Habs Diploma Handbook 2024

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Handbook Habs Diploma



“The Habs Diploma’s purpose is to create a wonderment in learning, going beyond the constraints of subject boundaries and developing the core skills students need to make a profound impact on the world.”

Mr Antony McLarin Dr Kate Bridge Head of Habs Diploma, Habs Boys School Head of Habs Diploma, Habs Girls School

Habs Diploma


You will experience rigorous and exciting opportunities which will feed your curiosity and ambition. You will be able to study a variety of different subjects and topics as well as focusing on areas you are most interested and most passionate about.

You will participate in and lead sessions that will be seminar-like and will have access to our Visiting Speaker programme, which will welcome a variety of specialist speakers to the school to debate and discuss a wide range of subjects.

Exposure to challenging concepts and ideas will build your confidence in discussion and help support the development of your independent research projects. These independent projects will be marked by external subject specialists. You will be awarded credits for each component of the Diploma.

A formal ceremony will occur at the end of your time in the Upper Sixth to celebrate your fantastic achievements.


The Habs Diploma aims to encourage you to leave your comfort zones and experience aspects of university and broader life beyond school.

You will strengthen your communication skills, enhance your research techniques and deepen your understanding of specific topics, all of which will also support your academic development.

Focusing on a subject that you are most passionate about and the depth of understanding you develop will allow you to confidently discuss your chosen subject or field at university open days and interviews; detailing your learning experience beyond the classroom and your independent learning project will allow you to demonstrate the depth of your ambition and commitment to the subject and field.

A summary of the Habs Diploma

During the Habs Diploma, you will have access to our Visiting Speaker Programme which involves fortnightly talks from keynote speakers from every discipline. You will also have opportunities for enhancement where you will go deeper and further into the subject you are most passionate about.

You will also be able to complete six electives throughout your time in Sixth Form, this could be from learning a new language to studying the history of a country.

You will further be expected to complete community service which will provide credits towards your Diploma.

Finally, you will complete an extended research project. This will be a 3,000 to 4,000 word essay or a creative piece on your chosen subject led by a subject specialist.


• To learn with likeminded, curious and ambitious individuals

• To enhance your A Level subjects

• To be ambitious with research and courses chosen

• To inspire a deeper curiosity about a subject or area

• To encourage you to be courageous in stepping outside your comfort zone by challenging yourselves with subject matter you may not have previously considered

• To provide skills and knowledge that will help you succeed at university and beyond

• To offer opportunities for learning outside of the classroom with keynote speakers from every discipline

• To instil that sense of community as you learn from the experience of those who have been in your place before

At a glance...



Visiting Speaker Programme

Diversity and inclusion

Critical thinking

Extended Research Project


Global mindedness


Three or four A Levels


Community Service

Social and cultural awareness


Subject Enhancement

This section of the diploma will give you the chance to delve into one of your chosen A Level subjects or into an area of study you may consider taking up at university. Your curiosity will be inspired by the boundless opportunities to think critically and independently learn while your courage is strengthened as you participate in group discussions.

Some of the courses on offer include:

• Art • Biology

• Chemistry

• Classics

• Economics • Engineering • English • Geography

• Healthcare/medicine/dentistry

• History

• Law • Maths

• Modern languages

• Music • Philosophy • Physics • Politics

• Psychology

• Theology/religious studies

Extended Research Project

The extended research project component of the diploma is a fantastic opportunity for you to push yourself ambitiously as you complete a 3,000 to 4,000 word essay or creative product.

This project will develop your independent study and academic skills while also deepening your subject knowledge. You can truly satisfy your curiosity in a certain element of a subject as you begin to find your niche and explore what excites you.

We want to harness the passion our students have and allow you to show courage when exploring a topic that throw you into the deep end, but one that you know you can thrive in. Ambition in the depth of exploration and courage in facing the challenges along the way.

This section of the diploma will also improve oracy, presentation skills, independent learning, project management, referencing and research.

You will explore all these elements within a supportive community of peers and project mentors.

Some examples of our elective courses: Elective Courses

• A Social History of Modern Britain

• AI and Machine Learning

• Algorithms

• Behind the Gospels: An Introduction to the Historical Jesus

• Magic, Myth, and Medicine in Ancient Greece

• Mandarin Chinese

• Maths Partnerships

• Photography and Lens Based Media

Our elective courses of six to eight weeks run throughout your Sixth Form study.

The courses will broaden your horizons as you prepare to become global citizens after leaving Habs. We believe this is actively encouraged through inspiring curiosity with new subject matter, evoking courage with taking on new challenges and drawing out the ambition within our students to push yourselves out of your comfort zones to sharpen skills that will enrich your academic and professional future.

• Biology - Molecular Biology Techniques

• Ceramics in Context

• China and the Modern World

• Creative Artificial Intelligence

• Data Science

• Electronics and Microchip Programming

• Extended Investigative Skills

• French Language Partnerships

• Innovations in Food

• Italian Language and Culture

• Japanese

• Life Skills

• Principles in Politics – What Role Should They Play?

• Psychology

• Reading Partnerships

• Spanish Culture Through Film

• Spanish Language Partnerships

• Stitch In Art

• Swimming Partnerships

• The History of Science Fiction

• Weavers, Witches & Monsters: Women in Myth

• Yoga

Visiting Speaker Programme

Our fortnightly Visiting Speaker Programme is our way of making the most of our amazing community. At Habs, we have the opportunity to draw upon years of understanding and experience in a number of different industries both within our Old Haberdasher network and outside it.

With those connections, we are able to stretch you as students and offer the chance of intellectual discussion on topics that are beyond the current curriculum. It will inspire you to curiously seek answers to subjects and questions you may not have previously considered.

In this section of the diploma, we also seek to enhance that sense of global community and responsibility within our students, further exposing you to social and cultural awareness.

This will be student led with academic society leaders working with staff on your Visiting Speaker Programme to welcome guests which you and your peers believe will provide enrichment across a wide range of topics. This means taking on responsibility and ownership of any aspect of your curriculum and your own learning.

Community Service

Community is an important aspect at Habs and that is why it is one of our four values. As a member of our Sixth Form, you will play an active part in our community which we believe provides opportunities to learn more about different cultural perspectives and enhance empathy.

Our Community Service Programme involves taking responsibility, collaboration, applying creativity and exploring problem-solving skills in real world situations. You will learn through your own experience and become prepared for the world that you are about to go into so you can make a difference.

You will be expected to get involved with at least 20 hours of community service each year. You will record your community service on Unifrog, keeping it updated with the number of hours you have undertaken, the projects you have helped with and your reflections on the experiences.

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