that works directly with the people affected by disease, homelessness, crime and serious health issues brought about by oppressive poverty. Tammy is a 32 years old humanitarian who took it upon herself to make this world a better place for those less fortunate. Born and raised in rural Ontario near the city of Kingston, Tammy has traveled the world over to countries like Japan, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Thailand and most recently, several trips to Cité Soleil, Haiti.

Bibliothèque Sans Frontières to Open a Library in Portau-Prince

Libraries Without Borders set up a partnership with the State University of Haiti to open a digital library to accommodate the 15,000 students in Port-au-Prince in January 2011. In the long term, TSO will prepare the implementation of the future university library in Port-au-Prince. The State University of Haiti (UEH) suffered considerable damage. Numerous buildings were severely damaged or completely destroyed by the earthquake. Eleven of the twelve libraries of the University are on the ground. To support the resumption of classes at the beginning of January 2011 Libraries Without Borders provides a solution for rapid access to information for students, researchers and teachers in Haiti. The Digital Library UEH will allow access to electronic resources, online courses, journals and periodicals. More than 20 international publishers have agreed to open their database free of charge to 15,000 students in Port-au-Prince who will have access to the digital library.

November 17-23, 2010


Cultural Traditions for UN Protected List NEW YORK- Parties to the international convention on the preservation of the world’s intangible cultural heritage gathered in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, Nov.15 for a United Nations-convened meeting to examine cultural elements that need to be inscribed on the list of protected cultural traditions. The Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which is administered by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), was adopted in 2003 and is ratified by 132 States. Recommended are the protection of elements such as oral traditions and expressions, performing arts, social practices, rituals and festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe and know-how related to traditional handicrafts. Some 400 State delegates, representatives from civil society and observers are attending the 5th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding

of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which is being held for the first time in Sub-Saharan Africa. “The Convention is one of the most innovative instruments that we have developed to address contemporary challenges,” said Irina Bokova, UNESCO’s Director General, in her opening address. “I see our commitment to intangible heritage as an act of solidarity, respect and understanding of others,” she said. During the five-day meeting, the Committee will examine four elements presented for inscription on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, and 47 elements for the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The first contains cultural elements

whose viability is at risk despite efforts of communities and groups that practice them. In order to be inscribed on this list, States must pledge to implement special protection plans. They may benefit from financial assistance from a fund managed

The Haitian Times


by UNESCO. “International conventions that guide preservation of heritage demand uniform application of adherence,” said Kenya’s Vice-President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka. “Kenya is ready and willing to take on more projects that bring out and preserve our heritage. Such a pursuit would increase the visibility of our diverse cultural values and traditions and promote mutual respect and dialogue amongst Kenya’s various communities,” he added. Ms. Bokova lamented the absence at this year's session of inscription candidates from Africa. ”We should feel an obligation towards the African continent and to all those who have an extremely rich intangible heritage and who are not fittingly represented in the Convention’s Lists,” she said.

How Harry Potter Is Inspiring Muggles To Help From Haiti To Darfur Los Angeles – “The boy who lived,” Hermione, Ron, Dobby, Dumbledore and the rest of J. K. Rowling’s magical characters launch their final film chapter this Friday with “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1.” But even as the Potter franchise begins its big screen fade to black, the impact of this alternately charming and cautionary wizarding world only grows. And not just in the customary fan sites spawned by many a great read. Taking the moral lessons and emotional

themes off the pages and into the real world, lovers of the gentle Albus Dumbledore’s wisdom and the hard-earned social awakenings of Hermione Granger have been inspired to address human needs, providing relief planes for Haiti and art supplies for orphans. How well do you know 'Harry Potter'? Take our quiz. Henry Jenkins, a media scholar and cultural expert at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, says the phenomenon represents a new and more

potent brand of online-enabled, participatory culture. He cites the Boston-based Harry Potter Alliance (HPA) as the most prominent organization to translate the moral lessons of the seven-part literary series into real world remedies. “We are working to make the real world a little more magical and lot more” Young people are traditionally the hardest to motivate into real-world action, Slack says. But the boys and girls who cheered for Hermione when she stood up for the rights of tiny house elves, he adds, understand the stern warning from Hogwarts headmaster Dumbledore that the wizarding world will come to rue the indifference and neglect it has heaped upon the magical creatures, which are made to perform the lowest and dirtiest household chores, essentially as slaves. “It’s not hard to make the leap into the real world from there,” says Slack, because the Potter generation is one that already cares about the environment and understands warnings about paying a future price for “the neglectful and indifferent behavior of today.” Partners in the real worldHPA has done everything from helping to bring out the vote in 2008 to raising awareness about human rights violations in Darfur. The group partnered with existing charitable groups working in Haiti to ferry in medical and food supplies after the earthquake. The most recent undertaking takes its cue from the final Potter book, using the seven horcruxes – magical soul-containing objects that Harry and his friends must destroy to vanquish the evil Lord Voldemort – as vehicles for the seven biggest political issues of the day. In a campaign that just launched, the group wants to put a monthly spotlight on such hot button issues as world hunger, economic and racial inequality, and literacy. The drive will culminate next summer when the second and concluding part of the Deathly

Hallows film arrives. In 2009, Mr. Jenkins embarked on a Macarthur Foundation-funded, three-year study of online participatory culture and its implications for political organizing among youth. The HPA is one of only two groups he is studying in the initial phase, he says, because of its robust growth and ability to effect action. (The other group is Invisible Children, which combats the abduction of children for use as child soldiers in Uganda.) HPA builds on what Jenkins calls the “proto-activism” of fan groups that have moved TV networks to extend the life of a favorite show or character through massive grassroots online activism. But, he says, what HPA is doing takes this kind of activism to a more fully realized scale. By speaking the emotional language of this cohort, Jenkins says, Slack and his group bypass the alienation most young people feel from the “policy wonk” rhetoric that permeates most normal politics. From fiction to reality Tapping into beloved figures from pop fiction is nothing new, Jenkins says, adding that he himself, as a young TV viewer, was moved to a greater appreciation of real-world problems through his passion for the original 1960s Star Trek series. As a young man growing up in the segregated South, he says, I appreciated seeing the multiracial cast. Jenkins says the biggest challenge the HPA faces as it moves from its passionate base into partnering with existing organizations to effect real change, “is being taken seriously when you are named for a children’s book.” However, he says, the fact that HPA took home this year’s second annual Chase Bank Community Giving Contest on Facebook, which awarded a $250,000 prize, is a sign that the group is gaining the more adult traction that it seeks.


The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010

A Different Kind Of Turkey. I try to make a different kind of turkey every chance i get. So with thanksgiving right around the corner, I thought I'd try this champagne concoction. This is your chance to add some zing to the typical scallion, peppers, garlic mix. The champagne creates great moisture and flavor. Feel free to use your own spice mix instead of the green seasoning mixture. The key to this recipe is the turkey bag and the champagne. So don't skip them. INGREDIENTS 1 (12 pound) whole turkey, neck and giblets removed 2 cups green seasoning (Chief Brand) 1/2 cup butter, cubed 1 apple, cored and quartered 1 red onion quartered bunch of thyme (about 1/2 cup) bunch of parsley (about 1/2 cup) 1 tablespoon garlic powder salt and pepper to taste 2/3 bottle champagne.

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Rinse turkey, and pat dry. Rub with green seasoning and garlic powder, salt and pepper. Gently loosen turkey breast skin and add marinade. Let marinade for 24-48 hours in refrigerator. Take out of refrigerator, lift up turkey breast skin and insert pieces of butter between the skin and breast. Place thyme, onion, parsley, inside the turkey's cavity. Sprinkle with a bit more garlic powder and salt,

and pepper if needed. Place turkey in a roasting bag, and pour champagne over the inside and outside of the bird. Close bag, and place turkey in a roasting pan. Bake turkey 3 to 3 1/2 hours in the preheated oven, or until the internal temperature is 180 degrees F (85 degrees C) when measured in the meatiest part of the thigh. Remove turkey from bag, and let stand for at least 20 minutes before carving.

Nadege Fleurimond is the owner & business manager of Fleurimond Catering, Inc.,, an off-premise catering firm serving the NY/ NJ/CT/MA areas. She is also the author of a Taste of Life: A Culinary Memoir, a humorous and heart warming compilation of recipes and funny anecdotes. ( For questions and comments you may write her at

Cocktail Corner African Hot Punch

Ingredients for a African Hot Punch Brandy White Rum Coffee Sugar Quantities for one drink: 4 Bottles Brandy 2 Bottles White Rum 1 Gal Coffee 4 lb Sugar Blending Instructions:

Pour brandy and rum into a bowl filled with the sugar Set on fire (use extreme caution) and let the sugar dissolve Add black coffee and stir well Serving Glass High Ball Glass

November 2-8, 17-23, 2010 December 2009

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LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURT – COUNTY NOTICE OF FORMATION OF OF KINGS DEUTSCHE BANK LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, NAME: 2865 CONEY ISLAND AS TRUSTEELLC. AND Articles CUSTODIAN AVENUE of FOR MORGANwere STANLEY ABS Organization filed with CAPITAL INC, MSAC 2007the Secretary of State of New HE3, Plaintiff on againstWENDY York (SSNY) 12/14/05. GILMORE; CHARLES GILMORE, The latest date of dissolution is et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a 12/31/2045.Office location: Judgment of Foreclosure andbeen Sale Kings County. SSNY has entered on September 2010. designated as agent 15, of the LLC I,upon the undersigned Referee against will sell whom process at public auction in Room 274 it may be served. SSNY shall of theaKings Courthouse, mail copyCounty of process to the 360 Street,Goldstein, Brooklyn, N.Y. LLC, Adams c/o Stuart 150 on the Neck 16th Rd., day of December, Great Great Neck, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. which is also New York 11021, Said premises known as 591 the registered agent address. Lafayette N.Y. Purpose: Avenue, For Brooklyn, any lawful 11216. purpose. Tax account number: SBL #: 1784-89. Approximate amount of lien $ 688,674.21 plus interest Premises filed will Articles and of costs. Organization be to 6/25/09 provisions for of withsold the subject SSNY on filed judgmentWEALTH-BUILDING and terms of sale. SAINTWELL Index No. 25958-07. CENTER, Elena AND INFORMATION Makau, Esq.,Brooklyn Referee. Ave 6G, Fein LLC, 1405 Such & Crane, LLP Attorney(s) for Brooklyn NY 11210. Plaintiff 1800 First Federal Plaza Rochester, N.Y. 14614 Notice of Qualification of Marasmius NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Ramealis LLC. Authority filed LIMITED LIABILITY COMPAGNY. NAME : 754 GRAND with Secy. of State of NYSTREET, (SSNY) LLC.10/6/10. Articles ofOffice Organization on location: were filed with LLC the formed Secretary Kings County. in of State of (DE) New on York7/3/08. (SSNY) Delaware on 09/10/09. SSNY designatedTheaslatest agentdate of of dissolution 12/31/2050. LLC upon whomis process against County. itOffice may location: be served.Kings SSNY shall SSNYprocess has been as mail to: designated c/o National agent of the LLCInc., upon Registered Agents, 875whom Ave. process against it may be of the Americas, Ste. 501, NY, NY served. SSNY shall mailaddress: a copy 10001. Principal office of process to theBrooklyn, LLC, 220 100 Lefferts Ave., NY MontaukAddress Street,toValley Stream, 11226. be maintained New Purpose: For in DE:York c/o11580. National Registered any lawful Agents, Inc.,purpose. 160 Greentree Dr., Ste. 101, Dover, DE 19904. Arts of Org. filed with DE Secy. Of NOTICE State, 401 OF FederalFORMATION St., Ste. 4, of 6715 Bay Pkwy., LLC Art. Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: any of Org filed Sec’y of State lawful activities. (SSNY) 11/2/09. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process ofagainst Notice of Qualification Brooklynit may beLLC, served. shall Bazaar AuthoritySSNY filed Sec'y mailState copy (SSNY) of process to c/o of 10/19/10. Domenico Aulisa, 24 Office loc.: and KingsAnna County. LLC org. Bayridge SSNY desig.Parkway, as agent ofBrooklyn, LLC upon NY 11209 Purpose: lawful whom process against any it may be activities. served. SSNY shall mail copy of proc. to Brooklyn Bazaar LLC, 214 Park Place, Apt. 1, Brooklyn, Notice of NY 11238.ofCert.formation of Form. on file. LLC any ALWAYS AT SEA Purp.: lawful activities. PRODUCTIONS, LLC128 St. Marks Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217. JULIANOS FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Certificate Notice of Formation of Golden of Limited Partnership (�LP). 88 Realty LLC, Art. of Org. filed Certificate of (SSNY) Limited 10/8/09. Partnership Sec'y of State filed Sec. ofKings State County. of NY Officewith location: (�SSNY�) on 12/31/09. Office SSNY designated as agent of location: SSNY LLC upon Kings whom County. process against has been designated as agent it may be served. SSNY shall of LP upon whomtoprocess mailthecopy of process 6820 against it may beBrooklyn, served. SSNY 15th Ave., NY shall mail Purpose: a copy ofany anylawful such 11219. process served to the LP at The LP, activities. 2057 80th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11214. Purpose: To engage in all things that the partnership LLC, may JWGF ENTERPRISES legally engage Limited in under the Laws a domestic Liability of the State of New filed York. with The Company (LLC) Partnership be in the Sec ofshall State of existence NY on until 12/31/2059.NY 10/23/09. Office location: Kings County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC BARRY ARCHITECT may beBERG served. SSNY PLLC, shall Articles Org. of filedany N.Y.process Sec. of mail a ofcopy State (SSNY) of August against the 10th LLC day served upon 2010. Office Kings Co. at 214 him/her to inRichard Gordon, 5th Brooklyn, 291Avenue, Warren2nd St.,Floor, Brooklyn, NY New YorkGeneral 11215.Purposes SSNY desig. 11201.

agt. upon whom process may adoption be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 214 5th Avenue, A BABY IS OUR New DREAM: 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, York We're Lori Steve, a loving 11215. Reg.& Agt. upon whom couple may who's longing process be served: Spiegel to & adopt!P.A., WeP.C. care about Lane, you. Utrera, 1 Maiden Please10038 call 1-800-982-3678. NYC 1800 576-1100. Expenses paid. Purpose: Architecture

autos Wanted Notice of Qualification of 752 DONATE VEHICLE: RECEIVE Paris WEA-II LLC, Authority filed $1000 GROCERY COUPON. Sec'y of State (SSNY) 9/9/10. NOAH'S ARC SUPPORT NO Office loc.: Kings County. LLC org. KILL SHELTERS, RESEARCH in DE 9/7/10. SSNY desig. as TO ADVANCE VETERINARY agent of LLC upon whom process TREATMENTS FREE against it may be served. SSNY TOWING, TAX DEDUCTIBLE, shall mail copy of proc. to c/o NON-RUNNERS Clipper Equity, 4611ACCEPTED 12th Ave., 1-866-912-GIVE Ste. 1L, Brooklyn, NY 11219. DE office addr.: 160 Greentree Dr., Ste. 101, Dover, DE 19904. Cert. Business oppoRtunity of Form. on file: SSDE, Townsend Bldg., Dover, DE 19901. Purp.: ALL CASH VENDING. Do any lawful activities you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy.of formation of Limited Notice All for $9,995.888-771Liability Company (LLC) 3496(of LLC): M-Star Productions, Name LLC Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New Help Wanted York on 8/23/10. NY office location: Kings County. SSNY has been AIRLINES AREdesignated HIRING- as Train agent of thepaying LLC upon whom for high Aviation process against it Career. may be served. Maintenance FAA The post office addressFinancial to which approved program. the mail a copy of any aidSSNY if shall qualifiedHousing process againstCALL the LLC served Available. Aviation upon her is: Michelene Starnadori, Institute of Maintenance 229 8th Street, Apt. 1R, Brooklyn, (888)349-5387 NY 11215 The registered agent of the limited liability landcompany whom process against it may be served is United State Corporation Agents, Inc. NC MOUNTAINS ClOSEOUT 7014 Avenue, 202, SALE! 13th Cabin shell, Suite 2+ acres Brooklyn NYview, 11228. with great very private, Latest date to dissolve:& Indefinite big trees,waterfalls large Purpose/character of $99,500 LLC: Any public lake nearby, lawful purpose Bank financing. 866-2750442

NY 11219. Purpose: any lawful Can deliver. 917-731-0425 purpose.


LAKEFRONT! Developer Must Adoption

ITALIAN LEATHER LIVING Sell! was $350,000, NOW ROOM SET in original plastic, Adoption: $149,900. Land are Stay at homesales mom and never used. Original price professional booming! dad Own offer dockable financial NOTICE OF FORMATION $3,000, sacrifice $975.(LLC). Bill security, lakefront acreagelove, onand one unconditional a Of limited liability company 347-328-0651 of sister Florida's top recreational (also adopted) for your Name: 363 South 4 Realty LLC. big lakes-Expenses at price paid. well below Please cost. call Articles of Organization filed baby. Real estate Mike 800-472-1835 ALL infrastructure completed! with Secretary of State of New Becky/ Prime location- 90 minutes York (SSNY) on 07/29/2009. Smithville, NJ Kings -55+ County. FOUR Autos Office location: Disney.Wanted Financing. These SEASONS-Large MULBURY SSNY designated as agent of LLC bargains wonĂ­t last! Call VEHICLE: RECEIVE Model, handicap acceddible, upon whom process against it DONATE now 866-352-2249 www. GROCERY COUPON. 2 sunrooms, premium lot. $1000 may be served. SSNY shall mail NearofAC and to: shore. Owner copy process THE LLC 199 NOAH'S ARC SUPPORT NO LEE AVENUE #471 financing 3%. BROOKLYN, 609-748- KILL SHELTERS, RESEARCH ADVANCE NY 11211. Purpose: any lawful TO 2988 609-335-5124 Wanted to VETERINARY Buy TREATMENTS FREE TOWING, TAX purpose. DEDUCTIBLE, NON-RUNNERS Upstate NArrowsburg! 27+/WE BUY ANYTHING OLD. Acres Private, Secluded, ACCEPTED Costume 1-866-912-GIVE Jewelry, fountain Fields, Woods Views, pens, old watches, world fair Sale SUPREME COURT – Camping COUNTY Buildings Excellent HUnting, and militaryfor items. Cigarette OF DEUTSCHE BANK andKINGS Four Wheeling. Accessed lighters; anything gold. Call HAS YOUR BUILDING SHIFTED NATIONAL COMPANY, by 3,000 TRUST Ft. Right-Of-Way, Mike 718-204-1402. AS TRUSTEE AND CUSTODIAN Asking $150,000 #10764 OR SETTLED? Contact Woodford Inc,little for straightening, FOR MORGAN STANLEY ABS Brothers A ad foundation far. and wood CAPITAL INC, MSAC 2007- leveling, travels 845-252-3085 repairs at 1-800-OLD-BARN. HE3, Plaintiff againstWENDY frameReach out to NYC, GILMORE; CHARLES Commercial RealGILMORE, Estate Cty~ License Miami, #41959-H Nassau et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Auction Dec. 5. Margaretville/ Boston and #H18G7160000 Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Cty~ License Arkville, Catskills. 18,000 the Caribbean with entered on September 15, 2010. bldg, 2.5 ac. Referee 845 586I,sf the undersigned will Business TheOpportunity Haitian 1234, sell at public auction in Room Times. Do you earn $800 in a day? 274 of the Kings County Courthouse, 360 Adams Street, Your Own Local Candy Route! Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 4th day of 25 machines and candy All for out of 2010 state land November, at 3:00 p.m. $9995. 877-915-8222 All Major foRpremises sale known as 591 Credit Cards Accepted! Said (718) 230–8700 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Drivers 11216. Tax account number: SBL #: 1784-89. Approximate amount of lien $ 688,674.21 Driver Training CDLA: Tractor plus interest and costs. Premises Trailer Learn to Earn $35- $45,000 will be sold subject to provisions per NTTS grad employers, D.O.L.,A.T.A., Tractor of filed judgment to and theterms Outreach Center “Car forNational Kidsâ€? Program of sale. Index No. 25958- Trailer. School, Liverpool, NY Free Pick-up and Tow 1-888-243-9320 07. Elena Makau, Esq., . Any Model or Condition Referee. Fein Such & Hurry Crane, LLP and Donate Now to Equipment For Sale Attorney(s) for Plaintiff Receive Your Year End IRS Tax Deduction 1800 Federal HelpFirst Kids in Need Plaza Rochester, N.Y. 14614 see CLASSIFIEDS on page 23

The The Haitian haiTian Times Times

21 21 11/19/2009 4:09:33 PM

ď ‰ď ­ď °ď Żď ˛ď ´ď Ąď Žď ´ď€ ď Žď Ľď ˇď łď€ ď Śď Żď ˛ď€ ď °ď Ľď Żď °ď Źď Ľď€ ď ˇď ¨ď Żď€ ď ´ď Żď Żď Ť Have you suffered a thigh bone/femur injury?

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ď ?ď Ąď Žď šď€ ď ľď łď Ľď ˛ď łď€ ď Żď Śď€ ď ´ď ¨ď Ľď€ ď ˘ď Šď ˛ď ´ď ¨ď€ ď Łď Żď Žď ´ď ˛ď Żď Źď€ ď °ď Šď Źď Źď€ ď ™ď Ąď şď‚Žď€Źď ™ď Ąď łď ­ď Šď Žď‚Žď€ ď Żď ˛ď€ ď ?ď Łď Ľď Źď Źď Ąď‚Žď€ ď ¨ď Ąď śď Ľď€ ď łď ľď Śď Śď Ľď ˛ď Ľď ¤ď€ ď ˘ď Źď Żď Żď ¤ď€ ď Łď Źď Żď ´ď łď€ ď Šď Žď€ ď ´ď ¨ď Ľď€ ď Źď ľď Žď §ď łď€Źď€ ď Źď Ľď §ď łď€ ď Ąď Žď ¤ď€ ď Żď ´ď ¨ď Ľď ˛ď€ ď Ąď ˛ď Ľď Ąď łď€Źď€ ď Ąď łď€ ď ˇď Ľď Źď Źď€ ď Ąď łď€ Recent studies have indicated that use of the osteoporosis medicine FosamaxÂŽ can lead to ď łď ´ď ˛ď Żď Ťď Ľď łď€Źď€ ď ¨ď Ľď Ąď ˛ď ´ď€ ď Ąď ´ď ´ď Ąď Łď Ťď łď€Źď€ ď §ď Ąď Źď Źď€ ď ˘ď Źď Ąď ¤ď ¤ď Ľď ˛ď€ ď °ď ˛ď Żď ˘ď Źď Ľď ­ď łď€ ď Ąď Žď ¤ď€ ď Ľď śď Ľď Žď€ ď ¤ď Ľď Ąď ´ď ¨ď€Žď€ ď€ ď ‰ď Śď€ ď šď Żď ľď€ fractures in the femur – the hip bone. These ď Żď ˛ď€ ď Ąď€ ď Źď Żď śď Ľď ¤ď€ ď Żď Žď Ľď€ ď łď ľď Śď Śď Ľď ˛ď Ľď ¤ď€ ď Śď ˛ď Żď ­ď€ ď Ąď Žď šď€ ď Żď Śď€ ď ´ď ¨ď Ľď łď Ľď€ ď °ď ˛ď Żď ˘ď Źď Ľď ­ď łď€ ď Łď Ąď Źď Źď€ ď ľď łď€ ď Žď Żď ˇď€ ď ´ď Żď Źď Źď€ fractures can occur in low-impact situations, ď Śď ˛ď Ľď Ľď€ ď Ąď ´ď€ ď€ąď€­ď€¸ď€°ď€°ď€­ď ”ď ˆď …ď€­ď …ď ď ‡ď Œď …ď€ ď Śď Żď ˛ď€ ď Ąď€ ď Śď ˛ď Ľď Ľď€ ď Łď Żď Žď łď ľď Źď ´ď Ąď ´ď Šď Żď Žď€Žď€ ď —ď Ľď€ ď °ď ˛ď Ąď Łď ´ď Šď Łď Ľď€ ď Źď Ąď ˇď€ such as when stepping down stairs or even just falling from a standing height or less. This ď ´ď ¨ď ˛ď Żď ľď §ď ¨ď Żď ľď ´ď€ ď ´ď ¨ď Ľď€ ď •ď€Žď “ď€Ž ď Żď Žď Źď šď€ ď Šď Žď€ ď ď ˛ď Šď şď Żď Žď Ąď€Źď€ ď ˘ď ľď ´ď€ ď Ąď łď łď Żď Łď Šď Ąď ´ď Ľď€ ď ˇď Šď ´ď ¨ď€ ď Źď Ąď ˇď šď Ľď ˛ď łď€ significant risk has been recently added to the ď ł Warnings and Precautions section of the label. ď Ąď š ď€šď€ąď€ľď€ ď —ď€Žď€ ď ƒď Ąď ­ď Ľď Źď ˘ď Ąď Łď Ťď€ ď ’ď ¤ď€Ž If you or your loved one has suffered a ď€ˇď€ ď ¤ď Ľď Ľď Ť ď€ ď ?ď ¨ď Żď Ľď Žď Šď ¸ď€Źď€ ď ď šď€ ď€¸ď€ľď€°ď€ąď€ł ÂŽ ď Ž leadership HIP fracture after taking Fosamax it is aggressively and professionally. Ourď ° ď Ľ ď Ąď€ ď ˇ ď ? as your best interests to investigate your legal experience in such national litigations rights for possible compensation! Weitz & Luxenberg can help you understand your legal options. We are one of America’s largest trial law and products liability law firms representing injured persons with total verdicts and settlements in excess of $3 Billion, and are committed to represent your interests

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• Accounting ORBIT FURNITURE NY LLC, at HomeÂŽ Since 1973 & acReage • Medical Billing Buy a alots domestic Limited Liability #ALL .OW W eek we’ll u • Business Administration pgra end & Company (LLC), filed with the Sec Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) • Information Technology de you to a ABANDONED of State of NY on UPSTATE 8/20/10. NY NY Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT) ď€ FARM!location: 10 acresExperience Office Kings. $26,900 SSNY is ď€‚ď€…ď€ ď€ ď€ ď€ƒď€€ Certified Billing & Coding Specialist (CBCS) The Plaza College Adjoins State Land, views, designated as agent upon whom Difference! DISCOUNT PACKAGES •Financial Aid for those who qualify mowed against fields, woods, apple for New Customers process the LLC may be •Externships & Job Placement Assistance Romantic Weekends • Parties • Anniversaries trees, lots of deer! Terms! Call served. SSNY shall mail a copy DAY, EVENING & WEEKEND CLASSES to you by Day, EvEning & WEEkEnD ClassEs Try Before You Buy • Or Just to Warm Up Yourbrought Winter! now! of any 877-856-0882 process against the LLC OPEn HOUsE • Call 718.514.7024 (718) 509-9167 Weekend, Monthly & Seasonal Rentals Available! served upon him/her to The LLC, 74-09 37th Ave, Jackson Heights 888-873-5571 204 Van Dyke St., Ste. 332B, 74-09 37 AVE., JACKSON HEIGHTS, QUEENS ATMNEW* Certain restrictions apply. Š2010 Invisible Fence, Inc. Š2010 The Canine Fence Company. Miscellaneous Brooklyn, NY 11231. General Purposes. CUALI-10013_2x4 Display_FR2:CUALI-10013_4C 2X4 Display 11/8/10 10:53 AM Pa ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE CFC_Access2Media_3_79x2_DEC.indd 1 11/2/2010 11:15:49 AM from home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, My Cemetery Gravesite Care *Accounting, *Criminal LLC, NY Domestic Liability Justice. Job Limited placement Company (LLC), filed Computer with the Sec assistance Phentermine, Phendimetrazine, etc of State of NYFinancial on 6/29/10. Phentermine, available. AidNYif Office visit &Phendimetrazine, one month supplyetc Office location: Kings. SSNY is qualified. Call 888-201-8657 OfďŹ ce visit & one month supply Be job ready in as little as 9 months $80 for designated as agent upon whom for a medical career as a for $80 process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy Dialysis Technician (631) 462-6161 & (516) 754-6001 of any process against the LLC Misc foR sale (631) 462-6161 & (516) 754-6001 served upon him/her to The LLC, BECOME A: • Day and evening classes 7014 13th Ave., Ste. Living 202, LOOK YOUR BEST New italian Leather Brooklyn, NY 11228. ď Œď ?ď ?ď ‹ď€ ď ™ď ?ď •ď ’ď€ ď ‚ď …ď “ď ” • Financial aid available Room Set. Orig. General $3000 Purposes. (if qualified) Steal for $699* Solid Wood Captain Stirage Bedroom • Job placement assistance New In Box Tuesday, November 23RD at 12 Noon Orig. $2,800 Steal for $699* 125 Michael Drive The Former Strand Theatre Building Notice of formation of Flatbush Syosset, NY 11791 Call 718-499-4499 27 Chenango Street, Binghamton, NY Fitness Zone, LLC. Articles of SELLS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER Organization files with the for those who qualify Open for Inspection 1-hr prior Secretary of State of New York Misc foR sale Office to auction or by appt. SSNY on 8/20/10. located in Brooklyn. SSNY has • • CHERRY BEDROOM DAY, EVENING & WEEKEND CLASSES been designated for serviceSET. of www.StarCareer Solid Wood, never used, process. SSNY shall mail copy OPEN HOUSE • CALL 718.514.7024 607-754-9193 or 607-343-5300 brand new inserved factory boxes. of any process against the See web for details Licensed by N.Y.S. Ed. Dept. Accredited by ACCSCT English Dovetail. Original LLC PO Box 190-407, Brooklyn, cost $4500. Sell for $749. 74-09 37 AVE., JACKSON HEIGHTS, QUEENS


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To place an ad in THE CLASSIFIED section, call (718) 230 — 8700 Ad Deadline: 5pm Friday for following issue. Classified ads may be placed over the phone with a credit card from Monday through Friday, 10am to 5pm. Ads may be faxed to (718) 230 — 7172. Ads must be sent in by Friday, 5pm for insertion in the following Wednesday's paper. Please include credit card details (card number, Name, Experation date, a contact phone number) Ads may be sent in via email to Ads may be sent in by mail. Send typewritten or clearly printed ad along with a check or credit card information and contact phone number to: Haitian Times, Classified Dept., 495 Flatbush Ave. Brooklyn NY 11225 We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. 3 line minimum for all ads.

22 8


The Haitian Times

A Better You

By Onyi



I went to the Brooklyn Museum the other day and saw some great exhibits. There were some amazing sculptures and paintings. Amazing in their size. Amazing in their craftsmanship. Amazing in their depictions. If you’re not someone who frequents museums, I’d highly recommend going. It’s a great activity if you have kids or guests in town. It’s relatively inexpensive and often free. There were some pieces that caught my eye, but one in particular really got me thinking. From afar the piece looked like a depiction of the night sky with stars connected with lines to form some random constellations. But upon further inspection the stars weren’t just stars. They were different pills. Tylenol, Viagra, Avandia, Proventil, Augmentin, Lipitor, Celebrex, Tagamet, Allegra, Prozac... the stars went on and on. This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “reach for the stars”. But in all seriousness, this is an epidemic. Don’t you find in strange that people nowadays are so much sicker than they were in earlier times. Don’t get me wrong; I’m glad we no longer have droves of people dying of things like small pox and polio, but are things really better?

Instead of dying we’re just delaying death with these pills. People are more interested in feeling better and not actually being better. Do people ever stop and think about what these pills are doing to them? It’s a vicious cycle. You start taking a pill for one symptom. A few weeks

later that symptom is gone, but now you have two other symptoms. Now you need another pill to take care of those. Then you get another symptom...then another... then another. Next thing you know your medicine cabinet is actually full and there’s no room for toothpaste

November 17-23, 2010

Check Out the New


While there are many pills that are essential to our well being and healing such as antibiotics, a lot of others only treat the symptoms and not the cause of the disease. When you get a headache instead of thinking of stopping the pain, think about what causes the pain in the first place. I’m not saying don’t take an Advil, I’m saying take the Advil then figure out how you can prevent future headaches. If you continue to pop Tylenol or Advil while your body is telling you there’s something wrong it could be the difference between taking an antibiotic to get rid of a small infection and having surgery to remove damaged tissue or worse.

Our Website Has More Features C h eand ck Us O Functions than Ever Before!

The New Haitian

The Haitian has mo functions th

•Da new •On •Co •Ad bus

We’ve got to get out of this over-medicated sleep walking that we, as a society, have embraced so fully. There are so many alternatives to medication. A lot of these ailments we suffer from can be fixed with something as simple as a change in our diets.

And Tim

Remember, it wasn’t that long ago that doctors were promoting cigarette smoking. You’ve got to take charge of your own health. Don’t become the walking dead when it comes to your well-being. Until next time, cheers to a better you!

HAIT Aquarius

Jan. 20 - Feb. 18

Today you should be looking and feeling great. You might attract some admiring looks from passersby on the street. Sex and romance might be on your mind, Aquarius. You're likely to want to spend the day with your special someone. You could also channel those feelings into creative activities of some kind. Information may come your way that sets your mental juices flowing. Make the most of it!


Feb. 20 - March 19

Your mind is full of wonderful thoughts today, Pisces. You might consider spending the day meditating, doing some volunteer work, or turning your inspiration into an artistic project of some kind. Your intuition is especially high, so you might tune in more acutely than usual to the thoughts and feelings of others. Take a few minutes during the day to be alone with your thoughts. You will probably benefit from it.


March 20 - April 18

A desire to be creative could have you experimenting with various kinds of artistic disciplines, perhaps in connection with computers, Aries. At some point today you could be in the right place at the right time, receiving just the right help from someone who can point you in whatever direction you want to go. Ambitious plans could fill your head and keep your mind buzzing. Make a list! It might help.


April 19 - May 20

Artistic inspiration could come from deep within at some point today, perhaps even from a dream or vision. You're likely to have a lot of energy to pour into creativity right now, Taurus, and if you work hard and don't lose sight of the business side of the arts, you could move forward. Don't be surprised if you suddenly meet the right person to give you the right advice!


May 21 - June 20

Today you might toy with the idea of publishing, exhibiting, or otherwise making public whatever creative innovations you've been working on, Gemini. Spiritual information could come your way from afar, perhaps through friends or a group with which you're affiliated. Inspiration of all kinds could pop in and out of your head, so it might be best to write down your thoughts.


June 21 - July 22

Inspiration in various contexts could fill your mind today, Cancer. Opportunities to advance your artistic or spiritual interests could come your way, perhaps through advice given by a new acquaintance. You could also be in the right place at the right time to get a lucky break. You're likely to feel especially romantic and sexy. You might want to celebrate your good fortune by getting together with your partner.


July 23 - Aug. 22

Social events with artistically or spiritually inclined people could have you feeling especially inspired, Leo, and looking forward to the future in whatever discipline interests you. You're also likely to be feeling especially romantic and sexy. You will want to schedule time alone with that special someone in your life. If you aren't currently involved, you could meet someone special today.


Aug.23 - Sept.22

Today you might feel inspired to help others less fortunate, Virgo. The opportunity to do some volunteer work could come your way, perhaps for a church, charity, or other humanitarian organization. Or you could throw yourself into an artistic discipline. Either way, you're likely to enjoy yourself immensely and meet some interesting people in the process. Fundraising could be involved in some way.


Sept.23 - Oct. 22

Creativity and romance are the words for today, Libra. Artistic or other creative projects are likely to catch the attention of others, perhaps bringing valuable contacts your way. As a result, you're likely to be inspired to move ahead to new ones. You're also likely to feel especially romantic and sexy. If you're currently involved, expect to grow closer to your partner. If you aren't, you might meet someone special.


Oct. 21 - Nov 20

A group of people oriented toward artistic, spiritual, or humanitarian pursuits could meet today at your home to work on advancing their projects. Among them could be someone very special who might play a positive role in your life. As a result of this gathering you could find inspiration to move ahead with personal projects. In the evening, see a romantic movie or go on a hot date!


N o v. 2 2 - D e c . 2 1

Errands or other short journeys in your neighborhood could result in a chance meeting with someone who could be of great benefit to you in the future, Sagittarius. Opportunities to advance your educational, artistic, or spiritual interests could open up as a result of this meeting. When you go out, make sure you look your best even if you're only going to the grocery store.


Dec. 22 - Jan 19

Today you might hear of opportunities to make extra money through creative work of some kind, Capricorn. This could be a genuine lucky break achieved by being in the right place at the right time. You will probably take advantage of it, because right now you're full of inspiration. You might have a hard time keeping track of all your ideas. Write them down!

495 Flatb

The Haitian Times

November 17-23, 2010

Vitamin D


second medical leave of absence in two years from a teleconference center, where she managed 16 operators running corporate conference calls. ”Dropped calls? Somebody's line not open? You're running from operator to operator to handle problems that occur during the call,” she explained. ”It's very stressful. When I tell people about it, they look at me like I have three heads. I feel like I should have Rollerblades on.” Her heart problems started in the summer of 2008, with a crush of calls related to auto company bailouts. ”I just started getting chest pains” and collapsed while out walking one night, she said. Tests found no signs of heart disease, but doctors gave her nitroglycerin pills, which can relieve chest tightness due to constricted heart arteries. ”Sure enough, when the pain came again a few other times I took the nitro and boom, the pain was gone,” Morgan said. Doctors should ask about stress along with traditional heart risk factors like smoking and blood pressure, Albert said. ”We need to start taking that seriously.” She has these tips for workers: _Exercise. It clears the mind, lifts the mood and curbs other heart risks, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol. _Limit bringing work home. _Get a life. Do things with friends, whether they're folks you work with or not. _Build ”me time” into every day. ”It can be as little as 10 or 15 minutes to meditate, pray or take a walk,” Albert said.

the street, waiting for treatment.” The epidemic has provoked fear and anger in Haiti. The country was already struggling to recover from a devastating earthquake in January which killed about 230,000 people in and around the capital Port-au-Prince and shattered its already poor infrastructure. On Monday two people died during violent protests against UN peacekeepers, whom some Haitians accuse of bringing cholera into Haiti. At least one of the men was shot dead by the UN troops. There were further clashes between youths and peacekeepers in several towns on Nov. 16. Haitian president Rene Preval has appealed for calm. ”Disorder and instability have never brought solutions to a country going through hard times,” Mr Preval said. ”Gunshots, throwing bottles, barricades of burning tyres will not help us eradicate cholera. On the contrary, it will prevent the sick from receiving care.” President Preval also accused unnamed groups of exploiting the cholera epidemic to provoke popular unrest against the government and the UN mission, Minustah, ahead of presidential elections due on 28 November. The UN has said there is no evidence to support allegations that cholera was brought into Haiti by peacekeepers from Nepal, where the disease in endemic.

continued from 23

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A Travers Haiti continued from 2

tinuent de mener campagne, le conseil électoral provisoire (CEP) de son côté, continue avec les préparatifs en vue de la réalisation du vote.Les messages du conseil électoral invitant la population à prendre le chemin des bureaux de vote le 28 novembre prochain sont diffusés à longueur de journées sur les ondes des radios et télés. Ce qui laisse comprendre que le CEP est déterminé à respecter l’échéance. Youri Latortue, le sénateur de l’Artibonite qui soutient la candidature de Mme Manigat, dit considérer les violentes manifestations tenues au Cap-Haïtien et dans

Classifieds continued from 21

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le Plateau Central en début de semaine comme une manœuvre du pouvoir en place en vue de reporter les élections. Le sénateur Kelly C. Bastien, président de l’assemblée nationale et membre de la plateforme INITE, rejette cette accusation d’un revers de main. Le président de la république, M. René Préval, de son côté dit voir dans ces mouvements de protestation des manigances d’un secteur intéressé, profitant du cholera et la frustration de la population pour semer la violence et le désordre. Dans un message pré-enregistré diffusé dans les radios mardi en fin de journée, M. Préval invite les candidats à œuvrer au profit de la paix et à poursuivre leur campagne.

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Guinea Capital Ethnically Divided after Results CONAKRY, Guinea – A day after results from a contentious presidential election were announced, Guinea's capital resembled a divided nation. In neighborhoods dominated by supporters of the poll's winner, Alpha Conde, residents were dancing in the streets and hanging out of car windows, flashing a V for victory sign. Conde, who is ethnically Malinke and who was backed in large numbers by members of his own ethnic group, toured parts of the city that supported him with a jubilant impromptu parade. But elsewhere in the capital in areas dominated by members of the Peul ethnic group that supported politician Cellou Dalein Diallo of the same ethnicity, the streets were deserted and littered with bullet casings. Volleys of gunfire continued and security forces, who are mostly Malinke, brandished belts and leather ropes, using them to strike people. When they caught young men who had been throwing stones, they pounded them with night sticks and arrested them. In the emergency room of one of the main municipal hospitals, medical records showed that at least 62 people had been brought in with injuries on Monday in the hours after the country's National Independent Electoral Commission declared Conde the winner. Conde, a 72-year-old Sorbonne university professor who spent most of his adult life in France, won the election with 52.5 percent of the vote. Diallo got 47.5 percent of the nearly 2.9 million ballots that were counted from the Nov. 7 runoff elections. Patients continued to stream in to Donka National Hospital on Tuesday, including 26-year-old Moussayero Bah, a Peul, whose abdomen was pierced by a bullet. A 1-yearold toddler had a perforated cheek and doctors were preparing to operate to remove the bullet lodged in the child's throat. Health inspector Abou Bakr Diakhite of the Ministry of Health said the majority of the injured had been brought in with bullet wounds. Four people died in the capital, he said. Provincial authorities confirmed another death in the town of Labe, bringing the death count to five. Diallo appealed to his supporters to remain calm. In the hours before results

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were announced, his supporters crowded on highways, blocking traffic, burning tires and hurling rocks. They were beaten back by the helmeted security force, who chased them into the vein-like streets that peeled off the main road. Human rights groups say the undisciplined soldiers are using the cover of election violence to commit crimes. On Tuesday, The Associated Press witnessed the beating of two Peul youths in the deserted Kaloma neighborhood. One was dragged by a group of camouflaged-wearing soldiers to the main road, then shoved to the ground. They kicked him repeatedly in the side while another beat him over the head with his night stick. A second youth was dragged out soon after, and told to walk toward the police pickup. Soldiers then kicked him to the ground. Diallo told reporters Tuesday that the security force was using the rioting as a pretext to settle scores and to rob and harm Peul families. He said his own sister-inlaw and niece had been arrested outside his headquarters while sitting in his car. They were yanked out, driven to a police station and detained for most of Monday. He also said that in Peul-majority towns like Labe and Dalaba — where he had received over 90 percent of the vote — his supporters were being seized inside their homes and arbitrarily arrested. ”It's truly revolting that on the one hand, we call for calm and restraint. And on the other there is repression,” he said. ”I call on the authorities to ask their security forces to stop this.” For months, observers worried that Guinea's election which paradoxically is the country's first democratic vote would degenerate into violence along ethnic lines. The week before the vote, dozens of people became ill at a pro-Conde rally. A rumor quickly spread via text message that Peul vendors had sold poisoned sachets of mineral water to the mostly Malinke crowd. ”I don't recognize my country,” said Peul intellectual Thierno Balde, a lawyer who heads Guinea's Research Institute on Democracy and Rule of Law. ”I am at home. But I feel like a foreigner.”

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