Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Friday November 02, 2012

Nigel Hughes quits Commission of Inquiry There was drama at the High Court yesterday when Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes abruptly quit the Commission of Inquiry in the Linden killings following a fiery clash with Senior Superintendent of Police Clifton Hicken and Commission Chairman Justice Lensley Wolfe. Hughes strode briskly out of the High Court Law Library after the lively exchange and later told journalists that he was being prevented from questioning Hicken. The former E & F Divisional Commander is considered to be a key witness at the hearing, because of phone contact he had with Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee after the shootings and allegations that he was seen with a partly concealed firearm on the day the Lindeners were slain. The flare-up at yesterday’s proceedings occurred when Hughes began questioning Hicken about a meeting that he attended in the Ministry of Home Affairs Boardroom on July 17 for a briefing on the planned protest action at Linden. Hughes apparently became peeved when Hicken repeatedly stated that he

- over grilling of Hicken

Senior Supt. Clifton Hicken could not recall salient details of the meeting, which was attended by Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, Commissioner of Police Leroy Brumell and Crime Chief Seelall Persaud. Hicken contradicted himself in stating at one point that the possibility of the Mackenzie/ Wismar Bridge being blocked by protestors was discussed at the meeting, and later denying that he had anticipated that the bridge would have been blocked. Things got even worse when Hicken repeatedly said that he could not recall the

duration of the meeting. “Was it a two–minute or a five–minute meeting?” Hughes asked. “I want to be precise; I cannot recall the length of time the meeting lasted,” Hicken responded. “Would you describe it as a very short meeting?” “I would describe it as a meeting… in terms of time, I cannot recall.” “I have a difficulty accepting that you don’t recall how long the meeting lasted,” Hughes told Hicken. “I have a difficulty with you telling me that I don’t know where I was,” Hicken responded. “Was that meeting more than four hours? Hughes asked. “I can’t recall, Sir.” “Could you have been there for more than two hours?” Hughes asked again. “I cannot recall, Sir.” Hughes: “Let me suggest that you and the Minister were there for six hours, would you deny that?” Hicken: “I don’t understand what you are suggesting, Sir. If you ask me a question I will answer you.”

Hughes: “You don’t understand that suggestion?” Hicken (turning to the Commissioners): “Esteemed Commissioners, permit me to— Hughes: “Shoot me?” There was a burst of laughter from some of the attorneys, but it was at that point that Commission Chairman Justice Lensley Wolfe delivered his sharp rebuke to the attorney. “Mr. Hughes, you will withdraw what you just said; it’s totally improper….at this point in time you have no basis for saying something like that. As a matter of fact, if you do not withdraw what you said, your cross examination of this witness will be terminated by the Commission. Protocol must be observed. You are a member of the legal profession. The ethics of the profession must be observed.” Hughes did not withdraw his statement and indicated to the Commission that he was withdrawing from the hearing. He then left the Law Library. Speaking later with journalists outside, the attorney-at-law indicated that he had become frustrated at what he felt were attempts by the Commission to prevent him from fully questioning Hicken. “I was hired to represent the interests of the families of

Attorney Nigel Hughes the deceased. I am of the opinion that I would no longer be allowed to represent them or discharge this duty. I have informed those that I spoke to. I stand by what I said.” “I’ve spoken my mind…my position is clear. I am not going to put my clients at a disadvantage,” Hughes added, while stating that he had absolutely no reason to apologise. The Commission has indicated that Hughes will have to submit a formal statement indicating that he was no longer participating in the hearing. Questioned by Kaieteur News, Chairman of the Commission Justice Wolfe declined to say what impact Hughes’ withdrawal would have on the hearing, but said

that the matter will be discussed when the Commission meets today. However, Hughes’ decision is likely to leave the Commission in some disarray, since he was representing the interests of the relatives of the three slain Lindeners. Prior to the drama, Attorney-at Law James Bond had questioned Hicken on whether he had any knowledge of whether the Force had any double ammunition in stock. The Former Divisional Commander said that he had no knowledge of this. However, Hicken conceded that he had spoken by telephone to Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee after the shooting of the Lindeners had occurred.

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Kaieteur News

Kaieteur News Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Gaming the System When EZJet was launched earlier this year, there was great speculation as to the source of the funding of the charter airline, which promised a regular run between Georgetown and New York. After all, Guyanese had been exposed to at least a dozen charter airlines in the last few decades – all of which collapsed ignominiously. These included even the privatised Guyana Airways that had involved some extremely respected executives from the local financial fraternity. Many Guyanese lost their airfares when the airlines folded and they appreciated the need for ‘deep pockets’ to subsidise the high operating expenses during the off-peak months. As the new airline embarked on a frenetic expansion drive – to Toronto and Trinidad, with other destinations in the pipeline – the explanation offered by EZJet’s CEO, Sonny Ramdeo, that a mortgage on his house had underwritten the venture, grew increasingly threadbare. Last week, the other shoe apparently fell, to explain the mystery of the ‘funding godfather”: a US Healthcare company (Promise Healthcare) where Ramdeo had a day job, accused the EZJet founder of embezzling US$5.4 million from the company and pumping it into his airline. Ramdeo in turn stepped down from his position at EZJet and countered that his bosses were themselves accused of a massive scam involving US$550 million and implied they were behind-the-scenes investors. The top three executives at Promise Healthcare, Chairman, Peter R. Baronoff , CEO Howard Koslow, and Vice Chairman, Lawrence Leder, were also the principals of another outfit, “Success Healthcare”. They were basically running a hustle that exploited the US Government’s subsidy of healthcare for the poor in their Medicaid programme. These men had absolutely no background in medicine or healthcare operations. Barnoff had served as Deputy Mayor of Boca Raton, Florida, and his resume on Promise’s website boasted of “specialized expertise in strategic planning, finance, business re-structuring, acquisition and expansion, business development, brand development, and marketing.” Koslow’s expertise was “strategic planning, corporate operations direction and oversight for multiunit organization structures, finance, forecasting, acquisition and expansion, business re-structuring, and turnaround management.” But Leder was the key: “As a supervisory auditor for the U.S. General Accounting Office, Leder was in charge of the nationwide audit of the newly created Medicare programme. Leaving the government, he served as Healthcare Manager and Reimbursement Specialist for Coopers & Lybrand’s New York office, where he focused on the valuation and collectability of medical receivables and provided counsel to banks and other asset-based lending institutions.” He knew the government reimbursement system from the inside. They marketed themselves as “rescuing health care clients in financial emergencies.” In a declining economy, they would buy out the receivables (outstanding bills to patients) of distressed hospitals in poor neighbourhoods for a fraction of their face value. The hospitals would receive a cash infusion, but soon enough they’d be in trouble again and Success/Promise would buy them out for a song. The receivables were mostly Medicaid claims against the government since most of the patients were extremely poor. But the Promise executives didn’t stop at making huge profits on the receivables. They connived to sell those receivables to a former Chicago banker William Gunlicks. His investment fund provided hundreds of millions of dollars to the Promise Executives to help finance their ventures. The SEC accused Gunlicks of making false claims to garner $550 million in investor funds. Soon after, Gunlicks’fund manager of a company formed with the two of the Promise Executives in Bermuda killed himself with an overdose of pills. Gunlicks, settled the SEC case but the Receiver—trying to recover the US$550 million - sued the Florida partners’ finance companies. The receiver accused them of fraudulently transferring hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase or prop up distressed hospitals they owned. Investors, also, have sued the Florida partners for misrepresenting the nature of the receivables. Is it possible that the Promise/Success partners invested in EZJet behind the scenes – and since they couldn’t leave a paper trail, might have feared they were being outmanoeuvred by Ramdeo?

Friday November 02, 2012

Letters... Where your views make the news

Goolsarran responds to Auditor General

DEAR EDITOR, The Kaieteur News yesterday carried two comments from the Auditor General which caught my eye and which requires a clarification. The first relates to his reference to the 2003 Auditor General’s report (which I had prepared) that “there is hardly any physical inspection compared with mine”. This is totally untrue in that all capital works as well as major maintenance works were physically verified. The difference was that if all was well, there was no mention in the report. The current Auditor General was part of that effort in his capacity as Assistant Auditor General, and I am surprised that he could have made such a statement. There are two types of reporting: (a) full reporting of the results whether they reflect negative findings or not; and (b) exception reporting where only deficiencies and shortcomings are highlighted. Drawing from my experience working with the United Nations in Africa, I opted for exception reporting for 2003. The reason was simple: to avoid the reporting being too bulky and cumbersome to read, and to assist the reader to grasp the essentials of the report. This is standard practice and conforms with international best

practices. In fact, the United Nations has word limits for all its reports. Prior to 2003, all of my reports beginning from 1992 onwards were written in the full reporting format. This was deliberately done because we had just come out of an era of lack of accountability, and the public needed to know in a very detailed way how their funds were expended. But as time elapsed and accountability became a settled arrangement, the merits of full reporting had to be re-evaluated. The 2003 report was based on that re-evaluation as well as my international exposure. The second comment by the Auditor General relates to his assertion that he was the only person that did VFM (Value For Money) audits and that he had done two of them. A performance audit, sometimes referred to as VFM audit, is normally carried out by national audit offices. It is an attempt to ascertain to what extent the resources of an organisation are utilised in achieving stated objectives in an economical, efficient and effective manner (hence the value for money concept). Since 1992, the Audit Office has been conducting performance audits but an integrated approach was taken in reporting the results. Many of the comments contained in the Auditor General’s report from 1992 onwards were in the nature of

performance audit findings. There was a legal restriction in that the Auditor General could have only reported separately on any matters incidental to his duties under the relevant legislation. Notwistanding this, during my tenure, special reports were issued that reflected the results of performance audits. Two examples will suffice: (a) The Essequibo Road Project where it was discovered that there was short-shipment of stone, inferior quality of stone, inflated prices and falsification of invoices, among others. This resulted in the World Bank cancelling the project; and (b) The illegal exportation of dolphins and the disappearance of $50M from the Wildlife Fund. For a long time, I have been advocating for standalone, dedicated performance audit reports, and I am happy to have included in the draft Audit Act provision for this to be done. The draft Act became the Audit Act 2004. However, I did not have the good fortune to implement many of the good aspects of the new Act because I demitted office at the time when it was about to be made operational. I went to the United Nations and advocated a similar approach, and at the time of leaving, I had prepared a draft report on the matter for consideration by the UN

Board of Auditors before submission to the General Assembly. This has been seven years since the Audit Act was passed with provision for undertaking performance audits and issuing standalone reports. The Auditor General has so far issued only two such reports. Whether that reflects credit on his part, for the topics selected and for the quality and effectiveness of the reports, I will leave for the reader to judge for himself/ herself. Finally, I wish to state that I lectured to the Auditor General when he was reading for his accounting degree at UG. Upon completion of his degree, he was promoted to the position of Assistant Auditor General ahead of those who were senior to him but who did not have the requisite qualification for appointment to the post. In 1998, he was sent to participate in a nine-month audit fellowship programme with the Canadian Audit Office. As his supervisor, I also imparted as much on-the-job training to him as possible. I might be critical of his work but it is all done in the best interest to the country. I am therefore taken back by the two statements he has made above, trying to boost his own performance and in the process seeking to fault my work. Anand Goolsarran

Friday November 02, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

Kissoon’s social contract and the blame game DEAR EDITOR, So Mr. Freddie Kissoon now dishes out a “social contract” for our Guyanese taste buds hoping the spice of Western philosopher Thomas Hobbes would make it palatable. Amazingly, he hopes that the PPP/C government even in sniffing his dish would straightway succumb to the Hobbesian spice and change the Guyana constitution. Mr. Kissoon wants to harness and affix this social contract to enhance the opposition powers in Parliament because “the PNC is desperately trying to survive” (KN, October 24th, 2012). The PPP/C government may as well hang itself knowing who cooked the “social contract” dish. By any means, this does not necessarily mean to excuse the PPP/C’s failings with all its unfulfilled promises. The PNC must also survive by all that is right and legal. What exempts, in such a “social contract”, the opposition from their parliamentary responsibilities when they are actively involved in fomenting violence, arson, harassment of defenseless commuters, burning of taxpayers’ buildings and targeting of fellow of a certain section of Guyanese? The AFC/APNU opposition must also abide… nay… be exemplary in compliance of this same Kissoon-unearthed Hobbes “social contract” to treat all Guyanese with equal rights including respect. They stand to gain more. A ”social contract” must not appear as another disguise to flaunt and flounce in opposition to the Guyana Government’s sacred duty to preserve law and order. APNU’s receptability will in fact be judged by how it disassociates its symbiosis to the AFC’s extremism and violence at Linden and

Agricola. A positive record substantially enhances the PNC’s chances to become the next government for sure. In the meantime, no one can expect the PPP/C to cut their noses to spoil their faces. It’s Diwali time. Let our lights shine to remove darkness. Can’t we all get along? Or do we want the AFC to rob and beat Santa Claus when he comes to town? Clever Mr. Kisssoon quietly forgets to tell us that Englishman Hobbes also believed in “absolute” government. Between the current freely-elected PPP/C and its previous r i g g i n g , undemocratic predecessor, the choice can only be obvious. The PPP/C must, however, get its act together by seizing the bull by its horns. Who in Guyana has not grown up poor? Contrast Mr. Kissoon now living a privileged life of luxury with a big house in a gated community having even got a free university education in Canada. He suffered no hardships as a student as his bread has always been well buttered. Me? I had to work two jobs in factories in the good old USA living in cockroach/ rat infested slums before completing my post-graduate university education to become a teacher. In America we call this paying a heavy price. Pitiful Kissoon. For someone promoting a new “social contract”, Mr. Kissoon is the best living example of noncompliance especially. When Hindus recently observed Pitri Paksh- i.e. the remembrance and homage to former ancestors- it was totally lost on our Kissoons. For our Kissoons, those same Guyanese who rescued and blossomed the sugar and rice industries can be easily denied their natural rights and freedom from onslaughts

DEAR EDITOR, The sea defence works (rip-rap) that was done at Aurora Village on the Essequibo Coast, beginning from where the Nursery School used to be located and ending some 150 meters north in the Johana area, according to all of the residents who used to be flooded out by the high tide, is a piece of work well done by the contractor, Mr. Samaroo, and for which we are grateful. But we were led to believe that the entire stretch of the vulnerable or critical sea dam

would have been done yet less than half of this area was addressed. So overtopping and seeping continue during the high tide or spring tide. There are other areas in Aurora where sea defence work is currently going onthe Warusi area and a piece at the Aurora Estate, which when completed will secure those areas. The people’s concerns will only be rested when the entire area is secured. Then and only then will the people say mission accomplish. Archie Cordis

More sea defence works is needed at Aurora

to their security in their own country. Apparently when they built roads, cleared canals, lived in sub-human logies, nurtured the sugar-cane and rice plants, growing food every day in the boiling sun in muddy fields to feed the Caribbean, it meant nothing to Mr Kissoon. The “educated” Mr. Kissson can boost his ego by quoting Hobbes but his “social contract” proclivities are only triggered after three Lindeners are unfortunately and mysteriously killed. In

the aftermath, violent thuggery and racism on mostly commuters at Agricola becomes seemingly excusable and justifiable only because of Mr. Kissoon’s self admittance that “I am ashamed to be an Indian”. Can there be a more pathetic human psychological deficiency in denying or acknowledging something which afforded him life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but which is now despised with open disdain? Who would remind our

Kissoons of Plato’s admonition “Know thyself”! This “social contract” that Mr. Kissoon touts can only make a mockery of Guyana’s sensitive reality not so much in its advocacy but who cooks and serves it. But he must not be hated as we are the ones that failed. Regardless of the deficiencies which abound, I would still be favourably disposed to be charitable, sharing with equal sacrifices even limiting my share to give those more in need. Moreso, I am always predisposed to hearing and

facilitating all sides because of my religion, origins, cultural beliefs, traditions and race. It was Mahatma Gandhi who said “I want the culture of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any.” How this Hobbes “social contract” which Mr. Kissoon promotes be beneficial to us all remains to be seen. Its significance would be reflected when Mr. Kissoon heals himself first. We know in whose court the missing ball resides.

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Kaieteur News

Friday November 02, 2012

AFC seeking legal advice to halt Marriott project The Alliance for Change (AFC) is se e k i n g l e g a l advice to ascertain if an injunction could be granted on the grounds of illegality to halt the construction of a Marriot-branded hotel in Guyana - a project the joint Opposition, which holds majority in the National Assembly, views as a waste of taxpayers’ money, especially when the core revenue earners, restaurant, casino and nightclub, will be operated by private individual(s). Khemraj Ramjattan, leader of the AFC, on Wednesday revealed the Party’s plans, and emphasized that the basis of their decision came from former Auditor General, Anand Goolsarran, who highl i g h t e d t h e i l l e g a l manner in which National Industrial & Commercial Investments Ltd (NICIL) operates. Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, had said that government’s participation in the project is by way of equity, in the sum of US$4M. That amount is being committed by NICIL, which is the investment arm of government that holds its assets. “There are certain things that they are doing that are illegal, but it is left to whether a judge will grant that injunction. I don’t really know, but quite frankly as a lawyer, I think we should attempt it,” Ramjattan said. He related that the AFC will try to pass a motion in Parliament indicating that the Opposition does not support the construction of the Marriott Hotel in Guyana, in the manner it is being done through NICIL. Ramjattan emphasized that funds being utilized by NICIL for this project, which is supposed to be in the Consolidated Fund, would have allowed representatives of the people in Parliament decide how it should be

A mini health check is the first step to donating blood

expended. “That is the big deception here - they have made a private company as it were, take Government’s monies to do investment, without what is called parliamentary approval, and that is what is unconstitution a l , ” he added. Ramjattan believes that the Marriott Hotel project should be halted because “certain golden eggs like the restaurant, casino and nightclub will be given to special friends and family.” Meanwhile, taxpayers will be left with the aspect of the investment that does not generate much money. “When it comes to occupancy levels, the taxpayers’ money that is going to build the entire superstructure may not have any monies… so our monies will be going in there and we wouldn’t get any profits from that kind of investment, but a special group may v e r y well,” the AFC Leader emphasised. Recently, in a notice in the Guyana Chronicle, Atlantic Hotel Incorporated (AHI) advertised for expressions of interest for the casino, night club and specialty restaurant at the Marriott Hotel, which is planned for the Kingston, Georgetown area. However, the advertisement brings more questions to the fore about the entire Marriott deal. Some observers have said that the separation of the three is like “giving away the goose that lays the golden egg”, since the main revenue earners of the project will now be outsourced. According to the current laws, no facility with less than 200 rooms can operate a casino. The Marriott is projected to have less than 200 rooms, but the government has already signaled intentions to grant permission for a casino. Even more interesting, the hotel has not yet been constructed, and the main revenue earners are being divested ahead of construction.

Friday November 02, 2012

Kaieteur News

Another Harbour Bridge in the making Government has announced that it will be embarking on studies for an alternative to the aging Demerara Harbour Bridge. Responding to questions Wednesday at the Office of the President, Transport Minister Robeson Benn said that there has been interest, time and again, for a new bridge, but although information was provided not much has come out. Very soon, government will be advertising for companies to conduct studies for a new Demerara River crossing, he said. The project is a priority for government, especially with the explosion of traffic which in recent years has been proving a headache for the policy makers. The current Demerara Harbour Bridge, commissioned in 1978, has long since outlasted its expected life with its management facing a constant uphill task of keeping it operational. Vehicular traffic last December broke records with 252,000 vehicles crossing.

With a projected 10,000-plus vehicles being added to the country’s roads annually, the troubles have been many. Daily changing of deck plates and repairs – sometimes in a race against the clock – has been a normal sight for the thousands of commuters who traverse the bridge. The government’s worst nightmare became a reality in July after a section collapsed during maintenance works, stranding thousands on both sides of the Demerara River and causing millions of dollars in losses. Although it was brought back up in three days, the incident brought home the harsh reality of the urgent need for another crossing. With several new housing schemes established in recent years in West Demerara, the situation has reached a worrying stage. Bridge officials have already said that the situation will become difficult to control within five years because of the volume of traffic. (Leonard Gildarie)

Boy, 11, found dead in drain A Herstelling lad was last night found dead in a drain aback of his home after disappearing for hours. Dead is Vikaash Singh, 11, of 447 Back Street, Herstelling, East Bank Demerara. According to his mother, Meenakumarie ‘Chand’ Singh, her son had been last seen around 09:00 hrs, before his body was discovered around 20:30hrs - almost twelve hours later - by members of a search party. The First Former of Providence Secondary was said to occasionally suffer from seizures. His father is seaman who left on an 18-day duty only Monday. According to the dead boy’s traumatized mother, Vikaash was the only one at home with her yesterday. He was the fourth of five children. She recounted that she did not really think much after she wasn’t seeing him earlier in the day. Around 11:00 hrs, after not hearing from the boy, the mother made some inquiries. But it was around 15:00hrs that she started looking for him in earnest. She asked neighbours and his friends to assist in this regard. It was not until around 20:00hrs that a member of the search party venturing to the backyard of the home, spotted a foot protruding from the “four foot” drain. They quickly removed Vikaash’s body. There was no fence and the family believes

Dead: Vikaash Singh that the lad may have been in the area and suffered a seizure and fell into the water where he drowned. It was not somewhere he would usually traverse. He was clad in a jeans and brown t-shirt. There was a large crowd at the home last night as the news spread. The body of the Herstelling boy was still at the home after 22:00hrs last night. Police are investigating.

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Mahdia residents demand REO’s removal - Call for water supply, better roads Residents of Mahdia, Region Eight, took to the streets in their numbers demanding the immediate removal of the Regional Executive Officer, Ronald Harsawack, provision of potable water and construction of community roads. Residents have promised to keep up the protest until all their demands are met. According to Mark Crawford, Regional Chairman, while the protest seeks to highlight the community’s woes, the residents’ main demand is the resignation of Harsawack, who “has not been operating in the interest of residents”. Prior to this civil action, Crawford, on behalf of the Council and residents, had raised Harsawack’s reluctance to further development in Mahdia with the Ministers of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud and Norman Whittaker. During a press conference

at the Ministry, Persaud said the protest was politically motivated by the Alliance for Change and A Partnership for National Unity. He noted that Crawford and Harsawack had decided to meet every Monday to discuss pertinent issues of the Region. In addition, he noted that Harsawack recently met with the Chief Executive Officer of Guyana Water Incorporated and the Chairperson of the Civil Defence Commission to address the water shortage in Mahdia created by the dry season. He noted that a long term fix to the water shortage will also be addressed. Persaud related that as the protest is ongoing, pipelines, pumps and other conduits are being transported to Mahdia. In addition, the road leading to Mahdia is being repaired, while the contract has already been awarded for the construction of internal roads. According to Crawford,

these woes have been affecting residents for months - particularly the water shortage, which began way before the dry season. “I told the REO in a meeting a week ago that the residents are at a boil over point, but he did not take it seriously,” Crawford noted. He related, “Anybody with a modicum of commonsense can realize that the REO is not working in the best interest of the Region and is actually sabotaging development. The Region’s 2013 Budget was submitted without the knowledge of the Council.” The Chairman said that it is alleged that the budget was submitted with forged signatures of the programme heads in the Region. He noted that soon that will be investigated. “With the amount of revenue the Government receives from Region Eight, residents deserve to be treated better,” he stated.

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Kaieteur News

NOC Commission of Inquiry… A new Chairman has been chosen for the Commission of Inquiry into the escape of inmates and other related occurrences at the New Opportunity Corps (NOC), Onderneeming, on the Essequibo Coast, more than two months ago. During a brief telephone interview with Kaieteur News yesterday, Minister of Culture Youth, and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony said that the person has already agreed to hold the position, and that he is currently going through the terms and conditions. He however declined to give the name of the individual, as a public announcement will be made next week. Nonetheless, investigations are expected to commence after the formalities are completed. Ever since the resignation of previous chairman, Mr. Prem Persaud, all investigations into the violent unrest at NOC have been stalled. Persaud was said to have been “caught up between being the Chairman of both the Commission of Inquiry and the Public Utilities Commission”. Minister Anthony had told this publication that the commissioners are being given a strict timeline to work with, and that it coincided with an important PUC conference that Mr. Persaud

had to prepare for. “It was understandable that he had to divert his energy elsewhere,” the Minister had explained. Persaud resigned just as the commission was preparing to visit and conduct interviews with staffers and inmates of the NOC. The Commission of Inquiry was set up to investigate the circumstances surrounding the violent rampage that a number of youngsters ages ranging from 14 to 16 went on in a bid to escape from the Juvenile detention facility. Reports are that the teenagers stormed through several communities while being armed with cutlasses and other weapons. During this period, a female dormitory and a workshop within the compound were set alight. Minister Anthony told Kaieteur News yesterday that the young ladies who were housed in the dorm had to be relocated. As far as the workshop is concerned, Anthony said that it had caused a constraint on training programmes. However, the Ministry, about a year ago, implemented the courses which are being offered by the Kuru Kururu Training Centre, at the NOC. This, he indicated, has been going well, and has seen 19 persons graduating with diplomas. Minister Anthony also pointed out that some

Friday November 02, 2012

New Chairman identified international organizations have promised assistance in rebuilding the workshop and dorms. Even UNICEF, the Minister said, has promised to replace some of the material lost in the fires. Subsequent to the unrest some of the inmates, after being confronted, claimed that they were being abused by staffers, and that they had reached breaking point. A senior Ministry official had however stated that none of the juveniles made any such allegations to the team which visited the centre prior to the escape. It was as a result of these controversial statements, that a Commission of Inquiry was ordered. The Board of Inquiry currently includes Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Alfred King; Senior Superintendent and Divisional Commander of ‘D’ Division, Christopher Griffith; Senior Probation Officer of Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, Trenetta Scott and Mr. Maydha Persaud, a retired headmaster and member of the Teaching Service Commission. Of the 48 inmates who had appeared in court, eight were charged with arson, and 40 were arraigned for escaping from a training school. Twelve of the inmates are female, while thirty-six are male.

Thirteen of the juveniles pleaded guilty to escaping from the NOC, while the remaining 35 entered not guilty pleas.

Sixteen of the inmates were remanded to the juvenile facility in Georgetown, while the other 32 were returned to the NOC.

Minister Anthony stands firm on his decision to penalize any staffer of the facility, should they be found guilty of abusing the children.

Findings of 2011 Auditor General Report…

Govt. launches probe of irregularities at Regional level Local Government and Regional Development Minister, Ganga Persaud, has expressed dissatisfaction over the number of irregularities which have been unearthed in the Auditor General’s 2011 report. During a press briefing yesterday at the Ministry’s Kingston Office, the Minister maintained that much effort is being placed at the Ministerial level to ensure the irregularities are eliminated. The Ministry, according to a government report, said it is in receipt of copies of the report and is currently engaging each regional administration. “The Ministry has taken a proactive approach in dealing with these issues, because some of these issues are ones that would have been found in previous reports coming out from the Auditor General….We are dissatisfied that we haven’t found the solutions to correct some of these issues, particularly those that are on the repeat list,” he said. As such, Permanent Secretary Collin Croal and Deputy Permanent Secretary Abena Moore will commence meetings from November 7, with regional officials, to iron out discrepancies unearthed in the report. Minister Persaud has requested written

responses from Regional Officials found guilty of non-compliance. “We are going to ensure that those who have failed to execute their duties, in keeping with established principles and procedures… that they are brought to the book. We cannot allow these kinds of behaviour and practice to continue,” Minister Persaud said. In the past, the Ministry initiated a principle of allowing Regional Executive Officers to make submission on behalf of the various departments. However, this has not been proven effective, as irregularities are still being unearthed. The team is expected to complete its report by November 30. On October 25, a team of Regional Executive Officers and Minister Persaud met with President Donald Ramotar at Office of the President, when an update on Auditor General’s report and 2012 works programme were highlighted. The officers were encouraged to strive for efficiency and effectiveness and to adhere to the necessary procurement and financial regulations, all in the interest of accountability and transparency. Issues like overpayments and accounting irregularities were contained in the state auditor’s report which was released last week.

Friday November 02, 2012

Kaieteur News

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GUYANA HAS TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT ITS REPUTATION A country has to safeguard its reputation. If it does not, it stands to lose massively. Guyana must not take lightly the allegations facing a top executive of EZjet. Guyana faces the risk of being defamed if these allegations, which are before a court in the United States, are upheld. For the sake of the country, it is hoped that those allegations are false and the charges made against one of the principals of EZjet are thrown out, because if they upheld, then Guyana would have once again acquired another chink of notoriety in American courts. In recent years, Guyanese have found themselves facing indictments in American courts, and this has cast a negative image on the country. The indictments against Roger Khan and Ed Ahmad, both of which led to plea bargains, indicated that the accused had links to Guyana by birth. And therefore Guyana’s name was unfortunately dragged through the processes involved in these cases. But where the real damage was done was in the case against Robert Simels, where actions of the client of the accused when the client was in Guyana, was referred to. These references smeared the image of Guyana Since then, another Guyanese has faced an indictment in a high-profile case involving campaign financing, and now yet another Guyanese has been accused in a civil suit of siphoning off funds from his

employer. These are serious new allegations which have once again thrown Guyana into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. A negative image has serious implications not just for investors but for Guyana’s relationship with foreign governments and international institutions. Those countries and institutions are going to be wary about dealing with a country whose nationals are being consistently accused of serious wrongdoing in courts in America. Given the concern by the Americans about the use of illicit funds in businesses, including in overseas economies, Guyana can find itself in serious hot water if the allegations against the top official of EZ jet are upheld. It is therefore naïve for anyone to contend, imply, or suggest, that less importance should be given to the possible use of illicit funds in a business, and more to the record of that company. Nothing could be further from the truth. The end does not justify the means. In this era, when international norms against the use of illicit funds are being universalized, such a suggestion would be akin to a dereliction of responsibility to ensure that funds used in business are clean funds. As such, it is necessary for every business, every government and every country to be concerned about allegations about illicit funds being channeled into businesses operating out of

Dem boys seh...

People got to pope dem big ones parties People like holler when de slightest thing happen. Was de season of birthdays and dem boys seh that dem gun pope all dem birthday parties. Dem start fuh listen to all dem radio announcements and dem hear that Bharrat get a party. Well dem expect to get an invite. None ain’t come. Dem decide that dem can pope suh dem travel to Plaisance. Some of dem get in and dem lef wid dem mouth open. De house look like a palace wha dem Arab rich people does got. Food lick dog. New Thriving supply food like how rain does provide water. Bharrat put out de works but was de next day that New Thriving had problem. Is a good thing dem Bees got money because Bharrat seh that he wasn’t paying. Fuh four days is different people tun up and all of dem talk bout different food. De next birthday dem boys plan fuh tackle was Uncle Donald own but that couldn’t happen. Uncle

Donald don’t eat pork suh he wasn’t prepared to use New Thriving. And dem boys didn’t enjoy de pastries and mash potato. Well Uncle Adam had he party de other night. He mek it easy because he buy fry chicken. He didn’t cater fu hem Rasta. He had to go back to New Thriving and buy ordinary and meatless fry rice. When that come de Rasta people claim how dem had to go home. De food lef. De drinks flow but people got a way of telling dem system not to shut down. De result was that de cleaners had to clean urine from places wheh people shoulda control dem system. That is why people now claiming that when city council strike dem gun get Uncle Adam to host a party. De sanitation system wouldn’t have to work. But Uncle Glenn seh that Uncle Adam cannot hold any more drinking sessions. Talk half and watch de urine.

Guyana. It is repugnant for anyone to suggest that whether or not illicit funds were involved, any company operating in Guyana must be judged on what it has done for the people. Business are into the business of making money and all the specials that these companies put on are all part of the promotions, in order to win market share and enjoy greater customer confidence. Some companies are prepared to take short term losses for long term gain, through larger market shares. It is not unusual at all for a

new business to enter the market aggressively. The competition that EZjet is said to have injected into the airline industry is nothing new. All the other airlines that have run the Guyana route did the same when they first came on the market. One airline even offered US$10 per seat as a starting fare. The public knows that eventually prices will have to be restored to normal, because these promotions last for only so long. No viable airline can sustain low fares forever. In fact REDjet, which made its name with its offers of low fares, is now out of compliance.

The public therefore knows that fares will eventually have to rise and this why so many persons are trying to cash in on the cheap fares that are now on offer. In the meantime, the government has a responsibility to ensure that illicit funds do not find their way into business. This is why it is important that due diligence is done on those who come here to do business, because when things go wrong, it is the Guyanese consumers who will suffer, jobs will be lost, and Guyana ‘s reputation will be smeared. In the meantime, there is a known case of a local business

which is being established with funds legitimately earned, being frustrated in its attempt to startup. This sets a horrible example and can equally hurt our investment climate, as can any possible fallout from the trial that is about to take place in the United States of America. By the way, where does the private sector stand on these issues?

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Kaieteur News

Friday November 02, 2012


From Berbice to Parika: My heart is broken into tiny pieces On Wednesday evening, I travelled up to Berbice at the request of the People’s United and General Workers’ Union along with Lincoln Lewis of the TUC, Fitz Ralph of the People’s Parliament and Gerhard Ramsaroop of the AFC, to listen to the grievances of workers in the employ of expatriate firm, Oldendorff, which does transshipment of bauxite for Rusal. What I heard from those workers has convinced me

this country is nearing the return to slavery and only a national government can stop it. The next night, I travelled with the same gentlemen and Tyrone Talbot of the People’s Parliament, to listen to crying market vendors at Parika. Take the use of the word crying literally, because vendors shed tears in front of us. The tragedy unfolding in Parika has two dimensions. One is what happened last Sunday at Railroad Street.

Scores of police, under the direction of the infamous Watts, swooped down on dozens of vendors. The police barricaded the street from the south and north. Then apartheid violence was unleashed. You wonder if white policemen were so harsh to native vendors during the reign of apartheid in South Africa. Whenever you think of the white man’s rule in the Third World and the nonwhite king that replaced him, think of what Joshua Nkomo said about Robert Mugabe after Ian Smith was kicked out of Rhodesia and the country became known as Zimbabwe, with Mugabe as its President. Nkomo said that he was never prosecuted under white rule as what he endured at the hands of his own Zimbabwean leaders. It is historian Clem Seecharran in his book, “Sweetening Bitter Sugar,” who described for us the fear Cheddi Jagan had of the Booker Chief Executive Officer, Sir Jock Campbell. Sir Jock was well liked on the sugar estates and that was

causing a problem for Jagan’s success in organizing the workers. To the workers, Campbell was a socialist just as Jagan was. Seecharran made the point that Jagan undermined Campbell in order to use the workers for his own political purposes. Well Jagan succeeded and the sugar workers treated him like a god, but long after the PPP came to power in 1992, the statement of Peter D’Aguiar still rings out. Alarmed at how workers voted for their own selfdestruction, D’Aguiar exclaimed, “The masses are asses?” Are they? Is there some truth to that? If you see what happened at Parika last Sunday then you wonder why Africans and Indians in Guyana continue to vote for their own self-destruction. So what did the police, the Parika NDC and the Ministry of Works do last Saturday at Parika? They imprisoned the vendors with the barricades, preventing shoppers from entering Railroad Street. You would have thought that was

the end of it. If shoppers can’t go in, then no one will buy your stuff. But the bullies moved in for the kill. All of the items, every single item from the vendors, were confiscated and their parasols, stands and benches removed. Canter trucks rolled up, collected the stuff, and burnt everything on the Bushy Park seashore. We went to take a look at the burnt-out stuff. If homeless people are reading this then go to Bushy Park right now, because we saw cartons of canned drinks and canned foodstuff that are still good. The fire barely touched those that we saw. It was a horrible sight to see. Maybe after taking Chris Brown to his swimming pool in Leonora, Minister Irfaan Ally can pass Brown by Bushy Park and show him that in a country in the Caribbean, apartheid has moved over from South Africa to Guyana. We saw people who cried to us over what they had lost. One Amerindian mother said to me with tears running down

Frederick Kissoon her cheeks, “Mister Kissoon, I have children to feed and send to school. Ow, Mr. Kissoon, is only one day we sell here. Why they did this to us?” A Canter truck owner had his children in the vehicle, but he was crying, because he told us all the vegetables and greens had to be thrown away. The second dimension is that the NDC has given a select set of vendors a few days to move after they would have occupied that spot near the stelling for over fifty years. One vendor showed us her son who is twenty-six and was in his mother’s lap as a baby everyday while she plied her trade right there. One vendor yelled out so loudly that the Parika police station could have heard. She said she will die fighting before accepting eviction. Excuse me! Where is APNU?

Friday November 02, 2012

Kaieteur News

Linden Commission of Inquiry…

Lawyer says Rohee “failed to enhance the Police Force” By Latoya Giles Attorney at law Basil Williams yesterday grilled the Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee as to why several recommendations in relation to police reform have not been implemented. Williams also suggested that the Police Complaints Authority lacked ‘investigative capacity,’ thus providing no recourse for the public. The Minister returned yesterday to complete his evidence in chief before the Linden Commission of Inquiry. The Minister, in his defence, told the Commissioners that when he makes a request “it will be considered by his Ministry.” Williams also sought to delve into the ramifications of there being a ‘perceived lack of confidence’ in the Police’s Office of Professional Responsibility Asked if he believes that the work of the Office of Professional Responsibility is being curtailed because of its dependence on the Guyana Police Force, the Minister suggested otherwise and reminded that it is a “contracted employee.” The Office of Professional Responsibility is headed by a retired Assistant Police Commissioner. Minister Rohee stated that the administration’s long term objective is to strengthen the overall “integrity of the Guyana Police Force,” inclusive of its Office of Professional Responsibility. He pointed to “more recommendations,” expected from a Contracted Consultant and was also grilled over the recommendations already submitted by the Disciplined Services Commission. Suggesting that he is not sure as to what takes place in Guyana, Jamaica-born Commissioner KD Knights, cautioned Rohee, against asking “police to investigate a police.” Knights spoke of a ‘squadie mentality,’ which is developed among ranks in Jamaica and suggested that when such an occurrence exists, a ‘police rank’ would not be the best person, to be asked to investigate another police rank. According to Knight, he would have to look at and know the genesis, because the police force is the only organization in a country that investigates in relation to criminal matters.

He asserted that no other organization does that. Knights said that it investigates itself for disciplinary matters and it investigates itself for criminal matters. “For example if a judge commits a criminal offence, it’s the police who investigate him, and if judges or any other lawyers professionally commit some unethical act, that’s dealt with internally. If they commit a criminal offence, it’s the police” Knights stressed. He noted that the only way equality can be brought to society is to have an independent body investigate the allegations of criminal acts by the police so that nobody, no organization in the society, will be able to investigate itself in criminal matters, so the OPR has to be transformed into the body that investigates disciplinary matters, the commissioner posited. Williams proceeded to question Rohee about whether he is in charge of National Security, to which the Minister indicated he was not. Williams went on to suggest that the force has done nothing since the “crime wave” which begun in 2002, to help reform it - a position the Minister denied, stating that the force has ongoing training. Rohee was also questioned about the recent shootings of Shaquille Grant and Dameon Belgrave. The two were shot and killed in separate incidents. One policeman has being charged with the Grant killing, while the police are still investigating the other incident. The minister admitted that no one has been charged in connection with those murders during the crime wave. He was then asked by Williams if he was aware that the force is using excessive force. Rohee replied that that was a judgment issue. Williams suggested to the minister that nothing has changed and that he had failed to curb the use of excessive force or to enhance the police force. Rohee denied both assertions. Rohee was then asked about the entry requirements in the force, to which he answered that a minimum requirement was three subjects at CXC. However Williams suggested that a report which was done stated that the basic requirement was “primary education”.

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Friday November 02, 2012

Health sector striving to vigorously address breast cancer Although there is currently no regulation forcing private health facilities to report all cases of breast cancer, the Ministry of Health is leaning towards such a development. With a

system of this nature in place, Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. Shamdeo Persaud, is confident that a more accurate picture of the state of breast cancer in Guyana will be known.

He revealed during a recent interview with this publication that while no countrywide survey has been done to determine the percentage of those afflicted with the disease, efforts are

continually made to trace cases that surface at the various health facilities. According to Dr. Persaud, the local Breast Cancer Registry, headed by Registrar Ms. Penelope Layne, has been

seeking the cooperation of even private facilities to report all cases. Currently the Breast Cancer Registry is accommodated at a rented building at Oronoque Street, Georgetown, a location that was obtained following a fire that gutted the Ministry of Health’s Lot 1 Brickdam headquarters in 2009. Dr. Persaud related that “since the fire we have been widely dispersed, but we hope to pull things back together.” Ms. Layne, according to the CMO, currently works with a small staff which is tasked with travelling around to various health facilities to gather data. “It is not mandated for them to provide us with the information for the Registry, because there isn’t any law...but we are working towards that so that we can have accurate information,” said Dr. Persaud. However, once persons are diagnosed with breast cancer, through clinical or pathological means, they are expected to be registered at the Breast Cancer Registry, which is one of the few registries within the Caribbean region. Currently there are vibrant registries in Trinidad, Barbados and Jamaica, while efforts are continually being made to revive the struggling local Registry, Dr. Persaud noted. Efforts towards improving its operation have seen the Health Ministry seeking to work with a number of sports groups with a view of bringing about “some sort of social inclusion and participation,” the CMO added, even as he spoke of partnership moves with the Avon Breast Cancer group. As part of its breast cancer awareness drive, the

Health Ministry just recently held a vigil to honour those who lost the fight against breast cancer and to give support to those who continue to face the challenge of battling its impact. According to Dr. Persaud, “We are continuing to work towards empowering the population at all of our facilities where women mainly access care.” In this regard, he said, the nurses at the various public health facilities are teaching themselves breast examinations, which entail how to screen for lumps and “we have surgical teams that are now going to all our regional hospitals and even district hospitals.” “We know that we can’t provide a surgeon to, for example Mabaruma, constantly, so what has been happening is that we are having groups from Georgetown Hospital, and even some private practitioners, being involved in outreach missions at these areas about once a month or so.” These outreach activities are designed to cater to as many women as possible, according to Dr. Persaud, in order to identify lumps that can be potentially cancerous. In addition to being screened, surgeries are undertaken as the need arises. However, the CMO revealed that there are yet some challenges with the more advanced stages of cancer. For this reason, he amplified the need for more screening and sensitisation programmes for the female population. “I hope that we can reduce the number of women who will need chemotherapy and radiotherapy and right now that is a challenge to our system, but we hope we can improve that service as we go along.”

Drowned miner described as “ambitious, promising” Julius Younge, 31, the miner who lost his life on October 29, last, in a mining pit, at Takutu Backdam, in the mining district sited approximately two hours from Itaballi, was described by his elder brother, Gary, as an ambitious and promising miner. Julius Younge lost his life when he apparently lost his balance and ended up in a pit some 40 feet deep. Gary Younge explained that his family was alerted about Julius’s disappearance and subsequent death by co-workers, on October 30, after a search unearthed the body in the mining pit. He said that his youngest brother, who worked as both a Miner and a mechanic, at Takutu Backdam, was reportedly bathing at the edge of the pit as he usually would. Julius’s co-workers passed him bathing at the spot. They were alerted to the man’s disappearance after they discovered one of his slippers floating in the area where he was last seen. Julius Younge’s gun was recovered at the edge of the pit where he had placed it. Another brother, who also has mining operations at Takutu Backdam, swiftly mobilized a team of Julius’s fellow co-workers and carried out a search by way of diving in the water-filled location, and eventually the body was discovered.

Friday November 02, 2012

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‘HI-Vision 20/20’ to guide NAPS operation A new strategic plan is in the making which when completed, will guide the National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS)’s operation for the next seven years. Programme Manager of NAPS, Dr. Shanti Singh, during an interview revealed that the Strategic Plan, which is being dubbed ‘HI-Vision 20/20’, is geared at focusing on a number of key areas of the HIV/AIDS fight such as the most at-risk populations, quality of service and the importance of data analysis. With a completed draft of the plan, the Ministry of Health’s HIV/AIDS fighting arm is in the process of preparing to engage a consultant to undertake the finalisation of the document, Dr. Singh said. She disclosed that currently NAPS is reviewing the curriculum vitae of a number of potential candidates. The NAPS Head is optimistic that the strategic plan will be completed by this year-end, paving the way for a number of areas it details to be implemented. “There are a number of things in this plan that we are looking forward to,” said Dr. Singh, as she alluded to the need to pay keen attention to the more at risk populations, such as the female Commercial Sex Workers (CSW) and Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). Additionally, it is expected to channel more attention towards dealing with some of the mobile populations such as miners and loggers, even as efforts are intensified in the area of educating adolescents and young adults. Further still, the plan is aimed at examining services offered by the national AIDS programme such as

- Dr. Singh prevention, care, treatment and support. According to Dr Singh, “not only are we going to be having more focus on the most at-risk populations, but at the same time, we will be monitoring closely to ensure that there is a high quality of service.” “Previously we responded and we did everything very quickly to get people on treatment and so forth, but now we are paying close attention to the quality of those services that we offer and the care that we deliver to all our patients and persons who access our facilities.” Speaking to the importance of data, Dr Singh disclosed that a vast amount of work has been done as it relates to the analysis of programme data. However, she noted that the next critical step is a move towards operations research “where we will be asking ourselves questions about the programme and trying to find the answers and hopefully that can modify our programme.” To this end, Dr Singh added, that there is a need for a great deal of operations research to be undertaken in order to better understand the existing programme. She pointed out that NAPS, as of next year, will introduce the planning process for a number of things, even as the result of the HIV drug-resistance surveillance survey is unveiled. “Hopefully we would be able to complete a number of biological behavioural surveillance surveys for MSMs and CSWs, and we will

Material shortage stalls major road works

Major road works involving crusher-run have reportedly been halted for several weeks owing to the shortage of the construction material. But BK Quarries says it has 10,000 tons of crusher run in its Kingston compound and has the capacity to supply any quantity within 24 hours. Crusher-run is usually used as base material for roads. It provides an excellent hard surface. Shortage of this essential building material was highlighted by Collin Croal, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development yesterday. He blamed the stalling of many community road projects being executed under Neighbourhood Democratic Councils, on the shortage. Apparently the shortage has affected works primarily on the coastland, in Region Three and Four districts. According to an official of the Ministry of Public Works, similar projects being executed by the Ministry have also halted. The official said that over a month ago contractors began complaining of difficulty in accessing crusher-run. This resulted in the Ministry only achieving about 25 percent of its targets. According to Brian Tiwari of BK Quarries, his company is not experiencing any shortage. He opined that there may possibly be a shortage of the material because he recently stopped giving to contractors, who currently owe him about $200M for crusher-run and are unable to pay because the Ministry of Finance has not released payments as yet. Meanwhile, Toolsie Persaud Limited, which also manufactures crusher-run, has confirmed that the company is experiencing a shortage. However, details were not disclosed as to the reason for this.

be doing for the first time, one for miners and another for loggers too,” Dr Singh related. “We have a wealth of additional information coming out next year that will

guide the programme. When we look at the programme we have done significantly well in terms of prevention and in addressing some of the most at-risk populations and we

have plans to do even more.” According to Dr Singh, NAPS is also looking to facilitate training programmes to encourage capacity and skills building, a move which

is expected to translate into safer sex practices which will further build on the indications of consistent and regular condom use, particularly among the at-risk groups.

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Kaieteur News

Friday November 02, 2012

Prequalification mechanism used by Health - AFC Ministry to come under scrutiny The prequalification mechanism used by the Ministry of Health to award contracts for medicines and pharmaceuticals to some contractors, particularly the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (New GPC), is expected to come under scrutiny by the Parliamentary Economic Services Commission - slated to be established within a month. Leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, disclosed that the

Committee of Selection and the Parliamentary Management Committee are assiduously working to establish the Parliamentary Economic Services Commission within a month’s time. “I have spoken to my member of the Parliamentary Management Committee, Moses Nagamootoo, and he has indicated that approximately within a month that should be done, so that we can start scrutinizing

certain economic agencies, authorities and even Ministries,” Ramjattan said. He related that scrutinizing the prequalification of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals by the Ministry is a major priority of the AFC when the Committee is established. “A big priority area is those contracts awarded in the billions of dollars to the New GPC as against other companies that could provide the drugs at far cheaper

prices,” Ramjattan stressed. According to the 2011 Report of the Auditor General, New GPC, a local company prequalified by the Government to supply pharmaceuticals and medical items, received a whopping 80 percent of the contracts. The Ministry for that year expended US$13.3M for pharmaceuticals and other purchases. And, New GPC received contracts to the tune of US$10.6 million.

Ramjattan opined that prequalification is a mechanism of the Ministry of Health to give friends and family contracts, although the same medicines can be accessed cheaper from other sources. Other areas the AFC said it would be examining in the Committee are the National Industrial & Commercial Investments Ltd, the Contingency Fund, Sugar, and contracts awarded to Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited. “Right now we understand that the Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited’s pumps have not been delivered to NDIA and a number of the chief people in NDIA have extended the mobile pumps and the vertical pumps delivery date to the end of the year… and we are calling into these institutions to find out if it is so, but are not in any way getting any answers.” Such behavior withholding information may see the AFC asking Parliamentary questions to get answers, Ramjattan added.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan Earlier last month it was reported that Surendra Engineering Corporation Limited was late in delivering 14 large capacity drainage pumps. The US$4M agreement for the pumps was signed in May 2011 between the Ministry of Agriculture, under the then Minister, Robert Persaud, and Surendra Engineering. The pumps were to be initially delivered since December 2011, and an extension was granted to September 2012.

Murder suspect arrested in GGMC compound The police yesterday arrested the man who was wanted in connection with the murder of Sulé Brian Assanah. On October 7, last, 20-year-old Assanah had his throat slashed after he went to the assistance of a police rank who was attempting to arrest the suspect. He succumbed shortly after arriving at the Georgetown Public Hospital. The incident occurred at the corner of Fourth and Light Streets, Alberttown. According to reports, the suspect was spotted yesterday in the compound of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission at around 14:00 hours. This publication was told that someone in the compound recognized the man and immediately called the police, who responded promptly and apprehended the suspect. Police had stated that the suspect had fled the scene after fatally stabbing Assanah. Reports are that a rank pursued the suspect to the Bourda Market area, but had to retreat after the suspect brandished his knife menacingly. This publication was told that earlier in the day, the suspect had gone to the home of a female acquaintance and threatened to kill her. It is alleged that a little later, a rank from the Alberttown Police Station received word that the suspect was in the area. However, when the police arrived, he was informed that the man was armed with a knife. “Somebody give the police word that dis man who went on he bicycle had a long knife so de police ask de man ‘where de knife deh,’ and same time Sulé pass and tell de man ‘why yuh giving de police a hard time, why you don’t go down to the station,” an eyewitness had told this publication. Eyewitnesses said that the suspect then drew a knife and slashed Assanah’s throat in full few of the unarmed police rank.

Friday November 02, 2012

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Friday November 02, 2012

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Kaieteur News

Friday November 02, 2012

$$M to be won in GT&T’s “Crazy Cash for Christmas” promotion


he Guyana Telephone and Telegraph C o m p a n y (GT&T) on Wednesday launched its highly anticipated “Crazy Cash for Christmas” promotion. Starting next Monday (November 5) and continuing every day (Monday to Friday) over the next seven weeks, the promotion will afford customers the opportunity to win over $10 million in cash and credit for the festive season. Prepaid customers simply have to top-up daily with $500 or more to be part of the promotion. Postpaid c u s t o m e r s w i l l automatically have a chance for a daily usage of $500. Customers’ cellular phone numbers will be randomly selected to win cash, starting at $40,000. This amount will increase weekly to a maximum of $1,000,000. Eligible customers will be called live on 98.1 FM at 12:35pm. The customer is expected to immediately

answer his or her mobile phone with the statement “GT&T best value in Guyana” to qualify to win cash along with “out of the Blue” credit every Wednesday. The promotion will conclude on December 24 with the selection of 12 lucky customers who will participate in a game show to take away “Crazy Cash”, in time for Christmas. GT&T stated that the promotion represents another way of rewarding its loyal customers and the Christmas season is the perfect time to do so. “We encourage you to top-up and use your mobile GT&T phones more regularly so that you can be a winner in this promotion. The higher your top-ups and usage the greater your chances are.” The multi-million-dollar promotion follows closely on the heels of the presentation of a beautiful house to Ms. Dionne Hercules, following her success in a competition

held by GT&T at GuyExpo 2012. Hercules had expressed gratitude to GT&T for providing the opportunity for her to be able to own a home. She described it is “a blessing” and “a new beginning” in her life.

The Launch of GT&T’s “Crazy Cash for Christmas” promotion: From left: Nadia De Abreu, PRO; Allison Dundas, Coordinator, Mobile Sales; Paul Bowersock, President International Operations, ATN; and Sonita Jagan, CFO (ag.)

Ms. Hercules’ new house.

GT&T CFO (ag.) Sonita Jagan presents keys to house to Dionne Hercules. Also in photo are Paul Bowersock, President, International Operations, ATN, (left) and relatives of Ms. Hercules.

Friday November 02, 2012

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Sri Lanka pressed at U.N. to prosecute wartime crimes

GENEVA (Reuters) Western countries kept up pressure on Sri Lanka yesterday to prosecute killings of civilians and other crimes committed in its 30year civil war and to investigate continuing grave violations. Britain and the United States said that accountability must be established for serious

breaches in the conflict that ended in 2009 and they voiced concern at the latest attacks on journalists, activists and lawyers. Sri Lanka was in the dock at the United Nations Human Rights Council, a Genevabased forum that regularly examines the records of all U.N. member states and issues recommendations. U.S. ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe said Sri Lanka must “end impunity for human rights violations and fulfill legal obligations regarding accountability by initiating independent and t r a n s p a r e n t investigations...into alleged violations of international law and hold those found culpable to account”. “Former conflict zones remain militarized and the military continues to encroach upon daily civilian and economic affairs,” she said, while torture, extrajudicial killings, disappearances, and threats to freedom of expression

persist. British ambassador Karen Pearce said there should be no impunity for attacks on journalists, rights defenders and lawyers “nor reprisals against any individual including for cooperating with U.N. mechanisms”. I n t e r n a t i o n a l investigators, whose findings have been rejected by the Sri Lankan authorities, have said the army committed largescale abuses and was responsible for many civilian deaths in the final stages of the war against Tamil Tiger rebels. Mahinda Samarasinghe, special envoy of President Mahinda Rajapaksa on human rights, defended his government’s record and work of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC). “Protection of civilian life was a key factor in the formulation of government policy for carrying out military operations and the deliberate targeting of civilians formed

WHEATON, Illinois (AP) — A suburban Chicago woman stabbed her sevenyear-old son 100 times because she was angry with her husband and a five-yearold girl about 50 times because she witnessed the attack, as both children prayed and begged for their lives, prosecutors said yesterday. DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin said Elzbieta Plackowska, 40, told investigators several stories, at first blaming the attack on a stalker who got into her home in Naperville, 25 miles west of Chicago. She later said the children had evil inside of them and she was fighting the devil in the house, Berlin said at a bond

hearing. Plackowska eventually admitted that she was angry with her husband, who works as a truck driver and is often gone, because he left her alone to care for her son, Justin, and work as a maid, which she felt was beneath her, Berlin said. “She told the detectives that she thought by killing Justin she would make her husband hurt the way she hurt in their relationship,” Berlin said. Plackowska told investigators she found the children jumping on the bed and then attacked them, also slitting their throats, Berlin said. “She had grabbed a knife and she made both victims kneel and begin praying. She began stabbing her son Justin and told

him he was going to heaven tonight. He pleaded for his life and told her to stop. But she continued stabbing him until he was dead,” he said. “She then turned her attention to five-year-old Olivia and began stabbing her with the knife multiple times. She as well pleaded for her life, but the defendant continued to stab her until she was deceased.” Plackowska killed the girl, Olivia Dworakowski, because the child had witnessed the attack on her son, Berlin said. DuPage County Judge John Kinsella ordered Plackowska held without bond. Plackowska didn’t speak during the hearing other than to indicate she could not afford an attorney. The judge appointed a public defender.

Mahinda Rajapaksa

Illinois woman stabs son 100 times

no part of that strategy,” Samarasinghe told the U.N. forum. “If reliable evidence is available in respect of any contravention of the law, the domestic legal process will be set in motion,” he said. A court of inquiry is investigating more than 50 incidents referred to in the LLRC report issued a year ago, he said. “Investigations cover whether or not any attacks were carried out by the Army on civilians, on hospitals or in the no-fire zones,” he said. The government was probing thousands of cases of missing persons. “Outstanding allegations must and will be thoroughly

investigated and any offenders brought to book,” he said. Former combatants, including Tamil child soldiers, have been rehabilitated and reintegrated into society, while demining of farm land continued, Samarasinghe said. “If this is not clear progress, I fail to understand what is,” he said. Referring to attacks on activists, he said: “I must state with the utmost firmness that these alleged attacks are no part of government policy to stifle criticism, activism or dissent”. A Geneva-based body that monitors legal matters, the International Commission

of Jurists (ICJ), said earlier on Thursday that Sri Lanka’s government had made it all but impossible for victims of rights abuses to get justice. President Rajapaksa’s ruling party moved a motion in parliament on Thursday to impeach the chief justice for violating the constitution, signaling a deepening rift between the government and the judiciary. U.S. ambassador Donahoe said that especially in light of the news of the efforts to impeach Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake, Sri Lanka must “strengthen judicial independence by ending government interference with the judicial process”.

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Friday November 02, 2012

Fuel scarce, East Coast struggles to recover from storm NEW YORK/SEASIDE HEIGHTS, New Jersey (Reuters) - Rescuers searched flooded homes for survivors, drivers lined up for hours to get scarce gasoline and millions remained without power on Thursday as New York City and nearby towns struggled to recover from one of the biggest storms to hit the United States. New York subway trains crawled back to limited service after being shut down since Sunday, but the lower half of Manhattan still lacked power and surrounding areas such as Staten Island, the New Jersey shore and the city of Hoboken remained crippled from a record storm surge and flooding. At least 95 people died in the “superstorm” that ravaged the Northeastern United States on Monday. Officials said the number could rise as rescuers searched house-by-house in coastal towns. “I worked all my life, and everything I had is right there,” said Bob Stewart, 59, standing on the Jersey Shore beach in the town of Seaside

Thousands of people wait to board city buses into Manhattan at the newly opened Barclay’s Centre in Brooklyn, yesterday. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) Heights and looking at the pile of debris that was once his home. “I put my life right there.” New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said on Thursday that nearly a 1,000 people had been rescued by authorities. In blackened New York

City neighborhoods, some residents complained there was a lack of police and feared an increase in crime. Some were also concerned about traffic safety. New York police officials were not immediately available to comment. “People feel safe during the day but as soon as the

sun sets, people are extremely scared. The fact that Guardian Angels are on the streets trying to restore law just shows how out of control the situation is in lower Manhattan,” said Wolfgang Ban, owner of Edi & The Wolf restaurant in Manhattan’s Alphabet City

neighborhood. The Guardian Angels are a group of anti-crime volunteers. More than 15 people in the borough of Queens were charged with looting, and a man was charged on Thursday with threatening another driver with a gun after he tried to cut in on a line of cars waiting for gas, Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said. The financial cost of the storm promised to be staggering. Disaster modeling company Eqecat estimated Sandy caused up to $20 billion in insured losses and $50 billion in economic losses, double its previous forecast. At the high end of the range, Sandy would rank as the fourth costliest U.S. catastrophe ever, according to the Insurance Information Institute, behind Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the September 11, 2001, attacks and Hurricane Andrew in 1992. POWER OUT, GAS SHORTAGE The presidential campaign was back in full

swing on Thursday after being on hold for several days because of the storm. President Barack Obama, locked in a tight race with Republican challenger Mitt Romney head of next Tuesday’s election, appeared to gain politically from his disaster relief performance. Christie, a vocal Romney supporter, praised Obama, and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a political independent, endorsed Obama on Thursday. In New York, U.N. headquarters suffered severe damage and U.N. SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon offered recovery help to the United States and Caribbean nations affected by the storm. The hunt for gasoline added to a climate of uncertainty as Sandy’s death toll and price tag rose. “I’m so stressed out,” said Jessica Bajno, 29, a teacher from Elmont, Long Island, who was waiting in line for gas. “I’ve been driving around to nearby towns all morning, and being careful about not running out of gas in the process.

Obama, Romney go back on attack as campaign hits final stretch

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney GREEN BAY, Wisconsin (Reuters) - President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney went back on the attack yesterday, breaking a storm-induced campaign truce to hit the road and pound home their closing messages in the final stretch of a tight battle for the White House. With five days left until Tuesday’s election, Obama resurrected his 2008 “change” slogan and said he was the only candidate who had actually fought for it. Romney criticized Obama as a lover of big government who would expand the federal bureaucracy. National polls show the

race deadlocked, and Obama and Romney will spend the final days in eight swing states that will decide who wins the 270 electoral votes needed to capture the White House. Obama made Wisconsin the first stop on a four-state swing on Thursday that also took him to rallies in Nevada and Colorado before spending the night in Ohio. Romney planned a full day of campaigning across Virginia. “You may be frustrated at the pace of change, but you know what I believe, you know where I stand,” Obama told a crowd of 2,600 people on an airport tarmac in Wisconsin, a vital piece of his

electoral strategy. “I know what change looks like because I’ve fought for it.” Romney criticized Obama’s comment in an interview aired by MSNBC on Monday that he would like to consolidate government agencies that deal with business issues in a new department under a secretary of business. “I don’t think adding a new chair to his Cabinet will help add millions of jobs on Main Street,” Romney said. Obama and Romney had put campaigning on hold for several days as the historic storm Sandy pounded the eastern seaboard, leaving a Continued on page 20

Friday November 02, 2012

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Army chief responds to New York Times story: No drug-trafficking subs in T&T waters

Brigadier Kenrick Maharaj Trinidad Guardian - Chief of Defence Staff Brigadier Kenrick Maharaj says there is

no evidence that cocainefilled submarines and semisubmersible craft are

operating in T&T’s waters. He gave the assurance after San Fernando business owners asked why the Government was purchasing high-speed interceptor boats to chase drug dealers, when Colombian cartels were using submarines to transport drugs from Latin America to the United States. A story published on September 9 in the New York Times said American authorities had discovered at least three models of a new and sophisticated drugtrafficking submarine capable of travelling completely underwater from South America to the coast of the United States via the Caribbean Sea. Speaking at a crime consultation organised by the San Fernando Business Association at City Hall on

Stakeholders want more regional governments input on financial services sector

ST. JOHN’S, Antigua CMC - A two-day conference on the International Financial Services Sector in the Caribbean has ended here with delegates agreeing on the need to have matters affecting the sector placed firmly on the agenda of regional governments during their annual summit. Antigua and Barbuda Finance Minister Harold Lovell told the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC) that stakeholders within the financial services sector in the region “are looking for greater recognition on the part of the governments in the Caribbean. “Antigua and Barbuda is a member of CARICOM (Caribbean Community), but we believe there is a need for us to speak as a Caribbean voice. Because we speak with so many voices and because the level of development in the region is so uneven we cannot dispel some of the misconceptions that people have of the sector and that can only come with a strong united voice. “In terms of how we work it out, as regards who the principal voice would be and how the mechanics would be worked out that is something we expect will emerge from the paper that is to be presented by Professor Avinash Persaud,” chairman of the London Business School. Lovell said he is prepared to play a role within the context of the Caribbean in order to push the new

Harold Lovell strategy as it relates to the financial services sector. “I wouldn’t abrogate unto myself the role of spokesman. What we need is one voice and that’s why we are talking about have a focal point and through that focal point we should be able to speak with one voice, whoever that one voice is. “I certainly am an advocate for the sector but I would not hold myself out as the spokesman for the region, I would not do that,” he added. Lovell said he hopes that the issue would become an agenda item for CARICOM leaders within the shortest possible time. “We had the same issue with tourism. I remember when I was minister of tourism we fought and we were able to get the CARICOM Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) to meet on several occasions whereby we understood that tourism was the main driver. “Similarly the whole question of the financial

services sector we believe there is need to be a more indepth discussion at the regional level again with a view to speaking with one powerful voice.” Earlier, Professor Persaud told CMC that Caribbean countries cannot afford to abandon the sector because it contributes significantly to their gross domestic product (GDP). He said that the international community has been engaged in a one-sided attack on the Caribbean and other small developing countries in a bid to force them to do away with their financial services that they regard as tax havens. “They are trying to establish a set of global rules which they decide themselves and then impose on us and then they judge whether we are fitting with those rules or not. It is really ad hoc and it is really designed to close down the international financial centres coming from the Caribbean,” Professor Persaud added.

Tuesday night, National Security Minister Jack Warner admitted that T&T’s maritime borders were “the most porous in the world.” He revealed only 29 ports out of 119 ports in Trinidad were protected. “We have to build a maritime wall around the country,” he said. “There are certain areas in our country where guns are coming in, and they are coming in droves from the south in particular. Police could stop as many gangsters on the street, [but] unless we find the means to address the guns and drugs, we would have failed in the crime fight,” Warner said. He also claimed the offshore patrol vessels ordered by former prime minister Patrick Manning would have been ineffective in maritime patrols. “The OPV’s would not have protected your borders. The OPVs’ firing mechanism was ineffective for over one year. It couldn’t be fixed. If it was ineffective before they send

it down here, what would have happened when it reached here?” Warner said. He also said the OPVs would have cost the Government $32 million annually to maintain. “We need small interceptors that could go at a fast rate and run down these drug runners. You also need a good radar system that could pick up anything in the sea for 50 miles,” Warner said. When asked by president of the association Daphne Bartlett when the maritime radars and patrols would be implemented, Warner responded: “Give me six months.” Asked by Bartlett whether the interceptor boats made sense because of the submarines, Warner passed the question to Maharaj, who admitted that submarines had been the subject of overall regional security discussions. However, Maharaj said, “There is at this time, no evidence or intelligence to support the presence or threat of unmanned

submarines in our maritime space.” He noted that T&T had 362 kilometres of coastline and hundreds of vulnerable points. Deputy Commissioner of Police Mervyn Richardson said the submarine talk was fuelled by recent breakthroughs in illegal diesel-bunkering. “What has fuelled this talk of unmanned submarine is the bunkering. People are making a connection that because there is fuelbunkering they are taking it to use it to transport drugs. That is the theory outside there, but there is no real evidence to suggest that we have any submarine doing that kind of activity in T&T,” Richardson said. Last week, three men were arrested in Claxton Bay after police unearthed a dieselbunkering racket and seized $.6 million worth of fuel. Richardson urged citizens to share intelligence with the police and army, vowing that all tips would be acted upon promptly.

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Friday November 02, 2012

Syrian rebels kill 28 soldiers, several executed BEIRUT (Reuters) - Antigovernment rebels killed 28 soldiers yesterday in attacks on three army checkpoints around Saraqeb, a town on Syria’s main north-south highway, a monitoring group said. Some of the dead were shot after they had surrendered, according to video footage. Rebels berated them, calling them “Assad’s Dogs”, before firing round after round into their bodies as they lay on the ground. The highway linking the capital Damascus to the

contested city of Aleppo, Syria’s commercial centre, has been the scene of heavy fighting since rebels cut the road last month. Saraqeb lies about 40 km (25 miles) south of Aleppo In other developments, China put forward a new initiative to resolve the 19-monthold conflict, including a phased, region-by-region ceasefire and the setting up of a transitional governing body. A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said Beijing had made the proposal to

international peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi - whose own call for a truce over the Muslim holiday of Eid was largely ignored by both sides. The United States meanwhile has called for an overhaul of Syria’s opposition leadership, signaling a break with the largely foreign-based Syrian National Council to bring in more credible figures. A meeting in Qatar next week of foreign powers backing the rebels will be an opportunity to broaden the coalition against President Bashar al-Assad, U.S.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in Zagreb yesterday. The United States and its allies have struggled for months to craft a credible opposition coalition, while Assad has counted on the support of Russia, Iran and, to a lesser extent, China. International efforts to end the violence have all foundered. More than 32,000 people have been killed since protests against Assad, an Alawite who succeeded his late father Hafez in ruling the mostly Sunni

Muslim country, first broke out on city streets. The revolt has since degenerated into full-scale civil war, with the government forces relying heavily on artillery and air strikes to thwart the rebels. The army has lost swathes of land in Idlib and Aleppo provinces but is fighting to control towns along supply routes to Aleppo city, where its forces are fighting in many districts. The head of the proopposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rami Abdelrahman, said two of the attacked checkpoints at Saraqeb were on the Damascus-Aleppo highway. The third was near a road linking Aleppo with Latakia, a port city still mostly controlled Assad’s forces. “The rebels will not stay at the checkpoints for long as Syrian warplanes normally bomb positions after rebels move in,” Abdelrahman said. Five rebels died in the fighting and at least 20 soldiers were killed at the third site, including those shot after surrendering, he said. The video footage showed a group of petrified men, some bleeding, lying on the ground as rebels walked around, kicking and stamping on their captives. One of the captured men says: “I swear I didn’t shoot anyone” to which a rebel

responds: “Shut up you animal ... Gather them for me.” Then the men are shot dead. Reuters could not independently verify the footage. The Observatory said the al Qaeda-inspired Jabhat al-Nusra rebel group was responsible for the executions. Islamist rebel units are growing in prominence in the war - a cause for concern for international powers as they weigh up what kind of support to give the opposition. U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration has said it is not providing arms to internal opponents of Assad and is limiting its aid to non-lethal humanitarian assistance. It concedes, however, that some of its allies are providing lethal assistance. Russia and China have blocked three U.N. Security Council resolutions aimed at increasing pressure on the Assad government, leading the United States and its allies to say they could move beyond U.N. structures for their next steps. China has been strongly criticized by someArab countries for failing to take a stronger stance on the conflict. Beijing has urged the Assad government to talk to the opposition and take steps to meet demands for political change.

Obama, Romney go... From page 18 trail of destruction and forcing Obama to turn his attention to storm relief. That pause produced some unexpected political benefits for Obama, who won warm praise from Republican Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, a Romney supporter, and he spent days directing federal relief efforts in a show of presidential leadership that largely sidelined Romney. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg - a Republicanturned-independent who did not back a candidate in 2008 endorsed Obama and cited the Democrat’s record on climate change, in the aftermath of the storm. Bloomberg said Obama had taken significant steps to reduce carbon consumption, while Romney had backtracked on earlier positions he took as governor of Massachusetts to battle climate change. Obama said he was “honored” by the backing of Bloomberg, who flirted with White House runs in the past. On their first day back on the trail, both Obama and Romney returned to political attacks but struck a slightly more positive tone than usual in trying to woo undecided voters and push their own supporters to vote. In Doswell, Virginia, Romney proclaimed his faith in the future and said, “The American people

have what it takes to come out of these tough times.” In Wisconsin, Obama drew distinctions with Romney but dropped his usual reference to “Romnesia” - the term he uses to describe what he calls Romney’s tendency to shift positions. Obama has a somewhat easier path to 270 electoral votes than Romney, fueled primarily by a small but steady lead in the vital battleground of Ohio - a crucial piece of any winning scenario for either candidate - and slight leads in Wisconsin, Iowa and Nevada. Barring any surprises elsewhere, Obama can win a second term by capturing the Midwestern bastions of Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa, and his schedule was aimed at shoring up his safety net there. Obama plans to visit Ohio on each of the last four days of the campaign, and plans two more trips to Wisconsin and Iowa. He will conclude his campaign on Monday night with rock singer Bruce Springsteen in Iowa, where a 2008 caucus win launched his run to the presidency. A Reuters/Ipsos online poll yesterday showed Obama with a 5-point lead in Virginia, and 2point leads among likely voters in both Ohio and Florida. Romney led by 1 point in Colorado in the Reuters/Ipsos polls.

Friday November 02, 2012

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Page 23

U.S. Ambassador hails partnership with St. Kitts and Nevis BASSETERRE, St. Kitts – America’s highest ranking diplomat in the Eastern Caribbean is hailing the security partnership between the United States and the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. “This partnership is underscored by the cooperative working relationship between the St. Kitts and Nevis Defence Force, and especially its Coast Guard, and the United States military and law enforcement agencies. You all have been strong partners, and have taken an aggressive stance to keep this region safe from illicit narcotics trafficking and other threats to the maritime borders of our shared region,” said the United States

Ambassador accredited to St. Kitts and Nevis, His Excellency Mr. Larry Palmer. In officially presenting two fine 33-foot Defender Class SAFE interceptor vessels and other equipment worth over US$1.5 million to the Coast Guard Unit on Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Palmer said the equipment includes a robust communications system; training and technical support; a heavy duty pickup truck; and a period of maintenance, repair and spare parts to help develop a domestic capacity to maintain these maritime assets. “The interceptor boats and the installed communications systems will provide St. Kitts and Nevis with a distinct edge in

detecting, tracking and pursuing suspects, and will facilitate operational efficiency between nations,” he told officials at the handing over ceremony at the Coast Guard Base at Bird Rock. Ambassador Palmer told officials including St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas; Chief Secretary, Mr. Joseph Edmeade; Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Elvis Newton; Commander of the St. Kitts-Nevis Defence Force, Lt. Col. Patrick Wallace and Commissioner of Police, Mr. C.G. Walwyn that the maritime support package is only part of the long-term United States commitment to support of St. Kitts and Nevis’ on-going capacity building

Barbados Nation – Central Bank Government Dr Delisle Worrellis getting the support of another top economist in standing up to the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) suggestion that devaluation could be good for the Barbados economy. Professor Avinash Persaud says Worrell was right to hold his ground in the face of IMF managing director Christine Lagarde contending

that devaluing the Barbados dollar would make tourism – the country’s biggest foreign exchange earner – more competitive and help the economy to grow. “On the issue of whether a devaluation is right for Barbados, Governor Worrell is absolutely correct. Indeed, it is interesting that the IMF should be devoting so many resources to preserving European

Monetary Union that is a fixed exchange rate system and then questioning such systems elsewhere where they are arguably more appropriate. “From a Barbados perspective it doesn’t make sense. It would contract the economy and we’re right to avoid it,” he told the MIDWEEK NATION, after issuing a statement on the issue.

Persaud backs Worrell on IMF

Cabinet minister’s son gets extra jail time for assault

HAMILTON , Bermuda – CMC - The son of a cabinet minister jailed for attempted murder has had his prison sentence extended after he admitted to assaulting two prison officers. Jahmel Blakeney, 30, is currently serving a 30-year sentence for the attempted murder of Shaki Minors and his pregnant girlfriend Renee Kuchler outside Southside Cinema on the former US naval base in St G e o rg e ’s i n N o v e m b e r 2009. O n We d n e s d a y, t h e Magistrates’ Court heard that prison officers at the maximum security Westgate Correctional Facility attempted to search Blakeney and his cell on February 20, around two months after he was sentenced. Crown counsel Takiyah Burgess said Blakeney — whose father Glenn Blakeney is Minister of Development here, refused to comply with the search and had to be restrained by officers. Despite being handcuffed, Blakeney was able to headbutt one of the

Jahmel Blakeney officers conducting the search. The officers subsequently discovered a twist containing plant material hidden in the flap of Blakeney’s boxer shorts. Tests later confirmed the plant material to be 3.84 grams of cannabis. Blakeney was charged in

July with two counts of assault and one count of possessing cannabis in an increased penalty zone in relation to the incident. He then admitted to the drug charge but pleaded not guilty to the assault charges. Blakeney’s trial was scheduled to start on Wednesday but he elected to change his plea before it began. Magistrate Khamisi To k u n b o sentenced Blakeney to 15 months’ imprisonment for the two assault charges and two months’ imprisonment for possessing cannabis, with a further 12 months’ imprisonment for having the drug in the prison. The magistrate ordered the three sentences to run c o n c u r r e n t l y, but consecutively to the 30year sentence already being served.

A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus. Martin Luther King, Jr.

efforts to increase the country’s national security. “Since the launch of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative in 2009, the United States has committed more than US$2.5 million in direct bilateral assistance to St. Kitts and Nevis to reduce illicit trafficking and increase public safety,” said Ambassador Palmer. The US official said he was most proud that the United States’ partnership with St. Kitts and Nevis is much broader than security. “Our work together benefits both our nations and our shared Caribbean region as we strive shoulder to shoulder to better the lives of our citizens in the face of the innumerable challenges of today. Together, we are stronger and more resolute than we would be alone. As the United States Ambassador to your great country, I look forward to deepening this cooperative relationship,” said Ambassador Palmer, who is based in Barbados.

St. Kitts and Nevis’ Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas (left) and United States Ambassador to St.Kitts and Nevis His Excellency Larry Palmer walk along the pier to board PB5 Oualie Bay. Photo by Erasmus Williams

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Opposition party leads ruling party in latest poll The Royal Gazette Almost 40 percent of likely voters plan to vote for the Opposition One Bermuda Alliance, the latest survey has found. Another 29 percent will vote for the ruling Progressive Labour Party, while three percent plan to vote for the United Bermuda Party. But 24 percent of the respondents said they did not know which way they would vote. Voter apathy is strongest among the Island’s youngest voters, with 17 percent saying they are not likely to vote in the coming election. Research firm MindMaps interviewed 400 registered voters between October 17 and October 29 in a survey weighted to be representative of the 2010 general population census figures by age, race and gender. Eighty percent said they were absolutely certain or very likely to vote in a parliamentary election. Five percent refused to

say how they would vote if an election were held tomorrow. Broken down by race, black voters (46 percent) were more likely to say that they would vote PLP, while white voters (71 percent) were more likely to say they would vote OBA. Black voters (26 percent) were also more likely to report that they do not know how they would vote should an election be held tomorrow, compared to 14 percent of white voters. Voter uncertainty was strongest among the Island’s youngest voters, 18- to 34year-olds, 28 percent of whom said they did not know how they would vote. But they were also more likely to say they would vote for the PLP than all other age groups except for 35- to 44-year-olds, where support for the ruling party was strongest at 46 percent. The 18- to 34-year-olds were more likely to report that they were “not at all likely” to

vote (nine percent), “not very likely” to vote (eight percent) or would “possibly” vote. White voters appear to be most motivated to exercise their right to vote, with 77 percent saying they are “absolutely certain” they will vote in a parliamentary election, and 16 percent reporting they were “very likely” to do so. Seven percent of white voters said they will “possibly” vote in a parliamentary election. Among black voters, 47 percent said they were “absolutely certain” to vote in a parliamentary election, 27 percent “very likely” and 16 percent would “possibly” vote. Other responses among black registered voters were “not very likely” (four percent), and “not at all likely” (four percent). Two percent said they did not know if they would vote in a parliamentary election. OBA support is stronger among middle-aged voters and senior citizens, according

to the survey which found opposition party support among 42 percent of 45- to 54year-olds, 48 percent of 55- to 64-year-olds and 43 percent of voters 65 and older. Support for the UBP, which has only two candidates running in the election, was strongest among white voters, seven percent of whom said they would vote for that party should the election be held tomorrow, and seniors over the age of 65 (five percent). Respondents were also asked how they voted in the 2007 election. Forty-four percent said they voted PLP while 34 percent said they had voted UBP. Eight percent reported that they did not vote in 2007, while seven percent said they don’t know how they voted and another seven percent refused to answer. Voter turnout in 2007 was 74 percent, with 52.45 percent of the votes going to the PLP and 47.34 percent going to the UBP.

Friday November 02, 2012

Dim outlook for upcoming sugar cane season

Roger Clarke KINGSTON, Jamaica CMC - Hopes of a bumper season for the 2012-2013 sugar cane crop could be substantially downgraded following reports of extensive damage to cane fields in the eastern end of the island during the passage of Hurricane Sandy. This assessment was made by Agriculture Minister Roger Clarke, during a tour of affected cane fields in the eastern parish of St Thomas on Wednesday. Clarke told reporters that the situation was worse than initially thought and it is now projected that next year’s

production could fall by as much as 10% as a result of hurricane damage and disruption. It will cause “real dislocation to the production that we were looking forward to next year” he said. Cane farmers in St Thomas were badly affected by the hurricane, including the farms of the Golden Grove Sugar factory. Meanwhile the number of farmers on record as being affected by Hurricane Sandy has increased. The figure, which was estimated at 11,000 last week, has now climbed past 30,000 following a tour by Agriculture Ministry officials. The Agriculture Ministry has also adjusted the estimate of losses to J$1.4 billion (US$15.4 million) Junior Agriculture Minister, Ian Hayles who said the figure was based on an assessment of damage done to crops and livestock also disclosed that there will be no importation of bananas to ease the expected shortage arising from the damage done to the industry.

Friday November 02, 2012

DTV CHANNEL 8 08:55hrs. Sign On 09:00hrs. Live! With Kelly and Michael 10:00hrs. The Ricki Lake Show 11:00hrs. The View 12:00hrs. Prime News 12:30hrs. The Young and the Restless 13:30hrs. The Bold and the Beautiful 14:00hrs. The Talk 15:00hrs. Boy Meets World 16:00hrs. Beverly Hills, 90210 17:00hrs. MacGyver 18:00hrs. World News 18:30hrs. Nightly News 19:00hrs. Greetings and Announcements 20:00hrs. Channel 8 News 20:30hrs. Jamie Foxx Show 21:00hrs. The Vampire Diaries (New Episode) 21:40hrs. Beauty and the Beast (New Episode)

Kaieteur News

22:20hrs. Supernatural (New Episode) 23:00hrs. Sign Off NTN CHANNEL 18/ CABLE 69 50:0h - Sign on with the Mahamrtunjaya Mantra 05:10h - Meditation 05:30h - Queenstown Masjid Presents Quran This Morning 06:00h - R. Gossai General Store Presents Durga Bhajans 06:15h - Jettoo’s Lumber Yard Presents Durga Bhajans 06:30h - Muneshwar Limited Presents Durga Bhajans 06:45h - Double Standard Taxi Presents Durga Bhajans 07:00h - RRT Enterprise Presents Durga Bhajans 07:15h - M & M Snackette Presents Raja Yoga Discourses 07:30h - Dr. Balwant Singh’s Hospital Inc Presents Durga

Bhajans 07:45h - The Family of the Late Leila & David Persaud Presents Durga Bhajans 08:00h - Timehri Maha Kali Shakti Devi Mandir Presents Durga Bhajans 08:15h - NTN This Morning Live with Reyaz Husein 09:30h - CARIBBEAN POT Zaboca Choka (avocado dip) 09:45h - Indian Soap - Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 10:15h - Indian Soap - Rab Se Sohna Isshq 10:45h - Indian Soap - Pavitra Rishta 11:15h - Indian Soap - Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuyien 11:45h - Indian Soap - Punar Vivaah 12:15h - DVD Movie:VALENTINE’S NIGHT (Eng: Sub:) 14:45h - TBA 17:00h - Drying Tears Live

Friday November 02, 2012 ARIES (March 21 - April 19): The bumpy road you've been on for a while is going to get a whole lot smoother today. What's funny is that while you'll love the change of pace, a part of you is going to miss all of the exciting drama. ******************* TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want. So if you are upset that you recently failed to attain a goal, don't dwell on it as a failure. ****************** GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You know, the universe doesn't always care if you're looking for romance or not. Some days (like today), you just get a big ol' dose of flirtatious energy. ******************** CANCER (June 21 July 22): Other people are having an awful lot of fun kicking up their heels right now, while you're feeling a bit stuck in the mud. The remedy is simple -- if you want a little more fun in your life, then follow your friends over to the wild side, for a little bit! ********************* LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22): This is not the time to go solo with your projects. Teamwork is the best way to make good things happen in your life, now. ******************* VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): Work issues have evolved in a good way. You are no longer worried about how to do things better, you're thinking about what your next challenges should

be -- and that is a very good sign that you are on the right track. ********************* LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22): This is going to be a good day, especially if you can get out in the world and connect with as many new folks as possible. ********************* SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): If you are in the middle of any business dealings, be extra careful about the small print -- read it, and then read it again. There could be some mighty big strings attached. ******************** SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): If a recent emotional conflict won't stop swimming around in your head today, then you need to distract yourself with boring tasks. .********************* CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 Jan. 19): Trying new things is always a wise and stimulating strategy in life, but just make sure that you don't go off in too many directions at once, today. Keep things orderly and organized! ******************** AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 Feb. 18): Today, you'll meet someone whose narrowmindedness might be shocking to you. But before you start to try to educate them with your modern ideas and beliefs, hold off. ********************* PISCE S ( F e b . 1 9 March 20): It should be easy for you to make decisions, today, because the facts will be black and white -- you don't have to waste time deliberating, so don't.

with Pastor Edson 18:00h - Ganesh Parts Presents - BHAGAVAD GITA ( Discourses in English) Serial 18:15h - Birthday Greetings / Deaths Announcement & In Memoriam 18:30h - Living The Abundant Life (Live) 19:00h - Muslim Lectures Part 2 19:30h -Timeless Melodies Live with Frederick Rampersaud 20:30h - New Life World Outreach 20:45h - 15 Minutes for Allah 21:00h - The Family Album Live with Frederick Rampersaud 22:00h - Forgotten Melodies Live with Frederick Rampersaud 23:30h - Sign Off with The Gayatri Mantra MTV CHANNEL 14/ CABLE 65 06:00h Islamic perspective 06:30h News Update 07:00h DAYBREAK – (live) 08:00h Dabi’s Variety music break 08:30h Avon Video & DVD 09:00h BBC World News 09:15h Top Notch music Break 09:30h Caribbean temptation Music Mix 10:00h Amanda’s Costume jewellery Musical 10:30h BBC World News 11:00h The View

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12:00h Village Talk 12:30h The Young and the Restless 13:30h Days of Our Lives 14:00h General Hospital 15:00h Katie Couric Show 16:00h The Bold and the Beautiful 16:30h Cartoons 17:00h Birthdays and other greetings 17:15h Death Announcement/ In Memoriam

17:30h Sitcom 18:00h Charran’s Radiator Video Hits 18:30h Kingdom Voice 19:00h Soul Melodies 19:30h News Update 20:30h Clear Water Music Hour 21:30h Music request Hour 22:30h Sitcom 23:00h News Update 23:30h English Movie: Crack 2 the Grave Sign off

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Kaieteur News

Friday November 02, 2012

Friday November 02, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Female All Stars Team continue Training

Golden Jaguars Coach Jamal Shabazz (centre) going through their paces with some of the females at a training session at the GFC Ground.

The Scotiabank/Pepsi Female All Stars Team will recommence training tomorrow at the GFC Ground commencing at 09:00hrs under the watchful eyes of Coach Joseph “Bill� Wilson and Asst Coach Andrea Fredricks. The team will be engaged in a tournament scheduled for December (details to follow) hence the recommencement of training. At this proposed tournament it is expected that scouts will be on hand to select and identify possible players who will go on to represent Guyana in the CFU

U17 and U20 Tournaments scheduled for 2013. The team commenced training in July and was involved in 2 practice games against a GFC U15 Boys Team and a West Demerara Female team. The All Stars Team is the brainchild of Guyana Sports Development Foundation Chairman Colin Baker and it has the blessings of DDL, Bank of Nova Scotia and the GFF. The Coordinator of the local programme is Lawrence Griffith. The Technical Director is Stanley Harmon of the USA.

GYO Sports Club to stage a softball GCA\ Noble House Sea Foods competition and BBQ tonight second division tourney continues this weekend

The Gandhi Youth Organisation (GYO) Sports Club will tonight stage a 10/10 softball cricket competition and Bar-B-Que at their Woolford Avenue ground. Proceedings are set to get underway at 4:00pm with the final to be played under lights. Teams including Regal, Kris International, Trophy Stall, Star Boys, Nizam Ali XI and host GYO are down to compete for several trophies

on offer. All are invited to come out and support the GYO club and be entertained. Several sponsors including Fire Fest Production, Liquid Love, Flambouyant Supermarket, R&M Shipping, Better Cricket team, Kares Engineering and Trophy Stall among others have combined to assist the club. Exciting softball cricket action is promised.

TheGeorgetownCricketAssociation\NobleHouse Sea Foods 2-day second division competition continues tomorrow with three matches. In zone A, Police will clash with Ace Warriors at GNIC with Hortence Isaacs and Mario Nichols in charge. 3rd Class will face Transport Sports Club at GYO with Shannon Crawford and Ryan Banwari calling play, and over

in zone B, UG will host Malteenoes with Montgomery Chester and Matthew Kissoon officiating. Following are the points standings, GNIC heads Zone A with 41 points, followed by 3rd Class on 29, Everest 27 and Vikings 4. GCC are on top of zone B with 46 points ahead of DCC 37, MYO 27 and MSC 16.

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Kaieteur News

Paradise Community Day a success Young Stars, Tigers, Sweat Breakers win football titles; Four Corners best in dominoes

The victorious Under-15 and 17 football teams. The village of Paradise on the East Coast of Demerara held a successful Community Day of activities on Sunday last at their Community Centre Ground. Emerging as the top Under-15 football team was Paradise Young Stars who

needled Upstarts in the final compliments of a Yahaad Clarke goal. The top Under-17 team was Paradise Tigers which clawed its way to a 1-0 win over Gouny Guns; Adeke Bowman was the star of the

game rocking the back of the nets with the winning strike. Sweat Breakers toppled Campbellville on penalty kicks to win the open football competition. Ruling the roost on the dominoes table was Four Corners; they defeated

Saga Boys and Military, Blondie Thomas marked 17 games for the winners. The final of the T10 cricket competition was not completed because of fading light; it will now be contested this Sunday at the same venue.

Friday November 02, 2012

Lewis Hamilton’s Mercedes move a ‘big loss’ to McLaren - Button BBC Sport - Lewis Hamilton’s move to Mercedes next season will be a “big loss” for McLaren, says Jenson Button. Their three-year partnership ends this year after Hamilton signed a threeyear deal with Mercedes after being under the McLaren umbrella for 14 years. Button said: “The team loses a very fast driver, a guy that’s achieved a lot with the team - the last guy to win a world championship for the team. “It’s a big loss but things change and you learn to move on and adapt.” Hamilton has said he hopes he can win races for Mercedes next season, despite their slip in form in the second half of this year. But Button, who will be partnered by Mexican Sergio Perez at McLaren next year, said he did not know how Hamilton would get on at Mercedes. “The first year with a new team is always a little bit tricky,” Button said. “It’s a new experience for Lewis. I’m sure he’s

excited about it. “He’s as quick as they come but sometimes it’s not that easy to win grands prix and to build a team around you and also to help a team achieve great results.” Mercedes started the season strongly but have fallen back dramatically since F1’s summer break. The Brackleybased team have failed to score any points in the three races since Hamilton’s deal was announced, but the 27-year-old said he had no regrets about his move. “It doesn’t worry me,” he said. “I’m really excited to go there. I feel fantastic about the decision. I’m massively excited about working with new people. It is a fantastic team. I know they have lost their way a little bit at the moment but I’m going to go and help them find their way. “I already knew how big [the task] was. I really thought about it hard, and I could see how big it was. Perhaps it’s growing as a task, but I’m excited about it.”

Thursday November 01, 2012

Kaieteur News

Boxing Association sets the- submits ball rolling strategic visionary document to Minister of Sports

Steve Ninvalle (3rd R) hands over the document to Minister Anthony in the presence of l-r Permanent Secretary, Alfred King, Director of Youth and Sport, Neil Kumar, GABA Vice President, Eustace Cuffy and GABA Tournament Director, Terrence Poole The poor showing of Guyanese boxers at the Olympic Qualifier tournament in Brazil shortly before the commencement of the 2012 London Olympics had drawn much criticism and forced the executives of the Guyana Amateur Boxing Association (GABA) to examine their shortcomings with a view of repairing the damage and enhancing their fortunes in time for the 2016 edition of the event. To w a r d s t h i s e n d , President of the subject association, Steve Ninvalle, yesterday morning presented a strategic document to the Minister of

Culture, Youth and Sports, Frank Anthony that details the projected itinerary of his executives towards the acquisition of lucrative accolades at the 2016 Brazil Olympiad. The ceremony took place in the Minister’s Main Street office and apart from representatives of the various media institutions; several government functionaries and officials of the GABA were present. Those at the function were Permanent Secretary, Alfred King, Director of Youth and Sport, Neil Kumar, GABA Vice President, Eustace Cuffy and GABA To u r n a m e n t D i r e c t o r,

Terrence Poole. The document is a comprehensive one and documents GABA projected itinerary for a 4 years period. Mr. Ninvalle places a tab of about forty nine million dollars on the document and said that a large percentage of funds will be directed to local boxers’ participation in tournaments in the Caribbean and the Latin Americas. The GABA President further intimated that he would be approaching the International Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA) for additional support. He revealed that in the past, his organization had benefitted

from the largesse of the parent organization and

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mentioned Imran Khan’s sojourn in Cardiff Wales during the preparatory stages of the ‘Road to London’ project; AIBA had funded that project. Shortly after handing over the document to Minister Anthony, Mr. Ninvalle explained that his executives were conforming to a directive of the subject Minister instructing that all sports associations submit a document outlining a chartered course and requisite expenses of their organization. He said that the issue was thoroughly ventilated and the document was a realistic presentation of a successful plan for the 2016 Olympiad. Mr. Ninvalle promised to have the document circulated for perusal by media operatives even as he remained optimistic that strict adherence could see Guyanese boxers breaking the Olympics gold medal jinx. Minister Anthony expressed satisfaction at receiving the document and commended Mr. Ninvalle on his diligence. He said that his ministry had suggested the

early receipt of such a document from the various sports associations and it was refreshing to see at least one of them confirming to the directive. He said that he hopes that other sports entities follow the example. The Minister further said that while such a document is essential towards the advancement of sports, the need to work the plan is just as important. He said that even before he had received the document his Ministry was collaborating with the GABA towards the sustenance and development of the sport and had recently presented a boxing ring to GABA coupled with the contracting of Cuban coach, here on a one year training tenure, to oversee the training of amateur boxers. “ We a r e t a k i n g a comprehensive approach towards the development of the sport otherwise everything will be left to luck and chance which is not going to enhance the developmental process,” assured Mr. Anthony. He has since promised to peruse the document for future action.

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Kaieteur News

Friday October 26, 2012

WICB announces television broadcast deal with TAJ TV for 7 Years - 253 Days of International Cricket

ST. JOHN’S, Antigua – The West Indies Cricket Board yesterday announced that Taj TV Limited has acquired television broadcast rights for West Indies Cricket for a period of 7 years from January 2013. Taj TV has acquired global television broadcast rights except for the terrestrial broadcast rights within the Caribbean along with production rights. As part of the deal Taj TV Limited will be providing the television production for freeto-air stations throughout the Caribbean for the benefit of West Indies cricket fans. Taj TV will be showcasing 253 days of international cricket as part of the new rights deal. “We are extremely delighted to continue our long standing association with Taj TV Limited who has been our media rights partner previously and with whom we have had a solid and mutually beneficial relationship,” President of the West Indies Cricket Board Dr. Julian Hunte said. “The West Indies Team has just won the ICC World Twenty20 and the diverse cricket world who hold our team in high esteem will have added demand to see them play in the ensuing years. We are therefore pleased that

we have secured this arrangement with this globally reputable company to distribute the media rights to allow fans around the world to see our champion team live and in living colour as they make further strides in world cricket,” Dr. Hunte added. Mr Atul Pande, CEO Ten Sports said, “We are extremely delighted to extend our association with the West Indies Cricket Board. This deal underscores our commitment to building our cricket business in the subcontinent and globally. The recent upsurge in the West Indies Team quality further reinforces our view about our relationship with West Indies cricket going forward.” The parties have agreed, on account of confidentiality clauses, not to publicly disclose the monetary value of the contract. Taj TV Limited is leading sports broadcasters in the Indian Subcontinent. It operates 5 Sports Channels - TEN Cricket, TEN Action, TEN Golf, TEN Sports and TEN Sports HD. It holds cricket rights for Sri Lanka, South Africa, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, West Indies. In Football it holds rights for UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, French League 1, I League. Ten also showcase best of golf action from European Tour, Asian Tour, PGTI.

Scrabble players compete in GASP Open Championships this Sunday


ocal scrabble players will resume their fierce rivalry for honours when the Guyana Association of Scrabble Players (GASP) stages the GASP Open Championships slated for the Malteenoes Sports Club, Thomas lands on Sunday November 4 next. The top players, the likes of National Champion, Abigail McDonald, Moen Gafoor and Leon Belony will be hard pressed to ward off the stern challenges of Grace Hercules, Colin Chichester and Orlando Michael

among others. The association recently lost one of its members, R O Michael, whose input has been exemplary. He it was that acted as Organizing Secretary and ensured that the prizes were intact. He also was the lynchpin of the organization. Registration begins at 09:45hrs and concludes 15 minutes later when the first tile will be moved. Registration fee is $500. There will be prizes for the top three finishers as well as the best player out of the top 10 ratings.

Fun and frolic as Georgetown Turf Club hosts Gymkhana and Fun Day


he Georgetown Turf Club, situated aback of Mocha Arcadia, has entertained horse race pundits for over a decade. The club had fallen into hard times after the facility had been neglected. All this became a thing of the past after Michael James assumed the role of President, organizing fun filled activities in the process. On Sunday, November 4 next, the organizing committee of the institution will be hosting a grand Gymkhana and Fun Day at the club’s facilities and Mr. James has promised a chockfull of fun and frolic. Six races are carded for the day and over 30 horses would be competing.

The feature attraction will see horses in the Unclassified and L Class competing for a first place prize of $150,000. The jockey finishing second receives half that amount, while the third place finisher is guaranteed $50,000. Mr. James said that the facility has recently undergone rehabilitative works and proceeds from Sunday’s event will be channeled towards additional rehabilitative works. Participants will also receive trophies donated by Prem’s Electrical, Alexander Street, Lacytown as well as Goodwood Racing Service, Camp Street, Georgetown. Activities get underway at 12:00hrs sharp.

Friday November 02, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Buxton, Western Tigers & Milerock open on winning note 2012/13


he 2012/13 edition of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) Super League kicked off last weekend and continued on Wednesday, a total of five games being contested among the ten teams. Jumping ahead with wins were BK International Western Tigers, 1-0 winners over Uitvlugt Warriors at the GFC Ground. Buxton United did not allow the home turf advantage to work in Den Amstel’s favour as they won that rubber 2-1 at the Uitvlugt Community Centre Ground. The other team securing full points was Upper Demerara’s Milerock which also overcame their hosts, Rosignol United 3-2 at the Blairmont Community Centre Ground. At the BV Ground, the home team and visitors Amelia’s Ward of Linden battled to an exciting 3-3 draw, while the lone mid week game between defending champions Alpha ‘The Hammer’ United and Pele ended in a 0-0 stalemate. The lone goal in the Western Tigers / Uitvlugt Warriors encounter was netted by Domini Garnett in the 54th minute of a grueling battle. Uitvlugt, in their debut season at this level proved that they are no pushovers and gave a good account of themselves. Much more of this side will be seen in the ensuing weeks. The Tigers were happy for full points as they seek to go one step further this year, aiming to dethrone Alpha which won the championships ahead of them. The clash between host Den Amstel and Buxton United at Uitvlugt Community Center Ground was decided in the first ten minutes. Andre Hector sent Den Amstel into the lead in just

the second minute of the game to send the home team into wild celebrations. But that was short lived as the multi-talented Clive Andries, one of Buxton’s most experienced players, drew them level four minutes later to silence the home crowd. Their silence would be more deafening when Michael Phyll put Buxton in the lead in the 10th minute, an advantage they never gave up even as Den Amstel did their utmost to get back into the game. In a very exciting clash, the Berbice fans were given a treat even though they left the venue disappointed as their team, Rosignol United ended up on the losing end to Linden’s Milerock when the final whistle was blown. Like at the Uitvlugt Ground, home team Rosignol cantered into the lead against Milerock through a Cornel Taylor 16th minute strike, both teams no strangers to the Super League and facing testing situations. Milerock it was that was going to respond to the occasion in fine style as they fired in two unanswered goals to take the lead. First up, it was Beneakaman Smartt who neutralized the score in the 23rd minute and two minutes later his teammate Clarence Huggins put the side ahead. As the exchanges continued and the excitement got better, Rosignol equalized in the 36th minute through Newt Mahaica. It took a blunder by the Rosignol team to hand back the lead to Milerock, an own goal, four minutes into the second half. Milerock held on for dear life as they walked away with full points from a bruising battle. At the BV Ground, it was a fierce duel of a sea saw nature that had the home fans as well as the visitors on the

Travis Waterton

Delroy Deen edges of their seats for the entire game. BV jumped into a 2-0 lead by the 20th minute compliments of a brace off the boots of Reon Hopkinson, his first came in the 3rd minute. But the veteran Travis Waterton eased Amelia’s Ward back into contention in the 36th minute, Gavin Daw equalizing in the 46th minute. Amelia’s Ward it was that would take the lead for the first time in the match when Carlos Grant rocked the onion skin in the 54th minute to leave the home fans with their tightly closed. But even as the home fans wondered where the next goal would come from, their tested tried and proven elder statesman, delivered for them. BV too, like Uitvlugt, is in their first season at this level and like they did in the preliminary matches, showed that they are worthy to be in the country’s premier competition. Delroy Deen it was who made sure that his side shared in the points when he banged home the equalizer in the 77th minute to ease the tension for the team and fans. The other game that was played on Wednesday evening at the GFC Ground saw defending champions Alpha United and Pele battling to a 0-0 stalemate, both teams guilty of missing easy chances. Competition will continue on Sunday with five matches at three venues as indicated above.

Sun 04:11:12 “ “ “ “

13:30 hrs 15:30 hrs 13:30 hrs 15:30 hrs 15:30 hrs

Clive Andries

Uitvlugt Ground - Den Amstel vs BK Western Tigers “ Uitvlugt Warriors vs Alpha United Buxton Ground BV Triumph vs Milerock “ Buxton United vs Pele GFC Ground Rosignol United vs Amelia’s Ward

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Kaieteur News

Friday November 02, 2012

“Guyana Softball Cup 2” starts today

Captains of the participating teams pose with officials of the GFSCA at yesterday’s launch.


ixtures for today in the Guyana Softball Cup c r i c k e t tournament organised by the Guyana Floodlights Softball Cricket Association (GFSCA) show several matches in the preliminary stage of the competition being contested today at

several venues. The tournament was officially launched last evening at the GCC Pavilion, Bourda and representatives of the respective teams and officials were present. President of the GFSCA Steve Narine, in brief remarks, welcomed the

overseas teams and thanked the sponsors, while Director of Sport Neil Kumar congratulated the Association and assured them of support from the Ministry of Sport. Meanwhile vice president of the Association Ricky Deonarine gave a brief run down of how the

tournament will be played. He said that the teams will be divided into three zones and will face each other thrice with the top team from each zone qualifying for the semis. The fourth semifinalist will be the team with best run rate. Before the final which will be played Everest, there will be three female 10\10 exhibition games followed by the masters and the open final. The winner in the open category will take home $800,000 and a trophy, while the runner up team will receive $200,000 and a trophy. Individual awards will also be given out for each century, hat-trick, five wicket haul, MVP of the tournament and the man-ofthe-match in the finals. In the Masters category, the champion team will cart off $600,000 and a trophy and the runner up will collect $200,000 along with a trophy. Individual prizes will also be given for each century, hat-trick, five wicket haul, MVP and man of the match in the finals. Among the sponsors of the competition, of which Cotton Field Wild Oats of Essequibo are the defending champions, are Trophy Stall, Digicel, Clear Waters, Bel Air Texaco, Survival, Mike’s Pharmacy, Top Branz, Steve’s Jewellery, Rohan Auto Spares and Nauth Auto Spares. The GFSCA has released the fixtures so that the softball fans can go to the various venues and support their teams. The four semifinals will be played at 1:00pm tomorrow (Saturday) at DCC, GCC and two at Everest. The finals will be c o n t e s t e d o n S u n d a y. M a t c h e s i n t o d a y ’s

preliminary round starting at 9:00am: The fixtures: DCC Ground: Pitch (1) Softball Cricket Int. Miami vs Front Liners Pitch (2) Cornelia Ida Masters vs Savage Masters GCC Ground: Pitch (1) Floodlight vs Wellman Pitch (2) New York Softball Cricket League Legends vs Parika Defenders Queens College Ground: Pitch (1) Regal masters vs Success Masters Pitch (2) New York President X1 vs Bedi Ramjewan masters Pitch (3) Cotton Field Wild Oats vs Farm X1 Everest Ground: Pitch (1) Regal vs Trophy Stall Pitch (2) South Florida Softball Cricket League vs Memorex Celebrity Times Pitch (3) New York Softball Cricket League vs Karibee Boyz Pitch (4) Demerara Speedboat vs Smith X1 YMCA Ground: Crabwood Creek U n s t o p p a b l e v s Wo l f Warriors 12:00 pm start for these matches DCC Ground: Pitch (1) Softball Cricket Int. Miami vs Savage masters Pitch (2) Cornelia Ida vs Front liners GCC Ground: Pitch (1) New York Softball Cricket League Legends vs Floodlights Pitch (2) Wellman vs Parika Defenders Queens College Ground: Pitch (1) Regal Masters vs Bedi Ramjewan Masters Pitch (2) New York

President X1vs Success Masters Pitch (3) Farm X1vs Karibee Boyz Everest Ground: Pitch (1) South Florida Softball League vs Trophy Stall Pitch (2) Regal vs Memorex Celebrity Times Pitch (3) New York Softball Cricket League vs Cotton Field wild Oats Pitch (4) Demerara Speedboat vs Wolf Warriors YMCA Ground: Crabwood Creek Unstoppable vs Smith X1 Saturday NOV 3, 2012 These matches start at 9:00 am YMCA Ground S m i t h X 1 v s Wo l f Warriors DCC Ground: Pitch (1) Memorex Celebrity Times vs Trophy Stall Pitch (2) South Florida Softball League vs Regal Queens College Ground: Pitch (1) Savage Masters vs Front Liners Pitch (2) Soft ball Cricket Int. Miami vs Cornelia Ida Pitch (3) Crabwood Creek Unstoppable vs Demerara Speedboat GCC Ground: Pitch (1) New York President X1vs Regal Masters Pitch (2) Success Masters vs Bedi Ramjewan Masters Everest Ground: Pitch (1) Parika defenders vs Floodlight Pitch (2) New York Softball Cricket League Legends vs Wellman Pitch (3) New York Softball Cricket League All Star vs Farm X1 Pitch (4) Cotton Field Wild Oats vs Karibee Boyz

Friday November 02, 2012

Kaieteur News

Converse Footwear backs Banks Beer KO Cup

Converse Footwear Representative Allicon Blackman hands over the cheque to GFA’s Charmaine Wade in the presence of other football officials.


ith increasing demand for the second staging of the Banks Beer Knockout Cup, yet another Company has stepped forward with assistance for the event which took the country by storm last year when thousands of football fans braved the inclement weather to witness the final of the competition at the GFC ground. Converse Footwear, a long established brand of sneakers that is distributed locally by Colours Boutique made a significant expression of support for the tournament when Representative Allicon Blackman confirmed her entity’s backing for the event through the presentation of a cheque on Tu e s d a y t o A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y Treasurer of the Georgetown Football Association Charmaine Wade in the p r e s e n c e o f Vi c e - P r e s i d e n t M a r k

Phillips and Treasurer Dexter Schultz, at the entity’s location on Robb Street. The tournament carries prize monies in excess of $9million and is expected to last for eight playing days commencing on December 16 and concluding on January 1 with matches being played, at the GCC and GFC grounds. The winning team will receive $4Million, runner-up- $2.5M, 3rd place-$1.5M and 4th place-$1M with outstanding individual performances to benefit from additional incentives. The clubs confirmed for participation are Houston Stars, GFC, Riddim Squad, GDF, GPF, Fruta Conquerors, Camptown, Banks All Stars, Georgetown Masters, Nothern Rangers, Black Pearl, Flamingo, Beacon, Santos, University of Guyana and Charlestown United.

Perry believes he should have got a better placing Guyana’s lone representative to the just concluded Darcy Beckles Invitational Classic, Mark ‘Uno’ Perry is of the view that he should have been given a better place, he ended 8th. The event, held at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre on Saturday night last was won by Barbadian Martinus Durrant, who was returning from a ban after failing a drug test. Speaking with Kaieteur Sport, Perry said that he trained very hard for the show and believes that he was in very good shape. He said that while he acknowledges the high level of competition and the eventual winner of the competition, he is adamant that more neutral judges should be officiating. “The show was great for me but I do believe that more neutral judges should have been there to judge the show. I felt I deserved a better space than eight.” Asked what would be his next move as an athlete, Perry stated emphatically that he believes that he would stick to powerlifting. He has taken the powerlifting stage by storm and will be a sure candidate at the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Senior Championships set for next month.

Mark Perry

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t r o Sp Hand-in-Hand remains consistent Battle lines drawn with support for motor racing at Camp Ayangana


and-in-Hand Fire and Life Insurance C o m p a n y became the most recent entity to offer its support to the Caribbean ‘Race of Champions’ Meeting which is scheduled to be held on November 11, at the South Dakota Circuit. Inspector /Director of Sales and Marketing of the Company Navin Ramlochan made the presentation of an undisclosed sum to Manager of the Guyana Motor Racing & Sports Club (GMR&SC) Rayon Samaroo at the e n t i t y ’s H e a d O f f i c e recently. According to Samaroo, Hand-in-Hand has been a consistent supporter of motor racing over the years and took the opportunity to thank the Company on behalf of the club for their continued patronage which has added to the high quality of racing over the period. The Meet which is the final leg of the Caribbean Championship will see drivers from Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Cayman Islands and the USA descend on these shores to battle the locals for regional supremacy. Currently, Jamaica leads

Ground today

- Police, Soldiers clash for ISAAC title


r a d i t i o n a l l y, police are trained to enforce the law while soldiers usually protect domestic affairs drawing a distinct line between their professional roles. In sport, that role could be applied to the already heated contest between the two armed services of Guyana. The Inter-Services Annual Athletics Championships (ISAAC) has Rupert Perry been a seesaw battle among an enthusiastic Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and confident Guyana Police Force Inspector /Director of Sales and Marketing of the (GPF), which sets up an Company Navin Ramlochan (left) hands over the sponsorship intriguing final day clash today cheque to GMR&SC Manager Rayon Samaroo recently. for the coveted 2012 title. The battle lines between the points standing with 113 Defending Caribbean experience to fans who the police and soldiers have points followed by Barbados champion Roger Mayers would like to watch the races been drawn, and are as on 64, Cayman Islands lies along Doug and Mark in a relaxed atmosphere. distinct as ever with both third on 26 and Guyana in Maloney will lead the Tickets for the 6000 teams aiming for the top the cellar on 21. Bajans battle against the rest square foot Pavilion is being prize at the Base Camp I n t h e b a t t l e f o r of the Caribbean, while the sold at $22,000 for adults Ayangana Group. Officially, i n d i v i d u a l s u p r e m a c y, locals will be spearheaded and children Under 12 is 9:00am has been set aside as Summerbell, after copping a by the evergreen Andrew $11,000 and these prices the time when the forces will Letitia Myles second and two third place King with support from Mark include admission to the move against each other. f i n i s h e s i n B a r b a d o s , and Paul Vieira, Vishok races, secure parking, The Police enter today maintains his lead in the Persaud and Kevin Jeffrey. children’s park, local & with a 33-point lead over the drivers’ Championship after Meanwhile, Rent-A- foreign bar, air-conditioned Soldiers, which is within six races, with 50 points and Tent Catering & Hospitality restrooms, breakfast, lunch striking distance of the he will be supported by Peter Services will once again be and snacks all day and hot & Soldiers after the Police Rae and Andre Anderson. providing the VIP Pavilion cold beverages. exhausted their trump cards in the field events where they are clearly stronger. The Soldiers, therefore, feel they have the advantage today. The Police was hoping for a wider gap heading into the final day, but they did not get that bigger margin and Winston George will feel threatened as a result. However, they will Defence Force will feel that seek to enforce their will they have the edge here again today as a determined Defence based on the head-to-head Force attempts to defend their meetings with the athletes. title, making for an interesting Perry has run mindfinal contest today. boggling times this year, and T h e S o l d i e r s a r e once he continues that form depending on some big today, he will be a handful in names in local athletics to his races. The bottom-line is ensure that the title stay at the that the contest among the Base Camp Ayangana. In the armed forces goes down to female 100m and 200m event, the wire with the Defence Letitia Myles is the GDF trump F o r c e u n l e a s h i n g i t s card with Leota Babb expected strength. to represent the Police. Tiffany Smith should win Myles has been in the 400m women for the sizzling form this year, but GDF while George has to Babb is her senior and will contend with Patrick King definite be a force to reckon with. among the men; the Police In the male sprint races, and Soldiers will hog the Police’s Keith Roberts and attention with the Guyana Winston George will come Fire Service and Guyana against their foes, Quinse Prison Service basically out Clarke and Rupert Perry. The of the title competition. Printed and published by National Media & Publishing Company Limited, 24 Saffon St.Charlestown, Georgetown.Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491 or Fax: 225-8473/ 226-8210

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