3 minute read

An Ode to Jersey Shore Summers

Every summer since I can remember, I have spent it down the shore The moment I reach the sandy beach, my worries exist no more. As I get older, and the years get harder, I await the moment when I can spend my days with my friends and see the sun again. And when the long, warm days grow inevitably short and cold, I know that I’ll always have these memories and fun stories to be told.

The beach, the waves, the bike rides, how I cannot wait!


Especially for the hot summer nights when we stay up far too late. On days where my friends and I ride carelessly through the streets, We think of the hard winter days when these moments seemed way out of reach. And at the beach it is different, though others may not see, Just how summer spent down the Jersey shore means so much to me.

My favorite thing about the beach are the waves that roll and crash Along the shoreline where my friends would play and scream and thrash. The way the waves dance and sparkle, like diamonds or twinkling lights, No one could understand how they made me feel, the excitement they would incite. I loved the shore, the beach, the waves while some may only say “it’s fine,” Because I realized how fleeting these moments were, these summers; we are running out of time.

Laying freely in the sun, all my anxiety and troubles become no more; I can’t imagine what my life would be without my Jersey shore. The sunlight and warm breeze lift my soul, the summertime has saved me, So when I’m sad, and need some quiet, I walk along by the sea. I’ll hope that this summer will feel longer than the last.

Maybe if I try hard enough, I can freeze time and it won’t go by so fast.

When I ride my bike along streets and alleyways, I look around at this town That becomes silent and devoid of life as soon as the leaves turn brown. The houses, stores, and restaurants seem to smile at me as I pass by It is as if they are happy because they know that it is July.

Because when the summer is over, and everyone else goes home, These houses and shops will sit on the street, quiet and alone.

The summer nights that felt so long,

When we were alive and free, so sure and so strong

I know that I will miss this so

When the vibrant, green grass and leaves start to go. When the flowing, dancing breeze turns cold, I will remember this Jersey summer; I will not leave these stories untold.


I, gifted with the intelligence of my lady Athena, The workmanship with the great lord Hephaestus, And the vision of the titan Prometheus.

I work the very stranded and labored Hands gifted to me, for they bring My mind into life and my gifts to Glory.

And once, when Nyx’s kingdom soars and glides past the creator my hand is taken from work and is held by another, My young boy, my little dove.

Before long, I see a king’s hand before my own, Now in command, whereas my mind stays back and Bides it’s time to create instead of rot.

I put my inner-workings of my mind Onto the island of Crete and the prison of A monster in which so I helped create. The king’s hand is now coming down, Towards not my mind but my body.

I, trapped in bars of iron think of The fool, on the thrown Shackles, on my hands But my mind as free as ever.

My little dove, His mind as free as his namesake, He influences my freedom and means of escape.

Before long, we soar. We soar through the land of Poseidon and The terrain of Lord Zeus.

We soar.

Then comes my dove. He challenges the Gods above. Through mother’s earth lover And up towards the kingdom of Helios He goes. He flies, and Dives too close.

He’s falling. My dove is falling.

I, cursed with the madness of Dionysus And the hands of a mad lord, stare upon A crow.

He has come into my home And claimed to be my little dove. He is an imposter and imitator. A true crow.

He wishes to be a dove? He wishes to fly? I merely allow him to.

He is not my dove, my dove never screamed And cawed when he was falling. He soared.

6 Lost Pounds: If Found, Keep Them

I’ve lost 6 pounds. Could you help me find them?

I swear I just had them. They were right there a second ago. But now they’re nowhere to be seen.

It’s not like I miss them or anything, They’d just be nice to have In case I ever need them.

But I better find them quick, ‘Cause people are noticing they’re gone.

I’m losing my reputation. They were only 6 pounds, How was I irresponsible enough to lose them?