Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Friday August 09, 2013

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Kaieteur News

Kaieteur News Printed and Published by National Media & Publishing Company Ltd. 24 Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, Guyana. Publisher: GLENN LALL Editor: Adam Harris Tel: 225-8465, 225-8491. Fax: 225-8473, 226-8210


The Deportee Albatross The news that the U.S. chartered a special plane to return twenty-six (26) deportees to our shores raises once again the issue of the impact of the U.S. program on small, poor nations such as Guyana. The U.S. has deported thousands of convicted criminals to Guyana and the rest of the Caribbean annually since 1996, when Congress mandated that every non-citizen sentenced to a year or more in prison be deported from the U.S. upon release. For Guyana alone, some 1528 criminals who had served sentences were deported during the period 19962007 from the U.S. at an average of 127 criminal deportees annually. This figure, which excluded persons deported for immigration offences, was greater than the total criminal deportations from all other countries combined. Guyana and the region have consistently protested the measure from the onset. But when this country refused to comply, the U.S. revoked the visas of all government officials and their families in late 2001. The program resumed in 2004 after the government backed down: the visas were reissued. The main concern, not surprisingly, is the direct correlation between the deportee program and the precipitous rise in violent crimes in the region. While there is no definitive study on the issue this is due more to the lack of resources than anything else. What exacerbates the issue of criminals being dumped into societies without the wherewithal to deal with their impact is that by having the criminals incarcerated in their prison system before they are deported from the U.S., in effect is giving them graduate degrees in crime. One CARICOM study showed that “The U.S. is responsible for more than 75 percent of all criminal deportations to the region.” In a 15-year period 30,000 criminals had been deported to Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana, of which 17,000 had been convicted for drug trafficking, 600 for murder and 1,800 for illegal gun possession. Placing the number in a context, the researcher proposed that in calculating the proportionate effect of deportation, with a combined population of less than 5 million people in Guyana, Trinidad and Jamaica, the impact of “this relocation of criminal offenders would be roughly equivalent to the influx, into the U.S., of more than 1 million convicted drug offenders and close to 40,000 convicted murderers.” One wonders how the U.S. would have coped with this influx of criminals. Another sore point that the U.S. refuses to address also is that home countries are told only why an offender is deported: other details cannot be provided without permission first from federal or state entities. In this context, in her meeting with US VP Joe Biden earlier this year, T&T’s PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who is the Caricom head with responsibility for security, insisted that increased focus should be placed on improved information and intelligencesharing with respect to criminal deportees, in particular, access to complete dossiers on medical and criminal history. Persad-Bissessar pointed out that undertakings given by the U.S. in the MOU (memorandum of understanding) of 2000 had not produced all of the expected results, as it failed to ensure forwarding of complete criminal records of these persons deported from the U.S. The PM pointed out to Biden that the majority of criminal deportees, having left the region as children, had few support networks or connections in their home country, making them vulnerable to criminal careers and threatening citizen peace and security in the region. In June 2008, Guyana signed a cooperation agreement which allowed for the International Office for Migration (IOM) to implement a “Reintegration of the Returned Migrants Project”. The Ministry of Home Affairs was identified as the lead agency for the initiative whose focus was supposed to be in areas such as capacity building, advisory services, and technical cooperation on migration issues. By June 2009, US$3 million had been budgeted to deal with 250 deportees - less than two years’ accumulation. We believe that the Ministry should issue a report on the efficacy of the program.

Friday August 09, 2013

Letters... Where your views make the news

Some, by their very actions, are losing the moral authority to tell the government it is corrupt DEAR EDITOR, The AFC has joined with the PPP to increase the public corporation loan guarantee ceiling from one billion dollars to 50 billion dollars after leading the citizens to believe that whatever position it takes is driven by the pursuit to bring about good governance. The AFC has said to this nation it was calling for a motion to increase the debt ceiling to be tied specifically to the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project (AFHP) in order to avoid giving the government a blank slate to go borrowing, yet the project is still engaging heated public debate about its financial probity and potential burden to the taxpayers. To give support for an increase by 49 billion dollars without having the people’s consensus on the project and putting more money at the g o v e r n m e n t ’s d i s p o s a l without ensuring the constitutional checks and balance mechanism such as the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) and Ombudsman are in place is taking this nation for a ride. It is foolhardy to understand when the loan ceiling was at one billion dollars with epidemic corruption (which is a human rights violation) and the PPC and/or ombudsman still not in place, the government is

given an additional 49 billion dollars to run wild and being given the AFC’s support to feel it does not have a responsibility to the citizens to abide by the constitution, respect their rights, and account for their money. The society must question the action of the AFC, for given what the party has done, it did not leverage the people’s power for the people’s benefit but the benefit of special interest. The AFC was also prepared to go to local government elections without having new laws even as the citizens/civil society have/has been demanding laws that would ensure the devolution of power to the communities and holding their local leaders accountable. It is this behaviour that makes some young people very impulsive/sceptical to address issues of public and political nature. It is this behaviour that emboldens the drug lords, money launderers and other corrupt individuals to believe they have the latitude to enter the corridors of power and buy national acceptance. It is behaviour like this that makes a mockery of any attempt to rein in lawlessness. Words are not being matched with actions/deeds. The vacillation continues on

the backs of the workers/citizens. Whose interests are our politicians looking out for? Is it special interest or the people’s? Some, by their very actions are losing the moral authority to tell the government it is corrupt/unethical because by their behaviour we are seeing clearly it is not about the people’s representation but that of the investors and those who want to put the people’s moneys in their hands. One needs to ask if they are sleepers in the National Assembly pretending to represent the interests of s o c i e t y. T h e p u e r i l e argument by our politicians that they will approve the AFHP after an analysis by the Inter-American Bank (IDB) speaks to a group of people who have abrogated their responsibility to listen to the desires of the people. The IDB is not a part of the governance structure of this society. It is our Members of Parliament who we have voted for to represent our interests and we will not accept them saying to us their approval will be hinged on the IDB or any external interest, without having the approval of the people, who they seem not to want to listen to. Persons are being reminded politics is about

p e o p l e a n d p e o p l e ’s development. Our politicians must listen to us because at the end of time it is we, the people, who will have to band our waists and repay the debt and suffer the austerity measures that can come from another reckless investment. The IDB’s interest is based on our ability to pay, not the sacrifices we, the people, will have to bear in making the repayment. Sithe Global’s interest is in making money, not the consequences the citizens will have to bear from its investment and obviously like any business, snake oil or otherwise, they are driven by the bottom line/profit. T h e g o v e r n m e n t ’s interest is to make a name for itself and some within their midst salivating at the potential kickbacks. Looking at the three none has demonstrated care for the citizens. Our politicians are so contemptuous of the people to the point where the voices that are advocating on our behalf are being side-lined for greed, ego and the benefit of investors and special interest. The society must begin to analyse what is taking place before us and they will realise our politicians are not only failing us they are betraying us. Lincoln Lewis.

Mr. Nokta could have contacted the Guyana Women Miner’s Organisation before spewing such garbage DEAR EDITOR, The shocking statement reportedly made by newly v o t e d P P P ’s C e n t r a l Executive Member, Mr Shyam Nokta, as it pertains to the Guyana Women Miners Organisation (GWMO), was brought to my attention through Red Thread Karen De Souza’s letter to the media. I have since read the Demerara Waves August 4th article which stated that Nokta, giving a report on a plenary session at the ruling party’s congress held in Berbice last weekend reported that: “The group further observed that the opposition was accessing international donor funds through organisations like the Amerindian Peoples Association (APA), Red Thread and the Guyana Women Miners Organisation (GWMO).” I am shocked and

dismayed at this scurrilous statement being made against the GWMO and I firmly believe that it is a deliberate attempt to sidetrack people from the good work the organization has been doing in its relatively short lifespan. It should be recalled that this administration for some time has been denying the existence of Trafficking In Person, a position it can no longer take due to no small means because of the work of the GWMO and the organization does not wish to fight with the Government but rather to be embraced by all in an effort to help the victims of TIP who come from all areas of the country. I wish to be pellucid that the GWMO up to this date has received no funding, whether internationally or locally. Further, the GWMO is a non-political, nonprofitable organization.

I must say that I am not surprised by this statement made by Nokta, who was reportedly representing the views of some of the delegates at the congress, but I want to say that if Nokta or any other PPP member wanted information on the GWMO all they had to do was call our office instead of spewing such garbage. I am also confused because the GWMO has been working along with some Government agencies and ministers, more specifically Minister of Natural Resources & Environment, Robert Persaud, has publicly embraced the work of the organisation. Mr Nokta received 381 votes at the congress and now sits on the party’s Central Executive and with this position we would have expected more from him instead of trying to tarnish the work of the organization.

We work in the interest of all Guyanese and our political or religious affiliations should not be questioned. His statement is more disconcerting since our organisation is still in an infancy state and to have such allegations leveled at it is shocking. This organization was started by a lone woman miner; me, and now with the support of some great ladies the GWMO has managed to help many victims in the mining areas. We have put our personal safety at jeopardy to work for the people who really need it and will not be sidetracked by the venom of others. In closing, I wish to state that while the GWMO has received no funding, it welcomes-whether internationally or locallyfunding to further its work. Simona Broomes. President of the GWMO

Friday August 09, 2013

Kaieteur News

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Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news

There is no evidence to validate accusations of opposition party influence in GECOM DEAR EDITOR, Please permit me to state the facts regarding the construct and operations of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), in response to a Demerara Waves publication in which Mr. Shyam Nokta is reported to have said, at the just concluded Congress of the People’s Progressive Party that there is opposition party influence in GECOM. Before so doing however, I must note that no evidence was presented to substantiate the (published) comment attributed to Mr. Nokta. GECOM was established in May 2000 by virtue of the Constitution (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2000, which repealed and re-enacted Article 161 of the Constitution on the basis of recommendations emerging from the Constitution Reform Commission that were ratified by Parliament. The re-enacted Article 161 re-states the same mechanism for the appointment of the Commission as provided for since the 1992 general election, save that the

Commission is now established as a permanent one. The current Chairman, as provided for by law, was appointed in 2001 from a list of six persons that was submitted by the Leader of the Opposition, since he was found to be “not unacceptable” to the then President In addition to the Chairman, the Constitution (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2000 also provides for the appointment of six (6) members of the Commission in the following manner, as was applied in the appointment of the current members of the Commission:·Three members appointed by the President, acting in his own deliberate judgment. ·Three members appointed by the President acting on the advice of the Leader of the Opposition after he has meaningfully consulted the non-governmental opposition Parties represented in the National Assembly. GECOM sets policy for voter registration, maintenance of the voters’ list and the administration of all national,

regional and local government elections within the legislative framework, whilst the Permanent Elections Secretariat implements the policy under the supervision of the Chief Election Officer (CEO). The Secretariat also performs the tasks of the National Registration Centre under the National Registration Act, Chapter 19:08 and the CEO acts as the National Commissioner for Registration. The National Registration Centre has responsibility for the registration of electors and maintenance of the registers whereas the Secretariat has responsibility for administering elections. GECOM is constitutionally obliged to act with impartiality and fairness in the execution of its duties (162 (1) [b], Constitution (Amendment) Act). GECOM is insulated from executive and political interference in the performance of its functions. By virtue of article 226 of the Constitution GECOM, like other constitutional commissions shall not be subject to the direction

and control of any other person or authority. The Commission meets statutorily every Tuesday unless otherwise determined by the Commission itself. All matters are dealt with by the Commission within a quorum as required by law. Article 226 of the Constitution as amended by the Constitution (Amendment) Act, No. 2 of 2000 provides that the quorum for a meeting of the Commission hall be the Chairman and not less than four members of the Commission i.e. two appointed by the President in his own deliberate judgment and two who wre recommended for appointment by the Opposition. Depending on the crucial nature of certain matters,

there is the General understanding that such matters will be dealt with only with the participation of the entire Commission. In the conduct of its business the Commission has recognized the need for the establishment and maintenance of two-way consultative relationships with all Stakeholders. This has, from time to time, resulted in GECOM meeting with Representatives of the governing and opposition Political parties, the Private Sector Commission and Civil Society Organisations. There are occasions on which GECOM took on board and/ or acted upon requests of the governing and opposition Political Parties with the objective of being a better

service provider. This cannot and must never be interpreted as governing party or opposition party influence. In fact, this can only be seen as GECOM facilitating inclusive engagements in compliance with International Standards for Elections Best Practice. In view of the foregoing, please allow me to state categorically that there is no evidence to validate any accusation that there is opposition party influence in GECOM. Vishnu Persaud Public Relations Officer Guyana Elections Commission

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Kaieteur News

Friday August 09, 2013

Teen murders girlfriend after claiming infidelity By Javone Vickerie and Dwijendra Rooplall After accusing her of cheating on him, an 18-yearold mercilessly beat his teenage girlfriend with a spade, dragged her by the hair, out of his mother’s Diamond New Scheme, East Bank Demerara home and viciously hacked her to death. The blood-curdling attack occurred around 13:00 hrs yesterday. Angela Mc Allister, 17, of Plaisance, East Coast Demerara, was reportedly attacked by the enraged suspect after she went to his mother’s Lot 538 Eleventh Avenue home, to “sort out” the allegations of infidelity. The alleged killer, Joshua Allen, then remained at the scene with his hands raised in surrender until the police eventually arrived. Sandra Allen, the suspect’s mother, told Kaieteur News that he had been behaving strangely prior to the cruel attack on his girlfriend. Ms. Allen added that when she inquired about his behaviour, her son said that a close friend had told him that Mc Allister was cheating on him with another young man from her village. “He said that since he come out the bush he calling her phone and she not answering it so he get upset and said that he not calling her”, the mother said. The woman added that she then offered to escort him to Plaisance to sort out the issue. “He refused to go to Plaisance and every time me

Dead: Angela Mc Allister bring up the issue he use to get vex so I just lef’ he alone,” Allen said. The suspect’s mother said that she then contacted Mc Allister and invited her to come over so that the teens could sort out the issue. Mc Allister reportedly agreed. She said that when the girl arrived, she had just finished preparing lunch and was about to serve McAllister, who was a frequent visitor. “He saw her sitting in the chair and said nothing to she, like if she wasn’t there and then he went outside and come through the back door,” Allen said. The woman added that her son entered the living room and began to beat his girlfriend with a spade. ‘I TELL SHE RUN’ “When I see he coming with the spade I tell she ‘run girl’ because I could see in he eyes that he was angry and she hold onto he hand and he push she down and beat

she in she head with the spade,” Allen said. The woman said that after the brutal assault, her son dragged Mc Allister by the hair, into the yard. He then picked up a cutlass and chopped her on the neck, rendering her immobile. He subsequently hacked the teen about the body. “I run and wake up meh daughter who been sleeping and we run out the house to a neighbour yard after he start beat she,” Allen said. Her son after repeatedly chopping the girl then exited the yard without the cutlass and waited on the road for the police to come. She said that when the ranks arrived, the assailant calmly raised his hands in the air and was placed under arrest. An elder brother of the suspect said that he was present when his sibling began to threaten his girlfriend. The brother said that he attempted to intervene when the suspect picked up a cutlass, but fled the house after receiving an angry glare from his sibling. When Kaieteur News visited the area, Mc Allister’s body was still in the yard in a clump of grass, while several residents stood nearby. Police ranks were eventually forced to cordon off the scene. According to an eyewitness, around 13:00 hrs yesterday she heard screams coming from within the house. She then saw the suspect’s mother and one of his sisters run into a neighbour’s yard. “I was on the verandah because I had just finished cleaning the house when I heard the sound of a girl

Investigators at the crime scene

screaming for help and the lady and she daughter running out the house to me neighbour yard. The boy (Mc Allister’s alleged killer) lock the door and you just hear thing breaking up in the house”, the woman said. She added that the suspect’s mother began to ask neighbours to assist the girlfriend who was trapped inside of the house. But she said that residents refused to assist because the suspect was armed. “I see he drag the girl in the yard and start chop she behind she head with the cutlass”, the woman said. Another eyewitness said that residents who came out of their houses after word got around then began to run after the young man was seen

walking up and down the street. This publication understands that the dead teenager was a former student of Cummings Lodge Secondary School. Her mother travelled to the United States of America about two weeks ago. Kaieteur News was also reliably informed that the teens started their relationship about a year ago. Meanwhile, a sister of the slain teen said that her sibling left home at around 11:00 hrs, after informing them that she was going to Diamond. The sister said that she had pleaded with her younger sibling not to go out, since their mother was overseas. At around 14:00 hrs she received a call from police ranks who said that her sister had been murdered, “but I thought was joke they making, and when we go (to

the scene) the body already gone.” Angela Mc Allister is the latest victim of a spate of recent attacks that have left one other woman and two children dead and five others wounded. Two of the suspects are still on the run. Police have since issued wanted bulletins for Richard Lord of Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo and Shawn Fordyce of ‘B’ Field, Sophia. Fordyce is wanted by the police for the attempted murder of his wife Dorothy Blackman, 42, and maliciously wounding his daughters, 12year old Donette Fordyce, 26year old Wanda Fortune and 20-year old Latoya Wilson on August 2 Lord is also wanted for the murder of his two children, Kimberley Houston, 5, and her two year- old brother Tarif Lord, on July 31. Lord also attacked his wife.

Friday August 09, 2013

Kaieteur News

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Kaieteur News

Friday August 09, 2013

Friday August 09, 2013

Kaieteur News

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AFC further defends Nigel Hughes’ Amaila links By Abena Rockcliffe Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes has indicated to the Alliance For Change (AFC) that in view of the party’s declination of his offer for resignation, he is going to “take some time out and more or less come back to them.” Hughes’ move to tender his resignation as party chairman, was prompted by an article published in this newspaper’s August 6 edition titled “Nigel Hughes is Company Secretary for Amaila Falls Hydro Inc.” And despite the AFC’s public renewal of “full confidence” in him, the prominent lawyer has opted to still take some time off the political scene. Hughes announced in a press release that he chose to resign so as to not smear the AFC’s name and drag it into a “scandal.” Yesterday, AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan jumped on the defence as he aired his views on the series of events over the last few days as it relates to the issue at hand. Ramjattan went as far as to refer to Kaieteur News as an enemy of the Amaila Falls project. The exact words he used in his referral were “the detractors.” ‘Detractors’, being the same word used in

a statement by Sithe Global two days ago as it referred to Kaieteur News. Asked if he is now against press freedom and the right to “expose,” questionable deals and projects, Ramjattan responded in the negative. He said however that he feels he has a right to an opinion and that his reference to this newspaper as a detractor is simply an expression of his opinion. Ramjattan added that he would “fight to the death” for media rights and therefore, he hopes as well that his right to an opinion is respected. “This thing about being Company Secretary for a company that largely hasn’t started doing any work is a thing we lawyers do all the time when an international company comes in,” the AFC Leader told a room filled with media operatives. He said that it incorporates, but not certain if it will get “business”, the company would generally use the lawyer’s office as the registered place of business. “They then go and plead who should we put up as a company secretary, and in very many cases you name, your legal clerk, or you do it yourself…and Nigel did indicate that he had a close association. When the

Driver charged for causing death of Chinese national Leron Griffith, 25, of 809 Festival City, North Ruimveldt, was yesterday remanded to prison and had both of his licences suspended on a charge for causing death by dangerous driving. The accused appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court. The charge states that on May 31 on Mandela Avenue, Griffith drove a car, HC2408, in a dangerous manner, ultimately causing the death of Xue Fang Feng. The defendant pleaded not guilty. While the records of the police were not disclosed in open court as investigations are still ongoing, newspaper reports revealed that Feng at the time of her death was 43 years old, a mother of two, and was a resident of Lot 195 Mandela Avenue, Georgetown. Prosecutor Vishnu Hunt objected to the defendant being granted bail considering the seriousness of the offence, the penalty it attracts and the fact that if such a condition is approved, he may not return for his trial. After advice was given by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), the prosecutor advanced his application for the defendant’s two driver’s licences to be suspended as he referred to Section 112 of the Traffic Offences Act to add credence to his submission. The prosecutor’s objection and application were upheld and statements were ordered to be filed for Griffith’s next court appearance which is expected to be on September 10 before Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry.

company would have started business, they will get someone, probably from overseas, to be the company secretary, because then it will have to be full time…it is a norm in the legal practice.” Ramjattan said it is “absolute nonsense to look over who will be our customers and clients.” AFC Vice Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo also sought to plea the case of the party to the media. He said that the AFC is a party of professionals and therefore “ought to exercise the caution necessary with regards to what we do as professionals and what we do as politicians.” He said there is a thin line between the two. The politician said that the “Nigel Hughes factor, appears to be—at first glance—a contentious issue.

“We believe that we have not exercised the amount of responsiveness we should have initially when Nigel made the disclosure to us. It was perhaps his relationship with this client that didn’t require of us to do anything about his profession. But as political operatives we ought to have been able to bring this to the public.” Nagamootoo said that as Vice Chairman of the AFC he can say that what happened, and how it happened, was never the intention of the AFC. He sought to reassure however that neither Nigel nor Cathy Hughes has ever sought to inject themselves into discussions about the companies to which they have an affiliation. Cathy Hughes was asked how she could wear two caps in Parliament as it relates to

the Amaila issue. She explained that she knows very well how to separate her professional life from her political responsibility. “I am an individual. I have my personal views…My personal view on abortion might be different from AFC’s public position—which they arrive at after having a series of consultations with the members of the AFC, and based on a demarcation they may come up with a position.…When I speak in my personal capacity, I speak as Cathy Hughes who for all her life, has formed her own values and standards… In parliament I reflect the view of my political party which is not just arrived at in some haphazard manner but through a specific process. I am able to make a distinction.”

Hughes also took a jab at Kaieteur News as she accused the publication of falsely stating that efforts were made to contact her and her husband before publishing the article. “They know how to contact me and my husband, and it is very strange that they didn’t get on to us then.” She said that her cell phone number is public information but she noticed no call from Kaieteur News. “For Kaieteur News to say that they tried to contact us is most suspicions…no number from Kaieteur News or anybody from Kaieteur News. After the press conference concluded a KN reporter’s phone was shown to Mrs. Hughes as confirmation that efforts were indeed made to contact her.

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Kaieteur News

Friday August 09, 2013


I doubt I will vote in the next general election The Parliament of Guyana passed a motion abolishing the cordons that ring Parliament when it is in session. The Guyana Government, the Speaker of the National Assembly and the Guyana Police Force continue to ignore that motion. When those in authority do not show respect for sacred institutions, then how do we expect young children and young adults to behave with manners and etiquette? Here you have a Parliament of a country that

passed a motion explicitly ordering whoever put those cordons to cease doing so. That motion was successfully piloted by Mr. Desmond Trotman of the WPA and APNU in the first quarter of 2012. Since that time, all the Parliamentarians from APNU and the AFC drive past those physical obstacles when they enter Parliament knowing full well that they voted for its removal. Not even for one moment, has any opposition Parliamentarian ever voiced any objection in the House to

the continuation of these steel mountains that envelope the National Assembly each time it is in session. Last year, during a picket exercise while the House was in progress, I approached Commander Vyphuis of the Police Force and demanded that he instruct his ranks to remove the barriers. At the very time, Opposition Leader David Granger came up. In my presence, Mr. Vyphuis told Mr. Granger that the steel mountains will remain because the Speaker of the National Assembly has accepted the police argument of security. I have written about this twice before and Mr. Raphael Trotman has not denied what Vyphuis has said. In front of several ranks in the Brickdam station, Mr. Vyphuis repeated his statement that the Speaker is the person who accepts that the barriers must remain. It would appear that all the AFC and APNU parliamentarians

have accepted that the cordons should remain. So why did they waste their time in the first place to debate the issue in the House? The problem I have with the position of the Speaker is because I don’t think it is any of his business. The Parliament approved a motion and Mr. Trotman should adhere to it. I have no information at the time of writing to inform me that the Speaker hasn’t got the authority to have the cordons remain. Let us assume that he does, why then did he not tell the opposition that it was a waste of time to have the motion because he thinks the barriers should remain out of security consideration? What security consideration is Mr. Trotman talking about? This columnist lived under the domination of the Forbes Burnham presidency and there were no steel plates put up around Parliament when it was in session. This

columnist was arrested right outside the gate of Parliament in 1989, protesting the national budget. Minutes before the police took me away they had arrested Clement Rohee, right outside the gates. Yet this same Rohee argued vociferously against the motion. Just goes to show how better and morally superior were the PNC leaders back then to the PPP’s now. The very Rohee who enjoyed Burnham’s tolerance of demonstrators outside Parliament wants to keep them far away whenever the House is in debate. Just goes to show what happens when politicians get power. On Wednesday afternoon I was in the picket line and I saw a beautiful thing. The protestors from City Hall who were picketing the acting Town Clerk, Ms. Carol Sooba, moved onto Parliament and just ignored the barriers of Raphael Trotman and the police, and proceeded right outside Parliament on Brickdam. It was an act of defiance that was long overdue. I joined them along with Leonard Craig of the

Frederick Kissoon People’s Parliament and John Green, special assistant to the Mayor. The police watched, listened and remained motionless. Mr. Granger came out during the recess and spoke to them. So did Basil Williams. But these two leaders did not tell the protestors that the barriers should be removed because Parliament voted for that action. I can’t say if Williams said that, because when he spoke to them, I was a few yards away. But I was in the thick of things when Mr. Granger addressed them and I don’t think the barrier issue was brought up by him. It must be disheartening for the people who voted for the opposition to see them behave like this. They are contemptuous of their own motion. I can understand Raphael Trotman. His political career is over, so he won’t be begging you for your vote in the future. As for me, I seriously doubt I can vote for politicians who don’t take themselves seriously.

Dem boys seh...

De people seeing dem money going down de drain Everybody know that dem can cuss wid a man but don’t cuss he family. Wuss yet, don’t cuss he wife and he children. De whole country talk bout Amaila and de opposition talk wid one voice how it expensive. Prakash seh that it was not something that de Guyanese people should embrace because it was a rip off. Well that change from de time de Waterfalls paper tell de world that Nigel in the thick of things of de Amaila project. De Waterfalls paper attack family and de AFC respond. Now de nation know that it mustn’t listen to dem politicians when dem seh one thing. Once people trouble dem is another story. Nuff people sad because dem see dem money going down de drain but nobody ain’t got de courage to ask how much dem paying Nigel. And another thing. Dem boys notice that de government ain’t seh nutten bout de Public Procurement Commission which Prakash did tie to every vote. That is wheh people seh that people shouldn’t trouble a man family, he wife or he pickney. Anyhow that is one story done. De next thing is fuh vote fuh de budget cuts to be put back. De government smart. It ketch a fish and now it gun feast. Not that that is a bad thing. And while all that going on dem man killing woman and like nobody can stop dem. Is a sad day. Guyana now behaving like de poor backwater country it is. Cutlass and no reasoning. And de victims is women and children. People in dem other country want to know wha going on. Is de pressure. Dem ain’t giving money and de women got to talk. De police gun have to ban cutlass now. One time gun was de thing but that is fuh li’l boy like de one who shoot de woman by de funeral parlour. He had a plan fuh she rest right deh. Talk half and sorry fuh dem women.

Friday August 09, 2013

Kaieteur News

“Hydro Bill support was a patriotic move” By Latoya Giles Leader of the Alliance for Change Khemraj Ramjattan yesterday at the party’s weekly press briefing sought to explain why his party gave its support to Government for the passage of the HydroElectric Power (Amendment) Bill, for the Amaila Falls Project. According to Ramjattan, the reason why they supported the motion that “brought back the Hydro Electric Bill” and the motion to raise the debt ceiling guarantee from $1B initially to $50B was because the party felt the need to give a lifeline to the project. He stressed that the AFC was always supportive of hydro electricity in Guyana. Ramjattan said that he is fully aware that the deal has lots of questions surrounding it, along with legitimate concerns, and they are still waiting on the Inter-American Development Bank for the due diligence report to give it the green light. He said that after they receive the reports and recommendations therein from the IDB, they would be in a better position to know whether the AFC will go further. The party leader said that at this stage the AFC believes that the “entire project would

- AFC Leader

AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan have been killed” if they didn’t do what they did in parliament on Wednesday night. According to Ramjattan, they did it for the short term, namely, in supporting the upping of the debt ceiling guarantee from $1B to $50B instead of the reconfigured US$130B that the government was seeking. The AFC’s support of the bill, he said, was further fueled by the fact that the $50 billion will be linked entirely with the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) - in case of a shortfall in payments for the project. The other proviso, he explained, was that within three months they can go back to see whether that is the proper sum or not, or if the IDB says that the green light

for the project is given, there might be the need for the upping of the guarantee to ensure security for the project. “Most likely we will be in a position to say if we will up it and by how much.” “I see the position of our party as being patriotic. We have seen detractors and persons who are experts… some validly so, be very critical towards the project and we respect their opinions. We took consideration of them all about the issue on whether we support or not support.” Moreover, when questioned about the technical deal with respect to why they shifted their position, Ramjattan explained that although they had supported the project, the problem was getting information on the deal. He said when the party executives met with the IDB officials it was indicated that they were going to get all the information from the sponsors of the project. He said that they could not have gotten the information and that’s why they were “piggy backing” on the IDB. Ramjattan said that after the IDB officials indicated (Continued on page 12)

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EU decries unequal treatment of world’s indigenous peoples As the world celebrates International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples today, the European Union (EU) condemns the continued discrimination against and unequal treatment of indigenous peoples around the world. This is according to a press statement issued by European Union (EU) Delegation to Guyana yesterday. According to the EU, it celebrates Indigenous peoples’ rich cultural heritage, and pays tribute to the enormous contribution their traditions and knowledge have made to the world’s cultural heritage. The bloc has always been a staunch supporter of the 2007 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Declaration is a key tool for promoting human rights, but the challenge remains in putting it into practice.

As such, in light of the discrimination, the EU pays tribute to defenders of indigenous peoples’ rights, who in many countries are exposed to particular risks and acute repression, as shown by numerous international reports, including reports by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders. “The EU seeks to integrate human rights into all aspects of its external policies. The EU raises the rights of indigenous peoples wherever relevant in its political dialogues with third countries and regional organisations, and at multilateral forums such as the United Nations. It also gives financial support to civil society projects, to indigenous peoples’ delegates at UN bodies and relevant activities of the ILO (International Labour Organization),” the release stated. According to the

statement, this year, the EU has launched a call for proposals under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) with the aim of promoting rights of indigenous peoples. It is also committed to review and further develop its policy in the run-up to the 2014 World Conference on Indigenous Peoples. It was noted that the EIDHR call has also been launched locally in Guyana and advertisements have been published requesting interested civil society parties to submit proposals by October 21, 2013. The EU Delegation in Guyana will host an information session of the guidelines for applications next Thursday, August 15, 2013, from 10:00 am at 11 Sendall Place Stabroek, Georgetown. According to the release, (Continued on page 12)

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Fly Jamaica, CAL applications in U.S. limbo Almost three months after pulling out from Guyana, one of the biggest airlines in the United States is reportedly claiming that unfair operations of Caribbean Airlines Limited (CAL) are among the main reasons for its withdrawal. The disclosures are part of the claims made by the US airline industry and the largest pilots’ union, on behalf of Delta and other carriers, in filings to block planned flights by two regional operators on the Georgetown/New York route. According to papers filed by Airlines for America (A4A) and the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), the two carriers — Caribbean Airlines and Fly Jamaica — are not entitled to serve a route between the U.S. and Guyana because they are based in

A mini health check is the first step to donating blood

…Delta reveals fuel subsidies, excess tax caused pullout third countries — Trinidad & Tobago and Jamaica, respectively. Initially, Delta had claimed that the route was unprofitable, a statement that was disputed by the Government. The Georgetown/New York route is the busiest from Guyana. Last year, two low-cost airline- Redjet and EZjet folded- leaving only CAL and Delta to ply that route. In February, Delta announced that it was pulling out in May, leaving only the Trinidadowned CAL. This was after almost five years in Guyana. The announcement had taken Guyana by surprise. The Government, to entice CAL to keep its fares down, has granted the airline flag-carrier status which would have allowed it to fly directly between Guyana and the US. Fly Jamaica, partly owned by Guyanese pilot Ronald Reece, and based in Jamaica, has also applied to the US to

fly the route. The applications are being considered by the US Department of Transportation (DOT). According to a Travel Weekly report, at issue is a pending application by CAL to drop the unprofitable short segment of its TrinidadGeorgetown-New York route and operate strictly between the U.S. and Guyana. Airlines for America said in a legal pleading that the two applications raise “serious and troubling issues for consumers” and for the industry, which traditionally takes a bilateral approach to international routes. That means the traffic right between Country A and Country B is generally reserved for the airlines of those countries rather than carriers from third countries. Airlines for America said Caribbean Airlines’ thirdcountry operations are responsible for “forcing the cancellation” of Delta’s

Guyana service and added that so-called “doing business issues” such as fuel subsidies from Trinidad & Tobago and “excessive taxes” in some countries make it difficult for U.S. carriers to compete. In such an environment, A4A said the Transportation Department should be working on “clearing away” these impediments rather than granting special favours to the region’s carriers. In the same vein, ALPA said neither of the Caribbean carriers “can point to any compelling U.S. public interest that would be served” by their proposed operations, especially since “a U.S. carrier has just surrendered its service in the market.” Guyana would be badly affected if the DOT refused to allow CAL and Fly Jamaica to operate the route. Currently, with the presence of only CAL, there have been concerns with passengers complaining about high air fares out of the country. Government officials are set to meet with CAL’s executives today.

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“Hydro Bill support... (From page 11) that they were going get the information and do the proper analyses, “it in a sense showed their position, to the extent that they did give support for the project. He said the fact that the IDB stated that it would do the due diligence, which was in three areas: whether GPL has the capacity to handle the administering and management of the large amount of electricity after Amaila is completed; whether there is economical viability of the project, that is, if Guyana’s economy can sustain it to become viable for the tariffs not to increase, and lastly, the environmental feasibility. Ramjattan said that at this point the AFC is on somewhat of a “conditional support”. “Once the IDB supports it with the expertise and experience it was going to get our green light and we did not want to kill it before it reaches the IDB by blocking the bill and not giving some guarantee to the investors.”

EU decries unequal... (From page 11) Head of Delegation of the EU in Guyana, Ambassador Robert Kopecký calls on eligible civil society partners to grab the opportunity under this latest EIDHR call for proposals, remarking that, ‘’it is an excellent way to build capacity in promoting democracy and human rights.’’ He outlined that the objectives are to pursue common agendas for human rights and democratic reform; build towards consensus on disputed or controversial areas of policy; enhance political representation and participation; enhance the inclusiveness and pluralism of civil society and support activities aimed at promoting the issues covered by EU guidelines on Human Rights. He also hails the unique existence of the Amerindian Act and is ready to complement governmental, civil societies, Guyanese businesses and the very Indigenous groups’ efforts regarding its implementation.

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Employment for Amaila project…

APNU, AFC express concern for locals By Abena Rockcliffe Though A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) now essentially have differing opinions and positions on the Amaila Falls hydro power project, it seems, so far, as if both parties are still on the same page as it relates to securing employment for Guyanese during the construction phase and life of the project. During the last stakeholders’ forum on the Amaila Falls project, it was revealed that the language used in the contract between Sithe Global and China Railway was to “secure” employment for Guyanese during the construction of the hydro plant. China Railway First Group has been contracted by Sithe Global to construct the facility. The Chinese construction company is currently undertaking section ‘seven’ of the Amaila Falls Access Road and has not employed any Guyanese on that venture. The company has further stated that it will not be employing any Guyanese as it proceeds with that section of the access road. However, president of Sithe Global, Brian Kubeck, indicated during the stakeholders’ forum that the construction site will attract just about 1,500 persons, of whom between 15 to 20 percent of will be Guyanese. This however, is being provided for, using “very discretionary language” as

AFC executive member, Dominic Gaskin was presented by Sithe Global. Kubeck said that the Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract with China Railway ensures that the conditions are made so that Guyanese workers will have work “opportunities.” Some of the phrases used to “secure” jobs for Guyanese include phrases such as, “reasonable efforts”, “where possible”, “asneeded”, “reasonable provisions” and the word “adequate.” According to Kubeck, Guyanese will be accommodated at the site at the same standard with foreigners and Sithe Global has an overtime “obligation” to train Guyanese for the senior positions. APNU’s Shadow Minister of Legal Affairs and Labour, Basil Williams, told Kaieteur News that employment for Guyanese is always a priority of APNU. He said that if the

Amaila Falls project is to go through, Guyanese must be first priority in every way; including employment. Williams saw it fit to refer to “PNC time (as government) when ‘Guyanization clauses’ were used”. He explained that a ‘Guyanization Clause’ is one used in contracts with foreign investors, companies/ contractors to ensure that Guyanese will be employed and that the system be so designed that Guyanese can “take over in full.” The lawyer detailed, “We had that in place so that even if half of the workers on the project construction were Guyanese, after some time, Guyanese would have been able to take over. We had those clauses back then and I would recommend that they be used now, because Guyanese should all time be first priority.” Williams also told Kaieteur News that discretionary language is not advisable in contracts since they aren’t really enforceable in a court of law. Similarly, yesterday at an AFC press conference, the party’s treasurer, Dominic Gaskin, said that the AFC is “very concerned” about the discretionary language used in the contract between Sithe Global and China Railway. He emphasized that discretionary language can’t be relied on to secure employment for Guyanese labourers. Gaskin added that the AFC hadn’t as yet gotten a chance to review and discuss the Engineering Procurement

and Construction contract, but said that the party would advocate that the language be tightened. Sithe Global’s presentation to stakeholders at the forum had under the heading “Guyana Goods, Services and Labour,” the following bulleted points. “The Engineering Procurement and Construction contract requires China Railway to undertake the following: –Use reasonable efforts to use materials produced in Guyana by Guyanese citizens, and services provided by Guyanese citizens. –Use reasonable efforts to hire individuals who are Guyanese citizens and resident in Guyana –Actively recruit local, qualified citizens of Guyana where possible to work at the AHP site –Advertise upcoming hiring needs by skill category

on an as-needed basis in Georgetown, Linden, and the Amerindian villages. –Provide adequate contractor supervisors capable of speaking fluent English to avoid discrimination against Guyanese employees. –Provide housing in the labour camp for Guyanese employees that are equivalent to that provided to employees from the contractor’s country. –Make reasonable provisions for Guyanese workers. Eminent forestry expert, Dr Janette Bulkan, who was also present at the stakeholders’ forum, is among those who have pointed to the language used. She had highlighted that this kind of discretionary language does not match Guyana’s Investment Code of 1988. The Marriott Hotel, which

APNU’s Basil Williams is currently under construction, has seen no Guyanese labour being used, with the lone exception at one time being a security guard. Various officials, in defending the exclusive use of Chinese labour on the project, spoke to the unavailability of Guyanese skills.

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Since December 2011, Government has paid almost $70M to Television Guyana (TVG) for the airing of educational programmes on the state-owned Guyana Learning Channel (GLC). Answering questions on the start-up of that channel which was controversially placed under the control of TVG, Education Minister Priya Manickchand disclosed that several critical pieces of equipment including antennas and dishes were purchased from that outfit. TVG was paid almost $7M to provide 17 antennas, 20 dishes, 17 receivers and 16 dish stands and to install these for GLC. Minister Manickchand made the disclosures in answer to questions posed by Member of Parliament, Cathy Hughes, of the Alliance For Change (AFC). TVG is owned by a Dr. Ranjisinghi Ramroop, a close friend of former President Bharrat Jagdeo. According to the Minister, TVG was at the time of the procurement of the service, and remains now, the only supplier of the service which allows communities all across this country to be able to benefit from the programmes on the Learning Channel. Manickchand, pointing out that the questions were answered earlier this year during a press conference, said that TVG’s service was procured using the method of single source procurement. The contract between

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Education Minister, Priya Manickchand GLC and TVG is for five years. “Currently, GLC has six full-time, six part-time and two temporary personnel employed with studio teachers and scriptwriters contracted as needed. The Learning Channel hires the best skill available for the best price available. Decisions to hire are not based upon any other consideration such as ethnicity, community from which persons have emanated, gender, social background, class etc etc. and it is hoped that the basis for this question was not for purposes of profiling any of the persons employed by that entity. The persons presently employed are from Georgetown, New Amsterdam, Orealla and Kwakwani,” Manickchand said in her answers. GLC’s satellite receivers/ dishes are located in Georgetown, New

Amsterdam, Benab, Orealla, Kwakwani, Linden, Lethem, Annai, Aishalton, Mahdia, Port Kaituma, Mabaruma, Bartica, Morakaibai, Anna Regina, Karasabai, and Ituni. According to the Minister, GLC utilises 17 antennas located in Georgetown (2), New Amsterdam, Benab, Orealla, Kwakwani, Linden, Lethem, Annai, Aishalton, Mandia, Port Kaituma, Mabaruma, Bartica, Anna Regina, Karasabai and Ituni. GLC also utilises the GT&T tower at Benab and one of Digicel’s at Mora Point. Earlier this year, Dr. Seeta Shah Roath, head of the Multi-Media Unit and the GLC, said that the latter is a non-commercial, apolitical educational television

broadcast network, focused on education, since it started up on April 2011. She said that research found that TVG was the cheapest alternative of transmitting the programmes of GLC, using what is known as satellite uplink teleport. In fact, she said, except for CANA and SportsMax of Jamaica, there was no other entity capable of up-linking video signals to satellites in the whole of the Caribbean; even the Ministry of Education in Trinidad has requested coming down to Guyana and examining the facilities so that they can do similar. TVG, she insisted, had the technical expertise, the finances, and the design. They were already deploying equipment and setting up.

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AFC MP, Cathy Hughes She also said that the state’s National Communications Network had neither the experience nor ability to deploy a satellite-based solution at that point in time.

The final agreement with TVG, which was concluded in 2010, requires TVG to provide GLC with a guaranteed satellite transport network service which included satellite uplink, adequate satellite bandwidth, 24 hours monitoring, full system redundancy and guaranteed power and reception. For the Learning Channel to have set up a similar service for up-linking video signals to a satellite, it would have required an equipment capital outlay of US$150,000 plus monthly recurring costs of over G$4M in bandwidth rental and associated services, plus infrastructure. GLC, throughout the country is transmitted on different channels. In the c i t y, G L C i s f o u n d o n Channel 80.

Anti-money laundering legislation...

Joint Opposition stifling Guyana - Dr. Luncheon The joint Opposition in the National Assembly has essentially stifled Guyana for the non-passage of Antimoney Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Act. This is according to Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon who used words like “death” and “disaster” to describe the consequence of Guyana missing the deadline for the passage of the amended Act. Dr. Luncheon has placed

the blame solely on the Parliamentary Opposition Parties, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance For Change (AFC), for Guyana not meeting the August 26 deadline set by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) for the passage of the amended Act. With the National Assembly going into recess on August 10 and expected to resume in October, discussions on this legislation are now at a

standstill in the Special Select Committee. But, while CFATF has confirmed that the deadline for the submission of relevant documentation including the amended Act is indeed August 26, the Opposition Parties refuse to believe and are maintaining the deadline is November, as earlier mentioned by a government minister. According to Dr. Luncheon, “one shudders to think what the consequences

would be for Guyana missing the deadline. We know who would be responsible for unveiling this disaster on Guyana and Guyanese,” he said. Addressing media operatives at his postCabinet press briefing, the government spokesperson said Cabinet members shared their concerns about the disaster Parliament has become with regards to the national development thrust (Continued on page 16)

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GTU not opposed to “removing” Corporal Punishment ...but insists on replacement measure Although the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) is not opposed to the removal of Corporal Punishment from the local school system, it is however insisting that a decision to ultimately halt the practice would require a “tried and proven” replacement. This disclosure was made by President of the Union, Mr Colin Bynoe, during an interview with this publication. According to him, “the GTU’s position is that we are not against removing it...but you’d better put in place measures to protect our teachers from the types of abuse children will want to mete out to them.” Alluding to the situation of violence in the school system, Bynoe revealed that efforts have been made to discuss this challenge not only at the level of the Ministry of Education but even with Head of State, President Donald Ramotar. “He (The President) had even said that he feels that the penalty for the offenders should be a bit more severe, even to the level of a jail sentence for a criminal offence,” Bynoe reflected. This measure is crucial, the GTU President said, since it is expected that if teachers abuse children they are severely punished. Similarly, he noted, those who seek to abuse teachers should be severely punished. “Teachers are the ones who make all other professionals possible and if you can’t respect that individual, how much more can you learn without a teacher in the future?” questioned Bynoe. He underscored that while it is possible for persons to be exposed to information technology, without the input of qualified teachers to work with them, they will not be able to absorb the ‘nitty gritty’ of the available technology. Turning his attention back to the issue of Corporal

GTU President, Colin Bynoe Punishment, Bynoe lauded the move by Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, to engage stakeholders at a national level. And according to him, the GTU was fortunate to participate in several of these fora which revealed that more than 90 per cent of the population are convinced that Corporal Punishment should remain in the school system. However, this does not change the fact that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) continues to call for the abolition of Corporal Punishment on an international scale. According to the CRC, Corporal Punishment is “any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light. Most involve hitting (“smacking”,

“slapping”, “spanking”) children, with the hand or with an implement – whip, stick, belt, shoe, wooden spoon, etc. But it can also involve, for example, kicking, shaking or throwing children, scratching, pinching, biting, pulling hair or boxing ears, forcing children to stay in uncomfortable positions, burning, scalding or forced ingestion (for example, washing children’s mouths out with soap or forcing them to swallow hot spices). In the view of the Committee, corporal punishment is invariably degrading. In addition, there are other non-physical forms of punishment which are also cruel and degrading and thus incompatible with the Convention. These include, for example, punishment which belittles, humiliates, denigrates, scapegoats, threatens, scares or ridicules the child.” Bynoe states however, “Guyana has got a particular culture, but we have got to be wary of how we adapt policies that other people are doing.” He observed though that “the Minister was smart enough to do what she did in terms of having national consultations, and she has gotten the data in order to know how to move forward and that is crucial.” Even as the issue of Corporal Punishment remains in suspension mode in the National Assembly, the Ministry of Education has remained steadfast in

embracing the practice in the school system. In fact, Minister Manickchand, at a recent press conference, said that “the Ministry’s policy on Corporal Punishment hasn’t changed...it is allowed in school.” She asserted that the use of Corporal Punishment in the school system is governed by regulated written policies that are in place. According to her, “we have specific cases when Corporal Punishment could be inflicted, specific instruments that can be used and who should administer those blows.” The issue of Corporal Punishment has over the past few years spurred much discussions and emotions, which was especially emphasised in 2009 when a Berbice teacher was accused of breaching the Ministry’s rules detailed in a document entitled ‘Maintenance of Order and Discipline in Schools/Alternative Forms of Punishment.’ The document categorically states, inter alia, that only a head-teacher can administer corporal

punishment to students, or identify a senior teacher to so administer same in his or her presence. But according to the Minister, the Ministry is ready and willing to be guided by the decision of Parliament on the matter. She disclosed that although the National Assembly, at a Tripartite Level, is looking at Corporal Punishment, generally there is specific attention being paid to the issue as it relates to the school system. “This therefore means that all of the parliamentary parties are tasked with sitting around the table deciding what is best for Guyana as we go forward,” said Manickchand. Additionally, she said that comments and views of individual members of the public and/or organisations are encouraged to help chart the way forward. According to Chief Education Officer (CEO), Olato Sam, the input of teachers is very important to the process. “Teachers’ opinions, thoughts and ideas have

been factored-in in many of our decisions, but specifically in this one they play a key role,” he asserted, even as he alluded to his conviction that “...the compromise position we struck a number of years ago had to do with the wide array of feelings and opinions on this (Corporal Punishment).” “I think people need to appreciate that we can’t just look at this on one level, but my position has always been that this is a national issue, not just a school issue,” said Sam. He explained that since such decisions will have implications for how children will be treated in the general society, it is imperative that the attitude about corporal punishment take into consideration parents’ views and emotions as well. Sam disclosed that several consultations on the issue have in fact produced varied opinions, even as he emphasised the importance of collaboration not only with teachers and parents, but the Parliament as well as international partners.

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Friday August 09, 2013

Health Ministry launches eight-year HIV Strategic Plan - embraces transition to full Govt. funding Designed to place Guyana on a trajectory to eliminate the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the Ministry of Health through its HIVision 2020 National HIV Strategic Plan (2013-2020) is paving the way to ensure that Guyana owns its fight against the epidemic. Moreover, the aim of the Strategic Plan is to highlight that through a fully funded HIV response coupled with country ownership, and shared responsibility along with experience, lessons learnt and innovation, could help to pave the way to make effective programme decisions. The Report, which was officially launched yesterday before a gathering of health officials at the Grand Coastal Inn, East Coast Demerara, also speaks to th e importance of investing resources wisely to obtain optimal results in the fight against HIV for the entire population. Minister of Health Dr Bheri Ramsaran, in brief remarks, pointed out that the document, which has

been in the making for a number of years, comes at an interesting time when Guyana, like a number of other countries, is being required to transition to a mode of selfsupport. He disclosed that preparations are already underway to accommodate the costing of the existing HIV programme into the national budget which embraces the timely document’s call for ownership of the HIV fight. “We have been hearing for a long time that it is coming; that we need to take ownership and that the forces in Guyana needed to take up more and m o re of the burden, especially since the acute nature of the epidemic has changed, whereby it is now a chronic situation,” Dr Ramsaran said. But realising ownership, according to the Minister, could prove to be a financial challenge, since with the transformation of the disease, it is expected that more patients will be living much longer. This potential

challenge has however been detailed in the National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS)-authored Strategic Plan. And according to Dr Ramsaran, “I am happy that this has been, at the early stages, recognised...We have a good plan, but we have to see how we can make it sustainable...” According to Programme Manager of NAPS, Dr Shanti Singh, the development of the Strategic Plan was guided by a Steering Committee which was convened under the leadership of Minister Ramsaran and saw representation from a wide cross-section. This included members from the Governmental sector, international agencies and civil society. Dr Singh disclosed that the process entailed the end of term review of the previous National Strategic Plan of 2007-2011 as well as other key documents including the Guyana Poverty Reduction Strategic Plan, the National Development Strategy of Guyana, the UNAIDS Getting to Zero Strategic Plan, the

WHO HIV Strategic Plan, the UNESCO Strategic Plan and the Caribbean Regional Strategic Framework on HIV/ AIDS. “We had some key informant interviews that looked at the progress we made in the previous Strategic Plan that also assisted us in defining the priorities for the HIVision 2020,” Dr Singh disclosed. Added to this, there were several focus group sessions that were conducted among Persons Living With HIV, Men Who have Sex with Men, and Female Commercial Sex Workers. Further there was work conducted by established technical working groups, for each of the five priority areas – Coordination; Prevention; Care, Treatment and Support; Integration; and Strategic Information – that have been defined in the new Strategic Plan. Also, four national consultations paved the way for the final draft and the subsequent crafting of the Report, which according to Dr Singh, seeks to address

The HIVision 2020 National HIV Strategic Plan the issues and challenges of the HIV epidemic in Guyana. Moreover, it takes into consideration the priorities for

national development with specific focus on the prevention and control of the disease, Dr Singh stated.

Joint Opposition stifling... (From page 14) of the PPP/C Administration. “Cabinet contends that it is evident that the Opposition relishes its shortsightedness of addressing issues of profound national interest. To come back in October 2013 is the death that the opposition APNU/AFC alliance can offer this nation with regard to the deadline thrust upon us by the CFATF in responding to our treaty obligation in Antimoney Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism,” he said.

He stressed that the selection of October is a dastardly act clearly intended to leave Guyana at the clutches of CFATF. “As we fail to meet even in the presence of advance notice and the opportunity being provided even in the presence of those two facts, with the time to address CFATF concerns and be on the right side of our treaty obligation, the consequence makes one shudder to think what would be the outcome at the deadline.”

“The persons responsible for the non-passage of this legislation consider themselves as alternatives to Government? How on earth could we have thought or even believed they ultimately would come to a decision like this? They basically said screw Guyana we don’t care, when October comes whatever has to happen will happen!” he emphasized. Dr. Luncheon said there will be many apologists who would seek to defend their course of action.

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Victims living in fear as Sophia hacker remains on the loose Sensing that the net is quickly closing in around him, Shawn Fordyce, the perpetrator of a brutal cutlass attack in Sophia that almost killed his wife and her three daughters is said to be getting desperate to finish the job he started last Thursday. Kaieteur News understands that Fordyce has been issuing threats that have left his victims extremely fearful for their lives. Attorney-at-law Wanda Fortune was among four persons injured after Fordyce, her stepfather, went berserk and chopped her two sisters Latoya Wilson and Donette Fordyce and mother Dorothy Blackman-Fordyce, at around 9:00pm last Thursday in Sophia. Fortune, 26, was discharged from the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) on Friday last. She sustained three lacerations to her back and another to her head. Her mother, who suffered the brunt of the attack, is now listed in a stable condition and is able to move around a bit in hospital. The two other victims, 20year-old Latoya Wilson, who was chopped once to her neck, and 12-year-old Donette Fordyce, whose hands were wounded when she barred the cutlass blows intended for her neck, have both been discharged. However, none of the victims has returned to the Sophia home, fearing that the would-be killer would return to finish them off. “We can’t really rest easy,” Fortune told this newspaper yesterday. She said that after the attack Fordyce, an ex-policeman, contacted one of her mother’s friends and expressed surprise that they were still alive.

- police issue wanted bulletin

Wanted! Shawn Fordyce

Attorney-at-law Wanda Fortune

He even went to the hospital, claiming to be someone else and requested to see his victims, apparently with the intention of completing his evil task there. According to Fortune, the family received reports that Fordyce, who hails from the West Coast Berbice, was spotted in that district the night after the attack. She said that when she contacted police in that area, she was advised to report the sighting to the Turkeyen Police Station so that the message could be relayed to Berbice for the police there to take action. She was also informed that he was seen by her sister’s residence on Durban Street, where he was all day. “When I called Brickdam, the police there said that they only had eight ranks and it would require about 15 ranks to go after him,” Fortune told this newspaper.

She believes that had it not been for the possible intervention of Education Minister Priya Manickchand, who is also an attorney at law, sustained police action might not have been taken. “Minister Manickchand has really been of great assistance…because now the police appear to be moving,” Fortune declared. Fortune strongly believes that her stepfather is being assisted by his relatives to avoid capture. “It seems as though his family is in contact with him,” she said. She listed some other addresses where the suspect could be frequenting as he remains on the prowl. “He has connections in Paradise, West Coast Berbice; Guyhoc Park; Sophia, both B and D Field; D’Urban Street and Middle Road, La Penitence,” Fortune disclosed. She said that as long as Fordyce remains on

the run, their lives will always be in danger. “If you noticed, all the chops were intended for our necks. Thankfully some of us managed to bar them,” she stated. The police have issued a bulletin for Fordyce who they say is wanted for questioning in relation to attempted murder. Fordyce is described as dark in complexion and medium built. His last known addresses are Lot 132 ‘D’ Field Sophia, East Coast Demerara and Paradise Village, West Coast Berbice.

Dorothy Blackman-Fordyce is still recovering in hospital. “The police are appealing to anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of Shawn Fordyce to contact them on telephone numbers

225-6411, 226-6978, 229-2569, 229-2702, 229-2557, 911 or the nearest police station. All information will be treated with strict confidence.”

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R.Promotional KELLY


Tickets Sold Out within One Hour!

Crowded streets, long lines and busy stores! Something big is happening. R&B Legend R. Kelly is headed to Guyana and persons countrywide are not wasting their opportunity to get their tickets to this event at discounted prices. Early bird general tickets which are originally priced at $5,000 have hit selected locations at the reduced price of $3,500 and were gone like hot cakes, or as one lucky buyer said, “it was like Visa giving away”. These tickets were sold at locations countrywide including Ashmin's Trading, Gizmos and Gadgets, Nigel's Supermarket, Gilgeous Pawnshop Parika, Digicel Linden, Digicel Bartica, Anil's Cell Phone Shop Anna Regina

Friday August 09, 2013

Kaieteur News

and Little Rock Berbice. This offer was made available for one day only, Wednesday August 07 and by 9:30am all tickets were sold out! The excitement has certainly heightened in recent days about the most anticipated string of events of the year and more so the International Super Concert. Apart from headlining act R. Kelly, Jamaican artist Christopher Martin, Trinidad's KI and the JMC 3Veni, Guyana's very own Timeka Marshall, Jumo Primo, Mingles Sound System and the Heat Wave Band will be performing live on the evening of August 24, 2013. This event will be hosted at the Guyana National Stadium.

Brazil's biggest superstar Pepe Moreno will be performing live at the National Park on August 17 when Hits and Jams Entertainment hosts the very first Brazilian Super Concert on the Jamzone Summer Break calendar. This will be Moreno's second performance in Guyana and has since skyrocketed on charts in Brazil and around the region. This artiste is known to have had numerous sold out concerts and an enormous fan base, a large portion of that right here in Guyana. Performing along with Moreno will be his band and accompanying dancers who are well known for their exotic and high energy routines. Also, two other Brazilian bands will be entertaining on the evening of August 17. This event, however, will be more than a super concert, but a Brazilian affair where many different cuisines and arts and craft will be on sale for patrons to

headed to JAMZONE Summer Break 2013!

indulge and enjoy. General tickets for this event cost $2,000 while VIP tickets cost $6,000. Moreno has been dubbed the Michael Jackson of Brazil and has performed before 60,000 to 70,000 persons all over the world including United States of America and Europe.

at Electronic City!

On Friday August 09, all roads will lead to Electronic City's Sheriff Street location where tickets to the Jamzone Regional Night Super Concert will be sold at 50% off. These tickets, which allow patrons to gain access to the general admission area, are originally priced at $3,000 but for just one day, will be sold at the unbelievable price of $1,500. This will be happening from 15:00 hours sharp to 18:00 hours. Also happening at Fantastic Friday, the Bikers, who will be performing

magnificent flips and flicks at the Port Mourant Ground, Berbice Sunday August 11, will be present for photo opportunities. Persons who are present to benefit from this incredible offer will also be previewed to the Bikers Fest as the stuntmen will briefly take the bikes to the streets. On Wednesday last, general tickets for the International Super Concert were sold at selected locations at the amazing price of $3,500 and within just one hour, all tickets were sold out! This too is not one to be missed.

A Night of Jazz, Food and Fashion Kids Zone turns three this year

Hits and Jams Entertainment will be once again taking patrons on a journey of soothing jazz, delicious food and exquisite fashion all of which will be presented by local groups at the Promenade Gardens during this year's Jamzone Summer Break celebrations. On August 23, Guyanese will be treated to this beautiful affair which remains unique in Guyana's culture. It is that one time of the year when ladies and gentlemen can come out dressed with refinement and elegance to enjoy a relaxing evening of fine entertainment. Young, refreshing local bands will provide live entertainment in a calm, tranquil atmosphere. Also, spoken word poets will deliver their own creative art in this form at this event. While enjoying the very best of Guyana's poetic minds, patrons can indulge in delicious cuisine which will be on sale.

As the night unwinds, designers of the local fashion industry will share in the opportunity to display some of their most imaginative pieces out of their latest collections. When all of these amazing art forms fuse together under the stars at the Promenade Gardens, Hits and Jams Entertainment calls it 'A night of Jazz, Food and Fashion.’

Kids Zone is back this year for Jamzone Summer Break 2013 and will be bigger than ever with tons of games and activities in store for kids of all ages and entertainment for adults as well. Spongebob, Dora, Diego and lots of other great friends will be there to play with and for photo opportunities. There will be loads of other forms of entertainment such as face painting, bouncy castles, merry-go-round, go carts, trampoline and numerous games with fabulous prize giveaways. The much anticipated puppet show will also be returning with your kids favourite cartoon characters! Parents can enjoy the fun-filled atmosphere; the delicious snacks and drinks that will be on sale and delight in catching up with friends while the kids get the opportunity to enjoy Jamzone

as well. This is the perfect time to bring the kids out for a good time with school out. The action goes down on August 19 at the Everest Cricket Ground. Tickets for adults cost $1,000 and children are $500 while kids under ten years old will be admitted free. Also, the event is being taken to Berbice this year with this event, as well as the big Bikers Fest which is happening on August 11.

Friday August 09, 2013

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Trishell Ross crowned in 'Miss Teen Excellence Pageant'

Of the Thirteen cultured, gifted and eyecatching teenage girls, the Ms. Trishell Ross was crowned queen of the Miss Guyana Teen Excellence (MGTE) last

Sunday at the National Cultural Centre. First runner up was Ms. Chenelle Edmond, 2nd runner up Selina Buitenman, 3rd runner up Ms. Siohbon

Agard and 4th runner up Ms. Nickesha Szala. The programme was spearheaded by Ms Mia Ritchie a remigrant from the United States. The “Ladies of Excellence” program paid attention to education for under privileged children, Aids Awareness, Teenage Pregnancy and the Advancement of Sports among other societal concerns that are plaguing the Nation. The youths were involved in a five step program that enhanced their ability to progress. The new pageant was also focused on enriching the lives of young women particularly teenagers. It is part of a guidance programme for young adults

aimed at enhancing the lives of young women with empowerment through positive mentorship. The pageant was a learning tool for teenagers, guidance was provided in skills of societal importance such as: hygiene, speech production, communication for trade and Industry, job skills and dress for success. The pageant was endorsed by the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport, as well as several sectors of the business community. The Teenagers range between ages 14 and 18. They hail from communities across Georgetown, East Bank of Demerara and West Demerara.


Hindu Dharmic Sabha to host

Naya Zamana

Tenth annual International Eid Fest Program for ACIC

Just out of it's most important period of spiritual enrichment with the conclusion of the month of Ramadan, the Muslim community of Guyana will be joined by representatives from several other countries at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex (ACIC), for the tenth consecutive year of the Annual International Eid Fest Program, held to observe the Eid-ul-Fitr Celebrations (the festival marking the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan). This year's program will continue to see attendance of representatives from Muslim organizations in Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Holland, United States of America and Canada. The event, which was first observed in 2003, is hosted by ACIC and the Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman.

The leaders of all Muslim organizations as well as the jamaats from across Guyana have been invited to be a part of this unique program which will be held on Sunday August 11, 2013 at 1.00PM or 13.00HRS at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex, West Coast Demerara Guyana. Also invited are members of Government, Members of the Opposition Parties, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, other religious and social groups and a wide cross section of persons from civil society. Special Guest for this program is veteran Muslim Scholar Maulana Dr. WAFFIE MOHAMMED from Trinidad & Tobago. He will be accompanied at the program by young Maulana Muhammad Mujahid of Pakistan. A beautiful recite of the Quran (Qari) and one of the best Qaseeda Reciters to visit Guyana, Maulana Mujahid is certain to thrill the audience with his superb renditions. A graduate of the Kanzul Iman College of Lahore, Pakistan, he is also set to release his first CD in Guyana at the program. Also coming out of Trinidad & Tobago for the program, is Bro. Imtiaz Edoo, Chief Executive Officer of Markaz al Ihsaan College. Delegations are also expected out of the twin island and from neighboring Suriname.

NAYA ZAMANA 18 – Taal Dhamaal, a new theatrical production of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, comes to the stage of the National Cultural Centre on Saturday August 24, 2013. Taal Dhamaal follows the hopes and dreams of a diverse group of dancers who have been granted highly coveted spots in a premiere dance academy. The supremely gifted dancers train with the rigour of Olympic athletes as they vie for an ultimate prize. An abandoned bride, an imperious diva, a ShahRukh fanatic and a love-struck Romeo are all part of the mix. The audience will be taken on a veritable roller coaster of emotions ranging from love and laughter and to anger, sadness and desperation. Cutting-edge choreography, riveting drama, superb music, opulent sets and stunning costumes all lend to the feel that film has come to stage. The production, which is written choreographed and directed by Dr. Vindhya Persaud, will feature a diverse musical palette reflective of 100 years of Indian cinema. The cast comprises 60 talented dancers and actors who have been working dedicatedly to present a unique show that will be remembered

for a long time after. In addition to the Sabha's Dharmic Nritya Sangh, Taal Dhamaal will feature Amit Shah who wowed the audience with his performance as Yash Kapoor in Bollywood Dreams. Amit is the creative director and choreographer for Aatma Performing Arts in the USA. A new addition to the cast is the talented Prashant Sitaram, choreographer of the Rangeela Dance Troupe of New York. Indhira Harry, Gina Arjoon, Zahrah Alli, Tonya Singh, Rishi Dubraj and Ananda Latchman play the other key roles. Taal Dhamaal comes on the heels of Naya Zamana 17 Bollywood Dreams, which received rave reviews and was sold out both times it was staged. If you have never been to a Naya Zamana, this is the perfect opportunity to treat yourself and family to the pleasure of experiencing one. Tickets for the production cost $3000, $2000 and $1500 and are available at the Dharmic Sanskritik Kendra (227-6181), National Cultural Centre, Red Mango, Bhagwan's and the Murti Shop, WCD. The production is supported by Digicel, E-Networks, Caribbean Airlines and NTN.

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Friday August 09, 2013

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One week countdown begins for

Tommy Lee,

Tommy Lee

Movado concert


Now with eight days to go for the much hype Slingerz Caribbean Summer Jam, Guyanese will be able to experience the ultimate showdown between Tommy

Lee and Movado who will be sharing the same stage at the National Stadium on 17, August, 2013. Some of the local artists include: Alabama, Jory, Lisa Punch and Slingerz family. In the street, the word is that the showdown between the international artists will be spectacular as Tommy Lee will be visiting Guyana with a ten member Sparta crew while Mavado will be having a fourteen member team that are excited to entertain. Officials for the event noted: “Both

Chow Pow Jam Com Comedy Jam i for Aracar Resort tomorrow The Chow Pow's Comedy Jam tour continues on Saturday August 10, at the Aracari Resort, Versailles West Bank Demerara. Dubbed 'LAFF N WINE” due to the inclusion of an after party, the show will cater for all ages. Yolo Entertainment's director Kirk 'Chow Pow' Jardine has expressed his gratitude to the fans who have supported the Comedy Jam over the years and has promised another of his high energy family oriented routines. The lineup of standup comedians includes Leza 'Parika Gal” Singh who has grown to be a crowd favourite in just two years of being in the standup game. Christopher Gopaul, AKA the “goodee don” will also spearhead the lineup. Gopaul is slowly becoming a household name and has seem to perfect the art of physical comedy. Another crowd favourite, Mark “chinee man “Kazim, who is the leading actor of the newly formed “RE-ACTORZ” drama group is also promising fans a night full of laughter and is advising fans to “walk with pampers. Team Re-Actorz also include Michael 'credit' Ignatius, Mark Kazim, Tashandra Innis, Nirmala Narine, Randy Critchlow, Leon Cummings and Sean Thompson. As is now customary, the Comedy Jam will feature a rising vocalist. On this occasion the reigning GT&T Bollywood queen Bibi Halima Khan, will be that feature. Bibi has not yet performed for her fans on the West Side and will be using this occasion to say thank you to all her fans that has supported her throughout the competition. With all the laugh anticipated, and the after party with the Mixx Doctor, Chow Pow's Comedy Jam “Laff N Wine” at Aracari Resort this Saturday is the place to be. Tickets are on sale at the Resort and the show gets underway at 20:00hrs.

artistes will be coming to Guyana with their band, which will add a more stage show atmosphere to the event. Each artiste has their own fans, so we plan on bringing them all together for one massive show. Just like everyone else, we at Slingerz Family don't have a clue who will be the last on stage since in our book, they are both main acts” Slingerz Entertainment officials noted “the event was created to satisfy the entertainment hunger of Guyanese both at home and those returning for the August vacation period as well as to create an avenue for those regionally

especially our friends in Suriname, Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago”. Tickets for the summer slam are for sale at all Two Brothers service stations and at other locations countrywide.

Bigger crews, bigger sound systems for CAR AND BIKE SUPER SHOW By Samuel Whyte The August Holidays are in full swing, a platitude of events is on the cards for the season. As such organisers are busy putting systems in place as they compete and strive to outdo each other for patrons and competition space. One such activity taking the cake is the final chapter of Guyana Premiere 11th annual Berbice car and bike show organisers by the Edinburgh Youth and Promotion Club, slated for August 17 at the famous Rosignol Stelling Road Tarmac West Coast Berbice. As preparation heighten for this mega event which is just over one week away the organizers have contacted two massive sound systems to join with others and be a part of the activities in what is expected to be the biggest and best car and bike show in Guyana, so far . The massive and towering Might Crown Vibes from The Corentyne and rollicking sound of Thunder Bolt out of the West Coast Berbice will join forces with the likes of the Might Stereo Sonic Super Songs from Georgetown and Hard Core among other music systems out of Berbice and Georgetown. Action time is 20:00 hrs. Participants include: Trans Pacific Auto, Wolverine, Team destroyer; Stereo Sonic Hunters, Benny Man and Crew ,Home Wrecker, Miracle optical, Raj Auto, Andre Williams, Music Extreme, Ramchan Auto, Team Big Yard, Hummer Crew, Extreme Dimension, Live wires, Team street Glow and Lakeram Crew, TeamAnil Persaud and Amar and Crew among others.

The participants from New Amsterdam, Corentyne, Skeldon, West Coast Berbice and Georgetown among other areas will compete for cash, trophies and other incentives including $US and gold jewelry. Several categories of judging will be done including for the superbikes, cars, SUVs, minibuses, tapirs, minis, including several customized vehicles among others categories. Competition is expected to be stiff since participants will be judged for sounds, lights, shiniest, most original and fully loaded, best mini and most antique vehicle among a host of other categories. According to the organising committee which is being coordinated by popular promoter Andrew France plans are running smoothly and the event promises to be spectacular with a number of surprises and new initiatives in store.

Kaieteur News

Soca Giant Shal Marshal


for Regional Night

Friday August 09, 2013

Explosive Soca artist Shal Marshall will perform live at the Regional Night of Jamzone Summer Break 2013 come August 16 at the Guyana National Stadium. Stephenson 'Shal' Marshall is one of several artists who have been booked to perform at this year's Regional Concert which has been known to attract thousands. With hits like 'Gal Farm', 'Bum Bum Ville, 'Police', '3D Far' and more recently songs that have been sending shockwaves throughout the Caribbean and other parts of the world 'Trouble', 'Wickedest Wine', 'Motorbike' and 'Wine yuh body', Marshal is sure to rock the venue! With over fifteen years experience in the entertainment industry, Marshal is known to deliver commanding

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performances as this quality is paired with his astounding vocal flair leaving fans panting for more long after he leaves the stage. This all-rounder has secured many portfolios over the years including Radio Personality, Television Host, Promoter, Master of Ceremonies and of course Soca Artist. Shal's career began as a DJ with the Jugglers Sound System where he quickly developed into one of the most prolific DJs in the industry. His passion for music and interacting with people when combined with his unique trademark voice led to him landing his own radio station. Marshal's ability to captivate his audience with high energy performance makes him a sure pick for Jamzone Summer Break 2013 Regional Concert!

added to Regional Concert Busy Signal, one of the Caribbean's biggest names in Dancehall and Reggae music has been added to the lineup for this year's Regional Night Concert, the most anticipated event on the Jamzone Summer Break roster for many. The Regional Concert, which was made an annual event four years ago, quickly developed a reputation of having the biggest and most requested artists from around the Caribbean performing the best of Soca, Chutney, Dancehall and Reggae music. Thousands turn out to the Guyana National Stadium for this event with this year being no different as the likes of Dancehall artist Konshens and now Busy Signal are booked for this concert. These two acts will be performing along with Karma the Band, Mongstar, Burning Flames as well as local acts such as Jory, Malcolm Ferreira, Lisa Punch, Lil' Million, Magnum and Super Ray.

Busy Signal, whose real name is Glendale Gordon, is a Jamaican Dancehall and Reggae artist popularly known for hit songs 'One More Night/Nightshift', 'Come Over', 'Reggae Music Again', 'Sweet Love', 'Tic Toc', 'Da Style Deh', 'Step Out', 'These are the Days' and more recently, a song that has been consuming every music channel, 'Bedroom Bully'. This artist has gained much respect over the years in the music industry because of the versatility and skill he possesses. His wide fan base reflects this as Busy Signal not only reaches his female counterpart but men from all walks of life can relate to music produced by this phenomenal artist. Busy Signal has performed at Jamzone Summer Break Regional Night 2009 and the Hits and Jams team is enthusiastic about having him come on board this time around as well.

Berbice High “Berbice Uprising play” for School auditorium


everal prominent personalities are being featured in the “Berbice Uprising1763 - 2013” play, written and directed by Ras Leon Saul. The production is being staged at the Berbice High School auditorium on Friday, August 9 at 20:00 hours and Saturday, August 10 at 17:00 hours (matinee) and 20:00 hours as part of the activities culminating a successful two-week commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the 1763 Berbice slave rebellion and 175th anniversary of Emancipation. Music diva Charmaine Blackman is playing the role of “Nana” (Kofi's wife) alongside Ras Leon Saul who plays the lead role of “Kofi Badu” aka “Cuffy”. National and international boxing champion – Clive “Punisher” Atwell is playing a double role – that of Dutch overseer “Vandenburg” and field-slave “Samba”, accomplished actor Max Massiah is “Akkara” and music icon and filmmaker Bonny Alves is the associate director and musical arranger for the production. “Berbice Uprising 1763 - 2013” is an entertaining dramatic musical fusion based on the re-enactment of the decisive moment when the enslaved Africans in the Dutch slave colony of Berbice, led by Kofi Badu, take destiny into their hands and decide to

rebel…rising up at Plantations Lilienburg and Magdalenenburg in February 1763! “Berbice Uprising 1763 - 2013” begins in 2013 when a Dutch family – “Rudi van Groenewegen” (Max Massiah) and his wife “Satayana” (Jenny Langevine) along with their teenaged daughter “Yolande” (Shameeza “Jasmine” Wong), who are involved in ecotourism, visit Guyana on an exploratory trip to set up an eco-tourist resort. The group is met by “Kofi-I Badu” (Ras Orlando King) at the Museum of African Heritage in Georgetown. He is a tourist guide who shows them around and introduces the family to “Sister Roots” (Queen Nzingha) – the

Curator of the Museum, along with her Congo Nya drummers. After drinking a herbal concoction prepared by Sister Roots, and becoming affected by the throbbing music of the African drummers, Kofi-I and the tourists fall into a stupor…and meet up with their past! They experience a transcendental situation where they find themselves in a flash back of the event that decided Kofi's leadership of the uprising. When they return to the present, there are convinced of their destiny 250 years after the uprising! Other members of the 25-member cast of actors, singers, dancers and drummers include Abigail Brower who

plays “Nefetari” – the pretty and brave teenage daughter of Kofi and Nana; Ras Egerton Solomon aka “Black Prince” is playing the role of “Akkabre” a free African; Adrianus Vlugman is “Massa Barkeij” - the benevolent Dutch owner of Pln. Lilienburg; while Shameeza “Jasmine” Wong also plays “Mevrouw Vernesobre” – the cruel and inhumane owner of Pln. Magdalenenburg. Dancers are from the Kreative Arts Dance Group. Stage manager is Allison Simmons. Tickets - priced at $1000 (adults) and $500 (children), are on sale at the COFONA office in the New Amsterdam Town Hall.

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Kaieteur News

Friday August 09, 2013

34 arrested Guyana-born US army veteran arrested in ‘Iron Man’ bank robbery during police raids Florida (Orlando Sentinel) - He was no Tony Stark. The man who posed as the multibillionaire playboy’s armored alter ego, Iron Man, during a June bank robbery is finally behind bars, authorities say. And his identity is no longer a secret to Flagler County deputies. The man behind the mask was Lakhram Mahadeo, 26, of Palm Coast, officials said late Wednesday. He’s a cash-strapped Palm Coast man from South America who graduated from Flagler Palm Coast High School, served in the U.S. Army, worked in the real estate industry and loves his hometown, records show. Deputies say Mahadeo dressed up like the famous Marvel superhero, ran into a Wells Fargo Bank on Belle Terre Parkway in Flagler County and waved a gun while demanding money at about 4 p.m. June 20. He was wearing a plastic mask, tan jump suit, tan boots, gloves and a red and black backpack, a report said. At one point, the robber climbed on the counter while demanding cash. He took off

SUSPECT: Lakhram Mahadeo with $2,300. “Investigators were able to recover the handgun and clothing used in the robbery but not the Iron Man mask,’’ the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.” Investigators said [Mahadeo] was the owner of a maroon 2009 Honda Accord that was used during the commission of the robbery. The vehicle has since been repossessed.”

It wasn’t immediately clear what role, if any, the repossession of the Honda played in the investigation. The Sheriff ’s Office received an anonymous tip about Mahadeo and discovered that he had a Honda that matched the description of the getaway vehicle. Investigators interviewed him Wednesday at his home on Wellstone Place. He was later taken into custody and charged with armed robbery with a deadly weapon and grand theft. An arrest report only said he “was identified” as a suspect. He had military experience and financial problems, the report said without providing details. His LinkedIn profile describes him as a ýRealtor. On a different website, he is described as a “Guyanese male.” On Facebook, he calls Palm Coast “America’s best kept secret.” “During my years in the Army, I was fortunate enough to travel across The United States and various countries around the world; they were

all unique in their own ways, but none as amazing as Palm Coast,’’ the Facebook post says. “After leaving South America when I was thirteen, my family and I settled here because of the similar climate,’’ the post said. “I attended Indian Trails Middle School and Flagler Palm Coast High School (class of 2005). During the construction boom, I worked with Cole Electric; wiring new construction homes in Flagler County, times were truly good.” He said Palm Coast went through a “dark period” that forced him and others to find work. He expressed optimism for the future because the recovery is in “full swing.” “Our investigators did an excellent job in identifying the suspect in this case. I am pleased that we have been able to take this man off the streets before he hurts anyone or commits any other crimes,” Flagler County Sheriff James L. Manfre said in a statement. Mahadeo is being held in the Flagler County Detention Facility with a $100,000 bond.

- guns found, motorcycles seized

The guns found by police during the Albouystown raid On Wednesday, police conducted early morning cordon and search operations in city ghettos and Sophia on the East Coast of Demerara, during which 35 men were arrested pending investigations into a number of criminal offences. In the first raid, scores of police swooped down on Kitty, Leopold Street and East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, during which 24 men were arrested for possession and trafficking in narcotics and pending investigations into armed robberies. Two motorcycles that are suspected to have been stolen were seized by the

police. Then the police moved their operations to Sophia where they detained 10 men pending investigations into burglaries and armed robberies. A laptop computer that was reported stolen was recovered. And at around 14:15 hours yesterday a police unit conducted a search on a house at Bel Air Street, Albouystown, during which a .38 Taurus revolver with six rounds and a .357 Magnum revolver with three rounds were recovered. A man has been arrested and is in police custody assisting with the investigations.

Friday August 09, 2013

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El Dorado rums Guyana Watch medical sweep int’l awards outreach begins Sunday DDL’s El Dorado 8 Year Old has won the ‘Best Rum Trophy’ in a recent London competition.


uyana’s rums are continuing to reel in the awards internationally. This time, El Dorado 8 Year Old Rum has “surprised” its competitors by winning the “Best Rum Trophy” at the annual International Wine and Spirits Competition (IWSC), in London. According to Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), makers of the rum, El Dorado Special Reserve 15 Year Old Rum and the El Dorado 12 Year Old both won Gold Outstanding Trophies. “The El Dorado 21 Year Old won the Gold Trophy while the El Dorado 5 Year Old and the El Dorado 3 Year Old won Silver Outstanding.” DDL disclosed that in judging the El Dorado 8 Year Old, the judges described the product as “Amber gold. Ve r y c o m p l e x a r o m a s combining orange pekoe tea, roasting nuts (brazil, walnut and pecan) and smooth caramel. This complexity rolls around in the mouth achieving a wonderful balance of aged richness, and a superb integrated sweet/bitter balance that is outstanding. The finish is long and evolves beautifully. A fantastic product.” The El Dorado 15 Year Old, the flagship brand of DLL, also boasts the distinction of being the only rum ever to have won the

title “Best Rum In The World” a record eight times since 1998 at the competition. “The rum has also won the IWSC Gold Medal a remarkable 12 times during the years 1998 to 2013. It was also adjudged the ‘Best Spirit of the Caribbean’ at the Caribbean Rum Fest for four years with outstanding recognition as the ‘Best Spirit of 2001’. In addition, the Eldorado 15 Year Old was awarded the Platinum Medal by the Chicago Beverage Testing Institute in 2001 and the Gold Medal at the 2003 Rum Fest held in Newfoundland.” The judges described the El Dorado 15 Year Old as “Deep bronze amber colour. Crêpe Suzette aromas waft, sprinkled with dots of barley sugar and dried pineapple, coconut and papaya. This is a sipping rum, a thinking not drinking glass, pensive, pervasive andultimatelysatisfying.” The El Dorado 21 Year Old evoked the following from the judges: “Dark bronze amber colour. Molasses, smoke, syrup and mocha on the nose. There is a quite pronounced oak influence evident both on the nose and in the mouth but this does not detract from the wonderful character of this product. Enjoy.” DDL, basedinDiamond,East Bank Demerara, also produces Pepsi and a host of other soft drinks and bottled water.


he popular Guyana Watch Medical team will once again be conducting a number of medical and dental outreaches all across the country, from August 11 to August 18. Tomorrow is the official commencement of this year’s operation. As usual, the team will consist of doctors in various fields of specialization, including Pediatricians, Dentists and Pharmacists, along with supporting staff. This year will mark the group’s 21st outreach, and will see six clinic locations being set up countrywide, as well as visits to a few orphanages. A t u r n o u t o f approximately 3,500-4,000 patients is expected. The team also plans to distribute over US$500,000 in medication to those in need,

as well as provide health counseling. On Sunday August 11, the team will be at the Patentia Secondary School on the West Bank of Demerara, and the following day, Monday August 11 at Timehri Primary School. T h e S t . C u t h b e r t ’s Mission Secondary School is booked for clinic location on Tuesday August 12. Bath Settlement and the entire West Coast Berbice will be covered on Thursday at the Bath Settlement Primary School. Areas on the West Coast of Demerara, including Anna Catherina, Den Amstel, and Stewartville will be catered for on Friday August 16 th at the Leonora Primary School. The Guyana Watch team plans to return to the West Bank of Demerara at the Belle West Primary School to tend to areas surrounding

the Canal Number 2 Polder on Saturday August 17. Spearheaded by local businessman, Tony Yassin, Guyana Watch Incorporated is a charitable organization which was established in 1992, with the aim of reaching out to communities in need of medical assistance, health care, and in the areas of education. From the year of establishment to 2009, the o rg a n i z a t i o n a n n u a l l y sponsored medical clinics in the three counties, aiding over 45,000 people. The group brings about 10-15 medical doctors and a number of support personnel each year. In 2012, the medical professionals saw a total of 3,462 patients, inclusive of 844 children, 1827 adults, and 791 dentistry patients. The organization has also been responsible for sending

President of Guyana Watch, Tony Yassin approximately 20 patients overseas for much needed heart surgeries. In 1998, Guyana Watch Inc. (GWI) brought in an ophthalmology team, and was able to complete 58 cataract surgeries. From this, the team also went on to sponsor many corrective and other eye surgeries here, and overseas. As far as education goes, GWI was in the forefront of building a state-of-the-art, 32-computer work station (Continued on page 37)

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Kaieteur News

Friday August 09, 2013

Letters... Where your views make the news Letters... Where your views make the news


DEAR EDITOR, As Guyana once again is confronted by the domestic violence murders and attempted murders of five women and three children, including the near severing of limbs of children, one has to ask whether we as a nation really care about reducing and eliminating domestic

violence and whether our political directorate and government leaders care or have the will, capacity and expertise to comprehensively address the issue. What we know is that the system failed Tarif Lord (2yrs), Kimberley Houston (5yrs), and Angela Richmond James, who were murdered, and Bibi

Nazruma Houston (21 yrs), Dorothy Blackman (47yrs), Wanda Fortune (26 yrs), Latoya Wilson (20 yrs) and Donnette Fordyce (12 yrs), who were severely injured. While the majority of Guyanese join with the families affected to mourn those dead and to hope that the survivors’ physical and psychological scars heal, will these lives just become more statistical evidence of death and injury through domestic violence? The system failed these latest victims and survivors because best practices of addressing domestic violence prevention are either being ignored or simply not implemented. The implementation of the National Domestic Violence Policy, which was adopted by the government 2008 and which outlines eight thematic areas, has never been adequately resourced, and the multi-sectoral National Domestic Violence Oversight Committee has suffered from lack of ministerial representation and non-convening by the Ministry of Human Services & Social Security, which is tasked with the formulation of

a National Plan of Action for the prevention of domestic violence and which continues to be stymied in its efforts. The police by their inaction must assume a large part of the responsibility for the recent deaths and injuries as they failed to respond or take action with the urgency that their domestic violence policy mandates and the Domestic Violence Act (DVA) empowers them to do. Under the DVA, the police may enter a home without an arrest warrant once domestic violence or the risk of domestic violence is present. Help & Shelter and others have called for specialized domestic violence and sexual assault mobile units within the police force to be established so as to respond immediately and efficiently to domestic and sexual violence crimes. Research here in Guyana spanning the period 1989 to 2010 revealed unacceptably high levels of violence against women (high of 66% and low of 42% of those reporting). According to UNDOC and the World Bank, three of the highest rates of sexual violence in the criminal justice systems worldwide are found in the Caribbean, and all the Caribbean countries have rated higher than 15 rapes per 100,000, the average worldwide. What other category of crime in Guyana has comparable figures, and yet the allocation of resources for domestic and sexual violence prevention in the police force does not reflect this epidemic of violence. Services for survivors of domestic violence continue to be under-resourced, limited in scope and concentrated for the most part in Georgetown

and - to a lesser extent - other urban areas. The State, which is mandated by international conventions such as CEDAW, Belem do Para and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to provide services to all victims of domestic violence, allocates limited human and financial resources to carry out its responsibilities of protection and rehabilitation. The recent tragedies painfully expose the deadly risk to children from domestic violence. Even as difficult and challenging it is for many adult victims to overcome the domestic violence entrapment process, it is worse for children, who cannot leave even if they want to without some form of sanctioned State intervention. We already have laws in Guyana that state very clearly that any child at risk from domestic violence must be protected by the State. It is no surprise that these latest victims and survivors of domestic violence are women and children, as are

nearly all former victims and survivors here in Guyana, because the root cause of domestic violence is the real or perceived inequality and subordination of women, which extends beyond the individual and family to the wider society. Seen in this context domestic violence will not receive the attention it deserves until the majority, and those in positions of power are prepared to reset this historical inequality and provide adequate resources as a priority for comprehensively addressing this problem. Help & Shelter extends sincere sympathy to all survivors and those who have lost loved ones and stands ready to help survivors and other family members in whatever way we can. Danuta Radzik Josephine Whitehead Denise Dias Salima Bacchus-Hinds Margaret Kertzious Colin Marks Gaitrie Shivsankar For Help & Shelter

Tribute to Alexander Murray of Kent Sports Club( Leguan Island) DEAR EDITOR, I am writing on behalf of the members of The Kent Sports Club ( Leguan Island) to express our sincerest and heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of our beloved President and Captain - Alexander (Dennis) Murray of Good Intent, Leguan. Thanks, ‘Cap’, for all you have done for Kent Sports Club and Cricket in Leguan! With your support, many of our youths got the

opportunity to play the great game you loved so much and we will forever be grateful. I heard you (Dennis) were engaged in a discussion on the current CPL T20 competition when the tragic accident occurred that took you away from us. “CAP”, all the Members of Kent Sport Club ( Darry, Sonowall, Frank, Gansham, Manny, Catchar – to mention a few) and all the friends from the other teams in Leguan will always cherish the great games we played. If heaven is the great place we have been told, then CRICKET has to be played there and you will be President and Captain again of Kent Sports Club. You will join our other Kent members – Shankar, Roy, Baalo, Ivan, Esssey, Shane and Barat; I know you guys will continue in our festive tradition of friendship and fun. Long live your memory as we say goodbye, CAP; may your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ grant you salvation with peace and eternal rest. We pray that your Lord will also offer comfort and heal the pain of your family and friends who will always cherish your beloved memories. Ramcharran Persaud( Ronald) Former Secretary of Kent Sports Club (Good Intent , Leguan).

Friday August 09, 2013

Kaieteur News

T&T Opposition wants PM to call Local Government elections ...Persad-Bissesar says councillors made the request Trinidad Express - The Opposition Peoples National Movement (PNM) has responded to the suggestion by Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar that local government councillors wanted to delay the calling of Local Government elections, which is due before the end of October. The PNM called on Persad-Bissessar to keep her word, uphold the law and call the elections without delay. P e r s a d - B i s s e s s a r ’s statement regarding the local government elections was made during an interview with members of the media on Wednesday night at the Rienzi Complex, Couva, where the United National Congress held a meeting of the National Executive and Parliamentary Arm. The meetings were called to discuss the outcome of the Chaguanas West by-election two Mondays ago, where the UNC’s candidate Khadijah Ameen was comprehensively

Kamla Persad Bissessar beaten by the UNC’s former chairman, interim leader of the Independent Labour Party, Jack Warner. Persad-Bissessar said the party had taken no decision on the local government issue, so the news could not be that the UNC had decided to delay the election. She said it was the councillors who raised the issue of the delay, and for any such action to be taken, would require going to the

Parliament. The Opposition PNM, in a response on Thursday, said that Persad-Bissessar had “consistently given her commitment to the people of Trinidad and Tobago that elections will be called when elections are due. The term of Local Government Council expired on 26 July 2013 and as such, the Prime Minister is required to act under the law and call the local government election, which is to be held by 26 October, 2013”. The PNM stated that it “rejects out of hand any attempt by the Prime Minister to postpone the Local Government election, particularly since she seeks to justify this on the spurious grounds that it is request being made to her by excouncillors. We therefore call on the Prime Minister to uphold the law, keep her word and call the elections without delay in keeping with the many assurances which she gave”.

Page 33

OAS calls for urgent action in addressing food security BRIDGETOWN, Barbados – The Organization of American States (OAS) has called for urgent action in addressing food security in the Caribbean. During a conference on food security and the economic implications held in Barbados this week, Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin has called for reforms in agriculture in the Caribbean, including increased public-private partnerships and renewed focus on research and development. Among the specific areas of concern, Ramdin cited the rising food import bill of the Caribbean which now totals over US $4 billion, and its comparatively low agricultural output. He said food security has become “one of the most actionable items of this era, raised at almost every major meeting, assembly or conference,” including summits of the Americas and OAS General Assemblies. “Five years ago, we identified key challenges: the lack of entrepreneurship and

Albert Ramdin investment, ageing farmers, severe weather events and antiquated practices, but I am not sure we’ve acted enough to correct it, five years later, many of us are in the same position.” While commending the government of Barbados for undertaking such a “focused

discussion,” Ramdin described the food situation in the Caribbean as worrisome. “The reality is that we simply do not have direct control over a significant percentage of our food supply, and we are increasingly vulnerable to every change or disruption in external production,” he said. Pointing to a direct link between food security, development, poverty, social and political stability, he also urged governments to focus more strategic efforts and resources to increase growth in the sector by considering more public-private partnerships and examining the potential of dedicating more state land to agriculture. The OAS Secretary General called on governments to reinvest in research and development institutions and to rebuild agricultural traditions. “We must be consistent in our efforts, ensuring there is a second generation of creative, technologically advanced farmers, or growers,” he said.

Page 34

Kaieteur News

Friday August 09, 2013

Friday August 09, 2013

Kaieteur News

Page 35

City Hall remains defiant in face of legal threats By Zena Henry “The Mayor and City Council and its supporters will not be intimidated,” were the words used by the Mayor of Georgetown, as he expressed defiance against the Central Government for what he says are the unethical and unorthodox tactics being used to dissolve the City Council or to make it dysfunctional. Mayor Hamilton Green told reporters at a press conference held at City Hall yesterday that protests and demonstrations will continue, while acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba will be prevented from entering her office” just as the Mayor is being prohibited from accessing the agency’s facilities”. In reply to Local Government officials’ threat of criminal complaint to the police, Green said that the issue is not one for the national police, but it is an administrative issue. The Mayor continued that he is not fearful for his supporters, who will stand firm and are not prepared to give up the fight against the imposition of the acting Town Clerk, despite security actions to physically deny them. In a press statement, Councilor Ranwell Jordan said that, “We will not recognize any of his (the Minister’s) orders.” “If the Local Government Ministry feels that they do not have an obligation to honour the wishes of the democratically-elected Council, then we will reciprocate. As the democratically elected Council of Georgetown, we do not recognize Ms. Carol Sooba as the acting Town Clerk of the Municipality.” Jordan added that her appointment came without the Council’s support. The statement continued that under the law, the Mayor and City Council has the authority to deal with the issue and that is being done. The Council is accountable; therefore all actions necessary will be taken to preserve the respect of the institution and to try the utmost to provide services to citizens. President of the Local Government Union, Dale Beresford said on the other hand, that workers of the City Council are prepared to down their tools in light of the fiasco occurring at the Municipality. He continued that the staffers are fed up and frustrated, and are unwilling to work under the current conditions. He was talking specifically to the locking up of City Hall.

Since protests started against Sooba earlier this week, there has not been a free flow through the compound of the City Hall. Local vendors picketed Sooba’s home earlier in the week and continued to air their demands at City Hall. As a result there has been a heavy presence of Constabulary officers and members of the police force manning the gates; entry and exit points of the agency. Persons must state their business before they are let into City Hall. Beresford said even

...workers prepared to down tools workers are victims to the recent implementations. He said the staffers are living like prisoners and must report every move in and out of the compound. He later touched on the issue of a pay increase which he indicated is overdue. As a result of the escalating City Hall dilemma, he said qualified persons are leaving the job and accepting lower paying jobs. “If it means striking

against our very own City Hall, that is a position we will have to take. We are calling on the relevant parties to let good sense prevail and to come to a meaningful resolution,” Beresford said In the meantime, protestors again picketed City Hall for the removal of the acting Town Clerk. Sooba eventually came to City Hall in the afternoon and this caused those gathered to go in a frenzy. They shouted

for her removal and taunted about her incompetence. The acting Town Clerk had to be escorted into the compound by bodyguards, who manned her office door even after she had entered the building. On Wednesday, Constabulary officers, who said only that they were working with orders, removed vendors from City Hall’s compound. After Mayor Green had let them back into

the compound for a meeting, the Mayor was denied access to the meeting chambers while vendors were physically denied entrance to the upper quarters of City Hall. The Mayor was told by low level Constabulary officers that he could not pass any orders on them since they were working with instructions. The Mayor later stated that “legitimate people on legitimate business” were also being denied access to the compound; even University students coming to the Mayor were denied access.

Govt. ‘exploring other options’ to support Amaila Government is having bilateral engagements and trans-border discussions to import hydropower from neighbouring countries with similar geographic potential, because the Amaila Falls Hydropower project would be inadequate for Guyana in the long term. But the administration will not scrap the Amaila Falls Hydropower project because it believes that the project is relevant now to help drive the economy where it needs to go. These notions were expressed by Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon during his post-Cabinet press briefing yesterday at the Office of the President. According to Dr. Luncheon, with the rate at which Guyana is projected to grow “we would exhaust what Amaila offers in no time flat and we would have to get more power…We are on the move and the Amaila of today is totally inadequate for the Amaila of tomorrow, but we have to start today. And, yes we are exploring and we are more than exploring.” Economist Professor Clive Thomas, who had done a comprehensive study on this project, was the first to tell the nation that the “troubled” Amaila Falls Hydro Project will become outdated in just five years. Despite a cost of at least US$858M, the largest undertaking in the country’s history, it is projected that within the next few years, other possibilities will have to be explored to generate electricity. However, even after being equipped with information that it would be short term, Dr. Luncheon said, “Believe you me, this country will succeed, this country will develop and this 130 and 150 megawatt that Amaila is going to be producing your children and grandchildren would be thinking what we de thinking when we go get this small li’l bit ah power, because we are power hungry…the

rest of the world is about power and the development of Guyana is about power”. He emphasized that those opposing the project should provide answers when the country is burdened with fluctuating fossil fuel prices that Guyana doesn’t control. “And we move from more than one-third of export earnings to import fuel. Let them explain to Guyanese how they destroyed and attempted to retard renewable energy as the main source of power in Guyana,” Dr. Luncheon added. However, Amaila Falls is not the only location being eyed for hydropower. Besides, approaching neighbours to import hydropower, Government would exploit other potential areas in Guyana such as Upper Mazaruni. Another contentious matter hanging over the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project is its high cost and interest rate. Guyana will be paying among the highest interest rates for the largest section of the loan it has acquired for the project. Defending the high cost of the project, Dr. Luncheon said information on the project’s financial economic feasibility has been provided. “There hasn’t been a project of this size and importance ever in the nation and I think it is also a fact that there hasn’t been a project for which information is so freely available for which stakeholders can and have access, ever in the nation. What I would say to those who insist that their objections and opposition to the project relates to concerns of being overpriced and such is that the information that destroys their arguments is in their hands.” According to Dr. Luncheon, it is Government’s observation and insistence that destroy protestations. “Every time they open their mouths and shoot their nonsense there is…credible available information that

responds to each and every one of the allegations… Suddenly they would have Guyanese believe that the profundity of their knowledge and wisdom relevant to the construction of hydropower facilities is such that we could tear up this project because

they say so.” “History is one that would give them a suitable rebuff… But, even before we come to history we would have the calculated responses… the meticulous responses to these wild allegations, these baseless sentiments that they

are out there spouting a dime a dozen. Every day you open the papers, everyday you go on the internet, another set of allegations trying to destroy this transformative project that would change the whole course of Guyana’s future,” Luncheon asserted.

Page 36

SERVICES Dianne’s Bridal and Party Accessories Rentals, Decorating, Catering and Event Planning. 103 Regent Road Call: 225-8111 Permanent & Visitors Visa Applications, Professional Immigration Consultant Room D5 Maraj Building Call:225-6496,6626045,223-8115

Kaieteur News




500 Ton Cargo Ship with Contract- call: 687-6174


2- 2007 Toyota Avensis. Call 698-0674

Eddie’s Auto Parts: Just arrive Japanese used partsCall:227-2835 Zack’s Lumber Yard Georgetown: Millcut form board $115 per BM, Softwood & H/wood $180 per BM- Call:687-5361/674-0013 Mining claims- 1 River, 24 lands- Potaro River- Call:1613-797-3314

Repairs, sales & spares air conditioning, microwaves, washer, fridges & stoves. Ultra Cool. Call: 225-9032, 647-2943

Ducklings and PigletsCall:688-7291/618-2708

We repair fridge, freezer, AC, washer, dryer. Call:2310655, 683-8734 Omar

1 Freight Liner Hauler, 1- 48ft trailer, 1 Low Bed (hauler & trailer)- Call:613-6979

CITITECH: Computer/ printer repairs (Mac & PC) IT consultation & Network installation: 125 Light St. Alberttown, G/TownCall:226-0085/693-1259

2 A/C- (sizes 12 & 15), solar system 45 gallon (hot & cold) Call:691-9071/674-1231

We repair LCD, Plasma, LED TV, Microwave, Washer & Dryer, Amp etc. Call:6472276/693-3277 We Refill HP cartridges for $1800 call: 650-7699 TransponderTV: No Monthly Fees, No Hidden Fees, No Additional Charges: 250 Channels + 50 HD Channels- Call: 675-3201 Evergreen Services: Tree trimming/ landscapingCall:664-5947/227-8259 Hello the doctor is back! Have your gas stove repaired and service-Call:601-0595/ 220-4073/220-5785

LAND FOR SALE At Soesdyke Linden Highway- Call:678-7355 2- Acres cultivated, 2-1 Acres cultivated, 7 Acres cultivated, citrus, house, fish pond, storage at Parika. Call 226-7968 House lot for sale: Friendship, D i a m o n d EBD & drafting of house plans. Call:223-0733, 2230730, 692-8513 Parfaite Harmonie $1.2M, $1.3M, $1.4M- Call:675-7292 Gold and Diamond land: Parish Hill, Port Kaituma , Kurpung, E Kuraka – Tele:600-0036/223-1719 2369.664 Sq/ft of land @ Victoria village, E.C.D $600,000- Call:660-0563 Bagotville land great for farming / residence – Tele:600-0036/223-1719

Friday August 09, 2013

1 Male English Mastiff Dog $150,000- Call:678-2814/6992322 Wall dividers, Cabinets, Sofas, Beds & WardrobeCall:219-3732 (After 5pm) S & N Mining Inc. Large Quantity Of Virgin Mining Mercury: Best In Guyana: $14,500LB, Wholesale Negotiable- Contact Carol: 649-8505 One Honda Honmel 1000 CBR, condition usedCall:610-7005/219-1342 WE HAVE ANY SIZE AND AMOUNT OF PALMS: #1 PLANT SHOP, 70 SHERIFF ST. CALL:227-8094 One 3 Tons Bedford dump truck, 3 and 4" water pumpCall:270-4485 Guyana Brakes & Clutch Company, 27 Coldingen, E.C.D 1 Gillotine: Wohlenberg 45" cut size: bindprintservice @gmail.com- Call:1-868-2227097 Dell laptops & desktops complete computers from $55,000 Futuretech call: 231-2206 Rottweiler pup – Contact:619-6086/699-7077 1-Hilux Vigo, single cab; PMM Series – Tele:626-7040 Pro Care adults pull ups ( large), assorted linen table cloths, linen chair covers, flowers – Call:771-5388/ 7,680-1198 1 used electric paint sprayer, 1- 25HP Evinrude Outboard motor, a quantity of costume jewellry, perfume, ladies hair etc. Call:680-9040 1 – Front end loader, 1 – D6D CAT bulldozer, 1-22RB dragline –Contact :695-5427 9 months old salon equipment and furniture, barber chair and station – call:225-2303 or 681-61563

Tibetian Pups, 6 weeks & 1 year- Call:645-1208 Spare for washing machine, microwaves, fridges, stoves, timers, gearbox, pumps, etc call: 225-9032, 647-2943

R1 new condition, colour red: 2005 Ford F150 fully loaded $1.8M Neg- Call:623-4045/ 689-3846 Toyota AE 81 in good condition: Price $450,000 Neg- Call:628-5988

VEHICLE FOR SALE Fielder Wagon- Call:6913812

Sale! Axio: TV, DVD $3.1M Neg: Pre-order Premio $2.5M Neg- Call: 655-3400

One Hilux Surf- Call:617-3001

GPS map 76 – Call:600-0036/ 223-1719

Ray’s Motor Spares & Auto Sales: For best price, wholesale & retail dealer in Japanese automobiles & partsCall:233-5151/ 231-7839

New ATVs: Introductory price $1,450,000 (Duty Free)Call:691-0234

1 Wadkin Circular Saw & 1 Dunlop CompressorCall:254-0209

2 Ford F150: Price $4.5M & $3.5M- Call: 643-5249 / 2654979

Pure Bred Rottweiler pupsCall:650-8496

1 BMW 318i PNN series $3.2M, 1 Toyota Raum PKK series $1.250M: Both in immaculate condition- Call: 613-5308

Fully vaccinated Pitbull Pups- Contact Johnny @ 628-9884

Sale! Thursday- Saturday (10am-6pm): Weeding Machine, household items, printers, scanners, computers & much moreCall:600-0036/223-1719

Sale! Sale! Toyota Premio (unregistered), fully loaded $2.5M-Call:617-2891/220-2345

Pure Rottweiler Pups. Call 220-6879

1 Toyota RZ $650,000- Call: 265-4164

Desktop computers windows 7; $40,000; 80GB – Tele:600-0036/223-1719

2008 White Tacoma Auto, lift kit, off road tyre, GRR series, 31,000 miles: Excellent condition- Call:610-5370

29" TV $50,000, 16cuft refrigerator $65,000, China Cabinet $30,000, 30" Stove $45,000 & 321 Suite $30,000: Good condition- Call:686-3712

New 2013 Isuzu: D-Max single & double cabs- Call: 691-0234

2-320 excavator , 1 - Fiat Tractor, 4 wheel drive, 3engine, (2) - 6- Cylinder complete workshop - Call: 695-5427

One Mitsubishi Canter GRR 5201: 15ft tray- Call:613-2150/ 254-0247

One Precision built trailer pump (new) make offerCall:227-1830 One Motocross Kawasaki KX 250F motorcycle 2010: Asking $1,000,000GYD, owner leaving country. Never registered- Call:699-5203 Power tools, drill saw, grinder, Sauder & moreCall:615-9314 55 Gal empty barrel $5500 each- Call:615-9314 FOR SALE/RENT American Pool TableCall:277-0578

One Mitsubishi Canter; late GPP series – Call:662-8743

Soman & Sons Driving School , First Federation Building Call 225-4858, 6445166,622-2872,615-0964 B & C Driving School: Lot 5 Hadfield Lodge- call:2250150,229-7258,680-6826

Cheapest- Premio, Spacio, Hilux, Stick Gear Buses- Call: 616-7635 1 Toyota- AT192, AT212, Ceres, Vitz, Raum, EP71 Starlet, Hilux Pickup Solid DEF, Tacoma- Call:644-5096/ 697-1453 Fila Wagon: PPP series, CD, A/C, very clean: $1.725 NegCall:615-9314 Honda Civic $200,000 negotiable- call:604-6973 L-Touring Wagon HB $850,000- Call:674-8982 1 Hiab Truck- Call:618-1967 Unregistered 01 Toyota Tundra extra cab, 4×4, loaded, new tyre: Neg $2.6MCall:615-9314 1 Toyota Premio (old model): A/C, fully powered. Excellent condition $1.2MCall:613-5308

RZ minibus BKK seriesCall:685-2101 2006 Silver Toyota Tacoma 4WD, automatic transmission, low kilometers. With accessories G$5.5M Neg- Call:624-6008 Axio Special- 2007, TV/DVD & Reverse Camera $2.950MCall:617-2891 One NZE Toyota CorollaCall:614-9060

EDUCATIONAL I.A.E (Camp street): Register for full- time, lessons & adults CXC classes: Maths, English, Business & ScienceCall:223-0604/683-5742


Unregistered Mitsubishi long canter $3,350,000Call:615-7526/653-4560

The Gent’s Spa: Let beautiful sophisticated masseuse pamper you: New masseuse available- Call:657-5979

One black Titan (2005) 4 wheel drive, fully loaded: $4.2M negotiable- Call:6782814/699-2322

For that relaxing and sensual happy ending- Call for appointment @ tele 699-3519

Smart Choice Auto: Unregistered Premio, Allion, IST, Fielder- Call:652-3820/ 665-4529

24 Hour East Coast Guyoil needs night pump attendants, salesgirl & office assistant- Call:6889611/684-2838 Refrigeration, A/C Technician. Call 231-0655/ 683-8734 Vacancy exists for 1 Parts Sales Clerk: Sound Secondary education with knowledge in Japanese vehicles spare partsCall:231-7839 One person to build chairs in work shop- Call:610-7005/ 219-1342 Vacancy exists for one Manager to work at an out of town Hotel/ ClubCall:226-9768/642-7963 Senior Accounts Clerk: Minimum 5 subjects CXC, CAT/ACCA, knowledge of Quickbooks Accounting (3yrs experience)- Call:231-4069 Cashier/ customer service Rep: Minimum 5 subjects CXC, knowledge of Point of Sale- Call:231-4069- email: jimmy@nvtech computers.com Experienced salesperson needed: Courtney’s Boutique; Stall A37 Bourda Market (behind Wireless Connection) Tele:227-3407 Serious inquires only! Lookup for pastry maker, counter help, cooks: IKS Services / info@ iksservices.com -223-1719/ Experience Must One experienced female shop assistant preferably from West Bank Demerara – Call:690-2952 R.A. Soda Factory: Driver – Good Hope bond; T.K Bedford truck - Call:3332399/623-5920

2006 Black Toyota Tacoma: 4 Cylinders/2WD/ manual transmission, low kilometers. With accessories G$3.8M Neg- Call:624-6008 First Class Auto: Allion, Premio, Spacio, IST, Axio, 212, Fielder, Verossa & AllexCall:609-8188/602-6307


3Y Surf $1.6M, Toyota Wills $1.6M- Call Shawn 618-7483

VACANCY One Upholster & two JoinersCall:219-1342/610-7005

American Style massage services- Call:678-7499 Relaxing massage serviceCall:622-6256

R.A. Soda Factory: Driver ;Albion - canter ; live in quarter – call:33-2399/6235920 R.A. Soda Factory: Driver R/ Nol – Accountant & Checkers – Call:333-2399, 623-5920 EDUCATIONAL IPE Private School: Nursery, Primary, Secondary Level: Register now: Branches: Grove, Mon-Repos, Poudroyen, Anna CatherinaCall: 629-5300 (Continued on page 37)

Friday August 09, 2013

Kaieteur News

Page 37

Trinidadian is new DemToCo boss Demerara Tobacco Company Limited (DemToCo) has appointed Trinidadian, Jason Fournillier, as its new Managing Director. The company, which distributes Bristol and Pall Mall brands of cigarettes, disclosed yesterday that Fournillier will replace Malissa Sylvester who has been promoted to another role in the British American Tobacco (BAT) Group. Fournillier began his career with BAT in October 2004, after 10 years in the commercial banking sector. He has a wealth of experience in the trade marketing function, having had both regional and international assignments in Costa Rica, Spain and various Caribbean markets. “His work in the Caribbean islands is evidence of the qualities that he possesses as a leader and a creative visionary. He has led the effort to develop new distribution channels in the Belize market resulting in double-digit growth for the business and making Belize a

TO LET Fully furnished short term apartments @ Eccles call: 679-7139 Harmony Inn: Apartments fully furnished, airconditioned apartments: $5000 per night- Call:6680306/602-8769/694-7817 Fully furnished Vacation home with all amenitiesCall during working hours227-1218

Jason Fournillier key player within the BAT portfolio. His most recent appointment was Trade Marketing and Distribution Manager for West Indian Tobacco Company Limited in Trinidad.” DemToCo said its Board of Directors is “naturally delighted” to have been able to choose such a strong and experienced candidate to succeed Sylvester, who they credit for positioning the company on a path to sustainable growth.

Guyana Watch medical... From page 31 laboratory at the University of Guyana Berbice Campus, along with computer laboratories in some other schools. In 2007, the team also awarded two 4-year scholarships in the field of Chemistry, and Biology at the University of Guyana in Berbice. The outreaches are conducted via financial and other contributions received from its members, including Mr.

Yassin, and well wishers. “It is a total volunteer programme where everyone pays their own traveling and accommodation expenses during these medical outreaches… with the exception recently in the last four years, the organization began to pay for the air travel and hotel stay for the medical doctors. The Organization continues on an annual basis to identify where health care is needed most and to reach out to those communities whilst assisting other groups, churches and other organizations in their programmes of assistance to needy people. (From page 36)

120ft×42ft Space suitable for manufacturing or warehousing- Call:270-4485 Guyana Brakes & Clutch Company, 27 Coldingen, E.C.D Campbellville $120,000, BelAir US$1200, Lamaha Gardens US$2500, Queenstown US$1000- Call Diana @ 227-2256/626-9382 House to rent @ 655 Arcadia Mocha- Call:699-2596/6960718 Small business space – Tele :231-2619/691-7164 Two bedrooms apartmentCall: 617-3001 Two bedrooms furnished apartment US$50 per dayCall:665-2548 Furnished executive one or two bedrooms suite in Diamond. Ideal for foreigners- Call 609-2466

FOR RENT Apartments & Houses in Ogle, Kitty, Prashad Nagar, Queenstown, Republic Park, Bel-Air, Campbellville & Diamond- Call:223-8479/6473768/ www.spaceseek.gy Newly constructed apartments, with & without A/C; Parking & security available, LBI East Coast. Call 628-8008/603-0000

EDUCATIONAL Is your child hyperactive or has a disability and needs individual teaching? For best results- Call:683-3887 Signup now for Computerized Accounting Programs: Quickbooks, Peachtree etc. MicroGraphics Technology Vreed-En-Hoop- Call:2643057 PC repairs course, CorelDraw, Publisher etc. MicroGraphics Technology Vreed-En-Hoop- Call:2643057

3 Bedrooms unfurnished house to rent US$2200 per month: Located in Lamaha Gardens- Call:616-5415

PROPERTY FOR SALE Campbellville $30M, Kitty $30M, Section ‘K’ $40M, AA Eccles- Call Diana @ 2272256/626-9382 Houses on East Coast & East Bank for sale- Call:2238479/647-3768/ www.space seek.gy House and Land @ D’Edward, W.C.B.- Call: 6892973/698-3703

WANTED Carpenters and Labourers to work in the Georgetown areas: Carpenters $6000, Labourers $3,500- Contact 646-9087

Prashad Nagar $65M, Diamond front, Atlantic gardens, Atlanticville, South $15M, La Penitance & W.C.D, W.B.D- Call:2317805/ 618-7483

Driver, salesperson, merchandiser & porter needed, bring resume ( include reference) & passport photo at Vegetarian Gardens - Tele:227-7714/2233448

For sale by owner: Lot 4 La Bagatelle, Leguan. Land 100’×200’, house 40’×25’ $8M NegCall:231-5508/628-2166

Receptionist, room attendant, bar attendants, washer & presser , cook & helper– Contact: Hick’s Ville Hotel @ 231-0951/231-0953

Property for sale in Enterprise E. C. Demerara Call: 627-5416/611-7437

Old Guyana Currencies $1,$5,$10 bills and stampsCall:653-5696

1 Charlestown, Corner property with business potential; $40M – Tele: 6735882

1 whole day domesticCall:650-4761/667-5717

2-Storey transported property on land measuring approximately 66"x200" ; Cove – and – John Ashram; $15M - Call Mr. Ramdhani: 656-8400/665-3712

Minibus driver for contract, living in Georgetown- Please Call:675-3093 Skilled and semi skilled joiners- Call:220-4247

Paradise, E.C.D: Concrete modern 2 storeys, 4 bedrooms- 2 masters. Concrete fenced large lot $26.5M neg- call:660-0563

Natural beauty salon & spa: Grove Market Street EBD tele:265-4138,652-5800 specialized in everything for women & children

Haslington, E.C.D: Building ‘A’, concrete/ timber modern 2 storeys, 7 bedrooms, grilled & fenced. Building ‘B’, 3 apartments, fenced $18M Neg- Call:660-0563

Nails & Things : Get any nail service for $1,000 this Friday 9th to Sunday 11th August Tele:619-2220/600-2220

Good Business Properties: Alexander, New Market, Lamaha, Middle, Camp, Waterloo, Lance Gibbs & Lombard street- Call:2317805/231-2200/618-7483

2- Two bedrooms apartments @ Queenstown & 1 two storey building @ Bel-Air park- Call:225-2562/660-4481

Classes in Designing and Sewing. Call Sharmela (Canadian-Trained) @ 6410784/626-2629

Domestic & Handyman to clean yard. Call 227-5500/ 227-2027 One Handy Boy to work around yard in InteriorCall:666-6836 Experienced counter servers, roti/puri cooks, pastry makers & cashiers: Apply @ Hacks Halaal 5 Commerce St. Do you need excavator operator for the Interior? 12 years experience in miningCall:254-0624/655-4440

House Keepers to work 8 hours shift & Handy boy 17-19 years @ Land of Canaan- Call:266-5243-5 One Live in domesticCall:614-6053/600-6053 One maid to work in Bel Air area- call:227-5585 Men to work in sea food plant, required ID, NIS & police clearance: contact Mr. James 680-5200/6120374 Urgently needed 1 plot of land to buy in Parfaite Harmonie- Call:675-7292 Handy boy and salesgirl – Tele:227-8529



One experienced shop assistant to work in InteriorCall: 666-6836

One live-in or live out maidcall:668-3985/264-3355/6837936 SALON Make Up Courses, Artist Trained & Certified in Trinidad. Call: 660-5257, 647-1773

University Garden US$1000, 5 bedrooms exclusiveCall:675-7292

Secret Villa apartments: now hiring general workers to work 8 hrs shift and one handy boy – Tele :225-6337

Sailors/ Welders- Call:6893846/227-2027

Paradise, E.C.D: Concrete modern 2 bedrooms, front and rear verandah. Concrete fenced large lot $11M negcall:660-0563

2 bedrooms house to rent in Parfaite Harmonie $25,000Call:684-6053/686-3712

One three bedrooms apartment anywhere around town- Call:617-7865

Wanted – House lot in Diamond – Call 677 -6620

Mineral Property @ Cuyuni, Mazaruni, Upper Demerara, Berbice, Upper Kurupukari – call:6141669/682-0365

Apartments from $60,000$160,000- Call:675-7292

WANTED One live-in domestic. Call 617-1679

Live in experienced domestic & waitress; must be honest, boarding & lodging free; $50,000 monthly – Tele:698-7172

Progressive Auto Rental - cars from $4000 per day. Call 643-5122, 225-8711; email www. progressive autorental. com

Experienced salesgirl – Call:680-0866/225-4997

Premio, Vitz call: 679-7139

One maid; must be able to cook and iron; age 40-50 – Tele:668-0306

Untouchable Car Rental: Low Rate , Low Deposit call:231-8653,621-6827 Aidan’s Car Rental & PickupCall: 645-7981/ 698-7807

Workers for land dredgeCall:667-5717

One girl to work in snackette in Friendship, E.B.D (Monday to Saturday)Call:266-0163

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Friday August 09, 2013

Friday August 09, 2013

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Kaieteur News

Friday August 09, 2013

LCPL - Hyatt , Philander... Goal - line to Technology ... From page 46 T&T captain Dwayne Bravo’s bowling in the 19th over, collecting 26 runs courtesy three sixes and a four. The final over yielded 13 more to set up a target of 147 that looked unlikely after the slowdown during the middle overs. A 62-run second wicket partnership between opener Adrian Barath and Ross Tay-

lor kept T&T steady. However, Barath’s wicket triggered a middle-order collapse as Taylor and Darren Bravo followed him to leave T&T at 82 for 4 in 14 overs. Dwayne Bravo and Nicolas Pooran kept the home team in the game, but neither was able to tackle a constantly swelling required rate which had reached nearly 13 by the last five overs. Bravo fell in

the penultimate over and his team was left six runs short of victory. Scores: Jamaica Tallawahs - 146/6 - (Danza Hyatt 42 not out, Vernon Philander 21 not out, Chris Gayle 28, Ahmed Shehzad 20). T&T Red Steel – 141/5 (Adrian Barath 32, Ross Taylor 31, Dwayne Bravo 29, Nicholas Pooran 20 not out; A. Russell 2/27)

Friday August 09, 2012 ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 19): The astral energy indicates that you may have extra money in your pocket, Aries. Take care to invest this money wisely rather than spend it all. You will be happier sacrificing short-term gratification for future financial gain. *************************** TAURUS (APR 20 MAY 20): This will be an interesting day provided you keep your eyes and ears open to the opportunities that arise. Don't be afraid to take on new challenges.

LIBRA (SEP 23 - OCT 22): Today you may be inspired to have a little fun with your looks, Libra. You may wish to change your haircut or experiment with different colors or styles of clothing. It would be fun to get out of your routine, even if it just means donning funky sunglasses or bright Hawaiian patterns. *************************** SCORPIO (OCT 23 - NOV 21): Today's energy has you rethinking all areas of your life, Scorpio. If you aren't as challenged by your job as you think you should be, perhaps it's time for a change.

*************************** GEMINI (MAY 21 JUN 20): Gemini, you finally begin to feel like you're making progress. You're intent on completing some projects that have long been in the works.

*************************** SAGITTARIUS (NOV 22 - DEC 21): You're ready for dramatic change in your life, Sagittarius. It isn't that you're dissatisfied with your career or personal life.

*************************** CANCER (JUN 21 - JUL 22): This is a passionate, creative day, Cancer. Your blood is hot and passion is on your mind. With luck, you have a significant other who can benefit! If not, you will have to find another way to burn off that energy.

*************************** CAPRICORN (DEC 22 JAN 19): Capricorn, expect to meet someone new who will be a tremendous influence in your life - probably in your career. If you've been frustrated by your lack of progress up the corporate ladder, take heart.

*************************** LEO (JUL 23 - AUG 22): You may feel a bit short on inspiration today, Leo. Don't be discouraged! Start whatever project is in question, even if your thoughts are elsewhere. During the course of the "bad"

*************************** AQUARIUS (JAN 20 FEB 18): You've been on a wild ride for several months, Aquarius - all that excitement in your personal life and career! If major changes for the better haven't yet occurred, know that they will.

************************ VIRGO (AUG 23 - SEP 22): Virgo, you may feel like you're running in several directions at once. You're so scattered that you don't feel like you're accomplishing anything important.

*************************** PISCES (FEB 19 - MAR 20): Foreign lands and new opportunities beckon today, Pisces! Keep your eyes and ears open as these opportunities may come to you from an unusual or unexpected source.

From page 47 goal-line technology for this season, Premier League chief executive Richard Scuadmore said: ‘Football is fundamentally a simple game; whichever side scores most goals wins. So, when one is scored, or indeed not scored, and we have the ability through technology to definitively know whether the ball crossed the line we should absolutely use it. ‘Principally it is about getting it right. Fans, players and managers exhort, strain and stress respectively for their teams to score or prevent goals being scored, so we as administrators should do all that we can to ensure the correct decisions are being made.’ But there is still opposition to the technology inside the game. In an interview with the Sunday People, Rio Ferdinand made his anti-technology stance clear.

‘Change is a word I don’t like in football. It is such a great sport, and we are always trying to find ways to change it. Why?’ said the Manchester United defender. ‘It has great traditions. Even goal-line technology, I don’t agree with it. ‘Incidents like that add to the game because it runs into radio phone-ins, people talk about it in the pub and in other media. Was it a goal or wasn’t it? ‘People end up disappointed in those situations but it is swings and roundabouts.’ Sportsmail columnist and former referee Graham Poll is another opposed to the technology. ‘I cannot get excited about this long-overdue introduction of technology despite being in favour of it,’ he wrote in a column earlier this year. ‘While it has been quoted that there have been lots of situations this season where goal-line technology would have been used, there are per-

haps only one or two which would have changed decisions and affected the outcome of games.’ UEFA president Michel Platini echoed those sentiments. In fact, the cameras will have to be switched off for Champions League and Europa League matches held in England this season, because Platini did not ratify the decision to use the Hawk-Eye system. ‘FIFA decided to put the goal line technology with the help of the English FA. I was against,’ he said in his exclusive interview with Sportsmail’s Martin Samuel. ‘Because I am not against the goal-line technology, I am against the beginning of the technology. Because if one day you put the goal line technology, then the offside technology, then the corner line technology, then the 18 metres technology, and you will lose.’ (Mail Online)

Friday August 09, 2013

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Did Germany cheat the world... including when they beat England in 1970 World Cup? Explosive report claims decades of doping By Jonathan McEvoy Two World Wars and two World Cups, doo-da — as the politically incorrect ditty England fans sing doesn’t quite go. But perhaps it should after devastating evidence emerged of a state-run doping programme that implicates the West Germans in cheating in their win over the finest England football team to leave these shores — in the World Cup quarter-final at Mexico 1970. Our World Cup-winning heroes, led by Bobby Moore at the peak of his immaculate career and supplemented by the likes of Terry Cooper, Alan Mullery and Colin Bell, led 2-0 in that famous match. But Germany, admittedly helped by Alf Ramsey’s decision to take off Bobby Charlton to protect him for later matches, fought back to win 3-2. Doubts over doping by German teams stretch from the 1950s to the 1990s after research by Berlin’s Humboldt University

suggested the country’s taxpayers funded the systematic drugs programme. It is even alleged that three unnamed West German players who lost 4-2 to England in the World Cup final at Wembley in 1966 were on the banned stimulant ephedrine. The report says: ‘The hitherto unknown letter from FIFA official Dr Mihailo Andrejevic informs the President of the German athletics federation, Dr Max Danz, that in doping tests conducted by FIFA at the end of the 1966 World Cup, three players of the German team had “slight traces” of ephedrine.’ FIFA said last year, when the issue surfaced, that it had

no knowledge of the letter. Ephedrine can act as a decongestant for head colds and last night the German federation denied they had ever been involved in drug cheating. The report also implicated the 1954 West German team which unexpectedly beat the

Dr Joseph Keul Magical Magyars of Hungary 3-2 in the World Cup final, known as the Miracle of Berne. It is alleged the players were not injected with Vitamin B — as was long suspected — but with Pervitin, an amphetamine-based drug developed by Nazi scientists to make soldiers fight longer

Make match-fixing a crime to deter culprits – Dravid (Reuters) - Fixing cricket matches must be made a criminal offence to strike fear into the hearts of potential offenders, according to former India skipper Rahul Dravid. A stylish batsman renowned for his impeccable integrity, Dravid has had the misfortune of captaining a Rajasthan Royals team embroiled in a major spotfixing scandal that tainted this year’s Indian Premier League (IPL) Twenty20 competition. Former test bowler Shanthakumaran Sreesanth and two of his Royals team mates were arrested by Delhi Police in May, the trio accused of taking money to concede a fixed number of runs in the sixth edition of the lucrative tournament. The players deny any wrongdoing and have been released on bail but the scandal has sparked nationwide outrage and prompted the law ministry to draft a new bill to deal with cheating in sport after admitting existing legislation was inadequate. Dravid, who has been named as a witness in the case against the cricketers, said merely educating players of the perils of match-fixing was not enough.

Rahul Dravid “...(we have to) police it and have the right laws and ensure that people, when they indulge in these kind of activities, are actually punished,” Dravid said in an interview published on the Cricinfo website (www.espncricinfo.com). “People must see that there are consequences to your actions. That will create fear for people,” said the 40year-old Dravid, who quit test

cricket last year after scoring more than 13,000 runs in 164 matches. Dravid added that some lessons could be learned from the high-profile doping incidents that have blighted cycling. “The only people cyclists were scared of was not the testers, not the (cycling) authority... they were scared of the police. You read all the articles, the only guys they were scared of was the police and (the threat of) going to jail. “So the only way that people are going to get that fear is if they know the consequences to these actions and the law that will come into play. It has got to be a criminal offence.” Dravid went on to suggest that administrators should work more closely with police to restore cricket’s credibility. “So many fans and so many people care deeply about this game and it’s because of these fans and people we are who we are as cricketers. ”Administrators are there because of the fans and the cricketers, to run this game. So I think that credibility of a game in the eyes of the public is extremely important,” Dravid said.

and harder. The drug — also called ‘panzer chocolate’ — was still widely available from supplies manufactured during the Second World War. All the players were given their doses with a shared syringe. Only a small number, including Alfred Pfaff, who went on to Captain Eintracht Frankfurt’s 1960 European Cup finalists, declined the injections. Richard Herrmann, a winger, died of cirrhosis eight years later, aged 39. The report, entitled Doping in Germany from 1950 to Today, also alleges ‘forbidden infusions’ were given to another World Cupwinning squad — the 1974 side led by the great Franz Beckenbauer. This sordid tale

of deception — ranging from football across all Olympic sports — shows that the true horror of Cold War Germany’s industrial-scale doping was not confined to the East. The 800-page document reveals senior politicians, doctors and officials were involved in the fraud. The Interior Minister provided the money for research and administration of the illicit medication. The sorry revelations will not come as a total surprise in the world of athletics, given West Germany’s obsession with matching the success of their rivals on the other side of the Wall. A senior sports administrator is quoted as

saying ahead of the 1972 Munich Olympics that ‘one thing matters above all else — medals’. However, the relatively advanced nature of the doping, which encompassed early growth hormone drugs and EPO as well as stimulants and steroids, is more sinister than previously imagined. Still, the scale of the operation is not comparable with the East Germans’ programme. The study says Dr Joseph Keul, head of the West German Olympic team’s doctors, who died in 2000, played a key role. In his lifetime he fought to get anabolic steroids removed from a banned drugs list. The human cost of the programme is highlighted by Birgit Dressel, a leading heptathlete, who died of

multiple organ failure in 1987, aged 26. An autopsy sh owed traces of 101 medicines in her body. The official report into her death concluded she died ‘due to unknown reasons’ but German doping expert Werner Franke said anabolic doping was a cause. The final part of the study, examining drug use since 1990, has been suppressed. But the report quotes a senior sports federation official in the early 1990s as saying: ‘Coaches always told me that, if you don’t take anything, you will not become something. Anyone who

became something was taking it (testosterone).’ The study was commissioned in 2008 by German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and Federal Institute of Sport Science. On Monday DOSB President Thomas Bach, who is standing for the IOC Presidency, said: ‘This is a good day for the fight against doping. A commission will now evaluate the report and give recommendations with regard to the tasks as well as about the future

improvements of the fight against doping. ‘I am confident we can reach our goals to have full knowledge about the past and learn the lessons for the future. This will strengthen our zero-tolerance policy.’ For many, however, it will further reduce the credibility of sport. (Mail Online)

Jamaica, T&T take early lead in Super50 St George’s, Grenada – Reigning champions Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago are perched atop the points table after two rounds of the West Indies Cricket Board Women’s Super50 Tournament being played in Grenada. Jamaica are on 10 points and top Group A while Trinidad and Tobago are on 9 points at the helm in Group B. Guyana (5 points) are in the number two position behind Jamaica and over in Group B, Barbados (5 points, 2.18 run rate) holds the second slot alongside St Vincent and the Grenadines (5 points) but with the latter having an inferior run rate (-0.102). Jamaica registered wins over St Lucia and Guyana while T&T beat the Bajans

and hosts Grenada. So far June Ogle (104) of Guyana and Deandra Dottin (103) have notched centuries. Veterans Julianna Nero (86 & 54) and Pam Levine (58 & 55) have started well with back-to-back half centuries. Also making their mark with the bat were Jamaica’s Stafanie Taylor (94), Guyana’s Shemaine Campbelle (85), Grenada’s Afy Fletcher (62), T&T’s Britney Cooper (61*) and Pearl Ettienne (52) of Dominica. Starring with the ball to date have been Trinidad and Tobago’s seasoned all rounder Stacy-Ann King who picked up 5 for 18 against St Vincent and the Grenadines

while her teammate Kirbyina Alexander grabbed 5 for 38 against Barbados. St Lucian Nicole St. Prix (5 for 36 v Dominica) is the only other bowler to have taken a five wicket haul. Barbados’ 303 against Grenada is the highest score thus far following by Guyana’s 268 for 3 (v Dominica) and Jamaica’s 233 (v Guyana). The third and final preliminary round will be played today before the four semi-finalists are decided. The Super50 semi finals will be played on August 11 and the final is slated for August 14. The Twenty20 competition begins on August 16th and concludes on August 22nd.

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Friday August 09, 2013

Panama, Puerto Rico and Bermuda Trainers cleared over horse doping reaping Performance benefits

Participants of the PERFORMANCE…… CONCACAF is embarking on a new era in football development with 19 of its member associations benefiting at different levels from PERFORMANCE: the football management programme of FIFA. While FIFA’s development investment in the CONCACAF region during the period between 1999-2012 reached USD 258,599,659 – mainly through the Financial Assistance Programme (USD 186,750,000) and Goal (USD 39,100,000) – Performance is set to become a key platform aimed at supporting member associations reaching their full potential in all areas that are needed to perform at an optimum level in football management. By the end of 2012, Performance had been initiated in 127 member associations with 12 more beneficiaries approved by

FIFA’s Development Committee in March 2013. The Performance budget for the financial cycle 2011-2014 amounts to USD 35,000,000, which includes USD 20,000,000 dedicated to direct funding for the participating members in the form of incentives. Two years after the programme’s official implementation process was set in motion, member associations in all six confederations have benefited from Performance by undergoing comprehensive organisational reviews that have enabled them to implement specific action plans. Bermuda, a country with an estimated population of

approximately 7,000 football players, has been among those benefiting from such reviews. “The basis of Performance has been to assist in setting some meaningful and achievable

priorities that otherwise sometimes get sidetracked by the day-to-day administrative responsibilities of a small national Association such as ours,” Secretary General of Bermuda’s Football Association, David Sabir explained.

“Performance worked with the various departments and respective standing committees within the Bermuda FA focusing on developing their specific priorities. It then brought everyone together with the Executive Council to discuss how each relates to the overall strategic development of our association,” he said. At the end of the exercice, the member association, together with the FIFA Performance team, formalizes the outcomes of the review by creating a document defining short term strategic objectives and concrete action plans. Panama’s Football

Association has taken advantage of Performance to set up a strategic development programme that intends to transform the country into a new football stronghold in the region. Better knowledge of football’s popularity and marketability, including key indicators and insights, are set to help Panama’s Federation in leveraging favorable proposals with the private sector. Likewise, Performance has contributed to the planning and implementation of a strategic plan for the Football Federation of Puerto Rico. In order to set up their marketing and communication operations, the Football Federation of Puerto Rico will benefit from specific funding through Performance – USD 85,000 – and receive specific mentoring from FIFA experts in all key areas. (FIFA.com)

USA return to top 20 as Panama surge in latest FIFA Coca Cola rankings, Guyana is 127 th

The top 12 of the FIFA/ Coca-Cola World Ranking remains unchanged, with Spain still leading the way ahead of Germany, Colombia, Argentina and the Netherlands. Movement on the global ladder has nevertheless been provided by the CONCACAF Gold Cup – the continental showdown of teams in North and Central America and the Caribbean – which took place in the USA last month. The Americans, who won their fifth title, have risen three places to 19th on the back of their flawless performance, returning to the top 20 after an absence of two-and-a-half years as the best-placed CONCACAF team at the expense of Mexico (20th, unchanged). The Mexicans lost in the semi-finals of the Gold Cup

to Panama, who have climbed 11 places to 40th as a result of their exploits. In addition to the 22 Gold Cup matches, 53 friendlies were played in the past five weeks, including 46 in Africa alone, bringing the number of internationals played so far this year to 515.

The composition of the top 50 by confederation has changed in favour of CONCACAF following the Gold Cup, as follows: UEFA 27, CONMEBOL 9, CAF 7 (down 1), CONCACAF 5 (up 2), AFC 2 (down 1), OFC 0. For your information, the FIFA/Coca-Cola World

Ranking is celebrating an important anniversary this month: the first edition was published 20 years ago, in August 1993. The next FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking will be published on 12 September 2013. Summary

(Reuters) - Nine trainers have escaped disciplinary action over the use of a veterinary product which includes an anabolic steroid on 43 horses, the British Horseracing Authority said in a statement yesterday. The trainers were cleared after an investigation found that the Sungate treatment, which is used on horse joints, was administered on the advice of and by veterinary surgeons. The investigation started after nine horses in the yard of Newmarket trainer Gerard Butler failed testing in February. He is still facing seven disciplinary charges, including giving injections to horses despite not being a qualified or registered vet. Trainer Al Zarooni, an employee of Dubai ruler and Godolphin owner Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid alMaktoum, was banned by the

Trainer Mahmood Al Zarooni leaves after a Disciplinary Panel Hearing at the British Horse Racing Authority in London April 25, 2013. REUTERS/Luke MacGregor BHA for eight years in April for administering banned anabolic steroids to 22 horses based in Newmarket.

Fabregas puts an end to United efforts by saying he’s ‘never thought about leaving

Cesc Fabregas has moved to end s peculation about a possible move to Manchester United by insisting he is ‘very happy’ at Barcelona. David Moyes’s side had two bids for the former Arsenal man rejected by Barcelona earlier this summer, while Barca’s sporting director Andoni Zubizarreta declared at the start of the week that United had given up on trying to sign the Spain midfielder. Fabregas ruled out a move away from the Nou Camp while at the Confederations Cup in June but kept silent after United made their interest in him official, prompting speculation that he was in favour of a transfer. But speaking in a press conference on Thursday, the midfielder said: ‘Triumphing in Barcelona is what I have been hoping for all my life, it’s been my dream since I was a child. ‘I am very happy at Barcelona and I haven’t spoken to any other club in the last two years.’ Fabregas also defended not making a statement on his future in the midst of speculation about United’s interest. ‘I’ve been relaxed about it the whole time, I didn’t have to clarify anything because the only thing I was thinking about was staying at Barca,’ he said. ‘As I haven’t deceived anyone or hidden anything, I told the club’s press department that I would speak when it was my turn to speak to the press.’ And he insisted there was never any truth in the

speculation about him wanting a return to the Premier League. ‘Stories have been invented,’ he said. ‘I don’t know why speculation grew even after Tito (Vilanova, former Barca coach), Zubizarreta, Tata (Gerardo Martino, new Barca coach) and (Barca vice-president Josep) Bartomeu all said they wanted me to stay. ‘I was never given any sign from the club to make me think they didn’t want me, I have always felt wanted here. I spoke to Bartomeu, the president (Sandro Rosell) in person and Tata also told me he wanted me to stay and there’s been no problem.’ Fabregas also denied that he had requested a new contract from the Catalan club and promised to try and improve his performances for Barca next season. ‘What I have to do is do everything better because I’m at the biggest and most demanding club in the world,’ he said. Later, a United spokesman said: ‘We appreciate Cesc is a contracted player at Barcelona,

completely respect everything Cesc has said.’ Lionel Messi also spoke at the press conference about his new relationship with Brazilian £50million signing Neymar. ‘Neymar is a great player and he will give us many happy moments,’ he said. ‘We’re delighted that he’s here. ‘Off the pitch I have a great relation with Neymar, and on the pitch we’re getting to know each other.’

Friday August 09, 2013

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Lampard returns to Jose’s fold... but Ronaldo steals the show Frank Lampard made his first appearance of the summer but could not prevent a Cristiano Ronaldo masterclass from ending Chelsea’s 100 per cent preseason record. Prior to the clash against Real Madrid in Miami, the veteran midfielder had missed all of the Stamford Bridge club’s pre-season matches due to a troublesome achilles injury. But Lampard took a huge step towards proving his fitness for the season curtainraiser against Hull City on August 18 by completing the opening 45 minutes of the Guinness International Champions Cup final. However, as he so often does, Ronaldo stole the show with a brilliant double as Madrid condemned Jose Mourinho, who left the Spanish capital in the summer, to his first defeat since returning to west London. Mourinho left Real on bad terms with his star man Ronaldo, who emerged the victor on Wednesday night. Given the clash against Carlo Ancelotti’s side was Chelsea’s toughest test of the summer so far, Mourinho’s starting line-up may have provided a few clues to how the Blues may line-up against Hull. Romelu Lukaku started up front ahead of Fernando Torres, while there was a fifth consecutive pre-season start for summer signing Marko van Ginkel at the home of the Miami Dolphins. But there

was no place for David Luiz, who is still suffering from a slight hamstring injury, after the club rejected a £34.5million offer from Barcelona for the defender. There was no sentiment from former Chelsea Manager Ancelotti, who fielded a strong team including Ronaldo, Mesut Ozil and Luka Modric. Given the strong Hispanic presence in Miami, Chelsea’s players could have been forgiven if they felt like they had just stepped out at the Bernabeu, with the support very much in the La Liga club’s favour. Mourinho was booed when his name was read out

over the PA system; in contrast, Ronaldo was given a hero’s welcome at the Sun Life Stadium. And it was the Spaniards who started brightest, Karim Benzema forcing a good save from Petr Cech inside the opening two minutes. Real enjoyed much of the early possession, as Chelsea struggled to find their rhythm and their dominance paid dividend in the 14th minute when Marcelo opened the scoring for Ancelotti’s side. Latching on to Modric’s pass, the left back tormented Gary Cahill before firing a low left-foot effort past Cech. But in their first meaningful attack,

Chelsea were level just two minutes later, thanks to Ramires. The Brazil midfielder, who was partly at fault for Marcelo’s opener, picked up Lukaku’s lay-off before powering his way through the heart of Madrid’s defence and clipped the ball deliciously over the on-rushing Casillas to level. Chelsea’s equaliser did not knock Real out of their stride, however, as they continued to dominate proceedings despite losing their advantage. Ronaldo fired two free-kicks over the bar, while Modric’s long-range effort in the 27th minute flew

wide. Mourinho’s side threatened again soon after, Casillas just managing to keep the ball from Lukaku after parrying Lampard’s longranger. But the Spaniards’ impressive approach play was rewarded in the 32nd minute as Ronaldo fired home a brilliant free-kick after he was fouled by Branislav Ivanovic 25 yards from goal. The frustration got the better of Lampard, who was booked for a petulant kick on Modric in the 38th minute. But the 35-year-old regained his composure to go desperately close to snatching a second equaliser

on the stroke of half-time when his close range effort from Lukaku’s low cross was instinctively saved by Casillas. It was Lampard’s final contribution of the game as he was substituted at halftime with Kevin de Bruyne, Victor Moses and Fernando Torres coming on. And the substitutions breathed fresh vigour into the Premier League side as they dominated opening secondhalf exchanges. Ivanovic saw a glancing header from De Bruyne’s corner tipped over the bar by Casillas before Hazard was sent clean through by Ramires, only for the goalkeeper to make another important stop in the 53rd minute. And Chelsea were left to rue their missed chances as Ronaldo extended Madrid’s advantage, ghosting into the box before planting a firm 57th-minute header past Cech after Isco’s cross. Mourinho made a string of substitutions in the 74th minute an attempt to reinvigorate his side, Andre Schurrle, John Mikel Obi, Michael Essien and Cesar Azpilicueta all coming on. But the replacements failed to have the desired effect, as Madrid looked more likely to increase their lead. Angel Di Maria and Alvaro Morata both went close in the closing stages of the second period as Ancelotti, at least for now, took the upper hand over Mourinho.

Maria’s Pleasure win Four-year doping bans for athletes Banks DIH softball tourney to be reintroduced by the IAAF Athletes found guilty of doping will be given a fouryear ban from 2015, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has announced. The length of bans was cut from four to two years in 1997 to bring it in line with other international sports bodies. After a number of highprofile cases, the IAAF has opted to revert to four. “The IAAF has an ethical obligation to the overwhelming majority of athletes and officials who believe in clean sport,” it said in a statement. Athletics has had to deal with a series of doping revelations recently, with news that two of the fastest four 100m men of all time Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell - had failed drug tests on the same day last month. The IAAF wants the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) to increase its bans across all sports but insists it

will press ahead with fouryear bans anyway. “The new Wada code, which will come into force on 1 January, 2015, will reflect our firm commitment to have tougher penalties and the IAAF will return to four-year sanctions for serious doping offences,” the IAAF said. “As a leader in this fight the IAAF has built and delivers a programme that is well resourced, far reaching, sophisticated and increasingly able to detect and remove from the sport those who breach our antidoping rules.” Along with the Gay and Powell revelations, the sport has seen 31 Turkish athletes, including Olympic medallist Esref Apak, given two-year suspensions for doping. Jamaican sprinter Sherone Simpson and discus thrower Allison Randall also failed drug tests in July. IAAF vice-president Sergey Bubka longer

suspensions were necessary to eradicate doping in athletics. “It’s the only way to succeed - we must be harsh, we must be strong,”

said the Ukrainian, a former Olympic pole vault champion and six-time world champion. “Clearly today it’s unpleasant to see some positive cases but we can see systems start to work, and really well. “We will continue to fight. We understand it is tough but we are getting stronger and we will continue to do our best.” Some of athletics’ biggest names called for the ban to be increased, including double Olympic champion and London 2012 chairman Sebastian Coe. Lord Coe told BBC Radio 5 live’s Sportsweek: “We have to go back from two years to four years. The move down to two did a lot of damage to my sport.” (BBC Sport)

Maria’s Pleasure were crowned champions of the Banks DIH softball competition when they defeated Melville by 9 wickets in the final which was contested last Sunday at Sewram’s Tarmac, Belle Plaine, Wakenaam. The game was reduced to a one over affair due to the

Maria’s Pleasure who scored 16 runs grabbed the

fading light; Melville batted first and posted 16 without loss. Maria’s Pleasure responded with 17-1. Eight teams took part in

man-of-the-match award while Daniram Persaud of Rest of the Island got the

the one-day competition which saw thirty (30) preliminary matches played before arriving at the finalists. Kennard Lewis of

award for hitting the biggest six. Satnarine Sahadeo of Melville was given the prizes for hitting the most sixes and taking the best catch.

Wild Bunch are Carter Birth Anniversary Dominoes champs Wild Bunch marked 59 games to win the final of the Deon Carter Birth Anniversary Dominoes competition which was contested on Monday evening at Dynasty Sports Bar, South Ruimveldt. Assassin placed second with 52 games while Specialist came third with 48. Jermin Jackson was Wild Bunch leading run scorer with 12 games while Oswald

Brathwaite chalked 10 for the runner-up team and Andrew Mendonca scored 11 for Specialist. Assassin registered 54 games to win the semi final while Specialist finished second with 48; Gangster were sent packing with 46. Wild Bunch who drew the bye to the final received $200,000 while Assassin collected $100,000 and Specialist $50,000. Jackson

was given the man of the match award. Speaking at the presentation ceremony Deon Carter congratulated the victorious Wild Bunch team and thanked the sponsors for their support. The competition was sponsored by Gizmos and Gadgets, Cell Phone Shack, Ansa McAl, Reggie Sports Store and White Castle Fish Shop.

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Kaieteur News

Friday August 09, 2013

25 Graduate Nobel House Seafood Interpretation is the sponsored Baseball Coaching Education Course problem, not DRS

Baseball in Guyana took a giant leap forward with the graduation of Twenty-Five certified coaches of the Nobel House Seafood sponsored Course. All of the graduating coaches were presented with a complete coaching bag, each containing bats, Gloves, balls, safety equipment and other coaching aids to enable the spread of the came nationally. The course was provided by USA Baseball through its partnership with the National Federation of State High School Associations, for its coaching education program, “Fundamentals of Coaching Baseball.” The program, which was announced in December 2012, is part of USA Baseball’s emphasis on coaching education and growing the game of baseball both domestically and internationally. “USA Baseball through its partnership with the NFHS is proud to present this opportunity to the coaches of Guyana,” said USA Baseball Senior Director of Development, Rick Riccobono. “As baseball continues to grow both in Guyana and around the world, we are

Robin Singh confident that the ‘Fundamentals of Coaching Baseball’ can be a tremendous resource for coaches, and by extension, their players.” Robin Singh, President of the Guyana Baseball League - the national governing body for baseball in Guyana echoed Riccobono’s sentiment. “The NFHS coaching education course developed by USA Baseball and sponsored locally by Nobel House Seafood is the cornerstone upon which

baseball in Guyana will be built,” Singh said. “It is a vital resource needed to provide quality coaches with requisite knowledge and recognized certification to coach our nation’s youth.” As USA Baseball and the NFHS continue to grow their coaches education program with the emphasis on providing the best resources to those cultivating the game at the grassroots level, Guyana is beginning to develop the game with a similar process. “The majority of the participants in the course are young school teachers,” Singh explained. “A recognized coaching certificate is important to these young pioneers and an asset to their schools and community.” The sponsor for this programme, Nobel House Seafood expressed their appreciation to the GBL for providing this opportunity to the youth of Guyana and urged participants to put the knowledge gained to good use. Providing the program to Guyana is the first step in growing the game in that country, and another step in USA Baseball’s continued emphasis on growing the

game at the grassroots level in the United States and across the globe. The course is divided into five units: Coaching Philosophy, Offense, Defense, Pitching and Team Strategies. These units teach the basics of catching and throwing, offensive skills and defensive tactics; offer an overview of each position’s role on the field; show coaches how to develop a practice plan and provide additional coaching tips. Equipment was donated by the United States Embassy here in Guyana, in collaboration with Pony Baseball Organization, Baseball Guyana’s Youth affiliate and Pitch in for Baseball, a charitable organization that works to spread America’s pastime to kids all over the world. They collect and redistribute new and gentlyused youth baseball and softball equipment to underserved communities in the United States and around the globe. Parents and players can contact GBL President or any of the coaches by email admin@baseballguyana.com. Or phone 614 4862 for information on getting started playing baseball or softball.

Furyk takes charge at Oak Hill, Tiger toils REUTERS - Jim Furyk took advantage of rainsoftened conditions to surge into an early one-shot lead at the PGA Championship on Thursday as Tiger Woods double-bogeyed his final hole to finish six strokes adrift. American veteran Furyk, whose only major victory came at the 2003 U.S. Open, fired a five-under-par 65 in the opening round to take control on a sunny day at Oak Hill Country Club. The 43-year-old piled up six birdies and a lone bogey, at the par-four ninth, to finish one ahead of Canadian journeyman David Hearn, who is making his debut appearance in the year’s final major. Englishman Paul Casey, Americans Robert Garrigus and Matt Kuchar, and Australian Marcus Fraser opened with 67s while American Steve Stricker and in-form Swede Henrik Stenson were among a group of six knotted on 68. Woods appeared to be on track for a one-under round after relying on his renowned scrambling abilities for much of the day but he made a

Jim Furyk complete hash of the par-four ninth to return a one-over 71. After hitting his second shot into tangly rough short of the green, he chunked his third under the lip of a bunker from where he splashed out to 15 feet. His bogey putt then lipped out and he had to settle for an ugly six. Woods was a heavy favorite coming into this week after romping to a sevenstroke victory at the WGCBridgestone Invitational on Sunday, but is hunting his first major victory since the 2008 U.S. Open. EARLY PACE Hearn, who has played

most of his professional golf on the lower-tier tours, began and ended his round with bogeys but piled up six birdies in between to set the early pace. The 34-year-old, who lives in Brantford, Ontario where ice hockey great Wayne Gretzky was born, hit 10 of 14 fairways and produced some sparkling approach shots to move into contention for a first victory on the PGA Tour. Hearn’s only previous major experience came with two missed cuts at the U.S. Open before he tied for 21st in this year ’s edition at Merion. Watched by massive

galleries, Woods made an encouraging start with a birdie at the par-five 13th, his fourth hole, where he laid up in two after taking an iron off the tee before hitting a stunning approach to a foot short of the cup. He also birdied the parthree 15th, sinking an eightfooter there, to reach the turn in two-under 33. Woods squandered a golden birdie opportunity at the par-four second after he struck a superb approach to three feet, his putt not even touching the hole as it curled away on the low side. His round unraveled over the closing stretch as he bogeyed the par-five fourth after his tee shot sailed well right before he signed off with a six at the ninth. Defending champion Rory McIlroy, who is seeking to turn his game around after a poor year by his standards, was among the late starters. Also setting off in the afternoon was the marquee group of this year’s major winners - Australian Adam Scott (Masters), Englishman Justin Rose (U.S. Open) and American Phil Mickelson (British Open).

Reuters - The Decision Review System (DRS) in itself can be difficult to comprehend but what is hurting the game more is its varied interpretation by umpires. The system was introduced to eliminate blatant errors in umpiring but it has failed to do so since there is still enough discretion resting with the umpires, who might or might not have faith in the technology that supports the system. The third Ashes Test showed two examples of how DRS should not be interpreted. In the first instance, Usman Khawaja was given caught behind off Graeme Swann and the lefthander reviewed it with no hesitation. Kumar Dharmasena, the third umpire, after numerous replays had no evidence to support Tony Hill’s on-field call. There was no mark on the Hot Spot, the audio didn’t synchronise enough with the replays to suggest an edge and there was no obvious deviation to the ball’s trajectory after passing the bat. Astonishingly, Dharmasena deemed all the evidence at hand inconclusive to overturn the on-field call and Khawaja had to walk back in disbelief. It would have only been logical had Dharmasena advised Hill to overturn the original decision since he could find no evidence in support of the on-field call. The technology, then, would have seemed like a winner rather than the villain it has been made out to be. Kevin Pietersen also

suffered at the hands of Dharmasena, when the umpire backed another onfield call under the same circumstances that surrounded Khawaja’s dismissal. Pietersen was given caught behind but replays couldn’t unearth any evidence to support the onfield call. There was no mark on the Hot spot and no deviation to the ball’s trajectory but the batsman was still given the marching orders. Actually, Dharmasena was forced to give Pietersen out since he had already set an example in Khawaja case. At least, nobody can accuse Dharmasena of being inconsistent. The point, however, is that both the decisions were wrong in principle even if some pundits think Pietersen did actually nick the ball. The benefit of doubt should go to the batsman, as in the case of run-outs. The evidence should have the final say and had that been the case, both Khawaja and Pietersen would have been given not out. Also, as the system stands now, the original decision is given too much importance over the evidence or the lack of it. Let the final call be made on the basis of evidence and nothing else. The umpires may have made a close call and the system needs to allow for a correction on review. The players, and more importantly the game, need DRS and umpires too stand to benefit from it but only if they interpret it right. (Ravi Lakhwani)

Jamaica take Regional U-19 title BASSETERRE, St. Kitts - Jamaica defeated Barbados by seven wickets to lift the Regional Under-19 title at the EGSC Molineaux. Barbados were in deep trouble overnight on 65-6, trailing Jamaica’s first innings score of 188 all out by 89 runs. Carlos Maynard made 30 from 107 balls. But he was the lone battler on Day 3 as the Barbadians were all out 131. Shamar Springer and Neil Persaud got starts at the end scoring 15 and 10 respectively but couldn’t carry on. It meant Jamaica needed 43 runs to win the match and the championship. Though wickets fell around him, Nicholas Walters hit an unbeaten 33 from 43 balls to lead the Jamaicans to 433 from 13.2 overs. Hos knock entailed three fours and two sixes. Jofra Archer and Johnathan Drakes took a wicket each to inflict a minor scare on Jamaica. But the Jamaican boys stood firm and delivered their country the title. Scores: Jamaica 188 and 43-3; Barbados 99 and 131. Jamaica won by 7 wickets.

Page 46

Kaieteur News

Friday August 09, 2013

Amazon Warriors battle Red Steel tonight in T&T Lendl Simmons

By Sean Devers Second placed Guyana Amazon Warriors battle Trinidad and Tobago’s Red Steel at the Queens Park Oval in Trinidad tonight from 20:00hrs and despite the home team’s bottom placed standings, a large crowd is likely. The Red Steel have come under fire from their home fans for their poor showing in the tournament so far, especially after losing to Jamaica Tallawahs in the opening match in Trinidad. While only unbeaten Barbados Tridents (6) are ahead of Guyana (4) and Jamaica (4) on the points table from three matches, the Red Steel have lost all of their three games and are the only team in the tournament without a point. Adrian Bharat and Ross Taylor put together 62 for the

Nicolas Pooran

second wicket for the Red Steel chasing Jamaica’s 147 while Dwayne Bravo and 17-year-old Nicholas Pooran with an unbeaten 20 lifted T&T’s hopes before they fell short by five runs. Despite their loss to St Lucia in their last match in Guyana, the Ramnaresh Sarwan led side will start as favorites tonight against a team that has apparently not ‘gelled’ as a unit. Pooran, who blasted 54 in his team’s opening loss to Guyana at Providence, is the only consistent performer with the bat. Kevin O’Brian and Darren Bravo have struggled in the three matches and both average in single digits while Davey Jacobs, Dwayne Bravo, Taylor and Justin Guillen have all failed to fire with the bat. Guyana’s batting too

have been shaky with only Lendl Simmons, one of just three batsmen with over 100 runs. The others are Shoaib Malik and Andre Fletcher. Sarwan has been the only other Guyana batsman averaging 50 while Chris Barnwell, James Franklyn, Mohammed Hafeez and Martin Guptill have chipped in with crucial runs. But they have been inconsistent. Narsingh Deonarine, who has managed just a single for his three games, has just not fired and could be replaced tonight by offspinning All-Rounder Steven Jacobs. The bowlers, with the exceptions of left-arm pacer Franklyn and Hafeez have been spot on with Krishmar Santokie being very economical with the new ball. Only Shakib Al Hassan

has more wickets than Guyana’s Left-arm Spinner Veerasammy Permaul’s six while Sunil Narine who took 2-29 from his four overs when the sides clashed at Providence, has also bowled well. Red Steel will hope that the lively Fidel Edwards who produced a devastating six- wicket spell against Barbados reproduce that form, but on a track with not as much pace as the one in Barbados, Edwards might not have things his own way. Miguel Cummings, Delorn Johnson and Kevin Cooper will spearhead the Red Steel pace attack with support from Dwayne Bravo while leg spinner Samuel Badree (who could open the bowling) and left arm spinner Suleiman Benn should enjoy the Queens Park surface.

LCPL - Hyatt, Philander blitz downs T&T


anza Hyatt and V e r n o n Philander smashed 41 runs in 14 balls to post just enough for J a m a i c a Ta l l a w a h s a s Trinidad & Tobago Red Steel failed to muster similar momentum to overhaul an achievable target at Port-ofSpain on Wednesday and lost their third match in a row when the Limacol Caribbean Premier League (LCPL) continued. Jamaica benefited from a swift and solid start after being invited to bat with Chris Gayle and

Ahmed Shehzad collecting 44 runs before the latter holed out in the sixth over. But stifled by lack of pace, Jamaica scored 13 in the next four overs. That pressure resulted in four quick wickets as Jamaica stumbled to 81 for 5 after 15 overs and then 107 for 6 in 18. Danza Hyatt, whose 42 off 26 balls was the source of most of Jamaica’s runs during that time, was joined by Vernon Philander and they dismantled (Continued on page 40)

Danza Hyatt

Great start augurs well for success of Limacol CPL, says Sir Vivian Richards CPL - Legendary West Indies captain Sir Vivian Richards expects the Limacol Caribbean Premier League (LCPL) to be a resounding success, judging from the fans’ response to the Barbados and Guyana legs of the inaugural tournament. His statement came even before his team, the Antigua Hawksbills, convincingly beat the St Lucia Zouks by 33 runs in front of a sold out crowd at Beausejour. Sell-out crowds were on hand to witness the three games at Kensington Oval in Barbados last week, with similar turn-outs marking the four exciting fixtures at the National Stadium at Providence in Guyana, which finished on Sunday. Sir Viv, head coach of the Hawksbills, praised the massive crowd support noting that it augured well for the future of the Limacol CPL. “I believe this tournament is a great tournament. The crowds we have seen will have given some indication as to where we are going and what we would like to achieve, and as the tournament goes on and I guess it’s going to get better,” said Sir Viv, who dominated the 1970s and 1980s era in 121 Tests and 187 One-Day Internationals. “What we have seen showcased indicates to me that it could get better. To have such a great start to the tournament and to have the Barbados team winning at home was also a plus.” The Limacol CPL bowled off in Barbados on July 30th with a spectacular opening ceremony, followed by the opening game where Barbados Tridents defeated St Lucia Zouks by 17 runs. Two days later, the Tridents repeated their success with a 12-run triumph over the Hawksbills before capping the tripleheader on Sunday with a four-wicket verdict over Trinidad and Tobago Red Steel in a low-scoring encounter. Overall, 24 matches will be played across six venues – Antigua, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and St Lucia – with the semi-finals scheduled for Queen’s Park Oval in Trinidad on August, 22 and 23 and the final carded for August 24 at the same venue.

Sir Vivian Richards Sir Viv, long regarded as one of the finest batsmen to have played the game, said the Limacol CPL would definitely take West Indies cricket to another level. “It is a great relief for us in this part of the world to have the CPL established, and to have Digicel being part of this. They play a big part in what we do here in the Caribbean,” Sir Viv stressed. “I just think it is a great opportunity for some of our young professionals to be involved in a professional tournament starting in the Caribbean. With the other events being staged around the world, this is a platform for these kids to also travel further afield.” Sir Viv, who mastered the limited over game but whose career ended before the onset of Twenty20 cricket, said what was needed to succeed in this format was ingenuity and quick thinking. “It is all about game situation. You can’t afford to be one-dimensional, you have to make changes where it is necessary,” Sir Viv pointed out. “This is what I think T20 does. You do not go out with any fixed plan but you have to do some thinking on your feet.” Six franchises – Antigua Hawksbills, Barbados Tridents, Guyana Amazon Wa r r i o r s , J a m a i c a Tallawahs, St Lucia Zouks and Trinidad and Tobago Red Steel – are contesting the Limacol CPL with 15 players representing each side.

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