1 minute read

Peace Over Violence

Our world is filled with plenty of patient, passionate, peaceful people, Yet there continues to be constant acts of violence each day. Whether it takes 20 or 20,000 years, People will eventually seek peace, I confidently say.

My heart breaks for those who experience violence.


My heart breaks for those who experience cruelty.

My heart breaks for those who experience rejection. My heart lights up for those who experience affection.

Violence is like the wind howling at night, With some people trying to start a fight. It can be as silent as the trees

Or as loud as a hive filled with busy bees.

Some people are watching the waves crash onto shore, While many others are fighting in a war.

Some people are watching birds soar through the blue sky, While other people affected by violence begin to cry.

Violence is something you cannot undo. So why do people feel the need to pursue? Violence is not a good deed,

A world full of peace and love is what we need. Kathryn Romano ‘25