1 minute read

The Persecution of Pollution

The earth is a place we all hold dear, but these problems are starting to get more severe. We must find the solution to minimize pollution.

Plastic, paper, people, polluting the earth questioning how it’s not illegal. People placing pieces, poisoning the earth, watching as our home begins to collapse as if it has no worth.


The earth is our dumpster, full of trash and clutter. For we are the hunters, wanting her to suffer. The earth is like a rare stone, but we’re still ungrateful. We mine for the hope of finding something gainful.

We pollute the air, now weary and suffocating. We pollute the water, now unclear and devastating. We pollute the land, now droopy and nauseating. We pollute our home, now gloomy and deteriorating.

Our earth is as beautiful as a glistening diamond, yet no one is listening despite the riots.

When she no longer looks as good as gold, who will help keep pollution under control?