1 minute read

Concerns To Learn

Silence is violence for all to see, Let not your silence be a weapon to me. We ache, we hurt, we throb, we burn Let not your silence be harmful for all. Stand up using your voice, as keeping quiet is being violent.

Earth, Oh Earth how precious you are! Your oceans, Oh, so near, so far The sky as blue as the oceans themselves, The grass so green like peas in a pod, Protect the earth, so we can continue life as we know it.


Women so determined, so strong, so kind, Sometimes, they can be hard to find. Such great women making impacts in history, Like Harriet Tubman, who was powerful, determined, and fearless. A great leader for all women to see.

Over the years, we have made progress, Racism has become far less. Racial equality fought over many wars, Lives lost, people injured, many left harmed. A difference can be made, spreading kindness and love.

Equal opportunity for jobs, education, and health, Many people in life want wealth. All people should get the opportunity to enjoy life. Kids in a candy store is what it should be. Let’s stand together to help people savor life.