1 minute read

Finding Peace and Love in Nonviolence

Violence among us has grown so large. Peace and love are no longer in charge! The world is hateful and cruel.

Kids are afraid, even to go to school.


You may be thinking there's nothing we can do, But trust me on this, it's all up to you. Meter by meter we can make an impact. We can get peace and love back intact!

It just takes kindness not a million dollars or years. It just takes kindness and for people to hear!

It just makes the world so full of greed and sorrow. It just needs to give out some love to borrow.

Violence and hate are not what we need! You just need to plant the seed.

A little love goes a far long way. That is what we all need to say.

I know we can all make the beautiful colorful earth a safer home for us all! Stop the violence and start to let love fall. Let it fall from you and fall from me!

And next thing you know we will all see.