1 minute read

Plight of the Earth

The sound of water, a running stream

The warmth of a sun ray, a glistening beam


The rustling leaves of wind through the trees

The high-pitched buzzing of sweet honeybees

As I walk, the crunch of plastic litter sticks, Up the dirt blows as it responds to the wind’s kicks.

What can one do in a world meant to be bright

But try to cure the illness of mother nature's plight?

One can feel the deep breaths of mother nature no longer

She tries to breathe oxygen, but the pollution is stronger.

The polluted atmosphere is a fist, suffocating the earth

Its fingers clenched tightly around her girth.

The seven deep oceans that used to be blue Are now filled with litter and a murky hue.

People are pumping petrol and pouring plastic by the pound; Vehicle emissions are causing greenhouse gases all around.

We need to save the earth by picking up one piece of trash at a time Because doing nothing to help is an even bigger crime. Over time the globe is becoming as hot as the sun.

We cannot let this happen. So, what will be done?

Meredith Williamson ‘25