Kaieteur News

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Thursday Edition September 26, 2013 - Vol. 6 No. 39

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Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly

“WRONG -POLICEMAN suspect admits to I KILLED” shooting TSU rank Hit man’s prints found at home of another execution victim

Granny 88, perishes in fire

Survivor: 93-year- old Olive London

Mahaica overseer in hot water over missing $$$$$$$$

Marriott success hinges on Guyana finding oil …80% of Pegasus bookings linked to business not tourism - Study …Brassington withholds section of feasibility report

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Kaieteur News

Thursday September 26, 2013

Safe marine practices at the centre of World Maritime Day observance A

s Guyana joins the rest of the globe, in observance of World Maritime Day, today, workers of the local Maritime Administration

Department, (MARAD) will be conducting sanitation drives and safety discussions with mainstream boat operators. Speaking with Kaieteur News, yesterday, Communications Officer of the

department, Akusa Mc Pherson stated that MARAD is fixed on promoting safe marine practices. McPherson explained that the activity is part of M A R A D ’s c o n t i n u e d endorsement of safe and

healthy practices within the waterways. “The department will host a sanitation drive (today) where hygienic products will be distributed to boat operators especially

T&HD Marine Superintendant, Garfield Halley

General Manager of the T&HD, Marcellene Merchant those providing transportation service to the public. Marine Cadets will be actively involved in the exercise, as they will engage boat operators on the importance of safe practices on the waterways. Flyers on safety regulations will also be distributed to encourage the operators to provide a more improved and comfortable service to the public. We will

target the main ports, where public transport is based,” Mc Pherson said. The Communications O ff i c e r s a i d t h a t t h e MARAD team will visit Georgetown, Vreed-enHoop and Parika. General Manager of the Transport and Harbours Department, TH&D Marcellene Merchant commended seafaring workers under the command of TH&D, citing that “there have been no major hiccups with vessels operating under the department, providing a service to the public.” “We are grateful, that TH&D workers are still able to provide a relatively safe service, given the (Continued on page 10)

Thursday September 26, 2013

Kaieteur News

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Granny 88, Marriott success hinges perishes in fire on Guyana finding oil ....sister survives! …80% of Pegasus bookings linked to business not tourism - Study

…Brassington withholds section of feasibility report

Survivor: 93-year- old Olive London

By Leon Suseran Tragedy befell two elderly sisters last evening when a fire destroyed a twostorey house at Islington, East Bank Berbice, burning one of them to death. Up to press time last evening, firefighters were searching feverishly with flashlights and forks for the charred remains of 88-yearold Margaret London. The bed-ridden woman stricken with a stroke lived in the house from birth with her sister, Olive London, 93. The house had electricity. No cause of the blaze has been given thus far. Two fire tenders were deployed to the scene. Both of them accessed water from the nearby Berbice River, but the building had already been reduced to ashes by the time they arrived. Eyewitnesses stated that the fire which started some time after 19:00 hrs, devoured the wooden structure within minutes. The NexGen Internet Café located next door was saved from the inferno. Kaieteur News found the survivor, Olive, sitting in a nearby shop, still shaken from the fire and of course, losing her younger sister, for whom she cared up to last evening. She told this newspaper that she had prepared a cup of hot tea for her sister and was about to take it to her bedroom, but smelled smoke “and felt heat” coming from the back of the building, where her s i s t e r ’s b e d r o o m w a s

located. “I feel the heat and the front was catching fire!” Everything was lost in the blaze, including pictures of the dead woman. London stated that she realized that there was nothing much she could have done to save her sister, so she immediately escaped through the front door of the house, with a “heavy heart.” But she had second thoughts and wanted to go back. Villagers who rushed to the woman’s aid as she made her way down the steps tried to hold her back from going into the burning building. “I tell them to loose me to go [look] for my sister!” London lamented. Kaieteur News was informed that neither of the women is married or have children. The survivor has a brother in Georgetown. Meantime, the local church members of the Overwinning Bible Church have taken up the mantle to ensure that London has a place to rest and food to eat. Margaret had celebrated her birthday on Sunday. Up to press time, firefighters were still searching feverishly for the woman’s charred remains. Officer-in-Charge of Fire in Berbice, Supt. Compton Sparman, was among those on the scene. Berbicians would recall in 2011 when 52-year-old Hazel was burnt to death in her Lot 30 Stanleytown, New Amsterdam home. Johnson was visually impaired.


he feasibility study done for the Marriott Hotel in Georgetown, lambasted the Pegasus for its purported substandard service. It also labeled Princess International Hotel as unattractive, for a significant portion of the country’s business and Government travellers. The report has included in its projections for the success of the Marriott Hotel, that “we have assumed” that a portion of the nation’s economic development initiatives are realized. The report says, “These include but are not limited to the cultivation of a portion of Guyana’s crude oil.” This would mean that included in the factors that would make the Marriott feasible for the country is the need for Guyana to find oil. Chairman of Atlantic H o t e l s I n c , Wi n s t o n Brassington, last week released only a section of the report, which begs the

question, ‘Why withhold a portion of the document?’ The study was undertaken by HVS Consulting and Valuation out of Miami, Florida in the US. That company said that it would need Brassington’s permission to release the full report. The extract of the feasibility study that was released to the media, revealed that an analysis of the occupancy levels of the Pegasus and the Princess International Hotel were also conducted. What the study has uncovered, is that 80 per cent of the bookings at the 130room Pegasus Hotel is linked to commercial activities or Government-related business, while only 10 per cent can be linked to leisure activities. T h e G u y a n a Government has been selling the Marriott Hotel as one directly linked to the tourism market. The Pegasus while described as inadequate,

Marriott Hotel

does recognize the hotel as the city’s most prominent hotel which was formerly operated as Le Meridien before it was de-flagged in November 2008. The report said that “the Princess Hotel is outside of the central business district and thus not an attractive option.” It was found that between 2009 and 2011, the average room occupancy at the Pegasus was 62 per cent, while bookings at the Princess averaged at 52 per cent. TAX FREE The report has also documented that a tax agreement has been executed with the Government of Guyana to provide a range of tax benefits to the Marriott Project. Included in the agreement signed onto, Marriott will enjoy a 10-year waiver on corporate, property taxes which will commence from the first year of commercial operations.

The Marriott Hotel will also enjoy relief from import duty, VAT, excise tax and any other import fees, taxes, d u t i e s o n m a c h i n e r y, equipment, building and other materials, fixtures and fittings and furnishings and non-luxury vehicles required by the developers for the construction of the Project. During operations, relief will be granted from duty and excise tax on capital repairs or replacements greater that US$10,000 in value within 10 years of operations. Construction cost of the Marriott Hotel, according to Brassington, stands at US$58.5M. An unknown private investor with US$8M investment will be in control of 67 per cent of the hotel and will also control the Board of Directors. The table below outlines the financing structure put together by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, Dr. Ashni Singh and Winston Brassington:

Thursday September 26, 2013

Kaieteur News

Letters... Where your views make the news

Granger wants the government to create jobs, but votes to kill job-creating initiatives DEAR EDITOR, In response to a letter, “Listen carefully, Mr. Gill. Listen!” (Kaieteur News Sept. 24), the author, Mr. Aubrey James, insisted that my opinion on the Opposition Leader David Granger is wrong. Well, as suggested, I not only listened, but I read his letter twice hoping to find something, anything of consequence that the PNC/ APNU Leader has done for the people who voted for him last election. Mr. James did not list one item. Then he made the following erroneous statement, “I am forced to ask if Mr. Gill voted for Mr. Granger because if he did, then he has a legitimate right to voice his concerns. If he did not, then he has some other interest.” Using this same yardstick,

those in the opposition who criticize the President and his ministers have no “legitimate right” to do so. In a democracy, we all have that right. I am proud to have served my country, and I continue to do so. But the truth hurts! All the ministries I’ve visited in Region 4 have a much higher percentage of persons who traditionally voted PNC/APNU. Development in Guyana is not limited to constituencies won by the PPP/C, but can be seen throughout every region, including those that still support APNU. More Guyanese have been made first time home-owners than any other period in our history, and a PPP/C partycard was not the criterion used to award house lots to PNC/APNU supporters.

New schools and health care facilities are built in every region, and some are being vandalized by supporters of PNC/APNU to make the government look bad. There are equal opportunities for all who want to work, but some feel it is their birthright to take from those who have sacrificed and now enjoy a better standard of living. I do not hear David Granger condemn those criminal actions, but he calls for the removal of Home Affairs Minister Rohee. There has not been one single infrastructural initiative in any PNC/APNU constituency that David Granger can take credit for. These were all done by the same PPP/C Administration he opposes. And I am confident that had PNC/APNU not been Continued on page 26

Harry Gill should also call on the PPP to apologise to Guyana DEAR EDITOR, I write in response to Mr Harry Gill’s letter, “Granger has accomplished nothing for those who voted for him,” (KN-9-23-13), in which he referred to my view that the PNC should apologise to all Guyanese for its role in the Cold War in the 1960s and he declared that Brigadier Granger would never apologise. I r e s p e c t M r G i l l ’s opinion; after all he had firsthand experience a few years ago when he s u p p o r t e d M r Wi n s t o n Murray for leadership of the PNC and when his group had on its agenda an apology by the PNC for its excesses during its 28year reign. Then Mr Gill had not only the interest of the PNC at heart, but indeed that of all Guyanese. Back then he thought as a Guyanese patriot who wanted to see the healing process started, he wanted national reconciliation, and he wanted national unity. Mr Gill must surely be applauded for his sincere concern for all Guyanese. H o w e v e r, a f t e r M r M u r r a y ’s untimely departure from this world, Mr Gill switched allegiance to the PPP and there ended his interest in solving our ethnic security dilemma. I say ended because since his support for the PPP, Mr Gill has not called on that party to apologise to all Guyanese for the fatal consequences of taking us into the Cold War. Surely the PPP must take the lion’s share of the blame for the racial divisions. Were

it not for the PPP’s championing of communism there would have been no 28 years of PNC rule. And Mr Gill should know that the PPP wanted the PNC to set up a Soviet and Cuban-style state and as he would know in those countries there were no opposition parties, no elections, no private ownership, no freedom. There was dictatorship and poverty. So we should say thank God the PNC allowed us the many freedoms it did. And speaking of freedoms, I wonder what freedom has the PPP and President Ramotar given to Mr Gill. I mean with Brigadier Granger I am free to express my views even when they

differ from his. I am free to openly criticize APNU, PNC, and the Opposition Leader, and I have done that in the recent past. I wonder if Mr Gill can openly criticize the PPP and President Ramotar. If so, I am challenging Mr Gill to publicly call on the PPP to apologise to the Guyanese people for the atrocities of the 1960s as the first step towards national reconciliation. Malcolm Harripaul

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Kaieteur News

Thursday September 26, 2013

Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

It is time for the Minister of Home Affairs to go DEAR EDITOR, I was particularly amazed by the comments and actions of Minister Clement Rohee and others about crime in Guyana, at their recent press conference held Monday, September 23, 2013. For all their ramblings, they have not produced any evidence to substantiate what they have said to the public about who is responsible for the upsurge in crime in this country.

The PPP must know that no amount of SPIN, public relations, finger-pointing and blaming of Opposition will excuse the Minister of Home Affairs from his responsibility to protect the citizens of this nation. It is one of the fundamental duties of Government to protect its people. If they are unable to do that, what else can they do? The other thing that

should be taken into account is the uneven distribution of the nation’s wealth and resources by the ruling party. Accountability appears to be a serious challenge to the government. They are resisting efforts to change and to be more accountable to the people. Then the gap between the haves and the have-nots is widening. In fact, it is now a chasm. Everywhere people are becoming more vulnerable to poverty. This situation is exacerbated by high unemployment in Guyana and

an education system that has failed to deliver to our young people, the quality of education that will allow them to develop and grow, and make a substantial contribution to the development of Guyana. Young able-bodied men and women cannot get proper jobs; many are idle in their neighbourhoods and remain desperately in need of basic things. Further, conditions in several communities provide the right environment for crime. Many are slums, rundown and lacking basic

infrastructure and even proper sanitation. The PPP needs to know that they are not talking to fools; all Guyanese know what is happening; they know the truth. They have been set free a long time ago from the lies of a political party that has changed course to support the rich. Look at the high level of corruption within the corridors of power. How is it possible for some individuals connected to PPP, who were dirt poor, to build big mansions almost overnight. Millions of taxpayers’ dollars are thrown at pseudo mega investments without transparency and accountability. The swift deterioration of newly constructed roads and bridges everywhere, shows that Guyanese are not getting value for money. Certain contractors are benefiting from such contracts while the majority of Guyanese continue to suffer and hope for a better life for their families. Then the PPP/C talks about whistleblower legislation. There is no need for anyone to blow any whistle, the evidence of corruption is there for all to see. Just deal with it. It is this hardship that is

motivating people to rethink their positions and their political support. They are standing up in their own way to the one-sided approach to development by this government. So Minister Rohee and his band of merry men, better known as party comrades, need to do a different act. Press conferences will not work. The PPP has created history with their association with criminal elements like Roger Khan, Bernard Kerik and a long list of others. People of this country have real practical experiences in their communities. No amount of propaganda can whitewash the reality of Guyanese. They are left to fend for themselves while government ministers take care of their relatives, friends and associates, through nepotism and clientele. Just look at how many government ministers’ children are attending private schools and universities overseas. The PPP can host a thousand press conferences; they will not, cannot change the history they have created. It is sad but true. It is time for the Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Clement Rohee to go. He must go now! Aubrey James

Thursday September 26, 2013

Kaieteur News

Kerry signs U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, says won’t harm U.S. rights UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States signed a U.N. Arms Trade Treaty regulating the $70 billion global trade in conventional arms yesterday and the Obama administration sought to allay the fears of the powerful U.S. gun lobby which says the pact will violate the constitutional rights of Americans. The treaty, which relates only to cross-border trade and aims to keep weapons out of the hands of human rights abusers and criminals, still requires ratification by the U.S. Senate and has been attacked by the influential gun rights group the National Rifle Association (NRA). Among the NRA arguments against the treaty are that it undermines American sovereignty and that it disregards the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees citizens the right to bear arms. The United States, the world’s No. 1 arms exporter, became the 91st country to sign when U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry put pen to paper on the sidelines of the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations.

John Kerry “This treaty will not diminish anyone’s freedom, in fact the treaty recognizes the freedom of both individuals and states to obtain, possess and use arms for legitimate purposes,” Kerry said after signing the treaty. “Make no mistake, we would never think about supporting a treaty that is inconsistent with the rights of Americans, the rights of American citizens to be able to exercise their guaranteed rights under our constitution,” he said. Arms control activists and rights groups say one

person dies every minute as a result of armed violence and the treaty is needed to halt the uncontrolled flow of arms and ammunition that they say fuels wars, atrocities and rights abuses. The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) aims to set standards for all cross-border transfers of conventional weapons ranging from small firearms to tanks and attack helicopters. It would create binding requirements for states to review cross-border contracts to ensure that weapons will not be used in human rights abuses, terrorism, violations of humanitarian law or organized crime. “This treaty threatens individual firearm ownership with an invasive registration scheme,” said Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, in a statement. “The NRA will continue working with the United States Senate to oppose ratification of the ATT.” “These are blatant attacks on the constitutional rights and liberties of every lawabiding American. The NRA will continue to fight this assault on our fundamental freedom,” he said.

Iran wants ‘jump-start’ in nuclear talks with big powers UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Iran’s foreign minister expressed the hope yesterday that a meeting with the five permanent U.N. Security Council members and Germany this week will kick-start negotiations to resolve the decade-long dispute over Tehran’s nuclear program. Asked what he expected from the meeting today with his counterparts from the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said: “a jump-start to the negotiations ... with a view to reaching an agreement within the shortest span.” Speaking after a meeting with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly, he added: “The Islamic Republic has the political readiness and political will for serious negotiations and we are hopeful that the opposite side has this will as well.” “We ... had a good discussion about the start of nuclear talks and the talks that will take place tomorrow at the foreign ministerial level between Iran and the P5+1,”

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (L) shakes hands with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius during the UN General Assembly at the UN Headquarters in New York yesterday. REUTERS/Eric Thayer Zarif said. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will join Fabius, British Foreign Secretary William Hague, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the German and Chinese foreign ministers for the meeting. Also present will be European Union foreign

policy chief Catherine Ashton. The meeting bringing the top U.S. diplomat and new Iranian foreign minister around the same conference table will be highly unusual given the United States has not maintained diplomatic relations with Iran since 1980.

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Kaieteur News

Thursday September 26, 2013

$10,000 bail for Kublalsingh Trinidad Express Environmental activist and head of the Highway ReRoute Movement, Dr Wayne Kublalsingh, was arrested this morning as workers attempted to resume construction of the Debe to Mon Desir segment of the Solomon Hochoy Highway extension to Point Fortin. Kublalsingh was charged with assault, resisting arrest and obstructing police in the course of their duties. He appeared before a Justice of the Peace in the Siparia Magistrates’ Court shortly after 3 p.m. and was granted own bail of $10,000. He will reappear in court today. Kublalsingh had led a group of protesters to the proposed construction site of the Mon Desir interchange. Resident Fazila Ali told the Express “This morning we came here because we heard they were going to start work on the site. We gathered at our camp and the workers were at (Construtora) OAS camp. Then we saw about 15 police officers, so we knew something was happening.” Ali said the officers kept vigil as a backhoe operator entered the machine. “When the driver went inside the backhoe, we walked over and stood in front of the vehicle. We

...to reappear in court today

Dr Wayne Kublalsingh, on his way to the Siparia Magistrates’ Court yesterday. PHOTO by DAVE PERSAD formed a human barricade and refused to move. The driver got out and left and we returned to our camp. A few minutes later he (the driver) went inside the backhoe again and we went in front of it again,” she said. Ali said the officers began pushing them from the pathway of the backhoe. “They were rough and

pushing the women. There were no female officers. Then they held Dr Kublalsingh by the arms and pulled him away, he was fighting back. Then they arrested him and took him away in the vehicle,” she said. Kublalsingh is detained at the Fyzabad police station, and charged with the offences by Sergeant Anderson Parriman.

CLICO under receivership Barbados Nation - CLICO Holdings Barbados Ltd (CHBL) is under receivership with immediate effect. This news has come from Deloitte Consulting Ltd, the Judicial Manager of CLICO International Life Insurance Ltd. (CIL). “The Judicial Manager’s decision is in keeping with the basis of its appointment to act in the interest of policyholders. By placing CHBL under receivership, the Judicial Manager’s intent is to preserve the assets of CHBL and maximize the recovery

value on behalf of policyholders,” noted the release. In its Interim Report filed on May 27, 2011 the Judicial Manager identified that CIL reported assets of $802m of which $370m were amounts due from related companies and of which $319, were due from CHBL. It stated that the realization of the CHBL debt is crucial to any plan for the effective restructuring of the entity. The release noted that the final restructuring plan as set out by the Judicial Manager in its Report of 14 June, 2013

estimates that the total assets of CIL as of 31 December, 2012 amounted to $448m at fair market value of which $173m represents assets due from related companies. “The said final restructuring plan is predicated upon the inclusion of assets of CHBL in a new company. As such, the JM must be in a position to transfer the realisable value of CHBL’s indebtedness to the benefit of CIL in order for the final restructuring plan to succeed,” stated the Judicial Manager.

Thursday September 26, 2013

Kaieteur News

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TIME FOR A GOOD MAN TO BECOME A STRONG LEADER Good systems are needed in every country. But could good systems prevent the malfeasance that has taken place in relation to the construction of the Marriott Hotel Project, the Berbice River Bridge and in relation to the contract of the proposed Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project? What system could have prevented a government- any government- from injecting over 90% of the total investment in the Berbice River Bridge and then turn around and vest control of the bridge company to minority shareholders who collectively have put no more than 10% of the overall investment?

What system could have also prevented the government from deciding to forfeit dividends from the bridge company so that these minority shareholders can have all the profits that accrued? What system could have prevented that elaborate scheme that was crafted, and administered by NICIL which will virtually see the same thing happening with the Marriott Hotel and the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project? There is no system that would have prevented these things from happening? So what then are the democratic safeguards that could guard against these actions of malfeasance?

One safeguard is the wrath of public opinion which can be galvanized against a government which practices malfeasance, which is the abuse of lawful power. All the things that the PPPC has so far done in relation to the above three named projects have been done under a cloak of legality. Thus, at this stage there can be no accusations of malfeasance in relation to the decision to hand over controlling interest in all three of these projects to minority shareholders or for that matter in relation to waiving dividends and interest payments in any of them. But these decisions can be deemed as acts of malfeasance- the abuse of

Housing Fraudster to be charged soon…

More victims come forward A number of persons have come forward with claims that they were hoaxed by a counterfeit land dealer who was captured by police during a sting operation on Tuesday. According to a source, a number of persons who were either scammed or approached by the con artist who has been identified as 48-year-old John Stewart, have come forward with allegations of losses, possibly amounting to millions of dollars. The source further added that the police are now working to ascertain those who were actually swindled by the middle aged con artist. “We have many persons coming forward but we need

Con artist - John Stewart enough evidence to tie him to the crimes,” the source said. The bogus land dealer was caught by police last Tuesday during a daring

daylight sting operation. It could have been a scene from the movies. The scam artist got the shock of his life when he turned up confidently to carry out another fraudulent transaction expecting to receive liquid cash. Instead, he found himself in handcuffs, being whisked away to the police station. Sources say the con artist whose aliases include “Yusuf Stuart” and “James Stuart” was wanted by the police for a variety of scams involving illegal sale of lands, carried out in the last year - the most recent being the sale of a house lot to a woman for a total of $3M. Kaieteur News understands that the man is to be charged soon.

Dem boys seh...

Brazzy mek taxpayers hold katahar Sometimes people does mek up dem mind to do something and when dem do it, dem does realize dem mistake. That is wha happen when a man hear that a policeman does trouble he wife. The man mek up he mind fuh kill de policeman who he claim riding he bicycle. Now, normal people would sit down and think before dem confront de woman. Then dem might tek a decision to put out de woman or move out and lef she fuh good. But this one tek things far, suh far that he kill de wrang man. Now he in de lock up and de policeman who been riding he bicycle still deh outside wid de woman fuh now ride as he please while this one in jail fuh killing de wrang man. Sometimes dem have big ones who does think just like that when it come to government project. De Marriott is a project that was never sure to mek a profit. Only if Guyana find oil then de hotel gun see a boom but every time Guyana hear bout oil something does tun that oil to water, just like how that Good man, years

ago tun water into wine. But Brazzy try to sell de project. He end up giving some private investor who put in de least money de biggest share of de hotel. Dem, boys think was a mistake until dem see de same pattern in de Berbice Bridge and again in de Amaila Falls project. In de bridge, de private company wid less money than de government get to own de bridge and de government lef holding katahar. Sithe Global come wid de same amount of money as Guyana and get to own de bridge and this time Guyana hold de smelly end of de stick. De man who kill de man by mistake gone to jail but de people who deliberately thief deh walking de land like if dem deh pun vacation. Dem boys seh that indeed dem deh pun vacation because is only a matter of time before de hammer fall. Poor Brazzy! Nobody ain’t gun mek mistake wid he. Talk half and think bout de stupidness that happening.

lawful power. The right to make certain decisions has been abused in order to hand control of national assets into the hands of private individuals and companies. The fear of the wrath of public opinion was one safeguard that could have prevented such abuse. Unfortunately, because of the ethnic security dilemma in Guyana, the PPPC is confident- supremely so – that it can spin criticisms of what has happened in relation to these major projects and can turn a fair portion of public opinion against those making the criticisms and also retain the loyalty of its political base. Therefore, it does feel compelled to act otherwise in the face of negative public opinion. So what then can be done to reverse what has taken place? If there are no systems that can help in this process, on what or who is the public to rely on to ensure that the process of national development will not end up bleeding Guyana of its wealth so as to enrich friends and cronies? The answer is good men and good women. There are good men and women within the system. Good men and women have always made a difference. Study all great swings in human history and you will find that behind every one of them were individuals who decided that enough was enough and provided leadership. Good men and good women have always

made a difference and good systems are inevitably the product of the leadership of these individuals. Donald Ramotar is a good man. Let there be no disputing this fact. He is however allowing himself to become weak by deferring too much to those around him. He has to lead and lead with authority, strength and purposefulness because in Guyana no President can afford to otherwise. Even if Donald Ramotar does not care about a legacy; even if his own modesty does not permit him to boast about what his plans are; even if he has no intention of leaving his own brand on the presidency and is prepared to simply ensure that the country moves forward economically, he has an obligation to the party that he has served for more than forty years and which has allowed him to reach where he is. Donald Ramotar is a good man. He is an honest man. He is a decent man and he must recognize that right now he is facing a situation where he is reigning over the loss of

support at the elections by his party. Unless he acts firmly in relation to the major projects conceived under the Jagdeo administration he will also end up being blamed for the loss of political power by the PPP come the next elections. He does not want such a scenario to haunt his retirement, whenever that time comes. Therefore, he needs to act now to save his party and his country from the opposite of eminent domain. The term eminent domain refers to the process of taking property for the State from private sources. What is happening in Guyana is the opposite, wealth of moving in the opposite direction through the three projects mentioned above. Donald must stop this. Donald is a good man. But is he strong enough? And does he have what it takes to prevent the PPP from going back to being an opposition party? (To be continued)

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Kaieteur News

Man granted bail after stealing Police Cadet Officer’s Phone Norman Brusche, a Rose Hall Town, Corentyne man was on Wednesday granted $40,000 bail by Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus when he appeared before her at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s court on the charge of simple larceny. Brusche is accused of stealing one Samsung JH Windows Cell Phone valued

at $127,000 from Police Cadet Officer, Jevon Hamer, on Wednesday September 18, last. Prosecutor Sergeant Phillip Sheriff said that on September 18, Cadet Officer Hamer was with some persons who boarded a car at Rose Hall Town to head to New Amsterdam. He had his phone in his possession. The Cadet Officer who was in the front seat, later switched to the back seat of the vehicle. Other passengers came into the vehicle and Brusche then entered the front seat of the car. When the vehicle was about to move off Brusche made a request to use the Urinal and asked the driver for a few minutes as he made a dash for a nearby restaurant. About the same time, Hamer who was about to use his

phone realized that it was not in his possession. A frantic search of the vehicle turned up empty handed. Brusche in the meantime had returned and stated that he did not want to urine anymore because the urinal was being cleaned and was untidy. Brusche when questioned denied knowledge of the phone. Hamer retraced Brusche’s steps, but came up empty handed. The urinal which Brusche said was untidy was found to be clean. The owners informed Hamer that the urinal was cleaned since morning. Brusche was arrested and charged and placed on $40,000 bail. The matter was transferred to the Albion Magistrate’s court for October 14.

Thursday September 26, 2013

Another Port Kaituma School engages protest to highlight concerns

A section of the weed-covered yard of Port Kaituma Secondary School In what appears to be a contagious syndrome occurring around the country in recent times, picketing action was yesterday engaged in the Region One area of Port Kaituma. Frustrated parents, along with their children, who are students of the Port Kaituma Secondary School, commenced the intense picketing exercise around 08:00 hours protesting a number of concerns at the school. With concerns ranging from a shortage of teachers to the unkempt state of the environment, the protesting contingent even dared to padlock the school gate effectively prohibiting the start of school, yesterday. This is the second time in one week that the area has been the venue of protest action. Last week teachers of the Port Kaituma Primary staged a sit-in to protest similar concerns. And protest actions have occurred at the La Parfaite Harmonie and the ParikaSalem Primary Schools since the start of the school year too.

Displaying placards which, among other things, stated, “We fed up! Every term is the same thing” and “We ain’t want to see no officer, we need teachers”, the protestors yesterday vocalised their concerns to whomever would listen. And according to some of the parents the students of Grade Nine and those preparing for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Examination are among those that are most disadvantaged. The parents explained that not only does the school have a population of about 681 students and 21 classes but there are only 14 teachers. None of the teachers are qualified to teach Mathematics. The protesting parents were distraught over the fact that although this is the fourth week since the commencement of the new school year, the yard is still not in an acceptable condition since it has not been weeded. So intense was the picketing action that it attracted the attention of

ranks of the Guyana Police Force who arrived in the company of a Child Protection Officer. The Regional Education Officer (REDO) soon after arrived at the school and summoned the Head Teacher along with the concerned parents to a meeting. This publication understands that by the end of the meeting a labourer from Mabaruma arrived armed with a brushcutter in order to weed the compounds of the nursery, primary and secondary schools of Port Kaituma. One Mathematics teacher has been identified for the Secondary School although no date was set for her to commence her duty. This publication was also informed that teachers will be sent to the Port Kaituma area once there is suitable accommodation, a matter that needs to be addressed. The meeting saw the Regional Education Officer pleading for teachers to apply to teach in the Port Kaituma area as soon as possible.

From page 2 challenges. Despite, the age of the vessels and the sometimes rough terrains, extreme weather conditions and sometimes mechanical and technical problems, we have recorded no major tragedies, TH&D seafaring workers have always been able to deliver even in the face of extreme challenges…” Merchant explained that TH&D currently services nine commercial vessels. Among them is the Lady Northcote which is the oldest seagoing vessel, with 76 years, providing service to the public. Marine Superintendant, Garfield Halley, noted that in keeping with providing an effective, efficient and balanced service, TH&D has embarked on training females to deliver prime maritime work. “In addition to the men involved in the marine cadet

course for the first time, six women are being trained to become ferry captains, pilots and inspectors.” He explained that the training has been ongoing. “The marine cadets train for four years, and serve the department for five years …Certificates are recognized regionally and once this is attained, it builds the foundation for international accreditation.” He held that the observance of safe practices at sea, will contribute to the low incidence of river mishaps. “Accidents occur because of ignorance and failure to comply or adhere with the regulations put in place by the Maritime administration… Observing and adhering to the simple rules could result in a reduction of the incidences.” To mark the occasion, TH&D will honour two of its

most outstanding workers. World Maritime Day 2013 is observed under the theme: “Sustainable development international Maritime Organization (IMO)’s contribution beyond Rio+20.” The theme was chosen to focus the international Maritime Organization efforts during 2013 on carrying out the commitments made at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, better known as Rio+20, held in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. General Secretary of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Mr Koji Sekimizu posited that the future, mankind’s development must be sustainable. “Central to any future development is the global supply chain, the complex mechanism that enables today’s inter-dependent, global economy to function. The maritime sector is a vital link in that chain.”

Safe marine practices at the centre of...

Thursday September 26, 2013

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GPSU focuses on good governance for decent work in 20TH Biennial Delegates’ Conference Participants in the Guyana Public Service Union’s (GPSU) 20 th Biennial delegates’ conference will place significant focus on good governance as a means of fostering decent work conditions during their twoday symposium catering for union recommendations for the next two years. Under the theme, “Relentlessly pursuing good governance, decent work, social and economic justice,” the union has urged for meaningful input from the government and to exercise the five factors of good governance for the benefit of public servants. Speaking at the opening ceremony at the National Cultural Centre yesterday,

chairperson Dawn Gardener, told the gathering of union representatives from the nation’s 10 Administrative Regions; that there are five components of good governance—- transparency, responsibility, accountability, participation and responsiveness. She explained that for good union/government relations, leaders have to recognize these components to foster ties and therefore aid in the union’s quest to ensure decent work for its members. “The decent work agenda has forced strategic objectives which reinforce each other. These objectives are promoting and analyzing standards and fundamental principles and rights at work;

GPSU’s President Patrick Yarde addresses the crowd, with acting President Samuel Hinds and GPSU members seated in the back ground.

PPP/C to host rallies to celebrate October 5th “return to democracy”

PPP/C plans to hold a number of rallies to commemorate the “return to democracy” following the October 5th, 1992 General and Regional Elections. Almost 21 years since taking control of Government, the ruling party is set to host a number of rallies to mark the “return of democracy”. According to the ruling People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), the activities will be held across the country. The PPP/C has continuously won the presidency and control of the National Parliament since the October 5, 1992 General and Regional Elections. However, it lost its majority in the Parliament following the 2011 General and Regional Elections, while retaining the presidency. President Donald Ramotar and other leading party and government officials will be addressing the rallies, the PPP/C said yesterday. “The Party, at these rallies, will be highlighting the 21

years of continued progress while in government over the past twenty-one years.” The first of the rallies will be held on October 5 at the University of Guyana Campus, Tain, Corentyne, Berbice. The next day, the rally will be held at the Lusignan Tarmac, East Coast Demerara. On Saturday, October 12, the celebrations move to the Essequibo Coast at the Anna Regina car park. Several other activities are planned for other locations and these will be announced later, the PPP/C said. “The (1992) elections resulted in Dr. Cheddi Jagan becoming the first democratically elected President of independent Guyana. Those elections were hailed as free and fair both locally and internationally. The return to democracy came after years

of rigged elections which kept the People’s National Congress under Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte in power for 28 years. During those years the country went bankrupt and the conditions of the Guyanese people were degraded.” According to the PPP/C, the message at these rallies is for Guyanese to safeguard their future by defending their democratic gains and this in turn will result in further development of the country and the living conditions of the people. Government is expected to use the rallies to bolster its support amidst increasing criticisms of a number of largescale infrastructural projects, including the Amaila Falls hydro project, the Marriott Hotel and the airport expansion.

creating greater opportunities for women, men; to secure decent employment and income; enhancing the coverage and effectiveness of social protection for all and strengthening for a ‘tripartism’ and social dialogue.”Guyana is not behind with social and economic inequalities; and some public servants are living below the poverty level, Gardener told the crowd. GPSU President Patrick Yarde first expressed great regret in the absence of President Donald Ramotar, who was represented by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds. Yarde said, “As the Head

of State and Head of the Government of Guyana, especially one with a trade union identity we (union) would have been pleased to have the opportunity to share our concerns and hear his views.” Yarde added that the workers have remained firm and forthright in the face of the pittance they received over the years. Addressing the conference theme, Yarde said that its relevance is reflected in the developments that have taken place globally and more so locally, over the past decade or so which most of us have painfully experienced.

“These sufferings and sacrifices could have been avoided had there been people-oriented leadership and the recognition that we are all citizens and should be treated equally and fairly. In these circumstances, a moral and patriotic approach would have led to the observance of natural justice, due process, respect for human and civil rights, equitable distribution and even-handed treatment, at all times.” “The GPSU has had to defend its stance and kept hope alive in a hostile environment characterized at times by, vicious and unwarranted onslaughts on workers in their recognized bargaining units, disregard for the rule of law and of ILO Conventions and practices, and the absence of due process.” Speaking on good governance, Yarde reiterated calls for the Public Service Appellate Tribunal where public workers can get redress. “The unwillingness to reconstitute this body has been very frustrating, discriminatory and costly to Public Servants, forcing them to take matters to the High Court at high costs and to suffer lengthy time loss, while waiting for related judgments.” The GPSU president went Continued on page 24

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Thursday September 26, 2013


The PPP and the USA: Guyanese must judge their politicians harshly I think most scholars from outside the United States who study American sociology would tell you that the American landscape as we know it from 19th right up to the last decade in the 20th century has changed in the 21st century to the extent that the term “The American Dream” is gone, maybe forever. It is outside the scope of this column to delve into such a complex topic but official statistics that come from various top class institutions have shown that income inequalities are increasing beyond belief the past thirty years (source BBC Online, September 10, 2013). In other words, a huge percentage of Americans have not seen and maybe will not see “The American Dream.” In other words, the working and middle classes may become poorer. It is this changing landscape that caused Mitt Romney to lose to Barack Obama. Obama’s victory was not as large as when he first became President but Romney and the Republicans

were living in a changing US that they didn’t want to believe had changed. Romney’s presidential ambition was over when he was secretly taped telling an audience that the other half of US wants to be given a free ride. The other half did need help because America is now an economy that has a huge working class and a vast middle class. These are people who want the State to be involved in the distribution of wealth as what obtains in other capitalist countries, perhaps in all capitalist countries including all of the rich capitalist states. The voters judged Romney harshly. It was that other half that did not vote for him and that caused his defeat. If there is anything you can bet on and collect a handsome reward, it is that the next presidential election will see all the candidates fighting madly to win the votes of that other half because all of them would know by now that the US has substantial classes of people

that are nowhere near being financially comfortable and they want to elect a government that behaves towards them the way other governments in capitalist societies do. We come now to Guyana. If Guyanese were to vote the way Americans do, then the PPP would have been out of office a long time. In the last election in 2011, the PPP paraded a number of Mitt Romneys (Mr. Romney is worth net US$200 M – source, NY Times, Feb 1, 2012) for the country to see. The PPP was not afraid. While the election was going on, the PPP Mitt Romneys were building mansions in Pradoville 2. Take the talk about raising university fees. The PPP is a political party whose constitution describes it as a Marxist-Leninist party. Little Barbados has two parties that alternate in government and not one of its leaders in the past or at the moment ever embrace communism much less boldly state that their party is MarxistLeninist.

Barbados is viewed as a capitalist sea of stability in the CARICOM family. PPP supporters need to know and understand how deceitful their party is. Yes, little capitalist Barbados send their citizens to UWI freely. Yes, university education is free in Barbados. University education is expensive in Guyana and even the Ministry of Finance loan has teeth. First your guarantor cannot be over fifty-five. Secondly, you are bonded so you cannot leave Guyana until you repay. And thirdly, there is a quota so if you miss out then either you do not attend UG or pay for your tuition.

How about the country that Karl Marx was born in; the man the PPP idolizes for being the founder of communism. In Germany, university education is free and you are free to leave Germany after you graduate. Do you know how much a trainee nurse with the Ministry of Health gets? Mark Benschop and I were eating at a restaurant near to the training school in East Street about two years ago, and a few of them walked in. They told us that they are full time trainees and they get $25,000 per month. This is how a Marxist/Leninist party treats the poorer classes in Guyana. Finally, the vendors. I have seen this government

chase market vendors in Parika in a manner reminiscent of the mistreatment of Africans in apartheid South Africa. I have seen the Ministry of Works evict poor vendors from selling on the large parapets on Vlissengen Road. But now big businesses are getting state land to be used as parking facilities for their customers. People like Mitt Romney are in power in Guyana.

The accused hit-man in a recent execution-style murder may also have played a role in the killing, almost a year ago, of Marlon ‘Trini’ Osborne, an associate of Ricardo Rodrigues. ‘Trini Osborne’ was shot and killed in Laluni Street, Queenstown, Georgetown. Kaieteur News understands that police have been able to match the suspect’s fingerprints to those that detectives found at Osborne’s Achievement Place, South Ruimveldt Gardens home, which was broken into by three men on

the very day of his November 2012 execution. The burglars reportedly carted off jewellery, expensive wrist watches and other valuables. Two suspects were subsequently arrested. The accused hit-man in this month’s killing was captured minutes after he had allegedly riddled his victim in a Greater Georgetown area. He was subsequently charged. However, no one was ever charged with Osbourne’s murder. Eyewitnesses said that

Osborne, aka Marlon Scott and ‘Trini’, had just reversed his car out of a Queenstown yard when gunmen in another vehicle shot him. Assault rifles were used in this attack, as well as in the killing, 15 days earlier, of Osborne’s associate, Ricardo Rodrigues, who was slain inside the compound of the Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club on Albert Street. Another man, Canadian Jean Le Blanc, who was also shot during that attack, died some days later at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh is appreciative of what he believes is the support of the private sector in wanting the Amaila Falls Hydro project to come to fruition. Making reference to the competitiveness manifesto that the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) recently launched, Singh said, “I am happy that we have today a private sector that recognizes the importance of these initiatives and want to publicly acknowledge the forthright stance taken by these leaders who have not hesitated to come on board and say we believe that the Amaila Falls project is good for Guyana” The Finance Minister in speaking to the benefits that the private sector by way of foreign direct investment has brought to Guyana, said, “If you speak with the membership of the Chamber of Commerce, the Private Sector Commission or any of the umbrella private sector bodies

and you speak with any entrepreneur in Guyana they will say to you that the single most important impediment to increase accelerated investment in growth is the cost and reliability in energy.”He further implied that if every manufacturer in Guyana was able to “enjoy electricity rates 20 per cent lower than they currently pay” then they would not have to invest in back up power and generation of electricity, the profits (capital) of which could be invested in expanding the business. Singh’s remarks come in the wake of the opposition and academics criticizing the project, citing that the lack of information on the project and unanswered questions with respect to how much the overall cost will be on the nation and if indeed tariffs will be lowered to 20 per cent. It was ascertained that the generation of electricity which would be produced, would in five years be insufficient to supply the grid. Not to mention the fact

that during the dry spells the Amaila Falls water flow would be insufficient to power the grid meaning that GPL will have to use generated power to supply the shortage. More damning are the projections made by analysts who posit that the ever increasing cost of the project which grew from the projected cost of US $500M to over US $850M, with the propensity to go well over the billion-dollar mark had the project actually materialized, this would have crippled taxpayers. APNU Member of Parliament, Jaipaul Sharma, said that the high cost and non availability of the requisite information to scrutinize the project lead the opposition to vote it down. It was not a position where we didn’t want energy reduction or the Hydro project; we welcome such initiatives provided that correct procedures and accountability are followed and in this case it was not.

Frederick Kissoon

Hit man’s prints found at home of another execution victim

Private sector in support of Amaila Falls Hydro Project

Thursday September 26, 2013

Kaieteur News

Meten-meer-Zorg murder/robbery

Prisoner rushed to GPHC P

andemonium broke out at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) yesterday, as one of the eight suspects remanded to prison for the murder of Met-enMeer Zorg grocer, Zulficar Namdar, was taken to the facility for medical assistance. It is unclear why 30year-old Delwayne Croft of Lot 589 Tuschen Housing S c h e m e , We s t C o a s t Demerara was taken to the institution, but sources say that he was vomiting blood, crying out for severe chest pain and complaining of blurred vision. Croft was escorted in shackles and handcuffs to the hospital’s Outpatient Department by two prison officers. Both of his eyes were swollen shut and there were marks on his face. He spent less than five minutes in the hospital before he was rushed back to the Camp Street Prison without any medication or an X-ray being done to determine the cause of his chest pain. Croft was remanded to prison on September, 20, last for the murder of Namdar. The 25-year-old businessman was shot and killed after heavily-armed, masked gunmen invaded the family’s Lot 76 Third Street Meten-Meer-Zorg home on September 10. As word spread that some of the suspects in the Meten- Meer- Zorg murder/robbery were being taken to the GPHC, relatives

Delwayne Croft

of the eight suspects crowded the facility. “My son called me and told me that five of them (murder suspects) were crying out for pain and the prison officers told them to get ready to go to the hospital but only Croft was taken to the hospital for checkup.” One relative told Kaieteur News. When Croft left the Camp Street prison, the news reached the relatives of the murder accused and

everyone, including the media, flocked the hospital’s Accident and Emergency Unit. But Croft was instead taken to the health institution’s Outpatient Department which is located opposite the mortuary. Upon receiving information that Croft was taken to the Outpatient Department, a large gathering assembled to get a glance of Croft. The two prison officers tried to shield his face and pushed him in the vehicle. While being pushed and forced in the police van, the man shouted, “They beat me at Leonora Station. They beat me and I can’t see.” “Look, Look, them hiding what they did. They beat him since two Mondays ago and now they bring him to the hospital. Look at his eyes. Look what they did. They throw water on his skin and shock him,” Croft’s sister, Denise, cried. A pregnant Denise said that her brother told her that he was working when police officers showed up and arrested him. “He ain’t do nothing. He was collecting money from passengers because he was working on a speedboat when the police showed up and arrested him.” She added that while her brother was at Leonora Police Station two Mondays ago, two police officers took him into a cane field and “beat’ him. “They beat him and when they done they tell him to run but he refused and

they put his head in a plastic bag and slap him up.” Meanwhile, Ann Blair, the mother of Alan Dorsett who along with his wife, Cassindra Singh was remanded to prison for the same murder accuses the justice system of being corrupted. “They say my daughterin-law murder. How can she murder someone and run when she weigh over 250 pounds? She has a fivemonth-old baby and them putting her in jail. She is innocent,” the woman cried.

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Thursday September 26, 2013

Cabinet responds to school protests Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon


ecent bouts of picketing that have erupted in schools since the start of the academic year have found much displeasure with the Government, especially as the exercises have been taking place during classroom sessions. This examination was voiced yesterday by Cabinet S e c r e t a r y D r. R o g e r Luncheon, who noted that the picketing exercises are largely associated with elements of the Opposition, particularly A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). According to the Cabinet Secretary, the actions have erupted as a result of recent decisions by APNU-led elements to invade and

disrupt classes in progress. “We do not believe that these are spontaneous events.” Specific reference was to a recent picking action which saw school gates being locked and students “parading” with placards in their hands at a time when classes are supposed to be in session. On Monday, parents and students attending the Parika-Salem Primary School in Region Three staged a protest citing overcrowding and other health threats. Further, the gate at the main entrance of the school was locked, preventing students as well as teachers from gaining entry into the school compound. Students of the Parika-Salem Secondary

school, housed in the same compound were reportedly also among those who partook in the action. A c c o r d i n g t o information received, APNU Member of Parliament, Jaipaul Sharma was present during the exercise. It was noted that after Sharma had been excluded from a subsequent meeting with officials of the Regional Education office to discuss the issues, parents ‘walked out’ saying that the APNU member has a legitimate right to be present. “I cannot fathom Second, Third and Fourth Formers and the conscious involvement by OppositionANPU led elementsprotesting during school hours,” Dr. Luncheon emphatically expressed. He acknowledged that protests highlighting conditions at schools and other educational facilities have occurred and are expected to continue. H o w e v e r, t h e r e c e n t involvement of students in the actions, he said has never been a feature of school protests. This, the Cabinet Secretary said, Cabinet

During the protest action at Parika-Salem Primary School on Monday

condemns and finds totally unacceptable. “I was not aware it (protest) was on the curriculum.” The Ministry of Education’s stance on the matter was stated by Chief Education Officer Olato Sam during an invited comment with this newspaper. He said that the while the right to protest is not being contested, the Ministry feels strongly about the inclusion of students in the actions at a

time when they should have been meaningfully occupied in studies. “Children should not be used by other individuals, obviously not in the interest of the young people themselves. The time is better spent in the classroom.” Sam said that locking the gates of schools, which seems to become a custom in school protests, is seen as an act of a violation of the rights of teachers and students.

“Locking teachers and students out of the schools cannot be justified”. The Chief Education Officer said that the Ministry has been seeking the help of Police to address such occurrences. He advised that should parents be inclined to bring issues to the fore, the Ministry welcomes their interest, however, it should be done “within a well structured framework that does not impede what schools are intended to do.”

Thursday September 26, 2013

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Deadline set for completion of Mahdia Primary that all the minor works to the school infrastructure and otherwise are catered for or included in the works programme.” This newspaper recently

The Mahdia Primary School. Even as students and teachers of Mahdia Primary school, Region Eight await the completion of their new classrooms, a fast approaching deadline looms over construction workers, who were hired to facilitate the expansion of the building. The new deadline given to workers to complete repairs and expansion works to the school is September, 30, 2013. Yesterday, Region Eight Executive Officer, Ronald Harsawack, told this newspaper that he had contacted the contractor and had issued a new deadline for the completion of the job. “I have spoken to the contractor and even formally written to him informing him that the works done to the floors were substandard. The floor needs recapping. I had even instructed him that the work should be completed to meet the September 30 deadline.” The expansion of the Mahdia Primary School,

which is located in Region Eight, has attracted a great deal of contention, over the past months as members of the regional democratic body, pointed to several discrepancies within the project. Approximately, $6M was allocated to construct a school in North Pakaraimas but the funds had been diverted to extend the Mahdia Primary School. Construction of the building started last year October, and within, three months the project had been 90 percent completed. However the contractor ceased work on the building, several months ago over default payments. The Regional Administrative office had owed the contractor almost $2 million. Kaieteur News understands that issue had been ventilated, but the work is still incomplete. When the school recently reopened, students of the Mahdia Primary School

were forced to occupy the incomplete building. “Electrical wires are still hanging from the ceiling and the floors need to be recapped. The concrete flooring is dusty and the dust is affecting the teachers and the students,” Mohamed G a f o o r, a m e m b e r o f Regional council said. Gafoor pointed to the shortage of teachers and the necessary school supplies as just two issues plaguing the education sector in the region. He claims that “not much has changed in relation to the school.” “The infrastructure remains the same— the guard hut, the toilets —everything is the same, …The PTA can’t come up with the money to fix things because the organisation is poor. The region administration has to do it.” Regional Executive Officer Harsawack, in an invited comment, explained

reported on the massive shortage of basic but necessary learning materials which were linked to the poor performance of the region’s children. However, yesterday,

when contacted via telephone, for an update on that issue, Regional Educational Officer (REDO) Rabindra Singh was unavailable to take the call.

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Thursday September 26, 2013

Guyana will not accept Haiti’s Handyman found floating price for rice - Ramsammy in Liliendaal Canal By Leon Suseran Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, has stated that Guyana will not accept Haiti’s price for Guyana’s rice. He added that Guyana will be seeking markets other than Venezuela in the near future. He was addressing rice farmers at the Guyana Rice Producers Association Conference in Region Six over the weekend. The Minister praised Venezuela and the late President Hugo Chavez and that country’s economic markets “for being so good to us [in Guyana]” where rice is concerned. “We must be grateful for President Chavez and President Maduro and we must not forget the leadership that we have got from President Jagdeo and President Ramotar. “We will continue to strengthen those relationships, but there is a limit-I think that we have reached a stage-that as much as Venezuela is taking from us-we have to continue to expand the Caribbean and 2European markets.” But Guyana must continue to see other markets. Haiti, he added, wants our rice, “but it’s the price, because while other countries will accept Haiti’s

price, Guyana’s farmers will not accept Haiti’s price and that’s’ the negotiations we are going through now.” Dr Ramsammy stated that next week he will be negotiating with another country “for reasonable prices with the expectations that by 2014, they can procure approximately 50,000 tonnes of rice from Guyana. We are building that market to go along with the farmers’ efforts, to increase production.” He noted that the interests of the people and the country “sometimes become expediently spent for political gains.” “I believe that we will always have differences, but at the end of the day, we must work out these differences in the interest of these people and the interest of our country.” Dr Ramsammy also said that drainage poses a big p r o b l e m i n G u y a n a ’s agricultural sector. He alluded to the many irrigation pumps that were built in the 1960s to aid in drainage. These included pumps at Dawa in Essequibo; Black Bush and Mibikuri Manarabisi . “They have served us well; those irrigation pumps are under stress right now.” He stated that the

government has been looking for budgetary allocations to upgrade those irrigation pump stations “to serve our partners better, so you will see the 2014 budget-if we are allowedreflecting an upgrade of Manarabisi and Mibikuri Irrigation Station.” Dr Ramsammy said that the Black Bush Polder was designed to lead drainage water out of Adventure and Number 43 Villages. “But at the time, Johanna was never considered—because Jagan demitted office in 1964 and under a new PPP government, we are correcting that situation. So as we speak, we have completed the construction of a new sluice and pump station. We are now bringing in a pump—already paid for — and we expect those pumps to be here soon for installation at Bengal, that will now ease the pressure from the Number 43 Drainage Canal.” The National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), he stated, will start the expansion of the Johanna Canal, going on to the Bengal Sluice on the Corentyne. A d d i t i o n a l l y, n e w pumps are being placed at Crabwood Creek, Rose Hall Town, and in Canje.

Cabin in which Roy George lived before his demise.


fter being missing for two weeks, the body of Roy George surfaced yesterday in a canal at the Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara pump station. The 44-year-old lived alone at North Sophia Squatting area. Bruises were found on his body while his right arm appeared to be broken when he was fished out of the canal. The body was stuck at the grillwork that prevents debris from reaching the pump. A pump attendant at the Liliendaal facility told this newspaper that he was alerted to the body by two young men who were passing through the area around 06:30 hours. “These two men riding past and stop by de grill. I see

dem pointing in de water. Then they call me and show me a man body floating,” the pump attendant said. He explained that the body was so decomposed that the stench was unbearable. “They had to spray he fuh move he,” he said. George who was known as “Fisherman,” was also a handyman in the area. The father of three leaves to mourn four brothers and two sisters. According to one of his sisters, Bibi Mohamed, her brother went missing almost two weeks ago. She related that he was supposed to assist her with some carpentry work but never turned up. “I had a piece of fence for him to fix two Sundays ago; he said he would come Monday and I never saw him the following Monday. Then

I tell my daughter that my brother didn’t come by me, like he sick,” she explained. “Tuesday afternoon my daughter was calling he to give he some food but we didn’t see he, so we began to call relatives and the police station and no one said they see he.” She added that on another occasion when he had gone missing, he was found locked up at Sparendaam Police Station. Mohamed said on this occasion, all other police stations were contacted but no information was forthcoming. “We then visited another niece on the Soesdyke/ Linden Highway but they didn’t know anything, and we search all over and we didn’t find he. We made a report at Prashad Nagar Police outpost.” The woman said that she was on her way home after selling at the market yesterday, when a young man alerted her that George’s body was found floating in the canal. She said after slumping against a fence she immediate got depressed and began to wonder how her brother met his demise.

Thursday September 26, 2013

Kaieteur News

Joint Services forge closer ties with Angoy’s Avenue “We are willing to assist with any textbooks …just tell us.” - Commander ‘B’ Division By Leon Suseran The Joint Services recently presented cash prizes to several outstanding students of Angoy’s Avenue, New Amsterdam. Commander of ‘B’ Division, Assistant Commissioner Brian Joseph pledged the force’s future support to the community. Angoy’s Avenue has long been a crime and drug hotspot in the New Amsterdam area. It is Guyana’s largest squatter settlement. But the senior officers representing the Joint Services made it clear that when the citizens of a town or village perform well, the entire community must celebrate. Mr. Joseph stated that he used to be afraid to come into Angoy’s Avenue as a little boy. “Given the initiatives by the Commissioner of Police, we are willing to engage any community to develop the youths and we want to work with you.” He noted that the joint services will continue to work “hand-in- gloves to develop this area.” Mr. Joseph said that people must see the ‘softer’ side of the police force, which is not only about “locking up people.” “We are willing to assist with any textbooks …just tell us.” Officer-in-Charge of the Guyana Fire Service (GFS), Mr. Compton Sparman alluded to a similar kind of development in Albouystown, from which he hails. “Youths are going astray and we must bring them back.” He noted that once he is in charge of ‘B’ Division, “and you call for any assistance, I will be readily available!” “Fire speaks of disaster and we don’t want only to come [into Angoy’s Avenue] when there is disaster—we want to come in peace time.” He congratulated the successful students and awardees. He urged them to practice commitment. “If you are not committed to whatever you want, then there are serious consequences.” Chairman of the Safe Neighbourhood Council of A n g o y ’s Av e n u e , M r. Indranauth Persaud, stated

that the body has been overseeing projects in the fields of health, education, sports and social services in the depressed community. The members have also been working with the Peace Council. “The thing about Angoy’s Avenue in times past is that this place was depressed—but I would like to notify the public that Angoy’s Avenue has shifted in two months’ time; with the help of the Police, Prisons and Fire Service, Republic Bank, as well as Banks DIH, things have moved rapidly.” Community Action Officer, Mr. Philip Rose, said that the SNC was a brainchild of Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Clement Rohee. “We have become a vehicle of that safe neighbourhood initiative.” He added that a safe neighbourhood is one in which people and organizations come together to reduce injuries and promote safety and wellbeing to all its citizens. The students who benefitted were Ms. KellyAnn Sulker who attained ten subjects at the CSEC Exams; Mr. Chris Sears; Ms. Ophelia Junor; and Lavina Sukhnandan. “This is enough to know exactly what is taking place in Angoy’s Avenue.” Banks DIH came on board to beautify the community by donating several palm trees that have been positioned in such a way that they line the road

along the play- field. The company’s Berbice Branch also donated and erected a sign for the play- field. Th e J o in t S er v ices donated several pairs of desks and benches to the Smythfield Drop- in Centre. Ms. Simone Dainty, a counselor attached to the centre, received the equipment on behalf of the r e s i d e n t s . M r. J o s h u a Torrezao, Sales Manager of Banks DIH, also pledged Banks DIH’s commitment to further develop Angoy’s Avenue.

Page 19

COMPOSITE PHOTOS: Senior Joint Services ranks, top students of Angoy’s Avenue and their parents after the presentation; SFC members, erecting the playfield sign

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Kaieteur News

Woman tells court she is ‘fed up’, husband remanded


e n n i s Dalrymple, a father of nine was remanded to prison on Tuesday after his wife testified to the court that “she has it” with his abusive behavior. The couple stood before Magistrate Judy Latchman, at the Georgetown

Magistrates’ Court yesterday. Dennis Dalrymple is accused of threatening to chop his wife Meena Dalrymple on September 21, 2013. While the defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge, his wife told the court that she “is ready to rid herself of her husband‘s abuses.”

She explained to the court that her husband had threatened her several times before. “I am fed up with this man, I took him in when he had nothing and he sold my house, now I don’t have a place to live I am very much afraid of my husband.” The Magistrate then told the complainant that she could file for the necessary protection under the Domestic Violence Act. Bail was refused to the defendant who will return to court on October 11, 2013.

Thursday September 26, 2013

An ocean-going vessel ran into this GPL pump house last week, leaving damage and causing severe outages in Berbice.

BARTICA FULLY POWERED AGAIN Berbice repairs almost completed - GPL


lectricity generation in Bartica has been restored to full capacity as a result of the installation of two generators, the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) announced yesterday. The repairs will now see the Bartica plant satisfying demands continuously after weeks of outages. GPL has now unveiled a number of projects to upgrade the electricity systems of that community which is located up the Essequibo River, inRegionSeven. Targeted for upgrade next will be the distribution system, the first phase of which will commence tomorrow. “During this phase, the north distribution line will be upgraded from 4.160KV to 13.8KV. Concomitant with this exercise, GPL will install and commission a 13.8KV sub-station transformer. Distribution at the higher voltage will lead to

improvement in the voltage levels and quality of supply,” GPL announced yesterday. There have been increasing complaints in recent times from that riverain community over the electricity supply. During the upgrades, residents First and Fifth Streets and First and Seventh Avenues and Caribesce Hill will be without power for short periods between 06:00 -16:00 hours, the stateowned company said. “Further near-term improvements will involve the relocation of the existing generation site; while at the same time installing a new generating set of 2MW capacity (current peak demand is approximately 1.5MW). This new unit will have the capacity to satisfy the projected increasing demand, with second-hand sets as backup.” Meanwhile, in Berbice, electricity supply to residents in Berbice was

expected to return to normalcy by last evening as technical teams continued to work to complete repairs to the two damaged raw water pumps at GPL’s pump house at Canefield Power Station. “Repair to one of the damaged pumps has been completed thus enabling one of the two Mirrlees Diesel generators to become fully functional since Tuesday night. However, work is progressing on schedule and the second generator is expected to be operational by this (Wednesday) evening.” Two Tuesdays ago, electricity supply to Berbice residents was affected due to extensive structural damage caused by an ocean-going vessel that collided into GPL’s pump house at Canefield Power Station, Canje, resulting in damage to the raw water pumps that provide cooling water for the two Mirrlees Diesel Generators. Berbice has a demand of around nine megawatts of power.

Thursday September 26, 2013

Kaieteur News

Anti-corruption body to scrutinize Guyana Even without, the Public Procurement Commission and other key oversight bodies to limit or fight corruption, the Mechanism for Follow-Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC) and agency of the Organisation of American States would visit Guyana on October 8,next to flesh out their understanding and to report on Guyana’s compliance. The three-day engagement with a team drawn from Haiti and Trinidad and Tobago under the Organization of American States (OAS) would surround state, government and civil society bodies and be dominated by oversight bodies. Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon, during his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President yesterday, said the anticorruption body and its planned site visit would focus on Guyana’s compliance to its treaty obligations; since the first report under the treaty’s Mutual Evaluation Mechanism (MEM). He noted, “The site visit is intended to provide the OAS with a much broader perspective than a site visit

this should not be construed as Government ignores the fact of corruption in the society. “I don’t know if there is a stance that is reflective of what seems to be suggested- denialnor am I certain that a report, in this instance, the site visit and the report of the site visit, would in some way or could in some way modify this purported stance,” he noted. Dr. Luncheon emphasized that the Administration never disputed the existence of corruption in the system. Cabinet is aware of the presence of corruption; the challenges of fighting corruption remain a focus of Government, he added. According to Dr. Luncheon, he doesn’t believe that the MESICIC is unaware of the nonappointment of an Ombudsman or the non-establishment of the Public Procurement Commission. He said, “In the MEM all of the features of a robust anticorruption environment that are displayed in other countries are looked at in Guyana’s case and others. That is what the MEM does. It is to identify the shortcomings. They are here to do a site visit and not to promote the creation or filling of constitutional vacancies. They are here to engage the existing

bodies that are involved in these governance activities that are involved in addressing oversight issues.” Dr. Luncheon emphasized that the MEM allows nation states to evaluate each other in the context of treaty obligations. This would be Guyana’s first experience with a site visit. He noted the treaty obligations under the convention see the compliance reports for each member state in the OAS being compiled by your peers. Dr. Luncheon said reports are periodically provided with recommendations and on the basis of those recommendations activities are planned. This site visit is the fourth round and Guyana might have been in the last round of site visits to all of the member states that are under the treaty. MESICIC is an intergovernmental body established within the framework of the OAS. It supports the States Parties in the implementation of the provisions of the Convention through a process of reciprocal evaluation, based on conditions of equality among the states. In this mechanism, recommendations are formulated with respect to those areas in which there are legal gaps or in which further progress is necessary.

into custody with other employees but later released on $100,000 station bail three weeks ago… “My client was only informed today that he is charged; he does not pose the risk of flight since he had been out on bail for several weeks and has reported to the police station since.” However Police Prosecutor, Sergeant Vishnu Hunte. objected to bail. He said that investigations into the matter are ongoing. He said that the accused is likely to face forthcoming charges for embezzlement amounting to in excess of $32 million.

He explained that the amount represents transactions between the accused and more than 60 customers. “The accused is likely to face up to 200 similar charges…As such the prosecution is objecting to bail, since there is likelihood that the accused may flee the jurisdiction.” Thompson argued that the offence is bailable. He disputed that his client was not a cashier or billing clerk, he was just delivery personnel. Magistrate Latchman remanded Laurie to prison until October 11, 2013.

OAS aware of Guyana’s shortcomings ideally provides on the anticorruption legislative, judicial and administrative dimensions in Guyana.” This is the first such visit to Guyana. He said that national oversight bodies such as Parliament and the Director of Public Prosecutions would be approached, be actively involved, and dominant in their engagement with the OAS. However, Government’s reaction to the imminent report if it contains unsavory comments of Guyana in relation to corruption is questionable since Government has always rejected reports that painted the country in a negative light. For instance, US Human Rights Report, Transparency International (TI) and other watchdog agencies have been rejected by Government because of poor ratings and criticism. TI’s local body Transparency International Guyana Inc. has been calling on Government to establish key oversight bodies such as the Public Procurement Commission and Integrity Commission and the appointment of an Ombudsman. Yet Dr Luncheon said that

Ex-drugstore employee could face $32M worth of fraud charges

Raphael Laurie is likely to face charges for $32 million he allegedly embezzled while he was under the employ of Bacchus Drugstore. The former drugstore employee has been arraigned on charges of simple larceny and embezzlement before Magistrate Judy Latchman, at the Georgetown Magistrate court Tuesday. The court heard that on July, 30, 2013, Laurie, 24, of Lot 7 Supply, East Bank Demerara, stole a quantity of pharmaceuticals from Bacchus Drugstore, located at Howes and Saffon Streets, Charlestown, property of

- Court hears Mohammed Hussein Bacchus called ‘Bobby.’ It is further alleged that Laurie embezzled the sums of $120,061 and $116,638 which were monies taken to his account on behalf of his employer, on July 9 and July 30, 2013, respectively. The accused was not required to plead to the charges. His Attorney, Adrian Thompson, requested bail. Thompson told the court that his client, a former employee of the drugstore was taken

Police constable suspended for riding in overcrowded bus A female police constable, assigned at the Charity Outpost was sent on leave, after it was reported she had traveled in an overloaded and speeding minibus. The vehicle was at the centre of an accident, on Tuesday, at Andrews, Essequibo Coast. Minibus BRR 694 was at the time transporting mostly school children to the Charity Secondary School. The female police officer was also a passenger of the

overcrowded minibus, which was allegedly, had some fifty passengers. The minibus which was heading north, on the Andrews Public Road collided with a sports utility vehicle at Andrews before toppling and subsequently landed in a nearby trench. While the occupants experienced a near death situation as the bus ended up in the trench, no serious mayhem was reported. However, some of the

occupants sustained minor injuries. Recently, A Partnership For Unity, Regional Councillor, Wazeer Latiff, who is maintaining that in the event where a police officer is traveling in an overloaded and speeding minibus, some form of penalty should be meted out to that officer. Latiff added that police officers should respect their profession and not to become friendly with the perpetrators. Over the past two to

three weeks, the Essequibo Coast has recorded two fatalities. Shameer Mohamed, one of the two accused has since been charged and remanded in the matter of causing death by dangerous driving. The other accused, Fitzroy Lloyd, has been released on station bail and advice is being sought by the police from the chamber of the Director Of Public Prosecution in connection with a charge against him.

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Sophia shooting … A twenty seven year old Kitty resident has confessed to killing TSU Constable Michael Cumberbatch, who was shot on Monday night at Sophia. Kaieteur News was told that the alleged shooter has told police investigators that Cumberbatch was not his intended target. This newspaper was told that Cumberbatch’s reputed wife identified the suspect positively yesterday during an identification parade. Kaieteur News was told that the suspect has told investigators that he went to the wrong house. “Apparently he is accusing another policeman of being in a relationship with his wife…but went to the wrong house” the police source explained. This newspaper was further t old that the suspect has told investigators that he was told that policeman was living in Sophia with his wife who is an Amerindian. C o i n c i d e n t a l l y Cumbertbatch’s wife is an Amerindian. However the suspect went to the wrong house. The suspect is expected to be taken to court by Friday. Kaieteur News

Kaieteur News

Thursday September 26, 2013

“Wrong policeman I Mahaica overseer in hot killed” - suspect admits water over missing $$$$ to killing TSU rank

TSU Constable Michael Cumberbatch understands that the suspect, who was previously charged with armed robbery, admitted that he was in the North Sophia area on Monday night, but denied that he shot Constable Cumberbatch. Two associates of the

suspect were also taken into custody on Tuesday. Police had detained three other individuals on Monday night, but it is unclear whether they are still in custody. Residents have told investigators that they saw the suspect “walking up and down” in the North Sophia area on Monday prior to the murder, and that the suspect had been enquiring about someone called ‘Quacy.’ The dead man’s reputed wife had told Kaieteur News that she was at home with her husband and children on Monday night when someone knocked at the door and asked for ‘Quacy.’ The woman said that she told the visitor, whose hair was braided, that no one by the name of ‘Quacy’ lived there, and the visitor left. But she said that the man returned ten minutes later and again banged on the door while asking for ‘Quacy.’ By this time, the family had gone to bed. Mrs. Cumberbatch said that she looked outside and observed that the visitor appeared to be drunk. She told her husband what she had observed, and Cumberbatch went outside to the visitor and ordered the man to leave. According to her, the stranger asked “who you talking to?”… “and then Michael (Constable Cumberbatch) said ‘what you got in your hand?’ She then heard gunshots. On looking outside, Mrs. Cumberbatch said that she saw her husband lying on the ground and the alleged killer fleeing the scene. The wounded policeman was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he succumbed.

The Overseer of the Mahaica Neighbourhood Democratic Council, Region Four, is currently figuring out how to repay more than $1.5M which he reportedly embezzled from the entity over a period of time. The man, Mohamed Shahabudeen, has been in police custody at the Cove and John lock-ups since Monday, almost immediately after an audit revealed that the money was missing. Reports reaching this newspaper stated that following the audit, the police were called in. Kaieteur News understands that the man has admitted taking the money and had planned to replace it before the audit exposed his plan. “He said he used the money for his own business, over a period of time. His intention was to put it back but time ran out,” a source close to the investigations told this newspaper.

The development did not surprise Regional Chairman Clement Corlette of the Region Four Democratic Council, who in an invited comment told Kaieteur News that this is a problem affecting almost all NDCs throughout the country. “Since the minister directly interferes with the running of these local government bodies, we are finding that this is happening all over,” Corlette stated. He explained that prior to 2011, all supervisory powers of the NDCs rested with the Regional Democratic Councils, which had developed a system of stringent checks and balances. However the regional chairman lamented that that state of affairs no longer exists. “Every NDC, including Diamond, is going downhill because the gap in supervision is too big,” he said, adding that these bodies

have become more delinquent and are collecting less rates and taxes. In 2011, a similar incident was uncovered at the Grove/ Diamond Neighbourhood Democratic Council, also involving an Overseer, Balraj Budwah. The overseer had pledged to repay the $2.6M embezzled from the NDC. Budwah was sent on “administrative leave” to facilitate a probe launched into the financial discrepancies that existed within the Council. Initially, after discrepancies were unearthed, residents of the Grove community begun to point fingers at Budwah. After being sent on leave, Budwah tendered his resignation, although it was unclear if this was done before the investigation was completed. A repayment agreement was arrived at between the Continued on page 26

Man remanded for robbing Chinese store of over $41M at gunpoint A 24-year-old father of four, who robbed a Chinese store of over $41M in items ostensibly to provide for his children, will initially spend the next two weeks rethinking his decisions behind bars. Kenrick Duncan, of Stevedore Housing Scheme, North Ruimveldt, was yesterday brought before Magistrate Fabayo Azore to face a robbery under arms charge at the Georgetown Magistrates’ court. The court heard that on September 10 at Wellington and Charlotte Streets, the defendant, together with person or persons unknown, whilst being armed with a gun, robbed Hu Yu Nan, the

owner of Lisa’s General Store, of a quantity of foreign currency, electronics and jewellery that amounted to over $41M. Duncan was not required to plead to the indictable charge. Prosecutor Bharat Mangru objected to bail as he considered the seriousness and the prevalence of the offence. He spoke the facts of the case which stated that on the said date, about 4:20 hours, the complainant was in a room in the store when the defendant and four other men who were armed with handguns, robbed the complainant and family of numerous items inclusive of

cash in American, local and Suriname currency. After securing the loot, the defendant and company then made good their escape. However, on September 21, law enforcement officers who acted on information received, found the defendant in a house and discovered some of the items. The proprietor of the store then identified the times to be his property. The accused was then arrested and charged for the said offense. The unrepresented defendant was subsequently remanded to prison and is scheduled to make his next appearance on October 8.

Thursday September 26, 2013

Kaieteur News




House size 32’x24’ unfinished, land 80’x40’. Location Lusignan- Price $10M neg- Call:617-5714 VERSAILLES: Furnished 5 bedrooms, self-contained rooms, modern facilities, g e n e r a t o r, beautiful landscape, gated community- Call: 592-6248704/ 592-684-9203


One Toyota Regious, Price $1.6M- Call:262-0218/6410748

Newly painted 6 bedrooms house, garage & concrete fence $15.5M neg- Call:6195332/604-4174 One Charlestown property with business potential- Call: 673-5882 One 2 storey building with 8ft drive way with two apartments bottom flat in Kitty- Contact Ameer 6955815 ‘BB’ Eccles- Concrete house 3 bedrooms upstairs, downstairs 2 self contained apartments, 2 bedrooms each toilet & bath $28MCall:227-8409/660-4764 Robb Street $125M, Kitty $30M, Section ‘K’ $40M, Princess Street $62M- Call Diana @227-2256/626-9382 Prime property with business potential close to Leonora Primary School public road- Call:652-0709/ 268-3572

Spare for washing machine, microwaves,fridges, stoves, timers, gearbox, pumps, etc call:225-9032,647-2943 Large copier machine for multiple printing on large scale- Call:600-0036/223-1719 Pure Rottweiler Call:650-8496


Pitbull pups fully vaccinatedCall Johnny:628-9884 Potting Soil and quality cow mould- Call:656-1326/6780058 ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER/ SCANNER/ FAX/ COPIER $22,000 EACH- CALL:6509999 1 German Roller & 1 Hauler Truck (Low bed)Contact:681-2995

Corolla Axio - TV/ DVD $2.875 - Call: 697-0294 2006 UNREGISTERED PREMIO FULLY LOADED $2.8M. 2003 UNREGISTERED SPACIO BODY KIT, FULLY LOADED $2.25MCALL:642-7295/617-2891 New ATVs: Introductory price $1,450,000 (Duty Free)Call:691-0234 New 2013 Isuzu: D-Max single & double cabsCall:691-0234 1 Hilux pick up Solid DEF $1.7M, 1-D4D Hilux pick up, 2007 year model $3.5MCall:644-5096/697-1453

Mix bred puppies for saleContact:253-3114 or 692-0126

1 Leyland DAF 60 single axle & dump- Call:216-1315/6136615

Video recording spy pen $6,500- Call:671-6177

1- AA60 Carina- Call:6895254/643-0332

Premium and slightly damaged corrugated zinc sheet- Call Tel: 226-7054

Norpan Auto: Premio, Raum, Fielder Wagon, Alex & Vitz. Some credit availableCall:269-0432/686-0323

GPS system Map (76)Call:600-0036/223-1719 Ice machine, smoothie machine & small fridgesCall:231-0655/683-8734 One Mitsubishi Canter GNN 4613 series. Also household articles- Call: 698-8100/ 266-5191


Shop your vehicle online and save more than buying it there. Duty free letter accepted - Call:663-0584

Just arrived: Spring Filled Mattress from the US, Queen Size & King size etc. Call:624-6471

Mitsubishi Galant $1.1MCall:645-3605

One 8000 Ford tractor & one Ford 450 2005 Towing truckCall:689-1864 Guru, 694-5599 Floyd

Pitbull pups for sale- call:2239497

1 Leyland DAF GNN 2131 Call:259-1370/650-3447

Acer chromebook brand new, 11.6" screen, 320GB, 5400 RPM, HDD wifiCall:652-0289 Ann

Games for sale: X-box & Play Station. Large land @ Bagotville, W.B.D $6.5MCall:600-0036/223-1719

One Mitsubishi canter. Latest series, 15ft tray- Call: 254-0247/613-2150

Houses on East Coast & East Bank- Contact:2238479/ 647-3768 www. spaceseek.gy

Energy saver bulbs - Call: 680-6374

1,500 acres of land in Berbice with property- Contact:2238479/ 647-3768 www. spaceseek.gy Seven weeks old Pitbull pups. Ideal for breeding, security and show purposes- Call Krishna 6225717 1 Gold land @ PotaroCall:628-7605 Used Fridge, freezers, stoves & generators. American made- Call:6673733 1 Honda ATV 450 bikeCall:626-3817

Live/pluck chicken-Call:6504421/220-9203 15-15-15 Fertilizer in damaged bags- Call:266-2711/609-4594 Claims Gold land @ EkerukuCall:600-0036/223-1719 Samson Nuts & Bolts for sale, pick-up winches 135,000 lbs- 6.1 Ton-12V- Call: 258-0559 One stall (3 in 1) at La Penitence market. Also 1 glass cooler 110 volts & one 125cc Jailing Scooter- Call:695-5815 Pit Bull puppies for sale, parents from TrinidadCall:624-7991 Daily Pork wholesaleCall:266-2711/609-4594

VEHICLE FOR SALE 1 Nissan X-Trail, year 2006. Price negotiable. Excellent condition- Contact Vishaul @ 612-6867 Toyota AT192, AT212, AT170, Ceres, EP71 Starlet, G-Touring wagon, Tundra, Tacoma- Call:644-5096/6971453 Nissan Frontier: Automatic, extra cab, four wheel drive, GPP series. Owner leaving country. $2.6M negotiableCall:602-1271 1 RX8 Mazda: A/C, stick gear, wheel, lights, fog lamps, fully powered, PPP series, low mileage- Call:653-2477 1 Low Bed (hauler & trailer), 1 Freight Liner Hauler, 1-48ft trailer- Call:613-6979 New model 212, AC, alarm & 15" rims. Excellent conditionCall:667-9013 ALYEA’S AUTO SALE: PREMIO 2002/2003, AXIO 2008. ALL PRICES ARE NEG. 40 CROAL STREET STABROEK- TEL:2317284/622-3823 1 Jailing Scooter CF74 first owner- Call:268-3468/ 6667908

1 Pearl white Premio: Chrome rims 17 inch, TV, Back-up camera- Call:624-6471 Sand truck for sale- Call:6861616 or 255-0690 One Toyota Minibus BJJ series, price $650,000 negotiable- Call:682-9003/ 621-0161

Nissan X-Trail, PLL series, one owner. Going cheapCall: 269-0432/686-0323 Smart Choice Auto: Premio, Allion, IST, Runx, FielderCall:652-3820/665-4529

Experienced Dispatcher, contract cars & drivers- Call: 613-0419. Attractive live in waitressCall:327-0252/674-4665 2 Carpenters & 2 masonry ($6000 per day). 2 LabourersCall the office from Mon-Fri (7am-4pm) 265-3586 Live in attractive waitress, must have secondary education (18-25 years). Boarding & lodging free, $50,000 monthly- Call:6103974 Boys to learn mechanical trade, attractive salary. Preferably from the W.C.D and W.B.D- Call:697-3756/ 616-6007 General workers @ Secret Villa, Land of Canaan. Eight hours shift- Call:2665243/266-5245 One mechanic to repair minibus and Solid DEF vehicle to work in InteriorCall:666-6836 Urgently needed live-in waitresses to work in Bar reasonable salary offeredCall:259-0574 Bill writers and porters to work in Grocery stall, Stabroek market- Tel:2269800/683-9500

Fully furnished short term apartments, Eccles call: 6797139

Experienced male dispatchercall:686-7862 or 600-1700 (8am-5pm)

Secret Villa apartment, fully furnished apartments Landof-Canaan E.B.D- Call:2665243/266-5245

Porter age 18-30 apply in person to Hardware Emporium 78 Church Street, Georgetown. Between (National Library & GT&T)

Harmony Inn: Apartments fully furnished, airconditioned apartments: $5000 per night- Call:6680306/602-8769/694-7817

Wanted to work in Salon on percentage: Nail technician and Hair dresser. Clients required- Call:644-5362

One Black Toyota Vios in excellent condition, $1.7 million negotiable- Call:6892373 1 Spacio ‘P’ series. 1 owner, excellent condition, Price reasonable & 1 AT212 $1.150 neg.- Call:652-0709/268-3572

One kitchen/ canteen at Secret Villa apartments, Land of Canaan, E.B.D- Call:6680306/689-5838

1 Toyota Allion PNN seriesCall:225-0709

Diamond $35,000, Campbellville $100,000, Bel-Air $80,000- US$1000, Atlantic Gardens US$900- Call Diana @227-2256/ 626-9382

Cheapest- Premio, Spacio, Hilux, Stick Gear Buses- Call: 616-7635

WANTED One male cook to work in Interior- Call:666-6836

TO LET Fully furnished Vacation home with all amenitiesCall during working hours227-1218

Hutsonville, E.B.D: Furnished 3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms Bungalow with modern convenience US$550 - Call:697-4131

Best 2007 Nissan Titan flair, trunk cover, 22" mags, air brush $3.5M- call:674-9593

Page 23

FOR SALE/RENT American Pool Table - Call: 277-0578

Urgently needed 1 plot of land to buy in Parfaite Harmonie- Call:675-7292 Night cleaner for a school in Lamaha street from the Alberttown/ Queenstown area- Call:619-4824 For an appointment Live In Live Out Babysitter Domestic- Call:225-6070 One live in & one live out babysitter from 12-8pmCall:225-6070 Sales Representative. Apply in person with written application @ Rite Price Wireless stall 13&14 ‘A’ Bourda Market

WANTED Workers wanted for land dredge- Call:688-1087/6942310 1 Arc/ acetylene welder/ fabricator. Driving an asset. Excellent rates- Call:6102978 Contract Cars @ Gem’s TaxiCall:667-9013/627-9424 Experience Taxi driversCall:667-9013/627-9424 Attractive live in WaitressCall:228-5129 1 House to buy- Call:6757292 Experience Graphic ArtistCall:225-1445/225-1478 Live in waitress- Call:6439007/ 697-2978 Female worker needed, 3 CXC subject or sound secondary school education- Call:612-1595

LEARN TO DRIVE B & C Driving School: Lot 5 Hadfield streer Lodge- call: 225-0150, 229-7258, 680-6826 Soman & Sons Driving School , First Federation Building Call 225-4858, 6445166,622-2872,615-0964

CAR RENTAL Wings Car Rental- Call:6431131 Aidan’s Car Rental & Pickup- Call: 645-7981/ 6987807 Premio, vitz call: 679-7139 Dolly’s Car Rental- Call: 225-7126/ 226-3693dollysautorental@yahoo.com/ www.dollysautorental.com First Choice Car Rental: Cars as low as $5,000 per day- Call:668-0306/6947817/225-6337 Fab’s Rental: Cars to RentCall:671-6051/609-6890 (Continued on page 26)

Page 24

Kaieteur News

Thursday September 26, 2013

Even without partners, Mangrove Restoration Programme will continue - Ramsammy

The rubble mound groyne at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara

Police OPR dismisses Shaka Chase torture allegations Shaka Chase, the man who was initially charged with the murder of policeman Romain Cleto will now have to rely on the High Court for redress following the dismissal of his claims of torture by the police Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR). Yesterday, Chase received a letter from the new head of the OPR, Retired Assistant Commissioner of Police, former Crime Chief Heeralall Makhanlall, informing him that the matter was investigated and there was not enough evidence to support his claims. “With reference to your complaint made at the Office of Professional Responsibility, against ranks of the Criminal Investigations Department, I have to inform you that the matter was investigated and advice sought from the Director of Public Prosecutions. It was advised that there is insufficient evidence to take action against the ranks. Hence this matter is considered closed,” Makhanlall wrote. Last May, Chase had claimed that he was subjected to electric shocks and had a liquid poured down his throat by investigators who then forced him to sign a confession statement. The police had quickly denied the allegations in a statement a few days before instituting the murder charge against Chase. Following the allegations made by Chase, the police had claimed, “The officer immediately had Chase taken to the Diamond Diagnostic

Centre where he was seen and examined by a Medical Doctor who issued a medical certificate that there was no sign of injuries.” However, immediately after his release, Chase was seen by a private doctor and was taking medication for what has been described as internal injuries. “No one knows what the liquid was that he was made to drink,” a source close to the former murder accused had stated. Apart from Chase, Natasha Blackman had also accused the police of torturing her to say that she saw Chase at the scene of the shooting. Commissioner of Police (ag) Leroy Brumell had instructed that the head of the OPR, Retired Assistant Commissioner Mohamed Jameer spearhead the investigations into allegations made by both Chase and Blackman. Jameer is at present on leave and it is not yet clear if Blackman has received a similar response. The announcement by the OPR did not come as a surprise to Chase, although he is disappointed at the outcome. “I was expecting this. A policeman tell me that this would’a happen but I doubt he. I tell he ‘this can’t happen…you ain’t see they had to drop the murder charge against me?’ But I expect this,” Chase told this newspaper, adding that he still remains fearful for his life. His civil action against the police comes up for hearing on October 8th.

Agriculture Minister Leslie Ramsammy has vowed that even without the financial input of partners, the Mangrove Restoration Programme will go on, stressing that it is a Government of Guyana initiative. The Minister acknowledged the tremendous budgetary

support from the European Union (EU), adding that he is hopeful for other partners as well. While conducting a media tour along the sea walls to the various mangroves sites along the East Coast of Demerara, Ramsammy noted that Guyana is a perfect example that the planting and maintenance of mangroves is the solution to the problem of Global Warming. In addition to the actual planting of the mangroves, Ramsammy toured some “innovative initiatives” which were also implemented in an effort to protect coastal Guyana from the sea. They include a geotextile breaker at Victoria, brushwood dam at Buxton, and the rubble mound groyne at Mon Repos. The maintenance of these innovations are being handled by the Costal Engineering department of the Ministry’s ‘Restoring Guyana’s Costal Mangrove Ecosystem project.’ Minister Ramsammy explained that while works on the geotextile breaker was completed in 2012, the Buxton brushwood dam and rubble

mound groyne are at 90% and 35% completion respectively. Expected to reduce wave energy and encourage sedimentation on the shoreline, the geotextile breaker is approximately 100m in length. “These structures were built to boost and extend mangrove growth, since the latter plays an important part in the country’s sea defence,” Ramsammy said. Meanwhile, the 65m long rubble mound groyne is designed to reduce long shore drift in the vicinity of the Mon Repos/Good Hope sluice, while also encouraging sedimentation on the shoreline and protecting the mangroves on its eastern side. Comprising of four ‘T’ shaped brushwood dams made from bamboo, the brushwood Dam at Buxton is 493m long, and is designed to trap mud within the brushwood sections. This would in turn raise the foreshore and increase the density of the mud, while improving conditions for natural regeneration, Ramsammy explained. The scheduled completion date

for this is next month. In wrapping up the tour, the Minister expressed satisfaction with the ongoing work, emphasizing that mangrove restoration in Guyana is a ‘programme’ and not a project which may come to an end. The Minister revealed also that an analysis will be done and the most effective innovation will be implemented countrywide. Referring specifically to the planting of the mangroves, Ramsammy said that there has been a 90% survival rate so far. It was also explained that when the “regular” Black Mangroves are planted, White Mangroves would routinely sprout. The restoration programme is being executed in 14 locations across the country. These include sites in No. #6 -8 Villages; Wellington Park, Kilmarnock, Lima, Mon Repos, Triumph. La Bonne Intention, Chateau Margot, Success, Le Ressouvenir, F e l i c i t y, Section C E n t e r p r i s e , Victoria,Belfield, Hope Beach, and Greenfield.

GPSU focuses on good governance...

The delegates who are participating in the two-day conference. From page 11 on to outline some cases of injustice being meted out to public workers, with examples such as overtime-working janitors and cleaners in Linden, Region Ten receiving half of their work pay and having to work without the relevant equipment. He went on about persons being dismissed from their place of work without proper representations. Yarde said for nearly two decades the GPSU applied for land for housing for members in all regions and land to construct day cares and Child Care Centres, among other economic projects. “Sadly, these requests have not been approved, yet we are hearing of thousands of acres of land being allocated

to Chinese nationals, Indian nationals and more recently Trinidadians.” Yarde argued, “The remuneration being offered to Public Servants is not only unrealistic, but blatantly disrespectful and insulting, considering their hard work. Then there is the ridiculous situation where the insufficient remuneration is systematically eroded by inflation, to such an extent that the worker is substantially worse off, since purchasing power is significantly reduced.” He added that the unwanted issue of contract workers, the Pension’s Act and social and economic justice. All issues the union feels needs to be revisited and amended.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds apologized for the President’s absence before offering his contribution to and officially declaring the seminar open. He said that, with the government being the employer, and union representing, they both face greater challenges than other unions in keeping its industrial obligations apart from other struggles, “which can be construed as political in nature.” Hinds said that as a union and government, they both face the issue of having their positions questioned by each other, members and the public at large. He continued, “Lots of the complexes we see today, a lot of the contradictions; we need to look back at how it

came about and where it comes from.” He said that a number of Government employees and their rates of pay in the 1980s were put under great pressure, but today things are better for all of us. This remark was met however with grunts and disagreement from the delegates. After addressing some of the issues forwarded by the GPSU President, Hinds explained that according to the communist manifesto which addresses the issue of employer and employees, “employer and workers are caught in a never ending struggle.” He said while the issue is so “beautifully” captured, it is the job of the authorities involved to work for the benefit of those affected.

Thursday September 26, 2013

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Thursday September 26, 2013

Letters... Where your views make the news

Granger wants the government to create... From page 5 bent on impeding progress under this government, much more would have been done for his people, and all Guyanese. Granger wants the government to create jobs, but votes to kill job-creating initiatives like the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Plant, the Marriott Hotel, the Specialty Hospital, and the CJIA Extension Project. He can’t have it both ways. Look, David Granger has served his country well. With the exception of the GDF seizure of ballot boxes in the 1973 General Election for which he has yet to explain his involvement or lack thereof, he has had an unblemished, distinguished military career. I believe Granger truly wants Guyana to develop… He just doesn’t want the PPP/C to be the party that does it. Mr. James should know that Granger does not need me “...to find the opposition leader wanting and to dissuade and discourage multitudes of people from supporting him”, he is doing a pretty good job of that all by himself. Last March, I attended the Bartica Regatta. My brother, a die-hard PNC supporter who has contributed immensely to that party for many years, called to ascertain whether I was comfortable, as accommodations there were limited for such a big event. I assured him that I was, as David Granger was staying at the same hotel. He then confessed his disappointment with the APNU Leader in ways I had never heard before. My brother worked his butt off to win votes and financial contributions for Granger during the 2011 election campaign, and Granger has never met him, thanked him, or even knew he existed. Shortly, thereafter, I met Granger in the lobby, and told him how disappointed my brother was.Although he

served as a councillor for years and is almost a household name in Region Three, my brother was right. Granger had never heard of him. During my conversation with Granger, I explained that as a military expert, he ought to know the importance of boosting the morale of his lieutenants in the field, even in the face of defeat. He asked for my brother’s information, and I gave it to him. He promised to see my brother and to thank him for his support. Six months later, my brother is still waiting for that call. Let me dispel a myth that Aubrey James is perpetrating in his letter. He wrote, “Mr. David Granger has demonstrated nothing but astute leadership, deep intellect, and sheer determination in the face of the daunting challenges posed by the PPP/C Government against his efforts to represent all Guyanese. He has stood up to the PPP and many of them are coming in line with a culture that is characterized by transparency and accountability. He has consistently been exposing the lies of the PPP/C Government in and out of parliament.” How ludicrous this statement is. This is nothing more than a shameless misrepresentation of the facts. All of the talking points used by both PNC/APNU and AFC on major issues are those expressed days before in the pages of Kaieteur News. Both APNU and AFC are known to piggyback on the issues published in Kaieteur News. Finally, Mr. James should know that although issues like Local Government Bills, the Procurement Commission and the Office of the Ombudsman are important constitutional matters, the ultimate concerns of most Guyanese are good-paying jobs; healthcare; education for their children; and a safe environment to live and raise

a family. David Granger will best serve Guyana’s interest in achieving these necessities by being less confrontational, more constructive, and more responsible in executing his duties as the Leader of the Opposition, and as a lawmaker. Guyana will never be able to progress if the opposition continues to behave like crabs in a barrel, pulling the government down at every opportunity they get. We all need to work together to achieve more for our people, and to make Guyana more competitive and respected in the region. I’m still hopeful that the needs of our people prevail over the personal ambitions of politicians. Harry Gill (From page 23)

before 26th October, 2011.” The Minister had claimed that because of the “clean and accurate” record-keeping, his Ministry has conceded that the situation was not a case of blatant fraud. According to Persaud, Budwah had indicated that he had “difficulties” and made use of the money towards a “special circumstance” that affected him on a personal level. However, “since it’s taxpayers’ money, due action had to be taken,” Persaud had stated. The Minister asserted that Budwah was relieved of his duties and was expected to replace the missing funds in full.

Rooms- Call:225-9223 Coolers and ScaffoldingCall:657-0424 Upper flat apartment and shop below for rental at 66 Broad Street CharlestownCall:225-8305/661-7527 Fully furnished apartment in Nandy Park, suitable for a single person or coupleCall:619-4824 for further information. 3 Bedrooms downstairs apartment @ 19 Goedverwagting, E.C.D $40,000 - Call: 222-9098/ 650-4687 One flat 2 bedrooms house @ Herstelling New H/ Scheme- Tel:660-6555 Apartments to rent US$500 upward- Contact:223-8479/ 647-3768 www.spaceseek.gy Houses to rent- Contact:2238479/647-3768 www. spaceseek.gy

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329 acres of land on Linden Highway- Contact:223-8479/ 647-3768 Furnished short term apartment houses to rent/ sale- Call:687-3017

Honda CBR 600RR F4I, CE. Asking $800,000 negCall:647-6506 or 660-0444


SALON Make Up Courses, Artist Trained & Certified in Trinidad. Call: 660-5257, 647-1773

Mahaica overseer in... From page 22 Ministry of Local Government and Budwah after it was confirmed that he was associated with the missing funds. In a letter written to the Ministry dated September 26, 2011, Budwah had stated, “With reference to the investigation carried out between the Minister of Local Government and the Local Government Department of the Regional Democratic Council, Region Four, please be informed that I am in agreement with the facts presented in the report. I will refund $2, 615, 124 to the Council’s account on or


TOUR Suriname return trip 12-16 October. Shopping siteseeing lots of funCall:644-0185/639-2663/ 227-8290/665-5171

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Thursday September 26, 2013

Kaieteur News

Egypt forces raid Brotherhood newspaper HQ Cairo (AFP) - Egyptian security forces have shut down the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood newspaper in Cairo after raiding it and confiscating material, the Islamist movement’s website reported yesterday. Tuesday’s raid on AlHurriya Wal Adala’s offices came a day after a Cairo court banned the Brotherhood and ordered its assets seized, delivering a vital blow to the movement of deposed president Mohamed Mursi. The moves by Egypt’s army-backed authorities are part of a sustained campaign

against the Islamist movement since Mursi was ousted by the army on July 3 after mass street protests against his year-long rule. “The forces of the military coup in Egypt closed the headquarters of Al-Hurriya Wal Adala newspaper which is the mouthpiece of the party,” said Ikhwanonline, the Brotherhood website. The newspaper’s journalists also condemned the raid in a separate statement on the same website. “We, the journalists of AlHurriya Wal Adala, condemn the closure of the

newspaper’s headquarters by security forces of the coup who took all documents, equipment and other materials” from the premises, the statement said. The journalists said that since July 3 “we have been working under pressure and intimidation from the security forces and thugs.” The website said that “there was no warning, no legal decision against our journal,” adding that since June 28 no journalists had been working in the actual headquarters. The raid ratchets up an intensifying crackdown.

U.S. Congress turns attention to debt limit battle (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress, already struggling to avert a government shutdown next week, turned its attention yesterday to the other fiscal bullet it had to dodge: a federal debt default. Republican leaders in the House of Representatives notified members that a vote on raising the debt limit could come as early tomorrow. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew pleaded for quick action in the deeply divided Congress on raising the $16.7 trillion statutory limit on government borrowing, as he projected an October 17 drop-dead date when only $30 billion would be left in his agency’s checking account. Amid those dire warnings, lawmakers struggled with another potential crisis: federal agency shutdowns that could begin with the new fiscal year on October 1

Jack Lew unless Congress comes up with emergency funds. The money would be used to continue paying U.S. troops, operate border patrols, provide free school lunches for poor children and thousands of other activities. The Senate voted unanimously to begin

advancing legislation to avert government agency shutdowns. But tough fights in both the Senate and House remained over the next few days. Both the debt ceiling and government funding measures were complicated by Republican attempts to use the must-do bills to gut President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law, known as “Obamacare.” A disheveled Republican Senator Ted Cruz finished a 21-hour, 19-minute marathon of standing and speaking on the Senate floor, arguing for defunding Obamacare as part of the government-funding bill. Sporting a beard stubble and his blue tie sagging, the first-term Texas senator with presidential aspirations compared the healthcare law to the villain in the “Friday the 13th” horror films.

Al Shabaab leader confirms group attacked Kenyan mall, warns of more strikes (Reuters) - The leader of the Somali Islamist militant group al Shabaab has for the first time confirmed claims by members of his group that it was behind the attack on a Nairobi shopping mall that killed at least 72 people and destroyed part of the

complex. In an audio posted on the al Shabaab-linked website www.somalimemo.net last night, Ahmed Godane, also known as Mukhtar Abu alZubayr, said the attack on the mall was in r e t a l i a t i o n f o r K e n y a ’s incursion in October 2011

into southern Somalia to crush the insurgents. “Take your troops out or prepare for a longl a s t i n g w a r, b l o o d , destruction and evacuation,” Godane said in the message, apparently directed at the Kenyan government.

U.S., Russia, other powers agree on core of U.N. Syria resolution U N I T E D N AT I O N S (Reuters) - The United States, Russia, France, China and Britain have agreed on the core of a U.N Security Council resolution to rid Syria of its chemical weapons, two diplomats said yesterday.

The agreement came after the foreign ministers of the five permanent members of the council met U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon earlier in the day, the diplomats said on condition of anonymity.

They said a draft resolution could be presented to the full 15nation council soon and the five permanent members would also meet on Friday to discuss a proposed Syria peace conference in Geneva.

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Thursday September 26, 2013

LIAT accepts resignation of CEO ST. JOHN’S, Antigua CMC – The regional airline, LIAT, yesterday said it had accepted the resignation of its chief executive officer, Ian Brunton, more than a week after it promised a “formal announcement” on the issue. But the brief statement gave no reasons for Brunton’s resignation, saying that Mrs Julie ReiferJones has been appointed to act in the position. “The Board of Directors thanks Mr. Brunton for his service and wishes him every success in his future endeavours,” the statement added. The Trinidadian-born

Brunton had taken up the position on August 1 last year, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, who chairs the shareholder governments of the airline, told radio listeners last week, “if for whatever reason he wants to go we will get someone else”. But Gonsalves acknowledged that “it is not always easy to get somebody to fill those kinds of positions”. Brunton, whose resignation takes effect from October 1, had been spearheading LIAT’s US$100-million re-fleeting exercise.

Last month, LIAT signed a US$65 million loan with the Barbados-based Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to finance the purchase of new, French-made ATR aircraft. The fleet modernisation project involves the replacement of LIAT’s ageing fleet of Canadian-made Bombadier Q400s and deHavilland Dash-8 planes with ATRs, through a combination of lease and purchase of aircraft; the transition costs associated with the changeover; the upgrade of maintenance facilities and other institutional strengthening activities.

Magnitude 7 earthquake strikes near Peru’s southern coast, some injured (Reuters) - A magnitude 7 earthquake that shook Peru’s coast on Wednesday reportedly toppled houses in a rural province in the southern Arequipa region and injured people, but there were no reports of deaths. Mining operations in the region - at Southern Copper’s Toquepala mine, FreeportMcMoRan’s Cerro Verde mine, and Shougang Hierro Peru’s iron-ore mine - carried on as usual after the quake, union leaders and a company representative told Reuters.

The quake struck 29 miles deep in the Pacific Ocean, 29 miles south of the district of Acari in the southern Arequipa region, the U.S. Geological Survey said. Peruvian President Ollanta Humala said on RPP radio that the earthquake did not kill anyone, but six people were injured and landslides and electrical blackouts occurred. Locals in Arequipa’s Caraveli province reported structural damage. “Houses have fallen,

walls have fallen, especially those made out of adobe,” Caraveli Mayor Santiago Neyra told RPP radio. A local resident of Acari also told RPP radio that a landslide blocked a highway. The quake shook buildings in the capital of Lima 313 miles away. Peruvian authorities did not issue any tsunami alerts. Onemi, Chile’s national emergency service, said the quake was also felt in northern Chile, but no damage was reported.

Caribbean community issues call for help with development challenges the Miami Herald - The prime minister of Antigua and Barbudaused his spotlight on the global stage at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday to call for slavery reparations, an end to the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba and to highlight the development challenges impacting vulnerable nations such as his. Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer also used the moment to seek world support for his tiny Eastern Caribbean nation’s ongoing trade dispute battle with the United States’ over online gambling. Unable to collect billions on its World Trade Organization victory against the U.S., Antigua is seeking to cash in its winnings by directing payments for American intellectual property, such as music and film, to the government. The U.S.’s refusal to adhere to the ruling, Spencer said, has “the potential to damage the credibility” of the WTO. “We call on the United States to correct past wrongs and to come to the table with

meaningful proposals that can bring this matter to a just conclusion,” said Spencer, noting that his twin-island nation has lost thousands of jobs as a result of the dispute and had until now employed “strategic patience” with the U.S. For Spencer and his Caribbean Community counterparts this year’s annual gathering of leaders in New York, however, isn’t just about dishing out their problems before the world. It’s also a chance to address global concerns like the U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals, a blueprint to reduce HIV/AIDS transmission, reduce infant and mother mortality and reduce extreme poverty. With the goals’ 2015 deadline quickly approaching, many nations are lagging behind. Spencer said it’s time for the international community to consider a refocusing, reshaping and rebranding of the goals post-2015. “We must concede that the current structure of the internationally agreed development goals does not

provide satisfactory remedies to our universal problems,” Spencer said. These problems, included, “an increase in global warming, the escalating gap between the worlds’ rich and the poor, the further deterioration of the world’s financial system and the uneven roles that developed and developing countries play in responding and addressing issues of universal importance and impacts on our societies.” Spencer said vulnerable developing societies such as his, have long been victims. There is not just the globalization of crime but the dire impact of global warming and slavery and racism. “Small-island states contribute the least to the causes of climate change, yet we suffer the most from its effects,” he said. And while the responsibility for mitigating climate change is a common responsibility for all nations, he said, “developed countries should shoulder their moral, ethical and historical responsibilities.”

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ECCB competition set Savitir, Whyte propel Satro into final to continue on Sunday Phyllis Carter Memorial T\20 cricket – Leguan The East Coast Cricket Board will recommence its competition on Sunday with several matches for teams from the upper and lower East Coast. In Upper East Coast, Strathaven will host M a h a i c a , Av i s h w i l l journey to Fairfield, Unity will entertain Perseverance,

Helena 1&2 will be at home to Dundee, while Cane Grove will battle Bravados at Cane Grove. In Lower East Coast, Enterprise B will play Lusignan at Enterprise, Buxton will take on Golden Groove at Buxton, Lusignan and Mon Repos will face each other at

Lusignan, Better Hope will tackle Lions at Better Hope, Ogle will clash with Plaisance at Plaisance and Gas XI will face LBI at GTU ground. Teams can contact the ECCB competition’s committee chairman Raymond Barton on 626-0223 for more information.

Thursday September 26, 2012 ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 19): Today's a good day to work toward the goals you've set, Aries. The aspect of the day influences your ability to focus on the necessary steps to achieve what you want. No goal is too big! *************************** TAURUS (APR 20 - MAY 20): You may watch the clock today, Taurus. It can be hard to focus on tasks when you're thinking about relaxing, but do your best. You won't get through your tasks any faster if you're unfocused. *************************** GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 20): If someone you know is going through a rough time, Gemini, they could come to you for support or advice. People see you as genuinely concerned and a good friend, especially when times are tough. *************************** CANCER (JUN 21 - JUL 22): With some leisure time on your hands, you'll find an opportunity to start fresh in some area that has challenged you, Cancer. Find the courage to examine your attitudes toward adverse situations. *************************** LEO (JUL 23 - AUG 22): Today you might want to try something completely new, Leo. If you've never done this before, why not try expressing yourself through dance? Even if you're convinced you have two left feet, you might be surprised. ************************ VIRGO (AUG 23 - SEP 22): If you're not already so inclined, Virgo, why not try expressing yourself through song? Even if you're convinced you have a tin ear, you might be surprised at what happens if you just let yourself go. Do you feel silly singing out loud? Then be silly.

LIBRA (SEP 23 - OCT 22): Libra, you may discover today that you have a talent for something you've never even thought about before. If you always stick to what you know, how will you ever experience anything new? Trying this unexplored area doesn't mean you have to excel in it. *************************** SCORPIO (OCT 23 - NOV 21): It's a new day, Scorpio, a good day to let your caring side show. Take the time to smile and chat with as many people as you can. *************************** SAGITTARIUS (NOV 22 DEC 21): Today brings the opportunity to see things as they are and not as you'd like them to be. It's easy to fool yourself sometimes, but you can only get away with that for so long before the truth comes out. *************************** CAPRICORN (DEC 22 JAN 19): Today your creativity might be stimulated by some free time, Capricorn. You can try and save it for later, but you may not feel the same way then. *************************** AQUARIUS (JAN 20 - FEB 18): You probably have a knack for listening to other people and noticing when they need help or a shoulder to cry on, Aquarius. Today may be excellent for you to help another person out. Consider going the extra mile by lending a hand to those around you who are in need. *************************** PISCES (FEB 19 - MAR 20): It's possible that someone will question your motives or wonder whether or not you're genuine, Pisces. Don't take it the wrong way. You don't take everything at face value either. Show your sincerity by following through and sticking by your word.

A fine half century by Hukumchand Savitir and a four wicket haul by left arm spinner Trevor Whyte propelled Satro into the final of the Phyllis Carter Memorial Tw e n t y \ 2 0 cricket competition in Leguan. Satro earned the right to play Young Warriors who drew the bye in the final by defeating Falcons by 29 runs in the lone semi final last Sunday. Batting

first after winning the toss at Enterprise, Satro were led by Savitir who top scored with 58 and Shivindra Hemraj with 23 as they posted 174 before being bowled out in 19.5 overs. Extras contributed 28; Rick Stephen claimed 420, Imran Younis 2-24 and Navindra Singh 2-25. Falcons began their reply in fine fashion with Kevin Chetram 40, Younis 37 and Raydon Austin 27

taking the attack to the bowlers, but the rest of the batsmen failed to lend support only managing 23 among them while extras played its part with 22. Falcons were bowled out for 145 in 19.1 overs. Whyte captured 4-20 while Saif Razack and Hemraj Persaud had 2-18 apiece. The final will be played on Saturday at the said venue.

Stag Beer Cup football continues tomorrow The long awaited commencement of the Stag Beer KO Football Competition sponsored by Ansa Mc Al and hosted by Camptown FC opened Wednesday at the Camptown Ground. The action will continue tomorrow from 18:00hrs when Western Tigers and Riddim Squad will throw down the gauntlet against each other in the opening contest, while in the feature game at 20:00hrs, host Camptown will tackle Fruta Conquerors. Semifinal action continues on Sunday 29th September 2013 and the Grand Final will be on Wednesday 2nd October 2013.

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Kaieteur News

Thursday September 26, 2013

Work set for 26 grounds in Region 6 under GCA\ Banks Malta U-13 final on for Saturday the MCYS grounds enhancement project Twenty Six (26) Community Grounds across Berbice has been earmarked by Government for rehabilitation from a total of one hundred and fifty-five (155) across Guyana. This is to be made possible through grants from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport released from the 2013 National Budget. That revelation was recently made by Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Dr. Frank Anthony and Permanent Secretary Alfred King when they met with Regional and Neighbourhood representatives among others in the Regional Administration Board, Vryman’s Erven New Amsterdam to inform them about projects that will take place to re-develop community grounds in their areas. A sum of $300M was budgeted this year for the development of community grounds in Guyana and from the recent revelation it means that Region Six will be getting the largest portion of the money budgeted. Accordingly it was noted that one of the reasons for this is the direct involvement of Regional Chairman David Permaul Armogan, who himself is an ardent sports fan and a community leader being a leading member of the Rotary Club of New Amsterdam and many Social based organisations for a number of years. It was noted that the Chairman went around meeting with some of the committees to provide advice. The Minister noted that the funds will be

Minister Frank Anthony (right) and Permanent Secretary Alfred King.

disbursed to the Regional Administration which will be tasked with monitoring the projects. No funds will be put into the hands of the managing committee and money will be disbursed to the contractors according to work done. Residents are being asked to monitor the projects. The minister said that some people may form themselves in committees and teams and apply for the funds, somehow after a while these committees and teams don’t work anymore, and the persons, money, equipment disappear. We cannot tolerate that. Many of the grounds have excellent committees and are doing a fine job and will definitely get support. But many have not been attracting persons and the persons responsible must get their act together. The ultimate aim he said is to get more persons to use the facilities. Permanent Secretary Alfred King noted that there

was need for an estimate and a design along with the signature of members of a management committee and the approval of the relevant agency, be it the NDC or in some cases the Municipality, before the Ministry approved the project. He explained that what government wants is to see is Value for its money. He mentioned that on many occasions- what is specified in the proposal is not what is actually done and this is very disappointing. This is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Some of the grounds earmarked for rehabilitation are the Area ‘H’ ground where a new pavilion will be constructed. They will get a little bit more because of the work to be done. Grounds at No 79, No 71, Courtland Village, Adelphi, Hampshire, Chesney, Port Mourant, Number 69, Number 73, Number 60, Albion Front, Cumberland, Fyrish, Tain, Whim, Scottsburg at Corriverton. The Orealla and

Siparuta Community grounds up the Corentyne River have also been earmarked for enhancement. The Whim venue, which is one of the larger grounds, is in need of much work and will get some special attention where over three million will be spent. Some 23 of the projects will be founded by the Sports Ministry. The other three projects are special projects and will be undertaken at the once famous Burnham Park in New Amsterdam. The Bermine Sports Ground at Islington Amsterdam, and the Skeldon Community Centre in the Upper Corentyne are also down for work. More information about these project s w i l l b e m a d e available at a later date. The Minister has also noted an additional 13 projects that will be undertaken in East Berbice; however more details will be made available at a later date. (Samuel Whyte)

Roberts Gas Station T\20- East Bank E’bo

Alexander slams century as Vergenoegen overcome Tuschen B by 38 runs Sheldon Alexander smashed a fine century to guide Vergenoegen to a 38run victory over Tuschen B when action in the Roberts Gas Station Twenty\20

tournament commenced last Sunday on the East Bank of Essequibo. Alexander hammered eleven fours and nine sixes in a swashbuckling 134 and got

support from Shaun Cameron 28 (2x4) as host Vergenoegen piled up 199-4 off their allotted 20 overs, batting first. D. Rai claimed 3-28. The total proved too much for Tuschen B who suffered fours run outs and were bowled out for 161 in 19 overs in reply. K. Safie made 41 (4x4) and A. Khan contributed 31 (3x4). Dwayne Stevens took 2-23. At Parika Salem ground, the home team made light work of Tuschen A, winning the game by 111 runs. Kevon Boodie top scored with 44 (5x4,3x6), Kenworth Smith cracked 40 (3x4,2x6) and Sase Narine chipped in with 28 (2x4,2x6) for Parika Salem who

rattled up 189-6 in 20 overs after taking first strike. S. Mortimer picked up 219. Tuschen A found the going tough and were skittled for 78 in 17 overs in response. V. Roopchand 24 and Rovindra Debideen 16 were their leading batsmen; Brain Hubbert grabbed 3-15, D. Azeez 2-15 and Sase Narine 2-16. The competition continues on Sunday with Tuschen B facing Hydronie at Vergenoegen at 09:30hrs, Philadelphia hosting Parika Salem at 14:00 hrs and Tuschen B travelling to Vergenoegen for a 14:00hrs fixture.

The Georgetown Cricket Association\ Banks Malta Supreme U-13 25 overs final is schedule to be played on Saturday at the Gandhi Youth Organization. The host will take on Transport Sports Club from 09:30 hrs in what is expected to be a keenly contested affair under the watchful eyes of Zaheer Mohamed and Javed Persaud. The Brain Street U-15 final is set for Sunday at the said venue with Demerara Cricket Club playing GNIC. Ryan Banwarie and Montgomery Chester are the umpires. The lone Hadi’s first division fixture will see Guyana Defence Force hosting GNIC with Cyril Garnath and Eddie Nicholls in charge. Action gets under way from 09:30 hrs on Saturday. The New Building Society

40 over second division tournament continues on at 11:00 hrs on Saturday and Sunday with several matches. GCC will host Malteenoes with Andrew Allen and Montgomery Chester calling play, MYO will be at home Third Class with Colin Alfred and Edward Bowen officiating and Saints will take on Everest at Malteenoes with Anthony Ramsahai and Randolph Rose umpiring. On Sunday, Sophia will travel to Eve Leary to play Police with Heuvel Cunha and Javed Persaud performing duties as match officials, GDF will play Saints at MYO with Colin Alfred and Edward Bowen taking charge and TSC will match skills with UG at Malteenoes with Joseph Jeffery and Anthony Ramsahai overseeing the action.

Rage take 2013 champion of champions’ dominoes title Rage turned in a commendable performance to win the 2013 champion of champions’ dominoes title last Sunday at R and R Sports Club, Meadowbrook drive. Winston Steven and Floyd Hardin scored a maximum of 18 games each, while Cardial DeFreitas supported with 14 as Rage marked 84 games to finish ahead of TNT 72 and Raiders 63. Shawn Morgan made 17, while Trevor Smith and Sonia Goodluck 16 apiece for TNT while Michael De Souza chalked 16 and Rudolph Wilson 15 for Raiders. Steven was the given the most valuable player prize

while Rage received $90,000 and a trophy, TNT $40,000 and a trophy and Raiders $20,000. Speaking at the presentation ceremony senior organising secretary of the Georgetown Dominoes Association Mark Wiltshire congratulated the finalist and thanked the sponsors stating that the competition was keenly contested. The tournament was sponsored by Two Brothers Service Station, People’s Pawn Shop, White Castle Fish Shop, Deon Carter, George Griffith Mining Company, Swansea Communications and Mark Interior Communications.

‘Super Sevens’ B/ ball Challenge... From page 34 there will be an exhibition ‘Super Sevens’ game during the second of t h e t w o - b e s t - i n - t h r e e f i n a l s o f t h e M a c k e s o n - s p o n s o r e d I n t e r- Wa r d t o u r n a m e n t Saturday night at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall. The ‘Super Sevens’ game is expected to feature a select team from Buxton against a team from the East/ West Ruimveldt ward; both teams gave a good account of themselves during the Inter- Ward tournament and are touted to provide adequate entertainment. “The encounter will also provide the players, officials and fans with a first-hand look at the novelty format, ‘Super Sevens’ game,” the release noted, adding that captain and manager of the East/West team, Kester Gomes confirming their participation. According to the release, Gomes said that he envisages this tournament adding to the continued development of basketball in Guyana as it will open for more players to compete at a high level and increase the fan-base of the sport.

Thursday September 26, 2013

Kaieteur News

Page 33

“Everyone wants to be in T20 now” Wisden India - Mysore, India - Narsingh Deonarine is 30 years old and has played 14 Tests for West Indies. He was first picked when some of the regulars were out of the Test team because of a contract dispute in 2005. A batting average of under 30 in both Tests and One-Day Internationals suggests he is a couple of notches below gold class, but he has been an extremely consistent scorer on the domestic circuit in the Caribbean over the years to remain in the fray. Veerasammy Permaul is six years younger than Deonarine and has played just two Tests, both against Bangladesh, where he picked up eight wickets, and is talked about as one of the more promising young West Indian spinners at the moment. Both are from Guyana, they are friends as you can make out from their camaraderie, and are in India as part of the West Indies A team, hoping to do well enough to stay on for the upcoming Test series. Though somewhat reticent, they spoke to Wisden India on a variety of subjects, from their personal careers to the increasing number of Indian-origin cricketers making a name for themselves at the top level in the West Indies. There were Rohan Kanhai and Sonny Ramadhin and Alvin Kallicharran to start

with, but of late, every second West Indian cricketer seems to be of Indian origin. How do you explain that? Veerasammy Permaul (VP): Basically, everybody knows that Indians love cricket. Most Indians in Trinidad and Guyana play cricket too. The times have changed. Young Indian-origin boys are taking cricket more seriously as a career option now. And more and more of us, especially from Trinidad and Guyana, are doing well. Narsingh Deonarine (ND): People are encouraging their children to come out and play cricket now, and that’s increased after Twenty20 became popular. Not only Indians, people from all cultures and races are encouraged to play sport, and cricket in particular. I think in terms of salaries, it’s become more lucrative also, so that’s a motivator. With kids of Indian origin, of course, it was always popular but it has become more serious now. Maybe because the number of role models is increasing – Shiv Chanderpaul and Ramnaresh Sarwan and others? ND: Yes, but I think the bigger reason is Twenty20 cricket. That has made a big difference. Everyone wants to be involved with Twenty20 cricket now. The World T20 win last year must have made a huge difference – it reminded us

Veersammy Permaul (left) and Narsingh Deonarine. that West Indians still play cricket! VP: Yeah, that really raised the eyebrows of people around the world. Like you said, it told everyone that we were still good enough. That was a big boost. We haven’t forgotten to play cricket. It also led to the CPL (Caribbean Premier League). Our players are playing in other leagues around the world too, and that’s really helped get attention. Chris Gayle is quite a hero and there are others that kids can look up to. The popular perception, however, is that West Indies are a great T20 team but not good enough in other formats … ND: I think we are starting to handle all the formats pretty well now. There was a lull in West Indies cricket for a while, but it’s changing.

Veerasammy mentioned the CPL – we didn’t have a tournament like that back home. There’s Chris Gayle and there’s Sunil Narine as well. Lot of players were waiting for an opportunity like this. That’s helped Caribbean cricket in a larger sense as well. Is Test cricket taken seriously enough? ND: Yes, absolutely. All forms of the game are taken seriously and they are taken seriously in all the islands. Most of the players might be specialists in Twenty20 but guys coming up, like many of the boys in this (West Indies A) team, are taking all formats very seriously. It’s a good sign. Narsingh just mentioned this series – how much of what you guys do here will be with an eye on the Test series

31st World Masters Men’s Powerlifting Championships

Stoby’s World Record Deadlift earns him gold, finishes 2nd overall

Winston ‘Little Master’ Stoby, competing in the 74kg Masters 2 Category, set a new Deadlift World Record (WR) with another impressive performance at the 31st World Masters Men’s Powerlifting Championships taking place in Orlando, Florida between September 24 – 29, 2013. Lifting on the Wednesday night, the opening day, Stoby shattered his old Deadlift WR of 260kg achieved last year in Texas with a new record of

277.5kg to win the gold medal but had to settle for second overall to the USA’s Gregory Page. Stoby did attempt to raise the bar even higher by aiming for 280kg on his third and final attempt but was not successful, he set the new WR on his second attempt. The Kingsrow Barbel Club member won silver medals in the Squat and Total. Meanwhile, The Guyana Amateur Powerlifting

Federation wishes to extend Congratulations to Winston, gratitude to the sponsors that supported him as well as the Australian National Masters Powerlifting Team that responded favorably to our request to assist him on stage due to our inability to send a coach because of financial constraints. We fervently hope that just as equal National accolades be given to this true son of Guyana by

all Guyanese concerned for consistently placing the Country on the sporting map at the highest level following on the heels of an outstanding performance by 18 year old lifter and World 53kg Sub junior Champion Gumendra Shewdas last month as well as the Men’s Team at the Caribbean and Pan American Championships in July. Stoby returns home this coming weekend late Saturday early Sunday Morning.

against India? VP: Well, we are coming into this series after beating India A in the one-day series, so we are very confident. Right now, we are not looking too far ahead. Let’s finish this first and then we will get to the Test series. ND: Definitely players would like to step ahead and go to the senior level. We are trying to win this series of course, but I will be looking at this series as an opportunity to go to the higher level, to the highest level. That’s what West Indies A is about. Narsingh, your international career has been a stop-start affair. You have played 14 Tests, which is good, but your average is under 30, which isn’t so good. How would you sum it up? ND: I have been in and out of the West Indies squad. I’ve played a few good innings; I got a chance in Australia and made a few runs and then I scored some runs against South Africa as well. Yeah, I haven’t done as well as I should have but in first-class cricket, I’ve been pretty consistent. It’s not outstanding, but it’s not bad. I’ve realised that the selectors have a job to do and you have to put the runs on the board if you want to be selected. Also, it does seem like you are bracketed as a days’ cricket specialist … ND: I am looked at as a Test cricketer but I look at myself as someone who can handle all forms of the game. I need some opportunities. Hopefully, when I get it, I will rise again and grab it with both hands and put the right scores on the board. Veerasammy, with Narine and Shane Shillingford and you and some others, would you say spin bowling is becoming fashionable in the Caribbean now? VP: Definitely. The pitches in the Caribbean are more conducive to spin bowling nowadays. That wasn’t the case earlier, so we had more fast bowlers. In the eighties and nineties, West Indies was all about fast bowling. But now, in our domestic cricket, spinners are getting the bulk of the wickets. So we have some talent. We are in a good state right now. One of you is a frontline spinner and the other, Narsingh, is a spinner too (with 19 Test wickets). When spinners come to India, there is always a fair bit to learn because of India’s spin tradition. Any such plans? VP: As a spinner, there are many tricks that you know

and many, many more tricks that you can learn, especially from experienced people. There are so many great spinners in India, but I don’t know if we will meet any of them on this tour. Maybe as the tour goes on … there’s always a lot to learn. ND: I do take my bowling quite seriously and when I do get a chance, I always pick up wickets. I always look at the television when a great bowler is bowling and try to pick things from their finger and wrist actions. We all keep learning. When it comes to spin, you learn about variations and pace and flight … let’s see who we meet on this tour. But talking about Veerasammy, he likes to get his tips from Daniel Vettori. Why Vettori specifically – Vettori has a much higher trajectory than Veerasammy? ND: Both of them are leftarm spinners, and his action is very close to Daniel Vettori’s. Yes, Vettori has a much higher trajectory; he is much taller. But there are similarities. And Veerasammy follows Vettori. VP: Yeah, I watch him (Vettori) and try to pick things up. Let’s talk about ‘A’ cricket – the India A team has been playing a whole lot of cricket in recent times. West Indies could do with a more hectic ‘A’ schedule, couldn’t they? VP: Oh yes. It’s something all countries could do with. Playing more competitive cricket always raises the standards. In the Caribbean, we don’t play as much as they do in India. India has so many cricketers, and so many good cricketers. We have seen some of them but we hear about so many others. West Indies should look at it seriously – that’s one way of raising the standard of the game in the country. ND: I think, yeah … the more you play, the more you improve. I am extremely happy to get back into the A side and hopefully this will help me get a chance in the Test series. As players, we certainly hope for this sort of thing and look forward to it. It’s always good for the players. But it’s different in the West Indies and in India. And what do you expect to gain from this tour? ND: I don’t know – just play to the best of my ability and have a good time. Hope I do well. VP: We are up against world-class cricketers. Gautam Gambhir and Virender Sehwag in the next matches – they are among the best in the world. Hopefully things will go my way.

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Kaieteur News

Thursday September 26, 2013

Courts Staff took on Broom’s 117 sets up big Otago win challenge of 3km race

Courts’ Country Manager, Clyde de Haas (standing, left) pose with Courts’ Staff following their participation, and ‘in-house’ Courts 3km competition on Sunday outside the Main Street Branch. Courts Guyana Inc., led by example on Sunday when Country Manager, Clyde de Haas and staff took the roadways for the 3km Health Rum aspect of the annual Courts 10km Road Race Classic and 3km Walk/Jog, setting off an ‘in-house’ competition. Courts awarded the ‘First Place Courts Finisher’ in the 3km ‘Health Run’, which was set for staff and friends and

family of staff members a n d other stakeholders, $20,000 for their efforts with the second and third place finishers receiving $15,000 and $10,000 respectively. In the female category of the Courts 3km race, Camille Crandon from the Main Street office took home top honours while Makida Blake (Operations) and Trudy Abrahams (Marketing) finished second and third. Meanwhile, in the

male race, Kevon Cummings (Mahaica) won ahead of Joel Hunte (Main Street) and Silvanus Goodridge (Bargain Centre) The 3km Health Run included Participants from a wide-cross section of society, which included the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) President, Clinton Urling and other stakeholders for the event that started outside Courts, Main Street.

‘Super Sevens’ B/ball Challenge gaining momentum The Georgetown Amateur Basketball Association (GABA)/Yolo Entertainment Super Sevens Basketball Challenge received immediate responses from existing basketball clubs and players even though the tournament dates are yet to be released. This is according to a Yolo Entertainment press release yesterday. Head of Yolo Entertainment Kirk ‘Chow Pow’ Jardine, in a release, said that he has already been bombarded for registration forms from clubs and players alike. “This is really encouraging; the players are certainly hyped-up with the novelty format of the tournament and are eagerly awaiting the start,” the release noted, adding that registration forms can now be

- says Yolo Entertainment

ESPNcricinfo - Exactly at which point Neil Broom had begun to take off is hard to tell. It could be when he struck Burt Cockley for three consecutive fours in the 14th over, or just the sight of Ryan ten Doeschate at the other end, upon which he hit the first of his eight sixes. One can be quite certain that Simon Katich had no idea, because by the time Broom had walked off at the end of the Otago innings having scored an unbeaten 117, the Perth Scorchers captain was looking at a total - 242 for four in 20 overs - far beyond the reaches of his young team. And it remained so, as they made 180 for 6, and Otago finishing with an emphatic 62run win. With the win, the New Zealand side not only kick-started their Champions League campaign, they set a few records on the way. They have now completed a streak of 14 consecutive Twenty20 wins, second only to Sialkot Stallion’s 25-match winning streak. They had made the highest team score in the Champions League, as well as their best as a team, and Broom became only the fourth batsman to score a hundred in the competition, and the first in two years. Broom was the main man for Otago, hammering, swatting and cracking sixes and fours on his way to a 56-ball unbeaten 117. He smashed nine fours and eight sixes. He played out 14 dot balls, most of them at the start of his innings when he saw two wickets fall in consecutive balls in the third over. There were some nervy moments during his 67-run third wicket stand with Derek de Boorder but that was, as it was later understood by Otago’s continuous onslaught, a way to unnerve the Scorchers’ bowlers. There were some close calls, including a dropped catch at slip by Adam Voges when de Boorder’s slash only found the edge in the fourth over. After de Boorder fell to Voges after making 45 off 28 balls with five fours and two sixes, ten Doeschate weighed in. The Dutch allrounder straightaway went after the bowling, and increasingly,

Neil Broom hits eight sixes in his unbeaten 117 © BCCI Broom too became aggressive. Broom saw ten Doeschate survive a catch at long-on, the ball trickling over the rope, and still go after the bowling. Both were now on the charge, hounding the younger bowlers with boundaries off the first ball of their overs. They brought up their 100-run stand in just 39 balls, and Otago reached the 200-run mark in the 18th over. Soon, Broom reached his maiden Twenty20 hundred with a swivel pull, one of many leg-side sixes during his marauding knock. He struck three consecutive sixes in the 19th over, the second of which brought up his century. His second fifty came in just 17 balls. The Scorchers’ torment worsened when Liam Davis holed out at third man off the first ball of their innings. Ashton Agar, the other opener, fell off the last ball of the over, top-edging to the keeper. And as it happens in such dire situations, there

was a run-out, Katich becoming the victim of poor calling with Voges. From 11 for 3, a successful chase looked improbable, to put it mildly. Otago’s blitz from 9 for 2 to 242 for 4 should have inspired the Scorchers but they didn’t find a Broom among themselves. Only a 65run fourth wicket stand between Hilton Cartwright and Voges took them out of the slide, before Cartwright added another 51 runs for the fifth wicket with Ashton Turner. Cartwright was unbeaten on 69 off 53 balls with six fours and a couple of sixes. But this will be the most memorable day in Broom’s Twenty20 career, having not played for New Zealand since 2010. Otago too have proved themselves as a strong domestic side, though they have a lot to prove in the rest of this tournament. Scores: Otago 242 for 4 (Broom 117*, ten Doeschate 66, de Boorder 45) beat Perth Scorchers 180 for 6 (Cartwright 73) by 62 runs.

Boxers give Guyana... Kester Gomes

Kirk Jardine

uplifted at Yolo Entertainment office on South Road. Other than Yolo office, the document said that registration forms can also be uplifted from the GABA President, Michael Singh,

who can be located at the Rima Guest House on Middle Street. Teams can also use contact numbers 629-0106 or 660-2393 for forms. The release informed that (Continued on page 32)

From page 36 22-20. Earlier, the Guyanese lost to Soren Opti of Suriname in his final group game, 17-21 19-21 18-21. Ambika Ramraj lost her final group game 21-2 21-2 to Daniela Marcias. Table Tennis The duo of Chelsea Edghill and Shemar Britton suffered mixed fortunes on

the opening day of the Singles competition. Britton won his first game against Santiago Kacowicz of Uruguay 9-11 11-9 11-5 11-7 but lost to Columbian Juan Riceuirte 13-11 7-11 6-11. Edghill having lost a five set thriller to Ortega Gomez in her first game 911 12-10 5-11 11-9 10-12, also

went under to Chandela of Argentina but rebounded to defeat Daniela Camino of Ecuador 11-9 8-11 11-8 5-11 119. Both players are still in with a chance of advancing to the quarter final round, they will be in action again today. Athletics and Weightlifting will take centre stage from tomorrow as the Games continue.

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