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GRA developing Friday Edition NEWS Customs Petroleum AIETEUR

Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly

October 11, 2019 - Vol. 21 No. 41

Unit to monitor operators'

Online: www.kaieteurnews.com Price $80

over-valuation of imports

Online readership yesterday 101,988

Two fishermen shot, chopped to death at Shell Beach Ecstacy invades West Medical personnel being Demerara district trained to improve attitude

Minibus slams into light pole, flips on side - driver critical, several injured

The wrecked minibus on the scene yesterday

Ramjattan stands Police Force needs firm on 2am curfew 600 more ranks

WPA's cash transfer proposal - Opposition is technically unsound Leader


Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019


GRA developing Customs Two fishermen shot, chopped Petroleum Unit to monitor operators' to death at Shell Beach over-valuation of imports


he Guyana R e v e n u e Authority (GRA) is in the process of establishing a no-nonsense Customs Petroleum Unit (CPU), which will contain specialised teams to monitor oil lifting and export, entry processing, classification and import valuation, data analysis, and exemption monitoring. This is according to a report prepared by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In that, the IMF notes that revenue from oil will largely depend on accurate measurement. As such, the Fund said that it is essential for the CPU to be satisfied at

all times that the measuring equipment is approved, utilised and calibrated to the satisfaction of the Guyana Bureau of Standards. The Fund also noted that the value of goods imported for the sector has significant effect on the amount of recoverable cost that can be offset against oil and gas revenues. In light of this, the IMF said that customs control is critical to prevent overvaluation of imports, which overstate the amount of recoverable costs. Kaieteur News understands that the revenue authority is already putting systems and methodologies

in place to address this. Further, the financial institution noted that beneficiaries of exemptions for the oil sector should be reminded of their obligations to ensure that goods are exclusively used for approved purposes and are also disposed of and reexported in accordance with the conditions attached to them. Additionally, the IMF said that these beneficiaries must also be reminded that customs has the responsibility and the right to undertake ongoing monitoring and verification for all goods under (continued on page 28)

Radio station fined $75,000 for calling President a charlatan

- Jagdeo


reedom Radio, a radio station controlled by the People's Progressive Party (PPP), has been fined $75,000 by the Guyana National Broadcast Authority (GNBA) for referring to President David Granger as a 'charlatan'. Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, said this to members of the media yesterday, during the weekly press conference at his Church Street office. A charlatan is someone who is maliciously pretentious or deceptive. Jagdeo has, time and time again, attempted to portray the President as having bad character. He has said during several press conferences that the public must not separate the President from wrongs committed by officials in his Government; that he should be held accountable for them. He explained that the 'charlatan' comment was made during a discussion about whether the Government intends to rig the election. “They want to police what we say on Freedom Radio,” Jagdeo said. “And that's not the most egregious thing that we could call him.” The Opposition Leader indicated that he intends to mount a challenge to the fine. He also said that this fine may look isolated, but

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo that it is an indication of a wider problem. Jagdeo said that GNBA has been operating as an APNU+AFC group and that, in doing so, it has been attempting to muzzle free speech. Representatives of Freedom Radio and Multi Technology Vision (MTV) have already moved to the Court to challenge the legality of the GNBA board. According to the application, the validity of the board, which was appointed by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo for a term of two years, expired on January 31, last. The application also listed several other reasons, including that the Board failed to publish any rules in the media and elsewhere, as is required by the Broadcast Act.


olice in the North West District are investigating the murders of two brothers who were allegedly shot and killed while fishing off the Waini Coast in the vicinity of Shell Beach on Wednesday last. Police reports, yesterday, indicated that residents close to Fathers Beach related that the victims, Ian and Rakesh Matthias, were fishing at the location around 14:00 hrs when the incident occurred. Residents told police that rapid gunfire was overheard

in the area for over half of a hour then everything became silent. It is said the stepfather of the boys raised an alarm and the Coast Guard and Police ranks from that area were summoned, but upon arrival could not locate the two men or the boat they had used to travel to the fishing location. Police reports indicated that around 10:48 t he following morning, residents reported that the bodies had mysteriously turned up at the said area where the incident occurred riddled with

bullets. One of the bodies was said to have several chop wounds as well. One resident said that he was close by and overheard screaming as the gunshots were fired. It is said that they men had left their home to go fishing which is a customary thing they would two do at least twice per week. Both men are said to be in their late forties according to one resident. Police are investigating the incident.


Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019

KAIETEUR NEWS Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: ADAM HARRIS Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


A pittance for an engineer President Granger recently announced a 66% increase in the stipend for teachers-in-waiting at the CPCE. It is a wise, timely investment by Government, and a most helpful incentive for students, who could use it. This is positive. In view of the government’s insistent emphasising of the vital importance of education, this is a good and practical step. It is one that could go far in retaining students and attracting more to the training ranks, who find the financial sacrifices required unmanageable. Using this as context, this paper humbly points His Excellency to another place that needs serious attention and assistance of substance. It is one where significant impact could be made, and if left unaddressed would tighten the screws on an already bad situation.The people identified for governmental action would be the cohort of state engineers. They labour across Guyana for embarrassingly low remuneration. In a field characterised by demanding studies, and with state responsibilities of a most sensitive nature and reach, a low pay package is neither good nor right, incentivising nor retaining, and heavily contributory to what has become a revolving door in the ranks of Guyana’s engineering overseers.KN in a news article of several weeks vintage, pointed to the known, and then proceeded to identify the consequences. “The roles of engineers are critical to the development of infrastructural works. However, from 2017 to first half of this year, 19 engineers have left the public sector. This was highlighted in the Ministry of Finance’s Mid-Year Report which noted that the engineers have since sought employment in the private sector.” That is the loss of approximately one engineer every two months. It is not 19 out of 900 such underpaid toilers. The state’s population of engineers is much smaller, which makes these departures—if not hemorrhage—unaffordable and weakening.One of the weakening effects noted has been “a shortage of critical positions which has resulted in the delay of several infrastructural projects.” Beside delays, the departing seasoned and skillful carry their institutional knowledge, the hands-on savvy of a solid experience, if not sterling track record, gained on the ground, and the great awareness of what is required for ethical stewardship of projects on which hundreds of millions of dollars are spent. The latter is priceless, given the billions of dollars at stake and the sordid record of contractor performance on numerous costly projects. When principled state engineers are diligently manning the people’s interests and money, their value is beyond measure. In fairness, the government did announce that it “has implemented a measure to attract and retain staff whereby an updated compensation structure for engineers and technicians was approved last month.” That “updated compensation structure” must be competitive, and it must be material.By his own admission, the Minister of Public Infrastructure noted that, “the Public Service Commission was offering a salary of $80,000 to a graduate engineer.” To be candid, $80,000 is not only an astonishingly small sum, but one that had to be highly unacceptable. It is surprising that the rush for the private sector pastures was not more pronounced. At $80,000 per head, it is more surprising that the state retained any engineers. By any standard that has to be a pittance for people with an advanced degree. There are lowly clerks in this country, with far less credentials, who make more.To cut a fine point on this, this new “updated compensation structure” cannot be movement from $80,000 to, say, $100,000 or even $120,000 per month. Though the latter represents a 50% increase, it would not be enough, and the difficulty could continue with retaining talented and qualified personnel. This may be unimaginable in the way government thinks and operates, but for the new structure to be meaningful, base pay has to start somewhere around a minimum of $150,000, with a slew of fringes attached that would take the whole remuneration package to the vicinity of $250,000. It may appear as going too far, too quickly. But the caution is that if it is at lower levels, there is the risk of being considered too cheap, too unattractive and, thus, thanks, but no thanks. The compensation package must be generous, or the drain of engineers will not be staunched.

A proliferation of unskilled labour DEAR EDITOR, Some weeks ago, the IMF was reported to have observed the shortage of skilled labour in the Guyana market – in fact a chronic deficiency across our Public Service for the past three decades or more. Indeed the percentage of unskilled labour keeps increasing in what is alleged to be a growing (public) economy.Reference to the National Estimates will reveal the following samples from the identified categories of employees consistently shown throughout Ministries, not to mention Regional Administrations: -Administrative -Senior Technical -Other Technical and Craft Skilled -Clerical and Office Sup-

port -Semi-skilled Operatives and Unskilled -Contracted Employees* *The last is an indulgence initiated by the previous administration and, as seen in Tables below, has been faithfully maintained since. This particular category is highlighted since the recruitment process by-passes the Public Service Commission; and there appears to be no statutory stipulation about the levels of skilled/unskilled individuals who fill unadvertised vacancies. The following sample reflects the prevalence of Contracted Employees as against total employees, even though there is evidence of some reduction (–) in actual numbers. (Conitnued on page 6)

Table 1 Contracted Employees

Sheer disrespect for Amerindians - APNU+AFC tently sought to derail funds for demarcation and must apologise Amerindian Land Rights. land titling, acquired and alDEAR EDITOR, Amerindian Toshaos are in Georgetown for the National Amerindian Toshaos Council (NTC) 2019. As is practice, the government provides boarding and lodging for the Amerindian leaders during the meeting. Complaints have emerged that the Amerindian leaders are housed in a city hotel, considered by most people as a “short-time” hotel. Some of the leaders, including many female leaders, have complained that they have been housed in sub-standard conditions, with beds and mattresses that are filthy and small, rooms often with no running water or running water that is smelly, brown and dirty. While they are housed in sub-standard conditions, the illegal government Ministers are living in luxury, traveling around the world, staying at posh hotels. Those not traveling are musing themselves at the Marriott and other posh places, at taxpayers expenses. It is truly disrespectful and disgraceful. Before 2015 Cheddi Jagan, Sam Hinds, Janet Jagan, Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar, former Presidents, attended every one of the NTC meetings. David Granger disrespectfully has not attended all of the NTCs between 2015 and 2018. But he made sure he attended NTC 2019, even as an illegal President, because elections are coming up and he wants the Amerindian votes. From Day 1 of NTC 2019, Granger and his colleagues have treated the Amerindian leaders with total disrespect and sheer callousness. Granger had invited the leaders to a reception at State House for Friday, but having learnt that Bharrat

Jagdeo had invited them to a reception at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition on Monday evening, Granger brought forward his reception to the same Monday, clashing with the Jagdeo reception. The generous Amerindian leaders attended both receptions. Many went first to Granger’s reception, expecting dinner. Instead, other than some snacks, there was no dinner. Thankfully, the Amerindian leaders had a sumptuous dinner at the Jagdeo reception. The change in timing for the Granger reception was disrespectful to the Amerindian leaders, but the disrespect was amplified when the government team refused to provide transportation for the Amerindians to go to their hotel first to freshen up before they went to the Granger reception. This shows callousness, not just disrespect. But the disrespect with which the Amerindians have been treated this week is even more egregious because it happened while fellow Amerindian leaders like Sydney Allicock, Dawn Hastings-Williams, George Norton and Garrido-Lowe were complicit in the betrayal. Yet APNU+AFC’s disrespect for Amerindian leaders is just a continuation of the disrespect for Amerindians over a long time. We cannot forget Sydney Allicock’s insult to Amerindians during the opening of Amerindian Heritage Month 2019 when he chastised Amerindians for being unreasonable and greedy for simply asking for their land titles, part of their fundamental rights. The same Allicock has sided with persons like Eric Philips and Keith Scott who have consis-

Allicock has been stone-silent as APNU+AFC stalled or even completely abandoned the demarcation and titling of Amerindian lands. Joe Harmon was reportedly disingenuous when he promised on February 22, 2019, in Sand Creek, Region 9, that Amerindian land demarcation and titling would restart in March 2019, but Allicock made no mention of this. This same Allicock who is now begging for votes insulted, disowned and betrayed Amerindians in October 2017, during a meeting of the NTC, when he shamelessly rebuked the Toshaos for objecting to Granger’s appointment of a Land Commission of Inquiry to, among other things, study the demand of certain AfroGuyanese organisations for rights to ancestral land. Incidentally, this is the same Allicock who in June 2017, defended Keith Scott who had called Amerindians greedy and avaricious for demanding “so much land” and who had disavowed the founding principles of indigenous affairs, now regarded as a right - Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). In fact, the betrayal of Amerindians started soon after May 2015. Allicock, together with other senior PNC operatives in the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, such as Mervyn Williams and Martin Cheong, disbanded the then very successful Amerindian Land Titling (ALT) Unit. The AMT Unit was fired because from the very inception Allicock and his PNC Amerindian colleagues at the Ministry were tools for APNU+AFC to stop the demarcation and titling of Amerindian lands. In fact,

located by the PPP ($US10.7M from the REDD+GRIF Project), were then squandered, for other non-related activities. Not only has APNU+AFC, through Allicock’s Ministry, instituted a de facto cease order on titling of Amerindian lands, there has also been a corresponding intrusion into Amerindian communities, reducing lands available to Amerindians and abrogating their fundamental rights. In converting Lethem, Mabaruma and Bartica into townships and in creation of NDCs in Amerindian communities, without FPIC, boundaries have been extended encroaching on Amerindian lands. This diminution of Amerindian lands and change of governance collide with the Amerindian Act 2006. Allicock has been the instrument for this hatchet job on Amerindian Rights, guaranteed in Guyana’s constitution and in the Amerindian Act 2006. Furthermore, Allicock, Dawn Hastings, George Norton, Garrido-Lowe and Mervyn Williams have stood silently as APNU+AFC utilised other laws, such as the forestry and mining legislations, to breach the Amerindian Act 2006, robbing them of sub-surface benefits. The disrespect so visible at NTC 2019 is not new. It has been evident before and since May 2015. When APNU+AFC voted against the budgetary allocations for the Amerindian Development Fund and the upgrading of hinterland airstrips in 2014, APNU and the AFC disrespected the Amerindians. After May 2015 when they dismissed more than 2,000 (Continued on page 5)

Setting the record straight DEAR EDITOR, I have observed the circulation of a video clip of the Chairman of the National Toshaos Council (NTC), Nicholas Fredericks, which conveys a misleading impression that the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) activity on Monday (October 7, 2019) evening to engage the Toshaos, who gathered for the 2019 NTC Conference, was somehow a last minute event. I wish to offer some clarity on this issue. Mr. Fredericks, as per the recording, claimed that: “...(they are) now circulating invitational cards to a reception by the Opposition when we were verbally invited, and documented invitations also, to a reception with His Excellency this evening. He is expecting us to interact with him this evening.” Editor, first the PPP/C followed a respectful process in seeking to engage the Amerindian leaders who gathered for the 2019 NTC Conference.


Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019

Mr. Fredericks’ comments were blatantly misleading. A letter, dated October 2, 2019, was sent to him as Chairman of the NTC, by PPP/C Parliamentarian, Pauline Sukhai, on behalf of the Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo. That letter requested that the NTC communicate with the PPP/C a convenient date for an engagement with the NTC Executives, Toshaos and other stakeholders who gathered for the 2019 NTC Conference. A response was proffered and the evening of October 7, 2019 was suggested as an appropriate time. We began circulation of the invitations over the weekend, continuing up to the morning of Monday, October 7, 2019. Secondly, editor, the official agenda for the 2019 NTC Conference did not feature an engagement with Mr. David Granger on October 7, 2019. Rather, Mr. Granger’s activity was clearly a last minute attempt to counter the engagement planned by the PPP/C. The official agenda for the 2019 NTC Conference made it

President Granger should clarify who this “we” is DEAR EDITOR, In an article carried in another newspaper on October 6th, 2019 under the heading “‘Give us a chance’ Granger in reelection appeal to Linden voters”, it was reported that President Granger said “From the time we were born, we were born to lead and we are leading the country to greater independence now in 2019.” I need the President to explain to me who is the “we” he is referring to? Is it the PNC? If this is so, then it therefore means that his government has no need for the AFC, the WPA and the other parties that make up the Coalition. Or is the “we” he is referring to Afro Guyanese? What does this therefore mean to the members of the Coalition that are of other races? What is most troubling about his statement is that his inference is that only this “we” he referred to is capable of providing leadership in this country and that those outside of this “we” can’t contribute anything towards the development of Guyana. It is this kind of divisive thinking that has the country in the current sad state it is in. It is therefore incumbent upon Mr. Granger to clarify who is the “we” that he is referring to. Todd A Morgan

clear that an activity with Mr. Granger was scheduled for Friday, October 11, 2019. While the PPP/C consulted with NTC on its planned activity, I am sure that Mr. Granger did not. Editor, I also wish to address other comments made by the NTC Chairman, who sought to link the ‘behaviour’ of PPP/C Parliamentarians, in attendance at the opening of the 2019 NTC Conference, to the attendance of the Toshaos and stakeholders at Mr. Granger’s event. The PPP/C officials who attended the opening ceremony did so out of respect for our Amerindian leaders. We are under no obligation to Mr. Granger. Respect has to be earned. Why must we be asked to respect an official who demonstrated no respect for the Guyanese people or our laws; rather he continues to defy our Constitution and has pushed our nation into unconstitutional rule? It is clear that Mr. Fredericks was clearly prevailed upon to act in the manner he did – trying to find an excuse to dissuade the Amerindian leaders from attending the PPP/C activity. Regardless, the PPP/C activity was well attended and we are greatly appreciative of the fact that our Amerindian leaders took time to engage with us. Sincerely, Nigel Dharamlall, PPP/ C MP

Sheer disrespect ... From page 4 community development officers in Amerindian communities, it was an assault on Amerindian dignity. This is the track record of APNU+AFC and the NTC 2019 disrespect is just another visible assault on Amerindians by APNU+AFC. Dr. Leslie Ramsammy

Some NDCs are not working in the best interest of the People in the Community DEAR EDITOR, The Kaieteur News of Thursday, 3rd October, 2019 on Page 11, under the caption ‘N.D.C. Chairman being investigated’ paragraph five reads, “The N.D.C. Chairman said that he indeed took the images off of the wall but never threw it on the ground. He said he placed the images that were framed on a cupboard and left. His reason that his actions were premised on the fact that the Government is unconstitutional and there is no need for the pictures to be there.” During my tenure as a Councillor of the Region Two Regional Democratic Council 9 R.D.C.), I was also a member of the Works and Agriculture Committee, a Statutory Committee of the R.D.C. The monthly meetings of this committee was held in the office of a man and during my seven consecutive years as a member, he always had two former Presidents, Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan, photographs high on the wall in his office, although both of them were already dead. This man and I had and still have a good relationship, so I asked the question where is Mr. Hoyte and Mr. Burnham and Mr. Chung but he would smile but never answer. There are certainly times where you get the impression

that some of these Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (N.D.C.s) are not working in the best interest of the People in the Community and by extension of this Coalition Government, what they often do is to undermine all efforts as pertaining to development, so as to make the administration look bad, instead of carrying out the works in a timely manner from subventions, from Government and from Rates and Taxes received from Tax Payers. I can remember that a Local Government Minister of

the PPPC Government stated that he would be happy if an epidemic can break out in the City of Georgetown so as to emphasise the incompetence of the Hamilton Green’s Mayorship. Now think of the meaning of that statement, and simultaneously that of the action of this N.D.C. Chairman. The Minister of Communities has got to be careful in dealing with those Chairman of the N.D.C.’s whose mindset is the same of similar. Archie Cordis Former Region 2 Councillor

Exxon’s fall from grace DEAR EDITOR, I was reading of the recent winners of the 2019 noble prize in chemistry and how with the help of Exxon they were able to develop the Lithium Ion Battery. Back then in the last century Exxon was able to help provide a solution that has been the engine of growth behind renewable energy development. Their leaders had great vision and were very responsible in their approach to the Earth’s Climate. Then, apparently in the impatient pursuit of money they lost their way and took a path that has now landed them in court to answer questions on climate change. It’s a pity how a company with a preventative solution for climate change in their hands didn’t take the high road which could have changed the course of history for the better and that could have helped prevent the tragedies and heartbreak that so many have suffered due to the detrimental impact of climate change. Hopefully, Guyana will not make a similar mistake. We can be a prosperous nation and we can achieve this without destroying our country. Wealth without health is false wealth indeed. Best regards, Mr. Jamil Changlee


Kaieteur News

This question of ‘Cash Transfers’ is mired in interpretation DEAR EDITOR, I had written a letter on August 27, 2018, which was published in the media, which expressed the view that any increase of State revenues, whether it be from oil, gold or whatever, those additional resources should concentrate on the following seven areas. 1)Make our educational system solid and top class geared to produce that new Guyana person we talked about even before Independence. A system that allows us to cope with a fast advancing scientific and technological world, but moreover to fashion a curriculum similar to what was put in place for the first batches of President College in 1985. The students engaged in several sport and cultural activities, including music, swimming, equestrian skills, producing their own food and mixing with ordinary people in the contiguous communities. At the same time, pursuing the highest academic standards is truly a school of excellence. Every school in Guyana with appropriate modifications based on several factors should aim for levels of excellence. Attention to be paid to our University, Technical and Teacher Training Institutions. This means a massive injection of resources into buildings, grounds, training, laborato-

ries, etc. Finally, let us fulfill the dream and passion of Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham to make education free from Kindergarten to University. 2) Increase post haste salaries of the Security Services, Educators including Teachers and Medical Personnel. This should be nonnegotiable. 3) Provide a State of the Art Health Service where complex surgical and medical procedures are available to all, either free or at an affordable cost. 4) Retool NIS, so that we make good the objective of those of us who first conceived and implemented the National Insurance Scheme. And so for example, remove the present absurdity where health care benefits are available to contributors up to sixty (60) years of age, but not available beyond sixty, when you are more than likely to be in need of medical health support. Both the Late Dr. Gladstone Mitchell and I inveighed against this oddity. (4) Have an ongoing massive cleanup in urban and rural areas. This will provide jobs, training and to develop a sense of pride in our surroundings and teaching people to love and care for their neighbours. (5) Provide delightful holiday resorts at affordable rates

so that young and old can share in the natural beauty and charm, of our country with magnificent things to see. (6) A retooled-remigration scheme, geared to encourage young and experienced professionals to return home to contribute to development. This should include second generation Guyanese. (7) A retooled remigration scheme, geared to encourage young and experienced professionals to return home to contribute to development. This should include second generation Guyanese. My position remains unchanged. However, there seem to be some confusion and concern judging from writings and Statements recently. Let me say I have the highest regards for Professor Clive Thomas, Dr. David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis. From time to time, they may disagree with me and I with them. However, these three Guyanese are Patriots of the highest order and we need to listen and digest their opinions.This question of ‘Cash Transfers” is mired in interpretation. The earliest media reports refer to a proposal to give five hundred thousand ($500,000.00) dollars in cash to citizens come and expected oil boom.This is where the (Continued on page 28)

The only constant is change DEAR EDITOR, We had the 2008 financial crisis called the great recession. It was mainly caused by people not being able to pay their mortgage (home debt). Low interest rate was offered to people who would not normally qualify (subprime borrowers). The low interest increased and people could not meet their mortgages. Home prices fell. The entire US financial system went into recession and the rest of the world followed suit. Today, the US consumer and most of the world are drowning in debt. Low interest rate of the world’s central banks and quantitative easing (by other names) are keeping the

global financial system afloat. There is a 60% chance of a recession starting in the United States by the end of 2020 according to a National Association for Business Economics Survey. About every 10 years a global recession has occurred but the central banks of the world have extended the time by low interest rate and by creating liquidity. It will be difficult to deal with the coming recession because interest rates are already low and most countries are heavily indebted. I believe both capitalism and communism are obsolete. Communism was fatally injured in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed.

Capitalism will be fatally injured by the end of 2021 or the next global recession. The fourth industrial revolution requires a modern economic system. The current system is built for the first industrial revolution not the fourth, which will change the world by using artificial intelligence and advance biotechnology. The only constant is change. What capitalist and communist (or socialist) don’t realise is that labour and capital are interdependent; one cannot exist without the other. Artificial intelligence, which is replacing workers, doesn’t value money or human life. Yours truly, Brian E Plummer

A quick clarity is needed from Brother ceremony did so out of respect for our Nigel Dharamlall Amerindian Leaders.” Editor, after reading this DEAR EDITOR, I have read a letter published in the October 10, 2019 edition of another newspaper captioned, “PPP/C consulted in good time with the Toshaos Council Chairman on its planned activity,” and wish to seek a quick clarity. In paragraph eight (8) of the letter, sentence two, Mr. Dharamlall wrote, “The PPP/ C officials who attended the opening

particular sentence a question has arisen in my mind, which of course I wish to seek clarity on. The question is, Am I to conclude, given the language used in the sentence referenced above, that the PPP/C officials who DID NOT attend the opening ceremony did so out of disrespect for our Amerindian Leaders? Yours faithfully, Ganesh Mahipaul

Friday October 11, 2019

A proliferation of unskilled labour From page 4 Next, it is not unreasonable for the category of “Clerical and Office Support” to be included amongst the nonskilled. The following Table displays the extent of their presence in a sample of the aforementioned Ministries. Since in each case the total population is constant, these numbers are not repeated. Table 2 Clerical and Office Support There is no question that we should be concerned about the staple of SemiSkilled Operatives and Unskilled. There does not appear even to have been a conversation between the employers and the Board of Industrial Training, to explore with the respective Technical Institutes how productivity across-the-board could be improved through upgrading of skills. Instead, what has obtained in recent months is a series of disparate specialist developmental events about which any measured impact assessment is scarcely announced.The following Table should speak for itself: But it is across the Regional Administrations that the skills deficiency is quite troubling.The first issue of course has long been about the selection and appointment of the Regional Executive Officer – a position never shown in the Estimates, based on the specious argument that the post is one for political appointment; as if a Permanent Secretary (a post

The general question to be asked, and answered, not later than 2020, by the aforementioned Technical Institutes, is who and what competency is to be applied to conduct the upgrading in the first instance. Is the same methodology to be utilised throughout the Administration, and by which coordinating authority? So far as the Regional Administrations are concerned,

Table 3 Semi-skilled Operatives and Unskilled

registered throughout the Estimates) is not also an obvious political appointment. But the latter has a more immediate reporting relationship that his/her Regional counterpart whose authority/ portfolio (with one or two exceptions) includes: - Administration and Finance - Agriculture - Public Infrastructure Table 4 Non-Skilled Categories

- Education Delivery - Health Service Even Parliamentarians do not appear interested in enquiring of the skills and competencies required to fill these unannounced vacancies, overloading the responsibility these appointees who have to lead and direct the range of non-skilled categories listed in Table 4 following.

despite the minimal reduction in the number of ‘Contracted Employees’, it is still not unreasonable to enquire about the decision-making process which officially discriminates between ‘public service’ and ‘contracted’ employees.Any resolution of the ‘labour’ problem would require more than limited technical competence. There needs to be a substantive appreciation of the

dilemma long before observed by others than the IMF, and a c o m p r e h e n s i v e conceptualisation by thoughtful actors towards the urgent development of a strategy for implementation, albeit in a phased manner.Surely, there must be a commitment to the development of thousands of under-skilled who are glibly described as ‘human resources’. E.B. John


Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019

‘Ramjattan stands firm on 2am curfew The Coalition Government is not looking to scrap the 2am curfew law anytime soon. Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, was on Wednesday questioned on the issue while a guest on The Political Show, hosted by Kaieteur Radio. The issue has been a thorny one with the religious bodies backing the enforcement while partygoers and businesses have asked for the 2am time to be pushed back further. Defending the issue, the Vice President, who is also leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), the smaller of the factions that form the Coalition Government, acknowledged that there will be anger, but he is prepared to endure that for greater good of the country. “In 2015, I decided that we will have the curfew and I want to make it quite clear…it did not just jump out the air. As a matter of fact, Ive walked with the document where the research department of my

ministry made a very quality research on the issue and also tied it up with the fact that indeed alcohol and violence and traffic fatalities…There is a link.” He pointed out that there are laws which bring a halt to drinking in private bars, including hotels, at 12am but these were not being enforced prior to 2015. “All I did was to extend the time for other places apart from hotels, to 2am.” According to the Minister, the law in relation to all bars is 12am. “The licences would tell you that in relation to hotelsPegasus and Marriott and Princess and all of that, they are 2am. Our dance laws are in relation to 2am…You have to close up at 2am.” He said that in 2015, when the Coalition entered office, the decision was taken to make a relaxation but there were calls from religious and womens bodies to enforce. “A lot of people dont appreciate what has been done here,” Ramjattan noted.

Minister Khemraj Ramjattan with host, Senior Reporter/Assistant Editor, Leonard Gildarie during The Political Show on Wednesday. He drew a parallel to the US, where womens movements had complained about their spouses drinking on weekends and month ends. “And in (I have it all here) the 50 states of America from Alaska right down to…Wyoming about 40 of those states have 2am.” Ramjattan insisted that he only decided on it after con-

ducting a major piece of research.“I knew that I was going to get a kickback from the bar owners and those who would want to go on to 4 and 5 o clock in the morning. But there is a negative to it… alcohol and the violence that it creates and the traffic accidents and fatalities sometime that it creates, is a bad thing for our country…the health

Toshaos selected date for opposition reception -Jagdeo “We got a feedback from the NTC that Monday would be available”. These were the words of the opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo as he indicated that the National Toshaos Council told them that Monday would be available for them to attend a meeting/reception at his Church Street Office. Over the past few days issues circulated in the media over the apparent disrespect that occurred during the NTC conference held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal, ECD. One of these issues was the invitations at the conference from members of the Opposition Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) to the visiting Toshaos. According to the invitation the Toshaos were invited to attend a dinner Reception hosted by the leader of the opposition at his Office on Monday evening. However, on this same date President David Granger also issued an invitation for the indigenous leaders to attend a Cocktail reception at State House. Yesterday when Jagdeo addressed the media in his statutory press conference, he claimed that his party did not intentionally issue invitations to sabotage the President’s Cocktail Reception. He said that a letter was written and addressed to the NTC Chair asking to indicate a suitable day and time to meet with the Toshaos.

“I have here a letter addressed to the Chair of the NTC dated Wednesday the 2nd of October… And the letter says in one of its paragraphs, we therefore appreciate if the NTC could suggest to us an appropriate day and time preferably evening for a meeting reception,” stated Jagdeo.He also claimed that the letter was signed Pauline Sukhai, former Member of Parliament. The opposition leader went to say that not only was the party given a feedback that Monday evening would be available, but it also reviewed the conference programme agenda and noted that no activity was planned for Monday.He further added that according to the agenda, the President’s cocktail Reception was slated for Friday. Later yesterday afternoon, Kaieteur News tried to contact the Chairman to clarify the issue but he was unreachable. However, this publication did succeed in speaking with one of the Toshaos who participated in the conference. The Toshao who asked for her identity be left anonymous, related that indeed the President’s reception was scheduled to be held on Friday according to the programme agenda. She also told this newspaper that the opposition members had handed out invitations to her colleagues on Sunday, and due to her being not present at the time the invitation was given to her early

Programme agenda Monday morning. The Toshao further added the she along with her colleagues were handed invitations by members of the ruling government on Monday, around “midday”. The Indigenous leader also said that the invitations given to them by the opposition were addressed with their individual names while the

invitation handed by the current government did not address them individually. To her surprise, she said it was then that she noticed that President’s cocktail reception would be held that same evening instead of the scheduled Friday. A programme agenda was also handed to reporters to clarify her statement.

system, so many other systems.” He said that Government has to provide shelters for women who are battered as a result of abusive conduct from drunken husbands . “All of that takes a toll. And if youre gonna do that and want that, then well fine. But I could not have stood there, and trying to make a difference not then implementing what you know the data was shown you and the research was showing you.” The Minister made it clear that the enforcement of the curfew has worked to help reduce crime. “When you compare the statistics part to that time we started, it was late 2015 I think, early 2016 as against the statistics of those who came to the Brickdam Police Station and so on, it got lower, strikingly lower…” The official was quick to point out that there is no ban on drinking.

“I will not…I will not change that. It would require legal amendments and I dont think in this interim capacity we can do that and in any event in the matter of policy, I would not as Security Minister… want to change that. There have been benefits in relation to that.” He acknowledged that there have been special occasions where a number of bars would ask and even the hosts of barbecue sessions would request extensions…on occasions, these were granted. “But whatever it is you have, that digression as a matter of across-the-board policy, I wouldnt change it. I will get the wrath of the Hindus, Muslims and Christian communities. I will get the wrath also the womens association and so many other associations who see a benefit in ensuring the bars are closed at 2am.” Ramjattan dismissed talks that the matter could realistically cause the Coalition to be hurt in the upcoming general elections. “A lot of time of rightthinking people… are gonna say what madness is this and we should not go for that kind of madness just because a fraction of our population might very feel that I am deterring entertainment or moving in a way that some of the fellows that want late nights and so on are gonna be affected.”He said that citizens appreciate what was being done. “…Well, thats the law…I will implement it. I will enforce it and I dont think there will be a change in policy.”


Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019

PPP mourns the passing of one of WPA cash transfer proposal is Cyril Belgrave “technically unsound”- Opposition Leader The People’s Progressive Party has announced with great sadness the passing of one of its leaders, Cyril Belgrave, C.C.H. Belgrave died yesterday in New York, USA. “The PPP expresses its deepest condolences to the family and relatives of Cyril Belgrave and the members of the PPP family who knew and loved this friendly and humble leader.” Cyril Belgrave was a long standing and loyal member and leader of the Party dating back to the 1950s. Unquestionably a fighter for the working man and woman, as a stevedore he joined the trade union movement and became a well respected trade unionist in the Guyana Labour Union becoming its President in 1984. In the 1960s, during the long strikes engineered to bring down the democraticallyelected PPP government, Belgrave and many stalwarts of the PPP such as Shirley Edwards, Philomena Sahoye-Shury and others, at great sacrifice, guarded the Guyana Power Company and the wharves when they came under threat by the People’s National Congress, the PPP said. “Brave and disciplined, Belgrave remained loyal to the People’s Progressive Party throughout his more than six decades of membership right up to his passing. Ill health led him to live overseas but his heart remained always in Guyana.“Up to his passing, he was anxious to be kept abreast as to what was happening and when elections would be held next year.” Belgrave joined the Pioneer Youth League, the precursor to the Progressive Youth Organisation, in 1955. He joined the PPP and was elected repeatedly to the Central Committee of the party for over 50 years and was a Member of Parliament for over three decades (1976-2006) and a member of several parliamentary committees including the Public Accounts Committee. He also served on the Georgetown City Council from 1970-76. The PPP described him as a patriot who fought for Guyana’s independence and the


Cyril Belgrave restoration of democracy. “In 1992, Cyril Belgrave was given the Cacique’s Crown of Honour, the C.C.H by President Dr. Cheddi Jagan, in recognition of his bravery and commitment to the people of Guyana. At a later time, the party will hold a more fitting tribute to celebrate and honour the life and contributions of Cyril Belgrave, a dedicated Guyanese and leader of the party, the party said.

harrat Jagdeo, Gen eral Secretary of the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP), told the press, yesterday, that the Working People Alliance (WPA) proposal is “technically unsound” or unachievable at this time. He was hosting a press conference in his Church Street Office, Georgetown. Jagdeo explained that oil proceeds are one variable and since the prices fluctuate, any model that entails universal transfer and the basic income approach has to be carefully calibrated. He said that it has to be variable and sustainable in that it should not destroy the rest of the economy. The PPP Leader claimed, “What WPA wants is to go in the communities and say to people vote APNU because if you do this, next year youre going to get US$5000 in every household.” He iterated that the WPA itself said that it is not possible unless 1.5 M barrels of oil are being produced per day. He explained, “And we are going to start produce 120,000 barrels a day, then why make it a hot issue at this time, when we are not able to do this until a another decade from now?” He added that Granger had the “right instinct” to study the matter of cash transfers. Jagdeo questioned where

the money will come from if only US$300M will be received per year. The Opposition Leader stated, “This issue should be discussed, it should be debated.” He added that Clive Thomass proposal is wholly unsustainable at this point in time. He noted, “There is simply no money. [Clive Thomas]s proposal would lead to the distribution of US$1.1B a year and we are only gonna get US$300M for the next few years.” It was reported by Kaieteur News on Monday, that the PPP leader is keeping an “open eye” on the issue of cash transfers. He claimed that any method that would reduce poverty, generate jobs, promote admittance of chil-

dren to school and allow for quality education and healthcare. Jagdeo elaborated, “The US$5000 per household would cost us in excess of US$1.5B, and we were only going to collect, at maximum or so US$300M per year for the first four years. How can you distribute per year, US$1.5B if youre only collecting US$300M? That three times more that the amount you collect.” On October 2, Dr. Karen Cummings, Minister of Foreign Affairs, highlighted that the Coalition Government prefers to invest in the education sector. Therefore, it is not considering the placement of proceeds from oil into the hands of Guyanese.

GuySuCo refutes 35% Production Shortfall The Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc. (GuySuCo) has taken note of the joint press statement released by the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) and National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE) regarding the Corporation’s alleged 35% production shortfall for the second Crop 2019. In a press statement, the Corporation expressed disappointment that the Unions did not take the time to “apprise themselves of the real situation regarding the production status at the material time and the circumstances.” GuySuCo denies that the second crop production at the time of the joint statement by the Unions was 35% below projections, the statement said. “In fact, the actual production deficit at the time was 23% of the revised production

schedule and that deficit was due primarily to the late start of the crop. “Given the extended rainy season which continued uncharacteristically into August, the second crop which was initially projected to commence in the last week of July, was pushed back into the third week of August, thereby necessitating a revised production schedule.” In addition to the late start, GuySuCo said, there were problems with factory equipment on all locations. This further compounded the situation. Most of those factory issues have since been resolved, while the others are being addressed, it added. GuySuCo said that despite the setbacks, the Corporation is confident that the production targets for the second crop would be achieved once favourable conditions prevail and the canes are harvested.


ight years ago, a business in Robb Street had some of its stock seized for reportedly encumbering the pavements. The seizure was allegedly made by the local municipality and it upset the owners of the business who felt that they were being unfairly treated. Many store owners in Guyana have been forced to extend this display out onto the pavements. This is because unless they occupy the space outside of their stories, these spots are going to be invaded by vendors who pay no taxes, have no overheads and are able to get away with squatting in front of legitimate businesses. As such, many store owners have been forced to take action so as to prevent vendors from occupying the space in front of their stores. If the City Council is therefore serious about continuing to remove encumbrances on the pavement, it first needs to deal with the problem of pavement vending. All illegal vending should be stopped and the pavements should be kept clear of all vendors. But the Council will find it very hard, for reasons it knows best, to keep


Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019

the pavement clear. In fact, despite a few years of restoring Regent Street to sanity by removing the tent cities that had mushroomed, there was a return to pavement vending and also new forms of vending are being tacitly allowed right under the noses of City Hall. The former PPPC government had tried to assist in dealing with this problem by the compulsory acquisition of a large plot of valuable real estate to relocate pavement vendors. There is now a beautiful and orderly vendors’ mall on Water Street. But just how many of those who run the stalls there were the original pavement vendors? How many of the original vendors are still there? This newspaper should do a survey. Find out the names of those originally identified for plots in the vendors’ mall and ascertain who are the present occupiers of those stalls. It would be an interesting piece of research. Never before has any government spent the money that Central Government spent on vendors. And still the problem with pavement vending persists. In fact, those vendors who occupy that new vendors’ mall, as well as the old

Vendors’ Arcade are being affected by the expansion of new pavement vending on Water Street itself. So instead of assisting those vending in the arcades and malls established specifically for original pavement vendors, these persons on whom hundreds of millions of dollars has been spent are being shortchanged by the fact that pavement vending is expanding in many parts of the city, including in near proximity to the arcades and malls. The City Council by now ought to have recognised that some of these persons who are occupying huge stalls on the pavements on Water Street are not individuals without means. Many of them have stocks to the tune of millions of dollars. There are persons selling out of million dollar vehicles alongside the side of the road. So it is no longer just a problem of poor persons who need to make a living. If the City Council wants to address encumbrances, it has to address this comprehensively. It has to deal with all those who encumber the pavements, reserves and parapets. It cannot simply move along against the business people who are being

disadvantaged because of the practice of pavement vending.Given, however, what has become of the city of Georgetown; given the confusion and disorder that exists over vending, and the amount of money that has been already spent by the government on addressing this problem and the length of time that this problem has been existing, it is highly unlikely that there is going to be any meaningful change to what is taking place so long. Hopefully, areas are going to be set aside in the newly created towns specifically for established commercial activ-

ity and these eyesores of ramshackle stalls are going to be a thing of the past. Hopefully, zoning and proper management will exist and will allow for new towns to emerge. This will be the end of Georgetown and justifiably so, because right now, it is a disgrace as a capital city. You can hardly walk freely on the pavements these days, and instead of keeping these clear of illegal pavement vending, City Hall is going after existing businesses who are merely trying to secure themselves against unfair competition.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)


Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019


Granger’s winner-take-all record In Linden last Saturday, President Granger made an announcement that your semantic description of it depends on your political outlook. If you are anti-government, then the adjective will be a harsh one. Those who study politics will prefer to refrain from excessive labeling and substitute academic language. For the purpose of this assessment here, I would use the word “record” in evaluating the President’s presentation. The announcement was that his government because it is a coalition, first because of the nature of the APNU make-up, then APNU’s platform with the AFC, was from the beginning of its rise to power, a formation that rejected winner-take-all politics. If the APNU+AFC government is not a winner-takeall regime then Georgetown is not the capital of Guyana, the Essequibo River is in Barbados, and Chris Gayle plays for the Amazon Warriors. It cannot get more bizarre than that. Let us examine the record of the Granger presidency, which according to the President himself is not practising the game of winnertake-all political economy. The narrowest victory in a general election since selfgovernment in 1950 is the results of the May 2015 poll. So close it was that it was a one percent split in favour of the APNU+AFC that made the

difference. In other words, the APNU+AFC did not go get over the 50 percent mark by one percent making the result 51 versus 49. APNU+AFC got 50.6 percent. We should mention, too, that in the ten regional parliamentary seats, APNU+AFC won Region Eight by a single vote. The difference in the May 2015 results between APNU+AFC and the PPP was extremely narrow. If any government with such a thin hold on power needed to have a canopy of support from outside its womb, it was the APNU+AFC government. But winner-take all games began to play out from the beginning. Here is the record of the Granger presidency that not only glaringly contradicts his Linden statement but raises the question if it was not an electioneering presentation. First, in Mr. Granger’s multi-party formation, APNU, the WPA made formidable accusations against ANPU’s leadership. The WPA using pellucid language adumbrated a case of lack of democratic consultation within APNU’s structure, charging that the WPA was never consulted. This situation was exacerbated by the Roopnaraine imbroglio. WPA issued a press release claiming that it did not select its Cabinet member and that such a member, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine was ap-

pointed without consulting the WPA. The press statement came about because the WPA argued that Roopnarane was removed from the Education Ministry without the WPA’s consent. The theatre of the absurd took place when Roopnaraine resigned from Government then cancelled the resignation with the WPA screaming that it knew nothing about Roopnaraine’s decision and the change of mind. Four years after achieving power, the WPA still makes the pronouncement that it is not being brought into the decision-making machinery of government. Secondly, the AFC held a retreat in 2017 at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, which ended in a formal declaration that the Ministry of the Presidency has too many jurisdictions and it wants a formal reduction of the vast array of power assigned to Minister Harmon. It elicited no changes in Harmon’s outlay from President Granger. The third example involves the Chronicle. Two iconic Guyanese, David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis, not known for any political association with the parliamentary opposition party were removed as columnists, no doubt because of criticism of some of the government’s directions.

This contradiction obviously motivates one to ask the question – if you cannot tolerate your own, why would you reach out to the other side, meaning the opposition? Fourthly, the teachers’ union not known for any association with the opposition party before and after Independence took industrial action because of breakdown of talks and rejected being coerced to accept an arbitration Chairman that was selected by the government itself. Fifthly, the unions at the university began an attitude of confrontation over the policies and attitude of the UG Vice Chancellor. The situation

didn’t appear to have a mediating hand of the government. Finally, here is the biggest example that contradicts Granger’s position that his government does not practice winner-takes all politics. The most outstanding inclusive institution in Guyana whereby government and opposition meet each other half way was abandoned by David Granger. The Carter formula was accepted by the five PPP presidents since 1992. Mr. Granger rejected the Carter formula and appointed his own Chairman of GECOM. The AFC said it agreed with the president’s decision but

Frederick Kissoon it was not consulted in the choice of Justice Patterson. Since 2015, the winner is taking all. (The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)


People still got things to hide Is a long time now people who got big government office got to declare dem assets. And dis mek sense because some people tek de wuk wid little or nutten. After couple morning, dem rich like Bill Gates. And everybody know dat de pay dem getting couldn’t mek dem so rich. People see how Jagdeo get rich; dem see how de odda one build a beachfront house wid pool house; dem see others who get so much land dat dem could set up housing estates pon land dat was once government land. Dat is why dem have de Integrity Commission. By law, all senior government officials must declare dem assets every year. If you fail to do, you can go to jail. But fuh years people refuse to declare dem assets and de people who controlling de commission was afraid to do anything.Dis year de commission decide dat it gon publish de names of everybody who didn’t submit. Soulja Bai name get call. Dem boys seh he declare he assets. Since he do it, nuff of he Ministers had to do de same. Now dem boys want to tek dis transparency more far. Dem want de commission to mek de decla-

ration public.In short, de public must know wha dem leaders got. And if dem got a wife, she got to declare she assets too; not de kind some people thinking bout. Dat is because de husband can hustle property and put it in he wife name.Dem boys seh remember when Jagdeo did tell reporters dat he wasn’t in favour of mekking he declarations public. But he get like dem li’l boys who does play show and tell—if you show me you own, me gon show you me own. Is only a thief gon refuse to declare he assets to de public. He know people gon ask questions and people gon recognize de thiefing property. Dat is why Soulja Bai promise transparency. And even he people trying to avoid disclosing anything. Dem boys want to see de new airport contract. Soulja Bai seh he people must release it. Dem boys ask Patto, Li’l Joe, Ram Jattan, and Cathy. All of dem promise to talk to de same Patto. To dis day de contract can’t see de light of day. Talk half and watch public officials duck and hide.

Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News



Kaieteur News

More community policing group recommended for Essequibo Over the past few months, there has been a drastic increase in burglary and armed robberies on the Essequibo Coast. Some have been reported to the police. This increase has driven fear into quite a number of Essequibians; some of whom said that they are now keeping watch at night, instead of being asleep. Some of the recent victims indicated to this publication that the police need to be more proactive in their fight against crime. ‘G’ Division includes the Essequibo Coast, the Pomeroon, and the Essequibo Islands. With limited resources, covering these areas can be challenging. During a recent interview with senior Superintendent Crystal Robinson, however, it

was revealed that residents can play their part in the fight against crime, by forming more Community Policing Groups [CPG]. According to a senior police source, there a number of ‘crime hotspots’ on the Essequibo Coast. The police indicated that these hotspots are often monitored for criminal activities. “There are foot patrols and vehicles and motorcycles and ATV… Patrols are done in Charity and Suddie. All vehicles that were assigned to their subdivisions are in use and there is sufficient patrol throughout the coast. “The Marine patrol covers the Pomeroon district all the way to Karawab,” said Commander Robinson. The commander highlighted the importance of

Community Policing, since community members are often familiar with known perpetrators.Instead of being vigilantes and taking matters into their own hands, the Commander explained that members of the policing group are eyes and ears in their respective communities. This publication understands that there are 16 community policing groups within the Division, all of which are operational. The police pointed out that with the coming Regional and National elections, there will be an even greater need for safety and security. Chairman of the National Community Policing group, Mr. Gobin said that the mere presence of the police within various communities can help in minimising criminal activities.

Friday October 11, 2019

Trotman vows to look into case of 87-year-old displaced by miner Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman, has committed to ensuring Mamai Lucille Williams, an 87year-old resident of Karisparu, Region Eight is compensated after she was displaced by a miner who wanted to mine on her land. The issue was raised by Toshao of Chenapou and Executive member of the National Toshaos Council (NTC), Edward Mc Garrell, at the 13th annual NTC conference on Monday. He explained that Williams was forced to leave her home on land she has lived on for over 70 years. The miner had erected a camp for the pensioner which was deemed to be not habitable and unsafe.Minister Trotman explained that he was aware of the issue and assured that the issue will be resolved. However, to ensure that the elderly woman is well compensated and placed in a comfortable environment, Minister Trotman declared:”I

Displaced: Mamai Lucille Williams am going to personally visit later this month to see what is happening with her condition and to see that the issue is resolved.”The Natural Resources Minister

added that the Ministry, along with the Guyana Geology, is prepared to offer assistance. “I insist that Williams must be treated with dignity,” Minister Trotman stressed.

Wanted: Lennox Roberts Lennox Roberts, 19, is wanted by the police for questioning in relation to the murder of David Gentle on September 2, last, at Haslington, E.C.D. Anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of Lennox Roberts is asked to contact the police on telephone numbers 229-2750, 2266978, 225-8196, 226-2870, 226-7065, 227-1149, 2267065, 911 or the nearest police station. All information will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Friday October 11, 2019


Kaieteur News

GPHC’s medical personnel being trained to improve attitude As of tomorrow all doctors and senior staff at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) will be undergoing training in the field of Customer Service and office ethics. This was iterated at the launch of the ‘Trainer of Trainers’ programme which is scheduled to last for six weeks. It was held in the compound of GPHC yesterday around 12:30hrs. Speaking at the event were GPHC, Director of Human Resources, Ms. Rohmena Chung; and GPHC, Manager for Training and Development, Ms. Abiola Ann James. Ms. Chung stated that over the years, the city hospital has spent millions of dollars, in the area of training staff at the medical facility to ensure that their behaviour pattern towards others is acceptable and within the hospital guidelines. “Every time you open a newspaper or if you go on any social media sites, there is never anything positive about the hospital. It is not to say that nothing positive has happened here...because

Persons at the launch here at the hospital a lot of good things have happened. Many lives have been saved. “But obviously people are not concerned about those things…people are con-

cerned about which doctor was rude, which nurse had a cuss out and all the negative stuff at the hospital.” She further stated that because of the amount of

$19M upgrade for National Cultural Centre

The Ministry of Presidency in collaboration with the Department of Social Cohesion, Culture, Youth and Sport has embarked on a massive project with aimed of upgrading several areas at the National Cultural Centre. The most recent upgrade to the facility is the installation of a brand new, state-of-the-art sound system that cost a whopping a $19M. The first phase of the project commenced recently at a cost of $7M. This saw the installation of new stage

monitors, a new Public Address (PA) System for the theatre, as well as new amplifiers and line array speakers. According to reports, the recent upgrades to the NCC sound system are part of the multibillion-dollar effort to comprehensively upgrade the facility. Thus, bringing it up to date with similar facilities across the region and internationally. The additional upgrades to the NCC’s include rewiring of the facility, the purchase of new curtains, the installation

of a modern lighting system and repairs to the NCC’s roof. More significant, are the efforts to replace all the old chairs in the NCC’s theatre, with brand new ones. The NCC, which opened on May 16, 1976, is Guyana’s premier location for cultural and theatrical entertainment. The a u d i t o rium for cultural activities seats approximately 2,000 people; its stage is 48 feet (15 m) deep with an orchestra pit, and has a 72foot (22 m) wide and 20-foot (6.1 m) high opening.

negativity coming out of the hospital, the GPHC has taken a different approach when it comes to the training of staff. “For 2018, over 400 employees at the GPHC have received training in Customer Service… but what we are doing now is extending that same training programme to doctors and all senior staff at the hospital. We have been training staff over and over but it’s not like we are not seeing results…but as a medical entity we need more impactful results,” she further stated.

GPHC, Manager for Training and Development, Ms. Abiola Ann James stated that the ‘Training of Trainers’ project is one that has been on the table since 2016 and in relation to the old saying ‘better late than never.’ “As a senior staff of this hospital this course is designed to equip us with the necessary skills and knowledge so that we will be able to train, mould, coach and mentor staff under our care. In the past the GPHC sent staff to participate in Officer

Ethics training, however we did not receive impactful results from those staff. After the six-week programme, the doctors and senior staff will be given the responsibility to transfer the knowledge gained to all employees working under their watch. For the employees, after receiving the training an impact assessment will be conducted to ensure that the employees are actually using the knowledge and skill gained in the work environment.


Economic downturn led to introduction of UG tuition feessays Jagdeo Current students of the University of Guyana (UG), and those who have already graduated, have consistently lamented over the issue of the imposed tuition fees. Although they have grown accustomed to the 35 percent hike in tuition fees that were implemented in 2017, the students at UG are frustrated over the increases in the institutions administration. With increases ranging from 20 to 100 percent, students had to now pay increases for over 28 different Administrative / Services Fees. And with every passing day at the university, according to students, it seems to become a burden for them in the financial aspect. The Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Article 149H, addresses the right to education (10 of 2003). It explicitly stated that, “Every citizen has the right to free education from nursery to university as well as at nonformal institutions where opportunities are provided for education and training.” University education was free from 1976 up until 1995. H o w e v e r, L e a d e r o f the Peoples Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), Bharrat Jagdeo, revealed that an economic and financial downturn in the 1980s resulted in then PPP/C government to impose the introduction of tuition fees at the uni-

Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News

Guyanese among 500 picked up by ICE in last five days

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo versity. Jagdeo stated during his weekly Thursday press briefing, “There was a time in the 1980s when Burnham said free education, and then the e c o n o mic circumstances changed and then from the Hoyte era upwards, you started not having enough resources.” He recalled a period when Guyana was declared an “uncreditworthy” state to borrow monies, and some 153% of revenue was redirected to service debts. “When a country does that, how do you have to invest in education?” he questioned at his Church Street office. Jagdeo furthe r e x plained that many of the economic circumstances of the country were underpinned in the res o u r c e s o f t he 1970s, when the prices of bauxite,

sugar prices were high and profits were being gained. “They built programmes on high prices that never lasted, and then the debts started accumulating. At a certain stage, the debt was over 900% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and they couldnt pay the debt. “Thats when most things slid; we had triple digit inflation. It was just $3000- odd when the exchange rate was $120something for one,” the Opposition Leader explained. Jagdeo goes on to relate that the country cannot “divorce” where we are today from our economic history. “Often you track the economic history of the country and then you will see how it impacted on various policies. As we started paying off the debt, we started expanding nowthe cash g r a n t s t o s c h o o l kids, etc.”

U S (Amsterdamnews.com)While many have been distracted by the whistleblowers complaint; Donald Trumps foot in mouth disease over that Ukraine call; the Democratic Congress push for an impeachment inquiry and all the latest drama in this bad soap opera we are trapped in, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has been quietly and wildly ramping up its enforcement actions. No more announcements of those so-called raids to alert activists and communities. Its been a silent assault. In a five-day targeted enforcement action that wrapped up on Sept. 25, U.S. ICE said it nabbed a total of 497 immigrants in 10 states, most “driven by leads developed by the local field

office in conjunction with the Pacific Enforcement Response Center and the National Criminal Alien Targeting Center.” The majority were ICED in New York, the Hudson Valley and Long Islanda whopping 82; while in Boston, another 80 were arrested, bringing the total in those two states alone to 162. In New York, those arrested included nationals from Algeria, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ghana, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Spain and Ukraine. In Boston, the arrestees included nationals from Brazil, Colombia, Cape Verde, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Moldova,

Peru, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Uganda, the United Kingdom and Uruguay. ICE operations were also conducted in North, South and Central Texas and Oklahoma as well as Michigan and Ohio, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Colorado and Wyoming. In New Jersey, 54 immigrants were arrested, while 94 immigrants were nabbed in North Texas and Oklahoma. In Michigan and Ohio, 46 were arrested, while in Philadelphia, 45 were nabbed along with another 42 in Colorado and Wyoming. In those eight states, there were nationals from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, India, Nicaragua, Senegal, Cameroon, Iraq, the United Kingdom, South Korea, (Continued on page 26)

Friday October 11, 2019


Kaieteur News

Ecstasy invade West Demerara By Alex Wayne Even as ‘D’ Division Police are readying to clean up the area of criminal elements (that increase at Christmas time), they are even faced with a bigger dilemma that is reportedly invading the West Demerara District. Yesterday, police sources said they are preparing a ‘Clean Up for Christmas’ exercise to rid the Westside of criminal elements that normally increase during the Christmas holidays. Police will now have to concentrate on hunting and breaking up a ‘peddling network’ that is trading the synthetic drugs, ‘Ecstasy’ and Molly’ in significant quantities to youths in the villages of La Parfaite Harmonie, Onderneeming, Schoonard, and other areas. One source indicated that the drugs are being peddled from Cayenne (French Guiana) in large amounts and is distributed to heads of peddling gangs on the Westside, who further gave it to runners who are trading it to youths in several communities. Things are even worse in that some of the peddlers are connected to students in some West Demerara schools. These are used as ‘contacts’ to introduce the drugs to innocent students. Ye s t e r d a y, v i l l a g e r s f r o m t h e We s t s i d e w h o wished to remain anonymous said that youths are using the two popular drugs in view of the public. Peddlers have been operating quite brazenly in the open at shops, street corners and nightclubs on the Westside. Some told harrowing

tales of young girls been given the drugs and taken advantage of by scores of men. One woman related a recent incident of six boys giving the Molly pill to a teenage girls from La Parfaite Harmonie and taking turns performing all forms of sex acts with her in an abandoned shop. Police are more so concerned since they have received reports that the ‘Molly’ when ingested, removes all forms of inhibitions, and allows individuals to carry out with ferocity practically anything their minds conjure. This, they said, may be a direct contributor to several crimes and even heinous illegal activities. La Parfaite Harmonie, West Demerara Police Station is beefing up its personnel in readiness for any possible mishap. The police said that they will be soon having an additional six vehicles to enhance and regularise vehicular patrols, and also expects an additional sixteen new police officers to initiate the ‘Clean Up for Christmas ‘exercise. What Is Molly? This chemical was developed in the early 1900s, but it did not become popular until the 1970s, when psychiatrists began using the drug as an aid in therapy, as they believed it helped patients’ com m u n i c a t i o n a n d i n sight. By the late 1980s, the drug had made its way into pop culture due to its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects. In fact, MDMA was a legal substance until

1985, when the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) moved the substance to Schedule I, which means it is illegal and has no legitimate medical uses. By itself, MDMA has properties that are similar to both stimulants and hallucinogens; it may increase a person’s energy, happiness, and trust. The drug can also distort a person’s sense of time or sensory perceptions, like visual, tactile, or auditory stimulation. Although the base chemical for both ecstasy and Molly is allegedly the same, the drugs have some differences. The primarily difference is that the term Molly, short for “molecular,” was a rebranding of Ecstasy introduced in the 2000s, after Ecstasy developed a poor reputation of impurity. There are additional differences between the two substances, detailed below. Drugs and partying are closely associated in popular culture. Cocktail parties fueled by alcohol and cigarettes, the “Summer of Love” in the 1960s powered by LSD, and raves or underground electronic music parties, which are associated closely with a wide range of synthetic drugs referred to as “club drugs.” Some of the most famous types of these club drugs a r e E c s t a s y a n d M o l l y, which can cause a host of dangerous health consequences. When people refer to either ecstasy or Molly, they are referring to essentially the same chemical: MDMA, or 3 or 4methylenedioxymethamphetamine.

Molly and Ecstasy have invaded the West Side


Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News

Department of Youth Empowerment Unit concludes 13th Youth Leadership Training Programme

Youths that participated at the 13th Youth Leadership Training The Department of YouthYouth Empowerment Unit recently concluded its 13th Youth Leadership Training Programme as the Unit continues to deliver on its mandate to provide empowerment opportunities for the nations youth. The training which was conducted at the Madewini Training Centre located on the Linden Highway, targets youth leaders and those with leadership potential across the ten Administrative Regions of

Guyana. The Unit executes a number of programmes and has collaborated with facilitators from various organisations to ensure that the training provided is relevant and beneficiaries of the respective programmes could receive the requisite skills and knowledge needed to enable them to become better leaders and change agents. The skills taught over a period spanning two weekends, commenced, Friday

September 27 to Sunday, September 29 and concluded on the weekend of Friday, October 4 to Sunday, October 6, 2019. The Youth Leadership Training empowers youth to develop soft skills in leadership through the use of practice and theory, job market readiness and creating youth organisations among others. The culmination of the programme saw 64 youth people from various regions across the country graduat-

ing with skills to not only contribute to their personal development but to that of their respective communities. As part of the programme, the Unit conducted a Mock Youth Parliament session, which provided the opportunity for participants to express their views and possible solutions on the topic of youth unemployment. In her address to the graduating class, Director of Youth (ag.), Ms. Leslyn BoyceGarraway congratulated and encouraged the stu-

dents to exude excellence by being the best they can be in their respective fields, “This means that you must practice what you learned and keep yourself abreast with any new developments in your area of competence,” she said. The Director of Youth (ag.) also urged the graduating class to use their skills to contribute to the development of their respective communities. “You are now in a very strong position to make a difference in the communities

from which you came. I encourage you to transfer the knowledge and skills which you have acquired to help develop your families and communities, and the country will benefit as a result,” said Ms. Boyce-Garraway. Recipients of the spec i a l p r i z e s w e r e M r. Nayman Gill and Ms. Deondra Wishart who received prizes for Leadership Best Exemplified and most outstanding personalities went to Mr. Rawle Major and Ms. Delicia George

Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News


Kaieteur News


Friday October 11, 2019

Thieves hammer way into Natural Resources updates Toshaos on work “The Grill” at YMCA building


epresentatives of the Ministry of N a t u r a l Resources and its Agencies; Guyana Forestry Commission, Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, Guyana Gold B o a r d o n We d n e s d a y participated in the National Toshaos Conference at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre. According to the Ministry, the participation served as a means to present on Government initiatives, interact with, and answer questions and address matters of concern of the village representatives and Toshaos. Ministry representatives of the Forest Partnership Facility Project, Clayton Hall,` Project Coordinator, and Michelle Astwood, Project Assistant, made initial presentations on the work the project had done so far. “The presentation focused on the immense progress that the Inter-American Development Bank funded

project which aims at sustainable forest management has made. Particularly, the presentation highlighted the partnership with Indigenous Peoples in fulfilling the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) initiative. The project's assistance in funding some operations of the National Toshaos Council was also highlighted.” According to the Ministry, also making presentations was the Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman, who outlined the Ministry's g o a l s , s e c t o r accomplishments, along with completed projects to better the lives of persons residing in the hinterland. “ M i n i s t e r Tr o t m a n outlined projects regarding water management, roads, environmental management and youth. He further highlighted the partnerships with the NTC through the

signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to better allow both parties to complete their objectives and mutually benefit. “The Minister noted the Ministry's aim and commitment towards sustainable management development of the Natural Resources Sector to the benefit of all Guyanese.” On completion of presentations, village representatives and Toshaos were allowed to ask questions, all of which were addressed by the Minister, Commissioner of the GGMC Mr. Newell Dennison, and Deputy Commissioner of Forests, Mr. Gavin Agard. The Ministry said it is pleased to have been able to present and interact with the attendees. “The Ministry maintains its commitment towards the Indigenous Peoples and will ensure all matters that may be raised during the conference's remainder, will be addressed.”

- cart off chicken and beverages


hieves have for two consecutive nights drilled their way through the walls of the YMCA building located at Thomas Lands, Georgetown, and stealing a quantity of articles. According to reports, on Tuesday night thieves hammered their way through a concrete wall located at back of the building which is the kitchen area that is utilised by a restaurant and bar known as “The Grill”. The thieves entered the building, cut the alarm cable and carted off two buckets of raw chicken and cases of beverages including soft drinks, beers, juices and rum. The matter was reported to the Eve Leary Police Station; the wall was repaired, the alarm system reconnected and more cases of beverages were bought to replace the stolen ones. However, last night the thieves attacked again hammering through the newly repaired wall and hammered through the wall of the storage bond as well. Once again, they entered and this time they completely dismantled the alarm system and stole all the beverages that were bought. As Kaieteur News visited the scene, it was noted that one of the thieves might have been injured since drops of blood was traced from the chair used to

Point of entry gain entrance to a nearby standpipe. Staff members surmised that the thief or thieves may have had some inside knowledge of the business operations. Their reasons were due to the fact that the perpetrators knew that the CCTV cameras were not functioning at the time, the location of the alarm system, knowledge of when the owner of the business “would bring stocks” and also the computers were intact and a music player was left alone. In terms of the music player the staff was of the

view that the “thieves knew that it was not functioning.” This newspaper also learnt that the perpetrators made good their escape though a track behind the YMCA building. According to one staff member, two cases of beverages were also found left behind in the said track. The owner of the business told Kaieteur News that he was unable to disclose the value of his losses. However, he said “this has been the fifth time this year that I have been robbed of the same items and a few equipments.”

Overseas-based Guyanese promoting cancer awareness


n overseas-based Guyanese who resides and works in Florida, USA, has embarked on promoting cancer awareness in the Belladrum community and environs, West Berbice. The effort would be launched tomorrow with a Cancer Awareness Forum in the form of a rally which would see participants marching from Plantation Profit, just off the Abary Bridge, and proceeding in a westerly direction to Belladrum. They will assemble in Belladrum Primary School Compound to be addressed by the Regional Health Officer, as well as personnel attached to the Cancer Institute in Georgetown. Registration begins at 8:00 hours at the start point in Profit after

which the march would be on the way. Corliss Saul-Reynolds, who hails from Belladrum, West Coast Berbice, is currently employed in the finance industry in the United States of America. In an invited comment, Corliss said she has been pushed to promote cancer awareness because she has lost so far, three relatives to cancer; two of them in the early 30's when they succumbed. Additionally, through interaction with people during her many trips to Guyana she has become aware that many people seem not to have a reasonable awareness of cancer and how lives can be changed forever through such impact. Corliss said that having recognised the need in the

society in general, she felt the need to do whatever she can to bring about awareness, changing the life of people for better. She has since got help from friends through donations in some cases. She is now hoping to reach a wide cross section of the community through the programme planned, and she is hopeful that the effort would grow over time so that more people be reached. Through the awareness it is hoped that more people would be able to see the need to make adjustments where necessary through the knowledge that lifestyle does matter in relation to cancer. Further, the society needs to be aware that regular screening and early detection greatly increase the chances of people surviving cancer.

Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News


Kaieteur News


A peculiar place to be:


number of children attending a private school at Golden Fleece, WCB miraculously escaped injuries on Tuesday while on their way home. The accident occurred at Experiment Public

Road, WCB. Based on reports from eyewitnesses, the driver of the bus transporting the children had to take evasive action after a silver grey minibus forced him off the road. (RDC Region 5 photo)

Friday October 11, 2019

Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News



Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News


Friday October 11, 2019

Atasha Pantlitz




wins inaugural Miss Skeldon Heritage Resort pageant


Miss Skeldon Heritage Resort Queen, Atasha Pantlitz

Is Netflix's controversial Tall Girl worth your time? By Ian Sandwell


n online backlash against a trailer – before anyone has seen the movie – is nothing new in this day and age. But it's quite possible that there's never been such a backlash against a movie as inoffensive as Tall Girl. Netflix's latest teen rom-com angered some people who thought it highlighted a lack of representation in movies, with its central premise about the 'tall discrimination' of a white girl hardly seeming like the biggest problem in the world right now. Following the backlash, Tall Girl's director Nzingha Stewart responded by saying that "if it's not offending you, let it live", adding: "A movie doesn't have to be about you or for you to be of artistic value in the world." And really, in the end, Tall Girl is actually about everybody. Sure, its main character Jodi (Ava Michelle) is the titular tall girl who struggles to fit in at high school because people make fun of her height. As a result, she doesn't play piano anymore because "when you're good at something, people want to watch you do it", and she generally hides herself away at school. The overall message that Tall Girl wants to make is that at one point in our lives (especially during school), we've all struggled to fit in or have something about ourselves that we struggle to accept. It's highlighted in the movie by the various supporting characters. Jodi's beauty pageant-winning sister Harper (Sabrina Carpenter) struggles with her weight and has allergies. Handsome foreign-exchange student Stig (Luke Eisner) feels like a nerd back in Sweden surrounded by "super good-looking, super popular tall guys". You get the drift. Much like you will with the rest of Tall Girl, as you've definitely seen a teen rom-com like it before. Jodi has awkward but quirky parents (Steve Zahn and Angela Kinsey) who don't know how to deal with her problems, while her best male friend Jack (Griffin Gluck) has an unrequited crush on her. There's an impromptu musical performance, highschool abbreviations (UBC – ugly by comparison, for example) and a standardissue mean girl (Clara Wilsey). Naturally, it all culminates at a homecoming where truths are shared and

public declarations are made, all in time for one final first kiss and a closing voiceover that overstates the movie's message. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Not every Netflix Original needs to be an Oscar contender. Tall Girl is very much in the mould of an All the Boys I've Loved Before, and although it's not as good as that movie, it still does the job for anyone looking for an entertaining romcom to pass a couple of hours. If you were worried after the trailer, the odd camera angles to emphasise Jodi's height are kept to a minimum, as are the tall jokes after the first 10 minutes or so. The fact that Jodi is tall is mostly used for fun observations and she could be any other rom-com lead. Like with All the Boys I've Loved Before, it helps that the cast are all likeable, with dancer and model Ava Michelle impressing in her first major leading role as Jodi. However, the movie's stand-out is Sabrina Carpenter as her sister Harper, delivering the best jokes and stealing every scene she's in. Yes, you'll have seen a movie like Tall Girl before and yes, you'll probably forget it before the credits finish. You'll probably already know that before you press play though – and it certainly isn't something to get outraged over.

Wine of the



fter some three hours of intense competition and sizzling entertainment, 19 year-old Atasha Pantlitz walked away with the inaugural crown of the 2019 Miss Skeldon Heritage Resort pageant. The pageant which was held at the Skeldon Heritage Resort saw a large turnout of persons who came to witness eight ladies vying for the title. The pageant got off to a late start due to technical reasons but patrons were entertained and treated to a high standard of modelling by the young ladies who ranged between the ages of 14 and 23 years old.

Zolo Rosé:

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Management at the Wine Vault has selected the Zolo Rosé as the wine of the week. This selection features fresh and juicy flavours of strawberries, cherries, and rosewater. It is a blend of red varietals from the signature Mendoza vineyards in the foothills of the Andes. Zolo is one of the most technologically advanced wineries in Argentina. Zolo selects grapes from estate vineyards in Agrelo and Alto Agrelo, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza. Located at various altitudes, each of these terroirs provides a different expression of fruit and varietal concentration. The winemakers are Fabian Valenzuela and Jean Claude Berrouet (former Petrus winemaker), the vineyard manager is Carlos Correas, and the President

A taste of berry-heaven

and owner is Patricia Ortiz. The purpose of the winery's Zolo classic line is to create a family of fruit-forward, great value wines, which can be enjoyed with a wide range of food or by themselves. The Zolo Reserves and Zolo Blacks, with their ultra-high concentration, long ageing in new French oak, and aromatic complexity are made for those special occasions when one needs a wine to "blow your hat off." Furthermore, Zolo has been a leading Argentine brand since 2004, and is estategrown and sustainably-farmed. This masterpiece can be found at the Wine Vault located at the Marriott Hotel. It is being sold for $6600 VAT inclusive. You can also find it at the Hibiscus Restaurant, Nice Restaurant and Bar, Palm Court and other leading hotels and bars.


The eight contestants showcased their exquisiteness as they all competed fiercely in an effort to have the distinction of winning the crown for the first time. The event was hosted by popular personality Linden Murray who is also the coordinator of the pageant along with Heart of Heart Founder and 2020 Miss Guyana World Delegate, Jamacia Mc Almount. The eight young ladies competed in categories such as Intelligence, Talent, Resort Wear and Evening wear. The ladies all gave a good account of themselves in the respective categories but it was Pantlitz who had the edge over the other delegates when it came to the question and answer segment. The queen took home $200,000.00, a weekend for two at the Watooka Guest House, a gift basket, one year free entry to activities and events taking place at the resort along with a one year marketing contract with the resort where she will be their spokesperson and facial image. The first runner up took home $100,000.00, while second runner up received $75,000.00. The third runner up earned herself $50,000.00. The runner ups also each received a gift basket, one year free entry to activities and events taking place at the resort, a weekend stay for two at the Berbice Inn Hotel, among other prizes. The best talent award was won by 1st runner up Natoya Rawlins, while the queen won the best evening gown award. Additionally, all the contestants taking part received a gift basket compliments of Ansa Mc Al Limited. The competition was sponsored in part by NICIL and Ansa McAl as well.


Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019

5th Annual Westside Jamboree set for Sunday November 3 at Uitvlugt Community Ground


ountry Boy promotion with support from OILERS ENTERTAINMENT EVENTS HANDING will on Sunday November 3, host the 5th Annual Westside Jamboree at the Uitvlugt Community Center ground, under the theme HEALTH IS WEALTH (I will care for you) The event will commence with the first ever WESTSIDE PINKTOBER WALK, ride or drive in support of Cancer awareness on the west side from 7:00 am. From 12 noon the Jamboree sports will commence with a big cricket tournament and a domino competition. At 4pm it’s our most wanted money football

tournament. All teams are invited. Persons, groups, organisations and companies desirous of supporting this


he Guyana Where & What publication was first published in 2006 for the World Cup Cricket. Since then, it has continued its publication on an annual basis with the 12th edition now on the market. It is a very handy guide book containing materials of interest for the average tourist. It can be conveniently carried around as one traverses the length and breadth of Guyana, sightseeing. Visitors and Guyanese have all found it as very educational and informative. A few schools also use it as a reference guide. Kaieteur Entertainment understands that distribution is done through airports, hotels, travel agencies, tour companies and operators, local and overseas embassies and high commissions. Copies can be uplifted from the Guyana Tourism Authority and Tourism & Hospitality Association of Guyana or through its publisher, Gem Madhoo Nascimento. It is also posted online on www.guyanawhereandwhatonline.com


romoters are proud to announce that eight top One Man Bands have been shortlisted for the much anticipated October 26 shown down at the National Park. At this event, top bands will deliver scorching presentations to ensure all genre of revelers attending the event, are giving a rollicking musical package. To hit center stage on event night are the Super Ray, Murphy, Bolo, Super Cat, Genesis, Lexxus, and Errol One Man Bands, while Super Ray Band will be streaming live from New York. Added musical attraction will be supplied by Crown Vibes, Slingerz Family, Determine Sounds and Cloud 9 Sound Company, while tops DJ’s will be passing through.The one man band feature is rapidly becoming a much sought after form of ‘party hype’ around Guyana, and people

cause, can contact us on 699-5114 or 6035617. Entertainment for this year’s Jamboree will be supplied by Slingerz Family, Notorious Sound, Stitchie and Murphy one-man band, and Junglist from Berbice. Please note, entry to the Westside Jamboree is free to midday or 12 noon. Patrons will pay $500 after. This event is being sponsored by: Ruben Sawmill, Two

Brothers Service Station, Mangal and Son Lumber yard, Triple NNN Gas Station, Fazia’s Collection and Auto Spares, Sanjay’s Gas Station and Minimart, and M Sankar Supermarket & Hardware Store located at 329 Zeelugt E.B.E.

Miss Earth Guyana Launches

National Costume

Faydea King in her costume

top One Man Bands shortlisted for fiery faceoff on October 26 are gravitating to this musical showcase for many reasons. In fact, One Man Band fans love the fact that band operators are serving up a spicy, and upbeat serving of soca pieces, fused nicely with pulsating renditions of old folks songs which take reveling fans back to their roots in real time party style. Today parties headlined by One Man Bands are seeing a much larger fan base even that some of the more accomplished bands in Guyana. Group tickets (that allows entrance to five persons) are being sold at $5000 each, while Couple Tickets (entrance allowed for two) are set at $3000. General tickets are being sold at $2000 each, but allow entrance for only a single individual. The event so far is being sponsored by Star Party Rentals, 94.1 Boom FM, White Castle Fish Shop, and Princess Car Rentals.


few days ago at the Umana Yana, the Guyana Premier and the Miss Earth Guyana Organisation launched the National Costume that will be worn at the international leg of the competition on October 26. The National Costume Designer, Dexter Gardner has indicated that the costume is in line with the theme for the competition this year, “Celebrating Flora.” The national flower, the Victoria Regia Lily, is the main inspiration for the costume. The costume has multiple miniature replicas of the Victoria Regia, and a butterfly execution style representing the relationship between the gentle creatures and the flower itself. The Queen Amazonia has a pair of golden wings of 70 inches and they are spotted

with a rainbow of stones. From her back rises eight replica lilies filled with “pixie dust” that releases on “flight” leaving a shimmering, almost magical trail behind her. The headdress is 17" high with gold buds, lily petals, two replicas of lilies and, hundreds of floral broken jewels and stones. The body suit is made of sparkling silver and white lace, with a cut out exposing the abdomen and breast. It is embellished with white stones and green crystal glass beads on the lower thigh. Her sceptre a symbol of quendom is composed of broken crystalline stones, flower shaped jewels and white flower petals covered in silver glitters. A replica of a lily adorns the top of the wand and is filled with pixie dust.


Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News

PPP in favour of making public assets declared to Integrity Commission General Secretary of the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo, has said that the PPP supports making asset declarations to the Integrity Commission, open to the public. During a press conference at his Church Street Office yesterday, Jagdeo made this revelation after being asked about his stance on the proposition made by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The anti-corruption body had urged Government, during its recent Article IV Consultation in Guyana, to make the declarations public. Jagdeo said that he had already indicated to the IMF team that the PPP supports that move, and that he had also indicated that the PPP has been advocating in Parliament for declarations made in the past 10 years to be public. He expressed his disappointment that none of the issues the PPP raised with the mission on its recent Article IV consultation was reflected in its report. He said that the PPP has always supported reforms that would prevent the haemorrhaging of public revenue, and corruption in

public expenditure. Vice President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, had indicated his support for making the Commission a Constitutional agency, which would grant it independence. Asked about this yesterday, the Opposition Leader said that the PPP will always support any action that will increase transparency and encourage good governance. In May last, the Opposition Leader, when questioned about making his declarations to Commission public, had rejected the idea on the ground that it would place too much unnecessary focus on him. He had said that Government officials should make theirs public too. The Integrity Commission requires certain categories of public officials to declare their assets and liabilities by June 30 of each year. The IMF noted that Government is also working to expand coverage of those people required to declare assets. The body had commended the Government for re-establishing the Commission, noting that it has re-

ceived submissions from over 50 percent of the people required to declare assets in the 2018-2019 cycle. The anti-corruption body urged government, in addition to making declarations public, to develop the methodology used by the Integrity Commission to verify asset declarations, stating that that will improve governance, support investor confidence and promote growth. The Commission is already developing a framework for verification of declarations across time and against other sources of information. Government and IMF have found common ground that strengthening transparency and anti-corruption frameworks is a key priority. To that end, the body warned that there are significant capacity weaknesses in the Commission, which severely impact its ability to ensure compliance with existing regulations, conduct investigations including for politically exposed persons (PEPs), and implement additional actions to further strengthen governance systems to address corruption vulnerabilities.

Exhibition to focus on the environmental aspect of fires-Official The Guyana Fire Service will today be hosting a fair and exhibition in observance of Fire Prevention Week at DUrban Park with a huge focus on the environmental aspects of fires. During an interview an official said that “most persons just focus on the damage fires do to the environment. This exhibition and fair being the first of its kind under the theme, “Save Lives, Protect Property and Strive Towards A Greener Environment”, we are hoping to bring awareness on the environmental aspect.

“We are trying to drift the publics perception that fires are just focused in homes and businesses.” He explained that sometimes fires are lit and there is damage to vegetation and animals. While some persons may see this as insignificant, it can have dire effects. In addition, civilians are constantly calling with complaints of persons lighting grass and garbage as a way of disposal. “Taking part in the exhibition are ranks from Central, Alberttown, Campbellville and Berbice Fire Stations,” he

noted. Since this is the first one, it is also like a training ground in relation to interaction with the public, as they are looking to make it an annual event. Todays event is expected to see a Live Controlled Fire Exercise, A Five-A-Side Football Competition, Late for Fire Exercise, Fire Men Lift Race and a lot of other informational activities. The institution is hoping that after this exercise persons would have a little more consideration when lighting fires and be observant of the elements present.

Magistrate recuses self from White Boys murder PI Principal Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus yesterday indicated that she has recused herself from the Preliminary Inquiry (PI) held into the murder of 20-year-old Patrick Fraser called White Boy. This comes on the said day that the two accused, Kevin Rose and Shemar Moore, were to prepare for the commencement of the PI. The men are arraigned in the Georgetown Magistrates Courts on a joint indictable charge which alleges that on May 9, last, at Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara, the defendants while in company of others, murdered Patrick Fraser during the course or furtherance of a robbery. Moore, also called Frankie, is a 23-year-old labourer who resides at Lot 108 La Parfaite Harmonie while his co-accused is a 22year-old labourer from Lot 1058 Nineteenth Street, Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara. Yesterday, the matter was sent to the courtroom of the Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan where it was made known that the previous mag-

Kevin Rose

Shemar Moore

istrate has recused herself. Magistrate McLennan did not disclose what the reason for this action was. The matter was then transferred to Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty where a date will be given for the commencement of the PI. The men remain on remanded until then. According to the police, Fraser, of 518 Republic Park, East Bank Demerara, was shot twice, about 20:30hrs, on

the day in question. The incident allegedly took place in a yard at Norton Street, Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara. Police in an initial investigation had revealed that the victim, while imbibing with friends in the yard, was reportedly shot in the region of his right upper leg and right side ribs, by a person or persons unknown. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the Diamond Hospital.

New attorney admitted to the Bar Ms. Gina Jonel MacedoSingh was admitted to practise law at the local Bar by the Chief-Justice Mme. Roxane George-Wiltshire, SC, C.C.H. on Tuesday. Ms. Gina Macedo-Singh is the daughter of local Attorney-at-Law Andrew Pollard, SC, and businesswoman Mrs. Gigi Kay Pollard. She attended Mae’s Primary School, and then the Bishops’ High School before returning to Mae’s for her CXC examinations. After CXC, Ms. Macedo-Singh attended Florida State University in the U.S.A. where she read for several degrees in history (concentration in Eu-

ropean and Caribbean History), Social Science (concentration in Public Administration) and Criminology (concentration in Criminal Justice Systems). She then enrolled in the L.L.B. Part I at the University of Guyana, and subsequently completed the L.L.B. Degree at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados. Ms. Macedo-Singh graduated from the Hugh Wooding Law School, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad, on Saturday last. She joins the prominent commercial Chambers of Messrs. Hughes, Fields & Stoby. Ms. Macedo-Singh’s Pe-

tition for admission to the Bar was presented by Attorneyat-Law C.A. Nigel Hughes. Mr. Hughes observed that it gave him personal satisfaction to see three generations of Attorneys-at-Law who are the offspring of eminent Attorneys-at-Law Mr. Clarence A.F. Hughes, SC, and Mr. Brynmor T.I. Pollard, SC, O.R., becoming members of the firm Hughes, Fields & Stoby. During her address to the young Attorney-at-Law, the Chief Justice admonished her to be studious, diligent, courteous to the Court and her fellow colleagues. She reassured her that with her pedigree, she was sure she would be successful in practice.

Guyanese among 500 picked up...


From page 14 Kenya, China, Cambodia, Portugal and Tanzania, Costa Rica, Guyana, Pakistan, Jamaica, Ecuador and Malaysia. While several of those nabbed were criminal immigrants who had committed serious crimes, including rape, sexual abuse and assaults on children as well as weapons and assault charges and undoubtedly deserve to be deported, many were nabbed for crimes such as operating a vehicle without a licence, driving with a suspended license, driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence, illegal re-entry,

resisting officer/arrest, obstructing police, possession of marijuana and obstructing official business. Hardly a “national security, public safety and border security” threat, wont you say? ICE itself has insisted that those are largely the immigrants it goes after, but its own record is proving that is not true. The reality is that ICE as it rightly states at the bottom of its own press releases, “does not exempt classes or categories of removable aliens from potential enforcement.” Which means it does not care if a parent is ripped away from their children because of a minor offense

or the impact of such a removal on a U.S.citizenchildorchildren. The Trump administration is stickingtruetoitscampaignpromise of removal of all immigrants “in violation of immigration law.” Little wonder that according to ICE data, as of June this fiscal year, 282,242 immigrantsweredeportedandthose numbers will obviously be higher by the end of fiscal year 2019, Trumps third year in office. Immigrants beware is the message. If you are a green cardholder and qualify to become a naturalised citizen, do so now; if you are an undocumented immigrant, find a way to get legalised as ICEs net is spreading rapidly and far and wide.

Friday October 11, 2019


Kaieteur News

Rights of a suspect...

Police should caution suspects before arrests According to Ganesh Hira, Attorney-at-Law, in a segment of a Kaieteur Radio programme on Tuesday evening, it is required in proceeding to arrest suspects the police must verbalise the caution. Hira highlighted that an individual can only be arrested if the police has information that the said individual has committed an offence. The attorney explained that the first step is for the police to inform the suspect about the allegation. He stated that the purpose is to communicate to the suspect, the offence committed in a language that the suspect would understand. He noted that once the police state the allegation to the individual to be arrested, they should then caution him/ her. He added, “They need to tell you that you are not

obliged to say anything unless you wish to do so, and whatever you say may be put into writing and given in evidence. That is the exact words of the caution.” Hira stated that often times the police do not caution the suspected individual at the prescribed time for reasons that the suspect would relate his knowledge of the committed offence, and as such incriminate himself. When asked about the criteria for making an arrest, the attorney responded that someone can only be arrested when the police have reasonable suspicion that the individual had committed, is in the process committing or is about to commit an offence. He defined reasonable suspicion as an objective test that it is to be determined from the circumstances that are present. The attorney also

said that the caution being stated to the suspect should be explained in order for him to understand the nature of it. He added that the suspect should be told before questioning of his right to have an attorney, a relative or a friend present during the period of time of interrogation. He further stated that it should be explained to the suspect, the reason for having an attorney present. He added that the reason for the attorney being present is to give advice on the options of answering certain questions or whether the suspect should give a statement in the first place. Hira disclosed that a suspect has the right to refuse to give a statement, since this is mentioned in the caution. In the case of an arrested suspect being unable to afford an attorney, he can exer-

Pork-knocker charged for killing Victoria woman After being on the run over a month now, Clive Wilson, also known as “Boyzie,” was yesterday hauled before a magistrate for allegedly murdering his reputed wife, Shemain Frank, in late August. It was alleged that the p o r k - k n o c k e r, of Montrose, East Coast Demerara, murdered his reputed wife on August 25, 2019, at Victoria Village, East Coast Demerara. He was not required to plead to the charge as it was made indictable.

At the time the charge was read, the 38-year-old defendant who was not represented by an attorney was arraigned before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore at the Vigilance Magistrates Courts. After the charge was read the accused was remanded to prison and instructed to make his next court appearance on November 26, 2019. A wanted bulletin was issued by the police for the accused after reports alleged that he sneaked into the Lot 317 Victoria Village, home of

his 28-year-old reputed wife, and stabbed her to death. The incident reportedly took place around 3:30 hrs on the day in question. Further reports indicated that Wilson allegedly gained entry to the home by removing a few panes from a louver window in the bathroom area where he hid for a short while. He then headed to the room of the victim and stabbed her as she lay in bed. She succumbed shortly after. Frank leaves to mourn her three children, two girls aged six and two, and a boy.

Poisoned Mibicuri woman still in critical state After a “beat-down” from her husband, Sherry Satnarine and her two children were forced by Amar Jeffrey to consume a poisonous substance just minutes before Jeffrey killed himself. Still hospitalised in a critical state at the Mibicuri Black Bush Polder Hospital is Sherry Mohamed Satnarine of the said village. Amar Jeffrey who worked as a Pound Keeper at the BBP Neighbourhood Democratic Council killed himself after attempts were made to have Satnarine return home and she refused. Kaieteur News was told that the two children are in the care of their grandmother. Reports are that Satnarine had endured many years of physical and

emotional abuse from Jeffrey and she made the decision to remove herself from the toxic situation she was in for her children and her safety. However, on Monday things took a drastic turn when Jeffrey showed up at the location in Johanna, Black Bush Polder, where she was staying and assaulted her. The nowdead man reportedly beat Satnarine until they reached the home they once shared. The following day Satnarine decided to file a report at the Mibicuri Police Station and again made the decision to leave for her mother’s house with the children, ages 4 and 6 but Jeffrey, desperate to keep her from leaving his abuse, grabbed a bottle containing a poisonous substance and

consumed it in her presence. A neighbour told this publication that Jeffrey tugged his wife by her arm and threw her to the ground “and then he throw the same thing in she mouth”. It was not long after that both Jefferey and Satnarine had to be rushed to the Mibicuri Hospital by neighbours. Jeffrey subsequently died and his wife is still hospitalised. Meanwhile, on the said day, another mother of two children also committed suicide in Black Bush Polder by consuming a poisonous substance. Black Bush Polder is known for its high rate of suicide cases. For this year, there has been an increase in cases reported prior to the two deaths that occurred on Tuesday.

cise his right to remain silent or he can seek Legal Aid, which has a small fee attached, the attorney said. Hira explained that it was

found that accused suspects who were not cautioned or told of their rights revealed in evidence that the police did not caution the individual.

Hira said that there are times when the police would have cautioned an individual who would have co-operated and given a statement.


Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019

Two businessmen linked to Trump Ukraine scandal arrested on U.S. charges Obstruction of Pedestrian Signals at Busy WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two foreign-born Florida businessmen who have been helping President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer investigate political rival Joe Biden have been arrested on charges of funneling foreign money to U.S. political candidates and a pro-Trump election committee, authorities said on Thursday.The arrests were the latest dramatic development in a political saga that threatens Trump’s presidency.They coincide with a Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives impeachment inquiry centered on the Republican president’s request in a July phone call for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to investigate Biden, a leading contender for the November 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.The businessmen, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, were arrested and charged in connection with a federal criminal case involving campaign finance laws, federal prosecutors in Manhattan said. Each was charged with two counts of conspiracy, one count of false statements and one of falsification of business records. The two men were donors to a pro-Trump fundraising committee and the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has said they helped him as he sought to investi-


Igor Fruman - Lev Parnas [Miami Herald] gate former Vice President Biden and Biden’s son Hunter.Parnas is a Ukrainian businessman. Fruman is a real estate investor who was born in Belarus. Both, according to various media accounts, helped introduce Giuliani into top Ukrainian political circles. Parnas and Fruman in May 2018 contributed $325,000 to a pro-Trump political action committee called America First Action, and the donation was falsely reported as coming from a purported natural gas company, according to the indictment.The two men falsely claimed the company, called GEP, was “a real business enterprise” and that “its major purpose is energy trading, not political activity,” the indictment said. In fact, it said, the company had no real business.The two were arrested at Dulles airport in Virginia before a planned flight to Vienna on Wednesday night, sources familiar with the matter said.Parnas and Fruman were accused of con-

spiring to “funnel foreign money to candidates for federal and state office,” according to a federal court filing in New York.John Dowd, the lawyer for Parnas and Fruman, declined to comment on the charges. Dowd previously represented Trump in former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that detailed Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign to boost Trump’s candidacy.Giuliani did not immediately return a request for comment. Last week he told Reuters, “Parnas and Igor helped me on certain things. They helped me with logistics. They know the Ukraine, they speak Russian. They helped me locate people in a few cases.”Jay Sekulow, a lawyer for the president, told Reuters that “neither the president nor the campaign was aware of their scheme,” referring to the defendants.Trump has denied wrongdoing and has described the impeachment probe as a partisan smear.

GRA developing Customs Petroleum... From page 3 conditional exemption. The International Monetary Fund advised that that a directive or regulation containing these and other obligations should be approved and published. PRE-APPROVED It was last year January that this newspaper exposed the fact that ExxonMobil and all its affiliates engaged in Pe-

troleum Operations shall be permitted to import, free of duty, VAT or all or any other duties, taxes, levies or imposts, all equipment and supplies required for Petroleum Operations. There is a list of all these items that can be imported by ExxonMobil in Annex D of the contract governing the Stabroek Block. The items include but are

not limited to drill ships, platforms, vessels, geophysical tools, communications equipment, explosives, radioactive sources, vehicles, oilfield supplies, lubricants, consumable items.The privilege has also been granted to UK operator, Tullow Oil for the Orinduik Block. According to the contract signed with the Granger administration in January 2016, Tullow, Eco Atlantic, Total and all their sub-contractors, non-resident or otherwise, shall be permitted to import all equipment and supplies free of duty, Value Added Tax (VAT) or all or any other duties, taxes, levies or imposts.It also has a pre-approved list of over 330 items, which is with the authorities.In addition to this, the companies are free to export these items as they deem fit without any tax or fee being applied.Joining them on this tax free ride are all the expatriate employees of the oil companies and their sub-contractors. The expats of affiliated companies and their subcontractors will benefit too. They all shall be able to import into Guyana free of duty and taxes. They will also enjoy the right to export from Guyana, free of all duties and taxes and at any time.

DEAR EDITOR, I recently stood at the intersection of Regent and Camp streets waiting to cross the road. I was facing east, looking at the light placed outside the City Mall and it didn’t take long for me to realise, as did others around me that the pedestrian signals were hidden from view, as seen in the photo provided. On a nearby electric post near the traffic signals, a private entity has placed a large colourful banner (promoting a party), in such a manner that it completely blocks the lights that signal to the pedestrian when to walk or wait. This occurrence raises a grievous concern. Firstly, when did the organisers of the advertised party seek permission to place such a large banner so that it impedes pedestrian traffic, if they did at all; and if they did, who granted permission or facilitated the process for such lawless and disrespectful action?I do believe that the relevant entity that permission is sought from for individuals or entities whether public or private, to mount signage on posts or fences in public spaces in any town, is the City Council. If indeed they did sanction what currently obtains at this intersection, they should be ashamed for allowing the rule of law and

decorum to be tarnished. I fully accept that the cash-strapped City Council needs to make revenue, but there has to be a better way. My suggestion (which is very much related to the mounting of signage in the city) is that they can begin to impose a fee on promoters of parties and events who keep their signs and banners up for more than a week after the event has been held. With the same diligence that the signs were erected or mounted, they should be taken down, not remain an eyesore for the elements to break down. I am certain one can traverse the city’s environs and find signage for a party that took

place since 2017. Therefore, out of respect for pedestrians who use this intersection on a daily basis, simple decorum and aesthetics, I make an urgent call for the Traffic Department and the Georgetown City Council to remedy this situation as this is the heart of the city, and it reflects a most sad state of affairs for what obtains as acceptable and respectful behaviour, not only to law-abiding and conscionable citizens, but to persons who are clamouring to our beautiful country. Let’s do better. Respectfully, Stephen Craig Jr. Concerned Citizen

This question of ‘Cash Transfers’ is ... From page 6 trouble started from the highest level to the man in the street. First of all, unless there is a carefully worked out criteria, does cash transfer mean a cheque to everyone to all and sundry? Old Age Pension, for example, the very rich and the very poor, qualify and now obtain that benefit or should I say cash transfer. I believe the arguments put forward by Lincoln Lewis, in Wednesday’s Kaieteur News present an opportunity for further dialogue with the President, the Cabinet and the initiators of the idea, the WPA.We must be careful as public figures to seek justice and equity, difficult as it may be.As a small child, I grew up in Charlestown and my father had a drug-store in Albouystown. This allowed me to observe what may have been conditions in the poorest part of the City, if not the Country. My mother was a philanthropist and I remembered a middle-age man coming regularly for a ‘small piece’ or something from the kitchen. Out of concern, my parents offered him to pick a few buckets of genip from our tree

during the genip season. He was told that we will provide the bucket, he climbs the trees and pick the genips and he will have all of the proceeds from selling the genips. The gentleman never returned and that taught me a lesson to be careful not to spoil people who are unwilling to help themselves. We must therefore give credence to the President’s Statement what cash transfers really means about ‘teaching a Man to fish instead of giving him a fish.’ Let me; however, hasten to quote another fact of life, “While the grass is growing, the horse is starving.” What is necessary is for us to discuss extensively what cash transfer really means. It ought not to be an open season for the lazy and those who will not practice deferred gratification. It is never easy for a Government to navigate the uncertainties and vast differences of human behaviour. In this regard, I do not draw a nexus between both bicycles and buses to cash transfers. I have been to communities, where we tried to help families to give them money, food, planting materials, etc. Some made good use of it,

others did not. In the Bible, there is instructive stories to the sower – Jesus tells us to choose the kind of soil that we would like to sow our faith on. The suggestion that we do anything to allow certain folks to get their hands on ‘oil money’ should not be entertained. For that, will only lead to sin and corruption. Perhaps, the WPA and others should not use the term ‘cash transfers,’ but maybe something like ‘A Need Assessment Programme,’ or ‘uplift the needy. ‘ In this way, we will avoid the image and understanding of a certain Comrade living in NY who on hearing of the $500,000.00 cash transfer, felt he could invest in a ticket back home to collect his cheque making at least $200,ooo to $300,000 dollars profit. Finally, everyone in public life must know that any scheme involving the release of money must have cheques and balances so that there is no exploitation and that those in need are the primary beneficiaries. We don’t want a repeat of the ‘One Lap-Top Per Person Programme’. Hamilton Green

Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News





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According to Nueva Prensa Digital (media house) of Guyana City (Ciudad Guyana) Venezuela, a forty-four year old Guyanese National identi-

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Guyanese citizen gunned down in San Felix Venezuela.



EDUCATION For all your Electrical Maintenance and Installation Call Fraser Electrical Service 6170532/662-5921.

Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News

1 Maid to cook and clean for East Bank area Call:615-9132. Sales Representative. Knowlege of Caterpillar Parts & SYS Programme. Send Application to:Agri Parts Machinery, 202 Mandela Ave.

VACANCY Waitress for Bar.Call#6122522. Domestic.Contact#223-5273/ 223-5274 Vacancy for one (1) Experienced Driver/Salesman @ Humphrey Bakery.Tel #2257864/227-8607.

fied as Bandraban Singh, also known as “Buyu” was gunned down Wednesday afternoon at a stelling called Las Chalanas located in San Felix Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela. It was reported that Singh was sitting some meters away from the dock when an unknown male rode up on a motorcycle and shot him three times, one shot to the head and two in the abdomen. After shooting him, the attacker turned his attention to another individual. However, his revolver malfunctioned causing him to flee the scene. Singh who was still alive at the time was rushed to the emergency department of the Clinica Humana (Human Clinic) where he died because he did not receive medical attention in a timely manner. Eyewitnesses said that Singh was tracked by his attacker from a liquor store located some meters away from the National Guard’s outpost until he had the opportunity to commit the act. Vendors who were also present related that the delinquent is known since he associated with a criminal gang who is in charge of collecting taxes known as “vacunas” from users of the stelling. This, they indicated, is the possible motive for gunning down Singh who was the owner of a b o a t n a m e d Beyonce since he refused to pay such taxes. However, they declined to reveal the identity of the perpetrator, because they were fearful for their own lives. The Scientific Criminal Criminalistics investigation (CICPC), the largest National Police Agency of Venezuela, has since launched an investigation into the matter.

Friday October 11, 2019


Kaieteur News

World Sight Day…

GPHC screens over 500 patients In celebration of World Sight Day, the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GHPC) treated over 500 patients at the Eye Clinic. The Eye Clinic opened their doors to patients from 10:00-14:00hrs yesterday and those who visited the countrys primary healthcare centre were screened for preventative eye issues, low vision and diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy, also known as diabetic eye disease, is a medical condition in which damage occurs to the retina due to diabetes mellitus. It is said to be a leading cause of blindness and can affect up to 80 percent of those who have had diabetes for the better part of 20 years. Speaking to the issue of diabetic retinopathy recently on Kaieteur Radios health programme, Your Health Matters, Optometrist, Ms. Fionna Todd, said that it was because of the growing number of patients suffering from diabetic retinopathy that the hospital had to put tactical measures in place to reverse the trend. This, she explained, saw the GPHC and the Ministry of Public Health collaborating with the World Diabetic Foundation and Orbis International to put in place a Diabetic Retinopathy Centre at the GPHC. The Centre came into being in July 2016 with the aim of allowing persons with diabetes to undergo free screening tests to detect early diabetic eye disease [diabetic retinopathy] before it proceeds to cause permanent blindness. Todd is one of the key players in the Centre. Consultant Ophthalmologist, Damonie Lanny-Badette, who has been a team member

of the GHPC for nine years, related that there has been an increase in the number of diabetic retinopathy cases in Guyana. However, she revealed that the Ministry of Public Health is continuously working to bring awareness to the Guyanese public to alleviate the issue. Furthermore, considering that there is only one diabetic centre in Georgetown, the doctor added they are currently looking to expand to across the different health centres regions of the country. World Sight Day is celebrated on the second week in October of every year and was observed under the theme, “Vision first” this year.

Guyana Police Force needs 600 more ranks In an interview on Kaieteur Radio, Khemraj Ramjattan, Minister of Public Security disclosed that approximately600policeranksareneededintheGPF.He explained that the target is around 4,800 police ranks whereas the Force only has approximately 4,300. Ramjattan said that some challenges faced in training police officers arise, as people in the Amerindian community are hesitant when it came to culture, language difference and the academy being too far from their homes. Ramjattan added that police officers who graduated are also reluctant to provide service in other areas. He urged that there should be more patrols and community policing groups. The Minister explained that immense efforts are placed on training where various areas of training were implementedwithmajorprogrammesincludingtraining on domestic violence. He added that he attended the closing ceremony for the course where more than 100 policeranksweretrainedonhandlingdomesticviolence. The Minister added that the salary structure poses a difficulty in this concern. He claimed that there is a constraint to meet the salary needs, as there are also other public servants that need to be catered for. He also said that due to the poor salary structure, police officers

were found to be involved in crimes and as a result were suspended and put to face other penalties. He explained that his ministry has worked on the realignment of police divisions in accordance with the administrative regions. He noted that “F” Division was significant. He highlighted that because of the heavy populationofRegionFour,itfeaturessub-divisions,while each administrative region has its own division. Therefore, this gives a service access to places like Lethem,MabarumaandBarticaamongothers. Heelaborated that since Region Four has a high population, the crime rate is high and it was sought to have Division being sub-divided in three. He noted that the Ministry will try to give each region more assets which will be a part of their 2020 budget. The Public Security Minister stated that commanders were asked to create community policing groups especially in the hinterland areas. He claimed that a number of Amerindians expressed their interest in forming groups by requesting for uniforms, ATVs and boat engines, which the Ministry has provided. He stated, “Now, it is not gonna happen overnight that you will get a brand new police force.”

Minibus slams into light pole, flips on side - driver critical, several injured A25-year-olddriverisinacritical condition, after the minibus he was driving crashed into a light pole on the Essequibo Coast yesterday afternoon. According to reports, the driver has been identified as Jerome Banson, of Better Success, Essequibo Coast. Some time around 15:30 hrs, yesterday, Banson was reportedly heading south along the Dunkeld Public Road, with his minibus laden with passengers. According to sources, the driverattemptedtoovertakeamotor lorry laden with logs, when he lost control of the minibus. The bus that borelicenceplateBYY1179,collided with a light pole, cutting it down, then turned turtle before finally resting on its right side. Residents managed to flip the bus back on its wheels, before pulling the passengers, most of whom where

schoolchildren and teachers, from thewreck. According to residents, one student was pinned under the bus, while another reportedly was flung through a window. The others were severely wounded. A woman who was seated in the front passenger seat was pinned in the wrecked bus, and reportedly suffered a broken leg. The driver on the

other hand was taken out of the driver’s seat in an unconscious state. All victims were rushed to the Oscar Joseph District Hospital in Charity, before being taken to the Suddie Public Hospital. Kaieteur News understands that speeding was a significant factor in yesterday’s accident. Police are continuing their investigations into the matter.


Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019


Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019

MOTP calls for an immediate retraction of false Kaieteur News article - article designed to spread misinformation The Ministry of the Presidency says that it condemns the deliberately false and misleading Kaieteur News article headlined, “No cash transfers in the absence of detailed studies – President Granger” and is calling for an immediate retraction. The article, published in the October 10, 2019 edition of the paper, deliberately perverts President David Granger’s responses to questions posed to him by Senior Journalist, Ms. Julia Johnson, in the margins of an accreditation ceremony hosted, yesterday, at the Ministry of the Presidency, the Ministry said. At no time did President Granger say that cash transfers (from oil revenues) to citizens, were dependent on detailed studies, it added. “The President said the Working People’s Alliance made a proposal, but no details had been worked out. The content of that interview is printed, verbatim, below:

Ms. Johnson: “Just a clarification on the cash grant. There seems to be a ‘for and against’ that proposal, where does that take you?” President Granger: “There is no ‘for and against’. The proposal has been made by the Working People’s Alliance, but we have not worked out the details. We…the other partners, are not against cash grants but we asked for more information …details on who will be eligible; how it will be disbursed. So it will not be a question of refusal or any conflict, it is a question of the operationalising of that element of what is going to be part of the Sovereign Wealth Fund.“I made public announcements about the role of education and that is uncontroversial. I think all the parties, even the Opposition party has accepted that education has to be given a key role in the disbursements from the Sovereign Wealth Fund or the Natural Resources Fund. So, among the part-

ners, there are no major disagreements.” The President also said: “As part of the proposal for the review of the Cummingsburg Accord, we included some of the items which we hope will find a way into the manifesto. So I would say that we are still in discussion with the AFC and my expectation is that during the course of this month, we will move further along to reaching a solution to any other difficulty we may have, but right now the discussions are going on pretty smoothly.” Ms. Johnson then asked: “Mr. President just going back to the cash grant issue. Would some of the queries or clarifications that you are seeking from the other parties…would it be how to identify those beneficiaries because previously, and looking at when we had the flood in 2015, there was this Government’s plan to compensate all those who were affected and then …and many people who were af-

fected were not compensated? So, I am asking you whether the framework or the queries you’re seeking would be who these beneficiaries would be and how to find them or chose them [or] select them?” In response, President Granger said, “Right now, we are eating the cake before we [get] it. We need to decide how much will be coming and the profits must be shared with other national needs, you know infrastructure, social development, agricultural development and so on. So, we don’t know how much we are getting; we are asking our partners to address their minds to how much needs to be spent and for what purpose and to whom. I agree with you there is a question of national and natural disasters… We are now in the stage of planning and it is not necessarily the best thing to conduct this debate before the plan has been made. There has been a lot of

speculation and we ask that people put figures to their intentions before we make any public discussion, but the APNU is not against cash grants. It needs to know more before it can make a proper announcement to the people of Guyana”. The Ministry, therefore, contends that the article is inaccurate and does not reflect the Head of State’s true statements. It is, therefore, calling on the Kaieteur News to immediately retract the inaccurate article and to publicize the

accurate statements made by the Head of State. The Ministry said that it further encourages members of the media corps to hold fast to the principles of sound journalism and to desist from publishing false information. The Ministry is also urging all right-thinking Guyanese to review the interview between the Head of State and the Journalist for themselves and not to be misled by misinformation designed to manipulate them and create mischief in the society.


Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News

Belgium score 9 to become first team to qualify for Euro 2020 Belgium became the first team to qualify for Euro 2020 as Romelu Lukaku scored twice in a 9-0 thrashing of San Marino. Roberto Martinez’ side have an unassailable 11point lead over third-place Cyprus in Group I. Belgium led 6-0 at the break after Lukaku’s brace, two own goals and Nacer Chadli and Youri Tielemans’ strikes. Christian Benteke made it 7-0 before Yari Verschaeren scored a penalty and Timothy Castagne wrapped up the win. Lukaku’s double takes his international tally to 51 and makes him the first player to score 50 goals for Belgium.

Lukaku has scored four goals in three games for Belgium in 2019 The Inter Milan striker has six goals in 10 games for club and country this season. Meanwhile, Russia look set to join Belgium in progressing from Group I as

they strengthened their position in second place with a 4-0 win against Scotland. Scores from other matches: Netherlands 3 Northern Ireland 1, Croatia 3 Hungary

0, Slovakia 1 Wales 1, Latvia 0 Poland 3, Russia 4 Scotland 0, Kazakhstan 1 Cyprus 2, Belarus 0 Estonia 0, Austria 3 Israel 1, North Macedonia 2 Slovenia 1.

Iran thrill female.... Friday October 11, 2019 ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) People of great power and drive may pop out of the woodwork today. They'll confront you directly and perhaps challenge you in some way. You may be at a climactic point right now, and feel like you're at a junction. TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20) You may be going through tremendous growth now. Focus on this and see where you need to make some changes. This may be interrupted by powerful energy from other people or situations. GEMINI (May 21–June 20) There's a free-spirited energy calling your name. Latch onto it and manifest creative abundance in your life. Perhaps a major opportunity for change is knocking on your door. CANCER(June21–July22) A major force confronts you now. It may seem like this energy will never stop. It might be mental or physical, but either way, you may be letting it consume too much of your attention. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) Keep your eyes open today. Be on the lookout for opportunities and invitations. Don't act too hastily. This is a key time in which life seems to be moving more quickly than ever. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Unexpected events may throw you for a loop today, but these incidents could be part of a bigger trend that you should pay attention to. There's great opportunity at hand, and you shouldn't ignore it.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) There's a powerful movement of energy in your life now. Major overhauls and subsequent undertakings are just waiting for you to give the green light. SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Take charge of your life. Initiate action and major change in an important area. Large trends are being activated today, alerting you to the fact that there's a great opportunity at hand. SAGIT(Nov.22–Dec.21) There's electricity in the air today, which may spur you to make a significant change in one area of your life. Try not to rush on this one. CAPRI(Dec.22–Jan.19) You're at the start of a very expansive time in your life, and opportunities are available whether you realize it or not. You may get the feeling that there's an area that needs a total overhaul. AQUARIUS(Jan.20–Feb.18) Bizarre and unexpected events lie in store for you today, so don't be surprised if not everything goes according to plan. Take note that these events may be part of a larger trend indicative of a tremendous opportunity. PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20) You should team up with others and initiate action that resonates with your inner being. This might not be obvious now, but be on the lookout for unexpected events.

From page 36 to a 2-1 victory over the Maldives following Ahmad Al Salih’s 65th-minute sendingoff to join the Chinese on six points from two games. Australia had few problems in their Group B meeting with Nepal as Jamie MacLaren scored a hat-trick in a 5-0 win and Graham Arnold’s side lead by two points from Kuwait and Jordan, who played out a scoreless draw in Amman. The United Arab Emirates completed back-to-back Group G wins with a 5-0 thumping of Indonesia in Dubai while Nguyen Quang Hai scored the only goal as Vietnam overcame Malaysia 1-0 to move level on four points with second-placed Thailand. Uzbekistan picked up their first win of the campaign with a 5-0 victory over Yemen as coach Vadim Abramov made a successful start to his second spell in charge of the Central Asian nation but they remain one point behind Group D leaders Saudi Arabia who secured a 3-0 win over Singapore.

KFC confirms sponsorship... From page 38 local Choke Starlet Cup, Miracle Optical Street and Prem’s Electrical Sports Tuner classes along with groups 2, 3 and 4. The championship winners of the Choke Starlet Cup, Miracle Optical Street Tuner and Prem’s Electrical Sports Tuner are set to pocket $500,000 each. Meanwhile, the fourth and final round of the drag racing championship, dubbed ‘1320 Heat Rematch’ concludes on October 20th at the South Dakota Circuit’s Drag Strip.

Verwey and Antczak... From page 35 focused in his game against Angel Rahim. After winning a close first game 15-14, Spooner dropped the second game 11-15 but came back to win the third, 15-10. Also in Category ‘A’ Kaden Pynaendy also won in three games in his match against Bradley Walton (2). Pynaendy won the first game 15-13 but lost the second easily 7-15 before rebounding to win the third, 15-12. In another close category ‘A’ match Lucas Persaud (0) beat Brenno Da Silva (2) 15-5, 14-15, 15-12. Full results of all the matches played on Wednesday evening are as follows: Category ‘A’ - Zachary Persaud (-8) defeated Rylee Rodrigues (12) 15-14, 15-13; Louis Da Silva (-8) beat

Lajuan Munroe (5) 15- 8, 1510; Dhiren Persaud (0) beat Teija Edwards (0) 15-3, 15-5, Shiloh Asregado (0) beat Joshua Verwey (0) 15-13, 1510; Kaden Pynaendy (0) beat Bradley Walton (2) 1513, 7-15, 15-12; Lucas Persaud (0) beat Brenno Da Silva (2) 15-5, 14-15, 15-12; Matthew Spooner (0) defeated Angel Rahim (0) 1514, 11-15, 15-10. Open category Nicholas Verwey defeated Ian Mekdeci 15-8, 13-15, 154; Jonathan Antczak beat Wayne Alphonso 15-14, 1510; Jonathan De Groot beat Tian Edwards 15-9, 15-9. Matches are played each night from 18.00hrs during the week with the semifinals tomorrow commencing at 15:00hrs. The finals scheduled for Sunday will serve off at 11.00hrs. (Sean Devers)

Friday October 11, 2019


Kaieteur News

Saint Kitts and Nevis march to first Concacaf WOQC appearance Couva, Trinidad and Tobago – Saint Kitts and Nevis will appear in the Concacaf Women’s Olympic Qualifying Championship for the first time after winning Group A of the Caribbean Qualifying Stage of 2020 Concacaf WOQC qualification at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva, Trinidad and Tobago. Saint Kitts and Nevis finished first with a 3W-1D0L record in a group with hosts Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda and Guyana. Of note was the play of the Saint Kitts and Nevis attack. Over the course of four matches the team scored 20 goals, including 10 in their final match against Antigua and Barbuda, a 10-0 triumph. The Saint Kitts and Nevis defense was just as good, allowing only two goals during the four matches. Other noteworthy team performances including the Dominican Republic, who finished in second-place with a 2W-2D-0L record. The Dominican defense was outstanding, as they kept a clean sheet in all four matches. Panama earns first-ever berth Panama City, Panama – Panama have qualified for the

Saint Kitts and Nevis will appear in the Concacaf Women’s Olympic Qualifying Championship for the first time. SKNFA 2020 Concacaf Women’s Olympic Qualifying Championship after topping Group B of the Central American Qualifying Stage of 2020 Concacaf WOQC qualification. Drawn against Guatemala and Honduras in Group B, the Canaleras showed great character in earning a perfect two wins out of two matches in front of the home fans at

the Estadio Rommel Fernandez in Panama City. The hosts opened with a 3-0 win over Honduras in which first half goals from Maria Murillo, Marta Cox and Karla Riley proved to be enough. Guatemala also flexed their scoring muscles in their Group B when they posted a 4-0 win over Honduras. That set the stage for

Rugby in the eye of the storm MailOnline - The Rugby World Cup was plunged into unprecedented chaos yesterday amid cancelled matches and recriminations caused by the approaching super typhoon Hagibis. On an historic day, World Rugby announced that: - England v France would not be played owing to the impending arrival of the storm, now classified as ‘violent’. The official announcement came 12 hours after Sportsmail had broken the story that the fixture was off. - New Zealand’s match with Italy was also called off — denying the Azzurri any chance of claiming a place in the quarter-finals. - Tournament officials confirmed the four teams affected by the cancellations would be awarded two points each — with the games declared no-score draws. - The crucial clash between hosts Japan and Scotland could still go ahead as planned on Sunday in Yokohama, but it will not be moved or put back a day, despite the outcome deciding qualification from Pool A. There was confusion, anger and upheaval for teams, officials and supporters as news spread about this unheard-of disruption to a World Cup. It

Tuesday’s dramatic decisive encounter between Panama and Guatemala and the home side enjoyed a quick start with Riley finding the back of the net in the 8’. Cox then scored her second goal of the tournament via the penalty spot in the 25’ for a 2-0 Panama lead, but Ana Lucia Martinez would answer for Guatemala to cut the lead to 2-1 with a score in the 34’. However, Natalia Mills restored the two-goal advantage for Panama in the 54’ which held until the final

whistle. It will be Panama’s first ever appearance in the Concacaf WOQC. Jamaica flex scoring muscles to reach 2020 Concacaf WOQC Kingston, Jamaica – Jamaica flexed their scoring muscles in a big way to reach the 2020 Concacaf Women’s Olympic Qualifying Championship following a first-place finish in Group B of the Caribbean Qualifying Stage of 2020 Concacaf WOQC qualification at the National Stadium in Kingston, Jamaica. Fresh off their appearance in the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup, the Reggae Girlz rolled to a 4W-0D-L record against group opponents Cuba, Barbados, Saint Lucia and U.S. Virgin Islands. In their four matches, Jamaica scored 37 goals with a number of players posting impressive individual accomplishments. Leading the way in the tournament for Jamaica was Khadija Shaw, who scored nine goals, including a hattrick in the 11-0 victory against Saint Lucia and five goals in a 7-0 win against U.S. Virgin Islands. Just behind Shaw was Cheyna-Lee Matthews, who scored four of her eight goals in Jamaica’s opening 12-1 win over Cuba. Other players registering impressive goal totals during

the week was Trudi Carter with five goals, Deneisha Blackwood with four goals and Tiffany Cameron with three. It will mark Jamaica’s second ever appearance at the Concacaf WOQC. Costa Rica punch ticket Alajuela, Costa Rica – Costa Rica have punched their ticket to the 2020 Concacaf Women’s Olympic Qualifying Championship after a first-place finish in Group A of the Central American Qualifying Stage of 2020 Concacaf WOQC qualification. The Ticas topped the three-team group, which included Nicaragua and El Salvador, with a perfect six points in matches played at the Estadio Alejandro Morera Soto in Alajuela, Costa Rica. Costa Rica opened the group with a strong 2-0 win over Nicaragua thanks to goals from Priscilla Chinchilla and Maria Paula Salas. Nicaragua bounced back nicely in their next match with a 2-1 win over El Salvador to give themselves a chance at qualifying, but Costa Rica polished off the group in style, earning a 5-0 win against El Salvador on Tuesday courtesy of a brace from Raquel Rodriguez and goals from Chinchilla, Salas and Sofia Varela. It marks the fifth time that Costa Rica have qualified for the Concacaf WOQC.

Balram Narine puts in creditable performance on first overseas outing

World Cup tournament director Alan Gilpin is the first time in the 32-year history of the event that matches have been cancelled. Both England v France and New Zealand v Italy were due to take place on Saturday in Toyota, which lies right in the path of Hagibis. The typhoon is set to rage through central and eastern areas of Japan, with winds forecast to reach 160mph. England reacted to the dramatic developments by hurriedly vacating their hotel in the Shinjuku area of Tokyo. Instead of moving across the city to a hotel in the eastern district of Shiodome, Eddie Jones and his squad flew south to the city of Miyazaki. This was where the squad

held a pre-tournament training camp and their head coach expressed satisfaction about having the chance to recharge and prepare for a likely quarter-final against Australia in Oita next Saturday. ‘Someone is smiling on us — the typhoon Gods maybe,’ he said. ‘We are not concerned. We are excited. Who would have thought we would have two relatively easy games, one tough game and then two weeks to prepare for a quarter-final? ‘The players are disappointed but we’ve told them to get over it and get on with it. They’ll have a rest tonight and train tomorrow (today).’

Despite trying circumstances and riding against the odds as well as suffering a puncture and taking a wrong turn, Berbice’ Balram Narine was still able to put in a creditable performance at the Tobago International Cycling Classic. The young cyclist who is a member of the Flying Ace Cycle Club (FACC) and hails from Corriverton, Upper Corentyne was on his first overseas trip. Narine who was one of only two Guyanese cyclists that participated at the event finished 11th overall from a field of over 52 riders drawn from the Caribbean and other parts of the world. The event ran from October 1-6 in Tobago and was held in four stages, covering a distance of 130 miles. In the first stage which covered a distance of 60 miles, Narine placed 4th. He grabbed 6th place in the next stage which covered a distance of 25miles. The third stage which was a 20 miler and

Balram Narine it was on this stage that Narine suffered a puncture but still managed to recover to place 7th. He placed 9 in the fourth and final stage which covered a distance of 25 miles. He was reportedly leading at one time but not knowing the route he took a wrong turn and had to be redirected back to the main course. Narine stated that the experience was good, although it was rough at times. Riding up and down

the hills, some of which were very steep and challenging. Riding among unknowns was another challenge he had to surmount in the large field. However, Narine is pleased with his performance despite the odds. He was accompanied by his Coach, Randolph Roberts. He gave thanks to God for enabling him to make the trip and vowed to represent his country at all cost. Narine is also extending thanks to his parents, Coach Roberts, Dental Surgeon Dr. Dhanraj Dudhai, Poonai Pharmacy, GBTI, No. 66 Fish Shore Complex, GTM, North East Trading, The Mayor and Town Councils of New Amsterdam, Rose Hall and C o r r i v e r t o n , M r. E l w i n Jones, Dr. Estwick Northe, Daniel Lyken, Attorney-atLaw Murseline Bacchus, Attorney- at-Law Arud Gossai, John Lewis and Fix It Electronics among others for making the trip successful. (Samuel Whyte)


Nurse and Reifer all-round show fires Tridents into CPL final CPL - Ashley Nurse and Raymon Reifer starred with both bat and ball as Barbados Tridents knocked out defending champions Trinbago Knight Riders to set up a 2019 Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) final against the all-conquering Guyana Amazon Warriors, tomorrow night in the Twin Island Republic. Nurse’s intervention was crucial in both innings, first when blasting an unbeaten 24 from nine balls to propel a stuttering Tridents innings up to 160/6 and then taking two key wickets to help strangle the Knight Riders’ run-chase. Having been put into bat, the Tridents looked set to make an under-par total for the majority of their innings until Nurse and Raymon Reifer – who later also played his part with the ball, bowling a nerveless final over that included the vital wicket of Seekkuge Prasanna for a 27ball 51 and the matchclinching one of Khary Pierre – plundered an unbroken 48 runs for the seventh wicket from the final 14 balls. With the Knight Riders ultimately coming up 12 runs short, the final two overs when the Tridents batted were the difference between going to Saturday’s final and going home. Johnson Charles could have been dismissed twice early in his 35, dropped by Denesh Ramdin in the first over of the night and then seeing a skied shot land safe after Lendl Simmons and Chris Jordan left it for each other. While never quite at his fluent best, Charles’ effort was crucial in holding things

together during a fraught first half of the Tridents innings in which Hales and Shakib fell to Pierre and JP Duminy was forced to hobble off retired hurt after injuring his leg while hitting a six. The Tridents will be desperate to have him available tomorrow. Charles followed Duminy straight off the field, skying Ali Khan to Jordan at mid-off to leave the Tridents in bother at 74/3 – effectively four down – in the 12th over. Things got worse for them two overs later when Jonathan Carter was spectacularly caught and bowled by Jordan, who flung himself to his left in his followthrough to pluck the ball from the air inches above the grass. When Jason Holder picked out Colin Munro at deep midwicket in the same over, the Tridents were 92/5 with time running out and the innings in real danger of falling away completely. That didn’t happen. Shai Hope played nicely for his 23 from 18 with two fours and a six, before Reifer and Nurse gave the innings its all-important explosive finish. Both men finished 24 not out, with five Hero Maximums between them. Even then, 160/6 was no more than a par score in tricky conditions for bowlers coping with a wet ball. Sunil Narine got the TKR innings off to a flying start with four boundaries from Shakib’s opening over and, although he and Lendl Simmons both fell in the powerplay, the Knight Riders were well on course at 50/2 after six overs. Enter the 2019 Hero CPL leading wicket-taker to

change the momentum once again. Hayden Walsh Jr. picked up his 20th wicket of the tournament when Colin Munro reverse-swept straight to that man Nurse at short third-man. When Nurse then removed Darren Bravo caught behind for just 2, the Knight Riders had lost two wickets for just 12 runs in 3.3 overs since the powerplay. Denesh Ramdin holed out to long-on to hand Nurse a second wicket in a four-over spell that also gave up just 14 runs. The game lurched back TKR’s way when Prasanna started smacking everyone to and over the ropes, but he was also at fault in the mix-up that led to the run out of Knight Riders skipper Kieron Pollard for 23. On a night full of crucial moments, here was another. Prasanna was undeterred, though, and powered to a 22-ball halfcentury with back-to-back sixes – his third and fourth in all – off Walsh Jr. When 20 were needed from the last 15 balls, it looked like the Knight Riders’ game to lose. Walsh Jr. ended his spell of 2/31 with three dot balls, though, and Harry Gurney delivered at the death once again with a superb 19th over that gave up just six runs and brought the wicket of Jordan. That left Prasanna and the Knight Riders needing 14 from the final over with two wickets in hand. When Reifer pinned Prasanna with a millimetre-perfect yorker to start that final over, a topsyturvy game finally looked settled. Pierre was caught by Hales at long-on two balls later to confirm it.

‘Golden Jaguars’ clash with ‘Benna Boys’ today at Sir Vivian Richards Stadium Guyana’s ‘Golden Jaguars’ will be in the hunt for full points today when they take on home team, Antigua and Barbuda’s ‘Benna Boys,’ in a crucial Concacaf Nations League match at the Sir Vivian Richards from 17:00hrs. Head Coach of the Golden Jaguars, MárcioMáximo has indicated that Guyana is ready for the challenge at hand and will be going after full points in their second match on the road in this tournament. While the Guyanese are playing away, they are expected to feel at home given the fact that there is a lot of Guyanese living and working in Antigua and Barbuda who are very supportive and passionate when it comes to sports. Noting that it would not be an easy task against a team

Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News

Sam Cox - ‘Golden Jaguars’ Captain that plays very physical, Coach Máximo says he is confident that his team will represent well. He shared that the home players have been hard at preparing from Monday’s to Thursday’s and some Saturday’s as well. “We are very satisfied with their preparation so far

and the high level of commitment they have shown to the training; physical, tactical and all departments. The staff has seen the development of these players from the professional side and we have also been keeping in touch with our players overseas; we are optimistic of a good performance.” He noted that the task at hand is to develop the game in Guyana with a view to produce a very competitive and united team that will represent Guyana well. Following today’s match, Guyana will host the Antiguans on Monday at the Leonora Track and Field Center in this nation’s second of three home matches from 20:00hrs. Admission to Monday’s match is $1500.

Revellers win first Women’s T10

Captain Stafanie Taylor was named player of the match @CPL CPL - Stafanie Taylor powered her NLCB Revellers to an impressive nine-wicket victory over Courts Gladiators in the CPL Women’s T10 NLCB Challenge clash at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy, yesterday. The Gladiators recovered from a slow start to post what looked a challenging 74/2 from their 10 overs on the back of Hayley Matthews’ unbeaten 46. With the pitch a touch slow and boundaries playing to their full size, it promised a tough chase for the Revellers, but Taylor made light work of it. Stacy-Ann King and Britney Cooper got the Revellers’ run-chase off to a steady start, but when King was trapped lbw by Gladiators captain Afy Fletcher it was the Taylor show. She cut her second ball to the point boundary to set the tone for what was to

follow. Taylor continued to find the boundary with ease and, combined with some hard-run twos, raced to 36 from 17 balls before falling with the scores level looking to smash the winning runs and finish the game in style. That handed a wicket to Matthews, to go with her runs earlier in the day. The game was well won by then, with Cooper stepping up from the support role she had offered while first King, and then Taylor, had been at the crease to smack the second ball of the final over straight back over the bowler Shabika Gajnabi’s head for four and seal the victory in fitting style. The Gladiators’ total was underpinned by a 54-run second-wicket partnership between Matthews and Kycia Knight. They batted with increasing confidence and fluency as the Gladiators recovered from the loss of Sheneta Grimmond for a duck,

bowled by Caneisha Isaac. Experienced West Indies pair Matthews and Kycia Knight held their nerve, though, and keeping wickets in hand enabled the Gladiators to accelerate from 27/1 at halfway to 74/2 after their 10 overs. Matthews plundered seven fours and a six down the ground in an innings of real class and intelligence, while Knight also cleared the ropes on her way to 24 before being smartly caught low by Cooper to hand Chinelle Henry a deserved wicket. Matthews led the way as 47 came from the final five overs to lift the final total beyond 70, but with player of the match Taylor in this form it proved short of what was required. The two sides meet again in the Courts Invitational on Saturday afternoon ahead of the Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) final.

WTA roundup

Bertens advances to face Gauff Top seed Kiki Bertens rallied to top Alison Van Uytvanck 4-6, 6-3, 6-3 on Thursday at the Upper Austria Ladies Linz. With the win, Bertens will meet American teenager Coco Gauff today in the quarterfinals. Bertens, from the Netherlands, started slowly but used the strength of her serve to defeat her Belgian opponent. Bertens won 84 percent of her first-serve points to prevail in the nearly two-hour match. In other action, Kristina Mladenovic of France upset fourth-seeded Croatian Donna Vekic 3-6,

6-2, 6-2, and No. 8 Ekaterina Alexandrova of Russia toped Laura Siegemund of Germany 7-6 (1), 2-6, 6-4. S l o v a k i a ’s Vi k t o r i a Kuzmova came from behind to upset No. 9 seed Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova of Russia 2-6, 6-2, 6-4. Tianjin Open Unheralded Heather Watson earned her biggest victory since 2017, dominating homecountry favorite and No. 2 seed Wang Qiang 6-3, 6-0 to advance to the quarterfinals in China. Wa t s o n , o f G r e a t Britain, hadn’t won a hardcourt match for more than a year before arriving in Tianjin. She hadn’t

defeated an opponent ranked in the top 30 since beating L a t v i a ’s Anastasija Sevastova at Wimbledon in 2017. Wa t s o n w i l l f a c e Magda Linette of Poland, the No. 8 seed who was up 4-0 in the first set when Kurumi Nara of Japan retired. Also retiring was seventh seed Zheng Saisai of China, who lost the first five games of the first set t o u n s e e d e d Ve r o n i k a Kudermetov a of Russia. Third-seeded Dayana Yastremska of Ukraine advanced with a 6-2, 6-4 decision over China’s Shuai Peng. (Field Level Media)

Friday October 11, 2019


Kaieteur News

GFF/NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour Power U-17 League – East Bank FA

Ansa McAl Handicap Squash

Unbeaten Grove Hi Tech are 2019 Champions

Verwey and Antczak among first night winners

Grove Hi Tech are the new East Bank Football Association / GFF/ NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour Power 50th Anniversary U-17 Intra Association League champions playing unbeaten throughout the second edition of the competition which will end on Sunday at the Guyana Football Federation National Training Facility, Providence, East Bank Demerara. In romping to the title and bragging rights for the next year as well as earning the right to be the EBFA’s representative team in the clash of the Regional Member Associations champions, Grove Hi Tech stormed to back to back wins last weekend, they hammered Timehri Panthers ‘B’ 4-0 on the back of a Rasheed Evans hat-trick on Sunday while on Saturday, the Hi Tech boys got past mocha Champs 5-3 after a 1-1 half time score. Evans hit the back of the nets in the 13th, 43rd and 51st minute against the Panthers’ B side; the other goal came

off the boot of Vincent Chin in the 31st minute. In the Mocha clash, Grove got their goals from Evans, Kurwayne Lyte, Samuel Garnett and Devon PAdmore who netted a double. Scoring for Mocha Champs were Yohance Porter, T. Price and Genesis Lewis. Grove’s performance was commanding in fashion as they crafted win after win; blasting a total of 60 goals (six per game) whilst only conceding eight (8) less than one per match to end with a perfect 30 points. Former champions, Timehri Panthers which won the inaugural NAMILCO competition and represented the EBFA in the national playoffs had to settle for the runner-up position this time around, ending with nine (9) wins and a single defeat. In their final match on Sunday they defeated Agricola Red Triangle 2-0, goals coming from Tyrell Khan and Junior Adams, either side of play. Swan Football Club did no wrong in their two matches which yielded positive results; defeating Diamond United 3-

Nicholas Verwey defeated Ian Mekdeci on Wednesday night.

Rasheed Evans – Grove Hi Tech FC 0 on Saturday whilst triumphing over Friendship All Stars 5-2 on Sunday. Mocha Champs trounced Samatta Point/Kaneville 5-1 on Sunday whilst the other match on Saturday involving Samatta Point/Kaneville and

Team Soesdyke Falcons Timehri Panthers ‘B’ Agricola Red Triangle

Team Herstelling Raiders Swan FC Diamond United

Points Standings as @ October 6, 2019 Teams P Grove Hi Tech 10 Timehri Panthers ‘A’ 10 Mocha Champs 10 Timehri Panthers ‘B’ 9 Agricola Red Triangle 9 Swan FC 9 Samantha Point Kaneville 10 Friendship All Stars 10 Herstelling Raiders 9 Diamond United 9 Soesdyke Falcons 9

W 10 9 6 4 4 4 3 3 2 1 1

L 0 1 2 3 5 5 5 7 5 6 8

D 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 0

Herstelling Raiders saw the Raiders winning the match, 62. The league will conclude on Sunday at the GFF National Training Centre with the final three matches as follows:

Time 10:00 hrs 12:00hrs 14:00hrs GF 60 49 34 22 16 19 20 10 19 24 3

GA 8 5 20 20 11 30 45 20 31 41 43

GD +52 +44 +14 +2 +5 -11 -25 -10 -11 -17 4-0

Watched by a small gathering at the Georgetown Club on Wednesday evening last, the Guyana Squash Association’s (GCA) 2019 Ansa McAl Trading Sponsored Handicap Squash Tournament swung into action. The talented Nicholas Verwey with a handicap of -6 defeated Ian Mekdeci with a handicap of zero, 15-8, 13-8, 15-4 in the Open Category. Verwey took the opening game comfortably 15-8 before Mekdeci fought back with some good rallies to win the

Points 30 27 20 14 12 12 11 9 8 5 3

second game 13-15. But Mekdeci began to tire and Verwey the fitter of the two, romped to a convincing 15-4 win. In another Open encounter, Jonathan Antczak beat Wayne Alphonso 15-14, 15-10 as the lads played good squash with shot execution and rallies but in the end Antczak proved to be the better player. The last Open game of the night saw Jonathan De Groot beating Tian Edwards 15-9, 15-9. In the first round matches in category ‘A’, Matthew Spooner stayed (Continued on page 32)

Jonathan Antczak

MYO/Trophy Stall InterJamaat Softball Cricket to commence on Oct. 20

NAMILCO/GFF/EBFA 2019 Under-17 Champions, Grove Hi Tech Football Club.

The Muslim Youth Organisation of Guyana/ Trophy Stall Inter-Jamaat Softball Cricket competition is schedule to start on October 20 at the MYO Ground, Woolford Avenue, Thomas Lands, Georgetown. Registration fee is $3,000 per team and teams can expect attractive cash prizes

and trophies be awarded. All Jamaats interested in participating are asked to make contact with Br. Imran Ally on 689 7425, Br. Fazal Nazeem 660 8215 or Br. Azad Ibrahim on 624 3362. Registration closes on Wednesday October 16th at 18:00hrs after which the draw would take place.


Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News

Norton pledges to assist in rehabilitation of the community’s grounds; Sport gear donated to Cane Grove clubs Several youths, in three sports clubs managed by the Cane Grove Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), are benefitting from the distribution of sport gear and equipment by the Department of Social Cohesion, Culture, Youth and Sport. During the handing over ceremony held at the NDC office, on October 8, Minister of Social Cohesion, Hon. Dr. George Norton said the gesture was in response to a request made by the representatives of the NDC. He noted that the ministry has an ‘open door’ policy to encourage members of the public to meet him and spotlight the issues they wish to be addressed. “It is a different approach that we have undertaken,” and added “by providing sports gear and equipment to young people, we are giving them a jump start to develop themselves.

So, through this initiative, we hope to provide an opportunity for all.” It was highlighted that the community’s recently resuscitated club called ‘Blood Full: Full Blood’ will receive a cricket kit which includes gloves, helmets, knee pads, balls among equipment. The department also donated tennis table gear, uniforms and gloves to be divided among the other two clubs from Strathavon and Cane Grove - both called the Rising Stars; each with over 40 members. Chairperson of the NDC, Keshni Rooplall expressed appreciation to the minister and his team for answering the agency’s request. Rooplall remarked that the donation will allow the community to continue its programme of engaging the youths in the communities. “… I find that sport is one of the ways to get some form of

relaxation. I am big on the suicide prevention campaign and we can see that our youths fall prey to those things so I pushed for our grounds to be fixed and for the donation of sports gear for our boys and girls,” she added. Minister Norton and his team, along with the NDC officials, visited the Coconut Dam and Granny Field grounds to assess the range of works needed to make both areas conducive for sporting activities. The minister assured that residents could soon benefit from the department’s ground enhancement projects. It is hoped that both community grounds will have a pavilion, washroom facilities and fencing. With six constituencies under the NDC’s management, Rooplall explained that each ground caters to two communities Mary’s Hope and Bagots

Minister of Social Cohesion, Hon. Dr. George Norton donating sport gear and equipment to Chairperson of the NDC, Keshni Rooplall. DPI- Abike Barker Diamond that would use the Strathavon ground, while Virginia and Coconut Dam use

the Manager’s Drive ground. Cane Grove Estate and Granny Field constituencies would

normally access the Granny Field Ground. (DPI-Neola Damon)

Breeders’ Cup Fundraiser Iran thrill female fans amid Asian qualifying goal rush Valentina is a champion – Mohamed

Iranian women fans attend Iran’s FIFA World Cup Asian qualifier match against Cambodia. WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS Hong Kong (Reuters) Iran handed Cambodia a record-breaking 14-0 thrashing on an historic day in Tehran as goals flowed in World Cup qualifiers across Asia with Japan, South Korea and Australia securing comfortable wins yesterday. Striker Karim Ansarifard scored four times and Sardar Azmoun netted a hat-trick for Iran who claimed a second straight win in Group C. The game at the Azadi Stadium, however, was as notable for the presence of 3,500 female fans, who were allowed into the stadium in Tehran for a World Cup qualifier for the first time in the four decades

since the Islamic Revolution. Iran, five-times World Cup qualifiers, lead their group with six points from two games, two points ahead of second-placed Iraq who beat Hong Kong 2-0. Tottenham Hotspur striker Son Heungmin was on target twice in South Korea’s 8-0 win over Sri Lanka as Paulo Bento’s team secured their second win in Group H to sit level on points with North Korea. Lebanon are three points behind after securing their first win thanks to a 2-1 victory over Turkmenistan. Defender Maya Yoshida was among the scorers as Japan notched up a 6-0 win over

Mongolia in Group F and they are joint-top with Tajikistan who they play on Tuesday with Kyrgyzstan in third following their 7-0 win over Myanmar. 2022 World Cup hosts Qatar, playing in the qualifiers as they double up as eliminators for the 2023 Asian Cup finals, earned a 2-0 win over Bangladesh in Group E. Qatar lead the standings by one point from Oman who sealed a 3-0 win over Afghanistan. China swatted aside Guam, with Yang Xu scoring four goals in a 7-0 win in Group A, while Syria labored (Continued on page 32)

Trainer of Valentina, the reigning Guyana bred three-year-old category horse, Nasrudeen Mohamed Jr., believes that the mare who is undefeated in its last three races, will have a tough time this Sunday in the feature race of the Breeders’ Cup fundraising event at Bush Lot United Turf Club, West Coast Berbice. He is of the view though that his animal is a true champion and champions have to beat the best to be the best. According to the organisers of the event - Jumbo Jet Thoroughbred Racing Committee (JTTRC) Valentina’s most feared opponent will be USA Imported, ‘Awesome Friday’. Mohamed noted that the locally bred horses’ owners fear Valentina and often times opt not to compete against the speed ace but ‘Awesome Friday’ will have the opportunity to prove that Valentina is not unbeatable come Sunday. Awesome Friday has had only one start in Guyana and was laid off for a while due to injuries but according to the JJTRC, the animal

is exercising well and is race ready. Mohamed pointed to this publication: “If she (Valentina) wins I wouldn’t be surprised. But if she loses, hopefully the Guyana-bred horse owners will have some courage to compete against Valentina again. We bred this thoroughbred ourselves. Her sire/father is one of the best bloodline in the Caribbean and her dam/ mother is a British bloodline that was foaled/ born in Trinidad and Tobago.” The action packed day will feature three aspects, namely a horse race meet, motocross competition and a car and bike show, with all the proceeds going towards works at the developing Bush Lot United Turf Club. The feature event of the horse-racing card will carry a purse of $400,000. In the E-class race for non-winners, $300,000 will be up for grabs. In the race for animals classified J1 and Lower, the winner’s purse is $200,000. In the two-year-old Guyana-bred maiden horses the winner will run away with $150,000 and L-class and lower category will attract steeds sprinting for a top prize of $100,000.

Valentina leading the pack at a previous horse race meet.

Friday October 11, 2019


Kaieteur News

Fourth EBFA/Ralph Green U-11 League

BCB/Stag Beer 50-Over First Division

All to play for as round two spots on the line

RHT NAMICLO Thunderbolt Flour defeat Albion to reach final; Tucber Park and Upper Corentyne to play lone semi-final

Agricola Red Triangle and Kuru Kuruu Warriors battling on Saturday last. With only Vurlon Mills Academy (Group A) almost assured of a place in the next round of the fourth edition of the East Bank Football Association/Ralph Green Under-11 League, the other teams have all to play for tomorrow and next Saturday when the round-robin segment of the action will conclude. Following this stage, the top two teams from Groups A and B will advance to the

knock-out stage. Vurlon Mills Academy has 10 points so far from four matches contested with one in the bag. Mills Academy lead defending champions Timehri Panthers (7 points & one game to play), Fruta Conquerors (4 points & two matches to play) and Dianond United (4 points & one match to play) in Group A while Riddim Squad (7 points & one match to play), Kuru Kururu Warriors (7 Points & one

Day 5 – Saturday October 12, 2019 Mt. Team Team 23. Grove Hi Tech Agricola Red Triangle 24. Fruta Conquerors Samatta Point/Kaneville 25. Swan FC Riddim Squad 26. Eagles FC Timehri Panthers

Time 09:00hrs 09:00hrs 09:30hrs 09:30hrs

match to play) , Agricola Red Triangle (6 points & one match to play) and Swan (4 points & two matches to play) are all in the reckoning in Group B. Agricola, Mills Academy and Riddim Squad are the only undefeated teams so far; with this platform, the two remaining days for roundrobin play is anticipated to be keen. Following is the fixture for tomorrow: Venue GFF NTC “ “ “ “ “ “

Gr. B A B A

JC Chandisingh defeat Berbice Educational Institute, advance to final - BCB/GBTI Inter Secondary School Cricket J.C Chandisingh Secondary School (JCCSS) has advanced to the final of the Guyana Bank of Trade and Industry / Berbice Cricket Board Inter Secondary School Cricket competition after beating Berbice Educational Institute (BEI) in their semifinal clash. Winning the toss and

taking first strike, BEI was bowled out for 94 in 18.5 overs with Dilshan Mc Donald 35, Revaldo Simons 20 and Ricardo Ramdeholl 12 getting among the runs. Bowling to JCCSS Jonathan Rampersaud took 3 wickets with Shamar Seechun and Lucas Arthur grabbing two each. JC Chandisingh in reply

hurried to 98-6 in 16.5 overs to win by four wickets. Top scorers were Surendra Ramcharitar 30, Jonathan Rampersaud 14 and Jermey Sandia 12. Bowling for BEI, Sanjay Algoo took 2 wickets while there was one apiece for Ricardo Ramdeholl and Dilshan Mc Donald.

Limacol Football Final Postponed The final of the fourth annual Limacol Football tournament, sponsored by New GPC Inc. has been postponed from tomorrow to next Sunday, October 20 at the Ministry of Education (MOE) ground from 19:00hrs. A release from the

organisers, Petra Organisation yesterday noted that, “Due to logistical issues, we have decided to postpone the final.” It would be contested between the two junior U-20 powerhouses in Santos FC and Fruta Conquerors FC

while the third place playoff will be between Pele FC and Riddim Squad. The winners of the tournament will pocket $400,000, second $200,000, third $100,000 and fourth place finishers will receive $50,000.

Veteran middle order batsman Delbert Hicks continues to enjoy a remarkable comeback to the first division scene after a year’s absence. Hicks stroked a crucial 60 to spearhead Rose Hall Town NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour to a three wicket victory over archrivals Albion in the quarter finals of the BCB/Stag Beer 50-Overs First Division tournament at the Area H Ground. RHT NAMILCO Thunderbolt will face the winner of Upper Corentyne and Tucber Park semifinal match after drawing a bye. Upper Corentyne continued their remarkable progress in the tournament by defeating Blairmont by one wicket at the No. 69 Ground while Tucber Park got past arch rivals Young Warriors by 3 wickets at the Cumberland Ground in Canje. The three matches attracted sizeable crowds as the packed 2019 BCB season continues.The Stag Beer tournament which has been sponsored by Ansa McAl started with 11 teams divided into three zones. The top two teams from each zone advanced to the second round which was played on Sunday last. At the Area ‘H’ Ground, Albion led by national player Gudakesh Motie won the toss and elected to bat. Openers RiteshUmroa and Jetindra Outar added 25 for the first wicket before off spinner Kevin Sinclair had Umroa caught by Keith Simpson for 12. Pacer Sylus Tyndall then dismissed Sarwan Chaitnarine (00) and Motie (01) to leave Albion reeling at 29-3 in the seventh over. An impressive Ramesh

Kasinauth then stroked an attractive 78 (6x4 3x6) and received support from Outar 27, Anthonio February 19 and Beesham Surujnarine 12 as Albion recovered to reach 204 all out in 46.1 overs in very humid conditions. Off spinner Junior Sinclair 3-40 from 10 overs, Keith Simpson 3-40 from 9.1 overs and Sylus Tyndall 2-36 from seven overs bowled well for RHT. In reply, the home team lost lost Kevin Sinclair (03), Kevin Sewraj (00) and Jason Sinclair (01) to be 36-3 in the 7th over but Hicks and Junior Sinclair added 60 crucial runs before Sinclair fell for 49. West Indies Under 19 selectee Kevlon Anderson joined Hicks and added a vital 54 runs for the fifth wicket before Hicks was caught at cover off the bowling of Motie for a well played 60 (4x4 3x6). Anderson 39 and the talented Jonathan Rampersaud then featured in run a ball 45 run partnership. Rampersaud 20* and skipper Shawn Pereira 7* were at crease when victory was achieved in the 47th over. Gudakesh Motie took 3-20 from 10 tight overs while Gourav Ramesh, Kandasammy Surujnarine and Kevin Umroa took a wicket apiece. Upper Corentyne squeezed past Blairmont by one wicket as skipper Viendra Gooniah defied an injured leg to bat over three overs to score the required five runs. Blairmont won the toss and batted first on a pitch with some level of uneven bounce at the No. 69 Ground. Blairmont were bowled out for 113 in 31.2 overs, National player Nigel Deodat 27, Zaheer Nazir 24, Seon Glasgow 14 and Kevin Jawahir 18 the main scorers.

Off spinner Devindra Budhoo 4-12 from 5 overs, Gooniah 2-14 and Lakeram Latchman 2-14 were Upper Corentyne’s best bowlers. The home team in response achieved victory at 115-9 in 30.5 overs. The hard hitting Amardeo Hemchand 27, Naeem Yacoob 23 and Latchman Roopchand 15 batted well as Blairmont employed on all spin bowling attack. Left arm spinner Waquar Hassan grabbed 420, Nigel Deodat returned to take 2-21 (10 overs) and Shabeer Baksh 2-18. Tucber Park CC defeated Young Warriors CC (YWCC) at the Cumberland Ground. YWCC rattled up 180-9 from 50 overs; Seon Hetmyer 66, Alex Algoo 35, Kassim Khan 24 and Vishal Mohabir 19 were the principal scorers. Nial Smith 4-19 from 9 overs and left arm spinner Damion Vantull 3-43 from 10 overs were the main wreckers with the ball for the New Amsterdam based team which is coached by Level Three Coach, Julian Moore. Tucber Park, led by Devon Clements 40, Leon Swammy 30 not out and Clifton Lindee 28 achieved victory at 186-7 from 47.2 overs. Left arm spinners Kassim Khan and Trevon Stanislaus took 3-30 from 10 0vers and 2-30 respectively in a losing cause. The lone semifinal between Upper Corentyne and Tucber Park would be played tomorrow at the Tucber Park Ground. President of the BCB Hilbert Foster has indicated that first division teams would also be involved in respective two day/40-Overs and T20 tournaments for the remainder of this year.

ECCB’s 5th annual Elizabeth Styles Cricket starts on Sunday The East Coast Cricket Board’s fifth annual Elizabeth Styles 40-Overs Competition is scheduled to commence Sunday which four matches. The Champions will receive $380,000 and a trophy; the runners-up will pocket $80, 000 and a trophy while the player-of-the-final will also be rewarded. Twenty-three (23) teams are schedule to participate in this year’s tournament that would be played under the rules and regulations of the ECCB. Elizabeth Styles products are widely distributed in 367 countries, the company has also partnered with the Berbice Cricket Board (BCB) to sponsor the game in that County. With the rules and regulations already being distributed, the ECCB is requesting that all participating teams or clubs make contact with the Chairman of the Competitions

Committee, Mr. Raymond Barton (626 0223) or Mr. Davteerth Anandjit (617 850) for the playing conditions. Sunday’s fixture will see Lusignan Sports Club at home to Low-Land Cricket Club with Umpire Omadat Samaroo in charge. Buxton Sports Club (A) will battle Buxton Cricket Club (B) at Buxton Community Centre with in Imran Khan being the Umpire. At Enterprise Community Centre – Enterprise Sports Club host Clonbrook Cricket Club, the Umpire will be Gavin Da’Guiar. Lusignan Seafoods Sports Club will battle Golden Grove Cricket Club (A) at Golden Grove Community Centre, Charles Gibbons will be the Umpire. The competition will be on a round-robin basis and all matches are expected to start promptly at 11:00 hrs.


Friday October 11, 2019

Kaieteur News

KFC confirms sponsorship Sunshine Snacks presents Grand for November circuit races Prize to Trinidad for CPL Finals The Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club (GMR&SC) in a release have noted that fast food giant, KFC is a confirmed sponsor for the biggest event in motor racing locally; the annual International Race Meet. The event which formerly served as the final leg of the Caribbean Motor Racing Championships (CMRC) that appears to be done and dusted will now provide a unique opportunity for Guyana to build on the success of previously hosted events here and host a stand-a-lone championship. The GMR&SC noted that, “Motor racing in Guyana continues to grow from strength to strength and partnerships such as these with KFC are vital for the continued growth of motor sport in Guyana.” Full fields of SR3 radicals are expected for the November 16-17 event at the South Dakota Circuit, Timehri and the club has noted that much work will be put into

KFC’s General Manager Paul Subryan hands over his company’s sponsorship cheque to GMRS&SC secretary, Cheryl Gonsalves. track preparation to ensure a smooth surface for the machines which are expected from Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago. Last November, in his radical car, Calvin Ming had bettered the lap record held by Matthew Truelove (bike)

of Team Mohamed’s, which stood at 33.3s with a blazing 33.121s. The 33.121s time may be under threat this year with a packed grid in the radicals anticipated. In addition, a full field of machines are expected for the (Continued on page 32)

Sunshine Snacks, the official snack of The Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL), launched its CPL promotion on the 26th August, 2019. Customers who purchased Peanuts had a chance to win cricket bats, hampers and tickets to the matches at the Providence Stadium and the grand prize of an all-expense paid trip for two to Trinidad for the finals. The lucky winner of the grand prize, Savitri Basdeo, expressed her excitement about going to Trinidad to watch the Guyana Amazon Warriors compete in the finals tomorrow. ‘I saw the promotion on social media and decided to look for the Peanuts with the CPL logo when I was shopping in the supermarket one afternoon. When I got home, after unpacking my grocery I sat by my bed with my phone looking for the code to enter on the site. I thought that was that’. Ms. Basdeo stated she initially missed the call but received a second call and the representative from Sunshine

Sunshine Snacks Country Manager Mr. Jeranzee Marques and winner Ms. Savitri Basdeo. Snacks in Trinidad announced to her she had won the grand prize, which she thought was a prank. She said she was not expecting to win the grand prize but was ‘extra excited and very appreciative’ because it has always been a wish of hers, as a cricket fan, to go and experience the finals in Trinidad. It is even more

special for her because she never traveled to Trinidad. Mr. Jeranzee Marques, Country Manager of Sunshine Snacks, who handed over the prize to the winner, stated he would like to thank all the participants and he was extremely happy Sunshine Snacks was able to make a long wish possible for someone.

Kaieteur News

Friday October 11, 2019


International Republic Bank Invitational Golf Tourney

Rakesh Harry wins ‘B’ Flight as team Guyana excels again


vinash Persaud, Rakesh Harry and Lakram Ramsundar made tremendous strides on the second and final day of the annual International Republic Bank Invitational Golf tournament held at Golf Club Paramaribo, Indira Gandhiweg, Paramaribo, Suriname. Newcomer Rakesh Harry, playing in the ‘B’ Flight emerged as the undisputed champion and in the process also produced the Best Net Score in the tournament. Current 9-time Guyana Open Champion Avinash Persaud showed that it doesn’t matter which country he plays in as he romped home in the final day to win Best Gross overall honours, narrowly missing the ‘A’ Flight Net title when he went out-of-bounds on the last hole. ‘Panko’ Ramsundar shocked his rivals by storming back from a dismal first day to emerge Best Gross champion in the ‘B’

Some members of the Guyana Team from left, Avinash Persaud, Rakesh Harry, Eureka Giddings, Dr. Philbert London, Shanella London, Lakram Ramsundar, LGC President Aleem Hussain, Representative of the sponsor and Avinda Kishore. Flight, Best Net 3rd place prize. In the ‘A’ Flight, Avinash Persaud, 9-time Guyana Open champion, advanced from 8th place on Day 1 to 2nd place Overall capping off another phenomenal performance. A similar feat was achieved by Panko Ramsundar in the ‘B’ Flight,

where he moved from 9th place on Day 1 to 3rd place overall in the end. Avinash Persaud won the tournament Overall Best Gross, Shanella London won the Longest Drive in the Ladies category on Day one and two while Avinda Kishore won the Longest Drive in the Male category on Day 2.

The Suriname Invitational, played under the Stableford Format is essentially a Net performance tournament so Guyana came home with great positions in the categories. Other golfers from Guyana who did well as in the ‘B’ Flight were Dr. Philbert London and George

Bulkan who placed 4th and 6th, respectively. Tr o y C a d o g a n a n d Shanella London placed 3rd in their Flights with great performances, Eureka Giddings ended 8th in her first appearance at an International tournament. Defending 2018 Ladies Champion Dr. Joaan Deo fell

short of her bid to repeat and vowed to focus her efforts on the Guyana Open scheduled for October 26-27.

Johnson Charles made 35 for the Tridents

rt o p S

Nurse and Reifer all-round show fires Tridents into CPL Revellers win first Women’s T10 final Celebrating the fall of another Trident wicket.

Ashley Nurse was named player of the match for his all-round performance @CPL

The victorious NICB Revellers @CPL

‘Golden Jaguars’ clash with ‘Benna Boys’ today at Sir Vivian Richards Stadium

The Golden Jaguars in Antigua and Barbuda, ready to take on the Benna Boys, today.

GFF/NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour Power U-17 League – East Bank FA

Unbeaten Grove Hi Tech are 2019 Champions Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd., 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown. Tel: 225-8458, 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/226-8210.

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