Guyana chronicle november 16 2013

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GUYANA No. 103652

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PRICE: $60


Main Street a fairyland festooned with twinkling, coloured lights

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... as Courts Guyana brings the Christmas spirit to the shopping centre

Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus arrive at Courts Guyana Inc. Main Street store (Photo by Adrian Narine)

Webster distances self from Canadian solid waste project

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$5,000 note to be in circulation … Guyana’s dollar value from December 9 remains the same Page 3

Minister Jennifer Webster

Two-year-old killed after falling through house floor Page 10

Dead: Two-year-old Sean Junior Robinson

… awakened by hammering and went in search of grandpa


Tennicia DeFreitas with other artistes perform on stage

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

Main Street a fairyland festooned with twinkling, coloured lights ... as Courts Guyana brings the Christmas spirit to the shopping centre By Michel Outridge COURTS Guyana Inc. last evening once again ushered in the festive spirit by lighting up its Christmas trees, where hundreds filled that section of Main Street, Georgetown. The lights were switched on by Acting President Samuel Hinds, who was accompanied by his wife, Yvonne Hinds, as the crowd cheered lustily. Following a colourful, cultural programme of songs and dances by various local artistes, the Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Irfaan Ali congratulated Courts for once again bringing the beauty and joy of Christmas to Guyanese. In his address last night, he added that it was pleasant to see the furniture giant keeping the feeling of the festive season alive and bringing together so

many people for a few hours of festive fun and frolic. Ali advised that during this season we seek to comfort those among us who are unhappy, such as the relatives and friends of those who died in the shooting in the city last Tuesday. He also asked that we keep in our prayers the people of the Philippines, whose country was devastated by a powerful typhoon. He also urged Guyanese to promote a domestic violence free Christmas season. In brief remarks, Courts Guyana Inc. Managing Director, Clyde de Haas said that every year the company makes it a priority to host and sponsor the event as a way of conveying gratitude to their customers and all Guyanese. He added that Courts Guy-

ana Inc. always seeks to extend customer satisfaction with their quality and latest models of products, at the best prices for the ultimate shopping experience in keeping with the company’s trademark “Bringing Value Home”. De Haas noted that for this season they have a promotion going and he urged customers to also look forward to their annual Road Show, as he extended season’s greetings to all Guyanese. Guyanese last evening showed up in their numbers as they lined Main Street from the Bank of Guyana to as far as Demico Quik Service (Arapaima) outlet, with hundreds of children in tow, who patiently awaited the arrival of Santa Claus with his team of cartoon characters on a truck, with Mrs. Claus dancing to popular songs.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013


$5,000 note to be in circulation from December 9

THE Bank of Guyana (BOG) yesterday unveiled a new denomination in the local currency, a $5,000 note, which is expected to be introduced into circulation come December 9. Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, at the launch, made it clear that the value of the Guyana dollar remains the same, unaffected by the new note’s introduction. In the conference room of the BOG, he said: “This really just represents a new denomination. That is to say that our dollar has exactly the same value today, as it did yesterday.” Singh maintained that the five-thousand dollar note represents an important addition to the range of currency in use. However, even with the introduction of the new note, the Finance Minister called for the reduction of cash use, particularly since the technology exists to do so. He pointed to the downside of carrying around cash, the possibility of falling victim to robbery being one of the foremost cons. Singh said, “There really is no need, in today’s world, to be handling, retaining and car-

rying large volumes of cash… today’s world is one where it is not necessary for an individual to be carrying large volumes of cash. We have, today, a mature banking system, one that has considerable reach.” The minister added that in addition to technology, the facility of cheques and cheque books also exists. “There is much room for us to make greater use of the banking system and rely much less on cash,” he said. Singh also urged the Central Bank to encourage the use of reduced cash. He said, “We need to reflect on a more concerted effort, encouraging a migration from the dominance of cash in our economy.” He added that the economic growth Guyana has seen since 1996, the year when the $1,000 note was introduced, has warranted the introduction of the new note. “If you look at our key economic and financial statistics, you will take note of how the economy has grown,” Singh said. The Finance Minister cited statistics from 1996 to 2013 to

The back of the new note

… Guyana’s dollar value remains the same

underscore the growth, including Guyana’s nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which has moved from $94B to $631B; the size of the national budget moving from $47B to over $200B; a 438 per cent increase in commercial banks’ deposits; a 380 per cent increase in private sector credit; and the move in the public sector’s minimum wage from $7,337 to $37,687 – indicators of growth at both the macro and micro economic levels. “Over the years, there has been growth in the economy…. inevitably, this has brought with it the expected increase in the number of transactions, as a consequence of which the issuance of a new denomination has become necessary,” he said. Deputy Governor of the BOG, Gobind Ganga, was on hand at the launch to go through the features of the new note. He explained that the note has the Bank of Guyana logo and the map of Guyana on the front and Guyana’s rainforest and national bird on the back. There are also several

Deputy Governor, Gobind Ganga, hands over a symbolic note to Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh at yesterday’s unveiling (Photos by Adrian Narine) distinct features, including a water-mark, the macaw and value of the note. When tilted, the colour of the value shifts from magenta to green and the rolling bar moves up and down, a holographic stripe,

when tilted at an angle the image of a jaguar can be seen, the value of the note appears when the note is held up to the light, a blind mark for the visually impaired and partially sighted. (right of note), a dual

A frontal view of the new note

track, two track thread with optically variable and metallic print properties (back), an intaglio print, a distinctive raised feel; and novel numbering, progressively larger numbers.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

China unveils boldest reforms in Dozen dead as Libyan militiamen clash with Tripoli residents decades, shows Xi in command Reuters) – CHINA unwrapped its boldest set of economic and social reforms in nearly three decades on Friday, relaxing its one-child policy and further freeing up markets in order to put the world’s second-largest economy on a more stable footing. The sweeping changes helped dispel doubts about the leadership’s zest for the reforms needed to give the economy fresh momentum as three decades of breakneck expansion shows signs of faltering. However, the reforms may take years. A document released by the Communist Party following a four-day conclave of its senior leaders promised land and residence registration reforms needed to boost China’s urban population and allow its transition to a western-style services- and consumption-driven economy. Pricing of fuels, electricity and other key resources - now a source of major distortions - would be mainly decided by

markets, while Beijing also pledged to speed up the opening of its capital account and further financial liberalization. “The reforms are unprecedented,” said Xu Hongcai, senior economist at the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges, a well-connected Beijing think tank. “Reforms in 1990s were limited to some areas, now reforms are all-round.” Analysts suggested the plans are the most significant since Deng Xiaoping led a series of reforms in the late 1970s and the early 1980s. Those changes eventually opened up the country to the outside world and set it on course to become the champion economy of emerging markets. President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang, appointed in March, announced several breakthroughs in social policy, pledging to unify rural and urban social security systems and

to abolish controversial labor camps. The 60-point plan, more comprehensive and specific than initially thought, also eased concerns that Xi would need months if not years to take full charge of China’s vast party and government bureaucracy. China-watchers took the establishment of a working group to lead economic reform and a new State Security Council as further signs of how effectively Xi had managed to consolidate power just eight months after he officially took over. “This is much more of a top-down, systemic leadership compared to the 1980s and 1990s. Compared to previous generations, this is a remarkably robust leadership,” said Dali Yang, a political science professor at the University of Chicago. CAUTION Still, Xi and his team gave themselves until 2020 to achieve “decisive” results - a tacit acknowledgement of the risks involved in Beijing’s balancing act between letting market forces eventually take over and preserving financial and social stability and the Communist Party’s political monopoly.

(Reuters) - At least 13 people were killed and more than 130 wounded in fighting between militiamen and armed residents of the Libyan capital Tripoli on Friday, the state news agency Lana said - the third outbreak of street fighting in 10 days. Prime Minister Ali Zeidan demanded that all armed militias leave Tripoli, “without exception”. But the clashes underscored the weak central government’s inability to contain the regional militias that helped to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi two years ago but kept their guns. Armed disorder has blocked most oil exports for months. Friday’s bloodshed, the worst in Tripoli for several months, began when militiamen from the city of Misrata fired into the air and then into hundreds of protesters demanding their eviction from the capital after they had fought other groups for control of certain neighborhoods. A Reuters reporter saw an anti-aircraft cannon firing from the “Gharghur brigades’” gated compound into the crowd as

People carry a man who was injured when Libyan militiamen opened fire into a crowd of protesters in Tripoli November 15, 2013. Credit: Reuters/Stringer protesters chanted: “We don’t want armed militias!” Demonstrators fled but then returned, heavily armed, to attack the compound, where the militiamen remained holed up past nightfall. Dozens of soldiers in trucks tried to separate the two sides, and sealed off roads to prevent more people joining the clashes. Heavy smoke could be seen rising from the scene in the Gharghur district, where many of Gaddafi’s closest collaborators used to live until the uprising. AIRCRAFT OVERHEAD Air force planes circled overhead. “We want to make sure the militia don’t bring in any reinforcements,” said army spokesman Ali al-Sheikhi. Tripoli has been spared the almost daily bombings and killings that plague Libya’s second city, Benghazi, in the east.

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But when clashes between rival militias do break out, the nascent armed forces are no match for them. Strikes and armed protests around the country by militia and tribal gunmen demanding payments or more autonomy rights have also shut much of the OPEC member’s oil output, depriving the government of its main source of income. The authorities have tried to defuse the threat of the militias by placing them on the government payroll and assigning them to provide security. But the gunmen often remain loyal principally to their own commanders and fight for control of local areas, especially their weapons or drug smuggling, or to settle personal feuds. Zeidan was himself briefly abducted in October by a militia group on the government payroll. He has called for more foreign training for his military.






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GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

Venezuela’s President Maduro moves nearer to decree powers (BBC News) VENEZUELA’S National Assembly has paved the way to granting special powers for President Nicolas Maduro. Under the measures the leader would be able to govern by decree for 12 months. The bill still needs to be revised by a special commission and debated for a second time, but correspondents do not expect significant changes to be made. Mr Maduro says he will use it to tackle corruption and the economic crisis. However, critics fear he may use it to silence the opposition. The approval of the first reading of the bill comes after a member of parliament, Maria Aranguren, who defected to the opposition was stripped of her parliamentary immunity on Tuesday, being replaced by a government loyalist. This provided the one remaining vote that the government was missing to achieve the 99 votes needed for the approval of


Protesting prisons officers to minister:

Give us guns, safe housing

(Trinidad Guardian) Being allowed to have guns while off-duty, bullet-proof vests and housing in safe areas are some of the main concerns raised yesterday during a high-powered meeting among stakeholders in the prisons sector. Justice Minister Emmanuel George presided over the meeting at his Port-of-Spain office. Also attending were Commissioner of Prisons Martin Martinez, deputy Commissioner of Prisons Allan Jones, acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams and managing director of the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) Jearlean John. Prisons officers have been taking industrial action since the murder of prisons officer Andy Rogers last week at Daniel Trace, Malabar. In a telephone interview yesterday, George said: “The prisons officers have been taking some industrial action by all appearance. “The demands of the prisons officers are essentially that they want to be able to carry a firearm. They want to have protective clothing and houses.” George said it was Williams’ recommendation there should be legislation that had severe penalties to perpetrators in the event of the death or injury of a prisons officer. “I have agreed to take steps towards legislation. With the protective vests I will take that to the National Security Council for discussion,” he added. George said the right for officers to bear guns was left up to the Commissioner of Police. The minister said the police agreed to have surveillance and security for prison officers who were under threat. “The Commissioner of Police immediately informed all the stations that any threats to officers be treated with urgency and an added level of seriousness,” he added.


No probe into Express reporter (Trinidad Guardian) THERE is no investigation into the conduct of any reporter at the Express newspaper, according to the paper’s editor-in-chief Omatie Lyder. She was responding to a statement attributed to the president of the Media Association of T&T (Matt) Curtis Williams, who on Wednesday said the newspaper had launched an investigation into allegations surrounding one of its investigative reporters. A statement issued by the association on Wednesday condemned an Internet smear campaign against a reporter, but noted “Matt was also aware of other matters relating to the issue which is being looked into.” However, in a phone interview yesterday, when asked if an investigation (as to who placed the video, and allegations made in the video) had been launched into the YouTube video, Lyder said the company’s lawyers were addressing the matter. Contacted yesterday via phone,

Court throws out gay rights activist application against TV stations Nicolas Maduro says corruption threatens socialism in Venezuela the “Ley Habilitante”, or Enabling Act. ‘PERSECUTION’ The vote did not come as a surprise, but the opposition has openly criticised the move saying the government will use it to clamp down on opponents ahead of local elections in December, the BBCs Irene Caselli reports from Caracas. “The only objective of this enacting is to persecute government critical voices in society, the NGOs and the political parties with different views,” opposition parliamentary Eduardo Gomez Sigala told EFE news agency. President Nicolas Maduro first asked parliament in October to grant him special powers to fight corruption and what he called “economic sabotage”. The country is facing shortages of food and essential goods, power cuts and around 54% annual inflation. The government recently seized many high street shops selling its merchandise at reduced prices, because they were allegedly overcharging consumers. Venezuela also imposed strict controls over the sale of foreign currency to combat the growing black market of dollars. Former President Hugo Chavez, who died of cancer in March, resorted to Enabling Acts four times during his 14 years in power. His vice-president and handpicked successor, Mr Maduro, has pledged to continue his policies but does not command the same support enjoyed by Mr Chavez.

(Jamaica Gleaner) The Constitutional Court has thrown out an application challenging the refusal of three television stations to air an advertisement promoting tolerance for homosexuals. The three-member panel comprising Justices Paulette Williams, Bryan Sykes and Leighton Pusey handed down their ruling yesterday. The court had reserved judgement in May. The claimant, gay rights activist and attorney-at-law Maurice Tomlinson had argued that the action of Television Jamaica, CVM TV and the Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica (PBCJ) breaches the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. In its ruling this morning, the court said Tomlinson had suggested that the fact that the Broadcasting Commission of

Jamaica (BCJ) viewed the video and found no breach of any of its rules had to be taken into account. However, it added that in a general sense this is true but it cannot be overlooked that the Broadcasting Commission is a regulator and not the operator of any of the defendants. According to the ruling, the Commission would be looking at the matter as a regulator and not as a commercial broadcaster as in TVJ and CVM or a public body such as PBCJ. The judges said the fact that the Broadcastin Commission found nothing wrong with the advertisement is not a basis for saying that the defendants were in error not to broadcast it. They said there is the question of editorial control which gives the defendants the right to determine how they will deal with the issues of public

concern. According to the judges, each of the defendants, TVJ, CVM and PBCJ, must have the right to determine what it broadcast, the time at which any broadcast is made and the manner in which it is done. They also said each defendant must have the right to decide on its programming having due regard to its audience and its objectives. And the Constitutional court noted that from what has been seen, the court determined that TVJ and CVM have not breached any of Tomlinson’s rights.

Williams said he had nothing further to say on the matter. Asked specifically what the other issues were that were being looked at in relation to the matter, Williams said he was not at liberty to speak on those matters and he was not in a position to discuss it further. On Sunday, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan said four female Express journalists were “a team of undercover PNM media agents.” His cabinet colleague, Leader of Government Business Dr Roodal Moonilal, according to an Express report, was quoted as saying journalists should toughen up. He was quoted as saying, “Yes, the media has a role, a very critical role, and the media would present exposes, and so on, on persons in public like myself and others who have allowed themselves to be investigated and scrutinised in public life. “But it is a tough job and there are times when reporters themselves find themselves under the microscope, and there also needs to be a toughness not only by the public figures, but by all those who participate in public life,” he said. Ramlogan when contacted via phone on the matter yesterday said he had no comment.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013




EARLIER in the week, one of our readers penned a letter to this newspaper after reading about a case in which a magistrate freed a driver, charged with vehicular homicide, because the vehicle he was driving while intoxicated, struck and killed someone. The case ended up in court and during the court proceedings, the accused apparently, according to the letter-writer and reports in sections of the media, brandished a cheque book and told the judge that he had reached a $3 million compensation agreement with the widow of the man whose death he was accused of causing. The letter-writer made the point that, upon seeing the cheque book and learning of the “settlement” agreement, the magistrate dismissed the case. Now if this happened exactly as has been reported, then I’m sure any other reasonable person would draw the same conclusion: that this is indeed a case of “cheque book justice”. In the letter that he wrote to the Chronicle, the writer asks a few pointed questions like: “What happens to the drunk driver who has no cheque book?” and, “Would he be forced to do jail time?” These are uncomfortable yet necessary questions to ask ourselves. This newspaper has carried numerous reports of car accidents, many of which have been caused by drivers who appeared to be inebriated, yet often those individuals appeared to have some influence over the police who do not take the steps we expect them to take, such as detaining the driver and administering a sobriety test. Too often these drivers are simply let go. I remember the heart-breaking story of the little girl who was recently killed, again by a suspected drunk driver, and in that case too, like so many others, the driver called someone who whisked him away. When the police arrived after some time, they did not offer much sympathy to the grieving family. They were instead castigated for supposedly “telling the police how to do their job.” The victims of this injustice are mostly poor people across all ethnic groups, while the perpetrators are often well-off individuals who can afford to dip into their pockets and take out some change to pacify those whose lives they often destroyed. Let’s face it, the compensation amounts offered by the accused to their victims can never be described as “fair.” In the first instance, a life is priceless, because no amount of money is enough to compensate for a life lost. However, money can certainly help those who remained behind to move on, especially if the person killed was a breadwinner and those who are left behind depended on that person. In that case, money can certainly help, but the amounts of money offered to victims of car accidents that are often caused by drunk drivers can, at best, be described as insulting. Those who accept it often do so because they know that if they turn that Gy$1 million or Gy$3 million down, they may end up with nothing, plus the perpetrator is more likely than not to get away. It is well known that the criminal lawyers in Guyana are

The damaged front of the motorcar which was heading along Middleton Street when the other jumped the major road

Young driver jumps major road causing night accident By Leroy Smith

TWO young men narrowly escaped death last evening when their vehicles collided at the corner of Middleton Street and Campbell Avenue. The collision occurred at 20.20 hrs. The vehicles involved were a white Toyota 212 and a grey Toyota 170. The impact caused one of the vehicles to flip on its side, pinning the driver for several seconds inside, before he was removed by persons who rushed to the scene. Both vehicles were damaged, with the vehicle driven by the errant driver getting the worst of it. The men would not speak to the media about the accident but were trying to quickly come to an agreement before the police arrived on the scene. Arrangements were quickly made with a tow truck to remove the badly damaged vehicles.

Persons who gathered at the scene assisting to put the vehicle back on its wheels more skilled and crafty than the prosecutors. So, even if the accused is brought to court, chances are that he or she will be able to beat the system. So, when the victims are approached by the perpetrators of a crime with a compensation offer, they are almost always at a disadvantage. And the accused knows it. That is why they offer such pittances as compensation, because they know they have other options. Changing this will require changes on several levels, which include institutional changes as well as changes in mentality, and here’s why:as long as there are people in need of money, including those officials responsible for the administration of justice, there will be people, including perpetrators of serious crimes, who will offer money to those officials in exchange for circumventing the course of justice. So the question is: have we become a “cheque book justice” society?

The driver of the errant car is assisted out of the vehicle after the accident (Photos by Leroy Smith)

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013


South Central FREEDOM OF CHOICE Hotel owner murdered over phones theft By Hydar Ally

CITY hotelier,Mr Joseph Alexander Jagdeo, 62, of Lot 218 South Road, Georgetown, whose trussed up body was found under a bed in his South Central Hotel on Thursday morning, had, allegedly, been murdered over the theft of two of his cell phones. It happened after he expressed his annoyance during a confrontation with the suspect, who was a guest in the hotel, according to his wife, Fazia Hack. She told the Guyana Chronicle, yesterday, she understands that, recently, two cell phones belonging to her husband were stolen by a male who was staying at the hotel but was scheduled to leave on Wednesday morning. The woman added that her husband received information about who the thief was and confronted the man, who had been invited to the hotel by a known female, who frequents the business on Sundays. Jagdeo was last seen early Wednesday morning in his office, as usual, attending to paper work and after that his movements were unaccounted for until his dead body was found under a bed in Room 10. His hands were tied and his mouth stuffed with a pillow case. Blood was also oozing from his nose. The mother of one told this publication that her husband had abandoned his Bel Air Park home and resided in an apartment in the hotel so he could manage his business effectively.

LAST VISIT Hack said she lives with her teenaged son in Alexander Village, also in the city, but would visit South Central Hotel and Bar, on South Road, almost on a daily basis since they were close and, during her last visit on Tuesday, nothing regarding her husband was different. The woman later learnt about the theft of her husband’s cell phones and what happened after that by hotel staffers, who related that the police have, since, detained a man, who said that he bought one of the cell phones from another man. It is suspected that the killer concealed himself in the building and left after the murder, because no one recalled seeing him on Wednesday morning. Hack was in the company of her son and adopted daughter at the businessplace, where some of the employees were gathered seemingly discussing their employer’s demise. A female employee discovered Jagdeo’s corpse in one of the 19 rooms of the three-storeyed hotel which employs about 15 persons, mostly women, in the business that has been in existence for many years. Jagdeo had remigrated to Guyana when he took over the family business and invested money and during that time he was said to be “very giving” to people. His adopted daughter, Chandrouti Jagdeo, 33, said he was the only father she knew, he having taken her into his home since she was just two years three months old before living at the hotel for 20 years. The woman described her father as a very “down to earth person” who was kind to almost everyone and very generous. She, however, wants his killer (s) to be brought to justice, so the family members can have closure. Hack said that her husband will be cremated on Tuesday and the business will remain closed until further notice, since she has a business of her own and the undertaking might be too overwhelming for her. Police reported that a post-mortem, performed on Jagdeo yesterday by Government Pathologist, Dr. Nehaul Singh, gave the cause of death as asphyxia due to manual strangulation.

THERE is a saying that the greatest of all freedoms is the freedom of choice. People the world over cherish the idea of choice which is a fundamental human right, especially when it comes to choosing a government of one’s choice in certified free and fair elections. One reason (among several others) why the Democratic Party in the United States has done so well in the last two presidential elections is because of its enlightened pro-choice stance on fundamental issues, including the right to decide on abortion and on gay rights. This element of choice has become a defining characteristic of our emerging democracy. The current parliamentary configuration which gave the parliamentary opposition a oneseat majority is a manifestation of our evolving democracy, even though the national interest could be compromised by partisan politics as happened recently by the refusal of the opposition parties to lend support to the anti-money laundering bill and the Amaila Falls Hydro-electric Project. If there is one thing most, if not all, Guyanese can agree on is that when it comes to freedom of choice and freedom of expression, Guyana compares favourably with any in the Caribbean, and for that matter, the entire western hemisphere. The judiciary is independent and free. There is no attempt whatsoever to tamper with the course of justice by the government. In fact, several rulings were made against the ruling PPP/C administration and agencies of the government. There was a time in the not-so-distant past when such freedoms which we take for granted today were denied the Guyanese people. To begin with, the entire democratic fabric of the society was ruptured. There were no free and fair elections for close to three decades, and what passed for parliamentary democracy was nothing but a complete hoax. Parliament under the PNC was not only a rubber stamp, but totally unrepresentative of the will of the Guyanese electorate. The current parliamentary configuration which gave the opposition parties a one-seat majority has turned out, regrettably, to be largely dysfunctional, and is not conducive to the overall good of the nation. What is playing out in our parliament today is a pathetic display of political arrogance by the combined opposition by virtue of their one-seat majority, to a point where it could not care less whether the integrity and

well-being of the country and its citizens are put at risk. The anti-national stance of the political opposition speaks to a mind-set which essentially says to the Guyanese people that partisan politics is primary, and any other consideration, regardless of its impact on the good and well-being of the Guyanese people, is at best of

HYDAR ALLY secondary importance. Such thinking is, at best, short-sighted, and fails to adequately take into consideration the interests of significant constituencies which are organically linked to the body politic and whose contributions to the society are significant. Take for instance the private sector, which, for all practical purposes, is seen as the engine of growth. Its attempt to have its voice heard in the highest decision-making body of the

land, the National Assembly, was rudely denied by the combined opposition, despite the pleadings of Government MPs. The curent PPP/C administration is now placed in a difficult situation in pursuance of its development agenda which, to a large extent, is being held hostage by a political opposition that seems to be more concerned with settling political scores rather than being a partner in the country’s development. True, as the parliamentary opposition, it has every right to scrutinize and propose amendments to bills; but opposing for the sake of opposing, and using the parliament as a medium for trade-offs and political blackmail is counter-productive, and certainly not in the best national interest. In any functioning democracy, there is need for checks and balances in order to ensure that the best interests of the people are upheld. This is why it is always a good thing for the three arms of the state to maintain their independence and not stand in the way of each other. What is playing out in the country currently is a situation where the legislative arm is frustrating the work of the executive by all manner of political

subterfuges aimed at crippling the developmental agenda of the PPP/C administration. The fact is that the PPP/C is the democratically elected government, with a mandate to govern, in keeping with the provisions of our Constitution. Unlike previous Constitutions which were foisted on the Guyanese people, the current Constitution was endorsed by Guyanese from all walks of life, through numerous consultations involving all major stakeholders, including the political opposition. Contrary to what is being peddled in some quarters, the PPP/C is not a ‘minority’ government. It has won close to 50% of the votes in the last elections, and therefore enjoys the full confidence of the people of Guyana. In politics, two minorities do not constitute a majority. This fact was well established during the 1964 elections, when two minority parties, the PNC and the United Force, came together in a coalition government to remove the PPP from office with devastating consequences. Having regard to the above, the PPP/C administration ought to be given a fair chance to exercise its constitutionall mandate to govern without undue hindrance by the legislative arm of the state.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

Bandits drive off with Guyana heads to CFATF unregistered Allion, Premio meeting on Monday … visited Auto Sales earlier posing as customers and promising to return later

By Leroy Smith

A DELEGATION from Guyana heads to the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force’s (CFATF) plenary meeting in The Bahamas, scheduled for Monday. And Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh has made it clear that the delegation will make the best case they can for Guyana. He said, “We will attend and make Guyana’s case and hope that the efforts made by the Government will be considered.” The delegation is expected to be led by Attorney General Anil Nandlall. Nandlall and Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), Paul Geer, were instructed by President Donald Ramotar to explore “thoroughly” ways of dealing with the impact of the rejection of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Bill. The Finance Minister statFinance Minister, ed that CFATF will meet to Dr. Ashni Singh consider Guyana’s case and he is hopeful that the political will of the government will affect the decision of the taskforce. “What CFATF ultimately decides, we don’t know,” he said. Singh addressed the concerns of impact on remittances. He said, “I would say that, based on previous experience and comparative examples, the government knows definitively that there are significant risks that companies in Guyana will now exact greater risk of transactions with Guyanese companies and Guyanese individuals.” A letter from CFATF stated that if Guyana is not found sufficiently compliant, CFATF will instruct its member states to take precautions to safeguard themselves from the risks emanating from Guyana.

TWO bandits invaded Selana Auto Sales at 157 Lusignan Public Road, East Coast of Demerara, mid-afternoon yesterday and drove off with two vehicles. Information reaching the Guyana Chronicle indicated that the men visited the business place yesterday morning under the pretext that they were customers and wanted to see a few cars; they then informed the young man who was dealing with customers that they would return later in the day to check a few more vehicles, but this time with a female companion. They did return. However they failed to show with the woman as promised. The salesman paused from eating his lunch to deal with the “customers”, and approached them with a box containing keys to all the vehicles. They pointed the sales clerk to a vehicle that they were interested in examining and suddenly decided that they also wanted to see the repossessed vehicles parked at the back of the yard. As he was at the back of the yard, showing the men a repossessed minibus, they suddenly fell upon him, tied him up and locked him in the minibus. The salesman related that soon after he heard vehicles being driven off. Fridays are market days at Lusignan, and the sight of unregistered vehicles leaving

the auto sales compound caused some concern among shoppers. The owners of the business were immediately contacted and a search was launched for the vehicles. The first car to be located was a Toyota Allion, which conked out soon after leaving the business place, as the battery just died. It was found parked on the railway embankment. The search for the other vehicle, a Toyota Premio, was still on up to late last evening. The search was conducted in several East Coast of Demerara villages, including Buxton.

The Toyota Allion which was recovered after it was left abandoned on the railway embankment

The yard from which the two vehicles were driven out yesterday in bright daylight

General Manager now charged in $93M heist of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the prosecutor responded in the affirmative but bail was refused and the case was put off to November 22.

THE General Manager of El Dorado Gold Trading at Port Kaituma, North West District, who is alleged to have orchestrated the recent $93M heist on the company, was remanded to prison when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry yesterday. Twenty-nine-year-old Neville Chandrawattie, of Lot 33 Sparta, Essequibo Coast, was not required to plead to the indictable offence, particulars of which said, on November 8, at Port Kaituma, he stole 96 ounces of gold valued $22M and $71M cash, belonging to El Dorado Gold Trading. Police Corporal Bharat Mangru, holding for prosecuting counsel, Mr. Glenn Hanoman, told the court that the accused was employed at El Dorado Gold Trading at Port Kaituma as the General Manager and is known to Amirullah Kuturatullah alias ‘Iron Roller’, who was previously charged. Mangru added that sometime prior to the commission of the crime, Chandrawattie and Kuturatullah planned how they would steal the money and gold from the company. The prosecutor said Chandrawattie allowed Anil Dairam, who is also charged, to enter the premises and hide under the bed and the accused GM then put sleeping tablets in the porridge of his co-workers. Dairam tied up the workers while Chandrawattie packed the

money and gold and gave them to him, Dairam, who then made his escape. He hid the remainder of the gold and then consumed the sleeping pills. Chandrawattie admitted to planning the robbery and took the police to Kuturatullah’s house where money and gold were found and he handed over what he had, the prosecutor said. Mangru successfully objected to bail for the latest accused in the case, citing the fact that he poses a flight risk and that there may be other charges. THREE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW He was represented by three attorneys-at-law, Mr. Peter Hugh, Mr. Compton Richardson and Mr. Hughley Griffith. Hugh argued that the offence is a bailable one and is not a case of robbery. Addressing only the objection to pre-trial liberty, he said Chanrawattie was not caught on a border or on his way to Suriname and he does not know if the prosecution can see into a crystal ball to tell the future. Nevertheless, he would like to enquire to the nature of the other offences with which his client will be charged. Mangru interjected that there is likely to be other charges but investigations are incomplete. Hugh asked if this file had gone for advice from the Director

Accused- Neville Chandrawattie

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

Home Affairs charges…


Granger’s comments on Middle Street shooting, nonsensical, shameless THE Ministry of Home Affairs, alluding to the November 12 unfortunate shooting in Middle Street, Georgetown, said it notes, with utter disgust, the comments reportedly made by Opposition Leader, David Granger. The ministry said, that the, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) would seek to blame it for the incident, is both nonsensical and shameless. The ministry rejects, in its totality, such a brazen attempt to disparage its image and its efforts to execute its lawful mandate, a release said. It continued that the claims of “rampant gun running”, “lax attitude to gun licensing by the Ministry of Home Affairs” and “weak law enforcement by the Guyana Police Force” are but a clear demonstration of the level of Mr. Granger’s ignorance of the work of the ministry and its achievements in the security sector. “Granger and his merry band have chosen to bury their heads in the sand like the proverbial ostrich.” With respect to firearms licensing, the ministry said it implemented the recommendation of the Disciplined Forces Commission,

of which Granger, himself, was a member. “A Firearms Licensing Approval Board was established in April 2010, by way of Regulations under the Firearms Act (Cap 16:05). This Board is actively considering recommendations made by the police for persons to be licensed. “No one is automatically granted a firearm licence. All applicants are vetted and stringently so. A visit to the ministry’s website will provide readers with an indication of what this process entails. The release said: “In true Rip Van Winkle style, Granger calls for “tighter border security to prevent illegal guns entering the country” “This is indeed astounding, especially coming from the man, under whose leadership the Firearms Amendment Bill, which was taken to National Assembly in March of this year, was rejected. “By voting against the Bill, Granger, in effect, sent a strong signal to the gun smugglers that he is there to watch their backs. ADDRESS LOOPHOLES “The Firearms Amendment Bill was intended to address loop-

holes in the substantive Act, in regard to the trafficking of firearms and the instituting of penalties for such activities,” the ministry said. It added that it is pleased to let citizens know that full support is given to boosting the level of recruitment and training in the GPF. Coupled with this, is the ongoing process of reform and modernisation of the GPF, which is focusing, specifically on administration, succession planning, professionalism, public relations and communication, another positive development which David ‘Contradictory’ Granger chooses to ignore. “We remain convinced that the combined Opposition is, in fact, working to protect the criminal underworld in Guyana. “The belief being peddled by Granger and his ilk, that they have the ‘silver bullet’, in their gloves in respect to challenges confronting the security sector in Guyana, is a myth but the ministry said it will not be distracted by the ‘sour-pusses’ in the APNU and their negative spirit. “Citizens are assured that no effort will be spared, by the ministry, to ensure their safety and security,” the release stated.

Creating history…

New Amsterdam Hospital hosts first ‘Community Day’ THE New Amsterdam Hospital created history in the “Ancient County” of Berbice, yesterday, when the administration of the institution hosted its first Community Day. It saw a presentation and mini exhibition to demonstrate that the health facility is capable of addressing medical and surgical needs. Addressing a gathering on the tarmac of the health complex, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Berbice Regional Health Authority (BRHA), Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo highlighted the achievements of the facility but noted that there is room for improvement in health care. “We have made mistakes; we have our faults and issues, but we served the people,” he maintained. Mahadeo also pointed out that the BRHA has been responsible for the training of many professionals who have either left or been transferred from the region and it has left a vacuum in the human resource division. “We not only offer services. Nurses and doctors have been trained here and I think the staff at the New Amsterdam Hospital deserves an applause for the work they have done here,” he insisted. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the New Amsterdam Hospital Complex, Mr. Allan Johnson, in his remarks, mentioned several achievements and shortcomings of the institution but noted that the administration is working to rectify and improve services. MANY CHALLENGES He added: “Nurses rose above many challenges and have continued to work and deliver proper health care to those who come to this institution for assistance.” The New Amsterdam Hospital was recently in the spotlight over the alleged poor services offered at the Accident and Emergency Department.

A section of the gathering at the hospital “Community Day”

The New Amsterdam Hospital Complex However, Ms. Avia Lindie, who serves on the current Board of Directors, congratulated all workers for taking the noble step of joining the medical fraternity and urged the public to be constructive in their criticisms. “If you (the public) are not part of the health sector, it is easy for you to judge (us), but a lot of good things are happening and are yet to be highlighted (by the media). Criticisms are necessary for us to improve in what we do but we must commend those who have made sacrifices to improve our health care delivery,” she emphasised. From 2014, an annual programme of work will be posted on a bulletin board at the institution, and members of the public and the media would be allowed to peruse it. In event of shortcomings, questions will be entertained by the CEO and the Public Relations Department.

A nurse displays some medical pamphlets


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

All municipalities except Georgetown submit estimates for approval by Telesha Ramnarine

FIVE of the six municipalities in Guyana yesterday submitted the estimates of their 2014 income and expenditure to Minister within the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Mr. Norman Whittaker, for approval. The presentation was done at the Fort Street, Kingston, Georgetown Ministry, in the presence of Permanent Secretary, Collin Croal and other officers. The Georgetown City Council was the only municipality that did not present its estimates. The others which did are the Corriverton, Anna Regina, Rose Hall, New Amsterdam, and Linden Town

and accountability in 2014.’ Town Clerks, municipal treasurers and chairpersons of the various Finance Committees, were present, too. Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Georgetown City Council, Mr. Junior Garrett stated that the reason they could not make the presentation was due to the fact that the budget had not been approved by the council. ANY BEARING This, he explained, was because Georgetown Mayor Hamilton Green felt that other items should have been included. Garrett disclosed, however, that he was of the opinion that none of the Mayor’s requests have any bearing on statutory requirements.

Minister Norman Whittaker, at left, with Permanent Secretary, Collin Croal Councils. Section 155 of the Municipal and District Councils’ Act requires town councils or district councils to prepare and submit that information for the next financial year, no later than November 15 of each year. The event yesterday was conducted under the theme ‘Ensuring adequate returns to stakeholders and promoting effective financial management

He asked that Minister Whittaker be the one to decide whether or not they should proceed to present the estimates without the approval of the council. Meanwhile, eleven councillors voted against the Georgetown budget, four for and two abstained. The minister responded that he noted that all of the consultation processes were fol-

Minister Whittaker, at centre, with officers of the six municipalities lowed with staff and said the Mayor cannot ask the council to include items that are not allowed. He advised Acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba to set out the course of events, in writing, to him and said the ministry will take it from there. Minister Whittaker told the municipal officers that the ministry would like to see an increasing amount of the revenue garnered go towards providing services like maintenance of roads, weeding of heavy vegetation, solid waste management and fixing bridges. He observed, too, that many of the Regions’ primary sources of revenue continue to be the markets, along with rates and taxes. “We find it easier to focus on the market revenue than to go after those who are indebted for the services we provide. We would like to see more focus being placed on defaulting ratepayers,” Whit-

taker asserted. He advised that the officers reach out to such defaulters, individually, summoning them to the offices and making out payment plans with them in some cases. The minister told the officers that, in working to make the towns better places in which to live and work, it is imperative that they support the work of Government. “We must not leave it to Government only…to provide the goods and services that people need.” He said his expectation was that their budget estimates would have evolved out of a process of consultation with the elected councillors, various

departments inside the municipality and, of course, residents. NOT SATISFIED “It is noticeable that all of you are making a determined effort to deliver. We are not satisfied that, in some instances, you are giving it your best effort,” Whittaker told the officers. Permanent Secretary Croal implored the municipal officers to re-examine the programmes they, initially, planned in 2013 and ensure that they are completed on time. He said he was hoping for ‘realistic and relevant’ budgets. For those projects that pose a difficulty, he advised them to inform the ministry early, so

that they could render the needed assistance. He informed that the ministry was pleased with the progress of the municipalities after completing a general assessment of the subvention programmes for 2013. Very shortly, he informed, the second tranche will be released for the payments and completion of their 2013 subvention programmes. Croal went on to announce that Cabinet recently gave its no objection for the creation of District Tender Boards that will be established across the Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) and municipalities. The operations of such bodies will be considered at various training sessions in the future, Croal said.

Two-year-old killed after falling through house floor

…awakened by hammering and went in search of grandpa By Leroy Smith TWO- year-old Sean Junior Robinson of Buxton was killed yesterday after falling through a hole in the floor of

his grandfather effected repairs to the house. The toddler went into a room filled with building tools and materials, and fell through a hole in the floor. His grandfather, Linden Adams, said he was outside working when he heard the child make a strange sound. Then he saw the child lying under the house.

He rushed and picked up the toddler who seemed to be alive. He administered CPR and the child gasped. He rushed the two-year-old to the Georgetowwn Public Hospital, but he was pronounced dead on arrival. Up to late last evening his mother and grandmother were still assisting the police at Vigilance in their investigations.

Dead: Two-year-old Sean Junior Robinson his grandparents’ home at lot 82 Buxton Sideline Dam. The Guyana Chronicle was informed that the toddler was sleeping on a bed when he was awakened by a hammering as

The hole in the unoccupied room through which the toddler fell (Photos by Leroy Smith)

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

American Stores announces entry into Guyana furniture business A NEW investor, American Stores, with a furniture chain based in Trinidad, hosted a glitzy media event in the Savannah Suite of Pegasus Hotel, in Georgetown on Thursday, to announce the Guyana launch. It was hosted by Mr. Austin Ogle, Manager of the Guyana stores; Mr. Jared Hamilton, Regional Manager, New Business of the group, as well as Ms. Pauline Hamilton, a consultant who is advising the enterprise. The flagship store is located at the corner of Regent and Cummings Streets and will open to the public on November 29, the same day the company is opening a second store on D’Urban Street, also in the city. Asked by one of the reporters what will be different from other furniture stores, Ogle responded that they will compete on quality and price. He said, even though they will carry many of the same brand name merchandise, currently offered by others, they would be able to offer proven quality at a lower price, which should be welcome news for Guyanese customers. In addition to the quality and low prices, the company will also offer hire purchase as an option, Ogle said. NATIONWIDE PRESENCE For the benefit of the full complement of Guyanese media, the company laid out its very ambitious plans to gain a stranglehold in this country by establishing a nationwide presence. According to Ogle, they plan to open stores in places such as Linden, Upper Demerara River; Berbice, Bartica and another part of Essequibo, all within the next six months. From information the officials shared with the media, American Stores is planning an all-out drive to take over the local furniture business. Towards this end, the company will be sponsoring the upcoming Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club (GMR&SC) international race meet in Guyana, which is one of the premier sporting events, not only in this country but the Caribbean, involving riders from as far afield as the United States (U.S.), Canada and The Cayman Islands. But American Stores is not stopping there free coupons will be given to members of the public, which can be redeemed at any of their outlets when they make purchases. The business has also roped in Adrian Dutchin, a well-known Guyanese Soca artiste, in its marketing campaign.

Alleged robbery victim charged with wounding RAVI Rajkumar, 18, a fruit vendor, of Lot 83 Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, was granted $10,000 bail yesterday on a wounding charge. He appeared before Magistrate Ann McLennan but was not required to plead to the offence, particulars of which said, on November 13, at Wellington Street, also in Georgetown, he unlawfully and maliciously wounded Joseph Parris. Police Corporal Dinero Jones, prosecuting, said, that day around 00:30hrs, the accused was walking along Wellington Street, when the victim accosted him and demanded that he hands over his valuables. The prosecutor said that Rajkumar took a pair of scissors and dealt the virtual complainant four stab wounds before Parris escaped with his chain in a yard and summoned the police. Attorney-at-law Mr. Paul Fung-a-Fat, for Rajkumar, said the accused suffered cuts on his hands and body when he was being robbed by Parris and he was merely defending himself. Parris was not present in court, but his wife Donna Parris who spoke on his behalf, informed the court that her husband is sick and the case was adjourned to November 21.

Models signifying the gifts American Stores is bringing to Guyana



GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

IN a presentation ceremony Thursday morning at the University of Guyana Turkeyen Campus, Buddy’s Group of Companies donated

Managing Director, Mr. ‘Buddy’ Shivraj who was unable to

Buddy’s donates equipment to U.G Law Department equipment to the Law Department. The company donated 10 wall fans and five clocks after receiving a request from the

President of the University of Guyana Law Society (UGLS), Saeed Hamid. The donation was presented by Marketing Manager of

Buddy’s Group of Companies, Melisa Dharry on behalf of

attend the ceremony but sent his apology.

Buddy’s Group of Companies Marketing Manager Melisa Dharry presents the equipment to UGLS President Saeed Hamid and Head of the Law Department, Mr. Sheldon McDonald. (Photo by Sonel Nelson)

Three women on good behaviour bond pending trial

THREE women appeared before Magistrate Ann McLennan yesterday on separate charges of assault and wounding committed on each other. Marketing Executive of Channel Two, Linda Bhagwandas, 43, of Lot 16 David Rose Street, South Ruimveldt, was not required to plead to the indictable offence, particulars of which said, on November 10, at her home, she unlawfully and maliciously wounded Renata Ifill. Ifill, 29, of the same South Ruimveldt, Georgetown address and her sister, Pepita Drakes, 20, of Lot 21 Huist T’Dieren, Essequibo Coast, pleaded not guilty to different charges, which read that on the same day in Georgetown, they unlawfully assaulted Bhagwandas. Ifill is an employee of Eye Care Guyana and Drakes is a teacher at Annai Secondary School. Corporal Dinero Jones, prosecuting, said the parties had a misunderstanding over a sink, when Bhagwandas took a pot that contained boiling rice on a stove and threw it at Ifill, who suffered first and second degree burns to her hand. The prosecutor said that the incident was reported but, after then, Bhagwandas made a report that Ifill and Drakes threw tins at her. Attorney-at-law Ms. Kean Trotman, representing Bhagwandas, requested bail for her, stating that she suffers from chronic epilepsy and has no antecedent. The prosecutor did not object to the application but asked that conditions be attached. Ifill and Drakes were granted $5,000 bail each and Bhagwandas was ordered to post $50,000 surety. Meanwhile, they were all bonded to be on good behaviour until November 26.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013


New systems being implemented in preparation for December/January rains

THROUGH the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA), the Ministry of Agriculture is implementing new measures to address some challenges faced during the rainy season. Among these is a programme of active surveillance by specially appointed officers to monitor D&I structures, and equipment and machinery. One of the difficulties that the ministry has encountered in the past is that often, pump stations run out of fuel. Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy in a recent interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA) disclosed that there is at present at the NDIA, an officer, whose job is to ensure that supplies are up to date for the pump stations. “This is all that this person will do. This person ensures that they are in touch with all the regions; the Regional Democratic Councils (RDCs) and with those who are operating the pump stations, so that we know they have at least 48 hours of supply at any time… since checks are being done on a daily basis, if we (are) working on a 48 hours supply at all times, it means we should never run out,” he pointed out. The ministry has also appointed officers to exclusively monitor all the ministry’s excavators and bulldozers. The officers’ duties are to ensure there is an adequate amount of fuel and lubricant for the machines,

and that they are repaired in a timely manner. “They are going to ensure that they are daily checking these things, because in the past we would discover that excavators and bulldozers have been sitting for several days because of a part missing or because of supplies,” Ramsammy said. A designated officer will

Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy now maintain daily contacts with regional officials to garner reports on the conditions of the secondary and tertiary drains that fall under the local officers’ charge. Meanwhile, as the country gears for the rainy season, all primary D&I structures, which are under the purview of the NDIA, are functioning, Minister Ramsammy said. The NDIA will be increasing and accelerating outfall dredging in Regions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and as well ensuring that

all pumps are ready for continuous operation. Ramsammy said that all pumps are functional, even though the NDIA is executing rehabilitation on the pump at Charity, Region 2 and another at Lusignan, Region 4. The NDIA is working to place at Lusignan a new mobile pump to supplement the capacity that currently exists at the pump station, the minister said. Over the next several weeks, the NDIA will be deploying a minimum of 20 mini-excavators into various communities to help with maintenance of secondary and tertiary structures, Minister Ramsammy said. He said too that several of the 57 excavators that the NDIA has been using to maintain primary structures are also being deployed to help with the secondary structures. “I would want to think that should we have above normal rainfall in the upcoming rainy season that we should be in a very good position to respond to any threat of flooding,” Minister Ramsammy said. He said however, that the country will experience flash floods, particularly if there is above normal rainfall in any 24-hour period. “If we have 30 to 50millimeters of rain in a 24- hour period, the structure may not be enough to remove all the water quickly, particularly depending on tide levels,” he said.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

A VERY upset Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Ms. Jennifer Webster charged, yesterday, that the Kaieteur News headline captioned “Minister’s daughter to invest US$15M as business partner” was inaccurate and malicious. She was quoted as saying: “The article is intended to expose me, personally, my office as a Minister of the Government and the Government of Guyana to public ridicule and to perpetuate the perception of conflict of interest and corruption on my part and the Government of Guyana. “Everyone is entitled to live his or [her] separate life regardless of affiliation of his or her families,” a statement attributed to her said. In her defence and that of her mother’s, Andriana Webster, in a letter to Kaieteur News, stated that she is an independent person in her own right and expertise and that her work is in no way influenced by her mother, who is the Minister of Human Services and Social Security. “I denounce any attempt to assassinate my character and my mother’s character in any form or sort. The proposed solid waste recycling project to be undertaken in Guyana, for which I am a registered director of the company, Natural Globe Inc, is purely being undertaken by the company. In fact, the financing for this project is already in place,” the minister’s daughter wrote in her letter to the Kaieteur News Editor. That newspaper reported, yesterday, that Chief Executive Officer of Natural Globe Incorporated, Mohamed Osman informed that it was him and a female investor who would be putting the money to invest in the recycling plant. Yesterday, both Minister Webster and her daughter, in their statements, refuted claims that the latter is the other investor or the female to whom Osman is referring. They pointed out that, while the younger Webster is a director of the company, she is not a shareholder as was reported by Kaieteur News. Andriana Webster is working with the company Mogford Enterprises and its parent company THI and ETS as an information

The mother said the article in Friday’s papers attempted to imply or convey the impression that her daughter’s professional pursuits are as a result of some influence exercised by her, upon the Government of Guyana. But it is not only erroneous but an assault on her personal and professional integrity and that of her daughter. The minister said, in the circumstance, she demands a retraction of the misleading statements and the tendering of an apology publicly by the newspaper to her and her daughter. Yesterday, too, Minister Webster told the media anyone can be a director of a company but that does not make them an investor or shareholder. “I am not involved in it and my professional integrity is worth much more and I do not get involved in these things. I am a decent person. I don’t get into stupidness,” she declared. The minister warned that, once she hears the recording in which the businessman cites her daughter as in investor, she will be advising her daughter, accordingly, and a legal course is not ruled out.

Webster distances self from Canadian solid waste project technology consultant. DESIGNS SOFTWARE She said, in her area of expertise, she designs software and provides information technology solutions for various companies. Meanwhile, the minister told the media, during a press conference in her Georgetown office yesterday, that she has no connection to the company for which her daughter works and influenced no decision, personally, or as a Minister of the Government. In fact, in response to a question from the media, she also made it clear that she was not part of the Cabinet of Ministers’ approval of the contract since she was absent on travel duties for the state out of Guyana. She said she did not inform the Cabinet that her daughter was involved in the company because she was unaware of her involvement. Minister Webster said she exercised no control, whatsoever, over her daughter’s decisions with respect to her personal or professional life.

TSU member charged with stealing other cop’s laptop A MEMBER of the Police Tactical Services Unit (TSU) was, yesterday, granted $150,000 bail on a larceny charge. Before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, Kleon Jack, of Lot 1574 Amelia’s Ward, Linden, pleaded not guilty to the offence, particulars of which said, between June 1 and 13, at Eve Leary, Georgetown, he stole, from Samuel Amsterdam, one laptop computer valued $140,000. Police Corporal Bharat Mangru, prosecuting, told the Court that the virtual complainant (VC) and defendant are

both in the TSU and, sometime during the period mentioned in the charge, the former had secured his property in a cupboard. He made checks, later, and discovered that the cupboard had been broken into and after an investigation, the defendant admitted the theft. The defendant has been in the Guyana Police Force (GPF) for one year and eight months, said Mangru, who did not object to bail prior to the case being adjourned to January 31.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013


Two teenaged mothers see Women Across Differences as a beacon of hope

By Tash Van Doimen ATTENDEES at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) State of the World Report 2013 launch earlier this week, at Regency Suites Hotel, heard heartfelt testimonies from two beneficiaries of the Women Across Differences (WAD) Comprehensive Em-

powerment Programme for teenaged mothers. At the launch, two young mothers, Indira Austin and Tiffany Hunt, reflected upon the challenges and hardships they dealt with as adolescent mothers in Guyana and expressed their gratitude to the organisation and its facilitators for the hope and self-confidence acquired

throughout their stint. Each young mother shared their respective story highlighting the challenges teenaged mothers face in today’s society such as stigma and discrimination, domestic violence and poverty. In both cases there was an overwhelming display of strength and endurance that left the audience surprised but

Sixty-two-year wife killer jailed for 71 years By George Barclay PRESIDING Judge, Justice Navindra Singh, yesterday, sentenced 62-year-old Jeffrey Ward to 71 years imprisonment for the murder of his wife. The accused had inflicted nine incised wounds on the body of his 34-year-old wife, Donnette Ward, who had been visiting Guyana from Barbados. She had left him some time ago. But on April 24, 2010, he had stabbed her nine times causing her death, for which he was charged with murder. Yesterday, before being escorted from the Georgetown Prisons to Court, he said,“Bye-

bye” to the warders, and predicted that the jury would find him not guilty. One Prison Officer asked what made him think so? He brandished a large bible in his possession and added, “I am a child of God.” After the foreman of the jury had delivered the unanimous guilty verdict of murder, the prisoner was asked whether he had anything to say why sentence should not be passed. He seized the opportunity to get permission from the judge to quote certain sections of the bible. After the judge granted him permission to go ahead, the prisoner did not make reference to the section where it is said,

“Thou shall not kill” but referred to other parts where sins were forgiven and to the part where Jesus was condemned and crucified and placed on the cross between two thieves. When given a chance to speak, his lawyer, Mr. Huckumchand, suggested to the judge that before sentence is passed, consideration be taken in relation to the accused being made to receive psychiatric attention. The judge noted that sentencing had nothing to do with psychiatric treatment and pointed out that if the prison authorities see the need for such treatment to be given, they would take the necessary steps for this to be done.

proud. “Women Across Differences assisted me with personal development, sexual reproductive health and provided information which helped me to realise that I can get educated and still be successful despite having a baby at a young age,” said Indira Austin who mothered a baby at age 14. Tiffany Hunt, on the other hand, who found herself mothering two children in her late teens stated, “WAD was able to give me a chance to become qualified and educated.” Since becoming a WAD beneficiary, Hunt was able to become a qualified married woman who expects to graduate from the University of Guyana in 2016. The WAD Comprehensive Empowerment Programme for Adolescent Mothers is a pro-

gramme targeting girls between the ages of 12-19 years old. It seeks to reduce unplanned pregnancies among adolescent mothers by building self-confidence, providing entrepreneurial knowledge and skills and enhancing the lifestyles and competencies among such mothers. In a telephone interview with WAD coordinator Clonel Samuels-Boston, the Guyana Chronicle was told that the programme is a year-long project that started in 2008. Today WAD is on their fourth batch of beneficiaries who will be graduating in December this year. The programme is directed at three broad training areas - Personal Development, Sexual Reproductive Health and Entrepreneurial Development.

Each bears several respective sub-areas and in addition to the main training areas, WAD also offers their beneficiaries’ psycho-social support in the form of a mentoring programme that is provided for both past and present participants. In that way, the relationship is maintained even after graduation. WAD’s Comprehensive Empowerment Programme for adolescent mothers began as a community project with door-to-door visits that gradually took on a ‘snowball’ effect as it gained the attention and appreciation of the general public. Today most of their beneficiaries are referred from the Georgetown Public Hospital, the Child Care and Protection Agency and various health centres around Georgetown.


In Region 2…

Chairman appeals for residents to stop dumping CHAIRMAN of Region 2 (Pomeroon/Supenaam), Mr. Parmanand Persaud has ap-

pealed to Essequibians to desist from dumping garbage in drainage trenches across the

For Saturday November 16, 2013 - 14:30hrs For Sunday November 17, 2013 - 14:30hrs For Monday November 18, 2013 - 05:30hrs

Essequibo Coast. Speaking at the statutory meeting of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) on Tuesday, he said the region is, currently, experiencing heavy and consistent rainfall and he has received several reports where garbage in trenches is creating serious problems in terms of drainage. The Chairman told Councillors of what residents of Sparta village dumped included the carcasses of animals in a main drainage trench which has led to siltation. Persaud said an excavator had to be sent to the area to clear the waterway because of the careless discarding of waste. He said the Government has put a system in place for Pooran Brothers Garbage Disposal Service to be responsible for collecting household waste from Supenaam to Charity for a small fee, according to contractual arrangements with residents. Persaud, in his appeal to residents, said household waste should be placed in plastic bags or barrels so the contracted company can pick it up. He called on all residents to desist from dumping in waterways, on road parapets and the seawall, Atlantic Ocean or rivers.

GUYANA CHRONICLE November 16, 2013

Aries The heavens are primed for new beginnings -- and lately you’ve been champing at the bit for one yourself, haven’t you? Well, now’s your opportunity. If a financial arrangement is in the cards, don’t worry about it fizzling out before it has a chance to bear fruit. You have an astrological safety net in place, guaranteeing that whatever you devote your time and energy to will turn out to be a solid investment. Taurus No one ever accused you of being lazy -- no one in their right mind, at least. Those who know and love you have also seen how you get when you’re really intent on finishing something. So your willingness to keep on working until that project’s done, even though it’s the weekend and everyone else just wants to eat, drink and be merry, won’t surprise them. Any newcomers to your circle may be taken aback, though. Gemini It’s time for a fresh start, and you’re definitely feeling the longing. Oh, that wanderlust -- it’s your driving force. In fact, you’ve probably been pining away for some action for a while now. In your case, however, you may want to make it a very big, very extensive fresh start. And while moving to Europe might seem extreme to some, to you it’s just another leg of your adventure. Cancer It’s all good news. Not only is it finally officially the weekend, but you’re going to be in a fine mood: romantic, passionate and just a tad dangerous. Go ahead and add world-class lover to your already sterling reputation as a peacemaker and negotiator extraordinaire. With this combination of pluck and wisdom, you’ll be unstoppable. Stand back, everyone -- you’re coming through. Leo If you’re in the mood to shop around for a new job -- and when aren’t you -- get out there with your resume and have a look at the options. The chances are great you’ll find exactly what you want -- and more. So instead of just taking what you’re offered, feel free to do some serious negotiating over salary and benefits. The universe is in an extremely generous mood. Take advantage of it. Virgo Dividing time between working on who you want to be when you grow up and who you want to be when you’re with your sweetheart won’t be easy -- not at the moment, anyway. You’ll have all the energy you need to handle both departments, but you’ll have to dig to find it -- and it might not come to you easily. Still, if you give it a shot, you’ll do just fine. Libra No matter how many errands you have to run today, time and flexibility are on your side. Don’t hesitate to push yourself to take on more than you normally would -- you’re underestimating your ability to juggle. Just don’t box yourself in and cut off any new opportunities because you’re afraid you won’t have the time, because if you rearrange one or two things, you definitely do have the time. Scorpio You were absolutely certain you’d never mention this to anyone, but suddenly it’s just impossible to resist talking about. And needless to say, ‘it’ most likely involves someone you find endlessly appealing. Go ahead and dish to a trusted soul. You need to get this off your chest. You and your confidante might even come up with a battle plan that will bring you closer to breaking the ice with you-know-who. Sagittarius Someone unusual, surprising and quite different from anyone you’ve ever known is about to make a grand entrance into your life. Perhaps they’re on a return pilgrimage, possibly from a far-off place -- in which case, you’ll be oh, so glad to see them. Or maybe this is a first-time meeting -- in which case, you’ll be oh, so glad to see them. In other words, one way or the other, the universe has arranged for you to spend quality time with someone you admire. Take full advantage of it. Capricorn Someone who’s near and dear to your heart has been acting strangely. You’re not sure what’s up, but it doesn’t feel good. To make matters even more intense, and even more puzzling, someone you’re not sure you trust will feel the need to tell you what they think is going on. Don’t shoot the messenger -- but don’t take the message seriously just yet, either. Who knows? This third party might have an ulterior motive. Aquarius Your intellectual and verbal skills are always sharp, to say the very least. But at the moment, you should probably paste a warning label on your forehead, allowing anyone foolish enough to challenge you to a debate to back out while they still can. If they’re not bright enough to step away once you’ve issued your disclaimer, though -- well, you can only do so much. Pisces When you say you’re going to do something, you do it without fail. You couldn’t live with yourself if you didn’t. You’ve noticed, however, that other folks don’t always put as much pride into that sort of thing. At the moment, though, you can absolutely count on anyone you ask to say the right thing and promise their support -- and, most importantly, they’ll actually deliver. Enjoy, but don’t get used to it.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

In photo, from left, are Engineering Consultant Roberto Kocha, Minister Alli Baksh and Member of Parliament Faizal Jafarally as they inspect the site

In Berbice…

Ministerial team satisfied with progress on $1billon project FARMERS of Yakusari, Black Bush Polder and neighbouring villages in the Central Corentyne district will, soon, benefit from a $1billion two-door sluice and canal project. The massive undertaking is currently underway at Bengal Farm, another part of Corentyne, Berbice, and is being executed by Roopan Ramotar Investments and will include the erection of a $400M sluice. The National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) will undertake the excavation of a five-mile long canal and an outfall, along with the installation of two drainage pumps at a further cost of $600M. On Thursday, Minister within the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Alli Baksh; Member of Parliament (MP) Faizal Jafarally; Head of NDIA Lionel Wordsworth and resident engineering consultant Roberto Kocha, took the media on a tour of the sluice site, which is located some two miles in the Bengal Farm backdam. After a lengthy inspection of the works, Minister Baksh said he is pleased with the progress being made and remains optimistic that the job will be completed by the end of the 2014 first quarter. FARMING GENERALLY “This project will not only benefit rice cultivation but farming, generally. It will be of tremendous help and we hope that residents and farmers would acknowledge this costly venture that is seen as a necessity at the level of the Ministry of Agriculture” he asserted. MP Jaffarally, who visits the location regularly, also expressed satisfaction with the pace at which the contractor is operating and the quality of work being done. He said: “As you know, Yakusari is in a basin and farmers there have been complaining about flooding. 400 acres of rice lands and a further 15,000 acres of cash crops lands will now be saved from inundation after heavy rains.” The work, which began this year after a series of consultations among the Ministry of Agriculture, NDIA and farmers, is seen as a much needed boost for the agricultural sector. Agriculture contributes heavily to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of this country and it is very important that emphasis be placed on areas where farmers remain committed, Jaffarally statd. It was explained that, when the drainage pumps are installed, they will aid the outfall by desilting one canal with water pressure from another canal during the dry season and that will reduce the cost of doing excavation.


The two-door sluice at Bengal Farm under construction


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013 Courts Guyana brings the Christmas spirit to the shopping centre

The large gathering at Courts Guyana Inc. Christmas trees light up

The Classique Dance Company in performance

Acting President, Samuel Hinds on stage last night as he switched on the Christmas tree lights (Adrian Narine photos)

Courts Guyana Inc. Main Street choir offer a Christmas song

GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013




NOTICE 1ST PUBLICATION LAND CORUT LAND R E G I S T R AT I O N A R E A : Plantation Friendship BLOCK: XXVIII ZONE: East Bank Demerara The following application in respect of land at the above-mentioned area is fixed for hearing before the Honourable Mr. R. Rooplall, Commissioner of Title at the Land Court, Lot 39 Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown on Monday, 25th day of November, 2013 at 09:15hrs. App. No. 20/2013 Applicant Barbara Virginia Samaroo Address parcel 696 Plantation Friendship, East Bank Demerara Parcel 696 Campbell FOR THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT, SUPREME COURT REGISTRY, LA W COURTS Georgetown. Dated this 24th day of October, 2013. PETITION No. 311 - P OF 2013 BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDIC AT U R E D E C L A R AT I O N OF TITLE NOTICE: ZENZIE GORING, of 248 Oronoque Street, Queenstown, Georgetown, Guyana has presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said Petition must within one month from date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court at New Amsterdam, Berbice and/or Georgetown, Demerara, Notice of his/her opposition and an affidavit or affidavits together with a notice on the said ZENZIE GORING. A copy of the plan can be inspected at the High Court R e g i s t r y, N e w A m s t e r d a m , Berbice during office hours. Rodwell Jugmohan, Attorneyat-Law for Petitioner SCHEDULE: Tract 'ZG' comprising 0.0730 (nought decimal nought seven three nought) of an acre, being portion of the west half Lot 96 Section 'A' Northern Section Plantation Rosignol, situate on the Left Bank of the Berbice River in the County of Berbice, Cooperative Republic of Guyana as shown and laid down on a Plan No. 56592. Dated at New Amsterdam, Berbice This 13th d a y o f S e p t e m b e r, 2 0 1 3 MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioner is a t t h e C h a m b e r s o f M r. Rodwell Jugmohan, Attorneyat-Law of Lot 7 Charlotte St r e e t , N e w A m s t e r d a m , Berbice. 2013 No 81 LR BERBICE IN THE LAND COURT OF GUYANA In the matter of an application under the Land Registry Act Chapter 5:02 Section 38 -andIn the matter of an application by SOOKDAI SUKDEO for a Declaration of Title to: and- Parcel Number 106 (formerly Lot 36) Plantation Tain or Area other than Land Registration Area Block No. XXV, Zone CCB situate on the Corentyne Coast in the County of Berbice Cooperative Republic of Guyana comprising 0.140 (nought decimal one four nought) of an acre, as shown and laid down on a Plan by R.T. John, Sworn Land

NOTICE Surveyor dated 2nd day of July 2013 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 4th day of day of July, 2013 as plan number 56323 NOTICE: I, SOOKDAI SUKDEO, of Lot 36 Tain Settlement, Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice have presented an application for a Declaration of Title by Land Registry to the property in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said application must within a month from the date of the publication of this Notice file in the Registry in the High Court of New Amsterdam Berbice Notice of his/her opposition and affidavit on the said SOOKDAI SUKDEO. The said application is accompanied by a plan which can be inspected at the Registry during office hours. R. Mohamed Registrar (ag) Dated this 30th day of August, 2013 New A m s t e r d a m , B e r b i c e . SCHEDULE: Parcel Numbered 106 (formerly Lot 36) Plantation Tain or Area other than Land Registration Area Block No. XXV, Zone CCB situate on the Corentyne Coast in the County of Berbice, Cooperative Republic of Guyana comprising 0.140 (nought decimal one four nought) of an acre, as shown and laid down on a Plan by R. T. John, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 2nd day of July, 2013 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 4th day of July, 2013 as plan number 56323. 2012 No. 346-D BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DIVORCE AND MATIMONIAL JURISDICITON DIVORCE BETWEEN: EDWARD (NALETA) Petitioner -and- EDWARD Respondent NOTICE TO: EDWARD formerly of John's Settlement, Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice. TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for Divorce has been filed in the H i g h C o u r t R e g i s t r y, N e w Amsterdam, Berbice by NA L E TA E D W A R D a g a i n s t you. AND UPON APPLICATION in person or by letter to MR. M.C. CRAWFORD S.C., Attorney-at-Law of Lot 7 Cheddi Jagan Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice, a sealed and certified copy of the Petition with Affidavit in support and a sealed copy of the Citation will be delivered or sent to you. IF WITHIN 28 (twenty-eight) days after the final publication of the Citation no application has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Petition and pronounce Judgment therein your absence notwithstanding. Dated this 24th day of October, 2013 P. Williams FOR REGISTRAR. 2013 No. 223 S/A BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME C O U R T O F J U D I C AT U R E CIVIL JURISDICTION In the matter of the Deceased Persons Estate Administration Act, Chapter 12:01 -and- In the matter of the Estate of JAMES CHRISTOPHER ISAACS, deceased -andIn the matter of the Rules of the High Court Act, Chapter 3:02 and- In the matter of an application by JOAN ROBERTSON KING, of 73A Nurseville, New Amsterdam, Berbice. NOTICE: TO: Any Interested parties TAKE NOTICE that an application by

NOTICE Way of Summons has been filed in the High Court Registry, New Amsterdam, Berbice, by JOAN ROBERTSON KING for the following Order: (a) That a Cessate Grant of Probate to Administrate the Estate of the late JAMES CHRISTOPHER ISAACS be granted to the Applicant JOAN ROBERTSON KING. AND UPON Application in person o r b y l e t t e r t o M r. M . C . CRA WA F O R D S.C ., Attorney-at-Law of Lot 7 Cheddi Jagan Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice, a sealed and certified copy of the Summons with Affidavit in support will be delivered or sent to you. If within 28 (twenty-eight) days after the second and final publication of this Notice no Application has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Summons and pronounce Judgment in your absence notwithstanding and that this matter is returnable for Friday 29th day of November, 2013 at 8:30 am in Chambers. Dated this 14th ay of October, 2013 P. Williams FOR REGISTRAR. 2013 No. 220 S/A BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE: PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE In the matter of the deceased Person's Estate Administration Act, Chapter 12:01 -and- In the matter of the Estate of ABDUL GHAFUR also known as ABDOOL RAYMAN, deceased -and- In the matter of an Ex-parte Application by FEROZE GHAFUR of lot 29 Kilcoy Settlement, Corentyne, Berbice. NOTICE TO: 1. HAJI ABDOOL HACKIM, formerly of Corentyne, Berbice. 2. MEERMOHAMED RAHAMAN formerly of Fyrish Village, Corentyne, Berbice. TAKE NOTICE that an Application by way of Ex-Parte Originating Summons has been filed in the High Court Registry by FEROZE GHAFUR of lot 29 Kilcoy Settlement, Corentyne, Berbice, to dispense with the witnesses HAJI ABDOOL HACKIM and M E E R M O H A M E D RAHAMAN named in the Last W i l l a n d Te s ta m e n t d a t e d 2 2 n d O c t o b e r, 2 9 8 5 o f t h e above named deceased ABDUL GHAFUR also known as ABDOOL RAYMAN, of Lot 29 Kilcoy Settlement, Corentyne, Berbice, who died on the 29th day of January, 2006 is hereby requested to attend the Sub Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature Lot 1 Esplanade Road, New Amsterdam, Berbice, within 28 (twenty-eight) days after the date of the second and final publication of this Notice for the purpose of swearing the Affidavit of Attestation. Dated this 27th day of September, 2013. P. Williams FOR REGISTRAR. 2013 No. 96 S/A BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION In the matter of the Custody, Contact, Guardianship and Maintenance Act 2011. -and- In the matter of the Rules of the High court Act chapter 3:02 -and- In

NOTICE the matter of KAMILA RAMLAKHAN, born on 5th day of February, 2001 -and- In the matter of an application by R E A S H M AT I E RAMLAKHAN. BETWEEN: REASHMATI RAMLAKHAN Applicant. -andMAHIANDRA RAMLAKHAN R e s p o n d e n t . - a n d - A N I TA SOOKRAM Added Defendant as ordered by the Judge of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature. NOTICE T O : A N I TA S O O K R A M Somewhere in Guyana. TAKE NOTICE that an application by way of Originating Summons has been filed in the registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature at New Amsterdam, Berbice, by REASHMATI RAMLAKHAN the Applicant for the following Orders:- An Order that the Applicant R E A S H M AT I RAMLAKHAN be granted sole custody of the child namely:KAMILA RAMLAKHAN, born on 5th day of February, 2001. AND UPON Application IN PERSON OR BY LETTER TO Mr. M.C. CRAWFORD S.C. Attorney-at-Law of lot 7 Cheddi Jagan Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice, a sealed and certified copy of the Originating Summons with Affidavit in support will be delivered or sent to you. If within 28 (twenty-eight) days after the final publication of this notice no Application has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Originating Summons and pronounce Judgment in your absence notwithstanding. Dated this 6th day of November, 2013 P. Williams FOR REGISTRAR. LAND COURT NOTICE ACQUISITION OF TITLE BY ADVERSE POSSESSION UNDER SECTIONS 106 AND 107 OF THE REGISTRY ACT CH 5:02 Land Regi s t r a t i o n A r e a : P l a n ta t i o n Arcadia Block: IX Zone: East Bank Demerara C A R LTO N JEREMIAH AND ALTHEA L A W R E N C E of Parcel 450 Mocha Arcadia, East Bank Demerara, Guyana have submitted an Application for the Commissioner of Title praying for a Declaration of Title in their favour in respect of the Parcel of land numbered 450 being part of Plantation Arcadia in the Block: IX of Zone: East Bank Demerara as more fully described in the Schedule hereunder: (Application No.: 7/2013 dated 17th January, 2013 Attorney-at Law for the Applicant is Mr. PAUL STANISLAUS BRAAM whose Chambers is situated at Lot 3 AVENUE OF THE REPUBLIC AND AMERICA S T R E E T, N E W TOW N , GEORGETOWN, GUYANA. The registered proprietor of the said Parcel of land is MARGARET MARTIN of Lot 18 Rahaman's Park, East Bank Demerara vide Certificate of Title No. 63/152 ANY person desirous of lodging a CounterApplication or Notice of Objection to the said Application is required to do so in terms of the Act and Rules appended thereto. Forms (2) and (3) at pages 90 and 91 are applicable. Upon the expiration of the period of 1 (one) year from the date of Publication of this Notice in the Official Gazette

NOTICE and a daily Newspapers printed and circulated in the State of Guyana the Commissioner of Title shall fix a day for the hearing of the said Application SCHEDULE: Parcel 450 being part of Plantation Arcadia in the Block: IX of ZONE: East Bank Demerara containing an area of 0.117 (nought decimal one one seven) of an acre. Campbell FOR R E G I S T R A R O F T H E SUPREME COURT Supreme C o u r t R e g i s t r y, L a w C o u r t s Georgetown dated the 24th day of October, 2013. 2012 No. 630-P DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION DECLARATION OF TITLE REPUBLICATION NOTICE: KHUSIRAM of Lot 19 Blenheim, Leguan, Essequibo in the Republic of Guyana has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY PERSON intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court at Georgetown Demerara a Notice of his her opposition and an Affidavit in Support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any Affidavit upon the said KHUSIRAM. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the property which may be inspected at the said Registry during office hours. CHANDRAWATTIE PERSAUD Attorney-at-Law for Petitioner Dated at Georgetown, Demerara this 28th day of October 2013 SCHEDULE: Lot numbered 19 being portion of Section No. 3 Plantation Blenheim, situate on the Island of Leguan in the County of Essequibo and in the Republic of Guyana the said Lot having an area of 0.5175 (nought decimal five one seven five) of an acre being shown on plan by Narayan Ramsaran, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 11th June 2012 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 19th July 21012 as Pln No. 53413. MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioner is at the office of MRS. CHANDRAWATTIE PERSAUD, Attorney-at-Law of MOORE HARMON & SOBERS, Attorneysat-Law of Lot 216 South Road, Lacytown, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana. 2013 No. 195 S/A BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION In the matter of the Deeds Registry Act, chapter 5:02 Section 35 -and- In the matter of the Rules of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature Order 42 -and- In the matter of an application by ANAND MOHAN BIRBAL, of lot 172 Section A, Whim Village, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana, and permanently residing in the United States of America NOTICE TO: Any Interested person(s) TAKE NOTICE that an application by way of Ex-parte Originating Summons with Affidavit in support has been filed in the High Court Registry, New Amsterdam, Berbice, by ANAND MOHAN BIRBAL for the following: That the Registrar of Deeds or her Lawful Deputy be authorized and directed to issue transport of the following property to the Applicant ANAND MOHAN BIRBAL. "The North half of Cultivation Lot number 5 (five) east half Empolder A, Whim in the Whim Village Dis-

NOTICE trict, situation on the Corentyne Coast, in the county of Berbice, Guyana as shown on a plan of Whim by Frank Fowler, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 1st February, 1899, and deposited in the Deeds Registry at New Amsterdam, on the 25th day of March, 1899, no building thereon. AND UPON APPLICATION in person or by letter to Mr. M.A. SAHADAT, Attorneyat-Law of Lot 7 Strand, New Amsterdam, Berbice, a sealed and certified copy of the Ex-parte Originating summons with Affidavit in support will be delivered or sent to you. IF within 28 (twenty-eight) days after the second and final publication of this Notice no application has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear th-e said Ex-parte Originating Summons with Affidavit in support and pronounce Judgment therein your absence notwithstanding and that this matter is returnable for Friday 13th day of December, 2013 at 9:30 in Chambers. Dated this 30th day of October, 2013 P. Williams FOR REGISTRAR. 2013 No. 208 S/A BERB I C E I N T H E H I G H COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION In the matter of the Deeds Registry Act, Chapter 5:02 Section 35 -and- In the matter of the Rules of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature Order 42 -and- In the matter of an app l i c a t i o n b y A N A N D MOHAN BIRBAL, of lot 1 7 2 S e c t i o n A , W h i m Vi l lage, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana and permanently residing In the United St a t e s o f A m e r i c a . N O T I C E TO : Any Interested p e r s o n ( s ) TA K E N T O I C E t h at an application by way of Ex-parte Originating Summons with Affidavit in support has been filed in the High court Registry, New Amsterdam, Berbice, by ANAND MOHAN BIRBAL for the following: That the R e g i s t r a r o f D e e d s or her Lawful Deputy be authorized and directed to issue transport of the following property to the Applicant ANAND MOHAN BIRBAL. "House Lot numbered 172 (one hundred and seventytwo), Section A, Whim, in the Whim Village District, Corentyne Coast, in the county of Berbice, Guyana, shown on a plan of him by Frank Fowler, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 1st February, 1899 and deposited in the Deeds Registry at New Amsterdam, on the 25th day of March, 1899, no Building thereon. AND UPON APPLICATION in person or by letter to Mr. M.A. SAHADAT, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 7 Strand, New Amsterdam, Berbice, a sealed and certified copy of the Ex-parte Originating Summons with Affidavit in support will be delivered or sent to you. IF within 28 (twenty-eight) days after the second and final publication of this Notice no application has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Ex-parte Originating Summons with Affidavit in support and pronounce Judgment therein your absence notwithstanding and that this matter is returnable for Friday 13th day of December, 2013 at 9:30 in Chambers. Dated this 30th day of October, 2013. P. Williams FOR REGISTRAR.


21 NOTICE 2013 No. 196 S/A BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION In the matter of the Deeds Registry Act, Chapter 5:02, Section 35 -and- In the matter of the Rules of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature Order 42 -and- In the matter of an application by ANAND MOHAN BIRBAL, of lot 172 Section A, Whim, Village Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana and permanently residing in the United States of America. NOTICE TO: Any Interested person(s) TAKE NOTICE that an application by way of Ex-parte Originating summons with Affidavit in support has been filed in the High Court Registry, New Amsterdam, Berbice by ANAND MOHAN BIRBAL for the following: That the Registrar of Deeds or her Lawful deputy be authorized and directed to issue transport of the following property to the Applicant ANAND MOHAN BIRBAL. "The South half of Cultivation Lot numbered 3 (three), east half Empolder A, Whim in the Whim Village District, situate on the Corentyne Coast in the county of Berbice, Guyana, as shown on a plan of Whim by Frank Fowler, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 1st February, 1899, and deposited in the Deeds Registry at New Amsterdam, on the 25th day of March, 1899, no building thereon. AND UPON APPLICIAOTN In person or by letter to MR. M.A. SAHADAT, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 7 Strand, New Amsterdam, Berbice, a sealed and certified copy of the Ex-parte Originating Summons with Affidavit in support will be delivered or sent to you. IF within 28 (twenty-eight) days after the second and final publication has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Ex-parte Originating Summons with Affidavit in support and pronounce Judgment therein your absence notwithstanding and that this matter is returnable for Friday 13th day of December, 2013 at 9:30 in Chambers. Dated this 30th day of October, 2013. P. Williams FOR REGISTRAR. 2013 No. 215 S/A BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION In the matter of the Rules of the High Court Act chapter 3:02 -and- In the matter of Section 79 of the Land Registry Act, Chapter 5:02 and- In the matter of the Deceased Person's Estate Administration act, chapter 12:01 -and- In the matter of the Estate of KALLIAN PERSAUD DOOKIE also known as KALLIANPERSAUD DOOKIE (DECEASED) -and- In the matter of an Application by FLORENCE CROAL Applicant BEFORE THE HONOURABLE MR. BRASSINGTON REYNOLDS (IN CHAMBERS) DATED THE 4TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2013 ENTERED THIS 31ST DAY OF OCTOBER, 2013 UPON READING the Application by way of Summons filed herein on the 16th day of July, 2013 on behalf of the abovenamed Applicant and the Affidavit of the said Applicant Sworn to and filed on the 16th day of July, 2013 in support thereof, AND UPON HEARING Attorney-at-Law for the said Applicant IT IS ORDERED that The Registrar of Lands or her Lawful Deputy do pass and register Title of the immoveable properties described in the schedule hereto now standing in the name of KALLIAN PERSAUD DOOKIE also known as KALLIANPERSAUD DOOKIE (deceased) to and in the name of the Applicant, FLORENCE CROAL, unless sufficient cause be shown to the court why this Order should not be made absolute on the 13th day of December, 2013, AND IT IS FURTHER

NOTICE ORDERED that all persons having or claiming to have any rights or title to the said immoveable properties shall appear and establish their claim(s) after the second and final publication of this Order or otherwise show good cause as aforesaid before the Judge in Chambers on the above mentioned date or be forever barred therefrom AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Order be published by advertisement in two (2) consecutive Saturday Issues of the Guyana Chronicle Newspaper, a newspaper of general circulation in the state of Guyana. BY ORDER OF COURT P. WILLIAMS FOR REGISTRAR SCHEDULE: "Sub-parcel D of parcels 281, 314, 345, 569, 507, 444, and 532, Land Registration Block No. IV (Lot No. 9 or Expectation, Zone: West Coast Berbice, situate on the West Sea Coast of Berbice, in the county of Berbice, Co-operative Republic of Guyana, the said sub-parcel D being shown on a Plan by Desmond A. Weeks, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 2012-09-24 as Plan No. COS-467 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 2012-10-19. 2013 No. 348-P BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICITON DECLARATION OF TITLE In the matter of: PLOT 'DR' COMPRISING PORTION OF LTOS 4 AND 5 PLN., LOT No. 7 OR WILLEMSTAAD SITUATE ON THE WEST COAST OF BERBICE IN THE COUNTY OF BERBICE GUYANA AS LAID DOWN AND DEFINED ON A PLAN BY R.T. JOHN SWORN LAND SURVEYOR DATED 16TH DAY OF AUGUST, 2013 AND RECORDED IN THE GUYANA LANDS AND SURVEYS COMMISSION AS PLAN NO. 56749 DATED 22ND DAY OF AUGUST, 2013 -and- In the matter of the Title to Land (Prescription and Limitation) Act, Chapter 60:02 of the Laws of Guyana -and- In the matter of the Petitioner for Declaration of Prescriptive Title by DHARAMPAUL RAMKISSOON AND ROOPMATIE RAMKISSOON (JOINTLY) of Lot 15, No. 7 Village, West Coast Berbice, Guyana and also of 298 N 12trh Street FL.1 Newark NJ 07107 - 1237 USA, represented herein by their duly constituted Attorney PARBATTIE BRIJMOHAN, of Lot 4 No. 7 Village, West Coast Berbice, agreeably with Power of Attorney executed on the 27th day of August, 2013 in USA and Registered in the Deeds Registry at New Amsterdam, Berbice on the 10th day of September, 2013 and numbered 1917 of 2013 (Berbice). NOTICE I, PARBATTIE BRIJMOHAN of Lot 4 No. 7 Village, West Coast Berbice, agreeably with Power of Attorney executed on the 27th day of August, 2013 in USA and Registered in the Deeds Registry at New Amsterdam, Berbiceon the 10th day of September, 2013 and numbered 1917 of 2013 (Berbice) Guyana have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription of the property described in the Schedule hereunder. ANY person(s) intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month from the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the SupremeCourt of Judicature of Guyana at New Amsterdam, Berbice, Notice of his/her/their opposition and any affidavit(s) upon the said Petitioner The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the said property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours. New Amsterdam, Berbice Dated tis 18th day of September, 2013 J.S. Misir Attorneyat-Law for the Petitioner SCHEDULE: PLOT 'DR' COMPRISING PORTION OF LOTS 4 AND 5






give rise to debt revenue or claim) due or owing or which may become due or owing to or purchased or otherwise acquired by the company and the full benefit of all rights and remedies relating thereto including, but not limited to, any negotiable or nonnegotiable instruments, guarantees indemnities, debentures, legal and equitable charges and other securities, reservations or proprietary rights of tracing, liens and all other rights and remedies of whatsoever nature in respect of the same and the uncalled capital goodwill and all patents, trademarks, trade names, registered designs and copyrights and all licences and ancillary connected rights relating to the intangible property both present and future of the Company; and any proceeds of insurance policies, compensation payments and damages; and a FIRST FLOATING CHARGE over all the other undertaking and other property assets and rights of the Company, whether moveable or immovable whatsoever and wheresoever both present and future including, but not limited to the stock-in-trade of the Company wheresoever. Except with the written consent of the Debenture Holder, the company shall not be at liberty to create any mortgage or charge in respect to the above described moveable and immoveable property, whether in priority to or pari passu with such Debenture or otherwise whatsoever. DOUGLAS CHAPPELS CHAIRMAN/DIRECTOR SEARICE CARIBBEAN INC. ROOPNARINE (BERT) SUKHAI SECRETARY SEARICE CARIBBEAN INC. Seal Affixed by me ROOPNARINE (BERT) SUKHAI SECRETARY SEARICE CARIBBEAN INC. Dated at Georgetown, Demerara. This day of November, 2013.

Berbice TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for Divorce has been filed in the High Court R e g i s t r y, N e w A m s t e r d a m , Berbice by TOOLSIE RAM GOBERDHAN, against you. U P O N A P P L I C I AT O N i n person or by Letter to Messrs. Adrian Anamayah and/or Ian Anamayah, Attorneys-at-Law of Lot 7-7 Cheddi Jagan St r e e t , N e w A m s t e r d a m , Berbice a sealed and certified copy of the Petition with affidavit in support and a sealed copy of the Citation will be sent or delivered to you. IF WITHIN 28 (twenty-eight) days after the final publication of this Notice no application has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Petition and pronounce Judgment in your absence notwithstanding Dated this 17th day of October 2013 New A m s t e r d a m , B e r b i c e P. W i l liams FOR REGISTRAR.

No. 55 Village, Corentyne, Berbice TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for Divorce has been filed in the High Court Registry, New Amsterdam, Berbice by MALINI CHEETRAM, against you. UPON APPLICIATON in person or by Letter to Messrs. Adrian Anamayah and/or Ian Anamayah, Attorneys-at-Law of Lot 7-7 Cheddi Jagan Street, New A m s t e r d a m , B e r b i c e a sealed and certified copy of the Petition with affidavit in support and a sealed copy of the Citation will be sent or delivered to you. IF WITHIN 28 (twenty-eight) days after the final publication of this Notice no application has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Petition and pronounce Judgement in your absence notwithstanding. Dated this 25th day of October, 2013 New Amsterdam, Berbice, P. Williams FOR REGISTRAR.

GUYANA COUNTY OF ESSEQUIBO SEARICE CARIBBEAN INCORPORATED NOTICE is hereby given that a Debenture by the abovenamed Company SEARICE CARIBBEAN INCORPORATED, a company incorporated and registered in Guyana under the Companies Act, Chapter 89:01 whose registered office is situated at Lot 225 South Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana, (hereafter called "the Company') will after the expiation of SEVEN (7) days from the date of Publication of this Notice be duly issued and registered under the provisions of Section 233(1) of the Companies Act, 1991 to GUYANA BANK FOR TRADE AND INDUSTRY LIMITED, a body incorporated in Guyana under the Companies Act, No. 29 of 1991 and having its principal place of business at High and Young Streets, Kingston, Georgetown. SUCH Debenture will not be secured by a separate mortgage or charge but will itself confer a FIRST CHARGE ranking as a First Mortgage on the moveable and immoveable properties of the Company situate in Guyana now held or at any time hereafter during the continuance of this security at "Plot lettered 'C' containing an area of 45.781 (forty-five decimal seven eight one) acres being a portion of a piece or parcel of land known as and called Vilvoorden, in the Good hope Pomona Neighbourhood Democratic Council, in the County of Essequibo, in the Republic of Guyana, the said plot being shown on a plan by H. Mohabir, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated 2nd February, 1983 and deposited in the Deeds Registry on the 30th June, 1983, with the buildings and erections thereon and on all future buildings and erections that may be erected thereon, the property of the Company during the existence of this Debenture", or wheresoever in Guyana now held or at any time hereafter during the continuance of this security acquired by the Company and the fixed plant machinery, equipment, fixtures (including trade fixtures) vehicles and other moveable property presently held by the Company together with future moveable property acquired from time to time by the Company including, without limitation, all plant machinery, vehicles, tools, computers and office and other equipment of the Company both present and future, but excluding stockin-trade of the Company; and alls tocks, shares, bonds, securities of any kind whatsoever whether marketable or otherwise and all other interest including but not limited to loan capital of the Company, both present and future, in any Company, firm, consortium, or entity wheresoever situate including all allotments accretions, offers, rights, benefits and advantages whatsoever at any time accruing, offered or arising in respect of the same and all stocks, shares, rights, money or property accruing thereto offered at anytime by way of conversion, redemption, bonus, reference, option or otherwise in respect thereof an all book and other debts, revenues and claims both present and future (including things in action which may

2ND P U B L I C AT I O N 2013 No. 112-D BERBIC EIN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE (DIVORCE AND A M T R I M O N I A L JURISDICTON) (DIVORCE) BETWEEN: RAMPERSAUD (ROBIN RAVENDRA) Petitioner andRAMPERSAUD (KUNTIE) Respondent NOTICE: TO: KUNTIE RAMPERSAUD Lot 8 Springlands, Corriverton, C o r e n t y n e , B e r b i c e TA K E NOTICE that a Petition for Divorce has been filed in the High Court Registry New Amsterdam, Berbice by ROBIN R AV E N D R A RAMPERSAUD, against you. UPON APPLICATION in person or by Letter to Messrs. Adrian Anamayah a n d /or Ian Anamayah, Attorneys-at-Law of Lot 7-7 Cheddi Jagan Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice, a sealed an certified copy of the Petition with affidavit in support and a sealed copy of the Citation will be sent or delivered to you. IF WITHIN 28 (twenty-eight) days after the final publication of this Notice no application has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Petition and pronounce Judgement in your absence notwithstanding. Dated this 1 7 t h d a y o f O c t o b e r, 2 0 1 3 New A m s t e r d a m , B e r b i c e P. Williams FOR REGISTRAR. 2013 No. 104-D BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION DIVORCE BETWEEN: GOBERDHAN (TOOLSIE RAM) Petitioner -andG O B E R D H A N ( PA R B AT T I E ) R e s p o n d e n t N OTICE TO : PARBATTIE G O B E R D H A N Lot 12 Bush Lot Farm, Corentyne,

2013 No. 210-D BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION DIVORCE BETWEEN CLARKE (JENNIFER ANN) Petitioner -and- CLARKE (COLIN) Respondent NOTICE TO: COLIN CLARKE Formerly of Lot 12 Queenstown, No. 79 Corentyne, Berbice TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for Divorce has been filed in the High Court R e g i s t r y, N e w A m s t e r d a m , Berbice by JENNIFER ANN CLARKE, against you. UPON APPLICATION in person or by Letter to Messrs. Adrian Anamayah and/or Ian Anamayah, Attorneys-at-Law of Lot 7-7 Cheddi Jagan Street, New A m s t e r d a m , B e r b i c e a sealed and certified copy of the Petition with affidavit in support and a sealed copy of the Citation will be sent or delivered to you. IF WITHIN 28 (twenty-eight) days after the final publication of this Notice no application has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Petition and pronounce Judgment in your absence notwithstanding. Dated this 17th d a y o f O c t o b e r, 2 0 1 3 N e w Amsterdam, Berbice. P. Williams FOR REGISTRAR. 2013 No. 246-D BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME CORUT OF JUDICATURE DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION DIVORCE BETWEEN JAIPERSAUD (SEWKUMAR) Petitioner -and- JAIPERSAUD (NIRMALA) Respondent NOTICE TO: NIRMALA JAIPERSAUD formerly of Lot 98 Sheet Anchor, East Canje, Berbice TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for Divorce has been filed in the High Court Registry, New Amsterdam, Berbice by SEWKUMAR JAIPERSAD, against you. UPON APPLICATION in person or by Letter to Messrs. Adrian Anamayah and/ or Ian Anamayah, Attorneys-atLaw of Lot 7-7 Cheddi Jagan St r e e t , New Amsterdam, Berbice a sealed and certified copy of the Petition with affidavit in support and a sealed copy of the Citation will be sent or delivered to you. IF WITHIN 28 (twenty-eight) days after the final publication of this Notice no application has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Petition and pronounce Judgement in your absence notwithstanding. Dated this 17th day of October, 2013 New Amsterdam, Berbice. P. Williams FOR REGISTRAR. 2013 No. 21-D BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDIC AT U R E D I VO R C E A N D MATRIMONIAL JURISDICTION DIVORCE BETWEEN CHEETRAM (MALINI) Petitioner -and- CHEETRAM (YOGANAN) Respondent NOTICE TO : YO G A N A N CHEETRAM formerly of Lot 22

2013 No. 146-D BERBCIE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL JURISDICITON DIVORCE BETWEEN: YAKIM (ABDOOL KALLIM) Petitioner -and- YAKIM (BIBI FARIDA) Respondent NOT I C E T O : B I B I FA R I DA YA K I M f o r m e r l y o f L o t 4 3 George Street Rose Hall Town Corentyne, Berbice TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for Divorce has been filed in the High Court R e g i s t r y, N e w A m s t e r d a m , Berbice by ABDOOL KALLIM YAKIM, against you. UPON APPLICATION in person or by Letter to Messrs. Adrian Anamayah and/or Ian Anamayah Attorneys-at-Law of Lot 7-7 Cheddi Jagan Street, New A m s t e r d a m , B e r b i c e a sealed and certified copy of the Petition with affidavit in support and a sealed copy of the Citation will be sent or delivered to you. IF WITHIN 28 (twenty-eight) days after the final publication of this Notice no application has been made nor appearance entered the Court may proceed to hear the said Petition and pronounce Judgment in your absence notwithstanding. Dated this 25th day of October 2013, New Amsterdam, Berbice P. Williams 2013-HC-DEM-CIV-P-818 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE First) Second) Third) NOTICE A Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription has been presented by CHRISTOPHER ORIN GARFIELD GREENE, of Lot 196 Charlotte Street, Bourda, Georgetown, Guyana, for the Land described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice, file in the Registry of the Supreme Court, Georgetown, a Notice of his/her occupation and an Affidavit or Affidavits in Support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and the Affidavit upon the said CHRISTOPHER ORIN GARFIELD GREENE. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the property which can be inspected at the Registry during office hours. NARENDRA SINGH, Attorneyat-Law for the Petitioner. Dated at Georgetown, Demerara, this 6th day of September, 2013. SCHEDULE West Half of Lot 196 Charlotte and Cummings Streets, Bourda, in the City of Georgetown, County of Demerara and Republic of Guyana, the said West Half of Lot 196 is containing an area of 0.112 (nought decimal one one two) acres, being shown on a plan by Keith A. Chapman, Sworn Land Surveyor, dated the 14th November 2011, recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 24th November 2011 as Plan No. 51554. MEMORANDUM The Petitioner address for service is at the Chambers of MR. NARENDRA SINGH, Attorneyat-Law, of Lot 215 South Road and King Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana.








2013 No. 726 - S/A DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION In the matter of the Deceased Person E s ta t e s , A d m i n i s t r a t i o n A c t , Chapter 12:01 of the Laws of Guyana -and - In the matter of the Rules of the High Court of Guyana. -and- In the matter of the Estate of RAMSOOK HOOLAS also known as RAMSOOK RAMGOBIN, deceased, intestate -and- In the matter of an Application by SELOCHANIE HOOLAS Applicant N O T I C E O F A D V E R TISEMENT TO: GANGARAM HOOLAS TAKE NOTICE that an Application by way of ExParte Originating Summons has been filed by SELOCHANIE HOOLAS in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature for which the claims are as follows: That Leave be granted to the Applicant SELOCHANIE HOOLAS to apply for and obtain a Grant of Letters of Administration to the Estate of RAMSOOK HOOLAS also known as RAMSOOK RAMGOBIN, deceased, who died on the 18th day of March, 1989 at Clonbrook, East Coast Demerara, Guyana, intestate, without the consent of GANGARAM HOOLAS. Such further or other order as the Court deems just. You are required to attend the Chambers of Ms. Dhanwanti Sukhdeo, Attorney-at-Law for the Applicant whose address for service is at Lot 169 Charlotte Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana, on or before the 19th day of November, 2013 not being Saturday, Sunday or a National Holiday, for the purpose of consenting to the Applicant making Application for the abovementioned Orders. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that in default of your appearance, the Court will proceed to hear the said Application and Judgment will be given in your absence notwithstanding. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this matter do stand adjourned to the 19th day of November, 2013 at 11:00 hrs. before the Honourable Chief Justice Mr. Ian Chang. BY THE COURT (SGD) S. Dharanraj FOR REGISTRAR Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 5th day of November, 2013

dated the 24th June 2013 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 11th July 2013 as Plan No. 56357. MEMORANDUM The Petitioner address for service is at the Chambers of MR. NARENDRA SINGH, Attorney-at-Law, of Lot 215 South Road and King Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana.

AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Registrar of Deeds or her Lawful Deputy be and is hereby authorized to pass transport of the property described in schedule hereto now standing in the name of GREGORY GORDON BEHARRY to and in the name of the VIBERT MOORE, unless good and sufficient cause be shown why this Order should not be made absolute on the 15th day of November, 2013 AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all persons having or claiming to have any right or title to the said property shall appear and establish their claim or otherwise show cause as aforesaid before the Judge in Chambers on the Last mentioned date or be forever barred therefrom AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a sealed and certified copy of this Order be published by advertisement in two (2) consecutive Saturday issues of the Guyana Chronicle Newspaper of General circulation in the state of Guyana. BY THE COURT SGD. P. WILLIAMS FOR REGISTRAR. SCHEDULE "Lot numbered 269 (two hundred and sixty nine) reef section in the town of Rose Hall situate on the Corentyne coast in the county of Berbice, Republic of Guyana, the said lot being laid down and defined on a plan by J.L. Yhap, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 16th May, 1995 and deposited in the Deeds Registry, New Amsterdam, on the 22nd November 1955 no building thereon".

lication of this notice, file in the Registry of the High Court at New Amsterdam, Berbice and/r Georgetown, Demerara, notice of his/her opposition and an affidavit or affidavits together with a notice on the said ERIC Mc BAIN and BASMATIE Mc BEAN. A copy of the plan can be inspected at the High Court Registry, New Amsterdam, Berbice, during office hours. Rodwell Jugmohan, Attorney-at-Law for Petitioners SCHEDULE: Sublots 'a' comprising 0.5404 (nought decimal five four nought four) of an acre, Sublot 'b' comprising an area of 2.3177 (two decimal three one seven seven) acres, Sublot 'c' comprising an area of 1.6895 (one decimal six eight nine five) acres, Sublot 'd' comprising an area of 1.7460 (one decimal seven four six nought) acres, Sublot 'e' comprising an area of 2.2642 (two decimal six four two) acres, and Sublot 'f' comprising an area of 2.8953 (two decimal eight nine five three) acres respectively, being portions of Lot 37 (thirty-seven) Plantation Mon Choisi or No. 3 situate on the West Sea Coast of Berbice, in the County of Berbice, Cooperative Republic of Guyana as laid down and defined on a plan by D.A. Weeks, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 14th June, 2013 and recorded in Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 21st day of June 2013 as plan number 56242. Dated at New Amsterdam Berbice This 14th day of October 2013 MEMORANDUM: The address and service of the Petitioners is at the Chambers of Mr Rodwell Jugmohan Attorney-at-Law of Lot 7 Charlotte Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice.

SEPH HARMON ATTORNEY-ATLAW FOR THE PETITIONERS Dated this day of 2013 SCHEDULE: Sublot 'TR' being a portion of Plot 'B' together with a right of way running along the Eastern Boundary of Plot 'B' all being parts of Lot numbered 24 Southern Portion Plantation Klien Pouderoyen West Bank Demerara in the County of Demerara and in the Republic of Guyana the said Sublot containing an area of 0.073 (nought decimal nought seven three) of an acre and shown on a plan by LL Rutherford Sworn Land Surveyor the aforesaid plan recorded at the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on 2013-06-05 and numbered 56328. MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioners is at the office of Mr Joseph Harmon, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 216 South Road, Lacytown, Georgetown.

IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE PETITION NO. 935-P OF 2013 DEMERARA WE, SHAIKH M. IMRAN and DROPATIE IMRAN both of 22 Coverden, East Bank Demerara, Guyana have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the Petition must within one month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of Court in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature Notice of his Opposition and of any affidavit in support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any affidavit upon the said SHAIKH M. IMRAN and DROPATIE IMRAN. The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the property 'which may be inspected at the said Registry during office hours. C.M. LLEWELLYN JOHN, Attorney-at-Law for Petitioners Dated this 9th day of November 2013 SCHEDULE: Block 'AA' being a portion of land (west of lots 1624) all being portions of Plantation T'HuisTe Coverden situate on the East Bank of the Demerara River in the County of Demerara in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana the said Block A being shown on a plan by Lennox McGreggor Sworn Land Surveyor dated 2002-06-18 and deposited in the Deeds Registry at Georgetown and recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys Commission as Plan No. 32638. MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioners is at the office of Clifton Mortimer Llewellyn John, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 10 Croal Street, stabroek, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana.

2013-HC-DEM-CIV-P890 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE First) Second) Third) NOTICE A Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription has been presented by FAZIL MOHAMED, of 3 Greentree Court, Apt. 203, Yo r k , O n ta r i o M 6 M 2 A 6 Canada, for the Land described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said Petition must within one (1) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice, file in the Registry of the Supreme Court, Georgetown, Demerara, a Notice of his/her occupation and an Affidavit or Affidavits in Support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and the Affidavit upon the said FAZIL MOHAMED, or his duly constituted attorney SHAZIM MOHAMED, of Lot 24 First St r e e t , A l e x a n d e r V i l l a g e , Georgetown, Guyana. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the property which can be inspected at the Registry during office hours. NARENDRA SINGH, Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner. Dated at Georgetown, Demerara, this 27th day of September 2013. SCHEDULE Sublot 'B' of Lot 24 First Street, Alexander Village, situate in the City of Georgetown, the County of Demerara and Republic of Guyana, together with the Right of Way measuring 4 (four) feet in width, running along and within the western boundary of Sublot "A", the said Sublot 'B' is containing an area of 0.043 (nought decimal nought four three) acres, being shown on a plan by L.G. Arokium, Sworn Land Surveyor,

2012 No. 69-W DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION BETWEEN: 1. THE GUYANA & TRINIDAD MUTUAL FIRE I N S U R A N C E C O M PA N Y LTD. 2. SHERRY BARKOY 3. SHELDON MC DONALD Plaintiffs -and- 1. GAIN M AT T I E L ATC H M A N 2 . KIRK DUNCAN Defendants NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OT : G I A N M AT T I E LATCHMAN Formerly of 5 ½ Vlissengen Road Georgetown, Demerara and/or Kirk Duncan Formerly of 161 Block 'E' South Sophia TAKE NOTICE that a Writ of Summons has been filed on the 27th day of February, 2012 against you the Defendants, by The Guyana & Trinidad Mutual Fire Insurance Company Ltd., Sherry Barkoy and Sheldon Mc Donald the abovenamed Plaintiffs, to appear before a judge of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature in which the Plaintiff claims against you for: (1) Damages in excess of $100,000.00 (one hundred thousand dollars) caused to the Second and Third named Plaintiffs' motor vehicle No. BLL 4480 due to the negligent driving by the Defendant, the owner of motor vehicle No. PBB 5233 on the 3rd day of September, 2009 at Duncan and Durbana Streets, Georgetown, Demerara. (2) Interest a the rate of 6% per annum from the date hereof until judgment, and at the rate of 4% per annum thereafter until payment pursuant to the law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act Cap 6:03. (3) Such further or other relief as may be just. (4) Costs. UPON APPLICATION In person or by letter to MR. ROBIN M.S. STOBY, S.C., whose address for service and place of business is at lot 62 Hadfield and Cross Streets, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, a sealed and certified copy of the Writ of Summons and Indorsement of Claim will be delivered or sent to you. If you desire to defend this action you shall within twenty eight (28) days after the date of the second and final publication file an Entry of Appearance at the Supreme Court at Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana and serve a copy of such after filing same on the Plaintiff or her Attorney-at-Law Mr. Robin M.S. Stoby, S.C., Attorney-at-Law for the Plaintiffs whose address for service is at Messrs. Hughes, Fields & Stoby of Lot 62, Hadfield and Cross Streets, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana. Dated this 25th day of October, 2013. BY THE COURT (SGD) S. Dharamraj FOR REGISTRAR. 2013 No. 232 S/A BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION In the matter of Order 43 (3) of the Rules of the High Court, High Court Act, chapter 3:02 -and- In the matter of Section 35, 36 and 38 of the Deeds Registry Act, chapter 5:01 -and- In the matter of an application by VIBERT MOORE, of Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice. BEFORE THE HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE B. REYNOLDS (IN CHAMBERS) DATED THE 4TH OF OCTOBR, 2013 ENTERED THIS 22ND DAY OF OCTOBER, 2013. UPON READING the Application by way of Exparte Originating Summons filed herein on the 13th day of August, 2013 on behalf of the above named Applicant and the Affidavit of the said Applicant sworn to and filed herein on the 13th day of August, 2013 in support thereof AND UPON HEARING Attorney-at-law for the Applicant IT IS ORDERED that the Agreement of Sale and Purchase dated the 23rd day of November, 2005 be deemed legal and valid

2013 No. 329-P BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE: We, INDRAWATTIE SOOKDEO and WAZIM NIZAMUDEEN, both of Lot 13 D'Edward Village, West Bank Berbice Guyana have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property in the Schedule annexed hereto. ANY person(s) intending to oppose the said Petition must within one month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court at New Amsterdam, Berbice and/or Georgetown Demerara, his/ her opposition to the said Petition and Affidavit(s) in Support thereof and serve a copy of the said Notice of Opposition and Affidavit(s) upon the said INDRAWATTIE SOOKDEO and WAZIM NIZAMUDEEN. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the Property which may be inspected at the Registry of the High Court at New Amsterdam, Berbice during office hours. MEMORANDUM: The address for service on the Petitioners is at the Chambers of Mr. Horatio O. Edmondson Attorney-at-Law Lot 1 - 4 Vryheid Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice Attorney-at-Law for Petitioners Dated this 27th day of September, 2013 SCHEDULE: In the matter of Tract 'SW' being portion of Lot 13 Section 'A' Pln. D'Edward situate on the left bank of the Berbice River in the County of Berbice Guyana and the said Tract 'SW' being laid down and defined on a plan by Desmond A. Weeks, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 2013 -07-16 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 2013-08-09 as Plan Numbered 56663. PETITION No. 349-P OF 2013 BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE: ERIC McBAIN and BASMATIE McBEAN, both of 241-29 Mayda Road Rosedale, New York, 11422, United States of America represented herein by their duly constituted Attorney YOUTHCHAN JOTIS, agreeably with Power of Attorney executed in New York, United States of America on the 28th day of August, 2013 and registered at the Deeds Registry, Georgetown, Demerara, on the 2nd day of October, 2013 and numbered 6787 of 2013 (Demerara) jointly, have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said petition must within one month from date of the first pub-

2013 No. 718-P DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE: NAITRAM BALKARAN and FARIDA HASSAN both of Lot 22 Southern Portion Pln. Pouderoyen West Bank Demerara have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY PERSON intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the Courts at Georgetown a Notice of his/her opposition and an Affidavit in Support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and an Affidavit upon the said NAITRAM BALKARAN and FARIDA HASSAN. JOSEPH HARMON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW FOR THE PETITIONERS Dated this day of 2013 SCHEDULE: Sublot 'NB' being Part of Plot 'A' subject to a right of way running along the Eastern Boundary of Plot A all being parts of Lot numbered 22 Southern Portion Plantation Klien Pouderoyen West Bank Demerara in the County of Demerara and in the Republic of Guyana the said sublot containing an area of 0.100 (nought decimal one nought nought) of an acre and shown on a plan by LL Rutherford Sworn Land Surveyor the aforesaid plan recorded at the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on 2013 -06-28 and numbered 56289. MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioners is at the office of Mr Joseph Harmon, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 216 South Road, Lacytown, Georgetown. 2013 No. 720-P DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICTION DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE: TULARAM and REBENAUT TULARAM both of Lot 24 Klien Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY PERSON intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the Courts at Georgetown, a Notice of his/her opposition and an Affidavit in Support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and an Affidavit upon the said TULARAM and REBENAUT TULARAM. JO-

IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE PETITION NO. 441-P OF 2013 DEMERARA I, DORIS PIERRE of Lot 5 Stanleytown, West Bank Demerara, Guyana, have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the Petition must within one month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of Court in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature Notice of his Opposition and of any affidavit in support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any affidavit upon the said DORIS PIERRE. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the property which may be inspected at the said Registry during office hours. C.M. LLEWELLYN JOHN Attorney-at-Law for Petitioner Dated this 9th day of November 2013 SCHEDULE: Mud lot numbered 5 (five) part of Block Y Stanleytown, situate on the West Bank of the County of the Demerara in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana the said Mud lot 5 (five) being shown on a plan by Gerry Brathwaite, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 16th may, 2001, and deposited in the Department of Lands and Surveys Commission as Plan No. 31287 MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioner is at the office of Clifton Mortimer Llewellyn John, Attorneyat-Law of Lot 10 Croal Street, Stabroek, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana. IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE PETITION NO. 745P OF 2013 DEMERARA I, GERTRUDE PIERRE of Lot 6 Stanelytown, West Bank Demerara, Guyana have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the Petition must within one month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of Court in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature Notice of his Opposition and of any affidavit in support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any affidavit upon the said GERTRUDE PIERRE. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the property which may be inspected at the said Registry during office hours. C.M. LLEWELLYN JOHN Attorneyat-Law for Petitioner Dated this 9th day of November 2013. SCHEDULE: Mud lot numbered 6 (six) part of Block Y Stanleytown, situate on the West Bank of the County of Demerara in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana the said Mud lot 6 (six) being shown on a plan by Gerry Brathwaite, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 16th May, 2001, and deposited in the Department of Lands and Surveys Commission as Plan No. 31287. MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioner is at the office of Clifton Mortimer Llewellyn John, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 10 Croal Street, Stabroek, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana.

IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATRUE DECLARATION OF TITLE PETITION No. 612-P OF 2013 DEMERARA I, KAREN GARRAWAY, of Lot 59 Russell Street, Charlestown Guyana have presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the Petition must within one month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of Court in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature Notice of his Opposition and of any affidavit in support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any affidavit upon the said KAREN GARRAWAY. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the property which may be inspected at the said Registry during office hours. C.M. LLEWELLYN JOHN Attorney-at-Law for Petitioner Dated this 9th day of November 2013. SCHEDULE: Sub lot lettered 'F' being part of the West Half of lot numbered 59 (fifty-nine) situate in New Charlestown in the City of Georgetown Republic of Guyana the said sub lot lettered 'F' being laid down and defined on a plan by C.S. Spence, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 30th March 1969 on record in the Office of Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission No. 13524 and deposited in the Deeds Registry at Georgetown on 16th July 1970 with a right of ingress and egress over and along a strip of land measuring 4.5 (four decimal five) feet in width running along and within the northern boundary of Sub lot lettered 'G' and leading to 'Russell Street' the said strip of land and being shown and marked 'Right of Way' on the aforesaid plan by C.S. Spence, Sworn Land Surveyor subject to a right of way in favour of the lessee or occupier of sub lot lettered 'E' over and along the strip of land on the northern boundary of said sub lot lettered 'F' for the purpose of using the W.C. or toilet on said sub lot lettered 'F' during such time, and until the erection by the lessee of the sub lot lettered 'E' of his own W.C. MEMORANDUM: The address or service of the Petitioner is at the office of Clifton Mortimer Llewellyn John, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 10 Croal Street, Stabroek Ward, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana.






NOTICE: The Child Care a n d P r o t e c t i o n A g e n c y, Broad Street, Georgetown. SHEIK R.M. ALI whose last known address was given as Coverden, East Bank Demerara is asked to contact the CHILD CARE AND P ROTECTION AG E N C Y. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of SHEIK R. M ALI, parent of a male child, is asked to bring this Notice to this attention.

shown and defined on a Plan by G. Samaroo, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 16th July, 2012 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 26th July 2012 as Plan No. 53501. MEMORANDUM: The Petitioner's address for service and place of business is at the Chambers of his Attorney-atLaw Ms. Gaumatie Singh, Attorney-at-Law Lot 5 Avenue of the Republic and Robb Street, Georgetown and/or Lot 26 Public Road, Adventure, Essequibo Coast.

Braithwaite, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 27th April, 1998 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 13th August, 2013 as Plan No. 27975 MEMORANDUM: The Petitioner's address for service and place of business is at the Chambers of her Attorney-at-Law Ms. Gaumatie Singh, Attorney-at-Law Lot 5 Avenue of the Republic and Robb Street, Georgetown.

2013 No. 760 DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE S U R S AT T I E H A R DAYA L o f L o t 3 0 L a Grange Old Road, West Bank Demerara has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property herein described in the Schedule below. ANY PERSON intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice, file in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature Georgetown a notice of his/ her intention and an affidavit or affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any such affidavit upon the said SURSATTIE HARDAYAL or through her Attorney-at-Law. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours. Gaumatie Singh Attorney-atLaw for the Petitioner Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 19th day of August, 2013 SCHEDULE: Plot 'SH' being a portion of Sub lot 'D' part of the South half of cultivation Lot 30, Section E, Plantation La Grange situate on the west bank of the Demerara River in the County of Demerara and in the Republic of Guyana and containing area of 0.1799 (nought decimal one seven nine nine) of an acre as shown and defined on a Plan by Chandi Mahipaul, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 28th January, 2013 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 1st day of February, 2013 as Plan No. 54964. MEMORANDUM: The Petitioner's address for service and place of business is at the Chambers of her Attorney-atLaw Ms. Gaumatie Singh, Attorney-at-Law Lot 5 Avenue of the Republic and Robb Street, Georgetown.

2013 No. 637-P DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE: EUSTATE BURY of Sand Road Good Hope Village, Essequibo Coast has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property herein described in the Schedule below. ANY PERSON intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice, file in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Georgetown a Notice of his/her intention and an affidavit or affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any such affidavit upon the s a i d E U S TA C E BU RY o r through his Attorney-at-Law. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours. Gaumatie Singh Attorney-atLaw for the Petitioner, Dated at Georgetown, This 16th day o f J u l y, 2 0 1 3 S C H E D U L E : Tract 'B' being a portion of Plantation De Hope South of Blocks 9, 10, 11 and 12 situate on the right bank of the Supenaam Creek, left bank of t h e E s s e q u i b o R i v e r, i n t h e County of Essequibo and in the Republic of Guyana and containing area of 89.641 (eightynine decimal six four one) acres as shown and defined on a Plan by Keith A. Chapman, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 22nd November, 2010 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 26th November, 2010 as Plan No. 48886. MEMORANDUM: The Petitioner's address for service and place of business is at the Chambers of his Attorney-at-Law Ms. Gaumatie Singh, Attorney-at-Law Lot 5 Avenue of the Republic and Robb Street, Georgetown.

SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE: SASENARAIN RAI and SURSATTIE RAI, both of Tract 'AB' portion of Lot 260 and 261, No. 72 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, have presented a Joint Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month from the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature at New Amsterdam, Berbice, Notice of his/ her opposition and affidavit or affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the said Affidavits upon the said SASENARAIN RAI and SURSATTIE RAI. The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours. R. JUGMOHAN Attorney-at-Law for Petitioner Dated 20th day of September, 2013 SCHEDULE: Tract 'AB' being a combination of Sublot 'A' containing an area of 0.056 (nought decimal nought five six) of an acre and being a portion of Lot 261 and Sublot 'B' containing an area of 0.056 (nought decimal nought five six) of an acre and being a portion of Lot 260. The said Tract 'AB' being a portion of Plantation Lot No. 72 or Chinesetown in the Upper Corentyne Local Government District, situate on the Corentyne Coast in the County of Berbice, Cooperative Republic of Guyana surveyed and paaled off at the request of SASENARAIN RAI and SURSATTIE RAI by Dellon U. Congreaves, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 19th August, 2013 and recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys Commission on 30th August, 2013 as Plan No. 56844. The Petitioners' address for service is at the Chambers of Mr. R. JUGMOHAN, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 7 Charlotte Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice.

2013 No. 636-P DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE: DOODNAUTH RAMNARINE of Lot 37 Second St r e e t , A ff i a n c e , Essequibo Coast, has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property in the Schedule below. ANY PERSON intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice, file in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Georgetown, Demerara, a Notice of his/her intention and an affidavit or affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any such affidavit upon the said DOONAUTH RAMNARINE or t h r o u g h h i s Attorney-at-Law The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the property which may be inspected a the Registry during office hours. Gaumatie Singh Attorney-atLaw for the Petitioner Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 16th day of July 2013 SCHEDULE: Sub-lot 'I' of Lot 'F' being portion of Plantation Huis't Dieren, Essequibo Coast, situate on the Left Bank of the Essequibo River in the County of Essequibo and in the Republic of Guyana and containing area of 4.422 (four decimal four two two) acres as

2013 No. 761-P DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE: STACIA PITT of Lot AB part of Lot 72, Chelsea Park, Mahaica East Coast Demerara, has presented a Petition for Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property herein described in the Schedule below. ANY PERSON intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month after the date of the first publication of this Notice, file in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Georgetown a notice of his/her intention and an affidavit or affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any such affidavit upon the said STACIA PITT or through her Attorney-atLaw. The said Petition is accompanied by a Plan of the Property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours. Gaumatie Singh Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioner Dated at Georgetown, Demerara this 19th day of August, 2013 SCHEDULE: In the matter of Lot AB comprising portion of Lot 72 Plantation Bygeval or Vygeval and portion of Plantation Wilhelmina situate on the right bank of the Mahaica River on the east coast of Demerara in the County of Demerara and in the Republic of Guyana and containing area of 0.0886 (nought decimal nought eight eight six) of an acre as shown and defined on a Plan by G.


PETITION No. 188-P OF 2013 BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE TETRIE RAMKARRAN of No. 60 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, represented herein by his duly constituted attorney DALCHAND RAMPERSAUD, of No. 60 Village Corentyne, Berbice, agreeably with Power of Attorney 1195 of 2012 (Berbice) has presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by way of Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY PERSON intending to oppose the said Petition must within one month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court at New Amsterdam Berbice and/or Georgetown Demerara notice of his/her opposition and an affidavit together with the notice on the said TETRIE RAMKARRAN, the Petitioner. The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which can be inspected at the Registry of the Court house at New Amsterdam, Berbice during office hours. R. JUGMOHAN Attorney-at-Law For Petitioner SCHEDULE: Lot 151 Section A, containing an area of 0.10 of an acre, Plantation Lot No. 60 situate on the left Bank Corentyne Coast in the County of Berbice Guyana surveyed and paaled off at the request of TETRIE RAMKARRAN by R.T. JOHN, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 19th September, 2012 and duly recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys Commission on the 28th September 2012 as plan No. 53988. MEMORANDUM: The Petitioner's place of business and address for service is at the Chambersof MR. R. JUGMOHAN Attorney-at-Law Lot 7 Charlotte Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice New Amsterdam, Berbice Dated this 4th day of June, 2013. PETITION No. 245-P OF 2013 BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE: I, MARIA ANGELINA SINCLAIR, of No 53 Village, Corentyne, Berbice have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by way of Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY PERSON intending to oppose the said Petition must within one month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court at New Amsterdam, Berbice and/or Georgetown Demerara notice of his/her opposition and an affidavit together with the Notice on the said Petitioner. The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which can be inspected at the Registry of the Court house at New Amsterdam, Berbice during office hours. R. JUGMOHAN Attorney-at-Law for Petitioner SCHEDULE: House lots Nos. 74 containing an area of 0.156 of an acre and 108 containing an area of 0.186 of an acre all being portions of Plantation No. 53 Village situate on the Corentyne Coast in the County of Berbice, in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana surveyed and paaled off at the request of MARIA ANGELINA SINCLAIR by D. U. CONGREAVES, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 18th March, 2013 and duly recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys Commission on the 12th April, 2013 as plan No. 55591. MEMORANDUM: The Petitioner's place of business and address for service is at the Chambers of MR. R. JUGMOHAN Attorney-at-Law Lot 7 Charlotte Street New Amsterdam, Berbice New Amsterdam, Berbice Dated this 19th day of June, 2013. 2013 No. 330-P BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE

2013 No. 331-P BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME C O U R T O F J U D I C AT U R E DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE: JAWAHIR LALL RAMCHARAN and RAMOLA RAMCHARAN, both of Lot 61 Lot No. 64 Frontlands, C o r e n t y n e , B e r b i c e , J o i n t l y, have presented a Joint Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month from the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature at New Amsterdam, Berbice, Notice of his/her opposition and affidavit or affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the said Affidavits upon the said JAWAHIR LALL RAMCHARAN and RAMOLA RAMCHARAN. The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said property which may be inspected at the Registry during office hours. R. JUGMOHAN Attorney-at-Law for Petitioners Dated 20th day of September 2013 SCHEDULE: House lot numbered 61 (sixty-one), containing an area of 0.13 (nought decimal one three) of an acre, being portion of Front Lands in Plantation Lot No. 64 or Babylon in the Upper Corentyne Local Government District, situate on the Corentyne Coast in the County of Berbice, Cooperative Republic of Guyana the said lot being surveyed and paaled off at the request of J A W A H I R LALL RAMCHARAN and RAMOLA RAMCHARAN by R.T. John, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 6th May, 2013 and recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys Commission on 6th June, 2013 as Plan No. 56088. The Petitioners' address for service is at the Chambers of MR. R. JUGMOHAN, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 7 Charlotte St r e e t , New Amsterdam, Berbice. 2013 No. 332-P BERBICE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME C O U R T O F J U D I C AT U R E DECLARATION OF TITLE

NOTICE N O T I C E : C H R I T W AT E E KISTUASAMI and KRISHNA KATRYAN, both of Lot 74 No. 47 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription to the properties described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said Petition must within 1 (one) month from the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature at New Amsterdam, Berbice Notice of his/her opposition and affidavit or affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the said Affidavits upon the said C H R I T W A T E E KISTUASAMI and KRISHNA KATRYAN. The said Petition is accompanied by a plan of the said properties which may beinspected at the Registry during office hours. R. JUGMAOHAN Attorney-at-Law for Petitioner Dated 20th day of September, 2013 SCHEDULE: FIRSTLY: Lot 74 (seventy-four) containing an area of 0.178 (nought decimal one seven eight) of an acre, SECONDLY Lot 75 (seventy-five) containing an area of 0.178 (nought decimal one seven eight) of an acre, Thirdly Lot 76 (seventy-six) containing an area of 0.178 (nought decimal one seven eight) of an acre, Fourthly, Lot 77 (seventy-seven) containing an area of 0.178 (nought decimal one seven eight) of an acre All being portions of Section B, in Plantation Lot No. 47 in the No. 51 Good Hope Village District, situate on the Corentyne Coast in the County of Berbice, Cooperative Republic of Guyana, surveyed and paaled off at the r e q u e s t o f C H R I T W AT E E KISTUASAMI and KRISHNA K AT RYA N b y R . T. J o h n Sworn Land Surveyor dated 13th March, 2013 and recorded in the Department of Lands and Surveys Commission on 22nd March, 2013 as Plan No. 55385. The Petitioners' address for service is at the Chambers of M r. R. JUGMOHAN, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 7 Charlotte Street, New Amsterdam, Berbice. 2013 Nos. 924-P 925-P, 926-P, 927-P, 928-P, 929-P, 959-P, 960-P, 961-P, 962-P, 963-P, DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICITON DECLARATION OF TITLE NOTICE: RUPERT EDWARD ABRAMS Lot 43x, CYRIL HENRY GIDDINGS and DEBORRAH ANNE GIDDINGS, jointly lot 11, MICHAEL ARTHUR FITZGERALD ABRAMS Lot 28 OWEN GILBERT Da SILVA and MELANIE ADIOLA Da SILVA jointly lot 34 MILLIE KINGSTON lot 46x WINSLOW CULLEY and SHAWN CULLEY jointly Lot 56x MICHAEL SAMUEL ADAMS Lot 2x, ADDEL. FUNG Lot 62 RONA VERONICA HOUSNER Lot 13x PATRICK HOLLINGSWORTH and JOYLYN PAMELA HOLLINGSWORTH Lot 53x and JEAN OLIVE PHILADELPHIA Lot 51x have presented petitions for Declaration of Title by Prescription of the lands claimed as described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person(s) intending to oppose any of the said Petitions must within one month after the date of the first publication of this Notice file in the Supreme Court Registry, Georgetown, Notice of his/her opposition with Affidavit or Affidavits in support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and Affidavit(s) upon the said Petitioners. The said Petitions are accompanied by a plan of the said land claimed which may be inspected at the Supreme Court Registry Georgetown, during of-

NOTICE fice hours. Dated at Georgetown, Demerara.This 14th day of October, 2013 Donald A.B. Trotman Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioners. SCHEDULE: Lots 43x, 11, 28, 34, 46x, 56x, 2x, 62, 13x, 53x and 51x, all being portions of Section 'C' (East), Golden Grove, within the Grove-Haslington/ Neighbourhood Democratic Council, situate on the East Coast of Demerara, in the County of Demerara and in the Republic of Guyana the said lots containing areas of 0.0922, 0.1101, 0.1021, 0.1101, 0.1106, 0.2131, 0.1496, 0.1101, 0.1436, 0.2254 and 0.1636 of an acre each respectively being shown and defined on a plan by L.E. Leo, Sworn Land Surveyor dated 31st October 2012 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission on the 11th January, 2013 as Plan No. 54532. MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioners is at the Chambers of Mr Donald A.B. Trotman, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 215 King Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana. 2013 No. 436-P DEMERARA IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE CIVIL JURISDICITON DECLARAITON OF TITLE In the Matter of the Title to Land (Prescription and Limitation) Act Chapter 60:02 -and- In the matter of a Declaration of Title by Prescription of Lot 31 Old Housing Scheme, Bartica, situate at the confluence of the Essequibo and Mazaruni rivers, County of Essequibo Guyana -and- In the matter of an Application for Declaration of Title by Prescription by ANDREANA TEIXEIRA, RONDA TEIXEIRA, CARLA TEIXEIRA, ELIZABETH BARNWELL, SHARON NELSON and AMANDA TEIXEIRA. NOTICE: SHARON NELSON and AMANDA TEIXEIRA both of Lot 31 Housing Scheme, Bartica Essequibo Guyana on their behalf and also in their capacity as the duly constituted Attorney of ANDREANA TEIXEIRA, RONDA TEIXEIRA, CARLA TEIXEIRA, ELIZABETH BARNWELL by way of a Power of Attorney No. 7701 of 2011 executed on the 1st day of November, 2011 and registered in the Deeds Registry on the 1st day of November 2011 have presented a Petition for a Declaration of Title by Prescription of the property described in the Schedule hereto. ANY person intending to oppose the said Petition must within one month after the first publication of this Notice file in the Registry of the High Court in the City of Georgetown, Demerara, Notice of his/her opposition and an Affidavit or Affidavits in Support thereof and serve a copy of the Notice and any Affidavit upon the said SHARON NELSON and AMANDA TEIXEIRA. The Petition is accompa n i e d b y a Plan of the property which may be inspected at the said Registry during office hours. MR. ROYSDALE A. FORDE Attorney-at-Law for the Petitioners Dated at Georgetown, Demerara This 20th day of May 2013 SCHEDULE: "Lot 31 Old Housing Scheme, Bartica, situate at the confluence of the Essequibo and Mazaruni rivers, County of Essequibo Guyana containing an area of 0.079 (nought decimal nought seven nine) of an acre as shown on a Plan by Gregory Samaroo, Sworn Land Surveyor dated the 25th March 2010 and recorded in the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission and numbered 47277." MEMORANDUM: The address for service of the Petitioners is at the Chambers of MR. ROYSDALE A. FORDE, Attorney-at-Law of Lot 77 Hadfield Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana.



ACCOMMODATION ACCOMODATIONS HARMONY INN, fully furnished, air-conditioned, apartment $5 000 per night - 6680306, 694-7817. JOURNEY Inn Apartments and Caral. With Jacuzzi, kitchen and hot and cold from $3 000, AC $5 000, Eccles. Tel. 679-7139. JOB OPPORTUNITY

BUSS./JOBOPPORTUNITY BUSINESS opportunity: We can advise you how to invest small capital in small projects and earn great profits. Contact S.A.S. Tel. 592-602-8149 Email: EXCELLENT business opportunity!!! For sale - fully functioning, fast food restaurant with international chicken and pizza franchises. Serious enquiries only. Contact 618-2064 WON'T you like to be your own boss, work flexible hours and earn up to 50% commission? Then don't let this opportunity pass you by. Become an AVON Representative today for only $1 500. For more information, call Anita on 2332665, 624-5004.

CAR RENTAL CAR RENTAL JOURNEY Inn Apartments and Car Rental. Premio, Vitz. Eccles New Scheme. Tel. 679-713

COUNSELLING ARE you cursed, depressed, demon-possessed or need finance? Call Apostle Randolph Williams - (592) 2616050 20:00hrs to 23:00hrs.



EDUCATIONAL FULL BENEFIT ACADEMY(Music & Academics) departments, daycare, playgroup, nursery, primary & secondary, individualised attention, extra classes for weak students, special focus on phonics and reading. Get customised tuition. Music is offered, high quality teaching-learning approaches. The Indivindualised Tuition School For Every Ability, Register now for school. 651-5220, 647-0686. NAYELLI School of Cosmetology is enrolling students for 3 months day and 6 months evening courses in Cosmetology beginning January 6th, 2014 Mondays to Fridays, also evening and weekend classes in barbering. Basic & Advanced hair cutting, acrylic nails & airbrushing, manicure, pedicure, facial, make-up artistry and body massage, Limited spaces. Body massage on Saturdays only. Visit us at 211, New Market Street, North Cummingsburg, Georgetown or call us on 2264573. INSTITUTE of Academic Excellence 194 Camp Street (between Church and Quamina Streets). Registration has commenced for CXC 2013/2014 classes. Maths, English, Business and Science CXC classes for adults, repeaters, school drop-outs, secondary school students (Forms 1-5). Extra lessons (Forms 1-5) morning, afternoon, evening and weekend classes for adults. Special Business and Science packages and payment plans are available. Fees low as $1 500. Special CXC programme for persons desirous of becoming nurses. Phone 683-5742, 227-7627, 223-0604. FITNESS

FOR HIRE/RENTAL PLANNING an event? Call Travellers Sound Company, thirty years in the business. Indian wedding, religious function, barbecue, conference, concerts (all levels). We do stage lighting, disco lighting, parties, generators from 5 KVA to 400 KVA, PA system, all types. Tel. 226-6527, 600-7242, 600-3122, 623-7242, 623-3122, Leonard or Steven, based at Club Monaco.

CHEATING spouse, polygraph testing, background checks, locating missing persons, bodyguard service, private + criminal investigation, any other (Worldwide). Contact Strategic Advisory Services. Tel. 592-629-9588, 592-602-8149 Email: sasmi5@hotmail. c o m Member of National Association of Invest i g a t i v e S p e c i a l i s t s (USA) (All assignments treated as top secret

ATTENTION parents/ guardians supercharge your child/loved one's reading skills. Call 624-7711; individual attention guaranteed. Fees reasonable.

LEARN TO DRIVE MAISONS DRIVING School 22 Nabaclis Public Road. Tel 650-4291, 652-6993.


CELLPHONE repairs and unlocking and reloading. Contact 649-5232.

HOME schooling available at your convenience. Hire us. Experience the difference in education solutions. Speak to experts. Call 651-5220 now. ENROL now at The Reading School, The Music Academy and Individualised Tuition Cent r e f o r s c h o o l a n d a f terschool tuition programmes. Call: 651-5220, 647-0686. QUALIFY YOURSELF IN COMPUTER STUDIES at Computer World at only $7 000 per course. Tel: 2251032 or 227-6619, Vlissengen Road & Gordon Streets, Kitty, opposite GDF Sports Ground. I N D I V I D U A L I S E D Tuition: Is your child struggling with phonics, reading, preparation for National Grades 2, 4 and 6 Assessments? Music training any instrument, voice, etc. 651-5220.

GET REMARKABLE Results! Consult Tuition Expert. Become a 'Top Performer' at any of these exams: National Grade 6 Assessment [Common Entrance Examination]; CSEC [CXC]; Associated Board of Royal School of Music Exams. "You can now customise your tuition to meet your every learning need!" Do you want to be Guyana's next top performer at any of the above exams? Consult TEACHER Preya [education consultant/ educator/ education specialist] [592] 651-5220, 680-0632

RK’s Institute of Motoring Learn to drive at an affordable cost Professional, Courteous and Patient driving in s t r u c t o r F o r m o r e i n formation Contact Audrey/ Ahillia 172 Light & Charlotte Streets, Bourda 227-5 0 7 2 , 2 2 6 - 7 5 4 1 , 2 2 6 - 0 1 6 8 , Yo u t u b e : RK's Institute of Motoring. SHALOM Driving School Lot 2 Croal Street Stabroek and enjoy our Anniversary special between 19th October to 30th November 2013 fee reduce by 20% Call 227-3869, 2273835, 227-7560, 622-8162.



SOOTHING MASSAGE. Call for appointmentsl out calls only. Anna 661-8969. IN D I R A SINGH THERAPEAUTIC M A S S A G E . TEL. 615-6665. M A S S A G E Divinty Spa, 245 Sheriff St., specialise in relaxation and therapuetic massages, facials. C a l l 6 6 1 - 6 6 9 4 , ask for Dianna NOTICE


AMOS Leitch from Lodge is kindly asked to make contact with Rawle Hoyte. Tel. 681-3680. RENTAL HIRE


ONE 20ft tray Canter truck. Tel. 616-9631. 1 - CANTER for hire/use as mobile canteen. Call 219-3199, 638-4515.

SPIRITUAL reading, other works done. For fast results - reuniting lovers, removing evil and all blockages, etc. Call 696-8873, 6731166. SPIRITUAL work done in Suriname. Remove evil, sickness, pregnancy, prosperity, business, etc. Call 674-8603, 680-5596, 597-8519876.

GUYANESE male, age 51, seeks female companion for serious relationship. Tel. 665-8797, 611-1172. No texting.

TV, DVD, microwave, stereo, washers, amplifiers etc. 6932683.

SOMAN and Sons Driving School. Learn to drive the right way. First Federation Building. 622-2872, 644-5166,

SPIRITUAL works done to bring peace, finance, success, enhance prosperity, remove evil, blockage, reunite families, lovers, etc. 610-7234, 644-0058.




vices ser services

REPAIRS to refrigerators, freezers, AC, washers, stoves, microwaves. Call 683-1312, 627-3206 (Nick). MASON: All blocked work, plastering, casting,building of bridges, fences and septic tanks undertaken. Tel. 619-3296. HOME Investment: Protect your home against termites, at best price, before, during or after building. 626-2771. REPAIRS to fridge, washing machine, gas stove. Contact Kirk, 223-7975, cell 666-2276. DRESSMAKING: We specialize in making ladies' garments, curtains, etc. Call Sharmela 626-2629, 676-6312. LOOKING for a q u a l i f i e d and experienced caregiver to care for your sick, elderly - contact 220-9114, 682-9206. BUILDING plans and estimates, done by qualified and experienced engineers and project managers. Contact us 643-6350, 601-6420. REPAIRS to LCD, Plasma, Projection, Led TV's, microwave ovens, amplifiers, DVD and CD systems, etc. Ordering of spares for complete servicing. Abdul Electronics. 225-0391. REPAIRS to TV, DVD, microwave, stereo, washers, amplifiers, INSTALLING SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS,etc. 693-2683. FOR all general welding such as grill, boat, aluminum; and casting welding also. Tel. 2332847, 696-6263 Khemraj. L A N D S C A P I N G , plantscaping, fence hedging Potted plants, lawn development, land development. Call Yolanda 655-0755. NEED someone to take care of your child, day, night, or fulltime in a home away from home. Call 222-6805, 256-3416, 6386425.

TECHNICIANS available: Repairs, servicing and installation, washers, dryers, stoves, deep fryers, industrial controls. 619-0793, 699-8802, 218-0050.''



GET a Friend! Get educated! Get Married! Migrate!..through the CFI. Telephone Friendship Link. Call 592261-5079, 654-3670, 688-8293,2616833 twenty-four hours



ELEGANCE Jewellery and Pawn Shop, Lot 1 Durban Street Werk-en-Rust between Camp and George Streets. Tel: 2236331, 227-2307.

LOSE or gain weight: fat reduction powder, protein powder. Call 660-2686, 625-7073.

AT T E N T I O N pa r e n ts / guardians make your child/ loved one a better reader today with the highly effective Hooked on Phonics Programme. Call 624-7711 for more information.

QUBOTRONICS for your IT needs and consulting services offer computer repairs, upgrades, DVR Installation, and more. # 638-1388, 664-8660.


MUSIC is Fun. Register now and learn to play the Keyboard, Guitar, Drums and do Voice Training. Call Foundation 7 on 225-1151, 617-4200.



DUTCH spiritual help in removing evil spirit, bad luck, evil sickness, spells, reuniting lovers, bringing prosperity to business, etc. Tel: 612-6417, 220-0708, .687-5653.

L.G. Brands air condition 220 volts, split units 9,000, 12,000, 18,000 and 24,000 BTU. New with three years warranty, unbeatable prices. Contact 623-0290. GRANITE INSTALLATION: cutting, polishing and profiling to all your granite counter tops, also building of cupboards and closets. Contact Rawle - 611-7031, 667-7963.

FAITH- HEALING SERVICES. We can help with bad luck, remove blockage, evil spirit, pregnancy, love, reunite family, maiter, marriage problem, business, skin problems such as sore, hex spell or curse. Tel 6121975, 6835228.

TAXI SERVICE TAXI SERVICE EZ RUNNINGS Taxi Service and Auto Rental. Short drop $300. Tel. 225-6926, 231-5808.

LOOKING for small clients, 10 - 25 employees or less, to cheaply computerise their payroll, payment upon satisfactory completion. For more information, call 673-7572.

FOR all general concontact struction, Mohamed. We specialize in y, plumbonr y, mas pentr car onry masonr pentry carpentr ing, power-wash, painting painting,, troweltex and varnishing. Call 233-0591, 667-6644 667-6644,, (office) 216-3120.J. EASTMAN AND Associates Financial Services Chartered Accountants Services: Taxation, Consultancy, Accounting, Income tax, Vehicle and Building Compliances. Office located at 190 Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown. Tel. 223-2105, 662-7 4 6 7 , or Email at J&A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Building Maintenance Renovation and General Construction Comp any, Phone 592-615-5734, 592616-5914 We are specialised in carpentry, masonry, trowel plastic, washing and painting of building, scaffolding rental, sheet rack, tiling, slicking, plumbing, grill work, electrical installation, interior designing, upholstery and curtains, building of kitchen cupboards, beds, wardrobe, etc. 25% Christmas discount.

PORTERS, Moulder & Woodmizer operator, lumber clerk. Call Richard: 609-7675, 233-2614. ONE person to work at snackette to prepare barbecui. Call 692-6595, 226-5336, 6164686. SENIOR Accounts Clerk ACCA level and 2 years experience. Handyman - Call 223-5273-4 Manager send applications to PO: box 101848 SALES Clerk: Honest and reliable. Come in with application, Nanda's Boutique, 223 Camp Street. OFFICE Clerk, Senior/Junior. CXC English Mathematics. Computer knowledge an asset. Call 225-0188, 225-6070. INTERNAL AUDITOR Qualifications (1) CAT qualified (2) One year auditing experience (3) P o l i c e clearance contact: 225-1787 OPERATORS, Apply in person to B.M. Enterprise Inc. Guyana Fisheries Limited Wharf. Houston, East Bank Demerara. Tel: 592-227-8176/7 BILLING/SALES Clerk. Must have a working knowledge of QuickBooks. 5 subjects CXC. Experience would be an asset. Apply at: LENS, Hydronie, Parika. 260-4916, 260-4915

PORTERS/Labourer. Apply with written application and police clearance to the Manager SOL Gas Distributor, 9 Dowding St., Kitty. Tel. 225-2259, 6225922, 216-3152.

PROFESSIONAL Pressure washing: you won't believe the difference Call Kevin Blyden 592-696-5424 We clean homes, driveways, decks, gutters, parking lots, businesses, equipment, machinery, cars and anything else with dirt and grime.

NON-IMMIGRANT Visa Service. Professional Visa applications to the US and Canada. Fees USA VISA $3000, Canada $4000, Plaza Computer Service, 245 Sheriff Street, C/ville. 225-7390, 618-0128, 688-1874. Open Monday to Sunday 09:00hrs 21:00hrs

COMPUTER Technician with 3 years experience. Call 227-0190, 623-5844, 623-5845.

VACANCY exists for restaurant supervisor. Apply in person with written application at The Regency Suites Hotel, 98 Hadfield St, Werken-Rust, Georgetown.

WE buy and sell your properties especially Kitty, Campbellville, or Georgetown. We also rent residential and business properties. Contact 6876647, 674-2600, 223-1440.

J. EASTMAN AND Associates Financial Services Chartered Accountants Services: Taxation, Consultancy, Accounting, Income tax, Vehicle and Building Compliances. Office located at 190 Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown. Tel. 223-2105, 662-7 4 6 7 , or Email at

VACANCY SENIOR Accounts clerk and Auditor needed send application to PO box: 101848

PORTERS, KITCHEN GARDENER and WATCHMAN - Apply with written application to Patsan - Sheriff &Johnsmith Streets, Campbellville. VACANCY exists for Male Stock Clerk. Apply in person with written application to Regency Suite/Hotel. 98 Hadfield Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. TOURS


SURINAME Pre-Christmas trip return sightseeing-tour, etc.: Nov 28th- Dec 1st. Tel # 6440185, 639-2663, 665-5171, 2278290

VETERINARY SERVICE SAVE HEAVEN ANIMAL CLINIC 131 GUYHOC PARK GEORGETOWN. Services includes vaccination, (Rabies Feline and Canine), dewormed, Surgeries, Pet grooming. Pet export certificates can be arranged. Tel. 2233866, 691-9179. VACANCY VACANCY EXISTS for one hire car driver. Tel. 226-7973. ONE Cashier, and one Cook to work in Georgetown. Tel. 6796040. VACANCY exists for one (1) part time Sales clerk. Please contact 225-8203/8205. VACANCY exists at MALA's Beauty Salon for one (1) professional Hair Dresser. Call 619-2666 for more info. ABLE bodied porter. Apply in person with recent police clearance and 2 recommendations. Tel # 226-5473. 1 SALES Clerk, must have knowledge of all types of Japanese spares, at lesst 3 years experience. Tel: 227-, 227-2322

ARE you within the ages of 30 - 45 years? Do you want a weekend job (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) as a domestic /baby sitter on a live-in liveout basis? Applicants preferably from Industry to LBI, ECD. Call 6262080. VACANCY: for a van driver, and a canter driver. Excellent salary and commission. Apply in person with police clearance, a copy of your driver's license, and 2 recommendations. Tel # 2265473. ONE experienced hairdresser for full-time employment. One house keeper/cook ;must be willing to work weekend. Location: Cornelia Ida, W.C.D. Tel# 602-5332. ONE experienced sales clerk to work at Sharon's Boutique and Gift Gallery, located at 33 Durban Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. Apply with written application. Tel. 227-2452, 670-9944. RECEPTIONIST, Relief Cashiers, Room Attendant, Must be able to work shift. Requirements: Application, Reference letter, TIN #, ID #. Apply 233 South Road, Lacytown. Tel. 2250198. DRIVER aged 35 - 45 years, 10 years experience, must have a truck licence. Office Assistant, between 35 and 50 years old. Must be computerliterate and have knowledge of NIS and VAT. Preferably female. Contact Tel. 220-2034, 2201787.

GUYANA CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2013 VACANCY SECURITY Guards must be able to work shift, ages 28 - 55 years old, requirement - application, reference last place of employment, TIN #, NIS #, ID #, Police clearance. Apply 233South Road, Lacytown. Tel. 2250198. VA C A N C I E S e x i s t f o r Sales Clerk, Bond Clerk, Accounts Clerk and Pharmacist at Roy's Pharmacy. Interested persons can send in applications along with Curriculum Vitae and one passport-size photograph to Roy's Pharmacy Stall #32-33 and 64-65 Bourda Market. Tel. 226-0693, one cleaner call Samantha 223-6072. 2 MALE Front Desk Assistants 28-45 yrs, Apply K&VC, 233 South Road. Tel. 225-0198. Requirements: application, TIN, ID#. Benefits: Attractive wages, weekly incentives and a comfortable work environment in a centrally located area. RK'S SECURITY Services (Security Department) 2 watch Commanders, 5 Site Supervisors/ Commanders (for Diplomatic Residences and Industrial Locations), 4 Visiting supervisors with Motorcycle or license for Motorcycle, 2 Drivers (ages 35+) for car, van and lorry. Contracted work and company employee with benefits in the system. CELL Point: Sales and Service Representative for Regent Street location. Requirements handwritten application, CXC passes - Mathematics and English, 2 passport photographs and 2 recommendations. Age 25 - 30 years. Apply to Cell Point, 120 Regent Street. Tel. 645-4900, 226-3950. VACANCIES exist at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sherriff St, for cashiers and drivers. Persons must send in an application along with a passportsize photograph. For more information, contact 227-5288-89. VACANCY for one experienced accountant. Must have organisation skills with six years working experience in the same field, also needed Senior Accounting Clerks. Must have 5year, working experience with some organization skills. Apply in person with written application Alabama Trading, Georgetown, Ferry Stelling. VACANCY exists at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff Street for an IT Technician. Applicants must send in an application along with a passport-size photograph and CV. For more information, contact 227-5288-89. INTERNET World career opportunity: a vacancy exists for a dynamic and motivated individual to fill the position of Computer Operator. Must have CXC Maths and English, and must be computer literate. Send application to Human Resource Manager, Internet World or Email: IMMEDIATE - VACANCIES for a caretaker at Turkeyen ECD, caretaker at Turkeyen, preferably a family man and above 48 years old, The job pays good salary per week, free housing and all utilities, Applicant must be able to plant garden and keep yard clean, cook for the dogs and look after poultry. House situated at Turkeyen on the East Coast of Demerara. Apply in person with recent Police Clearance, National Identification Card, National Insurance Card and TIN to P&L Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd., 61 E½ David Street Kitty, Georgetown. Tel. 227-4412, 227-4386. For directions, call between Mondays to Fridays only, from 08:00hrs to 16:00hrs only.

VACANCY WAITERS AND BARTENDERS WANTED a new service provider will be accepting applications for waiters and bartenders (males and females between ages of 18 - 30) Professional training will be provided. These applications must be sent no later than 17th June, 2013. Please send application to 64 Craig Street, Campbellville or Email For more information contact 2278822, 696-3049.

LAND FOR SALE Land For Sale 20 HASLINGTON ECD 50ft x 75ft. Contact 654-6540. HOUSTON Gardens, 87 x 125, $13M neg. 611-0315, 6908625. REPUBLIC Gardens EBD size 50x100. Price $9.8M. Contact 685-7887, 665-7400.. ATLANTIC Ville & Friendship ECD EBD. No price will be refused . Tel. 689-9388,





SOESDYKE: 57.21 acres of land 215'.36 x 8,755'.2 near Linden Highway Junction, $125M neg. B&G's Realty - 227-4125, 617-9717.

SHEMROCK GARDENS E.C.D - Size 105 X 86. Price $31 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

TRANSPORTED River View land, location Skeldon Berbice, 9.650 acres. For more information, contact 592-617-5860 after 16:00 hrs.

REPUBLIC GARDENS Size 50 X 100. Price $9.8 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

DIAMOND, Grove, La Parfaite Harmonie, LBI, Kuru Kururu, Herstelling, Sheriff Street, Bush Lot WCB, Adventure. Rice land - 629-8253, 688-4414.

LAND for bond, hotel, apartment complex, Blygezight 120 x 60 $36M, neg, Austin St. 134 x 56 - $36M, Kitty 8 000 sq ft - $22M, Phone Vice President 225-2626, 618-0000, 2252626, 623-2591, 226-1064, 227-6863, 615-0069

SECOND lot in Dennis St, with driv eway 2 0 f e e t $ 1 7 M , Sec. 'M', 80 x 60, plus reserve for bond $19M, Da S i l v a S t 80 x 50 $13M, Kitty Railway Embankment 8 000 sq. ft $ 20M, land has 20 ft driveways. V i c e Preside n t D r a n d i a 6 1 5 0069, Vice President Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, Vice President Ramsayae 6180 0 0 0 , Vice President 225 2 6 2 6 , 2 2 6 - 1 0 6 4 , 667-7812.

LAND of Canaan, E.B.D., East of Public Road. Few acres left for sale this year, all utilities, two access roads. Tel # 266-0014, 669-8139. LAND for sale able $20M. Call MR. Carlos Budram 6923831, 225-2626, 226-1064, 2276863, 225-5198, 227-6964, 2312064, 225-2709, 669-3350, 6232591.

LAND with 20ft driveway Dennis Street $17M, Sec. 'M' 90 x 50 plus reserve $17M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, one house in McDoom close to main road $9M. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000 Vice President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 227-6863, 226-1064, 225-2626.

G U YA N E S E business es mus t think o u t o f t h e box. They must adopt a new strate g y. T h e C h i n ese are moving in some locations that land for bond/factory is cheap, 20 000 sq ft land close to the Chinese embassy for bond. $58M, 8 000 sq. ft on the main road close to the Chinese Embassy $54M for 4-storey fast food/super m a r k e t 2 0 0 - c a r parking. 1½ acres of land in Turkeyen for hostel, school, university, bond, Buy now, be decisive. Present, you have a boss, now decide. Phone Mr. Danhand r i 6 1 5 - 0 0 6 5 , M r . P a t r i c k P e r e i r a 6 6 9 - 3 3 5 0, M r. A l y s i o u s P e r e i r a 6 2 3 2591, 225-2709, 225-2626, 2 2 5 - 3 0 6 8 , 2 2 6 - 1064, 2276863, 225-5198 Seven days of h o t m a il:

LAND 45x90 at 14 Kersaint Park, LBI. Price $15M, Tel. 699-9201. PROMISING Gold and Diamond Mining lands in various areas. Tel. # 699-3992. DOWNTOWN location, size 65 x 125, price $32M. Diamond size 30x75, price $3M. Tel. 6702013. Serious enquiries only. CLAIM gold and diamond at Kurupung middle M a z a r u n i . Te l . 6 9 4 - 1 7 0 7 . BLANKENBURG Public Road, WCD: land for sale 38 x 150 - $11M. 658-0132. SOESDYKE land: 166.00' x 131.98', $4.5M neg - B & G'S Realty- 227-4125, 617-9717. 41 ACRES land at Silver Hill Linden Highway. Tle. 223-7181, 627-4900. 28 ACRES land on Highway to river with wood, $400 000 per acre. Diana: 227-2256, 626-9382. 1 ACRE FRIENDSHIP W AT E R F R O N T, EBD HOUSE LOTS Versailles and Republic Gardens (gated comp o u n d ) B e l A i r. T E L : 2 2 6 8148, 625-1624. 600 ACRES MAHAICONY with 45 cows, 1 horse, house and generator HOUSE LOTS VERSAILLES and Republic Gardens gated compound, High Street, Bel Air, Cummings Street. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624. DIAMOND, Kuru Kuru, Good Hope, Lae Harmonie, Roriama Scheme, Kitty, 30 acres at Soesdyke Highway, Canal No. 1, 688-4414, 6153728. TRANSPORTED land in Ramsville Court Cove & John, ECD. Call 226-7585. CORNER house lot located at Tuschen Housing Scheme. Contact 62511 5 4 . HOUSE lot in Diamond Housing Scheme, 125ft x 75ft, 15hp Suzuki outboard engine, 14½ ft aluminum boat. Tel. 638-6722 S. Zaman. PLOTof land for sale located at Ocean View Drive, Ruimzeight Gardens WCD. Call 267-2348, 6943896. BB ECCLES 100 x 50 only $14M, Call Ms Debidyal. 6979377, 231-2064, 225-2626, 2276863, 615-0069, 627-0288, 2261064. 100 ACRES Mahaica Creek, Manni Street Linden, 2nd lot D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust with driveway, Rainbow City Linden with approved plan. Call 644-6551.

HAPPY Acres front, residential areas $16M, Bagotville, W.B.Dem land 45 by 150 feet on eastern side of road, D'Urban Street close to High Street 50 by 100 feet for $16M, five acres of prime land at Pearl, EBD for $12M, Agricola, double lot $8M, Success and Railway line road on ECD 22 000 sq.ft of land for $48M, Nandy Park residential $16.5M, Contact Pete's Real Estate - 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546.

L.B.I E.C.D- Corner lot 9000 Sq Ft Land Price $16 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6436353, 685-7887.

148 x 60 land in Bel Air Village for hotel, bond, 5-storey, students' dorm - $42M. Phone Vice President Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Vice President Ramsohoye 6180000, 623-2591, 227-6863, 2252626, 667-7812.

REPUBLIC GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - Size 5000 sq ft. Price $13.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SHERIFF STREET- double prime business spot (Size 12,500 sq ft) Price USD$ 1.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665 -7400, 685-7887, 6436353. REPUBLIC GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - (Size 10,000 sq ft) Price $23 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. D'ANDRADE Street Newtown- Double lot. Price $21 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. ATLANTIC GARDENS E.C.D- Triple lot. Price $59 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. VLISSENGEN RD- WORTHMAN-VILLE- triple lot suitable for business, bond, etc. Price reduce to $39 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. GARNETTE ST NEWTOWNLand for commercial building, bond, apartments, etc. Size 32x135. Price $34 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665- 7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

LAND in Queenstown 165 x 60 over $100M. Phone Vice President Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Darandia 615-0069, 618-0000, 225-2626

DURBAN STREET, FREEBURG - INVESTMENT corner lot . Size 11,000 sq ft. Price $77 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

ONE land in Duncan St. for 4-storey office complex, bond, school, apartment $31M. Phone 627-0288, Mr. Ramsayoe 618-0000, Mr Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Mr. Darindra 615-0069.\

DIAMOND E.B.D - Unfinished concrete structure and land. Price $6.2 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

MADUNI Yarrowkabra 30 acres in the vicinity of Maduni Creek $8M, Land of Canaan 3 acres roadside, width 500ft, road to river 400ft riverside frontage 500ft - $120M neg, Berbice riverside 112x114 (12768 sq. ft) 98x48 ft (4704 sq. ft) factory building on site 75x62ft - $60M, Soesdyke riverside 160x300 ft $35M, 2272612, 627-8314, 655-0755; 120x60 CLOSE to Brickdam, $75M suitable for 5storey complex, hotel Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, Mr Pereira 226-1064, Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 2276863, 225-5198. COVERDEN riverside: 62 feet wide by 600 feet, $28M; Thomas Street, Cummingsburg: 39 ft by 242 ft $75M; Diamond Middle Income with foundation, $7.5M; Success Railway Embankment, 22000 sq ft $50M; Mentore/Singh Realty 225-1017, 623-6136.

THIS land is going to solve your business need, in Smyth close to Brickdam 120 x 60 the only land available for $55M neg All lands that would give you the same re turn on your investment $95M, talking of 5-storey complex. Phone Lady Bost o n 6 8 4 - 2244, Lady Racel Jones 688-3434 lady Davi Dyal 697-9377, Master Darindra 615-0069, 6180 0 0 0 , 623-2591, 225-2626, 225-3068, 226-1064 , E m a i l : m CAPITAL Realty Land Atlantic Gardens $22M, $118M, Rahaman's Park 50'x100' $22M, Ruimzeight Gardens 3,200 sq ft $8M, Blankenburg 38'x150' $12M, Grove 42'x82' $2.5M, Annandale 50'x100' $4.2M, $5M, Sheriff Street $45M, Parfait Harmony $1.2M, and up, Garnett Street $32M, $40M, house lots EBD $4M and up, Friendship 50'x200' on road $22M, Land of Canaan $8M per acre, Canal No. 1 and 2 - $12M and up, Republic Gardens 50'x100' $10M, Diamond 30'x75 $4M, $6M and up, Charlotte Street 35'x110' $23M. many more listings Azeem - 226-9383, 6423722, WE wish to advertise all land was made by the creator for different purposes. Go as high as you can to enjoy economy of height. Earl's Court LBI double lot 120 x 90 - $17M, Happy Acres parallel to the Main Road 100 x 50 - $16M, for business or 4-storey apartment land for bonds on the East Coast $28M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft $20M, Da Silva St 70 x 35 - $14M, 9 000 sq. ft on Main Road 500 yards south of Chinese Embassy, Turkeyen 1.4 acres $38M, Campbellville 80 x 60 with lots of reserve $16M, Republic Park $16M, Continental Park double lot $35M, Croal Street 75 x 50 - $32M, 3 lots at 'AA' Eccles with massive unfinished structure $98M, plus reserve. Friendship $3.5M, Pearl 5 acres for gated community $45M neg. Phone V.P. Mrs . A l a n n a D e b i d a y a l 231-2064, cell 6979377, 225-3068, 226-1064, 227-6863, 227-6964, 225-2626.

to let


SPACE to rent in Duncan Street. Tel. 621-8198. FURNISHED rooms: single person only. Tel. 229-6149. BUSINESS space Alberttown - 621-5282. MISS Dee Apartments for overseas guests is back. Call 6617354. NEWTOWN: 1 - BEDROOM apartment furnished and grilled $60 000. 622-8109. ONE four-bedroom house in Section 'A' Diamond. Tel. 2654161. 2 BEDROOM apartment $30 000 per month. Tel. 6462678. ALBERTTOWN large business space to rent on Light Street. Contact 644-0530. FINE business location, ground floor, Brickdam for office or business.Tel. 694-1091. KINGSTON: 3 office spaces available for immediate rental. Tel. 226-1308 or 647-1481. HOUSE on farmland located in La Grange area. Tel. 609-8235, 698-1485. ONE 2-bedroom upper flat in B.V. $45 000 per month. Tel. 226-8689. 2 MODERN apartments at Campbellville, Georgetown. Call 219-4535. HOUSE at Lamaha Garden and Diamond, E.B.D.; hot and cold water, etc. Call 219-4535. QUEENSTOWN: furnished executive apartment with all conveniences. Tel. 225-0545. 1 - 5-BEDROOM house; 3bedroom house with parking; 2bedroom flat with parking. Tel. 695-9757, 647-5635. ONE-bedroom apartment to rent at Parfaite Harmonie W.B.D. $18 000 per month. Tle. 6680306, 694-7817. FURNISHED executive apartment with internet access, generator, and parking Tel. 6420636. EXECUTIVE office in central location (Middle and Carmichael Streets). Tel. 2256370, 609-3899. FURNISHED room and apartment $3 000, $4 000, $5 000, $6 000 daily. Call Julian 638-4505, 225-4709. PRIME business location to rent in Camp Street between New Market & Lamaha for business or office, Tel: 694-1091, 639-4499. ONE-bedroom apartment. Preferably working couple. Cornelia Ida, W.C.D. Tel# 602-5332. ECCLES 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT & 3 bedroom upstairs, short term. Tel 660-4764. 2-BEDROOM in exclusive residential area with all modern amenities. 653-2920. ONE house or apartment to rent: $15,000-$20,000 a month. Tel. 698-0844. APARTMENT for single or couple only. Call 692-6595, 2265336, 616-4686. REST- Bar for rent, 3-Bedroom house for rent, with one master room. Call: 669-0366 1 - FULLY furnished 1-bedroom apartment with AC for out of town or overseas visitor in Kitty. Tel. 686-4620, 227-2466. ONE-bedroom 'B' apartment, semi-furnished at lots Cummings Lodge, price $35 000. Tel. 673-6168. SPACE for doctors, pharmacy, medical laboratory, 9000 sq. ft, suitable for school. Vreed-en-Hoop Junction. Tel. 621-1576, 254-0373. 2-STOREY, 1 BOND space, located at Broad and Ketley Streets, with utilities. 643-3675.


26 TO LET GARNETT Street: One- & two-bedroom furnished apartments. with hot & cold, AC & Internet from US$20 daily. Rates neg. for monthly visitors. Phone: 227-5852/638-4404. 1-BEDROOM apartment, Kitty. Furnished 2-bedroom apartment, studio and rooms daily - 621-5282. FULLY-furnished apartment, long and short term, utilities included, with AC; Duncan Street. Contact 645-0787. 3-BEDROOM house in D'Urban Street, $70 000. Tel. 226-0673, 685-4694 (available from December 1, 2013.) 1-FLAT wooden, fullygrilled wooden building to rent for business, 50k. negotiable. Tel 226-0861, 683-7278. NORTH ROAD: business/office space downtown: top storey $100 000, $70 000, $40 000. Tel. # 226-5999, 619-2525. ONE spacious 2 bedroom fully grilled apartment in 1st Street Alexander Village, $45 000 per month. Tel. 648-3374, 225-6965. 2 BEDROOM apartment in 95 Craig St., Campbellville, preferably for small family, professionals, teacher. Tel # 225-4409, 645-0984 ONE furnished room to rent in La Parfait, Harmonie, West Bank, Demerara (18 000, working elderly female preferred ) 615-1201, 227-6690. 1 THREE bedroom concrete bottom flat, inside toilet & bath, telephone, parking. Decent working couple. 648-3342, 668-5384. ONE furnished apartment for overseas visitors with AC, hot and cold shower, US$25 daily. Call 231-6061, 621-1524. HOUSES , Apartments & business for rent. US$400. & up. Call Sandy - 638-7232/ 222-7986. DOWNTOWN space suita b l e f o r a n y o f f i c e , b a r b e r, salon, storage or other. Call 227-3064, 628-7589 . QUEENSTOWN furnished executive apartment with two self-contained apartment, price US$600. Tel. 225-0545. OFFICE business space, Queenstown US$300, US$500, US$900 and US$1600 neg. AC and parking space. Tel. 624-4225. ONE two-bedroom apartment at Industry, toilet and bath inside. Tel. 222-8887, 626-6981, 6566356 3-BEDROOM furnished concrete house, $50 000, two (2) months security. Near Parika and Tuschen Scheme. 592-6862800. TWO-bedroom upper flat, recently renovated and secured, western side McDoom Public Road. Married couple preferred $45 000 monthly - 653-7654. ONE 2 bedroom apartment in Newtown Kitty, $50 000 monthly. One small cottage $50 000 monthly in Mon Repos. Tel. 226-7038, 643-5797. MOVE in ready: fully furnished two-bedroom upper-flat apartment, Atlantic Gardens US$1000, dollars negotiable. Call 600-9981. EXECUTIVE two-storey building, 3 bedrooms, with all modern conveniences, furnished/unfurnished, Meadow Brook Gardens. Mr Narine. 696-8230. QUEENSTOWN Peter Rose Street: furnished executive apartment with all conveniences, prices US$600. Tel. 225-0545. FURNSIHED executive apartment with internet access, generator, and parking. Tel. 6420636. FULLY furnished two-bedroom house upper-flat in central location with all modern facilities for daily or monthly rental. Call L. Persaud 231-5992, 6239308.

TO LET 1- AND 2-bedroom apartments for long term rental with self-contained hot and cold AC, etc location Mon Repos, ECD. Price $75 000 and $85 000. Tel. 618-0626. REGENT STREET Store, secure ground floor 60'x10,' suitable for electronic, cell phone, computer, general or Jewellery store .$2,500US. Mr. Paul 231-9181, 626-1150, 118 Regent & Alexander Streets. GARNETT Street: One- & two-bedroom furnished apartments. with hot & cold, AC & Internet from US$20 daily. Rates neg. for monthly visitors. Phone: 227-5852/638-4404. EAST STREET Public Hospital vicinity: Top and bottom flat fully grilled, air conditioned; good for doctor's office. Contact B & G's Realty. 227-4125, 617-9717. TWO-storey building located at prime location Alberttown, Georgetown furnished with all modern amenities including master bedroom with AC spacious kitchen, sitting and dining quarters, bar area, large parking area can accommodate 4 cars, secure environment apartment suitable for large family/business use - 645-8400. UPPER flat suitable for office, school, church or any business at Cummings and Middle Streets. Tel. 233-2692. NORTH Road: two-bedroom, bottom flat, $70 000. Call Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 223-6218, 226-5546, 227-2487, 623-7805 2-BEDROOM upperflat Garnett Street, Newtown, Kitty - $80 000. Te l . # 2 2 6 - 2 9 2 4 , 6 1 3 9085. KITTY $65 000 - $120 000, Meadow Brook $100 000, Bel Air US$1000, Atlantic Garden US$900, Providence US$1300. Diana: 227-2256, 626-9382. BUSINESS spot for rental: Internet, pharmacy, indoor restaurant, bond space, boutique, and cell phone shop. etc. 6232591, Mr Pereira. TWO (2) Bedroom House Upper Flat Located in Central Georgetown. Contact: Ms. Shelley Duncan. Tel: 684-1084 OR Mr. Joseph Ishmael Tel: 690-9216 SHAMROCK Gardens: 4 self-contained rooms US$2000 US$1800; Subryanville 4 bedrooms US$3000. Tel. 628-5245, 695-2104. SPACIOUS apartment 3bedroom including 1 self-contained, hot and cold bath, grilled windows, parking available in yard. $90 000. 618-7750, 6615992. 1 FURNISHED 2-FLAT EXECUTIVE HOUSE IN Roraima Housing Scheme, Versailles, WBD: 3 bedrooms (1 master), with office space. Please call 6718064. ATLANTIC GARDENS- 3 bedrooms upper furnished US$950. JEWANRAM: 2271988/623-6431/, MEADOW BROOK GARDENS- New upscale 3 bedrooms property with modern amenities, A/C, Hot & Cold, Grilled, Secured parking, etcUS$1500.JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 623-6431/ 647-0560, SUBRYANVILLE- 3 bedrooms semi-furnished property overlooking the Atlantic - $1,200. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/, K I T T Y (RESTURANT)Spacious ground floor, 4 corner- US$650. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/,





MON REPOS, E.C.D- Well appointed apartments. Upper$100,000, Lower- $80,000. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/,

ECCLES E.B.D - brand new executive 5 bedroom house furnished, semi furnished or unfurnished. Price USD $3500 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.

LUXURY flat apartments 143B Fifth Street Alberttown, long and short terms, rentals double,24hrs surveilance/night security and single rooms US$40 and US$80 per night, wifi, AC, hot and cold. Tel. 231-6721.

PRASHAD NAGAR/ BEL AIR PARK- 4 bedrooms furnished property with modern amenitiesUS$2500, US$1200. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/,

SHERIFF STREET SECTION K C/VILLE- Semi- furnished 3 bedroom house can be rented as office. Price USD $1850 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

3-BEDROOM wooden building, Agricola Public Road. 2 b e d r o o m h o u s e i n Diamond $90,000. Brand new 5 bedroom house in Diam o n d $ 2 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 Tel. 2163120, 667-6644.

LAMAHA STREET/ HADFIELD STREET/ NORTH ROAD- Suitable for school, offices,etc. JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 623-6431/,

E N T E R P R I S E E.C.DUnfurnished 2 bedroom bottom flat . Price $50,000.Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

1 - UNFURNISHED 4-bedroom house in Meadow Brook Gardens, 1 master bedroom, maid's quarters, powder room, hot/cold, WiFi and telephone, basement and two parkings. Contact 231-6721, US$1500 per month.

COMMERCIAL space to let from 1st December 2013 for retail outlet or office, 74 B r i c k d a m , o p p o s i t e G T & T, ground floor 640 sq ft with 35 KVA back-up generator, glass shop front, air conditioned, fully secured with motorized metal shutters and guard hut, internet and telephone lines installed, off-road parking, kitchenette with microwave and mini fridge, 450 gal water tank. Also available 712 sq ft 2nd floor with similar features. Can rent separately or together. Phone James 6459029.

THREE bedrooms with living room, kitchen, bath, toilet; preferable for 3 single females or small family in Cummings Lodge. Tel. 646-1799, 644-9088 (Anytime). SOUTH Road: $180,000 office or residence; Kingston: US$800; Queenstown: $75 000 3bedroom; Kingston (office space): $100 000. Contact 687-6647, 6125026, 223-1440. IMAX/ ENTERPRISE GARDENS, E.C.D- 3 bedrooms lower$55,000; BETTER HOPE, E.C.D2 bedrooms upper -$45,000. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/,

PRASHAD NAGAR - Semi furnished 4 bedroom executive house can be used as an office or residence . Price USD $2200 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. C/VILLE close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete building. Suitable for business, school, residence etc . Price USD $ 12,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. QUEENSTOWN - 3 storey concrete building suitable for school. Building size 10,250 sq ft. Price USD $4500. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

RESIDENTIAL: 2- and 3-bedroom unfurnished and furnished apartments, $85 000 to $130 000. BUSINESS: Robb Street 3-storey/flat, Alberttown 3-storey/flat, Alberttown $100 to $450 000. TEL. 2268148, 625-1624.

SUBRYANVILLE - Semifurnished 3 bedroom house with office space on ground floor. Price USD$1350. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

OFFICE/executive rental: Wonderful 7-bedroom property for office & residence at Atlantic Ville, East Coast Demerara. Price US$2000. Call Mr Darin 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-5198, 225-3069, 225-2709, 231-2064.

HADFIELD STREET Ground floor business space. Price $250,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.

2-BEDROOM furnished top apartment, Campbellville $80 000 neg, 2-bedroom furnished top flat South Road US$800, other apartment and houses furnished and unfurnished from US$800 up. Call 664-5105. QUEENSTOWN: Fully furnished 1- and 3-bedroom apartments, hot & cold, AC, internet, parking, etc., suitable for overseas and visitors short term. 227-1843, 2265137. EXECUTIVE rentals in residential area, well secured, fully furnished with parking. Contact Luxury Homes on 696-3049 or 615-7539. SOUTH RUIMVELDT PARK unfurnished one bedroom apartment. Price $30,000. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 614-0166. QUEENSTOWN- Bottom flat suitable for storage bond size (1160 sq ft). Price $100,000 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. GUYSUCO Gardens E.C.D semi furnished 4 bedroom house Price USD $1400 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ECCLES E.B.D- fully furnished executive houses with modern amenities. Price USD $1800. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ATLANTIC GARDENS- Fully furnished Executive 3 bedroom house. Price USD $1800. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SUBRYANVILLE- Unfurnished 3 bedroom house can be used as office or residence. Price USD $1100. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. HAPPY ACRES- Brand new 3 bedroom furnished executive top flat. Price USD $1400 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

QUEENSTOWN- Furnished 2 bedroom Executive top flat. Price USD $1300. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. HADFIELD STREET To p f l a t s u i t a b l e f o r o ff i c e . Price $200,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. GARNETT STREET C/ VILLE - Furnished three bedroom house. Price USD $1300. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. PRASHAD NAGAR - furnished 2 bedroom apartments for a single person or couple. Price USD $500. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. QUEENSTOWN - bottom flat suitable for office/residence. Price USD $1200. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. PRASHAD NAGAR -Unfurnished 3 bedroom house. Price USD $1200. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SAFFON ST CHARLESTOWN- 3 storey concrete building for general store/ storage bond. Size 15225 Sq Ft. Price USD $10,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ALBERT STREET, ALBERTOWN - 3 storey concrete building. Suitable for school, embassy, office complex, call centre, medical complex, etc. Price USD $10,000 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. A PA R T M E N T S : U n f u r nished one-bedroom $50 000 and $55 000, 2-bedroom $60 000 m o n t h l y. Furnished, US$500 - US$1000 monthly. Contact 231-0845.

BARR Street, Kitty: 3-bedroom upstairs front house, 1 selfcontain room, 2 washrooms, tub, large breezy veranda fully grilled, beautifully lacquered inside, separate driveway for 3 vehicles. Suitable for foreigners. Call 2253262, 226-4014, 676-6948. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom very spacious $90 000, furnished 1- 2-, & 3-bedroom, including AC, internet, parking, pool US$500, US$600, US$700. Very exquisite. Contact Alexander Pereira - 6690943 Email TWO (2) Modern Single Apartments, Upper Flat, Semi Furnished, Hot & Cold, Air Conditioned Unit, Located in Central Georgetown. Contact: Ms. Shelley Duncan. Tel: 684-1084 OR Mr. Joseph Ishmael Tel: 690-9216 ONE building size 180 ft length x 45 ft width. Building open out with concrete floor and situated on an entire lot. Building and location suitable for a Chinese flee market or Auto sales, etc. Tel. 672-2654, 657-9014. ONE four-bedroom house fully furnished, two master rooms, additionally three utility rooms, office, gym, laundry, in residential area in Georgetown US$2000 neg. Wills Real Estate Ltd. One two (2) bedroom mid-part concrete house, new in new area in Georgetown $45 000 per month.227-2612, 627-8314, 655-0755; PROPERTY Bel Air Gardens upper floor four bedrooms, one self-contained, two po wder rooms, two bathrooms, two verandas overlooki n g the ocean, closet space; ground floor, lounge used also as private office, house-keeper apartment; two car garage; multiple parking $300 000. 667-9367. KITTY US$600, Paradise (furnished house) $45 000, East Bank $30 000, Eccles $60 000, Bel Air (furnished) $80 000 to US$1600, Kingston (house) US$900, Atlantic Gardens (house) US$900, Lamaha Gardens (semi-furnished house) US$1200, Providence (furnished house) US$1300. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382. EXECUTIVE property in gated community at Houston D'Aguiar ' s Park on one acre of land, lots of parking space, very private, 3 bedrooms, air-conditioned, fully furnished, new appliances, standby generat o r, f u lly secured with alarm system, hot and cold water which includes water purification system. Tel 609-2876. 623-0425. FABOULOUS HOMES RENTAL: John: 609-8233; Stevedore whole house $50 000; Hadfield Street apartment with AC and light, water; Republic Park 2bedroom, apartment $60 000; Ogle furnished with pool US$3000; Bel Air modern 3-bedroom US$1500; South Road US$2500; Carmichael Street modern office space US$1500 US$2200; Bel Air whole house US$5000.

ONE upper flat tworoom office and general office space, security grilled and steel door, Georgetown US$1300. Office space 30x30 ft close to GNTC $250 000, two-bedroom lower in quiet area in South Gardens, parking, $80 000 m o n t h l y. F u l l y f u r n i s h e d two-bedroom lower flat in residential area, parking, telephone $100 000 m o n t h l y. T h r e e - b e d r o o m furnished top flat, Regent St - $120 000. Wills Realty - 227-2612, 627-8314. WE have rental from US$800 in Kingston, New H a v e n , b e a u t i f u l 2-storey concrete property, 4 self-contained rooms, large den, large living room, family room, t e l e vision room, beautiful kitchen, fully air conditioned, hot and cold facilities, land space. Price US$2500, unfurnished. Bel Air Springs 2storey concrete property, master room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, family room, den, verandah, hot and cold facilities, semifurnished, security cameras, land spac e US$1500. Lamaha Gardens 2s t o r e y c o n c r e t e p r o p e r t y, f u l l y air conditioned 3 be d rooms, unfurnished US$2000, (neg). Prashad Nagar 2-storey concrete property large living area, 4 s elf-contained rooms hot and cold facilities, generat o r, u n f u r nished US$1500 neg. Camp St middle floor s u i t a b l e f o r b u sin e s s $ 1 7 5 00 0 . QUEENSTOWN: Beautiful 2-storey concrete property in perfect con d i t i o n , 4 bedrooms, hot and cold f a c i l i ties, master room, fam ily room, den, air-conditioned, parking space for vehicle US$2500. D o c a l l u s o n Te l . 2 2 5 - 6858, 2257164, 688-1885 Call Terrence 667-7812. We are s i t u ated at 247 'D' Forshaw &Oronoque Sts. Queenstown. ANTHONY Reid BSc h a s more than 20,000 hrs in Real Estate Investment and Economic Transformation of People Economic Gr o w t h . W e h a v e rental from US $1500, in Bel Air Park, ambassador's residence in University Gardens Le Resouvenir, Lama A v e with p o o l , J ac a r a n d a A v e . w i t h large lawns U S $ 2000, Pr a s h a d N a g a r U S $ 1 0 0 0 , apt. f r o m U S $ 7 0 0 , b o n d 8 0 0 0 sq ft, small a n d l a r ge office space up to 15000 sq foot; state of the art hotel and o f f i c e c o mplex with i n c o m e o f US$40 000 monthly; 2 a c r e s o f l and in the city for hotel, and any complex Main Street 2 ½ acres US$5M, Water Street 4 acres for hotel, hotel on 5 acres of land overlooking t h e s e a US$5M; another overl o o k i n g t h e s e a U S $ 1 . 5 M , income US$15000; riverside land residential land at LBI - $10M; Republi c Park $8M, Dia m ond $7M, Sec. ' K ' $ 2 0 M , B e l A i r P a r k $ 2 5 M , G a r nett double lot $ 4 2 M , Phone 2252626, 231-2064, 225-2709, 2261064, 227-6949, 227-6863, 6677812. 619-7945.

GUYANA CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2013 TO LET K I N G S T O N : S p a c i o us upper flat, 3 bedrooms, unfurnished, big yard, parking $120 000. Eccles, new apartment building, quiet area, 2-bedroom, unfurnished, parking $120 000. Subryanville, quiet and residential area, beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean, 2-storey concrete, semi-furnished, 4 bedrooms, 2 selfcontained study room, guest suite, walk-in pantry, spacious patio, security hut, maid's quarters, AC< parking US$2500, Eccles, residential area, 2-storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms upstairs, automatic garage, AC, parking US$2500, Campbellville, bottom flat, 2bedroom unfurnished $60 000. Nandy Park, bottom flat 2 bedroom unfurnished $65 000. Lamaha Gardens, beautiful semifurnished property, 3 bedrooms, large back patio, garage yard space US$1800, Greenfield Park gated community, 2-storey furnished, 3 bedroom, big yard large patio, US$1300. Lamaha Gardens, quiet and secure 2-storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms, back patio, yard space AC US$1500, Happy Acres, 2-storey apartment building, 3 bedrooms each, fully furnished, parking US$1500 each. Call Pete's Real Estate Lot 2 George Street, W/ Rust. 227-2487, 226-5546, 2269951, 223-6218. THE World #1 Realtor Mister Terry Redford Reid 667-7812, 2256858, 225-7164, 226-1064, 2252626, 231-2068, 619-7945. Have the executive rental reduced by 35%, Prashad Nagar US$1000, Jacaranda Ave. Bel Air Park US$2000, Barima Ave Bel Air Park US$1 8 0 0 , B e l A i r S p r i n g s US$1000, large bo nd for rental o f f i c e s m a l l form US$375, 10 000 sq ft office space for technologybusiness, Lam a h a G a r d e n s U S $ 1 5 0 0 , Lama Ave, Bel Air Park US$180 0 , B e l A i r P a r k o n t h e round abou t US$1000, Prashad Nagar US$1500, land from $11 million, riverside land hotels w i t h U S $ 3 5 0 0 0 m o n t h r e n t a l a n d o f fice s p a c e US$40 000 month propert i e s from $14 million. 22 5 - 2626, 225-5198, 2 2 6 1064, 623-2591, 6693350

PROPERTY FOR SALE 3-BEDROOM house (one master) in Eccles $25M. Diana: 227-2256, 626-9382. 3-BEDROOM flat house, fully grilled, with all amenities located at Herstelling EBD, in a gated community. Serious enquiries only 670-8958. 2 FLAT wooden building, 178 Waterloo Street, Georgetown. $50M. Call 627-3994. 3-BEDROOM wooden building, Agricola Public Road $10.5M neg. Tel. 216-3120, 667-6644. ONE fully furnished two-bedroom house in Bougainvillea Park, Farm, E.B.D. Contact Adrian - 678-1243. CAMPBELLVILLE large concrete building with two self-contained apartment. Vacant possession. Tel. 642-0636.

PROPERTY in Bare Root, ECD. No agents. Reasonable offer. Tel. 612-6417. GROVE, E.B.D flat concrete house $11M; Sophia land $1.5M. Tel. 684-6266. 2-STOREY 3-bedroom at 272 Vryheid's Lust ECD. Owner leaving. Tel. 656-0952, 694-0952. ONE property at Schoon Ord New Housing Scheme, WBD, 2storey concrete. Tel. 698-3636. ONE 2-storey concrete house in Grove, fully tiled, 3 bedrooms upstairs. 628-2330. TWO-storey newly built 3rd Street Diamond. Price $42M neg. Contact - 679-4770.

GOOD Hope $20M, 25M, Better Hope $50M, Bel Air $40M, Alberttown 60M, 4th Street Campbellville $65M. LAND Kitty, Duncan Street $28M, Da Silva $19M & $20M.

ONE two-storey with business at Lamaha Street, Queenstown. Tel. 231-4586, 673-5546, 695-4382 FRIENDSHIP, La Parfaite Harmonie, Crane Village, West Ruimveldt, La Penitence, Kitty, Good Hope. 688-4414, 615-3728. 2 - B E D R O O M , 2-storey property at Enterprise, ECD. 2 more properties at Non Pareil and Liliendaal, ECD. Tel: 6396013, 670-9004 Dave. FULLY furnished 4-bedroom house, super condition, located at Bath, West Coast Berbice. Call 6108118, 678-3314.

CAMPBELLVILLE, Stone Avenue: large concrete building with two self-contained apartments, vacant possession. Tel. 225-0545.

2-BEDROOM concrete flat, 12 Avenue Diamond Housing Scheme, $9.3 million. Tel. 2262924, 613-9085.

SEC. 'K' Campbellville: 2-flat 3-bedroom solid building, $22M neg. B&G's Realty - 227-4125, 617-9717.

2 PROPERTIES (SIDE BY SIDE) ECD PUBLIC ROAD 2storey/flat concrete $18M, Lusignan 3-storey/flat South Road. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624.

SECURE investment opportunity: Invest in a property on Florida, gateway resort in Florida with 41% return in 2 years. Call 692-9384.

REPUBLIC Gardens New Housing Scheme Gated community situated in Peter's Hall District, East Bank Demerara.. All infrastructure are in place. Interested persons are asked to make contact at our office: 2251787 or 672-7189

TWO-storey concrete building - 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 down, garage - located at 16CC Eccles E.B.D. Tel. 621-9115, 666-2626.

PROPERTY at Lot 39 'C' Martin Street, Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice. Tel. 2190223, 685-4839 after 18:00hrs. $2.5M. Must go. BEL Air Gardens, Bel Air Park and Continental Park land and building. Contact Pete's Real Estate 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805. LODGE commercial property: 4-corner, consist of apartments rental and beverage depot. Tel. 223-7181, 627-4900.

NEED to sell or rent your property? Call Capital Realty 226-9383 for professional service and results. LA PENITENANCE wooden and concrete 4-bedroom upperflat; 3-family apartments, lower flat, $16.5 million neg. 681-3085, No agents. ONE two-storey building, wooden and concrete, Norton Street, five buildings from Camp Street $20M neg. Call 62809 72.

PUBLIC ROAD KITTY: two family concrete property suitable for business Price $45million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 6657400, 685-7887, 6436353. MON REPOS E.C.D- Modern 4 bedroom concrete property inclusive of 1 master room. Price $36million neg ., Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. DIAMOND E.B.D- Modern 2 family concrete house. Price $35 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. LAND OF CANAAN- 4 bedroom concrete house just off the public road. Price $17.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

S. DEONARAIN Real Estate Business and Valuation Services at 4 Strand, New Amsterdam, Berbice. Tel. 330-2521, 6115233. ONE 2-storey concrete (80x23) business location, 6 bedrooms (2 masters) opposite the Leonora Primary School, land is 50 ft x 120.Tel. 652-0709. OGLE E.C.D 2 family concrete house upper flat 3 bedroom lower flat 2 bedroom price $56 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

LARGE concrete building bordered by 3 Main Streets in central Georgetown. Ideal for offices, school, bond, etc., 4 flats 130ft x 35 ft each, land 250ft x 50 ft. 2270190, 693-5610.

DIAMOND E.B.D- brand new Executive concrete house, upper flat 4 bedroom and lower flat 2 apartments Price $53 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.

RANCH house (Region No.9), main house and out house located on 25 acres of land For more information, please call Harry on 592641-5499, 592-680-1669 or Natasha 592-617-5860.

D'URBAN BACKLANDS - 3 bedroom flat house on corner lot, repairs needed Price $14 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 6857887, 643-6353.

VERSAILLES: Fully furnished 5-bedroom house, all rooms selfcontained, modern facilities including generator. Beautiful landscape in gated community. Tel: 592-624-8704, 592684-9203.

VERSAILLES W.B.D- brand new 5 bedroom executive house with extra house lot. Price $70 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

CARMICHEAL STREEET 2 storey wooden and concrete back building with 7 ft drive way. Suitable for office/residence. Price $23 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.. LING STREET, CHARLESTOWN - 2 family wooden and concrete house, 3 bedrooms upper and 2 bedrooms lower. Price $13.2 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. C/VILLE close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete Investment Property. Suitable for business, school, residence etc. Price USD $ 1. 4 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643- 6353. SANDY BABB STREET KITTY - 2 storey wooden and concrete Income Property. Price $66 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

E C C L E S: 2-storey concrete 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 apartments downstairs - 2 bedrooms each. $35M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805. NANDY Park beautiful 2storey concrete building, 5 bedrooms with studio apartment, wellkept parking. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805 R E P U B L I C Park, quiet area, newly built 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms, parking $45M neg, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 6237805. ENTERPRISE 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 1 downstairs $13M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805.

GOED FORTUIN Public Road, W.B.D - Land and building suitable for commercial. Land size 53 x373 price $37.5 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ENMORE E.C.D- 2 storey wooden house. Price $ 6.5 million neg . Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.

ONE two-storey property in Greenheart St., South Ruimveldt Gardens, six bedrooms. Price $21 million negotiable. Contact 6467305. 2-STOREY concrete house: 3 bedrooms, 1 self-contained with AC, 1 laundry room, located at Mon Repos, E.C.D. $36M neg. Tel. # 642-2116.

2-STOREY house at 319 East Street $19M. Tel. 225-7593.

3 BEDROOM 2 storey concrete in Lusignan $18M neg. 675-7385.

EXECUTIVE two-storey building, 3 bedrooms with all modern conveniences, Meadow Brook Gardens, Mr. Narine. 696-8230.

3-BEDROOM house E.C.D. $13M; new 2-storey Diamond EBD $20M neg. Contact 674-2600, 2231440.

ONE concrete 2 flat house in Sophia, prime location. Call 629-7745.

HAPPY Acres $45M, 2231765, 615-8734.\


ALBERT STREET, ALBERTOWN - 3 storey concrete investment property. Suitable for school, embassy, office complex etc. Price $160 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.

NEW Amsterdam, Coburg Street: large executive concrete and wooden building with doctor's chambers. Vacant possession. Tel. 642-0636.

2 Storey concrete house in Lusignan $18M. Tel: 675-2385

61 TUCBER Park, New Amsterdam, 2 storey building. Tel: 654-6540.


McDOOM E.B.D- Concrete 3 bedroom back property with driveway. Price $20 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

ONE 3-storey building with business and lots of land space for any type of business. Serious enquiries only. Tel. 610-0575.

NEW home - $30M neg. 611-0315, 690-8625.

ONE 2 flat wooden and concrete house located in Guyhoc Park - $25M neg. Tel. 264-2154.


HOUSE at Herstelling, 22 x 38, land 100 x 50 - $11.8M, other Golden Grove, near Diamond Fire Station $12M. 688-1657.




PRADO Ville mansion, 5 bedrooms, all self-contained AC, parking etc.:$120M neg. Serious enquiries. Call: 610-8332.



PRASHAD NAGAR- Investment property. 3 bedrooms upper flat and 3 bedroom lower flat. Price reduced to $58 million for quick sale . Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353 GARNETTE STREET C/ VILLE- concrete building on double lot. Price $58 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353 QUEENSTOWN- Investment property on corner. Suitable for business, apartment complex, hotel or dream house etc. Land size 6500 Sq Ft.Price $85 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

DIAMOND/GROVE E.B.D3 bedroom flat house. Price $13 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. DIAMOND/GROVE - 2 family concrete house. Price $13.5 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. LAMAHA Gardens: Twostorey concrete and wooden building, three bedrooms for $50M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805. BEST Village, Vreed-en-Hoop, WCD 2-storey 3-bedroom wooden/ concrete house on 43x300 ft, transported land. Move in, ready. Price $11M neg. Call 627-0289.

DIAMOND E.B.D- 4 bedroom concrete house . Price $25 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

SECTION 'B' Non Pariel, 1 4-corner (business property), 2-storey concrete with, 2 ongoing business Chinese Rest a u r a n t a n d g r o c e r y, p r i c e $29M neg. Contact Te. 2704225, 622-8229.

GOED FORTUIN WBD 2storey building, 3 bedrooms, (land size 65x370) $45M neg, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 6237805.

MAIN Street: three stories wooden and concrete, US$1 million; New Hope, EBD: new executive house on 10,000 sq ft land with swimming pool $50M; Atlantic Gardens: semi-furnished $45M.; Mentore/ Singh Realty 225-1017, 623-6136.

REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D - 4 bedroom concrete house. Price $34.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

LUSIGNAN 3-bedroom 2-flat $22M; Kingston 6-bedroom 2-flat $22M; Albouystown 4-bedroom 2flat $13M; Republic Park 5 levels $120M; Durban Street, corner property 2-flat $22M. Tel. 6285245, 695-2104.

ATLANTIC Gardens, residential area, 2-storey concrete, 4 bedrooms, 2 self-contained, fully furnished, hot and cold system, AC $45M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805. CANE View Avenue, South Ruimveldt Gardens 2-storey wooden, concrete, corner lot. Call or visit Pete's Real Estate. Lot 2 George St, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

BENT STRRET- FREEBURG - 3 bedroom wooden house. Price $12 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

ROBB STREET - close proximity to Bourda. Investment properties. Price $ 180 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 6657400, 685-7887, 6436353.

OGLE ECD residential area, beautiful 2-storey concrete, semifurnished, 2-family, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 bedrooms downstairs, back patios, and parking. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

TWO-storey concrete wooden building in prime business area on Sheriff Street. Contact Pete's Real Estate, 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

SEMI-unfurnished flat concrete house situated at Pariel 806 of Block XXVIII Plantation Friendship, East Bank Demerara with fruit trees, price negotiable. Call Tel. Nos 647-8595, 270-4149, 227-7978 ask for Terrence.

La Parfaite Harmonie, beautiful and newly built flat concrete house, 3 bedrooms $10M neg, Contact Pete's Real Estate, 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805.

1 - TWO-storey concrete, needs repairs, located at A12 East La Penitence Housing Scheme, Georgetown, just behind the Police Station. Price $22M neg. Tel. 6626173, 648-4420.





LO C AT E D a t T h o m a s and Lamaha Street s, Kitty, prime business spot. Tel. 2257732, 610-3043, 689-7250, 688-4771.

GREIA: Campbellville two-storey concrete building $50M, Atlantic Ville furnished two-storey building with generator, overlooking Atlantic Ocean $55M. Tel. 2 2 5 - 3 7 3 7 , 2 2 5 4398, 651-7078.

PARADISE Main Road 2bedroom house 80 x 100 land $13M; South Ruimveldt Gardens 5-bedroom $25M; Alberttown 5-bedroom $35M; Main Street US$950,000; all prices are negotiable. Troy 626-2243.

EXQ UISITE! AA Eccles $85M Re p u b l i c P a r k $ 5 5 M , BB Eccles $35M, Diamond unfinished $22M, Queenstown $100M, Lamaha St. $40M, Section 'K' $40M - $ 7 5 M . C o n t a c t 644-9883.

FABULOUS Homes Int. Colidgen $7M, $14M; Diamond $10.5M neg, $12M, $13M, $15M; Eccles $25M; Alberttown $35M neg; Happy Acres $45M; Section 'K' Campbellville $52M; Land Grove Public Road $7M; Nesme $3.5M; Enterprise $2.5M; Diamond and Grove $3M - $7M. Contact Theresa 648-6033.

BUSINESS property in Bent St - $16.5M, Phone Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 226-1064, 618-0000, Mr Pereira 623-2591, 225-2626. 225-5198, 2312064, 226-1064. LAMAHA STREET- 2 storey concrete and wooden property. 2 nd Second building with no drive way- $8M. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 270-4470/ 623-6431/ 6470 5 6 0, GREIA: GROVE, E.B.D two-storey concrete building25M; Huston - E.B.D, two properties on land- 30M; MonRepos- two-storey concrete building-35M. Tel# 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078. 2-STOREY, William St $30M, land sixe 100x50 - 6693350, 623-2591, 226-1064, 225-2626, 225-5198, 2253068, 231-2064, 227-6949, 227-6368, 225-2709. PROPERTIES for sale above $15M. Call MR. Carlos Budram 692-3831, 225-2626, 226-1064, 225-5198, 2276949, 231-2064, 225-2709, 669-3350, 227-6863, 6232591. BUSINESS for sale one game shop located at Lot 13 D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust, for price contact Leon Denobrega. Tel. # 610-0808, 231-8424. HAPPY Acres, secure area, 2-storey concrete, 2 bedrooms, parking $26M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805. G R E I A Kerstaint Park, E.C.D: two properties on land 55'x150'; good land space for bond or can be sold separately. Call to discuss, price $28M. Tel. 225-3737, 2254398, 651-7078. GREIA South Ruimveldt Caneville Ave: large five-bedroom two-family building, no repairs, selling with all furnishings and fittings. Owner in country to sell - parking for ten vehicles, price $32M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078. GREIA ECCLES: Three bedroom concrete building 28M; Diamond - concrete and wooden two-storey building 16M; Guyhoc Park - two-storey concrete and wooden buildi n g - 11 M . Te l # 2 2 5 - 3 7 3 7 , 225-4398, 651-7078. PRINCESS Street $10M, Bent Street $10M, Guyhoc Park $12M, South Ruimveldt, $10M, North Road $60M neg, Alberttown $37M, Kitty $40M, Call Corretta on Te l . # 6 9 7 - 7 8 4 2 , 6 7 1 6653, 231-7052. PARADISE (land) $1.4M, Meadowbrook $9M-$11M, Kitty $28.5M, East Bank $12M, West Bank $19.5M, Alberttown $31M, Queenstown $23M, South $28M, AA Eccles $60M, 28 acres highway (land form road to river) $14M. Diana: 227-2256, 6269382. HOUSE and Land for Sale Two Storyed Wooden and Concrete House, Sixth Street Alberttown Georgetown. $35 Million Dollars Negotiable. Contact: Mr. George Teekah Tel: 231-6278 Or Dr: Thasana Teekah Tel: 626-0993 GREIA: Strathspey ECD: Flat three-bedroom concrete building $6M, Eccles two corner spots, concrete buildings $25M, Canal No. 2 two-storey 4-bedroom concrete building on 9 acres of land $25M, Tel. 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078.

BUSINESS: REGENT S T R E E T, R o b b S t r e e t , Church Street. RESIDENT I A L N E W H AV E N , B e l A i r Springs, Gardens and Park, Lamaha Gardens, Prashad Nagar, Atlantic Gardens, Diamond. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624. THESE are ) NOVEMBER bargains: Sec. 'K' $23 million, Meadow Brook $28M, and $35M, Kitty $23, Alberttown concrete massive for hotel $45M, Bel Air Park in great condition $52M, Happy Acres executive $58M, Alb e r t t o w n $ 3 0 M , Sec. 'M' Campbellville $34M now, Phone 225-2626, 225-5198, 227-6863, 227-6449, 225-2709 , 2 3 1 2 0 6 4 , 226-1064, 667-7812 HIBISCUS Place $7M, Patentia $7M, East Ruimveldt $10.5M, Granville Park BV $32M, Section K C/ville $48M, Guysuco Gardens $90M, Kitty US$1.5M, Subryanville US$2.2M, Grove $5.5M, $7.5M, $12M, Diamond $8.5M, $18M, $23M, Anandale $9M, Eccles $30M. Call: Rosanna 671-5008, 619-8000. E m a i l : rosannarealty_gt@yaho o . c o m , BBM 236A219D . PRIME Real Estate: 2storey b u i l d i n g , e x c e l l e n t condition, Pitt Street New Amsterdam, Berbice, 7000 sq. ft, for sale or rent. Double lot 70x108 New Amsterdam, Berbice $20M neg, Clothing boutique for sale on Church and Camp. Contact 333-3803, 6982499. OGLE, ECD: Two properties one for $32M, and $52M good condition, no repairs. Call Pete's Real Estate, Lot 2 George St., 2272487, 226-5546. Nandy Park excellent 2-storey concrete building one family with four bedrooms situated at a corner for $72M. Call Pete's Real Estate. 227-2487, 226-5546. EXECUTIVE 2 storey concrete building with modern conveniences (furnished/unfurnished), Safe location opposite Central Police Station (Coburg Street, New Amsterdam), 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Office space completed on 1st floor with private entrance, Large landscaped lot (71x120). Contact Lana Sattaur at 333-2377 or LAND OF CANAAN: 1 spacious modern 3-bedroom concrete house, 3 master rooms, guest room, AC, generator, separate caretaker's apartment plus 2bedroom flat concrete house, fully fenced in concrete, lots of fruit trees on 3 acres of land. Ideally built for a Hindu family. Price US$550 000 neg. Naresh Persaud. 225-9882, 681-2499. KITTY $30M, Queenstown $26M, Section 'K' $40M, Prashad Nagar $39M, Robb Street (2 buildings) $125M, Princes Street $62M, Land ( H i g h w a y 4 1 a c r e s ) $ 20M. D i a n a 2 2 7 - 2 2 56, 626-9382. FABULOUS Homes Int. De Kindren $7M, Eccles $23M, Enachu Street $52M neg, South Ruimve l d t G a r d e n s $ 2 5 M neg, Princess Street business $62M neg, Mc KEnzie Linden $20M neg, Meadow Brook Gar dens $30M neg, Call Alicia 616-1442.


ECCLES 5 bedroom 2-family $25M neg, South Ruimveldt Gardens 6 bedrooms $24M neg, Diamond 6 bedrooms unfinished $10M neg, De Kendren 2-bedroom flat house with land 175'x50' $7M, land at the front of Diamond from $5.5M ranch. 655-8361, 699-6811 Fabulous Homes Realty. N E W modern Pike North Ruimveldt ranch with master room $17M, Meadow Brook Gardens $35M, Tucville concrete new $27M, Providence $25M, new ranch $13M, Bel Air Park $45M, Prashad Nagar $37M, Duncan St. $23M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville requires repairs $14M, D'Urban St. $15M, Bent St. business residence. Phone Lord Johnny Ramsohoye 225-2709, 618-0000, 227-6949, 225-2626, 226-1064, 227-6949, 2255198. ONE-storey wooden building in good condition Success on Embankment Road for $24M, concrete building needs improvement work on Railway Embankment road on 22 000 sq. feet of land $48M Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805. K I T T Y, S t a t i o n S t r e e t , property with existing business, 2-storey concrete, 2f a m i l y, 3 b e d r o o m s u p stairs, 2 bedrooms downstairs, yard space $55M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805. PROPERTY for sale by bid. Contact Pete's Real Estate Lot 2 George Street, Werk-en-Rust Georgetown 223-6218, 2269951, 227-5546, 623-7805 Lot 65 3½ Mile, Housing Scheme, Bartica, 1 flat concrete building, 3 bedrooms. Lot 110E Elizabeth Hall, Enterprise, ECD 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms. Lot 76 3½ Mile Housing Scheme, Bartica, 1 flat concrete building, Lot 214 La Parfaite Harmonie, WBD, 2-store concrete needs internal repairs. Lot 577 Section 'C' Sophia, 1 flat concrete structure. Lot 101 Blankenburg, WCD, 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms. Lot 43 Sans Souci, Wakenaam, 2-storey wooden building. ONE NEWLY built two flat concrete building at Diamond New Scheme. The upstairs consists of two self-contained bedrooms with built-in closets, a spacious kitchen, dining and living rooms along with a large verandah at the back. The lower flat has a two-bedroom apartment and a large area that could be used as a bond or for any business. The yard has a concrete fence with spikes and razor wire above it. There is also a laundry and a generator room downstairs along with a fully tiled carport. A complete water supply is available including six tanks and pump. Asking price: $42M. Interested persons can contact owner at 693 2531. WATERSIDE PARK Bush Lot Village, West Coast Berbice. Vacant lots from $2.6M - $+5M and lots with newly completed houses from $6.8M. 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom homes close to race track, seashore, schools, supermarket, churches, gas station, shops etc. NO DOWN PAYMENT: monthly, quarterly o r h a l f -yearly instalments. Roads, water, electricity, phone. Regency Homes 232-0107, 6100956.

PROPERTY FOR SALE CALL us at Raphael's Realty, 204 Charlotte St. Bourda Tel. 225-8241, 227-4950 after hrs 226-7829 fax 2271537. Timehri hotel $60M, executive Ogle $100M, $115M, $170M, Diamond $21.5M, $26M, Queenstown $65M, $75M, $120M, Kitty $60M, LBI $43M, Versailles $25M, Westminster WBD $24M, Republic Park $40M, Nandy Park $40M, South Road. 3storey building. $220M, Brickdam $180M, Hope ECD $25M, Lamaha Gardens $125M, $200M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Louisa Row $44M, Lamaha St Alberttown $85M, Subryanville $500M. LAND for sale La Grange $3M, Smyth St. $60M, Bel Air (ECD) $42M.

CORRETTA Sam's Real Estate and Property Management has the best holiday deals on properties. Campbellville $45M, $26M, Continental Park $65M neg, (land) Happy Acres $16M neg (land) $27M and $70M (double lots), Atlantic Gardens $45M fully furnished Queenstown $20M, North Rd. (land) $30M, Robb St $65M, Lombard St $80M (land), ideal for business Sandy Babb St $65M, South Ruimveldt $22M neg, Rentals Brickdam (office space) US$1100 - US$1200 monthly, Sandy Babb St US$800 - US$1000 monthly (fully furnished) William St two and three-bedroom apartments (AC) fully furnished US$600-US$700 monthly. Tel 697-7842, 671-6653, 2317052. 25% DISCOUNT on all properties for this summer only. UG Gardens $140M, Republic Park $30M, Nandy Park 4 apartments $32M, Middle Road La Penitence land size 140 x 60 $17M, second Street Alberttown business and residence $45M, 5th St. Alberttown massive concrete $48M, Eccles $14M, Kitty Sandy Babb St. two properties on double lot $38M, Lamaha St Queenstown apartment complex $58M. Phone Vice President Mr. Alanna Debidayal 231-2064, 697-9377, 225-3068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6949, 225-2626. R&N Marketing and Realty. KITTY- $17M, $30M, Good Hope $15.5M, Garnett S t $ 3 1 M , Montrose $18M, Mon Repos Block CC $23M, $10.5M & $9M, Ganges St. P/Nagar - 5 Bedroom $58M, Granville Park $31M, Lusignan business property $13M, Durban St $21M, Ogle A/Strip Road $55M, Better Hope Pub Rd $37M, Cummings St $37M, New Market St $55M, East St $60M, Happy Acres $30M, North Road $70M, Bel/A/Park $60M, P/Nagar $28M, L/Gardens $75M,Regent St. $1.2MUS. Diamond - 2nd Ave, 5 Bedroom $38M. Tel. 2194399, 610-8332. R&N Marketing and Realty. C/VIL L E $ 3 5 M , L B I E m b a n k ment $24M, Good Hope P/Rd (land - 280x140) $ 90M , Sherrif & Enachu Sts. $75M, Vlissengen Rd. (land) $75M, $110M, $140M, Sherrif St, $5 0 M , South Ruimveldt $16M, Diamond $12M, $20M,East R/veldt $10.5M, Eccles $30M, $38M, A/ town $36M,Triumph $14M, Agriculture Road, Triumph $20M, Sherriff St. $150M, Subryanville $58M, Brickdam $100M, Ogle brand new 2-storey, 5 bedroom h o u s e $80M, Lamaha St, Queenstown, 3-storey, corner proprty $85M. Tel . 2 1 9 - 4 3 9 9 , 610-833 2 R&N Marketing and Realty. Good Hope PUBLIC Road East Coast (land 675 x 92) $150M, Agriculture Rd, Triumph (land 600 x 45 ft) $14M, Chimney Road, Chateau Margot - (4 bedroom self cont) $31M, Diamond 2nd Ave- 5 Bedroom $40M,Queenstown (back lot - 80x60) $37M, Oleander Gdns $40M,Alberttown,6th St, $52M, L/ Gardens $55M, Atlantic G a r d e n s $ 30 M , D u n c a n S t $ 30M , A l e x a n d e r S t $ 50M, Robb St $60M,Barr St $65M , Earl's Court $35M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Queenstown $70M, South Road $85M. Republic Gdns -Land (100x100) $24M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332.

PROPERTY FOR SALE FABULOUS Homes International Realty: Coldingen $14M neg, Rasville $14M neg, Enmore $8M neg, Campbellville $15M neg, Diamond 2 for 1 deal $15M neg, Cove and John 2 homes 5 bedrooms $12M, 4-bedroom $10M, McDoom Solid concrete $20M, North Ruimveldt 7-bedroom fixer upper, Nismes $6.5M, La Parfaite Harmonie $8.5M, 6bedroom apartment (4 2-br, 2 1-br) only $21M neg), corner lot 89x80 Albouystown. Ready to go now! And many more, call Ahaziah 613-3018 EXECUTIVE HOUSESRORAIMA TRUST, VERSAILLES- $50M; AA ECCLES- $60M, $75M, $100M; ALBERTTOWN (2 COTTAGES)- $26M; GRANVILLE PARK, BV- $40M; OGLE (PUBLIC ROAD)- $45M; KITTY$85M, $60M; NON PARIEL$25M,$20M, $15M; COLDINGEN- $14M; ATLANTIC GARDENS- $45M; IMAX/ ENTERPRISE GARDENS$16M/ $13M; ANNANDALE (PUBLIC ROAD)- $45/20M; HAPPY ACRES- $28M, $45M; NEW MARKET STREET- $55M; LAMAHA STREET- $8M. SECTION K, C/VILLE - $55M, GARDEN OF EDEN $40M. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 2704470/ 623-6431/ 647-0560., BEL Air Springs - 2-flat concrete, five-apartment, semi-furnished; building on land 77' x 73' with beautiful sea view; Subryanville Sea View - property on land 104.56' x 116.9'; Section 'K' Campbellville - solid concrete structure, needs some repairs $22M neg; Campbellville - building and land 60'x132', negotiable; George St., Wert-en-Rust - $40M neg; Waterloo Street property - good for bond, $45M; Norton St. - land & 2 buildings, $30M neg; Soesdyke- land 166.00' x 131.98' $4.5M neg; Soesdyke 57.21 acres of land close to Linden Highway Junction, 215'.36 x 8,755'.2 - $125M neg, and many more. Call B & G's Realty 2274125, 617-9717. ONE two-flat 5-bedroom property 3 upper, 2 lower, on land 50x80 ft in residential area $30M neg. Large business complex housing several stores on corner lot 120x94 ft (approx.), vacant possession guaranteed at short notice, ideal for exploitation by a creative mind, Price $250M central Georgetown. Lacytown property in the heart of business area two-flat concrete and wooden building on premises 31x118 ft, $70M neg. An Investor's dream. The complete apartment complex, Greater Georgetown comprising six fully furnished suites in main building, admin office, spacious reception area, caretaker's quarters, very large generator, Laundromat, filtration chamber, automatic gate, security cameras, landscape lawns on 1.88 acres land. Serious enquiries only.ONE six-bedroom two-flat, two-family concrete house with all up-to-date furnishing, Prasad Nagar, $55M none-negotiable. Wills Realty - 227-7377, 627-8314. NOVEMBER Bargains in Guyana: Full concrete D'Urban Street business $19M, business and residence Bent Street 16M, Gordon Street business & residence $23M. Waterloo Street business and residence (new) $35M. South Road Land $36M, Charlotte Street 2 buildings 2 houses by Light $32M. Land 140 x 60 by Russian E mbassy $30M. Land at Turkeyen 140x60 $32M. L0 Ressovenure Land 126x60 $20M. Campbellville flat house needs repairs $13M. Section K $19M needs repairs, 3-storey Quamina Street for hotel US$599 000, Bel Air Park $49M Lamaha Gardens valued $85M now $70M. Rental of apartments from US$70 0 , R e s idence US$1 2 00 upwards. Phone Lord Patrick Pereira 2276863, 225-2709, 227-6949, 226-1064, 669-3350. 7 days a week m

PROPERTY FOR SALE 25% DISCOUNT on all properties for this summer only. Sale! Sale! Sale! Business property immediately: East of Orange Walk in Charlotte Stree t $28M, 3-storey business property in Croal Street requires repairs $32M, Bent S t r e e t a l m o s t new 2-storey business property $!6M, South R u i m v e ldt Gardens residence $16M, Ogle fully concrete new $49M, Tucville new $26M, Prashad Nagar executive $55M, Bel Air Park $55M, Kitty business or residence requires repairs, on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Fors h a w o l d h o u s e $21M, 3-storey business close to Main Stree t $ 5 5 M , M e a d o w B r o o k $45M, f u l l y c o n c r e t e D'Urban Backlands $30M, New Section 'K' $42M, Lamaha Gardens executive $68M, one ranchstyle Section 'M' 3-bedroom suites for elderly $50M, fully concrete with excellent interior work, Bel Air Gardens $130M.Mr. Alanna Debidayal 2312064, 697-9377, 225-3068, 2276863, 226-1064, 227-6949, CAPITAL Realty Properties Turkeyen Gardens/ Atlantic Ville $56M, Atlantic gardens $50M, Camp Street $53M, Campbellville Stone Avenue $48M, La Penitence $17M, Vreed-En-Hoop $12M, Hadfield Street $42M, Charlestown reduced $38M, Alberttown $40M, Diamond $15M, $8M, $13M, $17M, $40M, Ogle $60M, Providence $42M, Grove $13M, $25M, North Ruimveldt $12M, Albert Street $47M, Paradise $15M, $16M, Brickery $23M, Parfait Harmony $9M, $28M, $40M, Tuschen $30M, Chateau Margot $35M, Happy Acres $47M, Norton Street $21M, Eccles $30M, Good Hope $20M, Meadow Brook Gardens $48M, Lusignan $20M, Republic Park $32M, Sheriff Street $72M, Earl's Court $48M, Herstelling $16M, Vryheid's Lust $13M, Le Resouvenir $15M. many more listings Azeem 226-9383, 642-3722, 698-8710. NEW concrete Section 'K' $44M, 7-apartment William St. concrete building reduced from $60M to $50M, Kitty house requires. repair on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Middle Road La Penitence $16.5M, almost Regent and Oronoque St. $36M, Charlotte Street East of Orange Walk $28M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $66M, Meadow Brook concrete $45M, e x e c u t i v e R e p u b l i c P a r k $ 4 8 M , L a maha Gardens 3 self-contained $70M, Prashad Nagar 6-bedroom $58M, business 3-storey Quamina Street $85M, Bel Air Gardens on double lot $140M, Subryanville $58M, Alberttown concrete business $40M, New Haven 4 selfcontained $80M, 3-bedroom new concrete Ogle $48M, Bel Air Park $52M, Croal St. 3-storey require repairs $30M, 4 lots in AA Eccles with incompl e t e c a t h e d r a l - s t y l e st ructure requires $20M to complete, plus reserve and place for lake $90M neg. , Mr. Darendra 615-0069, Vice Presiednt Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Vice President Jhonny Ramsahoye 225-2709, Vice President Darindra 615-0069, 2252626, 225-3068, 227-6863, 2261064, 667-7812, facebook Tony Reid Realty 7 days a week 24 hours a day all holidays and all prices are negotiable.

EXCELLENT b a r g a i n s Norton Street - $14M, Bent Street business and residence - $16M, executive Prashad Nagar mansion double lot - $85M, 8 apt. apartment complex was - $120M, now - $85M, Sec. 'K' Campbellville - $23M, Alberttown concrete 5 bedrooms - $46M, other for - $19M, and $30M, South Ruimveldt Gardens - $19M, Festival City - $14M Charlotte Street business and residenc e b y Bourda Market - $26M, Cummings Street - $34M, Meadow Brook - $28M, D'Urban Street for double lot for 5-storey - $25M, Phone Lord Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, 227-6949, 2252709, 231-2064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6 8 6 3 , 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8 , 6 6 7 7 8 1 2 tonyreidsrealty@hotmail.c om



FOR SALE MERCURY in large quantities, 99.9999% purity in grey flask. Call 219-4535. PORTABLE AC 10,000 BTU - used 6 MONTHS - $40 000. 693-3885. WALKING freezers for sale. Sizes from 8x8 to 10x15. Contact # 223-7975, 666-2276. ROTTWEILER pups and mastiff mixed with Labrador. Tel. 625-0345. CLARK Ranger skidder, Puma portable mill Tel. 2690603, 662-2508. HONDA pressure washer and vacuum cleaners. Tel. 621-0427, 222-4081. 1-WHITE television stand with wheels to hold large tv, dvd, music set etc - $25000. Tel:616-5340. USED truck tyres: 295 R 22.5 Good Year from UK, price $38 000. Tel. 684-6661. RECONDITIONED (factory) MF 590 tractors, 4WD, new tyres. Knock-down prices. 689-5858. 2 ICE Machines, 1 smoothie machine, small fridge. Tel. 2310655, 683-8734.

QUEENSTOWN: 3-storey concre t e b u i l d i n g , P r i c e $ 1 00 M . South Ruimvel dt Gardens property in good condition. Price $18M. Lamaha Gardens beautiful 2-storey concrete property 3 self-contained, 1 master, lib rary, television room, living room, upstairs back verandah, dow n s t a i r s den, fully marble stone tile, family room patio, garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmetics, land space Price $90M,Ogle beautiful property $90M,Mon Repos $36M neg, Regent St. $120M beautiful home excellent condition in Eccles $55M neg, Queenstown property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. We are located at 247(D) Forshaw and Oronoque Streets, Queenstown. Tel. 225-6858, 2257164, 667-7812, email:

AGRI. EQUIP. MISC. FIAT 180-90 4x4 tractor, Ford 7740 4WD tractors, 416 Caterpillar 4x4 L/backhoe, Cherry picker list 45ft, 1- 400 Amps diesel welder Perkins engine on trailer. Tel 6662518, 671-1809, 639-2789.

FOR SALE FOR SALE GENERATORS 6 500 watts. 688-4414, 615-3728. COCONUT plants. 611-7754. PAINT ball guns and balls Call 670-9606. 40 ENGINE Yamaha; 300 lbs banga sein. Tel. 681-8013. WHOLESALE plucked chicken. Call 676-0931. BAKING pans and sheet, baking table. Call 695-7484. ONE 14" River dredge in perfect condition. Tel # 669-8985. COMPLETE internet cafĂŠ for sale - 621-5282. LIVE & plucked chicken. Tel: 650-4421, 220-9203. GLASS (mall glasses, hospital glasses etc) Tel: 670-6403. ONE car seat, great condition. Tel. 667-9737. PURFIED water: drink ever pure water, delivery. Call 442-1952, 442-1656. ONE new radiator for Honda CRV RD5. Tel 674-7494. 1 - 320 CL excavator: excellent condition. Tel. # 699-3992. 2 USED car lifts. Tel. 623-1397, 2332414, 08:00hrs - 16:00hrs. ONE mixed breed puppy, fully vaccinated. Call 227-7834 anytime. SHOES: fashionable heels - $6,000 each $5,500 wholesale. 693-3885.

ONE display double-door cooler; one 4-channel security camera and DVR. Tel. 679-6040. SALE - SALE: HOUSEHOLD items: curtains , pool's table- bar stool, etc. Tel. # 6690366 ONE ideal sawmill complex with all equipment. Good location, with large land space. Tel 684-5868 ONE brand new fishing boat, complete seine and engine. Tel. 220-7648, 626-2066, 679-5455. ONE RZ BHH 4177, in good condition, EFI engine, mags. Tyres for bus and cars. ½ ply board, channel iron, galvanized plain sheet. Tel. 690-2735. BLACKBERRY cell phone, 9650 model, Blackberry Bold excellent condition (like new) - $12,000. 624-6464, 675-3062. Keith. STALLS for sale at Bourda Market (Greens Section) Contact # 227-1819, 657-0135, 649-5830. PLAY Station 2 games at $1000 each, Softmod for PS2 as well. Contact 684-3025. SATELLITE DISHES, RECEIVERS, TVs. TEL: 6573711. OUTBOARD engine between 5 and 50Hp. Tel. 621-3399, 622-0173. ONE tropical freezer 7 cu ft excellent condition, price $40 000 neg. Tel. 678-1771. PHOTOCOPY machines Black and white and color. 6120438. 1 NEW ASCO automatic change-over switch, 200 Amps. Tel. 694-7817, 612-1351. ARE you a special size or difficult to get the correct fit? Call Roxie 622-4386. NEW designs, dance wear, long lasting USA fabrics, Roxie's Fashion, 301 Church Street, South Cummingsburg. 622-4386. FOUR-way stretch custommade dresses and more. Roxie's Fashion, 301 Church Street, South Cummingsburg. SPANDEX everything: leotards, designed tights, unitards, skirts, swim suits - just name it. 6224386. ONLY you will have it: one of a kind dresses, tops, tights, etc. 622-4386, 301 Church Street, South Cummingsburg. COME in and see our new designs and fabric no one else has. 301 Church Street, South Cummingsburg. SALE on black leotards and tights from 6 pairs up. Roxie's Fashion 301 Church Street, South Cummingsburg.



1 PERKINS Engine 1000 series, 4 cylinder, complete with radiator, price $900 000 (neg.). Tel. # 226-5999, 619-2525.

2 - 12 000 lb 4-post lifts, 10 000 lb 2-post lifts, 6 000 lb low rise lift, 2 - 80 gallon 175 psi compressor, 390 MF tractor, 399 MF tractor, 2003 Toyota Camry. 643-3875.

1 - SUN deck luxury boat, 25 ft by 8 ft, washroom, leather seats, trailer. Tel. 618-2064. Giveaway price. NEW 18 cubic Kenmore fridge, panel curtains, office chairs, cotton sheet sets, LG front loading washing machine. 223-8213, 225-8000. CATERPILLAR set model D 343, 250 kva, 3 Ph, 415-240, 220/ 127v, AC 60 Hz. Call 227-0190, 693-5610, 616-9727. MIXED breed pups, German Shepherd and Rottweiler already vaccinated and dewormed. 6867417. SALE ON DELL DESKTOP DUAL Core Computers. High Spec, complete with Dell LCD monitor, keyboard and mouse. Tel 691-2077. AMAZING PS3 and Xbox 360 bundles, includes games, controllers, and TVs Contact 639-7114, 674-5625. ONE music set with three power amps with a total of 5 500 watts, etc. For more information, please call 682-3481. Price neg. LARGE double-door fridge, very good condition $55 000, one computer desk $5 000, one DSL modem $5 000. 692-3368, 692-3369.

COMPRESSORS metic air condition pressors, two 12000 and one 24 000 BTU, good condition - $50 667-9367.

HercomBTU all in 000.

Wii consoles complete with remotes and nunchuck (15000); one PS2 complete with remote and t w o g a m e s - $ 1 5 0 0 0 . Te l . 644-0744. CHRISTMAS sale from NY: Window, kitchen and bedroom blinds; table cloths and mats; scented candles; ladies stuff, etc. #641-3489, 2239484, 225-1664. O N E YA M A H A 8 5 2 STROKE OUTBOARD ENGINE AND ONE CATERPILLAR. Fully marine with 2 2 0 H P. Te l : 2 6 0 - 2 9 7 3 / 6 1 0 - 0 7 5 6. CHRISTMAS sale: furniture wooden and locally manufactured, suites, mattresses, etc at Morgan's Furniture Store, 167 Charlotte Street between Camp and Wellington. 226-4129, 9 am5 pm.

HONDA Generator: Excellent condition, 13000 watts, key start price $500 000 neg. Call 220-7378 or 627-6645.

1-PAIR large Nibby and Cane table lamp antique with shade,110v - $15,000. Tel:6758008. Owner leaving country.

K-GUARD 4-channel complete security systems, including DVR and all necessary wiring with or without installation. Contact 658-4009.

42" LED Super Slim TV, brand new, imported food warmers with nine pans, custom chrome wheels - 305 x 40 x 22, fits all 4x4, brand name colognes, Oakley Polarised sunglasses, steel grills. 642-3722, 223-1885. ONE Chinese sein turn out consists of (1) 40Hp Yamaha outboard; 5 Chinese sein 70 ft mouth 150 ft length; 1 boat 31 ft long 7 ft wide 3 ft dept, yellow and green; 17 coolers; 10 tubs; 10 chamber big line 3 set fish pen. Tel. 6486739, 216-2205. 1 -TOASTER oven with g l a s s d o o r 11 0 v - $ 5 0 0 0 ; 1 C o f f e e P e r c u l a t o r 11 0 v w i t h g l a s s m u g - $ 5 0 0 0 . Tel:6165340.

RECENTLY opened Azelea top brand Store at 111 Regent Road, Bourda, Georgetown. We have Aeropostal, American Eagle, Calvin Klein, Hollister, Guess, Abercombe and Fitch, American exchange, H.M., Forever 21, Nike, Addias, Lockers, etc.; original brands at unbeatable prices. Contact 619-7211.

REBUILT 4-cylinder and 6-cylinder Perkins, Kobota, Yamnar and Ford; engine on bed for mining, price $500 000 up. Tel. 696-1994 (Rajin). ORIGINAL door mirrors for Allion, Premio, Runx, Allex, 212, 192, 170, 100 Sprinter and 110 Sprinter, also brand new drums for 192 and 212. Tel. 654-6401, 6546394.

BULBS 110 volts energy saver, 13 watts bright like 60 watts; we give warranty $500 each wholesale; we also have beautiful LED lights. Check us out at Azelea Store, 111 Regent Road, Bourda. Call 623-0290 or 619-7211.

STARR Computer System 2.8 Ghz, 2 MG Ram, flat screen, mouse, keyboard $47 000 neg, Hp desk jet $7 000.DSL modem $6 000, computer desk $7 500 neg. Phone 692-3369.

LIGHTING Plan 70 kva, Whisper watt 240 - 480 3ph, 220110, Singh Ph. Fuel tank capacity 114 gallon. 671-7450.

1- SIDE BY SIDE large Refrigerator and freezer, hardly used 110v, good condition $160,000. New 4 speed premium blender with mug - $5000 110v; 1-32 inch Sony tv with remote control, curve screen, 110v - $65,000. Call 614-9432.

ONE bass fibre glass boat with 115 Hp Mercury outboard engine; One Honda 450 - 475 ATV, in new condition with added accessories. Owner leaving the country. Serious inquires only. Tle. 672-2654, 657-9014.

ONE 75HP Yamaha Enduro Outboard Engine, Eight Months old. Owner leaving country. Price Negotiable. Contact 609-3686. or 619-1117.

1- THREE SEATER and one two seater setty - arm covered, new - $75,000; 1- stainless steel Kettle with whistle and handle, new - $3000; 1- stainless steel kettle 110v - $4000. Tel:614-9432.Owners migrating.

LINCOLN portable welder 4 - 2-cylinder Lister engines, 3 generators 75 KVA, 30 KVA on trailer and 20 KVA Onan, 1 - 450 Amps welder (Miller), 1 - 250 Amps Welder (Miller), 1 - 30 gal. compressor, 1 - 4x4 Caterpillar backhoe, 1 - 8" floor sander, 1 - floor sander edger. Call 2270195, 225-7732, 688-4771.

A QUANTITY of foreignused 6-cylinder Perkins engines with lots of Perkins parts. Owner leaving the c o u n t r y. S e r i o u s e n q u i r i e s o n l y. Te l . 6 7 2 - 2 6 5 4 , 6 5 7 9014.

GOOD bargain: gas stove, cooler, pots, tents, bowls and basins, price $35 000. Tel. 6936549.

GE 26-cu ft side-by-side refrigerator and freezer; stainless steel front. It has icemaker, dispenses water and ice crush or cube, price $195 000 neg. Tel. 678-1771.

PLANTS! Plants! Hibiscus, crotons, palms (red palm), Xmas trees, ixoras, ficus, mussaenda etc, also sweet tamarind plants, etc. Contact Evergreen Plant Shop, 156 Block 'X' Diamond Housing Scheme (2nd Avenue/2nd Street). Tel 216-2199, 687-5631.

CELL phones accessories with warranty, wholesale, and retail unbeatable prices: screen protector, charger, ear phones, batteries, cases, memory cards, flash drive, etc. Contact 6495232.

MERCURY/Quicksilver from USA. Very high purity, available retail $17 000 per lb and wholesale neg. (grey flasks). Contact Ms. Sabrina 692-6183.

PERKINS engines from England, 4- and 6-cylinders. Also Recon engine on bed. We stock all models of Lister Petter spares. Call 624-3187


FURNITURE used - good condition - one large wooden dining table with eight chairs; One twin wooden bed frame, and various furniture items. Prices negotiable. Call 231-3560, Georgetown.

GOING CHEAP, BF Goodrich 33 x 10.50 x 15 Mud Terrain tyres, 95% thread, in excellent condition. . Tel. 223-8780, 669-3741.

MALE German Shepherd mixed 18 months $70 000, female pure bred pitbull 4 months $40 000. Tel. 639-8924, 227-4674.


1- ANTIQUE half round table and stool for doing nails etc,$20,000; 1- milk shake stainless steel machine 110v - 3 speed, 3 pint cup stainless steel, good for home or business, -$20,000.(Hamilton Beach made). Call:614-9432. LARGE cargo vessel ideal for North West operation, size 225 ft x 45 ft, 25 CSA, turbo charge diesel British engine. Tel. 227-5242, 652-9470. 1 - FIGAT rice combine 3700, needs minor repairs, engine and track in perfect order, was working two crops ago. Price $1.6M. Phone 339-2327, 651-2147, 612-5571. GRACO 3900 gas paint sprayer $300 000; De Walt 12" double comp. miter saw $115 000; Pro Tech 10" table saw $20 000; Delta 14" band saw $140 000. 627-1245, 687-8390.

PAINTS, paints, paints: top brands American and Canadian made paint for concrete, wood, metal, floor, ceiling, and anti rust. Starting from $1 900 up per gal. Contact 623-0290 or 270-4650. KEEP COOL with this hot deal - MILEXUS Split air conditioner outdoor units - 2 Units: ML-SPAC24K-220V asking $100 000; 1 Unit: ML-SPAC-18K-220V asking $105 000; 3 Units ML-SPAC-12K-220V asking $80 000. Prices inclusive of mounting brackets. Like brand new. Contact 592-231-0654. ALL hard-to-get vehicle parts including windscreen, computer box, doors, lights, engines, front half, back half, m i r r o r s , e t c f o r To y o t a , N i s s a n , B M W, M e r c e d e s , Mitsubishi, Honda Isuzu, Fuzo, etc. at unbeatable p r i c e s . C o n t a c t Te l . 6 4 5 7800, 001-597-866-6358.

COMPLETE modern workshop equipment, consist of lathes, milling machines, dividing heads, rolling machine, pipe bender, tyre changing machine, 75 kva generator with 6cyl turbo Perkins engine, portable welders and lots more. Owner leaving the country. Serious inquiries only. Tel. 6722654, 657-9014. IDEAL FOR OFFICE: 2 large stainless steel book display stand - round (UK made) ideal for office or doctor's waiting room or sale of books - $35,000 each. 1paper cutter - Guilletene hand type 18x30 USA made - $15000; 1- set of office wall divider (UK made), to set up about 2 to 3 offices with glass door - $40,000. 2 folding metal and plastic chairs for office or patio $3000 each. Call 675-8008. Owners leaving country. 1- 12 INCH DISC edge sander machine - 110-240v for furniture maker, door edge or any wood work edge (UK made) - $55,000; 1- electric mac tool brand parts washer - 110v with 25 gallon drum that holds fluid at the bottom and square metal bin at the top with cover to wash parts. $55,000. Tel:621-4928. 1 COMPRESSOR with nailer kit, g e n e r a t o r, p o w e r w a s h e r, S k i l 1 0 " t a b l e s a w, S k i l 1 0 " c o m pound mitre saw, 1 Craftsman Chain Saw. Tel: 2260880, 97 Hadfield St, Werk-en-Rust, G/town. SCREW on antenna Japanese made for all type of vehicles such as: Allion, Premio, Raum, Spacio, Rav 4, Wagon etc; also all type of mirrors for 192, 212, Honda, and many others. $ 8 0 0 0 p e r p a i r. Te l : 6 1 6 5340. Owners leaving. 1-TRIPPLE light 140 watts power inverter - DC-12 volts to 110 volts with fuse $20,000; 1- two half pool or Billlards Cue in case $5000, 1- Detecto scale large for measuring height and weight of patients; good for doctor's clinic or any medical organisation - $55,000. (UK made). Call 675-8008. Owner leaving country. 1- LARGE XEROX work centre pro 423/428 photocopy machine with scanning kit, all cds and manuals available with machine; hardly used excellent condition - 110v-240v $400,000 negotiable. 1 large wooden writing desk, 5 drawers, needs minor work - $15000; 4 printers HP Laser Jet 4200N4300 series - $35,000; 2420 $30,000, HP Laser jet - $30,000 ans Lexmark 253-$7000, all 110v and in good condition. Owner leaving. Tel:616-5340. Owner leaving country. BRAND NEW Catridges in box sealed for photocopy machine and hp printers. 2 -Xerox Ink Catridges 113 R 634 $40,000. 2 -Xerox Ink Catridges 113 R 321 - $40,000. 8 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 98x92298X - $15000 each. 3 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 13x- $6000 each. 3 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 13A - $8000 each. 4 HP Laser Jet coloured catridges 4193A $5000 each. 3 Canon catridges NPG 11 toner $5000 each. All prices are ne g o t i a b l e . Tel:675-8008





OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 1-paper shredder 110v, fully automatic with bin -$20,000 (complete). 1 Whirlpool dehumifier on wheels 110v, $20,000, for office, home or patio; new large APC smart uninteruptable power supply 120vac along with all fittings and new laptop with manuals and CD instructions. -$120,000. Call 675-8008. Owner leaving country.

VIVA AND FORD WAGON driving when parked - $200 000 NEG. 693-3885.

3 - 6x6 TM dump trucks $5.5M each in good condition. Call 600-6335.

ONE AT 212 (Silver Grey) in excellent condition, price $1.7M neg, lady driven. Tel. 689-3479.

ONE Leyland DAF single axle and dump. 216-1315, 613-6615

TOYOTA Passo $1.9M neg, in excellent condition. Tel. 681-6066.

TOYOTA Hilux, extra cab pickup, GPP series, fully loaded $2M neg. Tel: 699-8490

NEW ARRIVAL! COMPRESSORS (26 gal, 20 gal, 33 gal, 30 gal & 60 gal. Pressure washer (4200 psi, 3000 psi and 3800 psi DeWalt. Rough neck garbage bins 45 gal & 32 gal. Generators, Stanley 8000 watts. All power portable 10 000 watts, Briggs and Stratton storm 5500 watts. Contact Donna on 609-1179, 611-0402. 1- NEW blue large Fibre Glass bath tub (US made) - $45000; 2 hot and cold water sinck with fittings (UK made) - $10,000 each. 1 - Relistic CB base station radio set - 12 volts $12000. Onwer migrating. Tel: 675-8008. Owner leaving country. SONY PLAY STATION 2 AND 3 AND XBOX 360 ORIGINAL GAME DISCS, DOZENS OF TITLES TO CHOOSE FROM; FIFA 2013, KILLZONE 3, MORTAL KOMBAT, GRAND THEFT AUTO, DEVIL-MAY-CRY, ETC. Best, lowest prices available. CALL The Original Video Game Pioneer (Since 1995 'MAX' former Game City Boss) on 672-8589, 609-8132, NOW. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 10 large Fujitsu Siemens flat screen computer monitors - 60HZ - 110v $16000 each. 7 surge protector and battery back ups: ES 750-120V, 60 HZ-12A-UPS out put 120v,60HZ, 420w, 50VA, 6.25A - $15000 each. 3 surge protector and battery back p 7, 2 & 5 - 120v, 2 automatci voltage regulator stabili - AR-2000w - $15000 each and AR 3000 - $20,000with break witch.A quantity of new power cord, and other new computer cords, manuals, CD, spares etc, all for $60,000 (give away). Owner leaving. Tel:675-8008.

UNREGISTERED vehicle: 2004 Raum, Fielder, Spacio and Runx. Call 609-8989, 616-5595. MOTOR cycle: Jailing JH 150 in good working condition - $165 000. 667-9367. 1 MITSUBISHI 2 ton canter, PJJ series, working condition, asking $675 000. Contact 623-0290. TOYOTA Hilux Surf PLL series in excellent condition. Tel. 2207648, 626-2066, 679-5455. SILVER Blue Bird Slyphy, late PPP series, price $2.6M neg. Tel. 678-1771.

ONE Toyota new model, 212 Carina mag rims, music, AC, alarm, HID lights, fully loaded. Tel: 626-2503.

TOYOTA Raum (silver), in excellent condition 16" chromes, leather interior, AC. Tel. 629-7777.

SUZUKI Vitara Jeep, fully powered in immaculate condition.Asking price $3.5M neg. Tel: 694-6024.

2400CC Toyota Camry, Silver gray, $2.5M neg. Tel. 640-4243, 6910419 serious enquires only. ONE Honda 450 ATV, 4x4, price $800 000; one 2006 Toyota Towning manual $3.3M. Tel. 622-0445, 685- 7659. 290 MF tractor, foreign-used, in excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 670-9393. 15 - SEATER pit bull BPP series; and 212 Carina (yellow cab) (1 month). Call 644-2099. ONE Mazda Denio: $ 1.650.000, neg. Contact Danny: 642-2569

AT 192 Carina; AE 100 Corolla. Contact City Taxi Service 660-1100.

AE 110 Corolla: $1.1M neg. Tel. 670-6222. ONE Toyota Corolla. Call 2231094, between 2pm - 5 pm. LEYLAND Daf truck with hyab. Tel.. 626-5706. 3Y DIESEL, BJJ series minibus, $1.4M neg. Tel. 658-2732. 1 - 2010 Ford Raptor like new. Tel. 661-6161. IRZ MINIBUS: long base EFI. Call 229-6533, 613-2798. TOYOTA Tacoma 5VZ 3400 cc foreign used engine. 621-4862. 18 MONTHS coconut plants $275 each any amount. Contact 623-0290. AT 192 CD/TV player $920 000; L-Touring Wagon $1.125, CD, TV player, alarm. 660-7178. 1 AT 212 new model, AC, mag rims, CD. 625-7416, 227-8659. TOYOTA BB, one owner, late PLL series, $1.7M neg. Tel. 6639592.

1 - LANCER motor car $1M neg., PJJ series, g o o d c o n d i t i o n , Contact 614-5940.

JUST arrived pit bull bus, full 15 seater, excellent condition and price. Tel 614-5142, 622-1610.

9" GOOGLE Android Tablet: 1.5 GHz processor, 512 AM, 8GB, comes with case with built-in keyboard, screen, protector, and styles 35k; 7" Noria Android Tab: 1.2 GHz processor 8GB, 3D gaming, HDMI output (cable included) 28k, 7" in case with built-in keyboard sold separately 3k; 1 glass case (floor model) 10k; 1 complete Dell Desktop computer 50k; 1 PS2 and 2 controllers 18k. Tel. 226-0861, 683-7278.

UNREGISTERED Spacio. Tel. 683-6606.

CAMRY PGG series, in excellent condition $800 000 neg. Tel. 610-5001.

1 - 2012 HONDA RR 600 motorcycle, like brand new. Contact 682-0384.

1 TOYOTA Spacio fully loaded. Price $1.875M neg. Call 628-0972.



PREMIO, 2003 - $2.6M, Spacio 2003 - $2.45M, 1 Pit bull bus $3.4M, .Dhan Auto Sale.Tel. 616-6575.

CORD and cordless drill, Dewalt Rotary Hammer D2550, jigsaw, mitre saw, impact wrench, nail gun, sawzall, grinder, socket set, electric chain saw, hand vac, expansion tool, 7" sliding wet tile saw, 2200 psi gas pressure washer 25-gallon compressor, sm water pump, 13ft ladder, 1300 watts, 3500 watts, 6250 watts Hyundai generator, Red Hawk diesel generator, super-w. All-season wiper 17" to 26". Call 601-1094, 261-5142.


GREEN BHH 4177 RZ long base EFI, mags in good condition. Tel. 670-6403.

1 - NEW model 212, PNN series, AC, CD, $1.3M neg. Tel. 2336337, 662-6024. ONE new Laverda 3650 Fiat agri combine. Call 258-0001, 6658795. ONE GX 90 Mark 11 chrome rims, music set, press start. 6282330.

ONE 2000 Toyota Fielder in excellent condition, $1.8M neg. 665-9685. TOYOTA Ceres AE 100, good working condition. Reasonable offer accepted. Tel. 601-0225.

A E 11 0 D V D , a l a r m , $820 000. F4I CBR $1.1M. 660-7178


1 TOYOTA Allion late PMM immaculate condition, 17'' rims, alarm, CD player, AC, etc. Price $2.1 million. Call 665-7400 or 685-7887. GREY AE 110 Corolla: Automatic , AC, CD player, alarm, rims, remote start, 91,000 km, price $1.2M. Tel. 661-0398. TOYOTA Tacoma 2011 4x2 automatic fully loaded, excellent condition. Price neg. Tel. 6718883, 696-9529. TOYOTA Tacoma 2008, 4x4, TRD fully loaded automatic, dark blue colour, with cargo high top. Tel. 671-8883, 696-9529.

H ONDA ATV 500 4x4 double shocks, new. Asking $2.6M. Call 624-5000. 1 RZ minibus BKK long base, excellent condition with music, mags, etc. Tel. 270-4098, 686-9516. ONE RZ minibus in excellent condition in Berbice, rims, music, etc. Contact 326-0971, 649-0950. CRUISER Auto Sales: Unregistered Mazda, Axela, Toyota Fielder, New Raum, Noah. Call 603-9700. FIELDER Wagon, fully loaded, 17" rims, set AC, alarm, excellent condition. Tel. 616-2409. TOYOTA Hilux, good condition, mag rims, music deck, AC, 4 doors, open back, PKK series, $1M negotiable. Tel. 641-3624. AT 170 and spares "where is where as" basis, very serviceable; Carina 212 back window screen. Call Tyron - 694-0449. Toyota AT 192 (new model), in good working condition, AC, music, etc. Price $700,000 negotiable. Call 621-8153. S-V30 Toyota Camry in excellent condition, mags, music, AC, alarm etc. Price neg. Tel. 680-0212, 218-5515. TOYOTA Ace small bus, one complete music system (vehicle). Contact 666-2744, 616-5622. Owner leaving country. 2010 GLK 350 MERCEDES BENZ, ONLY 25,000 MILES, FULLY LOADED. $12.5 MIL. CALL: 651-4578 2008 TACOMA 4 X 4, EXTRA CAB, LIKE NEW, LOW MILEAGE. $4.2 MIL. CALL: 2271511, 651-4578 1 - 212 TOYOTA Carina new model; 1 -ET 176 Toyota Carina Wagon; Vehicles in immaculate condition. Contact 337-4544, 6261525. DRIVEN Auto Sales~ New arrivals sale - Unregistered fully loaded Toyota Sienta $2,250,000 and Mazda Axela $2,350,000. 6436565, 226-9931.

MITSUBISHI Lancer, ladydriven, late PKK series in excellent condition. AC, mags, alarm, CD Tel: 646-2939.

TOYOTA Tacoma 4x4 music, in good condition, GJJ series, price $1.9M negotiable. Tel. 625-2516.

PREMIO, just arrived, fully loaded 35 043 km. Good price. Auto City Auto Sale, Sandy Babb St, Kitty 223-0171, 614-5142. HILUX Surf complete suspension (foreign used). Hilux Surf, minor repairs. Tel 6262884.

ONE double cab Nissan Pickup $750 000 neg. Tel. 2330591, 667-6644, 216-3120.

ONE RZ Mini Bus, BMM series Price - $ 1.9M Negotiable Call - 2333703

AFFORDABLE AUTOS: Premio, Allion, Spacio, Bluebird Sylphy 233-3783, 695-6169. 233-3783, 695-6169.


SPACIO 7 seats, AC, music, mags, TV, 6-disc changer, excellent condition. Price $1.6M. Tel. 6399914, 655-7839, Paul.

HILUX Solid Axle pickups, AC, 33x12.50 MT tyres, unregistered, in excellent condition.Spares available. Call 691-2077.

TOYOTA Tacoma 2005 4x4 AT, Nissan Frontier 2005 extra cab 4x4. Call 220-7430, 647-2856.

BMW 320 CARS, open and enclosed canter trucks with lift, and 4x4 Super cab pick up - 61 Dennis St., Campbellville. 227-0190, 693-5610, 616-9727.

IRZ MINIBUS 15 seats, excellent condition, hardly used. Must be seen. 678-5311 - $1.9M cash.

ONE Mitsubishi Lancer, One Toyota Marino, one AE 192, Call 231-6623, 662-5802.

1 - BEDFORD TM with winch, solid condition. Call 6744649.

TOYOTA Tacoma 2005 4WD, $4M. Tacoma body parts, owner migrating. Tel. 220-7430, 647-2856.

1 -LANCER Cedia motor car, PKK series, excellent condition, $1.1M negotiable. Contact 613-1830.

UNREGISTERED 2 RZ minibus, fully loaded, price $2.9M. Tel. 256-3359, 638-9934, 654-8397.

FORD F350 single cab pickup, 7.3 V8 diesel solid deff, GT tray, refurbished. 662-5910.

1 MOTOR car: Green Datsun Station Wagon in 'H', good working condition, $250 000 neg. Call 615-4367, 270-4149, 647-8595.

H O N DA AT V 5 0 0 4 x 4 d o u b l e s h o c k s , n e w. A s k ing $2.6M. Call 6245000.

UNREGISTERED Toyota Tundra, new tyres, 4x4, very clean, $2.55M. Tel. 233-6337, 662-6027.

AE 100 Corolla alarm, AC, mags and crystal lights, with HID - $800 000, AT 170 EFI fully powdered with mags and CD - $580 000. 619-1047.

TOYOTA picnic for sale. PMM series. Selling at a great price. Contact # 682-3753, 2275138. Serious inquires only.

1 - TOYOTA Picnic, PLL series, excellent condition. Price neg. Tel. 644-8084, 6233738.

AT 192, AC, alarm, mag rim, music, remote start, yellow. PKK 7668, $875 000. 628-8354.

ONE Toyota Fielder, PPP series, one 2009 F150 Ford unregistered. Both in excellent condition. Contact 666-6680, 617-1777.


ONE Toyota 3Y Super Custom, registered in G, excellent working condition, asking $450 000 neg. Tel. 625-3265. 1 - MAZDA RX8 stick shift, fog lights, wheel lights, AC, low mileage, excellent condition. Phone 653-2477. ONE Nissan Vanette series C22, 11-seater with imported roof rack, used for doing business. Call 226-5540. 1 AT 212 new model car with AC and music, excellent condition, price $1 350M neg. Tel. 626-7436. ONE Toyota Premio, chrome rims, HID lights, alarm and music. In excellent condition. Tel. 657-700 NEW model Nissan Tiida Latio, brand new condition, unregistered, low mileage. Make offer - 233-3783, 6956169.

TOYOTA Tacoma 4x4, TRD 2005, automatic cherry red, excellent condition fully loaded. Price neg. Tel. 671-8883, 6969529.

MUST sell - going cheap: VVTI pitbull bus, 19 seater, $2.8M terms available. Call Selma 614-9078.

VEHICLES FOR SALE JUST Arrived! 2 Honda 450cc ATV bike with double shock winch, 4-wheel drive. Going cheap. Contact 6435306, 658-0299. T OY O TA T u n d r a 2 0 0 2 chrome rims, chrome bars, D V D p l a y e r, 4 - w h e e l d r i v e , excellent condition. Contact: 643-5306/685-0299 ALTEZZA, 6 speed manual, 3S, fully powered, mags, excellent condition. 225-6356. AE 110 Sprinter: fully powered, excellent condition. 2256356. HONDA Accord and Integra: both excellent condition, fully powered, like new. 223-9687/8. CANTER: long base, 4D 35 engine, 6-speed, wide body, AC, canvas cover back, excellent condition, Sheriff Street. 226-9109. RZ BUS: Super GL, IRZ, long base, 1250 kgs, 6 lugs, front and rear AC, new from Japan. Ray's One Stop Auto Parts - 225-6356, 225-4420. RZ MINIBUS: high top, original high back seats, excellent for tours, etc, new from Japan. Must be seen. Ray's One Stop Auto Parts. 225-6356, 225-4420. ZOOM Auto Sales: Mazda Axela, Fielder, Premio, Axio, at lowest prices, chrome accessories for all vehicles, hid, etc. Tel. 6857611, 613-1764. UNREGISTERED 3-ton short base canter, steel plated tray, flooring with extended rails, crystal lights. Price $2.95M. Tel. 6157526. AT 2 1 2 To y o t a C a r i n a , new model, PNN series. One owner, never worked hire, with AC, CD, rims. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306/658-0299. ONE MORRIS AUSTIN Car, PLL series, good condition, automatic, 5 seater. Vehicle transferable, owner l e a v i n g . - $400,000. Te l : 6 1 6 5340 2002 Toyota Tundra, never registered, fully powered, 4-wheel drive, very excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-0299. ONE 323 Mazda wagon in good condition (requires 4 suspensions) $300 000. One Jialing 150cc scrambler. Price $120 000, Prices neg.Tel. 690-0266.

TOYOTA Corolla AE 91 in good condition, AC, tape deck, HA series. Price $650 000 negotiable. Tel. 621-4790.

TOYOTA Tundra 2005, bubble tray with hard cover with rims, leather, interior, 4-wheel drive. Clean & excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-2099.

TERMS available on used and new vehicles, Toyota Sienta (full 7 seater) and AE 100 Sprinter, prices negotiable. Call 641-8647.

AT 170 Corona EFI, PHH series, price $475 000; AT 192 motor car, PJJ series, price $575 000. Phone 268-3953, 638-5301.

1 - TOYOTA Dyna canter short base, 2 ½ tons, double wheel, diesel. Excellent condition, one owner. Price $1M neg. Call 684-8231.

ONE Toyota Hilux Pick up Extra cab manual transmission, 4WD unregistered just off the wharf, price $2M. Tel. 626-2466, 2205124.

TWO NZE Corolla: PKK and PLL, both in excellent condition; mags, music, alarm, etc. Contact 621-4772, or 689-5802.

ONE Pit bull bus VVTI all seats never worked hire, AC< music all sliding glass, price $2.7M. Cell 626-2466, 220-5124.

UNREGISTERED 2005 Raum $2.2M, Solid Def Hilux $2.4M, 2-ton dump truck $2.3M. 641-1800, 220-1324.

NEW shipment: Toyota Noah, Premio, Spacio, TV, spoiler, wood finish, fog lamp, body kit, rims, etc, Raum, Vitz, Hilux solid def, NZE 121 R.H. Auto Sales, Blankenburg WCD. 269-0794, 688-4847.

ONE Toyota IST, rims, music MP3, AC, fog lamps, fully loaded, price $1.4M. Call 626-2466, 2205124.

MERCEDES Benz CLL 200 kompressor, 2005; pearl white, PRR series; TV, DVD, etc immaculate; give away price $4.6M neg. 623-5492.

FOR the best in buying or selling of used vehicles 192, 212, Raum, Rav-4, CRV wagons, Spacio, Premio, Allion and many more. Call 6195784, 674-0203.

ONE Nissan 2004 model 4x4. Immaculate condition, 4 brand new Mickey Thompson tyres on. Price $3.9 neg.Tel#. 629-1340, 220-7107, 694-5953. ONE Toyota Hilux Solid diff $2.5M. Must be seen 616-0327, 220-8770, 220-6542, 6893612 . TOYOTA Tundra (Bubble back), in excellent condition, mags, fully loaded. Owner leaving country. Tle. 220-6770, 621-4082. ONE Toyota Runx PLL series, alarm, rims in excellent condition. Price $1.72M neg. Tel. 694-6875.

2 - MORRIS Oxford cars, 1 A-55 Austin car 1955 model, 1 standard vanguard car 1953 model, Holden Kings wood car, 3 Austin 1300 cars, 1 - Rebel motorbike (original) Call 616-4403. TOYOTA Tacoma 1999 4cylinder, 4-wheel drive, never registered, rims & AC. Ideal for interior roads Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-0299. TOYOTA Raum with full flair kit, AC, music, mags. One owner. Very clean condition. Reasonably priced. Contact: 643-5306/226-7855, 6850299.

2007 CAT 962H loader 10,800 hrs, location, Georgetown or East Coast Demerara; Caterpillar Survey, equipment in excellent conditions. Tel. 619-2228 or 619-2229. Price US$175,000.00 (G$35M) ONE original Lexus LS 400. Price $4.2M, One BMW 740 IL $4.7M, one BMW 528E new engine $500 000, both in excellent condition. Luxury cars. Owner leaving country. Make offer. Tel. 688-2525 TOYOTA Ceres, very good working condition, late PJJ series, registered, 16" mag rims and amplified sound system with CD deck. Contact 6444444, 647-6777. UNREGISTERED Toyota Spacio $2.45 and PMM series; white Toyota Allion for $2.26 immaculate condition, 16" rims, brand new tyre, black interior, camera, etc. Tel. 600-4047.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

Persaud takes third ... From back page trio crossed the line, with USA based Guyanese Scott Savory finishing sixth, 10 seconds after Williams. Despite taking the stage, Persaud still lingers behind

overall race leader in National Time Trial/Road Race champion and Team Coco’s, Raynauth Jeffrey, whose lead has been cut by a mere 10 seconds by Matthews, following the Barbadian second place finish yesterday morning. After handing over the second stage winner’s jersey to Matthews and delivering a pep talk to the 39 cyclists, Director of Sport, Neil Kumar, sent the riders on their way for the 35-mile journey, at 09:00hrs, following which, Persaud, Matthews and Ramirez, made a move to the front of the peloton as they approached Stewartville. Together the trio worked in tandem as they attempted to build a lead on the peloton that included Jeffrey, Williams, Pollydore, Greaves, Junior Niles, Raymond Newton, Paul Choo-Wee-Nam, Mario King, Eric Sankar, Hamza Eastman, Orville Hinds, and the lone female competitor in Naomi Singh. They led by as much as 55 seconds over the peloton who worked in tandem to

ENGLISH Lingfield 07:50 hrs Buster Brown 08:20 hrs Ground Ginger 08:50 hrs Poitin 09:25 hrs Epic Voyage 10:00 hrs Mia’s Boy 10:35 hrs Highland Knight 11:10 hrs Tangerine Trees 11:45 hrs Mid Yorkshire Golf CHELTENHAM 08:40 hrs Royal Irish Hussar 09:15 hrs African Gold 09:50 hrs Godsmejudge 10:30 hrs Asreacad 11:00 hrs Monetary Fund 11:35 hrs Rally 12:05 hrs Supreme Ballerina SOUTH AFRICA RACING TIPS Kenilworth 08:05 hrs Kirumbo 09:05 hrs Via Africa 09:40 hrs Skabenga 10;15 hrs Matador In Red 10:50 hrs Regal Eagle 11:25 hrs Bush Ranger 12:00 hrs Woodland Gem IRISH RACING TIPS Punchestown 08:30 hrs Glens Melody 09:00 hrs Marlbrook 09:35 hrs Los Amigos 10:10 hrs Hop In 10:45 hrs Sizing Australia 11:20 hrs Sure Reef 11:55 hrs Bosman Rule

wheel in the front runners, all to no avail, as Persaud put in his piece at the front to ensure they were not caught, against the wiles of Matthews and Ramirez. In the sprint for home, Matthews offered a challenge, but unlike the previous afternoon when he played possum on his Guyanese competitors, he found Persaud being equal and above the task at hand to take the stage easily. Meanwhile, at the end of yesterday’s third stage, Jeffrey is still sitting comfortably at the top of the points table with a time of 4h. 57m: 50secs, 17 seconds ahead of Matthews, who is a further 12 seconds ahead of Williams in third place position. Greaves is in fourth place, one second adrift of Williams; Pollydore, who trails Greaves by nine seconds, is in fifth position, with DeNobrega in sixth with an overall time of 5h. 00mins: 18secs, as he trails Jeffrey by 2m: 28secs. The riders take to the roads in Essequibo for today’s third stage which is the longest stage of the race, with the cyclists competing for supremacy over a distance of 67 miles (107.5km), journeying from Supenaam to Charity and back to Suddie for the finish, commencing at 07:30hrs.

Tendulkar falls short of fairytale ... From back page against Pakistan in 1989. He played most of his signature strokes during the 118ball stay at the crease, which was studded with 12 crisp boundaries, leaving former India team mate Aakash Chopra begging for more “Straight Drive-Check, Cover Drive-Check, Square CutCheck, Sweep-Check... can we pl have a pull too :) Greedy,” he said on his twitter feed. Due to an ongoing dispute between media organisations and the Board of Control for Cricket in India, Reuters is unable to provide full coverage of the India v West Indies Test match.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

BCB Namilco/Bakewell T20 Finals

Exciting final set for tomorrow Man-of-the-Match to receive E-Networks package T H E H I S TO R I C A l b i o n Sports Complex ground will tomorrow be buzzing with activity, as thousands of cricket fans are expected to turn out to witness the finals of the first ever Berbice Cricket Board Namilco/Bakewell T20 tournament. Arch rivals, Albion Community Centre Cricket Club, and Rose Hall Town Gizmos and Gadgets, will be renewing a rivalry that goes way back, as they both seek to underline their unofficial tag of being the top cricket team in the Ancient County when they clash in the fi-


nals which bowl off at 13:30hrs. Prior to the finals, West Berbice and Universal Solutions Bermine would battle each other for third position, which carries a cash prize of $50,000 from 09:00 hrs, while the winner of the tournament will pocket $200,000 and a trophy and the runner-up, half of that amount. West Berbice, who recently lost to Universal Solutions Bermine in the BCB/Universal DVD T20 tournament, would be looking for revenge and to this effect, they would be spearheaded by national player,

Keon Joseph; former test pacer, Brandon Bess; Arthley Bailey; skipper, Krishnadat Ramoo; and promising fast bowler, Raun Johnson. Bermine on the other hand, would be seeking to redeem themselves after been bowled out for 38 by Albion in their semi-final matchup last weekend, and will have skipper Anthony D’Andrade,

ECCB Competition continues tomorrow CRICKET action in the East Coast Cricket Board (ECCB) organized and sponsored a 40 overs competition for the ECCB Trophy, continues tomorrow with five matches across the diaspora commencing at 11:00hrs. sharp. The fixtures are as follows: at Strathavon, the home team take on Unity; Helena 1 and 2 face Bravados at Unity; Ogle (Blue) match strides with Plaisance at Ogle; Better Hope ‘B’ meet Lusignan ‘B’ at Better Hope; and Lusignan ‘A’ host Golden Grove at Lusignan.

Eugene LaFleur, Romario Shepherd, Devon Clements and Keon DeJesus as their main players. The finals between Albion and RHTGG would have both their supporters on their feet as both teams are strong on paper. Former Test players, Devendra Bishoo and Sewnarine Chattergoon, would spearhead Albion’s efforts and would receive support from the hard hitting Jonathan Foo, in-form Surujnarine Kandasammy, Balchan Baldeo, Sharaz Ramcharran, West Indies under-19 player Gudakesh Motie-Kanhai, Veerapen Permaul and David Latchaya. Test player, Assad Fudadin; former ODI player, Royston Crandon; and national players, Delbert Hicks and Rajiv Ivan, would be the backbone of the RHTGG

challenge, with support from Dominic Rikhi, Shawn Perreira, Clinton Pestano, and Shailendra Shameer, along with Eon Hooper and Jason Sinclair. Meanwhile, E-Networks would be sponsoring the Manof-the-Finals prize of one year’s free supply of its cable television service, while the Best Batsman and Bowler of the finals would receive a DVD player and CD player respectively compliments of A. Ally & Sons of New Amsterdam. Several lucky spectators would win special gate prizes including bicycles, while several fun games would be played during the lunch break where more prizes would be up for grabs for fans. Managing Director of Namilco, Bert Sukhai, and Bakewell General Manager, Rajin Ganga, would be present to assist with the distribution of prizes after the finals.

PMTC 1 and Rollers win volleyball competition COMPETITIVE Volleyball returned to Skeldon after an absence of 13 years when the Berbice Volleyball Association (BVA) held the Rollers Old Boys Champion of Champions Lien Trophy Competition at the Skeldon Back Centre last Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, three lower-placed teams played a round-robin competition to qualify for the Sunday competition. Newcomers, Skeldon Jets, won the play-off and qualified to clash with the more established and experienced teams in another round-robin competition. After the round robin stages, PMTC 1 and Rollers clashed in the final which was won by PMTC1. The scores were 23-25, 25-17, and 15-7, in favour of PMTC1. Port Mourant Jaguars placed third and Skeldon Jets fourth. At the presentation ceremony held immediately after the competition, trophies and medals were presented to the first, second, and third placed teams by Mr. Clifton Phillips on behalf of the Rollers Old Boys. Quacy Matheson was adjudged the Most Valuable Player(MVP) and also the Best Spiker, while Jason Seelochan was the Best Setter; they both received trophies for their outstanding performances. The next BVA event is the Chattergoon Memorial Trophy Compettion, which will be held tomorrow at the Albion Sports Complex Court. (Michael Khan)

One newcomer named in Windies Under 19 team to tour Bangladesh ST. JOHN’S, Antigua, (CMC)- One newcomer has been named to the West Indies Under-19 team for next month’s tour of Bangladesh, the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) has announced. Jonathan Drakes, the right-handed batsman from Barbados, has been included on the squad to play seven 50-over matches against the Bangladesh Under-19 team. The West Indies will be captained by spin-bowling allrounder Ramaal Lewis of Jamaica with Jeremy Solozano, the left-handed opener from T&T as the vice captain. The 15-member squad includes most of

SHIMRON HETMYRE the players who played in last month’s seven-match series against Bangladesh Under-19s in Guyana. The West Indies Under

19’s tour of Bangladesh runs from December 2nd to the 21st. FULL SQUAD: Ramaal Lewis (Jamaica) - Captain,Jeremy Solozano (T&T) Vice Captain, Fabien Allen (Jamaica), Tagenarine Chanderpaul (Guyana), Bryan Charles (T&T), Tristan Coleman (Jamaica), Jonathan Drakes (Barbados), Shimron Hetmyre (Guyana), Jerome Jones (Barbados), R a y J o r d a n ( Wi n d wards), Brandon King (Jamaica), Preston McSween (Windwards), Marquino Mindley (Jamaica), Gudakesh Motie (Guyana) and Nicholas Pooran (T&T).


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

WADA doubles doping ban in new code THE World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has approved stricter punishments for athletes found guilty of doping, doubling bans to four years. A first major offence currently carries a two-year ban, with athletes banned for life if they test positive again. The new code, which comes into effect from 1 January 2015, means offenders will miss at least one Olympic Games. WADA also confirmed that Britain’s Sir Craig Reedie, 72, will become its new president

from 1 January next year. The former chairman of the British Olympic Association will succeed John Fahey, who has been WADA president for the last six years. WADA’s new code also introduces increased flexibility in the punishment of athletes who are found to have mistakenly taken banned substances or who co-operate with doping investigations. Doping policies will be custom-made for individual sports. “There is no point in the

chess federation, for example, testing for human growth hormones,” added Fahey. The revised code follows two years of re-evaluation, during which time the discovery of disgraced former cyclist Lance Armstrong’s extensive doping highlighted the tough battle for clean competition. The changes have been welcomed by British sporting bodies, with UK Anti-Doping chief executive Andy Parkinson saying: “In the UK we have consistently stated that anti-doping needs to continually evolve to protect

clean athletes. “Today we are delighted that many of the practices already implemented in the UK are now included in the revised Code and Standards, most notably tougher sanctions for cheats and a focus on intelligence-led and flexible programmes designed to both prevent and detect doping We now look forward to implementing these changes in partnership with sports in the UK, so we are able to further support our clean athletes.”

S. Africa seal series win after rush of Pakistan wickets (REUTERS) - THREE wickets in as many balls sent Pakistan tumbling from cruise control to defeat by six runs in the second Twenty20 international against series winners South Africa in Dubai yesterday. Set 151 for victory, Pakistan were 112 for four needing 39 from 32 balls for the win before Imran Tahir bowled Shoaib Malik (15) and Abdul Razzaq (0) in successive balls. Wayne Parnell then had innings top-scorer Sohaib Maqsood (37) caught by wicketkeeper Quinton de Kock at the start of the next over to rock the sub-continent side. They never quite recovered and as the run-rate slowed, South Africa were able to turn the screw. The key wicket of Shahid Afridi (14) with eight balls remaining sealed Pakistan’s fate and they ended their 20 overs on 144 for nine. Parnell finished with three for 25 in his four overs and was ably supported by Dale Steyn (two for 20) and Tahir (two

for 21). South Africa, who claimed the two-match series 2-0, had earlier won the toss and elected to bat with their top three doing the damage. Captain Faf du Plessis top scored with a fine 58 not out from 48 balls that included three sixes, while Hashim Amla rediscovered his form with 48 from 41 balls. Exciting young opener De Kock hit six fours in his 30 from 19 balls as the Proteas posted 150 for five in their 20 overs. Saeed Ajmal was again the pick of the Pakistan bowlers with three for 25 in his four overs, while Sohail Tanvir collected two for 21 in his four. The sides now travel to South Africa for a two-game T20 and three-match one-day international series starting on Wednesday.

Tiger Sports donates mobile scoreboard to ECCCC

THE Enmore Community Centre Cricket Club (ECCCC) has benefitted from the benevolence of one of its members, who on Sunday last donated a mobile scoreboard with the aim of keeping spectators up to date with scores at the venue. At a simple presentation ceremony, managing director of Tiger Sports of Enmore Old Road, Sheik Mohamed, presented the piece of equipment to club captain, Bheermaj Ramkellawan, in the presence of several young members of the club. Mohamed, the former national wicketkeeper/batsman, is a long-standing member of the club, and the left-hander said he saw the need for such an equipment since it will help to keep spectators abreast with scores of games being played at the Enmore Community Centre ground. He expressed delight at being able to give back to the club, where he grew up harnessing his skills many years ago. Responding on behalf of the

Former national wicketkeeper/batsman, Sheik Mohamed (second left), presents the scoreboard to club captain, Bheemraj Ramkellawan, and members of the ECCC. club, Ramkellawan thanked Mohamed for his kind gesture, adding that the former national cricketer has always been supportive of Enmore cricket, moreso since the club was resuscitated in February this year. The presentation was

done immediately after the ECCCC won the GT&T 35-over cricket competition by beating Fairfield by 83 runs, and according to Ramkellawan, there is a high level of talent in the club at the moment. The mobile scoreboard was used for the first time

at last Sunday’s final, and it will be in use again this Sunday when the Enmore lads take on the visiting Ontario cricket team in a specially arranged match at the Enmore Community Centre ground.

Britain’s Sir Craig Reedie, 72, will become WADA’s n ew p r e s i d e n t f ro m 1 January, 2015. Parkinson also welcomed the appointment of Reedie, adding: “Sir Craig is rightly held in very high regard within the sporting movement and around the table of WADA.

“The challenge for him over the next few years is to bring the public and sporting authorities closer together, and to lead the evolution and strengthening of compliance with the new code.” UK Sport chief executive Liz Nicholl added: “I am delighted to see the new WADA code has tougher sanctions for doping but also has scope to encourage athletes to disclose information which may lead to the authorities being able to root out more drugs cheats from elite sport.” WADA’s announcement follows that of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) in August, with the world governing body stating its intention to revert to a four-year ban for athletes found guilty of doping from 2014. It had cut the length of bans from four to two years in 1997 to bring it in line with other international sports bodies. (BBC Sport)

Berbice table tennis players go into action tomorrow

A DAY of smashing table tennis action is anticipated when the best players in Berbice go into action tomorrow at the Port Mourant Training Centre, Corentyne, Berbice, for the second edition of a one-day open ‘Knock Out Championship Tournament’ organised by the Berbice Table Tennis Sub Association. Throughout the past week the ancient county was a buzz as racquet wielders sharpened their skills at all available venues for the big day. The tournament is being sponsored by overseas based Berbician, Souvenir Ranmdyal, a 2009 Hall of Fame Realtor of Queens, New York, with assistance from two other overseas based Guyanese and former Berbice players, Patrick Narine and Lanny Anthony. The championship tournament is sanctioned by the Guyana Table Tennis Association. The competition is open to persons living and working in Berbice for the last three years and, both males and females are invited to participate in their respective categories. A number of categories including some new ones will be contested including the U-11, U-13, U-15, U-18, and novices. Over 75 entries have so far been received and serve-off time is 09:00 hrs. Incentives will be presented to the top three finishers in each division, while prizes will also be awarded to the most outstanding player, most promising, and most improved, among others. Transportation will be provided for all players; a bus expected to leave the Shell Gas Station in New Amsterdam at 08:00 hrs to take players to the venue. Officials from The Guyana table Tennis Association including President, Godfrey Munroe, and General Secretary, Linden Johnson, are expected to be on hand to overlook the proceedings and distribute prizes. Players are expected from all over the ancient county including Skeldon, Rose Hall, New Amsterdam, Berbice River, Canje and West Berbice. A number of institutions and schools are expected to participate including: the Guysuco Training Centre, the University of Guyana, and the Guyana Police force. The sponsor and members of his family and friends are expected to be on hand to meet the players, declare the competition open, and to assist in the distribution of some of the prizes at the end of the competition. Among the prominent players expected to be in action are: Gibran Hussein, Floyd Conway, Richard Bacchus, Levi Nedd, Omraj Singh, Rono Joseph, Ryan Alexander, Michael Newland, Brentnol Richards, Sherwin Sahadeo, Briton Murray, Joshua Lalbachan, Jadon Conway, Julian Haniff, Nicolas Lawrence, Stephen Sankar and top female players, Desiree Lancaster and Petal Bennett. (Michael Khan.)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

Pujara, Sharma centuries put India in sight of victory MUMBAI, India, (CMC)- A five wicket haul from spin bowler Shane Shillingford was overshadowed by centuries from Cheteshwar Pujara and Rohit Sharma that have put India within sight of victory against West Indies on the second day of the

second Test here yesterday. Shillingford again emerged the pick of the West Indies bowlers, collecting 5-179 from 43 overs but Pujara’s 113 and Sharma’s undefeated 111 have put India in the driver’s seat and nicely poised to make a

…Shillingford emerges pick of WI bowlers with 5-179

clean sweep of the two match series. Part-time off-spinner Narsingh Deonarine supported Shillingford, grabbing 2-45 from 11 overs, including the prized

Off-spinner Shane Shillingford brought West Indies back with Pujara’s wicket and recorded his fifth five-wicket haul in as many innings. Only Australia’s Charlie Turner, with six in six, is ahead of him. (Yahoo Sport).

Rohit Sharma remained unbeaten on 111, becoming only the fifth player ever to score tons in his first two Test innings as India finished at 495.

scalp of India star batsman Sachin Tendulkar, possibly playing his final innings in an unprecedented 200th and final Test. India were bowled out for 495 and West Indies now face the daunting task of saving the match at the Wankhede Stadium, after they closed the second day on 43 for three in their second innings, still 270 in arrears. West Indies ran into early trouble negotiating 14 overs before the close and losing the wickets of opener Kieran Powell, night-watchman Tino Best and left-hander Darren Bravo. In the space of 37 balls, Powell was caught at long-off for nine off Ravichandran Ashwin, Best was adjudged lbw to an arm-ball from leftarm spinner Pragyan Ojha for the same score, and Bravo was caught at slip off Ashwin from a cut for 11. Chris Gayle was not out on six with his compatriot Marlon Samuels set to follow when play resumes on Saturday’s third day. Before lunch, Deonarine and West Indies captain Darren Sammy forever had their names etched in history, when they linked up

to dismiss Tendulkar, as India reached 282 for three at the interval. To the disappointment of the thousands of fans of the little Indian master batsman in the stands and following the game around the World, Deonarine, had Tendulkar caught at slip by Sammy for 74, trying to guide a delivery to third man. Deonarine raced towards cover in jubilation and Sammy sank to his knees, as Tendulkar trudged away disappointed, his hope for fairy-tale departure hundred dashed, following a stand of 144 for the third wicket with Pujara. Tino Best had engaged in a fierce battle with Tendulkar, whose silky off-drive past the bowler for his ninth four brought him his 50 from 92 balls, and consecutive fours off Shillingford in his 13th over also had the Tendulkar touch of class about them. Pujara was fortunate on 76, when he turned a delivery from Shillingford to forward short leg and Powell appeared to take a catch. Standing umpire Nigel Llong of England consulted with square leg umpire and compatriot Richard Kettleborough before referring the decision to TV umpire Vineet Kulkarni of India. After several replays that suggested a clean catch and what seemed an eternity, West Indies hopes for another important breakthrough before the interval were ruined, much to their consternation. Shillingford struck again, when Pujara offered a tame return catch from a leading edge, and Best had India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni caught at second slip for four, leaving the home team 365 for six. After the break, West Indies had early success, when Shillingford claimed five wickets for the sixth time in his 12 Tests, when he had Bhuvneshwar Kumar caught at slip for four before Kieran Powell’s direct hit from deep mid-wicket at the striker’s end ran Pragyan Ojha out for a duck, leaving India 415 for nine. Shillingford thought he had Sharma and six wickets for the second straight Test, when the batsman swung him to cow corner and Deonarine moved under the ball to hold a tumbling catch - but umpire Llong asked for the dismissal to be reviewed and Kulkarni spotted a no-ball from the West Indies off-spinner. Deonarine wrapped the innings up when he had Mohammed Shami caught at deep backward square leg for 11.

Cheteshwar Pujara’s ability to convert was on display again as he went on to score his fifth Test century.

WEST INDIES 1st Innings (K. Powell 48; P. Ojha 5-40) INDIA 1st Innings (overnight 157 for two) M. Vijay c Sammy b Shillingford 43 S. Dhawan c Chanderpaul b Shillingford 33 C. Pujara c and b Shillingford 113 S. Tendulkar c Sammy b Deonarine 74 V. Kohli c Sammy b Shillingford 57 R. Sharma not out 111 M.S. Dhoni c Sammy b Best 4 R. Ashwin c and b Gabriel 30 B. Kumar c Sammy b Shillingford 4 P. Ojha run out (Powell) 0 Mohammed Shami c Best b Deonarine 11 Extras (b8, lb2, w2, nb3) 15 TOTAL (all out) 495 Fall of wickets: 1-77 (Dhawan),

2-77 (Vijay), 3-221 (Tendulkar), 4-315 (Kohli), 5-354 (Pujara), 6-365 (Dhoni), 7-409 (Ashwin), 8-414 (Kumar), 9-415 (Ojha) Bowling: Sammy 9-1-410; Gabriel 16-0-85-1 (nb1); Shillingford 43-6-179-5 (nb2); Best 18-0-93-1 (w2); Samuels 11-0-42-0; Deonarine 11-0-45-2 Overs: 108 WEST INDIES 2nd Innings C. Gayle not out 6 K. Powell c Mohammed Shami b Ashwin 9 T. Best lbw b Ojha 9 D.M. Bravo lbw b Ashwin 11 Extras (b4, lb4) 8 TOTAL (3 wkts) 43 Fall of wickets: 1-15 (Powell), 2-28 (Best), 3-43 (Bravo) Bowling: Kumar 3-0-4-0; Mohammed Shami 2-0-7-0; Ashwin 4.2-2-12-2; Ojha 3-1-12-1 Position: West Indies trail by 270 runs with seven second innings wickets standing

CRICKET QUIZ CORNER (Saturday November 16, 2013)

COMPLIMENTS OF THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market &The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230) & CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055)

Answers to yesterday’s quiz:

(1) 774 (WI vs IND, 1971) (2) England; Pakistan; Australia; New Zealand; In dia

Today’s Quiz:

(1) Put these in order beginning with the team that played Test cricket first: Zimbabwe; South Africa; Bangladesh; Sri Lanka (2) What is the highest ODI score made by a WI player in a losing cause?

Answers in tomorrow’s issue


GUYANA CHRONICLE Saturday November 16, 2013

F&H Printing Establishment $1M Countrywide Dominoes

Kumar issues challenge for national tournament ...Thunder named Best Dressed Team at March Past

By Calvin Roberts DIRECTOR of Sport within the National Sports Commission (NSC), Neil Kumar, last night issued a challenge to the organizars of the F&F Printing Establishment countrywide $1M domino tournament, for the hosting of a national tournament. Kumar was at the time, delivering brief opening remarks after observing the march past of nearly 505 of the 67 teams who will be doing battle today and tomorrow, competing in over 10 rounds of domino for the top prize of $500,000, trophy and medallions at the National Gymnasium, Mandela Avenue. “I am totally impressed with the enormous job that you had to do and the total effort you put in to make this tournament possible here today….Domino is not a game that looks and attracts one set of people and when you look around here today, you can see a true reflection of Guyana. I am not seeing one set of people, I am seeing a good mix and I am very pleased to see female teams competing amongst their male counterparts, with them being exceptionally good at the march past and I am totally pleased,” said Kumar. Having showered praised on Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of F&H Printing Es-

Director of Sport, Neil Kumar (left), and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of F&H Printing Establishment, Fazil Hakh (right), strike a pose with the victorious Thunder team after the march past and opening ceremony, while the championship trophies are on display forefront. tablishment, Fazil Hakh, and his son, Hazim, whose brainchild it was to have the tournament, Kumar said investing in the sport of domino is a good one, as they are giving back to the grassroots of Guyana. “Here is where you are giving back to the grassroots people; here you are giving back to the people around the country. If you are going to

have 67 teams competing, it is a true reflection of people who really wish to get involved,” said Kumar. While he encouraged the players to be disciplined and accept defeat in the same manner in which they accept victory, Kumar used the time to set the organizars the challenge. “You must host Regional championships. Bring together 60 to 70 teams from the various regions and let them play and

Bermuda shock Scotland, US edge Canada SHARJAH, United Arab Emirates, (CMC) – Bermuda produced the major shock of the day as they beat Scotland by 18 runs in their Group B opener in the ICC World Cup Twenty20 qualifiers here yesterday. In Group A, Jamaica-born Timroy Allen hit an unbeaten half-century as the United States rallied to beat neighbours Canada by five wickets with one ball remaining in Abu Dhabi. Dion Stovell, later named man- of -the match, topscored with 29 from 20 balls in Bermuda’s 149-7 after they won the toss and elected to bat, Lionel Cann chipping in with 27 and Allan Douglas 21. Scotland appeared well placed at 109-3 in the 15th over but left-arm slow bowler Derrick Brangman, one of five players in the team making their international T20 debuts, triggered a collapse, which saw them lose their last seven wickets for 22 runs, by having skipper Kyle Coetzer stumped by Kwame Tucker for 37. Skipper Janeiro Tucker (3-22) and Jacobi Robinson (3-8) then teamed up to complete the demolition with one ball to spare as Scotland, one of the tournament favourites, were bowled out for 131, to spark wild celebrations in the Bermuda camp ahead of today’s match against Denmark, who were trounced yesterday by Nepal. Earlier, 19-year-old pace bowler Kamau Leverock, son of Bermuda-based Barbadian police officer Dave Greenidge and nephew of former Bermuda slow bowler Dwayne

(Sluggo) Leverock, claimed the scalp of number three Matt Machan, who plays county cricket for Sussex, for five in his 1-24 from two overs. Papua New Guinea sprang another surprise in Group B, beating Kenya by four wickets, while the Netherlands crushed Afghanistan by seven wickets. The US slumped to 61-5 after restricting Canada to 137-6 but 26-year-old Allen, who made 50 not out from 41 balls, combined with Srini Santhanam to add 77 in an unbroken seventh-wicket stand and snatch victory. A total of 16 teams are competing in the qualifiers with the top three in each group advancing to next year’s T20 World Cup in Bangladesh. Results: Group A Ireland (166-5) beat Namibia (134-7) by 32 runs United Arab Emirates (89-2) beat Uganda (88-8) by eight wickets Hong Kong (111-3) beat Italy (110-8) by seven wickets United States (138-5) beat Canada (137-6) by five wickets Group B Bermuda (149-7) beat Scotland (131) by 18 runs Nepal (80-5) beat Denmark (79) by five wick ets Netherlands (92-3) beat Afghanistan (90) by seven wickets Papua New Guinea (177-6) beat Kenya (176-5) by four wicket

from that you get three or four to qualify for national championships, wherein we can have a good system in place and at the same time have a national, association, sub-associations, and the incubator, the clubs,” related Kumar. Meanwhile, prior to the draw being made for the first round of action last night, Thunder, for the second successive year started on a positive note when they strolled away with the Best Dressed Team at the march p a s t , w i n n i n g f o r t h e mselves $30,000 and a trophy, from B6 and Gangster in that order. Matches will resume today at 10.00hrs, with fixtures being issued last night to the various teams, while teams are asked to ensure adherence to time for today’s fixtures and also tomorrow’s which will be issued tonight. The coordinators warned that it is the responsibility of team Captains to ensure that at least they are present for the draw and receipt of fixtures, with teams who will be affected by bridge opening, asked to take note. Tomorrow, the quarter- finals, semi- finals and the finals will be played with matches set to commence at 12:00hrs sharp. To date, all the zone winners of the preliminary rounds have already received their prizes and the following prizes will be determined at the cul-

mination of the tournament tomorrow; winner $500,000, trophy and medals; runner up $250,000, trophy and medals; and third placed $100,000, trophy and medals. The fourth, fifth, and sixth placed finishers will pocket $60,000, $35,000, and $25,000 respectively, while those teams who have made it thus far in the tournament and came out empty handed, will pocket $10,000 each. In addition, the player who shares the first Double Love in the playoffs will receive $5,000; Best Female Player, $5,000; First Love (Finals) $3,000; Best Performing Team from far reaching areas $25,000; and Best Performing Corporation Team $15,000. The organiser would like to take the opportunity to thank all the teams for participating, particularly those that did not make it to the playoffs, Kumar, Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports, Courts (Guyana) Ltd and All Season Racing Service and Dave Persaud of Trinidad and Tobago. In addition, the organiser wishes to thank King’s Adverting for partnering with F& H Printing Establishment to ensure the successful hosting of this event, which F&H sees as part of its corporate responsibility and has committed to hosting annually.

Jamaica sprinter Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce may refuse to run By Ben Smith BBC Sport in Monaco SPRINT star Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce says she will refuse to run in major events unless Jamaica’s athletics authorities “stand by” their athletes. A senior drug tester told the BBC this week that Jamaica’s recent failed drug tests might be the “tip of an iceberg”. But the 26-year-old World and Olympic 100m champion said the comments “hurt”. “It is so important that our federation stands by our athletes. If it’s down to making sure things are up to scratch, I would [refuse to run],” she added. In 2010, Fraser-Pryce was banned for six months following a positive drugs test for oxycodone. She claimed it was in her system as a result of medication for toothache. Fraser-Pryce, who has been shortlisted for the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) world athlete of the year award, also said she was in advanced talks to set up a union in Jamaica to give athletes a voice and to offer support and education from 2014. Speaking ahead of the World Athletics Gala in Monaco, she told BBC Sport: “If there are certain things that are not up to standard then it [not running] is something you have to do. We believe we deserve to have good things, not to have our name tarnished at a time when we are doing so well. We need a voice to be able to stand up and say ‘you can’t say these things without having proof’. We have come so far in athletics in our country but we are still stagnant in other areas.” When asked specifically about the “tip of the iceberg” comment, Fraser-Pryce added: “That is exactly what I am saying. If you are Jamaican and make a statement like that then those things are hurtful.” Six Jamaican athletes have tested positive this year, but Fraser-Pryce claims the country does not have a doping problem. “We don’t have a doping issue - we are tested wherever we go,” she said. “There is no one in Jamaica saying ‘let’s dope up to run fast’. That is just not true. Where

we have issues is with our young athletes who are getting involved in doping issues because nobody is there to give guidance. “We are doing very well for our country internationally but when we are in Jamaica our athletes are not being looked after. We are selling our country and marketing our country to the word and not being paid for it. “Why aren’t we getting the support we deserve? A lot of our young athletes are struggling back in Jamaica. They are not able to get the medical attention they need, they are not able to eat properly. We are treated sometimes unfairly. It is almost as if they (the federation) don’t believe we are world class athletes. We are international athletes and we should be treated that way. We should be able to SHELLY-ANN say that if things FRASER-PRYCE don’t go our way we will not be running.” Fraser-Pryce has enjoyed another incredible year of success, adding three world championship titles, in the 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay, to the one gold and two silver medals she won in those events at the 2012 Olympics. But she rejected any suggestions that Jamaica’s doping problems had overshadowed her success. “I don’t think it has cast any shadow over my achievements,” she said. “It can get discouraging at times. Of course it is something I hope will get better. As athletes our job is to train and compete. There is nothing for me to hide.” (BBC Sport)


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Pujara, Sharma centuries put India in sight of victory

NSC/MCYS/MoH/GCF 7th Annual ‘Ride for Life’

Please see story on page 34

Persaud takes third stage, but Jeffrey still leads By Calvin Roberts

Up and away! Winner of yesterday morning’s third stage, Robin Persaud, forefront, is about to cross the line ahead of Team Coco’s Darren Matthews.

TACTICAL riding from Robin Persaud, saw him take the third stage from Wales to Bushy Park, East Bank Essequibo in the National Sports Commission/Ministry of Sports/Ministry of Health/ Guyana Cycling Federation seventh annual ‘Ride for Life’ five-stage cycle road race yesterday morning. Persaud, who rides under the Carlton Wheelers Cycle Club banner, did well to outsprint the Team Coco’s pair of Darren Matthews, who took the second stage the previous day and defending champion, Jaime Ramirez, to stop the clock at 58m: 42secs. Inaugural race winner Alanzo Greaves of Roraima Bikers Club, called on his sprinting ability to edge Continental’s Geron Williams for fourth position, three seconds after the front

Please see page 31

Congratulations Darren: Second stage winner, Darren Matthews, of Team Coco’s proudly accepts his stage jersey from Director of Sport, Neil Kumar, prior to the start of yesterday’s third stage. At left is National Cycling Coach and Race Coordinator, Hassan Mohammed.

Tendulkar falls short of fairytale farewell ton

Batsman falls for 74 to part-time spinner Deonarine: Innings was studded with 12 crisp boundaries By Sudipto Ganguly

MUMBAI, (Reuters) Sachin Tendulkar fell short of a fairytale ton in his farewell Test on Friday but the Indian batsman’s 74-run knock was embellished by a full repertoire of classy shots the ‘Little Master’ was renowned for during a sparkling 24-year career. The packed Wankhede Stadium was jolted from euphoria to deathly silence within a second as West Indies captain Darren Sammy pouched a sharp slip catch off part-time spinner Narsingh

Deonarine to bring an end to Tendulkar’s first innings knock. A sense of disappointment and disbelief hung in the air before the crowd came to terms with the magnitude of the moment to give their favourite sporting icon a prolonged standing ovation as he returned to the pavilion at his home stadium. “Thank you for the memories Sachin. We will miss you,” an emotional Sunil Gavaskar, former India captain and Tendulkar’s childhood hero, said from the commentary box as the batsman marched towards the changing

rooms for possibly the last time. Before his dismissal, chants of “Sachin, Sachin” reverberated around a stadium packed to its 32,000 capacity every time Tendulkar took his stance at the batting crease in the second morning session of his 200th test match. Resuming on 38, the most prolific run-scorer in international cricket had looked in fine form when he played a straight drive off paceman Tino Best to bring up his 68th fifty on the annivers a ry of his de but te s t

Please see page 31

Suddenly, on 74, Tendulkar edged to slip, where Darren Sammy silenced the crowd by taking a sharp catch.The thousands found their voices moments later and they roared Tendulkar off the field, probably for the final time.

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