Guyana chronicle november 14 2013

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PRICE: $60


Middle Street shooting terror…

State to fund funerals of slain cops, civilians - Minister Webster

Middle Street Shooting

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Kanhai was in lower flat of building, had no access to CCTV monitor

The youngest child of Vanessa Williams is comforted by Minister Webster during a visit to the grieving household yesterday morning (Photo by Leroy Smith)

… when I looked at his face I saw anger- salon proprietress

Cabinet Three charged with gives green $93M Port Kaituma heist light to SOCU … made

DEAD: Deryck Kanhai

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oral and written confessions

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Accused Amirullah Kuturatullah

Accused Anil

Accused Kenneth Garraway

Dr Roger Luncheon

- to probe suspicious financial transactions


Middle Street shooting terror‌

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

State to fund funerals of slain cops, civilians - Minister Webster

By Leroy Smith THE Government of Guyana will be standing the full funeral expenses for the two civilians who were killed on Tuesday by berserk businessman, Deryck Khanai, who shot them before securing himself in a salon located at the bottom of his apartment. While in there he continued his indiscriminate firing, kill-

ing two policemen, Lance Corporal Michael Forde and Constable Sherwin Pantliz. Yesterday the relatives of one of the policemen and the two civilians were visited by a high level team from the Guyana Police Force headed by Senior Superintendent and Staff Officer, Maxine Graham and other senior officers from the Police Welfare Department of the Force, along with Hu-

man Services Minister, Jennifer Webster and her team. Minister Webster reiterated that the shooting was indeed an unfortunate encounter as she entered the home of fallen police officer, Michael Forde to comfort his mother and other relatives and friends. Incidentally the woman is also a staff member of the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security. The minister promised the woman that the ministry will be doing everything possible to ensure that she get the support that is needed at this time. Senior Superintendent Graham brought a message of condolence from Police Commissioner, Leroy Brumell. The Senior Superintendent and Staff Officer told the grieving mother that the Guyana Police Force will do all that needs to be done to ensure that her son has a decent funeral and that she is comfortable thereafter. According to Staff Officer Graham, all benefits of the fallen officer will be handed over to the family following the due process. She noted that all police officers are mourning and hurting since the fallen cop was one of theirs.

Speechless, the mother of fallen police officer, Michael Ford responds in writing to Staff Officer Graham after she brought a condolence message from Commissioner of Police, Leroy Brumell and the Guyana Police Force yesterday morning


Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster comforts the next of kin of Hugh Allister Paul, Patricia Coats, who took care of the man in the absence of his biological relatives Meanwhile following the news of her son’s death the woman apparently went into a state of shock and up to noon yesterday was unable to speak

and had to communicate with relatives by writing. The woman communicated with her relatives by writing her thoughts in an exercise book.

After listening to Minister Webster and Staff Officer Graham the woman then wrote in her exercise book, expressing her gratitude to them and their organisations. The woman also showed the visiting officials that yesterday she and her son had a discussion and he expressed his reluctance in going to work and she forced him to get up and go to his job. Relatives noted that the woman has expressed her hurt that she forced her son to go to his job and he died. Webster and Graham were also told about Forde, uncannily communicating with relatives, friends and even senior officers as early as 4 am on Tuesday, apologising for wrongs he had done. They said that he even asked for forgiveness. The next stop was New Market and East Streets where the team met the next of kin to pensioner Hugh Allister Paul who was shot while passing through the area. It is widely believed that the man who is a very open person who

Please see page 3

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013


Cabinet gives green light to SOCU - to probe suspicious financial transactions

By Telesha Ramnarine CABINET last Tuesday finally approved the creation of the Serious Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) that will be dedicated to the investigations of suspect financial transactions suggestive of money laundering and financing of terrorism. The unit, expected to become operational before year-end, would be under the Commissioner of Police and would have a close relationship with the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr Roger Luncheon informed yesterday. Speaking at his usual post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President in Georgetown, Luncheon said SOCU is intended to be Guyana’s response to its treaty obligations to investigate suspicious financial transactions. SOCU’s creation is in response to non-parliamentary recommendations from the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF), he said. Funding was also approved by Cabinet for the unit’s operations. At an earlier press conference, Luncheon had said that the

State to fund funerals ... From page 2

liked to engage in conversations may have stopped to converse with the other shot victim, Vanessa Williams, when he himself was shot. His daughter who is said to be a doctor in the United States should be travelling to Guyana sometime soon. His next of kin, popular designer Patricia Coates, was given the assurance that all funeral arrangements and other assistance for the man would be done through her, since she was the person caring for him at the time of his death. SECURITY IS EVERYONE’S BUSINESS Following the visits the minister while speaking to the media called for the public to be more responsible and sensitive about what is happening in their environs. She made the call after being told that the man was seen walking along the street with a gun in hand and one in his waist. Security is everyone’s business, she remarked. The visit was wrapped up at the home of taxi dispatcher Vanessa Williams. Her house was filled with relatives, including her mother, grandfather, children and sibling. The family received words of comfort from Senior Superintendent Graham and the Minister Webster both of whom expressed sadness at the events of Tuesday in the city. The family was told that following the post-mortem, the family can approach the ministry and the entire funeral expenses will be taken care of by the Government of Guyana through the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security. The dead woman’s youngest child attends primary school and according to the minister, the child will receive counselling while her grandmother will be receiving financial assistance from the ministry to facilitate the continuation of her schooling. The child will be placed under the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security’s foster care programme.

formation of a functioning and effective SOCU and its dedication to investigating anti-money laundering crimes will remain on the front burner. Meanwhile, Guyana has violated every time-frame prescribed

SOCU’s creation is in response to non-parliamentary recommendations from the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF). Funding was also approved by Cabinet for the unit’s operations – Dr Luncheon. by CFATF. Currently, the country stands most likely to be placed on a list of non-compliant jurisdictions. “Should that occur, the ramifications for our commercial sector and our image as an investment and tourist destination are indeed as far reaching as they are profound. In the end, every single Guya-

nese would be affected,” explained Attorney General, Anil Nandlall recently. “Yet, the Opposition continues to make utterances which tend to suggest that they do not consider this as a matter of importance and urgency. Indeed, no other than the Leader of the Opposition was reported as saying that he is unconcerned about the deadlines fixed. “According to him, the APNU’s priority is for Guyana to Dr Roger Luncheon have a good Bill. It is either that the Leader of the Opposition does not understand the issues or does not care to understand the issues, and therefore wants Guyana to be blacklisted,” said Nandlall.

Opposition’s actions on antilaundering bill intended to hurt national interests - Luncheon By Telesha Ramnarine SECRETARY to the Cabinet, Dr Roger Luncheon yesterday said it is Cabinet’s contention that the opposition’s actions with regard to the non-passage of the Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Bill are clearly intended to hurt Guyana and its national interests. “And it is obvious that, that hurt is to be spread indiscriminately,” Luncheon said at his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President in Georgetown. “Their strategic objective, it seems, is Guyana and its future

and it would seem also that they are prepared to destroy Guyana in their efforts to remove the People’s Progressive Party from office. No doubt a reminder of what took place in the 1960s.” Last November 7, Luncheon said, the opposition political parties dealt their latest blow to Guyana’s development, not contented with their earlier “dastardly” assault on the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project. Ignoring its impact on the business and standard of living of Guyanese, he observed that APNU and AFC have taken their “anti-Guyana practices” to unprecedented heights, this time with the rejection of the AML/CFT.

Warnings and disclosures were provided about the consequences and the immediacy of the impact of the failure to enact the AML/CFT. “The Opposition has opted to disregard those warnings and disclosures. They have chosen to disregard the interests repeatedly expressed and displayed by the broadest possible cross-section of Guyanese,” said Luncheon. “Already, they have resorted to the blame game. Their apologists are being recruited to defend the indefensible. We are now told by one Lincoln Lewis that what happened and what will happen is the price that Guyana will have to pay.

“The irony of all this is that up to today, APNU has not provided nor published anywhere their specific amendments to the bill, their specific objections to the current CFATF provisions in the bill, endorsed by CFATF incidentally, or have they submitted additional provisions that exist in anti-money laundering laws in other jurisdictions. “Neither the Parliamentary Special Select Committee, the House, the stakeholders, nor the Guyanese people, were privy to this secret of APNU that one would have to believe was of such profundity that it would have caused them to reject the enactment of the bill,” Luncheon said.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

Desperate Philippine typhoon survivors loot, dig up water pipes (Reuters) - Desperation gripped Philippine islands devastated by Typhoon Haiyan as looting turned deadly on Wednesday and survivors panicked over shortages of food, water and medicine, some digging up underground water pipes and smashing them open. Five days after one of the strongest storms ever recorded slammed into cities and towns in the central Philippines, anger and frustration boiled over on Wednesday as essential supplies dwindled. Some survivors scrawled signs reading “Help us”. Controversy also emerged over the death toll. President Benigno Aquino said local officials had overstated the loss of life, saying it was closer to 2,000 or 2,500 than the 10,000 previously estimated. His comments, however, drew skepticism from some aid workers. Some areas appeared to teeter near anarchy amid widespread looting of shops and warehouses for food, water and supplies. There were reports of gunfire between security forces and armed men near a mass grave in worst-hit Tacloban in Leyte province, but city administrator Tecson John Lim denied the clash based on information he had received from the army. Eight people were crushed to death when looters raided

rice stockpiles in a government warehouse in the town of Alangalang, causing a wall to collapse, local authorities said. Other looters still managed to cart away 33,000 bags of rice weighing 50 kg (110 lb) each, said Orlan Calayag, administrator of the state-run grain agency National Food Authority. Warehouses owned by food and drinks company Universal Robina Corp and drug company United Laboratories were ransacked in the storm-hit town of Palo in Leyte, along with a rice mill in Jaro, said Alfred Li, head of the Leyte Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Tacloban city administrator Tecson John Lim said 90 percent of the coastal city of 220,000 people had been destroyed, with only 20 percent of residents receiving aid. Houses were now being looted because warehouses were empty, he said. “The looting is not criminality. It is self-preservation,” Lim told Reuters. Some survivors in Tacloban dug up water pipes in their desperate need for water. “We don’t know if it’s safe. We need to boil it. But at least we have something,” said Christopher Dorano, 38. “There have been a lot of people who have died here.” Resident Rachel Garduce said the aid - 3 kg (6 lb) of rice and 1 liter (34 ounces) of water per household a day - was not

enough in her ravaged Tacloban neighborhood. Her aunt in Manila, 580 km (360 miles)

Netanyahu says ‘bad deal’ with Iran could lead to war (Reuters) - ISRAELI Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Wednesday that a “bad deal” between global powers and Iran over its nuclear program could lead to war. His government said an offer on the table for what Washington calls a “modest” easing of sanctions would in fact negate up to 40 percent of the sanctions’ impact, reducing pressure on Tehran to give up a nuclear program that the West and Israel believe is aimed at building a bomb. The Jewish state has been lobbying hard against a proposed deal, which would initially offer partial relief from sanctions in return for some steps by Iran to constrain its activities. Negotiations between Iran and six U.N. powers - the Unit-

hijacked,” she said. Secretary Mar Roxas denied law and order were

People covering their faces pass a car in debris after super typhoon Haiyan battered Tacloban City, in central Philippines November 13, 2013. REUTERS/Edgar Su to the north, was travelling by road and ferry to bring supplies. “We are hoping she won’t get

breaking down. “It is wrong to say there is lawlessness in the city,” he told reporters.

Assad’s forces make further gains around Damascus (Reuters) - FORCES loyal to President Bashar al-Assad captured the southern Damascus suburb of Hujaira on Wednesday, part of a broader advance that has brought him major gains south of the capital before proposed international peace talks. Syrian state television and alManar, the channel of the Lebanese group Hezbollah whose fighters helped drive rebels out Hujaira, broadcast live footage showing sol-

DATE: 06/11/2013 A 04 27 11 26 12 22 25 DATE: 13/11/2013 N 18 03 01 15 13 02 20





diers in control of otherwise empty streets flanked by shelled buildings and ruins. “Southern districts that have been under rebel control for more than a year are falling one by one,” Damascus-based activist Rami al-Sayyed said, referring to gains by Assad’s forces around the capital. The capture of Hujaira came a day after Islamist rebels in Aleppo declared an emergency and summoned all fighters to




confront Assad’s forces who have taken towns to the southeast of the contested northern city and also challenged rebel control in the center of Aleppo itself. Since September’s deal between the United States and Russia to eliminate Syrian chemical weapons averted the threat of Western attack, Assad’s forces have also consolidated control around other cities along Syria’s north-south highway such as Deraa and Homs.





ed States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China - broke up without agreement in Geneva on Saturday but are scheduled to resume on November 20 with both sides saying they are optimistic. Western diplomats involved in the process declined comment on the Israeli assessment of how a deal might affect sanctions, saying the terms of any accord were uncertain and still secret. Iran says its nuclear program is peaceful. The United States and the European Union believe it is seeking a nuclear bomb and imposed tough oil and financial sanctions last year that have caused serious economic harm. Addressing Israel’s parliament in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said continued economic pressure on Iran was the best alternative to two other options, which he described as a bad deal and war. “I would go so far as to say that a bad deal could lead to the second, undesired option,” he said, meaning war. Israel, believed to be the sole nuclear power in the Middle East, has long said it reserves the right to use force to prevent Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon. However, many military experts doubt Israel has the capability to destroy Iran’s nuclear sites without U.S. help. Washington says it is important to seek a negotiated solution, especially since Iran elected a relative moderate this year as president, Hassan Rouhani. The United States has maintained that any initial change in sanctions on offer would be modest and reversible, but Israel says the benefits to Iran would be greater than implied and the steps Tehran would take would do little to curb its ambitions. Netanyahu’s point man on Iran policy, Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz, said the relief package offered to Iran as part of negotiations could be worth up to $40 billion.

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GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013


Brazil ex-President Joao Goulart to be exhumed

Grisly end: A fire officer removes the steel rods that flew off a three-tonne truck and pierced the windscreen of a Nissan AD Wagon, killing the driver, Jocelyn Taylor, yesterday afternoon, along Saddle Road, San Juan. — Photo: AYANNA KINSALE

FLYING STEEL KILLS WOMAN By Gyasi Gonzales (Trinidad Express) A woman was killed instantly on We d n e s d a y w h e n f l y i n g lengths of steel penetrated her windscreen and tore off part of her face and head along Saddle Road in San Juan. The victim was identified as Jocelyn Taylor, and several people who were near the scene of the accident said she lived at Sun Valley in Santa Cruz. The police refused to tell reporters what happened or even the woman’s name, despite repeated attempts to get from them the most accurate information possible. People who stood by, however, shared information they had. They said that around 2.30 p.m. Taylor was driving a Nissan AD Wagon, heading south along Saddle Road, when in the vicinity of a Ramesh & Leela express outlet she passed a three-tonne truck that had several lengths of steel rods on its tray. It is not known whether these rods had been secured properly, but the Express saw thin, frayed ropes that may have been used to secure the rods. As the car passed the small truck, some of the rods fell off and landed on the car’s bonnet, then immediately bent backward and pierced the car’s windscreen and tore off part of Taylor’s face. She was killed instantly. The truck driver, in the meantime, stopped. He came out and looked at the woman’s body, according to eyewitnesses. They said the man then bent down, held his head and even banged his head on his truck, screaming out, “I do that boy, I do that boy!” When officers of the San Juan Police Station arrived on the scene, they detained him and, up to last night, he was being questioned about what happened. Members of the public near the scene claimed Taylor was a secretary who worked in the

Santa Cruz RC Church in La Pastora. They also said she used her car to transport children to and from school. As her body remained in the car, her cellular telephone kept ringing, but the police did not answer it. “But that could be her family trying to call her,” said a woman who was standing close by. The police ignored her. San Juan police are continuing investigations.

(BBC News)The remains of a former president of Brazil, Joao Goulart, will be exhumed on Wednesday to establish whether he died of natural causes or was poisoned. Mr Goulart, widely known as Jango, died in 1976 in exile in Argentina. His cause of death was deemed to have been a heart attack. But a former Uruguayan intelligence officer has said Mr Goulart was poisoned by agents working for the region’s military governments. He governed from 1961 to 1964. Forensic scientists commenced work on Wednesday morning, digging a hole in the grave to create an escape for gases which had formed inside the tomb. MYSTERIOUS DEATH Mr Goulart, a progressive leader with left-wing sympathies during the height of the Cold War, was deposed in the 1964 military coup. He fled first to Uruguay, where he settled as a farmer, and in 1973 to Argentina on the

Griffith agrees:

They put their lives on the line every day (Trinidad Express) Minister of National Security Gary Griffith says something has to be done to ensure police officers are rewarded because they put their lives on the line every single day for strangers. “I think it is important in measuring performance to assist in rewarding police officers,” he said to reporters at the launch of the Ministry’s programme “A Country to Defend” at the Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain, Griffith also spoke of the introduction of the National Training Centre which will serve as the “catalyst” for information, to be sent in real time to the relevant agencies to fight criminal activity. President of the Police Association, Sgt Anand Ramesar, in response to William Joseph “Bill” Bratton’s statement that police officers should earn better salaries, told the Express: “It is a validation for the Association, which would have recently submitted its proposal for 2011/ 2013 salary negotiations, but he is not the only one who has recognised the need for proper compensation. The President, Anthony Carmona, would have recently made that acknowledgement and the Acting Commissioner of Police. “So moving forward with the Police Association in making things better, there is recognition that the performance resonates with maintaining the personal wellness of the individual police officers.” He said a study commissioned by the Government in 2009/2010 and carried out by a Canadian company recommended increases of up to 70 per cent increase for police officers.

invitation of its president, Juan Peron. Mr Goulart was found dead on 6 December 1976 in the Argentine city of Mercedes, nine

tion was carried out by the authorities in either Argentina or Brazil, where he was taken for burial. Doubts about his death resurfaced five years ago when a former Uruguayan intelligence officer serving a sentence for drug smuggling in Brazil alleged Mr Goulart was poisoned by Uruguayan agents at the request of Brazilian military rulers. ‘NEW CHAPTER’

The intelligence officer, Mario Neira, said the alleged murder was part of Operation Condor, a plan under which the military governments of ArgentiJoao Goulart, nicknamed Jango, was na, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay deposed in a bloodless coup in 1964 and Uruguay collaborated to eliminate their political opponents months after a military junta in the 1970s and 80s. had overthrown the government Neira alleges that Mr Gouof Juan Peron’s widow, Isabel lart died after his heart mediPeron. cation was swapped with one Officials at the time said altered to cause a cardiac attack, he had died of a heart attack, by agents working on behalf of but no post mortem examina-

the Brazilian military. Brazil’s National Truth Commission, which started work last year, agreed to investigate the claims with the help of the presidency’s human rights commission. “Today we will open a new chapter in the tale of mystery which has surround the death 37 years ago of the former president,” the human rights commission said in a statement. “The exhumation will put an end to the anguish of his family and thousands of Brazilians who have sufficient reason to believe that his death did not occur spontaneously, as stated in the death certificate - which was issued without a prior post mortem examination,” they added. The former president’s grandson, Joao Marcelo Goulart, said it was “a historic moment not just for the family but also for the country and all the relatives of those killed, disappeared, tortured and exiled by the military dictatorship”. Mr Goulart’s remains will be removed from the family pantheon in Sao Borja, a small Brazilian town near the Argentine border.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013


Da Costa urgently needs a psycho-analysis PERMIT me to refer to Mark Da Costa’s letter in the Stabroek News of Thursday November 7, 2013, under the caption: “Notwithstanding the Amerindian act of 2006, Govt’s paternalistic, patronising treatment of the indigenous peoples is unrestrained.”


Urgent need to address increasing violence THE nation has been sent into a state of shock with the senseless killing of five persons as a result of a man going berserk. What may have triggered his “tripping out” is anybody’s guess; and now that he is dead we may never know the answer to that question. But what we do know is that it is a tragedy of immense proportions as we have lost two courageous lawmen, a taxi driver, taxi dispatcher and of course the man who went berserk. This means therefore that the surviving relatives and loved ones would perhaps have to endure life-long trauma and emotional agony. This unfortunate and tragic incident certainly signals that something is radically wrong in our society and that violence and killings have reached an alarming level. Therefore there is a need to urgently arrest and reverse this troubling and worrisome trend before it is too late. Apart from the loss of life, limbs and property, increasing, violent behaviour has the potential of undermining stability and the social fabric of any nation. And there are numerous examples around the world today and in the past which demonstrate this. According to Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, violence causes more than 1.6 million deaths worldwide every year. More than 90% of these occur in low and middle-income countries. Violence is one of the leading causes of death in all parts of the world for persons ages 15 to 44. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has reported that worldwide, an estimated 250 000 homicides occur among youth 10–29 years of age each year. This is 41% of the total number of homicides, globally, each year. Youth homicide rates vary dramatically between and within countries. However, in all countries, young males constitute both the majority of perpetrators and victims of homicide. Rates of youth homicide among females are much lower than rates among males almost everywhere. In the years 1990–2004, rates of youth homicide have increased in many developing countries, and declined in several developed countries. For every young person killed by violence, 20–40 more sustain injuries that require hospital treatment. Non-fatal, violent injuries involve substantially fewer firearm attacks than fatal assaults and involve a greater use of fists, feet, knives and clubs. Sexual violence also affects a significant proportion of youth. For example, 3–24% of women surveyed in the WHO Multi-country study on women’s health and domestic violence, report that their first sexual experience was forced. Physical fighting and bullying are also common among young people. A study of 40 developing countries showed that exposure to bullying ranged from 8.6–45.2% in boys and from 4.8–35.8% in girls. Youth homicide and non-fatal violence not only contribute greatly to the global burden of premature death, injury and disability, but also have a serious, often life-long impact on a person’s psychological and social functioning. This can affect victims’ families, friends and communities. Youth violence

I wish to state the following in relation to this letter: 1. Guyana’s first peoples, the indigenous peoples are currently enjoying their fundamental rights and their right to self-determination under the Amerindian Act 2006. Any person claiming that this is not so is simply being a mischief maker and a carrier of misleading information. Da Costa is such a person and an ignoramus at that. 2. Is Mark Da Costa an indigenous person? If he is, then his European ancestry as well played a role in the exploitation of indigenous peoples some 200 years before independence, since “Da Costa” is a European surname. So Guyana’s indigenous peoples do not need “Johnny– come-lately Europeans” like Mark da Costa to mislead them about their rights. 3. Da Costa claims in his letter that “indigenous Guyanese do not need their identity certified by the Minister of Amerindian Affairs who represents the state of Guyana”. This is absolutely misleading, since no section of the Amerindian Act 2006 provides this power to the minister. Da Costa was apparently reading the old Amerindian chapter 29:01 instead of the new Amerindian Act 2006.But this is disgraceful on the part of Da Costa who merely wants to score cheap political points on the status quo of Guyana’s indigenous peoples which he has failed to score. 4. The Amerindian Act 2006 is not “Melinda Janki’s laws”, neither is it a “tool of oppression and control” as ridiculously claimed by Da Costa in his letter. Janki was one of two legal advisers who drafted the Amerindian Act 2006, based upon the recommendations made by the indigenous communities of Guyana during the three years of intensive consultations for a new Amerindian Act. So the provisions contained in the Amerindian Act 2006 are the wishes of Guyana’s indigenous peoples and not Melinda Janki. Further, Guyana’s indigenous peoples would never have recommended an Amerindian act to be a tool for their “oppression and control.” Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) consultations were credible, transparent and inclusive. The majority of the Amerindian communities in Guyana fully support Guyana’s LCDS. At the Na-

Firearm licences should be reviewed

I WISH to once again send out a call to the Ministry of Home Affairs along with the Guyana Police Force to review the licences of firearm owners. I made this call five years ago and to date have not seen any intervention in this regard. I know of several licensed firearm owners who brandish their weapons in public places and threaten people to shoot them when involved in arguments. Some licensed owners are also handicapped or either too old to carry a firearm. I do really think that one must pass a medical check up to become the owner of a licensed firearm. The same should be done for drivers’ licences. There are too many drinking and speeding on the major roadways of Guyana. Lots of the drivers are either too young or acquire their licences through questionable means. I am looking forward for some changes for a better year ahead. Good Luck. ANDRIEKO BASIR adds greatly to the costs of health, welfare and criminal justice services; reduces productivity; decreases the value of property; and generally undermines the fabric of society. Violence breeds violence and it should be discouraged and curbed whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head. The goal of every society should be to strive towards becoming a violence-free one because only in peace and harmony can real progress be achieved. In fostering that goal, we need to work collectively with a deep sense of commitment at all levels of society and among every community and groups of people.

tional Toshaos Council (NTC) conferences all resolutions relating to Guyana’s LCDS were passed by the Toshaos since the launch of the strategy in June 2009. So the matter of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) is a non-issue. The few Toshaos who did not support the resolutions did so on the basis of the political opposition. 5. Da costa said in his letter that “Ms Janki acknowledges that indigenous Guyanese have no rights to minerals on their titled lands.” Da Costa is lying on Ms. Janki here. What Ms. Janki might have said is that no Guyanese and non-Guyanese can claim ownership of minerals, since all minerals are the absolute property of the state (sections 6&9 of the mining act). But while indigenous Guyanese do not have the right of mineral ownership, they have the right to the minerals through mining activities on their village lands which they are currently doing. In fact, section 48 of the Amerindian Act 2006 provides Amerindian villages with the power to manage minerals found in their village lands and to give permission if the village consents to any miner who wants to conduct mining activities on village lands in return for a tribute of at least 7% of the value of any minerals obtained from village lands (section 51(1) of Am. Act 2006). Some villages however have bargained for a tribute of more than 7% which is permitted based on the “at least” phase. 6. Twenty per cent of the royalties from mining activities is transferred to the Amerindian Development Fund by the GGMC. This fund, which is well managed and accounted for is used by the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs for Amerindian community development and to provide other forms of assistance. Da costa in his letter said that the fund is not properly accounted for by the Government. Can Da costa provide solid evidence for his claims? 7. But Da costa quite rightly said, “Who feels it knows”. Da costa and his ilk are currently feeling the hurt when over 170 toshaos bluntly ignored their political protest while the NTC conference sessions were in progress last month. The toshaos showed Dacosta and his APA that they were strong and capable enough to represent themselves before the President of Guyana and his Government ministers and that the APA’s political Protest was a waste of time and ended up in miserable failure. 8. Finally Mr editor, Da Costa’s letter in the Stabroek News is a reflection of a person that has an identity problem and worst of all, it is contaminated with lies wickedly designed to mislead the reading public about the situation of Guyana’s indigenous peoples. 9. Da Costa urgently needs a psycho-analysis. PETER PERSAUD

Call for end to corporal punishment welcomed IT was reported in the media that a welfare organisation says no to corporal punishment. Well, it’s only now these people are waking up to the harsh realities of life when it comes to violence on children in our schools. For years now the ordinary man had been calling for the legal authority to abolish this so-called “corporal punishment”, but it kept falling on deaf ears. I have been saying for years now in this very medium that “corporal punishment” is nothing but “assault” on innocent, defenceless children who cannot defend themselves against adults. Take a survey by asking kids who were beaten in school by their teachers if they fear going back to that teacher. The answer will be a resounding “NO” It is what it is and its child abuse. There are many teachers who have other problems on their minds only to come to school and take it out on innocent children. I have seen it before and wrote about it before. As a student I was beaten by a teacher just because he wanted to have a word with my girlfriend after classes were over. Again, I will repeat that was the last day of my school days because I did not take that beating and sit and cry. I defended myself. Put a stop to adult assault on innocent children now, not next week next month next year- do it now. T. KING

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013


Middle Street Shooting

Kanhai was in lower flat of building, had no access to CCTV monitor

…when I looked at his face I saw anger- salon proprietress By Leroy Smith

The area where Kanhai was shot dead on Tuesday (Photos by Leroy Smith)

The wall in the isolated room where the businessman fired his last shot, indicating the amount of bullets which penetrated the walls.

CONTRARY to the much-publicised claim, even by the police and sections of the media, that businessman Deryck Kanhai monitored the movement of the police around the building with the use of his closed circuit television cameras while in the middle or upper flat of his three-storeyed building, the fact is that he did not. Yesterday the Guyana Chronicle revisited the Middle and East Streets location. That junction was the centre of firepower drama for more than three hours on Tuesday as the businessman battled the police during a standoff after he gunned down two civilians and killed two police officers during the exchange of fire. During that visit, the Guyana Chronicle was informed that the now dead businessman was in the lower flat of the building which houses a beauty salon. It was also pointed out that the man shot at the police even as the door to the salon was wide open. The Guyana Chronicle was granted a walk-through of the middle flat of the building which is divided into two sections, one occupied by Deryck Kanhai and the other by his brother. While in the middle flat of the building a relative showed this reporter the extent of the damage to both of the apartments with shattered glass, televisions, wall pictures, ceiling, house hold appliances, home furnishing and the two 40” monitors which are usually used to monitor the CCTV cameras around the building. These were located in Deryck’s apartment and to which he had no access during the shootout on Tuesday. The relative would not allow any entry into the man’s bedroom saying that it was off limits for the moment. This publication was unable to gather from family members what were some of the items within that room and what the extent of the damage was. A walk through of the lower flat of the building was granted to this publication also. That section of the building told a story of a gun battle that raged for hours. There was a wall that separated the salon from the lower flat of the man’s apartment which also has a stairs leading to the upper flat of the gunman’s apartment. There was a hole in that wall that was created by the police after they made another hole in the façade of the building next to the front door that leads to the man’s apartment. Those holes were to gain access to the salon since entering from the front door was very risky. As the police made the holes and began closing in on the gunman, he retreated to an isolated section of the salon and closed an inner door. In that little enclosed room, there were more than one hundred bullet holes which the police labelled, beginning with the number one and counting. Yesterday, the proprietor of the salon told this newspaper that she was in the salon attending to a customer when she heard gunshots and on peering out she saw the businessman with his gun in hand. She said that her initial thought was that the man was being attacked by bandits and she secured herself in a corner of the shop, but quickly removed herself after realising that she was seeking coverage from a wall which can be penetrated by bullets. She said that she and her customer then ran into the washroom area of the salon and as they hid there, she saw the businessman peering in at them. She said that by that time she realised that it was the man who was doing the shooting. The woman said that when she looked at the man’s face she saw anger and frustration and quickly ran out of the salon; and it was seconds after running out of the business without locking the door that the man ran around from the back of the building and entered the salon without closing the door behind him. There were no television monitors in the salon that could have been used to monitor the CCTV cameras which were around the building. Those monitors were fitted in the man’s apartment in the upper flat. This publication was informed that the police took away the firearm of the man’s brother, four I Pads, one unopened GPS, three cellular phones, gold jewellery, cash and ammunition from the middle flat. Yesterday the man’s brother apologized to the people of Guyana and said that he was very upset at the actions of his brother because the people he shot were all innocent. The Guyana Chronicle was also reliably informed yesterday that the man was in the habit of purchasing ammunition and stockpiling it at his home.


Court told…

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

Three charged with $93M Port Kaituma heist … made oral and written confessions

THREE men appeared before Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine-Beharry yesterday, charged with the $93M heist committed on El Dorado Gold Trading Operations at Port Kaituma, North West District, last week. Licensed money lender and farmer Amirullah Kuturatullah also called ‘Iron Roller’, 46, of Lot 23 Number Two and Anil Dairam, 25, a large scale farmer, also of Number Two Settlement, Blairmont, West Bank Berbice and Kenneth Garraway, of Lot 30 Charity, Essequibo Coast, were not required to plead to the indictable charge. Particulars of the offence said, on Friday, November 8, at Port Kaituma, they stole 96 ounces of gold valued $22M and $71M cash, making a total of $93M, property of Tamesh Jagmohan. Kuturatullah was also charged with possession 16 gold bars and a quantity of forged $100 and $50 Barbados currency notes in his ceiling, on Sunday, November 10, at the Number Two Settlement, Blairmont house. Attorney-at-law, Mr. Glenn Hanoman, prosecuting, requested that the matter remain indictable at this stage. He told the court that the virtual complainant operates a business trading and purchasing raw gold which he is licensed to do and the allegation is that the General Manager of the company (no name stated) orchestrated the crime that appeared to be a robbery. Hanoman said he procured Kuturatullah and Dairam, whom he knew previously, to travel from Berbice to Port Kaituma with Garraway in his boat a few days before the robbery. He added that one of the principal offenders is not yet charged. Hanoman said the three accused collected all the gold and cash and returned by boat to Charity and the Berbicians went back to their homes. He said the GM confessed to his involvement in the crime at an early stage and took the police to the house of the numbers one and two accused, where millions of dollars in money and several ounces of gold bars were found. The prosecutor said that the person was employed with the company sometime prior to the offence being committed and the number two hid under the bed during that time and pounced on a worker and tied him up. They then made good their escape and headed to Charity.

Accused Amirullah Kuturatullah also called ‘Iron Roller’

WRITTEN CONFESSIONS He said oral and written confessions were taken from all the accused, a quantity of gold and money was also recovered from them, as they all cooperated with the police in the investigation. Hanoman said others are likely to be charged and taken to court for the offence and, although, violence has been used in the commission, persons have not been charged for it. Other articles believed to have been stolen were found, as well as some other property, the origin of which the police are trying to ascertain. The possibility that the same group may be involved in a past robbery and in particular one robbery/murder that occurred in the

Accused Anil same office, involving the same employee a few years ago, is being investigated, Hanoman said. He added that permission has been granted for the principal suspect to remain in police custody so that he may be charged along with others.

Venezuelan political opposition paying attention to Eteringbang – local intelligence service

By Telesha Ramnarine GUYANA’s intelligence community has noted the recent attention being paid by the political opposition in Venezuela to Eteringbang and the bordering Guyanese communities. “This interest is in the context of their attitude to Guyana’s Essequibo,” said Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr Roger Luncheon yesterday. He was speaking at his regular post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President in Georgetown. According to their published plans, Luncheon said their members, particularly their legislators, have undertaken to visit and have

been visiting Eteringbang, accompanied by elements of the Venezuelan paramilitary establishment. “Our joint services detachments in the location have been made aware of these planned visits and they have been ordered to remain vigilant in the context of such visits.” Meanwhile, legislators who have been identified from opposition parties in Venezuela have had at least one visit so far to the area that has been documented by Guyana’s security and intelligence services. “It has been a visit that accords with all of the rules and regulations that govern the visit and movement across the borders,” Luncheon noted.

Accused Kenneth Garraway Hanoman mentioned that approximately $5.5M was given to the number three accused as part of the proceeds and he took the police to his home and pointed out a person who kept in excess of $4M cash in a bag. The prosecutor objected to bail for the trio, stating that all three accused may pose as flight risks and might communicate and tamper with other witnesses if granted pre-trial liberty. He added that more time is needed for the investigation to be completed, since police from Port Kaituma have been compromised, causing the delay to charge. Hanoman said, too, that it is hoped to have this trial in Georgetown, because all the investigators are stationed there and are seeking to expedite this matter. Additional charges are expected to be laid and investigations are ongoing. Attorney-at-law, Mr. Nigel Hughes, who represented Garraway, argued that the latter is a boat captain, transporting passengers from Port Kaituma to Charity and is unclear of his involvement in the actual robbery as his job is a boat operator. Counsel argued that it is impossible to isolate them at this time because even persons in prison can contact others outside, such as attorneys, family members and friends. BAILABLE OFFENCE Other attorney-at-law, Mr. Tejnarine Ramroop, for Kuturatullah and Dairam, said the duo are being charged with simple larceny, which is a bailable offence and bail should not be used as form of punishment. Ramroop said Kuturatullah was never convicted except being charged for a minor traffic offence and, in relation to what the prosecutor said, about his clients tampering with witnesses, he is fearful for them remaining in custody because they may be tortured. He claimed the prosecution does not have evidence to prove that his client will flee the jurisdiction and he is willing to lodge his passport until the trial is finished. Hanoman asked that all the accused get medical attention from a doctor if they have been tortured. Hughes intervened to state: “If you water board or black bag someone, it will leave no tangible identification of torturing and neither of these forms of torture would be identified by a medical doctor.” The prosecutor argued that, through psychiatric evaluation, these inflictions can be indentified and the defence lawyers’ application, for their clients to be psychiatrically evaluated by a professional, was granted. However, bail was refused and all three accused were remanded to prison until November 22.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

Police faced crowd control problem


... during Tuesday shootout

CROWD control was a problem for the police on Tuesday during the shootout between them and berserk businessman Deryck Kanhai in Middle Street, Georgetown. As rapid gunshots rang out shortly after 13:00 hrs, people, instead of scurrying for cover, ran towards the scene by the dozens. They continued to fill the nearby streets although there was a dangerous stand-off involving members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the civilian shooter. It appeared as though people were not fearful for their lives as they remained in the vicinity even as police and the lone gunman traded bullets for more than two hours. Despite police warnings to retreat and allow them to handle the situation, many people reacted rudely and disrespectfully, heckling the ranks loudly. Dozens of teenagers and adults refused to leave the area and continued to disregard the police pleas for them to disperse. Even after the gunfire ceased, they found innovative ways to get a better glimpse of the dead and injured, some climbing onto parked vehicles while others took to rooftops of nearby buildings and yet more just stood around. LARGE THRONG Police tried to keep the large throng at bay and managed, after sometime, to set up barricades in an effort to get some semblance of order. The groups did not budge, though, and continued to taunt the ranks trying to get them away from the location. Media operatives had the devil’s own job of getting to take pictures while securing themselves from gunshots. However, others with cameras threw caution to the wind as they snapped photos from their cell phones at the corners of Middle and East Streets. Eventually, the police secured the crime scene and were able to carry out their investigations, while some cried openly for their two colleagues killed in the confrontation.

The crowd of onlookers at the Tuesday shootout

Home Affairs Ministry, APNU offer condolences over tragic deaths By Michel Outridge THE Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) yesterday expressed its deep sadness over the shooting incident that occurred on Tuesday at Middle and East Streets, Georgetown, which resulted in the death of five persons, including two policemen and the alleged shooter. The shooting incident that occurred on 12th November, 2013 was most unfortunate, the Home Affairs Ministry stated. The MOHA also extended its condolences to the relatives of the cops who lost their lives in the line of duty and the two civilians who were brutally murdered. This incident reinforces the contention of this ministry that there is a dire need for well-trained specialised units in the Guyana Police Force to respond to similar types of incidents. The MOHA said: “We are now more than committed to ensure that the SWAT team is established in the Force within the time frame stipulated.” The MOHA however, commends the efforts that were made by

An apology

IN our yesterday’s edition, in the article: “Businessman kills two policemen, two civilians before he’s shot dead”, we inadvertently stated that the businessman might have had connections to the El Dorado Mining Company which was recently robbed. We wish to retract this statement and apologise to the management of the El Dorado Mining Company for any inconvenience caused

the brave ranks who responded to the incident. APNU Meanwhile, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) strongly condemns the recent incidence of violence and calls on those responsible for public safety to take all necessary steps to put an end to this upsurge of violent crime that present a clear and present danger to law and order in civil society.

APNU extends its sincere sympathy to the relatives and friends of all who lost their lives in the Middle Street killings and the brutal murder yesterday in West Ruimveldt. APNU takes this opportunity to restate our position that the safety and security of citizens under the current leadership of the Minster of Home Affairs is severely compromised. APNU remains committed to working with all the relevant government agencies to ensure that all Guyanese can enjoy a good life in safe and secure communities.

CABINET OKs $176M contract for Linden-Lethem roadway rehab By Telesha Ramnarine CABINET last Tuesday granted it’s no objection to a contract worth over $176M for the rehabilitation and maintenance of the Linden-Lethem roadway, Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr Roger Luncheon said yesterday. Luncheon, also Head of the Presidential Secretariat, was speaking at his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President in Georgetown. Work to maintain the 300-odd miles roadway in good condition has been ongoing in recent months. Naeem Mohamed, Hinterland Roads Engineer in the Ministry of Public Works, recently said that overall, the Linden-Lethem roadway is in good shape and the road at present is quite traversable. Mohamed said emergency works at ‘Mile 40’on the road to Mabura, Region 10 (Upper Demerara/Upper Berbice) on a

bridge at Mango Tree in the Iwokrama concession in Region 8 (Potaro/Siparuni); and on another bridge at Aranaputa in Region 9 (Upper Takutu/Upper Essequibo) had been completed at a cost of $10M with minimal disruption of traffic along the roadway. He disclosed, too, that the Moco Moco Bridge along the Culvert City trail in Region 9, which had collapsed earlier this year had been repaired at a cost of $12.5M and access to the Deep South Rupununi is once again hassle-free. Five log bridges along the Linden-Lethem road between Siparuni Junction and Kurupukari, which are said to be in a critical condition, are to be repaired soon. A contract valued at $16M has been awarded to Mekdeci Machinery and Construction (MMC) for the execution of these works.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

Sabha says heartfelt thanks following Diwali celebrations PRESIDENT of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, Dr. Vindhya Vasini Persaud, has expressed her heartfelt thanks to the thousands who came out to view the Sabha’s countrywide motorcades. Motorcades were held in all of the Sabha’s eight Praant - Upper Corentyne, Central Corentyne, East Berbice, West Berbice, East Coast Demerara, East Bank Demerara, West Coast Demerara and Essequibo. According to a press release from the President of the Sabha, she is touched by the outpouring of support for their efforts to sustain an almost 40-year tradition started by Pt. Reepu Daman Persaud. She also expressed her appreciation to the hundreds who participated in creating floats for the motorcades around the country and recognized the growing numbers of youths who engaged in the exercise. Children and young people beautifully adorned sat patiently on the floats and earned the admiration of all who viewed the spectacular floats. The Sabha wishes to encourage more participation next year as the organisation celebrates its 40th anniversary, especially from the business community and corporate world. The Sabha is proud that Guyana hosts the only motorcade in the Caribbean and is the genesis of those started in North America. Our motorcades were featured on CNN as part of a feature on notable DiDr Vindhya Persaud wali celebrations around the world. DISRUPTIONS While the Sabha is pleased with the growth of Diwali in Guyana and the participation in the festival by Guyanese of all walks of life, the President of the Sabha was vociferous in her condemnation of the alarming rise of disruptions of Diwali Pujas, satsangh and lighting of diyas experienced by families and mandirs in several communities

by the wanton throwing of squibs and fire crackers. She was emphatic that squibs and firecrackers have no place in the celebration of Diwali and neither does the sale and consumption of alcohol close to temples and religious premises. The wanton disregard for people, their properties, animals and celebrations by those who purchase and use these dangerous items should be condemned. It is illegal and poses a noise nuisance and a danger to those they are thrown at and is disrespectful in the extreme to those engaging in the observance of their festivals.

The Sabha is proud that Guyana hosts the only motorcade in the Caribbean and is the genesis of those started in North America. Our motorcades were featured on CNN as part of a feature on notable Diwali celebrations around the world - President of the Sabha

PERSONS URGED TO DESIST We call on persons to desist from this practice and on the police to continue their efforts to sanction those who insist on carrying out these acts. The Sabha’s founder and President of the Sabha, Pt. Reepu Daman Persaud, was instrumental in having some order restored around the Alexander Village Mandir during Diwali time and we at the Sabha will continue to advocate for respect to be given to all at Diwali time and also on other religious occasions throughout the year. The Sabha wishes to sincerely thank the judges of the Georgetown/East Coast Demerara Motorcade, Pradeep Samtani, Minister

of Culture, Dr. Frank Anthony, Harry Parmesar, Dr. Seepersaud Chatterdeo and Philbert Gajadhar for their competent judging of the motorcade. Also thanks to the newly-launched E-Networks Orchestra, Rekha Singh, Sookrane Boodhoo, Caribbean Hotshots Band, popular Bollywood singer Jeffrey Iqbal who thrilled patrons at the Diwali Utsav, and the Dharmic Nritya Sangh for entertaining thousands at the LBI Community Centre Ground. The Sabha congratulates the winners of the Diwali Motorcade 2013 and thank their sponsors profusely for coming on board and supporting the magnificent celebrations of the Sabha. WINNERS The winners of the Georgetown/East Coast Demerara Motorcade were: Large Category - 1st Better Hope Mandir, 2nd- PYO, 3rd –Balessar Family, 4th- Soesdyke Vishnu Mandir, 5th- Dharmic Naujawan, 6th – Lusignan Radha Krishna Mandir, Commercial – Edward B. Beharry and Co. Small Category - 1st- Success Mandir, 2nd- Rosignol Mandir, 3rd- Montrose Bhakti Bhawan Mandir, 4th- Bushlot Vishnu Mandir, 5th Station St. Community, 6th- Strathavon Mandir. Special Prizes were won for most creative floats by Balessar family, Rosignol Sanatan Mandir, Golden Om Dharmic, Bushlot Vishnu Mandir. The Andrew Art’s Prizes for newest mandirs were won by Soesdyke Vishnu Mandir and Bushlot Vishnu Mandir. The DIGICEL sponsored prize for best overall float was won by the PYO. The Sabha also expressed its gratitude to sponsors Digicel, ICEE, E-Networks, GBTI, Courts (Guyana) Inc., Southland International Inc, NTN, TCL (Guyana) Inc., Demerara Bank Ltd, GPL, Digicom, Neil and Massey (Guyana) Group, UMDA PHALKA Ghee, GUYOIL, Metro Office and Computer Supplies, L. Seepersaud Maraj and Sons, Giftland Office Max, Tony’s Auto Spares, Laparkan Holdings, SOCA, NAMILCO, Anje’s, TSD Lal and Co, Barcellos Narine and Co., Rent-a-Tent and NCN, B. K Marine Inc. and GUYSUCO for their support.

CARICOM in midst of ‘major reform’ process - LaRocque By Vanessa Narine THE Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is in the middle of a “major reform” process, a three-year undertaking, according to Secretary-General, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque. He was speaking on Tuesday at the signing of the revised UNESCO-CARICOM Memorandum of Understanding and meeting of UNESCO’s Director-General Irina Bokova and CARICOM delegations to the Thirty-Seventh UNESCO General Conference in Paris, France. LaRocque said: “As CARICOM celebrates its 40th year of regional integration it is in the midst of a major reform process as we chart a new course for the Community, seeking increased relevance and greater efficiency. This process includes the development of a Strategic Plan and the restructuring of the CARICOM Secretariat and the Community’s Institutions.” The Secretary-General noted that CARICOM Member States face a myriad of challenges, particularly in the social sector, but have still recorded many successes. LaRocque, speaking recently on the vision for CARICOM’s future in Trinidad and Tobago, maintained that instituting change is never easy and is more difficult if it is attempted in the face of entrenched attitudes and structures. However, he noted that the CARICOM’s reform process encompasses every facet of its operations. The Secretary General said: “In short we are changing the way we do business. Heads of Government agreed in March 2012 that since ‘form followed function’, it was necessary to re-examine the future direction of the Community and the arrangements for carrying this forward. “This includes the role and function of the CARICOM Secretariat and the institutions of the Community. “A Change Facilitation Team has been recruited to assist me with this process of change. The team is currently undertaking consultations in Member States on the first ever Strategic Plan for the Community. “These country consultations provide an opportunity for nationals of each Member State and Associate Member to influence the strategic direction of the Community, their Community, our Community.” The five-year Strategic Plan, according to him, will set out a common vision and identify priority areas of focus over the period. Critically, the reform is also expected to address issues of implementability, including the roles and responsibilities of all participants in the Community architecture: namely the Conference of Heads of Government; the Ministerial Councils; the bodies such as the Committee of Central Bank Governors and the Budget Committee; the CARICOM Secretariat; and the institutions; as well as issues of

governance, institutional and operational arrangements and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. The CARICOM Head contends that a major realisation in going forward is that the current and future situation demands that “we change our modus operandi and crucially the way we think” about integration. “Our capacity to respond to the various challenges and to exploit such opportunities as they may bring, depend in significant measure, on the extent to which our arrangements can be strengthened,” he said. CONSULTATIONS LaRocque noted that the consultations on the Strategic Plan are not starting with a blank slate; rather they are taking from approved policies and programmes as a starting point. The policies include: the 2007 Single Development Vision; the Strategic Plan for Regional Economic Development, on which there was close collaboration between the Secretariat and UWI; the priorities articulated by Heads of Government themselves at their retreat held in Guyana in May 2011; and approved policies and action plans in a range of areas, such as agriculture, energy, industry, security, health, youth, ICT and climate change, to name a few. These policies and programmes are then taken in the context of the rapidly changing global environment that impacts our Member States, to chart the way forward. As at the start of October, eight consultations were completed. The Secretary General stated that the common themes emerging include: the need to address economic recovery and growth as a core strategy over the next five years; the need to strengthen governance and decision-making arrangements, beginning with the Heads of Government Conference, to secure a more effective Community; the need to solve the challenges with inter-regional transport, the free movement of persons including hassle free travel, as critical success factors for regional integration; the need to secure the Region’s future through targeted interventions in agriculture for food security, energy security, education, health and ICT; the need to re-ignite the fire of regionalism among our Caribbean people, through shared understanding and building of a sense of Community; the need to communicate fully and consistently with the people on the issues of integration; and the need to embrace and optimise the diversity of the people and Member States that lend to our strength as a unified Region. “It is clear from the consultations, that the people of CARICOM remain committed to realising the potential of our integration movement, our single but diversified space, and even eventually our “United States of the Caribbean” as it has been described in some of the consultations,” he said.

LaRocque added that on the basis of the Strategic Plan, the review and restructuring of the Secretariat, and indeed organs and institutions of CARICOM, will be addressed to enable the construct to deliver in a much more focused and effective manner to the people of the Community. VISION Expounding on the vision for CARICOM’s future, he said: “It would be a Community in which all are involved. There would be a system of meaningful consultations from which a free flow of ideas emanate, allowing for the distillation of the best and most practical. This would help to capture the imagination and interest of all and allow the people to seize a stake in the integration process - allowing for the sense of being Caribbean to take precedence over all else. It would also lead to more efficient implementation of decisions having had the benefit of the widest possible input. “It would be a Community in which regional plans and policies are harmonised with national plans and policies. The national would become regional and the regional national. “We would have deepened the integration process, with a single economic space a reality, and a closer convergence of economic policies.” He maintained that the focus is the creation of a Caribbean Community in which the people have “tangible proof that integration is working for them” and that their domestic space extends from Belize in the west to Barbados in the east, from Suriname in the south to The Bahamas in the north and all in between. “This would mean being able to travel freely, change their currency and have the families who move, treated to all intents and purposes, as citizens of their adopted country,” LaRocque said. He added that his vision for CARICOM will see goals achieved from frank discussions and resolution of concerns; foreign policy co-ordination strengthened as a means of achieving our development goals; the embrace of the CCJ by all Member States, in both its jurisdictions, as a step towards completing the circle of sovereignty for the Region; a single CARICOM ICT space, in which a telephone call from Port of Spain to Kingston is a local call and broadband is ubiquitous and easily accessible to all; and the achievement of sustainable growth and development, where there is confidence and belief in where we can go, and what we can achieve together, where its institutions are seen as reliant and integral to achieving our goal of a Community for all. “I intend to deliver a Secretariat that is strategic in outlook and efficient, effective and responsive in serving the needs of its Member States and providing leadership to the integration arrangements,” LaRocque assured.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

At IICA workshop…

Costs underscored as critical elements for agricultural development By Clifford Stanley MINISTER of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy said Tuesday that cost factors and cost of production (COP) exercises are critical elements for the development of the sector as a business. He said generally in Guyana, agriculture does not have a history of being seen as a business, but the time has come for all and sundry to recognise it for what it is. “It is a business and the people engaged in agriculture as a commercial activity are entrepreneurs,” he posited. The minister said farmers today who produce for the commercial market are entrepreneurs, he reiterated, underlining that fact. He added: “Once we accept this fact, then we must also accept that cost factors and the cost of production exercise is a critical component of the agriculture business whether we are rice farmers, sugar cane farmers, in cash crops, or in aquaculture. Whatever we do, we must be clear on the cost of production because we are doing this as a business and we are doing it to generate a profit like any other business.” Ramsammy made the remarks while declaring open a one-day COP workshop hosted by the Guyana Office of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) at the Regency Hotel in Georgetown. The main resource person at the forum was Mr. Edric Harry, Policy Analyst and Planning Specialist from the IICA Office in

Trinidad and Tobago.

it has to be a continuing exercise.”

INCLUDED PRODUCERS The participants included producers of both crops and livestock, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and research and extension officials who provide advisory services to farmers and agro-processors. The objective of the seminar was to provide a framework for improving record keeping, farm management and policy and investment decision making in the agriculture sector. Those taking part were welcomed by IICA Representative in Guyana Mr. Wilmot Garnett, who said the event was indicative of IICA’s commitment to empower them with the knowledge essential for profit-driven agriculture. He said that it was further proof of IICA’s commitment, in terms of horizontal cooperation and partnerships with relevant stakeholders in the agriculture sector. In his opening remarks, Minister Ramsammy emphasised that the purpose was to enable agricultural producers to recognise the cost factors in establishing their business, so that a margin of profit can be surmised. “When we have routine cost-of-production modules, it will help us, as individuals, groups, companies and as a country to measure the impact of technology, better farming techniques of introducing efficiency into our business,” he posited. He added: “This workshop is not meant to be a one-stop event;

COP MODELS Ramsammy urged the participants to work with IICA and other partners to develop COP models that can be introduced as software programmes for farming entrepreneurs and their families. He said:”This is one example of innovation in agriculture. I would hope that, not long from now, we can say this is our COP model for rice; this is our COP model for the production of pumpkins, for butternut squash.” He challenged those involved to work along with IICA to stage a conference on COP, where results on how the models work are presented, so that Guyanese producers of both crops and livestock can benefit. Those in attendance received information on the COP model, its benefits and the data requirements. They also benefited from a demonstration on the use of the model on a crop and a livestock farming activity and participated in group excercises in which they input data, simulated proposed policy impacts and discussed and recommended what should be done as follow-up actions. Sustainable Rural Development Specialist in IICA’s Guyana Office, Mr. Arnold De Mendonca, who chaired the sessions, said that a pilot project at a farm location was one possible follow-up action that will be considered to further popularise the COP concept.

4th Meeting of CBSI Commission set for Monday and Tuesday in Guyana THE Government of Guyana, in collaboration with the Government of the USA, the CARICOM Secretariat and the CARICOM Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS) will be hosting the 4th Meeting of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative Commission on November 18 and 19, 2013. The meeting will be held at the International Conference Centre (GICC), Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown. The Caribbean Security Initiative (CBSI) was conceptualized at a meeting in April 2009 in Trinidad and Tobago by US President Mr. Barack Obama at the 5th Summit of the Americas where a multimillion dollar package of support was announced by the USA to aid countries in the Caribbean Region to address crime and security in a holistic manner. The joint Caribbean United States Framework for the Security Cooperation Engagement is based on three pillars: The Caribbean US Security Cooperation Dialogue at which meetings are held at least once per year at the Ministerial Level; The Caribbean US Security Cooperation Commission which is responsible for Monitoring the implementation of projects and related issues; and Ad Hoc Technical Working Groups that are required to meet as required. At the meeting to be held in Guyana on November 18 and 19, representatives of the United States, The Dominican Republic, CARICOM countries and other partners will be present. At the sessions, the programmes that were implemented under the initiative will be evaluated and decisions relating to future projects will be taken. The Security Cooperation Initiative between the USA, CARICOM countries and The Dominican Republic is aimed at building the capacity of the law enforcement agencies as well as focusing on initiatives targeting youths at risk. Guyana hosted a similar event in October 2011. (Michel Outridge)

IICA Policy Analyst and Planning Specialist Mr. Edric Harry during his presentations at the COP Workshop

Participants at the IICA-sponsored Cost of Production Workshop


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

Muslims celebrate Islamic New Year at Anna Catherina

THE 18th annual cultural programme to mark the commencement of the Islamic New Year will be hosted 18:30 hrs today at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex (ACIC), West Coast Demerara. A press release from the host said the resident Pakistani Muslim Scholar Maulana Qari Muhammad Mujahid Raza will deliver the feature presentation on the occasion.

The Guyana United Sad’r Islamic Anjuman and the ACIC now host the regular activity on the calendar of events for local Muslims. The lunar Islamic Calendar began its calculation after the migration of Prophet Muhammad to Medina and the first month in it is Muharram, during which the 10th day (called Ashura) is significant not only to Muslims, but humanity, the

release said. It added that the entire universe was created on this day, when the first drop of rain fell, the first human, Prophet Adam was created and Prophet Jesus ascended to the heavens. SAME DAY The same day, too, Prophet Ayube (Jacob) regained his eyesight, Prophet Moses saved the Children of Israel from Pha-

Pakistan Scholar, Maulana/Qari Muhammad Mujahid at the International Eid Fest Programme at ACIC

raoh’s Army by opening of the Red Sea and Prophet Muhammad’s grandsons, Imam Hussain and Hassan were martyred. “The 10th day of Muharram (Ashura), therefore, is very auspicious to Muslims and is observed with fasting, prayers and special programmes at the various mosques. The Islamic New Year commenced on November 5,” the release stated. It said the organisations are hosting a series of smaller events to observe the advent of the Islamic New Year/Ashura, which started from Wednesday, November 6, at 18:00 hrs at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex. Thereafter, each night, until tonight, will be nightly programmes at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex. On these occasions, special topics, dealing with the life of the Prophet of Islam and his esteemed family members, will be discussed as well as the importance of showing love and gratitude for this greatest of all human beings. Special videos will be shown on big screens, featuring prominent Sunni Muslim scholars and Maulana Mujahid, as well as other prominent Muslims, would be making presentations on each night.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013


Murder accused freed in 2012 shot dead

RELATIVES of Rayburn Harvey, 29, of Lot 156 Non Pareil Street, Albouystown, Georgetown, who was gunned down on Tuesday night, said he had an old disagreement with a known man. The victim had been on his way home from the wake of a relative, his aunt, Oneta Harvey, with whom he resided, told the

Guyana Chronicle. She said she last saw him at the house where the wake was being held, for her reputed husband, at Rasville, another city ward. She added that prior to his going there, he had been sitting in front of their house by the roadside stand she operates drinking Guinness

with some friends from the neighbourhood. This newspaper was told that Harvey had a feud with a man sometime ago and he was chopped to the face and injured and they are of the view that same man may be responsible for his murder. The Albouystown relatives were awaiting the arrival of his

Defendant remanded on cocaine-trafficking charge

TREVOR Garraway, of Lot 28 Leopold and Cross Streets, Georgetown, was remanded to prison Tuesday , on a narcotic-trafficking charge. Before Magistrate Judy Latchman, the 37-year-old defendant pleaded not guilty to the offence, particulars of which said, on Monday, November 11, at Princes and Lombard Streets, also in the city, he was in possession of 6.2 grammes of cocaine for the purpose. Police Sergeant Vishnu Hunt, prosecuting, told the Court, that day around 15:30 hrs, ranks on mobile patrol were in the vicinity of Princes and Lombard Streets when they observed the defendant acting in a suspicious manner. With Garraway’s permission, a search was conducted on his person and a white paper parcel was found in his left side shirt pocket. When opened in his presence, the prosecutor said the packet contained 54 pieces of a creamish rock-like substance suspected to be cocaine and the defendant accepted ownership, claiming that he bought it from a man in Essequibo for his own smoking purpose. The prosecutor successfully objected to bail, stating that the defendant did not provide the court with any special reason why he should be granted pre-trial liberty. Garraway claimed he is a father of two and walks and sells for his living. However, he will make his next appearance before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on November 27.

Two Venezuelan women fined for illegal entry TWO Venezuelans, Erica Lance, 25 and Maryann Gonsalves, 26, appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman Tuesday , on separate charges of illegal entry to Guyana. Through an interpreter, both of them pleaded guilty to the offence, particulars of which said, on Friday, November 8, in the North West District, they entered Guyana by sea and disembarked without the consent of an immigration officer. Police Sergeant Vishnu Hunt, prosecuting, told the Court, on that day, Lance and Gonsalves came by sea on a small boat at Mabaruma, which is a port of entry but did not present themselves to immigration. Lance claimed she has one son with her common-law spouse in Guyana and came to see the child. They were each ordered to pay fines of $30,000 with the alternative of 12 months imprisonment and be deported immediately after the fine is paid.

mother, who lives on the West Coast of Demerara and said that Harvey was the father of a one month old baby. Police reported that, about 23:45 hrs on November 12, Harvey was on the roadway at Walker Terrace, East La Penitence, when a man rode up on a motorcycle and discharged several shots at him and escaped. Harvey was struck about his body and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHP) where he succumbed to his injuries. Investigations into his killing are in progress.

GUNNING DOWN Harvey was freed of murder by a High Court in March 2012 when he had been accused of gunning down Samantha Belle, on March 18, 2006 along Vlissengen Road in the vicinity of St. Sidwell’s School. The case was thrown out because of inconsistencies between a witness statement and evidence in the courtroom. Meanwhile, in a separate incident, about 00:10 hrs yesterday, Patrick Forbes, 36, of Lot 186 Lance Gibbs Street, was among a group of persons on Orange Walk, Bourda,

also in Georgetown, when shots were discharged in their direction. Forbes was wounded in his abdomen and right thigh and has been admitted to the Balwant Singh Hospital. Later yesterday, a relative said his condition is critical but stable but was clueless as to why he had been shot. Crime Chief Seelall Persaud said a group of men were in a shop playing dominoes and when Forbes got up he was shot multiple times. Persons heard the shots but did not see the shooter and that incident is also being investigated.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

Husband who drank poison after torching house laid to rest in Essequibo By Michel Outridge THE man who torched his reputed wife’s house last Saturday at Industry, East Coast Demerara, before committing suicide, was laid to rest in his hometown of Essequibo Tuesday. Vinod Narine, 55, torched his reputed wife’s leaving six others homeless, before taking his own life by ingesting a poisonous substance. Narine succumbed several hours after he was rushed to

the hospital on Saturday after he reportedly drank a potion he concocted with rat poison and gramoxone, a herbicide. He was under police guard after he was found lying in a semi-conscious state on a dam, a short distance from his residence. It was reported that shortly before 11:00 hrs on Saturday, Narine, a taxi driver/interior worker, used an accelerant and started a fire at the Fourth Street, Industry Sideline Dam

home while the other occupants were out. Within minutes the two-storeyed building which housed two families was reduced to a pile of rubble, causing millions of dollars in losses. The upper flat was occupied by the owner, Nadira Gossai, a domestic worker, her two children and Narine and the lower flat was rented by Natasha Chintaman and her husband and a son. The eight-year-old rela-

tionship between Gossai and Narine was marred by loud fights and quarrels which usually went late into the night, much to the annoyance of neighbours. Some neighbours recall not having a full night’s sleep

since the couple moved to the location and recently, after the couple would imbibe alcohol together there was certain to be a ruckus after. The incident was not surprising to neighbours who said that Narine had often

threatened to burn the house. However, residents praised the efforts of several villagers and firefighters, who responded to the scene of the fire and doused the flames which had threatened to consume nearby houses.

The house after the fire on Saturday

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013


FFP lauded for continuing help to Amerindian commnunitie

FOOD for the Poor (FFP) Guyana Inc, yesterday, donated a number of items to the Ministries of Agriculture and Amerindian Affairs. The Ministry of Agriculture was the beneficiary of farming tools and equipment as well as seeds while the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs received foodstuff, beds and mattresses which are intended to be of assistance to the hinterland communities. General Manager of FFP, Mr. Kent Vincent said that the relationship between is agency and the ministries has strengthened over the years and the agency is pleased to be making the donations. He pointed out that the former FFP Director had laid a foundation for this camaraderie and it will be maintained. Head of the National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI), Dr. Oudho Homenauth, who was present, said the intervention is, indeed, a timely one and is grateful for it. He acknowledged that it is not the first time that such interventions have been made, as it is an ongoing process and the farmers have benefitted immensely. Homenauth said, if one were to put a price on the gifts, it would be a significant amount as these basic items have provided a boost for development. MADE AWARE He assured that the seeds would reach the farmers and they will be made aware that FFP is the donor. Homenauth admitted that this is in keeping with the enhancing of food security and diversity in terms of supply. He added that, with regard to the tools, there is always a de-

mand for them and, sometimes, there is not any available, but now, those in need will benefit. Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Ms. Pauline Sukhai, who was present, too, said she is very much aware of the work and donations FFP has been making over the number of years to help the vulnerable and of the country. She confirmed that the ministry has a very good relationship with FFP and considers their assistance as being very significant. Sukhai said one great area of significance is the housing which FFP has been undertaking, as it is supporting Amerindian villages for more than five years now. She said she was present at the launching of most of the schemes and, of course, they are very well appreciated and the ministry recognises the support in FFP’s effort in the upgrading of housing. She remarked that, although many agencies have given back to communities, FFP arms have been very wide and she lauded the recently launched the Swan community housing project. Sukhai said that development is one on which the ministry has worked, consistently, with many agencies to ensure that issues such as surveys etc was sorted out. She explained that Swan was just a settlement where the indigenous people chose to make their homes and lots of attention and intervention was needed. She thanked FFP for the support and all they have done, noting that the items given will enhance the accommodation and lives of the Amerindian people.

From left are Projects’/Research Officer at Ministry of Agriculture, Aditya Persaud, Head of NARI, Dr Oudho Homenauth, Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai, National Director for Community Development, Philomena Sahoye-Shury and General Manager of FFP, Kent Vincent

General Manager of FFP Kent Vincent hands over the items to Minister Pauline Sukhai. Looking on are representatives of the Amerindian Affairs Ministry and the Ministry of Agriculture


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

$45M spent on upgrading Rosignol Secondary to A List school

GOVERNMENT has spent $45M on improving the Rosignol Secondary school in Region 5 to an A List School. The money was expended on text books, chemical and laboratory equipment, physical rehabilitation, computers and furniture to bring it to A List level. And on Tuesday, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand commissioned the upgraded

school. The school, which was offering 16 subjects, has now added six others. These are Biology, Physics, Economics, Building Technology, Technical Drawing and Spanish, and soon Visual Arts and Mechanical Engineering Technology will be added. To bring Rosignol Secondary to an A List school, a block was built to house two

science labs, and the old labs were converted into five classrooms. Major renovation work was done, while 21 computers were installed for Information Technology and materials and equipment bought for Home Economics. The Industrial Technology labs were renovated and equipped with furniture and materials while space was created for an agricultural science lab.

In the area of sport, a tarmac was constructed to facilitate games, and sports gear was bought. Each child has the recommended text in the following 15 subjects – Mathematics, English A, English B, Social Studies, Integrated Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Food and Nutrition, Home Economics Management, Clothing and Textiles, Principles Of Accounts,

Minister Priya Manickchand and students and teachers of the Rosignol Secondary School during the unveiling of the plaque

Principles Of Business, Office Administration and Economics. There are class sets for the following four subjects – Physical Education, Agricultural Science, History and Geography. For Grades 7 to 9, each child has the recommended text for English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. There are also class sets for the following subjects – Agricultural Science, Home Economics and Spanish. Rosignol Secondary requires a cadre of 36 teachers, but now has one less. Eighteen of them are trained, with seven being graduates. Four additional trained teachers were appointed to this school this year, to teach Biology, Physics, Spanish, English A and Mathematics. Meanwhile, Minister Manickchand, speaking at the commissioning, said , “Education is the only tool that could change your life…the only way we can secure the future of our children is by giving them an education, the only thing you can give a child and no one can take it away from them.” The minister said that the only way to ensure that the country’s children are equal is to put the necessary infrastructure and human resources in place, and the PPP/C Government understands that; and it is for this reason that the education sector takes up a large chunk of the national budget annually. This investment, Minister Manickchand said, has produced results, in that today, because of access to education, poverty has been cut in half, which is significant, and 80% of

The gathering at the commissioning of the Rosignol Secondary School as an A List institution

secondary age children have access to secondary schools, 70% of the teachers are trained, and Guyana has been able to attain universal primary education. Government is now working to achieve universal secondary education in keeping with the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Number 2. Minister Manickchand said that Region 5 has already achieved universal secondary education, and complimented the region for the work it has been doing to sustain the quality of education delivered. She said that even as the ministry is looking at building schools in some other areas, there is need to improve the quality of education delivered. “It’s not we alone, all around the world this conversation is happening, how we make sure the children get a proper education…government has ensured that we dedicate a large amount on education to ensure that happened”. One of the criticisms, she said, is that children have to go to extra lessons, and the ministry will be looking into that issue. However, she said that this will not be possible without the partnership of the parents, teachers and the regional administration. She urged the regional educational officers to be stern and ensure that the school curriculum is completed, and the teachers, to be the very best they can, and ensure they deliver the quality of education that is expected. Minister Manickchand said that parents also have a major role to play. “When you check all the children that are doing well, they have parents that are very supportive, not rich or educated, but they go to the PTAs and stay up and study with their children,” she said. Minister Manickchand also charged the students to make full use of the opportunity that have been given them, and to work hard so that in less than five years the school can produce the best in the Caribbean at all levels. Region 5 Chairman, Bindrabhan Bisnauth, expressed pleasure at the school being made an A List institution, and very soon Bygeval Secondary school will be converted as well. Bisnauth promised that the regional administration will continue to support the school’s programme, and make representation when necessary. He said that the region will continue to ensure that it becomes one of the best in the country. Recently, a new wing was commissioned at the Fort Wellington Secondary School, also in Region 5, to accommodate 150 Grade 7 students. Other schools in Region 5 to be commissioned include Novar Primary (extension), new Woodley Park Secondary School, and the Bygeval Secondary School as an A- List School.(GINA)

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

It’s officially Christmas at Ashmins By Shirley Thomas

ASHMINS officially launched its Christmas Palace with an elegant “Sip and Shop” event on Sunday at the company’s Hadfield Street location. The event drew representatives and executive officials from various corporate entities, among others, who had the

opportunity to mingle and shop for Christmas decor, gifts and accessories. In addition, invitees were fully entertained with live steel pan and jazz music and treated to finger foods and cocktails. Ashmins also took the opportunity to formally introduce two other newly opened departments: Fashion Girl, where per-


sons had the chance to browse and purchase from its 2013 Christmas collection of fashion jewellery; and Dazzle Custom Apparel, which enticed persons with unique gift ideas, including customised photo crystals and custom-printed mugs, clocks and other novelties. If you make time to visit the Christmas Palace at Ashmins this Saturday, you will also be treated to live steelpan music and light refreshments.

Scenes from Ashmins Christmas Palace, launched on Sunday at its High Street location

$45M spent on upgrading ... The science laboratory

Minister Priya Manickchand on a tour of the computer lab



THE Guyana Chronicle would like to sincerely apologise to Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry for misrepresenting her in the November 11 report headlined: ‘Mini-bus driver jailed for 18 months for causing death of 70-year-old pedestrian – driver’s license also revoked for four years’. We had reported that the convict had his licence revoked when; in fact the Chief Magistrate disqualified the driver from driving for four years. The report also said that “Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry found Da Silva guilty of the offence and stated that he “failed to be a competent driver” since he was not under the influence of alcohol and that he was not using cell phone nor was he speeding in a prolonged persistent course to cause him to meet the point of impact of the cyclist.” However, this newspaper acknowledges that, in fact, the magistrate was making reference to the mitigating factors presented by the defence counsel which she was taking into consideration.

Defence makes no-case submissions in Khemraj Bhoodoo murder trial

JUSTICE James Bovell-Drakes will on Monday, November 18, deliver his ruling on defence no-case submissions in relation to murder accused Khemraj Bhoodoo, called ‘Shamy’. At the close of the prosecution’s case by State Counsel Miss Natasha Backer, Defence Counsel Mr. Keavon Bess relied on a no-case submission, alleging among other things that the State had not made out a case against the accused, and his client should be freed at that stage. This sparked off a voir dire ( a trial within a trial) in the absence of the jury, which was conducted by the trial judge. Backer is objecting to the defence submissions. The accused is charged with having on the 5th day of July 2005 in the county of Demerara, murdered Litendra Roopnarine, called ‘Boyo’. The judge will deliver his ruling at 10:30am on Monday.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

Mon Repos murder trial begins - Jury hears about rum spree and mystery death By George Barclay

JUSTICE Diana Insanally and a mixed jury at the Demerara Assizes in the Mon Repos murder trial yesterday heard a story about one of two men who participated in a rum spree being found dead. The murder accused Chanderban Indar who is charged with the murder of his dead friend Ragendra Singh with whom he was drinking said to the police in a statement: “On 31st of May, 2010, Ragendra Singh visited me and we were drinking non-stop. Singh did not go home that night. “ The next morning I found his body motionless. I threw a bucket of water on him before calling in the police.” Indrar who was later charged with the murder of his friend told the police that he did not see any bloodstains around nor did he see any marks of violence on Singh’s body. However, another friend who visited the home told a different story. He said that he saw what appeared to be bloodstains on the floor and blood oozing from the deceased’s mouth. Attorney-at-Law, Mr.George Thomas is appearing for the accused. Miss Dhanika Singh is prosecuting. The hearing is continuing.

September 23 fatal accident driver on $1M bail

RAJESH Jaharan, of Lot 1876, Twenty Street, Diamond, East Bank Demerara, was, Tuesday , ordered to post $1M bail, when he appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman charged with causing death by dangerous driving. That was after the Administration of Justice Act (AJA) had been applied and the 28-year-old pleaded not guilty to the offence, particulars of which said, on Monday, September 23, in Georgetown, he drove motor car PNN 1530 in a manner dangerous to the public, causing the demise of Joel Baynes. Police Sergeant Vishnu Hunt, prosecuting, told the Court that day around 01:15 hrs the defendant was driving at a fast rate of speed and, as he approached Robb Street, he failed to stop and collided with motor car HB 9018, which was proceeding east on Robb Street. The prosecutor added that as a result of the collision, the hire car spun around and ended up in the Digicom Store building, situated on the southern side of Robb Street. Meanwhile, the defendant’s car hit PRR 1647 which was stationary and facing east on the southern side of Robb Street, after ending up in the same building. The taxi driver was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) and, after a full report was submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), instructions were issued for Jaharan to face the charge. Attorney-at-law Mr. Mark Waldron, for the defence, in his application for Jaharan’s pre-trial freedom, said the latter is not a fight risk and the case was adjourned to November 26.

Defendant charged with office attack on $40,000 bail

BRUCE Wills (no address given) was put on $40,000 bail Tuesday , when he appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman on an assault charge. He pleaded not guilty to the offence, particulars of which said, on Friday, November 8, at the Health Sector Development Unit, on East Street, Georgetown, he unlawfully assaulted Kevin Sukhdeo. Police Sergeant Vishnu Hunt, prosecuting, said the virtual complainant and the defendant both work in the Ministry of Health Office at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH). The prosecutor said that day around 14:30 hrs, the defendant went to the virtual complainant’s office, held him by the neck and told him he can do him anything now. The case will be called, again, on November 27.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013


Below rates for November 13, 2013 CURRENCY G$/US$ G$/GBP G$/CAD$ G$/EURO G$/BDOS$ G$/EC$ G$/TT$

BU3ING 205.48500 327.78967 195.88509 275.57593 101.49563 75.18194 31.66296

SELLING 207.93125 331.89986 198.14150 279.06453 102.51313 75.93565 31.98039

For Thursday November 14, 2013 -14:30hrs For Friday November 15, 2013 -14:30hrs


05:00 Inspiration 05:30 Newtown Gospel *** 06:00 NCN News Magazine r/b 06:30 BBC 07:00 Guyana Today 08:00 Stop & Shop 08:30 GINA Presents 09:00 Stop the Suffering 10:00 Food Networks 11:00 History 12:00 CNN 12:30 NCN Newsbreak 12:35 GCCI Update (r/b) 13:00 Stop & Shop 14:00 NCN Newsbreak 14:05 Movie 16:00 Disney XD 16:30 Farming Today 17:00 OWN 18:00 NCN News Magazine 18:30 Feature 19:00 CC-LCDS Quiz 19:30 NIS & You 20:00 3d/daily millions/play de dream/lotto draw 20:05 NCN Newsbreak 20:10 Fit it 20:30 Road Safety & You Live 21:30 18 Degrees North 22:00 NCN Late Edition 22:30 Caribbean Newline 23:00 Movie


Aries March 21 - April 19

Still feeling solid, practical and responsible, not to mention grounded? Good. Because considering what might tumble out of your mouth today, you’re going to need a healthy dose of confidence. What’s it going to be? Well, it’s tough to say -- but it won’t be something you or anyone around you could ever have predicted. Almost sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

Taurus April 20 - May 20

It’s just your nature to wonder. But when you do too much of it, it can easily turn into an obsession. Keeping that in mind, could it be time to stop worrying if a deeper meaning was behind that comment a loved one recently made? You’re a natural-born detective, but some clues just aren’t worth following. And some folks aren’t clever enough to insert an actual meaning into everything they say.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

At this point, your friends are pretty well trained. Most of them don’t even bat an eyelash when you get going on one of your favourite subjects, even if it’s in a public place. They’ve learned that resistance is futile -- and besides, you’re usually quite entertaining to watch. Today, however, even the most seasoned among them will be hard-pressed to keep a straight face. Of course, you may have an equally hard time of it. One never knows what you might say or do.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

From the very moment you got up this morning, you’ve been in a rather odd mood. You don’t want to do anything the way you used to do it, and you don’t particularly care if that offends anyone. You’re not even trying to compromise, either. Since this is an unusual attitude for you, don’t be surprised if your loved ones are a bit stunned. They’re sure to get a big kick out of it, though!

Leo July 23 - August 22

Everyone’s going to be quite chatty today, no doubt about it. But you? Well, you’re going to be even more verbally reckless than usual. Now, it’s not like you’ve ever needed any help getting inspired to say exactly what you want to say -- the heck with the consequences -- so just imagine what today’s verbosity will bring. You’d better warn anyone who startles easily. Or not.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Telling you not to go out and spend your every dime on a lark, with absolutely no thought for the future, just isn’t going to work -- asking you not to won’t work, either. What if someone who loves you reminds you of the bills that will be turning up in the mailbox, right around the same time your mortgage payment’s due? Well, that might work, but there are still no guarantees. This time you just may need to muster up the willpower yourself.

Libra September 23 - October 22

You’ve been waiting for the right moment to let someone know you’re not a child anymore, you’re perfectly capable of making your own choices and you don’t need their advice. And you had just about decided to make the announcement, when you realised they actually had something quite valuable to share. Better hold off on the declaration of independence for a bit, hmm?

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

You’re done talking about the issue that’s been making you crazy for weeks, if not months. You’re so done that even when a certain someone who’s ordinarily quite good at pushing your buttons starts to subtly poke at you, you won’t bite. It wouldn’t be fair, and it wouldn’t even be fun. You know you can win, and win easily, but you can’t justify the energy. It’s just as well. You have bigger fish to fry.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

You have some crazy friends, but one in particular stands head and shoulders above the rest. Should you dismiss them entirely, help this person find some psychological counselling or just pretend it never happened? Weigh the seriousness of the situation before you do anything at all. Sometimes it’s best just to coast and let the universe work it out.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

They’ll sit down across from you, or stand right there in front of you, cross their arms and look you straight in the eye. Then they’ll ask if you’d please share your opinion of the current situation with them -- one-on-one -- as a favour and in confidence. Try not to be rude. You were already getting ready to let the world know your take, but it wouldn’t hurt to let them think they were responsible for the big revelation.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

Your spiritual and psychic qualities are running on high right now. So if you suddenly get the feeling you don’t want to be where you are, or that you’d like someone else to be there with you, don’t even bother resisting. Do what it takes to make yourself comfortable and happy. You’ve connected with the powers that be, and they’re directing you. Sure, it sounds corny, but just go with it.

Pisces February 19 - March 20

You’ve never been fond of blind dates. But now, after one too many interesting experiences, to say you’re less than fond of them wouldn’t quite cover your sentiments. For some darned reason, though, a friend or family member is insisting there’s someone you ‘just have to meet.’ Hey, who knows? They could be right this time. Just don’t sign up for dinner. Suggest coffee or drinks, and duck out early if you need to.









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LOSE or gain weight: fat reduction powder, protein powder. Call 660-2686, 625-7073.


LEARN TO DRIVE SOMAN and Sons Driving School. Learn to drive the right way. First Federation Building. 622-2872, 644-5166, RK’s Institute of Motoring Learn to drive at an affordable cost Professional, Courteous and Patient driving in s t r u c t o r F o r m o r e i n formation Contact Audrey/ Ahillia 172 Light & Charlotte Streets, Bourda 227-5072, 226-7541, 2260 1 6 8 , Youtube: RK's Institute of Motoring.

SPIRITUALITY SPRIRITUALITY SPIRITUAL works done to bring peace, finance, success, enhance prosperity, remove evil, blockage, reunite families, lovers, etc. 610-7234, 644-0058. SPIRITUAL reading, other works done. For fast results - reuniting lovers, removing evil and all blockages, etc. Call 696-8873, 6731166. SPIRITUAL work done in Suriname. Remove evil, sickness, pregnancy, prosperity, business, etc. Call 674-8603, 680-5596, 597-8519876. DUTCH spiritual help in removing evil spirit, bad luck, evil sickness, spells, reuniting lovers, bringing prosperity to business, etc. Tel: 612-6417, 220-0708, .687-5653. FAITH- HEALING SERVICES. We can help with bad luck, remove blockage, evil spirit, pregnancy, love, reunite family, maiter, marriage problem, business, skin problems such as sore, hex spell or curse. Tel 6121975, 6835228.

UNIVERSAL chair covers for weddings and other special occasions $200 per cover. Call Son Designs 688-8812, visit

JOURNEY Inn Apartments and Car Rental. Premio, Vitz. Eccles New Scheme. Tel. 679-713

HOME schooling available at your convenience. Hire us. Experience the difference in education solutions. Speak to experts. Call 651-5220 now.


BUILDING plans and estimates, done by qualified and experienced engineers and project managers. Contact us 6436350, 601-6420.

1 - CANTER for hire/use as mobile canteen. Call 219-3199, 638-4515.


MUSIC is Fun. Register now and learn to play the Keyboard, Guitar, Drums and do Voice Training. Call Foundation 7 on 225-1151, 617-4200.

SOOTHING MASSAGE. Call for appointmentsl out calls only. Anna 661-8969.

ONE 20ft tray Canter truck. Tel. 616-9631.


EDUCATIONAL educational



WON'T you like to be your own boss, work flexible hours and earn up to 50% commission? Then don't let this opportunity pass you by. Become an AVON Representative today for only $1 500. For more information, call Anita on 2332665, 624-5004.

ARE you cursed, depressed, demon-possessed or need finance? Call Apostle Randolph Williams - (592) 2616050 20:00hrs to 23:00hrs.


R E PA I R S t o f r i d g e , washing machine, gas stove. Contact Kirk, 223-7975, cell 666-2276.


PLANNING an event? Call Travellers Sound Company, thirty years in the business. Indian wedding, religious function, barbecue, conference, concerts (all levels). We do stage lighting, disco lighting, parties, generators from 5 KVA to 400 KVA, PA system, all types. Tel. 226-6527, 600-7242, 600-3122, 623-7242, 623-3122, Leonard or Steven, based at Club Monaco.

TAXI SERVICE EZ RUNNINGS Taxi Service and Auto Rental. Short drop $300. Tel. 225-6926, 231-5808.




GUYANESE male, age 51, seeks female companion for serious relationship. Tel. 665-8797, 611-1172. No texting. GET a Friend! Get educated! Get Married! Migrate!..through the CFI. Telephone Friendship Link. Call 592261-5079, 654-3670, 688-8293,2616833 twenty-four hours

PRIVATE INVESTIGATION CHEATING spouse, polygraph testing, background checks, locating missing persons, bodyguard service, private + criminal investigation, any other (Worldwide). Contact Strategic Advisory Services. Tel. 592-629-9588, 592-602-8149 Email: sasmi5@hotmail. c o m Member of National Association of Invest i g a t i v e S p e c i a l i s t s (USA) (All assignments treated as top secret

SERVICES ser vices services TV, DVD, microwave, stereo, washers, amplifiers etc. 6932683. REPAIRS to refrigerators, freezers, AC, washers, stoves, microwaves. Call 683-1312, 6273206 (Nick). MASON: All blocked work, plastering, casting,building of bridges, fences and septic tanks undertaken. Tel. 619-3296.

PORTERS, Moulder & Woodmizer operator, lumber clerk. Call Richard: 609-7675, 233-2614. ONE person to work at snackette to prepare barbecui. Call 692-6595, 226-5336, 6164686. VACANCY is existing for experienced sale girls and porter at Sanjay's Variety Store. Tel. No. 226-6137. SENIOR Accounts Clerk ACCA level and 2 years experience. Handyman - Call 223-5273-4 Manager send applications to PO: box 101848 SALES Clerk: Honest and reliable. Come in with application, Nanda's Boutique, 223 Camp Street. OFFICE Clerk, Senior/Junior. CXC English Mathematics. Computer knowledge an asset. Call 225-0188, 225-6070. VACANCIES 1 Maid, 1 Handyman must know to take care of dogs and plants. Hamson General Store, 116 Regent Road, Bourda. INTERNAL AUDITOR Qualifications (1) CAT qualified (2) One year auditing experience (3) P o l i c e clearance contact: 225-1787 NEED someone to take care of your child, day, night, or fulltime in a home away from home. Call 222-6805, 256-3416, 6386425.

PAWN SHOP ELEGANCE Jewellery and Pawn Shop, Lot 1 Durban Street Werk-en-Rust between Camp and George Streets. Tel: 2236331, 227-2307.

SENIOR Accounts clerk and Auditor needed send application to PO box: 101848

QUBOTRONICS for your IT needs and consulting services offer computer repairs, upgrades, DVR Installation, and more. # 638-1388, 664-8660.

GRANITE INSTALLATION: cutting, polishing and profiling to all your granite counter tops, also building of cupboards and closets. Contact Rawle - 6117031, 667-7963.

OPERATORS, Apply in person to B.M. Enterprise Inc. Guyana Fisheries Limited Wharf. Houston, East Bank Demerara. Tel: 592-227-8176/7

LOOKING for small clients, 10 - 25 employees or less, to cheaply computerise their payroll, payment upon satisfactory completion. For more information, call 673-7572. FOR all general construction, contact Mohamed. We specialize in y, plumbonr y, mas pentr car onry masonr pentry carpentr ing, power-wash, painting painting,, troweltex and varnishing. Call 233-0591, 6676 6 4 4 , (office) 216-3120.J. EASTMAN AND Associates Financial Services Chartered Accountants Services: Taxation, Consultancy, Accounting, Income tax, Vehicle and Building Compliances. Office located at 190 Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown. Tel. 223-2105, 6627467, or Email at J&A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Building Maintenance Renovation and General Construction Comp any, Phone 592-615-5734, 592616-5914 We are specialised in carpentry, masonry, trowel plastic, washing and painting of building, scaffolding rental, sheet rack, tiling, slicking, plumbing, grill work, electrical installation, interior designing, upholstery and curtains, building of kitchen cupboards, beds, wardrobe, etc. 25% Christmas discount.

BILLING/SALES Clerk. Must have a working knowledge of QuickBooks. 5 subjects CXC. Experience would be an asset. Apply at: LENS, Hydronie, Parika. 260-4916, 260-4915 TOURS


SURINAME Pre-Christmas trip return sightseeing-tour, etc.: Nov 28th- Dec 1st. Tel # 6440185, 639-2663, 665-5171, 2278290

VETERINARY SERVICE SAVE HEAVEN ANIMAL CLINIC 131 GUYHOC PARK GEORGETOWN. Services includes vaccination, (Rabies Feline and Canine), dewormed, Surgeries, Pet grooming. Pet export certificates can be arranged. Tel. 2233866, 691-9179. VACANCY


ONE Cashier, and one Cook to work in Georgetown. Tel. 6796040. A B L E b o d i e d p o r t e r. A p ply in person with recent police clearance and 2 reco m m e n d a t i o n s . Te l # 2 2 6 5473.

VACANCY exists for restaurant supervisor. Apply in person with written application at The Regency Suites Hotel, 98 Hadfield St, Werken-Rust, Georgetown. PORTERS/Labourer. Apply with written application and police clearance to the Manager SOL Gas Distributor, 9 Dowding St., Kitty. Tel. 225-2259, 6225922, 216-3152. PORTERS, KITCHEN GARDENER and WATCHMAN - Apply with written application to Patsan - Sheriff &Johnsmith Streets, Campbellville. VACANCY exists for Restaurant Supervisor. Apply in person with written application to Regency Suite/hotel. 98 Hadfield Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. ARE you within the ages of 30 - 45 years? Do you want a weekend job (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) as a domestic /baby sitter on a live-in liveout basis? Applicants preferably from Industry to LBI, ECD. Call 6262080.



VACANCY: for a van driver, and a canter driver. Excellent salary and commission. Apply in person with police clearance, a copy of your driver's license, and 2 recommendations. Tel # 2265473.

VACANCY exists at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff Street for an IT Technician. Applicants must send in an application along with a passport-size photograph and CV. For more information, contact 227-5288-89.

ONE experienced hairdresser for full-time employment. One house keeper/cook ;must be willing to work weekend. Location: Cornelia Ida, W.C.D. Tel# 602-5332. DRIVER aged 35 - 45 years, 10 years experience, must have a truck licence. Office Assistant, between 35 and 50 years old. Must be computerliterate and have knowledge of NIS and VAT. Preferably female. Contact Tel. 220-2034, 2201787. SECURITY Guards must be able to work shift, ages 28 - 55 years old, requirement - application, reference last place of employment, TIN #, NIS #, ID #, Police clearance. Apply 233South Road, Lacytown. Tel. 2250198. NON-IMMIGRANT Visa Service. Professional Visa applications to the US and Canada. Fees USA VISA $3000, Canada $4000, Plaza Computer Service, 245 Sheriff Street, C/ville. 225-7390, 618-0128, 688-1874. Open Monday to Sunday 09:00hrs 21:00hrs VA C A N C I E S e x i s t f o r Sales Clerk, Bond Clerk, Accounts Clerk and Pharmacist at Roy's Pharmacy. Interested persons can send in applications along with Curriculum Vitae and one passport-size photograph to Roy's Pharmacy Stall #32-33 and 64-65 Bourda Market. Tel. 226-0693, one cleaner call Samantha 223-6072. 2 MALE Front Desk Assistants 28-45 yrs, Apply K&VC, 2 3 3 S o u t h R o a d . Te l . 2 2 5 0198. Requirements: application, TIN, ID#. Benefits: Attractive wages, weekly incentives and a comfortable work environment in a centrally located area. VACANCIES exist at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff St, for evening shift sales girls (13:15hrs 22:30hrs), cashiers and cleaner. Applicants must send in application along with a passport-size photograph. For more information, contact 2275286-89. R K ' S S E C U R I T Y Services (Security Department) 2 watch Commanders, 5 Site Supervisors/Commanders (for Diplomatic Residences and Industrial Locations), 4 Visiting supervisors with Motorcycle or license for Motorcycle, 2 Drivers (ages 35+) for car, van and lorry. Contracted work and company employee with benefits in the system. CELL Point: Sales and Service Representative for Regent Street location. Requirements handwritten application, CXC passes - Mathematics and English, 2 passport photographs and 2 recommendations. Age 25 - 30 years. Apply to Cell Point, 120 Regent Street. Tel. 645-4900, 226-3950. VACANCIES exist at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sherriff St, for cashiers and drivers. Persons must send in an application along with a passportsize photograph. For more information, contact 227-5288-89. VACANCY for one experienced accountant. Must have organisation skills with six years working experience in the same field, also needed Senior Accounting Clerks. Must have 5year, working experience with some organization skills. Apply in person with written application Alabama Trading, Georgetown, Ferry Stelling.

WAITERS AND BARTENDERS WANTED a new service provider will be accepting applications for waiters and bartenders (males and females between ages of 18 - 30) Professional training will be provided. These applications must be sent no later than 17th June, 2013. Please send application to 64 Craig Street, Campbellville or Email For more information contact 2278822, 696-3049. IMMEDIATE - VACANCIES for a caretaker at Turkeyen ECD, caretaker at Turkeyen, preferably a family man and above 48 years old, The job pays good salary per week, free housing and all utilities, Applicant must be able to plant garden and keep yard clean, cook for the dogs and look after poultry. House situated at Turkeyen on the East Coast of Demerara. Apply in person with recent Police Clearance, National Identification Card, National Insurance Card and TIN to P&L Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd., 61 E½ David Street Kitty, Georgetown. Tel. 227-4412, 227-4386. For directions, call between Mondays to Fridays only, from 08:00hrs to 16:00hrs only.


Land For Sale

20 HASLINGTON ECD 50ft x 75ft. Contact 654-6540. HOUSTON Gardens, 87 x 125, $13M neg. 611-0315, 690-8625. ROBB and Cummings $55M, Bel Air $25M. 600-0036, 2231719. RAINBOW City, Linden: $2,800,000 next to Richard Cheap Shop; details - 644-6551. REPUBLIC Gardens EBD size 50x100. Price $9.8M. Contact 685-7887, 665-7400.. ATLANTIC Ville & Friendship ECD EBD. No price will be refused . Tel. 689-9388, LAND 45x90 at 14 Kersaint Park, LBI. Price $15M, Tel. 699-9201.





DIAMOND, Kuru Kuru, Good Hope, Lae Harmonie, Roriama Scheme, Kitty, 30 acres at Soesdyke Highway, Canal No. 1, 688-4414, 6153728.

140 x 60 land in Bel Air Village for hotel, bond, 5-storey, students' dorm - $42M. Phone Vice President Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Vice President Ramsohoye 618-0000, 6232591, 227-6863, 225-2626, 6677812.

THIS land is going to solve your business need, in Smyth close to Brickdam 120 x 60 the only land available for $55M neg All lands that would give you the same return on your investment $95M, talking of 5-storey complex. Phone Lady Boston 684-2244, Lady Racel Jones 688-3434 lady Davi Dyal 697-9377, Master Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000, 623-2591, 225-2626, 225-3068, 226-1064 , Email: m

KINGSTON office space available immediately. Tel. 2261308 or 647-1481.

TRANSPORTED land in Ramsville Court Cove & John, ECD. Call 226-7585. CORNER house lot located at Tuschen Housing Scheme. Contact 62511 5 4 . HOUSE lot in Diamond Housing Scheme, 125ft x 75ft, 15hp Suzuki outboard engine, 14½ ft aluminum boat. Tel. 638-6722 S. Zaman. PLOTof land for sale located at Ocean View Drive, Ruimzeight Gardens WCD. Call 267-2348, 6943896. BB ECCLES 100 x 50 only $14M, Call Ms Debidyal. 6979377, 231-2064, 225-2626, 2276863, 615-0069, 627-0288, 2261064. 100 ACRES Mahaica Creek, Manni Street Linden, 2nd lot D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust with driveway, Rainbow City Linden with approved plan. Call 644-6551. LAND in Queenstown 165 x 60 over $100M. Phone Vice President Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Darandia 615-0069, 618-0000, 225-2626 ONE land in Duncan St. for 4-storey office complex, bond, school, apartment $31M. Phone 627-0288, Mr. Ramsayoe 618-0000, Mr Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Mr. Darindra 615-0069.\ SOESDYKE: 57.21 acres of land 215'.36 x 8,755'.2 near Linden Highway Junction, $125M neg. B&G's Realty - 227-4125, 617-9717. TRANSPORTED River View land, location Skeldon Berbice, 9.650 acres. For more information, contact 592-617-5860 after 16:00 hrs. DIAMOND, Grove, La Parfaite Harmonie, LBI, Kuru Kururu, Herstelling, Sheriff Street, Bush Lot WCB, Adventure. Rice land - 629-8253, 688-4414. LAND of Canaan, E.B.D., East of Public Road. Few acres left for sale this year, all utilities, two access roads. Tel # 266-0014, 669-8139. LAND for sale able $20M. Call MR. Carlos Budram 6923831, 225-2626, 226-1064, 2276863, 225-5198, 227-6964, 2312064, 225-2709, 669-3350, 6232591.

PROMISING Gold and Diamond Mining lands in various areas. Tel. # 699-3992. DOWNTOWN location, size 65 x 125, price $32M. Diamond size 30x75, price $3M. Tel. 6702013. Serious enquiries only.

CLAIM gold and diamond at Kurupung middle M a z a r u n i . Te l . 6 9 4 - 1 7 0 7 . BLANKENBURG Public Road, WCD: land for sale 38 x 150 - $11M. 658-0132. SOESDYKE land: 166.00' x 131.98', $4.5M neg - B & G'S Realty- 227-4125, 617-9717. 41 ACRES land at Silver Hill Linden Highway. Tle. 223-7181, 627-4900.

1 ACRE FRIENDSHIP W AT E R F R O N T, EBD HOUSE LOTS Versailles and Republic Gardens (gated comp o u n d ) B e l A i r. T E L : 2 2 6 8148, 625-1624. 600 ACRES MAHAICONY with 45 cows, 1 horse, house and generator HOUSE LOTS VERSAILLES and Republic Gardens gated compound, High Street, Bel Air, Cummings Street. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624.

COVERDEN riverside: 62 feet wide by 600 feet, $28M; Thomas Street, Cummingsburg: 39 ft by 242 ft $75M; Diamond Middle Income with foundation, $7.5M; Success Railway Embankment, 22000 sq ft $50M; Mentore/ Singh Realty 225-1017, 6236136. SECOND lot in Dennis St, with driveway 20 feet $17M, Sec. 'M', 80 x 60, plus reserve for bond $19M, Da S i l v a S t 8 0 x 5 0 $13M, Kitty Railway Embankment 8 000 sq. ft $ 20M, land has 20 ft driveways. Vice President Drandia 615-0069, Vice President Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, Vice President Ramsayae 6180000, Vice President 225-2626, 226-1064, 667-7812.

LAND for bond, hotel, apartment complex, Blygezight 120 x 60 $36M, neg, Austin St. 134 x 56 - $36M, Kitty 8 000 sq ft - $22M, Phone Vice President 225-2626, 618-0000, 2252626, 623-2591, 226-1064, 227-6863, 615-0069 LAND with 20ft driveway Dennis Street $17M, Sec. 'M' 90 x 50 plus reserve $17M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, one house in McDoom close to main road $9M. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000 Vice President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 227-6863, 226-1064, 225-2626.

G U YA N E S E business es mus t think o u t o f t h e box. They must adopt a new strate g y. T h e C h i nese are moving in some locations that land for bond/factory is cheap, 20 000 sq ft land close to the Chinese embassy for bond. $58M, 8 000 sq. ft on the main road close to the Chinese Embassy $54M for 4-storey fast food/super m a r k e t 2 0 0 - c a r parking. 1½ acres of land in Turkeyen for hostel, school, university, bond, Buy now, be decisive. Present, you have a boss, now decide. Phone Mr. Danhand r i 6 1 5 - 0 0 6 5 , M r. P a t r i c k P e r e i r a 6 6 9 - 3 3 5 0, M r. A l y s i o u s P e r e i r a 6 2 3 2591, 225-2709, 225-2626, 2 2 5 - 3 0 6 8 , 2 2 6 - 1064, 2276863, 225-5198 Seven days of h o t m a il:

ALBERTTOWN large business space to rent on Light Street. Contact 644-0530. FINE business location, ground floor, Brickdam for office or business.Tel. 694-1091. QUEENSTOWN: furnished executive apartment with all conveniences. Tel. 225-0545. FURNISHED executive apartment with internet access, generator, and parking Tel. 6420636. EXECUTIVE office in central location (Middle and Carmichael Streets). Tel. 2256370, 609-3899. PRIME business location to rent in Camp Street between New Market & Lamaha for business or office, Tel: 694-1091, 639-4499. ONE-bedroom apartment. Preferably working couple. Cornelia Ida, W.C.D. Tel# 602-5332. ECCLES 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT & 3 bedroom upstairs, short term. Tel 660-4764. 2-BEDROOM in exclusive residential area with all modern amenities. 653-2920. ONE house or apartment to rent: $15,000-$20,000 a month. Tel. 698-0844. APARTMENT for single or couple only. Call 692-6595, 2265336, 616-4686.

120x60 CLOSE to Brickdam, $75M suitable for 5storey complex, hotel Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, Mr Pereira 226-1064, Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 2276863, 225-5198.

HAPPY Acres front, residential areas $16M, Bagotville, W.B.Dem land 45 by 150 feet on eastern side of road, D'Urban Street close to High Street 50 by 100 feet for $16M, five acres of prime land at Pearl, EBD for $12M, Agricola, double lot $8M, Success and Railway line road on ECD 22 000 sq.ft of land for $48M, Nandy Park residential $16.5M, Contact Pete's Real Estate - 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546.

LOCATION Atlantic Ville, Kitty, Greater Georgetown; price neg. Contact 690-3259.

28 ACRES land on Highway to river with wood, $400 000 per acre. Diana: 227-2256, 626-9382.

MADUNI Yarrowkabra 30 acres in the vicinity of Maduni Creek $8M, Land of Canaan 3 acres roadside, width 500ft, road to river 400ft riverside frontage 500ft - $120M neg, Berbice riverside 112x114 (12768 sq. ft) 98x48 ft (4704 sq. ft) factory building on site 75x62ft - $60M, Soesdyke riverside 160x300 ft $35M, 2272612, 627-8314, 655-0755;

CAPITAL Realty Land Atlantic Gardens $22M, $118M, Rahaman's Park 50'x100' $22M, Ruimzeight Gardens 3,200 sq ft $8M, Blankenburg 38'x150' $12M, Grove 42'x82' $2.5M, Annandale 50'x100' $4.2M, $5M, Sheriff Street $45M, Parfait Harmony $1.2M, and up, Garnett Street $32M, $40M, house lots EBD $4M and up, Friendship 50'x200' on road $22M, Land of Canaan $8M per acre, Canal No. 1 and 2 - $12M and up, Republic Gardens 50'x100' $10M, Diamond 30'x75 $4M, $6M and up, Charlotte Street 35'x110' $23M. many more listings Azeem - 226-9383, 6423722,

3-BEDROOM wooden building, Agricola Public Road , Tel. 2163120, 667-6644.

4-BEDROOM upper-flat Herstelling Public Road. Tel. 612-8879, 678-2918. REST- Bar for rent, 3-Bedroom house for rent, with one master room. Call: 669-0366 SPACE for doctors, pharmacy, medical laboratory, 9000 sq. ft, suitable for school. Vreed-en-Hoop Junction. Tel. 621-1576, 254-0373.

WE wish to advertise all land was made by the creator for different purposes. Go as high as you can to enjoy economy of height. Earl's Court LBI double lot 120 x 90 - $17M, Happy Acres parallel to the Main Road 100 x 50 - $16M, for business or 4-storey apartment land for bonds on the East Coast $28M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft $20M, Da Silva St 70 x 35 - $14M, 9 000 sq. ft on Main Road 500 yards south of Chinese Embassy, Turkeyen 1.4 acres $38M, Campbellville 80 x 60 with lots of reserve $16M, Republic Park $16M, Continental Park double lot $35M, Croal Street 75 x 50 - $32M, 3 lots at 'AA' Eccles with massive unfinished structure $98M, plus reserve. Friendship $3.5M, Pearl 5 acres for gated community $45M neg. Phone V.P. Mrs . A l a n n a D e b i d a y a l 231-2064, cell 6979377, 225-3068, 226-1064, 227-6863, 227-6964, 225-2626. to let


SPACE to rent in Duncan Street. Tel. 621-8198. FURNISHED rooms: single person only. Tel. 229-6149. BUSINESS space Alberttown - 621-5282. MISS Dee Apartments for overseas guests is back. Call 661-7354. MISS Dee Apartments for overseas guests is back. Call 6617354. 1 - FURNISHED house, master-room apartments furnished. Call 688-4321. NEWTOWN: 1 - BEDROOM apartment furnished and grilled $60 000. 622-8109. ONE four-bedroom house in Section 'A' Diamond. Tel. 2654161.

2-STOREY, 1 BOND space, located at Broad and Ketley Streets, with utilities. 643-3675. 1-BEDROOM apartment, Kitty. Furnished 2-bedroom apartment, studio and rooms daily - 621-5282. 1-FLAT wooden, fullygrilled wooden building to rent for business, 50k. negotiable. Tel 226-0861, 683-7278. NORTH ROAD: business/office space downtown: top storey $100 000, $70 000, $40 000. Tel. # 226-5999, 619-2525. ONE spacious 2 bedroom fully grilled apartment in 1st Street Alexander Village, $45 000 per month. Tel. 648-3374, 225-6965. 2 BEDROOM apartment in 95 Craig St., Campbellville, preferably for small family, professionals, teacher. Tel # 225-4409, 645-0984 ONE furnished room to rent in La Parfait, Harmonie, West Bank, Demerara (18 000, working elderly female preferred ) 615-1201, 227-6690. ONE-bedroom apartment couple or single person Middle Road, La Penitence, price $30, 000 per month. Tel. 227-6678, 225-9759, 653-5763. 1 THREE bedroom concrete bottom flat, inside toilet & bath, telephone, parking. Decent working couple. 648-3342, 668-5384. ONE furnished apartment for overseas visitors with AC, hot and cold shower, US$25 daily. Call 231-6061, 621-1524. HOUSES, Apartments & business for rent. US$400. & up. Call Sandy - 638-7232/ 222-7986. DOWNTOWN space suita b l e f o r a n y o ff i c e , b a r b e r, salon, storage or other. Call 227-3064, 628-7589.


22 TO LET OFFICE business space, Queenstown US$300, US$500, US$900 and US$1600 neg. AC and parking space. Tel. 624-4225. ONE two-bedroom apartment at Industry, toilet and bath inside. Tel. 222-8887, 626-6981, 6566356 3-BEDROOM furnished concrete house, $50 000, two (2) months security. Near Parika and Tuschen Scheme. 592-6862800. TWO-bedroom upper flat, recently renovated and secured, western side McDoom Public Road. Married couple preferred $45 000 monthly - 653-7654. ONE 2 bedroom apartment in Newtown Kitty, $50 000 monthly. One small cottage $50 000 monthly in Mon Repos. Tel. 226-7038, 643-5797. MOVE in ready: fully furnished two-bedroom upper-flat apartment, Atlantic Gardens US$1000, dollars negotiable. Call 600-9981. EXECUTIVE two-storey building, 3 bedrooms, with all modern conveniences, furnished/unfurnished, Meadow Brook Gardens. Mr Narine. 696-8230. 1- AND 2-bedroom apartments for long term rental with self-contained hot and cold AC, etc location Mon Repos, ECD. Price $75 000 and $85 000. Tel. 618-0626. REGENT STREET Store, secure ground floor 60'x10,' suitable for electronic, cell phone, computer, general or Jewellery store .$2,500US. Mr. Paul 231-9181, 626-1150, 118 Regent & Alexander Streets. GARNETT Street: One- & two-bedroom furnished apartments. with hot & cold, AC & Internet from US$20 daily. Rates neg. for monthly visitors. Phone: 227-5852/638-4404. EAST STREET Public Hospital vicinity: Top and bottom flat fully grilled, air conditioned; good for doctor's office. Contact B & G's Realty. 227-4125, 617-9717. TWO-storey building located at prime location Alberttown, Georgetown furnished with all modern amenities including master bedroom with AC spacious kitchen, sitting and dining quarters, bar area, large parking area can accommodate 4 cars, secure environment apartment suitable for large family/business use - 645-8400. UPPER flat suitable for office, school, church or any business at Cummings and Middle Streets. Tel. 233-2692. NORTH Road: two-bedroom, bottom flat, $70 000. Call Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 223-6218, 226-5546, 227-2487, 623-7805 KITTY $65 000 - $120 000, Meadow Brook $100 000, Bel Air US$1000, Atlantic Garden US$900, Providence US$1300. Diana: 227-2256, 626-9382. BUSINESS spot for rental: Internet, pharmacy, indoor restaurant, bond space, boutique, and cell phone shop. etc. 6232591, Mr Pereira. TWO (2) Bedroom House Upper Flat Located in Central Georgetown. Contact: Ms. Shelley Duncan. Tel: 684-1084 OR Mr. Joseph Ishmael Tel: 690-9216 1 FURNISHED 2-FLAT EXECUTIVE HOUSE IN Roraima Housing Scheme, Versailles, WBD: 3 bedrooms (1 master), with office space. Please call 6718064. ATLANTIC GARDENS- 3 bedrooms upper furnished US$950. JEWANRAM: 2271988/623-6431/ 647-0560. MEADOW BROOK GARDENS- New upscale 3 bedrooms property with modern amenities, A/C, Hot & Cold, Grilled, Secured parking, etcUS$1500.JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 623-6431/ 647-0560

TO LET SUBRYANVILLE- 3 bedrooms semi-furnished property overlooking the Atlantic - $1,200. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/ 647-0560. K I T T Y (RESTURANT)Spacious ground floor, 4 corner- US$650. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/ 6470 5 6 0. MON REPOS, E.C.D- Well appointed apartments. Upper$100,000, Lower- $80,000. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/ 647-0560. PRASHAD NAGAR/ BEL AIR PARK- 4 bedrooms furnished property with modern amenities- US$2500, US$1200. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/ 647-0560. LAMAHA STREET/ HADFIELD STREET/ NORTH ROAD- Suitable for school, offices,etc. JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 623-6431/ 647-0560. IMAX/ ENTERPRISE GARDENS, E.C.D- 3 bedrooms lower- $55,000; BETTER HOPE, E.C.D- 2 bedrooms upper $45,000. JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 623-6431/ 647-0560 RESIDENTIAL: 2- and 3bedroom unfurnished and furnished apartments, $85 000 to $130 000. BUSINESS: Robb Street 3-storey/ flat, Alberttown 3-storey/flat, Alberttown $100 to $450 000. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624. OFFICE/executive rental: Wonderful 7-bedroom property for office & residence at Atlantic Ville, East Coast Demerara. Price US$2000. Call Mr Darin 6150069, 225-2626, 225-5198, 2253069, 225-2709, 231-2064. 2-BEDROOM furnished top apartment, Campbellville $80 000 neg, 2-bedroom furnished top flat South Road US$800, other apartment and houses furnished and unfurnished from US$800 up. Call 664-5105. QUEENSTOWN: Fully furnished 1- and 3-bedroom apartments, hot & cold, AC, internet, parking, etc., suitable for overseas and visitors short term. 2271843, 226-5137. EXECUTIVE rentals in residential area, well secured, fully furnished with parking. Contact Luxury Homes on 696-3049 or 615-7539. BUSINESS spot for rental: boutique, internet cafĂŠ, restaurant, hardware store, church, office, store, bond space, cell phone shop, DVD shop, etc. Contact 646-0668. A PA RT M E N T S : Unfurnished one-bedroom $50 000 and $55 000, 2-bedroom $60 0 0 0 m o n t h l y. F u r n i s h e d , US$500 - US$1000 monthly. Contact 231-0845. LUXURY flat apartments 143B Fifth Street Alberttown, long and short terms, rentals double,24hrs surveilance/night security and single rooms US$40 and US$80 per night, wifi, AC, hot and cold. Tel. 231-6721. 1 - UNFURNISHED 4-bedroom house in Meadow Brook Gardens, 1 master bedroom, maid's quarters, powder room, hot/cold, WiFi and telephone, basement and two parkings. Contact 231-6721, US$1500 per month. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom very spacious $90 000, furnished 1- 2-, & 3-bedroom, including AC, internet, parking, pool US$500, US$600, US$700. Very exquisite. Contact Alexander Pereira - 669-0943 E m a i l TWO (2) Modern Single Apartments, Upper Flat, Semi Furnished, Hot & Cold, Air Conditioned Unit, Located in Central Georgetown. Contact: Ms. Shelley Duncan. Tel: 6841084 OR Mr. Joseph Ishmael Tel: 690-9216

TO LET ONE two-bedroom apartment at 27 Hugh Ghanie Park, Cummings Lodge ECD, Tel. 6742639. ONE four-bedroom house fully furnished, two master rooms, additionally three utility rooms, office, gym, laundry, in residential area in Georgetown US$2000 neg. Wills Real Estate Ltd. One two (2) bedroom mid-part concrete house, new in new area in Georgetown $45 000 per month.227-2612, 627-8314, 655-0755; PROPERTY Bel Air Gardens upper floor four bedrooms, one self-contained, t w o p o wder rooms, two bathrooms, two verandas overlooki n g the ocean, closet space; ground floor, lounge used also as private office, house-keeper apartment; two car garage; multiple parking $300 000. 667-9367. KITTY US$600, Paradise (furnished house) $45 000, East Bank $30 000, Eccles $60 000, Bel Air (furnished) $80 000 to US$1600, Kingston (house) US$900, Atlantic Gardens (house) US$900, Lamaha Gardens (semi-furnished house) US$1200, Providence (furnished house) US$1300. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382. EXECUTIVE property in gated community at Houston D'Aguiar ' s Park on one acre of land, lots of parking space, very private, 3 bedrooms, air-conditioned, fully furnished, new applia n c e s , s t a n d b y g e n e r a t o r, fully secured with alarm system, hot and cold water which includes water purification system. Tel 609-2876. 623-0425. KINGSTON: Spacious upper flat, 3 bedrooms, unfurnished, big yard, parking $120 000. Eccles, new apartment building, quiet area, 2-bedroom, unfurnished, parking $120 000. Subryanville, quiet and residential area, beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean, 2-storey concrete, semi-furnished, 4 bedrooms, 2 selfcontained study room, guest suite, walk-in pantry, spacious patio, security hut, maid's quarters, AC< parking US$2500, Eccles, residential area, 2-storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms upstairs, automatic garage, AC, parking US$2500, Campbellville, bottom flat, 2-bedroom unfurnished $60 000. Nandy Park, bottom flat 2 bedroom unfurnished $65 000. Lamaha Gardens, beautiful semi-furnished property, 3 bedrooms, large back patio, garage yard space US$1800, Greenfield Park gated community, 2-storey furnished, 3 bedroom, big yard large patio, US$1300. Lamaha Gardens, quiet and secure 2-storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms, back patio, yard space AC US$1500, Happy Acres, 2-storey apartment building, 3 bedrooms each, fully furnished, parking US$1500 each. Call Pete's Real Estate Lot 2 George Street, W/Rust. 227-2487, 226-5546, 226-9951, 223-6218. ANTHONY Reid BSc h a s more than 20,000 hrs in Real Estate Investment and Economic Transformation of People Economic Growth. We have rental from US$1500, in Bel Air Park, ambassador's residence in University Gardens Le Resouvenir, Lama Ave with pool, Jacaranda Ave. with large lawns U S $ 2000, Pr a s h a d N a g a r U S$1000, apt. f r o m U S $ 7 0 0 , b o n d 8 0 0 0 sq ft, small and large office space up to 15000 sq foot; state of the art hotel and office com plex with i n c o m e o f U S $ 4 0 0 0 0 m o n t h l y ; 2 a c r e s o f l and in the city for hotel, and any complex Main Street2½ acresUS$5M, Water Street 4 acres for hotel, hotel on 5 acres of land overlooking the sea US$5M; another overlooki n g t h e s e a US$1.5M, income US$15000; riverside land residential land at LBI - $10M; Republic Park $8M, Diamond $7M, Sec. 'K' $20 M , B e l Air P a r k $ 2 5 M , G arnett double lot $42M, Phone 225-2626, 2312064, 225-2709, 226-1064, 227-6949, 2276863, 667-7812. 619-7945.



ONE upper flat two-room office and general office space, security grilled and steel door, Georgetown US$1300. Office space 30x30 ft close to GNTC $250 000, two-bedroom lower in quiet area in South Gardens, parking, $80 000 monthly. Fully furnished two-bedroom lower flat in residential area, parking, telephone $100 000 monthly. Threebedroom furnished top flat, Regent St - $120 000. Wills Realty 227-2612, 627-8314.

LIGHT Street front property in good condition with parking -$25 million. South five bedrooms house: lots of parking - $30 million. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382.

WE have rental from US$800 in Kingston, New Haven, beautiful 2-storey concrete property, 4 self-contained rooms, large den, large living room, family room, television room, beautiful kitchen, fully air conditioned, hot and cold facilities, land space. Price US$2500, unfurnished. Bel Air Springs 2-storey concrete property, master room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, family room, den, verandah, hot and cold facilities, semi-furnished, security cameras, land spac e U S $ 1 5 0 0 . L amaha Gardens 2-storey c o n c r e t e p r o p e r t y, f u l l y air conditioned 3 bedrooms, unfurnished US$2000, (neg). Prashad Nagar 2-storey concrete property large living a r e a , 4 s elf-contained rooms hot a n d c o l d f a c i l i t i e s , g e n e r a t o r, u n f u r nished US$1500 neg. Camp St middle floor suitable for business $175 0 0 0 . QUEENSTOWN: Beautiful 2storey concrete property in perfect condition, 4 bedrooms, hot and cold facilities, master room, fam i l y r o o m , d e n , a i r - c o n d i tioned, parking space for vehicle US$2500. Do call u s o n Te l . 2 2 5 - 6858, 225-7164, 6881885 Call Terrence 667-7812. We are situated at 247 'D' Forshaw &Oronoque Sts. Queenstown. THE World #1 Realtor Mister Terry Redford Reid 667-7812, 2256858, 225-7164, 226-1064, 2252626, 231-2068, 619-7945. Have the executive rental reduced by 35%, Prashad Nagar US$1000, Jacaranda Ave. Bel Air Park US$2000, B a r ima Ave Bel A i r Park US$1 8 0 0 , B e l A i r S p r i n g s U S $ 1 0 0 0 , l a r g e b o nd for rental o f f i c e s m a l l f o r m US$375, 10 000 sq ft office space for technologybusiness, Lam a h a Gardens US$1500, Lama Av e , B e l A i r P a r k US$180 0 , B e l A i r P a r k o n t h e round about US$1000, Prashad Nagar US$1500, land from $11 million, riverside l a n d h o t e l s w i t h US$35 000 month rental a n d o f fice s p a c e US$40 000 month propertie s from $14 million. 22 5 - 2626, 225-5198, 2261 0 6 4 , 6 2 3 - 2 5 9 1 , 6 6 9 - 3350

THREE-bedroom property for sale in Enterprise Gardens; $14M neg. Contact 680-3771, 6947210. ONE property at Schoon Ord New Housing Scheme, WBD, 2storey concrete. Tel. 698-3636. ONE 2-storey concrete house in Grove, fully tiled, 3 bedrooms upstairs. 628-2330. TWO-storey newly built 3rd Street Diamond. Price $42M neg. Contact - 679-4770. 3-BEDROOM house (one master) in Eccles $25M. Diana: 227-2256, 626-9382. 3-BEDROOM flat house, fully grilled, with all amenities located at Herstelling EBD, in a gated community. Serious enquiries only 6708958. 2 FLAT wooden building, 178 Waterloo Street, Georgetown. $50M. Call 627-3994. PRADO Ville mansion, 5 bedrooms, all self-contained AC, parking etc.:$120M neg. Serious enquiries. Call: 610-8332. ONE 3-storey building with business and lots of land space for any type of business. Serious enquiries only. Tel. 610-0575. PROPERTY for sale at 207 Atlantic Gardens. Call for further information. 601-2938, 2256608, 661-7719. 2 PROPERTIES (SIDE BY SIDE) ECD PUBLIC ROAD 2storey/flat concrete $18M, Lusignan 3-storey/flat South Road. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624. REPUBLIC Gardens New Housing Scheme Gated community situated in Peter's Hall District, East Bank Demerara.. All infrastructure are in place. Interested persons are asked to make contact at our office: 2251787 or 672-7189

ONE concrete 2 flat house in Sophia, prime location. Call 629-7745.

HAPPY Acres $45M, 2231765, 615-8734.\ 3 BEDROOM 2 storey concrete in Lusignan $18M neg. 6757385. PROPERTY in Bare Root, ECD. No agents. Reasonable offer. Tel. 612-6417. GROVE, E.B.D flat concrete house $11M; Sophia land $1.5M. Tel. 684-6266. 2-STOREY 3-bedroom at 272 Vryheid's Lust ECD. Owner leaving. Tel. 656-0952, 694-0952.

FRIENDSHIP, La Parfaite Harmonie, Crane Village, West Ruimveldt, La Penitence, Kitty, Good Hope. 688-4414, 615-3728. 2 - B E D R O O M , 2-storey property at Enterprise, ECD. 2 more properties at Non Pareil and Liliendaal, ECD. Tel: 639-6013, 670-9004 Dave. FULLY furnished 4-bedroom house, super condition, located at Bath, West Coast Berbice. Call 6108118, 678-3314. HOUSE at Herstelling, 22 x 38, land 100 x 50 - $11.8M, other Golden Grove, near Diamond Fire Station $12M. 688-1657. SEC. 'K' Campbellville: 2flat 3-bedroom solid building, $22M neg. B&G's Realty - 2274125, 617-9717. SECURE investment opportunity: Invest in a property on Florida, gateway resort in Florida with 41% return in 2 years. Call 692-9384. 2-STOREY concrete house: 3 bedrooms, 1 self-contained with AC, 1 laundry room, located at Mon Repos, E.C.D. $36M neg. Tel. # 642-2116. PROPERTY at Lot 39 'C' Martin Street, Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice. Tel. 2190223, 685-4839 after 18:00hrs. $2.5M. Must go. BEL Air Gardens, Bel Air Park and Continental Park land and building. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

LAMAHA Gardens: Twostorey concrete and wooden building, three bedrooms for $50M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

2 Storey concrete house in Lusignan $18M. Tel: 675-2385

61 TUCBER Park, New Amsterdam, 2 storey building. Tel: 654-6540.

ONE two-storey with business at Lamaha Street, Queenstown. Tel. 231-4586, 673-5546, 695-4382

GOED FORTUIN WBD 2storey building, 3 bedrooms, (land size 65x370) $45M neg, Contact Pete's Real Estate 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805.

NEW home - $30M neg. 6110315, 690-8625.

ONE 2 flat wooden and concrete house located in Guyhoc Park - $25M neg. Tel. 264-2154.

EXECUTIVE two-storey building, 3 bedrooms with all modern conveniences, Meadow Brook Gardens, Mr. Narine. 696-8230.

S. DEONARAIN Real Estate Business and Valuation Services at 4 Strand, New Amsterdam, Berbice. Tel. 3302521, 611-5233.


PROPERTY FOR SALE. CONTACT 609-0062/699-9926.

VERSAILLES: Fully furnished 5-bedroom house, all rooms self-contained, modern facilities including generator. Beautiful landscape in gated community. Tel: 592-624-8704, 592-684-9203.

LODGE commercial property: 4-corner, consist of apartments rental and beverage depot. Tel. 223-7181, 627-4900.


2-STOREY house at 319 East Street $19M. Tel. 225-7593.


NEED to sell or rent your property? Call Capital Realty 226-9383 for professional service and results. LA PENITENANCE wooden and concrete 4-bedroom upperflat; 3-family apartments, lower flat, $16.5 million neg. 681-3085, No agents. ONE two-storey building, wooden and concrete, Norton Street, five buildings from Camp Street $20M neg. Call 628-0972. LARGE concrete building bordered by 3 Main Streets in central Georgetown. Ideal for offices, school, bond, etc., 4 flats 130ft x 35 ft each, land 250ft x 50 ft. 227-0190, 693-5610. RANCH house (Region No.9), main house and out house located on 25 acres of land For more information, please call Harry on 592-641-5499, 592-6801669 or Natasha 592-617-5860.

BEST Village, Vreed-enHoop, WCD 2-storey 3-bedroom wooden/concrete house on 43x300 ft, transported land. Move in, ready. Price $11M neg. Call 627-0289.







TWO- storey concrete wooden building in prime business area on Sheriff Street. Contact Pete's Real Estate, 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

BENT Street $5.5M; Linden Highway 28 plus 50 acres of land, road to river, with greenheart and other trees, access to water; no reasonable offer refused. Diana - 2272256, 626-9382.

La Parfaite Harmonie, beautiful and newly built flat concrete house, 3 bedrooms $10M neg, Contact Pete's Real Estate, 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805.

GREIA: GROVE, E.B.D two-storey concrete building- 25M; Huston - E.B.D, two properties on land- 30M; Mon-Repos- two-storey concrete building-35M. Tel# 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078.

GREIA: Strathspey ECD: Flat three-bedroom concrete building $6M, Eccles two corner spots, concrete buildings $25M, Canal No. 2 two-storey 4-bedroom concrete building on 9 acres of land $25M, Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078.

FABULOUS Homes Int. De Kindren $7M, Eccles $23M, Enachu Street $52M neg, South Ruimveldt Gardens $25M neg, Princess Street business $62M neg, Mc KEnzie Linden $20M neg, Meadow Brook Gardens $30M neg, Call Alicia 616-1442.

GOOD Hope $20M, 25M, Better Hope $50M, Bel Air $40M, Alberttown 60M, 4th Street Campbellville $65M. LAND Kitty, Duncan Street $28M, Da Silva $19M & $20M.

2-STOREY, William $30M, land sixe 100x50 3350, 623-2591, 226-1064, 2626, 225-5198, 225-3068, 2064, 227-6949, 227-6368, 2709.

ECCLES: 2-storey concrete 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 apartments downstairs - 2 bedrooms each. $35M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

PROPERTIES for sale above $15M. Call MR. Carlos Budram 692-3831, 225-2626, 226-1064, 225-5198, 2276949, 231-2064, 225-2709, 669-3350, 227-6863, 6232591.

NANDY Park beautiful 2storey concrete building, 5 bedrooms with studio apartment, wellkept parking. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805

St 669225231225-

REPUBLIC Park, quiet area, newly built 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms, parking $45M neg, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 6237805.

OGLE ECD residential area, beautiful 2-storey concrete, semi-furnished, 2-family, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 bedrooms downstairs, back patios, and parking. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

CANE View Avenue, South Ruimveldt Gardens 2-storey wooden, concrete, corner lot. Call or visit Pete's Real Estate. Lot 2 George St, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805. SECTION 'B' Non Pariel, 1 4-corner (business property), 2-storey concrete with, 2 ongoing business Chinese Rest a u r a n t a n d g r o c e r y, p r i c e $29M neg. Contact Te. 2704225, 622-8229. MAIN Street: three stories wooden and concrete, US$1 million; New Hope, EBD: new executive house on 10,000 sq ft land with swimming pool $50M; Atlantic Gardens: semi-furnished $45M.; Mentore/ Singh Realty 225-1017, 623-6136. SEMI-unfurnished flat concrete house situated at Pariel 806 of Block XXVIII Plantation Friendship, East Bank Demerara with fruit trees, price negotiable. Call Tel. Nos 647-8595, 270-4149, 227-7978 ask for Terrence. 1 - TWO-storey concrete, needs repairs, located at A12 East La Penitence Housing Scheme, Georgetown, just behind the Police Station. Price $22M neg. Tel. 6626173, 648-4420. LOCATED at Thomas and Lamaha Streets, Kitty, prime business spot. Tel. 225-7732, 610-3043, 689-7250, 6884771. BUSINESS property in Bent St - $16.5M, Phone Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 226-1064, 618-0000, Mr Pereira 623-2591, 225-2626. 225-5198, 231-2064, 226-1064. LAMAHA STREET- 2 storey concrete and wooden property. 2 nd Second building with no drive way- $8M. JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 270-4470/ 623-6431/ 647-0560

E X Q U I S I T E ! A A Eccles $85M R e p u b l i c P a r k $ 5 5 M , BB Eccles $35M, Diamond unfinished $22M, Queenstown $100M, Lamaha St. $40M, Section 'K' $40M - $75M. Contact 644-9883. BUSINESS: REGENT S T R E E T, R o b b S t r e e t , Church Street. RESIDENT I A L N E W H AV E N , B e l A i r Springs, Gardens and Park, Lamaha Gardens, Prashad N a g a r, A t l a n t i c G a r d e n s , Diamond. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624. THESE are ) NOVEMBER bargains: Sec. 'K' $23 million, Meadow Brook $28M, and $35M, Kitty $23, Alberttown concrete massive for hotel $45M, Bel Air Park in great condition $52M, Happy Acres executive $58M, Alb e r t t o w n $ 3 0 M , Sec. 'M' Campbellville $34M now, Phone 225-2626, 225-5198, 227-6863, 227-6449, 225-2709, 231-2064, 226-1064, 667-7812

E N T E R P R I S E 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 1 downstairs $13M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805.

ATLANTIC Gardens, residential area, 2-storey concrete, 4 bedrooms, 2 self-contained, fully furnished, hot and cold system, AC $45M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

GREIA: Campbellville two-storey concrete building $50M, Atlantic Ville furnished two-storey building w i t h g e n e r a t o r, o v e r l o o k i n g A t l a n t i c O c e a n $ 5 5 M . Te l . 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078.

B U S I N E S S for sale one game shop located at Lot 13 D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust, for price contact Leon Denobrega. Tel. # 610-0808, 231-8424. HAPPY Acres, secure area, 2-storey concrete, 2 bedrooms, parking $26M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805. GREIA Kerstaint Park, E.C.D: two properties on land 55'x150'; good land space for bond or can be sold separately. Call to discuss, price $28M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078. GREIA South Ruimveldt Caneville Ave: large five-bedroom two-family building, no repairs, selling with all furnishings and fittings. Owner in country to sell - parking for ten vehicles, price $32M. Tel. 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078. G R E I A E C C L E S : Three bedroom concrete building 28M; Diamond - concrete and wooden two-storey building 16M; Guyhoc Park - two-storey concrete and wooden building11M. Tel # 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078. PRINCESS Street $10M, Bent Street $10M, Guyhoc Park $12M, South Ruimveldt, $10M, North Road $60M neg, Alberttown $37M, Kitty $40M, Call C o r r e t t a o n Te l . # 6 9 7 7842, 671-6653, 231-7052.

HIBISCUS Place $7M, Patentia $7M, East Ruimveldt $10.5M, Granville Park BV $32M, Section K C/ville $48M, Guysuco Gardens $90M, Kitty US$1.5M, Subryanville US$2.2M, Grove $5.5M, $7.5M, $12M, Diamond $8.5M, $18M, $23M, Anandale $9M, Eccles $30M. Call: Rosanna 671-5008, 619-8000. E m a i l : rosannarealty_gt@yaho o . c o m , BBM 236A219D . P R I M E Real Estate: 2storey building, excellent condition, Pitt Street New Amsterdam, Berbice, 7000 sq. ft, for sale or rent. Double lot 70x108 New Amsterdam, Berbice $20M neg, Clothing boutique for sale on Church and Camp. Contact 333-3803, 6982499. OGLE, ECD: Two properties one for $32M, and $52M good condition, no repairs. Call Pete's Real Estate, Lot 2 George St., 227-2487, 226-5546. Nand y Park excellent 2-storey concrete building one family with four bedrooms situated at a corner for $72M. Call Pete's Real Estate. 2272487, 226-5546. EXECUTIVE 2 storey concrete building with modern conveniences (furnished/unfurnished), Safe location opposite Central Police Station (Coburg Street, New Amsterdam), 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Office space completed on 1st floor with private entrance, Large landscaped lot (71x120). Contact Lana Sattaur at 333-2377 or

PARADISE (land) $1.4M, Meadowbrook $9M-$11M, Kitty $28.5M, East Bank $12M, West Bank $19.5M, Alberttown $31M, Queenstown $23M, South $28M, AA Eccles $60M, 28 acres highway (land form road to river) $14M. Diana: 2272256, 626-9382.

LAND OF CANAAN: 1 spacious modern 3-bedroom concrete house, 3 master rooms, guest room, AC, generator, separate caretaker's apartment plus 2-bedroom flat concrete house, fully fenced in concrete, lots of fruit trees on 3 acres of land. Ideally built for a Hindu family. Price US$550 000 neg. Naresh Persaud. 225-9882, 681-2499.

HOUSE and Land for Sale Two Storyed Wooden and Concrete House, Sixth Street Alberttown Georgetown. $35 Million Dollars Negotiable. Contact: Mr. George Teekah Tel: 231-6278 Or Dr: Thasana Teekah Tel: 6260993

KITTY $30M, Queenstown $26M, Section 'K' $40M, Prashad Nagar $39M, Robb Street (2 buildings) $125M, Princes Street $62M, Land (Highw a y 4 1 a c r e s ) $ 20M. Diana 2 2 7 - 2 2 56, 626-9382.

PARADISE Main Road 2bedroom house 80 x 100 land $13M; South Ruimveldt Gardens 5-bedroom $25M; Alberttown 5-bedroom $35M; Main Street US$950,000; all prices are negotiable. Troy 6262243. FABULOUS Homes Int. Colidgen $7M, $14M; Diamond $10.5M neg, $12M, $13M, $15M; Eccles $25M; Alberttown $35M neg; Happy Acres $45M; Section 'K' Campbellville $52M; Land Grove Public Road $7M; Nesme $3.5M; Enterprise $2.5M; Diamond and Grove $3M - $7M. Contact Theresa 648-6033. ECCLES 5 bedroom 2-family $25M neg, South Ruimveldt Gardens 6 bedrooms $24M neg, Diamond 6 bedrooms unfinished $10M neg, De Kendren 2-bedroom flat house with land 175'x50' $7M, land at the front of Diamond from $5.5M ranch. 655-8361, 6996811 Fabulous Homes Realty. N E W modern Pike North Ruimveldt ranch with master room $17M, Meadow Brook Gardens $35M, Tucville concrete new $27M, Providence $25M, new ranch $13M, Bel Air Park $45M, Prashad Nagar $37M, Duncan St. $23M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville requires repairs $14M, D'Urban St. $15M, Bent St. business residence. Phone Lord Johnny Ramsohoye 225-2709, 618-0000, 227-6949, 225-2626, 226-1064, 2 2 7 6949, 225-5198. ONE-storey wooden building in good condition Success on Embankment Road for $24M, concrete building needs improvement work on Railway Embankment road on 22 000 sq. feet of land $48M Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805. K I T T Y, St a t i o n Street, property with existing business, 2-storey concrete, 2 - f a m i l y, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 bedrooms downstairs, yard space $55M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805. P R O P E R T Y for sale by bid. Contact Pete's Real Estate Lot 2 George Street, Werk-enRust Georgetown 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-5546, 6237805 Lot 65 3½ Mile, Housing Scheme, Bartica, 1 flat concrete building, 3 bedrooms. Lot 11 0 E E l i z a b e t h H a l l , E n t e r prise, ECD 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms. Lot 76 3½ Mile Housing Scheme, Bartica, 1 flat concrete building, Lot 214 La Parfaite Harmonie, WBD, 2-store concrete needs internal repairs. Lot 577 Section 'C' Sophia, 1 flat concrete structure. Lot 101 Blankenburg, WCD, 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms. Lot 43 Sans Souci, Wakenaam, 2-storey wooden building. ONE NEWLY built two flat concrete building at Diamond New Scheme. The upstairs consists of two self-contained bedrooms with built-in closets, a spacious kitc hen, dining and living rooms along with a large verandah at the back. The lower flat has a two-bedroom apartment and a large area that could be used as a bond or for any business. The yard has a concrete fence with spikes and razor wire above it. There is also a laundry and a generator room downstairs along with a fully tiled carport. A complete water supply is available including six tanks and pump. Asking price: $42M. Interested persons can contact owner at 693 2531.




R&N Marketing and Realty. C/VILL E $ 3 5 M , L B I E m b a n k ment $24M, Good Hope P/Rd (land - 280x140) $90M,Sherrif & Enachu Sts. $75M, Vlissengen Rd. (land) $75M, $110M, $140M, Sherrif St, $50M, S o u t h Ruimveldt $16M, Diamond $12M, $20M,East R/veldt $10.5M, Eccles $30M, $38M, A/town $36M,Triumph $14M, Agriculture Road, Triumph $20M, Sherriff St. $150M, Subryanville $58M, Brickdam $100M, Ogle brand new 2-storey, 5 bedroom house $80M, Lamaha St, Queenstown, 3-storey, corner proprty $85M. Tel. 219-4399, 6108332

WATERSIDE PARK Bush Lot Village, West Coast Berbice. Vacant lots from $2.6M - $+5M and lots with newly completed houses from $6.8M. 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom homes close to race track, seashore, schools, supermarket, churches, gas station, shops etc. NO DOWN PAYMENT: monthly, quarterly or half-yearly instalments. Roads, water, electricity, phone. Regency Homes 232-0107, 610-0956. CALL us at Raphael's Realty, 204 Charlotte St. Bourda Tel. 225-8241, 227-4950 after hrs 226-7829 fax 2271537. Timehri hotel $60M, executive Ogle $100M, $115M, $170M, Diamond $21.5M, $26M, Queenstown $65M, $75M, $120M, Kitty $60M, LBI $43M, Versailles $25M, Westminster WBD $24M, Republic Park $40M, Nandy Park $40M, South Road. 3storey building. $220M, Brickdam $180M, Hope ECD $25M, Lamaha Gardens $125M, $200M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Louisa Row $44M, Lamaha St Alberttown $85M, Subryanville $500M. LAND for sale La Grange $3M, Smyth St. $60M, Bel Air (ECD) $42M.

CORRETTA Sam's Real Estate and Property Management has the best holiday deals on properties. Campbellville $45M, $26M, Continental Park $65M neg, (land) Happy Acres $16M neg (land) $27M and $70M (double lots), Atlantic Gardens $45M fully furnished Queenstown $20M, North Rd. (land) $30M, Robb St $65M, Lombard St $80M (land), ideal for business Sandy Babb St $65M, South Ruimveldt $22M neg, Rentals Brickdam (office space) US$1100 - US$1200 monthly, Sandy Babb St US$800 - US$1000 monthly (fully furnished) William St two and three-bedroom apartments (AC) fully furnished US$600-US$700 monthly. Tel 697-7842, 671-6653, 231-7052. 25% DISCOUNT on all properties for this summer only. UG Gardens $140M, Republic Park $30M, Nandy Park 4 apartments $32M, Middle Road La Penitence land size 140 x 60 $17M, second Street Alberttown business and residence $45M, 5th St. Alberttown massive concrete $48M, Eccles $14M, Kitty Sandy Babb St. two properties on double lot $38M, Lamaha St Queenstown apartment complex $58M. Phone Vice President Mr. Alanna Debidayal 231-2064, 697-9377, 225-3068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6949, 225-2626. FABULOUS Homes International Realty: Coldingen $14M neg, Rasville $14M neg, Enmore $8M neg, Campbellville $15M neg, Diamond 2 for 1 deal $15M neg, Cove and John 2 homes 5 bedrooms $12M, 4-bedroom $10M, McDoom Solid concrete $20M, North Ruimveldt 7-bedroom fixer upper, Nismes $6.5M, La Parfaite Harmonie $8.5M, 6-bedroom apartment (4 2-br, 2 1-br) only $21M neg), corner lot 89x80 Albouystown. Ready to go now! And many more, call Ahaziah 613-3018 R&N Marketing and Realty. KITTY- $17M, $30M, Good Hope $15.5M, Garnett S t $ 3 1 M , Montrose $18M, Mon Repos Block CC $23M, $10.5M & $9M, Ganges St. P/Nagar - 5 Bedroom $58M, Granville Park $31M, Lusignan business property $13M, Durban St $21M, Ogle A/Strip Road $55M, Better Hope Pub Rd $37M, Cummings St $37M, New Market St $55M, East St $60M, Happy Acres $30M, North Road $70M, Bel/A/Park $60M, P/Nagar $28M, L/Gardens $75M,Regent St. $1.2MUS. Diamond - 2nd Ave, 5 Bedroom $38M. Tel. 2194399, 610-8332.

R&N Marketing and Realty. Good Hope PUBLIC Road East Coast (land 675 x 92) $150M, Agriculture Rd, Triumph (land 600 x 45 ft) $14M, Chimney Road, Chateau Margot - (4 bedroom self cont) $31M, Diamond 2nd Ave- 5 Bedroom $40M,Queenstown (back lot - 80x60) $37M, Oleander Gdns $40M,Alberttown,6th St, $52M, L/ Gardens $55M, Atlantic Ga r d e n s $ 30 M , D u n c a n S t $30M , A l e x a n d e r S t $ 50M, Robb St $60M,Barr St $65M, Earl's Court $35M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Queenstown $70M, South Road $85M. Republic Gdns -Land (100x100) $24M. Tel. 2194399, 610-8332. EXECUTIVE HOUSESRORAIMA TRUST, VERSAILLES- $50M; AA ECCLES- $60M, $75M, $100M; ALBERTTOWN (2 COTTAGES)- $26M; GRANVILLE PARK, BV- $40M; OGLE (PUBLIC ROAD)- $45M; KITTY$85M, $60M; NON PARIEL$25M,$20M, $15M; COLDINGEN- $14M; ATLANTIC GARDENS- $55M; IMAX/ ENTERPRISE GARDENS$16M/ $13M; ANNANDALE (PUBLIC ROAD)- $45M; ANNANDALE (FIRST STREET)- $22M; HAPPY ACRES- $28M, $45M; NEW MARKET STREET- $55M; LAMAHA STREET- $6M. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 2704470/ 623-6431/ 647-0560 BEL Air Springs - 2-flat concrete, five-apartment, semi-furnished; building on land 77' x 73' with beautiful sea view; Subryanville Sea View - property on land 104.56' x 116.9'; Section 'K' Campbellville - solid concrete structure, needs some repairs $22M neg; Campbellville - building and land 60'x132', negotiable; George St., Wert-en-Rust - $40M neg; Waterloo Street property - good for bond, $45M; Norton St. - land & 2 buildings, $30M neg; Soesdyke- land 166.00' x 131.98' $4.5M neg; Soesdyke 57.21 acres of land close to Linden Highway Junction, 215'.36 x 8,755'.2 - $125M neg, and many more. Call B & G's Realty 2274125, 617-9717. ONE two-flat 5-bedroom property 3 upper, 2 lower, on land 50x80 ft in residential area $30M neg. Large business complex housing several stores on corner lot 120x94 ft (approx.), vacant possession guaranteed at short notice, ideal for exploitation by a creative mind, Price $250M central Georgetown. Lacytown property in the heart of business area two-flat concrete and wooden building on premises 3 1 x 11 8 f t , $ 7 0 M n e g . A n Investor's dream. The complete apartment complex, Greater Georgetown comprising six fully furnished suites in main building, admin office, spacious reception area, caretaker's quarters, very large generator, Laundromat, filtration chamber, automatic gate, security cameras, landscape lawns on 1.88 acres land. Serious enquiries only.ONE sixbedroom two-flat, two-family concrete house with all up-to-date furnishing, Prasad Nagar, $55M none-negotiable. Wills Realty 227-7377, 627-8314.

24 PROPERTY FOR SALE NOVEMBER Bargains in Guyana: Full concrete D'Urban Street business $19M, business and residence Bent Street 16M, Gordon Street business & residence $23M. Waterloo Street business and residence (new) $35M. South Road Land $36M, Charlotte Street 2 buildings 2 houses by Light $32M. Land 140 x 60 by Russian Embassy $30M. Land at Turkeyen 140x60 $32M. L0 Ressovenure Land 126x60 $20M. Campbellville flat house needs repairs $13M. Section K $19M needs repa i r s , 3 - s t o r e y Quamina Street for hotel US$599 000, Bel Air Park $49M Lamaha Gardens valued $85M now $70M. Rental of ap a r t m e n t s f r o m U S $ 7 0 0 , R e s i dence US$1 2 00 upwards. Phone Lord Patrick Pereira 227-6863, 225-2709, 2276949, 226-1064, 669-3350. 7 days a week 25% DISCOUNT on all properties for this summer only. Sale! Sale! Sale! Business property immediately: East of Orange Walk in Charlotte Stree t $28M, 3-storey business property in Croal Street requires repairs $32M, Bent Street almost new 2-storey business property $!6M, South Ruimveldt Gardens residence $16M, Ogle fully concrete new $49M, Tucville new $26M, Prashad Nagar executive $55M, Bel Air Park $55M, Kitty business or residence requires repairs, on 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, Forshaw old ho u s e $21M, 3storey business close to Main Street $55M, Meadow Brook $45M, fully co n c r e t e D'Urban Backlands $30M, New Section 'K' $42M, Lamaha Gardens executive $68M, one ranch-style Section 'M' 3-bedroom suites for elderly $50M, fully concrete with excellent interior work, Bel Air Gardens $130M.Mr. Alanna Debidayal 231-2064, 697-9377, 225-3068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6949, CAPITAL Realty Properties Turkeyen Gardens/ Atlantic Ville $56M, Atlantic gardens $50M, Camp Street $53M, Campbellville Stone Avenue $48M, La Penitence $17M, Vreed-En-Hoop $12M, Hadfield Street $42M, Charlestown reduced $38M, Alberttown $40M, Diamond $15M, $8M, $13M, $17M, $40M, Ogle $60M, Providence $42M, Grove $13M, $25M, North Ruimveldt $12M, Albert Street $47M, Paradise $15M, $16M, Brickery $23M, Parfait Harmony $9M, $28M, $40M, Tuschen $30M, Chateau Margot $35M, Happy Acres $47M, Norton Street $21M, Eccles $30M, Good Hope $20M, Meadow Brook Gardens $48M, Lusignan $20M, Republic Park $32M, Sheriff Street $72M, Earl's Court $48M, Herstelling $16M, Vryheid's Lust $13M, Le Resouvenir $15M. many more listings Azeem 2269383, 642-3722, 698-8710. NEW concrete Section 'K' $44M, 7-apartment William St. concrete building reduced from $60M to $50M, Kitty house requires. repair on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Middle Road La Penitence $16.5M, almost Regent and Oronoque St. $36M, Charlotte Street East of Orange Walk $28M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $66M, Meadow Brook concrete $45M, executive Rep u b l i c P a r k $ 4 8 M , L a maha Gardens 3 self-contained $70M, Prashad Nagar 6-bedroom $58M, business 3-storey Quamina Street $85M, Bel Air Gardens on double lot $140M, Subryanville $58M, Alberttown concrete business $40M, New Haven 4 self-contained $80M, 3-bedroom new concrete Ogle $48M, Bel Air Park $52M, Croal St. 3-storey require repairs $30M, 4 lots in AA Eccles with incompl e t e c a t h e d r a l style structure requires $20M to complete, plus reserve and place for lake $90M neg. , Mr. Darendra 615-0069, Vice Presiednt Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Jhonny Ramsahoye 225-2709, Vice President Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 2253068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 6677812, facebook Tony Reid Realty 7 days a week 24 hours a day all holidays and all prices are negotiable.

GUYANA CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2013 PROPERTY FOR SALE EXCELLENT b a r g a i n s N o rton St r eet - $14 M , Bent Street business and residence $16M, executive Prashad Nagar mansion double lot - $85M, 8 apt. apartment complex was - $120M, now $85M, Sec. 'K' Campbellville - $23M, Alberttown concrete 5 bedrooms - $46M, other for - $19M, and $30M, South Ruimveldt Gardens - $19M, Festival City - $14M Charlotte Street business and residenc e by Bourda Market - $26M, Cummings Street - $34M, Meadow Brook - $28M, D'Urban Street for double lot for 5-storey - $25M, Phone Lord Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, 227-6949, 2252709, 231-2064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6863 , 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8 , 667 7 8 1 2 QUEENSTOWN: 3-storey concr e t e building, Price $ 1 00 M . South Ruimveldt Gardens property in good condition. Price $18M. Lamaha Gardens beautiful 2-storey concrete property 3 self-contained, 1 master, library, television room, living room, upstairs back verandah, downstairs den, fully marble stone tile, family room patio, garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmetics, land space Price $90M,Ogle beautiful property $90M,Mon Repos $36M neg, Regent St. $120M beautiful home excellent condition in Eccles $55M neg, Queenstown property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. We are located at 247(D) Forshaw and Oronoque Streets, Queenstown. Tel. 225-6858, 225-7164, 667-7812, email:

AGRI. EQUIP. MISC. FIAT 180-90 4x4 tractor, Ford 7740 4WD tractors, 416 Caterpillar 4x4 L/backhoe, Cherry picker list 45ft, 1- 400 Amps diesel welder Perkins engine on trailer. Tel 666-2518, 671-1809, 6392789.



GENERATORS 6 500 watts. 688-4414, 615-3728. PAINT ball guns and balls Call 670-9606. WHOLESALE plucked chicken. Call 676-0931. BAKING pans and sheet, baking table. Call 695-7484. ONE 14" River dredge in perfect condition. Tel # 669-8985. COMPLETE internet cafĂŠ for sale - 621-5282. LIVE & plucked chicken. Tel: 650-4421, 220-9203. GLASS (mall glasses, hospital glasses etc) Tel: 670-6403. ONE car seat, great condition. Tel. 667-9737. ONE new radiator for Honda CRV RD5. Tel 674-7494. 2 USED car lifts. Tel. 623-1397, 233-2414, 08:00hrs - 16:00hrs. SHOES: fashionable heels - $6,000 each $5,500 wholesale. 693-3885. PORTABLE AC 10,000 BTU - used 6 MONTHS - $40 000. 6933885. WALKING freezers for sale. Sizes from 8x8 to 10x15. Contact # 223-7975, 666-2276. ROTTWEILER pups and mastiff mixed with Labrador. Tel. 625-0345. CLARK Ranger skidder, Puma portable mill Tel. 2690603, 662-2508. USED truck tyres: 295 R 22.5 Good Year from UK, price $38 000. Tel. 684-6661. RECONDITIONED (factory) MF 590 tractors, 4WD, new tyres. Knock-down prices. 689-5858. 2 ICE Machines, 1 smoothie machine, small fridge. Tel. 2310655, 683-8734.

FOR SALE 1 GPS MAP 76 network router $90 000. 600-0036, 223-1719. ONE display double-door cooler; one 4-channel security camera and DVR. Tel. 679-6040. SALE - SALE: HOUSEHOLD items: curtains , pool's table- bar stool, etc. Tel. # 669-0366 GOLD land and diamond at Ekeruku, Berbice (District 1), Kurupung. 600-0036, 223-1719. ONE ideal sawmill complex with all equipment. Good location, with large land space. Tel 684-5868 BLACKBERRY cell phone, 9650 model, Blackberry Bold excellent condition (like new) - $12,000. 6246464, 675-3062. Keith. PLAY Station 2 games at $1000 each, Softmod for PS2 as well. Contact 684-3025. SATELLITE DISHES, RECEIVERS, TVs. TEL: 6573711. OUTBOARD engine between 5 and 50Hp. Tel. 621-3399, 6220173. ONE tropical freezer 7 cu ft excellent condition, price $40 000 neg. Tel. 678-1771. FOR sale: Pure bred German Shepherd pups; One female Rottweiler, 4 months old. Tel # 220-2277, 626-0910. PHOTOCOPY machines Black and white and color. 6120438. 1 NEW ASCO automatic change-over switch, 200 Amps. Tel. 694-7817, 612-1351. 1 PERKINS Engine 1000 series, 4 cylinder, complete with radiator, price $900 000 (neg.). Tel. # 226-5999, 619-2525. 1 - SUN deck luxury boat, 25 ft by 8 ft, washroom, leather seats, trailer. Tel. 618-2064. Giveaway price. DIGITAL Sony Camera with charger; portable printer with charger, price $60, 000 neg. Call 609-8550, 694-1778. PURE bred Doberman pups, 9 weeks, fully vaccinated and dewormed. Tel. 609-2815, 696-4659. NEW 18 cubic Kenmore fridge, panel curtains, office chairs, cotton sheet sets, LG front loading washing machine. 223-8213, 225-8000. MIXED breed pups, German Shepherd and Rottweiler already vaccinated and dewormed. 6867417. SALE ON DELL DESKTOP DUAL Core Computers. High Spec, complete with Dell LCD monitor, keyboard and mouse. Tel 691-2077. ONE music set with three power amps with a total of 5 500 watts, etc. For more information, please call 682-3481. Price neg. LARGE double-door fridge, very good condition $55 000, one computer desk $5 000, one DSL modem $5 000. 692-3368, 692-3369. GOING CHEAP,BF Goodrich 33 x 10.50 x 15 Mud Terrain tyres, 95% thread, in excellent condition. . Tel. 2238780, 669-3741. HONDA Generator: Excellent condition, 13000 watts, key start price $500 000 neg. Call 220-7378 or 627-6645. MERCURY/Quicksilver from USA. Very high purity, available retail $17 000 per lb and wholesale neg. (grey flasks). Contact Ms. Sabrina 692-6183. 1-PAIR large Nibby and Cane table lamp antique with shade,110v - $15,000. Tel:675-8008. Owner leaving country. ONE 75HP Yamaha Enduro Outboard Engine, Eight Months old. Owner leaving country. Price Negotiable. Contact 609-3686. or 619-1117. K-GUARD 4-channel complete security systems, including DVR and all necessary wiring with or without installation. Contact 658-4009. REBUILT 4-cylinder and 6-cylinder Perkins, Kobota, Yamnar and Ford; engine on bed for mining, price $500 000 up. Tel. 696-1994 (Rajin).

FOR SALE ORIGINAL door mirrors for Allion, Premio, Runx, Allex, 212, 192, 170, 100 Sprinter and 110 Sprinter, also brand new drums for 192 and 212. Tel. 654-6401, 6546394. STARR Computer System 2.8 Ghz, 2 MG Ram, flat screen, mouse, keyboard $47 000 neg, Hp desk jet $7 000.DSL modem $6 000, computer desk $7 500 neg. Phone 692-3369. 1-WHITE television stand with wheels to hold large tv, dvd, music set etc - $25000. Tel:616-5340. 10 KVA generators, diesel, welder, Yanmar, quiet; Lincoln gas welder drill press, jack hammer, Rudra Ramroop Furniture Store. 612-8879, 678-2918. PERKINS engines from England, 4- and 6-cylinders. Also Recon engine on bed. We stock all models of Lister Petter spares. Call 624-3187 GE 26-cu ft side-by-side refrigerator and freezer; stainless steel front. It has icemaker, dispenses water and ice crush or cube, price $195 000 neg. Tel. 678-1771. 1- THREE SEATER and one two seater setty - arm covered, new - $75,000; 1- stainless steel Kettle with whistle and handle, new - $3000; 1- stainless steel kettle 110v - $4000. Tel:614-9432.Owners migrating.

LIGHTING Plan 70 kva, Whisper watt 240 - 480 3ph, 220110, Singh Ph. Fuel tank capacity 114 gallon. 671-7450. 2 - 12 000 lb 4-post lifts, 10 000 lb 2-post lifts, 6 000 lb low rise lift, 2 - 80 gallon 175 psi compressor, 390 MF tractor, 399 MF tractor, 2003 Toyota Camry. 643-3875. COMPRESSORS Hermatic air condition compressors, two 12000 BTU and one 24 000 BTU, all in good condition - $45 000. 667-9367. CHRISTMAS sale from NY: Window, kitchen and bedroom blinds; table cloths and mats; scented candles; ladies stuff, etc. #641-3489, 223-9484, 225-1664. O N E YA M A H A 8 5 2 STROKE OUTBOARD ENGINE AND ONE CATERPILLAR. Fully marine with 220 HP. Tel: 260-2973/610-0756. 1- ANTIQUE half round table and stool for doing nails etc,$20,000; 1- milk shake stainless steel machine 110v - 3 speed, 3 pint cup stainless steel, good for home or business, -$20,000.(Hamilton Beach made). Call:614-9432. LARGE cargo vessel ideal for North West operation, size 225 ft x 45 ft, 25 CSA, turbo charge diesel British engine. Tel. 227-5242, 652-9470. 1 - FIGAT rice combine 3700, needs minor repairs, engine and track in perfect order, was working two crops ago. Price $1.6M. Phone 339-2327, 651-2147, 612-5571. PLANTS! Plants! Hibiscus, crotons, palms (red palm), Xmas trees, ixoras, ficus, mussaenda etc, also sweet tamarind plants, etc. Contact Evergreen Plant Shop, 156 Block 'X' Diamond Housing Scheme (2nd Avenue/2nd Street). Tel 216-2199, 687-5631. 1- SIDE BY SIDE large Refrigerator and freezer, hardly used 110v, good condition - $160,000. New 4 speed premium blender with mug - $5000 110v; 1-32 inch Sony tv with remote control, curve screen, 110v $65,000. Call 614-9432. 42" LED Super Slim TV, brand new, imported food warmers with nine pans, custom chrome wheels - 305 x 40 x 22, fits all 4x4, brand name colognes, Oakley Polarised sunglasses, steel grills. 642-3722, 223-1885. ONE Chinese sein turn out consists of (1) 40Hp Yamaha outboard; 5 Chinese sein 70 ft mouth 150 ft length; 1 boat 31 ft long 7 ft wide 3 ft dept, yellow and green; 17 coolers; 10 tubs; 10 chamber big line 3 set fish pen. Tel. 6486739, 216-2205.

FOR SALE 1 -TOASTER oven with g l a s s d o o r 11 0 v - $ 5 0 0 0 ; 1 Coffee Perculator 110v with glass mug - $5000. Tel:6165340. A L L hard-to-get vehicle parts including windscreen, computer box, doors, lights, engines, front half, back half, mirrors, etc for Toyota, N i s s a n , B M W, M e r c e d e s , Mitsubishi, Honda Isuzu, Fuzo, etc. at unbeatable p r i c e s . C o n t a c t Te l . 6 4 5 7800, 001-597-866-6358. LINCOLN portable welder 4 - 2-cylinder Lister engines, 3 generators 75 KVA, 30 KVA on trailer and 20 KVA Onan, 1 - 450 Amps welder (Miller), 1 - 250 Amps Welder (Miller), 1 - 30 gal. compressor, 1 - 4x4 Caterpillar backhoe, 1 - 8" floor sander, 1 - floor sander edger. Call 227-0195, 225-7732, 688-4771. IDEAL FOR OFFICE: 2 large stainless steel book display stand - round (UK made) ideal for office or doctor's waiting room or sale of books $35,000 each. 1- paper cutter - Guilletene hand type 18x30 USA made - $15000; 1- set o f o f f i c e w a l l d i v i d e r (UK made), to set up about 2 to 3 offices with glass door $40,000. 2 folding metal and plastic chairs for office or patio - $3000 each. Call 6758008. Owners leaving country. 1- 12 INCH DISC edge sander machine - 110-240v for furniture maker, door edge or any wood work edge (UK made) - $55,000; 1- electric mac tool brand parts washer 110v with 25 gallon drum that holds fluid at the bottom and square metal bin at the top with cover to wash parts. $55,000. Tel:621-4928. 1 COMPRESSOR with nailer kit, g e n e r a t o r, p o w e r w a s h e r, S k i l 1 0 " t a b l e s a w, S k i l 1 0 " c o m p o u n d m i t r e s a w, 1 Craftsman Chain Saw. Te l : 2 2 6 0880, 97 Hadfield St, Werk-en-Rust, G/town.

FOR SALE OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 1paper shredder 110v, fully automatic with bin -$20,000 (complete). 1 Whirlpool dehumifier on wheels 110v, - $20,000, for office, home or patio; new large APC smart uninteruptable power supply 120vac along with all fittings and new laptop with manuals and CD instructions. -$120,000. Call 675-8008. Owner leaving country. NEW ARRIVAL! COMPRESSORS (26 gal, 20 gal, 33 gal, 30 gal & 60 gal. Pressure washer (4200 psi, 3000 psi and 3800 psi DeWalt. Rough neck garbage bins 45 gal & 32 gal. Generators, Stanley 8000 watts. All power portable 10 000 watts, Briggs and Stratton storm 5500 watts. Contact Donna on 609-1179, 611-0402. 1- NEW blue large Fibre Glass bath tub (US made) $45000; 2 hot and cold water sinck with fittings (UK made) $10,000 each. 1 - Relistic CB base station radio set - 12 volts - $12000. Onwer migrating. Tel: 675-8008. Owner leaving country. SONY PLAY STATION 2 AND 3 AND XBOX 360 ORIGINAL GAME DISCS, DOZENS OF TITLES TO CHOOSE FROM; FIFA 2013, KILLZONE 3, MORTAL KOMBAT, GRAND THEFT AUTO, DEVIL-MAY-CRY, ETC. Best, lowest prices available. CALL The Original Video Game Pioneer (Since 1995 'MAX' former Game City Boss) on 6728569, 609-8132, NOW. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 10 large Fujitsu Siemens flat screen computer monitors - 60HZ - 110v - $16000 each. 7 surge protector and battery back ups: ES 750120V, 60 HZ-12A-UPS out put 120v,60HZ, 420w, 50VA, 6.25A $15000 each. 3 surge protector and battery back p 7, 2 & 5 - 120v, 2 automatci voltage regulator stabili - AR-2000w - $15000 each and AR 3000 - $20,000with break witch.A quantity of new power cord, and other new computer cords, manuals, CD, spares etc, all for $60,000 (give away). Owner leaving. Tel:675-8008.


SCREW on antenna Japanese made for all type of vehicles such as: Allion, Premio, Raum, Spacio, Rav 4, Wagon etc; also all type of mirrors for 192, 212, Honda, and many others. $ 8 0 0 0 p e r p a i r. Te l : 6 1 6 5340. Owners leaving.

TOYOTA Corolla, AE 110. Contact 226-1308, 647-1481.

1-TRIPPLE light 140 watts power inverter - DC-12 volts to 110 volts with fuse - $20,000; 1two half pool or Billlards Cue in case - $5000, 1- Detecto scale large for measuring height and weight of patients; good for doctor's clinic or any medical organisation - $55,000. (UK made). Call 675-8008. Owner leaving country.

ONE Toyota Corolla. Call 223-1094, between 2pm - 5 pm.

1- LARGE XEROX work centre pro 423/428 photocopy machine with scanning kit, all cds and manuals available with machine; hardly used excellent condition - 110v-240v - $400,000 negotiable. 1 large wooden writing desk, 5 drawers, needs minor work - $15000; 4 printers HP Laser Jet 4200N-4300 series - $35,000; 2420 - $30,000, HP Laser jet - $30,000 ans Lexmark 253-$7000, all 110v and in good condition. Owner leaving. Tel:616-5340. Owner leaving country. BRAND NEW Catridges in box sealed for photocopy machine and hp printers. 2 -Xerox Ink Catridges 113 R 634 - $40,000. 2 -Xerox Ink Catridges 113 R 321 $40,000. 8 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 98x92298X - $15000 each. 3 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 13x- $6000 each. 3 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 13A - $8000 each. 4 HP Laser Jet coloured catridges 4193A $5000 each. 3 Canon catridges NPG 11 toner $5000 each. All prices are negotiable. Tel:675-8008

ONE CRV (RD1) PKK series, Phone 627-7470 and 669-7713. UNREGISTERED Spacio. Tel. 683-6606. AE 110 Corolla: $1.1M neg. Tel. 670-6222.

1 - NISSAN Laurel car. Tel. 610-0848, 218-1382. LEYLAND Daf truck with hyab. Tel.. 626-5706. TOYOTA RZ, PHH 4332. Tel 220-4389. 1 - 2010 Ford Raptor like new. Tel. 661-6161. IRZ MINIBUS: long base EFI. Call 229-6533, 613-2798. TOYOTA Tacoma 5VZ 3400 cc foreign used engine. 6214862. 1 AT 212 new model, AC, mag rims, CD. 625-7416, 2278659. VIVA AND FORD WAGON driving when parked - $200 000 NEG. 693-3885. 1 - 320 CL excavator: excellent condition. Tel. # 6993992. ONE AT 212 (Silver Grey) in excellent condition, price $1.7M neg, lady driven. Tel. 689-3479. TOYOTA Passo $1.9M neg, in excellent condition. Tel. 6816066. DIESEL Toyota Hilux 5L, AC, music, $2.5M neg. 6577784. UNREGISTERED vehicle: 2004 Raum, Fielder, Spacio and Runx. Call 609-8989, 616-5595.








AT 192 Carina, price $650 000 in good working condition. Tel. 270-5113, 647-5790.


BMW 320 CARS, open and enclosed canter trucks with lift, and 4x4 Super cab pick up - 61 Dennis St., Campbellville. 227-0190, 693-5610, 616-9727.

AT 170 and spares "where is where as" basis, very serviceable; Carina 212 back window screen. Call Tyron - 694-0449.

ONE MORRIS AUSTIN Car, PLL series, good condition, a u t o m a t i c , 5 s e a t e r. Ve h i c l e transferable, owner l e a v i n g . $400,000. Te l : 6 1 6 - 5 3 4 0

1 - NISSAN Latio (Tiida) PMM 6764 in excellent condition, keyless, good tyres, 82 000 miles, owner-driven, powerful AM/FM sound system with TV, CD changer, alarm, Call Mohabeer - 624-2922, 226-6636. PRICE $1.9M

MOTOR cycle: Jailing JH 150 in good working condition - $165 000. 667-9367. SILVER Blue Bird Slyphy, late PPP series, price $2.6M neg. Tel. 678-1771. 1 - 2012 HONDA RR 600 motorcycle, like brand new. Contact 682-0384. JUST arrived pit bull bus, full 15 seater, excellent condition and price. Tel 614-5142, 622-1610. ONE automatic Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1998 model. Asking $4M neg. Tel. 664-2246. TOYOTA Raum (silver), in excellent condition 16" chromes, leather interior, AC. Tel. 629-7777. 2400CC Toyota Camry, Silver gray, $2.5M neg. Tel. 640-4243, 6910419 serious enquires only.

3 - 6x6 TM dump trucks $5.5M each in good condition. Call 600-6335. ONE Leyland DAF single axle and dump. 216-1315, 6136615 TOYOTA Hilux, extra cab pickup, GPP series, fully loaded $2M neg. Tel: 699-8490 GREEN BHH 4177 RZ long base EFI, mags in good condition. Tel. 670-6403. ONE TOYOTA RZ MINIBUS BHH3745. TEL: 2770491 CAMRY PGG series, in excellent condition $800 000 neg. Tel. 610-5001. 1 - LANCER motor car $1M neg., PJJ series, good condition,Contact 614-5940.

ONE Honda 450 ATV, 4x4, price $800 000; one 2006 Toyota Towning manual $3.3M. Tel. 6220445, 685- 7659.

PREMIO, 2003 - $2.6M, Spacio 2003 - $2.45M, 1 Pit bull bus $3.4M, .Dhan Auto Sale.Tel. 616-6575.

290 MF tractor, foreign-used, in excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 670-9393.

ONE Toyota new model, 212 Carina mag rims, music, AC, alarm, HID lights, fully loaded. Tel: 626-2503.

15 - SEATER pit bull BPP series; and 212 Carina (yellow cab) (1 month). Call 644-2099.

SUZUKI Vitara Jeep, fully powered in immaculate condition.Asking price $3.5M neg. Tel: 694-6024.

ONE Mazda Denio: $ 1.650.000, neg. Contact Danny: 642-2569

AE 110 DVD, alarm, $820 000. F4I CBR $1.1M. 6607178

1 TOYOTA Spacio fully loaded. Price $1.875M neg. Call 628-0972.

1 - TOYOTA Picnic, PLL series, excellent condition. Price neg. Tel. 644-8084, 623-3738.

HONDA pressure washer and vacuum cleaners. Tel. 621-0427, 222-4081.

H O N D A AT V 5 0 0 4 x 4 d o u b l e s h o c k s , n e w. A s k i n g $2.6M. Call 624-5000.

1 - NEW model 212, PNN series, AC, CD, $1.3M neg. Tel. 2336337, 662-6024. ONE new Laverda 3650 Fiat agri combine. Call 258-0001, 6658795. ONE GX 90 Mark 11 chrome rims, music set, press start. 6282330. AT 192 Carina; AE 100 Corolla. Contact City Taxi Service 660-1100. 1 - TOYOTA Carina AT 170, PFF series, $450, 000. - 615-1201, 227-6690. TOYOTA Hiace minibus VVTI engine, BRR series, low down payment. Tel. 614-9599. ONE 2000 Toyota Fielder in excellent condition, $1.8M neg. 665-9685. AT 192, AC, alarm, mag rim, music, remote start, yellow. PKK 7668, $875 000. 628-8354. HILUX Solid Axle pickups, AC, 33x12.50 MT tyres, unregistered, in excellent condition.Spares available. Call 691-2077. ONE Toyota Fielder, PPP series, one 2009 F150 Ford unregistered. Both in excellent condition. Contact 666-6680, 617-1777. AE 100 Corolla alarm, AC, mags and crystal lights, with HID $800 000, AT 170 EFI fully powdered with mags and CD - $580 000. 619-1047. ONE Toyota AT150 Corona in good condition. Price $500 000 neg. Tel. 621-2843, 216-0539. FORD F350 single cab pickup, 7.3 V8 diesel solid deff, GT tray, refurbished. 662-5910. TOYOTA Allion, Premio. Both excellent condition, fully powered. Contact Leonard 617-1505, 673-8451, 2269316. 1 - BEDFORD TM with winch, solid condition. Call 6744649. TOYOTA Tacoma 2005 4x4 AT, Nissan Frontier 2005 extra cab 4x4. Call 220-7430, 647-2856. ONE RZ Mini Bus, BMM series Price - $ 1.9M Negotiable Call - 2333703

1 -LANCER Cedia motor car, PKK series, excellent condition, $1.1M negotiable. Contact 6131830. IRZ MINIBUS 15 seats, excellent condition, hardly used. Must be seen. 678-5311 - $1.9M cash. ONE Honda CRV 2002": mag rims, leather interior, sun roof, PMM series. Call 687-5000. SPACIO 7 seats, AC, music, mags, TV, 6-disc changer, excellent condition. Price $1.6M. Tel. 639-9914, 655-7839, Paul. MITSUBISHI Lancer, ladydriven, late PKK series in excellent condition. AC, mags, alarm, CD Tel: 646-2939. PREMIO, just arrived, fully loaded 35 043 km. Good price. Auto City Auto Sale, Sandy Babb St, Kitty 223-0171, 614-5142.

AFFORDABLE AUTOS: Premio, Allion, Spacio, Bluebird Sylphy 233-3783, 695-6169. 233-3783, 695-6169. 1 TOYOTA Allion late PMM immaculate condition, 17'' rims, alarm, CD player, AC, etc. Price $2.1 million. Call 665-7400 or 685-7887. GREY AE 110 Corolla: Automatic , AC, CD player, alarm, rims, remote start, 91,000 km, price $1.2M. Tel. 661-0398. FOR the best in buying or selling of used vehicles 192, 212, Raum, Rav-4, CRV wagons, Spacio, Premio, Allion and many more. Call 6195784, 674-0203. TERMS available on used and new vehicles, Toyota Sienta (full 7 seater) and AE 100 Sprinter, prices negotiable. Call 641-8647. ONE Toyota Hilux Pick up Extra cab manual transmission, 4WD unregistered just off the wharf, price $2M. Tel. 626-2466, 2205124. ONE Pit bull bus VVTI all seats never worked hire, AC< music all sliding glass, price $2.7M. Cell 626-2466, 220-5124. ONE Toyota IST, rims, music MP3, AC, fog lamps, fully loaded, price $1.4M. Call 626-2466, 2205124. ONE Nissan 2004 model 4x4. Immaculate condition, 4 brand new Mickey Thompson tyres on. Price $3.9 neg.Tel#. 629-1340, 220-7107, 694-5953. ONE Toyota Hilux Solid diff $2.5M. Must be seen 616-0327, 220-8770, 220-6542, 6893612 . TOYOTA Tundra (Bubble back), in excellent condition, mags, fully loaded. Owner leaving country. Tle. 220-6770, 621-4082. ONE Toyota Runx PLL series, alarm, rims in excellent condition. Price $1.72M neg. Tel. 694-6875. H O N D A AT V 5 0 0 4 x 4 d o u b l e s h o c k s , n e w. A s k i n g $2.6M. Call 624-5000. 1 RZ minibus BKK long base, excellent condition with music, mags, etc. Tel. 270-4098, 686-9516. ONE RZ minibus in excellent condition in Berbice, rims, music, etc. Contact 326-0971, 649-0950.

HILUX Surf complete suspension (foreign used). Hilux Surf, minor repairs. Tel 626-2884.

Toyota AT 192 (new model), in good working condition, AC, music, etc. Price $700,000 negotiable. Call 621-8153. S-V30 Toyota Camry in excellent condition, mags, music, AC, alarm etc. Price neg. Tel. 6800212, 218-5515. TOYOTA Ace small bus, one complete music system (vehicle). Contact 666-2744, 6165622. Owner leaving country. 2010 GLK 350 MERCEDES BENZ, ONLY 25,000 MILES, FULLY LOADED. $12.5 MIL. CALL: 6514578 2008 TACOMA 4 X 4, EXTRA CAB, LIKE NEW, LOW MILEAGE. $4.2 MIL. CALL: 227-1511, 651-4578 1 - 212 TOYOTA Carina new model; 1 -ET 176 Toyota Carina Wagon; Vehicles in immaculate condition. Contact 337-4544, 626-1525. DRIVEN Auto Sales~ New arrivals sale - Unregistered fully loaded Toyota Sienta $2,250,000 and Mazda Axela $2,350,000. 643-6565, 2269931. TOYOTA Tacoma 4x4 music, in good condition, GJJ series, price $1.9M negotiable. Tel. 625-2516. MUST sell - going cheap: VVTI pitbull bus, 19 seater, $2.8M terms available. Call Selma 614-9078. TOYOTA Corolla AE 91 in good condition, AC, tape deck, HA series. Price $650 000 negotiable. Tel. 621-4790. WE buy and sell vehicles for cash and we also do trading-in of vehicles: 30-seater buses low as $900 000 - 680-3154 AT 170 Corona EFI, PHH series, price $475 000; AT 192 motor car, PJJ series, price $575 000. Phone 268-3953, 6385301.

2002 Toyota Tundra, never registered, fully powered, 4-wheel drive, very excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-0299. ONE 323 Mazda wagon in good condition (requires 4 suspensions) $300 000. One Jialing 150cc scrambler. Price $120 000, Prices neg.Tel. 690-0266. TOYOTA Tundra 2005, bubble tray with hard cover with rims, leather, interior, 4-wheel drive. Clean & excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-2099. 1 - TOYOTA Dyna canter short base, 2 ½ tons, double wheel, diesel. Excellent condition, one owner. Price $1M neg. Call 6848231. NEW shipment: Toyota Noah, Premio, Spacio, TV, spoiler, wood finish, fog lamp, body kit, rims, etc, Raum, Vitz, Hilux solid def, NZE 121 R.H. Auto Sales, Blankenburg WCD. 2690794, 688-4847. .ONE Mitsubishi Lancer in excellent condition, PKK, AC, mag, asking $850, 000 neg; one IST, PKK series, mag rims, AC, excellent condition, asking $1, 550, 000 neg. Tel. 641-9622, 619-5217. 2007 CAT 962H loader - 10,800 hrs, location, Georgetown or East Coast Demerara; Caterpillar Survey, equipment in excellent conditions. Tel. 619-2228 or 619-2229. Price US$175,000.00 (G$35M) ONE original Lexus LS 400. Price $4.2M, One BMW 740 IL $4.7M, one BMW 528E new engine $500 000, both in excellent condition. Luxury cars. Owner leaving country. Make offer. Tel. 688-2525 TOYOTA Ceres, very good working condition, late PJJ series, registered, 16" mag rims and amplified sound system with CD deck. Contact 6444444, 647-6777.

TWO NZE Corolla: PKK and PLL, both in excellent condition; mags, music, alarm, etc. Contact 621-4772, or 689-5802. UNREGISTERED 2005 Raum $2.2M, Solid Def Hilux $2.4M, 2-ton dump truck $2.3M. 641-1800, 220-1324. 2 - MORRIS Oxford cars, 1 A-55 Austin car 1955 model, 1 standard vanguard car 1953 model, Holden Kings wood car, 3 Austin 1300 cars, 1 - Rebel motorbike (original) Call 616-4403. TOYOTA Tacoma 1999 4cylinder, 4-wheel drive, never registered, rims & AC. Ideal for interior roads Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-0299.

UNREGISTERED Toyota Tundra, new tyres, 4x4, very clean, $2.55M. Tel. 233-6337, 662-6027.

TOYOTA Raum with full flair kit, AC, music, mags. One owner. Very clean condition. Reasonably priced. Contact: 643-5306/226-7855, 685-0299.

ONE Mitsubishi Lancer, One Toyota Marino, one AE 192, Call 231-6623, 662-5802. ONE Nissan Vanette series C22, 11-seater with imported roof rack, used for doing business. Call 2265540.

JUST Arrived! 2 Honda 450cc ATV bike with double shock winch, 4-wheel drive. Going cheap. Contact 6435306, 658-0299.

ONE Toyota Premio, chrome rims, HID lights, alarm and music. In excellent condition. Tel. 657700

TOYOTA Tu n d r a 2 0 0 2 chrome rims, chrome bars, DVD player, 4-wheel drive, excellent condition. Contact: 643-5306/685-0299

NEW model Nissan Tiida Latio, brand new condition, unregistered, low mileage. Make offer - 233-3783, 695-6169. TOYOTA picnic for sale. PMM series. Selling at a great price. Contact # 682-3753, 2275138. Serious inquires only.

CRUISER Auto Sales: Unregistered Mazda, Axela, Toyota Fielder, New Raum, Noah. Call 603-9700.

2002 Honda Civic: rims, excellent condition, one owner, complete music system, $1.5M negotiable. Tel. 600-3053.

FIELDER Wagon, fully loaded, 17" rims, set AC, alarm, excellent condition. Tel. 6162409.

1 MOTOR car: Green Datsun Station Wagon in 'H', good working condition, $250 000 neg. Call 615-4367, 270-4149, 647-8595.

TOYOTA IRZ bus, BKK series, EFI, long base, mags, good condition, $1.2M neg. Tel. 6845920.

TOYOTA Tacoma 2005 4WD, $4M. Tacoma body parts, owner migrating. Tel. 220-7430, 647-2856.

TOYOTA Hilux, good condition, mag rims, music deck, AC, 4 doors, open back, PKK series, $1M negotiable. Tel. 641-3624.

UNREGISTERED 3-ton short base canter, steel plated tray, flooring with extended rails, crystal lights. Price $2.95M. Tel. 615-7526. RZ minibuses BMM and BNN, CRV new model, AT 192, 212, NZE, AT 170, Toyota Hilux Surf, 06 Tacoma, Family van (7 seater) canters, Tacoma, Nissan Cefirowagon and cheap cars - 6803154. AT 212 Toyota Carina, new model, PNN series. One owner, never worked hire, with AC, CD, rims. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306/658-0299.

ONE Toyota Wills $1.8M, one Toyota Granvia minibus $2.0M, one Titan $3.2M, one 3-ton long base ERF Hyab truck $3.2M, and one JVC back`how $3.2M. Contact 618-0626. PAJERO Junior, PPP series, owner leaving country, very low milage, low fuel consumption, no reasonable offer refused, in excellent condition, fog lamps, AC, CD player, fully powered stereo system. Tel 624-7436, 226-1877, 21 Seafort Street, Campbellville. LORRY for sale, One 2Ton Mitsubishi canter, White GPP series, In excellent condition. Persons interested are asked to m a k e c o n t a c t o n : 6 11 - 1 6 1 4 / 684-2880 C O N TAC T P o o r a n A u t o Spares for brake pad and roata at Lot 151 LBI, Housing Scheme Brake pad for $2 000 per pair, roata for $10 000 per pair. Check us out, you can't go wrong. Tel. 592-692-2707.

HONDA Fit, late PNN, fully powered, mags, Kawasaki Ninja 05 4000 km, 600cc, Suzuki 09 4000 km 250cc all duties, taxes paid. Make offer. Must sell - 6423722, 223-1885. PETE'S Auto Sales, Lot 2 George Street Werk-en-Rust back of Camp and Brickdam church. We buy and sell used vehicles, we also trading yours for another, RZ buses, Tundra, CRV, RAV-4, Premo, Allion, NZE, AT 212, Spacio, Vios. We have all models of used vehicles - 231-3690, 649-0329, David. TWO NISSAN Vanette small mini buses. Private PEE and PDD series;good for selling food, stick gear, etc, glass windows around, double sliding door, mags etc. Price $275,000 and $325,000. Vehicle transferable, owner leaving. Tel:616-5340 TOYOTA Hilux LN 172 diesel, extra cab, pick up 4x4, manual (5 speed transmission), AC, PS, PW, PL, winch in off road front bumper, KC lights, side baranka bars, bush ready, old man Emu, rear leaf springs, lifted, Old Man Emu shocks, snorkel, bed liner. Tel. 6092876, 623-0425. TOYOTA Hilux Surf Limited, 20 inch chrome rims, sun roof, 3RZ engine, 4WD, prestige remote start security system, DVD/CV, chrome accessories $6.5M. Toyota Land cruiser Prado, 20 inch chrome rims, leather seats/ rear extra seats, 3RZ engine, chrome accessories, 4WD, $6M. HZ Hummer 24 inch chrome rims, candy Apple Red paint, air brush with graphic designs, scissors doors, fully chrome kit, leather colour seats, $30M. Contact 613-0252. JUST arrived, new shipment of Japanese vehicles Toyota Carina AT 212 (new model), Toyota Hiace pit bull stick gear and automatic, Toyota Hilux both extra cab and single (gasolene and diesel), Toyota Allion & Premio both 2003, 2009 & 2008 year, fully loaded CD, TV, reverse camera, alloy wheels and flairs, Toyota Rush 2006 & 2007 CD, TV, DVD, alloy wheel. Also available Toyota Spacio, BB, Fielder Wagon (new Model), Honda S2000, Mazda Axela 2006, Nissan Bluebird (Sylphy) 2006 Yr. Credit available on vehicles. Also availa b l e R AV 4 s i d e b a r s n e w model, CRV rear bar, T/Rush rear bar, front bar, side bar and back bar, Prestige alarm , bedliners for both extra cab and single cab pick-up, sliding glass for the pitbull buses. Contact Automart Auto Sales, M o t o r Sp a r e s & Accessories (Randy) 624-7808, 2332400, 233-2681 JUST A R R I V E D ! To p q u a l i ty re-conditio n e d v e h i c l e s - To y ota Premio; To y o t a Allion; Toyota Corolla Axio; Toyota Noah ; Suzuki S w i f t ; Mercedes Benz C200 Compressor; BMW 318i; Corolla AE100 Wagon; Honda CRV RD4; Land Cruiser (fully loaded); Mazda Proceed 4WD Extra-cab pickup; Toyota Hilux 4WD Extra-cab pickups - 3RZ, 5L, Solid Differential; Mitsubishi Canter Trucks 3, 3.5 TONS OPEN TRAY, 2-TON4WD; 3 - ton Dump Truck ; Nissan Atlas 2 ton truck.P r e - O r d er your units earl y a n d g e t the best prices. Full after-sales s e r vice and financing available. DEO M A R A J A UTO SALES, 2 CHIMNEY R O A D , CHAT E AU M A R G O T, E C D . 6 2 4 - 0 7 6 2 , 220-5177. A name and service you can trust.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

Football chief seeking to change the structure of national competitions

ST GEORGE’S, Grenada, (CMC)- The President of the Grenada Football Association (GFA), Cheney Joseph wants his organisation to revisit its current competition structure and make changes, possibly by 2015. Joseph said that local footballers are not playing enough organised competitive games and this deficiency is affecting their ability to compete at the higher level. “I believe the GFA needs to review its current structure with regards to competitions,” Joseph said at a press conference yesterday. “We at the GFA should focus primarily on the Premier League and developmental football, and may be women, and allow for the parishes to take on the parish competitions”. Joseph’s proposal calls for a scrapping of the first and second divisions and organising parish leagues where teams will instead play in a national championship for promotion to the Premier League. He said the change will lead to more football being played at the community level and possibly create the environment for a semi-professional league. “I am proposing that the GFA should have the Premier League as its flagship competition, allow each

parish to run its own competition for the clubs within the parish and let the champion teams from each of the parishes play in a national championship to gain promotion to the Premier League,” Joseph explained. “It’s something that I am advocating and I would hope that we can get a discussion at GFA on this and hopefully by 2015 that can CHENEY JOSEPH come into place. That will give credence to the importance and relevance to the semi-professional league which we have been speaking about”. Joseph said that such an initiative should be less costly to clubs and will encourage more football and greater rivalry within the parishes. It will also provide an opportunity to create partnerships with sponsors within the parishes.

Legends salute Shiv on his ... (From back page ) Chanderpaul and urged him to celebrate the occasion. . The match will be played against India at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai and will also be the 200th and final Test match for India’s batting great Sachin Tendulkar. First ball is Thursday midnight Eastern Caribbean Time (11pm Wednesday Jamaica Time). “It will be a West Indian record and to play 150 Test matches tells you all you need to know about his stamina and longevity. He has not changed his style – which is a very beautiful thing – he has remained a batsman who bats for long periods and always looks to secure his wicket,” said Sir Everton. “Chanderpaul’s style is unique and quite different to that of most West Indians but he has done a magnificent job for West Indies cricket. I want to wish him all the very best

in this historic match,” added Sir Everton, who played 48 Tests and averaged 58.61 runs per innings. The 39-year-old Chanderpaul made his Test debut in 1994 against England at Bourda. He enters the historic Test with 10,897 runs at an average of 51.89 and made 28 hundreds and 61 half-centuries. Only fellow left-hander Brian Lara has scored more runs (11,953) for West Indies. Kanhai, who played 79 Tests between 1957 and 1974, praised Chanderpaul for his ability to bat for long periods and never get flustered. “I first saw him playing years ago in Guyana and was always impressed. Back them he was a raw youngster with bundles of talent and immense concentration. He has blossomed to become one of the great cricketers of the world,” Kanhai said. “He has a unique style of batting and it works well for him. He continues to show he has the great powers of concentration and likes to bat for long periods and the most important thing is he never gives his wick-

Abide by the rules, ride well and let’s break ... (From back page ) the first stage finishing in New Amsterdam. Stage two gets under at 14:00hrs today from the Ro-

signol Stelling and concludes on Carifesta Avenue this afternoon. Stage three is set for tomorrow from the Wales Police station at 08:00hrs and conclude at Bushy Park, East bank Essequibo. Stage four will get underway at 07:30hrs on Saturday from Suppenaam, Essequibo Coast, proceed to Charity then return to finish at Suddie. Stage five will be staged on Sunday from Kara Kara, Linden, at 08:00hrs and conclude on Homestretch Avenue.

et away. “I want to urge the West Indies first four can take leaf out of Chanderpual’s book and look to bat for a long period. If they do we will do well, and look to make 350 to 400 runs in first innings.” Kanhai added: “Sachin Tendulkar will also be playing his 200th Test match and this is another great achievement by another stalwart of our great game – an achievement that will be remembered forever.” Chanderpaul was named the International Cricket Council’s Player of the Year in 2008. He has scored 4,161 runs at an average of 70.52 runs per innings in 48 Tests since 2007 including 14 hundreds. Haynes, who played 116 Tests, praised Chanderpaul’s approach to his batting. “When he first came into the West Indies team I was still around and I remember seeing

ENGLISH Racing tips Southwell 08:20 hrs Xpres Maite 08:50 hrs Bird Of Light 09:20 hrs Sky Ranger 09:50 hrs Shamassiba 10:20 hrs Fathsta 10:50 hrs Bitaphon 11:20 hrs Ypres 11:50 hrs Hi Filwah Ludlow 09:00 hrs Aglaophonos 09:30 hrs Macarthur 10:00 hrs Rydalis 10:30 hrs Zarzal 11:00 hrs Katnapping 11:30 hrs Dreams And Songs 12:00 hrs When Ben When Taunton 09:10 hrs Transfer

a little boy and I was very impressed with his ability. He was someone who was driven and was determined to get better. He came into Test cricket with a good attitude towards batting – always looking to bat long and play within his limitation and I was pleased with his progress,” said Haynes. “A very memorable moment for him was when he batted with Brian Lara when he (Lara) broke Sir Garry Sobers’s record in Antigua. Not many people remember the role Shiv played on that day but I will always recall how he stayed at the crease and did the perfect job. “He (Chanderpaul) will be missed when he makes the decision to retire and we have to look at a succession plan for when Shiv goes.”

09:40 hrs Uriah Reef 10:10 hrs Guessb Again 10:40 hrs Cup Final 11:10 hrs Bollin Judith 11:40 hrs Doheny Bar 12:10 hrs Assam Black South Africa Racing Tips Vaal 08:45 hrs Savannah Montana 09:25 hrs Stavinsky 10:05 hrs Cante Libre 10:40 hrs Mink Trip 11:15 hrs Funny Glory Irish Racing Tips Clonmel 08:55 hrs Unic De Bersy 09:25 hrs Go Paddy Go 09:55 hrs Sarabad 10:25 hrs Toner D’oudairies 10:55 hrs Backinthere 11:25 hrs Quarteetto 11:55 hrs Flaming Daw

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013


Broad shines but England frustrated by Carters and Nevill

ENGLAND’s bowlers were frustrated on the first day of their final Ashes warm-up match against an Australian Invitational XI in Sydney. Stuart Broad took three wickets and Steven Finn two as England reduced the hosts to 93-5. But an unbroken sixth-wicket stand of 178 between Ryan Carters (94no) and Peter Nevill (76no) helped the hosts close on 271-5. The first Test against Australia in Brisbane starts on 21 November. England will hope their bowlers pose more of a threat at the Gabba than they did in the second half of the day at the SCG With James Anderson rested and Chris Tremlett left out, Finn and Boyd Rankin were given the opportunity to stake their claim for the third seamer’s spot in England’s Test side. But Finn proved expensive at times in taking 2-79 from 22 overs, and Rankin could not find the right line and length to truly threaten the batsmen as he sent down 20 wicket-less overs for 60 runs. Their struggles were put into context by Broad’s superb performance as the Nottingham-

shire paceman took 3-36 from 20 overs. Broad, however, was quick to deflect criticism from his fellow seamers. “It was a tricky day to settle into a consistent rhythm because sand was flying up behind the bowlers, but I thought we held it together nicely,” he said. “Boyd obviously extracts huge bounce from his big frame and we all know what Finny can do on the international scene, and of course Tremlett is an experienced campaigner as well. “So we have a lot of experience in the bowling unit, which is very important on a tour like this because we know that two or three bowlers aren’t going to play the whole series. Everyone has to be ready to go.” Bowling a probing line and getting the ball to nip off the seam, Broad dismissed Aaron Finch and Callum Ferguson cheaply before returning to remove Ben Rohrer with the help of a fine catch at backward point by Michael Carberry. Finn accounted for Kurtis Patterson and opener Ed Cowan, who was dropped by Australia during this summer’s 3-0 Ashes defeat in England, for 51 shortly after lunch. Carters and Nevill batted cautiously before growing in

confidence, and 23-year-old Carters, who had a first-class average of just 20.75 before the game, went on to the highest score of his career. Jonny Bairstow, who was keeping wicket in the absence of the injured wicketkeeper Matt Prior, was tidy behind the stumps on the opening day. Former England captains Michael Vaughan and Alec Stewart have questioned whether Bairstow has the required level of skill to take Prior’s role in a Test, but Broad was impressed by his team-mate. “He kept really well,” said Broad. “He’s got a fantastic energy level and he really keeps everyone going each hour of the day. “ I have this theory that if people are talking about you it means they respect you” “So it was good for him to get some keeping in here in Australia in case Matt’s calf doesn’t come through. But I’m sure he’s hoping it will be fine next week.” With some rain forecast for the final two days of the fourday match, England will hope to take the final five wickets quickly on the second day to give their batsmen some time at the crease. Kevin Pietersen, in particular, will be hoping to find

form after having a cortisone injection on his problematic right knee. Broad is expected to be a target for the Australian crowds after his controversial decision not to walk during the opening Ashes Test of the summer at Trent Bridge.

But he added: “The crowds have been great. They are very appreciative of the cricket that has been played. It might ramp up a bit for the Test series but I think that’s expected. “I’ve always had this theory that if people are talking about you it means

they respect you. I’m reading Alex Ferguson’s book he said if the opposition fans are singing about you then that’s a very good sign. “It’s something that has stuck in my mind. It’s expected over here but all good fun.” (CA)

Ryan Carters goes over the leg side in his unbeaten 94 against England on the opening day.

28 GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013 GUYANA CHRONICLE Monday November 14, 2013 28

South Africa pace bowlers set up big win over Pakistan (REUTERS) - South Africa’s pace bowlers laid the foundation for a crushing nine-wicket victory over Pakistan in the first Twenty20 international at Dubai International Cricket Stadium yesterday. Dale Steyn (three for 15) and Lonwabo Tsotsobe (two for nine) put Pakistan in early trouble from which the sub-continent side never recovered as they limped to 98 for nine in their 20 overs.

Young firebrand Quinton de Kock (48 not out) and Faf du Plessis (37 not out) put on 83 in 73 balls for the second wicket as the Proteas coasted past their victory target in 14.3 overs. Magnificent swing bowling from Steyn and Tsotsobe had Pakistan reeling at three wickets down with just four runs on the board after Mohammad Hafeez had won the toss and elected to bat. Umar Akmal (49 from 41

balls) brought a semblance of respectability to the score before he was run out near the end of Pakistan’s innings, with the next highest score Shoaib Malik’s 12. Imran Tahir picked up two for 17, both his wickets stumped by De Kock, as Pakistan charged at everything despite their perilous situation. Having won the one-day series 4-1 recently, the South African batsmen have established

the ascendancy over Pakistan’s bowlers in the UAE and it never looked like their target would trouble them. Hashim Amla (13) lost his leg-stump to Sohail Tanvir, but a career-best knock from the exciting De Kock, who was ably supported by Du Plessis, brought victory in quick time. The second Twenty20 international will be played at the same venue tomorrow.

Dale Steyn dismissed Mohammad Hafeez early again in Dubai.

2015 World Cup targets families with cut-price tickets REUTERS) - Cricket fans will be able to pick up tickets for the 2015 World Cup in Australia and New Zealand for as little as A$5 ($4.66) for children and $20 for adults as organisers bid to get more than 1 million people through the gates. Having learned the lessons of the 2007 tournament in the Caribbean, where high ticket prices meant many of the matches were played in front of sparse crowds, organisers have made affordability for families a key consideration. FChildren’s tickets costing A$60 will be available even for the final at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), where the most expensive adult ticket will cost A$395. “We want to put on an event which makes everyone who loves the game feel included,” Cricket World Cup chief executive John Harnden told a news conference at the Sydney Cricket Ground yesterday. “Cricket is a family game and like any sport, we want to inspire the next generation. We want kids to keep playing cricket, or if they are not currently playing cricket, to start. “With $5 children’s tickets for every pool match, and adult

tickets from $20, we believe we will attract people from around the corner and around the globe.” Organisers are also hoping to engage immigrant communities in the 14 host cities to help

2015 Cricket World Cup chief executive John Harnden fill the grounds and provide what they hope will be a carnival atmosphere, particularly at the 42 pool matches. “It’s about 14 teams, if Australia and New Zealand do well, that’s the icing on the cake,” Harnden added. “We’ve got a community engagement programme and we are working very, very hard to effectively make every match for every team a home match.

“We need to capture the hearts and minds of all the communities and populations in those 14 cities and, if we get that right, I really do think a lot of the rest of it looks after itself.” Tickets will go on sale to the general public on Feb. 14 next year but fans can pre-register their interest online at www. The 2011 World Cup in Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka set an imposing standard for ticket sales with 1.2 million spectators attending matches, but Harnden was confident at least two thirds of the 1.5 million available for next year would be taken up. “We believe over a million people will attend,” Harnden said. “At the start of the journey, more than a million is realistic but we’re not going to get ahead of ourselves.” The 10 full member nations of the International Cricket Council (ICC) will take part in the Feb. 14-March 29 tournament along with Ireland, debutants Afghanistan and two other qualifiers. The final two teams will be decided in a qualifying tournament in New Zealand early next year.

New Manager appointed for T&T senior cricket team

PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad, (CMC)- Trinidad and Tobago’s former sports minister, Manohar Ramsaran, has been chosen as the new manager of the country’s senior cricket team. Ramsaran replaces Omar Khan who has had a successful record as manager, having won many titles with the senior team. He recently took the team to the Champions League T20 series in India. The decision to remove Khan was made on the weekend by the executive of the T&T Cricket Board (TTCB) during a retreat. Ramsaran, who served as CEO of the TTCB for a while during the last tenure of Azim Bassarath’s administration, will be in charge of the national team for a one-year period and his first assignment will be the Regional Super50 cricket tournament in Trinidad in January. There have also been other changes. Tony Ramjit , manager of the Under-15 team , has been moved up to manager of the national Under-19 side replacing Roland Sampath, who also served as manager of the West Indies Under-19 team against Bangladesh, recently. The Under-15 void left by Ramjit will be taken up by John Lewis of the East Zonal Cricket Council. MANOHAR RAMSARAN

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013


Never seen this kind of buzz - Dhoni By Sidharth Monga in Mumbai

MS Dhoni has always had a sense of occasion, and doesn’t mind a bit of showmanship either. When Sourav Ganguly retired from Test cricket in 2008-09, Dhoni let him captain the side towards the end of the match. Now Sachin Tendulkar is the only other of India’s fab four batsmen who has given a prior notice of his retirement. Dhoni was asked on the eve of Tendulkar’s last and 200th Test what he had planned. A mysterious reply with a mischievous smile has promised much. “You’ll have to wait and watch over the next five days,” Dhoni said. “I want you to concentrate.” Concentrate people will. Oh they surely will. . The buzz around the Test, Dhoni said, “has never happened in the past, let alone the eight-10 years that I’ve been around”. Dhoni has himself maintained a sense of equilibrium with the retirement around, and his wishlist for Tendulkar’s final Test is similar . “I’d like him to enjoy, because you can’t guarantee performance,” Dhoni said. “Of course you can say [hope he gets] a hundred, a double-hundred, a triple-hundred or 500, whatever. But at the end of the day the most important moment is that it is his last Test match. It’s important that he enjoys this and hopefully get us a few wickets... You can get a bit of turn and bounce on this Mumbai wicket.” Bowling over the years has been something Tendulkar has visibly enjoyed more than his batting, which requires intense focus under the helmet. Dhoni got Tendulkar to bowl in Kolkata last week, and intends to do the same by the looks of it. Not that the fans will complain. “It [bowling Tendulkar at Eden] was strategy [and not a farewell gimmick], it got us a wicket,” Dhoni said. “You see, we don’t have a fifth bowler because [Ravindra] Jadeja is not here. So we are playing with four bowlers and a few part-timers. Most of the others can bowl, there is Rohit who can bowl, but it’s important that if there are a few overs of part-timers, it helps... If there are chances that you’re going to take the second new ball, you don’t want your main bowlers to be tired. So it’s a strategy.” Most of Dhoni’s press conference centred around Tendulkar - he did say he didn’t know how the pitch would play, and that West Indies should not be disrespected - which can be an irritant because a Test match is to be played, but Dhoni understood the reaction.

MS Dhoni: “I would consider him as great because when it comes to Indian cricket, you’re under the microscope throughout.” “It’s too late to ask whether it’s a distraction or not because whatever has happened has happened,” Dhoni said. “I think it’s a big part and parcel of the game. It’s a big historic moment, and people are trying to do whatever they can, and we don’t really mind that. “As I said in the last match also we’re treating it as normal as

Uruguay thrash Jordan 5-0 in World Cup qualifier URUGUAY thrashed Jordan 5-0 to take control of their World Cup play-off tie and take a huge stride towards qualifying for next summer’s finals. Maxi Pereira prodded in a rebound to open the scoring before Christian Stuani slotted in a second. Ahmad Ibrahim missed

a glorious chance for Jordan and Nicolas Lodeiro sealed the result from 20 yards. Cristian Rodriguez added a fourth and Edinson Cavani a superb free-kick to all but eliminate Jordan. The 1930 and 1950 World Cup winners - who have required play-offs to reach the last three finals - now host Jordan

in Montevideo in the second leg next Wednesday, with the outcome seemingly a formality. Uruguay had finished fifth in South American qualifying, edged out of the automatic places by Ecuador on goal difference, but with Liverpool striker Luis Suarez partnered up front by Paris St-Germain’s £55m striker Cavani, they were

Uruguay’s players celebrate after defeating Jordan in their World Cup qualifying playoff first leg soccer match at Amman International stadium, yesterday.

always likely to have too much firepower for Jordan. The Middle East nation, who had beaten Uzbekistan in Asian qualifying to reach the play-off, have never appeared at the World Cup. Suarez should have scored inside five minutes but shot over after Rodriguez had crossed from the left. Pereira did open the scoring when Cavani’s header was parried clear by goalkeeper Mohamad Shatnawi, before Lodeiro lofted a clever pass over the top of the defence and Stuani finished at the near post. Jordan started the second half on top and could have found a way back into the tie when Ibrahim missed a glorious opening, side-footing wide from six yards. And Uruguay went on to put the tie out of reach. First Cavani rounded Shatnawi to set up Lodeiro, who lofted cleverly into the roof of the empty net, before Rodriguez cracked in a half-volley from 15 yards. Cavani then scored the goal of the night in stoppage-time, arcing a brilliant free-kick into the top corner from 25 yards. Uruguay coach Oscar Tabarez: “This result will put us in a good position for the second leg. “We will play with the same formation to honour the Uruguayan fans who will fill the stadium next Wednesday, as I heard that 60,000 tickets were sold.” (BBCSport).

possible. Of course there are plenty of things that are going around, so we’ve kept the focus and the drive whatever best we could do. They’re enjoying the moment, which I feel is the key, but at the same time we’re focussed.” Asked to rate Tendulkar, Dhoni summed up his career well. “I would consider him as great because when it comes to Indian cricket, you’re under the microscope throughout,” Dhoni said. “He’s seen the format change, right from start in 1989. From that time, Test cricket has changed significantly. ODI cricket, there have been a plenty of changes. The introduction of T20 has come, and overall it had an impact on each and every thing. “It’s not only the cricketing aspect; I think what’s difficult is to handle success in India, the expectations of the people. We’re expected to win each and every game, which is not possible. “Yes, there are other greats, but there was one thing they didn’t have to deal with, and that’s the level of expectations. When you’re doing well that itself puts pressure on you. But imagine when you’re going through a lean patch, the expectations go up, they never come down. “So you’ve to handle all those things. I have seen some of the foreign cricketers, they handle the cricketing pressures well. But when it comes to handling the pressures that are not really related to cricket, they buckle under... So he’s been fantastic, and there’s plenty to learn from him. Right from 1989 he became big star, for a quarter of century he’s played for India, and he’s always been a star.” The obvious question of who after Tendulkar arose, and Dhoni said he would cross that bridge once he arrived there. “We’ll see future in the future, whether we’re prepared or not,” Dhoni said. “We’ll know that later, I can’t say what will happen outside India. If you’re saying that if a replacement for Sachin is required, no, there is no such. “Neither do we have a replacement for Rahul Dravid or someone else. “What’s important is that we take the new players on their face value. It’s not about filling someone’s shoes. “Virat is Virat Kohli, not someone else. Same way Cheteshwar Pujara. If you start comparing individuals with some great players, it only adds pressure on them. It’s important that Pujara, he has a different character than the players who are gone.” (ESPN Cricinfo)

ECB make changes for 2014 SUPER Overs and coloured creases are set to be introduced to the Friends Life Twenty20 from next season as the England and Wales Cricket Board aims to make the game “more viewer friendly”. The ECB has announced a raft of regulation changes for next season, which includes better reward for drawn matches in next season’s LV= County Championship. Five points will be now be secured for a draw - up from three - in the four-day game, although it is in the shorter formats where the most sweeping changes are set to be made. Super Overs will be used for tied matches in the Twenty20 group stage for the first time, while “alternative colours to white” will be used for creases subject to a trial. Batsmen will also have just 60 seconds, rather than the 90 permitted last season, to reach the crease. In the newly-named Royal London One-Day Cup the ODI playing conditions will attempted to be replicated “wherever possible” including two new balls. “These changes are designed to make our domestic David Collier has game even more spectator and viewer-friendly as well announced the ECB as bring the county game into is making changes to line with rule changes which regulations have been successfully implemented at international level by the ICC,” ECB chief executive David Collier said. “They will come into force along with the new county schedule next season and are the product of extensive consultation and discussion with all our key stakeholders in the domestic game.” On the subject of coloured creases and ECB statement read: “Alternative colours to white may be used as crease markings from next season - subject to successful trials. “This change is designed to make crease markings easier to see for both spectators and TV viewers.” The changes were proposed by the ECB’s Cricket Committee and approved by the ECB Board on Tuesday.


Lax drugs testing risks Olympic ban - Thomas Bach JAMAICA and Kenya risk being banned from future Olympic Games if their drugs testing programmes fail to come up to scratch, International Olympic Committee (IOC) chief Thomas Bach has warned. Both nations’ testing is being examined by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). “The WADA code is very clear,” Bach told BBC Sport. “Countries which are not compliant can be excluded from events including the Olympic Games.” Sprinter Asafa Powell is one of several Jamaicans to test positive recently. Meanwhile Kenya’s govern-

ment and Olympic federation are yet to confirm that a task force to investigate allegations of a doping culture in their set-up, promised 12 months ago, has been established. WADA travelled to Jamaica in October to audit the country’s testing procedures and said it was “very frustrated” by the apparent lack of progress in Kenya. Bach said the International Olympic Committee would not shy away from acting if WADA found either nation was “non-compliant”. He added: “We can only sanction if we have a non-compliance declaration by WADA.” The Olympic Charter states that all National Olympic Com-

UCCA to host biggest event of the year on November 30

THE Upper Corentyne Cricket Association (UCCA) is hosting what is expected to be the biggest cricketing event of the year in the Upper Corentyne on Saturday November 30, 2013, at the No. 69 Vikings ground on the Corentyne. The day’s activity will see Berbice four-zone senior teams participating with the first game starting at 10:00hrs with Upper Corentyne taking on New Amsterdam/Canje, and at 14:00hrs West Berbice facing up against what is expected to be a star-studded lineup from Lower Corentyne. The final will be played under lights at 18:30 hrs. All proceeds from this event will go towards cricket development in the Upper Corentyne area. Tickets are already on sale at the Berbice Cricket Board Office, New Amsterdam; Ram’s Stationery Store, Rose Hall Town; Vishnu’s Super Store, Springlands; and Sarfraz Photo Studio, Corriverton. The cost per ticket is $500 while children under 12 years will gain entry free. There will be gate prizes to be won. Music by Slow Fire Sound System. The UCCA is calling on the business community to support this event as cricket development is much needed in the Upper Corentyne Area. Thus far the UCCA wishes to thank the following businesses/ persons for coming on board with sponsorship: 4R (Mr. Deonarine), La Grill Hotel Restaurant & Bar; Sarfraz Photo Studio & Video Recording Centre; Vishnu’s Super Store; Ram’s Stationery Store; A.H & L Kissoon’s; Hand-in-Hand; Republic Bank (Guyana) Ltd; Sukhpaul’s Business Enterprise; Countryside TV-19; Deckers; and Geddes Grant for coming on board with gate prizes. Persons interested in food vending and setting up games for kids can make contact with the UCCA on telephone # 621-0014 or 684-8891.

mittees must “adopt and implement” the World Anti-Doping Code with competitors, coaches, trainers and all officials obliged to “respect and comply in all aspects”.

IOC CHIEF THOMAS BACH. A ban would prevent innocent athletes such as Kenyan 800m Olympic champion David Rudisha and Jamaican sprinting great Usain Bolt competing. Along with Powell, twice 200m Olympic champion Veronica Campbell-Brown and London 2012 4x100m relay silver medallist Sherone Simpson were left out of Jamaica’s team for the World Championships in August after failed drugs tests. After the spate of positive results, former Jamaican Anti-Doping Commission (Jadco)

executive director Renee Anne Shirley claimed it had conducted just one out-of-competition test in the five months leading up to the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Shirley also told Sports Illustrated that when she took up her role with Jadco in July 2012 the organisation did not have a whereabouts officer to track athletes out of competition and had been restricted by out-ofdate testing kits. Dr Paul Wright, JADCO’s most senior drugs tester, added that Powell, Campbell-Brown and Simpson’s failed tests may be the “tip of the iceberg”. Former WADA president Dick Pound admitted the organisation may have been “a little slow on the uptake” in monitoring Jamaica and Kenya’s testing programmes were less stringent than required. In his address to the World Conference on Doping in Sport, Bach promised there would be more tests at Sochi 2014, to be staged in Russia in February, than any previous Winter Olympics. There will be a total of 2,453 tests around the Games, up from 2,149 four years ago in Vancouver. (BBC Sport)

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

Central NA Under-15 team cart off Hilbert Humphrey Memorial title THE Central New Amsterdam Under-15 team sprung no surprises on Saturday last, when they carted off the Hilbert ‘Beef’ Humphrey Memorial title in an inter-ward championship. The tournament which was run on a round robin basis was played among Canje, North, Central and South New Amsterdam. The winners received a trophy and fifteen gold medals and the runner up, South New Amsterdam also received a trophy and fifteen silver medals. In the opening match of the day Canje, through a Shamar Arindell goal, defeated North New Amsterdam 1-nil. In game two Central and North New Amsterdam played to a goalless draw; while Godfrey Coward netted to allow the Northern youths to inflict a 1-nil defeat on South New Amsterdam in game three. J-Que Simpson scored for Central N/A against Canje and also scored against North N/A as both teams lost 1-nil to Central. In the final game, which turned out to be the decider for second place, Joshua Butts scored the lone goal in the game to give South N/A victory by a 1-nil margin. The MVP was Tierre Phillips of Central while his teammate, J-Que Simpson, took home the most goals award. The best goalkeeper was Joel Doris also of Central N/A. (Michael Khan)

First ever Sir Viv Richards Masters tournament hailed as a success ST.JOHN’S, Antigua, (CMC)Officials in Antigua say, despite heavy showers and industrial action by LIAT pilots, the first ever Sir Vivian Richards Masters cricket tourna-

ment, has been a success. Seven teams participated in the tournament, originally set to run for a week, but which was extended because of the rain and the late arrival of the

St. Croix Masters due the LIAT pilot impasse. Shorpshire, Yorkshire, U.S. V. I, Antigua Masters, Wales/ Birkshire and Hertfordshire participated with the English

CRICKET QUIZ CORNER Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market &The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230) & CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: (1) Teddy Hoad (WI vs ENG, Barbados, 1930) (2) IND vs PAK, Gujranwala, 1989-90 Today’s Quiz: (1) How was Brian Lara dismissed in the innings in which he compiled his first Test century? (2) When was 50 overs-per-side One Day Internationals standardised? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

Sir Viv and some of the players who took part in the tournament

teams bringing in excess of one hundred and twenty visitors to the island. “Overall the tournament has been good, the teams are enjoying it and most of them have already promised a return to our beautiful twin island state,” said Karen Joseph, Officer within the Ministry of Tourism as the tournament was winding down. “One of the Yorkshire team members has sung the praises of the destination as he has travelled to numerous islands with this being his best experience thus far.” National Hero and World Renowned Cricket Icon Sir Viv has also been quoted as saying the tournament has achieved levels of success and that he will assist the sports tourism department to further market the event.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday November 14, 2013

Manager confident OCA players will perform creditably By Frederick Halley TORONTO, Canada – A confident 13-member Ontario Cricket Association (OCA) team wings out here on Friday, embarking on a one-week goodwill tour of Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago. During the two-nation visit, the OCA players are scheduled to play a total of six matches, comprising two 40-over games and four T-20s. According to manager Bisham Singh, while the aim is to win all the matches, the tour is being used as a means of giving the players much needed experience in overseas conditions. Singh pointed out that the players are all coming off the recently-concluded OCA cricket season and are eager to perform in what should be hotter climatic conditions. They are also hoping for favourable weather during their sojourn. Singh is also hoping that the knowledge gained while in Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago will serve his players well and they will also be able to impart same to others on their return. The 13-member squad will be bolstered by the inclusion of former national fast bowler, Trevon Garraway, all-rounder, Royston Crandon, who still harbours ambitions of donning national colours again, and Gavin Singh. The players are set to be engaged in their first practice session at the LBI ground, East Coast Demerara on Saturday and open their tour with a 40-over contest against Enmore at the host’s venue the following day, starting at 11.00 hrs. On Monday, they tackle Everest at their Camp Road venue in a 20-over encounter that gets underway at 13.00 hrs while on Tuesday, the action switches to Bourda for another T-20 game versus the Georgetown Cricket Club (GCC), commencing at a similar time. The Albion Community Centre ground, Berbice is the venue for next Wednesday’s T-20 encounter versus the powerful Berbice side, which will see the culmination of the Guyana leg of the tour. The OCA squad, which is being coached by Rabin Budhoo, departs Guyana on Thursday for Trinidad and Tobago for the remaining two matches, a 40-over game against a T&T Select XI next Friday and a T-20 match versus Central Trinidad on Saturday, November 23. They depart for Canada the following day. The 13-member squad comprises: Adnan Suleman, Rajiv Bhatia, Aiyub Ahmadzai, Dheeraj Kumar, Nabiullah Nawabi, Muhammad Akber Hussain, Mustafa Popalzai, Sarabjot Singh, Azhad Amidon, Ajmal Chughai, Allan DeSouza, Neeraj Bharadwaj and Priyam Thaker.

Bailey & Johnson in Australia Ashes squad UNCAPPED batsman George Bailey and pace bowler Mitchell Johnson have been named in Australia’s 12-man squad for the first Ashes Test against England. Bailey, 31, edged out fellow Tasmanian Alex Doolan after impressing as stand-in captain of Australia’s one-day team. Left-armer Johnson, 32, was dropped for Australia’s 3-0 Ashes defeat in England this summer, but showed good form in the one-day series in September. The first of five Tests starts in Brisbane on 21 November. Injured left-arm paceman Mitchell Starc is the only absentee from the Australia XI that played in the final Ashes Test at The Oval in August. James Faulkner keeps his place, while fellow all-rounder Shane Watson is included despite a hamstring injury that may prevent him from bowling. Bailey has a modest firstclass average of 38.28 from 97 games, but has been a revelation for Australia in the 50over format, and captains the Twenty20 side. In 35 matches, he has scored 1,539 runs at 54.96, including four scores in excess of 80 in the recent one-day series defeat by India. “We have included George GEORGE BAILEY Bailey in this line-up and are excited by what he can offer at Test level,” said Cricket Australia national selector John Inverarity. “George has shown outstanding international form over the past 20 months. He is calm and composed and comes into the squad full of confidence. Alastair Cook’s team are seeking to become the first England side since 1890 to win four Ashes series in a row. Australia are unbeaten in 24 Tests in Brisbane, their last defeat coming against West Indies in 1988. Australia squad: Michael Clarke (captain), Brad Haddin (vice-captain, wk), George Bailey, James Faulkner, Ryan Harris, Mitchell Johnson, Nathan Lyon, Chris Rogers, Peter Siddle, Steven Smith, David Warner, Shane Watson. (BBC Sport)


GRFC launches Christmas fund-raising raffle THE Guyana Football Referees Council (GFRC) launched its Christmas fund-raising raffle yesterday at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport Compound where the first prize of a 125cc Honda motor cycle was on display. President of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF), Christopher Matthias, GFRC President, Alfred King, representatives of sponsoring com-

panies, and members of the GFRC were also present at the Launch. King said it was a very significant venture being undertaken by the GFRC which will assist in development and promotion of refereeing in Guyana. He said the raffle which will be drawn on January 1st 2014 have several attractive

prizes and he urged members of the public to support in a very great way. GFF president Christopher Matthias congratulated the referees’ council for running off the raffle and he thanked the sponsors who made it possible. The first prize winner will receive a 125cc Honda Motor Cycle, second place is a return trip to New York, third prize a return

President of the GFF, Christopher Matthias, makes his purchase of raffle books from President of the GFRC, Alfred King, while representatives of the sponsors and members of GFRC look on.

trip to Barbados, fourth prize a Blackberry Smartphone, fifth prize a day-trip to Arrowpoint Resort while there are two consolation prizes of a microwave oven and a food hamper. The main sponsors are Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Caribbean Airline Limited (CAL), LIAT, GT&T, Roraima Group of Companies, Demerara Harbour Bridge, BK International, New GPC, and Neal and Massy Guyana Group of Companies. The price per ticket is $100 dollars. LIAT Station Manager, Ovid Walton, who spoke at the Launch pledged an additional incentive of a ticket for a return trip to any LIAT destination to any member of the GFRC who sells the most tickets. Also present were representatives of CAL and New GPC. GFRC Secretary, Troy Peters, said that tickets can be purchased from any member of the GFRC and plans are currently being put in place for the grand drawing on New Year’s Day. Tickets went on sale immediately with Matthias purchasing 15 books with Walton and media operatives Stephan Sookram and Quacy Coates being among the first to purchase tickets.

India legend Sachin Tendulkar poised for final farewell CRICKET legend Sachin Tendulkar is poised for an emotional farewell when his 200th and final Test gets under way in his home city of Mumbai today. The 40-year-old record run-scorer in Tests and oneday internationals will quit all cricket after India’s second Test against West Indies. Tendulkar has scored an unprecedented 100 international hundreds in his 24-year career and helped India Tendulkar’s final match will cap a month-long outpouring of emotion from a cricket-mad naSACHIN TENDULKAR

tion of 1.2 billion people which started when he confirmed that the series against West Indies would be his last. Such has been the interest in Tendulkar’s final match that a website selling tickets crashed within minutes of opening after receiving 19.7 million hits in the first hour. Fans have staged protests against the fact that only 5,000 of the 33,000 tickets went on public sale, with the remainder of the seats being filled by politicians, celebrities, former players and corporate guests. The area around the Wank-

hede Stadium has been plastered with posters and murals of the player dubbed the “Little Master”. Tendulkar’s wife, Anjali, has joked that they may require a museum to house all the gifts and mementos. Meanwhile, tributes have been flocking in from some of Tendulkar’s most illustrious contemporaries. West Indies great Brian Lara described the India star as “the Muhammad Ali and the Michael Jordan of cricket”. Lara, who scored 11,953 runs in 131 Tests, added: “Tendulkar has had the greatest cricket career of anyone who has ever played the game.” Former Australia Shane Warne also praised the prolific batsman. “There will not be another Sachin Tendulkar,” Warne, who took 708 Test wickets, wrote in his Daily Telegraph column. “He was the best batsman of my generation.” The hysteria surrounding Tendulkar has overshadowed a milestone for West Indies batsman Shivnarine Chanderpaul,

who will be playing his 150th Test. The 39-year-old left-hander, however, said it was a “privilege” just to be sharing the stage with the Indian on such a momentous occasion. “We have watched him over the years. It is always a joy to look at him bat even though he is batting against us,” said Chanderpaul, who has scored 10,897 runs at an average of 51.89 “There is so much you can learn from a legend like him. He is a master of batting. His art, his skill and looking at him you can learn a lot.” West Indies captain Darren Sammy said his bowlers were competing to be the last man to dismiss Tendulkar. “From the moment we heard it is going to be his last Test in Mumbai, all the bowlers were quite motivated,” he said. “There is a chance to go down in history. The last stroke he would play in any cricket match and your name could go down in there.” Tickets for Tendulkar’s final match have been hard to come by - only 5,000 went on public sale


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Minister of Sport Dr. Frank Anthony (seventh left) strike a pose with some of the cyclists shortly before they departed for Corentyne, Berbice, yesterday. At extreme right in this Sunil Nelson photo is national cycle coach, Hassan Mohamed.

MoH/NAPS/NSC 7th Annual ‘Ride for Life” 5-stage race

Abide by the rules, ride well and let’s break some records -Dr. Anthony tells cyclists M

By Michael DaSilva

INISTER of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr. Frank An thony, yesterday implored on the cyclists participat ing in the 7TH Annual Ministry of Health (MoH)/ National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS)/ National Sports Commission (NSC) ‘Ride for Life’ 5-stage cycle road race to abide by the rules during the event which gets underway today. The minister was at the time addressing the cyclists before their departure to Corentyne, Berbice, for the start of the race which ends on Sunday. Minister Anthony said the rules of the event hinge on people’s safety, so he hopes the event will be incident free. “Ride well and let’s break some records,” Dr. Anthony declared. According to the Minister, the Ministry of Health (MoH) played a very significant role in organising the event, something they have been doing since the ‘Ride for Life’ event began in 2006. He said his ministry was very pleased to see the race grow in the number of cyclists and he would like to see it becoming the premier cycle race on the ministry’s calendar. The Minister is also hopeful that very soon it is added to the UCI’s calendar of events, thereby attracting more foreign and international cyclists. He called on the Guyana Cycling Federation (GCF) to see how this can happen. This year’s event has attracted seven foreign cyclists (three from the USA, two from Colombia, and one from Barbados) who will do battle with 65 local riders. He said there were a lot of doubts with regards to this year’s

event, but his ministry, through the NSC came forward and funded the activity “because we recognize the importance of the race” the Minister stated, adding that “after the race, we’ll evaluate it and bring other partners to seed how we can get financing for future races”. He thanked the members of the Guyana Police Force Traffic Department in advance for the good work they usually do when there are such activities on Guyana’s roadways. Director of Sport, Neil Kumar, in brief remarks, informed that Minister Anthony is the livewire for the event and noted that this year’s race was very difficult to organize “but Minister made sure it happened” Kumar stated. GCF president, Cheryl Thompson, noted that the event was put in place at a very short time and congratulated national cycle coach, Hassan Mohammed, for working tirelessly to ensure the event was well organized. She called on the cyclists to adhere to the rules and act like professionals and said she was expecting a highly competitive race. One female cyclist Naomi Singh is among the starters for today’s event and Thompson informed that Singh intends to complete all five stages. Minister Anthony said should Singh complete the race, it will be a historic moment. Like Thompson, Mohamed called on the cyclists to adhere to the rules. He informed that in 2006 there were only 30 starters, all of whom were local riders, but the number has grown to 72 in 2013. The event gets underway from Corentyne, Berbice, with

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CFU & MLS to announce partnership KINGSTON, Jamaica, (CMC) – The Caribbean Football Union (CFU) and Major League Soccer (MLS) of the United States will this week announce a major partnership agreement. Officials of both CFU and MLS will announce the partnership during a Press Conference in the Antiguan capital, St John’s, today at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Caribbean Time (10:00 a.m. Jamaica). CFU’s President Gordon Derrick and General Secretary Damien Hughes, along with other officials of CFU, will join MLS’ senior vice- president, Todd Durbin; and directors Lino DiCuollo and Alfonso Mondelo for the signing and announcement. It’s believed that the MLS will support a programme of young elite footballers from the Caribbean and provide an opportunity to attend the MLS’ annual talent scouting scheduled for Florida in January 2014. MLS is one of the fastest growing professional football leagues in the world and a number of Caribbean players are on the roster of franchise teams.

Legends salute Shiv on his 150th Test ST JOHN’S, Antigua – Several legends of West Indies Cricket have hailed left-hander Shivnarine Chanderpaul as he prepares to play what will be a West Indies record 150th Test match. Three West Indies batting greats – Sir Everton Weekes, Rohan Kanhai and Desmond Haynes – applauded

(Please see page 26)

Shivnarine Chanderpaul prepares for his 150th Test during a training session yesterday at the Wankhede Stadium. (WICB Media)

Printed and Published by Guyana National Newspapers Limited, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park, Georgetown. Telephone 226-3243-9 (General); Editorial: 227-5204, 227-5216. Fax:227-5208


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