1 minute read

A World So Hurtful

Innocent eyes once roamed the land, Full of wonder, a child’s brand. But soon they saw the world’s cruel hand, A harsh reality they couldn’t withstand.

Taunts and jeers, insults and slurs, A constant barrage, like never-ending cures. The heart that once sang, now just purrs, The soul that once danced, now just stirs.


Loneliness crept in, like a deadly disease, A wall built up, like a fortress with ease.

The mind that once dreamed, now just flees, The spirit that once soared, now just pleas.

Years go by, but the pain remains, A wound that never heals, a life in chains. The future once bright, now just stains.

The hope that once shone, now just wanes.

Racism, the scourge that breaks a soul, A disease that spreads, never to console. Let us rise up, make it our goal.

To break the chains and make us whole.

Peace Is Spoken By The Soul.

As I walk through the halls, I hear the call for peace, A voice that rings inside me, a live being that breathed and moved within my body, Begging for all wars to cease.

The world is full of chaos, Where violence seems to stand still, But there are those who strive for peace, And work to break this never-ending chill.

Non-violence is their motto, Their faith, their way of life, And though they may be few in number, Their message cuts like a knife.

They seek to end all conflicts, And bring about an end to hate.

And though the road is long, they know how to stay strong. They refuse any arguments but rather concentrate.

So let our voices chime

In support of this great cause to shine. Let’s make the world a better place with no hate crimes, One peaceful step at a time.

Rory Saxon ‘25