Kaieteur News

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Saturday Edition

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October 27, 2012 - Vol. 6 No. 40 - Price $80 kaieteurnews@yahoo.com Website:http://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly

EZjet boss sued for stealing US$5.4M ...

Airline says Ramdeo is not sole investor - insists passengers not affected

16 homeless

Child crosses road Italy’s ex-prime minister for $100, killed by car jailed for tax fraud

Shot Canadian in Ricardo Rodriques’ execution dies

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 27, 2012

Boat owners repairing Meadow Bank wharf - Request assistance from Govt After years, rehabilitation works to improve the Meadow Bank wharf, East Bank Demerara are being executed by boat owners. Repairs to the wharf, which had loose slippery timber planking, began about five weeks ago. Works were initiated by two boat owners, Leonard Jetoo and Nandalall Gopaul, after a section of the wharf collapsed last May. Fisherfolk protested the deplorable condition of the wharf earlier this year and had asked Government to provide

financial assistance. The rehabilitation project is still awaiting financial assistance from Government. According to Gopaul, in the init i a l s t a g e o f t h e project Jetoo purchased materials to replace the timber planks and paid for labour. He noted that with agreement of boat owners, a fee to moor their vessels is paid to the office at the Georgetown Fishermen’s Co-operative Society. He explained that fee would be used to reimburse

Meadow Bank wharf rehabilitated jetty

himself and Jetoo for repairs executed earlier and finance additional works such as shedding the jetty and dredging the area around the wharf. Making it abundantly clear that the Society has nothing to do with the repairs, Gopaul said that this project is spearheaded and executed by boat owners. According to a boat owner, previous attempts to repair the wharf failed owing to financial discrepancy. The man explained that boat owners used to pay the Society $1,500 to moor their vessels per trip and that money was used to fund the repairs. But, only a few planks

were changed. A large sum was believed put aside to fence the compound. However, to date the compound has not been fenced and the Society has become somewhat inactive. The boat owner stressed that a donation of about $5M from Government would help to improve the wharf. Meanwhile, the facility’s ice plant that was inoperable for some time is back in operation. Operations Manager of the Ice Plant, Clarence Foster, disclosed that he has leased the facility from the Society. Currently, the plant is supplying ice to the fishermen.

De Sinco boss remains critical While family, relatives, friends and associates of Frank De Abreu cling to the hope of him recovering, medical professionals at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) yesterday disclosed that not much has changed in his medical condition. Word is that the De Sinco Trading owner is still listed as critical, has not regained consciousness, and remains in GPHC’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This newspaper understands that no further surgery has been performed since the initial procedure to address internal bleeding, a punctured right lung, broken rib and damaged liver, which doctors declared successful. De Abreu’s car, PHH 9488, collided with a fire tender that was reportedly responding to a grass fire in Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara. The accident occurred at around 09:30hrs last Sunday. This newspaper understands that the fire tender slammed into De Abreu’s vehicle which was heading east along Lamaha Street. The fire tender was heading north along Irving Street. The traffic lights at the

Critical: Frank De Abreu intersection were not working at the time of the accident. After the collision, the driver of the fire tender, in an effort to avoid other impacts, steered the vehicle into a nearby canal. Four fire fighters were in the fire tender at the time. Although one of them, the driver identified as Marlon Wilson, sustained severe injuries to the head, shoulder, neck and eye, three other firefighters sustained minor injuries and were treated at the hospital and subsequently sent away.

Saturday October 27, 2012

Kaieteur News

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EZjet boss sued for stealing US$5.4M ...

Airline says Ramdeo is not sole investor Low-cost carrier, EZjet Airlines, yesterday admitted that there are other investors in the company and vowed to continue flying despite its founder being accused of stealing US$5.4M from a US hospital chain. Its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Sonny Ramdeo, announced Friday that he has stepped down to clear his name, one day after news broke t h a t h e a l l e g e d l y siphoned off US$5.4M from Promise Healthcare and diverted it to EZjet and his payroll company, ‘PayServ Tax Inc’. Promise Healthcare reportedly said that monies were allegedly embezzled in the last two months, bringing worries over the future of EZjet which is operating charter flights to New York and Canada. Yesterday, Rosalinda Rasul, who has been appointed, acting CEO in place of Ramdeo, insisted that it is business as usual with no immediate drop in bookings. She denied reports that the chartered aircraft has been seized or moved by the army to another section of the CJIA, in light of the US court

proceedings. She also denied that the company owed suppliers and other creditors. Speaking with the media at EZjet’s Brickdam office yesterday, Rasul, in responding to the question on who owns EZjet, directed the newspaper to Ramdeo. “I think Sonny is the best person to answer that. As far as we the operators knew, it was Sonny all the time… Only because of this (media reports) that we know that there may be other people involved. But Sonny is the best person to answer that.” The official was not aware that monies were allegedly embezzled from Promise Healthcare and diverted to EZjet’s accounts. “I only learnt of it (the reports) yesterday (Thursday)… the same time everybody learnt of it.” News that its founder, Sonny Ramdeo was allegedly embroiled in a multi-million embezzlement scheme has not immediately affected bookings, she said. EZjet’s entrance into the local airline industry last December was viewed by competitors with suspicions with questions over the

source of the finances. With other charter companies and more recently, Redjet, going bellyup, EZjet has been under pressure but has been announcing several promotions, some of which have left observers stunned. Ramdeo claimed that he used his mortgage, pension and stock options to fund the venture. MY PRIVATE BUSINESS! There have also been questions in recent days on whether Ramdeo could just step aside in light of the fraud allegations and even whether he had the authority to appoint a CEO. According to Rasul yesterday, Ramdeo and his “advisors” in the US discussed the issue within the last few days and met with her. That was when Ramdeo indicated his intention to resign as CEO. “He asked me to carry the responsibilities of the CEO with support from the board,” Rasul said. The new CEO is hoping to stabilize the company and even address some of the issues and breakages that Ramdeo could not because of

Jagdeo has no connection to EZjet, “other than we hope to someday have him as a passenger on one of our flights.”

EZjet’s founder/ owner, Sonny Ramdeo

EZjet’s CEO (ag), Rosalinda Rasul

his other job in the US. She admitted that she is reporting to Ramdeo “periodically” since he has a “broad picture…vision for the airline. And my job is to do what is necessary to make it fit to see that vision come through.” According to Rasul, she is reporting to Ramdeo “out of respect” and out of the fact that “he is the owner… come what may. He needs to know what is happening to this company that he has invested his money into.” Reporting on the financial health of EZjet, Rasul said the

company is doing well. “I would not say that we are on top of the world but we are paying our bills.” As a matter of fact, EZjet is eyeing other planes for the upcoming December passenger rush. In a separate statement to the media, the company yesterday said that the civil lawsuit against Ramdeo is “his private business and will be settled by him; Sonny is not on his way to the “slammer”.” The company said that it has received no concessions from PPP/C Government and that former President Bharrat

FRAMED! On Friday, Ramdeo in a statement to the media, accused Promise Healthcare of itself being involved in a US$550M diversion of company’s funds and said that its principals are in court for it. He alleged he was being framed. “Since my former bosses are themselves in court over diversion of over US$550M of company funds, they elected to claim ignorance and innocence when it came to coming clean about the investment. Instead, they alleged that I diverted funds to EZjet, which I did not.” Ramdeo, who hails from Windsor Forest, West Coast Demerara, hinted that he will be returning to the management fold of EZjet once he is vindicated. “In the interest of removing all doubt about the viability of EZjet for which I have worked tirelessly during the past one to one-and-a-half years to establish, I am (continued on page 7)

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 20, 2012

Letters... Where your views make the news Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Awaiting a self fulfilling prophecy There is something called self-fulfilling prophecy. Simply put, it means that if one projects the view that he or she expects something to happen then when that thing happens, the person who projected the view would somehow be satisfied in the fact that he or she had contended that this thing was going to happen. There is a lot of that in Guyana and the people who are most likely to project self-fulfilling prophecy would be the pessimists. They always expect the worse. There are people who always expect the worse and they abound in Guyana. There are people who would say that nothing good can ever come out of the country. They preach or propagate this idea that pretty soon it actually spreads because there are many other pessimists in the society. The result in the past has been mass migration. Just about everyone started to look for a life outside of Guyana because in their view, nothing good will ever come out of Guyana. In fact, this concept has been modified to now state that Guyana will never get good. While this may be the case once the parliamentarians behave the way they do; once people insist on partisan politics; and once there is ethnic distrust the country is bound to suffer. Indeed, the ethnic issue has always been present in many countries. At one time in the history of some countries, the smaller ethnic population was often decimated or subsumed by the majority. This was the case in North America when the white settlers confronted the native Indians. It was the same in this corner of the world when the new people came face to face with the Amerindians and again when human traders, often white, came into contact with the Africans. In some parts of the world there is ethnic tolerance and one can assume that there is some measure of ethnic tolerance in Guyana. However, the distrust far outweighs the tolerance with the result that the vote at election time is more often than not, based on ethnic considerations. And so it is that the parliamentarians are almost always at loggerheads over issues and these issues are always projected to assume ethnic political proportions. So we see comparisons between what happens in an Afro centric community and an Indocentric one. We judge actions along racial lines and we conclude that Guyana can never get good. This past week, the Cabinet Secretary exhibited a case of self fulfilling prophecy. He told the media that the government will be moving to parliament for supplementary funding for the security services. He expects the worst because the parliamentary opposition wants to see the back of Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee. The very parliamentary opposition shouted Rohee down when he sought to pass a previous Bill in the National Assembly. The Cabinet Secretary expects more of the same. If that happens then he would actually enjoy a self fulfilling prophecy. Already he has said, and he did say it as though it has already happened, that the parliamentary opposition would starve the security forces of funds. The nation would like to believe that as politicians the parliamentarians would be smart enough to deal with issues rather than personalities. They may not wish Rohee to present the Bills since their desire is to silence him in the National Assembly in keeping with the no confidence vote. But the House has other means of presenting the Bills and these will be invoked. The government, which seems to revel in confrontation since it has adopted a policy of refusing to heed the political opposition, will insist that Rohee presents the supplementary Bills. Fortunately, that should not be the end of the matter but for all intents and purposes the government may very well wish for the Cabinet’s self fulfilling prophecy.

The PPP/C’s attack on the National Assembly is an attack on all Guyanese DEAR EDITOR, The KN article captioned; “Battle lines drawn in Parliament…House Speaker warns Luncheon not to provoke a constitutional crisis”, and dated 10/20/2012 provides yet another glaring example of the PPP/C government’s disregard and disrespect for the people of Guyana. As if they have not created enough mayhem in the country, it was reported in the KN article referred to above, that Head of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS), Dr. Roger Luncheon, after his infamous “rumble comment”, made it clear that “Government was not happy with how the National Assembly is being run and that President Ramotar could very well not assent to any Bills passed by the National Assembly that do not find favour with the government”. Now if this statement of the government does not arouse a feeling of outrage on the part of right thinking Guyanese, then I can only assume that we have all either come to accept the disrespect towards us, by this PPP/C

regime, as normal, or that we have decided to throw up our arms and allow this unconscionable government to disregard us with impunity. Regardless of which of the two positions we accept as the reality, the indication will be that we are subjecting our young people to settle for national leadership which touts bullyism and expresses open disregard for their intellect and dignity as reasonable human beings. The notion that any bill passed in the National Assembly must first find favour with the PPP/C government before President Ramotar will sign it is tantamount to the worst kind of hostage and sabotage of the National Assembly! The PPP/C government ignores, completely, or refuses to accept the reality that its influence in the 10th Parliament is reduced to the point, that its status is ‘minority’ while the people, through the combined opposition, hold the majority vote. In a situation like this the priority for any reasonable government would be to work

towards meaningful cooperation, seeking consensus and pursuing collaboration rather than ‘bullyism’. So why does the office of the president think it can openly broadcast this reckless intention of the president and government? Why did Dr. Luncheon and the PPP/C government think that they could make a deliberate decision to broadcast an intention on the part of the administration to impede the work of the parliament, and suppress the will of the people? Why does the PPP/C government believe that it can stymie or retard the development of the law and delay the orderly functioning of the Guyanese society? Does the government truly believe that its attack on the people and society, in this way, is justified? Why attack the people, by refusing to sign their bill into law, because you do not like it? The answer to these questions is anyone’s guess! But for those who refuse to speculate, let me remind you that the answer lies in the

PPP/C government’s impertinence or lack of respect for the intelligence of the Guyanese people and its indifference to our values and moral character as a people. They believe that these blatant assaults on our intelligence and self worth as a people will go undetected or unnoticed, since in their mind we are incapable of recognizing the contempt in their attitude towards us. Further, they believe that we are so insipid or indolent that they can look us in the face and tell us they are going to breach the Guyana Constitution and we will not be bothered nor will we take notice of their lawlessness. This is how extreme the disrespect is, and quite frankly it continues to be a very frightening experience to see how dismissive this government is of the people. We have seen the PPP/C government come out and robustly defended its disgraceful and worthless act of copywriting other people’s work, the infamous text book scam. My position on this shameful act is that it was wrong for the government to even contemplate such an act. Sadly, they embarrassed all of us when they committed this most unimaginable act and then had the gall to justify the iniquitous by stating that stealing the intellectual property of another is the only way the government can provide text books to students in public schools. What a shame! I guess the lotto money is washed away or is deposited in someone’s personal bank account. If this is the only way the government can attempt to equip our children with necessary text books, then the intellectual paucity and moral bankruptcy of those who lead this country are sadly exposed. Our children deserve a whole lot better! I deem this recent copyright fiasco another ill-fated revelation of this government’s discount of the people. Clearly, the PPP/ C government did not even consider the views and shared values of the people, with respect, to this most disgraceful act. They seem to care not what we think, about them belittling us to the rest of the world! Guyanese must not allow these disgraceful acts to go without condemnation, as they are likely to cast all of us in a bad light. We must let those watching know that, in no way, are these disgraceful and immoral acts of the government a reflection of the moral character or principles Continued on page 6

Saturday October 20, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

“The Right turn for Guyana” is the way forward for the people DEAR EDITOR, Guyana is at a crossroads. A wrong turn could lead to its worst nightmare; its collapse and failure as a state. The right turn as outlined in the AFC Manifesto offers a chance at economic stability, recovery, growth, the creation of jobs and an end to the incessant corruption and crime as well as domestic violence and police brutality/ murders which have spiraled out of control. But this will require, first, someone taking charge of the government which Mr. Ramotar has not done so far. Second, the administration has to start implementing a credible plan to reduce the high unemployment, corruption, crime, and the illegal trafficking of narcotics. The AFC—The Right Turn for Guyana, is designed to deal with the aforementioned issues. As a minority regime one would tend to believe that it would invite the majority opposition to support its programme. It is a shame that the minority PPP regime has not done that, instead, the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime has allowed its mouthpieces to slander the opposition. What is Mr. Ramotar thinking? Why has he allowed his mouthpieces (Jagdeoites) to hijack his administration? The crux of Guyana’s problem is corruption, crime, lack of jobs, poor governance and the lack of transparency in awarding contracts. Also, how the PPP regime spends the taxpayers’ money on risky projects such as the Marriott Hotel is cause for concern. The building of a mega hotel in Guyana and handing over the restaurant and the club to a separate owner at this time when hotel occupancy is at roughly 50 percent does not make good economic sense. The

restaurant and the club are the two money making ventures for most hotels. And this is taking place at a time when tourism is at its lowest level due in large part to the massive increase in crime. These are the hard facts the regime must grapple with before investing the taxpayers’ money in such a dicey scheme. Furthermore, constant borrowing from the Chinese and others will eventually lead to huge debt-servicing cost which, in turn, could siphon much needed cash from critical areas such as education, health care, national security and the maintenance of public infrastructure. We believe that the Government has to borrow less and invest in projects that will improve the lives of the poor and the working class, something the Marriott Hotel will not do. During the 2011 elections campaign, the PPP said it has the formula to end corruption and crime; overhaul the public sector for efficiency and cost; create jobs; and revise the tax system to minimize evasion and corruption and to ensure that more people, especially the wealthy elites, pay their fair share. But nearly a year in office, the Ramotar administration is proving to be as incompetent as the J a g d e o r e g i m e . M r. Ramotar ’s indecision to visit Linden during the unrest and his lack of ability to end corruption, reduce crimes and create jobs, tell the whole story. His only expertise is to indulge in pettiness, cheap talk and blame others for his and his cabal’s failures. This is surely not the proper way to govern. And since the PPP has abandoned its manifesto, we are suggesting that the AFC

Manifesto—The Right Turn for Guyana is the way forward. Folks, please read it. It makes good sense. Mr. Ramotar’s failure to act as President for all the people of Guyana, and not only those who supported the PPP, could cause a nightmarish specter to materialize. Continued waffling and indecision by him, and by allowing the Jagdeoites to

commandeer his regime, have resulted in more corruption, higher unemployment and crimes that could worsen and even dislocate the social order, which could make street demonstrations against his minority PPP regime inevitable. Guyana’s unemployed youths and the poor and the working class are restless. They see no future in the PPP regime that cannot create

jobs and improve their living standards. Where is the Government? Where is the leadership? Rather than sending the Jagdeoites on NCN TV to spread propaganda, distortions and untruths, Mr. Ramotar should tell the people the truth and embark on a new course. The AFC manifesto is a good source that provides the answers to the country’s

woes. Wake up, Mr. President and get the Jagdeoites out of your Government and make it functional and please get us out of this mess. If you have to hide from the Jagdeoites and read the AFC manifesto, do not hesitate to do so. It will be a start in the right direction for Guyana. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 20, 2012

Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

COMBINED OPPOSITION IS FAILING THEIR CONSTITUENTS DEAR EDITOR, The new dispensation of governance in Guyana following the November 28, 2011 General Election is beginning to expose serious and ineffective control of power from the combined opposition parties, notably APNU and AFC. Their collective will to defy the Government and at the same time seek to have legislation passed by the House (combined motion to remove Minister Rohee via No Confidence) is tantamount to a very flawed mode of democracy. The gross butchering of the 2012 Budget will be repeated if this style of confrontation remains and yet again the country will be placed in a crisis. I am not convinced that the combined opposition wants to secure a legacy of peace and prosperity and to maturely work in unity with the Government. Incidentally the ruling party will have to seek redress whenever it is confronted in such hostility even if they have to resort to the Courts. The recent unfortunate incidents in Linden and

Agricola cannot escape the conviction that they were infuriated by the Opposition. The defence by APNU member and Legislator Desmond Trotman at the Linden Commission of Inquiry where he forcefully claimed that the people did nothing wrong in blocking the bridge in Linden is most unfortunate and suggest that the mentality of the Opposition is to violate the law whenever it is served in their interest, even if it is to the detriment of the country. This type of illegal confrontation must be condemned and rejected by the electorates given the backward and destructive intention that is being perpetuated by the leaders of the opposition. While I am not an apologist of the Government I will not support the reversing of progress that has been created by the PPP/C in the housing, water, health and education sectors. I am indeed proud that a Guyanese, Sarah Hakh, has been selected as the best Caribbean CSEC student and was followed by a number of

The politics of lawlessness

other students who have made the nation an example of what our future leaders are capable of achieving. I am therefore hopeful that the reconvening of the 10th Parliament will be the turning point in how this country will progress and that the will of the people must not be trampled upon base on the Opposition’s callous approach in s e e k i n g t o s c o r e cheap political points. The combined opposition therefore should act responsibly and professionally in discharging their mandate that has been faithfully if not loyally given by their constituents. Elroy Stephney.

DEAREDITOR, I read with deep concern a letter by Mr. Nigel Westmaas under the caption “Commissioner Wolfe’s preoccupation with “order” shows disdain for the historical struggles of working people” in the Kaieteur News dated the 25th October, 2012. In this letter the writer, a WPA Leader, launched an unwarranted attack on the Chairman of the Linden Commission of Inquiry because the Chairman rebuked APNU Member of Parliament and his fellow WPA member Mr. Desmond Trotman for seeking to justify lawlessness in his evidence before the Commission. Mr. Trotman, in his evidence, essentially testified that the persons who blocked the Wismar bridge with logs, rocks,

debris and fire, who burnt several vehicles and properties belonging both to the State and private individuals totally several hundred million dollars, who assaulted and threatened policemen, were justified and had a right to do so because of their objections to paying increased electricity tariffs, a completely preposterous proposition. Chief Justice Wolfe was very strong in his condemnation of Trotman’s contentions and quite correctly so. What both Trotman and Westmaas have done, is to illustrate to the public, the mind set of the APNU/WPA, which is, that illegality, criminality and violence should be used as political methods to achieve an end. This is not only an unlawful and undemocratic strategy but is simply terroristic and anarchist

politics. We saw a manifestation of this madness at Agricola also. The nation must rise up and condemn this type of political advocacy in the strongest possible term. As I witness the Opposition contentions being dismantled daily before the Commission, I get the impression that efforts will now be made to undermine the Commissioners and their work. The Opposition called for persons to be appointed from outside of Guyana. They, jointly with the Government, drafted the terms of reference. Therefore, all their demands were met. The persons who constitute this Commission are all distinguished and of unquestionable integrity. Attacking them for doing their job is simply a disgrace to the country. Balram Heeralall

From page 4 of the people. With the recent attack by the Guyana Government, on the National Assembly, I urge the parliament to refuse to be intimidated by the stated position of the PPP/C administration. The bills passed by the people, for the people, must not be subjected to the

biases, arrogance, intimidation tactics, ‘political gaming’ and bully tactics of the PPP/C. It is time Guyanese stand up in defence of that very important doctrine of ‘Separation of Powers’ implicit in our constitution. The recent verbiage out of the office of the president, via the HPS, in my mind, serves as a

direct attack on that most noble princip l e w h i c h reminds us that the three branches of the state, though they might be related in some aspects, are distinct and separate. Should we allow these kinds of targeted attacks, by the executive branch, to be unleashed on

one of our most basic democratic institutions, without denouncing and halting them, we might be aiding and boosting the tyrannical culture of a regime? This repeated and brazen attack on the Guyana Parliament by the PPP/C government must be strongly condemned. Lurlene Nestor

The PPP/C’s attack on the National...

Saturday October 27, 2012

Kaieteur News

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People’s Parliament determined not to be “bullied” The members of the People’s Parliament, on Thursday, conducted a petition outside the Ministry of Housing and Water on Brickdam. The protest was over the Minister’s persistence to have them removed from the newly constructed park opposite Public Buildings. The members of the People’s Parliament are of the opinion that “the Minister should be focusing on providing senior citizens and others who have been on the waiting list for years, a plot of land and potable water, and not worry about the trivial things”. According to Leonard Craig, they “will not be moved by the Minister’s bullying, and will continue to advocate in the interest of the people of Guyana.” The Ministry of Housing’s Central Housing and Planning Authority sent a notice to the People’s Parliament, giving the people 72 hours to remove all belongings from and around the park. Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali, had said that the People’s Parliament was destroying the newly done lawn and taking away from the beauty of the park. The city was being steered into a tourist destination, and that the park would become one of the city’s highlights, CHPA said. The group was even accused

of littering and defacing the park. However, Craig explained that the People’s Parliament is really on the pavement and not on the park, and that since the space is open to the public, its members would usually make use of the seating available. He added that even if the park was not there, the People’s Parliament still would have been. Craig also told Kaieteur News that the People’s Parliament will soon become “mobile”, as its members will be traveling to different parts of the country, to listen to the plight of its entire people. They will still however, meet opposite Parliament Building twice a month. Meanwhile, commenting on the Minister’s comments on the “old shoes”, Sherlina Nageer, noted that they are not just old shoes; they are those of persons who have been “murdered” by the police. Those shoes were yesterday aligned on the lawns of the Ministry during the protest. A pair of “fine man” Rawlings’s shoes were among them. The protesters yesterday reiterated that “they will not be moved” by the Minister’s “bullying”. After receiving the notice, The People’s Parliament had approached the High Court with an injunction challenging the removal order.

Airline says Ramdeo ... From page 3 removing myself from EZjet management, until this embarrassing matter has been cleared up and my good name has been restored.” According to the Court House News Service website, Ramdeo and his two companies – Ezjet and ‘PayServ Tax Inc.- allegedly embezzled US$5.4 million from it from Promise Health, one of the US’ largest long-term acute care hospital organizations. Most of the money, it was claimed, went to EZjet and the payroll company. The sum was said to have allegedly been taken over the past two months. Ramdeo and his companies were accused of stealing the money from Promise through a “sophisticated scheme of fraud and deception”. “Specifically, Ramdeo incorporated a company called ‘PayServ Tax Inc.’ and deceived Promise’s senior management into believing that PayServ was a legitimate payroll tax processing company affiliated with the nationally known payroll processing company, Ceridian. Based on this lie, he deceived Promise into transferring millions of dollars to PayServ Tax Inc. and

diverted over five million dollars of Promise’s money to himself and his companies,” the complaint states. Ceridian is not a party to the complaint. Reports said that Ramdeo forged signatures on standing transfer orders that purported to authorize Promise’s bank to debit funds from Promise’s account for transfer to PayServ’s account at PNC Bank. “Significantly, in the past two months alone, Ramdeo stole US$5,387,000 from Promise by diverting its funds to EZjet. He did this by diverting money in the PayServ account that had been deposited for payment of Promise’s payroll taxes to his jet charter company, EZjet GT Inc. “Upon information and belief, since creating PayServ, Ramdeo has been knowingly and intentionally mis-stating the amount of payroll taxes actually due by Promise and/ or misstating the amount of payroll taxes actually transferred to government agencies and stealing the excess funds (in a sum that exceeds US$5,000,000).” In March, during a press conference, Ramdeo said he was courting at least two US healthcare companies to help with investments.

The protesters in front of the Ministry of Housing and Water

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 27, 2012

Shot Canadian in Ricardo Rodrigues’ execution dies Canadian Jean Le Blanc, who was shot during the execution-style killing of Ricardo Rodrigues on October 15, died yesterday at the Georgetown Public Hospital. Le Blanc was being treated for a gunshot injury to the buttocks. A medical source at the hospital had told this publication that the bullet was lodged near to his spine. However from all indications the man was well on the road to recovery. Le Blanc died around 11:00 hours yesterday while receiving treatment at the hospital’s High Dependency Unit. Meanwhile, several persons who became familiar with Le Blanc during his period of hospitalization said they were shocked at his sudden death as mere hours before nothing seemed wrong. “Early this (yesterday) morning we took stuff upstairs for him like normal because he didn’t have anybody in Guyana so we took water and he drink and was talking like normal. He even tell we that he want go back home but the police hold on to he documents,” this publication was told.

Dead Canadian Jean Le Blanc Le Blanc was expected to leave Guyana on Tuesday having been promised the return of his passport by Monday. In an earlier interview, Le Blanc said he was holidaying in Guyana and ‘was in the wrong place at the wrong time’. He had told this publication that he arrived in

Guyana on October 13 and was expected to leave three days later. On the day of the shooting he said he was in a taxi passing but asked the driver to stop at the spot to drink a few beers. He claimed that several persons had visited him in the hospital and had promised to inform his family about the incident but “I don’t know if anybody did. Nobody has come and told me that they call.” Meanwhile, as police officers continue their probe, up to press time yesterday a close associate of Ricardo Rodrigues was in police custody assisting with the investigation. Further, the police have since issued a wanted bulletin for businessman Mark De Abreu whom they say may be linked to the killing. On October 15, last Ricardo R o d r i g u e s w a s killed when gunmen open fired on him while he was sitting at the Pit Stop Bar which is located at the GMR&SC compound, Albert Street. Three other persons, including Le Blanc, were shot.

Saturday October 27, 2012

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THE OPPOSITION SHOULD YIELD TO THE GOVERNMENT’S RIGHT TO PREPARE ITS OWN BUDGET The first sitting of the present session of the National Assembly did not go well. The outcome does not augur well for relations between the government and the opposition. The two sides of the House are animated and this posture does not augur well for the compromise and understanding between them. It is obvious that there are serious differences between the sides, differences which began on day one of the commencement of parliament and which worsened after the breakdown of the Budget talks. The hostility and viciousness shown by the opposition towards the government has effectively led to a breakdown of relations and it is hard to see this relationship being mended especially since the onslaught against the Budget and the subsequent developments in Linden. For all intents and purposes the tripartite talks have been shelved and are not likely to be resumed. The government is not without some blame for this but once the opposition understood where the government was coming from it could have demonstrated greater flexibility. The opposition has learnt very little from its experience of the past year and strangely, continues to insist that it should be part of the framing of the Budget. They apparently have not been reading the lips of the government which has made it clear that it considers the

duty to prepare the Budget as its and its alone. The opposition has taken umbrage to this approach and the AFC in particular launched a vicious broadside against the government by threatening to cut billions from certain ministries. Fortunately, APNU did not side with the AFC which retreated after public servants were organized and took to protests outside of the National Assembly fearing that they would lose their jobs. The opposition lost face with the public over its Budget antics and it should avoid going down that road again. There is no need to cut any Budget. The country’s economy is doing well, revenues are increasing and therefore the Budget allocation should be increasing. The court has since given a preliminary ruling it which it stated that the opposition cannot cut the Budget; they can either accept or reject it. This at least should have forced force a modification of tactics but strangely there has still persisted the call for the opposition to be part of the preparation of the Budget. Even if the government was open towards the concept of a joint Budget, the opposition has not given the government reason to take this approach. In the close to one year that the government has been in existence, the opposition has demonstrated very little goodwill or reasonableness. The opposition has now soured relations by its intractable demand that the Minister of Home Affairs tender his resignation. The

Dem boys seh ...

Another Bee gone to jail Donald tek note. Italy sentence one of its own Prime Ministers to four years in jail fuh tax fraud. Guyana got nuff people who not only involve in tax fraud but who also thief government money and none of dem ain’t even get try much less jail. De Prime Minister is Berlusconi. He name begin wid BEE. Dem boys seh that it look like if dem Bees day of reckoning at hand. Almost all dem kantractah shoulda been behind bars but Bharrat didn’t do anything because he and nuff of dem close, and in more ways than one. Donald is de same thing. He know and he ain’t doing nutten and he ain’t close to dem. Wha happen wid dem Bees in Guyana. Dem have de Kantractah Bee; dem have de other scampish Bee. Brassy sell out de guts fuh de Marriott; one Bee deh in de midst of de laptop programme that got crookishness; and dem other Bee just as bad. Suh what is de problem, Donald? Who is de boss? You or that man wha been before you? Is going on to a year and you ain’t do nutten; not Hen See Hen, dem report including de one wid Lie Nel. It too much fuh talk. All of dem got nuff, real nuff money and bet dem nah pay Khurshid he taxes. And dem living larger than large. Donald know all that too. One thing though, some of dem got li’l shame. Since de Waterfalls paper expose dem that involve in corruption some of dem gone underground. Dem does even go and tek dem drink behind close doors. Dem does do a lot of things behind close doors. Talk half and hope fuh an end to corruption

opposition has now boxed itself into a corner by insisting that they would not cooperate with the Minister of Home Affairs. The stance on the Minister of Home Affairs means that the opposition will not approve the expenditure for the police in next year’s Budget which will lead to a serious security crisis in the country. How the opposition plans to extricate itself from this mess is uncertain but it should at least try to appreciate the parameters that the government wants to

establish to guide relations between the government and the opposition in so far as the Budget is concerned. The government insists on the right to prepare its own Budget. The opposition should accept this and instead insist on its right to reject the Budget unless good faith negotiations with the government takes place after it would have been tabled. Why is this difficult proposition for the opposition to accept? In fact this is a better

option than wanting to have a joint Budget. It certainly means that the opposition cannot be blamed for flaws or omissions. It also means that if things go wrong, it cannot be blamed since it will limit itself to certain specific objectives. Having post Budget negotiations seemed to have been working in the opposition’s favour earlier this year when agreement was almost reached between APNU and the government. It can do so again once the same machinations that intervened

the last time are not repeated. The tripartite process for all intents and purposes will not go anywhere until there is an improvement in the relationship between the government and the opposition and this improvement will not occur until the opposition understands that they must stop operating like bullies and begin to act in good faith.

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 27, 2012

Guyana at 42 on Global Immigration TALK: Questions & Answers Gender Gap index The Global Gender Gap Report 2012, published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) has ranked Guyana at 42 out of 135 countries with a score of 0.712, placing it higher than Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Suriname, Venezuela, Brazil and Suriname among several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Global Gender Gap index is a framework for capturing the magnitude and scope of gender-based disparities and tracking their

progress. It benchmarks national gender gaps on economic, political, education and health criteria, and provides country rankings that allow for effective comparisons across regions and income groups and over time. According to the report, the key for the future of any country and any institution is the capability to develop, retain and attract the best talent. As such, since women make up one half of the world’s human capital,

Pomeroon man drowns in Puruni River Mikey Stewart, 49, of Charity, Pomeroon, died some time on Thursday, at Cuyuni, in the Puruni River, after the boat he was traveling in, capsized. According to reports, Stewart and a crew were traveling to their mining camp at Kamaico but decided against this and instead, ventured to another spot where they indulged in imbibing alcohol. Tragedy struck, while the crew was returning to the

camp. Reports are that the boat capsized and Stewart allegedly died by drowning. After being informed about the incident, Stewart’s employer summoned a diver who retrieved Stewart’s body some time late Thursday. His remains have since been transported to the Oscar Joseph Hospital where a post mortem is scheduled to be performed shortly. Stewart was the father of five. Earlier this year, he lost his mother and brother.

empowering and educating women and girls and leveraging their talent and leadership fully in the global economy, politics and society are fundamental elements in order for nations to succeed and prosper in today’s competitive world. The report highlighted that with talent shortages projected to become more severe in much of the developed and developing world, maximizing access to female talent is a strategic imperative for business. This year’s report said Guyana slipped four spots from its 2011 ranking of 38 due to a small decrease in the percentage of women in Ministerial positions. The WEF has been among the institutions at the forefront of engaging leaders to close global gender gaps as a key element of the mission to improve the state of the world. In terms of economic participation, Guyana was ranked at 94 with a score of 0.603, educational attainment at 28 with 0.999, health and survival at 47 with 0.979, and political empowerment at 32 with 0.267. (Caribbean Trakker)

By: Attorney Gail S. Seeram, Through this “Question & Answer” column, our goal is to answer your immigration questions. Many of you have questions on backlog time and eligibility – we seek to clarify these issues and more. We appreciate your comments and questions. If you have a question that you would like answered in this column, please email:Gail@GailLaw.com.

Question #1: My mom, 92 years old, has petitioned for my siblings. All relevant documents have been submitted since August 2011, and so far my mom hasn’t got any feedback from the immigration (US). What should my mom do? Answer #1: In response to your question, right now, assuming your siblings are married and your mom is a U.S. citizen, then visas are being issued for petitions filed on or before June 2002. So, your siblings have about an eight to nine-year wait. Note, you will not hear anything from Immigration after you receive the I-130 approval notice until the visa is close to being available (maybe one year before visa availability).

Question #2: I’m 21yrs old and I’ve been sponsored by my dad (who is a permanent resident in the US) my papers are currently in the waiting stage, I would just like to know if it is possible for me to take a chance on obtaining a visitor visa just for a vacation in the summer? Do I have any chance of being approved? Answer #2: Once you have a pending immigrant petition, usually you do not qualify for a visitor visa because you have immigrant intent. For a visitor visa, you need to show you have no intents to reside in the U.S.

for a visa immediately because she is the parent of a U.S. citizen and there is no backlog for this type of immigrant visa. Unfortunately, your adoptive sister cannot be included in your mother’s visa category.

Question #3: I’m a US citizen and I’m in the process of sponsoring my mother in Guyana, the thing is that she has an adopted daughter. I don’t want my mother to leave her there. Can my mother add her to her papers when she gets her medical package? My adopted sister is 14years of age and we don’t have anybody to keep her when my mom leaves. Answer #3: Generally, you would have to file separately for your adoptive sister under 4th preference (brother/sister of a U.S. citizen). Your mother qualifies

Question #4: My father was recently denied a ‘waiver of grounds of inadmissibility’ (Form I601) so he’s more or less placed on a 10-year ban. I don’t know what the reapplication process is like after the 10-year ban or what forms I have to fill out or documents I would need. Would you kindly point me in the right direction? Answer #4: We need to know the alleged ground of inadmissibility and why they are making him seek a waiver. For example, based on being in U.S. illegally, fraudulent misrepresentation, past removal/deportation, etc.

Gail S. Seeram

Saturday October 27, 2012

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Muslim community observes Eid-Ul-Adha with festivity

Meat is being parceled at the CIOG for distribution By Rabindra Rooplall Muslims worldwide yesterday celebrated EidUl-Adha, a three-day Muslim celebration called “festival of sacrifice” or “festival of feast.” T h e M u s l i m s community celebrated EidUl-Adha to remember the willingness of Prophet Abraham to sacrifice his son, Ishmael, as an act of obedience to God. A few traditions associated with Eid, include sacrificing animals as did the Prophet Abraham, purchasing new clothes for the festival and a gathering of friends and family together for a feast. Eid-ul-Adha is the Muslim festival that marks the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca, known as the Hajj. According to Muslim belief, God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, and although he was a good man and loved his son; his faith and devotion to God was strong enough that he would accommodate God's request. Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his own son for God caused God to spare his son's life, and a lamb was sacrificed in his place. The meat from the sacrifice of Eid Ul-Adha is mostly given away to others. One-third is eaten by immediate family and relatives, one-third is given away to friends, and onethird is donated to the poor. The act symbolizes their willingness to give up things that are of benefit to persons close to their hearts, in order to follow Allah's commands. It also symbolizes Muslims' willingness to give up some of their own bounties, in order to strengthen ties of friendship and help those who are in need. According to an Imam, “Allah (God) has given us

power over animals and allows us to eat meat, but only if we pronounce his name at the solemn act of taking life. Muslims slaughter animals in the same way throughout the year. By saying the name of Allah at the time of slaughter, we are reminded that life is sacred.” Muslims from various Masjids across the country yesterday gathered at different mosques with family and friends to celebrate the activity with prayers and charitable acts. According to Haranlall Sukhlall, a member of the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG), a special prayer was offered about 6:30 in the morning, after which a kutbah (lecture pertinent to the holiday and its significance) was delivered. On the holy and auspicious day of Eid ul Adha, Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) representatives extended Eid Mubarak to all Guyanese, especially members of the Muslim community. They collectively agreed t h a t t h e e v e n t commemorates one of the greatest acts of sacrifice in the annals of human History. The Prophet Abraham, his wife Hagar and their first born son Ishmáel were all tested by God Almighty. “Let us, as we do our sacrifice, remind ourselves that if we are to be a part of making changes we must sacrifice, our evil ways, our prejudices— racial, religious and ethnic, we must sacrifice all our evil tendencies and ask Allah to let Him make us the instruments of change that will deliver mankind from the degradation it is in.” Muslims representatives noted.

Meat being shared to persons at the Peters Hall Mosque

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 27, 2012

New Amsterdam Special Needs School receives computers

Chief Executive of the Berbice Bridge Company, Omadat Samaroo hands over the computer to head of the New Amsterdam Special Needs School, Zoya Crandon The New Amsterdam Special Needs School (NASNS) was recently the recipient of two computers with backup systems, compliments of the Berbice BridgeCompanyInc.(BBCI). The computers were presented to the school to help the students who are differently able to become computer literate and stay in touch with the advances in technology. The presentation was made at the school situated at Vr y m a n ' s E r v e n , N e w Amsterdam, by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of BBCI, Omadat Samaroo to head of the NASNS Zoya Crandon. The donation followed a

request by the United Wo m e n f o r S p e c i a l Children's Club (UWSC). The UWSC is a nonprofit organisation which was registered in 1993. One of its main aims is to help children with special needs meet their highest potential by assisting with needed resources such as educational, recreational, life training and welfare assistance. Speaking at the ceremony, Samaroo said that one of the BCCI objectives is to give back to the community in any way that will be of benefit to the community, especially children. He promised that the BBCI will continue to

support the school. Head mistress Zoya Crandon thanked the BBCI for the timely donation and for showing an interest in the children with special needs. She also thanked the UWSC for the interest they have shown in the children over the years. One of the computers donated has a television card and can access television stations. The package also includes a hand writing recognition software, web cameras, headphones, speakers and printer. This school currently has 70 special needs students enrolled. Their ages range between five and 18 years old.

Minibus bursts into flames Firemen investigating the origin of the fire

On Wednesday last, a route 42 minibus mysteriously caught afire at the junction of Camp and D'Urban Streets, Georgetown, while the driver and a passenger were inside. A fire tender rushed to the scene and

firemen were able to swiftly extinguish the blaze. Both occupants of the vehicle escaped unhurt. The fire was said to have started from under the engine.

Saturday October 27, 2012

Kaieteur News

Child crosses road for $100, killed by car Up to press time yesterday relatives of a Vryheid’s Lust woman who lost her son in an accident were keeping a close eye on her because she is of the view that suicide is the best way to deal with her son’s death. Around 13:30 hours yesterday, Malinda Harris, was hit with the horrific news that her seven-yearold son, Ezekiel Harris, was killed in an accident at Agriculture Road, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara. Reports are that the child was crossing the Agriculture Road when he was struck by a car. “Like somebody call he across the road fuh a hundred dollar and he collect the money and same speed he turn around and go to run back across the road, but a truck went on the road so no way the car driver coulda see he,” an eyewitness told this publication. The driver of the car

stopped and took the injured lad to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. At the lad’s home relatives were seen restraining his mother in the yard because she kept threatening to take her own life. “We just had to hold she back cause she start running and saying she going and plunge overboard. She say she can’t deal with she son death,” one relative told this publication. A cousin of the dead lad, Shondell Inniss, told this publication that Ezekiel along with several other youths from the area left to go to a nearby Masjid to collect beef. “We see when they lef a whole group of them and then we hear that they gone to Mon Repos but we didn’t worry too much because it had some big boys with them.” However a few hours later Inniss said that the family

received the horrific news that the lad was dead. “All we hear is that he run across the road and into a car,” the woman wept. Inniss said the lad’s death is a real blow to family members who are preparing for a wedding later today. The woman said that the incident also brings back sad memories as a few years ago when she lost an uncle in a similar fashion at the very spot where Ezekiel died. “A couple years ago the uncle lef home on this same Muslim holiday to collect beef and on the same road he get hit down by a car,” Inniss told this publication. The woman said that Ezekiel was one of seven children for his mother and attended the Vryheid’s Lust Primary School. Meanwhile the driver of the car which was involved in the accident has been detained and is assisting with the investigation.

GGDMA threatens Gold Board to sell gold elsewhere The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners’ Association (GGDMA) is threatening to stop selling gold to the Guyana Gold Board if the entity continues to conduct business in local currency. This revelation was made by Patrick Harding, President of the GGDMA at the association’s bi- monthly meeting on Friday. According to Harding, for the past two to three months, Guyana Gold Board has been paying small and medium scale miners in local currency for gold. He noted that this is a breach of the protocol that the two parties entered into years ago. The protocol stated that the Gold Board will purchase gold from miners with foreign currency. Foreign currency allows miners to buy input such as machinery and spares that are necessary for mining operations. “We held our end of the bargain and I am calling on the Gold Board to hold its part of the bargain and make foreign currency available to the miners,” Harding said. He said that miners have been selling gold to the entity. They have been increasing the production resulting in increasing sale and attracting even more foreign currency. He threatened that if miners are not paid in foreign currency they will be forced to take their business elsewhere. According to a Guyana Gold Board officer,” The Guyana Gold Board cannot

…wants foreign currency payments

Patrick Harding issue foreign currency as full or partial payment for purchases when there is none available to us. The Guyana Gold Board continues to ensure that full payment is made for all purchases, to all our clients, in the local instruments or currency. We are assured by the Banking Sector that there is an adequate supply of foreign currency that our clients can acquire using the funds obtained from their gold sales to us.”

The officer noted that there is prior commitment to ensuring that the legal mandate ‘to purchase all gold produced in Guyana’ is maintained. It was indicated that the Board, while willing to facilitate that service fully, the conditions that exist will prevent the smooth flow since financing for purchases by the entity will have to be regularized (at the policy makers level). “This regularization will ensure that the account with our Bankers are not called into question for limited or no funds; and part of the currencies returning from our overseas income can be set aside, allowing the service to continue as desired,” the officer added. The officer stressed that the Guyana Gold Board and Guyana Geology and Mines Commission will have to ensure that the gold is sold into the legal stream - the Guyana Gold Board or licenced dealers. “If such a threat was intended otherwise, then that would be a threat to commit an illegal act,” the officer said.

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Saturday October 27, 2012

HIV/AIDS walkathon tomorrow

(left to right) GBCHA, Executive Director, Ms. Suzanne French handing over the donations in cash and kind to Lifeline Counselling Services, Executive Director, Mrs. Falicia Adams. Members of the Guyana Business Coalition on HIV/ AIDS (GBCHA) are again partnering with Lifeline Counselling Services for their Annual Walkathon which is scheduled for tomorrow. Contributions this year total $369,620 in cash and kind to the Annual Philip Vanderhyden Walkathon which aims to increase awareness of HIV/AIDS and to show support for persons infected and affected by HIV/ AIDS. The following GBCHA member companies donated to this year’s Walkathon: A.H. & L Kissoon, Bank of Nova Scotia, Banks DIH Limited, Cara Hotels, Farfan and Mendes, Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners’ Association (GGDMA), Guyana Lottery Company, Hand in Hand Mutual Life Insurance, Kaieteur News, National Milling Company of Guyana (NAMILCO), Pegasus Hotel

Guyana and Sterling Products Limited. The GBCHA is urging all individuals to come out and participate in the Walkathon which is scheduled for Sunday, October 28, 2012. The walk commences at 6:00am and begins at the Bank of Guyana and culminates at the National Park. This year the walkathon is held under the theme “Getting to Zero”. The GBCHA continues to work with member companies and other partners in the national response to HIV/AIDS and to reduce stigma and discrimination in the workplaces. The Voluntary Counselling and Testing site at the GBCHA continues to serve employees of member companies and the community. Persons are invited to visit the GBCHA site or any other VCT site during the week of November 19 to November 23, 2012 as the Ministry of Health hosts the Annual National Week of

Testing. All persons are urged to go out and know their status. Additionally, the GBCHA Secretariat will be embarking on a Gender Based Violence project, through USAID support, that would seek to widen the skills of new and existing peer educators to address the issues related to Gender Based Violence in the workplace and beyond. Employees of member companies and their families will benefit significantly for this project. The GBCHA will continue to mobilize and assist the private sector in their response to HIV/AIDS, GBV and other non communicable diseases in the workplace and beyond by facilitating technical assistance as well as helping organisations apply their core competencies, products, services and resources to the national response to health and wellness issues in Guyana.

“Shark Oil” murder retrial gets underway The retrial of murder accused, Herman Ally, called ‘Shark Oil’, 63, of Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, who is accused of murdering fellow Rose Hall Town resident, Randal Sandy, called Randal Taylor, who was 41 at the time, is being heard. Sandy who lived at Sabsook Street, Rose Hall Town, was killed some time between Thursday October 5 and Friday October 6, 2006. Ally is on trial before Justice Roxanne GeorgeWiltshire and a mixed Jury in the Berbice High Court. The jury was empanelled on October 16, last. The trial began on October 22 but state appointed Attorney Raymond Ali asked for a two-day adjournment to get himself acquainted with the case. When the case began, State Prosecutor Attorney at law, Prithina Kissoon-Ally, told the court that the killing stemmed from a misunderstanding between the two men. On October 5, about 16:00 hrs the deceased Sandy was

seen with a wound in the vicinity of Ally’s yard. He was picked up and taken to his mother’s home before being rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital where he died the next day. Ally was arrested on October 6, 2006 and later charged with the offence of Murder. So far the prosecution has called Detective Assistant Superintendent Gary Mc Alister, Sergeant Coward, and Detective Corporal Duke Jack, Ranee Goberdhan and Kenneth Cort to the witness stand. Still to testify is government Pathologist Vivikanand Brijmohan. Both Assistant Superintendent Mc Alister and Sergeant Coward have testified to their involvement in the investigation and taking statements from the accused. The statements were tendered into evidence. Corporal Jack testified to visiting the scene and taking statements from witnesses. Those witnesses included Marva Somrah and Malika Harding who

live in close proximity to the accused. He also tendered the post mortem report. Both Goberdhan and Cort are neighbours of the accused and in their testimony related to seeing the deceased collapsing in front of their home on October 5. Goberdhan testified to seeing the accused near her house on the day in question. She told him something and he cursed her. The family of the deceased was contacted by Cort and one Ricardo Permaul went to Goberdhan’s home where they saw the deceased lying in front of the gate. With the assistance of other persons Sandy was picked up and taken to his mother’s home. He was subsequently rushed to the New Amsterdam hospital, where he died the following day. The preliminary inquiry was conducted by Magistrate Tajenarine Ramroop at the Albion Magistrate’s Court and a prima facie case was made out. The matter will continue on Monday.

Saturday October 27, 2012

Kaieteur News

Rape victim flees her home The 58-year-old rape victim has finally decided to abandon her Devonshire Castle home. Some two weeks after she was raped and more recently doused with her own kerosene by her perpetrator, the woman decided that enough is enough. The woman is of the view that something worse would befall her if she does not act swiftly while she has the opportunity. She said that she could have been killed earlier this week after a man entered her home shortly after midnight and doused her with her own kerosene oil, while threatening to disfigure her face. The woman said she was spared harm because she was not asleep and her loud screams for help alerted one of her neighbours, Gilbert, who ventured over at her premise and rescued her. Her attacker fled through a window. The woman has since lodged a report and the dress

she was wearing at the time with the police at Anna Regina. The said man whom she had previously named in the incident of the rape was arrested and charged with Burglary. He was released on $170,000 bail by Magistrate Sunil Scarce, at Leguan on Thursday. One resident said that the number of women raped has now reached five. These incidents are not allegations; they are serious offences which the police need to address with utmost priority, a resident asserted. Police have however said the man, who has been accused of raping another woman has not been charged for that offence as yet. No reason was offered. Many vulnerable women, especially at Devonshire Castle on the Essequibo Coast, have reported similar incidences of rape and are living in fear.

GGDMA to move to court on extension of Amerindian settlements Miners in attendance at the meeting

The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners’Association (GGDMA) will be approaching the Courts to ascertain the constitutionality of the process of extending Amerindian settlements.

GT&T donates $500,000 to St Francis Community Developers website

Customer Service director of GT&T Carl De Mattos presents the cheque to SFCD President Alex Foster Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company Limited (GT&T) made a move to strengthen its association with Social Services provider St Francis Community Developers (SFCD) when it handed over a cheque for $500,000. The donation was made, recently, at the launching of the SFCD $40.5M two-storey multipurpose training complex at the Club headquarters Portuguese quarters, Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice. Making the donation on behalf of GT&T was its Customers Services Manager, Carl De Mattos, while Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the SFCD,

Alex Foster. received the donation on behalf of his organisation. The donation by GT&T is to help the club establish and upgrade its website. Some of the money would also be used to print the club’s magazine which will highlight its achievements over its 25 years of existence. The SFCD which started as a small youth group has now progressed to its present status as one of the leading NGOs in Guyana and the wider Commonwealth. Speaking on behalf of GT& T, Carl De Mattos said that the company is pleased to be associated with the SFCD for its outstanding track

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record over the years and what it continues to do to help uplift people’s lives. He said that GT&T will continue to be associated with good things for the Guyanese people. Foster thanked GT&T for coming on board with his organisation and promised to continue the good work that they have been doing. UNICEF has also donated $500,000 towards the project. The club is in need of a further $800,000. One of the main reasons for the project is to bring American Celebrity World famous Television personality and activist, Oprah Winfrey, to Guyana.

This was revealed by President of GGDMA, Patrick Harding, on Thursday at the association’s bi-monthly meeting. According to Harding, this new move to the court comes after the association won the land issue case against Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC). He explained that GGDMA had moved to Court against the regulatory body

because it had refused to collect fees from miners for claims that were purportedly on lands belon g i n g t o Amerindians. He added that miners can now go to the GGMC and pay for those lands and no late fee will be attached. Harding said that now that the association has triumphed over GGMC’s policy in the Court the association will be seeking

legal representation on the constitutionality of the extension of Amerindian settlements. The case will examine the legality of this action, whether due process is being carried out and whether stakeholders such as miners are consulted. The president urged miners to contribute to the legal costs since the previous legal matter cost the association in excess of $4M.

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Saturday October 27, 2012

CMO amplifies importance of DNA lab Collaboration between the proposed Police Forensic Laboratory and the health sector will be inevitable if some criminal matters are to be comprehensively addressed. This alliance was referred to by the country’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shamdeo Persaud, as he pronounced on the need for a plan to help reduce gender-based health inequities that exist in Guyana. He alluded to the need for Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) testing, which according to him, is not only useful but necessary to solve some crimes and by extension bring perpetrators to justice and allow victims to be vindicated. The Medical Officer was at the time attending a stakeholder’s consultation forum spearheaded by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO), at the Ocean View International Hotel, Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown.

...as efforts are made to address gender health inequities

The stakeholder forum in session According to Dr. Persaud, “We hope that we can introduce DNA testing soon; I think this has always been a big, big challenge and I think we can, once we put all of our heads together, and are able to source the resources that are necessary to be able to provide that...”

He made reference to the fact that Government has been advancing its plans to develop the Forensic Laboratory which, he said, will work closely with the health care system. He said that we would really like to see this happen across the country, and not

just at the Georgetown Public Hospital, so that we can provide the basis for which cases can be addressed comprehensively.” He said too, that the Ministry of Health is looking within the sector to address a number of other emerging issues with regards to

access to health care and whether there are existing barriers. He made reference to the attitude and practices that are at times exhibited towards pregnant teenage girls pointing out that sometimes some health professionals are guilty of “not being welcoming to such persons. We would like to change that and we are saying once people present themselves for service they must be able to access an excellent and quality service.” Thursday’s consultation forum represented the second of two sets of activities engaged by the Ministry of Health and PAHO/WHO, aimed at looking at how gender health issues can be incorporated in the local Health Sector Strategy. The Strategy, which will be entitled ‘Health Vision 2020’, is currently being developed. The health sector’s most recent strategy which was slated to span a period 20082012 will expire at the end of this year. It is for this reason, Dr. Persaud said, that the efforts are being made by the Health Ministry to work very astutely to get the new strategy prepared and ready for the New Year. “We hope to address some of our critical areas and also to include gender and cultural diversity as well. There are obviously some areas of weaknesses that came up in the assessment of our previous strategies for example, the health services that we offer to victims of violence and rape and other disparities that exist in our society,” the Chief Officer added. The new strategy, according to him, will seek to ensure that all of the health sector’s emergency units are able to address the concerns of persons who are victims of all such incidents that warrant health care such as the importance of collecting the

relevant evidence like the testing. The opening of the consultation forum yesterday saw remarks being delivered by a number of officials including PAHO/WHO Country Representative, Dr. Beverley Barnett; Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster and Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran. According to Dr. Ramsaran, “By us not providing service to our people because of our beliefs, cultures and practices we sometimes condemn such persons to a life of poverty and a vicious cycle.” “So we would really like to see at the Ministry of Health that we incorporate in a major way these issues relating to gender, sexual violence and any disparities that exist among people in Guyana.” The mission of the strategy, according to Dr. Persaud, is to lay the ground work to ensure that “we have that high quality of service that is provided to all Guyanese without fair or favour regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religious or cultural beliefs or political affiliations...once you interface with the health sector a quality of care will be administered.” The forum, which saw representation from all of the United Nations agencies with a presence in Guyana, the Education and Human Services Ministries as well as a number of Regional Health officers and advocacy organisations, was dominated by women. A follow-up consultation will be held in November which will see the attendance of Regional representatives and members of Health Committees of all 10 administrative regions. This forum, Dr. Persaud said, will set the stage for a larger stakeholder forum which is expected to even have the attendance of the media.

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 27, 2012

Cane Grove Rice Mill refutes charges environmental pollution The Cane Grove Rice Mill yesterday issued a statement refuting the claims put forward by the Alliance For Change (AFC) that it has contributed to environmental pollution and jeopardized the health of some nearby residents. The company stated that it has fulfilled the requirements and recommendations imposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the operations of its rice mill and considers the statements by the AFC “inaccurate and irresponsible.” AFC, two weeks ago, sought to inform the public

that it will be pursuing complaints from residents of Cane Grove, East Coast Demerara, about dust pollution from the said rice mill. The party noted that some of its executive members made a visit to the community and gathered first hand information on the harm that impacted the community from the rice mill. During the visit, residents lamented the continued problems they face with dust emanating from the rice mill. “Residents again showed the AFC their homes, with the dust being evident everywhere. They are forced to keep their windows locked, but

even that does not keep the dust out. Many complained of respiratory ailments and itchy skin. One person even brought out her children who she said were asthmatic as a result of the dust. “The EPA, inexplicably, is taking a soft stance on the issue, referring to residents as squatters. The residents in the immediate vicinity of the rice mill are not squatters, but mainly the descendants of the sugar workers who were given the lands of the old sugar estate that was closed in 1947. Moreover, there is at least one documented case of the EPA requiring a sand pit operator to sign an agreement

with squatters before it would grant its environmental permit,” AFC said. The party said that Anil Nandlall, the Attorney General, had been retained by the residents some years ago, but according to them, he has not communicated anything on the status of the legal proceedings. However, management of the rice mill yesterday noted that it finds it “regrettable and unacceptable”, that the AFC did not meet with them or “consult the hundreds of rice farmers served by the mill, to ascertain the facts of this matter while purporting to represent the interest of

residents in the area.” The company noted that there are four persons who are illegally occupying land to the leeward side of the rice mill designated as a reserve, who have continually and erroneously complained about dust from the mill’s operations. “The Cane Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) and the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development have acknowledged that these persons are squatting on the reserve and should be relocated.” Further, the statement noted that “the management of Cane Grove Rice Mill, in May this year, offered some six acres of prime land in the district for the relocation of these persons and to help with their relocation.” The company declared that the new management has been committed to protecting the environment from dust particle emissions from the

operations of the rice mill and has engaged, “at significant cost”, professional consultancy services to advise them on regulating air pollution to conform to World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines and standards. It was also disclosed that the company, working in collaboration with the EPA and on the advice of its environmental expert, has invested some $300M over the last few years, in the installation of dust control measures and mechanisms to ensure that the operations of the mill conform to the best international practices for dust pollution control. “No other rice mill in Guyana is equipped with these facilities which include high pressure sprinkler and stateof-the-art dust filter systems.” The AFC leadership is wrong on this matter and needs to get acquainted with the facts, the statement added.

Local computer giants supply world’s largest selling computer

Guyana stands to benefit as Lenovo has become the world’s leading computer manufacturer. Last week Lenovo launched a range of hybrid devices that function as both a PC and a tablet. Two Guyanese technology centres STARR Computers Inc. and Vishnu Panday Associates who are the authorized distributors of Lenovo will be offering these products with direct warranty from the company. According to President of STARR Computers located on Brickdam, Mike Mohan, Lenovo, since acquiring IBM PC in 2005 has just taken over the number one position from Hewlett Packard as the world largest manufacturer of computers. For the third quarter ending September 2012, Lenovo sold 13,767,976 computers while HP sold 13,550,761. Del edged into third position. He said that while Apple, HP and most competitive brand PC are manufactured exclusively in China, Lenovo has factories in several countries worldwide including Germany, Mexico, China, Japan and Brazil. A few weeks ago Lenovo opted to set up a new factory in North Carolina, USA. With this new factory, Lenovo hopes computers could reach customers within a week, or in some cases, overnight. “Made in the USA” will be a significant impact to the American and Guyanese consumer. According to a Lenovo Executive, Peter Hortensius, “The reality is if you take Lenovo apart, you’ll see parts

President of STARR Computers from everywhere. Designed in different places and built in different countries. It’s a very international, very Asia-based supply chain, no doubt about that.” Lenovo has a strong market presence in Asia-Pacific and Europe. And, the company has been growing rapidly in the U.S. on a distribution channel expansion in recent years. The company is also trying to adapt to regional trends when building computers,” Hortensius said. For example, in Germany and China there is a big demand for discrete graphics cards. Lenovo has also launched smart phones in countries including Russia and China. And, according to Mike Mohan, the majority of Guyanese on the other hand, needs competitively priced computers with the maximum performance capabilities and local professional support which we provide.

Saturday October 27, 2012

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Saturday October 27, 2012

China starts formal criminal probe into politician Bo Xilai BEIJING (Reuters) China moved quickly yesterday to announce it had formally begun a criminal probe into disgraced former senior politician Bo Xilai, hours after expelling him from the largely rubber stamp parliament and so removing his immunity from prosecution. The announcements pave the way for Bo, once a contender for top leadership in the world’s second largest economy, to face trial and likely a long jail sentence on

Bo Xilai accusations of corruption and abuse of power. A brief report by the state-

run Xinhua news agency said state prosecutors had “decided to put Bo Xilai under investigation for alleged criminal offences”. It added that they had “imposed coercive measures on him in accordance with the law”, likely a reference that he was now officially in detention. Bo’s wife, Gu Kailai, and his former police chief, Wang Lijun, have both been jailed over a scandal that stems from the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood

while Bo was Communist Party chief of the southwestern city of Chongqing. The government last month accused Bo of corruption and of bending the law to hush up the murder. The latest move comes a fortnight before the Communist Party holds a congress, which opens on November 8, that will unveil the country’s new central leadership. Bo, 63, was widely seen as pursuing a powerful spot in the new leadership before his career unraveled after Wang fled to a U.S. consulate for more than 24 hours in February and alleged that Bo’s wife had poisoned Heywood. Bo, a former commerce minister, used his post in Chongqing since 2007 to cast the sprawling, haze-covered municipality into a showcase for his mix of populist policies and bold spending plans that won support from leftists yearning for a charismatic leader. Xinhua provided no other details, such as what charges Bo may face, saying only that the investigation was under way. Earlier in the day, Xinhua said the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s parliament, “announced the termination of Bo Xilai’s post” as the deputy to the parliament. As a member of that body

he had enjoyed immunity from prosecution. Before Bo is charged and tried, investigators must first complete an inquiry and indict him, but China’s prosecutors and courts come under party control and are unlikely to challenge the accusations. A lawyer for Bo, who has been employed by the family to represent him, said on Thursday he was unable to say whether the government would allow him to represent Bo when the case comes to trial. “It’s theatre,” said Nicholas Bequelin, a researcher at Human Rights Watch, a New York-based advocacy group, who spoke before Bo’s expulsion and criminal probe were announced. “The judiciary grinds into action only when the outcome has been determined. There is no indication we will see a genuine trial because Bo knows too much.” An official account of Wang’s trial in September said Wang fled to the U.S. consulate in Chengdu, southwest China, after Bo beat him and stripped him of his police job following Wang’s decision to confront Bo with the murder allegations against Gu. Wang had spearheaded Bo’s controversial campaign against organized crime, a

prominent plank in Bo’s barely concealed campaign to join the topmost ranks of the Communist Party. Bo was dismissed from his Chongqing post in March, and suspended from the party’s top ranks in April, when his wife was named as an official suspect in the murder in November of Heywood, a long-time friend of the couple who also helped their son Bo Guagua settle into study in Britain. Bo has disappeared from public view since he was dismissed and has not had a chance to respond publicly to the accusations against him. The removal of Bo has disrupted the Communist Party’s usually secretive and carefully choreographed process of settling on a new central leadership. Sharply dressed and courting publicity, Bo stood out in a party of stolid conformists, and he promoted Chongqing as a bold egalitarian alternative to China’s current pattern of growth. But Bo’s promotion of “red” culture inspired by Mao Zedong’s era and his campaign-style crackdown on crime prompted fears that he was rekindling some of the arbitrary lawlessness of the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s - a criticism that Premier Wen Jiabao spelled out before the public in midMarch.

BEIRUT (Reuters) - A powerful car bomb exploded in Damascus yesterday and forces loyal to Bashar alAssad clashed with rebels across Syria as a truce intended to mark a Muslim religious holiday unraveled and activists reported at least 70 deaths. State television said the “terrorist car bomb” had killed five people and wounded 32, according to “preliminary figures”. Opposition activists said the bomb had gone off near a makeshift children’s playground built for the Eid al-Adha holiday in the southern Daf al-Shok district of the capital. Fighting erupted around Syria earlier as both sides violated the Eid al-Adha ceasefire arranged by international peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi. Violence was less intense than usual and activists reported no air strikes, but

dozens of people were killed including 26 troops, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the bloodshed in the country. The Syrian military said it had responded to attacks by insurgents on army positions, in line with its announcement on Thursday that it would cease military activity during the four-day holiday but reserved the right to react to rebel actions. Brahimi’s ceasefire appeal had won widespread international support, including from Russia, China and Iran, President Assad’s main foreign allies. The U.N.-Arab League envoy had hoped to build on the truce to calm a 19-monthold conflict that has killed an estimated 32,000 people and worsened instability in the Middle East. Violence appeared to wane in some areas, but truce breaches by both sides

swiftly marred Syrians’ hopes of celebrating Eid al-Adha, the climax of the Haj pilgrimage to Mecca, in peace. “We are not celebrating Eid here,” said a woman in a besieged Syrian town near the Turkish border, speaking above the noise of incessant gunfire and shelling. “No one is in the mood to celebrate. Everyone is just glad they are alive.” Her husband, a portly, bearded man in his 50s, said they and their five children had just returned to the town after nine days camped out on a farm with other families to escape clashes. “We have no gifts for our children. We can’t even make phone calls to our families,” he said, a young daughter on his lap. The imam of Mecca’s Grand Mosque called on Arabs and Muslims to take “practical and urgent” steps to stop bloodshed in Syria. Continued on page 24

Damascus car bomb shatters Syria truce

Saturday October 27, 2012

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Shot Pakistani girl’s father happy for ‘miracle’

In this undated handout photo issued by Queen Elizabeth Hospital, in Birmingham, England, yesterday, Malala Yousufzai in her hospital bed, poses for a photograph, with her father Ziauddin, second right accompanied by her two younger brothers Atal, right and Khushal, centre. (AP Photo/ Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham)

Britain says opposed to strike on Iran “at this moment” LONDON (Reuters) Britain said yesterday it was opposed to a military strike on Iran “at this moment” over its disputed nuclear programme, arguing sanctions were having an effect and diplomacy should be given time. The comments followed a report by Britain’s Guardian newspaper which said Britain had rebuffed U.S. plans to use its bases to support the buildup of troops in the Gulf, due to legal advice warning that a pre-emptive strike would be illegal. The legal advice says Iran currently does not represent a “clear and present threat”, according to the Guardian, which cited unnamed sources. “The government does not believe military action against Iran is the right course of action at this moment,

though no option is off the table,” Prime Minister David Cameron’s spokeswoman told reporters, declining to comment on the legal advice. “We want to see the sanctions, which are starting to have some impact, working, and also engaging with Iran,” she said. The Guardian said Britain had not received a formal U.S. request to use its bases for a military build-up. Cameron and Western diplomats believe harsh sanctions imposed on Iran by the West are beginning to weaken Tehran’s resolve and to stoke public discontent, and that military action would reverse the trend and rally Iranians to the government. Israel and the West believe Iran is trying to achieve nuclear weapons capability. Tehran says its

program is for purely civilian, energy purposes. Years of diplomacy and sanctions have failed to resolve the dispute, raising fears of Israeli military action against its arch foe and of a new Middle East war. Talks between the West and Iran could take place after the November 6 United States presidential election, following three inconclusive rounds this year. The appetite for conflict is low in cash-strapped Britain, as well as in the United States, after recent costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Israel, support for unilateral military action soon against Iran is by no means universal, and several prominent public figures have spoken out against such a move.

LONDON (AP) — The father of a 15-year-old Pakistani girl shot in the h e a d b y t h e Ta l i b a n described his daughter ’s survival and ongoing recovery as miraculous yesterday, and said her shooting was a turning point for Pakistan. M a l a l a Yo u s u f z a i i s recovering at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, where she was flown for treatment and protection from Taliban threats after she was shot on Oct. 9 in northwestern Pakistan. The Islamist militants say they’re targeting Malala, who had gained international recognition for advocating for girls’ education, because she promoted so-called We s t e r n t h i n k i n g a n d secularism. Her father, Ziauddin, along with her mother and two brothers were reunited with her Thursday night after flying to the U.K. A picture issued by the hospital showed the

wounded teen, her head covered in a light blue scarf, reclining in her hospital bed with her family gathered by her side. Z i a u d d i n Yo u s u f z a i said he initially feared he would need to prepare for his daughter’s funeral and that her status now is “a miracle for us.” “She is recovering at an encouraging speed and we are very happy,” he told reporters in Birmingham. He expressed gratitude for prayers and wellwishes that have poured in from all over the world, noting that the attack on his daughter had united left and right-wing forces in Pakistan in condemnation. “When she fell, the world stood. She will rise again, she will stand again. She can stand n o w, ” Ziauddin Yousufzai said. A Taliban gunman shot Malala as she was in a school bus on her way home from school in the S w a t Va l l e y c i t y o f

Mingora. Two other girls were injured in the attack. The Pakistani Taliban once controlled much of the Swat Valley, where they destroyed numerous schools, many of them for girls, and campaigned against allowing girls to go to school. Malala was one of the most prominent voices in Swat to speak out against t h e Ta l i b a n , w h o w e r e largely — though not entirely — driven out of the valley by a Pakistani army offensive in 2009. Malala was airlifted to a hospital in Britain on Oct. 15. T h e Ta l i b a n h a v e vowed to kill her, raising questions about whether it would be safe for her to return to Pakistan, but her father has rejected reports the family might seek asylum abroad. “I love her, and last night when we met her there were tears in our eyes out of happiness,” Ziauddin Yousufzai said Friday. “We all cried a little bit.”

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Saturday October 27, 2012

Italy’s ex PM sentenced to jail for tax fraud MILAN (Reuters) Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was sentenced to four years in jail yesterday for tax fraud in connection with the purchase of broadcasting rights by his Mediaset television company. The 76-year-old billionaire media magnate, who was convicted three times during the 1990s in the first degree before being cleared by higher courts, has

the right to appeal the ruling two more times before the sentence becomes definitive. That process is likely to be lengthy and he will not be jailed unless he loses the final appeal. Even then, because the crime was committed when an amnesty to prevent prison overcrowding was in place, the maximum possible jail time would be one year. The ruling comes two days after Berlusconi confirmed he would not run

in next year’s elections as the leader of his People of Freedom (PDL) party, ending almost 19 years as the dominant politician of the centre-right. Milan judge Edoardo d’Avossa told a packed court that between 2000 and 2003, there had been “a very significant amount of tax evasion” and “an incredible mechanism of fraud” in place around the buying and selling of broadcast rights.

The court’s written ruling said Berlusconi showed a “natural capacity for crime”. During a phone call to an evening news broadcast on one of his own channels, Berlusconi said there was no link between his decision pull out of politics and yesterday’s ruling, and slammed the court for being politically motivated. He called the verdict “political and intolerable,” and said it showed Italy had

become uncivilized, barbaric and was no longer a democracy. Berlusconi lawyers Piero Longo and Niccolo Ghedini said the ruling was “totally divorced from all judicial logic”, adding that they hoped the “atmosphere” at the appeals courts would be different. Berlusconi, one of Italy’s richest men, became prime minister for a second time in 2001 after winning a landslide election victory. Even while he was prime minister, he remained in effective charge of Mediaset even though he had handed over control of day-to-day operations, the court said. The four-time prime minister and other Mediaset executives stood accused of inflating the price paid for TV rights via offshore companies controlled by Berlusconi and skimming off part of the money to create illegal slush funds. The investigation focused on television and cinema rights that Berlusconi’s holding company Fininvest bought via offshore companies from Hollywood studios. The court also ordered damages provisionally set at 10 million euros ($13 million) to be paid by Berlusconi and his co-defendants to tax authorities. The flamboyant Berlusconi, who is still on trial in a separate prostitution case, resigned as prime minister a year ago as Italy faced a Greek-style debt crisis, handing the reins of government to economics professor Mario Monti. Angelino Alfano, secretary of the PDL, said the ruling proved once again “judicial persecution” of the media magnate, while political rival Antonio Di Pietro, a former magistrate, hailed the decision, saying “the truth has been exposed”. Should the ruling be confirmed on appeal, Berlusconi would also be forbidden from holding public office for five years,

and from being a company executive for three years. “This is not a sentence, but an attempt at political homicide,” Fabrizio Chicchito, the PDL’s chief whip in the Chamber of Deputies, said referring to the ban on holding office. Now that Berlusconi has said he will pull out of politics, he may be focusing more on his business empire, which includes Mediaset, AC Milan soccer club, and Internet bank Mediolanum. Shares in Mediaset, Italy’s biggest private broadcaster, fell as much as 3 percent after the ruling, and are down about 50 percent in the last year. The broadcaster has been struggling against rivals like News Corp’s broadcaster Sky Italia and a host of online media, while its core advertising revenues are feeling the pinch of the recession. The court acquitted Mediaset chairman and longterm Berlusconi friend Fedele Confalonieri, for whom prosecutors had sought a sentence of three years and four months. Berlusconi has owned AC Milan since 1986 and the club have been European champions five times under his leadership. He also is still on trial in the separate “Rubygate” case in which he is accused of paying for sex with a teenaged nightclub dancer when she was under 18 and thus too young to be paid legally as a prostitute. He denies the charges.

From page 22 The Syrian conflict has aggravated divisions in the Islamic world, with Shi’ite Iran supporting Assad, and U.S.allied Sunni nations such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar backing his foes. “The world should bear responsibility for this prolonged and painful disaster (in Syria) and the responsibility is greater for the Arabs and Muslims who

should call on each other to support the oppressed against the oppressor,” Sheikh Saleh Mohammed alTaleb told worshippers during Eid prayers. For some in Syria, there was no respite from war, but by dusk the death toll was still significantly lower than in recent days, when often between 150 and 200 people have been killed.

Silvio Berlusconi

Damascus car bomb shatters...

Saturday October 27, 2012

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Sandy pounds Bahamas after killing 39 in Caribbean NASSAU, Bahamas (AP) — Hurricane Sandy raged through the Bahamas yesterday after leaving 39 people dead across the Caribbean, following a path that could see it blend with a winter storm to hit the U.S. East Coast with a super-storm next week. The hurricane knocked out power, flooded roads and cut off islands in the stormhardened Bahamas as it charged through Cat Island and Eleuthera, with authorities reporting one death in the scattered archipelago. Sandy, which weakened to a category 1 hurricane Thursday night, caused havoc in Cuba earlier that day, killing 11 people in eastern Santiago and Guantanamo provinces as its howling winds and rain toppled thousands of houses and ripped off roofs. Authorities said it was Cuba’s deadliest storm since July 2005, when category 5 Hurricane Dennis killed 16 people and caused $2.4 billion in damage. The death toll was still rising in impoverished Haiti, reaching 25 yesterday as word of disasters reached officials and rain continued to fall. Joseph Edgard Celestin, a spokesman for H a i t i ’s c i v i l p r o t e c t i o n office, said some people died trying to cross stormswollen rivers. While the storm’s center missed the country as it passed on We d n e s d a y, H a i t i ’s ramshackle housing and denuded hillsides make it especially vulnerable to flood damage. Officials at a morgue in the western town of Grand Goave said a mudslide

crashed through a wooden home on Thursday, killing 40-year-old Jacqueline Ta t i l l e a n d h e r f o u r children, ranging in ages from 5 to 17. “If the rain continues, for sure we’ll have more people die,” said morgue deputy Joseph Franck Laporte. “The earth cannot hold the rain.” Sandy also killed a man in Jamaica on Wednesday when a boulder crashed through his house, and police in the Bahamas said a 66-year-old man died after falling from his roof in upscale Lyford Cay late Thursday while trying to repair a window shutter. Police in Puerto Rico said a man in his 50s was swept away yesterday by a swollen river in the southern town of Juana Diaz, where rain from Sandy’s outer bands has been steadily falling. Cuban authorities said t h e i s l a n d ’s 11 d e a d included a 4-month-old boy who was crushed when his home collapsed and an 84year-old man in Santiago province. Near the city of Guantanamo, the Communist Party daily Granma reported, two men were killed by falling trees. Official news media reported yesterday that the storm caused 5,000 houses to at least partially collapse while ripping the roofs off 30,000 others. Banana, coffee, bean and sugar crops were damaged. Yesterday afternoon, the hurricane’s centre was about 30 miles (50 kilometers) northnortheast of Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas and 430 miles (695 kilometers) south-southeast of Charleston, South Carolina.

Sandy was moving north at 7 mph (11 kph) with maximum sustained winds near 75 mph (120 kph). Government officials in the Bahamas said the storm seems to have inflicted the greatest damage on Cat Island, which took a direct hit, and Exuma, where there were reports of downed trees, power lines and damage to homes. In Long Island, farmers lost most of their crops and several roofs were torn off, said legislator Loretta ButlerTurner. The island is without power and many residents do not have access to fresh water, she said. Wi t h the storm projected to hit the Atlantic coast early Tuesday, there was a 90 percent chance that most of the U.S. East Coast would get steady gale-force winds, flooding, heavy rain and maybe snow starting Sunday and stretching past We d n e s d a y, U.S. forecaster Jim Cisco said. A new tropical storm watch was issued early yesterday for a section of the U.S. East Coast extending from Savannah, Ga., northward to North Carolina’s Outer Banks. In the Bahamas, power was out on Acklins Island and most roads there were flooded, while in Ragged Island in the southern Bahamas, the lone school was flooded. Russell, the emergency management official in Nassau, said docks on the western side of Great Inagua island had been destroyed and the roof of a government building was partially ripped off. There were no reports of injuries at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, but there were downed trees

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – A Caribbean Airlines (CAL) plane with 52 people on board made an emergency landing at the Piarco International Airport yesterday. The pilot said he noticed that part of the engine of the French-built aircraft had become detached, a senior CAL official said. “Yes we can confirm that BW 300 bound for Caracas with four crew and 48 passengers returned to Pairco. The captain having declared an emergency

landing when a section of the engine...was observed to have become detach on lift off”, CAL public relations manager Clint Williams told the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC). “We have to take a look at the aircraft ...as to ensure what would have caused such a detachment of that panel...,” he added. ‘Williams said that the incident occurred 15 minutes into the flight to Venezuela and that the French-built ATR-72 aircraft landed “without incident (and) the

passengers and crew deplaned and were transported to the terminal”. ‘The captain followed all safety protocols by declaring a full emergency and ensuring that the fire brigade and others were on standby on the runway on landing. ‘Flight BW300 is expected to resume in an alternative aircraft,” he said, noting that the troubled aircraft would soon be removed from the runway, “since the captain following protocols switched off the engines on landing”.

- aims for U.S.

Caribbean Airlines makes emergency landing

A resident in Cuba tries to recover his belongings from his house. (AP Photo/Franklin Reyes) and power lines, said Kelly Wirfel, a base spokeswoman. Officials canceled a military tribunal session scheduled for Thursday for the prisoner charged in the 2000 attack on

the Navy destroyer USS Cole. Officials reported flooding across Haiti, where many of the 370,000 people still displaced by the devastating 2010 earthquake

scrambled for shelter. More than 1,000 people were evacuated from 11 quake settlements, according to the International Organization for Migration.

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Cabinet to discuss Hurricane Sandy damage on Monday KINGSTON, Jamaica Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has ordered all government agencies to submit reports outlining areas in need of immediate attention following the passage of Hurricane Sandy that left at least one man dead. In her address to the nation Thursday night, Simpson Miller said reports should be submitted and the contents considered by Cabinet on Monday. Hurricane Sandy, the first storm to hit the island since the passage of Hurricane Gustav in 2007, is now moving out of the Bahamas. Simpson Miller, who had earlier this week cut short an official visit to Canada, said that she has already met with national disaster executives where she had been given a preliminary report on the damage caused by the hurricane. “Apart from the visible signs of flooding and blocked roads, there was evidence of widespread damage to small farms and crops, and some

damage to roofs. Several rivers also remain in-spate,” the Prime minister said noting that the eastern parts of the island received the most damage.” She said that teams from the various agencies and contractors have been deployed to clear roads, and to restore electricity. Simpson Miller also thanked the Trinidad and Tobago government which has offered to provide assistance in the rebuilding process. “Representatives of governments from the international community, including my sister Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago have made contact to enquire what they can do to assist in our recovery activities. I know these are challenging times, but, as we have done in the past, we will draw on the indomitable spirit, strength, courage, determination and resilience of our people to unite and to work together to get through this

challenging period,” she said. Meanwhile, the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, (ODPEM) said it would be airlifting supplies to people in communities in the eastern section of the island severely affected by the storm. ODPEM directorgeneral, Ronald Jackson, said personnel from the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) are assisting with the transportation of food and water as parliamentary representative for West Portland, Daryl Vaz, has called on the authorities to declare his area a disaster zone. Vaz, said while no estimates have yet been prepared, the agricultural sector has taken a major hit, with some communities cut off because of landslides. He said if the parish was declared a disaster zone then it could attract more assistance from donors. (Jamaica Observer)

Saturday October 27, 2012

Sentencing begins in Brazil corruption trial RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A political corruption trial seen as a turning point toward cleaner governance in Brazil is nearing its end, with the country’s Supreme Court starting to hand down tough sentences this week against powerful defendants. Twenty five people have been convicted on charges related to the funneling of public money into political campaigns and a cash-forvotes scheme in the legislature. The court adjourned Thursday due to a judge’s health problem and will likely resume discussions of sentencing of the convicted in the second week of November. The trial has riveted Brazil for months, with results that have tarnished the reputation of the governing Workers’ Party. The alleged corruption dates back to the government of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, though he has not been charged and denies the schemes happened. The accused included Jose Dirceu de Oliveira e Silva, who was Silva’s chief of staff, and a host of other politicians, consultants and bankers. Jose Dirceu, as he is known, pleaded not guilty, but was convicted of racketeering and leading the vote-buying in Congress during Silva’s first term in office, among other charges. The first sentence, which came Wednesday, was for Marcos Valerio de Souza, a consultant considered the key operator in the cash distribution scheme. So far, he’s been condemned to more than 40 years in prison and fined more than $1.3 million. Both will be recalibrated once a last judge has his say, and he’ll be eligible to serve in a

more lenient, semi-open prison system after completing one-sixth of the sentence. To many in this country where public service has long been marred by corruption and impunity, the sentence was a powerful message signaling improving political health. The country’s main newspapers reported it with above-the-fold headlines, trumpeting “the hour of punishment.” The Supreme Court has also determined that consultant Marcos Valerio de Souza acted under Jose Dirceu’s command. On Wednesday, judge Joaquin Barbosa noted that “Marcos Valerio agreed to take part in this criminal enterprise headed by Jose Dirceu to seize political power.” Brazilians followed minute-by-minute on news sites the judges’ discussion of sentences for Valerio’s former business partner, Ramon Hollerebach, and wondered what this could mean for Jose Dirceu, who

was once considered a likely presidential candidate. He resigned his post when the scandal broke in 2005. Political analyst Matthew Taylor, author of “Judging Policy: Courts and Policy Reform in Democratic Brazil,” called the sentencing “a watershed for Brazil.” He noted that this is the first major political corruption scandal where the Supreme Court found the defendants guilty. This has real weight, since the Supreme Court has traditionally been very deferential toward power and constrained by the cumbersome rules of Brazilian justice, he said. Still, Taylor, a professor at the American University in Washington, cautioned against investing the case with too much significance. Brazil has made significant strides in promoting accountability in government and combating corruption at various levels, but the judicial system is lagging behind, he said. “The courts remain the chief bottleneck for justice in Brazil,” Taylor said. “While this case is very important, it is the exception that proves the rule.” He said one of problems impeding justice is the glacial pace of the courts, noting it took seven years for this case to reach the Supreme Court. He also pointed to the special privileges afforded to politicians, including the right to be heard directly in Brazil’s highest court, and to a plethora of avenues for appeal available to the elite. “The fact that there are special privileges for politicians is anachronistic for a democracy as vibrant as Brazil,” he said.

Trinidad Guardian Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine Thursday said that T&T’s military was working on a report of Wednesday’s incursion into T&T waters by a ship belonging to the Venezuelan Coast Guard. State-owned Petrotrin has said that officiers on the ship radioed personnel working on Rig 110 in Petrotrin’s offshore Soldado Field, and claimed that the rig was operating in Venezuelan waters. Petrotrin officials provided the necessary geographical coordinates which confirmed that the rig was indeed operating lawfully

well within the maritime borders of Trinidad and Tobago. The Venezuelan vessel therefore departed without further delay. Speaking from Washington DC, Ramnarine said: “Operations with respect to Well Services Rig 110 continue as usual. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is taking the lead on this matter and is currently awaiting a report from the Chief of Defence Staff.” Ramnarine spoke at an American Gas Association Natural Gas Roundtable breakfast on Wednesday, according to a report in the Oil and Gas Journal. President

Petrotrin Khalid Hassanali admitted that the incident had caused concern among the workers on the oil rig. “It stopped (work) for a short while when everyone was curious as to what was going on—minimum disruptions, it caused a little bit of concern that’s all,” Hassanali said. Speaking in an interview he confirmed that the matter was being handled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He could say for sure whether an investigation was lauched into the situation. The rig is located in the South West Soldado field within the Trinmar acreage.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

Military probing Gulf intrusion

Saturday October 27, 2012

Kaieteur News

CLICO/HCU inquiry told: Ex-HCL boss paid $135m in four years Trinidad Guardian Anthony Michael Fifi, former CEO of the CL Financial (CLF) subsidiary Home Construction Ltd (HCL), had a contract with the parent company in which he was paid $135 million between 2004 and 2008, said Terrence Bharath, attorney for the CLICO Policyholders Group. “My figures are below that,” replied Fifi, who was the lone witness for six hours at Thursday’s Commission of Inquiry into CLICO and the Hindu Credit Union at the Winsure Building, Richmond Street, Port-of-Spain. “It is closer to $79 million,” he said. “My instructions are, whether it is $79 million or $135 million, you were paid substantial sums in which you provided no other services other than your own,” said Bharath, whose questioning of Fifi lasted almost three hours before the inquiry broke for lunch close to 1 pm. “It was fair payment in exchange for what I did for HCL,” said Fifi, who

described his services as “mind and management.” Fifi, 70, said he had a management contract with CLF to manage HCL under the name PMI Ltd, which he described as a personal company he had set up in 2004, after he retired, to continue management of HCL. Bharath told Fifi that under his management contract, PMI, which was registered in Barbados, was paid for salaries, tools and equipment and subcontractors and skilled and unskilled labour. “Basically, I set up the organisation and I continued to operate it,” said Fifi, who said he ran PMI out of his office at the Long Circular Mall, St James. When Fifi began to say that PMI was a “device set up to...,” Bharath interrupted him to say, “It was a device to fill your pockets,” to which Fifi immediately responded, “That is your opinion.” Bharath: “The structure had no effect at all. It was just you. You told me the malls alone —Valpark Shopping Plaza,

Page 27

Communication Minister apologies for sending private email to head of news at television station Trinidad Guardian - While Communication Minister Jamal Mohammed apologised at Thursday’s post-Cabinet media briefing for sending an e-mail recently to TV6 management, Dennis McComie, director of information and communications at the Prime Minister’s Office, had an offcamera face-off with CNC3 reporter Sampson Nanton. The situation arose shortly after the post-Cabinet media briefing ended with Mohammed’s apology and after he emphasised that press freedom was important to the Government. The scenarios took place at the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), St Clair. McComie, a former broadcaster at NBS Radio 610, was appointed director of information and communication at the OPM on September 20. He is remembered as the broadcaster who kept Radio 610 on air during the failed 1990 Muslimeen coup. During the tailend of the briefing, Mohammed was

asked about the e-mail. According to reports, Mohammed had sent an email to Dominic Kalipersad of TV6, saying it was in his personal capacity. He accused the station and the Express of being involved with the Opposition PNM to destabilise the PP Government. Mohammed came under fire for his e-mail. Asked about its effect on government relations with the media, Mohammed said he did not share the view that Government’s relations with the media were deteriorating even more. He said: “I believe the media in T&T has the full support and co-operation of the Government. Press freedom is a very important aspect of development in T&T. Your best friend in this Government is the Minister of Communications. “(On) my statement that was sent out to Mr Kalipersad, I apologise if I have hurt anyone or done anything to make anyone uncomfortable in any way. “But rest assured, press freedom is a very, very

Jamal Mohammed important part of the operations of Government and I will like to leave it at that and we will do what we can to ensure we have a free press in T&T. “We may not agree with what you print or publish but we will give our lives to ensure that you have the freedom to print and publish what you will like to.” On the view that a minister could not separate

his personal and public life, Mohammed said he had realised that and had learned that lesson yesterday. “If I have caused discomfort to anyone, I humbly apologise,” he added. Mohammed declined to comment on the contents of the e-mail, adding: “Suffice to say Government stands firmly behind the media. Press freedom is something we value a great deal in T&T and we will do what we can to ensure we have a free press.” Mohammed declined further questions on the comments he made in the e-mail which appeared at odds with what he was saying yesterday. The session ended immediately after that. McComie then came over to television reporters, saying he had to “organise protocol with you gentlemen” and everyone needed to understand the protocol. He had an exchange with Nanton about whether the session had already been brought to an end and whether Nanton’s questions were relevant.

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 27, 2012

GT&T Indoor Hockey Championships...

Old Fort, Spartans, GCC among early winners No sooner had the curtain raised for the GT&T National Indoor Championships which opened on Wednesday evening at the National Gymnasium the Spartans were on the score sheet through an Ashley DeGroot penalty corner. The well executed routine in just the second minute of play signaled trouble for newcomers Hikers Innovation in the opening all-female duel. Deceptive Innovation striker Macaela Harding, however, surprised the Spartans by slotting home an equalizer six minutes later on a counter-attack. Although the halftime whistle found the game dead even at one goal apiece, the second half belonged to the Spartans as they steamrolled Innovation by drilling home five more unanswered goals. Ashley DeGroot and Aliyah Gordon both finished with doubles for the Spartans, while Samantha Fernandes and Sandy Ramnarine added one each. The men took centre stage in the second match featuring a First Division clash between Old Fort and the Hikers. The game began at lightning speed in typical fashion of the two consummate rivals and within seven minutes of play, prolific goal scorer for Old Fort, Ascofu Simon rattled the backboards with a powerful strike. John Abrahams added a second for Old Fort as the Hikers struggled to regain their footing. After a scoreless first half for the Hikers, young Aroydy Branford managed to make his mark on the game with a powerful penalty corner flick to pull his side the Hikers back within one. Time ran out on the Hikers, however, as the two early Old Fort goals were enough to seal the 2-1 victory. Young Parmanand Dindial drew the loudest cheer of the night for his goal for Saints against tournament favourite Hikers in their men’s second division clash. By this time the well-rehearsed Hikers had already put the game beyond the reach of Saints with goals from Aroydy Branford, Robert Brummel, Michael Harding and

Ashley DeGroot Colonel Heywood. The second half would see one more for the Hikers by Michael Harding to take the final score to 5-1. The GCC second division side led by a Steven Xavier hat-trick cruised past Old Fort by 6 goals to 3. Eric Hing, Mark Sargeant and Captain Peter DeGroot added one each for the victors while Dwight McCalman produced a double for Old Fort with teammate Shaquille Thomas adding a single. The final match of the evening saw the Hikers First Division side face-off against GCC in the most anticipated duel of the day’s schedule. With exciting hockey from end-to-end, GCC managed only to straddle the Hikers two goals of the match with one each of their own to produce a dead heat of 2-2 at the final whistle. GCC’s Kevin Spencer was first on the score sheet in the 6th minute but Robert France and Aroydy Branford, who competed in both divisions, managed to answer with one each for a 2-1 first half score. GCC’s Orland Semple would even the game five minutes into the second half to see the game through to an even final score. Matches continued last evening at the same venue and will run until Sunday when the finals for all four divisions will be contested from 16:00 hours.

Upper Corentyne 20-Over Second Division Cricket starts tomorrow with 14 matches The inaugural Upper Corentyne 20-Over Second Division Knockout Cricket Competition begins tomorrow with the first round matches. The competition, which is sponsored by Safraz Photo Studio, Palace Liquor Restaurant and Taxi Service, T. Persaud (Rado) Business Enterprise and Larry Car Service, all of Corriverton, have twenty-eight teams from No.43 to Crabwood Creek participating and will therefore start with fourteen matches in tomorrow’s first round. The fixtures are: No. 68 Turn Team vs.

Progressive Youth at No. 68 No. 48 Challengers vs. Leeds/No. 51 Young Star at No. 48 No. 69 Red Rose vs. Strykers at No. 69 No. 43 Scorpion vs. No. 65 at No. 43 No. 47 Pioneer vs. No. 73 Young Warriors at No. 47 No. 72 Cut and Load vs. Kim Il Sung at No. 72 Skeldon Community Centre vs. No. 45 at Skeldon No. 69 Vikings vs. Crabwood Creek Rising at No. 69 No. 70 Young Star vs. No. 52 Survival at No. 70 Crabwood Creek vs. 59 at

Crabwood Creek No. 55 Mayflower vs. Unity at No. 55 No. 71 vs. Springlands at No. 71 No. 64 Fighting Marines vs. No. 70 M.Y.A. at No. 64 No. 70 Young Blood vs. Crabwood Creek Bible Church at No. 70 13:00 hrs is the scheduled starting time for all of the matches except the “No. 70 Young Star vs. No. 52 Survival” match at No. 70, which will start at 9:00 a.m. and the “No. 72 Cut and Load vs. Kim Il Sung” match will begin at 10:00 a.m.

Saturday October 27, 2012

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Lance Armstrong’s Tour de France victories will not be reallocated Lance Armstrong’s seven Tour de France titles will not be awarded to any other riders, the International Cycling Union has announced. Armstrong was stripped of his yellow jerseys for doping by cycling’s governing body on Monday. “The management committee decided not to award victories to any other rider or upgrade other placings in any of the affected events,” said a UCI statement. American Armstrong crossed the line first every year between 1999 and 2005. The UCI acknowledged that “a cloud of suspicion would remain hanging over this dark period - but that while this might appear harsh for those who rode clean, they would understand there was little honour to be gained in reallocating places”. The body has also ordered Armstrong and others to pay back all prize money from this period, and has commissioned an independent investigation into the whole Armstrong affair. Pending the results of the report, defamation proceedings against Paul Kimmage, a former cyclist and Sunday Times journalist, have been suspended. The statement added: “The committee agreed that part of the independent commission’s remit would be to find ways to ensure that persons caught for doping were no longer able to take part in the sport, including as part of an entourage.” Armstrong, 41, and his United States Postal Service team ran “the most s o p h i s t i c a t e d , professionalised and successful doping programme that sport has ever seen”, a 1,000-page United States AntiDoping Agency report concluded. In the report, it was also claimed that Armstrong paid the UCI $100,000 (£62,300) for the fight against anti-doping. Floyd Landis, a former colleague of Armstrong’s who now admits to using

drugs, claims this was hush money to cover up a positive test for the banned substance EPO that was collected from Armstrong during his victory at the Tour of Switzerland in 2001. The UCI admitted it received money from Armstrong in 2002, but said in 2010 that this was not part of a cover-up. BBC Sport understands that at Friday’s UCI management committee hearing there was an attempt by more than one member to force honorary president Hein Verbruggen to resign, but it did not gain enough support and failed. Verbruggen and president Pat McQuaid, who has been asked to resign in an open letter by America’s three-time Tour de France winner Greg LeMond, have come under intense pressure to stand aside in the wake of the Armstrong scandal. There was no attempt to get McQuaid to quit. McQuaid said the governing body are “determined to turn around this painful episode in the history of our sport”. “We will take whatever actions are deemed necessary by the independent commission and we will put cycling back on track,” said McQuaid. “Today, cycling is a completely different sport from what it was in the period 1998-2005. “Riders are now subject to the most innovative and effective anti-doping procedures and regulations in sport. “Nevertheless, we have listened to the world’s reaction to the Lance Armstrong affair and have taken these additional decisive steps in response to the grave concerns raised.” British Cycling president Brian Cookson said: “The UCI has taken another worthwhile step in its response to the Usada investigation into Lance Armstrong. “I can assure everyone that my UCI management committee colleagues and I

are unanimous in our determination that this independent commission will just be the start of the process and nothing will be off the agenda. “Cycling must and will learn the lessons of the Armstrong era.”

Lance Armstrong

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Kaieteur News

Audit and compliance committee announced New York - CONCACAF announced Wednesday the creation of an Audit & Compliance Committee. The office will help ensure that the Confederation manages its finances responsibly as it continues to reform. The Committee’s primary charge is to confirm the accuracy of CONCACAF’s financial accounting as well as to examine its financial statements, consolidated financial statement and the external auditor’s report. Leighton McKnight, a managing partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Jamaica and former President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica, will chair the Audit & Compliance Committee. “As part of the new CONCACAF’s commitment to inclusiveness, accountability and t r a n s p a r e n c y, w e h a v e created a Committee that will ensure we remain vigilant and committed to developing the game,” said CONCACAF President Jeffrey Webb.

“This committee is comprised of individuals with the highest levels of integrity and competence, and they will help strengthen CONCACAF’s future.” “I am deeply honored and very excited to be invited to assist in improving corporate governance in CONCACAF,” said Committee Chair Leighton McKnight. “This critical organization in our region has faced significant governance challenges in the past, but now has the opportunity to positively shape its future. I eagerly look forward to making my contribution as a part of the team, adding significant value to the rebuilding process.” The Audit & Compliance Committee consists of Leighton McKnight (Jamaica), Chairman; Carlos Cordeiro (USA), Vice Chairman; Bruce Blake (Cayman Islands), Mateo Fabrega (Panama), Richard Groden (Trinidad & Tobago), Rodrigo Pliego (Mexico) and Andrew Griffith (Bermuda).

Saturday October 27, 2012



GROS ISLET, St. Lucia Guyana and St. Vincent & the Grenadines both earned convincingly victories Thursday to advance to the second round of the Caribbean Cup. Vurlon Mills scored twice in the first half to pace Guyana past St. Lucia 3-0, while Cornelius Stewart also had a pair of goals to lead St. Vincent over Curacao 4-0. The results left Guyana, St. Vincent and St. Lucia with six points each, but Guyana won Group 2 with St. Vincent in second based on goal difference in the matches between the three teams. Guyana will join host Grenada, Haiti and French Guyana in Group 6 November 14-18, while St. Vincent advanced to face Cuba, host Trinidad and Suriname in Group 8 on the same dates. Mills, who scored in the first minutes of Guyana’s 2-1 win over Curacao on Tuesday, tallied in the 14th and 34th minutes to stake the Golden Jaguars to a 2-0 lead

over St. Lucia. Gregory Richardson, who had a penalty against Curacao, added the finale in the 37th. In the nightcap of the doubleheader, Stewart put St. Vincent ahead in the eighth minute and then added his second in the 76th. The tallies gave Stewart five goals in as many games with the Vincy Heat. Dorren Hamlet also had a goal in the 58th and Myron Samuel added another in the 78th - his third in four games,

to finish St. Vincent with a zero goal difference between the three group leaders, enough to edge out host St. Lucia, which finished with a minus-2. Two teams from each of the three second-round groups will advance to the Caribbean Cup finals in Antigua & Barbuda, with four teams eventually qualifying for next year’s CONCACAF Gold Cup. November 14 Guyana vs Haiti

18:00hrs Grenada vs French Guiana 20:00hrs November 16 French Guiana vs Haiti 18:00hrs Guyana vs Grenada 20:00hrs November 18 Guyana vs French Guiana 18:00hrs Haiti vs Grenada 20:00hrs All games will be played at the Grenada National Stadium.

DCC players & Club penalised for NBS final fiasco Hearings held by the Disciplinary Committee of the Georgetown Cricket Association (GCA) resulted in Mr. Dennis Squires and Mr. Lynden Lyght being sanctioned for their actions during the GCA’s / New Building Society 40 overs final that was held at the GCC Ground on October 7, 2012. Squires, was charged with (a) showing serious dissent and (b) bringing the game into disrepute (highest level). He has been banned

for ten (10) matches, while Lyght has been banned for fifteen (15) matches. In effect this means that they will not be able to play any GCA sanctioned matches until they have missed ten (10) and fifteen (15) GCA second division matches respectively. The GCA Executive requires that the Demerara Cricket Club (DCC) pay a fine of $15,000 as well as apologise in writing to: a) the sponsor - New Building Society and b) The Georgetown Cricket Association. The fines and apologies must be by November 9, 2012.

Saturday October 27, 2012

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Rose Hall Town Gizmos & Gadgets, Albion, Young Warriors and Bermine advance to Semifinals The 9th Edition of the Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club Busta Champion of Champions Tournament got underway across the Ancient County with Rose Hall Town Gizmos & Gadgets, Young Warriors and Bermine registering victories to advance to the semifinals. The opening rounds attracted fair seized crowds at all venues and was highlighted by brilliant batting from national players Shimron Hetmyer who blasted 151 vs West Berbice, Arthley Bailey’s unbeaten 102 vs Young Warriors. Delbert Hicks, Richard Ramdeen, Royston Crandon, Sewnarine Chattergoon and Kandasammy Surujnarine were outstanding. National Under-19 captain Shawn Pereira also captured six wickets versus Port Mourant. At the Albion Community Centre, the home team defeated Skeldon by ten wickets. Batting first, Skeldon were dismissed for 135 in 46.3 Overs with Ganesh Nauth, Sydney Jackman Jnr 23 and Anthony Bramble 15 being the principal scorers. Bowling for Albion, Narsingh Deonarine 2 for 23 (10 overs), Gudakesh Motie Kanhai 2 for 22 and Jonathan Foo 2 for 34 been the main bowlers for Albion who in reply reached 136 without loss in 16.5Overs with former West Indies Test opener Sewnarine Chattergoon ending on 64 not out and Kandasammy Surujnarine 57 not out. Bermine cruised past Blairmont at the Blairmont Community Centre by 6 wickets. Blairmont batting first on winning the toss were bowled out for 110 in 40.2Overs, as only Andrew Jainauth 27 and Andrew Seekarran 18 offered resistance to the bowling of Joemal La Fleur 3 for 25 from 8-Overs and Eugene La Fleur 3 for 20 (9 overs). Bermine in response reached 111 for 4 from 26.1Overs with Joemal La Fleur 33, Devon Clements 25 and

Eugene La Fleur 16 not out batted well. National Under-19 opener Shimron Hetmyer showed his class at the Cumberland ground in Canje with a majestic 151 (the highest score in the tournament’s history) as Young Warriors rattled up 327 for 6 from their allotted 50-Overs. He and fellow opener Richard Ramdeen added 247 in 37-Overs to give the home team the perfect score. Hetmyer was finally dismissed after blasting seven massive sixes and nine boundaries with Ramdeen scoring 78 (3x6, 5x4) and Gajanand Singh 25. Bowling for West Berbice skipper Krishendat Ramoo claimed 3 wickets for 50 runs from his ten overs. Opener Arthley Bailey struck a brilliant 102 not out (9x4, 4x6) in vain as West Berbice was dismissed for 265 in 42.1Overs to lose by 62 runs. Veteran Keith Fraser and Raffiel Estriado both supported with 37 each as offspinner Kevin Ramdeen took 3 wickets for 53 runs (7.1 overs) and medium pacer 2 for 47 from ten overs. At the Area “H” Ground in Rose Hall Town, Rose Hall Town Gizmos & Gadgets amassed 305 for 9 off 50Overs. Renwick Batson and Dominique Rikhi gave the home team a solid start of 51 in fourteen overs before the dismissals of Batson 26, Rikhi 24 and Jason Sinclair07 left them in a bit of trouble at 69 for 3 in the 23rd overs. National players Rajiv Ivan (30) and Royston Crandon added 76 for the 4th wicket before Ivan was stumped off the bowling of Devindra Thakurdeen. Crandon and fellow national player Delbert Hicks then added 100 for the 5th wicket off just 42 balls with Hicks blasting 32 (6,6,6,4,6,4) off one over from Devindra Thakurdeen. Crandon scored 80 (8x6, 4x4), Hicks 64 (5x6, 4x4) and Clinton Pestano 34 (2x6, 4x4) as the home team

Fudadin’s 78 and 2 for 27... From page 33 Singh 2 for 12 from 2.2 Overs. Young Warriors 171 for 3 in 28 Overs with Shimron Hetmyer 53, Richard Ramdeen 51, Seon Hetmyer 30. The Competition continues this weekend with four matches: On Saturday: Group A: 1. Rose Hall Town

Gizmos & Gadgets vs West Berbice at Rose Hall Town 2. Young Warriors vs Bermine at Cumberland On Sunday: a lone Group B: match is scheduled: 1. Port Mourant Karibee Rice vs Blairmont Community Centre at Port Mourant.

passed 300. The Port Mourant bowling was led by Thakurdeen 3 for 65 from 10 overs, Harrinarine Chattergoon 2 for 56 (10 overs) and Zamal Khan 2 for 45 from 9 overs. Port Mourant were off to a good start with former national Under-19 captain Harrinarine

Chattergoon 51 (6x4, 1x6) and Tony Mc Kenzie 33 (2x4, 2x6) adding 86 in fifteen overs before Mc Kenzie was dismissed by skipper Shawn Pereira who later bowled Chattergoon to leave Port Mourant at 116 for 2 in the 23rd over. Only Joshua Ramsammy with 18 offered resistance after that as Port Mourant fell

apart for 184 off 40 overs to lose by 121 runs. Pereira bowled well to claim 6 wickets for 40 runs (10 overs) Crandon 2 for 30 (7 overs) and Shailendra Shameer 2 for 12 runs (5 overs). The tournament continues next Wednesday with Albion hosting Young Warriors and Bermine

travelling to the Area H ground to face defending champion Rose Hall Town Gizmos & Gadgets. The tournament is organised by the Cricket Development Committee of the Rose Hall Town Youth & Sports Club and sponsored by the Guyana Beverage Company under its Busta brand.

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 27, 2012

USA based Coach supports Hopetown FC The Hopetown Football Club on Wednesday received a complete set of football uniforms compliments of USA based Coach Winston Benons. At a simple ceremony to hand over the gear which also included shin pads, captain armbands, goal keeping gloves and a gear bag, Benons said that he was born in New Amsterdam and always felt compelled to give back to the Ancient County. “I’m happy to be here today to empower you by assisting you with equipment to make you better in your game. This is just the beginning of things to come; if you remain discipline, dedicated and determined to be the best you can be in the game you can rest assure that I will be here for you.” He further told the members present that they must have a desire to be positive examples in the village with a focus of making the community better. He encouraged the club to encourage youth and female development by investing in their holistic growth. Berbice Football Association (BFA) who indentified Hopetown to benefit from the donation said that he has been impressed with the discipline of the club which is a new member of the association. He also thanked Benons for his contribution which would allow the club to perform better and prosper in the ensuing months. Also present were Club Secretary Gryldene Mc Almont and Club Captain Norde Mc Donald. The vote of thanks was delivered by Vice Captain of the Club, Takunda Spellen.

- promises to maintain assistance

Coach Winston Benons (right) shakes hands with Hopetown FC Captain Norde Mc Donald after the presentation of the uniforms and other equipment being displayed by members of the club.

Saturday October 27, 2012

Kaieteur News

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2012 Tenelec Inc First Division 50-Over Cricket Competition in Berbice...

Fudadin’s 78 and 2 for 27 spearhead Rose Hall Town to victory over Albion Richard Ramdeem

Brentnol Woolford

Vishal Mohabir

Asif Khan

The 2012 Tenelec Inc First Opening batsman Division 50-Over Round Brentnol Woolford slammed Robin Cricket Competition in his second consecutive half Berbice continued with three century when he hit 90 (10 third round matches recently. fours) for Bush Lot United West Indies batsman Rising Star. He and Ravi Narsingh Deonarine hit 51, Gossai (46) put on 116 for the which included 3 fours and 3 first wicket and then he added sixes and which was his 33 for the second with Keno second half century in the Gravesande (18) after which competition so far. he and Asif Khan put on 49 T h e k n o c k a s s i s t e d for the 3rd wicket. Asif Khan, Albion Community Centre a former Berbice Under-15 post a fairly good total of cricketer, went on to make 59 2 3 2 f o r 8 i n 5 0 - O v e r s (4 fours and 1 six) to help against arch rivals Rose Bush Lot post a challenging H a l l To w n G i z m o s & 253 for 6 in 45 Overs. Gadgets whose current test Police made a spirited player Assad Fudadin picked challenge but eventually were up 2 for 27 from 10-Overs. bowled out for 225 with Khan When Rose Hall town coming back with his medium replied, they were given a start pacers to take 3 for 31 from 9 of 52 from Renwick Batson Overs and offspinner (27) and Dominique Rikhi (26) Woolford taking 2 for 52 from before West Indies selectee 10 Overs. left arm spinner Veerasammy Medium pacer Vishal Permaul removed both of Mohabir took 5 for 41 from 10 them and Guyana batsman Overs to help Young Warriors Royston Crandon (1) restrict Edinburgh to 170. reducing them to 65 for 3. When Warriors replied Fudadin, who batted at three, Guyana Under-19 batsman then found a partner in former Shimron Hetmyer slammed 53 Guyana wicketkeeper batsman (8 fours and 1 six) – the two Delbert Hicks (20), they put of them putting on 86 for the on 42 for the 4th wicket. 1st wicket in just 11 Overs to After that Fudadin and put them on the road to an Jason Sinclair saw Rose Hall easy 7-wicket victory. Town through to victory In scores from the without any flutters at 236 for matches played: 4 in 45.2 Overs with Fudadin 1. At Rose Hall Town, ending on 78 N.O. (3 fours and Rose Hall Town Gizmos & 7 sixes) and Sinclair 60 N.O. Gadgets beat Albion (6 fours). Community Centre by 6 MEANWHILE THE POINTS STANDING AFTER THE LATEST MATCHES. Group A: 1. West Berbice 4 points from 2 matches. 2. Rose Hall Town Gizmos & Gadgets 4 points from 2 matches. 3. Albion Community Centre 2 points from 3 matches. 4. Bermine 2 points from 2 matches. 5. Young Warriors 2 points from 2 matches. 6. Edinburgh 0 point from 3 matches. Group B: 1. Blairmont Community Centre 4 points from 2 matches. 2. Skeldon Community Centre 2 points from 2 matches. 3. Port Mourant Karibee Rice 2 points from 2 matches. 4. Police 0 point from 2 matches. 5. Bush Lot United Rising Star 2 point from 2 matches.

wickets. Albion Community Centre choosing to bat first, 232 for 8 in 50-Overs with Narsingh Deonarine 51, Jonathan Foo 37, former West Indies batsman Sewnarine Chattergoon 26, Sharaz Ramcharran 26 N.O, Guyana Under-19 cricketer Gudakesh Motie 25, Veerasammy Permaul 20,

Devendra Bishoo 20, Shawn Pereira 3 for 48 from 9 Overs and Assad Fudadin 2 for 27. Rose Hall Town Gizmos & Gadgets 236 for 4 in 45.2 Overs with Assad Fudadin 78 N.O, Jason Sinclair 60 N.O., Renwick Batson 27, Dominique Rikhi 26, Delbert Hicks 20, Veerasammy Permaul 3 for 40. 2. At Bush Lot, Bush

Lot United Rising Star beat Police by 28 run. Bush Lot United Rising Star choosing to bat first 253 for 6 in 45 Overs with Brentnol Woolford 90, Asif Khan 59, Ravi Gossai 46, Andel Doris 2 for 48. Police 225 in 43 Overs with Kwesi Mickle 32, Philbert Wilburg 28, Albert Sinclair 29, Martin Singh 27, Asif Khan 3 for

31, Brentnol Woolford 2 for 42. 3. At Cumberland, Young Warriors beat Edinburgh by 7 wickets. Edinburgh decided to take first strike, 170 in 44.2 Overs with Seeram Seecoomar 42, Denny David 39, Rudranath Seepersaud 26 N.O., Vishal Mohabir 5 for 41, Gajanand (Continued on page 31)

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Saturday October 27, 2012

Wayne ‘Big Truck Braithwaite must knockout Shawn Corbin to recover lost confidence Says Michael Benjamin When the bell rings to signal the start of his bout against Shawn Corbin tonight, former World Boxing Council (WBC) Cruiserweight champion Wayne ‘Big Truck Braithwaite, will know that his very career resides in the outcome of this fight; while a win will definitely be encouraging, only a knockout will truly redeem him in the eyes of his fans. If weight means anything, Braithwaite would have drawn first blood when he tipped the scales last night at a solid 199.2 lbs against Corbin’s 196.8lbs. Braithwaite will remember his bout against Barbadian Shawn ‘The Sniper’ Cox when he mouthed off and raised the ire of his opponent. The ploy backfired when ‘The Sniper,’ angered by Braithwaite’s ‘garbage’ epithet, pronounced that Braithwaite was a dead man True to prediction, before one could say ‘jack rabbit’ it was all over. Corbin would be

cognizant of the fact that his opponent would be under severe pressure to win the bout following the humiliating loss. Corbin would also know that a victory would align him for lucrative fights and bigger pay cheques. Adversely, Braithwaite would be aware that a loss to Corbin, coming so close of the heels of the Cox humiliation, would drive the final nail into his coffin forcing him out of the sport. Braithwaite has admitted that his days in the sport is limited but he also believes that he could squeeze out a little more before hanging up his gloves. The stark reality is that while both boxers are at contrasting ends of the continuum; each still has a lot to achieve from a win tonight thus setting the stage for a blistering contest that could set the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall (CASH) on fire. In the Cox duel, Braithwaite appeared to be in shape to the uninitiated but the trained eye detected fat around his midriff and his

Wayne Braithwaite (right) and Shawn Corbin during yesterday’s weigh-in. muscles belied his boasts of being kittle trim. The loss to Cox was viewed as affirmation. Braithwaite

attempted a psychological ploy of outtalking Cox, forcing him to make mistakes. In retrospect the pundits believe that Braithwaite merely attempted to assuage his fears. This time around, Braithwaite has adopted a classic ‘about face’ disposition; refraining from bragging and not even efforts of journalists could wheedle a prediction out of him. Indeed, Braithwaite appears trim with bulging muscles and all the telltale signs that he is ready for combat. Corbin has also remained reticent when asked for a prediction. However, he did hint that the bout is long overdue and told Braithwaite to his face that he had been avoiding him for years. The Trinidad based Guyanese has

an unflattering career of 17 fights with 3 losses. His 10 knockouts represent a 58.82% knockout ratio but he has also suffered knockouts in all three of his losses. Neither Braithwaite nor Corbin could claim a psychological edge in this department since both suffered similar fates in their last bouts; Corbin lost by a 4th round technical knockout to Dawid Kostecki in a bout staged in Poland. In all fairness, even Corbin will be looking to repair his career and it is this fact that will set the stage for a brutal slugfest tonight. Clive Atwell is oozing confidence but he will have to be wary of Trinidadian, Prince Lee Isadore whose 100-10KOs record should not be taken for granted. Obviously

he will want to preserve his invincibility. Atwell whose last two fights were won by stunning knockouts and judging from the confidence oozing from the two principals, one could safely assume that this bout will not go the distance. Both Rudolph Fraser and Dexter Marques will be required to dig deep in a fight that is evenly matched. Fraser is coming off a knockout loss to Atwell while Elton ‘Coolie Bully’ Dharry had taken care of Marques. Both are decent fighters but with contrasting styles. Marques will box around and prove to be elusive while Fraser will go after him with the bombs. Whichever way the fight goes, fans are assured of a keenly contested duel where the man that wants it bad enough will prevail. The other fights on tonight’s card pit the skills of local middleweight, and CABOFE middleweight champion, Edmond DeClou against Berbician Kelsie George where the latter fighter will attempt to reverse an earlier loss; Richard Williamson will attempt to push his career forward when he tackles Jamaican Rudolph Hedge in a six rounder moments before Sharon Warde and Quinda Rogers go after each other for the second time with Rogers losing the first. Admission remains at $3,000 for a ringside seat while stands are $1,000. Patrons are also advised to retain their ticket stubs for a draw later in the evening where two lucky persons will win cell phones compliments of Digicel. The first bell sound at 20:00hrs sharp.

Floodlight 25 over soft ball tourney...

Yadram hits century as Enterprise Legend triumph Seemangal Yadram slammed an unbeaten 105 as Enterprise Legend defeated Park Rangers by 37 runs when play in the Floodlight sponsored 25 over softball competition continued recently at the Queens College Ground. N. Roopdeo supported Yadram with 24 as Enterprise Legend posted 205-8 in 25 overs. Tularam Singh grabbed 3-44. Park Rangers in reply were bowled out for 168 in 23 overs. D. Muniram top with 47; Roopdeo took 3-7 and Yadram 2-18 for the winners. The competition

continues tomorrow. The fixtures for the Mike’s Pharmacy, Ariel Enterprise, Trophy Stall, Ramchand Auto Spares, Survival, Motor Trend, and Petama Enterprise sponsored event are as follows: Everest ground: Pitch 1: 9:30am-Bedi Ramjewan Masters vs Floodlights. 12:30pm-4R Lioness vs Wellwoman. 1:30pm-Parika Defenders vs Wellman. Pitch 2: 9:30am-Front Liners Masters vs Success Masters. 12:30pm-Fazal Kayume Angels vs Lady Jaguars. 1:30pm-Mahaica Creek

Princesses vs Trophy Stall Angels. Pitch 3: 9:30amSavage Masters vs Park Rangers. 12:30pm-Success Warriors vs Trophy Stall. GNEC ground: 9:30amNever Lose vs Regal Masters. 12:30pm-Regal Champs vs Enterprise Stars. 1:30pmDynamic Security Force vs Better Hope. Contact can be made with Khalid Baksh at 618-1908 for fixtures in Essequibo, Robby Saywack at 660-0049 for fixtures in West Berbice/ Mahaicony and Ray Ashraf Jahoor at 626-4956 for East Berbice.

Saturday October 27, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Bishop’s win Digicel’s Schools’ Table Tennis Championships A

ny layman analysis will suggest that when you have the best player in a country on your team, you should win any tournament. Well, Bishop’s High School proved that assessment true in the Digicel Schools’ Table Tennis Championships yesterday. The Chelsea Edghill-led Bishop’s High School notched their second overall title in the U nder-15 category of the Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA)/Digicel-sponsored competition to get their second overall gold after winning the U-18 category last Sunday. Edghill with Denzel Duff and Reon Miller separated themselves as Guyana’s leading table tennis -playing school with their second consecutive victory against Queen’s College. Edghill

ensured a smooth transition from the international circuit to the National Gymnasium. Director of Sport, Neil Kumar, duly indicated that he was happy to see sport moving pass merely a question of potential and ability to become an intellectual battle. He was addressing the Q u e e n s a n d B i s h o p ’s showdown, both schools being senior secondary schools. “The battle between Queen’s and Bishop’s showed us that we are progressing pass where we just depend on potential and talent. It showed us that intellect is also important for athletes in schools in sport,” Kumar told Kaieteur Sport yesterday, following the Closing Ceremony. Acting President of the GTTA, Godfrey Munroe, said that the tournament should expand in 2013 to

include the singles version. He thanked the parents, teachers and schools for participating in the competition. According to Munroe, who is expected to become the next GTTA President, a nucleus of players is supposed to emerge from the tournament for special training ahead of national selection with a common goal of producing a synchronised training approach. Solo sponsors of the competition, Guyana’s bigger, better network, Digicel, was impressed with the level of the competition and committed to sponsorship next year. Gavin Hope, the company’s Events and Sponsorship Manager, expressed his satisfaction. “I would have seen a lot of promise and potential here, once we continue to invest at this level, I think we

The victorious Bishop’s High School team pose with Digicel’s Events and Sponsorship Manager, Gavin Hope (right) yesterday at the National Gymnasium following their triumph at the Digicel Schools’ Table Tennis Championships. have far we to go. But we must have more frequent tournaments, so that we continue to build on successes,” Hope told this newspaper following the

presentations. Mae’s ‘A’ won the 11Years-and-Under title while Marian Academy win the 13-Years-and-Under title. Annandale Secondary was

adjudged the Most Disciplined Team; Marian Academy the Best Dressed Team and Bartica Secondary the Most Promising Team. (Edison Jefford)

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Kaieteur News

Saturday October 27, 2012

Morgan gets Fitness Express backing for World Powerlifting C/ships

Owner/Manager of Fitness Express Jamie Mc Donald hands over a bottle of protein powder to Randolph Morgan.


uyana’s most decorated powerlifter, R a n d o l p h ‘ T h e Accomplisher’ Morgan has received the backing of local business Fitness Express for his participation at the 42nd Men’s World Powerlifting Championships, October 29 to November 4, 2012 in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Owner/Manager of Fitness Express Jamie Mc

Donald informed that his business has sponsored M o r g a n ’s n u t r i t i o n a l supplementation and some new powerlifting gear. “We are very pleased with the way Morgan has represented Guyana over the years and we have been supporting him all along. Our latest contribution is in order to ensure that Morgan is fully prepared to whip his opponents again

and we know he can do it. He has displayed a high level of discipline and this is one of the main reasons for his continued success. We would like to wish him all the best in his latest quest to bring further glory for himself and Guyana.” Morgan, who will contest the 83kgs class extended thanks to Mc Donald and Fitness Express for their continued support promising to do well.

2012 Neal and Massy Intermediate 50-Over Cricket Competition in Berbice...

Mohamed (139) & Ali (74) steer No.71 to victory over Skeldon The 2012 Neal and Massy Intermediate 50 over cricket competition organised by the Berbice Cricket Board continued recently with No.71 inflicting a heavy defeat on Zone D favourite, Skeldon Community Centre. In the match which was played at No. 71 and which was reduced to 40 overs-a-side due to the late arrival of the Skeldon team, No.71 won the toss and elected to take first strike. After losing an early wicket with only 3 runs on board, Ezam Ali dominated a secondwicket stand of 60 in 10 overs before his partner, Deoprakash Ramdat, fell for 9. Five runs later, Imran Khan went for a duck and at the same score, Imran Mohamed suffered the same fate, No.71 in effect falling from 63 for 1 to 68 for 4, with all three wickets going to off spinner Gajendra Ramnarine. However, Ali was joined by his young brother, Nazim Mohamed and together they took the initiative away from Skeldon, built a partnership and proceeded to add 106 for the

5th wicket before Ali fell to Ramnarine for 74 (9x4 4x6) at 174 for 5. Mohamed continued and put on 35 for the 6th wicket with Deonarine Deodharie (18) and after three quick wickets fell again, he hammed almost single-handedly, an unbroken 9th wicket stand for 55 with Amar Rajin whose contribution was 1*. At the end, Mohamed was 139 not out (18x4 5x6) taking No.71 to a solid 262 for 8 in their 40 overs. Bowling for Skeldon, Ramnarine ended with 5 for 48 from 8 overs. When Skeldon Community Centre began their response No.71 opening medium pacer, Nazim Mohamed returned with the ball to take 3 early wickets leaving them 15 for 3. Off spinner Deoprakash Ramdat then snared the next three to see them slipping further to 49 for 6. Nigel Trotz tried to take Skeldon to the 100-run mark but after he fell for 22 his team folded for 87 to lose by 175 runs.

Saturday October 27, 2012

Kaieteur News


Eight more matches set for today at Thirst Park


fter an exciting start last week, the Courts Pee Wee Schools Football Competition resumes today with eight more matches at the Thirst Park ground with the opening fixtures set for 10:00 hrs. The first round of matches will see Tucville winners’ overSt. Grabriel’s last week take on Sophia, who is also unbeaten after defeating Green Acres. In the other game that w i l l b e p l a y e d s i m u l t a n e o u s l y, S t . Sidwell’s that played to a draw against Ketley will look to inflict more pain on St. Pius who lost to Marian Academy. However, the West LaPenitence outfit will obviously be aiming to snatch full points and keep themselves in contention for the top prize so a keenly contested game is anticipated. Starting at 11:00 hrs, West Ruimveldt who shared points with Success in their opening encounter will no doubt be looking to secure full points against F.E. Pollard losers in the first round, but the latter will also be eager to get on the points table after a disappointing loss. The game on the other pitch is a battle between first round losers Green Acres and St. Gabriel’s and this too should be an interesting

encounter as the two teams look to gain their first set of points. At 12:00 hrs, Marian Academy that ooked so impressive in their first game, securing full points in the process will once again be aiming to duplicate that performance when they meet Ketley, a team that shared points in their matchup against St. Sidwell’s. The other game is a clash between first round losers South Ruimveldt and Enterprise and both sides will be keen to get a positive result so immediately there will be a great amount of urgency to produce good performances. In the final two games of the day, St. Margaret’s winners’ last week plays Success who drew their opening encounter and this matchup should produce some fireworks, while North G e o rg e t o w n e m p h a t i c victors on opening day will engage Redeemer, who manufactured a determined display to come from behind to grab full points against South Ruimveldt. The first round saw some impressive individual displays and with schools having had more time to prepare and the players more comfortable playing in front of the fans even better performances are anticipated.

Bush Lot United Turf Club one-day Meet called off Due to circumstances beyond their control the principals of the Bush Lot United Turf Club have been forced to postpone their Horse Race Meet which was slated for this Sunday October 28 at the Sea View Park, Bush Lot West Coast Berbice. Eight races were carded which had over $5.5M in cash trophies and other memorabilia up for grabs. Persons with queries can contact Co-ordinator and Treasurer Lakeram B. Sukhdeo on tel. #s 232 0558 or 672 0810 or President R. Jagit on 232 0231 for further details. A new date will be announced shortly.

Part of the action in one of the matches last week.

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t r o Sp

Strong field line-up for today’s Digicel Golf Classic Digicel CEO Gregory Dean is expected to make the first tee-off to signal the start of the tournament.

(from left)- Alfred Mentore, Papo Haniff, Roger Rajkumar and Avinash Persaud could be among those in contention for the Digicel Golf Classic title.


efending champions Roger Rajkumar and Christine Sukhram have both been confirmed to participate in the 4th Edition of the Digicel Golf Classic which opens today, at the Lusignan Course, East Coast Demerara. Rajkumar, who is based in Canada speaking with Kaieteur Sport earlier this week, admitted that he is not in the same kind of form that took him to the title last year, but felt confident enough about his game to be a strong contender for the title. He conceded that the Course will need a bit of reacclimatising, referring to the pace of the greens and getting adjusted to the different type of grass as compared to what he is accustomed to back in Canada, but his vast experience and his patience could very well prove to be decisive factors to defy the odds.

However, there are a number of local players who could provide a stiff challenge for him in his quest to retain the coveted crown. Among those who could be in contention heading into the final day tomorrow are Colin Ming, Roy Cummings, who is a former Red Jacket holder, overseas-based Andrew Claxton and Prem Ramnauth, Carlos Adams, Clifford Reis, Patrick Prashad, Vijay Deo, Avinash Persaud, Avinda Kishore, William Walker, Sukhram, Joaan Deo, Ian Gouveia, Esau Shamshudin, Bhowlaram Deo, Brian Hackett, Mike Mangal, Mike Gayadin, Troy Cadogan, Mark Lashley, Jerome Khan, Fazil Haniff, Muntaz Haniff and Chatterpaul Deo. Digice CEO Gregory Dean is expected to make the first tee-off to signal the start of competition at 09:30 hrs.

Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Limited, 24 Saffon St.Charlestown, Georgetown.Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/ 226-8210

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