Guyana chronicle november 12 2013

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The Chronicle is at


Albouystown is home to the


PRICE: $60


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- earlier disclosure could have compromised police operations, says Crime Chief

Police photos of some of the suspected gang members

Orlando Allicock, 19

Leonard Allicock, 27

Kevin Allicock, 18

Chevez Allicock, 21

Damion Allicock, 24

Vernon Benn, 28

Osapho Johnson, 20

Odinga Chase, 27

Ronald Kissoon, 29

Muammar Jabbar, 26

Roger Dummett, 23

Collis King, 21

Suriname Police report...

Three Guyanese girls rescued from sex trade Page 8

El Dorado gold heist…

Three policemen among those Page 9 arrested Page 8 Traffic cops remanded for failing to attend court

Twenty two year old slits girlfriend’s throat, hangs himself Page 7


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013

President meets multi-stakeholders in wake of anti-money laundering bill defeat AS public concerns continue to mount over the recent non-passage of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) bill, President Donald Ramotar met numerous civil society stakeholders yesterday at Office of the President for talks. Among them were members of the private sector, bankers and trade unionists, the majority of whom will be directly or indirectly affected by the Opposition’s rejection of the bill that sought to upgrade Guyana’s laws against financial crimes. The non-passage of the bill had evoked grave public concern from several of the stakeholders considering the impact it could have on smooth transfer of money from local to external banks, remittances from money transfer agencies and insurance services. An offshore bank has already severed ties with Guyana following what President Ramotar described as the worst form of economic sabotage the political Opposition has so far demonstrated. The absence of legislative support had resulted in the country missing an August deadline and the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) granting an extension to November. Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, and Financial Intelligence Unit Head Paul Geer have now been tasked with examining the anticipated impact of the failure to pass the anti-money laundering legislation on Guyana. (GINA)

President Donald Ramotar and other Government Officials in meeting with representatives of the Private Sector Commission, bankers and trade unionists

$10M to be spent at NCC on fixing systems – Culture Minister

- tender going out for replacement of AC units By Alex Wayne THE National Cultural Centre (NCC) will receive a much needed boost as government embarks on a drive to improve systems at Guyana’s premier cultural facility. This declaration was made yesterday by Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr. Frank Anthony, as he addressed participants and patrons attending the opening of the National Drama Festival at the NCC. Dr. Anthony stated that some $10M will be spent this year to change the present lighting at the NCC to a

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MINISTER of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr. Frank Anthony addresses the gathering at yesterday’s opening of the National Drama Festival. (Adrian Narine photo)

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013


PPP/C concerned over defeat of AML/CFT Bill - ‘No fear mongering, consequences are real’, says Ramsammy

By Vanessa Narine THE ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), on Monday, recorded its concern over the parliamentary vote that defeated the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) (Amendment) Bill. And party member, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, at a media briefing at Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown, made clear that the Government, as well as stakeholders, who advocated the Bill’s passage are not engaging in fear mongering, rather,they are conveying real, consequent realities. Asked about the possibility of snap elections, Ramsammy stated that the decision is up to the party’s executive. However, he noted that, aside from the defeat of the AML/ CFT vote, the rejection of the Private Sector Commission’s (PSC’s) petition reflected an attempt to sabotage Guyana’s democracy, since the combined Opposition essentially denied the right to not only be able to address the Parliament, but denied their right to speech and freedom of expression. According to him, after serving in the National Assembly since the seventh Parliament, the 10th Parliament is the “most obstructionist” of all the parliaments. “The 10th Parliament seems to be working on the notion that it is the work of the Opposition to obstruct every effort to improve and to build on our participatory democracy…the people who denied democracy for almost three decades, today in Opposition is demonstrating that their natural inclination is to subvert freedoms and democracy,” Ramsammy said. The minister emphasised that the facts are clear. He said: “We haven’t made up any story....businesses of Guyana are saying that, the diplomatic community is saying that and the authority, which is tasked with oversight, and ensuring that proper rules are followed, the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF), has said that if this does not happen, well these are the consequences.” In the face of the November 18 CFATF deadline, when the body is scheduled to host a plenary meeting, Guyana is expected to be blacklisted. Consequently, the impacts are expected to affect the smooth transfer of monies by the business sector’s operations; the functioning of banks with external links, already being seen with the cessation of operations by the Citi-Bank group in Guyana; access to insurance, since 85 per cent of local companies depend on reinsurance from overseas bodies; and increased burdens in processing remittances– facts reiterated over the last few days by several Government ministers, as well as President Donald Ramotar. According to the Minister of Agriculture, Government pushed the Amendment Bill on the basis of a call from CFATF, with the risks

of not complying being well aired. Ramsammy said: “Life will become more difficult and even if life does not stop, the job of the National Assembly is to make the lives of people easier, not more difficult. “The passage of this Amendment Bill would have allowed our business and our people to do financial transactions within the rules

“The 10th Parliament seems to be working on the notion that it is the work of the Opposition to obstruct every effort to improve and to build on our participatory democracy…the people who denied democracy for almost three decades, today in Opposition is demonstrating that their natural inclination is to subvert freedoms and democracy.” – Dr. Leslie Ramsammy of regulations, internationally accepted.” He added that Guyana is part of a “global governance system” and is obliged to comply. “We cannot pick and choose, when we belong to an international system,” the minister insisted. REPRESENTATION Ramsammy and colleague Minister Juan Edghill, both called for the combined Opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) to make clear whose interests they represent. He said: “The truth is there was never[an] intent to pass the Bill. It was, as the President said, economic sabotage. “Every time this Government has tried to protect the interest and

promote the interest of the people of Guyana and of our country, the Opposition has stood in the path of those developments.” He added that, in reviewing the actions of the combined Opposition, it is clear on whose side they stand. “The Opposition has openly, not what I say, not accusing anyone and not speculating, but when you vote against those things (referencing legislation to prevent trafficking of illegal firearms) you vote in favour of the criminals and against the nation,” the minister said. The AML/CFT Bill is in the interest of preserving law and order and freedom and democracy. “The people of Guyana know the truth because it is clear in our words and our actions,” Ramsammy maintained. Edghill added that the contentions of the combined Opposition are “hot air” and explained that, as a sitting member of the Select Committee that reviewed the AML/CFT Bill, the concerns the Opposition said they had were never brought to the Committee. “Not a line, a paragraph or page,” the Junior Finance Minister said. He said the intent of the combined Opposition was clear from the start and evidenced in their vote. “They wanted to ensure that they kept going on and on so that we miss the deadline and Guyana faces the economic hardships that will face us,” Edghill posited. According to him, the vote was a “betrayal of monumental” proportions. CFATF, in a statement, has said that, if Guyana is not found sufficiently compliant, it will instruct its member states to take precautions to safeguard themselves from the risks emanating from Guyana. Guyana’s team to CFATF, led by Attorney General (AG), Anil Nandlall, is expected to make a case for this country at the meeting next week.

$10M to be spent at NCC on fixing ... digital system. He also emphasised the importance of having adequate staff to maintain and care for the new systems that will be put in place at the NCC. Towards this end, the minister stated that new and responsible staffers will be employed, while efficient workers at the NCC will also be trained in this aspect. The minister said that not so long ago works were carried out to fix the sound system. And next week a tender would be put out in order to acquire capable technicians as the ministry moves to replace all the air conditioning systems in the building. At the NCC yesterday, organisers opted to leave the doors open for fresh air and the minister explained that this course of action was

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taken because some of the air conditioning units at the facility were not in working order. Patrons, promoters and organisers hosting entertainment events at the venue have complained of the uncomfortable humidity in the building, which made it impossible for members of the audience to enjoy shows in comfort. At the recently concluded Mr. and Miss Guyana Talented Teen Pageant, and the GT&T Jingles and Song Competition hosted at the NCC, patrons had loudly protested against the “not working’ air conditioning units. Their protests in both cases were met by nods of agreement and ‘blank stares’ from NCC staffers.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013

Typhoon Haiyan: Philippines declares state of calamity

(BBC News) THE Philippine President Benigno Aquino has declared a state of national calamity to speed relief efforts for victims of Typhoon Haiyan. In a statement, he said the two worst affected provinces, Leyte and Samar, had suffered massive destruction and loss of life. Thousands of survivors are still desperately waiting for the aid effort to reach them. Up to 10,000 people are feared to have been killed. Tacloban is one of the worst affected cities. The BBC’s Jon Donnison, who is there, says there does not yet seem to be an effective operation to get help to those in need. This is expected to change over the next few days, he says. Hundreds of thousands more people have been displaced after the high winds and

floodwaters destroyed their homes. Damage to roads and airports has delayed the delivery of aid. One of the most powerful storms on record to make landfall, Haiyan - named “Yolanda” by Filipino authorities - struck the coastal provinces of Leyte and Samar on Friday. It then headed west, sweeping through six central Philippine islands. STRUGGLE More than nine million people have been affected in the Philippines. Many are now struggling to survive without food, shelter or clean drinking water. A picture is slowly emerging of the full damage wrought by the storm: * The exposed easterly town of Guiuan, Samar province - population 40,000 - is

said to be largely destroyed * Three-hundred people were killed in the town of Basey, also in Samar, the provincial disaster office confirmed * Tacloban, Leyte province, was largely flattened by a massive storm surge and scores of corpses are piled by the roadside, leaving a stench in the air as they rot. Hundreds of people gathered at the airport desperate for food and water, others trying to get a flight out * Disaster worker Dennis Chong told the BBC that assessments in the far north of Cebu province had shown some towns had suffered “80-90% damage” * Baco, a city of 35,000 in Oriental Mindoro province, was 80% under water, the UN said. * A huge international relief effort is under way, but rescue workers have struggled to reach areas cut off since the storm. * However, reports from

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Tacloban say that soldiers have been on the streets distributing food and water to some residents and the US military has sent marines to the city. * The head of the Philippine Red Cross, Richard Gordon, described the situation as “absolute bedlam”. * “It’s only now that they were able to get in and we’re beginning just to bring in the necessary food items... as well as water and other things that they need,” he told the BBC.

A 21-year-old woman lies exhausted on the debris-covered floor at a makeshift medical facility in Tacloban after giving birth to a baby girl. The storm surge swept away her mother.

Far-right rioters leave trail of destruction in Polish capital (Reuters) - POLISH police used rubber bullets on Monday to break up groups of masked far-right youths who threw firecrackers and set fire to cars when a nationalist march through the center of the capital turned violent. The march is an annual event to commemorate Poland’s national independence day, and for the third year in a row it broke down into running battles in the middle of Warsaw

between rioters and riot police. Prime Minister Donald Tusk said what should have been a holiday had been ruined by acts of aggression and violence. “What happened is unacceptable,” he said. Several thousand right-wing protesters began their march peacefully - watched by their own stewards in orange vests and with a police helicopter circling above. The violence started

when a few dozen youths, their faces covered by balaclavas and football scarves, broke off from the procession into a side street and started attacking a building where left-wing radicals occupied a squat. Riot police moved in, and came under attack from youths throwing firecrackers and stones. As the rioters dispersed, several cars were set on fire.











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GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013

Parsan: No calls for action on T&T as transshipment point for guns, drugs (Trinidad Guardian) AMBASSADOR to the United States Dr Neil Parsan, Sunday said he has not been approached by international authorities to discuss the details of a recent legal case that allegedly named Trinidad and Tobago as the transshipment point for guns, drugs and terrorists. The matter was reportedly part of a case heard in the New York courts on Thursday which implicated Dino Bouterse, the son of Surinamese president Desi Boutersein in a multi-million dollar cocaine bust. Edmund Quincy Muntslag, who is currently serving time in local prisons while awaiting extradition to the US as part of the drug smuggling ring, was also named. “I am aware of the matter and to date no

request has been made for any action or commentary on same,” Parsan told the Sunday Guardian. According to international reports, Bouterse also faced additional charges of “attempting to supply weapons to Hezbollah” to facilitate an attack against American targets. Muntslag has not been linked to those charges. In September, Muntslag went before Chief Magistrate Marcia Ayers-Caesar at the Portof-Spain Eighth Magistrates Court where his lawyer Keith Scotland was seeking bail for his client. Muntslag was detained in Trinidad on August 29. He accused the younger Bouterse of conspiracy to export five kilos of cocaine into the US between 2011 and this year. Munstlag’s case is expected to be heard on December 3.


Venezuelan President Maduro ‘to expand price controls’ (BBC News) VENEZUELAN President Nicolas Maduro says he plans to extend price controls to all consumer goods, if he is given powers to govern by decree. In a televised address, Mr Maduro said that he wanted to set legal limits on businesses’ profit margins. His announcement followed the seizure on Saturday of shops accused of selling electronic goods at inflated prices. The National Assembly is expected to vote this week on his request to govern temporarily by decree. The president demanded there be “zero tolerance with speculators” in his speech broadcast on Sunday. “This is beyond usury, this is theft,” he added. On the weekend, soldiers occupied a chain of shops selling electronic goods which, according to Mr Maduro, had sold items at vastly inflated prices.

Legislators propose change to strengthen anti-gang law

(Jamaica Observer) MEMBERS of the Joint Select Committee of Parliament reviewing the Criminal Justice (Suppression of Criminal Organisations) Act 2013 are at one in calling for an amendment to the proposed Bill to ensure that gangs which hold communities or individuals hostage by way of threats can be prosecuted on those grounds alone. The issue came up during the examination of Section 2 (b) (i) and (ii) of the Bill, called the Anti-Gang Legislation, which defines what constitutes a criminal organisation under the Act at Gordon House on Thursday. Based on that definition, a “criminal organisation” means any gang, group, alliance, network, combination or other arrangement among three or more persons (whether formally or informally affiliated or organised and whether or not operating through one or more bodies, corporate or other associations) that — (a) has as one of its purposes the commission of one or more serious offences; and (b) in relation to which the persons who are a part thereof or participate therein (individually, jointly or collectively) — (i) have engaged in unlawful activity in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit or to gain power or influence; or (ii) issue threats or engage in conduct to create fear or to intimidate or to exert power or influence in communities, or over other persons. However, Opposition committee member Delroy Chuck, who led the charge, was of the opinion that the sub-clause should stand on its own since the activity was serious enough to warrant action by the courts. “Am I to be convinced that if in fact a person is doing any of b (i) and b (ii) unless we can demonstrate that they are engaged in a serious offence they can’t be charged under this Act? I would remove the ‘and’ and put ‘or’ because, if we can demonstrate that they have joined the gang to engage in a serious offence, why do we have to do more? If we can demonstrate that they have issued threats or they are threatening a community to create fear and intimidation unless they keep quiet, shouldn’t that be enough?” Chuck, who is an attorney-at-law, wanted to know. “We know how gangs operate and take over communities is to issue threats of silence and if, in fact, it can be so demonstrated, why do we have to go further and prove that it was formed to engage in robberies or murders?” he queried. He noted that even if such individuals were “not really engaged in any serious offence but are issuing threats, or are controlling the corner in a community”, there was no reason to have to prove that they were involved in other unsavoury activities. “I am saying b (ii) should capture them fully once it can be shown that they are issuing threats and creating fear and intimidation. It should stand on its own. A criminal organisation could be that gang that is going around stealing vehicles and not issuing any threats (they are to be included), but I also want the area don and his cohorts who are trying to control everybody in their community. You wouldn’t want to also have to prove that they are doing other serious criminal offences (before you can get a conviction). Just the creation of fear and intimidation in the community, once it can be proven, they fall within the scope of the Act,” he contended further.

National Guard soldiers occupied electronic goods stores on Saturday Hundreds of people flocked to the Daka stores after they were forced by the government to sell their goods at lower prices, some of them at a quarter of the price listed earlier in the week. “We’re doing this for the good of the nation,” the president said, accusing the managers of the stores of waging an “economic war” against Venezuela. He also announced the arrest of five managers from the Daka, JVG and Krash electronics stores on suspicion of hiking up prices. Five more people were arrested for allegedly looting a Daka shop in

the city of Valencia. But President Maduro said reports of looting had been exaggerated by factions of the press, which he accused of “complicity with the bourgeois parasites”. ‘CUBAN PUPPET’ The president announced that he would next turn his attention to stores selling toys, cars, food items, textiles and shoes. Opposition leader Henrique Capriles said the move proved that the president “is a failed puppet of the Cuban government”. “Every time he opens

his mouth, he scares away the investments that create employment, and he worsens the crisis,” said Mr Capriles, who narrowly lost to Mr Maduro in April’s presidential election. Official figures suggest inflation is running at more than 50%. Price hikes have become an important issue in next month’s local elections. Mr Maduro blames most of Venezuela’s economic woes on “sabotage” by opposition forces, but critics say government mismanagement is behind the country’s problems.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013


Not only blinded to reality, Lincoln Lewis perception also clouded by deep prejudice


To combat domestic violence we need to exterminate the ‘beast’ within us CERTAINLY, domestic violence has reached epidemic proportions and, given its almost daily occurrences – its rise seems set to continue unabated. That we have been highlighting this brutal act in a number of editorials, is because it is a clear threat to the very existence of the important institution of the family, with the attendant consequences which will culminate when the woman suffers either the ultimate tragedy, or crippling injuries, or continues to be battered in the presence of her family. There has been this offered line, a sort of defence, that attention ought to be paid to the frustrations suffered by men, since these are what might be responsible for some of the attacks on their womenfolk. No one doubts that men do have their share of interpersonal frustrations, and are unable to effect solutions, but accounts of this category resorting to such murderous acts are virtually negligible. In fact, the overwhelming evidence, thus far, is of women being brutalised for years at the hands of their husbands/ companions, often suffering injuries, until their lives are finally extinguished. What is so painful about these incidents, is the often spontaneous nature of the attacks, that reeks of sadistic behaviour. The reasons given by the numerous victims, many of whom before they die, are explanations of men who are either swollen by great fits of jealousy, accusations of infidelity, anger management problems, and the well known alcoholic cause. Of course, the reasons alluded to are well known and are perennial problems that are part and parcel of many couples’ lives. Surely, there are a number of social bodies that have been established, where both sexes can repair, for advice and guidance. Based on information, affected women do mostly seek assistance from these groups. Even the church, as exemplified by a particular television, do receive women seeking spiritual solutions. For whatever reasons as perceived by such category of men – abusing their womenfolk, battering to be specific, is not the solution. It is not only a grave act of inhuman behaviour and cruelty, but first of all a degradation to manhood, in his role as protector of the female, in which he is mandated to make her emotionally comfortable, and give love. Secondly, with every act of abuse, he reduces her dignity, and very important role of motherhood. Thirdly, his cruel acts, gradually undermines the family foundation, with the children becoming traumatised. This especially, sets in train a series of dangerous, psychological events that numbingly affect not only these trapped children’s

IN the November 10, 2013 issue of the Kaieteur News, Mr. Lincoln Lewis wrote that “…Government never wanted the Anti-Money Laundering Bill passed.” He seems to have lost all reason and his perception is clouded by deep prejudice. First of all, what is the Anti-Money Laundering Bill about? Guyana and other Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries are

bringing all their laws together to fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorist organisations. Only the criminals, including narco criminals, have to gain from not passing this bill. If Lewis thinks that the Government did not want the bill, then why did the Opposition vote against it? Since the bill was aimed at fighting drug traffickers

and the criminals will benefit from not passing the bill, then it is clear that the Opposition parties and not the governing party, are the ones who are the “real supporters of drug lords.” Lewis so hates the PPP that it has blinded him to reality. REBECCA CONSTANCE LINCOLN LEWIS

UNICEF statement on World Pneumonia Day 2013…

Highlighting innovative solutions and emphasising simple interventions to end childhood pneumonia PNEUMONIA is the single largest killer of children under 5, secutive doses within the first six months of life. as well as the leading infectious cause of childhood mortality. Overall, the DHS reported that children in the interior are less likely The disease accounts for 17 per cent of all under-five deaths to be vaccinated than other children, which may be due to challenges worldwide, claiming the lives of 1.1 million children under 5 such as having to travel long distances to access vaccination services. in 2012 – most of whom were less than 2 years old. Every 30 Scaling up efforts of vaccination coverage in the Interior is extremely seconds, a child younger than five dies of pneumonia. important, so that more children can be reached and protected against Established in 2009, World Pneumonia Day is marked every pneumonia. year on November 12th to raise awareness about pneumonia; Parents and caregivers can take simple and effective actions to propromote interventions to protect against, prevent and treat pneutect children against pneumonia. Ensuring that young children are fully monia; and generate action to combat pneumonia. immunized against pneumonia can help to reduce child deaths. One The theme for this year’s observance is Innoof the most effective ways to vation. According to Dr. Mickey Chopra, Chief of prevent pneumonia is immuPNEUMONIA: - the single largest killer nization against Hemophilus Health at UNICEF headquarters, “Innovations in of children under 5, as well as the leading diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia are key to influenza type B (Hib), pneuending preventable child deaths, and especially in mococcus (PCV 13), measles infectious cause of childhood mortality reaching the hardest-to-reach children. For instance, and pertussis. Maintaining it is critical to find new, reliable ways of diagnosing exclusive breastfeeding from pneumonia in low-resource health facilities where chest x-rays birth to 6 months, good nutrition, and improved hand washing practices, and lab tests are not readily available.” and timely treatment with amoxicillin as prescribed by a healthcare Pneumonia is a form of acute respiratory infection that affects provider, can also prevent pneumonia related child deaths. the lungs. It is caused by a number of infectious agents, including Parents and caregivers should be able to recognise the danger signs viruses, bacteria and fungi. Streptococcus pneumonia is the most and symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing and chest pains) and common cause of bacterial pneumonia in children. To be protected seek care immediately for a child at risk of pneumonia; prompt action against this disease, children in Guyana should receive a vaccine saves lives. Parents sometimes do not seek treatment early enough, or at 2, 4 and 6 months of age. mistake warning signs such as fever as a symptom of other illnesses, In Guyana, the risk of pneumonia increases because children for example malaria. living in poor or remote communities are more likely to not be The DHS found fully immunized against this condition. The most recent Guyana that only 65% of chilDemographic Health Survey (DHS) reported that while 92% of dren with symptoms children received the first dose of pentavalent vaccine, only 85% of acute respiratory of children received the complete recommended dosage – 3 coninfection obtained advice and treatment from a health facility scholastic performance, but distorts the role of manhood/ or healthcare providfatherhood in their young minds. er. But by far, the often physical and disabling injuries, Most deaths from suffered by these victims are what are destructive to childhood pneumothe family’s socio-economic foundation, since most of nia are preventable. these women are important contributors to their families’ Stepping up action well-being. It is excruciating in any family for children against pneumonia to have to observe their mother reduced to levels of irand diarrhoea can reparable disability. This has a crushing effect on these accelerate progress children’s daily lives. toward Millennium These are the hellish nightmares of domestic violence Development Goal 4, through which numerous numbers of the nation’s women by 2015 and beyond. and their children live each day. This particular brutal UNICEF and WHO have led the development of the Integrated and vicious criminality is a major, pivotal cause of the daily destruction of family life. If the perpetrators have Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia any bit of humanity remaining, coupled with the courage and Diarrhoea (GAPPD) to address pneumonia and diarrhoea of their minds, they would pause and take serious stock together through an integrated response. The plan of the tragedies which their wanton cruelties have been causing, and immediately cease their bestiality. Please see page 7

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013


Albouystown is home to the ‘Hot Skull’ gang - earlier disclosure could have compromised police operations, says Crime Chief By Leroy Smith THE police yesterday disclosed that a criminal gang has been operating in Georgetown, conducting its operations out of the Albouystown community in South Georgetown. The name of the gang is ‘Hot Skull’ and members of the gang use a sign which is often drawn on the gang members in the form of a tattoo and placed in the centre while other artwork is engraved around it as a border. This disclosure was made by Crime Chief,Deputy Com-

missioner of Law Enforcement Seelall Persaud, who was at the time speaking at the Guyana Police Force Christmas security plan presentation at Eve Leary yesterday morning. Asked why the police had not announced this earlier, Persaud explained that it would have been premature and could possibly have compromised operations to monitor and penetrate the gang. He pointed out that four of the gang members were sentenced to prison recently, while several others are before the courts for various offences and are on bail. However, one gang

member has not been appearing in court and an arrest warrant has since been issued for him. The three bandits who were fatally shot by police on South Road recently while attempting to carry out a robbery were also members of the gang, the deputy police commissioner stated. Seelall also explained that many of the shooting incidents in Albouystown are noted and investigated by the police. However, it was still not safe for the police until yesterday to alert the public that the community has a gang based there.

He maintained that the prior non-disclosure of information that there was a gang in Albouystown afforded the police scope to make a big accomplishment with respect to investigations recently, but it is still unsafe to speak of this at present. The Crime Chief stated that with respect to the ‘Hot Skull’ gang, it took the police some time to gather information about the gang members and their operations.

Jury in ‘Picture Boy’ double murder disagree on verdict …vexed father of victims shouts ‘Bribery’; accused to face second retrial

By George Barclay A MIXED jury trying “Picture Boy” for a double murder yesterday disagreed on a verdict as a similar jury had done a year ago at the first trial. Presiding Judge Justice Navindra Singh discharged the jury and remanded the accused Cyon Collier, called “Picture Boy”, to prison to await another retrial for the murder of two brothers, Ray Walcott called Sugar, and Carl Andrews called ‘Alo’, committed on September 23, 2006, at the Victoria Four Corner, East Coast Demerara. The defence team is said to be labouring under the belief that all that was necessary at this stage of the trial was another hung jury to ensure freedom of the accused, since it was the practice by the DPP not to continue the charge against an accused who had achieved two

disagreements. But it was learnt that this was a practice and not the law. After the madam fore-

Cyon Collier, called “Picture Boy” man of the jury had reported the disagreement yesterday

in relation to both murders, and pointed out that the disagreement was in proportion of six to six, the father of the two murdered boys, who was among relatives waiting to hear the verdict, shouted “Jury bribed” and hurriedly left the court in disgust. Later, he told this reporter that he was upset and had good reason to believe that the jury was bribed to produce the report of disagreement. The prosecution’s case, as put forward by Mrs. Judith Gildharie – Mursalin, had told the jury that in view of witnesses, the accused in Hollywood style rode through the street on his motorcycle to a spot where a domino game was being played and there he shot

the two brothers – “Sugar” and “Alo”. The defence and the prosecution had urged the mixed jury in the Victoria Four Corner double murder to return verdicts of not guilty and guilty, respectively, in relation to accused Cyon Collier. Defence counsel had also asked the jury to find that the prosecution had failed to make out a prima facie case against the accused, and as such they must return a verdict of not guilty for the murder of Ray Walcott called “Sugar” and Carl Andrews called “Alo” Amsterdam also accused the prosecution witnesses of grave inconsistencies in their evidence which the jury, he said, ought to reject. The jury took four hours and 20 minutes to reach their verdict of disagreement.

Highlighting innovative ... From page 6

aims to dramatically reduce child deaths from these two diseases. “Child survival is at the heart of every nation’s prosperity and its sustainable development” says Dr. Chopra. “Healthy children are more likely to live longer, stay in school, and be productive members of their society, creating benefits that reverberate through future generations. That is what motivates UNICEF to work with and rally partners around the ‘Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed’ movement, which aspires to end preventable child deaths within a generation.” ** ABOUT UNICEF UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence. The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments. For more information about UNICEF and its work visit

Dr. Mickey Chopra, Chief of Health at UNICEF headquarters


slits girlfriend’s throat, hangs himself …his father hanged himself a year ago over domestic problems by Leroy Smith

KENROY Crandon, 22, yesterday afternoon followed in his father’s footsteps, committing suicide by hanging himself. His father hanged himself a year ago, and also over a love affair gone sour. The Guyana Chronicle was informed that the man slit the throat of his girlfriend, Sherian Tiwarie, 23, before hanging himself in the upper flat of his aunt’s 27 West Ruimveldt home. This newspaper was informed that the aunt of the young man did not approve of the relationship, as she realised that her nephew was abusing the young lady. She recalled that Tiwarie promised her that she was getting married to Kenroy in August and that she was awaiting the arrival of her father from overseas. However, August came and up to now there was no wedding. Donna asked the young lady to leave, which she reluctantly did. She said that Kenroy asked her to allow his girlfriend to move back into the house, but Donna did not allow this. Questioned about yesterday’s incident, the woman said that she was home with another cousin when she heard a noise in the upper flat where her nephew lived. She said that the door was locked so she and her cousin were forced to break it open. She said that as her cousin ventured upstairs he went into one of the rooms which is not occupied, and saw her nephew hanging from a beam. And in another bedroom, she saw his girlfriend lying on a bed with her throat slashed. Donna said that she had no idea that the young lady was in the house. It was revealed that two months ago the now dead Tiwarie had lost a baby which she was getting for the 22 year old. She however, one month later, declared that she was again pregnant. But according to Donna, neither she nor Kenroy was buying the story, and he was insisting on a medical report to prove that he was the unborn child’s father. In recalling the several warnings to the young lady, Donna told reporters that she questioned the young lady about why she would want to stay in an abusive relationship, and cautioned her that if she continued, one day her face and name might end up in the newspapers. It is not clear if the abuse the girl suffered while staying at Donna’s home was ever reported to the police outpost which is just a stone’s throw away.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013

Suriname Police report...

Three Guyanese girls rescued from sex trade

SURINAME police have reported that they rescued three Guyanese teenage girls from the sex trade in that neighbouring country. The Surinamese cops claimed the trio were held against their will and made to perform duties as sex workers at a brothel in a gold mining township in the interior. The reports said, during a raid at the brothel, three other individuals, including a Guyanese woman, allegedly the owner of the place, her husband and a bodyguard were arrested. The girls reportedly told detectives that they were taken to Suriname under the pretext that they would be working in a shop. But, instead they were forced into prostitution at Cabanafo in the Lawa region, a gold field close to the border with French

Guiana. It is alleged that the victims were beaten when they refused to perform sex acts and all the monies they received from customers were then seized by the brothel owner. All that happened after the teenagers had crossed the Suriname/ Guyana border illegally. Reports from Suriname said one of the victims is a 15-year-old girl whose parents had filed a missing persons report with the Guyana Police sometime ago. The parents, however, continued to look for their daughter and after receiving information that she was seen at Cabanafo, relayed it to the office of the Prosecutor General in Suriname, from where an investigation was ordered.

It was during an operation by the anti-terror squad, police and military officers, that the girls were found and the suspects arrested. The latter are being charged with human smuggling, human trafficking and belonging to a criminal organisation. Meanwhile, the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Unit of the Suriname Police Force is continuing investigations but the authorities are still looking for two other Guyanese girls who, at the time of the raid, were not found. (Alex Wayne)

Alias ‘Dead man’…

Second brother hangs self in same house By Leroy Smith FORTY-ONE-YEAR-OLD Harrylall Mohan alias ‘Dead man’ was found hanging by his 13-year-old nephew, at his Lot 15 Gulf Club Road, Lusignan, East Coast of Demerara home last Sunday morning. The deceased was slumped in his modest abode with a hammock rope around his neck. The discovery was made at approximately 06:00 hrs where he lived in the lower flat of his previously departed parents’ home that he shared with a sister. The Guyana Chronicle was informed that Mohan’s decision to take his own life mirrored that of a younger brother who also hanged himself at the same house but in the upper flat. That brother was 28 years old when he met his demise nine years ago. The Guyana Chronicle was told that Mohan, who would, sometimes, abuse alcohol, had been sober for most of Saturday but decided to imbibe later in the day. Relatives said they are not sure what led to his suicide since he showed no signs of discomfort on Saturday but this newspaper was reliably informed that he was seen, the same day, walking and talking to himself, stating that he wanted to end his life. On Sunday morning, his brother-in-law said, after the tragic discovery had been made, an alarm was raised and the police responded quickly to the call and cordoned off the area as they conducted their investigation. NOT AWARE Mohan’s sister said they were not aware that he had any problems with persons in the area or far away. In fact, they stated that he and some other persons from the community were scheduled to travel to Region 7 (Cuyuni/Mazaruni) and commence working in the interior. He had been to interior locations before but was planning to

This Leroy Smith photo shows the father of four slumped in his home with the rope around his neck still slinging from a beam visit a different place this time around, next month. Mohan was married but separated from his wife, with whom he has four children, aged 18, 16, 15 and 11, two boys and two girls. The two boys lived with the father while one of the girls lives with her aunt upstairs and the other with her mother. The family said the only problem they had with the late Mohan was his drinking and, on Saturday, when he attempted to start, they cautioned him about noise in the yard and barred him from playing music. At the scene on Sunday morning, his body still had one end of the hammock rope around his neck while the other

The man’s children and other relatives watch as his body is placed in a hearse to be taken away was tied to a beam in the house. Investigators are working on the theory that he might

have mounted himself on a table or a nearby wall divider to kill himself.

Traffic cops remanded for failing to attend court By Jeune Bailey Vankeric

The body of Mohan being removed from his home by Lyken undertakers Sunday morning

Persons gather in the yard which the man shared with his sister and children as news of his death went around the community

MAGISTRATE Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus has remanded two traffic cops to prison after they failed to attend court to testify in a “Causing death by dangerous driving” case currently being heard at the New Amsterdam Court. Police Sergeant 18281 Lloyd Thomas, age 33 years, along with Corporal 19673 Azad Ali, who incidentally was awarded Best Cop in 2012, failed to attend court hearings when required to do so. Consequently, arrest warrants were issued on November 8. However, appearing before the Magistrate yesterday, Thomas, responding to questions by the Court, said he had forgotten the court date, while Ali said he was not feeling well. Questioned further as to whether he has a medical certificate to support his claim, he replied: “No Ma’am” . When asked by the magistrate why he did not communicate that to the prosecutor or the registrar, Ali responded: “Nothing Ma’am”. Consequently, the cops were remanded to prison until November 14. However, the magistrate observed that whenever police ranks are remanded to prison, they are usually taken instead to the Tactical Services Unit where they would “enjoy life”. Nevertheless, she affixed her signature to the warrants which were then handed to Police Sergeant Phillip Sherriff. The policemen are witnesses in the case of the Police versus Edson Enniss, who is accused of driving motor car PDD 5925 in a dangerous manner along Main Street, New Amsterdam, resulting in the death of 23-year-old Sastia Natasha Phillips. Thomas had recovered the hidden car at Lot 188 Amsville Housing Scheme, while Ali had visited the alleged scene of the accident at Main and Alexander Streets. The case has been fixed for hearing on December 2.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013

El Dorado gold heist…

Three policemen among those arrested- Crime Chief IN the arrest and questioning of five persons up to yesterday in relation to the well orchestrated gold and cash heist in the North West District on Friday, three officers of the Guyana Police Force are among the lot. Yesterday Crime Chief Seelall Persaud confirmed that a police sergeant who recently began duties at the location and two constables were arrested and are being question in relation to their roles in the facilitation of the robbery. The Crime Chief stated that they have been able to recover all of the gold that went missing, which amounts to 96 ounces, and were able to recover in excess of $17M which was also part of the loot. According to the deputy commissioner, they were able to confirm that the robbery was

staged by an employee who embezzled the company’s money after being entrusted with looking over the operations in the interior location. In his efforts to cover up his embezzlement, the man decided that he was going to plan a robbery which meant that he too would have to be bound by the men who were coming to carry out the robbery. Seelall Persaud told the media that following the robbery, the mastermind himself was the one who called the police and reported the matter hours after the dramatic performance was staged. The police said that based on the intelligence, and with the help of the community, they were able to get wind of the entire operation. The recovery of the booty was also due to private inves-

Rohee released from hospital

Minister Clement Rohee

HOME AFFAIRS Minister, Clement Rohee, was released yesterday from Woodlands Hospital, according to Minister Leslie Ramsammy. Speaking at a People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) press briefing yesterday, Dr Ramsammy made it clear that the party’s General Secretary, Mr Rohee, did not suffer a stroke. He declined to comment further on Minister Rohee’s condition. Rohee had been hospitalised since last Thursday.

Accident at Coldingen causes power outage along East Coast

- GPL managed to restore power to affected villages yesterday

AT approximately 01:45 hrs yesterday, a vehicle collided with a Guyana Power and Light (GPL) utility pole at Coldingen, causing damage to the pole and line hardware. The pole carried conductors for the two main feeders supplying the East Coast of Demerara, and the incident resulted in widespread power outage, affecting consumers from Goedverwagting to Bygeval. GPL, in a statement following the incident yesterday,said power is being gradually restored to consumers, with those between Goedverwagting and Good Hope being re-powered at 07:00 hrs, and from Good Hope to Buxton at 09:35 hrs. While repairs were affected by the inclement weather, GPL was working to ensure that power is restored to customers between Buxton and Bygeval, Mahaica, yesterday afternoon. GPL said it has consistently pleaded with road users to exercise due caution when using the roadways in an effort to avoid incidents of this nature. The company again renews the call, especially to operators of heavy equipment, to be vigilant when travelling in the vicinity of GPL’s network to avoid unnecessary damage to property and inconvenience to its customers. GPL also apologises for the inconvenience caused due to yesterday’s unforeseen occurrence.


tigations conducted by several persons, the media were told. Asked about the policy of the Guyana Police Force of the rotation of ranks to avoid corruption and complacency, the Crime Chief said that it was one such move that had landed the police sergeant in question at the district. It was noted that he recently took up duties in that area. Information is that the men who carried out the act visited the El Dorado office in Port Kaituma on Friday and carted off the valuables after the manager administered sleeping pills to his subordinates. The men committed the act and left the area by boat while others later made good their escape by various means.

Local Government (Amendment) Bill unconstitutional - President Ramotar

QUESTIONS over why President Donald Ramotar assented to only three of the four local government bills passed in the National Assembly on August 7 were put to rest on Friday last, when the Head of State, at a press briefing at Office of the President, maintained that the fourth bill is “unconstitutional”, as it seeks to remove ministerial control over local authorities. The three local government bills assented to on November 6 are the Fiscal Transfers Bill 2012, Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill, and the Local Government Commission Bill. The fourth piece of legislation, the Local Government (Amendment) Bill, seeks to vest control of local authorities in the Local Government Commission. President Ramotar added that the Local Government (Amendment) Bill contains changes that were contrary to agreements made with his Administration by the main Opposition during a series of meetings. He said: “Before this Parliament (the 10th Parliament) came into existence, we had an agreement with the PNC; we had a full agreement with the Opposition, the PNC then. “In this Parliament, they have decided to change it (agreement). Not only have they changed it, which in my view is unprincipled, but they have also made it unconstitu- President Donald Ramotar tional. They have tried to take the authority of the minister and invest it into a commission. That goes against the Constitution, that’s why I didn’t assent to it.” Local government elections have not been held in Guyana since 1994. Prior to that, local government elections were last held in 1970. Subsequent to 1994, the elections could not be conducted because they had coincided with the general and regional elections of 1997. (Vanessa Narine)

Barber hit-and-run accident…

18-yr-old driver surrenders to police - victim suffered broken neck

By Leroy Smith TRISHANT Sukhoo, 18, of Section ‘B’, Non Pariel, East Coast Demerara, has turned himself over to the police after killing thirty five-year-old barber and father of one, Gopaulram Dass, in a hit-and-run accident Sunday morning. Yesterday the Guyana Chronicle was informed that the young man turned himself over to the police at Vigilance, in the company

of his father. He was then taken into custody and handed over to the police at Sparendaam. A post mortem on the body of the dead man revealed that he had died of a broken neck. On Sunday morning, at approximately 01.00hr, on the Vryheid’s Lust Public Road, the vehicle driven by Sukhoo struck Dass as he was crossing the road. The teenaged driver refused to stop and proceeded about his business, leaving the father of one to die on the roadside. Dass was picked up by a friend and was taken to the Woodlands Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

The widow of Gopaulram Dass, seated in a hammock, is comforted by a friend

Health Centre at Haags Bosch to be commissioned today

THE Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development will be commissioning the Health Facility at the Haags Bosch Sanitary Landfill Site located aback Eccles, East Bank Demerara, this morning. The Health Centre will facilitate regular medical care, support and other health services for the employees and recyclers at the landfill site. Medical care is currently provided to persons at the landfill site on the first Tuesday of every month and includes the services of a medex and doctor. Minister of Health Dr Bherri Ramsarran, is slated to deliver the feature address with brief remarks from Mr Norman Whittaker, Minister within the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.

Gopaulram Dass, his wife and eight- year- old son

Tourism documentaries now showing at National Library THE Guyana Tourism Authority(GTA) wishes to inform the general public that it is currently showing a series of documentaries, which started yesterday and ends tomorrow at the National Library, Conference Facility, from 4 pm to 6 pm on each of the days. This activity forms part of the GTA’s celebration for Tourism Awareness Month. Persons are encouraged to support this event to which admission is $200.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013

Ramsammy urges investors to look for bio-ethanol production potential no current lands used for sugar cane production will be converted to be used for bio-ethanol production, but rather the vast land resources available will be made use of. Ramsammy highlighted that Guyana currently uses some 14,000 barrels of fossil fuel per day, 6,000 barrels of which cater to the nation’s transport needs. According to him, with demand for energy set to increase, the way forward must take into consideration other alternatives. He stressed that Guyana intends to be seen as a leader in the Caribbean Region as it relates to the push for alternative energy development.

By Vanessa Narine THE conclusion of a technical cooperation agreement, under the theme “Expanding Bio-energy Opportunities in Guyana” last Wednesday saw the call for investors by Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, to look into the potential of producing bio-ethanol in Guyana. The minister was speaking at a close-out symposium, held at the ministry’s boardroom, where he stressed that while the project has come to an end, bio-energy’s development in Guyana will continue to be expanded and accelerated. He said, “Let me make it clear and give government’s commitment that while this is the close-out ceremony of the technical agreement, the bio-energy programme in Guyana will not stop here, but will rather be further expanded.” The project was inked in August 2007 and the Technical Cooperation was spearheaded by CARICOM and Caribbean Renewable Energy Develop-

Minister of Agriculture, Dr. symposium ment Programme (CREDP), through a collaborative effort of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), with support from the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation

Leslie Ramsammy, at the (CTA), the Organisation of American States (OAS), and the Guyana Government. Since then, several initiatives have been undertaken, most notably the development of a draft Agro-Energy policy and the establishment of a bio-ethanol plant at the Albion

Dr. Clairmont Clementson, programme manager of the technical cooperation “Expanding Bio-energy Opportunities in Guyana” project sugar estate. BIO-ETHANOL Ramsammy explained that the plant is operational and has produced over 1,000 litres of bio-ethanol in an efficient manner, still possessing the capacity

A section of the stakeholders in the bio-energy forum (Photos by Sonell Nelson)

for greater production. He pointed out that currently a blender is being installed at the facility to support Guyana’s consideration of fuel-blending. Presently, the country’s bio-energy policy is currently under review for consideration by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and a team of technical officers to have a blend of 10 percent biofuel to the regular gas. Ramsammy said: “If we were to consider a blend for fuel, it must not be from a product that we import…we must ensure at all times the bio-ethanol we produce come from our own products.” The minister added that Guyana has much potential for the production of sugar cane, particularly so in the Intermediate Savannah regions and this opportunity could be seized in moving forward in the production of bio-ethanol. However, he stressed that, contrary to the misconception,

Ethanol fuel mix considered in drive to reduce dependency on fossil fuels THERE are indications that motorists may soon be powering their vehicles with a 10% fuel blend, as much focus is being placed on bio-fuel as the additional component, according to Agriculture Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy. The minister made this declaration recently while addressing the closing session of a symposium on bio-energy. At this forum he also disclosed that the Office of the Prime Minister was already examining legislation to facilitate the fuel mix.

- legislation under consideration

He said that annually almost 15,000 vehicles enter the nation’s road network which results in 6,000 barrels of gas being utilised daily. Minister Ramsammy noted that the sugar and rice industries could reap the benefits of bio-fuels, citing that this will reduce dependence on fossil fuels and aid in alleviating environmental problems. Rice husk, he added, could help to supply electricity to rice

mills themselves. It was noted too that the bio-energy ambitions of the government remains a “national pursuit” and, according to Ramsammy, Guyanese must intervene where the high use of fossil fuel is concerned. The minister explained that tests have shown that sugar cane could be grown at Ebini in the intermediate savannahs, assuring that none of Guyana’s

cane lands for sugar production would be diverted for ethanol production. RESOUNDING SUCCESS Prior to Dr. Ramsammy’s announcement, Dr Clairmont Clementson, who has been working on the Ministry of Agriculture’s bio-energy programme, had stated that the project so far has seen resounding success. The successful

aspects highlighted by Dr Clementson included the training of persons at the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) and other related agencies in bio-fuel production, as well as the installation of a demonstration plant at the Albion Sugar Estate. Government has signed agreements with several international partners to promote projects on renewable energy and bio-energy, all aimed at the development of a budding agro-energy sector.

ENERGY SECURITY Ramsammy added that the agriculture sector, presently catering to food and nutrition security, can also contribute to energy insecurity that may challenge Guyana. He stressed that the disregard of bio-energy is “reckless” as it is also the answer to the global challenge of eliminating carbon emissions. Other than the development of bio-ethanol, Ramsammy underscored the potential of the local oil palm and paddy husk as products that could be used to generate bio-energy. “This is an opportunity we must not neglect,” he said. The minister stated too that the ministry itself will be installing a mechanism at their canteen that will demonstrate the use of bio-energy at a domestic level, an indication of the possibilities. He stressed that at all levels, Guyana must play its part in reducing its dependency on fossil fuels and embrace the need for energy security as a quintessential part of the nation’s development. “We affirm that bio-energy is here to stay as a national pursuit…Guyana must stand out as a leader in the bio-energy revolution,” Ramsammy said. He acknowledged that move from the progress of the technical cooperation is a daunting one, but one that Guyana must not be deterred from. The programme’s Bio-energy Programme Manager, Dr. Clairmont Clementson, noted that moving forward the programme will also be looking at short, medium and long-term initiatives, including the creating of working groups to review and oversee the implementation of recommendations made by partnering stakeholders. The project has been lauded by stakeholders as one that will improve the financial structure for bio-energy investment, increased local capacity to support investment and development in this area and resources for training.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013


At IAC play, ‘When Chocolate melts’…

Minister Webster urges families to be strong and united – to deter domestic violence

THE Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) last weekend presented its play, “When Chocolate melts” at the National Cultural Centre (NCC) that speaks to the issue of domestic violence, and the dangers that can ensue for family members. The play, written and directed by Neaz Subhan, following the staging of Vijay Tendulkar’s “Kanyadaan” in 2008, examines some thematic areas with regard to family, while emphasising the challenges faced when confronted with the horrors of domestic abuse and its related effects. It features a cast of 11, and is staged under the theme: “A Saga of strength and weakness.

Stop Abuse! Love your family!” Among the attendees were Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Minister of Human Services and Social Security Jennifer Webster. The minister commended the IAC for the work it has been doing with families, using art and culture to portray messages in their plays to sensitise persons on societal ills. She pointed out that the issues of domestic violence and gender- based violence affect all, and Government has done a lot in this regard. “It is a responsibility of all of us to recognise that we live in a society where there is prevalence of violence in the homes, violence in schools and

we cannot ignore these issues because the socialisation process is quite important and the family also is very important in our everyday lives,” Minister Webster highlighted. “Every day we read about acts of violence committed, women losing their lives through abuse, and I think that all of us must recognise our roles and responsibilities, we must pay attention to what goes on in our communities, in our schools, in our surroundings,” Minister Webster urged. Twelve days in November have been designated by the United Nations for activism to end violence in countries around the world, starting on

Thieves break into home of Chronicle’s Essequibo correspondent …watch dog prevents them from stealing electronic equipment

THIEVES Sunday night broke into the home of Pastor/Reporter Rajendra Prabhulall’s house at Walton Hall on the Essequibo Coast, but were prevented by a dog from stealing expensive electrical household appliances. According to Prabhulall, the thieves removed several panes from a louvre window at the front of the lower flat of the two-storey building to gain entry. He said he and his wife, Jenetta, along with a sister, Ms.Pertina Stephens, returned home from church at around 22:00hrs Sunday, and secured the building before retiring to bed on the upper storey. Mrs. Prabhulall said she heard noises and her dog was barking furiously just before midnight. There was no electricity at the time. She said at around 05:00hrs the next morning, her husband woke up and went downstairs and discovered some 10 panes removed from the front louvre window. She said checks were made immediately to see what was missing, but they discovered only a tin of milk and some bananas missing from the refrigerator. She said a bag with some clothing and money belonging to her sister were missing, along with a few bottles of soft drinks. Jenetta said the thieves did not get the chance to remove a computer, television , a video cassette player,video digital camera and other electronic equipment that were in the lower flat. She said they also gained entry to the upper flat via an internal step, and tried to remove a new 42-inch television set, but were unsuccessful, perhaps because of the dog that was barking. Prints from the thieves’ fingers were visible on the television screen. Prabhulall said he called the police at Anna Regina and reported the incident. He said they responded swiftly despite the bad weather and visited the crime scene. Investigations are ongoing.(Rajendra Prabhulall in Essequibo)

The louvre window with panes removed

November 25. Meanwhile Subhan pointed out that the play does not portray music and dances as previous IAC productions because domestic violence is not something that is celebrated. “What is ironic is that in our own lives sometimes we cannot adjust our scripts, and I say that because a movie can have a certain message or messages and it’s all about your reception, your interpretation of what should be right or what is perceived to be right,” he said. He further urged everyone to do what they can to curb gender-based violence in Guyana. “I know that there are people doing good work and I commend them, but I believe sometimes that they are caught up in their own lives and nothing is wrong with that, but because they are caught up sometimes that our reaction to the message of domestic violence is fleeting,” added Subhan.

Minister Jennifer Webster Domestic violence now labelled as gender-based violence, unfortunately continues to plague societies with devastating effects in many instances, he stated. “Often, death, which seems an ultimate outcome, overshadows the lingering trauma faced by surviving members, especially children. Their

Executive member of the IAC and director of the play, Neaz Subhan challenges in a broken home, while brought to fore in a headline case are quickly banished from the media spotlight because cases are swiftly replaced by others on the front page. The cycle continues unfortunately,” he said. (GINA)


Better solid waste management for city – as MOU signed for recycling plant

A MEMORANDUM of Understanding (MOU) was yesterday signed between the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and Natural Globe Incorporated, which will see Guyana’s first solid waste recycling plant being installed in Region 4, to ensure improved solid waste management. Over the years, Government has been working assiduously with the local democratic organs to address the issue of solid waste management across the country. This $30M recycling investment will seek to address that issue and will see five transfer stations being installed in the region, three on the East Coast of Demerara, and two on the East Bank of Demerara. Every household will also be provided with differently coloured containers to recycle their waste. Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Ganga Persaud, during brief

Please see page 16

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013

Aries March 21 - April 19

It’s much better to run the risk of looking a bit naive in the beginning than end up feeling entirely clueless. You tend to get frustrated when you don’t know exactly what’s expected of you. If the person giving you directions or instructions isn’t being clear about what your role is, don’t hesitate to speak up and let them know you need clarification.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

Your escapades are a lot more fun when you have a partner in crime, and you’re in the mood to do something slightly -- or maybe even totally -- out of character. If you decide to do something really off the wall, your best friend is a great person to take along to witness your silliness. Someone who knows you well will realise that although this is very rare behaviour for you, it’s great fun to watch. Either way, any potential embarrassment is a risk that you’re willing to take.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time is bad enough when you’re among friends and family, but if you put your foot in your mouth in a professional situation, it could mean big trouble. You usually know exactly what to say, but for some reason, your words are getting all twisted and tangled as they come out of your mouth right now. Make it a rule not to open your mouth unless you know exactly what’s going to come out of it. If you can manage to stick to this resolve, you’ll save yourself a lot of backpedaling and apologising.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

Leave the decisions for the people who can focus on the details while you pencil in some time for daydreaming. Your mind is in the clouds, which makes it difficult to concentrate on anything here on earth. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking a little break from time to time, especially since you’ve worked so hard in the past. If your friends, coworkers or family members refuse to pick up some of the slack, it might be time to remind them how often you’ve done the same for them.

Leo July 23 - August 22

Plenty of unscrupulous people are out there, but you are too smart to let yourself be duped by them. Contrary to what people might tell you, this isn’t a good time to put your money where your mouth is. A lot of people are trying to convince you to invest or spend your money on unworthy causes, and it’s in your best interests to say no. If you do find something you want to purchase or a cause you want to support, be sure to check out all of the details before you actually go through with it.

Virgo August 23 - September 22

On the one hand, you have a lot of energy and enthusiasm, but on the other hand, you’ve probably bitten off way more than you can chew. Your willingness to be of service to others is extremely admirable, but you might want to concentrate on your own agenda at the moment. What you want to do and what you can actually get done are two very different things.

Libra September 23 - October 22

Your flexibility is your greatest asset. While other people spend their time complaining about the change of pace, you welcome it with open arms. Your boss or parents might think you can’t possibly accomplish everything you set out to do today, but as long as you keep your head down, you should be able to make sufficient -- and maybe even impressive -- progress.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

This day is all about inspiring changes, catching people off guard and making a good impression in the process. Don’t hesitate to surprise your friends or family with an aspect of your personality that they rarely -- if ever -- get to see. If you’re usually quiet and studious, let your creative, crazy side out for a little fun. If you tend to approach life with a blase attitude, this is a good time to go about your daily tasks more seriously. Mix it up!

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

Although it might be tempting to leap before you look, you’ll have much more success if you contemplate your next move before you actually make it. Everyone else seems to be flying past you at the speed of light, but you have enough work just getting your feet off the ground. Try not to monitor your progress by comparing it to others. Set some personal goals and then work on attaining them step by step instead of trying to keep up with a friend’s or coworker’s progress.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

Once you’re able to put your shyness aside, you’ll learn to love the sound of applause. Use your creativity to your advantage. Your competitors probably won’t see the same possibilities you do, which gives you the edge over them. If you get the opportunity to merge one of your hobbies with your career, by all means take it. Whether it’s a knack for art, music or a similar creative talent, this is your time to capitalise on whatever you have to offer the world.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

Before spending large sums of money, you may want to double-check the transactions in your cheque book over the past few days. Numbers, especially those linked to finances, can be very misleading for you right now, so it might be in your best interests to have your calculations rechecked by someone trustworthy. Joining assets with a friend or business partner might work out to your advantage, but don’t sign anything until you’re positive about the final sum.

Pisces February 19 - March 20

You have boundless energy today, which should help you accomplish pretty much everything you set out to do. The time has come to give your selfless nature a break and really spoil yourself. Take a good look at your wish list and then do everything in your power to make one of your personal dreams come true. If you still have some responsibilities looming in the background, recruit some help so you can get them out of the way -- and then spend the rest of the day indulging your every whim!

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013



GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013

Downpour causes flash-flooding in Georgetown - drainage impeded by indiscriminate dumping By Shirley Thomas

A DOWNPOUR in and around Georgetown yester-

day morning caused flooding in some commercial sections as well as residential areas such as Albouystown and

South Ruimveldt, forcing a temporary closure of some businesses while keeping many children and senior

citizens indoors. A drive around the city by this newspaper revealed that water accumulation on

the land was caused largely by indiscriminate garbage disposal, resulting in drains and canals being blocked by

solid waste, including the ever-present and non-biodegradable styrofoam boxes and cups. Another contributory factor is the irresponsible and illegal dumping of materials such as sand, stone, mud and wood on roadways in front of buildings under construction, with much of this stuff finding its way into nearby drains. This unfortunate development is prevalent at construction sites along Regent Street, Georgetown, resulting in drains in several blocks being clogged. The areas from Shiv Chanderpaul Drive extending west to Light Street seem prone to this malpractice, causing several dwellings to become virtually inaccessible whenever there is a downpour. It was observed that, not only are households affected, but a House of Worship at the corner of Regent Street and Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, with the water level reaching just three inches beneath floor level. Several other businesses along Regent Street, Main Street and Lombard Street were affected and had to either improvise with elevated makeshift bridges to allow customers access, or remain closed. Meanwhile, the entrance to the Accident and Emergency Unit (A&E) of the Georgetown Public Hospital, for hours, remained impassable unless persons decided to take off their shoes and wade through the infected water. In South Ruimveldt, the water on the road at the head of Aubrey Barker Road as well as lower parts of Festival City, particularly Festival City Entrance, was at an all-time high, and except for a few cars splashing through the water, the neighbourhood seemed deserted. However, James Street, Albouystown, in the suburbs, seemed to have been hardest hit. The depth of water on the roadway in this neighbourhood stood at about 16� to 20�, and flat houses and bottom houses were inundated. Children obviously could not go to school, and while some looked out of their windows, others who nonchalantly risked contracting water-borne diseases had fun playing ball games in the filthy water that flooded the roadway. While attempts to reach the local Hydrometeorological Service have been unsuccessful, the BBC weather report stated that the prevailing weather conditions will likely remain until Thursday.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013


Downpour causes flash-flooding in Georgetown

Fixit Hardware remains closed on Avenue of the Republic.(Photos by Sonell Nelson) Kids have a fun time playing ball games in the infected floodwater on the roadway, unmindful of the health risks.

An Albouystown resident contemplates her next move.

This resident spends the remainder of the day on drinks boxes outside her inundated home.

The Accident and Emergency Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital remains virtually isolated, unless visitors are willing to wade through the filthy water.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013

Better solid waste management for ...

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government Mr Collin Croal hands over the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Natural Globe Incorporated’s Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Osman, in the presence of Minister Ganga Persaud and Minister Norman Whittaker

From page 12

For Tuesday November 12, 2013 - 13:00hrs For Wednesday November 13, 2013 14:00hrs

remarks at the signing which was held at the ministry’s boardroom, said he was pleased to be a part of such a significant event which addresses the issue of solid waste. He said that over the years, government has ensured that immense regard and respect were given to the laws of Guyana in terms of solid waste. Support was given to the entities responsible for solid waste management, including collection and disposal to execute their mandates, and providing the required services necessary to ensure a clean environment. Unfortunately, Minister Persaud said there were some challenges and government had to intervene by implementing several projects to deal with the issue. He added that the Region 4 project complements what has already been done, and highlighted that once completed, the project will assist in reducing clogged drains in the city that result in flooding during the rainy season. This, he said, is still a work in progress. The minister was optimistic that with the proper public awareness and citizens’ education with regard to recycling, waste will be placed in the containers provided, after which the bins will be cleared, taken to the transfer station and eventually reach the recycling plant. He said this approach will ultimately be rolled out across the country. The ministry is currently seeking the appropriate land space and once approved by Cabinet, work will start immediately. Meanwhile, Minister in the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Norman Whittaker, expressed satisfaction with the company’s proposal and stated that the ministry was looking forward to working and using some of the company’s experiences to further deal with solid waste management. He urged the company to deliver in a timely manner. This project was also supported by the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Ministries of Finance, Housing, Agriculture and Public Works, among others. (GINA)




HARMONY INN, fully furnished, air-conditioned, apartment $5 000 per night - 6680306, 694-7817. JOURNEY Inn Apartments and Caral. With Jacuzzi, kitchen and hot and cold from $3 000, AC $5 000, Eccles. Tel. 679-7139. JOB OPPORTUNITY


EDUCATIONAL FULL BENEFIT ACADEMY(Music & Academics) departments, daycare, playgroup, nursery, primary & secondary, individualised attention, extra classes for weak students, special focus on phonics and reading. Get customised tuition. Music is offered, high quality teaching-learning approaches. The Indivindualised Tuition School For Every Ability, Register now for school. 651-5220, 647-0686.

BUSINESS opportunity: We can advise you how to invest small capital in small projects and earn great profits. Contact S.A.S. Tel. 592-602-8149 Email:


JOURNEY Inn Apartments and Car Rental. Premio, Vitz. Eccles New Scheme. Tel. 6797139



HOME schooling available at your convenience. Hire us. Experience the difference in education solutions. Speak to experts. Call 651-5220 now. ENROL now at The Reading School, The Music Academy and Individualised Tuition Centre for school and after-school tuition programmes. Call: 651-5220, 647-0686. QUALIFY YOURSELF IN COMPUTER STUDIES at Computer World at only $7 000 per course. Tel: 2251032 or 227-6619, Vlissengen Road & Gordon Streets, Kitty, opposite GDF Sports Ground. AT T E N T I O N P a r e n ts / Guardians! Reading and Math classes for children 7 y e a r s a n d o l d e r. C a l l 6 2 4 7711 now. Individual attention guaranteed. I N D I V I D U A L I S E D Tuition: Is your child struggling with phonics, reading, preparation for National Grades 2, 4 and 6 Assessments? Music training any instrument, voice, etc. 651-5220.

GET REMARKABLE Results! Consult Tuition Expert. Become a 'Top Performer' at any of these exams: National Grade 6 Assessment [Common Entrance Examination]; CSEC [CXC]; Associated Board of Royal School of Music Exams. "You can now customise your tuition to meet your every learning need!" Do you want to be Guyana's next top performer at any of the above exams? Cons u l t TEACHER Preya [education consultant/ educator/ education specialist] [592] 651-5220, 680-0632

SOOTHING MASSAGE. Call for appointmentsl out calls only. Anna 661-8969. M A S S A G E Divinty Spa, 245 Sheriff St., specialise in relaxation and therapuetic massages, facials. C a l l 6 6 1 6694, ask for Dianna RENTAL HIRE/ HIRE RENTAL

UNIVERSAL chair covers for weddings and other special occasions $200 per cover. Call Son Designs 688-8812, visit PLANNING an event? Call Travellers Sound Company, thirty years in the business. Indian wedding, religious function, barbecue, conference, concerts (all levels). We do stage lighting, disco lighting, parties, generators from 5 KVA to 400 KVA, PA system, all types. Tel. 226-6527, 600-7242, 600-3122, 623-7242, 623-3122, Leonard or Steven, based at Club Monaco.

WON'T you like to be your own boss, work flexible hours and earn up to 50% commission? Then don't let this opportunity pass you by. Become an AVON Representative today for only $1 500. For more information, call Anita on 2332665, 624-5004.


FOR that sensual and relaxing feeling: Call 601-5266.

1 - CANTER for hire/use as mobile canteen. Call 219-3199, 638-4515.

EXCELLENT business opportunity!!! For sale - fully functioning, fast food restaurant with international chicken and pizza franchises. Serious enquiries only. Contact 618-2064

AVON is looking for you to join their team. Want to get all your favourites at cost price and make money at the same time? Call 260-2077, 260-2257, and get started now. Your starting kit gives you a boost of free brochures, samples and more.






PAWNSHOP PAWN SHOP NAYELLI School of Cosmetology is enrolling students for 3 months day and 6 months evening courses in Cosmetology beginning January 6th, 2014 Mondays to Fridays, also evening and weekend classes in barbering. Basic & Advanced hair cutting, acrylic nails & airbrushing, manicure, pedicure, facial, make-up artistry and body massage, Limited spaces. Body massage on Saturdays only. Visit us at 211, New Market Street, North Cummingsburg, Georgetown or call us on 226-4573. INSTITUTE of Academic Excellence 194 Camp Street (between Church and Quamina Streets). Registration has commenced for CXC 2013/2014 classes. Maths, English, Business and Science CXC classes for adults, repeaters, school dropouts, secondary school students (Forms 1-5). Extra lessons (Forms 15) morning, afternoon, evening and weekend classes for adults. Special Business and Science packages and payment plans are available. Fees low as $1 500. Special CXC programme for persons desirous of becoming nurses. Phone 6835742, 227-7627, 223-0604.

ELEGANCE Jewellery and Pawn Shop, Lot 1 Durban Street Werk-en-Rust between Camp and George Streets. Tel: 2236331, 227-2307. PENPAL


GUYANESE male, age 51, seeks female companion for serious relationship. Tel. 665-8797, 611-1172. No texting.

PRIVATE INVESTIGATION CHEATING spouse, polygraph testing, background checks, locating missing persons, bodyguard service, private + criminal investigation, any other (Worldwide). Contact Strategic Advisory Services. Tel. 592-629-9588, 592-602-8149 Email: Member of National Association of Investigative Specialists (USA) (All assignments treated as top secret


ser vices services


TV, DVD, microwave, stereo, washers, amplifiers etc. 6932683.

LOSE or gain weight: fat reduction powder, protein powder. Call 660-2686, 625-7073.

REPAIRS to refrigerators, freezers, AC, washers, stoves, microwaves. Call 683-1312, 6273206 (Nick).



LEARN TO DRIVE SOMAN and Sons Driving School. Learn to drive the right way. First Federation Building. 622-2872, 644-5166, SHALOM Driving School Lot 2 Croal Street Stabroek and enjoy our Anniversary special between 19th October to 30th November 2013 fee reduce by 20% Call 227-3869, 2273835, 227-7560, 622-8162. RK’s Institute of Motoring Learn to drive at an affordable cost Professional, Courteous and Patient driving in s t r u c t o r F o r m o r e i n formation Contact Audrey/ Ahillia 172 Light & Charlotte Streets, Bourda 227-5072, 226-7541, 2260 1 6 8 , Youtube: RK's Institute of Motoring.

MASON: All blocked work, plastering, casting,building of bridges, fences and septic tanks undertaken. Tel. 619-3296. HOME Investment: Protect your home against termites, at best price, before, during or after building. 626-2771. R E PA I R S t o f r i d g e , washing machine, gas stove. Contact Kirk, 2237975, cell 666-2276. BUILDING plans and estimates, done by qualified and experienced engineers and project managers. Contact us 643-6350, 601-6420. REPAIRS to TV, DVD, microwave, stereo, washers, amplifiers, INSTALLING SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS,etc. 6 9 3 2683.

TECHNICIANS available: Repairs, servicing and installation, washers, dryers, stoves, deep fryers, industrial controls. 6190793, 699-8802, 218-0050.''

INTERNAL AUDITOR Qualifications (1) CAT qualified (2) One year auditing experience (3) P o l i c e clearance contact: 225-1787

L A N D S C A P I N G , plantscaping, fence hedging Potted plants, lawn development, land developm e n t . C a l l Yo l a n d a 6 5 5 0755.

MALE and female to work in Supermarket. Office Assistant must have CXC Maths and English and computer knowledge. Tel. 220-5095, 628-1242. OPERATORS, Apply in person to B.M. Enterprise Inc. Guyana Fisheries Limited Wharf. Houston, East Bank Demerara. Tel: 592-227-8176/7

G R A N I T E I N S TA L L A TION: cutting, polishing and profiling to all your granite counter tops, also building of cupboards and closets. Contact Rawle - 611-7031, 667-7963.

BILLING/SALES Clerk. Must have a working knowledge of QuickBooks. 5 subjects CXC. Experience would be an asset. Apply at: LENS, Hydronie, Parika. 260-4916, 260-4915

LOOKING for small clients, 10 - 25 employees or less, to cheaply computerise their payroll, payment upon satisfactory completion. For more information, call 6737572. FOR all general construction, contact Mohamed. We specialize in car pentr y, mas onr y, plumbcarpentr pentry masonr onry ing, power-wash, painting painting,, troweltex and varnishing. Call 233-0591, 6676 6 4 4 , (office) 216-3120.J. EASTMAN AND Associates Financial Services Chartered Accountants Services: Taxation, Consultancy, Accounting, Income tax, Vehicle and Building Compliances. Office located at 190 Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown. Tel. 223-2105, 6627467, or Email at J&A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Building Maintenance Renovation and General Construction Comp any, Phone 592-615-5734, 592616-5914 We are specialised in carpentry, masonry, trowel plastic, washing and painting of building, scaffolding rental, sheet rack, tiling, slicking, plumbing, grill work, electrical installation, interior designing, upholstery and curtains, building of kitchen cupboards, beds, wardrobe, etc. 25% Christmas discount.

SPIRITUALITY SPRIRITUALITY SPIRITUAL works done to bring peace, finance, success, enhance prosperity, remove evil, blockage, reunite families, lovers, etc. 610-7234, 644-0058. SPIRITUAL reading, other works done. For fast results - reuniting lovers, removing evil and all blockages, etc. Call 696-8873, 673-1166. SPIRITUAL work done in Suriname. Remove evil, sickness, pregnancy, prosperity, business, etc. Call 674-8603, 680-5596, 597-851-9876. DUTCH spiritual help in removing evil spirit, bad luck, evil sickness, spells, reuniting lovers, bringing prosperity to business, etc. Tel: 612-6417, 220-0708, .687-5653. FAITH- HEALING SERVICES. We can help with bad luck, remove blockage, evil spirit, pregnancy, love, reunite family, maiter, marriage problem, business, skin problems such as sore, hex spell or curse. Tel 6121975, 6835228.



EZ RUNNINGS Taxi Service and Auto Rental. Short drop $300. Tel. 225-6926, 2315808.



SURINAME Pre-Christmas trip return sightseeing-tour, etc.: Nov 28thDec 1st. Tel # 644-0185, 639-2663, 665-5171, 227-8290

VETERINARY SERVICE SAVE HEAVEN ANIMAL CLINIC 131 GUYHOC PARK GEORGETOWN. Services includes vaccination, (Rabies Feline and Canine), dewormed, Surgeries, Pet grooming. Pet export certificates can be arranged. Tel. 2233866, 691-9179. VACANCY


INSTITUTE of Academic Excellence, 194 Camp Street: Teacher needed for English A and Social Studies. 683-5742. ABLE bodied porter. Apply in person with recent police clearance and 2 recommendations. Tel # 226-5473. 1 SALES Clerk, must have knowledge of all types of Japanese spares, at lesst 3 years experience. Tel: 227-, 227-2322 Medical doctors wanted 'Three American style' examination rooms, fully equipped and centrally located. Tel. 227-6896. SENIOR Accounts clerk and Auditor needed send application to PO box: 101848 PORTERS, Moulder & Woodmizer operator, lumber clerk. Call Richard: 609-7675, 233-2614. ONE person to work at snackette to prepare barbecui. Call 692-6595, 226-5336, 616-4686. VACANCY is existing for experienced sale girls and porter at Sanjay's Variety Store. Tel. No. 226-6137. SENIOR Accounts Clerk ACCA level and 2 years experience. Handyman - Call 223-52734 Manager send applications to PO: box 101848 SALES Clerk: Honest and reliable. Come in with application, Nanda's Boutique, 223 Camp Street. OFFICE Clerk, Senior/Junior. CXC English Mathematics. Computer knowledge an asset. Call 2250188, 225-6070. VACANCIES 1 Maid, 1 Handyman must know to take care of dogs and plants. Hamson General Store, 116 Regent Road, Bourda.

VACANCY exists for restaurant supervisor. Apply in person with written application at The Regency Suites Hotel, 98 Hadfield St, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. PORTERS/Labourer. Apply with written application and police clearance to the Manager SOL Gas Distributor, 9 Dowding St., Kitty. Tel. 225-2259, 6225922, 216-3152. VACANCY exists for Restaurant Supervisor. Apply in person with written application to Regency Suite/hotel. 98 Hadfield Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. ARE you within the ages of 30 - 45 years? Do you want a weekend job (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) as a domestic /baby sitter on a live-in live-out basis? Applicants preferably from Industry to LBI, ECD. Call 626-2080. VACANCY: for a van driver, and a canter driver. Excellent salary and commission. Apply in person with police clearance, a copy of your driver's license, and 2 recommendations. Tel # 2265473. ONE experienced hairdresser for full-time employment. One house keeper/cook ;must be willing to work weekend. Location: Cornelia Ida, W.C.D. Tel# 602-5332. DRIVER aged 35 - 45 years, 10 years experience, must have a truck licence. Office Assistant, between 35 and 50 years old. Must be computerliterate and have knowledge of NIS and VAT. Preferably female. Contact Tel. 220-2034, 2201787. SECURITY Guards must be able to work shift, ages 28 - 55 years old, requirement - application, reference last place of employment, TIN #, NIS #, ID #, Police clearance. Apply 233South Road, Lacytown. Tel. 2250198. VAC A N C I E S exist for Sales Clerk, Bond Clerk, Accounts Clerk and Pharmacist at Roy's Pharmacy. Interested persons can send in applications along with Curriculum Vitae and one passport-size photograph to Roy's Pharmacy Stall #32-33 and 6465 Bourda Market. Tel. 226-0693, one cleaner call Samantha 223-6072. 2 MALE Front Desk Assistants 28-45 yrs, Apply K&VC, 2 3 3 S o u t h R o a d . Te l . 2 2 5 0198. Requirements: application, TIN, ID#. Benefits: Attractive wages, weekly incentives and a comfortable work environment in a centrally located area.



VACANCIES exist at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff St, for evening shift sales girls (13:15hrs - 22:30hrs), cashiers and cleaner. Applicants must send in application along with a passport-size photograph. For more information, contact 2275286-89.

3 ACRES of land in Kara Kara, Linden, $35M. Contact 680-3771 or 694-7210.

RK'S SECURITY Services (Security Department) 2 watch Commanders, 5 Site Supervisors/ Commanders (for Diplomatic Residences and Industrial Locations), 4 Visiting supervisors with Motorcycle or license for Motorcycle, 2 Drivers (ages 35+) for car, van and lorry. Contracted work and company employee with benefits in the system. CELL Point: Sales and Service Representative for Regent Street location. Requirements handwritten application, CXC passes - Mathematics and English, 2 passport photographs and 2 recommendations. Age 25 - 30 years. Apply to Cell Point, 120 Regent Street. Tel. 645-4900, 226-3950. VACANCIES exist at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sherriff St, for cashiers and drivers. Persons must send in an application along with a passportsize photograph. For more information, contact 227-5288-89. VACANCY for one experienced accountant. Must have organisation skills with six years working experience in the same field, also needed Senior Accounting Clerks. Must have 5year, working experience with some organization skills. Apply in person with written application Alabama Trading, Georgetown, Ferry Stelling. VACANCY exists at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff Street for an IT Technician. Applicants must send in an application along with a passport-size photograph and CV. For more information, contact 227-5288-89. WAITERS AND BARTENDERS WANTED a new service provider will be accepting applications for waiters and bartenders (males and females between ages of 18 - 30) Professional training will be provided. These applications must be sent no later than 17th June, 2013. Please send application to 64 Craig Street, Campbellville or Email For more information contact 2278822, 696-3049. IMMEDIATE - VACANCIES for a caretaker at Turkeyen ECD, caretaker at Turkeyen, preferably a family man and above 48 years old, The job pays good salary per week, free housing and all utilities, Applicant must be able to plant garden and keep yard clean, cook for the dogs and look after poultry. House situated at Turkeyen on the East Coast of Demerara. Apply in person with recent Police Clearance, National Identification Card, National Insurance Card and TIN to P&L Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd., 61 E½ David Street Kitty, Georgetown. Tel. 227-4412, 227-4386. For directions, call between Mondays to Fridays only, from 08:00hrs to 16:00hrs only.


Land For Sale

20 HASLINGTON ECD 50ft x 75ft. Contact 654-6540. HOUSTON Gardens, 87 x 125, $13M neg. 611-0315, 690-8625. RAINBOW City, Linden: $2,800,000 next to Richard Cheap Shop; details - 644-6551. REPUBLIC Gardens EBD size 50x100. Price $9.8M. Contact 685-7887, 665-7400..

220x110 plot of land for sale in Watooka, Linden -7M. Contact: 680-3771 or 694-7210. ATLANTIC Ville & Friendship ECD EBD. No price will be refused . Tel. 689-9388, LAND 45x90 at 14 Kersaint Park, LBI. Price $15M, Tel. 699-9201. DOWNTOWN location, size 65 x 125, price $32M. Diamond size 30x75, price $3M. Tel. 6702013. Serious enquiries only. CLAIM gold and diamond at Kurupung middle M a z a r u n i . Te l . 6 9 4 - 1 7 0 7 .





REPUBLIC GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - Size 5000 sq ft. Price $13.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

DURBAN STREET, FREEBURG - INVESTMENT corner lot . Size 11,000 sq ft. Price $77 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.

ONE house or apartment to rent: $15,000-$20,000 a month. Tel. 698-0844.

SHERIFF STREET- double prime business spot (Size 12,500 sq ft) Price USD$ 1.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665 -7400, 685-7887, 6436353.

120x60 CLOSE to Brickdam, $75M suitable for 5-storey complex, hotel Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, Mr Pereira 226-1064, Mr. Darindra 6150069, 225-2626, 227-6863, 2255198.

REPUBLIC GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - (Size 10,000 sq ft) Price $23 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

SECOND lot in Dennis St, with driveway 20 feet $17M, Sec. 'M', 80 x 60, plus reserve for bond $19M, Da S i l v a S t 8 0 x 5 0 $13M, Kitty Railway Embankment 8 000 sq. ft $ 20M, land has 20 ft driveways. Vice President Drandia 615-0069, Vice President Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, Vice President Ramsayae 6180000, Vice President 225-2626, 226-1064, 667-7812.

WE wish to advertise all land was made by the creator for different purposes. Go as high as you can to enjoy economy of height. Earl's Court LBI double lot 120 x 90 - $17M, Happy Acres parallel to the Main Road 100 x 50 - $16M, for business or 4-storey apartment land for bonds on the East Coast $28M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft $20M, Da Silva St 70 x 35 - $14M, 9 000 sq. ft on Main Road 500 yards south of Chinese Embassy, Turkeyen 1.4 acres $38M, Campbellville 80 x 60 with lots of reserve $16M, Republ i c P a r k $16M, Continental Park double lot $35M, Croal Street 75 x 50 $32M, 3 lots at 'AA' Eccles with massive unfinished structure $98M, plus reserve. Friendship $3.5M, Pearl 5 acres for gated community $45M neg. Phone V.P. Mr s . A l a n n a D e b i d a y a l 231-2064, cell 697-9377, 2253068, 226-1064, 227-6863, 2276964, 225-2626.

BLANKENBURG Public Road, WCD: land for sale 38 x 150 - $11M. 658-0132.

ATLANTIC GARDENS E.C.D- Triple lot. Price $59 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

1 ACRE FRIENDSHIP WATER FRONT, EBD HOUSE LOTS Versailles and Republic Gardens (gated compound) Bel Air. TEL: 226-8148, 625-1624.

D'ANDRADE Street Newtown- Double lot. Price $21 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

600 ACRES MAHAICONY with 45 cows, 1 horse, house and generator HOUSE LOTS VERSAILLES and Republic Gardens gated compound, High Street, Bel Air, Cummings Street. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624.

VLISSENGEN RD- WORTHMAN-VILLE- triple lot suitable for business, bond, etc. Price reduce to $39 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

DIAMOND, Kuru Kuru, Good Hope, Lae Harmonie, Roriama Scheme, Kitty, 30 acres at Soesdyke Highway, Canal No. 1, 688-4414, 6153728.

GARNETTE ST NEWTOWNLand for commercial building, bond, apartments, etc. Size 32x135. Price $34 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665- 7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

TRANSPORTED land in Ramsville Court Cove & John, ECD. Call 2267585. CORNER house lot located at Tuschen Housing Scheme. Contact 62511 5 4 . HOUSE lot in Diamond Housing Scheme, 125ft x 75ft, 15hp Suzuki outboard engine, 14½ ft aluminum boat. Tel. 638-6722 S. Zaman. PLOTof land for sale located at Ocean View Drive, Ruimzeight Gardens WCD. Call 267-2348, 6943896. BB ECCLES 100 x 50 only $14M, Call Ms Debidyal. 6979377, 231-2064, 225-2626, 2276863, 615-0069, 627-0288, 2261064. 100 ACRES Mahaica Creek, Manni Street Linden, 2nd lot D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust with driveway, Rainbow City Linden with approved plan. Call 644-6551. LAND in Queenstown 165 x 60 over $100M. Phone Vice President Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Darandia 615-0069, 618-0000, 225-2626 ONE land in Duncan St. for 4-storey office complex, bond, school, apartment $31M. Phone 627-0288, Mr. Ramsayoe 618-0000, Mr Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Mr. Darindra 615-0069.\ TRANSPORTED River View land, location Skeldon Berbice, 9.650 acres. For more information, contact 592-617-5860 after 16:00 hrs. SHAMROCK Gardens, ECD: Size 105x86. Price $33M. Contact Royal Real Estate - 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6453. DIAMOND, Grove, La Parfaite Harmonie, LBI, Kuru Kururu, Herstelling, Sheriff Street, Bush Lot WCB, Adventure. Rice land - 629-8253, 688-4414. L.B.I E.C.D- Corner lot 9000 Sq Ft Land Price $16 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 643-6353, 685-7887. LAND of Canaan, E.B.D., East of Public Road. Few acres left for sale this year, all utilities, two access roads. Tel # 266-0014, 669-8139. LAND for sale able $20M. Call MR. Carlos Budram 6923831, 225-2626, 226-1064, 2276863, 225-5198, 227-6964, 2312064, 225-2709, 669-3350, 6232591.

DIAMOND E.B.D - Unfinished concrete structure and land. Price 6.2 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SHEMROCK GARDENS E.C.D - Size 105 X 86. Price 33 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. REPUBLIC GARDENS Size 50 X 100. Price 9.8 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. LAND for bond, hotel, apartment complex, Blygezight 120 x 60 $36M, neg, Austin St. 134 x 56 - $36M, Kitty 8 000 sq ft - $22M, Phone Vice President 225-2626, 618-0000, 2252626, 623-2591, 226-1064, 227-6863, 615-0069 LAND with 20ft driveway Dennis Street $17M, Sec. 'M' 90 x 50 plus reserve $17M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, one house in McDoom close to main road $9M. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000 Vice President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 227-6863, 226-1064, 225-2626. 140 x 60 land in Bel Air Village for hotel, bond, 5-storey, students' dorm - $42M. Phone Vice President Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Vice President Ramsohoye 6180000, 623-2591, 227-6863, 2252626, 667-7812. THE only remaining land in Continental Park 100 x 50 plus reserve $18.5M well built up. Phone Mr Dinindra 615-0069, Mr Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Mr Ransayoe 618-0000, 227-6949, 225-2626, 225-3068, 231-2068, 226-1064, 225-5198. BEL Air Village land 140 x 86 close to the railway embankment road, suited for school, bond, university dorm for international students and any other purpose, close to the Public Swimming Pool $38M. Phone Mr. Alysious Pereire 6232591, Mr Dinindra 615-0069, Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, 225-2626, 225-3068, 231-2064, 226-1064, 227-6863, 225-5198. MADUNI Yarrowkabra 30 acres in the vicinity of Maduni Creek $8M, Land of Canaan 3 acres roadside, width 500ft, road to river 400ft riverside frontage 500ft - $120M neg, Berbice riverside 112x114 (12768 sq. ft) 98x48 ft (4704 sq. ft) factory building on site 75x62ft - $60M, Soesdyke riverside 160x300 ft $35M, Call Yolanda 223-1877, 655-0755.

THIS land is going to solve your business need, in Smyth close to Brickdam 120 x 60 the only land available for $55M neg All lands that would give you the same return on your investment $95M, talking of 5-storey complex. Phone Lady Boston 6842244, Lady Racel Jones 688-3434 lady Davi Dyal 697-9377, Master Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000, 623-2591, 225-2626, 225-3068, 226-1064 , Email: m CAPITAL REALTY LAND Atla n t i c G a r d e n s 4 5 ' x 9 0 ' $16M, Charlotte Street 35'x110' - $21M, Rahaman's Park 50'x100' - $21M, Garnett Street $30M, Diamond 50'x100' - $5M and up, R u i m z e i g h t G a r d e n s 3 200 sq. ft - $9M, Grove 42'x80' $5M, Annandale $5M, Tuschen 5 0 ' x 1 0 0 ' - $ 11 M , $ 1 4 M , Blankenburg 38'x150' - $12M, Sheriff Street 48'x55' - $46M, Land of Canaan $8M per acre. Many more listings Azeem 2269383, 642-3722, 698-8710. HAPPY Acres front, residential areas $16M, Bagotville, W.B.Dem land 45 by 150 feet on eastern side of road, D'Urban Street close to High Street 50 by 100 feet for $16M, five acres of prime land at Pearl, EBD for $12M, Agricola, double lot $8M, Success and Railway line road on ECD 22 000 sq.ft of land for $48M, Nandy Park residential $16.5M, Contact Pete's Real Estate - 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546. G U YA N E S E business es mus t think o u t o f t h e box. They must adopt a new strate g y. T h e C h i nese are moving in some locations that land for bond/factory is cheap, 20 000 sq ft land close to the Chinese embassy for bond. $58M, 8 000 sq. ft on the main road close to the Chinese Embassy $54M for 4-storey fast food/super m a r k e t 2 0 0 - c a r parking. 1½ acres of land in Turkeyen for hostel, school, university, bond, Buy now, be decisive. Present, you have a boss, now decide. Phone Mr. Danhand r i 6 1 5 - 0 0 6 5 , M r. P a t r i c k P e r e i r a 6 6 9 - 3 3 5 0, M r. A l y s i o u s P e r e i r a 6 2 3 2591, 225-2709, 225-2626, 2 2 5 - 3 0 6 8 , 2 2 6 - 1064, 2276863, 225-5198 Seven days of h o t m a il: CAPITAL Realty Land Atlantic Gardens $22M, $118M, Rahaman's Park 50'x100' $22M, Ruimzeight Gardens 3,200 sq ft $8M, Blankenburg 38'x150' $12M, Grove 42'x82' $2.5M, Annandale 50'x100' $4.2M, $5M, Sheriff Street $45M, Parfait Harmony $1.2M, and up, Garnett Street $32M, $40M, house lots EBD $4M and up, Friendship 50'x200' on road $22M, Land of Canaan $8M per acre, Canal No. 1 and 2 - $12M and up, Republic Gardens 50'x100' $10M, Diamond 30'x75 $4M, $6M and up, Charlotte Street 35'x110' $23M. many more listings Azeem - 2269383, 642-3722,

120x100 in D'Urban Street for fast food, mall and several other purposes, Duncan Street for apartment complex, school, bond 140x33 - $31M, Liliendaal 1¼ acres for bond, school, parking trucks etc, Mandela Main Road 7000 sq. ft close to Chinese Embassy $52M, Cummings Sts. close to Church St $38M, Sec. 'M' 80 x 60 plus reserve for residence and business $16M, LBI Earl's Court double lot $17M, Republic Park 120x60 - $17M, William Street $26M, Hadfield Street east of Cemetery Road $17M, Lamaha Street and Vlissengen Road $22M, Happy Acres for apartment complex $15M, 2 acres of land in Eping Avenue for complex US$3.9M, La Resouvenir ¾ acre $80M, Da Silva St. Kitty $18M. Phone Mr. Alexander Pereira, Mr Dindra 615-0069, Mr Ramsayhoe 618-0000, 623-2591, Mr Hercules 661-1952, 225-5198, 225-3068, 225-2626, 227-6863, 231-2064. to let


SPACE to rent in Duncan Street. Tel. 621-8198. BUSINESS space Alberttown - 621-5282. MISS Dee Apartments for overseas guests is back. Call 661-7354. ONE-bedroom bottom-flat on the East Coast. 220-5516. 1 - FURNISHED house, master-room apartments furnished. Call 688-4321. KINGSTON office space available immediately. Tel. 2261308 or 647-1481. 3-BEDROOM wooden building, Agricola Public Road , Tel. 2163120, 667-6644. ALBERTTOWN large business space to rent on Light Street. Contact 644-0530. FINE business location, ground floor, Brickdam for office or business.Tel. 694-1091. EXECUTIVE office in central location (Middle and Carmichael Streets). Tel. 2256370, 609-3899.

APARTMENT for single or couple only. Call 692-6595, 2265336, 616-4686. 4-BEDROOM upper-flat Herstelling Public Road. Tel. 612-8879, 678-2918. SPACE for doctors, pharmacy, medical laboratory, 9000 sq. ft, suitable for school. Vreed-en-Hoop Junction. Tel. 621-1576, 254-0373. 2-STOREY, 1 BOND space, located at Broad and Ketley Streets, with utilities. 6433675 . 1-BEDROOM apartment, Kitty. Furnished 2-bedroom apartment, studio and rooms daily - 621-5282. ONE spacious 2 bedroom fully grilled apartment in 1st Street Alexander Village, $45 000 per month. Tel. 648-3374, 225-6965. 2 BEDROOM apartment in 95 Craig St., Campbellville, preferably for small family, professionals, teacher. Tel # 225-4409, 645-0984 ONE furnished room to rent in La Parfait, Harmonie, West Bank, Demerara (18 000, working elderly female preferred ) 615-1201, 227-6690. ONE-bedroom apartment couple or single person Middle Road, La Penitence, price $30, 000 per month. Tel. 227-6678, 225-9759, 653-5763. HADFIELD Street top flat, suitable for office. Price $200 000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. GARNETT Street, Campbellville: Furnished three-bedroom house Price US$1250. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. 1 THREE bedroom concrete bottom flat, inside toilet & bath, telephone, parking. Decent working couple. 648-3342, 668-5384. FURNISHED ($60,000), UNFURNISHED ($30,000) IN CHATEAU MARGOT. tEL 6600943. ONE furnished apartment for overseas visitors with AC, hot and cold shower, US$25 daily. Call 231-6061, 621-1524. HOUSES, Apartments & business for rent. US$400. & up. Call Sandy - 638-7232/ 222-7986. DOWNTOWN space suita b l e f o r a n y o ff i c e , b a r b e r, salon, storage or other. Call 227-3064, 628-7589. OFFICE business space, Queenstown US$300, US$500, US$900 and US$1600 neg. AC and parking space. Tel. 624-4225. ONE two-bedroom apartment at Industry, toilet and bath inside. Tel. 222-8887, 626-6981, 6566356

REST- Bar for rent, 3-Bedroom house for rent, with one master room. Call: 669-0366

ONE 2 bedroom apartment in Newtown Kitty, $50 000 monthly. One small cottage $50 000 monthly in Mon Repos. Tel. 226-7038, 643-5797.

PRIME business location to rent in Camp Street between New Market & Lamaha for business or office, Tel: 694-1091, 639-4499.

MOVE in ready: fully furnished two-bedroom upper-flat apartment, Atlantic Gardens US$1000, dollars negotiable. Call 600-9981.

NEW 3-storey store, Robb Street; also Berbice Car Park, suitable for salon office boutique. 688-7224, 225-2319, 676-0614.

EXECUTIVE two-storey building, 3 bedrooms, with all modern conveniences, furnished/unfurnished, Meadow Brook Gardens. Mr Narine. 696-8230.

ONE-bedroom apartment. Preferably working couple. Cornelia Ida, W.C.D. Tel# 6025332. ECCLES 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT & 3 bedroom upstairs, short term. Tel 660-4764. 2-BEDROOM in exclusive residential area with all modern amenities. 6532920.

FULLY furnished studio apartment, near UG, inclusive of internet, water and electricity, G$70 000 or US$350. Call 2223962 after 14:00hrs any day. FURNISHED 2-bedroom flat US$400 or equivalent, Middle St, Cummingsburg,. Georgetown. Phone 231-1276, 07:00hrs 10:00hrs, 14:00hrs - 18:00hrs.


19 TO LET 1- AND 2-bedroom apartments for long term rental with self-contained hot and cold AC, etc location Mon Repos, ECD. Price $75 000 and $85 000. Tel. 618-0626. Regent Street Store, secure ground floor 60'x10,' suitable for electronic, cell phone, computer, general or Jewellery store .$2,500US. Mr. Paul 231-9181, 626-1150, 118 Regent & Alexander Streets. GARNETT Street: One- & two-bedroom furnished apartments. with hot & cold, AC & Internet from US$20 daily. Rates neg. for monthly visitors. Phone: 227-5852/638-4404. TWO-storey building located at prime location Alberttown, Georgetown furnished with all modern amenities including master bedroom with AC spacious kitchen, sitting and dining quarters, bar area, large parking area can accommodate 4 cars, secure environment apartment suitable for large family/business use - 645-8400. UPPER flat suitable for office, school, church or any business at Cummings and Middle Streets. Tel. 233-2692. BUSINESS spot for rental: Internet, pharmacy, indoor restaurant, bond space, boutique, and cell phone shop. etc. 6232591, Mr Pereira. KITTY$120,000 $140,000; Kingston - US900; Atlantic Garden - US$900; Providence - US$1300. Contact Diana on 227-2256, 626-9382. TWO (2) Bedroom House Upper Flat Located in Central Georgetown. Contact: Ms. Shelley Duncan. Tel: 684-1084 OR Mr. Joseph Ishmael Tel: 690-9216 1 FURNISHED 2-FLAT EXECUTIVE HOUSE IN Roraima Housing Scheme, Versailles, WBD: 3 bedrooms (1 master), with office space. Please call 6718064. ATLANTIC GARDENS- 3 bedrooms upper furnished US$950. JEWANRAM: 2271988/623-6431/ 647-0560. MEADOW BROOK GARDENS- New upscale 3 bedrooms property with modern amenities, A/C, Hot & Cold, Grilled, Secured parking, etcUS$1500.JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 623-6431/ 647-0560 SUBRYANVILLE- 3 bedrooms semi-furnished property overlooking the Atlantic - $1,200. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/6236431/ 647-0560. KITTY (RESTURANT)Spacious ground floor, 4 corner- US$650. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/ 6470560. INDUSTRY, E.C.D- Well appointed 2 bedrooms lower with a/c - $75,000. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/ 6470560. MON REPOS, E.C.D- Well appointed apartments. Upper$100,000, Lower- $80,000. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/ 647-0560. PRASHAD NAGAR/ BEL AIR PARK- 4 bedrooms furnished property with modern amenities- US$2500, US$1200. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/ 647-0560. LAMAHA STREET/ HADFIELD STREET/ NORTH ROAD- Suitable for school, offices,etc. JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 623-6431/ 647-0560. IMAX/ ENTERPRISE GARDENS, E.C.D- 3 bedrooms lower- $55,000; BETTER HOPE, E.C.D- 2 bedrooms upper $45,000. JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 623-6431/ 647-0560 RESIDENTIAL: 2- and 3-bedroom unfurnished and furnished apartments, $85 000 to $130 000. BUSINESS: Robb Street 3-storey/ flat, Alberttown 3-storey/flat, Alberttown $100 to $450 000. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624.



OFFICE/executive rental: Wonderful 7-bedroom property for office & residence at Atlantic Ville, East Coast Demerara. Price US$2000. Call Mr Darin 6150069, 225-2626, 225-5198, 2253069, 225-2709, 231-2064.

LUXURY flat apartments 143B Fifth Street Alberttown, long and short terms, rentals double,24hrs surveilance/night security and single rooms US$40 and US$80 per night, wifi, AC, hot and cold. Tel. 231-6721.

2-BEDROOM furnished top apartment, Campbellville $80 000 neg, 2-bedroom furnished top flat South Road US$800, other apartment and houses furnished and unfurnished from US$800 up. Call 664-5105.

1 - UNFURNISHED 4-bedroom house in Meadow Brook Gardens, 1 master bedroom, maid's quarters, powder room, hot/cold, WiFi and telephone, basement and two parkings. Contact 231-6721, US$1500 per month.

QUEENSTOWN: Fully furnished 1- and 3-bedroom apartments, hot & cold, AC, internet, parking, etc., suitable for overseas and visitors short term. 2271843, 226-5137.

QUEENSTOWN - 3 storey concrete building suitable for school. Building size 10,250 sq ft. Price USD $4500. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

EXECUTIVE rentals in residential area, well secured, fully furnished with parking. Contact Luxury Homes on 696-3049 or 615-7539.

HADFIELD STREET - Top flat suitable for office. Price $200,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

BUSINESS spot for rental: boutique, internet café, restaurant, hardware store, church, office, store, bond space, cell phone shop, DVD shop, etc. Contact 646-0668.

GARNETT STREET C/ VILLE - Furnished three bedroom house. Price USD $1300. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

A PA RT M E N T S : Unfurnished one-bedroom $50 000 and $55 000, 2-bedroom $60 0 0 0 m o n t h l y. F u r n i s h e d , US$500 - US$1000 monthly. Contact 231-0845.

2-BEDROOM, one self-contained, well grilled, bath inside, large yard space, Parker Street, Providence, EBD. Upper flat and lower flat. Tel. 625-6227, 216-3290.

QUEENSTOWN- Bottom flat suitable for storage bond s i z e ( 11 6 0 s q f t ) . P r i c e $100,000 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom very spacious $90 000, furnished 1- 2-, & 3-bedroom, including AC, internet, parking, pool US$500, US$600, US$700. Very exquisite. Contact Alexander Pereira - 6690943 Email

GUYSUCO Gardens E.C.D - semi furnished 4 bedroom house Price USD $1400 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. ECCLES E.B.D- fully furnished executive houses with modern amenities. Price USD $1800. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ATLANTIC GARDENS- Fully furnished Executive 3 bedroom house. Price USD $1800. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SUBRYANVILLE- Unfurnished 3 bedroom house can be used as office or residence. Price USD $1100. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. HAPPY ACRES- Brand new 3 bedroom furnished executive top flat. Price USD $1400 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ECCLES E.B.D - brand new executive 5 bedroom house furnished, semi furnished or unfurnished. Price USD $3500 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. BOND space, recently constructed bond with house and office space on the same lot. Centrally located in Broad Street, ideal for business or manufacturing. Tel. 623-0425, 609-2876. SHERIFF STREET SECTION K C/VILLE- Semi- furnished 3 bedroom house can be rented as office. Price USD $1850 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ENTERPRISE E.C.D- Unfurnished 2 bedroom bottom flat . Price $50,000.Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. PRASHAD NAGAR - Semi furnished 4 bedroom executive house can be used as an office or residence . Price USD $2200 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. C/VILLE close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete building. Suitable for business, school, residence etc . Price USD $ 12,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

TWO (2) Modern Single Apartments, Upper Flat, Semi Furnished, Hot & Cold, Air Conditioned Unit, Located in Central Georgetown. Contact: Ms. Shelley Duncan. Tel: 684-1084 OR Mr. Joseph Ishmael Tel: 6909216 ONE four-bedroom house fully furnished, two master rooms, additionally three utility rooms, office, gym, laundry, in residential area in Georgetown US$2000 neg. Wills Real Estate Ltd. 227-2612, 627-8314, 655-0755; One two (2) bedroom mid-part concrete house, new in new area in Georgetown $45 000 per month. PROPERTY Bel Air Gardens upper floor four bedrooms, one self-contained, two powder rooms, two bathrooms, two verandas overlooking the ocean, closet space; g r o u n d f l o o r, l o u n g e u s e d also as private office, housekeeper apartment; two car garage; multiple parking $300 000. 667-9367. BARR St, Kitty: Front house, 3-bedroom top flat, 1 self-contained room, tub, hot and cold, 2 washrooms, 2 AC, fans in all rooms (ceiling fully grilled, breezy verandah, house beautifully lacquered, personal driveway for 3 vehicles suitable for foreigners. Call 2253262, 226-4014, 676-6948. KITTY US$600, Paradise (furnished house) $45 000, East Bank $30 000, Eccles $60 000, Bel Air (furnished) $80 000 to US$1600, Kingston (house) US$900, Atlantic Gardens (house) US$900, Lamaha Gardens (semi-furnished house) US$1200, Providence (furnished house) US$1300. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382. EXECUTIVE property in gated community at Houston D'Aguiar ' s P a r k o n o n e a c r e of land, lots of parking space, very private, 3 bedrooms, air-conditioned, fully furnished, new applia n c e s , s t a n d b y g e n e r a t o r, f u l ly secured with alarm system, hot and cold water which includes water purification system. Tel 6092876. 623-0425.



ONE two-bedroom apartment at 27 Hugh Ghanie Park, Cummings Lodge ECD, Tel. 6742639.

ANTHONY Reid BSc h a s more than 20,000 hrs in Real Estate Investment and Economic Transformation of People Economic Growth. We have rental from U S $1500, in Bel Air Park, ambassador's residence in University Gardens Le Resouvenir, Lama Ave with pool, Jacaranda Ave. with large lawns US$2000, Prashad Nagar US$1000, apt. from U S $ 7 0 0 , b o n d 8 0 0 0 sq ft, small and lar ge office space up to 15000 sq foot; state of the art hotel and o f f i c e c o m p l e x w i t h i n come of US$40 000 mo n t h l y ; 2 a c r e s o f l and in the city for hotel, and any complex Main Street2½acresUS$5M, Water Street 4 acres for hotel, hotel on 5 acres of land overlooking the sea US$5M; another overl o o k i n g t h e s e a US$1.5M, income US$15000; riverside land residential land at LBI $10M; Republic Park $8M, Diamond $7M, Sec. 'K' $20 M , B e l Air P a r k $ 2 5 M , G arnett double lot $42M, Phone 225-2626, 231-2064, 2252709, 226-1064, 227-6949, 227-6863, 667-7812. 619-7945.

SUBRYANVILLE - Semifurnished 3 bedroom house with office space on ground floor. Price USD$1350. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. COMPANY/GUEST House: Sheriff Street, Bel Air Gardens, secluded and secure residential accommodation, private driveway with open compound parking, private home office 780 sq. ft, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, two semi-bathrooms, one-bedroom caretaker's apartment, located minutes away from department and hardware stores, supermarkets, restaurants, schools and entertainment. Contact 592-667-9367 ONE upper flat two-room office and general office space, security grilled and steel door, Georgetown US$1300. Office space 30x30 ft close to GNTC $250 000, two-bedroom lower in quiet area in South Gardens, parking, $80 000 monthly. Fully furnished two-bedroom lower flat in residential area, parking, telephone $100 000 monthly. Threebedroom furnished top flat, Regent St - $120 000. Wills Realty 227-2612, 627-8314. WE have rental from US$800 in Kingston, New Haven, beautiful 2-storey concrete property, 4 selfcontained rooms, large den, large living room, family room, television room, beautiful kitchen, fully air conditioned, hot and cold facilities, land space. Price US$2500, unfurnished. Bel Air Springs 2-storey concrete property, master room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, family room, den, verandah, hot and cold facilities, semi-furnished, security cameras, land space U S $ 1 5 0 0 . L a m a h a G a r d e n s 2-storey concrete property, fully air conditioned 3 bedrooms, unfurnished US$2000, (neg). P r a s h a d Nagar 2-storey concrete property large living area, 4 self-contained rooms hot and cold facilities, generator, unfur nished US$1500 neg. Camp St middle floor suitable for business $175 000. QUEENSTOWN: Beautiful 2-storey concrete property in perfect condition, 4 bedrooms, hot and cold facilities, master room, family room, den, air-conditioned, parking space for vehicle US$2500. Do call u s o n Te l . 2 2 5 - 6858, 225-7164, 688-1885 Call Terrence 667-7812. We are situated at 247 'D' Forshaw &Oronoque Sts. Queenstown. KINGSTON: Spacious upper flat, 3 bedrooms, unfurnished, big yard, parking $120 000. Eccles, new apartment building, quiet area, 2-bedroom, unfurnished, parking $120 000. Subryanville, quiet and residential area, beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean, 2-storey concrete, semi-furnished, 4 bedrooms, 2 self-contained study room, guest suite, walk-in pantry, spacious patio, security hut, maid's quarters, AC< parking US$2500, Eccles, residential area, 2-storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms upstairs, automatic garage, AC, parking US$2500, Campbellville, bottom flat, 2-bedroom unfurnished $60 000. Nandy Park, bottom flat 2 bedroom unfurnished $65 000. Lamaha Gardens, beautiful semifurnished property, 3 bedrooms, large back patio, garage yard space US$1800, Greenfield Park gated community, 2-storey furnished, 3 bedroom, big yard large patio, US$1300. Lamaha Gardens, quiet and secure 2-storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms, back patio, yard space AC US$1500, Happy Acres, 2-storey apartment building, 3 bedrooms each, fully furnished, parking US$1500 each. Call Pete's Real Estate Lot 2 George Street, W/Rust. 227-2487, 226-5546, 226-9951, 223-6218.

THE World #1 Realtor Mister Terry Redford Reid 667-7812, 2256858, 225-7164, 226-1064, 2252626, 231-2068, 619-7945. Have the executive rental reduced by 35%, Prashad Nagar US$1000, Jacaranda Ave. Bel Air Park US$2000, B a r ima Ave Bel A i r Park US$1 8 0 0 , B e l A i r S p r i n g s U S $ 1 0 0 0 , l a r g e b o nd for rental o f f i c e s m a l l f o r m US$375, 10 000 sq ft office space for technologybusiness, Lam a h a Gardens US$1500, Lama Av e , B e l A i r P a r k US$180 0 , B e l A i r P a r k o n t h e round about US$1000, Prashad Nagar US$1500, land from $11 million, riverside l a n d h o t e l s w i t h US$35 000 month rental a n d o f fice s p a c e US$40 000 month propertie s from $14 million. 22 5 - 2626, 225-5198, 2261 0 6 4 , 6 2 3 - 2 5 9 1 , 6 6 9 - 3350


NEW home - $30M neg. 6110315, 690-8625. 2 Storey concrete house in Lusignan $18M. Tel: 675-2385 ONE concrete 2 flat house in Sophia, prime location. Call 629-7745. 2-STOREY house at 319 East Street $19M. Tel. 225-7593. PROPERTY FOR SALE. CONTACT 609-0062/699-9926. ALBERTTOWN: One large property for sale on Light Street. Tel. 644-0530. THREE- bedroom house in Better Hope for sale - $16M. Contact 680-3771 or 694-7210. ONE 2 flat wooden and concrete house located in Guyhoc Park - $25M neg. Tel. 264-2154. 61 TUCBER Park, New Amsterdam, 2 storey building. Tel: 654-6540. HAPPY Acres $45M, 2231765, 615-8734.\ 3 BEDROOM 2 storey concrete in Lusignan $18M neg. 6757385. PROPERTY in Bare Root, ECD. No agents. Reasonable offer. Tel. 612-6417. 2-STOREY 3-bedroom at 272 Vryheid's Lust ECD. Owner leaving. Tel. 656-0952, 694-0952. LIGHT Street front property in good condition with parking -$25 million. South five bedrooms house: lots of parking - $30 million. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382. THREE-bedroom property for sale in Enterprise Gardens; $14M neg. Contact 680-3771, 6947210. ONE property at Schoon Ord New Housing Scheme, WBD, 2storey concrete. Tel. 698-3636. ONE 2-storey concrete house in Grove, fully tiled, 3 bedrooms upstairs. 628-2330.

PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO-storey newly built 3rd Street Diamond. Price $42M neg. Contact - 679-4770. 3-BEDROOM flat house, fully grilled, with all amenities located at Herstelling EBD, in a gated community. Serious enquiries only 670-8958. 6-BEDROOM (3 upstairs, 3 downstairs) at 90 Meadow Brook Gardens. Tel. 610-2970, 660-6641. NEWLY built house at Parker Street, Providence E.B. Demerara. Tel. 625-6227, 216-3290. 2 FLAT wooden building, 178 Waterloo Street, Georgetown. $50M. Call 6273994. UNFINISHED house in Kara-Kara, Linden, $15M. Contact 680-3771 or 6947210. PROPERTY for sale on Sheriff and Enachu streets 72M. Contact: 680-3771 or 6947210. HOUSE for sale in Berbice 18M. Contact 680-3771 or 6947210. PRADO Ville mansion, 5 bedrooms, all self-contained AC, parking etc.:$120M neg. Serious enquiries. Call: 610-8332. EXCLUSIVE 4-bedroom house in Atlantic Ville for sale $56M. Contact 680-3771 or 6947210. NEW three-bedroom house in low lands E.C.D. for sale $18M. Contact 680-3771 or 694-7210. ONE 3-storey building with business and lots of land space for any type of business. Serious enquiries only. Tel. 610-0575. PROPERTY for sale at 207 Atlantic Gardens. Call for further information. 601-2938, 2256608, 661-7719. 2 PROPERTIES (SIDE BY SIDE) ECD PUBLIC ROAD 2storey/flat concrete $18M, Lusignan 3-storey/flat South Road. TEL. 226-8148, 6251624. REPUBLIC Gardens New Housing Scheme Gated community situated in Peter's Hall District, East Bank Demerara.. All infrastructure are in place. Interested persons are asked to make contact at our office: 225-1787 or 672-7189 NEED to sell or rent your property? Call Capital Realty 226-9383 for professional service and results. ESSEQUIBO Coast: 27 Henrietta just ½ mile from Anna Regina Car Park. Transported land 50 ft x 140 ft, house 23 ft x 40 ft. Contact 627-3755, 619-2000. LA PENITENANCE wooden and concrete 4-bedroom upper-flat; 3-family apartments, lower flat, $16.5 million neg. 681-3085, No agents. ONE two-storey building, wooden and concrete, Norton Street, five buildings from Camp Street $20M neg. Call 6280972. LARGE concrete building bordered by 3 Main Streets in central Georgetown. Ideal for offices, school, bond, etc., 4 flats 130ft x 35 ft each, land 250ft x 50 ft. 227-0190, 693-5610. RANCH house (Region No.9), main house and out house located on 25 acres of land For more information, please call Harry on 592-641-5499, 592680-1669 or Natasha 592-6175860. VERSAILLES: Fully furnished 5-bedroom house, all rooms self-contained, modern facilities including generator. Beautiful landscape in gated community. Tel: 592-624-8704, 592-684-9203. EXECUTIVE two-storey building, 3 bedrooms with all modern conveniences, Meadow Brook Gardens, Mr. Narine. 6968230.







ONE two-storey with business at Lamaha Street, Q u e e n s t o w n . Te l . 2 3 1 4586, 673-5546, 695-4382

SECTION 'K' Campbellville: 2-storey concrete house, upper 4 master rooms with spacious lower flat. AC, parking, etc. $52M neg. Naresh Persaud. 225-9882, 6812499.

SANDY BABB STREET KITTY - 2 storey wooden and concrete Income Property. Price $66 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

GREIA: Campbellville twostorey concrete building $50M, Atlantic Ville furnished twostorey building with generator, overlooking Atlantic Ocean $55M. Tel. 2 2 5 - 3 7 3 7 , 2 2 5 4398, 651-7078.

FRIENDSHIP, La Parfaite Harmonie, Crane Village, West Ruimveldt, La Penitence, Kitty, Good Hope. 688-4414, 6153728 . 2 - B E D R O O M , 2-storey property at Enterprise, ECD. 2 more properties at Non Pareil and Liliendaal, ECD. Tel: 6396013, 670-9004 Dave. FULLY furnished 4-bedroom house, super condition, located at Bath, West Coast Berbice. Call 610-8118, 678-3314. HOUSE at Herstelling, 22 x 38, land 100 x 50 - $11.8M, other Golden Grove, near Diamond Fire Station $12M. 688-1657. SECURE investment opportunity: Invest in a property on Florida, gateway resort in Florida with 41% return in 2 years. Call 692-9384. QUEENSTOWN: Fully furnished 1- and 3-bedroom apartments, hot and cold, AC, internet, parking, etc. suitable for overseas visitors,, short term. 226-5137, 227-1843. PROPERTY at Lot 39 'C' Martin Street, Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice. Tel. 2190223, 685-4839 after 18:00hrs. $2.5M. Must go. BEST Village, Vreed-enHoop, WCD 2-storey 3-bedroom wooden/concrete house on 43x300 ft, transported land. Move in, ready. Price $11M neg. Call 627-0289.

LOCATED at Thomas and Lamaha Streets, Kitty, prime business spot. Tel. 225-7732, 610-3043, 689-7250, 6884771. DIAMOND E.B.D- brand new Executive concrete house, upper flat 4 bedroom and lower flat 2 apartments Price $53 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. D'URBAN BACKLANDS - 3 bedroom flat house on corner lot, repairs needed Price $14 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. VERSAILLES W.B.D- brand new 5 bedroom executive house with extra house lot. Price $70 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 6857887, 643-6353. McDOOM E.B.D- Conc r e t e 3 b e d r o o m p r o p e r t y. Price $20 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. PUBLIC ROAD KITTY: two family concrete property suitable for business Price $45million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 6657400, 685-7887, 6436353. MON REPOS E.C.D- Modern 4 bedroom concrete property inclusive of 1 master room. Price $36million neg ., Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

GOED Fortuin Public Road, WBD, land and building, suitable for commercial. Land size 53 x 373. Price $37.5M neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. BENT STREETFREEBURG 3 bedroom wooden house. Price $12 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 6857887, 643-6353. DIAMOND E.B.D- 4 bedroom concrete house . Price $25 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D - 4 bedroom concrete house. Price $34.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. MON REPOS: Land 50x250 or 3 house lots together. Build a bond or share with 2 other families. Small gated community. Call 222-3962 after 14:00hrs any day. G$15M. ROBB STREET - close proximity to Bourda. Investment properties. Price $ 180 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 6657400, 685-7887, 6436353. WEST BANK - 20M; Diamond - 6.2M; Alberttown - 35M; Section K Campbellville - 39M; Kitty-30M; Prashad Nagar - 46M; Queenstown - 23M; AA Eccles - 60M. Contact Diana on 227-2256, 626-9382.

DIAMOND E.B.D- Modern 2 family concrete house. Price $35 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

SECTION 'B' Non Pariel, 1 4-corner (business property), 2-storey concrete with, 2 ongoing business Chinese Rest a u r a n t a n d g r o c e r y, p r i c e $29M neg. Contact Te. 2704225, 622-8229. ONE six-bedroom two-flat, two-family concrete house with all up-to-date furnishing, Prasad Nagar, $55M none-negotiable. Wills Realty - 227-7377, 6278314. SANDY Babb Street, Kitty: 2-storey wooden and concrete, income property. Price $66M neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ECCLES E.B.D - concrete 5 bedroom house .Price $ 60 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. 1 - TWO-storey concrete, needs repairs, located at A12 East La Penitence Housing Scheme, Georgetown, just behind the Police Station. Price $22M neg. Tel. 662-6173, 6484420.

2-STOREY, William $30M, land sixe 100x50 3350, 623-2591, 226-1064, 2626, 225-5198, 225-3068, 2064, 227-6949, 227-6368, 2709.

St 669225231225-

LAND OF CANAAN- 4 bedroom concrete house just off the public road. Price $17.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. PRASHAD NAGAR- Investment property. 3 bedrooms upper flat and 3 bedroom lower flat. Price reduced to $58 million for quick sale . Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353 GARNETTE STREET C/ VILLE- concrete building on double lot. Price $58 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353 PROPERTIES for sale above $15M. Call MR. Carlos Budram 692-3831, 225-2626, 226-1064, 225-5198, 227-6949, 231-2064, 225-2709, 669-3350, 227-6863, 623-2591. BUSINESS for sale one game shop located at Lot 13 D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust, for price contact Leon Denobrega. Tel. # 610-0808, 231-8424.

ALBERT S T R E E T, ALBERTOWN - 3 storey concrete investment property. Suitable for school, embassy, office complex etc. Price $160 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. CARMICHEAL STREET - 2 storey wooden and concrete back building with 7 ft drive way. Suitable for office/residence. Price $23 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

. PRIME Real Estate: 2-storey building, excellent condition, Pitt Street New Amsterdam, Berbice, 7000 sq. ft, for sale or rent. Double lot 70x108 New Amsterdam, Berbice $20M neg, Clothing boutique for sale on Church and Camp. Contact 3333803, 698-2499.

PARADISE Main Road 2bedroom house 80 x 100 land $13M; South Ruimveldt Gardens 5-bedroom $25M; Alberttown 5bedroom $35M; Main Street US$950,000; all prices are negotiable. Troy 626-2243.

OGLE, ECD: Two properties one for $32M, and $52M good condition, no repairs. Call Pete's Real Estate, Lot 2 George St., 227-2487, 2265546. Nandy Park excellent 2storey concrete building one family with four bedrooms situated at a corner for $72M. Call Pete's Real Estate. 227-2487, 226-5546. EXECUTIVE 2 storey concrete building with modern conveniences (furnished/unfurnished), Safe location opposite Central Police Station (Coburg Street, New Amsterdam), 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Office space completed on 1st floor with private entrance, Large landscaped lot (71x120). Contact Lana Sattaur at 333-2377 or

C/VILLE close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete Investment Property. Suitable for business, school, residence etc. Price USD $ 1. 5 million . Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. QUEENSTOWN- Investment property on corner. Suitable for business, apartment complex, hotel or dream house etc. Land size 6500 Sq Ft.Price $85 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

GREIA ECCLES: Three bedroom concrete building 28M; Diamond - concrete and wooden two-storey building - 16M; Guyhoc Park - two-storey concrete and wooden building- 11M. Tel # 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078. LING STREET, CHARLESTOWN - 2 family wooden and concrete house, 3 bedrooms upper and 2 bedrooms lower. Price $13.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. PRINCESS Street $10M, Bent Street $10M, Guyhoc Park $12M, South Ruimveldt, $10M, North Road $60M neg, Alberttown $37M, Kitty $40M, Call Corretta on Tel. # 697-7842, 671-6653, 231-7052. HOUSE and Land for Sale Two Storyed Wooden and Concrete House, Sixth Street Alberttown Georgetown. $35 Million Dollars Negotiable. Contact: Mr. George Teekah Tel: 231-6278 Or Dr: Thasana Teekah Tel: 6260993 GREIA: Strathspey ECD: Flat three-bedroom concrete building $6M, Eccles two corner spots, concrete buildings $25M, Canal No. 2 two-storey 4-bedroom concrete building on 9 acres of land $25M, Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078.

S h e r i f f St r e e t B e l A i r Gardens 3500 sq. ft. secluded ocean front residential accommodation, unfurnished, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, two powder rooms, 780 sq. ft home office or entertainment room, servant/caretaker's apartment, 100 ft. driveway, open compound multiple parking.Nearby supermarkets, restaurants, department/ general stores, entertainment and service stations. Contact: 5 9 2 6 6 7 - 9 3 6 7 / 6 6 7 - 6 5 7 9/ THESE are ) NOVEMBER bargains: Sec. 'K' $23 million, Meadow Brook $28M, and $35M, Kitty $23, Alberttown concrete massive for hotel $45M, Bel Air Park in great condition $52M, Happy Acres executive $58M, Alb e r t t o w n $ 3 0 M , Sec. 'M' Campbellville $34M now, Phone 225-2626, 225-5198, 227-6863, 227-6449, 225-2709, 231-2064, 226-1064, 667-7812 HIBISCUS Place $7M, Patentia $7M, East Ruimveldt $10.5M, Granville Park BV $32M, Section K C/ville $48M, Guysuco Gardens $90M, Kitty US$1.5M, Subryanville US$2.2M, Grove $5.5M, $7.5M, $12M, Diamond $8.5M, $18M, $23M, Anandale $9M, Eccles $30M. Call: Rosanna 671-5008, 619-8000. E m a i l : rosannarealty_gt@yaho o . c o m , BBM 236A219D

FABULOUS Homes Int. Colidgen $7M, $14M; Diamond $10.5M neg, $12M, $13M, $15M; Eccles $25M; Alberttown $35M neg; Happy Acres $45M; Section 'K' Campbellville $52M; Land Grove Public Road $7M; Nesme $3.5M; Enterprise $2.5M; Diamond and Grove $3M - $7M. Contact Theresa 648-6033. ECCLES 5 bedroom 2-family $25M neg, South Ruimveldt Gardens 6 bedrooms $24M neg, Diamond 6 bedrooms unfinished $10M neg, De Kendren 2-bedroom flat house with land 175'x50' $7M, land at the front of Diamond from $5.5M ranch. 6558361, 699-6811 Fabulous Homes Realty. EARLY November deals: Alberttown front spot with 5 bedrooms only 38M neg.; Caneview land 5M; Caneview house 27M, Greenheart Street, 25M; Coldigen 7M; Parfaite Harmony 8M (new); Coldigen 14M (new); Paradise 13M (Main Road); Mc Doom 20M; and many, many more. Call your fabulous home representative, Charlyn at 6659087. N E W modern Pike North Ruimveldt ranch with master room $17M, Meadow Brook Gardens $35M, Tucville concrete new $27M, Providence $25M, new ranch $13M, Bel Air Park $45M, Prashad Nagar $37M, Duncan St. $23M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville requires repairs $14M, D'Urban St. $15M, Bent St. business residence. Phone Lord Johnny Ramsohoye 225-2709, 618-0000, 227-6949, 225-2626, 226-1064, 2 2 7 6949, 225-5198. BENT Street property, 9M; FESTIVAL City, 12 M ; TUCVILLE, 10M; 5TH St. Alberttown top and bottom excellent 36M; PRASHAD Nagar, 32M; LANCE, Nandy Park 32M; DOWDING Street, 20M with driveway; DOWDING Street, front top and bottom building. EXCELLENT Eccles AA land size 100x50, 15M; CONTINENTAL Park land 102x53, plus reserve land 100x30, 20M reduced to 19M. LBI land, 14M; REPUBLIC Park land. Phone Mr. Alex Pereira. Mr. Darindra - 615-0069, Mr. Ramsehoy - 618-0000, Lady Hercules- 661-1952, 225-2626/2276863, 225-3068, 667-7812/2261040.

ONE business and residence close to Cummings Street: Concrete and wood in the Southern half of 5th street- 36M; one lot in Plaisance - 8M with driveway. Phone Mr. Darindra: 615-0069. Mr. Pereira: 226-1064, 623-2591. Mr. Ramsahoye: 618-0000/2255198, 225-2626/227-6863, 2253068 2261064 , 231-2064, 2276949.

BENT Street $5.5M; Linden Highway 28 plus 50 acres of land, road to river, with greenheart and other trees, access to water; no reasonable offer refused. Diana - 2272256, 626-9382.

GOOD Hope $20M, 25M, Better Hope $50M, Bel Air $40M, Alberttown 60M, 4th Street Campbellville $65M. LAND Kitty, Duncan Street $28M, Da Silva $19M & $20M.

EXQUISITE! AA Eccles $85M Republic Park $55M, BB Eccles $35M, Diamond unfinished $22M, Queenstown $100M, Lamaha St. $40M, Section 'K' $40M - $ 7 5 M . C o n t a c t 6 4 4 9883.


BUSINESS: REGENT STREET, Robb Street, Church Street. RESIDENTIAL NEW HAVEN, Bel Air Springs, Gardens and Park, Lamaha Gardens, Prashad Nagar, Atlantic Gardens, Diamond. TEL. 2268148, 625-1624.

BUSINESS property in Bent St - $16.5M, Phone Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 226-1064, 618-0000, Mr Pereira 623-2591, 225-2626. 225-5198, 231-2064, 226-1064.

GREIA: GROVE, E.B.D two-storey concrete building- 25M; Huston - E.B.D, two properties on land- 30M; Mon-Repos- two-storey concrete building-35M. Tel# 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078.

OGLE E.C.D 2 family concrete house upper flat 3 bedroom lower flat 2 bedroom price $56 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.


THREE-storey building centrally located downtown in Thomas Street, South Cummingsburg, Ge o r g e t o w n . Recently renovated, fully airconditioned, ideal for offices, with spacious boardroom, or any other business. Immediate possession. Tel. 609-2876, 6230425. LAND OF CANAAN: 1 spacious modern 3-bedroom concrete house, 3 master rooms, guest room, AC, generator, separate caretaker's apartment plus 2-bedroom flat concrete house, fully fenced in concrete, lots of fruit trees on 3 acres of land. Ideally built for a Hindu family. Price US$550 000 neg. Naresh Persaud. 225-9882, 681-2499. KITTY $30M, Queenstown $26M, Section 'K' $40M, Prashad Nagar $39M, Robb Street (2 buildings) $125M, Princes Street $62M, Land (Highway 41 acres) $20M. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382. FABULOUS Homes Int. De Kindren $7M, Eccles $23M, Enachu Street $52M neg, South Ruimveldt Gardens $25M neg, Princess Street business $62M neg, Mc KEnzie Linden $20M neg, Meadow Brook Gardens $30M neg, Call Alicia 616-1442.

ONE NEWLY built two flat concrete building at Diamond New Scheme. The upstairs consists of two self-contained bedrooms with built-in closets, a spacious kitchen, dining and living rooms along with a large verandah at the back. The lower flat has a two-bedroom apartment and a large area that could be used as a bond or for any business. The yard has a concrete fence with spikes and razor wire above it. There is also a laundry and a generator room downstairs along with a fully tiled carport. A complete water supply is available including six tanks and pump. Asking price: $42M. Interested persons can contact owner at 693 2531. EXCELLENT b a r g a i n s Norton Street - $14M, Bent Street business and residence - $16M, executive Prashad Nagar mansion double lot - $85M, 8 apt. apartment complex was - $120M, now - $85M, Sec. 'K' Campbellville - $23M, Alberttown concrete 5 bedrooms - $46M, other for - $19M, and $30M, South Ruimveldt Gardens - $19M, Festival City - $14M Charlotte Street business and residenc e b y Bourda Market - $26M, Cummings Street - $34M, Meadow Brook - $28M, D'Urban Street for double lot for 5-storey - $25M, Phone Lord Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, 227-6949, 2252709, 231-2064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6863 , 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8 , 667 7 8 1 2

21 PROPERTY FOR SALE PUBLIC ROAD, WEST BANK BUSINESS PROPERTY 200'x30' (6000 SQ FT) INCLUDING STOCKS VALUED OVER $20M. IDEAL FOR SUPERMARKET, HARDWARE STORE, PRIVATE SCHOOL; OR ANY OTHER LUCRATIVE BUSINESS G$53M NEG. SERIOUS ENQUIRES ONLY (NO AGENTS PLEASE) CALL MAX ON 672-8569, 6098132. WATERSIDE PARK Bush Lot Village, West Coast Berbice. Vacant lots from $2.6M - $+5M and lots with newly completed houses from $6.8M. 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom homes close to race track, seashore, schools, supermarket, churches, gas station, shops etc. NO DOWN PAYMENT: monthly, quarterly or half-yearly instalments. Roads, water, electricity, phone. Regency Homes 232-0107, 6100956. HARRY & SON REAL ESTATE LOT 185 CHARLOTTE & KING STREETS, MARAJ BUILDING TEL. 227-0265, 227-1881, 629-5178. Non Pareil, McDoom, Republic Park, Norton Street, Carmichael Street, North Ruimveldt, Bel Air Park, Thomas Street business spot, Robb Street business spot, D'Urban Street business spot, South Ruimveldt, Continental Park, Craig $13M. LAND: Annandale Market Road business spor, Friendship land size 115x450 (Wharf side) $65M, Meadow Brook Gardens $8.5M. CALL us at Raphael's Realty, 204 Charlotte St. Bourda Tel. 225-8241, 227-4950 after hrs 226-7829 fax 227-1537. Timehri hotel $60M, executive Ogle $100M, $115M, $170M, Diamond $21.5M, $26M, Queenstown $65M, $75M, $120M, Kitty $60M, LBI $43M, Versailles $25M, Westminster WBD $24M, Republic Park $40M, Nandy Park $40M, South Road. 3-storey building. $ 2 2 0 M , B r i c k dam $180M, Hop e E C D $ 2 5 M , L a m a h a Gardens $125M, $200M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Louisa Row $44M, Lamaha St Alberttown $85M, Subryanville $500M. LAND for sale La Grange $3M, Smyth St. $60M, Bel Air (ECD) $42M.

CORRETTA Sam's Real Estate and Property Management has the best holiday deals on properties. Campbellville $45M, $26M, Continental Park $65M neg, (land) Happy Acres $16M neg (land) $27M and $70M (double lots), Atlantic Gardens $45M fully furnished Queenstown $20M, North Rd. (land) $30M, Robb St $65M, Lombard St $80M (land), ideal for business Sandy Babb St $65M, South Ruimveldt $22M neg, Rentals Brickdam (office space) US$1100 - US$1200 monthly, Sandy Babb St US$800 - US$1000 monthly (fully furnished) William St two and three-bedroom apartments (AC) fully furnished US$600US$700 monthly. Tel 697-7842, 671-6653, 231-7052. C A P I TA L R E A LT Y PROPERTIES Ogle $62M, Providence $42M, Grove $25M, $10M, $13M, Agricola $13M, Alberttown $40M, Atlantic Gardens $52M, $58M, Albert Street - $49M, Camp Street $55M, William S t r e e t $30M, Chateau Margot $36M, Vreed-en-Hoop $14M, Tuschen $30M, Happy Acres $49M, Lusignan $20M, Earl's Court $48M, East Street $21M, Paradise ECD $8M, Meadow Brook Garden $48M, D'Urban Street $9M, $15M, $40M, Charlestown corner huge reduced $38M, Better Hope $28M, Diam o n d $ 1 0 M , $50M. Many more listings. Azeem 2269383, 642-3722, 698-8710.

GUYANA CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 PROPERTY FOR SALE 25% DISCOUNT on all properties for this summer only. UG Gardens $140M, Republic Park $30M, Nandy Park 4 apartments $32M, Middle Road La Penitence land size 140 x 60 $17M, second Street Alberttown business and residence $45M, 5th St. Alberttown massive concrete $48M, Eccles $14M, Kitty Sandy Babb St. two properties on double lot $38M, Lamaha St Queenstown apartment complex $58M. Phone Vice President Mr. A l a n n a Debidayal 231-2064, 697-9377, 225-3068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6949, 2252626 . FABULOUS Homes International Realty: Coldingen $14M neg, Rasville $14M neg, Enmore $8M neg, Campbellville $15M neg, Diamond 2 for 1 deal $15M neg, Cove and John 2 homes 5 bed rooms $12M, 4-bedroom $10M, McDoom Solid concrete $20M, North Ruimveldt 7-bedroom fixer upper, Nismes $6.5M, La Parfaite Harmonie $8.5M, 6-bedroom apartment (4 2-br, 2 1-br) only $21M neg), corner lot 89x80 Albouystown. Ready to go now! And many more, call Ahaziah 613-3018 R&N Marketing and Realty. KITTY- $17M, $30M, Good Hope $15.5M, Garnett St $31M, Montrose $18M, Mon Repos Block CC $23M, $10.5M & $9M, Ganges St. P/Nagar - 5 Bedroom $58M, Granville Park $31M, Lusignan business property $13M, Durban St $21M, Ogle A/Strip Road $55M, Better Hope Pub Rd $37M, Cummings St $37M, New Market St $55M, East St $60M, Happy Acres $30M, North Road $70M, Bel/A/Park $60M, P/Nagar $28M, L/Gardens $75M,Regent St. $1.2MUS. Diamond - 2nd Ave, 5 Bedroom $38M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332. R&N Marketing and Realty. C/VILLE $35M,LBI Embankment $24M, Good Hope P/Rd (land - 280x140) $ 90M , Sherrif & Enachu Sts. $75M, Vlissengen Rd. (land) $75M, $110M, $140M, Sherrif St, $50M, South Ruimveldt $16M, Diamond $12M, $20M,East R/veldt $10.5M, Eccles $30M, $38M, A/town $36M,Triumph $14M, Agriculture Road, Triumph $20M, Sherriff St. $150M, Subryanville $58M, Brickdam $100M, Ogle brand new 2-storey, 5 bedroom house $80M, Lamaha St, Queenstown, 3-storey, corner proprty $85M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332 R&N Marketing and Realty. Good Hope PUBLIC Road East Coast (land - 675 x 92) $150M, Agriculture Rd, Triumph (land 600 x 45 ft) $14M, Chimney Road, Chateau Margot - (4 bedroom self cont) $31M, Diamond 2nd Ave- 5 Bedroom $40M, Queenstown (back lot 80x60) $37M, Oleander Gdns $40M,Alberttown,6th St, $52M, L/ Gardens $55M, Atlantic Ga r d e n s $ 30 M , D u n c a n S t $ 30 M , Alexander St $ 50M, Robb St $60M,Barr St $65M , E a r l ' s C o u r t $ 3 5 M , Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Queenstown $70M, South Road $85M. Republic Gdns -Land (100x100) $24M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332. NOVEMBER Bargains in Guyana: Full concrete D'Urban Street business $19M, business and residence Bent Street 16M, Gordon Street business & residence $23M. Waterloo Street business and residence (new) $35M. South Road Land $36M, Charlotte Street 2 buildings 2 houses by Light $32M. Land 140 x 60 by Russian E mbassy $30M. Land at Turkeyen 140x60 $32M. L0 Ressovenure Land 126x60 $20M. Campbellville flat house needs repairs $13M. Section K $19M needs repa i r s , 3 - s t o r e y Q u a m i n a Street for hotel US$599 000, Bel Air Park $49M Lamaha Gardens valued $85M now $70M. Rental of ap a r t m e n t s f r o m U S $ 7 0 0 , R e s i dence US$1 2 00 upwards. Phone Lord Patr ick Pereira 227-6863, 225-2709, 2276949, 226-1064, 669-3350. 7 days a week



25% D I S C O U N T o n a l l properties for this summer only. Sale! Sale! Sale! Business property immediately: East of Orange Walk in Charlotte Street $28M, 3-storey business property in Croal Street requires repairs $32M, Bent Street almost new 2-storey business property $!6M, South Ruimveldt Gardens residence $16M, Ogle fully concrete new $49M, Tucville new $26M, Prashad Nagar executive $55M, Bel Air Park $55M, Kitty business or residence requires repairs, on 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, Forshaw old house $21M, 3-storey business close to Main Street $55M, Meadow Brook $45M, fully concrete D'Urban Backlands $30M, New Section 'K' $42M, Lamaha Gardens executive $68M, one ranch-style Section 'M' 3-bedroom suites for elderly $50M, fully concrete with excellent interior work, Bel Air Gardens $130M.Mr. Alanna Debidayal 2312064, 697-9377, 225-3068, 2276863, 226-1064, 227-6949,

GENERATORS 6 500 watts. 688-4414, 615-3728.

CAPITAL Realty Properties Turkeyen Gardens/ Atlantic Ville $56M, Atlantic gardens $50M, Camp Street $53M, Campbellville Stone Avenue $48M, La Penitence $17M, Vreed-EnHoop $12M, Hadfield Street $42M, Charlestown reduced $38M, Alberttown $40M, Diamond $15M, $8M, $13M, $17M, $40M, Ogle $60M, Providence $42M, Grove $13M, $25M, North Ruimveldt $12M, Albert Street $47M, Paradise $15M, $16M, Brickery $23M, Parfait Harmony $9M, $28M, $40M, Tuschen $30M, Chateau Margot $35M, Happy Acres $47M, Norton Street $21M, Eccles $30M, Good Hope $20M, Meadow Brook Gardens $48M, Lusignan $20M, Republic Park $32M, Sheriff Street $72M, Earl's Court $48M, Herstelling $16M, Vryheid's Lust $13M, Le Resouvenir $15M. many more listings Azeem 2269383, 642-3722, 698-8710.

WALKING freezers for sale. Sizes from 8x8 to 10x15. Contact # 223-7975, 666-2276.

NEW concrete Section 'K' $44M, 7apartment William St. concrete building reduced from $60M to $50M, Kitty house requires. repair on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Middle Road La Penitence $16.5M, almost Regent and Oronoque St. $36M, Charlotte Street East of Orange Walk $28M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $66M, Meadow Brook concrete $45M, executive Republic Park $48M, La maha Gardens 3 self-contained $70M, Prashad Nagar 6-bedroom $58M, business 3-storey Quamina Street $85M, Bel Air Gardens on double lot $140M, Subryanville $58M, Alberttown concrete business $40M, New Haven 4 self-contained $80M, 3-bedroom new concrete Ogle $48M, Bel Air Park $52M, Croal St. 3-storey require repairs $30M, 4 lots in AA Eccles with incompl e t e c a t h e d r a l - s t y l e s t ructure requires $20M to complete, plus reserve and place for lake $90M neg. , Mr. Darendra 615-0069, Vice Presiednt Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Vice President Jhonny Ramsahoye 2252709, Vice President Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-3068, 227-6863, 2261064, 667-7812, facebook Tony Reid Realty 7 days a week 24 hours a day all holidays and all prices are negotiable. QUEENSTOWN: 3-storey concre t e b u i l d i n g , P r i c e $ 1 00 M . South Ruimveldt Gardens property in good condition. Price $18M. Lamaha Gardens beautiful 2storey concrete property 3 selfcontained, 1 master, library, television room, living room, upstairs back verandah, downstair s den, fully marble stone tile, family room patio, garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmetics, land space Price $90M,Ogle beautiful property $90M,Mon Repos $36M neg, Regent St. $120M beautiful home excellent condition in Eccles $55M neg, Queenstown property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. We are located at 247(D) Forshaw and Oronoque Streets, Queenstown. Tel. 2256858, 225-7164, 667-7812, email:

AGRI. EQUIP. MISC. FIAT 180-90 4x4 tractor, Ford 7740 4WD tractors, 416 Caterpillar 4x4 L/backhoe, Cherry picker list 45ft, 1- 400 Amps diesel welder Perkins engine on trailer. Tel 6662518, 671-1809, 639-2789.



WHOLESALE plucked chicken. Call 676-0931. BAKING pans and sheet, baking table. Call 695-7484. ONE 14" River dredge in perfect condition. Tel # 669-8985. COMPLETE internet cafĂŠ for sale - 621-5282. LIVE & plucked chicken. Tel: 650-4421, 220-9203. GLASS (mall glasses, hospital glasses etc) Tel: 670-6403. ONE car seat, great condition. Tel. 667-9737. ONE new radiator for Honda CRV RD5. Tel 674-7494. 2 USED car lifts. Tel. 623-1397, 2332414, 08:00hrs - 16:00hrs. 21" TV and DVD player - $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 . Te l # 6 4 6 - 2 6 7 8

ROTTWEILER pups and mastiff mixed with Labrador. Tel. 625-0345. 1 - XEROX multi-function photocopy machine. Price $500 000 neg, Tel. 227-5816. RECONDITIONED (factory) MF 590 tractors, 4WD, new tyres. Knock-down prices. 689-5858. 2 ICE Machines, 1 smoothie machine, small fridge. Tel. 2310655, 683-8734. ONE ideal sawmill complex with all equipment. Good location, with large land space. Tel 6845868 BLACKBERRY cell phone, 9650 model, Blackberry Bold excellent condition (like new) - $12,000. 624-6464, 675-3062. Keith. PLAY Station 2 games at $1000 each, Softmod for PS2 as well. Contact 684-3025. SATELLITE DISHES, RECEIVERS, TVs. TEL: 6573711. OUTBOARD engine between 5 and 50Hp. Tel. 621-3399, 622-0173. ONE tropical freezer 7 cu ft excellent condition, price $40 000 neg. Tel. 678-1771. FOR sale: Pure bred German Shepherd pups; One female Rottweiler, 4 months old. Tel # 2202277, 626-0910. PHOTOCOPY machines Black and white and color. 6120438. 1 - SUN deck luxury boat, 25 ft by 8 ft, washroom, leather seats, trailer. Tel. 618-2064. Giveaway price. S A L E - S A L E : HOUSEHOLD items: curtains , pool's table- bar stool, etc. Tel. # 6690366 DIGITAL Sony Camera with charger; portable printer with charger, price $60, 000 neg. Call 609-8550, 694-1778. PURE bred Doberman pups, 9 weeks, fully vaccinated and dewormed. Tel. 609-2815, 6964659. NEW 18 cubic Kenmore fridge, panel curtains, office chairs, cotton sheet sets, LG front loading washing machine. 223-8213, 225-8000. ONE music set with three power amps with a total of 5 500 watts, etc. For more information, please call 682-3481. Price neg. DEAL! DEAL! Salon equipment - chairs, hairdryers, mirrors, curling irons, etc. Call 655-0056. No reasonable offer refused. LARGE double-door fridge, very good condition $55 000, one computer desk $5 000, one DSL modem $5 000. 692-3368, 692-3369. GOING CHEAP, BF Goodrich 33 x 10.50 x 15 Mud Terrain tyres, 95% thread, in excellent condition. . Tel. 223-8780, 669-3741.

MERCURY/Quicksilver from USA. Very high purity, available retail $17 000 per lb and wholesale neg. (grey flasks). Contact Ms. Sabrina 692-6183. 1-PAIR large Nibby and Cane table lamp antique with shade,110v - $15,000. Tel:6758008. Owner leaving country. ONE 75HP Yamaha Enduro Outboard Engine, Eight Months old. Owner leaving country. Price Negotiable. Contact 609-3686. or 619-1117. K-GUARD 4-channel complete security systems, including DVR and all necessary wiring with or without installation. Contact 658-4009. REBUILT 4-cylinder and 6cylinder Perkins, Kobota, Yamnar and Ford; engine on bed for mining, price $500 000 up. Tel. 6961994 (Rajin). ORIGINAL door mirrors for Allion, Premio, Runx, Allex, 212, 192, 170, 100 Sprinter and 110 Sprinter, also brand new drums for 192 and 212. Tel. 654-6401, 654-6394. STARR Computer System 2.8 Ghz, 2 MG Ram, flat screen, mouse, keyboard $47 000 neg, Hp desk jet $7 000.DSL modem $6 000, computer desk $7 500 neg. Phone 692-3369. 1-WHITE television stand with wheels to hold large tv, dvd, music set etc - $25000. Tel:616-5340. 1 -TOASTER oven with glass door 110v- $5000; 1- Coffee Perculator 110v with glass mug - $5000. Tel:616-5340. BAYLINER speed boat with engine trailer; Sea Doo 600cc jet ski with trailer; Yamaha 25Hp engine. 688-7224, 676-0614. 10 KVA generators, diesel, welder, Yanmar, quiet; Lincoln gas welder drill press, jack hammer, Rudra Ramroop Furniture Store. 612-8879, 678-2918. PERKINS engines from England, 4- and 6-cylinders. Also Recon engine on bed. We stock all models of Lister Petter spares. Call 624-3187 GE 26-cu ft side-by-side refrigerator and freezer; stainless steel front. It has icemaker, dispenses water and ice crush or cube, price $195 000 neg. Tel. 678-1771.

FOR SALE 1- SIDE BY SIDE large Refrigerator and freezer, hardly used 110v, good condition - $160,000. New 4 speed premium blender with mug - $5000 110v; 1-32 inch Sony tv with remote control, curve screen, 110v - $65,000. Call 614-9432. 42" LED Super Slim TV, brand new, imported food warmers with nine pans, custom chrome wheels - 305 x 40 x 22, fits all 4x4, brand name colognes, Oakley Polarised sunglasses, steel grills. 642-3722, 223-1885. A L L hard-to-get vehicle parts including windscreen, computer box, doors, lights, engines, front half, back half, mirrors, etc for Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Honda Isuzu, Fuzo, etc. at unbeatable prices. Contact Tel. 645-7800, 001-597-866-6358. LINCOLN portable welder 4 - 2-cylinder Lister engines, 3 generators 75 KVA, 30 KVA on trailer and 20 KVA Onan, 1 - 450 Amps welder (Miller), 1 - 250 Amps Welder (Miller), 1 - 30 gal. compressor, 1 - 4x4 Caterpillar backhoe, 1 - 8" floor sander, 1 - floor sander edger. Call 227-0195, 225-7732, 688-4771. IDEAL FOR OFFICE: 2 large stainless steel book display stand - round (UK made) ideal for office or doctor's waiting room or sale of books $35,000 each. 1- paper cutter - Guilletene hand type 18x30 USA ma d e - $ 1 5 0 0 0 ; 1 - s e t o f o f f i c e w a l l d i v i d e r (UK made), to set up about 2 to 3 offices with glass door $40,000. 2 folding metal and plastic chairs for office or patio - $3000 each. Call 6758008. Owners leaving country. 1- 12 INCH DISC edge sander machine - 110-240v for furniture maker, door edge or any wood work edge (UK made) $55,000; 1- electric mac tool brand parts washer - 110v with 25 gallon drum that holds fluid at the bottom and square metal bin at the top with cover to wash parts. $55,000. Tel:621-4928.

1- THREE SEATER and one two seater setty - arm covered, new - $75,000; 1- stainless steel Kettle with whistle and handle, new - $3000; 1- stainless steel kettle 110v - $4000. Tel:614-9432.Owners migrating.

LIGHTING Plan 70 kva, Whisper watt 240 - 480 3ph, 220-110, Singh Ph. Fuel tank capacity 114 gallon. 671-7450. 2 - 12 000 lb 4-post lifts, 10 000 lb 2-post lifts, 6 000 lb low rise lift, 2 - 80 gallon 175 psi compressor, 390 MF tractor, 399 MF tractor, 2003 Toyota Camry. 643-3875. COMPRESSORS Hermatic air condition compressors, two 12000 BTU and one 24 000 BTU, all in good condition - $45 000. 667-9367. CHRISTMAS sale from NY: Window, kitchen and bedroom blinds; table cloths and mats; scented candles; ladies stuff, etc. #641-3489, 223-9484, 225-1664. O N E YA M A H A 8 5 2 STROKE OUTBOARD ENGINE AND ONE CATERPILLAR. Fully marine with 220 HP. Tel: 260-2973/610-0756. 1- ANTIQUE half round table and stool for doing nails etc,$20,000; 1- milk shake stainless steel machine 110v - 3 speed, 3 pint cup stainless steel, good for home or business, -$20,000.(Hamilton Beach made). Call:614-9432. LARGE cargo vessel ideal for North West operation, size 225 ft x 45 ft, 25 CSA, turbo charge diesel British engine. Tel. 227-5242, 652-9470. 1 - FIGAT rice combine 3700, needs minor repairs, engine and track in perfect order, was working two crops ago. Price $1.6M. Phone 339-2327, 651-2147, 612-5571.

1 COMPRESSOR with nailer kit, generator, power washer, Skil 10" table saw, Skil 1 0 " c o m p o u n d m i t r e s a w, 1 Craftsman Chain Saw. Tel: 2260880, 97 Hadfield St, Werk-enRust, G/town. SCREW on antenna Japanese made for all type of vehicles such as: Allion, Premio, Raum, Spacio, Rav 4, Wagon etc; also all type of mirrors for 192, 212, Honda, and many o t h e r s . $ 8 0 0 0 p e r pair. Tel: 616-5340. Owners leaving. 1-TRIPPLE light 140 watts power inverter - DC-12 volts to 110 volts with fuse - $20,000; 1- two half pool or Billlards Cue in case - $5000, 1- Detecto scale - large for measuring height and weight of patients; good for doctor's clinic or any medical organisation $55,000. (UK made). Call 675-8008. Owner leaving country.








1- LARGE XEROX work centre pro 423/428 photocopy machine with scanning kit, all cds and manuals available with machine; hardly used excellent condition - 110v-240v $400,000 negotiable. 1 large wooden writing desk, 5 drawers, needs minor work - $15000; 4 printers HP Laser Jet 4200N-4300 series - $35,000; 2420 $30,000, HP Laser jet - $30,000 ans Lexmark 253-$7000, all 110v and in good condition. Owner leaving. Tel:616-5340. Owner leaving country.

TOYOTA Passo $1.9M neg, in excellent condition. Tel. 681-6066.

AE 100 Wagon, chrome rims, excellent condition. $1M. Tel. 676-9304.

ONE Mitsubishi Lancer, One Toyota Marino, one AE 192, Call 231-6623, 662-5802.

TOYOTA Corona, leather interior, in very good condition. Owner leaving country $850 000. 627-7798.

TOYOTA Corolla G-Touring in excellent condition, no reasonable offer refused. Tel. 644-0530.

ONE Nissan Vanette series C22, 11-seater with imported roof rack, used for doing business. Call 226-5540.

ONE RZ minibus in excellent condition in Berbice, rims, music, etc. Contact 326-0971, 649-0950.

UNREGISTERED 2005 Raum $2.2M, Solid Def Hilux $2.4M, 2-ton dump truck $2.3M. 641-1800, 220-1324.

BRAND NEW Catridges in box sealed for photocopy machine and hp printers. 2 -Xerox Ink Catridges 113 R 634 - $40,000. 2 -Xerox Ink Catridges 113 R 321 - $40,000. 8 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 98x92298X - $15000 each. 3 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 13x- $6000 each. 3 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 13A $8000 each. 4 HP Laser Jet coloured catridges 4193A $5000 each. 3 Canon catridges NPG 11 toner $5000 each. All prices are negotiable. Tel:675-8008 OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 1-paper shredder 110v, fully automatic with bin -$20,000 (complete). 1 Whirlpool dehumifier on wheels 110v, - $20,000, for office, home or patio; new large APC smart uninteruptable power supply 120vac along with all fittings and new laptop with manuals and CD instructions. -$120,000. Call 6758008. Owner leaving country.

DIESEL Toyota Hilux 5L, AC, music, $2.5M neg. 657-7784. UNREGISTERED vehicle: 2004 Raum, Fielder, Spacio and Runx. Call 609-8989, 616-5595. AT 192 Carina, price $650 000 in good working condition. Tel. 270-5113, 647-5790. MOTOR cycle: Jailing JH 150 in good working condition - $165 000. 667-9367. TOYOTA Carina AT 170 automatic in good condition $540 000. Tel. 672-6670, 604-7232. SILVER Blue Bird Slyphy, late PPP series, price $2.6M neg. Tel. 678-1771. 1 - 2012 HONDA RR 600 motorcycle, like brand new. Contact 682-0384. JUST arrived pit bull bus, full 15 seater, excellent condition and price. Tel 614-5142, 622-1610. ONE automatic Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 1998 model. Asking $4M neg. Tel. 664-2246. TOYOTA Raum (silver), in excellent condition 16" chromes, leather interior, AC. Tel. 629-7777. 2400CC Toyota Camry, Silver gray, $2.5M neg. Tel. 640-4243, 6910419 serious enquires only.

NEW ARRIVAL! COMPRESSORS (26 gal, 20 gal, 33 gal, 30 gal & 60 gal. Pressure washer (4200 psi, 3000 psi and 3800 psi DeWalt. Rough neck garbage bins 45 gal & 32 gal. Generators, Stanley 8000 watts. All power portable 10 000 watts, Briggs and Stratton storm 5500 watts. Contact Donna on 609-1179, 6110402.

ONE Honda 450 ATV, 4x4, price $800 000; one 2006 Toyota Towning manual $3.3M. Tel. 6220445, 685- 7659.

1- NEW blue large Fibre Glass bath tub (US made) - $45000; 2 hot and cold water sinck with fittings (UK made) - $10,000 each. 1 - Relistic CB base station radio set 12 volts - $12000. Onwer migrating. Tel: 675-8008. Owner leaving country.

15 - SEATER pit bull BPP series; and 212 Carina (yellow cab) (1 month). Call 644-2099.

SONY PLAY STATION 2 AND 3 AND XBOX 360 ORIGINAL GAME DISCS, DOZENS OF TITLES TO CHOOSE FROM; FIFA 2013, KILLZONE 3, MORTAL KOMBAT, GRAND THEFT AUTO, DEVIL-MAY-CRY, ETC. Best, lowest prices available. CALL The Original Video Game Pioneer (Since 1995 'MAX' former Game City Boss) on 672-8569, 609-8132, NOW.

290 MF tractor, foreign-used, in excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 670-9393. TOYOTA Ceres in good condition: $700,000, neg. Tel 6987632.

ONE Mazda Denio: $ 1.650.000, neg. Contact Danny: 642-2569 1 TOYOTA Spacio fully loaded. Price $1.875M neg. Call 628-0972. TOYOTA A l t e e z a , P N N , HID, LED, body kit, alarm. 6220108. HONDA pressure washer and vacuum cleaners. Tel. 621-0427, 222-4081. 1 - NEW model 212, PNN series, AC, CD, $1.3M neg. Tel. 2336337, 662-6024.

OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 10 large Fujitsu Siemens flat screen computer monitors - 60HZ - 110v $16000 each. 7 surge protector and battery back ups: ES 750-120V, 60 HZ-12A-UPS out put 120v,60HZ, 420w, 50VA, 6.25A - $15000 each. 3 surge protector and battery back p 7, 2 & 5 - 120v, 2 automatci voltage regulator stabili - AR-2000w $15000 each and AR 3000 $20,000with break witch.A quantity of new power cord, and other new computer cords, manuals, CD, spares etc, all for $60,000 (give away). Owner leaving. Tel:675-8008.

ONE new Laverda 3650 Fiat agri combine. Call 258-0001, 6658795.


ONE 2000 Toyota Fielder in excellent condition, $1.8M neg. 665-9685.


TOYOTA Corolla, AE 110. Contact 226-1308, 647-1481. ONE CRV (RD1) PKK series, Phone 627-7470 and 669-7713. 1 - NISSAN Laurel car. Tel. 610-0848, 218-1382. LEYLAND Daf truck with hyab. Tel.. 626-5706. TOYOTA RZ, PHH 4332. Tel 220-4389. 1 - 2010 Ford Raptor like new. Tel. 661-6161. TOYOTA Tacoma 5VZ 3400 cc foreign used engine. 621-4862.

ONE GX 90 Mark 11 chrome rims, music set, press start. 6282330. AT 192 Carina; AE 100 Corolla. Contact City Taxi Service 660-1100. 1 - TOYOTA Carina AT 170, PFF series, $450, 000. - 615-1201, 227-6690. TOYOTA Hiace minibus VVTI engine, BRR series, low down payment. Tel. 614-9599.

HILUX Solid Axle pickups, AC, 33x12.50 MT tyres, unregistered, in excellent condition.Spares available. Call 691-2077. ONE Toyota Fielder, PPP series, one 2009 F150 Ford unregistered. Both in excellent condition. Contact 666-6680, 617-1777. ONE Toyota Starlet EP82, 15" mag rims, CD deck, AC, alarm, fully powered. Price neg. Tel. 6185509.

1 AT 212 new model, AC, mag rims, CD. 625-7416, 2278659.

AE 100 Corolla alarm, AC, mags and crystal lights, with HID $800 000, AT 170 EFI fully powdered with mags and CD - $580 000. 619-1047.

ONE AT 212 (Silver Grey) in excellent condition, price $1.7M neg, lady driven. Tel. 689-3479.

ONE Toyota AT150 Corona in good condition. Price $500 000 neg. Tel. 621-2843, 216-0539.

ONE TOYOTA Carina AT212, old shape, in excellent condition. Tel. 652-3066, 6901611. ONE L-Touring Wagon, rims, interior perfect, in excellent condition. Price neg. Tel. 616-6095, 655-4138. FORD F350 single cab pickup, 7.3 V8 diesel solid deff, GT tray, refurbished. 662-5910. TOYOTA Allion, Premio. Both excellent condition, fully powered. Contact Leonard 617-1505, 673-8451, 2269316. 1 - BEDFORD TM with winch, solid condition. Call 674-4649. TOYOTA Tacoma 2005 4x4 AT, Nissan Frontier 2005 extra cab 4x4. Call 220-7430, 647-2856. ONE RZ Mini Bus, BMM series Price - $ 1.9M Negotiable Call - 2333703 ONE MASSEY FERGUSON 255 TRACTOR WITH FRONT BUCKET, PRICE $2.5M. CONTACT: 613-3606. 3 - 6x6 TM dump trucks $5.5M each in good condition. Call 600-6335. ONE Leyland DAF single axle and dump. 216-1315, 6136615 TOYOTA Hilux, extra cab pickup, GPP series, fully loaded $2M neg. Tel: 699-8490 GREEN BHH 4177 RZ long base EFI, mags in good condition. Tel. 670-6403. ONE TOYOTA RZ MINIBUS BHH3745. TEL: 2770491 CAMRY PGG series, in excellent condition $800 000 neg. Tel. 610-5001. 1 - LANCER motor car $1M neg., PJJ series, good condition,Contact 614-5940. PREMIO, 2003 - $2.6M, Spacio 2003 - $2.45M, 1 Pit bull bus $3.4M, .Dhan Auto Sale.Tel. 616-6575. ONE Toyota new model, 212 Carina mag rims, music, AC, alarm, HID lights, fully loaded. Tel: 626-2503. SUZUKI Vitara Jeep, fully powered in immaculate condition.Asking price $3.5M neg. Tel: 694-6024. AE 110 DVD, alarm, $820 000. F4I CBR $1.1M. 6607178 1 - TOYOTA Picnic, PLL series, excellent condition. Price neg. Tel. 644-8084, 623-3738. H O N D A AT V 5 0 0 4 x 4 d o u b l e s h o c k s , n e w. A s k i n g $2.6M. Call 624-5000. 1 -LANCER Cedia motor car, PKK series, excellent condition, $1.1M negotiable. Contact 6131830. IRZ MINIBUS 15 seats, excellent condition, hardly used. Must be seen. 678-5311 - $1.9M cash. ONE Honda CRV 2002": mag rims, leather interior, sun roof, PMM series. Call 687-5000.

ONE Toyota Premio, chrome rims, HID lights, alarm and music. In excellent condition. Tel. 657-700 NEW model Nissan Tiida Latio, brand new condition, unregistered, low mileage. Make offer - 233-3783, 695-6169.

TOYOTA Hilux 2004 diesel 4-door pick-up (stick shift) Nissan Titan (4x4 LE) Pick-up fully loaded. 688-7224, 225-2319, 676-0614.

TOYOTA Tacoma 2005 4WD, $4M. Tacoma body parts, owner migrating. Tel. 220-7430, 647-2856.

AFFORDABLE AUTOS: Premio, Allion, Spacio, Bluebird Sylphy 2333783, 695-6169. 233-3783, 6956169. 1 TOYOTA Allion late PMM immaculate condition, 17'' rims, alarm, CD player, AC, etc. Price $2.1 million. Call 665-7400 or 6857887. FOR the best in buying or selling of used vehicles 192, 212, Raum, Rav-4, CRV wagons, Spacio, Premio, Allion and many more. Call 619-5784, 674-0203. TERMS available on used and new vehicles, Toyota Sienta (full 7 seater) and AE 100 Sprinter, prices negotiable. Call 641-8647. ONE Toyota Hilux Pick up Extra cab manual transmission, 4WD unregistered just off the wharf, price $2M. Tel. 626-2466, 220-5124. ONE Pit bull bus VVTI all seats never worked hire, AC< music all sliding glass, price $2.7M. Cell 626-2466, 220-5124. ONE Toyota IST, rims, music MP3, AC, fog lamps, fully loaded, price $1.4M. Call 6262466, 220-5124. ONE Nissan 2004 model 4x4. Immaculate condition, 4 brand new Mickey Thompson tyres on. Price $3.9 neg.Tel#. 629-1340, 220-7107, 6945953. ONE Toyota Hilux Solid diff $2.5M. Must be seen 6160327, 220-8770, 220-6542, 689-3612. FORD Explorer 4x4 SUV, year 2000; GMC Extra cab diesel pick-up $1.5M, BMW 318i 1984 for parts. 688-7224; 6760614 MERCEDES Benz E200, Black, 2005, BMW 318i (M-Sport), fully loaded, Yamaha Chappy. 688-7224, 676-0614. TOYOTA Tundra (Bubble back), in excellent condition, mags, fully loaded. Owner leaving country. Tle. 220-6770, 6214082.

MITSUBISHI Lancer, ladydriven, late PKK series in excellent condition. AC, mags, alarm, CD Tel: 646-2939.

ONE Toyota Runx PLL series, alarm, rims in excellent condition. Price $1.72M neg. Tel. 694-6875.

PREMIO, just arrived, fully loaded 35 043 km. Good price. Auto City Auto Sale, Sandy Babb St, Kitty 223-0171, 614-5142.

H O N D A AT V 5 0 0 4 x 4 double shocks, new. Asking $2.6M. Call 624-5000.

UNREGISTERED Toyota Tundra, new tyres, 4x4, very clean, $2.55M. Tel. 233-6337, 662-6027.

TOYOTA Raum with full flair kit, AC, music, mags. One owner. Very clean condition. Reasonably priced. Contact: 643-5306/ 226-7855, 685-0299.

2002 Honda Civic: rims, excellent condition, one owner, complete music system, $1.5M negotiable. Tel. 600-3053.

SPACIO 7 seats, AC, music, mags, TV, 6-disc changer, excellent condition. Price $1.6M. Tel. 639-9914, 655-7839, Paul.

HILUX Surf complete suspension (foreign used). Hilux Surf, minor repairs. Tel 626-2884.

TOYOTA Tacoma 1999 4cylinder, 4-wheel drive, never registered, rims & AC. Ideal for interior roads Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-0299.

TOYOTA picnic for sale. PMM series. Selling at a great price. Contact # 6823753, 227-5138. Serious inquires only.

BMW 320 CARS, open and enclosed canter trucks with lift, and 4x4 Super cab pick up 61 Dennis St., Campbellville. 227-0190, 693-5610, 6169727.

1 RZ minibus BKK long base, excellent condition with music, mags, etc. Tel. 270-4098, 686-9516. TOYOTA Ceres AE 100, good working condition. Reasonable offer accepted. Tel. 601-0225.

2 - MORRIS Oxford cars, 1 - A-55 Austin car 1955 model, 1 standard vanguard car 1953 model, Holden Kings wood car, 3 Austin 1300 cars, 1 - Rebel motorbike (original) Call 6164403.

CRUISER Auto Sales: Unregistered Mazda, Axela, Toyota Fielder, New Raum, Noah. Call 603-9700. FIELDER Wagon, fully loaded, 17" rims, set AC, alarm, excellent condition. Tel. 6162409. TOYOTA IRZ bus, BKK series, EFI, long base, mags, good condition, $1.2M neg. Tel. 684-5920. TOYOTA Hilux, good condition, mag rims, music deck, AC, 4 doors, open back, PKK series, $1M negotiable. Tel. 641-3624. AT 170 and spares "where is where as" basis, very serviceable; Carina 212 back window screen. Call Tyron - 694-0449. S-V30 Toyota Camry in excellent condition, mags, music, AC, alarm etc. Price neg. Tel. 680-0212, 2185515. TOYOTA Ace small bus, one complete music system (vehicle). Contact 666-2744, 616-5622. Owner leaving country. 2010 GLK 350 MERCEDES BENZ, ONLY 25,000 MILES, FULLY LOADED. $12.5 MIL. CALL: 651-4578 2008 TACOMA 4 X 4, EXTRA CAB, LIKE NEW, LOW MILEAGE. $4.2 MIL. CALL: 227-1511, 651-4578 2005 CRV sunroof, reverse sensor, side steps, 6-disc changer, chrome kit, etc. First owner. Immaculate condition. Tel. 655-3622. 1 - 212 TOYOTA Carina new model; 1 -ET 176 Toyota Carina Wagon; Vehicles in immaculate condition. Contact 337-4544, 626-1525. DRIVEN Auto Sales~ New arrivals sale - Unregistered fully loaded Toyota Sienta $2,250,000 and Mazda Axela $2,350,000. 643-6565, 226-9931. WE buy and sell vehicles for cash and we also do trading-in of vehicles: 30-seater buses low as $900 000 - 680-3154

RANGER Rover (HSE) SUV 4x4; Honda 3.300S, key start, generator; also 12,000 watts generator on wheels 688-7224; 676-0614. JUST Arrived! 2 Honda 450cc ATV bike with double shock winch, 4-wheel drive. Going cheap. Contact 6435306, 658-0299. TOYOTA Tu n d r a 2 0 0 2 chrome rims, chrome bars, DVD player, 4-wheel drive, excellent condition. Contact: 643-5306/685-0299 UNREGISTERED 3-ton short base canter, steel plated tray, flooring with extended rails, crystal lights. Price $2.95M. Tel. 615-7526. GREIA Kerstaint Park, E.C.D: two properties on land 55'x150'; good land space for bond or can be sold separately. Call to discuss, price $28M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078. RZ minibuses BMM and BNN, CRV new model, AT 192, 212, NZE, AT 170, Toyota Hilux Surf, 06 Tacoma, Family van (7 seater) canters, Tacoma, Nissan Cefirowagon and cheap cars - 6803154. AT 212 Toyota Carina, new model, PNN series. One owner, never worked hire, with AC, CD, rims. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306/658-0299. ONE MORRIS AUSTIN Car, PLL series, good condition, automatic, 5 seater. Vehicle transferable, owner l e a v i n g . - $400,000. Te l : 6 1 6 5340 2002 Toyota Tundra, never registered, fully powered, 4wheel drive, very excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-0299. ONE 323 Mazda wagon in good condition (requires 4 suspensions) $300 000. One Jialing 150cc scrambler. Price $120 000, Prices neg.Tel. 6900266. TOYOTA Tundra 2005, bubble tray with hard cover with rims, leather, interior, 4-wheel drive. Clean & excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-2099. 1 - TOYOTA Dyna canter short base, 2 ½ tons, double wheel, diesel. Excellent condition, one owner. Price $1M neg. Call 684-8231. TOYOTA IST with AC, CD, DVD, rear view camera, LCD, aluminum rims, good interior, imported and owner driven for approximately 3 months, excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 6195844. ONE SUZUKI SUMARAI 4x4 enclosed vehicle with 5 mags, stick gear, good for interior ect, holds 5 persons - 1298 cc - SJ-80 engine gaslone. $750,000.Vehicle transferable, owner leaving. Tel:6165340.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013



GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013

PM Hinds continues ... From back page

criteria for participation, but the cost of bringing the team to Georgetown to do battle, was the reason for their exclusion and after the 24 teams were selected, we learnt that Santa Rosa Secondary School was prepared to finance their own transportation. It was of course, too late to fix that team into our fixtures and to do so, we would have had to increase participation levels to 32 teams, a decision that would have had significant financial implications on us and in the cases where other teams from the interior regions of Guyana would have been left out of the tournament, we feel particularly regretful.” The release continued to state, “We can do no more than express that regret and commit ourselves for striving for more fulsome participation in the future. No shortcoming has been a function of deliberate act designed to insult or offend anyone… The assurance that we would wish to give to all the stakeholders in this tournament is that we will strive to be worthy of the confidence vested in us.” Along with Wismar/Christianburg Secondary, who won the Digicel sponsored tournament again this year, the other top eight schools in that tourney: Waramadong, Covent Garden, St George’s, Leonora, Bladen Hall, Ash Educational Trust and Lodge Secondary have all earned a bye to the next round. This means that Wisburg, New Silvercity and Mackenzie High (Linden), East Ruimveldt, North Georgetown, Queen’s College, Dolphin, Christ Church and Queenstown (Georgetown) and Stewartville, Uitvlugt, Patentia, (West Demerara) will do battle in the first round. Also clashing in the first round are: President’s College, Ann’s Grove and Annandale Secondary (East Coast) and Friendship Secondary from the East Bank, where the losers will exit the tournament while the winners go on to face the top eight schools that were given the bye, while all the teams will be outfitted with gear. (Calvin Roberts)

Single V-Bull separates ... From back page

in an intense battle in ‘X’ Class on a hot and bright day with subtle changing winds. The reigning champion recorded an overall day’s aggregate of 132 points with nine V-bulls, three points short from a highest possible score (HPS) of 135 points. He shot possible scores of 35 points and one V-bull points at 300 and 50 points with six V-bulls at 500 yards, while recording 47.2 at 900 yards. Fields was consistent in recording an overall aggregate of 132 points with eight V-bulls with scores of 34.2 at 300, 49.2 at 500 and 49.4 at 900 yards in a head to head showdown with the leader. National captain, Mahendra Persaud, dropped seven points to be placed in third position. He shot a possible 35 points with two Vs at 300 yards and recorded 48.4 at 500 yards and 46.2 at 900 yards. Current Caribbean individual champion, Lennox Braithwaite, is in fourth spot with 128 points and 10 V-bulls. He shot 34.2 at 300 yards, 49.5 at 500 yards and 45.3 at 900 yards. Inspector Dane Blair holds the fifth position in “X” Class and sixth overall with 124 points and three V-bulls after he recorded scores of 32.1, 46.1 and 46.2. Lt. Col. Terrance Stuart is the leader in “O” Class with 126 points and eight V-bulls. He recorded scores of 34.2, 46.4 and 46.2 over the three ranges to stay ahead of newcomer Sherwin Felicien who recorded 31.1, 46.1 and 40 for a overall aggregate of 117 and three V-bulls while Everall Nelson is third with 95 points with scored of 27-40 and 28. Defending “O” Class champion, Leo Romalho, is out of the competition due to injury. The championships continue on Saturday with shooting at 500, 600 and 900 yards ranges, with a highest possible score of 105 points starting at 10:00 hours while the final day of Sunday the shooters will compete at 300, 600 and 1000 yards for a HPS of 150 points.

English Racing Tips Huntingdon 08:40 hrs Just Cloudy 09:10 hrs Suburban Bay 09:40 hrs St Ignatius 10:10 hrs Salmanzar 10:40 hrs Royal Guardsman 11;10 hrs Iron Butterfly 11;40 hrs Smart Motive Sedgefield 08:50 hrs Another Hero 09:20 hrs Kodicil 09:50 hrs Bocamix 10:20 hrs Atlanta Falcon 10:50 hrs Big Sound 11:20 hrs Tahiti Pearl 11:50 hrs Dynamic Drive Lingfield 09:30 hrs Richmond 10:00 hrs De Blacksmith 10:30 hrs Masquerade 11:00 hrs Be All Man

11:30 hrs Somerby 12:05 hrs Hannah’s Princess French Racing Tips Marseille 11;40 hrs Time For Mbel 12:10 hrs Dascott Glaz 12;40 hrs L’empereur 13:10 hrs Nabaa Speed 13:40 hrs Sunny 14:10 hrs Jilnaar 14:40 hrs Got Run American Racing Tips Philadelphia Park Race 1 Good Deedkaz Race 2 Golden Rule Race 3 Good Feng Shui Race 4 Apollo Beach Race 5 Donato Race 6 Ettelson Race 7 Passion For All Race 8 Your Move Race 9 Quite a Vengeance

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013


Jamaica doping scandals tip of iceberg, says senior drug tester By David Bond BBC sports editor

JAMAICA’s most senior drug tester says the country’s recent rash of failed tests might be the “tip of an iceberg”. Dr Paul Wright told the BBC that the Caribbean island’s anti-doping regime had been woefully short of the international standards required. His comments come a week after the World Anti-Doping Agency(WADA) visited Jamaica to investigate claims that the country’s athletes were not being tested rigorously enough Former Jamaican Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) executive director Renee Anne Shirley sparked the crisis when she said the agency conducted just one out-of-competition test in the six months leading up to the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Her criticisms, made in an article in Sports Illustrated, followed a series of adverse findings involving Jamaican track and field athletes. Asafa Powell, the former 100m world record holder, was the biggest name to test positive, but four others including Powell’s training partner - the Olympic relay gold medallist Sherone Simpson - also failed tests at the country’s national trials in June. Both Powell and Simpson claim that they took supplements that might have been contaminated with the banned stimulant Oxilofrine. WADA officials are due to discuss their visit to Jamaica at an executive board meeting in Johannesburg today and could make a series of recommendations to improve the country’s anti-doping policies. But Dr Wright - a senior doping control officer with Jadco who has 30 years of experience of drug testing in sport - is concerned that WADAs intervention will not lead to the sweeping changes

required to give the world confidence in Jamaican sports. And he said the sudden surge of athletes failing tests at the country’s national trials in June had left him fearing the worst. “The results are not good,” he told the BBC. “This year alone the results really point the finger. “Remember, all of these results except one were caught by JADCO. The problem is these people were tested positive in competition. What that means is months before you know the date of the test and the approximate time of the test. “So if you fail an in-competition test you haven’t only failed a drugs test, you have failed an IQ test. “This could be the tip of the iceberg to have so many positives coming in competition. “What is going to convince me is if there is an out-of-competition test that’s unannounced, that includes blood testing and which tests for EPO. Then we can hold up our heads high and say we know there’s nothing.” But the head of the Jamaican Olympic Association Mike Fennell dismissed Dr Wright’s concerns, saying he was “being dramatic”. “I think that’s massively overstating it,” Fennell said. “There’s no evidence to suggest that it’s the tip of the iceberg.” Although Dr Wright met with WADA officials during their visit, he was critical, saying they did not spend enough time on the ground in Jamaica. “I have a personal problem in what you can do in 12 hours,” he said. “They really came late Monday evening and left first flight Wednesday morning. So they were only really here on Tuesday. And four hours of that was at a dinner function with the Prime Minister. “It’s not enough. Remember it was explained as an extraordinary audit. I would have loved them to have been here for a week, to have got answers to every question, to be able to question people who knew

GSCL INC. to run off first Republic Cup tournament next January …$1M to Open winner

HAVING successfully organised two 12/12 tournaments since their formation, the Organizing Committee within the Georgetown Softball Cricket League Inc. (GSCL) have begun preparations for their first ever ‘Guyana Republic Cup,’ which is set to bowl off on 24th and culminate on 26th January 2014. This tournament will be played in the Open and Over40 categories respectively, with the former doing battle for 12 overs aside and the latter 20 overs, even as the GSCL inc. has up for grabs,

a first place prize of $1M, a trophy and 15 medallions, with the second placed team pocketing $200,000, a trophy and the same number of medallions. In the Over-40 category, the winners will pocket $600,000, a trophy and medallions, while the second placed team will take home $200,000, a trophy and medals, with the Man of the series for both categories receiving a three-piece living room suite or cash equivalent and the Man of the Match of the finals, $10,000 and a trophy. Teams desirous of competing in the Open category, are

asked to pay an entrance fee of $140,000, while those who wish to do battle in the Over-40 category will have to pay an entrance fee of $120,000, with registration closing off on 17th January 2014, and while the drawing will take place on 22nd January at a venue to be announced. One executive of the GSCL Inc. who choses to remain anonymous has said that the organising of this competition is the entity’s way of keeping softball players active, while it can also help fine-tune their skills for next year’s ‘Guyana Softball Cup IV.’ “While we are looking at teams from Guyana to compete,

an invitation has been extended to three foreign teams from Canada, Florida and New York, since we are looking at taking up the challenge issued to us by Director of Sport Neil Kumar, at the opening ceremony for our last competition.” It is expected that teams such as Wolf Warriors, Berbice Titans, Regal XI, Memorex, Speedboat, and Trophy Stall just to name a few, will seek to capture the first place prize in the Open category, while Regal XI, Savage Masters, and Industry Super Kings will be among the list of competitors in the Over-40 category.

France must not be scared, says in-form Ribery

(REUTERS) - Franck Ribery believes he is having the best year of his career and says France should not be scared by the prospect of their two-legged World Cup playoff against Ukraine. The 30-year-old Ribery, widely regarded as one of the main contenders for the FIFA Player of the Year award, is expected to be France’s main weapon when they visit Ukraine on Friday. The winger was in the French squad which needed a controversial goal to draw 1-1 at home against Ireland thanks to Thierry Henry’s ‘handball’ goal and qualify for the 2010 World Cup. But Ribery, who has scored four times and set up four more of the team’s last 13 goals, said France should not worry about the pressure. “Playoffs have nothing to do with other matches and the environment will be difficult too but we’ll have to be relaxed, not to be scared,” Ribery told a news conference at the team’s Clairefontaine training base, near Paris. “We have not to do things by halves. We have to go there to win,” he added. “We have not to tell ourselves that there’s a return leg ... we have to tell ourselves that we have the team to win there and go for it.” In-form Ribery, who played a key role in Bayern Munich’s unprecedented treble last season, said he has reached the peak

of his playing career. “I really am at my peak,” he said. “It really is my year.” With 78 international caps to his name, a record that makes him the most experienced player in France’s 24-man squad, Ribery knows he has to be a leader on and off the pitch. “When you turn 30, you have more experience, you are more serene, you know how to handle some situations,” he said. “I have always been under pressure. But I will do everything I can to be at my best in the two legs, to make the players fell comfortable.” Ribery recognised that his FRANCK RIBERY chances of being the first Frenchman since Zinedine Zidane to be voted Player of the year would be boosted if France qualify for next year’s tournament in Brazil. “The Ballon d’Or is something that makes me dream. But I say to myself ‘play your game, just do two good games and when France will be in Brazil, it will be good for you’,” he said.

what was happening. “Their intervention has led to the promise of change. If the promises are kept then we will get there.” Following WADA’s visit, the Jamaican Minister for Sport Natalie Neita Headley vowed to pump more money in to testing to boost the current annual budget of just over £380,000. That funding - with the help of additional money from Wada would be used to hire more senior executives to run the anti-doping programme and to hire and train additional drug testers. Mrs Headley told the BBC that she was currently hiring two extra drug testers, taking the total number of doping control officers to six. She also vowed to increase the number of tests conducted by Jadco from 300 this year to 400 in 2014. And she said the commission was ready to start blood testing its athletes. But, while Mrs Headley acknowledged there was a lot of work to be done, she said claims that Jamaica’s top athletes had not been tested enough were wrong She said: “Our athletes, as confirmed by the IAAF, were the most tested in the world of athletics, so to say your athletes weren’t

Asfa Powell and Chrone Simpson tested is not exactly true. “I would recognise that the events of the last couple of months would have harmed us tremendously. I recognise that. “I also recognise that what is important is that the country puts all of what is needed in place to beef up a system, bolster your system that where there might be weaknesses you strengthen, where there might be any difficulties that you remove those difficulties. “Though we are experiencing turbulent economic times, the budget of Jadco was increased this year unlike many other areas.” JADCO has so far carried out 286 tests in 2013 - both in and out of competition. These are in addition to the tests conducted by the IAAF on a pool of 19 elite Jamaican athletes. These tests have taken place in competitions around the world but mainly in Europe and out of competition in the run up to the Moscow World Championships in August. Sports officials in Jamaica insist that, while their own testing regime needs to improve, there are no reasons to doubt the performances of top stars like triple Olympic champions Usain Bolt and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Price. Jamaican Olympic chief Fennell said he believed some of the positive tests had been caused by contaminated food supplements. “There is a problem worldwide with the use of supplements,” said Fennell. “The whole world is induced to use supplements for one thing or another. “Athletes are no different. This is not with a view to cheating and I would put my head on the block and say our athletes do not set out to cheat. “We do have rigorous testing. If you look at the record for this year you will see our testing record is amazing. Those of our top athletes are on the registered international programmes. “More can be done and you tell me what country in the world where more cannot be done. A country like Jamaica has economic problems and we are doing extremely well with the resources we have but there’s always room for more and we have to make sure we are up to speed.” One of Jamaica’s leading sprinters, Nesta Carter, said athletes understood that the events of the last few months had put him and his team-mates in the spotlight. “I understand why people pay more attention to Jamaica,” said Carter, who won an individual bronze medal in the 100m in Moscow in August to add to his sprint relay gold from the London Olympics. “It was the same when the US dominated. People said they were on drugs and should be tested. That’s a part of the sport and we have to accept that. It’s going to hurt fans and athletes because no-one wants to be associated with what’s going on. “It’s kind of hard to see your fellow mates and people keep pointing the fingers at them and saying they are on drugs when they are not - so you just have to stay clean and do the right thing.”


2013 BCB/Namilco/Bakewell T20 Tournament

Albion and RHTGG to meet in final

FOLLOWING their semi-final victories over Universal Solutions Bermine and West Berbice, Albion Cricket Club and Rose Hall Town, and Gizmos and Gadgets will meet in the final of the Berbice Cricket Board Namilco/Bakewell T20 cricket tournament this Sunday at a venue to be named. Playing at the Albion Community Centre ground last Sunday, the home team breezed past a disappointed Universal Solutions Bermine by 10 wickets, while RHTGG defeated a determined West Berbice by five wickets. Playing in the first o two semifinals for the day’s action, Universal Solutions Bermine won the toss and opted to bat first, a decision that backfired on them as they lost the wicket of national Under-19 fast bowler Romario Shepherd-DeJonge without scoring in the second over, without a run on the tins. Skipper Anthony D’Andrade (15) and Devon Clements (10) added 27 for the second wicket before West Indies Under-19 left arm spinner, Gudakesh Motie-Kanhai, dismissed D’Andrade for 15, while Eugene LaFleur (00) was bowled by Devendra Bishoo at 27 for 3. DEVENDRA It became 29 for 4, when BISHOO Motie-Kanhai dismissed Clements and in tandem with Bishoo, Motie- Kanhai spun webs around the Universal Solutions Bermine batsmen, who crumbled for their eventual score of 38 in 14.2 overs. Bishoo took 5 for 8 and Motie-Kanhai 4 for 4 for Albion, who raced to 42 without loss from 7.2 overs, as Balchand Baldeo scored an unbeaten 22 (1x4, 1x6), while Adrian Sukhwah supported him with his unbeaten 15. In the second semi-final which was played in front of a fairsized crowd, West Berbice won the toss and elected to take first strike, to which they lost Arthley Bailey off the first ball of the contest, which was bowled by Assad Fudadin. Rafael Estriado (23) and Andrew Dutchin added 35 for the second wicket before Dutchin was brilliantly run out by Eon Hooper for 14, following which Royston Crandon dismissed Leroy Bristol (01) at 37 for 3 in the 9th over. Estriado fell at 53 for 4, offering national Under-19 and RHTGG skipper, Shawn Pereira, a return catch and with the RHTGG spin comprising Pereira, Hooper, Crandon, Ravi Narine and Shailendra Shameer bowling well, West Berbice were limited to 105 for 7 off their 20 overs, despite 21 from Steffon Adams. Crandon took 3 for 13 and Fudadin 2 for 19 for RHTGG, who lost former National Under-19 opener Dominique Rikhi for 02, lbw to Raun Johnson at 14 for 1; but Fudadin batted well to topscore with 37 (5x4) and along with Clinton Pestano’s unbeaten 28, took RHTGG to 106 for 4 from 18.3 overs, as Fraser took 2 for 15. While West Berbice and Universal Solutions Bermine would clash in the third place play off match at 09:00 hrs for the third place prize of $50,000 with the loser receiving half of that amount, Albion and RHTGG would meet in the finals from 1300hrs, with the winner pocketing $200,000 and the runner up $100,000.

Brilliant Djokovic wins ATP World Tour Finals (By Piers Newbery BBC Sport at the O2 Arena)

NOVAK Djokovic retained his ATP World Tour Finals title with a convincing win over world number one Rafael Nadal. The Serb, who lost the top ranking to Nadal last month, won 6-3 6-4 at the O2 Arena in London. Djokovic, 26, extended his unbeaten run to 22 matches as he claimed the season-ending title for the third time. He will now head to Belgrade, where Serbia take on the Czech Republic in the Davis Cup final from Friday. Nadal might have earned the year-end number one ranking after his remarkable return from injury in February, but Djokovic denied him a first ATP Finals title and laid down a marker for battles to come in 2014. Always the happier of the two playing indoors, the pace and depth of Djokovic’s returns in particular put pressure on Nadal and played a major part in the Spaniard double-faulting four times in the opening set. In a blistering start, Djokovic was one point from going 4-0 clear as he stood up to the baseline and returned Nadal’s firepower with interest. However, a missed backhand on break point let the Spaniard off the hook, and Djokovic’s game briefly deserted him. An unexpected sliced backhand from Nadal caught the Serb off guard and drew an error that allowed the top seed back into the set, but Djokovic gathered himself to hold for 4-3 and then launched another assault. Two double-faults from a nervous Nadal opened the door and a stinging forehand return onto the baseline endangered the Spaniard’s toes, before Djokovic broke with a breathtaking example of his ability to turn defence into attack. With Nadal bearing down on the net to finish the point, Djokovic chased to his right and lifted a beautiful lob over his opponent, before moving in and angling away a volley. A clenched fist and a roar let everyone know just how big a moment Djokovic thought that was and, thanks in part to a kindly net cord at 15-30, he closed out the set in the following game with an ace. Nadal, 27, might have won three of his five meetings with Djokovic this year but the Serb won comfortably last time out in

Beijing, and when the Spaniard began spraying forehands early in the second set, a repeat looked on the cards. Djokovic converted his third break point for a 2-1 lead with yet another deep return that Nadal could not handle, and he had two points to break for a fourth time. Nadal clung on, pumping his fist to show he was still up for the fight, but Djokovic has made the O2 Arena a fortress over the last two years and he moved untroubled towards a 10th straight win at

Novak Djokovic of Serbia raises the trophy after defeating Rafael Nadal at the ATP World Tour Finals (Reuters) the venue. One match point slipped past on the Nadal serve and another on his own, but Djokovic got the victory he so desperately wanted to end his season on a high when the world number one blazed a forehand wide

AB de Villiers hits century as South Africa crush Pakistan (REUTERS)-South Africa captain AB de Villiers hit a series top score of 115 not out to lead his side to a crushing 117-run win over Pakistan in

the United Arab Emirates yesterday and a 4-1 series victory De Villiers’s unbeaten knock at the Sharjah Cricket stadium helped South Africa

Berbice name 24-man squad for Inter-county tournament FOLLOWING a three-day trial match which was held last week, the selection committee of the Berbice Cricket Board has named a 24-man squad which will start practising and training to begin the Ancient County’s preparation for the upcoming Guyana Cricket Board senior four-day Inter-county tournament. The practice and training sessions will begin from tomorrow at the Cumberland ground in Canje, and amongst the 24 players who were called are: Krishendat Ramoo, Shawn Pereira, Raun Johnson, Clinton Pestano, Keon Joseph, Romario Shepherd, Brendon Bess, Sewnarine Chattergoon and Rajiv Ivan. Also included in the squad are: Anthony D’Andrade, Shimron Hetmyer, Kandasammy Surujnarine, Seon Hetmyer, Assad Fudadin, Jonathan Foo, Royston Crandon, Devon Clements, Eugene La Fleur, Kevin Ramdeen, Anthony Bramble, Jason Sinclair, Devendra Bishoo, Gudakesh Motie-Kanhai and Eon Hooper; and all are asked to be at the Cumberland ground at 12:45hrs tomorrow.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013

to 268 for seven from their 50 overs, a target well beyond the reach of Pakistan who slumped to 151 all out in 35.3 overs. For South Africa, who are the top-ranked Test-playing nation but traditionally struggle in the limited-overs game, it was a welcome boost before a December series against World Cup winners India. De Villiers, who passed 6,000 one-day international runs, led a vicious assault on the bowling in the final 10 overs as South Africa went from 154 for five to 268 for seven on a traditionally slow wicket.

South Africa rested key bowlers but still rocked Pakistan in the first 10 overs, reducing them to 27 for three and effectively killing any hope of victory. Only Sohaib Maqsood, who scored 53 off 65 balls, provided any resistance but the last five wickets went for a paltry 23 runs to condemn Pakistan to a humiliating defeat. The two teams meet in two Twenty20 internationals in Dubai tomorrow and Friday before both squads head to South Africa for another limited-overs series starting next week.


AB de Villiers scored his 15th ODI hundred and led his team to a 117-run win over Pakistan in the fifth ODI to take the series

Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market &The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230)& CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: (1) 7 times (2) IntikhabAlam (PAK vs NZ, Christchurch, 1973) Today’s Quiz: (1) Who is the first WI to claim a hattrick in Tests? Where and when? (2) Carl Hooper took 193 ODI wickets. How many were against India? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 12, 2013


Mohamed, Dyal spur ECCCC to inaugural title

Experience and youth combined last Sunday to spur Enmore Community Centre Cricket Club (ECCCC) to victory over Fairfield Sports Club and with it the title of champions of the inaugural Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T) sponsored 35-over cricket competition at the Enmore Community Centre ground. A responsible knock from former national wicketkeeper/batsman Sheik Mohamed was followed by a destructive spell of spin bowling from Yuvraj Dyal as ECCCC coasted to a comprehensive 83-run win, much to the delight of a large and partisan home crowd. The match was reduced to 30 overs per side after early morning showers prevented a prompt start, and immediately upon winning the toss, Fairfield skipper, Richard Chatura, inserted ECCCC to take first strike with the hope of exploiting whatever moisture there was. However, his decision backfired as the home side rattled up an imposing 177-5, a total built on solid contributions from the top and middle order. The 49-year-old Mohamed, who played 19 First-Class and 14 List A games for Guyana between 1987 and 1999, anchored the innings with a superb 54 not out, an innings that included five sweetly timed boundaries. The left-hander, who batted at number three received solid support from skipper and opener, Bheemraj Ramkellawan, who made 31 (1x4, 1x6), and national First-Class player Amir Khan, who chipped in with 34 (2x4s). Chatura was the pick of the bowlers with 2-24 from six overs for Fairfield, whose batsmen struggled to put up a fight during the run-chase, being dismissed for a paltry 94 from 28.1 overs. It was a spineless batting display in the face of some quality bowling led by off-spinner Dyal, who ripped through the middle-order to finish with splendid figures of 4-19 from six testing overs. Sixteen-year-old left-arm seamer, Gavin Moriah, had started the collapse of Fairfield’s batting line-up, claiming two early wickets to end with 2-21 from six overs. Nandram Ganesh completed the rout by claiming 2-8 from 2.1 overs. Chatura topscored with 18, while Mohan Bissoon made 17 for Fairfield. At the presentation ceremony which followed the final, ECCCC collected the winner’s trophy and $30,000 cash, while Fairfield had to settle for a trophy and $20,000. Mohamed was adjudged Man-of-the-Match and best batsman of the final, while Dyal copped the best bowler prize. Former national all-rounder Dion Ferrier was voted the best batsman of the competition, after hitting 71 and 69 in his two innings for Duch Four, while Gobindram Hemraj copped the best bowler prize for his outstanding figures of 5-6 against Strathavon, including a hat-trick. The knockout competition, which was organised by the recently resuscitated ECCCC, attracted eight teams, namely the host club, Fairfield, and Mahaica, Duch Four, Cane Grove, Helena, Perseverance and Strathavon

Demerara trial rescheduled for tomorrow and Thursday TO SELECT a Demerara squad for the upcoming Guyana Cricket Board Senior Inter-County 4-Day competition, the Demerara Cricket Board (DCB) two-day trial-match which was scheduled to commence today, has been rescheduled for tomorrow and Thursday at the Everest Cricket Club ground. Yesterday’s inclement weather left the grounds in Georgetown water-logged, forcing the DCB to push back the match to tomorrow, with the action set to bowl off at 09:00hrs, with the DCB asking all players selected to be on time at the venue. Guyana and West Indies T20 all rounder, Christopher Barnwell, and his national teammate in West Indies A middle order batsman, Leon Johnson, are tasked with leading the two sides for this contest. Amongst the list of players in Johnson’s squad are West Indies Under-19 and national first class opener, Tagenarine Chanderpaul, and Amir Khan, Andre Stoll, Paul Wintz, Randolph Knights, Trevon Griffith, Raj Nannan and Totaram Bishun. Discarded West Indies middle-order batsman, Ramnaresh Sarwan, and Kemol Savory, Robin Bacchus, Jeetendra Sookdeo, Trevor Benn, Kellon Carmichael and Carl Rambharose, are some of the players under the instructions of Barnwell for this matchup. The two reams read: Johnson XI from: Leon Johnson (Captain), Tagenarine Chanderpaul, Shemroy Barrington, Balbinder Shivpersaud, Zaheer Mohamed, Vishal Singh, Amir Khan, Joseph Perry, Randy Knights, Shaquille Williams, Andre Stoll, Paul Wintz, Totaram Bishun, Raj Nannan and Trevon Griffith. Barnwell XI from: Christopher Barnwell (Captain), Rajendra Chandrika, Chandrapaul Hemraj, Yatesh Dhanpaul, Arvin Seepersaud, Kemol Savory, Ramnaresh Sarwan, Chris Pattadin, Carl Rambharose, Trevor Benn, Kellon Carmichael, Anthony Atwell, Robin Bacchus and Jeetendra Sookdeo.

GT&T representative, Donita Amsterdam (standing extreme right), strikes a pose with members of the ECCCC team shortly after they collected the trophies and cash prize.

GTU/MoE/Digicel sponsored 52nd Annual Schools athletic campionships

District Three hopeful of good showing By Michael DaSilva

While some Districts have savoured the moment of winning the overall title of the Guyana Teachers Union/Ministry of Education National Schools Track and Field, Cycling and Swimming championships there are a few who will make their presence felt at this annual event. One such District is West Demerara (District three). This year, like previous years, District three would not have a full compliment of athletes and as such, this year, they would not be competing in a number of age groups which leaves them at a disadvantage, but, they intend to make their presence felt. Having finished down the line for the overall title on

a number of occasions, District Three athletes hope for better success this time around. In a telephone interview with Chronicle Sport yesterday, the District’s Sports Representative, Gem Bowman, said while her team is small in numbers (63 students and 16 teachers), those that have been selected will hopefully give a good account of themselves. Bowman said most of the athletes represented the District last year and know that they would have to turn in better performances this year. Bowman said the athletes have been training very hard and should be 100 percent ready to take on the opposition. She is expecting much from Talisha Allicock who won the girls under-10 cricket ball throw two years ago.

However, Allicock has moved up in age and will not be participating in the cricket ball throw this year, instead, she will compete in the girls under-12 discus throw and the 1000-metre track race. Another athlete who much is expected from is Miguel Williams who broke the boys under-12 long jump record last year. Like Allicock, Williams will be contesting different events this year. He is down to contest the1000-metre and the high jump. Asked why he is not contesting the long jump, Bowman explained that Williams was beaten in the long jump at the Branch level this year, but he won both the 1000-metre track race as well as the high jump so he will do those two events. With regards to the swimming aspect of the champion-

ships, Bowman informed that the District does not have any swimmers for the boys or girls under10 age group, no boys for the under14 age group, no girls for the under16 age group, no girls for the under-18 category and no boys or girls for the under-20. Swimming will be held at the Castilani Pool, Homestretch Avenue next Tuesday, while the track and field and cycling championships will be staged at the Providence National Stadium. District 11 is the defending overall champions, having dethroned District 10 last year. District 10 and District 11 have won the overall title 13 times each and both Districts are optimistic of victory this year, but only one can win,. Who will it be? This question will be answered next week.

GFF/Banks Beer National Premier League

Primo hat-trick set up big win for Alpha United Army march past Santos By Michael DaSilva

A hat-trick from Manasseh Primo helped to set up a big 6-1 come-from-behind win for Alpha ‘The Hammer’ United over Grove Hi-Tech, while Guyana Defence Force beat Santos 3-1 when action in the Guyana football federation(GFF)/Banks Beer National Premier Leagued continued on Sunday evening at the Georgetown Football Club, ground. Primo registered his three goals in the 20th, 41st and 50th minutes and got valuable support from team mate, Gregory ‘Jackie Chan’ Richardson, who converted a double in the 57th and 78th minutes, while the other goal was an own goal in the 47th minute. John Matthews sent Grove Hi-Tech into the lead with a 15th minute goal after Alpha United’s Issa McPherson tried to play back the ball to his team’s custodian Richie Richards, but it was intercepted by Matthews who converted. Coming from one goal down, Alpha United in one of their many raids on Grove Hi-Tech’s goal, saw William Europe playing a long ball to Primo inside the opposition’s 18-yard box and Primo obliged tucking the ball past Grove Hi-Tech’s custodian to equalise. A cross from Dwight Peters to goal saw Grove Hi-Tech’s custodian getting a hand to the ball but Primo was lurking in the area and he latched on to the ball and tucked it in the corner of the goal to give his team a 2-1 lead. Richardson was brought down in Grove Hi-Tech’s 18-yard box which resulted in Primo being offered the penalty kick and he made no mistake converting his third goal. The points leaders further extended their lead as Richardson and Sheldon Holder combined a number of passes between them and drew the goal keeper off his line and Richardson lofted the ball over his head into the goal.

Holder was once more involved in a combination of passes, this time with Philbert Moffatt who then passed the ball to Peters on the wing, the latter made a first time chip towards goal and Richardson headed it into goal. In the feature game on Sunday night, Desford Williams, Delwin Fraser and Kennard Simon were on target for the Army side in the 10th, 26th and 88th minutes respectively, while Anthony Abrams pulled one back for Santos in the 28th minute. The win for Alpha United, their fifth from as many encounters, propels them to 15 points while Grove hi-Tech remains on five points from one win and two drawn games, both of the drawn games the East Bank Demerara side won on penalty shoot-outs. Meanwhile, GDF continues to occupy second position in the points standing with 14 points from four victories and a drawn game which they won in a penalty shoot-out. Santos on the other hand remains on five points from three drawn games, two of which they won by the penalty shoot-out. Meanwhile, up at the Betterverwagting ground, East Coast Demerara, a Clive Andries 32nd minute goal gave Buxton United a 1-0 win over the home side, BV/Triumph and adds three points to his team, taking them to 10 points. BV/Triumph remains on seven points. Also at the Betterverwagting ground, BK Western Tigers earned a much needed three-point by defeating Mahaica Determinators 2-0 through goals from Darren Benjamin (45th minute) and Gerame Richardson (81st minute). BK Western Tigers now move to 10 points from three victories and a draw. Mahaica Determinators remain on five points.


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Single V-Bull separates Goodluck and Fields A single V-bull separated defending champion Ransford Goodluck from his closest challenger, national vice captain, Dylan Fields, after the first day of competition at the Guyana National Rifle Association (GNRA) 2013-2014 National championships, which opened Sunday at the Timehri Rifle ranges. Goodluck shot two possibilities at 300 and 500 yards and was declared winner of the prestigious Valladares Trophy, which was up for grabs for the top shooter at 500 yards

Please see page 24

PM Hinds continues support with K&S tournament

-duo apologises to Santa Rosa and other schools

Shivnarine Chanderpaul made 36 and 31 not out in the first Test.

Promote Chanderpaul to number three or four, says Rahul Dravid MUMBAI, India, (CMC)Veteran middle- order batsman Shivnarine Chanderpaul must be promoted to number three or four in the order if West Indies are to fare better in their current tour of India, the former Indian cricket captain Rahul Dravid has said. Dravid offered the suggestion following West Indies humiliating defeat to India by an innings and 51 runs in the first test match which finished inside three days on Friday. A few West Indian batsmen got starts before West Indies collapsed in their second innings – Darren Bravo’s 37 was the top score, Kieran Powell made 36, Chris Gayle hit 33 and Shivnarine Chanderpaul was not out on 31 . ”Some of their top order

batsmen got starts looked good for brief periods of time but just didn’t seem to carry on and I believe that was the problem for them,” said Dravid. “They just didn’t have that one player or two players so to go on and give them a big score”. Apart from his first innings score of 31 not out, the Guyana batsmen scored 36 in the first innings, the second highest after Marlon Samuels top score of 65. “Shivnarine Chanderpaul looked the most comfortable of their batsmen against the reverse swing and all the spin as you would expect,” said Dravid. “But again he is batting a little bit to low in this kind of batting line up where their batting is almost ending at number five. You can’t have their best

batsman as your last recognized batsman so to speak”. The West Indies lost their last seven wickets for 48 in less than 20 overs during the first test match. The final match starts this Thursday at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai, the home city of the hosts’ batting megastar Sachin Tendulkar, who will be playing his 200th and final Test for his homeland. “I think if they have to succeed then Chanderpaul has to come up and bat at three or bat at four,” said Dravid. “Because the way this is panning out as soon as you lose another wicket when he is there at the crease, It looks like you can run through their side so they just don’t seem to have their batting order and their balance right”.

FOR THE past 21 years, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, a native of Linden, has been a strong supporter of the Kashif and Shangai Football Festival, to the extent that he has sponsored either the first or second placed trophy for the competition, which for the past 23 years was contested amongst the top clubs in Guyana. Hence it was no surprise yesterday, when Prime Minister Hinds showed his continued support for the dynamic duo by sponsoring the first-place trophy for this year’s tournament, which will be played among 24 of the country’s secondary schools, inclusive of the top eight from this year’s Digicel’s nationwide Inter-secondary School tournament. “I have for quite a number of years, admired the work being done as it relates to football by these two sons of the soil, and this year with them playing their tournament amongst the schools, it is a wonderful thing for the sport. With that in mind, not only have I agreed to sponsor the first place trophy that you see here, but also to donate 500 tickets to

the school children of Linden for the matches which will be played at the Mackenzie Sports Club ground on 27th December,” said Prime Minister Hinds. In accepting the gesture from Prime Minister Hinds, both Kashif Muhammad and Aubrey ‘Shangai’ Major expressed their heartfelt gratitude and sincerity on behalf of the K&S Organization, while thanking the Prime Minister for the confidence he has continued to show in their work. Meanwhile, the duo also took the time to extend apologies to Santa Rosa Secondary and other schools who were not given the privilege to compete in the inaugural tournament which kicks off on December 8 and culminates on January 1st at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence. In a press release that was electronically signed by Muhammad, the K&S Organization said, “As it is often the case with many startup projects, we anticipate that our current adventure into a football tournament for secondary schools, would not get off to a perfect start.

It was much the same with our previous tournament. It crept before it walked but over time, we refined our organisational procedures and eventually, that tournament became a memorable one and this time around, we expect organizational glitches at the start and there will be times when we have to take it on the chin.” The release, which was in response to a letter written by an individual from Berbice questioning the non-inclusion of the New Amsterdam Technical Institute not being invited to compete in the tournament, offered an explanation why that was not done. The K&S Organization also took the time to mention in the press release, the reason why Santa Rosa Secondary School was not invited to do battle for the top prize of G$1.2M, 75% of which will go towards a project identified by the school which tops the competition. It stated, “Santa Rosa Secondary School met all the

Please see page 24

Here you go guys and continue the good work! This must be the words going through the mind of Prime Minister Samuel Hinds (center) as he strikes a pose with Co-Directors of the Kashif and Shangai Organization in Aubrey ‘Shangai’ Major (left) and Kashif Muhammad.

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