3 minute read

Escaping into the Blue

Far above the foreign hills, on thin stilts we rise, sweeping and staining the ever-blue sky. So far above our world we no longer hear its cries, we soar and whisper a passionate goodbye, one so soft it remains nearly unheard.

Inside this rattling train car, the once antifragile adventurers, nervously laughing and crying, are little ones learning to swim, holding their breath and closing their eyes. Their sounds remain echoing all while I am simply trying to let go of the troubles, the pressure, the dark lies, that I long to forever leave behind.


The clouds in the sky gasp as they see us go by, but Oh! How desperately I wish for them to see the look on my face, not one of agony or despair, but one of deep, fine grace. I am overcome with faith, not a worry or care, as I sing a soft and sweet little prayer.

We shall not be frightened on this risky, rickety ride, for despite our height, the cooling tone of blue air whizzes by, and we listen with all of our might to the melody penetrating our hearts from the far distance of the sky. Even the sobbing infant abandons his cry.

Who knows where these tracks will take us? What utopian land? What deep abyss? I feel the blue, and oh my!

It washes over me and feels like one gentle Kiss, a God-given gift from His Throne way up high. No longer out of sorrow do we weep.

That empty chair, my place at the table, left behind in the world I hate, stands so far away, as long as I am surrounded by nothing but this beautiful fate. The sky is never gray, but a majestic blue, a blue ever so triumphant and true.

First impression, let's just mention

It all seems pretty glorious.

Until that second glance, takes a strong stance

On how one's vision sees things.

Do not look at the fire, it takes the entire

Meaning of the picture away.

The clouds are like a divider; keeping away the fire from the beautiful sunset

The clouds are like a mystery; what is the purpose behind them?

The clouds are like a waterfall; stopping the flames from spreading.

The clouds are like a snowy day; something everyone sees joy in.

The clouds are like a Goddess above; looking down at true reality. The clouds are like a distraction; hiding the pain from the bright fire.

The dark trees take away the joy

From the pure pink painless sky, one can enjoy

The dark half of the picture, you may want to destroy

Do not take something so precious, and play with it like a toy

Oh, cherry tree standing tall, no you do not annoy

You make things seem a bit brighter, you teach to overjoy.

What does the Cherry Tree see?

Beauty? Violence? Birth? Death? So many things, it could be. Picture a baby being born, starting a new life oh how free!

Now picture death, of old of new, does it create absentee?

Beauty vs. Violence, they seem to disagree

Nothing comes together, to be as pretty as me, a tall standing Cherry Tree!

The clouds and fire float

Into the ocean where you may find a boat

Ocean breeze ah so calming, waves sound like a musical note

No worries, you're safe in the ocean, the fire is remote.

Since you have made it down here, look up by the coast

So, will you take this information at its most?

Crack! Snap! Splash! The tree comes down

Tumbling off it makes a sound.

This cannot be real it is just so pretty

Now I have a deep deep feeling of pity

I look back at the picture, it was all just fake

The tree’s still standing, O how great!

Our Rock

I, am to family, as ocean is to earth. Foundation is most important and begins at birth. “I know only one thing, and that is I know nothing,” But the earth is our rock, and the water is running.

Most of the oxygen we breath is from the ocean, Like a breeze on a hot day, it appeals to our emotions. Water makes up 71% of the earth's surface Do we respect the ocean and its purpose?

The Earth is big and as strong as Hercules. Did we go wrong? Tell me please! When pollution and waste fill our water, Will the cleanup and refresh be in order?

Our ocean is slowly failing

Why are we only staring?

We are not doing enough, as if we’re on a break. It's time to wake up and stop the heartache!

Let's start helping before it's too late. We need to love our earth, not hate! So next time you're standing on a dock, Remember this is our only rock.