Kaieteur News

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Saturday Edition

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May 19, 2012 - Vol. 6 No. 19 - Price $80 kaieteurnews@yahoo.com Website:http://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly

NICIL take over of GNCB Trust ...

Brassington buys 50,000 shares for NICIL, and 2.25 million in brother's name Pg 3

Winston Brassington NICIL head

Jonathan Brassington

Unlucky American Murder suspect narrowly robbed at sea, avoids capture, locked up on land abandons stolen car Pg 11

Pg 10

Resignation out of the question for Brassington ...

Jail as long as malfeasance is established - Opposition Pg 9

Kaieteur News

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Saturday May 19, 2012

Wales sugar workers protest change in working hours Scores of workers from the Wales Sugar Estate, West Bank Demerara, have once again reverted to strike actions after time changes were implemented by management as to when these workers should commence working. Reports are that the disgruntled workers who belong to the “Mechanical Tillage gang” began their strike from Tuesday after their supervisors imposed

7:00hrs as the starting time for them to begin their duties. According to a press release from the Guyana Agriculture and General Workers Union (GAWU), these estate workers who are engaged in tilling the land would commence working at 06:00hrs. If the weather obstructs tillage from taking place, these workers are usually stationed in the precincts of

the Estate's compound at 06:00hrs instead. However, following what was deemed an “arbitrary decision” by management, a delegation of workers met with management representatives who reportedly told the workers that they could either “take it or leave it”. Kaieteur News was told that the matter was subsequently reported to the Union's Head Office which

arranged a meeting with the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) on the following day (May 16, 2012). The press release stated that at this meeting the GuySuCo representative advised the Union to represent once again the matter at the level of the E s t a t e b e c a u s e “management was spoken to”. Once more, the Union met with the Wales Estate

M a n a g e m e n t representatives who continued to insist that the workers report for duty at 7:00hrs and only when tillage is available they will report from 6:00 hrs. This newspaper understands that after this second meeting some of the workers staged a picketing exercise outside of the Estate's Administrative Office. Some of the slogans read “Stop Arbitrary and Dictatorial Change”, “We start to work at 06:00am not 07:00am”, “Stop arbitrary change of our working condition” and “Down with take it or leave it attitude”. The Union then referred the matter to the Ministry of Labour on Thursday where the Chief Labour Officer (ag), Charles Ogle, met representatives from GAWU and GuySuCo to have the matter resolved. He recommended that the workers resume work to allow for further discussion between the Management of the Estate and the Union. GAWU further stated that yesterday after a twohour session, the estate management refused to allow the status quo ante to prevail. After this outcome, the workers decided to continue their protest in the following days and in the meantime another meeting has been arranged by the Chief Labour Officer for May 21 at 10:00hrs. It was also stated that the Advisory Committee inquiring into the dispute at Blairmont Estate last February, in its report,

concluded that arbitrary changes to long-standing practices by the Estate Management caused the industrial action which persisted from February 10, 2012 for 12 days. In the report, the Committee noted “that all customs and practices prior to the strike be reverted to and Management and the Union meet to discuss and agree on change”. “The Management of Wales Estate and GuySuCo must take heed of the observations made by the Advisory Committee with respect to arbitrarily altering working conditions and changing customs and practices,” said GAWU. Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, told Kaieteur News last evening that he is urging the management of Wales Sugar Estate to try and solve the problem. He emphasised that the tillage operational hours remain at 06:00hrs. The tillage operation is halted whenever it rains and these workers are given other employment. The other workers of the Estate commence their duties at 07:00hrs. “This represents the dispute because if the tillage workers come in at 6 am they have to wait until the others come in at 7am. The solution therefore is that either we have the tillage workers come in at 7am or the other workers come in at 6am. I would hope there is a compromise and I urge management to find a way so t h a t n o o n e i s d i s a d v a n t a g e d , ” D r. Ramsammy stated.

Saturday May 19, 2012

Kaieteur News

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NICIL take over of GNCB Trust ...

Brassington buys 50,000 shares for NICIL, and 2.25 million shares in brother’s name Executive Director of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) Winston Brassington, just one day after challenging the opposition members to prove the allegations of corruption against him, is again the centre of another scandal. This time, Brassington is coming under fire for a transaction that he might have initiated in the name of his brother, Jonathan Brassington, for 2.25 million shares in Hand in Hand Trust Corporation. Brassington was the head of NICIL when it acquired the Guyana National Cooperative Bank (GNCB) Trust. NICIL then sold the GNCB Trust to Hand in Hand Insurance Company. On October 13, 2003, the insurance company passed a special resolution to change the name of the new asset to Hand in Hand Trust Corporation. NICIL, still headed by

Brassington, became a major shareholder in the company. NICIL held 250,000 shares in the Trust; the majority of shares was held by Hand in Hand Fire Insurance Company. In 2009, by order of a resolution passed by the Board of Directors at Hand in Hand Trust Corporation, “the Board authorized an increase in the Trust Corporation Share Capital from $250M to $750M and further authorized the issuance of Preferred/ Ordinary Shares to cover the increased Share Capital.” This meant that the Trust increased the volume of shares from 2.5 million to 7.5 million at $100 per share. Immediately, Jonathan Brassington bought 2.25 million shares for $225 million. This purchase gave him a onethird ownership in Hand in Hand Trust Company. By September 2009, Winston Brassington who still represented NICIL as a major shareholder in the Trust

Fuel cost burns deep into GPL’s revenues… Increasing demand over the next four years will force Guyana to spend millions of dollars more to buy additional generators, the country’s power company warned yesterday. By that time, the ambitious US$840M Amaila Falls hydro project is expected to kick in to meet the additional demands for electricity, says Chairman of the Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL), Winston Brassington. That project will be the country’s most expensive and has been marred by controversies, especially over the hefty costs. Brassington yesterday said that financial closure is expected by year-end with Guyana likely to plug US$80M in equity into the project. The official was at the time speaking during a public presentation of GPL’s state and its future at the Regency

company, signed for these shares on behalf of his brother who was at the time and still remains overseas. Jonathan Brassington became the second largest shareholder in the Trust company after Hand in Hand Fire Insurance Company which held just over three million shares. At the same time Brassington, acting on behalf of NICIL, increased its share holdings to 300,000. Alliance For Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan has labeled this transaction as another in a string of incestuous dealings. He says, “Winston Brassington signed a special resolution on behalf of a Jonathan Brassington who some time in 2009 became the owner of 2,250,000 of the shares in Hand-in-Hand Trust Co. Inc….With this 45 per cent take of the share issue in 2009, a Brassington became the second largest shareholder in a Brassington-

Winston Brassington NICIL head privatised company…This is not only corruption: it meets the test of fraud.” Ramjattan says that what is even more alarming is the fact that this transaction took place mere months before the company plugged a multi-

Guyana to put US$80M equity in Amaila Falls hydro project

Hotel, Hadfield Street. Despite advertising the event, during which consumers would have been given the opportunities to vent their frustrations and raise questions, the chairs remained empty at Regency, save for media operatives and representatives of the regulator, Public Utilities Commission. According to the official, current indications of demand point to a need to increase generation capacity by another 20 megawatts in the next couple of years. New regulations mandate GPL to publicly report to the public and PUC regularly. Last year, over $18M was credited to the accounts of consumers after the utility company failed to process applications and other transactions in time, in breach of new requirements. “GPL is more accountable and responsible to the public,” Brassington assured.

US$175M Over the last six years, the power company saw US$175M in investments being plunged in a number of capital projects including new generators from Wartsila. The money came from Government, the Petro-Caribe Fund and China’s Export/ Import Bank. Additionally, as GPL struggled to meet demands for power, government had deferred taking dividends with the cash being ploughed right back into that stateowned company, the Chairman revealed. It is clear that more money will be needed to expand GPL’s activities in the lead-up to the hydro project being realized. Within the last three years, more than 35 megawatts of Wartsila power was added to the country’s capacity with a major project underway to install new transmission lines stretching

to Moleson Creek, East Berbice with nine new substations linking the three regions. The idea is to ensure more reliable and stable power since current lines are ancient and maxed out and unable to take much more. According to Brassington, GPL is also facing an unprecedented challenge with thousands of new connections to be made every year. While in 2004, Guyana had 26,000 subscribers, last year, this jumped to 160,000-plus. Some 9,000 new applications were processed last year. GPL’s collections have also seen a significant (continued on page 5)

Jonathan Brassington

million-dollar investment in the Berbice Bridge. This investment has since been described as a ‘cash cow’ for its investors. “The same Hand-in-Hand Trust is part of the Group which invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the Berbice Bridge Company. Winston Brassington was the financial architect of this project.” The AFC Chairman in responding to Brassington’s challenge to prove corruption says that, “I would advise Mr. Brassington to consult with an attorney before making any further statement to the press…What he is doing, over and above misusing moneys that belong to the Consolidated Fund and therefore the people of Guyana, goes beyond financial incest; it goes beyond corruption: it is financial fraud.” Ramjattan is also

questioning why Brassington is now setting a condition for his resignation when his resignation had been announced several months earlier. “I hope that Mr. Brassington has not changed his mind so that he can prevent access to the files and records that will conclusively establish the mounting evidence of fraud, corruption and illegalities surrounding NICIL which has surfaced with every passing day.”

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Kaieteur News

Saturday May 19, 2012

Letters... Where your views make the news

Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


Human trafficking A few years ago the United States of America threatened sanctions against Guyana if it did not tighten legislation that would make it a punishable offence to have people trafficked. Guyana for its part never accepted that people were being trafficked within its borders. It was known that people left their homes in whichever part of the country to seek employment elsewhere. For years, some hinterland people, particularly young women, would leave their homes and head to the coast in search of employment. Many, because of their academic limitations, would seek those jobs they thought best suited their ability. The result is that they became waitresses, cleaners and domestics. Because bars and nightclubs proliferated these girls were readily employed. Some of them were asked to provide other services. Things get murky at this point. Because of the money, and it surely was not much, there were those girls who acquiesced to the demand for extra services. But similarly, there were those who balked. These were the people who may have fuelled the reports of human trafficking because there were the reports of the employers withholding pay, threatening these girls with punishment and sometimes even beating some of them. These reports did not go unnoticed. In the wake of the pressure from the United States, investigations were mounted. The suspects would not readily admit to any form of trafficking and the girls, knowing that they could not readily earn the kind of money they got, would deny any wrongdoing on the part of their employers. But more than that, the investigators would conduct the investigations in the presence of both the employer and the victim. This would not be the best possible thing. Sometimes there were breaks but if one were to look at the prosecutions one would doubt that there is human trafficking. There are just no convictions. Sometimes the victims would just not testify. A point to note is that many in Guyana were operating on the belief that someone had to take a victim from his or her place of abode and move that person to another location. However, the law is now clear. If one is lured by the promise of certain employment and a certain pay, then offered something else far removed from either the job or the pay, that is human trafficking. The authorities now say that human trafficking is the slave trade of this era. A report by the United Nations commission on refugees identified Guyana as a major human trafficking destination. This is not strange given the burgeoning gold trade. Large numbers of foreigners have been trekking to Guyana, some coming at the behest of miners who need cheap labour. The Guyanese authorities place the number of foreigners at some 15,000 in the gold fields alone. This creates conditions for prostitution, forced labour and of course other criminal activity. Guyana cannot patrol its hinterland so the illegal trade in flesh would bloom. We have seen people walking along the coast and soliciting young girls. Until the police raided a camp, and until one girl managed to contact her mother with the news that she had been taken to the interior and tricked, the nation paid little attention to the happenings there. Similarly, the nation ignored the repeated publications of missing persons—many of them people in their early teens. There have never been so many young people going missing at any time in recent memory. Poverty and peer pressure may very well fuel the rush by these very young people to enter into an environment that would see them being abused. That prostitution comes easily to the female of the species is a given. So, young girls readily place themselves in a position to provide sexual services. For those who intend to capitalize on the earning, it is not important that the invitation to offer sexual services has its risks. The end justifies the means. And so we notice the recent involvement of the United Nations Development Programme to help fight human trafficking. It is giving money to Guyana to help educate victims of human trafficking. Indeed, we feel that the decline in the quality of education in the country has helped fuel human trafficking in the country. The uneducated victims are among the most gullible

Philip Moore was a true philosopher DEAR EDITOR, A few years ago, the Commemorative Committee mounted an exhibition of Philip Moore’s art at the Museum of African Heritage. He addressed the gathering and astonished and mesmerized many guests by his wisdom. On that occasion we ‘adopted’ Philip. Now that he has died, we reflect that he was a true philosopher of Guyanese birth, living among us all his life. He encouraged many to study and honour their roots. Philip held the view that the spirit can educate the man. He drew inspiration from his spirit. Some of Philip’s wisdom was captured in 1996 by Rupert Roopnaraine in an essay ‘Philip Moore of Guyana and the Universe’. Here are some quotes from the essay. This

networks. My appointment is purely on the basis of my abilities to provide the bridge between Guyanese and international cultures in organizational and customer services matters. (ii) M y appointment at EZjet followed 11 months after I left Queens Atlantic Group, that for reasons of redundancy following re-structuring of Headquarters staffing to address changing business needs. That is a normal interval in the recruitment world when seeking senior

executive positions and indeed, was also the case prior to my appointment at Queen’s Atlantic. Hardly indicative of any “favoured status” or links at all with Government or anybody else, as your advertisement states! The Chief Executive of EZjet has repeatedly and emphatically refuted the various allegations of a like kind. I personally have no knowledge whatsoever of any basis for such allegations insofar as they concern EZjet, past or recent. Rosalinda Rasul

better than Eden. Those words are not a threat to man. Those words became what we call a consolation to man and man became a cocreator with God to make things for his own happiness.” 5. ”When I carved up to a certain point, I felt that when I was holding a piece of wood in my hand, it seems to me that I was holding the mind of the world in my hand.” 6. ”Philip, I am going to die and leave art to you younger people. One day you will make Guyana famous.” (quoting what E.R. Burrowes said to him on his death bed) 7. ”We can re-educate the minds of people through art. The same as how the Hindus have the murtis, Ganesh, and Krishna and Hanoman-ji on calendars and postcards, the African man too has to get his spiritual heroes and surround himself with them so that they become a part of his everyday life.” 8. ”Without the country getting proper redemption, Guyana is doomed, doomed. There is too much a big gap between the so-called educated people in the city and the people in the country. All those so-called educated black people living in Republic Park, in Georgetown, and the United States. The village, the village is the thing.” 9. ”Jumbie Wedding is just to portray and to remember a prophet that we had in the village, Gulluh Alexander. My grandmother used to talk about that man. How he used to walk through the village talking about things that would (Continued on page 5)

DEAR EDITOR, Vishnu Bisram’s letter, published in your paper’s May 18th edition under the caption ‘Indians did fight for right to vote’, seeks to perpetuate the PPP-peddled fiction that the PPP restored democracy to Guyana in 1992. Well, no PPP supporter has been able to credibly support this contestable claim. The objective facts are that our present electoral framework was fashioned under and implemented by the PNC prior to the 1992 elections; our votes are being counted as cast, just as they were in the 1992 elections that brought the PPP to power; and our judiciary, ownership of private television stations and newspapers, and one radio station existed before the PPP regained power in 1992. In light of the above facts, I challenge Vishnu Bisram to name one functioning major or minor recognized institutional underpinning of

democracy that the PPP has implemented since it allegedly restored democracy to Guyana in 1992. And it must be one that did not exist under the PNC. While I await his answer, I remind him that the PPP government had to be threatened with budget cuts to force it to give a definite time by which it will implement the constitutionallymandated Public Procurement Commission, which is a democratic underpinning intended to assure transparency and accountability in governance. I also remind Mr. Bisram that while the PPP hollered for the right for votes to be counted as cast here in Guyana, it was wholeheartedly supporting communist regimes that denied their fellow countrymen the right to form political parties and have their votes counted as cast. In fact, citizens in communist

countries were forced to vote contrary to their will. Thus it was no surprise that communist parties were voted out of office following the collapse of the Soviet Union. So I have one more challenge for Mr. Bisram: Prove that the PPP was truly committed to the suffrage outside of its narrow racial usefulness here in Guyana. Yes, I call upon Mr. Bisram to provide one piece of PPP writing that called for the right of people in communist countries to form political parties or to have their votes counted as cast. By the way, I am not a supporter of the PNC. My only desire is for our nation to develop and prosper under a government that truly cares for our people. However, I will always, if deemed necessary, contest any attempt to perpetuate falsehood about the political history of our nation. Lionel Lowe

should inspire all of us. PHILIP MOORE QUOTES:1. “Drum-beat is an aspect of African art because the rhythmic monotonous beating of the drums sends some sensations in your mind.” 2. “A self-trained artist can be spirit taught. What I do practically know is that a man can re-educate his subconscious and the subconscious mind can come back and make his conscious mind super-conscious. And we can get any amount of knowledge that we want through this personal self-induction because, if all the elements of technology came out from the mind of man, the mind of man can develop to re-educate man to release the ninety percent of brain power that is dormant.” 3. “In most cases they [the British] wanted to show

us that we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity and we are the grandsons and daughters of slaves and that therefore nothing good could come out of us. But with the individual spiritual realization, man comes into the true order of being. That is the basic element of what we call positive revolution. What you have to understand is that apart from your environment and your educational qualifications, you have something within you that you have brought from the spirit world and that thing is part of God.” 4. “When God said from the sweat of thy brow thou shalt eat bread, that was not all that he said. He said too that by the meditation of your hearts you can be in attunement with me and by the craftiness of your minds you will make gardens even

I have never had any connection with the Govt. or its representatives and networks DEAR EDITOR, I refer to the unattributed advertisement published by Kaieteur News on Sunday May 13th, 2012 under the headline “Airline business in the making”. In the ‘Sunday’ section of this advertisement, which alleged that EZjet is involved in some sort of conspiracy with the Guyana Government’s plans to enlarge the international airport and enable it to become the National Flag Carrier of Guyana, there is a reference to my name and employment with EZjet. Further that I am through evidence of my previous employment with Queens Atlantic Group, which is stated to be “just prior” to my current employment with EZjet, a part of such imagined conspiracy. The facts of the matter are: (i) I was sought out for the appointment of Country Manager of EZjet on account of my background, experience and success in administration, customer services and public relations at corporate level for Queens Atlantic Group latterly; and formerly in a previous appointment with a major incorporated Guyanese company, working as Executive Assistant to the expatriate MD of a UK/US company appointed as its management contractor. Qualities essential for the successful management of an international airline’s operations I think you will agree. I do not and have never had any connection in an employment capacity, or in any other sense, with the Government of Guyana or its representatives and

Perpetuating falsehood about our political history

Saturday May 19, 2012

Kaieteur News

Mr. Ramjattan is clutching at straws From 2012, I have agreed to work with Government in a part time capacity as I transition from the position of CEO. Please see my press release dated March, 2012 onwww.privatisation.gov.gy Hand in Hand Trust. GNCB Trust was privatized a decade ago via the sale of a 90 PER CENT interest to Hand In Hand Trust. Today, NICIL owns THREE PER CENT and had no influence on the operations of the entity; it has no directors on the Board since privatisation. In 2009, Hand in Hand Trust (renamed from GNCB Trust), a private company, sought private equity investment. As a result, Jonathan Brassington, my brother, a US citizen, a successful overseas based Guyanese, acquired 30 per cent of HIH Trust. This was seven years after the privatisation. As is customary, any person acquiring more than 25per cent of a financial institution has to be approved by the Bank of Guyana, as a

- says Brassington fit and proper person. This was done. There is no conflict, if a relative of mine, invests in a private entity many years after it is privatised. Notwithstanding, prior to the acquisition by my brother of 30 per cent of Hand In Hand Trust in 2009, I brought this transaction to the attention of the Minister of Finance and the Attorney General, first for information, and secondly to determine whether they saw any conflict. There was no indication of any conflict. There is no corruption if a private company enters into a contract with another private person. This is not corruption; this is not fraud. Berbice Bridge Investors were sought from all institutional investors in 2005/2006. Hand In Hand Trust is an investor in the bridge, like many other investors. It predates my brother’s investment in Hand in Hand Trust.

Investment in the Berbice Bridge was offered to every single institutional investor. Indeed, the investors in the bridge include almost every single deposit taking institution and most of the institutional investors in Guyana. It is ludicrous to say that Hand in Hand invested NIS funds in the bridge. This is simply not so. As I recall, despite the critics against the investment in the bridge, we were able to persuade a number of investors to invest in the bridge. I take credit for doing this in very difficult circumstances created by opposition persons and critics, claiming that the bridge would be a bad investment. As I recall, many of the critics were strongly opposed to NIS and NBS investing in this project, speculating it was a bad investment, making it more difficult to find investors.

I am glad we have proved these critics wrong. Today, based on the same information that was made available to investors in 2006, the opposition speaks of nationalizing the bridge, claiming these investors are making a lot of money. How contradictory can one be? For the record, it is a fact, that tolls on the bridge are no different in real terms from tolls on the ferry. Atlantic Hotel Inc. AHI was registered as a government entity owned by NICIL, with officers of NICIL as the director and secretary of AHI. NICIL owns 100 per cent of AHI. There is no conflict executing a lease from one entity to the other, with this transaction being approved by its principals. It is quite common where there are related party transactions. This happens frequently between companies that are part of the same group, e.g. DDL, Banks DIH, etc Issued by: Winston Brassington

Guyana to put US$80M equity in Amaila Falls... From page 3 increase from $18.8B in 2007 to $27.6B last year. This was due to new customers and a rate increase. It also came despite GPL being owed by a number of customers including M&CC which owes $700M for street lighting. According to Brassington, revenues last year indicated that 90 per cent of customers were residential with less than half of the revenues coming from just 561 large scale businesses. LOSSES STILL HIGH One of the major problems for GPL continued to be its technical and commercial losses, despite major investments and initiatives. Technical losses have to do mainly with leakages from faulty transmission lines while commercial losses are mainly theft. The GPL Chairman lamented hardship by the power company to successfully prosecute

electricity thieves, despite thousands being caught. Meanwhile, the official also painted a bleak outlook for GPL’s fuel purchases. The company spent US$48 in 2005 to buy fuel, this year that figure is expected to climb to US$125. Fuel purchases account for 85 per cent of expenses with the company now reviewing the consequences of the recent $1B cut from the $6B subsidy that government had allocated in the 2012 national budget. The government subsidy is crucial to prevent tariff increases from being passed onto consumers and $1B would bite deep into the GPL’s finances, the official said. It is more than likely that maintenance will suffer because of the cuts. Currently, some 70 per cent of power now comes from Wartsila, a foreign company that has the contract to maintain Government-owned

generators. According to Brassington, US$175M is a drop in the bucket and it would take significant more investment to keep up with demands. The US$840M budget for the hydro project and the US$175M spent by GPL in recent years would mean that more than US$1B would be spent on the electricity sector by 2016, he said. Prime Minister Sam Hinds, who has responsibility for the electricity sector, expressed “disappointment” and anger at the poor turnout by the public yesterday. He argued that Guyanese workers with their current earnings would

understandably find it hard to pay more for electricity. Current costs are already determined, based on generator size, fuel and other costs. The PM also drew comparisons to the current prices and benefits of the cheaper heavy fuel oil (HFO) against diesel. Guyana has in recent years moved to buy more generators that use the HFO fuel. He also blasted the critics of GPL, noting that the company was trying its best.

Page 5

Letters... Where your views

Philip Moore was... From page 4 come to pass, in a prophetic way. And he is a man who when he planted potatoes and he was ready to reap he would walk through the village telling people, ‘Pitete a banjo. Come a Liverpool fuh pitete.’ Imagine that! A man with a whole field of potatoes calling out the village to come and reap. So on this one night I imagined myself living in his day. One night the people say Gulluh Alexander looking up to the full moon. He stood there for a long time. People wanted to know if a next world war was coming, wondering what this man could be seeing because they had a fear and a reverence for him. He told them nothing. Seven days after, he walked through the village and announced: ‘all who gat fowl an duck an turkey ah sit ah dey nest, go look, see wa happen.’ Well, all the eggs had become gander eggs, blue and spoiled. Gulluh Alexander told them: Nah tro way yuh ganda egg but tek yuh ganda egg an mix it wit dag booboo an put it pun yuh farhead because when de moon eclipse, yuh gon get a jumbie wedding. De rain gon fall an de sun gon shine underneath de tamarind tree. An de spirits from de fire, de hail, de earth, an de water would all come meet up together.’ The two main persons who

came down to the wedding were the Moongazer and his wife. Coming from the moon, they are always cool, so the fire spirits had to pass through the bodies of the Moongazer and his wife to cool down before they could go under the tamarind tree for the wedding. All the people who did wrong to the community, their spirits have to come back to that Jumbie Wedding and ask for forgiveness, and make a pledge that they would do right.” 10. ”Tengar was a Buxtonian who used to say ‘If the Lord and God had wanted you to be safe, He would have provided a raft for you.’ Tengar had to come and make confession and because of the wedding, the wars in the bush between Corentyne men and Buxton men who came to blows over the gold fields, ended. The Berbice policemen were all coming to marry the Buxton girls.” 11. ”But in a communalistic society, everybody should produce and the wood-carver can exchange his pieces of work for yams and tomatoes and whatever else he needs. That is my personal vision of the new economic order. We must bring back people to some of these communalistic ideas.” Tom Dalgety, C h a i r m a n , Commemoration Committee

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Kaieteur News

Saturday May 19, 2012

Court orders summons UNDP gives Guyana US$75,000 to fight human trafficking for Lumumba … other defendant placed on $25 bail Magistrate Hazel OctiveHamilton issued a court summons for Presidential Advisor on Empowerment Odinga Lumumba, yesterday, after he failed to present himself before the court to answer charges brought against him by Onika Beckles, a woman he allegedly assaulted at a polling station during the 2011 General Elections. It is understood that the government official has a charge of assault and provoking the peace awaiting him at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court. Beckles was also charged when she appeared before the Magistrate. The police charged Beckles for obstructing access to a polling station without due authority. They said that on November 28, last, at polling station 413441B, Lot 455 Aubrey Barker Road, South Ruimveldt, Beckles without authority obstructed Gomattie Calicharran from

Odinga Lumumba

Onika Beckles access to the polling place. To the charge, Beckles pleaded not guilty. Attorney-at-law Nigel Hughes represented the defendant. He made a bail application on her behalf. Hughes said that at the time of the incident the defendant was the Presiding Officer at the polling station. He continued that Beckles had no brushes with any legal entities in Guyana and further

said that she was not a flight risk. He asked that the woman be sent on her own recognizance since she made her appearance in court about 45 minutes after being notified about the charge against her, having had to leave her classes at the University. He said Beckles’ action was a clear indication of her willingness to present herself to the court. The court then granted Beckles bail in the sum of $25 after the prosecutor said she had no reason to object to the woman’s pre-trail liberty. Lumumba on the other hand will have to present himself before Magistrate Judy Latchman in Court Three on June 20 to plead to the charges against him. Beckles’ trial is expected to commence on June 27 before the said Magistrate. In early January, the Director of Public Prosecutions recommended that Lumumba and Beckles be charged with separate offences that stemmed from their altercation on Elections Day, last year November. It is alleged that Beckles prevented a political party candidate from entering the Polling Station where she presided. It is further alleged that the officer was forced to call the police to the Polling Station after Lumumba verbally abused her and shoved her against a wall.

As the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security continues to lobby for greater sensitization of Human Trafficking, the Ministry received yet another boost, this time from the United Nations Development Programme. Country representative Ms. Khadija Musa yesterday handed over a US$75,000 grant to Social Services Minister, Jennifer Webster, which would go towards combating human trafficking. Ms. Musa, at the handing over ceremony, said that the UNDP is very pleased to support the Government of Guyana in the implementation of this important project which supports victims of and families affected by human trafficking. She explained that the project came about as a result of several discussions with the team implementing the Tackling Child Labour Through Education (Tackle) Project, and the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security (MLHS&SS). Musa said that the UNDP will collaborate with the Ministry to strengthen their capacity to respond to issues relating to Trafficking in Persons in Guyana. She said that trafficking in persons is a major concern for all stakeholders, not only in Guyana, but also around the world. Further, she said that young women, particularly f r o m h i n t e r l a n d a nd vulnerable coastland communities, are the most affected persons. Musa said that according to the report on Guyana which was produced by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, dated June 11, 2011, “Guyana is a source and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labour. Guyanese nationals have also been subjected to forced prostitution and forced labour

in other countries in the region”. Musa identified cases of human trafficking within the country during this reporting period, generally involved women and girls in forced prostitution. The report further stated that the Government of Guyana is making significant efforts to comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. There have been efforts on the part of officials, including mining officials, to rescue potential victims. Thus, she said, the project aims to strengthen the ongoing efforts of the Ministry towards public awareness, particularly in communities predisposed to incidence of trafficking training of focal points in the Administrative Regions. It would also help in giving the victim support. Musa noted that the money is expected to be spent in updating the directory of focal points in the Administrative Regions. She said that the project will be implemented in collaboration

with key stakeholders, including people from the mining and NGO community. It was not only encouraging but very necessary if the objectives of the project are to be fully achieved. Minister Jennifer Webster yesterday said that she was very pleased that UNDP has joined forces to help fight human trafficking. She added that her Ministry is working feverishly in trying to get the public sensitized on the issue. She said that the Guyanese populace needed to be each other’s keeper and report any irregularity you may see within your community. She said that her Ministry will continue to give support to persons who are affected by human trafficking. Minister Webster said that the task force meets on a quarterly basis to address any problem. She said that the funds will help to give much needed support. The Minister added that she will continue to be partners with UNDP to help alleviate this national problem.

Authorities overwhelmed by mining violations - GHRA …communities losing wildlife, malaria increasing The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) appears to be overwhelmed by current problems in the mining sector. Recently the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) said that it received reports that there are environmental problems which may be well over the head of that regulatory body. Claiming that there is turmoil reigning in the mining sector, GHRA yesterday said that the attractive price of gold has pushed Guyanese from all over the country, along with a large number of foreigners –

from Brazil, Canada, Australiato invade mining areas. “Most small-scale miners are engaged in land dredging (four-inch hoses) but the tailings still drain into the rivers, particularly at the sources. More rivers are taking on the characteristics of the Konawaruk River which years ago was declared to be ‘dead’ by the current Chair of the GGMC, the body said yesterday. Rivers are also being diverted by dredging operations. “Reports have been received of villages in the Pomeroon head and along the Barama River losing most of their wildlife because of logging and mining activities.”

Saturday May 19, 2012

Kaieteur News

New Arts and Cultural Organisation launched

Panday no-case submission rejected Lawyers representing former prime minister Basdeo Panday embarked on a second application Thursday — this time to have his trial stayed on the ground that there was an abuse of process. The second application was made after Magistrate Marcia Murray ruled against a no-case submission put forward on Tuesday by Panday’s attorney, David Aaronberg, QC. The decision was delivered just after the matter resumed in the Port-of-Spain First Magistrates’ Court Thursday. Aaronberg made the nocase application on the basis that the prosecution had failed to prove its case. In her ruling Thursday, Murray said while it was the defendant’s right to make such an application, she was of the view after reviewing the evidence that: “There is sufficient evidence to call upon the defendant to answer.” As she gave her ruling, Aaronberg appeared shocked and later questioned her about the reasons as to how she had arrived at the decision. But Murray

declined to reveal her reasons. Further pressed to say why she had ruled against the no-case submission, Murray said she was not obliged to provide any reasons. Her decision was supported by state prosecutor Timothy Cassel, QC, who said, “It is undesirable for a magistrate or judge to give their reasons.” Panday is before Murray on retrial for allegedly failing to declare a London bank account, contrary to the Integrity in Public Life Act. He is accused of failing to disclose the account at National Westminster Bank Plc, Wimbledon, London, to the Integrity Commission for the years 1997 to 1999. In March 2006, Panday was initially found guilty and sentenced by Chief Magistrate Sherman McNicholls to serve two years in prison, the maximum penalty under the law. Panday appealed the decision and the conviction was quashed by the Court of Appeal and a retrial ordered, which was upheld on appeal to the Privy Council. Like the arguments put

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Basdeo Panday forward in his no-case submission, Aaronberg Thursday said the investigation against Panday was politically motivated and geared towards helping the opposition party at the time get into power. Aaronberg said Panday’s right to confidentiality with regard to the Integrity Commission was compromised when details of the case were leaked to the media soon after the investigation started. Aaronberg said the court had the power to stay the matter on the basis that the accused had not been given a fair trial, and that it would be unfair to allow the case to continue, as it would offend the court’s “sense of justice and impropriety.” (Trinidad Guardian)

Some 200 persons assembled at the Promenade Gardens to witness the formation of a new Cultural Organization-the United Federation for Arts and Culture last Saturday. The persons attending were treated to tassa drumming as persons meandered their way to the site where the new committee was established and their leaders elected. A call was issued for organizations throughout Guyana to join the Cultural and Arts group which intends to continue efforts to make the Guyanese people move closer to their goals of being one people, in making up one nation as they move towards a common destiny. One of the aims of the newlyformed body is to impact favourably on the growing menace of racialism as the people are bound closer. The move is also designed to cement the people of Guyana as one people who are determined to achieve together and to join hands in the move to combat the crime wave, to keep crime to the minimum and to help the Guyanese people to join together in attaining the common goals that are ahead. A release from the newlyformed body states: A new Arts and Culture organization

- “United Federation for Arts &Culture” was officially launched on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at the Promenade Gardens, Middle and Carmichael Streets, Georgetown. The officers of the organization were introduced to the public. The organization is headed by Mr. Vishnu Bandhu, who is Chief Executive Officer of V.B New Approach General Construction Inc of Vreed-enHoop. The afternoon ceremony included colorful cultural presentations. Among the well wishers were Mayor of Georgetown, Mr. Hamilton Green, Chairman Private Sector Commission, Mr. Ramesh Dookhoo, and Pro Chancellor University of Guyana, and Dr. Prem Misir. The keynote address was delivered by Minister of Agriculture Dr. Lesley Ramsammy who commended President Bandhu and the Board of directors for this timely initiative. Dr. Ramsammy said that it is important for the nation to preserve its culture. He wished the organization and its Board of Directors well in their further endeavors. The project is the first of its kind in Guyana providing the elderly with a place for

leisure, rest, care and physical and spiritual enhancement. It will also include a swimming pool, Movie Theater, dining hall and a medical facility among other amenities for elderly citizens. President Vishnu Bandhu gave a brief overview of the organization’s goals and objectives. He outlined the mission statement that entails promoting and maintaining the ideals of Indian culture with its core values of righteousness, respect, education and teamwork. He encouraged all groups to promote their diverse cultures “as we strive to live in peace love and harmony”. He said UFAC will soon begin to promote music and other arts. The foundation plans to launch a musical band to teach the youths how to play instruments so they can perform at concerts and cultural events. It is the intention of the organizers that, while the initial move will encourage the development of Indian Culture, other persons and organizations will seek to imitate the first move and that a new awareness would be created thus having a truly cultural revolution sweeping across Guyana.

ST JOHN’S - CMC Attorney General Justin Simon has criticised the governments of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) for not doing enough to ensure that the population within the sub-region are fully educated on the Trinidad-based Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). “Unfortunately the OECS governments have so far been paying lip service to the whole idea of the CCJ. But I think the time has now come for the OECS governments together to formulate a plan in respect of information and education throughout the OECS territories,” Simon told a panel discussion Thursday night. He said that much of the opposition to the CCJ, which was established in 2001 to

replace the London-based Privy Council as the region’s final court of appeal, is due to a lack of information and knowledge including by persons who fell aggrieved by decisions of the Court of Appeal. He blamed the governments of Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia and St. Kitts and Nevis of doing little to correct the mis-information about the CCJ, which also serves as an international tribunal interpreting the Revised Treaty of

Chaguaramas that governs the regional integration movement. Most of the 15-member Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries have signed on to the original jurisdiction of the court while only Barbados, Guyana and Belize are signatories to the appellate jurisdiction. Trinidad and Tobago has indicated it will allow for limited appeals to the appellate jurisdiction, while Jamaica has signalled its intention to join the court as soon as possible.

OECS govt. under fire for lack Obama presses ailing Europe to focus on growth of public consultation on CCJ WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama pressed Europe yesterday to shift toward a more progrowth policy and away from austerity to tackle a crisis that threatens to push Greece out of the euro zone and send economic shockwaves worldwide. Setting the tone for a weekend G8 summit, Obama made clear he was aligning himself with the new French president’s drive for more economic stimulus in the recession-plagued euro zone instead of emphasising belttightening programs spearheaded by Germany. Obama’s stance reflects his worries that the euro zone contagion, which threatens the future of Europe’s 17nation single currency, could hurt the fragile U.S. economic recovery and his own reelection chances in November. After White House talks with French President Francois Hollande, Obama said the two agreed that tackling the euro-zone crisis was “an issue of extraordinary importance, not only to the people of Europe,

but also to the world economy.” “We’re looking forward to a fruitful discussion later this evening and tomorrow with the other G8 leaders about how we can manage a responsible approach to fiscal consolidation that is coupled with a strong growth agenda,” Obama told reporters before heading to Camp David to host the summit’s opening dinner. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has insisted on the need for tough fiscal discipline to bring down suffocating debt levels across the euro zone, could find herself increasingly alone when leaders gather at the rustic presidential retreat in Maryland.Reflecting growing frustration as Greece’s postelection turmoil shakes global markets, British Prime Minister David Cameron called on euro members for decisive action and said the

Greeks must “make their minds up” whether to stay in the euro. No major economic policy decisions are expected from the talks but Obama will urge the Europeans to work harder at forging a comprehensive approach to their debt troubles. World stocks fell to levels below where they began the year, depressed by the prospect that a Greek euro exit would spread upheaval in the currency bloc and engulf much larger economies such as Spain’s. The European Union’s trade commissioner said for the first time that European officials were working on contingency plans in case Greece bombs out of the euro zone.

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Kaieteur News

Saturday May 19, 2012

Albouystown family claims Abduction accused to excessive force by police ranks be sentenced on June 5

An Albouystown family said that it is now fearful for the safety of a young man who was beaten late yesterday and then thrown into a police patrol vehicle and taken away. Annmarie Soodoo said that her 20-year-old old brother was mercilessly beaten and gun butted by a man who identified himself as a plainclothes police rank. The incident occurred around 18:30 hours at Hill Street, Albouystown. Ms. Soodoo said that she and several other family members and friends were standing in front of their home when they noticed a man in casual clothing riding around on a motor cycle and communicating with someone on his cellular phone. “This man deh riding around the place and circling all the time and then he just ride up to me brother and snatch he so I grab onto me brother I ask he, who he be and wha he want with me brother.” The woman said that after she grabbed onto her brother, Jonathan Soodoo, she and the man ended up in a scuffle. “Me and he start a li’l scramble and I didn’t realize he had a gun until he shoot off the gun so I just loose off and run and he call a police vehicle.” According to Ms. Soodoo when the police

The spent shell which was left behind. vehicle arrived on the scene the other ranks dragged her brother into the vehicle even as she and other relatives tried to enquire from the ranks where they were taking the young man. “All they kept saying was wa de f^%$ yall feel? You could run forever? We gon kill yo sk**”. According to Soodoo her brother has had run-ins with the police before and was arrested in the past but the least the police could have done was to indicate what he was wanted for. “My brother ain’t no peach but even if they come fuh he they must tell we something. We ask where they carrying he and they just cussing up and aint telling we way they going with he.”

Meanwhile residents who witnessed the incident said they are not pleased with the way the police rank operated. “This place had children running around. What if the bullet de hit a child? What they woulda say? Sorry?” one resident questioned. Up to press time yesterday relatives were still unaware of Soodoo’s whereabouts. Residents further called for the police to carry out their work in a more professional manner. Only a week ago a similar incident occurred in Sophia when police ranks opened fire indiscriminately. During that incident a woman collapsed and died. An investigation into that incident has been launched.

Road works commence in Mahdia After a massive protest in Mahdia some two weeks ago, officials from the Regional Democratic Council have begun road works in and around the community. This is according to Alliance For Change member Valarie Garido Lowe. Lowe said that she was informed by her colleague, the Regional Chairman Mark Crawford that the works have commenced in and around the community with the Region’s equipment which was said to be out of order. However the works have been stalled as a result of heavy rain fall in the area. Also, reports out of the region suggest that

works have also commenced on the Salbora water system. Earlier this month residents in Mahdia had staged a massive protest calling for officials in the RDC to work together for the development of the community. Residents also spoke out about the seemingly non-cooperation by the Regional Executive Officer. However from reports most of the issues which were affecting the residents have been addressed. Some of the issues included the garbage situation, the road condition and the water situation.

The Berbice man who pleaded guilty to a charge of abduction will have to wait until June 5, to know his fate. The man, Shafraz Subratalli, 25, of Johanna, North Black Bush Polder, was on trial in the Berbice High Court before Justice James Bovell-Drakes and a mixed jury on a charge of abduction. He abducted a girl under 16, on December 15, 2009. At the time the girl hailed from Johanna, Black Bush Polder. The charge stipulated that the act was done against the will of her parents. He had initially pleaded not guilty, but later changed his plea to guilty. He was set to be sentenced on Wednesday. However, when the matter continued state Prosecutor Attorney at Law Rhondel Weaver presented the state’s case and Defence Attorney Kim Kyte-John presented her plea of mitigation. Justice Bovell-Drakes then deferred sentencing. Attorney Weaver stated that the girl lived with her parents and sibling. On December 15, 2009 she received a phone call from the accused asking her to come and meet him outside. She complied and the accused took her to his uncle’s house at Johanna, Black Bush Polder. There they spent 10 minutes together. The accused then left the girl there and went away. Her parents, who had earlier left home for the market received a phone call and after receiving certain information made a report to the police about the incident and told them whom she suspected. The accused was contacted the same day. He first denied the allegation, but later admitted to removing the girl who was subsequently found at the back of the house in a garden. Subratalli was arrested and charged. In his statement the accused had stated that he

Kitty barber on bail for inappropriately touching seven-year-old A barber who reportedly touched a small girl inappropriately was on Thursday last placed on $135,000 bail by Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court. The 35-year-old man who hails from Kitty, Georgetown, was slapped with three charges, one of which included a sexual offence, reportedly committed against a seven-year-old. In the matter which was held in a closed courtroom, the police alleged that on December 30, 2011, at Garnett Street, the accused acted in an inappropriate manner towards the seven-year-old. He was

not required to plead to the offence. It is also alleged that on May 2, 2012, the defendant reportedly used threatening language towards the mother of the said child. Again on May 2, last, the defendant provoked the mother of the child thus breaching the peace. To the latter charges, the defendant pleaded not guilty. The prosecutor did not object to bail on the three offences. The accused was ordered to pay $15,000 in relation to the threatening language and provoking matter. For the sexual offence, bail was granted in the sum of

$120,000. The accused also had to give the undertaking that he would say nothing to the victim and further, stay away from the complainant and her daughter pending the conclusion of the court matters. This publication however understands that in relation to the sexual offence the accused reportedly touched the child in an inappropriate way. It is alleged that on the day in question, the seven-year-old victim was sitting on a staircase which leads to the upper flat of the two story building which the mother and accused occupies. The accused lives upstairs

while the child and her family live downstairs. The accused was reportedly heading down the staircase when he saw the child sitting on the step. He reportedly hoisted the girl’s dress and touched the child’s private part. After seeing the accused leave, the child allegedly reported the matter to her mother who in turn reported the matter to the police station. It is also understood that the matter between the accused and the child’s mother stemmed from the incident involving the sevenyear-old. The two parties have been constantly clashing over the incident.

met the girl at the school sports and they struck up a conversation. She later asked him for his phone number and began calling after that. They became close friends. He stated that on the day in question he received a call from the girl saying that her parents were not at home and for him to come and take her somewhere. He subsequently took her to his Uncle’s home at Johanna. In a plea of mitigation Attorney at Law Kim Kyte John asked the court to have mercy on her client. She stated that the accused has thrown himself at the mercy of the court. She stated that the entire scenario occurred because of the girl’s insistence. “She placed the call and asked him to come and take her out.” She stated that a lot of factors can be attributed to her client’s

present situation including poor judgment and her client’s limited education. He dropped out of school in form one. She stated that something should be done for areas such as Black Bush Polder where the culture and religion play a part on how people live and how things are done. She said that her client was not even aware that he was doing something wrong by having a relationship with a 15-year-old. She called for wide spread education and assistance. The Attorney quoted numerous authorities during her presentation and urged the court to take all the factors into consideration. A preliminary inquiry was conducted by Magistrate Krisendat Persaud and the man was committed to stand trial in the High Court. He has been out on $150,000 bail.

Wanted man arrested on assault charge, jailed on drug charge Pauldeo Persaud, called ‘Stanley’, 38, who was arrested on a charge of unlawful assault, was on Friday jailed for three years after it was realized that a warrant was out for his arrest on a previous misdemeanor. Persaud of Sheet Anchor, East Canje Berbice was taken before Magistrate Adela Nagamootoo at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s court after he was charged with assaulting Sally Ishak on Saturday April 21. According to the prosecution, the man was always in the habit of molesting the accused. On the day in question he went to Ishak’s home and started to abuse her. He then touched her inappropriately and ran away. The matter was reported and the accused was arrested and charged. He was subsequently placed on a bond for six months. During the proceedings,

prosecutor Figueira recognized the accused and recalled that an arrest warrant was out for him since 2010. Persaud was found guilty on a charge of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking. He was placed on bail but did not return for his trial and had eluded capture ever since. The man had walked into the Central Police Station under the influence of alcohol with the intention of wanting to make a report. Whilst waiting to make his report he began to behave in a disorderly manner, he was told to desist from such behavior but continued and was subsequently arrested and a search was carried out on his person where a quantity of leaves, seeds and stems of the marijuana plant amounting to five grams, was found concealed in a zip lock bag, secreted in his boots.

Schoolboy murder accused remanded The 17-year-old school boy who reportedly stabbed to death his classmate during a fight at their after- school lessons on Wednesday, was yesterday remanded to jail after appearing before Magistrate Hazel OctiveHamilton at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court. Before reading the charge, the court requested the presence of a probation officer who witnessed the proceedings of the matter involving the teen. Akeem Roberts, the teen, was not required to plead to

the indictable charge of murder. It was alleged that on May 16, last, at John Street, Campbellville, he murdered Shane George. Roberts will return to court on June 11. According to reports, the accused and the deceased attended the same afterschool lessons at Morgan’s Learning Centre, John Street and Delph Avenue, Campbellville. The two boys were reportedly engaged in an altercation which ended up with the accused stabbing George in the chest.

Saturday May 19, 2012

Kaieteur News

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THE PPP LED THE STRUGGLE FOR UNIVERSAL ADULT SUFFRAGE Last November many young Guyanese voted for the first time in general elections. It must have been quite an experience for them to have had a say in their country’s future by voting for the party of their choice in National and Regional elections. Many of them would have taken for granted the right they exercised at the polls. Little did they know that this right of adult suffrage was only acquired just short of sixty years ago and only after great agitation. The call for universal adult suffrage- the right of every adult person to exercise the franchise- was being advocated long before 1953 when the first elections under universal adult suffrage were held in Guyana. The call for universal adult suffrage was also being made long before 1920 when it was supported by Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow. But while there was a long history of demands for universal adult suffrage, it was the forerunner to the People’s Progressive Party, the Political Affairs Committee (PAC) that took the agitation to a level where it could no longer be ignored. It was primarily because of the efforts of the founders of the PAC: Cheddi Jagan, Janet Jagan, Ashton Chase and Jocelyn Hubbard that Guyana was able to achieve universal

adult suffrage. Without the PPP there would have been no adult universal suffrage. They led the struggle and they saw it through to the end. Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow, a labour leader in Guyana did in the 1920’s advocate for universal adult suffrage. At the time, the right to vote depended on owning property, your income and your education. In the 1920’s, Critchlow did call for universal adult suffrage. But in a shameless display he made an about face in 1944. Sitting in the Legislative Assembly, Critchlow sided with the plantocracy and changed his mind about universal adult suffrage seeing it as dangerous to allow Indians to exercise their franchise. The so-called father of trade unionism had fallen victim to ethnic insecurity and had reversed from his earlier position supporting universal adult suffrage. By the time the PAC was formed, Critchlow had already backpedaled in his support for universal adult suffrage. It was therefore left up to the PAC and later, the PPP, to revive the struggle for universal adult suffrage. This they did. Indeed the call for universal adult suffrage became one of their main political demands. The PAC kept up the pressure insisting on a new constitution with guarantees

of universal adult suffrage. They kept the issue alive and thus forced another debate in the Legislative Council in 1948. During that debate, Cheddi Jagan argued forcibly for universal adult suffrage but he was defeated. Despite this, the struggle continued and in 1950 when the PPP succeeded the PAC, it sent out a petition calling again for universal adult suffrage. As a result of this pressure, the Waddington Commission in 1951 recommended universal adult suffrage. This was a major victory for the working class and for all Guyana. And the PPP deserves full credit for this victory. Critchlow’s political career had by then ended in disgrace after his victory in legislative

elections was annulled because of an unsavory and most despicable tactic employed during the elections He spent the remainder of his years in poverty and abandoned by organized labor. He was however not entirely forgotten. Amongst those who still remembered his contributions to labour and to trade unionism were Dr. Cheddi Jagan and his wife Janet Jagan. The latter reminisced on her contacts with him in an article entitled Remembering H. N Critchlow. In that article she wrote: “I also remember an incident that took place some years later, in the 50s I believe, when Dr. Jagan and I were involved in a May Day March. As we progressed through the city, going through Alberttown, we saw Mr.

The Good Book seh ‘Love thy neighbour as thyself.’ Brazzy learn that in church suh he know good about that. If de Good Book seh love you neighbour suh much, wha it seh bout you own brother. Brazzy interpret that to mean love thy brother more than thyself. He couldn’t display that love more clear than wha he do wid de Trust Company shares. He tell de nation that all de money NICIL got, he invest. For a moment some stupid people did believe. He nah tell dem how he invest. He never tell dem how he buy thousands fuh de people of this country and millions fuh he buddy. That is love. That is real brotherly love. You see wheh loyalty lies? That is more than interest. Dem boys remember that Brazzy always like fuh talk how he manage NICIL and do everything in de best interest of de poor people of this country. Well dem boys seh that after wha he do fuh he brother, his brother, had to be a pauper. He had to be wuss than poor. But Brazzy rich. He got millions of US dollars in a Berbice Bridge; he got millions in an insurance company. Dem boys checking fuh see wheh else he got money stash. Brazzy did tell dem boys he nah tek nuff. Dem boys believe that Jagdeo and Bobby tek de hog and lef de tail. Is that wha Brazzy fightng wid. He give he buddy a big piece of that tail. Rob- Bert, Irfaat and de Bees dem tek de cow. In short, dem got too. But de evil you do does live within you and Brazzy got de size fuh carry nuff evil. Irfaat got size too. Well Uncle Donald gun dig out de evil wha he Brazzy got. He can run but is only a matter of time. Talk half and give way more than half.

Buildings. She noted, however, that this tribute was shunned by the trade unions who refused to recognize it and who were abusive to the artist, one Mr. Burrowes. The contributions of Cheddi and Janet Jagan to the achievement of universal adult suffrage cannot be erased or diminished from our country’s history because it is now a lived right. Those who exercised the right to vote on November 28 did so because of the struggles of the PPP and its political forerunner the Political Affairs Committee. That was something they never retreated from.

Resignation out of the question for Brassington ...

Jail as long as malfeasance is established - Opposition sidelined the Kaieteur News requests for an interview as well as a scheduled meeting. Alliance for Change (AFC) Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan is already on record that a resignation will not be the end of the NICIL issue and that should there be established malfeasance then Brassington should face the penalty. He has sounded the

Dem boys seh...

Brazzy show real brotherly love

Critchlow standing at his gate, watching the parade. “My husband broke ranks and walked over to the gate and spoke to Critchlow using his fond nickname of ‘Skipper’. It seems that the TUC had not invited him to the May Day parade and he was left out. “Cheddi put his arm around Critchlow’s shoulder and said, “Come along. You belong in this march.” “Cheddi and Critchlow went to the front of the march and thus Critchlow, maybe for the last time, took part in the traditional May Day parade.” She also recalled when in the 1960s, just before he was booted out of power, Cheddi commissioned someone to sculpt a statue to Critchlow. The statue is now located on the grounds of Parliament

Winston Brassington

Carl Greenidge

Resignation is out of the question for Executive Director of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) Winston Brassington should malfeasance be established against him. This was the retort by A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Carl Greenidge in response to Brassington’s charge that should wrong doing be established against him then he will resign. According to Greenidge it matters not whether Brassington resigns or not; “as long as the law has been breached then it has to take its course.” The Former Finance Minister told this publication that Winston Brassington is a public official and that the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act (FMA) provide recourse for public officials and public monies.

Section 85 of the FMA states: An official who - (a) falsifies any account, statement, receipt or other record issued or kept for the purposes of this Act, the Regulations, the Finance Circulars or any other instrument made under this Act; (b) conspires or colludes with any other person to defraud the State or make opportunity for any person to defraud the State; or (c) knowingly permits any other person to contravene any provision of this Act, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable on conviction to a fine of two million dollars and to imprisonment for three years. Brassington is quoted in at least two sections of the media yesterday that should corruption be proved against him then he is willing to quit his position at NICIL. Brassington selectively met with two reporters but

warning bell that he intends to haul Brassington before the Parliamentary Economic Services Committee for interrogation by what is expected to be an Opposition dominated forum. Brassington has already indicated a hesitation to appear before the committee. He is reported as saying that “Prove Corruption and I will quit.”

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Kaieteur News

Saturday May 19, 2012

Murder suspect narrowly avoids capture, abandons stolen car By Michael Jordan The prime suspect in the murder of Insurance Executive, Bert Whyte, narrowly escaped from police at New Amsterdam, Berbice on Thursday night. But he was forced to abandon his victim’s stolen car. Police have intensified the search for him. Kaieteur News understands that a police traffic rank was in the vicinity of Cow Dam, Angoy’s Avenue, New Amsterdam around 22:00 hrs, when he

observed someone driving a Toyota Sprinter with cardboard number plates. The traffic rank reportedly attempted to make the driver pull over, but the occupant drove further into Angoy’s Avenue. Kaieteur News understands that the rank was concerned for his safety and exited the crime–ridden area before radioing for a back-up patrol. Police visited the scene and eventually found the vehicle near the Stanleytown, New Amsterdam foreshore.

Bert Whyte’s stolen car

The car has been impounded at the Central Police Station in New Amsterdam. Police have confirmed that the car is the same one that was stolen from Whyte on Monday night after another occupant stabbed him. Police believe that the man they are looking for is Clive Knights, a former Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation security guard who had resided on the East Coast of Demerara, but is reportedly now living in Berbice.

Bert Whyte

Murder suspect Clive Knights

There is some concern that the fugitive may flee to Suriname, since he is said to have previously visited the Dutch-speaking territory. Kaieteur News understands that Knights had hidden the vehicle in a New Amsterdam workshop. He also reportedly contacted some of his associates in an attempt to have the car sold. Police identified the suspect a few days ago and later confirmed that the stolen vehicle was taken across the Berbice Bridge some hours after Whyte was slain. The licence numbers of all vehicles crossing the bridge are recorded. Security cameras are also mounted near the bridge. According to sources, Knights met Bert Whyte about two years ago, when he was working as a security guard at the GPHC. At the time, Whyte was the GPHC’s Personnel Manager. Knights was reportedly fired on one occasion, but was given back his job. Knights is said to be in his thirties. He is about five feet five inches and is dark in complexion. The two men were said to have been close acquaintances. Reports indicate that the fugitive had gravitated to robbery. He was a suspect in at least two vehicle thefts. It is believed that he lured Whyte to Bentinck Street with the sole aim of killing him and

taking the vehicle. Whyte, it is believed, had to be disposed of because he could have identified his attacker. Checks of Whyte’s movements last Monday revealed that he had picked up his niece from a private school in the city, hours before his death. The child told detectives that there was another man who was unfamiliar to her in Whyte’s car when she was picked up. Instead of taking his niece home, Whyte reportedly dropped the girl off at the Stabroek Speedboat Stelling for her to make her way home to Pouderoyen. Accompanied by his killer, he then made the fateful journey to Bentinck Street, Tiger Bay. Reports indicate that the suspect was driving while Whyte, a Guyana and Trinidad Mutual Life Insurance Company Limited Manager, was in the front passenger seat. Whyte, of Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara, was seen later, struggling with another man in his car before exiting the vehicle and running into Main Street and collapsing outside of a Main Street Restaurant and Bar. He managed to give his cellular phone to the security personnel at the establishment who subsequently contacted relatives. They managed to rush him to the GPHC where he died shortly after.

Saturday May 19, 2012

Kaieteur News

Unlucky American robbed at sea, locked up on land An American national may not have the nicest news about Guyana to report to his countrymen when he gets back to the United States after being wrongfully detained by the police for entering the country illegally. Travis Kent appeared before Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton at the Georgetown Magistrates' Court yesterday and was charged for illegal entry on May 13. To the charge, the US citizen pleaded guilty. But after the facts of the matter slowly surfaced in the court, it was understood that charges were wrongfully laid and the man could not be guilty of the offence since his information indicated that he was charged following a dilemma at sea which resulted in him ending up in Guyana. The court prosecutor claimed that Kent who resides in Arizona, USA, departed his homeland through Florida by way of his yacht on February 28, 2011. The court heard that on May 13 Kent ended up in Guyana at the Guyana Defence Force Coast Guard wharf which is not a Port of Entry. The prosecutor further said that Kent did not present a passport to the GDF officials and the police were thus summoned. Kent was arrested and charged with the offence. Attorney-at-law George Thomas stood in representation of the US national and gave a story that filled in gaps that were apparent in the police information. Thomas said that Kent indeed left his homeland through Florida with the use

of his yacht. However, during his voyage, the man started to experience difficulty with his boat and after a while the vessel started to drift in the open water. Kent then found himself in the mouth of the Demerara River where he saw two men from whom he solicited assistance. But instead of helping the drifting captain, the men robbed the American and relieved him of his valuables. They then beat him up and caused injury to the man. Kent had lacerations on his face and black and blue marks around his eyes. The lawyer then said that after being robbed, Kent found himself drifting again until he ended up at the GDF wharf where he reported the robbery to sea ranks. But before counsel could finish his submission, the court interjected that a guilty plea could not be recorded since there was a mitigating factor that summed up the defendant's purpose for being in the country. The police were further questioned as to whether the defendant's claim about being robbed was checked out, but no feasible explanation could be given to the court. No statements based on the defendant's claim was in the police file neither was the statement of the investigating officer. The court however sent the matter to Court Two before Magistrate Sueanna Lovell, but after Prosecutor Neville Jeffers examined the file, he sought advice from superiors and requested that the matter against the American be withdrawn. The police said that all the (continued on page 18)

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Kaieteur News

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Saturday May 19, 2012

Crisis at the New Stelling View Mall … Vendors claim “no sales, no money”


endors at the New Stelling View Mall yesterday expressed anger at the high crime rate around the market area. They claimed that the crime a ff e c t s t h e i r b u s i n e s s tremendously. Yesterday, a few vendors told Kaieteur News that since the Mayor and City Council instructed them to move to the mall, they have not been getting any sales. The New Stelling View Mall was constructed late last year at an estimated cost of $40M. The facility which houses 66 concrete stalls was established to accommodate those vendors who were selling outside the Stabroek Market. The market is located within the vicinity of the Georgetown Ferry Stelling and the Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social

Security. Vendors however are claiming that customers are scared to visit the mall, which once housed shabby stalls and served as a haven for criminals at nights. “They say thieves just deh in them corner waiting fuh when them come buy and grab them bag,” a vendor told this publication. “Customer ain't come here at all. We sleeping the entire day. Them greens vendors have to wait after 04:00 hrs when them council workers gone home to go out at the entrance and sell,” one vendor, Veronica Holder, said. Holder, who has been a clothes vendor for 40 years, accused the council of “taking away the bread and butter from our mouth.” The angry woman said that the council removed them from the Stabroek

The New Stelling View Mall

Market Square to “put a car park there and now we are begging for customers.” “We gotta pay money

every month and people are not coming to shop, them say they getting robbed. We are hurt that they put us out for a car park. Right now we can't afford to send our children to the daycare,” the woman claimed. Another vendor said, “If they put us out on the road we can afford to pay two

times the rent because we know people will come and buy.” “Some days we don't even want come here because of this everyday stress but we can't even stay home because them say they will take the stall away from us.” Kaieteur News

understands that the vendors are highly upset that the Council removed them from the market square to setup a car park. Added to that, is the fact that these vendors are not getting any sales. They however, wish for the council to look into their plight and assist them in some way.

Saturday May 19, 2012

WANTED One cook, must know to cook Roti & Puri. Call 6477432 Tailors. Contact Paul’s Tailoring, 14 Lombard St. G/ Town. Tel# 223-8266/6808046 Counter servers, roti/curry cooks, pastry makers & handy boys. Apply Hack’s Halaal, 5 Commerce St. Live-in domestic must know to cook and 1 waitress, salary 50,000 monthly. Call:610-5043 Persons/family to live & take care of farm @ E.C.D, attractive salary offered. Contact: 690-1943, 691-8021

Kaieteur News

WANTED East Coast Guyoil pump attendants wanted (day and night), wash man, office assistant & sales girls. 6842838, 602-5031 Contract cars. Must be in Hire & Yellow. Base free. $3500 weekly. Call 660-9977

Page 15



20 X 40 two flat concrete building @ Kitty. All amenities. Price $28 M Call: 668 – 9512, 223- 2570

One Hilux Vigo (new) GNN series 231-5171, 619-7134

25 acre farm land with 4 bedroom concrete house. Located Parika Backdam. Tel: 615-8046 1 three bedroom house Prashad Nagar, asking price $29M neg. Call: 227-2563, 684-2115

Taboo Employment Agency. Jobs available. Tele Communications Field. Call: 233-6517, 233-6523, 622-1957

East Bank $12M. East Coast $20M. Linden $20M. Newtown $19M. Hotel $130M. Diana 227-2256, 6269382.

Waitresses @ Diamond Gate Liquor Restaurant and Bar, Lot 18 Belmont Mahaica. Tel# 228-5013, 622-5599

Lot 9 Johns St., Port Mourant, Berbice house with 12 rooms, on 16 Acres Land. Call: 337-1500.

Carpenter with own tools. Apply at Guyana Variety Store, 68 Robb Street. Tel no. 225-4631

ACCOMMODATION Signature Inn Luxury Suites & Apartments 83 Laluni Street, Queenstown. Call for reservations 226-2145, 2275037

Toyota Starlet 2 E Turbo engine with gearbox and ECU: Call: 624-7155. NARS lipgloss, eyeshadow & Clinique Chubby Stick. Tel: 669-8374.

One Massey Ferguson 399 Tractor. Call: 619-6093

Peking ducks, call: 266-2711 / 609-4594

1 four wheel Utility Trailer, 1 16" Bore irrigator pump on trailer. Tel: 227-1830

Going cheap, foreign used Perkins Engines. 661-3043 15ft Fiber glass boat $170,000 call: 260-0301, 685-1233 Spares for washer, microwaves, fridges, stovetimers, gear boxes, pumps, etc. Contact 225-9032, 6472943

One live-in or out maid & experienced sales girl. Call: 264-3356, 253-3149, 668-3985

Urgently: chainsaw operator to work in the interior. Call: 626-0006, 231-3159

1 General Domestic. Must know to cook, from East Bank Dem. Area. Tel# 614-4358

Brand new Blackberry Torch 9800, under $100,000. Call: 676-7443

1 male or female to look after layer birds in the interior. Tele# 688-4905

Sales boy and girl. 615-3090

1 dragline 10RB. 687-6174

1 driver to drive in the interior. Must have bus and canter license. Tel# 688-0197 Manager’s Assistant general duties including Custom and Bond, Security Guards, accommodation available. Call: 676-6700 1 Diesel Mechanic, to work in the interior. Tel# 688-4905 Honest/Experienced sales clerk. Apply with written application Nanda’s Boutique, 223 Camp St. Tel 226-1621 Taxi Drivers at Princess Hotel. Contact 616-5419, 2657075 Sales Girls & Porters. Apply with written application at Best Buys Food Supplies, 1E Dennis & Middleton Streets, Campbellville. Experienced sewing machine operators. Tele no.: 220-4337 Taxi Drivers and Carpenter. Call: 225-3234 Experienced House Keeper. To work on the E.C.D (parttime). Tel: 648-3151 Intelligent live in to look after (1) female elderly & (1) middle aged person. Person Health Certificate required. Tel Maria: 226-8094 Labourers to work at Jettoo’s lumberyard & Sawmill @ Coverden Public Road, East Bank Demerara. Call: 2615041, 261-5042, 226-2756

Bulldozer operators, Excavator operators, Service men. To work in interior. Previous experience an asset. Contact: 226-9768, 629-0037 Assistant Manager. To work at an out of town hotel. Contact 226-9768, 682-4387 1 experienced hauler/truck driver. 1 able bodied male cleaner/gardener. Apply to Alabama Trading.

CAR RENTAL Progressive auto rental, cars from $4,000 per day. Call: 6435122, 656-0087, www.progressiveautorental.com First Choice Car Rental cars $5,000-7,000 per day 6680306, 225-6337 Al’s Car & Pick-up Rental. Call: 698-7807 Premio, 110 Corolla. Call: 679-7139

Experienced Graphic Artist. Tel# 233-2725, 233-2439 Sales girls: please send written application to: Naudia’s City Mall, Ground Floor, 111-112, Camp Street, Georgetown. Factory worker. Apply in person with written application @ Comfortsleep, 49 Eccles Industrial Estate, E.B.D. Skilled carpenters to work out of town. Must be able to work with limited supervision. #615-7526 Driver for canter truck. $20,000. Full-time Porter & Mechanic to work part-time on W.C.D. Call: 684-8231 Buying non working appliances such as fridge, washing machine, freezer, etc. 669-9427 1 experienced welder to fabricate grill and other welding work. Apply to Alabama Trading, Georgetown.

WANTED Sawmill workers. Tel: 2616412/653-9752 Salesboys and Salesgirls at D. Singh & Sons. 226-1316, 226-0881 One female bartender to live and work in Mahdia. Attractive salary. Contact # 680-9473/616-7241 Skilled Arc/Acetylene Welder. Very good rates offered. Tel – 22-71830. Female workers needed; 3 subjects or sound secondary education. Call: 225-7307. One (1) General Worker to work shift system in G/Town. Tel# 225-6337. One Bond Clerk. Apply in person Alabama Trading, Georgetown Ferry Stelling, Stabroek.


2x2x1.5MM, Hollow section $4500 VAT inclusive. Call: 220-6100, 680-5900

Roofing shingles. Call: Mr. Skepmire . 227-5195 (8am to 5pm)

1 240 Massey Ferguson Tractor. 687-6174 Original slimming green coffee 800 $1300 W/sale and original slimming green coffee 1000 $2300 w/sale Call:681-2111

VEHICLES FOR SALE Just arrived: Allion and Premio, tel: 624-2000, 6221610 Leading Auto. Unregistered Allion, Premio, Allex, Runx, Verossa, Avensis, 2 ton Canter, 212. Tel: 677-7666, 610-7666 Verossa PNN. Call:665-3067, 228-2609

15-15-15 fertilizer. Call: 2662711, 609-4594

Two male shop assistants to work in Georgetown & the interior, serious enquiries only. Call: 225-2940, 225-0305

Girls to work as waitress , age 18 to25 in Bar. Call: 256-4096

LEARN TO DRIVE Soman & Sons Driving School; First Federation Building. Call: 225-4858, 6445166, 622-2872, 615-0964

Yamaha outboard engine parts for 115HP-200HP, crankshaft fat & fine top, pistons, bearings. Call: Terry665-9405 Massage Leather table, brand new, heavy duty & hot stone kit with electric warmer. Call: 665-9405. $99,000 20 flat screen TVs, cheap 19"-50" : Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, Samsung; LG. Need repairs. Call: 665-9405 10 KVA voltage stabilizer single phase 200 amp fuse switch, 300 amp bust bar. #627-7835 CRV PMM, DVD, TV, CD. Good condition. 226-7915, 668-6586

2005 H2 Hummer, 38,500 mileage fully loaded, chrome kit etc. Call: 639-3100, 6195400 Hilux 4x4 solid def pick-up, diesel, long base, excellent condition Call: 623-0243 1 special edition Toyota Runx PNN. 2 Nissan Wingroad Wagon. Tel: 6122522 Corolla Fielder just registered, AT 170 Carina. Price negotiable. Call 6149623 One Toyota RZ Longbase EFI, hardly used BKK series $1.6M. Call: Rocky 621-5902 2004 Mazda RX8, body kit, black, unregistered, $3M. 617-2891 One EP71 and 82 Starlet, 1Toyota Ceres and RZ Minibus,1Nissan Pathfinder, PMM Call: 6445096,697-1453 One RZ Minibus, BMM 1420 $2.5M Call: 615-7825

Lyvan Motor Cycle. Good condition. 226-7915, 6686586, 600-5130

Unregistered Allion and Spacio. Tel# 697-0294

Lenovo laptops brandnew $60,000 Call: 681-2111

1 Premio PNN series, TV, camera. # 616-6000

(1) New Model 212 Carina & RZ minibus in private & (1) 3Y foreign use engine Call” 678-0109,220-1693,658-7034

Brand new American made Crosely 10.5 cu ft Refrigerator for sale $75,000. 626-4452/ 697-5677

International Tow Truck with flat aluminum bed; takes two vehicles. Call: 639-3900, 619-5400

Games for PS2 $900, XBox 360 $2600, PS3 $2600. Call Junior 672-2566, 265-3232

Blu Ray DVDs. Perfume Dazzle 231-9485

Lexus LS400/Luxury, BMW 740IL/Luxury, BMW 635CSI/Sports. Bring mechanic, make offer. Call: 612-1486, 646-8326

True Shattaz fashion, closing down sale #6893860

Exercise Bike new Schwinn 131 Digital info screen with Heart Rate Monitor, $79,000. 665-9405 Two 8ft Slate American pool tables, one Nissan Titan & variety of restaurant equipment. Call: 622-1957 1 Tundra, 1 Perkins engine & Welder 400 amps. Call: 6605462, 611-5114 Used Fridge $45,000 . Used cooler Lg $85,000. Used freezer small $27,000, Lg $65,000. Excellent condition. 612-1486. Lonely? Single? Are you looking for sex toys? Call soon, 685-0550. Stainless steel sheet. Excellent for table top, etc. Call: 612-1486 1 Cabin Cruise 431’x8’. 1 InDord Hull 50’x13’ Boat. Tel: 622-5500 EBD.

Bag Neck Seal Tape. 231-8819 One Caterpillar D6 Bulldozer. Call: 622-1957 Honda Pressure washers, 2700 PSI, 614-8564 AT 170 Carina PFF Series. In perfect working condition, going cheap. Call: 676-3283

Toyota Prado, 2004 Prado, 2005 Mark II, GX110, 2005 Tundra. All fully loaded, excellent condition. Call: 600-5759

One Blackberry Curve 9300, 60K. Call: 609-2466

One 2 ton, enclosed Canter, price $1.2M neg. One Tapir, price $160,000 neg. Contact# 253-3349, 693-8830

Sale Sale. Big Blow Out Sale. Lot 29 Croal Street, Enterprise E.C.D. Cell no. 6642209. Items as low as $100

2005 BMW 320i (new shape), just arrived. Tel: 6154114. www.facebook.com/ rashanautosales

Dell Laptops & Desktops. Complete with 19" LCD. From $70,000. Future Tech – 231-2206

Jag’s Auto. Spacio, Premio, Wagon. Cheapest. Call 6167635

Two Detroit Diesel series 50 engines, 300 HP. Call Troy 601-9004.

One unregistered new model Noah. Financing available. Price $3.6M. Tel: 629-2314

Household items for sale. Call: 225-3079, 656-7864

AE81, driving condition, for parts, neg. Tel: 676-2719

Fuffy pup: 642-6664

(Continued on page 19)

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Kaieteur News

Saturday May 19, 2012

Aircraft safety depends on Young mother dies in improved navigation equipment childbirth - Baby alive rushed to

Guyana needs to install state of the art navigation equipment for Air Traffic Controllers to continuously separate individual aircraft safety owing to increasing aircraft movements. According to Chairperson of Ogle International Airport Board, Michael Correia, the country needs to urgently put in place an Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast system, known as ADS-B in aviation circles. This system will assist air traffic control in locating air traffic, avoid collision and separation of aircraft. He also recommended that a VOR/DME Ground Station needs to be placed at Ogle International Airport, which would primarily facilitate the safety of flights between Ogle International and the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. This equipment would be managed by Air Traffic Control as part of their operation of the National Air

Traffic Control network. Correia emphasized, “The installation of this system is critically important, in fact essential, to ensure the safety of our rapidly expanding aviation sector.” He made those remarks at the commissioning ceremony for the extension of Ogle International Airport runway, on Wednesday. Rehabilitation of many interior airstrips could be done at a reasonable cost. This would promote safety and facilitate larger transport aircraft to operate in those areas. “As the operators at Ogle expand into these types of aircraft, economies of scale will reduce the cost of travel to the interior…We ask that you treat this as a priority of your administration, Correia said. The Aircraft Owners Association, through the Private Sector Commission, and as part of the National

Competitiveness Strategy, has been advocating for interior airs t r i p s to accommodate large aircraft like the CariBu and the HS748. He stressed that Guyana needs to restore its Category One standard in the aviation industry so that Guyanese air carriers could operate into the United States. In the early days of Guyana Airways Corporation, the country enjoyed a Category One Standard. Correia disclosed that a local operator, Wings Aviation, is about to start up a service with a Boeing 757-200 aircraft, but is forced to do this out of Jamaica which is a Category One country. Other local carriers such as ASL and Trans Guyana that have capacity and capability to do same will encounter similar barriers as they seek to expand their operations.

ImmigrationTALK: Questions & Answers By: Attorney Gail S. Seeram, Through this “Question & Answer” column, our goal is to answer your immigration questions. Many of you have questions on backlog time and eligibility – we seek to clarify these issues and more. We appreciate your comments and questions. If you have a question that you would like answered in this column, please email: Gail@Go2Lawyer.com. Question #1: My grandmother had filed a petition in 2010 for my mother and myself. Her papers were filed as single. I am now 20 years old and would like to know how long will the sponsorship take and will I be able to go. I have heard that persons who are over age 21 cannot travel with their families. Is that true? Answer #1: If your grandmother is a U.S. citizen then visas are being issued for petitions filed on or before May 2005, so your mother has a five-year wait. If your grandmother is a permanent resident then visa being issued for petitions filed on or before February 2004, so your mother would have six years wait. Since you will be over age 21 when the visa is available, you may not be eligible for the visa with your mother. However, at the time the visa is available, you should speak with our office to see if you are eligible for the visa under

Gail S. Seeram the Child Status Protection Act. The Child Status Protection Act is a law that allows children who are over age 21 to still get an immigrant visas if certain conditions are met. Question #2: My mother is a U.S. citizen. She filed for my wife and I in 2008 as F3 preference. How much longer we have to wait because my eldest child will be 21yrs old next year. Answer #2: According to May 2012 visa bulletin, visas are being issued for F-3 petitions filed on or before March 2002. So, you and your wife have about a six-year wait. See answer to Question #1 for the age-out issue relating to your child being over age 21. Question #3: M y husband has been sponsored by his parents and five years are up for his parents over there, how much longer will he have to wait? Also I am

married to him but not legally and as well have a child for him. Will I get to go with him at the same time? Answer #3: T h e parents are probably permanent residents and they can only file for an unmarried child. If the parents become U.S. citizens then they can file for a married child. He can only marry you once his parents are U.S. citizens. If you are not legally married, then you cannot come with him. Question #4: I saw your column in the newspaper and loved reading it. I have a question and I hope you can help me. My grandfather filed in 2005 for my mother and our family and her sisters and family. He died in 2009. My uncle (my mother’s brother) took over the sponsorship. One of my aunts is a widow. I was wondering how long do we have before we can obtain a visa. My grandfather was a US citizen and so is my uncle. Answer #4: When a petitioner dies the petition is void. I’m assuming your uncle filed for reinstatement and it was approved. Reinstatement can take about one year before getting a decision. The petition keeps the original priority date - so 2005 would be the priority date for F-3 preference. Right now, visas are being issued for F-3 preference for petitions filed on or before March 2002. So, assuming reinstatement approved, you have about a three-year wait.

Georgetown hospital

Tarawattie Ramjewan and her family

A man lost his wife when she succumbed during childbirth. She died while delivering her second child. The woman 20-year-old Tarawattie Ramjewan died yesterday after she gave birth to her second child. Ramjewan, of 53 Cotton Three Village, West Coast Berbice, was pronounced dead on arrival at the New Amsterdam Hospital. She was transferred there from the Fort Wellington Hospital after she encountered difficulties while giving birth to her second

child. According to the woman’s husband, Lall Ramjewan, 28, a factory worker at the Blairmont Estate, his wife took in with labour pains and was rushed to the Fort Wellington Hospital where she went into labour. He stated that his wife encountered a lot of difficulties in delivering the baby. Despite her efforts the baby was not coming out. “She actually gave up, until the baby finally born.” He stated that he was present and was told by the

medical staff that the baby has a 50/ 50 chance of surviving. He stated that in the meantime his wife was bleeding and after a while he was told that his wife and child will have to be transferred to the New Amsterdam Hospital for further medical attention. The man whose other child, Amrita, is one year old, added that he was told that his wife was pronounced dead on arrival at the New Amsterdam Hospital. The baby was then transferred to the Georgetown Hospital for further attention.

GPL to replace 4,140 post-paid meters by year end By Rabindra Rooplall Guyana Power & Light (GPL) expects to replace 4,140 post-paid electro-mechanical and electronic meters with pre-paid meters by the end of the year, according to GPL’s Developmental and Expansion Programme 2012-2016 report. According to the state-owned Power Company, these instances where the pre-paid meter would replace the post-paid meter include meter tampering and where the consumer has volunteered. GPL has not used the amendment in Electricity Sector Reform Act to enforce the pre-paid meter on post-paid customers because expert advice suggests there could be legal challenges. The report further noted that by the end of 2011 GPL expected to have established over 6,700 new services, far above the 4,200 forecast in the work plan. By the end of last September 5,484 new services had been established. The Developmental and Expansion Programme 2012-2016 report revealed that US$7.8M will be expended on non-technical loss reduction over the next five years. This includes installation of 30,000 pre-paid meters to replace post-paid meters, using the split meter technology. Records reveal that 22 percent of the company’s losses are non-technical in nature and are largely as a result of electricity theft, faulty meters and deficiencies in the billing system. Electricity theft costs GPL $2B

annually. However, GPL will be issuing only pre-paid meters to new residential consumers and for tariff B consumers who are served by single phase, two-wire, 120-240 volt meters up to 80 amps and single phase three-wire meters up to 80 amps.

Saturday May 19, 2012

Kaieteur News

Page 17

GPL to enhance service with additional sub-stations countrywide - Dindyal By Rabindra Rooplall Guyana Power and Light (GPL) plans to spend US$57.8M under its Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Expansion and Modernization Plan for the construction of several sub-stations countrywide, according to GPL Chief Executive Officer, Bharrat Dindyal. The plan to install substations is aimed at improving supply quality and available distribution network capacity and also reduce technical losses. Shorter feeders and lighter loads would allow for improved overall management, including maintenance and reduction in unserved energy due to line plant unavailability.

The timing of construction of the various Substations is targeted at optimizing network capacity to meet current demand and expected growth over a ten-year period in an efficient and timely manner. In 2011 GPL saw the largest level of increase of customers, double that of the previous year, potentially suggesting that GPL will need to invest more to keep pace of supply and cost of new connections. Addressing a Public Presentation held at Regency Suites yesterday, Dindyal said that some of the new substations will be located at Vreed-en-Hoop, Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara, Sophia, Williamsburg Berbice, South Georgetown (New Georgetown Substation) and

expansion of the existing substations at Sophia and Kingston in Demerara. GPL’s plans to use the benefits of loss reduction to stabilize tariffs and attract self generators to the grid could be derailed if fuel prices increase significantly beyond the forecasted eight per cent per annum. Dindyal noted that GPL would have to continue to rely on Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) capacity to meet demand and energy needs should the commercial operation of Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project be delayed. Dindyal underscored that the 165 megawatt Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project is expected to be completed by November 2015 with at least 140 megawatts becoming

Watooka residents reject mechanical drain clearing

available at the delivery points (Linden and Sophia). This project, with adequate compensation in the GPL network should provide 91 per cent of all GPL’s energy requirements by 2016. The next five years would in many ways define the GPL of the future as three transformative projects are expected to be completed. These projects entail the Infrastructure Development Project, the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project and the Essequibo Interconnection. It was explained that the expansion plan for Essequibo includes the installation in 2012 of two 600kVa gensets at Leguan and one similar unit at Wakenaam. In 2013 it is proposed to install a used 3MW Heavy Fuel Oil-fired Unit at Anna Regina and a used 2MW HFO fired unit at Bartica. It was further noted during Dindyal’s presentation that the risk of not expanding its market size would result in GPL having to pay for energy and

CEO of GPL Bharrat Dindyal capacity that it cannot use when hydroelectricity comes on line in 2015. Further plans for GPL reveal that the Georgetown 60Hz standardization plan, which is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2013 is premised on the 22MW Wartsila built plant at

Kingston being converted to 60Hz, starting in the final quarter of 2012. The plant will be converted in two phases with each phase lasting approximately three months. During this period 11MW capacity would be unavailable which would create a deficit in generation capacity in Demerara, using the usual reserve criteria. The current plan is to use rented Cat modules to cover the shortfall. Last year, 79 percent of GPL’s generation came from HFO. Using Heavy Fuel Oil proved to be 77 per cent cheaper than diesel. With a 140 MW hydropower project achieving commercial operation in November 2015, GPL will need fossil fuel for 4% of its electricity supply but this is expected to reduce to 0.4 per cent in 2016. Funding over the next five years will come from both internal and external sources. External sources include the IDB, the Exim Bank of China and Government of Guyana.

Ramjattan attacks NICIL, ‘fat cats’ at AFC Rosignol meeting

Member of Parliament Vanessa Kissoon (second from left) and councilor Gerald Whittington hear the residents’ complaints Residents of West Watooka, Wismar, Linden are adamant that they will not allow any mechanical clearing of the drains and canals in the community. They say that they are prepared to undertake the job manually. This position they made clear to Regional Member of Parliament Vanessa Kissoon and Councilor Gerald Whittington, who on Thursday met with them and toured the community to get a first hand look at some of the canals in the area. The residents claim that these canals have not been cleared for over a year, and are filled with vegetation. At one of the main canals a putrid smell emanated; dead fish floated amongst the vegetation, on the stagnant surface. According to the residents, the water in this particular canal was ‘crystal’ clear, up to about two weeks ago. It suddenly started to

change color and emit the stench. “People at the back here don’t have potable water, so we depend on this water to do just about everything. Now look at the condition of it; we can’t use it, so what are we supposed to do,” one resident lamented. The residents claimed that they cleared the canals manually last year. Most of them who are farmers, said that they suffered tremendous losses recently due to the persistent heavy rainfall, which destroyed the crops on their farms. One woman, Karen Wallace said her losses run into the millions. Other farmers also reported losses, which they said can never really be recouped. “At least by clearing the canals we can earn something, instead of having people come in here and going out with the money. We need the money; it cannot

compensate us for what we loss, but at least it could give us a brace,” one man claimed. Clearing the canals in the West Watooka area was one of the projects financed by the Linden Economic Advancement Programme (LEAP). Their establishment resulted in the opening up of more than a thousand acres of farm land, it was reported. However the problem has always been the timely maintenance of the canals, according to the farmers. “These canals would normally get dug every year around March, the latest being April, before the rainy season. But this year, everybody hollering how we got to wait on the budget- now we wait and look what happen, the rainy season come, and people suffering. “People suffer tremendous losses, plus right now we health at risk, because this stagnant water is causing (continued on page 18)

“Gail Teixeira— $800,000 a month; Odinga Lumumba— $660,000 a month; you got some of the relatives of Ramotar— one of his sons— $3M a month! Reepu Daman Persaud, who could hardly walk these days— he also collecting a salary— $500,000 I understand—as a spiritual adviser!” Khemraj Ramjattan who made these disclosures, added that those persons have gardeners, enjoy dutyfree concessions and “some of them don’t work. “All these old time PPP guys doing nothing but collecting half a million dollars and more every month and then they come and tell you that they don’t have salary increases for you, that GuySuCo doing bad.” Ramjattan, the Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), said that the new dispensation in Parliament is bringing out all of the corruption in government, including NICIL. He said that the AFC is bringing out this corruption to show that better can be done for Guyanese. In addressing a crowd at Rosignol Village, West Berbice Thursday evening, the politician said that a number of demands the party made in the 2012 National Budget were not made. “Although we have lots of monies in this country— plenty money is being siphoned off into irregular devices like NICIL— companies that are not

supposed to have the monies and then they come and criticise us for making cuts in the budget!” He said that there has not been an honest declaration of what all the incomes are in Guyana . “This government has siphoned off more than $50B in NICIL!” The Member of Parliament said that the money would be used to build certain projects they alone [the government] will enjoy like the Marriot Hotel”. He alluded to what Dr. Cheddi Jagan said that you “can’t start Mercedes projects with a jackass economy”. “We do not need fancy hotels which Jagdeo and his boys are going to go to,” he said. Ramjattan noted that the government wants to siphon the money for purposes of enjoying it themselves. He said that the people must appreciate that NICIL is not an organisation that is very transparent. “We have to ask so much questions to see where the money is going and we are not getting answers— billions and billions of dollars are being cut in the budget not by the AFC or APNU but by this government and they are preventing us from utilising the monies for increases that you so desire”. He said that even APNU lost faith in the discussions with the government. “After a while (the government)

promised APNU the whole world without the AFC; and then APNU had to come back and then we started to make these rational cuts”. Ramjattan said that the people are told that the cuts are irrational, “but I stand here as Chairman of the AFC and a Parliamentarian for over 25 years— indeed, everything we did in Parliament is justified!” The AFC Leader said when all of the monies are calculated, they amount to over $100M annually in salaries. “What we did, because of the fact that we cannot in all good conscience continue this thing, we cutting back”. Speaking about the cuts on NCN, Ramjattan said that the government must have a news agency, “but the money we cut from NCN was based on the fact, that NCN, through advertisements, make $500M a year.” He said that private TV stations do not make so much advertisement money. “We decided we will not give them because that TV station can earn its own monies and it must also— another conditionality— it has to be more balanced!” In the coming days and weeks, he said that the AFC will be carrying on a relentless battle to get all the monies “so we can make life for you Guyanese far happier and far better”.

Page 18

Kaieteur News

The Abigail Column Lack of proposal sparks relationship ultimatum

DEARABIGAIL, I am 26 and have been seriously dating ‘Brian’ for four years. We have lived together most of that time and love each other deeply. Last year, Brian was offered a promotion and was poster to GT and said I should come along. I agreed and moved. Our relationship is strong. The

problem is, Brian refuses to talk about marriage. Every time I bring it up, he gets upset. The last time, I told Brian I would not wait forever and gave him an ultimatum - he has until the end of this year to propose, or he will lose me. I am not eager to leave, and I’m not desperate to marry, but I would like to know marriage is in the near future so I can plan. My biological clock is ticking, and I feel that if I don’t speak up, nothing will ever happen. Tired of Waiting

Dear Tired of Waiting, If you want marriage, you will have to push Brian into it or get out of the relationship and find someone else. So yes, your ultimatum makes sense. But you must be prepared to walk if he doesn’t come through. You have been with this man for four years and are entitled to know his intentions. But if he is incapable of discussing marriage without becoming upset, we don’t hold out a lot of hope.

Saturday May 19, 2012

Watooka residents reject... From page 17 mosquitoes to breed like crazythey biting you all in the day, exposing we to all kinds of sickness like typhoid and malaria,” a concerned resident vented. His concern was highlighted by several other residents. Parliamentarian Kissoon said that the residents should be given the go ahead to start cleaning the canals, as they have already suffered enough hardships. “These residents should definitely be allowed to clean these canals, because they live here, they know the topography of the area and what needs to be done. Apart from that, they also need the money, because a lot of them are single parents. I am therefore advocating that the residents get the contract to clean the canalsespecially numbers three, four and five. “I think It is only fair that

they get the job, because they will be earning much needed income, given the losses some of them would have incurred. As for Canal number six, I understand that the contract for that was already given to Pioneer. Kissoon said that the area needs to be looked at seriously as there is great potential for growth in the agricultural sector. “This place could be the food basket of Region Ten, and even further afield, “, Kissoon emphasized.

From page 14 documents pertaining to Kent and his boat were authentic and it was eventually determined that the man's story was true. Kent will now be able to return to his homeland after drifting for days, getting robbed and then facing Guyanese court for illegal en-

try. Kent will receive assistance in repairing his vessel to get back to the US. This publication understands that Kent was reportedly sailing to find a place where he could reside after retiring. The man said that next year he may return to the country that nearly imprisoned him.

NCN CHANNEL 11 04:30 – Inspiration 05:00 – Newtown Gospel 05:30 – NCN Late Edition News(R/B) 06:00 – 1st Test West Indies VS England –DAY 3 08:00 – Ebezener Praise Time 08:40 – Cricket Resumes 10:40 – Cricket Info & Quiz 11:00 – Cricket Resumes 13:30 – Gospel Zone 14:00 – The Insider 14:30 – Feature 15:00 – Revelation & Power – Live 16:00 – Save the Children 16:30 – Payless Hour (Live) 17:30 – Choices 18:00 – NCN News Magazine – Live 18:30–LawEnforcement&You 19:00 – Let’s Talk Tax 20:00 – 3d/daily millions/ play de dream/lotto draw 20:05 – President’s Diary 20:35 – Video Hitlist 21:35 – Bollywood Hits 22:35 – IPL #68 Kings XI Punjab VS Delhi Daredevils (Delayed) IPL #69 Pune Warriors VS Kolkata Knight Riders (Delayed)

09:00hrs. Supah Ninjas 10:00hrs. Power Rangers 11:30hrs. Prime News 12:00hrs. Movie: Plain Truth 14:00hrs. Movie: The 19th Wife 16:00hrs. Goosebumps 17:00hrs. The Baptist Hour

18:00hrs. World News 18:30hrs. Nightly News 19:00hrs. Greetings and Announcements 20:00hrs. Issues of the People (Live) 21:00hrs. Indian Movie 00:00hrs. Sign Off

The MP later contacted Chief Executive Officer of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority, Lionel Wordsworth, whom she invited to visit the community to put measures in place to fast track the clearing of the canals. He is expected to travel to the community along with engineer Raphael Gravesande on Monday to look at the situation. They are expected to be accompanied by Regional Officials. (Enid Joaquin)

Unlucky American robbed ...

Saturday May 19, 2012 ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 19): You could be on the receiving end of a romantic advance from an associate, client or customer. Normally you would be flattered but the very nature of this incident makes you uncomfortable and prickly. ********************************* TAURUS (APR 20 - MAY 20): Events today will force you to acknowledge unconscious thinking patterns that have controlled your actions in the past. It’s never easy to change a long-term habit. ********************************* GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 20): You are proud of your efforts and you expect a loved-one to be equally as delighted. Something that boosts your ego seems to have the opposite affect on them. The true nature of a friendship or partnership will come to light today. ********************************* CANCER (JUN 21 - JUL 22): A fixation with career or outside concerns is stopping you from giving loved ones the attention they deserve. Before others have to spell this out to you, acknowledge and admit that you have not been as tender or as loving as you should have been. ********************************* LEO (JUL 23 - AUG 22): Be cautious in your investments otherwise you could be tempted to take a foolish risk. A big loss can be avoided if you’re sensible. If not, the experience will transform your values. ********************************* VIRGO (AUG 23 - SEP 22): You could strike up a powerful rapport with someone you meet in a place you don’t often frequent. Before weaving too many fantasies around this person find out more about them.

LIBRA (SEP 23 - OCT 22): Activities that allow for selfexpression such as art, music or the theatre are likely to draw you now. There is no better way to enjoy yourself than through using your imagination. ********************************* SCORPIO (OCT 23 NOV 21): If thinking about changing your lifestyle there are a number of important factors you must take into account. The most important being: are you making changes for the right reasons. ********************************* SAGITTARIUS (NOV 22 - DEC 21): You are never keen on being committed to any one person or pinned-down to any one spot. You won’t be happy when someone starts treating you as if they own you. A loved-one is too demanding. ********************************* CAPRICORN (DEC 22 JAN 19): Something you have longed for could soon become yours but there is a catch. Stipulations and conditions attached will do nothing but destroy your original enthusiasm. Do you fight for a better deal or do you wait for a better time in order to fulfil your desires? ********************************* AQUARIUS (JAN 20 FEB 18): Decisions made today will have far-reaching consequences; this in itself makes you nervous. You must decide who you most want to please. Is it yourself and do you go with your own desires, no matter what the cost or consequences? ********************************* PISCES (FEB 19 - MAR 20): Your intuition will warn you not to agree too quickly to a newly proposed project. Someone else who is mixed up in this venture could be involved for all the wrong reasons.

DTV CHANNEL 8 08:55hrs. Sign On

Guides are subjected to change without notice

Saturday May 19, 2012

Kaieteur News

David Haye & Dereck Chisora... the sport of boxing.” It has also been confirmed that Alexander Povetkin will fight for the WBA ‘world’ heavyweight title [Wladimir Klitschko being the WBA’s ‘super world’ champion] against former world champion Hasim Rahman on the same card.

David Haye and Dereck Chisora (centre) at a Press event From page 20 between the LBF and the BBBofC, not the LBF and the WBO,” added Valcarcel. Consequently, the pair will fight for the lightly regarded WBO International and WBA Intercontinental titles when they meet at West Ham United’s Upton Park ground on 14 July. Chisora challenged WBC world title-holder Vitali Klitschko in Munich in February but was consequently suspended indefinitely for his behaviour before and after the contest. The 28-year-old was involved in a brawl with fellow Briton Haye at the post-fight news conference, having slapped Klitschko at the weigh-in and spat water at his brother Wladimir before the bout. If the WBC follows through with its threat it would be a potential blow to Haye’s career aspirations, the former heavyweight world champion having set his sights on a match with Vitali. The BBBofC refuses to sanction the fight because neither Haye or Chisora holds a British boxing licence. Chisora’s was withdrawn after his actions in Munich, although he has appealed against the decision, while Haye opted not to renew his

licence having announced his retirement in October 2011. “Anyone who participates will be deemed to have terminated their membership,” a BBBofC statement read last week. Chisora’s manager, Frank Warren, has challenged the Board’s stance, insisting there is nothing illegal about the fight being licensed by the LBF rather than the BBBofC. Warren, who claimed more than 20,000 tickets were sold within two days of going on sale, says that no BBBofC rules will be broken because the LBF is an affiliated member of the European Boxing Union and recognised by its British counterparts. However, the letter from Sulaiman to the BBBofC added: “We will expel Luxembourg from our organisation if the commission went ahead, as well as any person or institution that has relations with them. “I am sure the European Boxing Union is on the verge of [taking] a strong position against Luxembourg. “I am also furious with the promoter [Warren is not strictly promoting the fight, German company Sauerland is] who is trying to blast the ethics, honesty and seriousness of

CAKES & PASTRIES Courses in cake decoration, pastry making & cookery, tel: 670-0798. Wedding dresses for sale & rental.

Page 19

VACANCY Kitchen assistant @ Charlestown- ages 18-35. Call: 614-1020 Salesgirls & Salesboys. Apply: Avinash Complex, Water St. Georgetown. 2263361/227-7828 Experienced Hair Dresser at Nalline Beauty Salon, Vreeden-Hoop Junction (Raymond Building). Attractive salary. Contact: 687-3341, 639-9884 Be part of our world class customer care team. Join us now! Phone: 220-0401-3 Hire car drivers & dispatchers wanted from East Coast. Contact 2201000 Accountant. ACCA qualified, 5 years experience. Application sent to: info@mahdiagold.com, Mahdia Gold Corp, 72 Barrack St. Kingston, Georgetown.

SERVICES Permanent &Visitors Visa Applications Professional Immigration Consultant Room E-4 Maraj Building 225-6496/223-8115/ 662-6045. Supreme Repairs. All wiring, fridge, washer (AC), freezers, dryer, ect. Tel: 629-8136, 6532719 US & Canada VISA application services. Call 643-6630. Family discounts available. We refill HP cartridges for $1,800. Call:650-7699 Visa and Immigration forms prepared for Canada, USA and UK. Also Passport forms. Call 626-9857 Repairs, sales & spares, air conditioning, microwaves, washer, fridges & Stoves. Ultra Cool: 225-9032, 6472943 We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer. Call: 231-0655, 683-8734 Omar.

Male Sales Clerk. Hand written application. Perfume Dazzle, 137 Regent St., Lacytown, G/Town. Fish cleaners. Eccles. 2332546, 675-5467 Vacancy exists for one (1) Domestic. Please call: 6777123 Garden Maintenance Crew. No education needed. Must be neat and hardworking: 18 yrs-30yrs. Tel: 648-1821 Hilton Hotel: Receptionist & Maids. Henry St. 223-6284. Phatz Style Boutique: Sales girl. Durban St. 227-0501

WE FILL OUT PASSPORT & VISA FORMS: USA, UK & CANADA. TEL: 2315789 Repairs in all types of JetSki, stern-drive, inboard and outboard engine (2 & 4 stroke). Contact: 694-7949

(From page 15)

Toyota Raum, black, bodykit, mags, year 2000, roof rack. 269-0432, 686-0323 2007 Toyota Axio & 2003 Toyota Premio & 2005 Toyota Belta W/TV/CD. Tel: 6 1 5 - 4 1 1 4 . w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / rashanautosales 2004 Toyota Avensis’s with TV/CD, Oz racing Rims, silver & green. Tel: 615-4114. w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / rashanautosales 2005-2007 Toyota Allions, with TV/DVD, back-up camera. Tel: 615-4114. w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / rashanautosales One 19 seater Pitbul in excellent condition, original seats, A.C., TV, mag rims, BPP series. Tel: 621-8957

EDUCATIONAL Princeton College Forms 15, CXC adults’ classes’; $1500 a subject S.A.T/Phonics etc. Call: 690-5008, 611-3793 Imperial College – CXC Jan/ June 2013 exam. Day/ Evening classes, flexible hours. Contact 227-7627, 683-5742 Private tutor – homeschooling CXC/GCE English A&B. Call: 649-4247

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LAND FOR SALE DRESS MAKING 6 weeks designing/sewing classes. Sharmela 225-2598, 641-0784

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West Coast $3.5M. North Road $45M. Continental Park $10M. Diana 227-2256, 6269382.

2 bedroom apartment. Self contained, for visitors @ Santa Cruise, Trinidad. Call: 0011-868-483-2495, 672-8771

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Short term apartments, Eccles. Call: 679-7139

One bottom flat, 2 bedroom. Toilet & bath also bath tub, kitchen cupboards. Tel no – 629-4997 or 664-4998 TOUR Independence Day 26th, 27th. Capoey Lake, Marshall Rapids, Santa Mission. Joy 218-1285, 649-9059. MASSAGE American Style Massage Service. Call 609-4036

Executive type furnished one & two bedroom suites in Section A, Diamond for rental. Call 609-2466.

Page 20

Kaieteur News

Saturday May 19, 2012

Casey Stoner dominates Le Mans AAG books needs a proper audit practice >>>Letter to the Sports Editor<<<

Dear Editor, In a letter to the sports editor, under the caption, “AAG President Respond to Pemberton” dated Tuesday May 08, 2012 in Kaieteur News, in rambling to set the records straight, as regards to the AAG financial affairs, the association president failed to mask the reality of the association’s financial position. It is unethical for the athletics association of Guyana to audit its books. The athletics boss must take full responsibility for the undeveloped state of the sport in Guyana. It is true that the association has been submitting financial statements at annual general meetings to affiliates, according to Boyce. Mr. Boyce gives the impression that the 2011 financial statements of the

association were not presented at the AGM, because of the passing of Mr. Franz Welch (Treasurer), in response to (T. Pemberton). To the best of my knowledge, being a financial member on behalf of Bedford All Stars Sport Club, Mr. Welch (deceased) has always presented the statements/report at AGM, as treasurer / auditor, unverified. It would be a challenge for the Athletics Association of Guyana to prove its accountability and transparency, beginning with its officers. The books and financial records of the athletics association of Guyana needs for independent forensic audit, probably the athletics association of Guyana should ask Mr. Ram for assistance. Dead man tells no tales. Wayne Walcott.

David Haye & Dereck Chisora could be expelled by WBC The World Boxing Council (WBC) says it will expel any person or organisation involved with the proposed fight between David Haye and Dereck Chisora. However, the fight has been sanctioned by the World Boxing Organisation (WBO) and World Boxing

Association (WBA). The British Boxing Board of Control (BBBofC) had already threatened to remove licences from anyone involved. “We will not condone such disgraceful behaviour [from Chisora],” said WBC president Jose Sulaiman. “This boxer has no idea of

what good behaviour is.” However, WBO president Paco Valcarcel said it “has to go ahead and approve the fight” because the Luxembourg Boxing Federation (LBF), under which auspices Haye-Chisora will take place, is a member of the WBO. “The problem is (Continued on page 19)

Composed Fung-A-Fat survives DeGroot... From back page Fung-A-Fat managed to draw within one-point of DeGroot before DeGroot won the game 11/9. In the second game, DeGroot continued to dominate, skillfully placing all her shots in the right spots and hitting winners at opportune moments. DeGroot claimed match ball at 10/3, but then the unbelievable occurred. Fung-AFat’s demeanor switched to that of a more composed player and the result was pure brilliance. Fung-A-Fat remarkably won the next seven points to tie the match and then held on to win 13/11. With confidence and momentum on her side, Fung-AFat comfortably won the next two games 11/6, 11/5 as DeGroot’s accuracy, which was displayed in the first two games, had deteriorated. Following the game, national coach Carl Ince stated that he was delighted by the impressive level of squash that he witnessed between the country’s top two under19 competitors. Meanwhile, Caribbean under-15 champion Nyron Joseph, who is competing in both the under-17 and under19 category this year, continued to dominate his opponents on night three. In his first encounter of the night, Joseph disposed of

Patrick Fraser in straight games, before he took advantage of Andrew Peroune using his superior mobility, shot selection and quickness. Peroune began the match hitting sharp, powerful shots and won the first two points of game one. The jaunty 15year-old Joseph played a flambouyant ‘through the legs’ return in the backcourt which signaled his assuming of control of the match and from there he never looked back. Joseph conceded one more point in the first game and held Peroune scoreless in the following two (11/3, 11/ 0, 11/0). Joseph will be tested today as he faces long time rival Steven Xavier as well as emerging powerhouse and current Caribbean under-13 champion Benjamin Mekdeci. Eight-year-old Shomari Wiltshire was similarly dominant against Anthony Islam in the under-13 category. Wiltshire almost held an opponent scoreless for the second straight night but Anthony Islam fought in the third and final game to steal two points from the son of former Caribbean squash champion Garfield Wiltshire. Number one under-19 contender Jason-Ray Khalil also dominated Joven Benn in straight games 11/4, 11/3, 11/5. Mekdeci remained undefeated after taking apart Matthew Phang 11/0, 11/2, 11/

0. Taylor Fernandes also defeated Rebecca Low in the girls under-15 category, while Alec Melville edged Pablio Mundini. The tournament, which is organized by the Guyana Squash Association (GSA) in collaboration its number one corporate partner Digicel Guyana, will continue this morning beginning at 09:00hrs. The first session is expected to conclude at about 13:00hrs and the second session is expected to begin at 18:30hrs. Thursday’s Results Girls Under 19 Mary Fung-A-Fat defeated Ashley DeGroot 9/ 11, 13/11, 11/6, 11/5 Boys under 17 Nyron Joseph defeated Patrick Fraser (3/0) and Andrew Peroune (3/0) Boys Under 15 Ben Mekdeci defeated Matthew Phang 11/0, 11/2, 11/0 Patrick Fraser defeated Mahendra Khusial 11/8, 11/2, 11/0 Boys Under 13 Travis Whitehead defeated Dominic Collins 11/ 1, 11/0, 11/0 Shomari Wiltshire defeated Anthony Islam 11/ 0, 11/0, 11/2 Gianni Carpenter defeated Daniel Islam 11/8, 11/9, 11/9 Boys Under 19 Jason-Ray Khalil defeated Joven Benn 11/4, 11/ 3, 11/5

Casey Stoner showed no signs of slowing down Casey Stoner showed no signs of slowing down as he topped the timesheets during practice for Sunday’s French Grand Prix at Le Mans. Stoner, 26, announced his shock plans to retire at the end of the season on Thursday but was again quickest. He set the benchmark lap of one minute 33.74 seconds in the afternoon session, after also topping the morning times. Repsol Honda team-mate Dani Pedrosa was second, with Jorge Lorenzo third and British rider Cal Crutchlow seventh. Stoner said: “After yesterday’s announcement, I definitely felt a weight off my shoulders when I got on the bike this morning. “The last two races I’ve had a lot of thoughts running through my

mind and this weekend I already feel better knowing it’s off my chest and we can now focus on the rest of the season, and try to enjoy it”. Crutchlow said: “We have a couple of small problems but nothing I don’t think we can fix ahead of the race. “I can’t get the bike to turn into the corner as I’d like and I’m losing a little bit of time in that area. “To be honest, Le Mans is not the best circuit for me and it is quite difficult. “I’ve only been here once before and I crashed in the race last year, so a big part of my job was just trying to gain some more experience with the layout. “It was still a positive day and, with an improvement to the turning of the bike, I’m sure I can be even more

Flame for London Games... From page 22 providing “British weather” for the ceremony. “Thank you for the warm hospitality and welcome that you and your country have extended to us, particularly for laying on the British weather this evening,” said Coe. “Like the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Flame belongs to the world,” he told spectators including London mayor Boris Johnson and former England soccer captain David Beckham. The 70-day torch relay

will travel 12,800 km around Britain, taking in 1,018 villages and the 1,085-metre summit of Snowdon, before culminating with the lighting of the Olympic cauldron in the Olympic Stadium on the opening day of the Games. The relay will also take in landmarks around Britain with the flame travelling by canal boat, cable car, tram, steam train, hot air balloon and even motorcycle sidecar on the Isle of Man TT course. More than 95 percent of the British population will be within an hour of the route.

competitive.” British rider Scott Redding was fastest in the second session of Moto2, while Maverick Vinales set the pace in Moto3 . MotoGP standings Casey Stoner: 66 points Jorge Lorenzo: 65 Dani Pedrosa: 52 Cal Crutchlow: 37 Andrea Dovizioso: 35

Providence Dominoes Sports Club stages 27 two-way team domino competition The Providence Domino Sports Club will be hosting a 27 two-way team dominoes competition for all players from Monday at the Dynasty Sports Bar. Games will also be played at the Onassis Sports Club in Bagotstown as the competition concludes on June 2nd. The competition which is in honour of Davis’ 82nd birth anniversary will see teams competing for incentive cash prizes, $150,000, $75,000 and $50,000. Entrance fee per team for competition: $10,000. For more information contact Mark ‘Jumbie’ Wiltshire (Organiser) on 6414420 or 698-3919.

Kwesi ‘Lightening Struck Assassin’... From page 23 while pointing out that Corbin is way past his prime. However, he was quick to note that Corbin is an experienced pugilist and Jones will have to be wary of him. He said that he had seen Corbin in action in a sparring session with Andrew Lewis and was quite impressed with the way he handled himself. “That is why we are leaving nothing to chance and will train exceptionally hard,” assured Oprecht. During yesterday’s sessions, and shortly after engaging in several rounds on the big

truck tire, used for stamina and power punches, Jones went a further hectic session of skipping before engaging in tactical work. He closed off sessions with calisthenics and rigorous free arm exercises and will resume training tomorrow morning with sparring sessions. Several other boxers will comprise the card including Iwan ‘Pure Gold’Azore against Barbadian, Miguel Antoine in a 6 rounds welterweight scrap, while lightweight, Rudolph Fraser tackles Cassius Mathews over 6 rounds. Kelsie George will also be up against James Walcott in

a middleweight clash over 4 rounds in the night’s opening bout. Admission remains at $1,000 for adults, while children pay half that amount. The fights would be taped for broadcast at a later date. Fight Night Guyana is staged under the auspices of the Guyana Boxing Board of Control (GBBC), in collaboration with the Guyana Amateur Boxing Association, the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports (MCY&S) and the National Communications Network (NCN). Bell time is 20:00hrs sharp.

Saturday May 19, 2012

Kaieteur News

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Pacers give Heat “butt-kicking”, Rajasthan Royals knocked out, Chargers win finally Spurs clip LA (Reuters) - The Indiana Pacers, showing the poise and determination Miami was supposed to have, routed the cold shooting Heat 94-75 on Thursday to take a surprising 2-1 lead in their best-of-seven Eastern Conference semi-final series. Out West, the San Antonio Spurs continued their dominant ways, defeating the Los Angeles Clippers 105-88 for a 2-0 series lead. The Spurs, who have now won 16 consecutive games, were led by Tony Parker who scored 22 points on his 30th birthday. Indiana was expected to be no challenge for Miami in the series, but suddenly it is the Heat who must regroup after being outscored 51-32 in the second half for a second consecutive loss. “The game was won once again with defense and rebounding, and that’s (what) this team’s identity is about,” Pacers coach Frank Vogel told reporters. Big man Roy Hibbert played the meatiest role, muscling his way to 19 points and 18 rebounds against a Heat team again missing injured forward Chris Bosh. “His favorite saying is ‘send them to Big Dog,’” Pacers guard George Hill said of Hibbert. “When we’re in trouble, he’s our bail-out.” Hill helped out with 20 points and forward Danny Granger collected 17 as the Pacers head into Sunday’s Game Four in Indianapolis with the upper hand. Miami tried to shake up its lineup, but it had little effect. “It was a good, oldfashioned butt-kicking,” said Miami coach Erik Spoelstra. Regular Mario Chalmers scored 25 while the NBA’s most valuable player LeBron James had 22. The three other Miami starters collectively scored

Tony Parker (9), is fouled by Blake Griffin (32) while moving the ball upcourt five points, all by an ice-cold Dwyane Wade. The normally highscoring All-Star guard did not have a point in the first half for the first time in 95 postseason games. “I guess I made history tonight,” said a frustrated Wade, who was 2 of 13 from the field and screamed an expletive at Spoelstra during the third quarter. Shane Battier, who started at small forward, missed all seven of his shots, and replacement center Dexter Pittman lasted less than three minutes as Indiana jumped out to an 11-2 lead. The Heat fought back for a 26-17 advantage at the end of the first quarter, though that would be the last period the Heat would dominate. The Pacers tied the score by halftime and controlled the game afterwards, holding Miami to 12 points in the third quarter as they stormed to a 69-55 lead before closing it out in the final period.

At San Antonio, Parker made up for scoring only nine points in the opening game of the series. “They tried to take me out of Game One, so I had to be patient,” he said after celebrating his birthday with a crucial win. “In the first half they did the same thing. In the second half things started opening up.” Tim Duncan added 18 points for the Spurs while Blake Griffin topped the Clippers with 20. Chris Paul scored just 10 for the Los Angeles team, having twice as many turnovers (eight) as shots made. Parker said there was a reason. “I’m just trying to do my best stay in front of (Paul, on defense) and make sure he takes hard shots,” he said. “It’s not just me, it’s the whole team. It’s the whole team focusing on Chris to make sure he doesn’t get going.”

Serena Williams goes into last four as Pennetta quits (Reuters) - Serena Williams enjoyed an easy passage into the semi-finals of the Italian Open tennis on Friday when her opponent Flavia Pennetta retired with a right wrist injury. The Italian, ranked 21, had treatment at 3-0 down and decided to quit when Williams was leading 4-0 and 40-0. Williams, who won last week’s title in Madrid, will play either China’s Li Na or Dominika Cibulkova of

Serena Williams Slovakia in the last four. Holder Maria Sharapova was due to play Venus Williams later yesterday while

Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova was scheduled to face Angelique Kerber of Germany.

Yahoo! Cricket – Hyderabad, (IANS): Former champions Rajasthan Royals were knocked out of the fifth edition of Indian Premier League following their five-wicket defeat by Deccan Chargers at Rajiv Gandhi International stadium on Friday. It was finally a moment of celebrations for the home team as chasing a modest target of 127, they notched up a victory with 1.2 overs to spare. The result put an end to series of defeats for the home side but made little difference to their position. They are already out of the race for the play-offs. With seven points from 15 matches, the Chargers still languish at the bottom with the last match against Royal Challengers Bangalore scheduled at the same ground on Sunday. For the Royals, the loss means end of the road for a place in play-offs. They have 14 points from 15 matches and a win in the last match against Mumbai Indians would not help them. Buckling under the pressure of a must-win situation, the Royals crumbled to 126 after winning the toss. After impressive bowling, Chargers’ batting came up good to snatch the much-needed victory. Ashish Reddy hit two successive fours of Shaun Tait to overcome some anxious moments and seal the victory for his team. The opening partnership of 63 between Reddy and Shikhar Dhawan, adding 58 in the powerplay, helped Chargers to reach the target. JP Duminy chipped in with 24 off 31 deliveries. The openers gave a flying start with Dhawan hitting Chandila for a six over longon, followed up by a sweep for four to notch up 11 runs in the first over. Dhawan, one of the leading run-scorer this season, then hooked Tait for a six behind the wicket keeper. The first breakthrough for the visitors came in the ninth over when Johan Botha had Dhawan caught by Chandila. Reddy was the next to go as he tried to flick it away but got a leading edge and Owais Shah took a good catch by running back. Captain Cameron White (1) did not last long as he gave a return catch to Chandila. At this stage, Royals tried to put some pressure with tight bowling and fielding but ultimately their total proved to be too meagre to defend. Trivedi claimed two for 20 while Chandila, Botha and Binny bagged a wicket each. Earlier, an impressive bowling performance by Chargers restricted the Royals to 126 for eight. Dale Steyn’s two for 14, Amit Mishra’s two for 20 and a fine display by other bowlers reduced the visitors to the lowest score this season. Electing to bat after winning the toss on what looked to be a good batting track, the Royal’ top-order collapsed before disciplined bowling attack of the home team. Barring captain Rahul Dravid (39 off 26) and Owais Shah (28 off 32), who showed some

Akshath Reddy made 42 at the top of the order for Chargers

resistance, none of the batsmen could withstand the fiery spells by Steyn, Mishra and Gony (1 for 26). Veer Pratap Singh also chipped in with two for 31. The 35-run partnership for the fifth wicket between Shah and Ashok Menaria (20 off 17) was the only highlight of the Rajasthan innings. Dravid’s knock of 39 off 26 balls was studded with five fours out of the total 10 boundaries in the innings. The visitors also failed to capitalize on three dropped catches and some sloppy fielding by Chargers, who were led by White as Kumar Sangakkara opted out after a rather poor season with the bat. Royals had a disastrous start with Rahane departing in the second over as Steyn had him caught in the slip by Dhawan. Watson survived narrowly in the fifth over when Dhawan could not hold on to a diving catch off Gony at mid-on. Dravid survived the next delivery as Ashish Reddy attempted a difficult overhead catch. Amit Mishra then gave his team a key breakthrough as he cleaned up Watson for 13 (1x4, 1x6) on his very first delivery which spinned away to hit the off-stump. Mishra in his next over deceived Binny (7) to another beauty which uprooted the stumps. Playing the captain’s knock, Dravid held on to the other end. However, in an attempt to give some momentum to the scoring, he was caught by Chris Lynn off Gony near the boundary line. Scores: Deccan Chargers 128 for 5 (Akshat Reddy 42, Trivedi 2-20) beat Rajasthan Royals 126 for 8 (Dravid 39, Mishra 2-20) by five wickets.

Independence TT tournament officially opens today The National Sports Commission, Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports in collaboration with the Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA) National I n d e p e n d e n c e Championships will officially serve off at the Cliff Anderson Sports 16:00hrs today with the Opening Ceremony at 10:00hrs.

The action started yesterday with several matches. Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony will open the tournament. The Minister, Director of Sports Mr. Neil Kumar and GTTA President, Mr. Henry Greene will be the keynote speakers at the Opening. On show will be several of the nation’s top

racquet wielders vying for supremacy in over 16 categories with over 200 entries received. The GTTA has shortlisted players in the Mini/Pre-Cadet realm to represent Guyana at the Caribbean Mini/PreCadet Championships schedule for Jamaica in July. The tournament will allow some players to stake to their claim to the selectors.

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Kaieteur News

Saturday May 19, 2012

All roads lead to Thirst Park for Inter Ministry/Corporation7-A-side football next week Football fans have been guaranteed intense action when the Inter Ministry/ Corporation 7-A-side football competition gets underway at the Banks DIH Thirst Park Ground on Tuesday May 22 June 19 next. Activities would be staged under the Powerade brand, a nutritional drink manufactured by main sponsors, Banks DIH Ltd. Yesterday morning, the organizers convened at a press conference at the Thirst Park headquarters of the main sponsors to brief the media of particulars pertaining to the event. The forum was graced by Communications Manager (Banks DIH), Troy Peters and that organization’s Outdoor

Events Manager, Mortimer Stewart. Coordinators, Dennis ‘Chow’ Hunte and Mark Young were also in attendance. Mr. Peters said that the organizers had approached his organization for support and after discussing the matter, Banks DIH officials agreed to get on board. He said that they recognized the benefits that could be derived from participation in the event and felt constrained to assist. The communications manager then wished the organizers well while urging the general public to support the tournament. To date 22 teams are registered for what has been

touted as a tournament that promotes fitness and Mr. Young said that the idea to stage the tournament stemmed from the projection of Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Frank Anthony, that at least thirty minutes daily exercise promote a healthy lifestyle while curtailing the high incidence of obesity. He said that the initiative will also serve to promote cohesiveness within the work place since it allows those within the corporate fraternity to engage in recreation even as they maintain healthy habits. Among those teams competing for a first prize of

Banks DIH officials, Troy Peters and Mortimer Stewart (2nd left & extreme right respectively), join tournaments organizers Dennis Hunte and Mark Young at yesterday’s press briefing $250,000 and a trophy are GNIC, GPI, Neal and Massey, Lucky Dollar, Digicel, Amerindian Affairs Ministry, Republic Bank, Courtney Benn Contracting Company, Guyana Water Authority, GPL

and NIS among others. The second place finishers win $175,000 while third and fourth places receive $75,000 and $25,000 respectively. Several other corporate entities have joined with

Banks DIH and contributed towards a successful tournament including Giftland Office Max, Talk is Cheap, Ross Gas Station and Hopkinson Mining among others.

‘Accuracy, extra pace key to Flame for London Games formally Narine’s success’ - Bayliss handed over

Greek veteran weighlifter Piros Dimas (R) and Chinese gymnast Li Ning light a cauldron with the Olympic Flame inside the marble Panathenaic stadium in Athens May 17, 2012. (Reuters) - The flame for the London Olympics, which start on July 27 after a 70-day torch relay around Britain,

was formally handed over at a ceremony in a damp Athens on Thursday. The flame, lit from the

sun’s rays at the home of the ancient Games in Olympia a week ago, was handed over under grey and rainy skies to Britain’s Princess Anne by the president of the Hellenic Olympic Committee Spyros Capralos. The flame will be guarded overnight in the British embassy in Athens. It will then be flown, safely contained in special lanterns for the journey, from Athens to a naval air base in south-west England on Friday before the relay starts at Land’s End on Saturday. London Games chairman and twice Olympic 1,500metre champion Sebastian Coe paid tribute to Greece for their hospitality and even thanked the hosts for (Continue don page 20)

ESPNcricinfo - Kolkata Knight Riders’ coach Trevor Bayliss has said that Sunil Narine’s “accuracy and extra pace” have made him the most successful spinner in the IPL this season. Narine has picked up 21 wickets and is currently the joint leading wicket-taker with Lasith Malinga and Morne Morkel. “He is one of the mystery spinners,” Bayliss told the Telegraph. “That, combined with accuracy and a bit of extra pace, has made him more than a handful. Even if you’re lucky to pick the ball he has bowled, there’s no guarantee that you’ll actually get him away for runs. The more batsmen play, they could pick him better, but Narine has it in him

Pomersbach detained over alleged assault

Luke Pomersbach

ESPNcricinfo – The IPL career of Luke Pomersbach, the Royal Challengers Bangalore batsman, has been placed in the balance after he was detained by the Delhi police on Friday and charged with assault on a woman and her fiance. Pomersbach was produced in a Delhi court, where he was granted interim bail, and was also suspended by the IPL franchise for the rest of this tournament. The case was filed by a US national, who alleged that Pomersbach assaulted her and her fiancé in their room at the team hotel on Thursday night after the match against Delhi Daredevils. “A US national, staying at Hotel Maurya, was molested by Luke Pomersbach, an

Australian player of RCB, when they were partying in her room,” the Delhi police said in a statement. “When her fiancé Sahil intervened he too was boxed by Luke. A case under Sections 354, 323, 454 and 511 IPC [Indian Penal Code] registered at the Chanakyapuri police station.” Vijay Mallya, the owner of Royal Challengers, said the franchise would co-operate fully with the authorities. “Royal Challengers Bangalore regrets the incident involving Luke Pomersbach. We will ensure full cooperation with the concerned authorities so that a fair investigation takes place and the issue is disposed off in accordance with law,” Vijay Mallya said in Delhi.

“Pending disposal of this matter Luke Pomersbach will not take the field for the team.” The IPL chairman Rajiv Shukla said the league was “not responsible” for the alleged incident. “There was no official party hosted by the IPL. It’s the behaviour of an individual, let the police handle it. We will wait for the report from the police and then react.” The couple alleging the assault were reportedly injured and have been admitted to a local hospital. Pomersbach, who has not played a game for Royal Challengers this season, was reportedly taken to hospital for a medical test and was later seen with his arm in a sling.

Sunil Narine

to stay one step ahead. He’s such an unbelievable talent.” Bayliss said that he heard about Narine’s bowling prowess even before Knight Riders signed him for $700,000 in the player auction in February. “I can’t remember who brought up his name first, but I remembered the New South Wales players had been very impressed with him in the Champions League,” Bayliss said. “When his name came up, I felt he’d be a good acquisition. As it turns out, Narine has fitted into the group very well and it’s a pleasure to see him bowl.” Bayliss said that even though Knight Riders have qualified for the playoffs, they must remain focussed. “A good team effort has taken us forward and the boys have shown a lot of character in some of the really close matches. The Twenty20 game is pretty even, so you’ve got to keep giving yourself a chance of winning,” Bayliss said. “We’ve lost a few, but still showed character, such an attitude helps. At this stage,

though, we aren’t looking beyond Saturday’s match against the Pune Warriors, because if you get too far ahead of yourself, you could get a nasty surprise.” Bayliss also defended allrounder Yousuf Pathan, who has managed just 138 runs from 13 innings at 15.33. “More than me, I think he’s worried himself. But he’s been working hard and has taken steps forward. He’s doing the right things (before a match), but is going through a phase all players go through,” Bayliss said. He attributed the side’s success this season to strong leadership and quality training. “Gautam Gambhir has done a great job as captain. The way he captained [against Mumbai Indians] was sensational,” Bayliss said. “The squad is like one big happy family, with people getting along with each other. The boys do the right things at training. We may not be practising for long, but there’s quality in what we do. There are no halfmeasures. Basically, there’s a good feeling in the group.”

Saturday May 19, 2012

Kaieteur News

Fight Night Boxing extravaganza...

Kwesi ‘Lightening Struck Assassin’ Jones vows to knockout Shawn Corbin


t’s approximately two weeks to fight night, on June 1 next, and Kwesi ‘Lightening Struck Assassin’ Jones is confident that he will in the best shape of his life when he comes up against Trinidad based Guyanese pugilist, Shawn Corbin in defence of his Light/heavyweight title on that date. He is so confident that he has dispatched a missive to his nemesis that he would be coming all primed up for a knockout victory. Yesterday afternoon, while getting in some valuable work at the Andrew ‘Sixhead’ Lewis Boxing Gym, Albouystown, Jones

paused briefly from pounding away at the heavy bag to send out a missive to Corbin, “I have heard that you are boasting of being this great knockout artist and that I will be your next victim but I want to warn you that I will be coming hard at you and will take you into the deep waters before I drown you,” said Jones. The muscular Jones said that he has researched C o r b i n ’s r e c o r d a n d discovered that he is not as invincible as he would like his fans to believe. Jones further pointed out his ability to end a fight at any given point. He reminded of the Cleveland Fraser

encounter where he was on the losing end going into the tenth round but pulled the proverbial ‘rabbit out of the hat,’ delivering a vicious right uppercut that connected to Fraser’s chin and dumped him on the canvass for the full count. Jones is confident that he could replicate that feat against Corbin. Jones’ coach, George ‘Canchi’ Oprecht is confident that his charge is capable of taking care of Corbin and would retain his title when the smoke is cleared. “We have youth on our side and will be quicker than Corbin,” said Oprecht (Continued on page 20)

Burke’s Discus record can be destroyed


niversity of Guyana (UG) s t u d e n t , Lawanda Whaul is one of the athletes on the local scene that could fashion an upset in the field events at the third e d i t i o n o f t h e President’s/Jefford Classic tomorrow in Linden at the McKenzie Sports Club ground in the Women’s Discus. The young talented female, who discovered her abilities in the Shot Putt and Discus during High School, has been on top of her game for this year, especially in the Discus. Whaul was the only athlete that exceeded the 30m mark in the girls U-20 Discus at the Athletics Association of Guyana (AAG) CARIFTA Trials which was held at the Police Sports Club ground last March.

The big built, energetic athlete sailed the Discus 31m55cm to take the number one spot on the podium. Whaul indicated to this publication that her 31m55cm throw at the trials is her new personal best for this athletic season. Whaul was just meters away from the AAG standard (38m09cm). Whaul also filched a gold medal in the under-20 female Discus at the ninth edition of the Barbados Relay Fair last February with her 29m96cm throw. Phillycia Burke, an athlete of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Track Club secured the record at the Classic last year with her 29m56cm throw. Burke (28m39cm) was defeated by Whaul at the GDF Developmental Meet. Whaul secured gold against her opponent with her best

Lawanda Whaul

Phillycia Burke throw of 29m51cm. Burke crumbled to another defeat in Linden at another Developmental Meet when she collided with Whaul who sailed the disc to 30m05cm.

Flashback Kwesi Jones looks ominous minutes after the referee performs the final rights on Cleveland Fraser. The local light/heavyweight champion has vowed to replicate the feat against Corbin.

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t r o Sp

Andrew Strauss finds form with century

Darren Sammy had Jonathan Trott caught behind.


BC Sport - A first Test century in 18 months from captain Andrew Strauss put England in a dominant position on day two of the first Test against a toothless West Indies. Strauss ended the day not out on 121 as England

reached 259-3, a lead of 16 runs, with Ian Bell alongside him on five. The skipper had started the week fielding questions about his form and place in the side, and he provided the best riposte of all - batting for all but one ball of the day for his second ton in 50 Test

Andrew Strauss raises his bat to the crowd. innings. He was kept company by a typically patient halfcentury from Jonathan Trott and a more flamboyant cameo from Kevin Pietersen, but this was undisputably Strauss’s day. He was rewarded for his long-awaited landmark with

Composed Fung-A-Fat survives DeGroot scare - Joseph and Wiltshire continue to decimate opponents

Nyron Joseph


Mary Fung-A-Fat

ary Fung-A-Fat moved a giant leap closer to capturing her first national under-19 title after overpowering her main adversary Ashley DeGroot on Thursday night at the Georgetown Club during the Woodpecker National Junior Squash Championships. DeGroot began the match hitting superb

Shomari Wiltshire

shots, while Fung-A-Fat who had been impeccable the night before against Akeila Wiltshire, seemed nervous and got off to a slow start. Fung-A-Fat, the former Caribbean champion, found herself trailing 0/6 in the first game and DeGroot was clearly in control of the tempo of the match. Nevertheless, (Continued on page 20)

a standing ovation from the sell-out Lord’s crowd that was as heartfelt and sustained as the old ground has seen in an age. If Strauss left the field with a broad smile on his face, this was another chastening day for West Indies. Conditions appeared favourable for swing bowlers, but the tourists’ attack could not find a cutting edge to match their effort. Stuart Broad had wrapped up the West Indies innings with the first ball of the day to record best-ever Test figures of 7-72. It meant a golden duck on Test debut for Shannon Gabriel, caught comfortably at second slip off the outside edge, and left Shivnarine Chanderpaul high and dry on his overnight 87. It also put Broad alongside Andrew Flintoff and Ian Botham as the only Englishmen to have recorded both a Test century and five-wicket haul at Lord’s and thus be on both batting and bowling honours boards. Strauss and Alastair Cook progressed in untroubled fashion during the morning against Fidel Edwards and Kemar Roach until, with the score on 47,

Jonathan Trott eased to a half century. Cook slashed at one from Roach that was too close to cut and played on for 26. If Strauss felt under pressure it did not manifest itself in his display at the crease. Twice he drove with sweet timing to the mid-on boundary, and he brought up his half-century off 97 balls with a glance off the hips for four more. Trott was settling in for the long haul at the other end, unperturbed by an lbw referral from Darren Sammy that was ruled out as u m p i r e ’s c a l l d e s p i t e appearing to be hitting a decent chunk of leg stump. The number three also survived what looked to be a thin edge behind that even wicketkeeper Denesh Ramdin failed to appeal for, and in his usual fidgety fashion moved to his 10th Test 50, off 109 balls, just before the tea interval. The West Indies bowlers were struggling to extract any movement from a flat track despite the clouds parked up above. Skipper Sammy went on the defensive with his side’s lead still in excess of 100, leaving just one slip in for paceman Edwards, but with a lack of energy from his field the England pair were

able to accumulate in untroubled fashion. After 87 runs had come from 28 overs in the afternoon session, the scoring rate continued to plod along in a pedestrian evening session. Strauss looked edgy as he moved slowly through the 80s, wafting dangerously at two wide ones from Edwards before driving sweetly back down the ground for a steadying four. He then edged Edwards to slip off a no-ball - and was dropped to boot - before Trott went for 56, driving at Sammy and edging behind to Ramdin. Sammy then dropped short outside off and Strauss crashed his cut shot away for four, punching the air and being embraced by his partner Pietersen as the full house at Lord’s rose to salute him. Pietersen perished to an undisciplined cut shot off spinner Marlon Samuels for 32 but, with seven wickets in hand and the forecast set fair for the weekend, England will expect to compile a match-winning total. Scores: England 259 for 3 (Strauss 121*, Trott 58) lead West Indies 243 (Chanderpaul 87*, Broad 772) by 16 runs.

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