Guyana chronicle 19 11 13

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The Chronicle is at


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Styrofoam to be banned in Guyana from next year



2014 Pension book 7 distribution kicks off


Arrested in sting operation…

Court clerk remanded on $3M theft charge

- Environment Ministry launches stakeholders consultation ahead of 2014 ban

With US$203M committed in funding for first three years…

Tiffany Peters Page

CBSI lauded for its work under way at fourth meeting - currently in Guyana


Mother of six Page remanded 16 on cocaine trafficking charge

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Shellon Khanai


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

With US$203M committed in funding for first three years…

CBSI lauded for its work at fourth meeting - currently under way in Guyana By Chriseana Ramrekha THE fourth meeting of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) commission was convened yesterday, at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC), Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown. The aim was to review the progress made under the programme and make recommendations for its effective and sustained implementation. The CBSI brings together all members of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and The Dominican Republic to, jointly, collaborate on regional security with the United States (U.S.) as a partner, committing US$203M in funding for the first three years. This two-day gathering is to facilitate the preparatory work of the annual high level dialogue, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the various initiatives identified for cooperation as well as to consider resource mobilisation strategies for sustained engagements on security matters. Delivering the feature address at the opening, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, performing the duties of President, said if the region is to continue developing and enhance the well-being of its citizens, then it must, as a matter of necessity, take all steps to reduce crime and improve security in the respective countries. According to him, the Government of Guyana is convinced that the crime and security challenges in the Region demand that a holistic strategy should be employed to address them, which requires a collaborative effort, inclusive of the efforts of the international partners. He emphasised that they are steadfast in the view that the Region has to work together to solve its crime and security problems.

Acting President, Samuel Hinds and United States Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt, pose for a photo with delegates of the Fourth meeting of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) commission INCREASING PROPENSITY Hinds highlighted regional issues, such as the increasing propensity of young people to be involved in crime and deviant behaviour, the proliferation of firearms trafficking and smuggling and the tendency of persons to engage in the use of violence to resolve their differences. He noted that those issues represent some of the factors that justify the conceptualisation of the CBSI and, if they fail to take action, they will not be able to sustain and grow their economies and prosperity will suffer. The prime minister declared that the Government’s commitment to the success of the CBSI is without question and this was demonstrated by their immediate acceptance of the offer to host the fourth meeting of the commission this year, although the previous one was also hosted in Guyana in October 2011. “Guyana supports the roll out of the current CBSI projects in that the focus is holistic. The projects allow us to continue to build the capacities of our law

enforcement agencies and, at the same time, a significant portion of the funding under the initiative is being used to deal with issues relating to youth at risk,” he explained. Hinds said it is the view in Guyana that they must seek to discourage youths from being involved in unproductive pursuits, by guiding them towards a path where they can contribute to the productivity of our societies. “Concommitantly, we must build the capacities of our police and related agencies to reduce crime and violence in our communities,” he added. He observed that, in our world today, we have reached a stage in technological development where criminal networking has been taken to a level of sophistication that warrants appropriate law enforcement responses. Therefore, he said, it is apt that one of the main objectives of the CBSI is capacity building of institutions to effectively combat all forms of crime and the Government also welcomes the emphasis of training through the programmes under the initiative.

He outlined the four pillars on which the programmes of the CBSI are built as law enforcement information sharing, law enforcement cooperation and capacity building, crime prevention by focusing on youths at risk and maritime and aerial domain. Hinds said the Government is of the view that the programmes under the CBSI have been properly conceptualised and the outcomes of the implemented projects will benefit all involved. He said they are also appreciative of the efforts being spearheaded by the U.S. government, with assistance from the Government of Canada and other partnering countries and international organisations to provide support, in a tangible way, to countries of the Caribbean Region in addressing crime and security in our countries. BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS He posited that the highlight of this collaboration is the concept of building partnerships “Our economies are, in

some instances, thin and fragile, thus we must be in a position to create the right security related cognitions to encourage investment in our region,” he said. In his view, it is necessary to engage in the monitoring, evaluation and reviews of the various programmes in order to ensure that the objectives set are being met and, if they are not, how they may be adjusted. Consequently, he said, in each of the countries they should consider the creation of in-country working groups to monitor and provide counsel for the projects that are being undertaken under the CBSI. He pointed out that the Home Affairs Ministry has established working groups that mirror the four previously mentioned pillars of the CBSI. TREMENDOUS WAY Mr Hinds attested that the initiative has aided Guyana in a tremendous way by ensuring that the country implements and monitors the respective CBSI projects in an effective way and ensure that the partnership stays together. He expressed hope that the

This composite photo shows the audience at yesterday’s opening ceremony of the CBSI meeting in Guyana

deliberations during the twoday conference will assist in strengthening their resolve to work together and make sure that the Region becomes safer and wished them a successful meeting. Meanwhile, also delivering remarks, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security in St. Kitts and Nevis, Ms. Astona Browne agreed that the commission has made significant strides in advancing the implementation of mechanisms and projects that are designed to fulfil the stated aims outlined in their plan of action. “At the first meeting of the high level dialogue in Washington, we pledged to substantially reduce illicit trafficking in our Region, to advance public safety and to further promote social justice,” she recalled. On behalf of the CARICOM member States and the representatives from The Dominican Republic, she expressed pleasure in meeting with their principal partner, the U.S., which is making sure the successful implementation

Please see page 11

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013


CBSI lauded for its work ...

of this cooperation agreement. Browne said they are focused on areas that are to inform the work of the commission, which continues to serve as the guiding principles, but there is yet much to be done. She stated that, even as they endeavour to draw on their limited resources and seek to confront the global security challenges, they are mindful that there are challenges, such

as firearms related crime, which have a strong nexus with drug trafficking and the perpetration of crime and violence by youth, especially in some communities. She added that, in the partnership, their crime prevention and detection initiatives must be informed by the priorities that are encapsulated in the strategic goals of the Region’s crime and security strategy, which continue to guide their

policy decisions. PHENOMENAL PROGRESS “None will question the phenomenal progress that could be made when we embrace what is being referred to as that new, more pragmatic and implementable approach to this security initiative,” she contended. She said CARICOM mem-

ber States have embraced that new paradigm and are focused on securing our waters, borders, community, people and nations as a whole. Browne emphasised that, with the committed involvement of all actors at the national, regional and international levels, they will continue to realise measured accomplishments, especially in building capacity in areas such as information

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds delivering the feature address at the opening ceremony yesterday

Acting President Samuel Hinds interacting with participants following yesterday’s opening of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) meeting at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC), Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown. In photo, at left, is U.S. Ambassador Brent Hardt

sharing and criminal investigation using forensics and related advanced technology. She said they will, therefore, continue to operate on the premise of mutual respect and shared responsibility in this new era of strategic engagement that has been institutionalised as part of a more pragmatic approach to an enhanced safety and security cooperation. “Notwithstanding our setbacks and our challenges, we will persist; we must persist with the strengthening of the regional framework, the management of the crime and security agenda in the community, working collaboratively with our colleagues from The Dominican Republic and the United States of America, as well as State and non-State actors for the common good,” she asserted. Browne informed that the meeting is geared towards consideration of the update on the outcome of the technical working groups and the projections for the sustained work of the agencies, as well as to finalise the agenda for their high level dialogue this year. She expressed her appreciation to the Government of Guyana for the warm hospitality which was extended to all the delegations and thanked the country for agreeing to host the forum. She also took the opportunity to record appreciation to the Government and people of the U.S. for the years of strengthened cooperation and partnership that they share on security matters. TRADITIONAL ALLIES Additionally, she recognised the commitment of other traditional allies, such as the Government of Canada, United Kingdom (UK), France and the European Union (EU). U.S. Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Brent Hardt, in his remarks, indicated that the CBSI has emerged as a genuine partnership among 14 nations, each bearing responsibility for ensuring progress toward their collective goals and objectives. “From the onset, CBSI has been conceived and developed as a shared security partnership among the countries of CARICOM, The Dominican Republic, and the United States - a partnership that seeks to meet the various threats arising from increasing crime and violence throughout the region,” he acknowledged. The diplomat said that these threats, with both internal and external origins, have been fuelled by drug and other illicit trafficking that affect the safety of both Caribbean and U.S. citizens. He said it is vital that the CBSI succeed in achieving its goals, so there is no sub-region seen as hospitable for drug and other illicit trafficking flows. Hardt also underscored the role that the CBSI plays in providing a vehicle through which nations throughout the world

with interests in the Caribbean can coordinate their regional activities with the partner nations to foster more efficient multilateral efforts. He emphasised that, in this regard, they welcome the active engagement of their Canadian, British, European Union, UK, Dutch and other partners who are making valuable contributions to the region’s security. The ambassador informed that, in the past year, throughout the region, the CBSI partners convened three technical working groups on law enforcement and anti-corruption, crime prevention, and maritime domain awareness. “These technical working groups have facilitated a constructive dialogue among CBSI partner nations that has allowed us to coordinate local, national, and regional security and crime prevention activities, policies and priorities,” he reported. According to him, they have proven invaluable as a vehicle to inform their programming and funding under CBSI and it is their goal and hope that they served to refine and improve the individual and regional security efforts of all partners, as well as those other international donors with interest in the region. AN OPPORTUNITY Hardt remarked that the fourth meeting of the CBSI commission provides the partnership with an opportunity to celebrate their collective accomplishments to date, review the hard work presented to the commission as part of a joint implementation report prepared by CARICOM IMPACS, the U.S. and The Dominican Republic, among other things. “We look forward, over the next two days, to a vigorous exchange of ideas that can integrate the efforts of the working groups to chart a clear path forward for implementation of the programmes and achievement of the goals we have jointly developed,” he stated. He also said he hopes that, at the end of the forum, all participants will be able to return home with a renewed commitment to the CBSI partnership and renewed belief that they can, together, enhance the safety and security of their citizens through cooperation, creativity, and perseverance. Hardt also took the opportunity to offer heartfelt thanks to the Government of Guyana for playing host and for their generous hospitality, which is one of the hallmarks of Guyana and its people. He extended gratitude, as well, to their CARICOM colleagues, especially at the Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (IMPACS), for their support in the coordinating. Among those present at the opening were Army Chiefof-Staff Brigadier Mark Phillips, Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell and Fire Chief Marlon Gentle.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

Shootout near prisons…

Police and bandits in chance encounter as car makes ‘wrong turn’ By Leroy Smith CLOSE to 30 persons, including toddlers and pensioners, were forced to take cover on George and Leopold Streets on Sunday evening as armed cops went in search of gunmen who had earlier escaped during a high speed chase. However one of the bandits was shot and was up to late last evening still under guard at the Georgetown Public Hospital. Investigators are working on the theory that the men were the same group who had been committing a series of robberies on the East Coast of Demerara but it was a mere chance encounter between them and the police on Sunday night. The Guyana Chronicle has learned that the men may have robbed three separate places on Saturday night and one on Sunday night. And they were apparently making their way to their safe haven when they encountered the police. But the prison unrest on Sunday night had drawn the police and army to the Werk-en Rust area as they monitored the situation at the prison. In the meantime, the bandits were ‘out the loop’ with what was occurring in that part of the city and the increased police and army presence in the particular ward. The men who were passing through spotted a police patrol and opened fire at the ranks who returned fire and the dramatic high speed chase went through several city streets. The men, it was reported, were of the opinion that the police

were looking for them after receiving word of the earlier robbery but in fact the police presence was concentrated on the Camp Street prison. In essence the bandits brought attention to themselves. The chase led the bandits down Benn Street with the police in hot pursuit. As the car, a dark coloured Toyota 212 approached George and Benn Streets the driver lost control while attempting to turn south into George Street and ended up slamming into a house on the corner. The impact brought down a concrete pole which was supporting a veranda. The three bandits, according to an occupant of the home, exited the car and while two made good their escape, one of them turned around and began firing in the direction of the police with what appeared to be a high-powered weapon. He said that at no time were the men in the house as the police thought, forcing the residents on the street. The man said that when the men exited the car, one used Leopold Street to escape while the other only used the compound in which the house is located to make his way into another yard. According to the young man at first he was in his section of the multi-apartment building when he heard gunshots and on looking out he saw a car coming in the direction of the house and he made a dash for cover. This newspaper was told that the police were a bit slow, affording the other two men the opportunity to escape. However while the police thought the two men were in the house, they were hiding in a

The post of the house which was brought down when the driver of the car lost control while escaping from the police (Photo by Leroy Smith) yard not far from the police. However they remained there until the police searched the home and declared that it was safe for the occupants to re-enter.

Three East Coast businesses robbed at weekend - armed robberies took place at Foulis, Strathspey and Better Hope

By Leroy Smith BUSINESSWOMAN Zamina Mangru was robbed at gunpoint in her shop last Saturday evening. The robbers were two of four men who descended on the community of Foulis, East Coast of Demerara, she told the Guyana Chronicle yesterday. The woman said she had been at the counter when the duo arrived and one approached and put a gun to her head while the other stood guard at the gate. The one close to her demanded that she hand over the drawer with the money and, when she complied, he put same on a pools table and ordered the customers who were there to empty their pockets and place the contents the same place from where he collected all. The men did not hurt anyone inside the shop but the owner said the other two accomplices were up the road attempting to rob a bread vendor. This publication was informed that the bandits, all unmasked, ventured into the community at approximately 20:06 hrs and their first stop was the businesswoman’s place. A relative of the bread vendor said he was about to enter his yard when he noticed a strange car in the vicinity and decided to take a second look at it. As he continued to walk into his premises, one of the two bandits who were approaching

from a different direction, ran behind the man with a gun. However, that gunman was unable to commit any robbery because a community policing group was passing at the time and discharged a round scaring him off. By that time, the car which had picked up the other two who robbed the businesswoman sped through the street and collected the others. She was able to point out the car to another community policing group who were on patrol but failed to chase after the perpetrators. It was that same patrol who, moments after the robbery, was alerted to it as the men exited the street but they, instead, reportedly shouted to the victim that she should go and make a report to the Police station. Zamina said she had been robbed of approximately $80,000 in the shop and, after she reported it, police arrived and conducted investigations. She said she would be able to identify the man who held her a gunpoint but not his companion. The bread vendor was not available to speak with this reporter but witnesses described the getaway car as a dark coloured Toyota 212. ANOTHER ROBBERY That same Saturday night, there was another robbery at Stratsphey, a few villages away from Foulis, which saw a business couple losing some

$300,000 to bandits who they said they could recognise. Both of the robbery victims described a fat man of African descent as being part of the group of unmasked bandits who attacked them. Meanwhile, on Sunday there was one more robbery on East Coast of Demerara. This time at a small Better Hope shop where another businesswoman was robbed and her customers gun butted. The car which was used by the bandits, to escape from that robbery, fitted the description of the one utilised at Foulis.

‘ROBBED’: Home of the business couple at Strathspey which bandits invaded last Saturday night

‘ROBBED’: The shop operated by businesswoman Zamina Mangru at Foulis where bandits ordered customers to put everything from their pockets on the pools table

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013


Guyana seeks closer South America collaboration on Mining

THE Government of Guyana, through the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment’s Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) is committed to exploring ways to improve current mining practices with more efficient and environmentally safe technology. Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Mr Robert Persaud, made this commitment last week prior to the screening of a film entitled ‘Amazon Gold’ which highlighted the impact of mercury in gold mining. The event was organised by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Mr. Patrick Williams, Country Manager of WWF, Ms. Sarah DuPont of Amazon Gold and Dr. Luis Fernandez, Specialist on the impact of Mercury in Gold Mining also participated. In this regard, Minister Persaud made calls for greater collaboration between South American and Amazon countries to share experiences and technologies towards suitable and environmentally safe mining practices. He pointed out that the government has an aggressive stakeholder approach programme in keeping with the new international convention to control mercury emissions which was signed in Japan - the Minamata Convention on Mercury. The agreement is an international response to the reality that mercury pollution is a global problem that no country can address unilaterally.

Minister Persaud alluded to the fact that the Government of Guyana recognises the environmental and human health risks of mercury use and pollution and supports the implementation of a global legally binding instrument on mercury that will prohibit its production, export and use through a planned approach. Guyana’s Mining Sector is developing rapidly in Guyana and is poised to develop even further with hydrocarbon exploration, resumption of manganese mining, increased production of bauxite and gold and the opening of new exploration for new minerals and elements such as uranium and elements of rare earth. Additionally, the Government of Guyana through the Ministries of Education and Natural Resources and the Environment has reviewed the evidence on the factors for growth, and as such, recognises strongly the role of improved education in technical training in the mining sector. This will be done through the Guyana Mining School and Training Centre Inc. (GMSTCI) through a grant agreement between the World Wildlife Fund, Inc. (WWF) and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) to develop a curriculum of the mining school. As such, the ministry is encouraging many miners to use Mercury Free Technology through the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA). Already a series of demonstrations were conducted using mercury free technology which has shown that a higher

From left, Dr. Luis Fernandez, Mr. Patrick Williams, Minister Robert Persaud, Ms. Sarah DuPont, Ms Khadija Musa and Mr Norman McLean efficiency rate can be achieved. One of the more recognised gold miners, Correia Mining has converted their entire operation to mercury free in hope that the mining industry will begin to realise the added benefits. Minister Persaud also expressed his appreciation to collaborate with WWF to organise a showing of ‘Amazon Gold’ for Guyana. Although Amazon Gold focuses primarily on the gold mining industry in Peru, similar comparisons could be drawn with Guyana’s mining industry. Similar to that of the Guyanese mining industry, small scale and artisanal mining is quite prevalent in Peru. Over the years the Peruvian govern-

In Berbice…

Police Commander promises tougher action against noise nuisance By Michael Khan NOISE nuisance is becoming a chronic issue and the Guyana Police Force (GPF) needs to take tougher action against offenders, Rural Constabulary Sergeant Tomar Dhwaj told the ‘B’ Division, Berbice Commander, Assistant Commissioner Brian Joseph. Speaking at the launch of the Christmas Policing Programme in the boardroom of the Region 6 (East Berbice/Corentyne) Regional Democratic Council (RDC), Dhwaj, who has been part of the Rural Constabulary for 37 years, complained that the advent of amplifiers and ‘boom boxes’ in vehicles has changed the culture of driving. He now sees the loud music as nothing more than a hype which annoys law abiding citizens. “After hours (at nights) when the Traffic Police get back into the station, we hear men on motorcycles racing and revving their engines. Also along the Palmyra (Corentyne) Road where I live, cars pass at all hours with loud music and disturb our peace. “I am appealing to the administration of ‘B’ Division to address this issue,” he pleaded. Tomar Dhwaj, In response, the Divisional Commander gave the assurance that Rural Sergeant the police are working to address the issue, since there have been similar complaints previously. “I know, for a fact, that noise nuisance is a concern and I am working to address the issue in ‘B’ Division. We have a zero tolerance approach towards this matter and we have confiscated music boxes and placed a number of persons before the court,” he stated. About concerns raised to the prevalence of loud music emanating from parked vehicles outside popular ‘hang out’ spots, along Main Street, New Amsterdam, Joseph promised to look into those, as well.

ment has struggled to curb the high deforestation and degradation rates that were attributed to mining. Amazon Gold gives us the opportunity to learn from other South American countries about devastating impacts of mining on the environment.

Guyana can learn and adopt some of the more practical initiatives that are successfully implemented. Although Guyana’s mining industry is governed by the Mining Act & Regulations which is constantly being amended, newly

drafted occupational health and safety regulations, dredge tracking regulations, etc., there is much more that can be done to ensure Guyana’s mining industry remains a sustainable and viable one in the future.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

Canadian researcher finds Guyana made significant MDG3 strides By Tash Van Doimen

GUYANA has made significant strides towards the Millennium Development Goal 3 (MDG3), Canadian graduate student Michelle Bobala reported last Friday. Making a presentation on her findings to the Red Thread Organisation, she said gains were on the MDG3 indicators even prior to the 2000 implementation of the framework. Bobala, who recently graduated from York University in Toronto, Canada completed her Masters Degree in International Development Studies and the topic she chose for her final research paper was ‘The relevance of MDG3 in Georgetown, Guyana’.

She said, after three months of intense researching, inclusive of document analysis and semi-formal interviews with grassroots women, personnel from government bodies, international and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), it was revealed that Guyana had already, significantly, progressed on the MDG3 indicators. MDG3 seeks to promote gender equality and empower women and that objective is measured through three main ways, the proportion of women and girls in primary education, the ratio of women formally employed in the non-agricultural sector and the number of them represented in the national parliaments. Bobala said: “While there

is a variety of gender focused programmes, there is nothing tailored on MDG3. There is no work being done related to MDG3 even for women advocacy organisations, since they are often focused on their mandates.”

tertiary levels. Similar results are shown for the other two indices, as the 2011 MDG Report ‘Women in Non-Agricultural employment’

ALREADY PROGRESSED Nevertheless, as indicated by the data collected, Guyana had already progressed on MDG3 prior to it being implemented. She said the search revealed that, during the mid1990s, girls and women had been equally represented at primary and secondary levels and, by 2006, they outnumbered males at secondary and

Michelle Bobala illustrated that there was an increase in the share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sectors from 29 percent to 33 percent from the year 1991 to 2006. And further, a 31.3 percent women representation in Guyana’s National Assembly. With the aim to determine the relevance of the MDG3 framework and, additionally, whether both Guyanese and international institutions were meeting the mark and focusing

on the real issues of Guyanese women, Bobala concluded that the system is useless in Guyana. According to her: “The framework is irrelevant for Guyanese both at an institutional level and for grassroots women. These goals, which were established, particularly to assist the poverty stricken, are actually not helping grassroots women. “… they need to be more focused on issues actually affecting women.” She said these issues, as indicated from the data collected, are the exacerbated burden of poverty on women; inadequacies in education and training; the elimination of violence against women and inadequate mechanisms for the advancement of women. As to her reasons for conducting her research in Guyana, Bobala explained that there were several. CONTACT INFORMATION Firstly, after asking her professor if she knew of any women advocacy organisiation that ‘works beyond service provision advocating, substantially, to empower women’, the latter spoke of Red Thread and

provided her with the contact information of its coordinator, Karen De Souza. Secondly, Bobala wanted to ascertain the relevance of the framework in a socio-political context, from a person in an Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) country perspective. She came here, originally, in March 2011, spent six months volunteering in the Red Thread from March to August that year, to identify the area she wanted to research. After deciding on the subject area, Bobala returned in May 2012 and spent through August gathering the data required to complete her research paper. Upon concluding her assignment, she declared that, since Guyana had already achieved the indicators for MDG3 before the framework was implemented, the goals may be too low or stagnating any room for progress. Bobala suggested that Guyana should have been working towards the goals identified by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) instead.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

Taurus Women’s Club gets tools, seeds for backyard agriculture By Tash Van Doimen CHAIRMAN of the Green Path Foundation, Charles Griffith, yesterday presented the secretary of Taurus Women’s Club, Odessa Moffat, with agricultural tools and seeds in the Guyana Chronicle compound. This is for an agriculture programme called ‘Backyard Agricultural Project’. Griffith told the Chronicle that Green Path Foundation is a non-governmental organisation that operates in Melanie, East Coast of Demerara, and around Georgetown. “We supported this project to encourage the residents of Melanie to get involved in agriculture, whether on a small or large scale, to either feed themselves or to provide an economic livelihood,” Griffith said.

In this Adrian Narine photo, Green Path Foundation Chairman Charles Griffith presents secretary of the Taurus Women’s Club, Odessa Moffat with agricultural equipment and seeds


LAST Sunday our reporter accidentally pulled up an incorrect photo that was used in a Village Focus article carried in our Pepper Pot supplement. The reporter has indicated that the photo used was not the one intended. We apologise for this mistake and now showcase the correct photo that should have been used with that article.

The photo that should have been used with the Village Focus article


The Taurus Women’s Club, also located in Melanie, since its formation has been involved in a number of activities such as providing training in several areas including information technology, home economics, handicraft, photography, and video and digital operations. The club has been commended for its work in assisting senior citizens, hosting workshops and providing a literacy programme for youths, school dropouts and women, as well as providing a learning and earning centre, and environmental protection and waste management programmes, commonly referred to as the ‘Best Kept Yard’ competition. The Taurus Women’s Club, which seeks to empower women and educate children, has only been in existence for a short period. It was formed in August 2013 by Member of Parliament Indra Chandarpal and launched on October 12, 2013.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Water, Emile Mc Garrell, and CEO, CH&PA Myrna Pitt, take a houselot applicant through the allocation process

Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali listens to a query from a houselot applicant during the One Stop Shop exercise

A TOTAL of 1,029 houselots were distributed last Friday at the Central Housing and Planning Authority’s (CH&PA’s) penultimate One Stop Shop exercise for 2013 at the Guyana National Stadium for Plantation Covent Garden, East Bank Demerara. Speaking to the media at the event, Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali, noted the investment made by the CH&PA on the Covent Garden project is just one of several such developments on the East Bank Demerara for 2013. The CH&PA has invested a huge sum on developing the area that will benefit 4,219 persons. Works include construction of 15.8 kilometres of crushed-stonesurfaced roads, the installation of an 18 km pure water distribution network and the construction of 64 drainage structures. The project is 50 percent completed, with the outstanding work being the installation

eeming on the Essequibo Coast. In 2012, nine One Stop Shop outreaches were conducted with 5,869 house- lots allocated and 4,996 land titles processed, while 75 core houses were constructed and

Over 1,000 houselots distributed -at penultimate One Stop Shop exercise for Covent Garden for 2013 – to benefit over 4,000 of electricity at the cost of $61.7M. Minister Ali said that the CH&PA is expected to commence the electrical installation in 2014. Allottee Omar Carvio said, “I feel proud today, my dreams have come to pass and I feel happy about it. I give thanks to the government and the minister and everyone else. I have been waiting more than four years and this will definitely benefit my wife and two sons and our family. This is a gift for the holiday, I got my gift early.” For Lucrecia Bassant, “I got what I did not expect; I received a low- income lot. The ministry staff worked with me to make sure that I was given a lot that I could afford. I have four children and I need somewhere for them. I am happy”. This was the eighth One Stop Shop exercise for 2013. The seventh was also conducted at the National Stadium on October 30, at which 1,695, mostly moderate and middle-income lots, were allocated

Houselot applicants at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence last Friday to persons for the Farm Phase 2 area on the East Bank of Demerara. Exercises were also conducted at Lust-en-Rust and Uitvlugt Region 3, Kilcoy/ Chesney Region 6 and Ondern-

Mother of six remanded on cocaine trafficking charge By Geeta Rampersaud SHELLON Khanai, 32, of Lot 5 Industry Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara, was remanded to prison yesterday on a drug trafficking charge. She pleaded not guilty to the offence, particulars of which said that on Saturday, November 16, at Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), Timehri, she had in her possession 2.938 kilogrammes of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) Prosecutor Oswald Massiah told the Court, on that day, the defendant was an outgoing passenger on BW 504 flight to the United States (U.S.) when she had a suitcase which was checked by an on duty CANU officer. The suitcase was put on a scanner and a strange object was observed and, when it was taken off for inspection, Khanai accepted ownership and the officer identified himself to her and requested a further search. The Prosecutor said Khanai admitted to owning a small business at her home address and was taken to the CANU headquarters,

where the illegal substance was extracted and weighed. The Prosecutor said, before the defendant was taken from Timehri, she begged the same officer for a chance, stating that she has six children of whom to take care. But, when ranks went to her home, later, they found no evidence supporting business. During the investigation she informed the rank that she was granted a 10 years visa four months ago and, after she told someone (no name stated) that she had acquired it, the person requested her to take the suitcase to U.S. and she decided to do so after keeping it for two months. According to Khanai, her husband died leaving her with six children a few years ago. Magistrate Faith Mc Gusty told the defendant that she cannot grant bail unless a special reason is given and the unrepresented defendant said she is a single parent and the only breadwinner for her children between the ages of 13 and five years. The magistrate said it is unfortunate that no special reason was advanced and the woman was refused bail until November 27.

distributed. This year, the sum of $3.1B was allocated to the housing sector for citizens to have improved access to housing and to improve the quality of life in both housing

schemes and in regularised settlements. A total of 5,900 houselots were targeted to be distributed and over 4,000 land titles processed and distributed. (GINA)

Arrested in sting operation…

Court clerk remanded on $3M theft charge By Geeta Rampersaud

TIFFANY Peters of Lot 33 Garden of Eden, East Bank Demerara, was remanded to prison yesterday on a charge of larceny by clerk. Before Magistrate Faith McGusty, the 23-year-old defendant was charged indictably with having, between February and September 2012, being employed as a clerk at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court, stole the sum of $3,045,000, property of the State of Guyana. Police Corporal Seon Blackman, prosecuting, said the accused was a clerk (cashier) at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court in the Maintenance Section. He added that her job entailed writing up maintenance/affiliations cards and cash composition book and collecting from persons paying money during the period February 7 to September 11, 2012. The Prosecutor said Peters stole the $3,045,000 and he successfully objected to bail for the accused, stating that she may pose a flight risk, since she had been on the run for over a year and was apprehended by the Police in a sting operation. The case will be called, again, on November 26.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013


Hydrocarbon traces being mapped to measure potential commercial viability


HE development of the oil and petroleum sec tor is continuing with a mapping exercise currently under way in the MahaicaMahaicony area. The area is being surveyed to ascertain the potential of commercially viable quantities of oil and gas by local contracting company, S. NABI and Sons which has a lease for 2,300 square kilometres. Conducting the testing and mapping, using specialised equipment is Hydrocarbon Imaging Services Inc., President of the Texas-based firm, Robert Clark, explained that his firm has successfully conducted operations in Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and several African countries. “We have a good idea of comparisons, and as I come to Guyana, there is a lot of anecdotal information. There’s very sketchy information on historical wells, but even with that we could still get an idea of the boundaries and the identifying

signatures of hydrocarbons, oil and gas,” Clark said. The head of the company declared that tests indicate that there are hydrocarbons present but “it all comes down to commercial quantities”. He explained that testing is done by looking at the natural gamma ray signatures using Geiger counters, since hydrocarbon deposits are inherently radioactive and testing for gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, and several others in the soil. Grids are then mapped out to ascertain certain trends, according to Clark. “This is more of a channel sand normally, and what we try to do is find the sweet spot and then bring in the other sciences, whether it’s seismic or otherwise, to see its structure….We have to integrate historical geology, historical well control, we do not operate in a vacuum. We have a science that is mathematically based, that is nuclear based, that is predictable and repeatable. “The signs thus far are

very encouraging and there is also the presence of gas (methane) as well, he added. The area being surveyed is known for oil seeps and soil outcrop also known as reefs, clear indicators of hydrocarbons being present in the subsurface of the soil. For Engineer and Managing Director of the NABI Oil and Gas Inc, Antony Syms, the aim is to ascertain whether they can drill to reach any deposits cost effectively and whether it is commercially viable to do so. “The cost of production must be less than the selling price, or we don’t have a business,” Syms said. Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud, who was on hand to witness the testing being conducted, said that there are three companies which are currently conducting similar exercises in other areas; one is currently offshore and the other is in the south of Guyana. “These are very early days and while

it’s good to temper expectations, there are many, many more stages that the company or other exploration companies will have to undertake before getting to that point; but certainly if there is that potential, it is important that, as a nation, we examine and explore that potential, because it’s good for our country’s development and certainly it shows that we are committed, at the end of the day, to developing our hydrocarbon sector”. He noted that while there are challenges on and offshore, in terms of hydrocarbon exploration, government remains

committed to giving much support. “I’ve mandated the GGMC, the Petroleum Division, that whatever support we need to give different companies in this field, that we give them. We don’t expect that the companies will hold and watch on and wait for something to happen, they have to make it happen,” Minister Persaud stated. NABI Oil and Gas Inc. secured their prospecting licence in June of 2012, and Minister Persaud said government was happy to see some progress in terms of their work. The company has already

invested over $70M on the project and anticipates that it may be able to drill for further testing and extraction sometime in 2014. According to company representatives, the NABI Company is the first locally owned firm to engage in this type of activity. Government remains optimistic that petroleum and gas will be found in commercial quantities and though this will take some time, it will further move the nation along the development path.

From left are Protected Areas Commission’s Deputy Commissioner Ms Denise Fraser and Commissioner Damian Fernandes; Deputy Director, Mexico City Chapultepec Zoo Dr. Enrique Mendoza-Salazar; and Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud

CEO of Hydrocarbon Imaging Surveys Inc. Robert Clark explains to Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud, and the media how the testing equipment is used

Natural Resources and Environment Ministry partnering with Mexico to improve zoo

Managing Director of NABI Oil and Gas Inc., Antony Syms; CEO of Hydrocarbon Imaging Surveys Inc. Robert Clark; Directors of S. NABI and Sons, Ron Nabi and Raphael Nabi; and Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud

THE Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, with support from the Mexican Government, hosted a visiting zoo expert from Mexico from November 11 to 15, 2013. Facilitated by the Mexican Embassy in Guyana, and coordinated by the ministry’s Protected Areas Commission (PAC), the visit is the first step in a planned, long-term technical cooperation between the two countries. The expert, Dr. Enrique Mendoza-Salazar, is the Deputy Director of the Mexico City Chapultepec Zoo, the largest zoo in Mexico. During his visit, Dr. Mendoza provided advice and training in the areas of animal nutrition, health and treatment regimes, education and awareness, enclosure design and cage enhancement. Through this partnership, it is expected that personnel at the zoo in Georgetown will be equipped with new skills and techniques to better manage the facility and care for its animals. By strengthening local capacity, this technical support will bolster the recently developed zoo master plan, which for the first time outlines a long-term vision for the modernisation of the Guyana Zoo. The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment’s PAC is continuously working with corporate and private sponsors to support the overhaul of a number of enclosures. The effort to improve the zoo is part of the larger Three Parks Initiative launched by Minister Persaud, which also aims to rehabilitate the National Park and Botanical Gardens. All parties interested in supporting this initiative are invited to contact the Protected Areas Commission Offices at the National Park, Thomas Lands.


In Region 2…

Committee begins planning for Mash 2014 By Rajendra Prabhulall THE Region 2 (Pomeroon/Supenaam) Administration has started preparations for Mashramani celebrations next year. A release from the Administrative Office at Anna Regina, Essequibo Coast, said a planning committee has already met and had discussions on activities that will be staged in a colourful atmosphere in the commercial centre of the township. Chairman of the Planning Committee, Mr. Omesh Oditt said Mash 2014 will be opened with an inter-faith service where prayers will be said by representatives of the three main religions of the country. Oditt, who is also a member of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC), said the Mash programme include the Children’s Costume, Masquerade and Calypso competitions, a cultural show, decorated buildings and essay competitions, a float parade and colourful road show with tramping. He said the focus is to involve all Essequibians and the business community. Oditt said he wants Mash to be celebrated in an atmosphere of joy, love, togetherness, peace and brotherhood and all the nine Amerindian communities will be fully involved.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

Unrest at Georgetown Prisons…

Police maintain presence as things return to normal UP to early yesterday morning the Guyana Fire Service and ranks from the Guyana Police and prison officers were still on high alert as inmates of the Camp Street prison remained uneasy following the presence of a prison officer they are calling “controversial”. On Sunday afternoon the inmates of the section where hard core prisoners are kept were busy disturbing the peace and they set fire to a mattress in protest at the return of a prison officer who, they said, is responsible for the death of an inmate. Contrary to updates on several social sites, there has been no prison break at the facility. By late yesterday it seemed that the situation was back to normal.

Alleged hit and run driver surrenders DELNEY Gonsalves, 40, of Dartmouth Village surrendered to police at Anna Regina, Essequibo Coast early Monday morning. That was after he had, allegedly, been involved in an accident at Riverstown Public Road, also on the Essequibo Coast, on the night of November 6, which left 71-year-old pensioner Naraine Singh dead. It is reported that Gonsalves was the driver who hit the pensioner, fled the scene and successfully evaded the police for some two weeks. Ranks visited his home on November 7 but only found the car and impounded it. The driver is expected to be charged and will make his first Court appearance before Magistrate Sunil Scarce, shortly. (Rajendra Prabhulall)

A fire fighter and a TSU rank can be seen at the eastern end of the prison yesterday morning (Photos by Leroy Smith)

These two fire tenders remained outside the Camp Street prison for the most of yesterday

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

Thirteen petitioners granted $4.1M bail pending hearing of their cases ACTING Chief Justice Mr. Ian Chang, S. C., on Friday granted 13 bail petitioners bail in the sum of $4,150,000 pending the hearing of their cases for several offences. Following is a list of the offences, offenders and the amount of bail granted to each person: Attempted murder: Maurland Valentine - $220,000; robbery under arms: Fazal Mohamed - $650,000, Trion Sumner - $250,000; possession of ammunition without licence : Sumner $50,000; possession of firearm without licence :Kirk Adams - $150,000; simple larceny: Kenneth Garraway- $1, 500,000; possession of narcotics: Christopher Greene - $350,000, Latoya Shaffee - $300,000; unlawful wounding : Granville Gill - $75,000; robbery with aggravation: Renard Caesar - $75, 000, Andrew Fraser- $75,000; causing death by dangerous driving: Otis Jameson - $400,000; and obtaining money by false pretence: Mary Baptiste - $100,000.

Fifteen-yrold critical following roller-skate accident

For Tuesday November 19, 2013 - 05:00hrs For Wednesday November 20, 2013 - 05:00hrs For Thursday November 21, 2013 - 05:00hrs


SHANE Washington, 15, was last evening rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital in critical condition, suffering from head injuries. This publication was informed that the teenager was on his roller-skates blades and was heading to meet some friends when he and a pedal cyclist were hit down by a minibus. Washington was rushed to the hospital in the back of a police patrol vehicle, accompanied by a friend. It was reported that the teen would usually use his roller-skates around the city, with his friends, and without the protection of a helmet. Last night doctors informed the boy’s relatives that a CT scan had to be done to determine the extent of the head injuries the teen sustained. (Leroy Smith )

Aries March 21 - April 19

Communication isn’t a problem -- you’re able to make your points eloquently and succinctly. That’s why saying what’s on your mind is a lot easier than usual these days. It helps to plan out what you’re going to say well in advance, but you manage to be quite convincing when you have to speak in front of a group of people on the spur of the moment. If you’re usually a shy person, this is the ultimate time to stand up and say what’s been in your heart for a long, long time.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

You’re having a very difficult time making up your mind about what you want to do next. You may find yourself taking long, aimless walks, or spending long periods of time standing still while contemplating your next move. The best thing you can do is get off to one side and let everyone else who’s in a rush go by you. Luckily, you should be much more decisive tomorrow -- maybe you should save your most important tasks for then. After all, you don’t want to waste your own time or anyone else’s.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

Don’t pay so much attention to numbers and time constraints. You have so much energy today, petty little things like finishing what you start shouldn’t even be a concern! Besides, plenty of people are around who would love to lend you a helping hand. Call on your friends and family to pick up the slack. You can’t help but wonder why you have the ability to start about a million projects but are having a hard time finishing even one.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

You may have thought you spoke quite clearly and eloquently, but your words got twisted somehow and more than likely ended up causing a simple misunderstanding. Don’t ignore it for too long, or it could really turn into a problem. You may feel that apologies aren’t necessary for something you didn’t mean to do, but you really should clear things up with the offended party. Swallow your pride and say those two magic words if need be -- ‘I’m sorry’ goes a long way at times like this.

Leo July 23 - August 22

Enjoy being a member of the audience rather than a featured player just this once. Your friends have the best stories! You’re mesmerized by the descriptive adjectives and surprising descriptions they use as well as the sheer magnitude of the adventures they’ve had. You may have plenty of exciting tales to tell as well, but you’ll be lucky to get a word in edgewise while in the company of this crowd. Besides -- you’re so often the life of the party, it really is nice to let someone else soak up the spotlight for a change, isn’t it?

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Right now you’re definitely capable of making some of your very own discoveries -common sense is something you truly excel at today. While everyone else has gotten into a habit of grasping for straws and adopting strange theories, you’re able to boil down the problem and get to the heart of the matter in mere minutes. With this much brainpower working to your advantage, you should be able to do some really great things.

Libra September 23 - October 22

Everything is better if you have someone to share it all with. Call up your best friend, your partner, spouse, neighbour or relative and ask them to come out and explore the world with you. It doesn’t even really matter who you’re with -- even seeing life through a stranger’s eyes puts a whole new twist on things. One thing to keep in mind, however -- opinions cannot be right or wrong. If you insist on arguing with your companion, you’ll get less out of the experience.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Even if you think you have everything under control, it always pays to go over it one more time. That goes double if you’re dealing with anything legal or financial -- it’s absolutely imperative that you get a professional opinion or have some way of making sure that everything is on the up-and-up. You may encounter some very unusual minor details, and if you don’t ask questions before signing the paperwork, you could lose a lot of money, waste a lot of time -- or both. It’s so much better to be safe than sorry.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

Your attitude can work wonders right now -- especially if it’s positive. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Right now, there’s absolutely nothing standing in your way. If you can convince yourself that you’re about to experience -- and deserve to experience -- great things, you will actually have the power to make them happen. Believe it, and it can happen. Need it, and it can be yours.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

Something in the air is drawing all the flighty people to your corner of the world. Just because someone says they’re going to do something, don’t take them on their word. Of course, ‘tis the season and all that -- forgive them and move on. It helps to remember that there’s no reason to take any of this personally. The best thing you can do is go about your own business and keep your own word, but take everyone else’s promise with a pinch of salt right now.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

You are one charismatic person, and it just goes to follow you’re going to attract some very interesting people to you today. A chance connection with a stranger or casual acquaintance starts a spark that might be difficult to put out. Then again, if you’re free of a significant other at the moment, maybe there’s no reason to try to put a damper on things! Flirting is easy when you know for sure the other person is interested; however, it’s up to you to interpret correctly if the other person wants to take things to the next level or not.

Pisces February 19 - March 20

If you have to do anything that requires a great deal of concentration, you might want to put your daydreams on hold. The line between what’s real and what’s not is blurred once again, but that’s really not anything new to you, is it? If you have a lot of free time on your hands, however, feel free to dream to your heart’s content. Something constructive might come out of your wishful thinking, but even if it doesn’t, it’s still time well spent.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

Drunk driver injures three Stella Maris students …brother described him as ‘a mad man’

SHEMAR Lesperance, Kesi Carter, and Ebitoyo Pilgrim, all 11-year-old boys of the Stella Maris Primary School, and who all reside on the upper East Coast of Demerara, were rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital last evening after a drunk driver got into his vehicle and lost control, hitting the three Grade Six students in the process. The errant driver was identified as Eric Lewis, a general contractor. The Guyana Chronicle was informed that the man had been at Seeta’s Bar in Station Street, Kitty, just before the accident. Eyewitnesses claim that the man left the bar, got into his vehicle, and the car careened from one side of the road to the other, hitting several vehicles, knocking the three boys down and ending up in a drain with one of the boys under the car. The children were walking on the other side of the road with their teacher. The driver of the car was taken into custody at the Kitty Police Station. At the Georgetown Public Hospital, the teacher was very upset, as she observed that the three boys were all very promising students. Last evening, the brother of the driver showed up at the hospital to comfort the relatives of the three boys. The man told the Chronicle that he was surprised at his brother’s action and described him as “a mad man” He said the situation is very hurtful and he hoped that the police would use the full force of the law in dealing with his brother.

The car in the drain on Station Street, Kitty (Photo by Adrian Narine)

Crown Cabs driver, dispatcher killed in Mandela Avenue crash By Leroy Smith

EVEN as the owner of Crown Cabs Taxi Service and some of his employees are denying that Sunday night’s accident victim 19-year-old Tiana Holder was not one of their employees, her mother Sharon Holder says that her daughter has been working with the company for three weeks now. The teen along with Per-

cival Chester, a taxi driver at Crown Cabs Taxi Service, perished on Sunday in an accident on Mandela Avenue. According to reports, Chester lost control of the car he was driving with Holder as a passenger and crashed. The mother of the dead woman said yesterday morning that her daughter, who resided at lot 18 Bent Street, left for church on Sunday along with

- were returning from Middle St. shooting victim’s wake - owner, dispatchers say Holder was not an employee

her brother and grandmother. The woman said that when her daughter was leaving for church she informed her that her boss, the taxi service owner, had informed all staff that they must be present at the wake for Vanessa Williams,

Dead: Percival Chester the Crown Cabs Taxi Service dispatcher who was killed by berserk businessman, Deryck Kanhai in a shooting rampage one week ago. The woman said that she cautioned her daughter about going to the wake, saying it was not compulsory for her to be present at any wake. She said that her daughter then informed her that she also has to collect her salary for the week ending November 16th. However as the young lady left for church she did not walk with her other footwear which she would usually wear to work and this made her mother feel that she would return home before going to the wake. However after church was over, only her bother and grandmother showed up at home. Mrs. Holder said that she enquired about Tiana and was told by her little brother that she went straight to work after church. On Sunday evening Mrs. Holder received a call informing her that her daughter was involved in an accident on Mandela Avenue. She said that she rushed down to the hospital and did not see her daughter. She then visited the accident scene

Dead: Tiana Holder, with her brother and grandmother where she saw the body of her daughter. The woman recalled that her daughter was bleeding through her nose, mouth, ears and the back of her head was bashed in while her neck seemed to have been broken. She said that her first reaction was to hold her daughter and call on her to wake up but she got no response. She said that she then fixed her lifeless daughter’s clothing. Meanwhile, in trying to understand why some persons at the taxi service were denying that the young lady worked there this publication asked her mother to tell us what she knew. Mrs. Holder said that her

daughter applied at the taxi service for a job as a secretary and was informed that she needed to have a pass in mathematics but the young lady did not get good grades in that subject at CXC. However the taxi service owner, according to Tiana’s mother, told the 19-year-old that if they did not find someone suitable for the job she would be given the position. He also told her there was need for a dispatcher and she would be given that job if she wanted it while they await someone qualified for the secretary’s position. When Guyana Chronicle visited the home of the taxi driver at 16 D’Urban Street, Lodge, no one was there to speak with the media and his wife had already gone out. Chester who is the father of a one-year-old child was also a model who paraded on several catwalks. The police are continuing their investigations into the fatal accident.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013


Commercial influence creating worrying trend in…

HUMAN ORGANS TRADE Kidneys reportedly have a price tag of between $1.5M and $8M, depending on the circumstances By Vanessa Narine GUYANA’S developing kidney transplant programme is witnessing an increasing commercial influence. Over the years, since its introduction, there have been strong reasons to believe that individuals were involved in the buying and selling of the organs. However, professionals in the field contend that, today, the evidence of organs trading is clear. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Vickram Oditt, of the nephrology specialist facility, Doobay Medical Centre, told the Guyana Chronicle that kidneys have a price tag of between $1.5M and $8M, depending on the circumstances.

He emphasised that the consequences of organ trading have far-reaching implications. According to him, patients’ lives, in addition to the integrity of Guyana’s kidney transplant programme, are at risk. He acknowledged that patients who make the decision to purchase kidneys may be contemplating the cost of continued renal treatment, as well as the chances of finding a donor match. DANGEROUS RISKS But Oditt pointed out that the bigger picture is the dangerous risks that are being taken, as the evidence of highly negative outcomes are undeniable.

He informed that, in the last few months, two of the centre’s patients bought kidneys and had their transplants done at other facilities, but died in a matter of weeks, one within three weeks and the other in six. “There is a lot of risk in buying kidneys. The actual transplant operation is only one part. There is much pre and post-operation work that has to be done,” Oditt cautioned. He said two male patients, one in his 30s and the other in his early 40s, were robust individuals, save for complications with their kidneys, when they succumbed because the organs they purchased failed. “These are only two cases, there are others,” Oditt revealed.

Clement Rohee still ill - missed flight and official engagement

HOME Affairs Minister Clement Rohee is said to be still ill and absent from his desk since November 7, 2013. Guyana Chronicle has learned that the minister was scheduled to travel to New York early Monday morning but failed to turn up for the scheduled flight. Minister Rohee is also General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), and according to sources close to the party, he wanted to travel to the United States to have further medical tests done. While it was formally announced that Minister Rohee would have been present at the opening of the 4th Meeting of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative Commission yesterday, the minister did not make an appearance. The event at the Guyana International Conference Centre, Liliendaal, was instead addressed by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, who also announced that Mr. Rohee was still ill. As late as September 12, 2013, the 63-year-old Rohee had expressed confidence in being fit to perform his duties as minis- HOME AFFAIRS MINISTER CLEMENT ROHEE ter and de facto leader of the governing party.

He said the worrying trend is creating waves among families and, also, the price tags being fetched by the organ trade are clouding the judgement of potential donors. “The family members are


now saying that they want money for the transplant,” Mr Oditt observed. NO LAWS Guyana, currently, has no laws against organs trade, but the practice is illegal in many countries. Still, a senior official of the Health Ministry confirmed that a piece of legislation from Canada is “sitting” in waiting to be used as the basis from which Guyana can have its own to prevent the trading. Oditt disclosed that a “prominent attorney” in Guyana was involved in drafting an agreement of sale for the patient who purchased a kidney for $8M.

“The will has to be there from all ends to stop this,” he observed, though maintaining the fact that the growing trend is undeniable, making the call for action more urgent. G u y a n a ’s k i d n e y p r o gramme was first announced in May 2008 by former Health Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy. Since then, several transplants have been performed, in addition to hundreds of dialysis operations that have been done at the Doobay Medical Centre, the 5-G Dialysis Service, the Balwant Singh Hospital and the Georgetown Public Hospital, all in the city; and the Anamayah Memorial Hospital at Albion in Berbice. This newspaper will continue to follow developments in this field.


Russia seeks answers over plane’s ‘vertical’ crash

Moscow (AFP) - A RUSSIAN plane that crashed killing all 50 on board plunged nosefirst into the ground, officials said Monday, as investigators focused on a fault with the 23-year old plane or pilot error as the likely cause for the disaster. The Tatarstan Airlines’ Boeing 737-500 crashed on landing at the airport in the Volga city of Kazan after a flight from

Moscow’s Domodedovo airport Sunday night, killing all 44 passengers and six crew on board, the emergencies ministry said. “The main versions of what happened are an error in piloting and technical factors, including a technical failure,” the head of the transport Investigative Committee for the Volga region, Alexander Poltinin, was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies. He confirmed that the crash occurred while the aircraft was making a second attempt at landing and said the investigation would have to consider why the pilot had not managed to land the first time in reasonable weather conditions. Transport Minister Maxim

Sokolov, citing what he said was so far unpublished video footage of the disaster, revealed that the plane plunged nose first into the grounds of the airport and then appeared to have exploded. “The plane simply fell. It went vertically into the ground. After the plane hit the ground there was an explosion,” Sokolov was quoted as saying by the state RIA Novosti news agency in Kazan. A source quoted by the Interfax news agency said that it was clear the plane had lost speed on its second approach although it was not immediately apparent why. The disaster claimed the lives of Irek Minnikhanov, the son of the leader of the Tatarstan region, Rustam Minnikhanov, and the head of Russia’s FSB security service in Tatarstan, Alexander Antonov. Also among the dead was a Briton, Donna Carolina Bull, 53, and a Ukrainian national, Margarita Oshurkova, the emergencies ministry said. The rest of the victims are all believed to be Russian citizens. Despite his personal tragedy, Minnikhanov was at the scene of the disaster and overseeing rescue operations, Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich told a cabinet meeting. For unexplained reasons, the plane landed around 500 feet away from the main runway at Kazan airport and then exploded, with debris strewn over hundreds of metres, Russian state television said.

DATE: 16/11/2013 A 06 08 13 23 12 21 19 DATE: 13/11/2013 N 18 03 01 15 13 02 20

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

Syria rebel chieftain killed; Assad forces bomb besieged town

(Reuters) - PRESIDENT Bashar al-Assad’s forces fired rocket and artillery barrages on a besieged mountain town near Lebanon on Monday in a push to capture the strategic area following advances against rebels in Damascus and in the north of Syria. In a separate setback for the fighters, a prominent rebel leader died overnight in a Turkish hospital of wounds suffered in an air raid on Aleppo. Abdelqader Saleh, head of the Qatar-backed Sunni Islamist al-Tawhid Brigades, had been working on regrouping fighters in Aleppo before he was killed. Heavy bombardments hit Qara, 80 km (50 miles) north of Damascus in the Qalamoun mountains, as rebels hid in the rocky terrain, refugees and opposition activists said. Located near the highway linking the capital to Aleppo, Syria’s biggest city, the region has been used by rebels to cross from Lebanon. The Danish Refugee Council, which operates on the Lebanese frontier, said there were preliminary estimates that 10,000 to 12,000 Syrians had fled the bombardment since Friday. Hundreds of them lined up for shelter in bleak winter rain in the Lebanese border town of Arsal on Monday. Imposing control over the area would help link Damascus with the Mediterranean coast,































Syrians, fleeing the violence from the Syrian town of Qara, queue to register to get help from relief agencies at the Lebanese border town of Arsal, in the eastern Bekaa Valley November 18, 2013. REUTERS/Mohamed Azakir potentially an important route Since then, Assad’s forces, for chemical weapons to be backed by Shi’ite militia allies removed from Syria under an from Iraq and Lebanon’s HezOctober deal that spared Syria bollah movement, have captured from U.S. attacks. key rebel areas on the edge of Diplomats have identified Damascus and in Aleppo. the road as the preferred route Western countries’ support for the chemical arms, which for the rebels has also waned pose an unprecedented chalas Sunni Islamist militants, lenge to dismantle in the midst many of them foreign jihadists, of an all-out civil war. have gained prominence among Assad’s forces have been them, changing the diplomatic on the offensive this year after calculus ahead of a long delayed setbacks earlier in the conflict international peace conference. begun in 2011 that has killed U.N. General Secretary Ban 100,000. His troops have made Ki-moon said he now hoped the further gains and his diplomatic conference could be convened position has improved markedly in mid-December. in the weeks since the RusRebel group Tawhid ansian-U.S. chemical weapons nounced the killing of its leaddeal, which averted U.S. air er Saleh in a statement. Locals strikes. described Saleh, a former Just a year ago, Western merchant, as a popular figure countries were predicting he and a moderate Islamist who would be overthrown soon. had sought to reconcile other Now, the West has effectively rebel groups with a hardline erased rebel hopes for military al Qaeda offshoot, the Islamic aid like the NATO warplanes State in Iraq and the Levant that helped bring down Libya’s (ISIL). Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.






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GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013


New security Legal action against UK, France and Netherlands unit from December 1 (Trinidad Guardian) THE Government’s Rapid Response crime-fighting initiative will be implemented from December 1, National Security Minister Gary Griffith announced yesterday. Speaking after a community meeting with residents of Andalucia, Maraval, Griffith said the unit was one of several initiatives announced by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar in August, after a joint meeting with Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley to address the escalating crime problem following a spate of killings in East Port-of-Spain. Griffith said the unit will provide a 24-hour mobile presence in three to four areas during the pilot project, including the western peninsula (Diego Martin, Carenage), San Fernando and possibly Siparia. He said 51 vehicles will patrol designated areas on a 24-hour basis. The vehicles will be equipped with GPS systems and will be monitored through the ministry’s operation centre to ensure they are where they are supposed to be at any given time. When fully operational, the Rapid Response unit will operate in 15 regions in T&T. The minister said the unit will act as a visible deterrent to criminals and will provide a sense of comfort to citizens. Griffith said the ministry is considering the revamping of community policing. He said his meetings with various residents’ groups evolved out of the plan to revamp community policing. He has already met with residents of St Ann’s and Hololo to ascertain the threats in those areas and to “assist the communities in building a relationship with the police.” He said he has been speaking with acting Police Commissioner Stephen Williams about the matter but could not provide a definite timeline for the revamping to begin. Griffith said the National Training Police Academy is important because not every officer could be a community police officer. Some officers, he explained, have to be trained specifically in community policing so they would be able to build a relationships with residents in communities, which would lead to residents passing on information about crime. He said purpose of the community police would be informational, while the Rapid Response would be operational. Griffith said in revamping community policing, more meetings will be held between residents and the police. Asked if the revamping of community policing meant more foot patrols in designated areas, Griffith said the Rapid Response

unit and aerial patrols using the four national security helicopters will be used to fight crime. Griffith said he would insist that the helicopters be used for low aerial surveillance. The minister said he hoped to visit as many communities as possible since crafting any crime plan should involve dialogue with residents. At yesterday’s meeting with the Andalucia residents, Griffith was accompanied by senior officers from the Maraval Police Station. “I have been going to the ground, speaking to residents and sharing their concerns,” he said. Griffith said he offered advice to the residents who are often seen as “soft targets” by criminals.

(Trinidad Guardian) VINCENTIAN Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves has told Britain’s Observer newspaper he instructed law firm Leigh Day to bring a case against the UK, France and the Netherlands for reparations for slavery. With the backing of the 15 Caricom heads of state, Gonsalves believes the case could be heard in the international court of justice at the Hague. Historian Prof Bridget Brereton told the T&T Guardian there is a “very compelling moral and legal case for Britain and other countries to pay reparations for slavery and the slave trade,” but noted: “The difficulty will be conceptualising how reparations should be made.” In St Vincent, the reparations committee is seeking the establishment of a development fund as opposed to payments paid to the individual descendents of victims.

Jamaica Constabulary Force says anti-crime strategy working THE police are reporting success in their strategy aimed at ridding the streets of illegal guns and ammunition. Data compiled by the Jamaica Constabulary Force indicated that between January 1 and November 9, some 623 firearms were recovered. This is 112 more than the figure for 2012. And the police say between January 1 and November 9, they recovered 7,340 rounds of ammunition compared with 4,912 rounds seized in the corresponding period last year. The majority of firearms recovered so far this year are said to be pistols, revolvers and homemade guns. Meanwhile, the data also shows that the police arrested 24,267 persons in the period of just over 10 months. An additional 13,743 persons were reported to have been arrested with evidence. The statistics also show that 508 motor vehicles were reported stolen between January and November 9. This is 90 fewer than the number recorded in the corresponding period last year.

“As far as I understand, no one is calling for a single transfer of money,” said Brereton, “they firstly want Britain to make a full apology for the crimes and then a fund for education.” Asked how T&T’s experience of slavery compared to the rest of the Caribbean, Brereton said T&T should be considered separately. Whereas Trinidad had a relatively short experience of plantation slavery—50 years, from 1780 to 1830—Tobago’s was considerably longer, as the island was first established as a Dutch slave colony in the 1600s and recolonised in 1763 by the British. Whereas the last census in Trinidad showed 38 per cent of the population self-identifying as Afro-Trinidadian, Tobago’s African ancestry is closer to 100 per cent. Brereton put the case for reparations in human terms as well as fiscal. “In addition to bringing people to the Caribbean against their will, they were

enslaved as lifelong slaves and hereditary slaves—the children of an enslaved mother inherited her condition, and of course there were no wages,” she said. Speaking about the lasting effect, she referred to the “huge legacy of damaging race myths and stereotypes, ideas about colour, shade and blackness that continue to this day. Massive social disadvantages that descendants of slave had to face in the 19th and 20th century.” On the economies of the Caribbean she said: “Slavery promoted skewed economic development. The focus on the export of plantation crops created an imbalanced economy.” Khafra Kambon of the Emancipation Support Committee told the T&T Guardian the process of setting up a reparations committee in T&T had begun but was not finished. Since the meeting of Caricom heads of state in June, at which it was agreed

that all 15 countries would appoint their own reparation committees, there have been two stakeholder meetings involving preliminary discus-

PRIME MINISTER RALPH GONSALVES sions, attended by representatives from academic institutions and the government.

Businessman shoots, kills patron ( Tr i n i d a d G u a r d i a n ) A 23-YEAR-OLD man was shot and killed yesterday by a businessman who confronted him and two others about their behaviour at his business place. Police reports are that Chris Sealey, of Sangre Grande, was shot at Hammerhead Bar, located on Manzanilla-Mayaro Road, Manzanilla. They said around 3.55 a.m., the owner of the bar

discovered three men in his business place pouring liquid on his gaming machines and office. He confronted them with a licensed 12-gauge Remington shotgun. One of the three men drew a firearm and the owner in turn fired two shots. One man fell to the ground and the two others escaped in a vehicle. Manzanilla police were

called in and the injured man was taken to Sangre Grande hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Police later confronted one of the two suspects, a 31-yearold resident of Sangre Grande, in a roadblock along Manzanilla-Mayaro Road. PC Khan is continuing investigations.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013


Looking back, frame by frame, at death of my beloved husband Dr Walter Kyte


Are relations between Guyana Police Force and citizens deteriorating?

ARE relations between the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the citizens of Georgetown further deteriorating? Relations between the GPF and citizens have historically not been great, but judging by how citizens responded during last Wednesday’s shootout in Middle Street, one can argue that relations may be further deteriorating. It was widely reported in the media that large sections of citizens actually cheered when the now deceased gunman, Mr. Deryck Kanhai opened fire on the police during the stand-off. So, what can we conclude is the reason for this animosity between the police and citizens? It appears much of this animosity can be traced to a general perception amongst people that many of the police shootings which resulted in the deaths of what police described as ‘criminals’ were not justified. To substantiate this view, when the stand-off with the gunman was continuing, many people linked the shooting in Middle Street to earlier police shootings by making statements like “they could kill three men in South Road, but they can’t kill one man?” During the K&VC hotel incident referred to on social media, the police confronted three men, two of which were shot dead at the scene, while a third died later in hospital. Shortly after this incident the police issued a statement in which they stated that they received information of a robbery that was to take place at the K&VC Hotel. They subsequently staked out the location and these three young men exited. Upon being confronted by the police, they fired on the cops, who fired back, resulting in them being shot. However there were a number of people who claimed to have been witnesses to the incident, who proceeded to give a totally different account of what happened, claiming that it was in fact an execution. The initially surviving suspect, also denied that any ‘shootout’ took place and stated that it was an execution. He too later succumbed to his injuries. The Police Commissioner concurred with his ranks, stating that the shooting was justified case closed. But the case was not closed for citizens who wrote letters to newspapers and on social media voicing what they felt was an injustice inflicted upon citizens, as well as a possible cover-up by police top brass. Last week Crime Chief Seelall Persaud linked the men killed during this incident to a gang called the “Hot Skull Gang” which is allegedly based in Albouystown. However, relatives of the alleged gang members, including those that were killed, have refuted this linkage. This was not the only shooting incident where the public felt the shooting was unjustified. In 2012, a young man Dameon Belgrave was shot by police in the vicinity of the White Castle Fish Shop. It turned out he was not even the target. This particular shooting led to huge demonstrations, where the public expressed their anger towards the police. It appears as if the K&VC shooting just added to that perceived sense of injustice that people may be already feeling. So what are the implications of this animosity between the police and large sections of the public in terms of crime fighting? It is obvious that crime fighting will suffer, because the police

IT has been almost three months since that horrific accident on August 25, 2013 on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway that took the lives of three people, including my beloved husband, Dr. Walter Kyte. My reason for penning this article is to bring about awareness of certain policies that need to be amended and enforced within the Guyana Police Force. The police need to enforce the highway speed limit. They should be vigilant like any other decent law enforcement agency and patrol the highway for law breakers; imposing heavy fines on those reckless drivers who blatantly and deliberately show disregard for human lives. At the time of the accident (on August 25), there was no highway patrol and when the police ranks arrived at the scene, they were of little use. The Guyana Police Force is so desensitized to the everyday occurrence of accidents and vehicular homicide that they seem unfazed. Their heads turn the opposite way without a thread of concern or compassion. All persons responsible for vehicular homicides should be tried and pay the price, whatever the consequences are, if any in Guyana. These accidents occur too often that little interest is shown or given to the incident and people see it as just another common occurrence. As my unconscious husband was trapped in that bus, inhaling dirty water, the “brave and honourable” Guyanese Police got to the scene, stood there and chose NOT to assist! Not because they couldn’t! God forbid. They were more concerned about their shining shoes, their well ironed pants with a seam so sharp it can cut you should you get too close. They stood there like spectators trying to avoid getting their uniform and shoes messed up in the dirty water that was claiming the lives of people in that minibus! They were supposed to be the ones who took the oath ‘To serve and Protect’, rather, they stood and watched mothers, daughters, fathers and brothers and sons struggle to survive. One such hero came in the form of a 5ft 1 inch, approximately 110 pound angel by the name of Jeanette Campbell who rescued my 5ft 3 inch, 185 pound husband. She gave me the chance to speak to him one last time before he departed from this sinful earth. The police should have given this woman a citation for her bravery and persistence in saving Dr. Kyte’s life. Did they even acknowledge her, I guess not…but Dr. Kyte’s family would. We, the family feel it is the honourable thing to do. The police department did not show any compassion in reaching out to me in extending their condolences. No one tried to contact me to show any compassion to say in just a few words “I am sorry for your loss”. This gentleman went down to Linden to give back to society and ended up losing his life. I felt he gave so much and received so little at the time when he needed it most. I would be remiss if I didn’t extent my gratitude to the driver of the car and Ms. Kathleen Rodney who stopped by the road side and transported my husband to the Linden hospital. Had they not done that, he would have been like a dog, hit by a car lying by the road side awaiting his last breath. Thank you Ms. Rodney for the compassion you have shown. You and Jeanette were heroes that day. There should have been a highway patrol on a busy, reckless driving highway to look out for drivers of this calibre. Have laws in place and penalties to prosecute these drivers who have no regard for human lives. There are too many of these vehicular homicides and what are the consequences? Unfortunately, when my husband arrived at Linden hospital, he had to wait in line while the bacteria formed a host eating away at his lungs before he was attended hours later. Absolute incompetence!!!! This is really unacceptable in the approach of treating a ‘near drowning’ patient. Its either the hospital did not have the necessary equipment for a critical care patient or it was the lack of knowledge on the ER behalf that my husband did not get the proper critical care that should have been administered to him the FIRST 24 hours. Heavy dose of antibiotics should have been administered. Sadly, the hospital didn’t have, how unfortunate. The day shift nurses should be complimented for their dedication, and extended themselves with compassion in the preparation and transportation to Georgetown Hospital. Thank you Nurse Wong and Sabrina Lewis and Nurse Karew. After Dr. Kyte was transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital, my emotions were like a roller coaster. I was hoping to bring my husband back to the U.S. within three days. I did not know the serious damage he encountered. I did not know how sick he was because no one told me anything. No one at the hospital gave me any information on my husband’s condition. Unlike the United States, the nurses and doctors feed you with information on the patient diagnosis and condition. It seems as if everyone was afraid to divulge information. need intelligence from the community to be able to effectively tackle crime. And if large sections of the public don’t trust or don’t like the police they will obviously not share this information. It is clear that the Guyana Police Force have work to do if they are to regain the trust of the general public and become an effective crime fighting unit.

I felt alone and abandoned in a strange country and my hopes turned into despair due to the lack of compassion from the staff. I felt they were very insensitive to my situation and lacked empathy. They walked around with unpleasant countenances as though I did them something, I felt the tension and couldn’t understand the attitude they were exhibiting. I could not understand their behaviour until I returned to the U.S., and looked back at the entire situation frame by frame. I thought to myself, wow, did they take the Florence Nightingale’s Oath? Or are they in this for a pay check? As I relate my experience to others, 1 was told this is a normal behaviour towards “foreigners”. In the USA, you are given the opportunity to be at the bed side of your loved one as long as you need to be. The doctors would explain the patient’s condition with the family, the nurses explained every medication given and why, etc. No such thing happened in that unit. I was lost in an unknown environment. I was given a 1/2 hour visitation even though it’s my husband. I tried to get answers from a doctor, it took three days for a doctor to speak with me and that was after much intervention from a helpful overseas source. Heavy dose of antibiotics should have been given to my husband to stop the progress of bacteria. If one type of bacteria didn’t work use another that was stronger. He also needed to be intubated immediately so as to eliminate the bacteria and dirty water that flooded his lungs. This was a very unfortunate situation. I believe their lack of critical care the first 24 hours that was not given cost my husband’s his life. I recalled asking the doctor what was my husband’s prognosis, Doctor Husbands was very vague in her response. It’s like she was afraid to say. I asked her, “is he going to live or die, tell me something?” She said I can’t tell you that “don’t put words in my mouth.” I was not getting any information. I thought, “Lord I need to get my husband out of here!” The hospital policies should allow immediate family members such as spouse or parents close to their love ones in the room. I feel it helps in the healing progress of the patient. I would also recommend sensitivity training and constant communication between nurses and patients family member. DR WALTER KYTE Giving spouses the privilege to be at the bedside of critical care patients helps because the patients know they are not alone. It pierced my heart when my husband asked me to stay with him. I explained to him what I was told. I had to leave when visiting hours are up. He just turned on the other side and closed his eyes, as I sacrificed precious time while the staff ignored his request. He knew he was going to die and therefore, he wanted the reassurance that I was close by. However, He had his wish when I arrived in the USA because the hospital did not have those insensitive restrictions. I was in his room 24/7. “ To know that I was not given the privilege to be at his bedside as longer than I was allowed, really tore me up, especially when he told me that he would die he would not make it. I went to Matron Coby requesting some extra time to be at his bed side…. I am still waiting for her to grant that permission. I was even scolded for taking a picture of my husband and was told to delete it immediately I was told I had to get permission to take pictures of my husband. Really? I was reprimanded when I slightly lifted the sheet to hold his hand, I was told not to lift the sheet. I thought to myself what is wrong with these people? Imagine, this was my husband and I could not touch him!!! The nurses must have felt I was asking for too much and they were retaliating at my actions. I did not do anything wrong. It was all out of love for my husband. I was relieved when the air ambulance team came to transport my husband back to the U.S. What a relief. It should have happened earlier if it didn’t take the medical staff at Georgetown hospital two days to write the report informing the medical personnel in the U.S. of my husband’s condition. I thank Dr. Roger Luncheon, Mr. Michael Khan - CEO of the Georgetown Public Hospital, and Minister of Health Dr Bheri Ramsaran for their consistent intervention. It sped up things a little faster. How many more victims will we have to die until the people of Guyana rise up and demand change in transportation policies? Again, to those individuals who went above and beyond in helping me get through the emotional stress I encountered, I thank you: Nurse Thornhill, Beverly Chan, Dr. Andrea Lambert, Eddie Featherstone, Leona Kyte, Dion Albert, Dionne Bowen, Michael Roach, Carlos Kyte, Onika, Jean Dennis, Jasmine and Gloria. Also the many others whose stood by my side throughout that emotional ordeal and gave all the moral support I needed, I thank you. To the others whom I did not mention, I have not forgotten, thank you, thank you. And may ‘God Bless Guyana’, the beloved country. MRS JENNY KYTE

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013


Persons of Tony Vieira’s ilk are from a bygone era, their usefulness is no more FIRSTLY, I must express thanks to Mr. Tony Vieira for granting my letter his focal attention. On November 6th, 2013 the Kaieteur newspaper featured a letter of mine commenting on the Mr. David Granger’s explicit intent to cut the 2014 budgetary allocations to the National Communications Network (NCN) and Government Information Agency (GINA). Mr. Granger urged that changes were necessary in these two public entities and he was prepared to cut funding. The point I raised was for Mr. Granger to clearly outline the changes needed and how he would implement them to better serve the national interest. My letter highlighted that it is not only unconstitutional and unlawful for the Opposition parties to utter views of cutting the budget that is yet to be seen but it is also presumptuous and premature. In doing so, I also indicated the constitutional entitlements of the Opposition which are to approve or withhold approval of such allocations through valid deliberations in the National Assembly. This fundamental premise can simply be ascertained from Article 218 paragraphs 1 and 2 of our Constitution. It appears that Mr. Tony Vieira missed that part of my letter. As a citizen of Guyana, I believe I am entitled to the same constitutional rights as Mr. Vieira to the freedom of expression. Mr. Vieira coined in his reply, “sometimes it’s not possible” which drove me to respond to his vapid criticisms. It is to my amazement that Mr. Vieira spoke about self-respect and attempted to lecture me on the topic. Meanwhile, an examination of his character does not emulate what he purports to teach. I argued that the incumbent ruling government should be allowed precedence in these media outlets. After all, they are government media houses. At no point in my letter did I mention that the combined Opposition (APNU and AFC) is not entitled to fair media time and involvement. Hence, my reasons for asking what changes would be proposed to facilitate this equitable media distribution, irrespective of our political positions. But it would appear that Mr. Vieira is saying these media entities have to operate exclusively in favour of a one-seat majority and totally ignore the ruling government because they are the minority. Perhaps, those

are the changes Mr. Vieira finds equitable and impartial. I strongly agree that taxpayers’ revenues should be utilised for the national well-being, but not to sanction unlegislated cuts on taxpayers’ monies. Editor, it is evident that Mr. Vieira is on board to cut the budget and disregard the laws as well. Mr. Vieira dissected my letter well which even brought him to a point of regurgitating. Furthermore, he failed to comment on the basic fact that the Oppositions’ intent to cut the budget is in violation of our Constitution. When would Guyanese at large recollect Chief Justice Ian Chang’s ruling that cutting the budget is both unconstitutional and unlawful? The Honourable Attorney General Anil Nandlall also made it clear in the National Assembly the constitutional grounds of the Government and Opposition on budgetary affairs. Moreover, the question I raised, should the ordinary Guyanese also disregard the judicial system? Should we flout the document that governs our nation? I can only surmise by paying a blind eye to the constitution and laws will have severe consequences to any nation. Mr. Vieira added that the Opposition almost never gets to express their views on these two public entities, but that’s simply not the case. For instance, the debate series aired on NCN, invited the Opposition for dialogues but they selectively ‘absented’ themselves. My critique also mentioned that the Opposition is often ridiculed and criticised on these public domains. Are these comments ridiculing because it is in contravention of his political views? If Mr. Vieira is so versatile in the media, why not comment on the broadcasting networks that the Opposition APNU and AFC exclusively have that ridicules the government? Why not point out that the government has no say in that as well? Editor, Mr. Vieira’s letter emphatically embraced cutting of the budget as he reaffirmed, “Exactly, cut, regardless of the circumstances.” Now the majority of Guyanese that he spoke

of should be alarmed with a statement of such magnitude. With simple logic, one can conclude from his statement, that the interest of this majority of people is also not important, so cut despite the outcomes. According to Mr. Vieira, we should cut at whatever cost without factoring in the repercussions. I hope the majority of Guyanese can see the recklessness in that statement. By the Opposition placing cuts on the budget without evaluating the aftermaths, doesn’t that weigh more heavily and affect the majority people that Mr. Vieira seems to advocate? Editor, Mr. Vieira then ended his diatribe with these lines: “what is dividing us, is the total disregard of the people in this nation…” I find that very contradictory. I mean if my memory serves me well, he exclaimed, “Cut, regardless of the circumstances” isn’t that a total disregard for the majority people as well? Is this a decision to be taken based on political stance or the best interest of Guyanese? The people of Guyana should not allow the label of being majority and minority, but as one people - Guyanese. Mr. Vieira catapulted himself speaking about NCN and GINA saturating young peoples’ minds with propaganda, but right there his categorisation of minority and majority reveals division within his own. As Abraham Lincoln famously noted, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Furthermore, I firmly believe that working together as Guyanese and embracing a constitutional driven government is our way forward. Persons of Tony Vieira’s ilk are from a bygone era. Their usefulness is no more. The quicker they are ignored the better for Guyana. MAHENDRA HARIRAJ

2014 Pension book distribution kicks off THE Ministry of Human Services and Social Security’s annual old age pension book distribution commenced yesterday at different locations across the country and the ministry reported that, based on the visits made and reports it received, the process was smooth. This early provision of the books for over 42,000 pensioners is part of Government’s effort to advance the distribution system, and will ensure that beneficiaries receive their 2014

grants in a timely manner. During an invited comment to the Government Information Agency (GINA), subject Minister Jennifer Webster said the process has been moving apace in all the regions. She disclosed that from all reports the pensioners turned out in their numbers to uplift their books and, thus far, there were no hiccups. Minister Webster said social workers in the respective areas will be visiting those persons who are shut-ins to ensure that their books are delivered direct-

ly to them. This will be done after the regular distribution process. This exercise will continue until December 13. Over the years, Government has been steadily increasing the non-contributory old age pension paid as a supportive supplement to persons over the age of 65 years. In 2012, pensioners received an increase of 33.33 percent or $10,000 monthly prior to the $7,500 they were collecting in 2011. This year’s budget allo-

cation saw pensioners benefiting from a 25% increase in their pension raising it to $12,500. The annual impact of this increase has resulted in an additional $1.3 Billion of disposable income being placed in the hands of senior

citizens. Additionally, Government also introduced the new electricity assistance for pensioners, which is intended to support them in a manner similar to that of the water subsidy where pensioners will benefit from an

annual sum of $20,000 based on approximately 25 Kw hours of electricity. Pensioners also benefit from the distribution of free spectacles under Government’s eye care assistance programme.

Pensioners gathered to uplift their pension books at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara Pensioners receiving their pension books at Victoria, East Coast Demerara yesterday. (GINA photo)


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

Removal of Cabinet’s role in procurement process is wrong - it is a constitutional and administrative heresy, says AG Nandlall

ATTORNEY General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall has described the A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change’s (AFC’s) opposition of Cabinet’s role in the awarding of public contracts as “incongruous and wrong both in principle and constitutionally”. The political Opposition, in particular the AFC, has been calling for the establishment of a Public Procurement Commission (PPC), which will see the removal of Cabinet’s role in the procurement process. “This is heresy both administratively and constitutionally, and we are saying that this incongruous position cannot obtain,” he said. Minister Nandlall explained that the PPP/C administration has always signalled its commitment to the establishment of the said body, and reminded that it was the administration which amended the Constitution, and those changes resulted in a provision for the creation of the procurement commission. “However, the commission cannot be established unless a flaw in the current Procurement Act is corrected,” he stated.

‘The PPP/C administration has always signalled its commitment to the establishment of the Procurement Commission…However, such a Commission cannot be established unless a flaw in the current Procurement Act is corrected.’ The AG explained that the constitution of the country resides the executive government with the financial responsibility and management of the state of Guyana. More than 98 percent of the financial expenditure of the state is done via the procurement process. As it stands, Cabinet’s only role in the procurement process is offering a simple “no objection” to contracts that have been awarded by the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB). “When the decision is made to award a contract, it is brought to Cabinet and Cabinet cannot overturn that decision; we can only grant a “no objection”. That is the only input that we have,” Minister Nandlall said. He added that, “if this role is taken away from the President and the Cabinet, then the Administration will be answerable to the country and the Parliament for the financial affairs of the State, and for expenditure of public funds

statutory provisions of all the procurement processes in the Caribbean you will see the hand of Governments heavily in it, we have minimised that in Guyana. If our procedures are examined in terms of transparency and accountability, we stand superior to most of the infrastructure; legal and constitutional, which exist in the Commonwealth Caribbean in respect of procurement,” the AG affirmed. At the last sitting of the National Assembly, Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh tabled the Procurement (Amendment) Bill, which seeks to modify section 54 of the Procurement Act of 2003, by deleting sub-section 6, which by doing so, will retain Cabinet’s involvement in the procurement process. Minister Nandlall contended that this amendment is simply to ensure that whoever is in Government, have the constitutionally required role to play in the expenditure of public funds. (GINA)

ATTORNEY GENERAL ANIL NANDLALL without having any role to play with regard to the expenditure of a single cent of that money. That is an incongruous position to be in, it is wrong in principle. You cannot give a power without a responsibility and you cannot give a responsibility without a role.” The flawed provision was inserted into the extant Procurement Act (then a Bill) when it was being debated on the floor some years ago. As such, it never received the approval of Cabinet before it was effected into the law. “The procurement commission is an oversight body. When a constitution sets up an oversight body, it is to “oversight” the executive but when the executive has no role in the procurement process, what will the procurement commission oversight? Obviously the Constitution presumes and assumes a role of Cabinet in the process,” the AG argued. In Guyana, the Government has a very limited role in the procurement process, when compared to other jurisdictions in the Caribbean. “We do not award contracts and if you examine the legal

‘When the decision is made to award a contract, it is brought to Cabinet and Cabinet cannot overturn that decision; we can only grant a “no objection”. That is the only input that we have. If this role is taken away from the President and the Cabinet, then the Administration will be answerable to the country and the Parliament for the financial affairs of the State and for expenditure of public funds without having any role to play with regard to the expenditure of a single cent of that money. That is an incongruous position to be in, it is wrong in principle. You cannot give a power without a responsibility and you cannot give a responsibility without a role.’ – AG Nandlall

President Ramotar meets UAE Prime Minister – boosting joint cooperation discussed PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar met Vice-President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum for talks while on a visit to Dubai yesterday. According to the Khaleej Times of Dubai, the two officials discussed bilateral relations in various fields and boosting joint cooperation in various areas. Among them were youth training, tourism, sea and airports, and roads, for which President Ramotar sought the UAE’s support. On this note, Shaikh Mohammed affirmed that the UAE would be willing to place its experiences, potential and development experience at service of friendly countries, regardless of their geographical locations. He also conceded to the idea of offering UAE’s technical assistance on training youth in Guyana. The delegation from the host country included Chairman of Dubai Civil Aviation Authority Shaikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, and Chairman of Emirates Group Abdul Rahman bin, Minister of Health Mohammed Al Owais, Minister of State Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemi and other senior officials. Only a month ago Minister of Health in the UAE Abdulrahman Alowais visited Guyana for a meeting with President Ramotar for brief talks on cooperation in the commercial sector. The UAE is located southeast of the Arabian Peninsula on the Persian Gulf, bordering Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Iran. Its foreign relations are considered liberal and have encouraged diplomatic and commercial cooperation with other countries. The economy has been ranked favourably over the years. Guyana and the UAE are both members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), an international body with permanent membership in the United Nations that advocates the interest of the Islamic world and also peace and harmony. Former President Bharrat Jagdeo had visited the UAE during a frontier quest to the Middle East a few years ago.(GINA)

Guyana’s President Ramotar and Shaikh Mohammed as they reviewed bilateral relations and explored new ways of boosting joint cooperation

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013


Styrofoam to be banned in Guyana from next year - Environment Ministry launches stakeholders consultation ahead of 2014 ban By Jimmy Roos

THE Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment yesterday hosted a stakeholders consultation on styrofoam products at Duke Lodge, Kingston, ahead of the impending government ban on these products. The event was attended by Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud; Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce(ag) Irfaan Ali; President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry Clinton Urling; members of the diplomatic community and other invited guests. The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment organised the consultation to inform stakeholders about the progress the ministry has been making in light of the impending ban in June 2014 of polystyrene products, also known as styrofoam, which is a trademarked brand of a polystyrene foam product. The consultation also sought to solicit from stakeholders their views as well as possible concerns. NON-BIODEGRADEABLE & CARCINOGENIC Ministry officials, in disseminating some background information on styrofoam, noted that in 2007 styrofoam was found to make up to 2% of the total waste stream. They also informed that when it comes into contact with heat, it releases toxic substances that lead to cancer. It is also non-biodegradable and cannot be recycled, so it can only be used once.

Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce (acting) Mr Irfaan Ali supports the ban on styrofoam

Natural Resources and the Environment Minister Robert Persaud addressing the Stakeholders’ Consultation.

MINIMAL EFFECT ON BUSINESSES In his address, Mr. Urling of the GCCI noted that the impending ban on styrofoam will not have any significant effect on businesses, except for the food industry which will have to adjust to using safer alternatives. Urling remarked that his business, German’s Restaurant, has already taken the initiative and embraced alternatives to Styrofoam. He described the transition as being very easy and said that the alternatives are readily available.

reduce the waste situation. He noted that this is a people problem that will only change when people stop littering. Towards this end, he proposed a comprehensive campaign that will include changing people’s attitudes. Meanwhile, Minister Irfaan Ali congratulated his colleague Minister Robert Persaud for taking the bold initiative to ban styrofoam, which may not be popular, but is necessary to showcase Guyana as a green economy. He stressed the need for penalties and incentives as well as enforcement to ensure that this initiative becomes a success. Finally, Ali stated that this is the time to take action on the waste disposal problem that Guyana is facing. And Minister Persaud noted that the term “ban” evokes negative memories from the country’s past, but from time to time public representatives such as ministers have to take responsible and sometimes tough decisions in the interest of public health. He says that people shouldn’t see this ban as taking away something from them, but rather as an opportunity to come up with innovative alternatives, which will create jobs and help grow the economy.

cannot do it alone. He said that if this initiative is to succeed it needs the cooperation of citizens who need to realise that they have the power and authority. He also referred to the use of plastic bottles and said that they are working with beverage companies to find an acceptable solution. The minister further noted that the Opposition in parliament (APNU and AFC) had quashed the regulations his ministry had proposed to deal with this issue, but he encouraged the public to support those businesses that have already taken the initiative to discard styrofoam products in exchange for alternatives that are more environmentally friendly.

PEOPLE PROBLEM He cautioned, however, against a perception that banning styrofoam and introducing alternatives will somehow magically

CHANGE OF ATTITUDES Persaud emphasised that he agrees with Urling about the need for people to change their attitudes in this regard, but his ministry

When styrofoam comes into contact with heat, it releases toxic substances that lead to cancer, so it’s carcinogenic. It is also non-biodegradable and cannot be recycled, so it can only be used once.

Mr. Kit Nascimento, well known Public Communications Consultant and Tourism advocate and operator, makes a contribution at the Stakeholders’ Consultation.

INTERACTIVE SESSION During the interactive session, the invited guests contributed many constructive ideas to move the process forward. Most of them called for a comprehensive solution, but some saw the implementation period as being too short since there is need for some time in order to test the recyclability of the alternative products, before deciding on a particular one. Other ideas that were brought forward included clarification on whether the ban includes only the importation or use of styrofoam, or both, as well as the availability of facilities where people can put garbage in, which are currently very limited.

A participant makes a point during the interactive session






HARMONY INN, fully furnished, air-conditioned, apartment $5 000 per night - 6680306, 694-7817.

GET REMARKABLE Results! Consult Tuition Expert. Become a 'Top Performer' at any of these exams: National Grade 6 Assessment [Common Entrance Examination]; CSEC [CXC]; Associated Board of Royal School of Music Exams. "You can now customise your tuition to meet your every learning need!" Do you want to be Guyana's next top performer at any of the above exams? Consult TEACHER Preya [education consultant/ educator/ education specialist] [592] 651-5220, 680-0632



JOURNEY Inn Apartments and Caral. With Jacuzzi, kitchen and hot and cold from $3 000, AC $5 000, Eccles. Tel. 679-7139. JOB OPPORTUNITY


INVEST - high returns, board opportunity - hotel, restaurant, and complex - its your own hotel (PTE) resort. Call F. Fortune and Assoc; details SEO 681-1927, 231-6093. BUSINESS opportunity: We can advise you how to invest small capital in small projects and earn great profits. Contact S.A.S. Tel. 592-602-8149 Email: EXCELLENT business opportunity!!! For sale - fully functioning, fast food restaurant with international chicken and pizza franchises. Serious enquiries only. Contact 618-2064 WON'T you like to be your own boss, work flexible hours and earn up to 50% commission? Then don't let this opportunity pass you by. Become an AVON Representative today for only $1 500. For more information, call Anita on 2332665, 624-5004.



JOURNEY Inn Apartments and Car Rental. Premio, Vitz. Eccles New Scheme. Tel. 679-713

COUNSELLING ARE you cursed, depressed, demon-possessed or need finance? Call Apostle Randolph Williams - (592) 2616050 20:00hrs to 23:00hrs.

EDUCATIONAL educational MUSIC is Fun. Register now and learn to play the Keyboard, Guitar, Drums and do Voice Training. Call Foundation 7 on 225-1151, 617-4200. ATTENTION parents/ guardians make your child/loved one a better reader today with the highly effective Hooked on Phonics Programme. Call 6247711 for more information. REGISTER early for foundation courses in Reflexology and Swedish massage therapy; registration closes December 15, 2013. Classes start January 2014. Call 680-7714. HOME schooling available at your convenience. Hire us. Experience the difference in education solutions. Speak to experts. Call 651-5220 now. ENROL now at The Reading School, The Music Academy and Individualised Tuition Centre for school and after-school tuition programmes. Call: 651-5220, 647-0686. QUALIFY YOURSELF IN COMPUTER STUDIES at Computer World at only $7 000 per course. Tel: 2251032 or 227-6619, Vlissengen Road & Gordon Streets, Kitty, opposite GDF Sports Ground. I N D I V I D U A L I S E D Tuition: Is your child struggling with phonics, reading, preparation for National Grades 2, 4 and 6 Assessments? Music training any instrument, voice, etc. 651-5220.

FULL BENEFIT ACADEMY(Music & Academics) departments, daycare, playgroup, nursery, primary & secondary, individualised attention, extra classes for weak students, special focus on phonics and reading. Get customised tuition. Music is offered, high quality teaching-learning approaches. The Indivindualised Tuition School For Every Ability, Register now for school. 651-5220, 647-0686. NAYELLI School of Cosmetology is enrolling students for 3 months day and 6 months evening courses in Cosmetology beginning January 6th, 2014 Mondays to Fridays, also evening and weekend classes in barbering. Basic & Advanced hair cutting, acrylic nails & airbrushing, manicure, pedicure, facial, make-up artistry and body massage, Limited spaces. Body massage on Saturdays only. Visit us at 211, New Market Street, North Cummingsburg, Georgetown or call us on 226-4573. INSTITUTE of Academic Excellence 194 Camp Street (between Church and Quamina Streets). Registration has commenced for CXC 2013/2014 classes. Maths, English, Business and Science CXC classes for adults, repeaters, school dropouts, secondary school students (Forms 1-5). Extra lessons (Forms 15) morning, afternoon, evening and weekend classes for adults. Special Business and Science packages and payment plans are available. Fees low as $1 500. Special CXC programme for persons desirous of becoming nurses. Phone 6835742, 227-7627, 223-0604. FITNESS


LOSE or gain weight: fat reduction powder, protein powder. Call 660-2686, 625-7073.


LEARN TO DRIVE MAISONS DRIVING School 22 Nabaclis Public Road. Tel 6504291, 652-6993. SOMAN and Sons Driving School. Learn to drive the right way. First Federation Building. 622-2872, 644-5166, SHALOM Driving School Lot 2 Croal Street Stabroek and enjoy our Anniversary special between 19th October to 30th November 2013 fee reduce by 20% Call 227-3869, 227-3835, 227-7560, 6228162. RK’s Institute of Motoring Learn to drive at an affordable cost Professional, Courteous and Patient driving in s t r u c t o r F o r m o r e i n formation Contact Audrey/ Ahillia 172 Light & Charlotte Streets, Bourda 227-5072, 226-7541, 2260 1 6 8 , Youtube: RK's Institute of Motoring.

MASSAGE MASSAGE SOOTHING MASSAGE. Call for appointmentsl out calls only. Anna 661-8969.




TV, DVD, microwave, stereo, washers, amplifiers etc. 693-2683.

J. EASTMAN AND Associates Financial Services Chartered Accountants Services: Taxation, Consultancy, Accounting, Income tax, Vehicle and Building Compliances. Office located at 190 Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown. Tel. 223-2105, 6627467, or Email at

vices ser services

M A S S A G E Divinty Spa, 245 Sheriff St., specialise in relaxation and therapuetic massages, facials. C a l l 6 6 1 6694, ask for Dianna NOTICE


AMOS Leitch from Lodge is kindly asked to make contact with Rawle Hoyte. Tel. 681-3680. RECENTLY opened Azelea top brand Store at 111 Regent Road, Bourda, Georgetown. We have Aeropostal, American Eagle, Calvin Klein, Hollister, Guess, Abercombe and Fitch, Armani exchange, H.M., Forever 21, Nike, Addias, Dockers, etc.; original brands at unbeatable prices. Contact 619-7211. LAND REGISTRY OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT The following person/persons are requested to visit the abovementioned office with valid identification at Lands and Surveys compound, 22 Upper Hadfield Street, Durban Backlands, Georgetown, in connection with the transfers stated below:1) (i) Maqbool A. BasirZone-EC Block-XXXI Parcel-205 & 333 (ii) Shelleza N. Lall; 2) (i) Dennis Leitch - Zone-722 Block72224 Parcel-763; 3) (i) Edith Jeffrey - Zone-EC Block-XI Parcel-24, (ii) Elroy A. Payne; 4) (i) Simeon Horne - Zone-LBER Block-XVIII Parcel-590, (ii) Dexter A. Jones, (iii) Beula N. Jones; 5) (i) Anupa Thakoordeen - ZoneEBER Block-1 Parcel-36; 6) (i) Narace Ramdial - Zone-EC BlockXXXII Parcel-279, (ii) Gopaul Indal, (iii) Mahadai Ramdial; 7) (i) Madho Persad - Zone-EC Block-IX Parcel-70, (ii) Mahasewarie Persaud; 8) (i) Basmattie Persaud - Zone-WCD Block-XV Parcel-12, (ii) Fazal Ishmiel; 9) (i) Ingrid A. Warner Zone-WCD Block-XXIV Parcel298; 10) (i) Nilena Gowkaran Zone-WCD Block-XXIV Parcel381, (ii)Gowkaran; 11) (i) Bisnatlall Sammy - Zone-WCD Block-IX Parcel-63, (ii) Nandalall Sammy; 12) (i) Michael A. Barnwell - Zone-WCD Block-11 Parcel-116, (ii) James Fowler; 13) (i) Lois P. Hugh - Zone-WCD Block-XX Parcel-366 & 367, (ii) Micheal C. Douglas, (iii) Dion V. Douglas; 14) (i) Meilwantee G. Budhram - Zone-WBD Block-XX Parcel-236; 15) (i) Mahamed N. Khan - Zone-WBD Block-XX Parcel-249; 16) (i) Natesha W. Fordyce - Zone-WBD BlockXXXIV Parcel-1868, (ii) Rory Harper; 17) (i) Carl L. Glasgow Zone-WBD Block-XVI Parcel-154, (ii) Samuel E. A. Glasgow, (iii) Keren E. Glasgow; 18) (i) Carl L. Glasgow - Zone-WBD Block-XVI Parcel-835, (ii) Sandra Glasgow; 19) (i) Horst L. Simon - Zone-WBD Block-XXXIII Parcel-1775, (ii) Ausmin A. Simon; 20) (i) Chumandat Mohamed - ZoneWBMR Block-I parcel-316; 21) (i) Mark Holder - Zone-RBDR BlockXLIII Parcel-733, (ii) Shaun Duke; 22) (i) Asiel Marcus - Zone-413 Block-413333 Parcel-154, (ii) Francis Gaston, (iii) Durna Stephen; 23) (i) Suruj Brijmohan - Zone-WBMR Block-1 Parcel3022, (ii) Jagdish S. Singh, (iii) Chitra Kissondai; 24) (i) Theodore Adams - Zone-RBDR Block-XL111 parcel-576, (ii) David Adams (Jnr), (iii) Terrence Adams, (iv) Claudric Adams (etal); 25) (i) Roopnarain Persaud - Zone-

WBMR Block-I Parcel-402; 26) (i) Derrick Boston - Zone-EBD BlockXXX Parcel-3384 &3385, (ii) Cleveland Williams; 27) (i) Viola Pollard - Zone-EBD Block-XXX Parcel-3690, (ii) Desiree YoungBlackman; 28) (i) Lynthia Eversley - Zone-EBD Block-IX Parcel-648, (ii) Shonnette Forrester; 29) (i) Cleda Hunte - Zone-EBD BlockXXX Parcel-1844, (ii) Tessa Hunte, (iii) Patricia Hunte, (iv) Kwesi Hunte, (v) Kwame Hunte, (vi) Keri Hunte; 30) (i) Stella Nicholas - Zone-EBD Block-XXX Parcel-1969, (ii) Patrick Cornette; 1) (i) Sharon Gilkes - Zone-EBD Block-XXX Parcel-2203 (ii) Jacqueline E. Dinnalall; 32) (i) Randolph Lowe - Zone-EBD Block-IX Parcel-673, (ii) Carol Gilhuys; 33) (i) Damone Younge - Zone-EBD Block-XXX Parcel3567, (ii) Waveney Greene, (iii) Meresia Greene, (iv) Sheavon Greene, (v) George Greene; 34) (i) Shanta A. Persaud - Zone-EBD Block-XXIX Parcel-33, (ii) Sam S. Narine; 35) (i) Premnath Hansraj - Zone-ECD Block-CXVII Parcel147, (ii) Parasram Mahadeo; 36) (i) Munashwar Singh - Zone-ECD Block-XXII Parcel-127, (ii) Amarnauth Somwaru; 37) (i) Jean Nelson - Zone-ECD Block-XXV Parcel-369, (ii) Terry Thomas, (THE AMBASSADORS OF BUXTON DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION); 38) (i) Calvin Stephen - Zone-ECD BlockXXV Parcel-201; 39) (i) Eileen Woolford - Zone-ECD Block-XXIV Parcel-599; 40) (i) Hazel P. Whyte Zone-ECD Block-XXXIII Parcel387, (ii) Mark Peters, Juliet Sattaur, Registrar of Lands RENTAL HIRE


ONE 20ft tray Canter truck. Tel. 616-9631. PLANNING an event? Call Travellers Sound Company, thirty years in the business. Indian wedding, religious function, barbecue, conference, concerts (all levels). We do stage lighting, disco lighting, parties, generators from 5 KVA to 400 KVA, PA system, all types. Tel. 226-6527, 600-7242, 600-3122, 623-7242, 623-3122, Leonard or Steven, based at Club Monaco.

PAWNSHOP PAWN SHOP ELEGANCE Jewellery and Pawn Shop, Lot 1 Durban Street Werk-enRust between Camp and George Streets. Tel: 223-6331, 227-2307. PENPAL


GUYANESE male, age 51, seeks female companion for serious relationship. Tel. 665-8797, 611-1172. No texting. GET a Friend! Get educated! Get Married! Migrate!..through the CFI. Telephone Friendship Link. Call 592-2615079, 654-3670, 688-8293,261-6833 twenty-four hours

PRIVATE INVESTIGATION C H E AT I N G spouse, polygraph testing, background checks, locating missing persons, bodyg u a rd service, private + criminal investigation, any other (Worldwide). Contact Strategic Advisory Services. Tel. 592-62995 88, 592-602-8 1 4 9 Email: sasmi5@hotmail . c o m M e m b e r of National Association of Invest i g a t i v e S p e c i a l i s t s ( U S A ) (All ass i g n m e n t s treated a s top secret

CELLPHONE repairs and unlocking and reloading. Contact 649-5232. REPAIRS to refrigerators, freezers, AC, washers, stoves, microwaves. Call 683-1312, 6273206 (Nick). MASON: All blocked work, plastering, casting,building of bridges, fences and septic tanks undertaken. Tel. 619-3296. HOME Investment: Protect your home against termites, at best price, before, during or after building. 626-2771. REPAIRS to fridge, washing machine, gas stove. Contact Kirk, 223-7975, cell 666-2276. DRESSMAKING: We specialize in making ladies' garments, curtains, etc. Call Sharmela 6262629, 676-6312. BUILDING plans and estimates, done by qualified and experienced engineers and project managers. Contact us 643-6350, 601-6420. REPAIRS to LCD, Plasma, Projection, Led TV's, microwave ovens, amplifiers, DVD and CD systems, etc. Ordering of spares for complete servicing. Abdul Electronics. 225-0391. REPAIRS to TV, DVD, microwave, stereo, washers, amplifiers, INSTALLING SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS,etc. 693-2683. FOR all general welding such as grill, boat, aluminum; and casting welding also. Tel. 233-2847, 696-6263 Khemraj. TECHNICIANS available: Repairs, servicing and installation, washers, dryers, stoves, deep fryers, industrial controls. 619-0793, 699-8802, 218-0050.'' L A N D S C A P I N G , plantscaping, fence hedging Potted plants, lawn development, land development. Call Yolanda 655-0755. NEED someone to take care of your child, day, night, or fulltime in a home away from home. Call 222-6805, 256-3416, 6386425. QUBOTRONICS for your IT needs and consulting services offer computer repairs, upgrades, DVR Installation, and more. # 6381388, 664-8660.

NON-IMMIGRANT Visa Service. Professional Visa applications to the US and C a n a d a . Fees USA VISA $30 00, Canada $40 00, Plaza Computer Service, 245 Sheriff Street, C/ville. 225-7390, 6180 1 2 8 , 688-1874 . Open Monday to Sunday 09:00hrs 21:00hrs FOR all general construction, contact Mohamed. We specialize in car pentr y, mas onr y, plumbcarpentr pentry masonr onry ing, power-wash, painting painting,, troweltex and varnishing. Call 233-0591, 6676 6 4 4 , (office) 216-3120.J. EASTMAN AND Associates Financial Services Chartered Accountants Services: Taxation, Consultancy, Accounting, Income tax, Vehicle and Building Compliances. Office located at 190 Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown. Tel. 223-2105, 6627467, or Email at J&A CONSTRUCT I O N C O M PA N Y B u i l d ing Maintenance Renovation and General Construction C o m pany, Phone 592-615-5734, 592-616-5914 We are s p e c i a l i s e d i n c a r p e n t r y, m a s o n r y, t r o w e l p l a s t i c , washing and painting of building, scaffolding rental, sheet rack, tiling, slicking, plumbing, grill w o r k , e l e c t r i c a l i nstallation, interior designing, upholstery and curtains, building of kitchen cupboards, beds, wardrobe, etc. 25% Christmas discount.

TAXI SERVICE TAXI SERVICE EZ RUNNINGS Taxi Service and Auto Rental. Short d r o p $ 3 0 0 . Te l . 2 2 5 - 6 9 2 6 , 231-5808.

GRANITE INSTALLATION: cutting, polishing and profiling to all your granite counter tops, also building of cupboards and closets. Contact Rawle - 611-7031, 667-7963. LOOKING for small clients, 10 - 25 employees or less, to cheaply computerise their payroll, payment upon satisfactory completion. For more information, call 673-7572. WE buy and sell your properties especially Kitty, Campbellville, or Georgetown. We also rent residential and business properties. Contact 6876647, 674-2600, 223-1440. FOR the best in computer repairs, SERVICES maintenance, upgrades online customer support money back guarantee on all jobs done. No diagnostic fee reprogramming PC with latest software $5000, router programming. Call 226-2322, 697-7575. PROFESSIONAL Pressure washing: you won't believe the difference Call Kevin Blyden 592696-5424 We clean homes, driveways, decks, gutters, parking lots, businesses, equipment, machinery, cars and anything else with dirt and grime.



SURINAME PreChristmas trip return s i g h ts e e i n g - t o u r, e t c . : N o v 2 8 t h - D e c 1 s t . Te l # 6 4 4 0185, 639-2663, 6655171, 227-8290







VACANCIES exist at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sherriff St, for cashiers and drivers. Persons must send in an application along with a passportsize photograph. For more information, contact 227-5288-89.

600 ACRES MAHAICONY with 45 cows, 1 horse, house and generator HOUSE LOTS VERSAILLES and Republic Gardens gated compound, High Street, Bel Air, Cummings Street. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624.

DURBAN STREET, FREEBURG - INVESTMENT corner lot . Size 11,000 sq ft. Price $77 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

DIAMOND, Kuru Kuru, Good Hope, Lae Harmonie, Roriama Scheme, Kitty, 30 acres at Soesdyke Highway, Canal No. 1, 688-4414, 6153728.

DIAMOND E.B.D - Unfinished concrete structure and land. Price $6.2 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

SECOND lot in Dennis St, with driveway 20 feet $17M, Sec. 'M', 80 x 60, plus reserve for bond $19M, Da Silva St 80 x 50 $13M, Kitty Railway Embankment 8 000 sq. ft $20M, land has 20 ft driveways. Vice President Drandia 615-0069, Vice President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Vice President Ramsayae 618-0000, Vice President 225- 2 6 2 6 , 2 2 6 - 1 0 6 4 , 667-7812.

SPRIRITUALITY SPIRITUAL works done to bring peace, finance, success, enhance prosperity, remove evil, blockage, reunite families, lovers, etc. 610-7234, 644-0058.

VACANCY exists for restaurant supervisor. Apply in person with written application at The Regency Suites Hotel, 98 Hadfield St, Werken-Rust, Georgetown.

SPIRITUAL reading, other works done. For fast results - reuniting lovers, removing evil and all blockages, etc. Call 696-8873, 673-1166.

PORTERS/Labourer. Apply with written application and police clearance to the Manager SOL Gas Distributor, 9 Dowding St., Kitty. Tel. 225-2259, 6225922, 216-3152.

SPIRITUAL work done in Suriname. Remove evil, sickness, pregnancy, prosperity, business, etc. Call 674-8603, 6805596, 597-851-9876. DUTCH spiritual help in removing evil spirit, bad luck, evil sickness, spells, reuniting lovers, bringing prosperity to business, etc. Tel: 612-6417, 220-0708, .687-5653. FAITH- HEALING SERVICES. We can help with bad luck, remove blockage, evil spirit, pregnancy, love, reunite family, maiter, marriage problem, business,skinproblemssuchassore,hexspellor curse. Tel 6121975, 6835228.

VETERINARY SERVICE SAVE HEAVEN ANIMAL CLINIC 131 GUYHOC PARK GEORGETOWN. Services includes vaccination, (Rabies Feline and Canine), dewormed, Surgeries, Pet grooming. Pet export certificates can be arranged. Tel. 223-3866, 691-9179. VACANCY


EXISTS for one hire car driver. Tel. 226-7973. ONE Cashier, and one Cook to work in Georgetown. Tel. 6796040. VACANCY exists for one (1) part time Sales clerk. Please contact 225-8203/8205. SKILLED and unskilled workers needed in the Virgin Islands - 683-6591, 1 - 284-3423109. VACANCY exists at MALA's Beauty Salon for one (1) professional Hair Dresser. Call 6192666 for more info. ABLE bodied porter. Apply in person with recent police clearance and 2 recommendations. Tel # 226-5473. 1 SALES Clerk, must have knowledge of all types of Japanese spares, at lesst 3 years experience. Tel: 227-, 227-2322 SENIOR Accounts clerk and Auditor needed send application to PO box: 101848 COMPUTER Technician with 3 years experience. Call 2270190, 623-5844, 623-5845. PORTERS, Moulder & Woodmizer operator, lumber clerk. Call Richard: 609-7675, 233-2614. ONE person to work at snackette to prepare barbecui. Call 692-6595, 226-5336, 616-4686. SENIOR Accounts Clerk - ACCA level and 2 years experience. Handyman - Call 223-5273-4 Manager send applications to PO: box 101848 SALES Clerk: Honest and reliable. Come in with application, Nanda's Boutique, 223 Camp Street. OFFICE Clerk, Senior/Junior. CXC English Mathematics. Computer knowledge an asset. Call 225-0188, 225-6070. INTERNAL AUDITOR Qualifications (1) CAT qualified (2) One year auditing experience (3) P o l i c e clearance contact: 225-1787 OPERATORS, Apply in person to B.M. Enterprise Inc. Guyana Fisheries Limited Wharf. Houston, East Bank Demerara. Tel: 592-227-8176/7 BILLING/SALES Clerk. Must have a working knowledge of QuickBooks. 5 subjects CXC. Experience would be an asset. Apply at: LENS, Hydronie, Parika. 260-4916, 260-4915

PORTERS, KITCHEN GARDENER and WATCHMAN - Apply with written application to Patsan - Sheriff &Johnsmith Streets, Campbellville. VACANCY exists for Male Stock Clerk. Apply in person with written application to Regency Suite/Hotel. 98 Hadfield Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. ARE you within the ages of 30 - 45 years? Do you want a weekend job (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) as a domestic /baby sitter on a live-in live-out basis? Applicants preferably from Industry to LBI, ECD. Call 626-2080. VACANCY: for a van driver, and a canter driver. Excellent salary and commission. Apply in person with police clearance, a copy of your driver's license, and 2 recommendations. Tel # 2265473. ONE experienced hairdresser for full-time employment. One house keeper/cook ;must be willing to work weekend. Location: Cornelia Ida, W.C.D. Tel# 6025332. ONE experienced sales clerk to work at Sharon's Boutique and Gift Gallery, located at 33 Durban Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. Apply with written application. Tel. 227-2452, 6709944. RECEPTIONIST, Relief Cashiers, Room Attendant, Must be able to work shift. Requirements: Application, Reference letter, TIN #, ID #. Apply 233 South Road, Lacytown. Tel. 225-0198. ADMINISTRATIVE Manager, At least Two (2) years experience in a Manufacturing Company. Diploma/ Degree will be an asset. Valid Police Clearance. Persons with such requirements are asked to contact tele: 2251787 DRIVER aged 35 - 45 years, 10 years experience, must have a truck licence. Office Assistant, between 35 and 50 years old. Must be computerliterate and have knowledge of NIS and VAT. Preferably female. Contact Tel. 220-2034, 220-1787. SECURITY Guards must be able to work shift, ages 28 - 55 years old, requirement - application, reference last place of employment, TIN #, NIS #, ID #, Police clearance. Apply 233- South Road, Lacytown. Tel. 225-0198.

VACANCY exists at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff Street for an IT Technician. Applicants must send in an application along with a passport-size photograph and CV. For more information, contact 227-5288-89. INTERNET World career opportunity: a vacancy exists for a dynamic and motivated individual to fill the position of Computer Operator. Must have CXC Maths and English, and must be computer literate. Send application to Human Resource Manager, Internet World or Email: WAITERS AND BARTENDERS WANTED a new service provider will be accepting applications for waiters and bartenders (males and females between ages of 18 - 30) Professional training will be provided. These applications must be sent no later than 17th June, 2013. Please send application to 64 Craig Street, Campbellville or Email For more information contact 2278822, 696-3049. IMMEDIATE - VACANCIES for a caretaker at Turkeyen ECD, caretaker at Turkeyen, preferably a family man and above 48 years old, The job pays good salary per week, free housing and all utilities, Applicant must be able to plant garden and keep yard clean, cook for the dogs and look after poultry. House situated at Turkeyen on the East Coast of Demerara. Apply in person with recent Police Clearance, National Identification Card, National Insurance Card and TIN to P&L Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd., 61 E½ David Street Kitty, Georgetown. Tel. 227-4412, 227-4386. For directions, call between Mondays to Fridays only, from 08:00hrs to 16:00hrs only.

LAND FOR SALE Land For Sale 20 HASLINGTON ECD 50ft x 75ft. Contact 654-6540. HOUSTON Gardens, 87 x 125, $13M neg. 611-0315, 690-8625. REPUBLIC Gardens EBD size 50x100. Price $9.8M. Contact 685-7887, 665-7400.. ATLANTIC Ville & Friendship ECD EBD. No price will be refused . Tel. 689-9388, LAND 45x90 at 14 Kersaint Park, LBI. Price $15M, Tel. 699-9201.

VA C A N C I E S e x i s t f o r Sales Clerk, Bond Clerk, Accounts Clerk and Pharmacist at Roy's Pharmacy. Interested persons can send in applications along with Curriculum Vitae and one passport-size photograph to Roy's Pharmacy Stall #32-33 and 64-65 Bourda Market. Tel. 226-0693, one cleaner call Samantha 223-6072.

PROMISING Gold and Diamond Mining lands in various areas. Tel. # 699-3992.

2 MALE Front Desk Assistants 28-45 yrs, Apply K&VC, 2 3 3 S o u t h R o a d . Te l . 2 2 5 0198. Requirements: application, TIN, ID#. Benefits: Attractive wages, weekly incentives and a comfortable work environment in a centrally located area.

CLAIM gold and diamond at Kurupung middle M a z a r u n i . Te l . 6 9 4 - 1 7 0 7 .

RK'S SECURITY Services (Security Department) 2 watch Commanders, 5 Site Supervisors/Commanders (for Diplomatic Residences and Industrial Locations), 4 Visiting supervisors with Motorcycle or license for Motorcycle, 2 Drivers (ages 35+) for car, van and lorry. Contracted work and company employee with benefits in the system.

TIMEHRI Demerara River/ Creek side: 18 acres details. 6446551. DOWNTOWN location, size 65 x 125, price $32M. Diamond size 30x75, price $3M. Tel. 6702013. Serious enquiries only.

BLANKENBURG Public Road, WCD: land for sale 38 x 150 - $11M. 658-0132. 41 ACRES land at Silver Hill Linden Highway. Tle. 223-7181, 627-4900. 28 ACRES land on Highway to river with wood, $400 000 per acre. Diana: 227-2256, 626-9382. 1 ACRE FRIENDSHIP W AT E R F R O N T, EBD HOUSE LOTS Versailles and Republic Gardens (gated comp o u n d ) B e l A i r. T E L : 2 2 6 8148, 625-1624.

TRANSPORTED land in Ramsville Court Cove & John, ECD. Call 226-7585. CORNER house lot located at Tuschen Housing Scheme. Contact 625-1154. HOUSE lot in Diamond Housing Scheme, 125ft x 75ft, 15hp Suzuki outboard engine, 14½ ft aluminum boat. Tel. 638-6722 S. Zaman. PLOTof land for sale located at Ocean View Drive, Ruimzeight Gardens WCD. Call 267-2348, 6943896. BB ECCLES 100 x 50 only $14M, Call Ms Debidyal. 6979377, 231-2064, 225-2626, 2276863, 615-0069, 627-0288, 2261064. 100 ACRES Mahaica Creek, Manni Street Linden, 2nd lot D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust with driveway, Rainbow City Linden with approved plan. Call 644-6551. LAND in Queenstown 165 x 60 over $100M. Phone Vice President Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Darandia 615-0069, 618-0000, 225-2626

SHEMROCK GARDENS E.C.D - Size 105 X 86. Price $31 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. REPUBLIC GARDENS Size 50 X 100. Price $9.8 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. LAND for bond, hotel, apartment complex, Blygezight 120 x 60 $36M, neg, Austin St. 134 x 56 - $36M, Kitty 8 000 sq ft - $22M, Phone Vice President 225-2626, 618-0000, 2252626, 623-2591, 226-1064, 227-6863, 615-0069 LAND with 20ft driveway Dennis Street $17M, Sec. 'M' 90 x 50 plus reserve $17M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, one house in McDoom close to main road $9M. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000 Vice President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 227-6863, 226-1064, 225-2626.

ONE land in Duncan St. for 4-storey office complex, bond, school, apartment $31M. Phone 627-0288, Mr. Ramsayoe 618-0000, Mr Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Mr. Darindra 615-0069.\ TRANSPORTED River View land, location Skeldon Berbice, 9.650 acres. For more information, contact 592-617-5860 after 16:00 hrs. DIAMOND, Grove, La Parfaite Harmonie, LBI, Kuru Kururu, Herstelling, Sheriff Street, Bush Lot WCB, Adventure. Rice land - 629-8253, 688-4414. LAND of Canaan, E.B.D., East of Public Road. Few acres left for sale this year, all utilities, two access roads. Tel # 266-0014, 669-8139. L.B.I E.C.D- Corner lot 9000 Sq Ft Land Price $16 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6436353, 685-7887. REPUBLIC GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - Size 5000 sq ft. Price $13.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SHERIFF STREET- double prime business spot (Size 12,500 sq ft) Price USD$ 1.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 -7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. REPUBLIC GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - (Size 10,000 sq ft) Price $23 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. D'ANDRADE Street NewtownDouble lot. Price $21 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. ATLANTIC GARDENS E.C.D- Triple lot. Price $59 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. VLISSENGEN RD- WORTHMAN-VILLE- triple lot suitable for business, bond, etc. Price reduce to $39 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. GARNETTE ST NEWTOWN- Land for commercial building, bond, apartments, etc. Size 32x135. Price $34 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665- 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

148 x 60 land in Bel Air Village for hotel, bond, 5-storey, students' dorm - $42M. Phone Vice President Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Vice President Ramsohoye 618-0000, 6232591, 227-6863, 225-2626, 6677812. FABULOUS Homes international Realty: Lambard Street 90x70 $80M, North Road 40x80 $50M, Alberttown double lot $25M, Middle Road $5.5M 45x60, LA Grange $3.5M, 40x160 Ahaiziah 6133018. MADUNI Yarrowkabra 30 acres in the vicinity of Maduni Creek $8M, Land of Canaan 3 acres roadside, width 500ft, road to river 400ft riverside frontage 500ft - $120M neg, Berbice riverside 112x114 (12768 sq. ft) 98x48 ft (4704 sq. ft) factory building on site 75x62ft - $60M, Soesdyke riverside 160x300 ft $35M, 2272612, 627-8314, 655-0755; 120x60 CLOSE to Brickdam, $75M suitable for 5-storey complex, hotel Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, Mr Pereira 226-1064, M r. D a r i n d r a 6 1 5 - 0 0 6 9 , 225-2626, 227-6863, 225-5198. COVERDEN riverside: 62 feet wide by 600 feet, $28M; Thomas Street, Cummingsburg: 39 ft by 242 ft $75M; Diamond Middle Income with foundation, $7.5M; Success Railway Embankment, 22000 sq ft $50M; Mentore/ Singh Realty 225-1017, 6236136.

HAPPY Acres front, residential areas $16M, Bagotville, W.B.Dem land 45 by 150 feet on eastern side of road, D'Urban Street close to High Street 50 by 100 feet for $16M, five acres of prime land at Pearl, EBD for $12M, Agricola, double lot $8M, Success and Railway line road on ECD 22 000 sq.ft of land for $48M, Nandy Park residential $16.5M, Contact Pete's Real Estate - 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546. GUYANESE businesses mus t think o u t o f t h e b ox . They must adopt a new strategy. The Chinese are moving in some locations that land for bond/factory is cheap, 20 000 sq ft land close to the Chinese embassy for bond. $58M, 8 000 sq. ft on the main road close to the Chinese Embassy $54M f o r 4-storey fast food/ s u p e r m a r k e t 2 0 0 - c a r parking. 1½ acres of land in Turkeyen for hostel, school, university, bond, Buy now, be decisive. Present, you have a boss, now decide. Phone Mr. Danhandri 615-0065, M r. P a t r i c k P e r e i r a 6 6 9 - 3 3 5 0, M r. A l y s i o u s P e r e i r a 6 2 3 2591, 225-2709, 225-2626, 2 2 5 - 3 0 6 8 , 2 2 6 - 1064, 2276863, 225-5198 Seven days of h o t m a il: THIS land is going to solve your business need, in Smyth close to Brickdam 120 x 60 the only land available for $55M neg All lands that would give you the same return on your investment $95M, talking of 5-storey complex. Phone Lady Boston 6842244, Lady Racel Jones 688-3434 lady Davi Dyal 697-9377, Master Darindra 615-0069, 6180 0 0 0 , 623-2591, 225-2626, 225-3068, 226-1064 , E m a i l :


22 LAND FOR SALE CAPITAL REALTY LAND: Republic Gardens $10M, Rahamans Park $22M, Grove $2.5M, Anandale $4.2M, $5M, Diamond $4M up, Friendship on main road $22M, Charlotte Street $23M, Parfaite Harmonie $1.2M, up Sheriff Street $45M, Garnett Street $32M, $40M, House lots EBD $4M and up, Land of Canaan $8M per acre, Canal No. 1 and 2 $12M and up, Ruimz e i g h t G a r d e n s $ 8 M , Blankenburg $12M, Vreed-enHoop double lot 8,678 sq ft $5M. many more listing Azeem 226-9383, 642-3722, 698-8710. WE wish to advertise all land was made by the creator for different purposes. Go as high as you can to enjoy economy of height. Earl's Court LBI double lot 120 x 90 $17M, Happy Acres parallel to the Main Road 100 x 50 - $16M, for business or 4-storey apartment land for bonds on the East Coast $28M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft $20M, Da Silva St 70 x 35 - $14M, 9 000 sq. ft on Main Road 500 yards south of Chinese Embassy, Turkeyen 1.4 acres $38M, Campbellville 80 x 60 with lots of reserve $16M, Republic Park $16M, Continental Park double lot $35M, Croal Street 75 x 50 - $32M, 3 lots at 'AA' Eccles with massive unfinished structure $98M, plus reserve. Friendship $3.5M, Pearl 5 acres for gated community $45M neg. Phone V.P. Mrs . A l a n n a Debidayal 231-2064, cell 6979377, 225-3068, 226-1064, 2276863, 227-6964, 225-2626. to let


SPACE to rent in Duncan Street. Tel. 621-8198. 2-BEDROOM apartment upper flat. Tel. 658-2751. FURNISHED rooms: single person only. Tel. 229-6149. BUSINESS space Alberttown - 621-5282. MISS Dee Apartments for overseas guests is back. Call 661-7354. NEWTOWN: 1 - BEDROOM apartment furnished and grilled $60 000. 622-8109. ONE four-bedroom house in Section 'A' Diamond. Tel. 265-4161. 2 BEDROOM apartment $30 000 per month. Tel. 6462678. ALBERTTOWN large business space to rent on Light Street. Contact 644-0530. FINE business location, ground floor, Brickdam for office or business.Tel. 694-1091. ONE three-bedroom bottom flat, Section 'C' South Turkeyen. Tel. 612-7888. SINGLE apartment in Charlestown $25 000 per month. 227-4563, 667-3684. OFFICE space 2500 square feet Lamaha and Carmichael Street. Call 225-8915 (Office). KINGSTON: 3 office spaces available for immediate rental. Tel. 226-1308 or 647-1481. HOUSE on farmland located in La Grange area. Tel. 609-8235, 698-1485. 2 MODERN apartments at Campbellville, Georgetown. Call 219-4535. HOUSE at Lamaha Garden and Diamond, E.B.D.; hot and cold water, etc. Call 219-4535. QUEENSTOWN: furnished executive apartment with all conveniences. Tel. 225-0545. FULLY furnished apartment $80 000 monthly. Tel. 627-2981, 604-0054. 1 - 5-BEDROOM house; 3bedroom house with parking; 2bedroom flat with parking. Tel. 695-9757, 647-5635. ONE-bedroom apartment to rent at Parfaite Harmonie W.B.D. $18 000 per month. Tle. 6680306, 694-7817.



FURNISHED executive apartment with internet access, generator, and parking Tel. 6420636.

ONE furnished apartment for overseas visitors with AC, hot and cold shower, US$25 daily. Call 2316061, 621-1524.

EXECUTIVE office in central location (Middle and Carmichael Streets). Tel. 2256370, 609-3899.

HOUSES, Apartments & business for rent. US$400. & up. Call Sandy - 638-7232/222-7986.

FURNISHED room and apartment $3 000, $4 000, $5 000, $6 000 daily. Call Julian 638-4505, 225-4709. PRIME business location to rent in Camp Street between New Market & Lamaha for business or office, Tel: 694-1091, 639-4499. ONE-bedroom apartment. Preferably working couple. Cornelia Ida, W.C.D. Tel# 602-5332. ECCLES 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT & 3 bedroom upstairs, short term. Tel 660-4764. 2 - B E D R O O M in exclusive residential area with all modern amenities. 653-2920. ONE house or apartment to rent: $15,000-$20,000 a month. Tel. 698-0844. APARTMENT for single or couple only. Call 692-6595, 2265336, 616-4686. REST- Bar for rent, 3-Bedroom house for rent, with one master room. Call: 669-0366

DOWNTOWN space suitable for any office, barber, salon, storage or other. Call 227-3064, 628-7589. QUEENSTOWN furnished executive apartment with two selfcontained apartment, price US$600. Tel. 225-0545. OFFICE business space, Queenstown US$300, US$500, US$900 and US$1600 neg. AC and parking space. Tel. 624-4225. ONE two-bedroom apartment at Industry, toilet and bath inside. Tel. 222-8887, 626-6981, 656-6356 3-BEDROOM furnished concrete house, $50 000, two (2) months security. Near Parika and Tuschen Scheme. 592-686-2800. TWO-bedroom upper flat, recently renovated and secured, western side McDoom Public Road. Married couple preferred $45 000 monthly - 653-7654. MOVE in ready: fully furnished two-bedroom upper-flat apartment, Atlantic Gardens US$1000, dollars negotiable. Call 600-9981.

FULLY secured concrete bond, 87 ft by 31', private compound, McDoom Public Road, back of Police outpost. 233-0570.

EXECUTIVE two-storey building, 3 bedrooms, with all modern conveniences, furnished/unfurnished, Meadow Brook Gardens. Mr Narine. 696-8230.

1 - FULLY furnished 1-bedroom apartment with AC for out of town or overseas visitor in Kitty. Tel. 686-4620, 227-2466.

QUEENSTOWN Peter Rose Street: furnished executive apartment with all conveniences, prices US$600. Tel. 225-0545.

ONE-bedroom 'B' apartment, semi-furnished at lots Cummings Lodge, price $35 000. Tel. 673-6168.

FURNSIHED executive apartment with internet access, generator, and parking. Tel. 6420636.

2-STOREY, 1 BOND space, located at Broad and Ketley Streets, with utilities. 6433675 .

FULLY furnished two-bedroom house upper-flat in central location with all modern facilities for daily or monthly rental. Call L. Persaud 231-5992, 623-9308.

GARNETT Street: One-&two-bedroom furnished apartments. with hot & cold, AC & Internet from US$20 daily. Rates neg. for monthly visitors. Phone: 227-5852/638-4404. 1-BEDROOM apartment, Kitty. Furnished 2-bedroom apartment, studio and rooms daily - 6215282. 2-BEDROOM fully furnished apartment available to local and overseas clientele for long/ short term rental. Call 6585454. EXECUTIVE apartment from US$500, US$800, US$1000, $US1200 and upwards. 227-1064, 669-3350. FULLY-furnished apartment, long and short term, utilities included, with AC; Duncan Street. Contact 645-0787. 3-BEDROOM house in D'Urban Street, $70 000. Tel. 226-0673, 685-4694 (available from December 1, 2013.) 1-FLAT wooden, fullygrilled wooden building to rent for business, 50k. negotiable. Tel 226-0861, 683-7278. NORTH ROAD: business/ office space downtown: top storey $100 000, $70 000, $40 000. Tel. # 226-5999, 619-2525. ONE spacious 2 bedroom fully grilled apartment in 1st Street Alexander Village, $45 000 per month. Tel. 648-3374, 225-6965.

1- AND 2-bedroom apartments for long term rental with selfcontained hot and cold AC, etc location Mon Repos, ECD. Price $75 000 and $85 000. Tel. 618-0626. REGENT STREET Store, secure ground floor 60'x10,' suitable for electronic, cell phone, computer, general or Jewellery store .$2,500US. Mr. Paul 231-9181, 626-1150, 118 Regent & Alexander Streets. GARNETT Street: One- & two-bedroom furnished apartments. with hot & cold, AC & Internet from US$20 daily. Rates neg. for monthly visitors. Phone: 227-5852/638-4404. EAST STREET Public Hospital vicinity: Top and bottom flat fully grilled, air conditioned; good for doctor's office. Contact B & G's Realty. 227-4125, 617-9717. TWO-storey building located at prime location Alberttown, Georgetown furnished with all modern amenities including master bedroom with AC spacious kitchen, sitting and dining quarters, bar area, large parking area can accommodate 4 cars, secure environment apartment suitable for large family/business use - 645-8400. UPPER flat suitable for office, school, church or any business at Cummings and Middle Streets. Tel. 233-2692. NORTH Road: two-bedroom, bottom flat, $70 000. Call Pete's Real Estate 226-9951, 223-6218, 226-5546, 227-2487, 623-7805

2 BEDROOM apartment in 95 Craig St., Campbellville, preferably for small family, professionals, teacher. Tel # 225-4409, 645-0984

2-BEDROOM upper-flat Garnett Street, Newtown, Kitty $80 000. Tel. # 226-2924, 6139085.

ONE furnished room to rent in La Parfait, Harmonie, West Bank, Demerara (18 000, working elderly female preferred ) 615-1201, 227-6690.

KITTY $65 000 - $120 000, Meadow Brook $100 000, Bel Air US$1000, Atlantic Garden US$900, Providence US$1300. Diana: 227-2256, 626-9382.

1 THREE bedroom concrete bottom flat, inside toilet & bath, telephone, parking. Decent working couple. 6483342, 668-5384.

BUSINESS spot for rental: Internet, pharmacy, indoor restaurant, bond space, boutique, and cell phone shop. etc. 623-2591, Mr Pereira.



TWO (2) Bedroom House Upper Flat Located in Central Georgetown. Contact: Ms. Shelley Duncan. Tel: 684-1084 OR Mr. Joseph Ishmael Tel: 690-9216

QUEENSTOWN: Fully furnished 1- and 3-bedroom apartments, hot & cold, AC, internet, parking, etc., suitable for overseas and visitors short term. 227-1843, 226-5137.

SHAMROCK Gardens: 4 self-contained rooms US$2000 US$1800; Subryanville 4 bedrooms US$3000. Tel. 628-5245, 695-2104.

EXECUTIVE rentals in residential area, well secured, fully furnished with parking. Contact Luxury Homes on 6963049 or 615-7539.

ATLANTIC GARDENS- 3 bedrooms upper furnished US$950. JEWANRAM: 2271988/623-6431/,

SOUTH RUIMVELDT PARK - unfurnished one bedroom apartment. Price $30,000. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 614-0166.

AA ECCLES- Upscale 3 bedrooms fully furnished residence with office. A/c, Hot & cold, generator, mosquito mesh, etc us$2500. JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 623-6431. MEADOW BROOK GARDENS- New upscale 3 bedrooms property with modern amenities, A/C, Hot & Cold, Grilled, Secured parking, etcUS$1500.JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 623-6431/ 647-0560, SUBRYANVILLE- 3 bedrooms semi-furnished property overlooking the Atlantic - $1,200. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/6236431/,

QUEENSTOWN- Bottom flat suitable for storage bond size (1160 sq ft). Price $100,000 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. GUYSUCO Gardens E.C.D semi furnished 4 bedroom house Price USD $1400 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ECCLES E.B.D- fully furnished executive houses with modern amenities. Price USD $1800. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. ATLANTIC GARDENSFully furnished Executive 3 bedroom house. Price USD $1800. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353.

KITTY (RESTURANT)Spacious ground floor, 4 corner- US$650. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/,

SUBRYANVILLE- Unfurnished 3 bedroom house can be used as office or residence. Price USD $1100. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

MON REPOS, E.C.D- Well appointed apartments. Upper$100,000, Lower- $80,000. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/,

HAPPY ACRES- Brand new 3 bedroom furnished executive top flat. Price USD $1400 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

PRASHAD NAGAR/ BEL AIR PARK- 4 bedrooms furnished property with modern amenities- US$2500, US$1200. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/, LAMAHA STREET/ HADFIELD STREET/ NORTH ROAD- Suitable for school, offices,etc. JEWANRAM: 2271988/ 623-6431/, THREE bedrooms with living room, kitchen, bath, toilet; preferable for 3 single females or small family in Cummings Lodge. Tel. 646-1799, 644-9088 (Anytime). SOUTH Road: $180,000 office or residence; Kingston: US$800; Queenstown: $75 000 3-bedroom; Kingston (office space): $100 000. Contact 6876647, 612-5026, 223-1440. IMAX/ ENTERPRISE GARDENS, E.C.D- 3 bedrooms lower$55,000; BETTER HOPE, E.C.D2 bedrooms upper -$45,000. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/, RESIDENTIAL: 2- and 3-bedroom unfurnished and furnished apartments, $85 000 to $130 000. BUSINESS: Robb Street 3-storey/ flat, Alberttown 3-storey/flat, Alberttown $100 to $450 000. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624. OFFICE/executive rental: Wonderful 7-bedroom property for office & residence at Atlantic Ville, East Coast Demerara. Price US$2000. Call Mr Darin 6150069, 225-2626, 225-5198, 2253069, 225-2709, 231-2064. 2-BEDROOM furnished top apartment, Campbellville $80 000 neg, 2-bedroom furnished top flat South Road US$800, other apartment and houses furnished and unfurnished from US$800 up. Call 6645105.

ECCLES E.B.D - brand new executive 5 bedroom house furnished, semi furnished or unfurnished. Price USD $3500 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. SHERIFF STREET SECTION K C/VILLE- Semi- furnished 3 bedroom house can be rented as office. Price USD $1850 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. E N T E R P R I S E E.C.DUnfurnished 2 bedroom bottom flat . Price $50,000.Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. PRASHAD NAGAR - Semi furnished 4 bedroom executive house can be used as an office or residence . Price USD $2200 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. C/VILLE close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete building. Suitable for business, school, residence etc . Price USD $ 12,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. QUEENSTOWN - 3 storey concrete building suitable for school. Building size 10,250 sq ft. Price USD $4500. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SUBRYANVILLE - Semifurnished 3 bedroom house with office space on ground floor. Price USD$1350. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. HADFIELD STREET Ground floor business space. Price $250,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. QUEENSTOWN- Furnished 2 bedroom Executive top flat. Price USD $1300. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

TO LET HADFIELD STREET Top flat suitable for off i c e . Price $200,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. G A R N E T T STREET C/ VILLE - Furnished three bedroom house. Price USD $1300. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. PRASHAD NAGAR - furnished 2 bedroom apartments for a single person or couple. Price USD $600. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. QUEENSTOWN - bottom flat suitable for office/residence. Price USD $1200. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 6857887, 643-6353. PRASHAD NAGAR -Unfurnished 3 bedroom house. Price USD $1200. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SAFFON ST CHARLESTOWN- 3 storey concrete building for general store/ storage bond. Size 15225 Sq Ft. Price USD $10,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ALBERT STREET, ALBERTOWN - 3 storey concrete building. Suitable for school, embassy, office complex, call centre, medical complex, etc. Price USD $10,000 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. A PAR TMENTS : Unfurnished one-bedroom $50 000 and $55 000, 2-bedroom $60 0 0 0 m o n t h l y. F u r n i s h e d , US$500 - US$1000 monthly. Contact 231-0845. LUXURY flat apartments 143B Fifth Street Alberttown, long and short terms, rentals double,24hrs surveilance/night security and single rooms US$40 and US$80 per night, wifi, AC, hot and cold. Tel. 231-6721. 3-BEDROOM wooden building, Agricola Public Road. 2 bedroom house in Diamond $90,000. Brand new 5 bedroom house in Diamond $2000,000 Tel. 216-3120, 6676644. 1 - UNFURNISHED 4-bedroom house in Meadow Brook Gardens, 1 master bedroom, maid's quarters, powder room, hot/cold, WiFi and telephone, basement and two parkings. Contact 231-6721, US$1500 per month. BARR Street, Kitty: 3-bedroom upstairs front house, 1 selfcontain room, 2 washrooms, tub, large breezy veranda fully grilled, beautifully lacquered inside, separate driveway for 3 vehicles. Suitable for foreigners. Call 225-3262, 226-4014, 6766948. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom very spacious $90 000, furnished 1- 2-, & 3-bedroom, including AC, internet, parking, pool US$500, US$600, US$700. Very exquisite. Contact Alexander Pereira - 669-0943 E m a i l TWO (2) Modern Single Apartments, Upper Flat, Semi F u r n i s h e d , H o t & C o l d , Air Conditioned Unit, Located in Central Georgetown. Contact: Ms. Shelley Duncan. Tel: 6841084 OR Mr. Joseph Ishmael Tel: 690-9216 ONE building size 180 ft length x 45 ft width. Building open out with concrete floor and situated on an entire lot. Building and location suitable for a Chinese flee market or Auto sales, etc. Tel. 672-2654, 6579014.







PROPERTY Bel Air Gardens upper floor four bedrooms, one self-contained, two po wder rooms, two bathrooms, two verandas overlooki n g the ocean, closet space; ground floor, lounge used also as private office, house-keeper apartment; two car garage; multiple parking $300 000. 6 6 7 9367.

COMMERCIAL space to let from 1st December 2013 for retail outlet or office, 74 B r i c k d a m , o p p o s i t e G T & T, ground floor 640 sq ft with 35 KVA back-up generator, glass shop front, air conditioned, fully secured with motorized metal shutters and guard hut, internet and telephone lines installed, off-road parking, kitchenette with microwave and mini fridge, 450 gal water tank. Also available 712 sq ft 2nd floor with similar features. Can rent separately or together. Phone James 645-9029.

GROVE, E.B.D flat concrete house $11M; Sophia land $1.5M. Tel. 684-6266.

RANCH house (Region No.9), main house and out house located on 25 acres of land For more information, please call Harry on 592-641-5499, 592-6801669 or Natasha 592-617-5860.

KITTY US$600, Paradise (furnished house) $45 000, East Bank $30 000, Eccles $60 000, Bel Air (furnished) $80 000 to US$1600, Kingston (house) US$900, Atlantic Gardens (house) US$900, Lamaha Gardens (semi-furnished house) US$1200, Providence (furnished house) US$1300. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382. KITTY semi-furnished lower flat $130k neg, Stevedore 2-bedroom flat house $50k, Hadfield Street 1-bedroom semi furnished $45k, Durban Street 2 bedroom $50k, Republic Park 2-bedroom apartment building $60k, Sophia 1-bedroom close to Dennis Street $25k, Bel Air whole house US$1500, Greenfield 3bedroom furnished US$1300 Ram 655-8361, 699-6811, Fabulous Homes Realty. FA B O U LO U S H O M E S RENTAL: John: 609-8233; Stevedore whole house $50 000; Hadfield Street apartment with AC and light, water; Republic Park 2-bedroom, apartment $60 000; Ogle furnished with pool US$3000; Bel A i r modern 3-bedroom US$1500; South Road US$2500; Carmichael Street modern office space US$1500 US$2200; Bel Air whole house US$5000. THE World #1 Realtor Mister Terry Redford Reid 667-7812, 2256858, 225-7164, 226-1064, 2252626, 231-2068, 619-7945. Have the executive rental reduced by 35%,Prashad Nagar US$1000, Jacaranda Ave. Bel Air Park US$2000, B a r ima Ave Bel A i r Park US$1 8 0 0 , B e l A i r S p r i n g s U S $ 1 0 0 0 , l a r g e b o nd for rental o f f i c e s m a l l f o r m US$375, 10 000 sq ft office space for technologybusiness, Lam a h a Gardens US$1500, Lama Av e , B e l A i r P a r k US$180 0 , B e l A i r P a r k o n t h e round about US$1000, Prashad Nagar US$1500, land from $11 million, riverside l a n d h o t e l s w i t h US$35 000 month rental a nd of fice spac e US$40 000 month prope r t i e s f r o m $ 1 4 million . 22 5 - 2626, 225-5198, 226- 1 0 6 4 , 6 2 3 - 2 5 9 1 , 6 6 9 3350 KINGSTON: Spacious upper flat, 3 bedrooms, unfurnished, big yard, parking $120 000. Eccles, new apartment building, quiet area, 2-bedroom, unfurnished, parking $120 000. Subryanville, quiet and residential area, beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean, 2-storey concrete, semi-furnished, 4 bedrooms, 2 self-contained study room, guest suite, walk-in pantry, spacious patio, security hut, maid's quarters, AC< parking US$2500, Eccles, residential area, 2-storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms upstairs, automatic garage, AC, parking US$2500, Campbellville, bottom flat, 2-bedroom unfurnished $60 000. Nandy Park, bottom flat 2 bedroom unfurnished $65 000. Lamaha Gardens, beautiful semifurnished property, 3 bedrooms, large back patio, garage yard space US$1800, Greenfield Park gated community, 2-storey furnished, 3 bedroom, big yard large patio, US$1300. Lamaha Gardens, quiet and secure 2-storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms, back patio, yard space AC US$1500, Happy Acres, 2-storey apartment building, 3 bedrooms each, fully furnished, parking US$1500 each. Call Pete's Real Estate Lot 2 George Street, W/ Rust. 227-2487, 226-5546, 2269951, 223-6218.

ANTHONY Reid BSc h a s more than 20,000 hrs in Real Estate Investment and Economic Transformation of People Economic Gr o w t h . W e h a ve rental from U S $1500, in Bel Air Park, ambassador's residence in University Gardens Le Resouvenir, Lama Ave with pool, Jacaranda Ave. with large lawns US$2000, Prashad Nagar US$1000, apt. from U S $ 7 0 0 , b o n d 8 0 0 0 sq ft, small an d l a r ge office space up to 15000 sq foot; state of the art hotel and o f f i c e c o m p l e x w i t h i n come of US$40 000 m o n t h l y ; 2 a c r e s o f l and in the city for hotel, and any complex Main Street2½ acresUS$5M, Water Street 4 acres for hotel, hotel on 5 acres of land overlooking the sea US$5M; another overlooki n g t h e s e a US$1.5M, income US$15000; riverside land residential land at LBI - $10M; Republic Park $8M, Diamond $7M, Sec. 'K' $20 M , Bel Air Park $ 2 5 M , G a r nett double lot $42M, Phone 225-2626, 231-2064, 2252709, 226-1064, 227-6949, 227-6863, 667-7812. 619-7945. WE have rental from US$800 in Kingston, New Haven, beautiful 2-storey concrete property, 4 self-contained rooms, large den, large living room, family room, television room, beautiful kitchen, fully air conditioned, hot and cold facilities, land space. Price US$2500, unfurnished. Bel Air Springs 2-storey concrete property, master room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, family room, den, verandah, hot and cold facilities, semi-furnished, security cameras, land spac e U S $ 1 5 0 0 . L a m a h a Gardens 2-storey concrete property, fully air conditioned 3 be d r o o m s , unfurnished US$2000, (neg). Prashad Nagar 2-storey concrete property large living area, 4 selfcontained rooms hot and cold f a c i l i t i e s , g e n e r a t o r, u n f u r nished US$1500 neg. Camp St middle floor suitable for business $175 00 0 . Q U E E N S T O W N : Beautiful 2-storey concrete property in perfect condition, 4 bedrooms, hot and cold facilities, master room, family room, den, air-conditioned, parking space for vehicle US$2500. Do call u s o n Te l . 2 2 5 - 6858, 225-7164, 688-1885 Call Te r r e n c e 6 6 7 7812. We are situated at 247 'D' Forshaw &Oronoque Sts. Queenstown.

ONE property at Schoon Ord New Housing Scheme, WBD, 2-storey concrete. Tel. 698-3636. ONE 2-storey concrete house in Grove, fully tiled, 3 bedrooms upstairs. 628-2330. 3-BEDROOM house (one master) in Eccles $25M. Diana: 227-2256, 626-9382. 3-BEDROOM flat house, fully grilled, with all amenities located at Herstelling EBD, in a gated community. Serious enquiries only 6708958. 2 FLAT wooden building, 178 Waterloo Street, Georgetown. $50M. Call 627-3994. 3-BEDROOM wooden building, Agricola Public Road $10.5M neg. Tel. 216-3120, 667-6644.

FULLY furnished 4-bedroom house, super condition, located at Bath, West Coast Berbice. Call 6108118, 678-3314.

PRADO Ville mansion, 5 bedrooms, all self-contained AC, parking etc.:$120M neg. Serious enquiries. Call: 610-8332.

HOUSE at Herstelling, 22 x 38, land 100 x 50 - $11.8M, other Golden Grove, near Diamond Fire Station $12M. 688-1657.

ONE 3-storey building with business and lots of land space for any type of business. Serious enquiries only. Tel. 610-0575.

2 PROPERTIES (SIDE BY SIDE) ECD PUBLIC ROAD 2storey/flat concrete $18M, Lusignan 3-storey/flat South Road. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624.

HAPPY Acres $45M, 2231765, 615-8734.\ 3 BEDROOM 2 storey concrete in Lusignan $18M neg. 6757385. PROPERTY in Bare Root, ECD. No agents. Reasonable offer. Tel. 612-6417.

NEW Amsterdam, Coburg Street: large executive concrete and wooden building with doctor's chambers. Vacant possession. Tel. 642-0636.

SECURE investment opportunity: Invest in a property on Florida, gateway resort in Florida with 41% return in 2 years. Call 692-9384. TWO-storey concrete building - 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 down, garage - located at 16CC Eccles E.B.D. Tel. 621-9115, 666-2626. ONE two-storey property in Greenheart St., South Ruimveldt Gardens, six bedrooms. Price $21 million negotiable. Contact 6467305.

PLAISANCE $75M; La Penitence $5M; Queenstown $85M; Business property $55M. - Call 645-5938. LA PENITENANCE wooden and concrete 4-bedroom upperflat; 3-family apartments, lower flat, $16.5 million neg. 681-3085, No agents. LARGE concrete building bordered by 3 Main Streets in central Georgetown. Ideal for offices, school, bond, etc., 4 flats 130ft x 35 ft each, land 250ft x 50 ft. 2270190, 693-5610.

2-STOREY concrete house: 3 bedrooms, 1 self-contained with AC, 1 laundry room, located at Mon Repos, E.C.D. $36M neg. Tel. # 6422116. PROPERTY at Lot 39 'C' Martin Street, Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice. Tel. 2190223, 685-4839 after 18:00hrs. $2.5M. Must go. BEL Air Gardens, Bel Air Park and Continental Park land and building. Contact Pete's Real Estate 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805. LODGE commercial property: 4-corner, consist of apartments rental and beverage depot. Tel. 223-7181, 627-4900.

PROPERTY FOR SALE QUEENSTOWN- Investment property on corner. Suitable for business, apartment complex, hotel or dream house etc. Land size 6500 Sq Ft.Price $85 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

OGLE E.C.D 2 family concrete house upper flat 3 bedroom lower flat 2 bedroom price $56 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. DIAMOND E.B.D- brand new Executive concrete house, upper flat 4 bedroom and lower flat 2 apartments Price $53 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. D'URBAN BACKLANDS - 3 bedroom flat house on corner lot, repairs needed Price $14 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 6857887, 643-6353. VERSAILLES W.B.D- brand new 5 bedroom executive house with extra house lot. Price $70 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. McDOOM E.B.D- Concrete 3 bedroom back property with driveway. Price $20 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

DIAMOND E.B.D- Modern 2 family concrete house. Price $35 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

CAMPBELLVILLE, Stone Avenue: large concrete building with two self-contained apartments, vacant possession. Tel. 225-0545.

NEED to sell or rent your property? Call Capital Realty 226-9383 for professional service and results.

ONE 2-storey concrete (80x23) business location, 6 bedrooms (2 masters) opposite the Leonora Primary School, land is 50 ft x 120.Tel. 652-0709.

MON REPOS E.C.D- Modern 4 bedroom concrete property inclusive of 1 master room. Price $36million neg ., Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

2-BEDROOM concrete flat, 12 Avenue Diamond Housing Scheme, $9.3 million. Tel. 2262924, 613-9085.

REPUBLIC Gardens New Housing Scheme Gated community situated in Peter's Hall District, East Bank Demerara.. All infrastructure are in place. Interested persons are asked to make contact at our office: 2251787 or 672-7189

S. DEONARAIN Real Estate Business and Valuation Services at 4 Strand, New Amsterdam, Berbice. Tel. 330-2521, 6115233.

PUBLIC ROAD KITTY: two family concrete property suitable for business Price $45million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 6657400, 685-7887, 6436353.

3-BEDROOM house E.C.D. $13M; new 2-storey Diamond EBD $20M neg. Contact 6742600, 223-1440.

2 Storey concrete house in Lusignan $18M. Tel: 675-2385

61 TUCBER Park, New Amsterdam, 2 storey building. Tel: 654-6540.

FRIENDSHIP, La Parfaite Harmonie, Crane Village, West Ruimveldt, La Penitence, Kitty, Good Hope. 688-4414, 615-3728.

CAMPBELLVILLE large concrete building with two selfcontained apartment. Vacant possession. Tel. 642-0636.

NEW home - $30M neg. 6110315, 690-8625.

PROPERTY FOR SALE. CONTACT 6 0 9 - 0 0 6 2 / 6 9 9 9926.

ONE two-storey with business at Lamaha Street, Queenstown. Tel. 231-4586, 673-5546, 695-4382

EXECUTIVE property: Turkeyen Gardens, serious i n q u i r e s o n l y . Te l . 6 6 2 9771.


2-STOREY house at 319 East Street $19M. Tel. 225-7593.

EXECUTIVE two-storey building, 3 bedrooms with all modern conveniences, Meadow Brook Gardens, Mr. Narine. 696-8230.

2 - B E D R O O M , 2-storey property at Enterprise, ECD. 2 more properties at Non Pareil and Liliendaal, ECD. Tel: 6396013, 670-9004 Dave.


ONE concrete 2 flat house in Sophia, prime location. Call 629-7745.

VERSAILLES: Fully furnished 5-bedroom house, all rooms self-contained, modern facilities including generator. Beautiful landscape in gated community. Tel: 592-6248704, 592-684-9203.


SECTION 'B' Non Pariel, 1 4-corner (business property), 2storey concrete with, 2 ongoing business Chinese Restaurant and grocery, price $29M neg. Contact Te. 270-4225, 622-8229. LAND OF CANAAN- 4 bedroom concrete house just off the public road. Price $17.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. PRASHAD NAGAR- Investment property. 3 bedrooms upper flat and 3 bedroom lower flat. Price reduced to $58 million for quick sale . Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353 GARNETTE STREET C/ VILLE- concrete building on double lot. Price $58 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353

BENT S T R R E TFREEBURG 3 bedroom wooden house. Price $12 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. DIAMOND E.B.D- 4 bedroom concrete house . Price $25 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. GOED FORTUIN WBD 2storey building, 3 bedrooms, (land size 65x370) $45M neg, Contact Pete's Real Estate 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805. REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D - 4 bedroom concrete house. Price $34.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ROBB STREET - close proximity to Bourda. Investment properties. Price $ 180 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 6657400, 685-7887, 6436353. LUSIGNAN 3-bedroom 2flat $22M; Kingston 6-bedroom 2-flat $22M; Albouystown 4-bedroom 2-flat $13M; Republic Park 5 levels $120M; Durban Street, corner property 2-flat $22M. Tel. 628-5245, 695-2104. ALBERT STREET, ALBERTOWN - 3 storey concrete investment property. Suitable for school, embassy, office complex etc. Price $160 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. CARMICHEAL STREEET 2 storey wooden and concrete back building with 7 ft drive way. Suitable for office/residence. Price $23 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.. LING STREET, CHARLESTOWN - 2 family wooden and concrete house, 3 bedrooms upper and 2 bedrooms lower. Price $13.2 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. C/VILLE close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete Investment Property. Suitable for business, school, residence etc. Price USD $ 1. 4 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643- 6353. SANDY BABB STREET KITTY 2 storey wooden and concrete Income Prope r t y. P r i c e $ 6 6 m i l l i o n neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 6436353.

24 PROPERTY FOR SALE GOED FORTUIN Public Road, W.B.D - Land and building suitable for commercial. Land size 53 x373 price $37.5 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ENMORE E.C.D- 2 storey wooden house. Price $ 6.5 million neg . Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. DIAMOND/GROVE E.B.D3 bedroom flat house. Price $13 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. DIAMOND/GROVE 2 family concrete house. Price $13.5 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. LAMAHA Gardens: Twostorey concrete and wooden building, three bedrooms for $50M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 6237805. BEST Village, Vreed-enHoop, WCD 2-storey 3-bedroom wooden/concrete house on 43x300 ft, transported land. Move in, ready. Price $11M neg. Call 627-0289. TWO- storey concrete wooden building in prime business area on Sheriff Street. Contact Pete's Real Estate, 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805. SOUTH Ruimveldt Garden $25M, neg, Eccles $25M, Seaside land ECD $15M, Rasville $12M, WCD $3.5M, $8.5, Lambert Street $80M. Troy 6262243. La Parfaite Harmonie, beautiful and newly built flat concrete house, 3 bedrooms $10M neg, Contact Pete's Real Estate, 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 6237805.

GUYANA CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2013 PROPERTY FOR SALE MAIN Street: three stories wooden and concrete, US$1 million; New Hope, EBD: new executive house on 10,000 sq ft land with swimming pool $50M; Atlantic Gardens: semi-furnished $45M.; Mentore/ Singh Realty 225-1017, 623-6136. SEMI-unfurnished flat concrete house situated at Pariel 806 of Block XXVIII Plantation Friendship, East Bank Demerara with fruit trees, price negotiable. Call Tel. Nos 647-8595, 2704149, 227-7978 ask for Terrence. 1 - TWO-storey concrete, needs repairs, located at A12 East La Penitence Housing Scheme, Georgetown, just behind the Police Station. Price $22M neg. Tel. 662-6173, 648-4420. LOCATED at Thomas and Lamaha Streets, Kitty, prime business spot. Tel. 225-7732, 610-3043, 689-7250, 6884771. B U S I N E S S property in Bent St - $16.5M, Phone Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 226-1064, 618-0000, Mr Pereira 6232591, 225-2626. 225-5198, 231-2064, 226-1064. LAMAHA STREET- 2 storey concrete and wooden property. 2 nd Second building with no drive way- $8M. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 270-4470/ 6236431/ 647-0560, GREIA: GROVE, E.B.D two-storey concrete building25M; Huston - E.B.D, two properties on land- 30M; Mon-Repostwo-storey concrete building35M. Tel# 225-3737, 225-4398, 651-7078. 2-STOREY, William St $30M, land sixe 100x50 669-3350, 623-2591, 2261064, 225-2626, 225-5198, 225-3068, 231-2064, 2276949, 227-6368, 225-2709.

GOOD Hope $20M, 25M, Better Hope $50M, Bel Air $40M, Alberttown 60M, 4th Street Campbellville $65M. LAND Kitty, Duncan Street $28M, Da Silva $19M & $20M.

BUSINESS for sale one game shop located at Lot 13 D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust, for price contact Leon Denobrega. Te l . # 6 1 0 - 0 8 0 8 , 2 3 1 8424.

ECCLES: 2-storey concrete 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 apartments downstairs - 2 bedrooms each. $35M. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

HAPPY Acres, secure area, 2-storey concrete, 2 bedrooms, parking $26M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 6237805.

NANDY Park beautiful 2storey concrete building, 5 bedrooms with studio apartment, well-kept parking. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805

GREIA Kerstaint Park, E.C.D: two properties on land 55'x150'; good land space for bond or can be sold separately. Call to discuss, price $28M. Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078.

REPUBLIC Park, quiet area, newly built 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms, parking $45M neg, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 6237805.

GREIA South Ruimveldt Caneville Ave: large five-bedroom two-family building, no repairs, selling with all furnishings and fittings. Owner in country to sell - parking for ten vehicles, price $32M. Tel. 225-3737, 2254398, 651-7078.

ENTERPRISE 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 1 downstairs $13M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805. OGLE ECD residential area, beautiful 2-storey concrete, semifurnished, 2-family, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 bedrooms downstairs, back patios, and parking. Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805. ATLANTIC Gardens, residential area, 2-storey concrete, 4 bedrooms, 2 self-contained, fully furnished, hot and cold system, AC $45M, Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805. CANE View Avenue, South Ruimveldt Gardens 2-storey wooden, concrete, corner lot. Call or visit Pete's Real Estate. Lot 2 George St, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

GREIA ECCLES: Three bedroom concrete building 28M; Diamond - concrete and wooden two-storey building - 16M; Guyhoc Park - two-storey concrete and w o o d e n b u i l d i n g - 11 M . Te l # 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078. PRINCESS Street $10M, Bent Street $10M, Guyhoc Park $12M, South Ruimveldt, $10M, North Road $60M neg, Alberttown $37M, Kitty $40M, Call Corretta on Te l . # 6 9 7 - 7 8 4 2 , 6 7 1 6653, 231-7052. PARADISE (land) $1.4M, Meadowbrook $9M-$11M, Kitty $28.5M, East Bank $12M, West Bank $19.5M, Alberttown $31M, Queenstown $23M, South $28M, AA Eccles $60M, 28 acres highway (land form road to river) $14M. Diana: 227-2256, 626-9382.

PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSE and Land for Sale Two Storyed Wooden and Concrete House, Sixth Street Alberttown Georgetown. $35 Million Dollars Negotiable. Contact: Mr. George Teekah Tel: 231-6278 Or Dr: Thasana Teekah Tel: 626-0993 GREIA: Strathspey ECD: Flat three-bedroom concrete building $6M, Eccles two corner spots, concrete buildings $25M, Canal No. 2 two-storey 4-bedroom concrete building on 9 acres of land $25M, Tel. 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078. GREIA: Campbellville two-storey concrete building $50M, Atlantic Ville furnished two-storey building w i t h g e n e r a t o r, o v e r l o o k i n g A t l a n t i c O c e a n $ 5 5 M . Te l . 225-3737, 225-4398, 6517078. E X Q U I S I T E ! A A Eccles $8 5 M R e p u b l i c P a r k $ 5 5 M , BB Eccles $35M, Diamond unfinished $22M, Queenstown $100M, Lamaha St. $40M, Section 'K' $40M - $75M. Contact 644-9883. BUSINESS: REGENT S T R E E T, Robb Street, Church Street. RESIDENT I A L N E W H AV E N , B e l A i r Springs, Gardens and Park, Lamaha Gardens, Prashad Nagar, Atlantic Gardens, Diamond. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624. THESE are ) NOVEMBER bargains: Sec. 'K' $23 million, Meadow Brook $28M, and $35M, Kitty $23, Al b e r t t o w n c o n c r e t e massive for hotel $45M, Bel Air Park in great condition $52M, Happy Acres executive $58M, Alb e r t t o w n $ 3 0 M , Sec. 'M' Campbellville $34M now, Phone 225-2626, 225-5198, 22 7-6863, 227-6449, 225-2709, 231-2064, 226-1064, 667-7812 tonyre i d s r e a l t y @ h o t m a i l . c o m . HIBISCUS Place $7M, Patentia $7M, East Ruimveldt $10.5M, Granville Park BV $32M, Section K C/ville $48M, Guysuco Gardens $90M, Kitty US$1.5M, Subryanville US$2.2M, Grove $5.5M, $7.5M, $12M, Diamond $8.5M, $18M, $23M, Anandale $9M, Eccles $30M. Call: Rosanna 6715008, 619-8000. Email: rosannarealty_g t @ y a h o o . c o m , BBM 236A219D . PRIME Real Estate: 2-storey building, excellent condition, Pitt Street New Amsterdam, Berbice, 7000 sq. ft, for sale or rent. Double lot 70x108 New Amsterdam, Berbice $20M neg, Clothing boutique for sale on Church and Camp. Contact 3333803, 698-2499.

PROPERTY FOR SALE ONE-storey wooden building in good condition Success on Embankment Road for $24M, concrete building needs improvement work on Railway Embankment road on 22 000 sq. feet of land $48M Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805. K I T T Y, St a t i o n Street, property with exi sting business, 2-storey conc r e t e , 2 - f a m i l y, 3 b e d r o o m s upstairs, 2 bedrooms downstairs, yard space $55M, Cont a c t P ete's Real Estate 2236218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805. PUBLIC ROAD, WEST BANK BUSINESS PROPERTY 200'x30' (6000 SQ FT) INCLUDING STOCKS VA L U E D OV E R $20M. IDEAL FOR SUPERMARKET, HARDWARE STORE, PRIVAT E S C H O O L ; O R A N Y OTHER LUCRATIVE BUSINESS G$53M NEG. SERIOUS ENQUIRES O N LY (NO AGENTS PLEASE) CALL M A X ON 672-8569, 6098132. FA B U LO U S H o m e I n t l . : Colidgen $14M, South Ruimveldt $18.5M, $25M neg, BB Eccles $25M neg, Paradise Public Road $12M neg, Vryheid Lust $15M neg, etc etc; land Neismes $3.5M neg, Diamond $3M - $7M, upscale Meadow Brook $15M, L a m a h a P a r k $ 11 M , N o r t h Ruimveldt $9M neg. Contact Theresa 648-6033. PROPERTY for sale by bid. Contact Pete's Real Estate Lot 2 George Street, Werk-en-Rust Georgetown 223-6218, 2269951, 227-5546, 623-7805 Lot 65 3½ Mile, Housing Scheme, Bartica, 1 flat concrete buildi n g , 3 b e d r o o m s . L o t 11 0 E Elizabeth Hall, Enterprise, ECD 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms. Lot 76 3½ Mile Housing Scheme, Bartica, 1 flat concrete building, Lot 214 La Parfaite Harmonie, WBD, 2-store concrete needs internal repairs. Lot 577 Section 'C' Sophia, 1 flat concrete structure. Lot 101 Blankenburg, WCD, 2storey concrete, 3 bedrooms. Lot 43 Sans Souci, Wakenaam, 2-storey wooden building.

OGLE, ECD: Two properties one for $32M, and $52M good condition, no repairs. Call Pete's Real Estate, Lot 2 George St., 227-2487, 226-5546. Nandy Park excellent 2storey concrete building one family with four bedrooms situated at a corner for $72M. Call Pete's Real Estate. 2272487, 226-5546. LAND OF CANAAN: 1 spacious modern 3-bedroom concrete house, 3 master rooms, guest room, AC, generator, separate caretaker's apartment plus 2-bedroom flat concrete house, fully fenced in concrete, lots of fruit trees on 3 acres of land. Ideally built for a Hindu family. Price US$550 000 neg. Naresh Persaud. 225-9882, 681-2499. KITTY $30M, Queenstown $26M, Section 'K' $40M, Prashad Nagar $39M, Robb Street (2 buildings) $125M, Princes Street $62M, Land (Highway 41 a c r e s ) $ 20M. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382. N E W modern Pike North Ruimveldt ranch with master room $17M, Meadow Brook Gardens $35M, Tucville concrete new $27M, Providence $25M, new ranch $13M, Bel Air Park $45M, Prashad Nagar $37M, Duncan St. $23M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville requires repairs $14M, D'Urban St. $15M, Bent St. business residence. Phone Lord Johnny Ramsohoye 225-2709, 618-0000, 227-6949, 225-2626, 226-1064, 227-6949, 2255198.

ONE NEWLY built two flat concrete building at Diamond New Scheme. The upstairs consists of two self-contained bedrooms with built-in closets, a spacious kitc hen, dining and living rooms along with a large verandah at the back. The lower flat has a two-bedroom apartment and a large area that could be used as a bond or for any business. The yard has a concrete fe n c e w i t h s p i k e s and razor wire above i t . T h e r e is also a laundry and a generator room down stairs along with a fully tiled carport. A complete water supply is available including six tanks and pump. Asking price: $42M. Interested persons can contact owner at 693 2531.



WATERSIDE PARK Bush Lot Village, West Coast Berbice. Vacant lots from $2.6M - $+5M and lots with newly completed houses from $6.8M. 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom homes close to race track, seashore, schools, supermarket, churches, gas station, shops etc. NO DOWN PAYMENT: monthly, quarterly or half-yearly instalments. Roads, water, electricity, phone. Regency Homes 232-0107, 610-0956.

R&N Marketing and Realty. Good Hope PUBLIC Road East Coast (land - 675 x 92) $150M, Agriculture Rd, Triumph (land600x45ft) $14M, Chimney Road, Chateau Margot - (4 bedroom self cont) $31M, Diamond 2nd Ave- 5 Bedroom $40M,Queenstown (back lot - 80x60) $37M, Oleander Gdns $40M,Alberttown,6th St, $52M, L/ Gardens $55M, Atlantic Gardens $ 30M , D u n c a n S t $ 30M , A l e x a n d e r S t $ 50M, Robb St $60M,Barr St $65M, Earl's Court $35M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Queenstown $70M, South Road $85M. Republic Gdns -Land (100x100) $24M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332.

CALL us at Raphael's Realty, 204 Charlotte St. Bourda Tel. 225-8241, 227-4950 after hrs 226-7829 fax 2271537. Timehri hotel $60M, executive Ogle $100M, $115M, $170M, Diamond $21.5M, $26M, Queenstown $65M, $75M, $120M, Kitty $60M, LBI $43M, Versailles $25M, Westminster WBD $24M, Republic Park $40M, Nandy Park $40M, South Road. 3storey building. $220M, Brickdam $180M, Hope ECD $25M, Lamaha Gardens $125M, $200M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Louisa Row $44M, Lamaha St Alberttown $85M, Subryanville $500M. LAND for sale La Grange $3M, Smyth St. $60M, Bel Air (ECD) $42M.

25% DISCOUNT on all properties for this summer only. UG Gardens $140M, Republic Park $30M, Nandy Park 4 apartments $32M, Middle Road La Penitence land size 140 x 60 $17M, second Street Alberttown business and residence $45M, 5th St. Alberttown massive concrete $48M, Eccles $14M, Kitty Sandy Babb St. two properties on double lot $38M, Lamaha St Queenstown apartment complex $58M. Phone Vice President Mr. Alanna Debidayal 231-2064, 697-9377, 225-3068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6949, 225-2626. FABULOUS Homes International Realty: Coldingen $14M neg, Rasville $14M neg, Enmore $8M neg, Campbellville $15M neg, Diamond 2 for 1 deal $15M neg, Cove and John 2 homes 5 bedrooms $12M, 4-bedroom $10M, McDoom Solid concrete $20M, North Ruimveldt 7-bedroom fixer upper, Nismes $6.5M, La Parfaite Harmonie $8.5M, 6bedroom apartment (4 2-br, 2 1-br) only $21M neg), corner lot 89x80 Albouystown. Ready to go now! And many more, call Ahaziah 613-3018 R&N Marketing and Realty. KITTY- $17M, $30M, Good Hope $15.5M, Garnett St $31M, Montrose $18M, Mon Repos Block CC $23M, $10.5M & $9M, Ganges St. P/Nagar - 5 Bedroom $58M, Granville Park $31M, Lusignan business property $13M, Durban St $21M, Ogle A/Strip Road $55M, Better Hope Pub Rd $37M, Cummings St $37M, New Market St $55M, East St $60M, Happy Acres $30M, North Road $70M, Bel/A/Park $60M, P/ Nagar $28M, L/Gardens $75M,Regent St. $1.2MUS. Diamond - 2nd Ave, 5 Bedroom $38M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332. R&N Marketing and Realty. C/ VILLE $35M,LBI Embankment $24M, Good Hope P/Rd (land 280x140) $90M,Sherrif & Enachu Sts. $75M, Vlissengen Rd. (land) $75M, $110M, $140M, Sherrif St, $50M, South Ruimveldt $16M, Diamond $12M, $20M,East R/veldt $10.5M, Eccles $30M, $38M, A/town $36M,Triumph $14M, Agriculture Road, Triumph $20M, Sherriff St. $150M, Subryanville $58M, Brickdam $100M, Ogle brand new 2-storey, 5 bedroom house $80M, Lamaha St, Queenstown, 3-storey, corner proprty $85M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332 HARRY & SON REAL E S TAT E L O T 1 8 5 C H A R LOTTE & KING STREETS, MARAJ BUILDING TEL. 2270265, 227-1881, 629-5178. Non Pareil, McDoom, Republic Park, Norton Street, Carmichael Street, North Ruimveldt, Bel Air Park, Thomas Street business spot, Robb Street business spot, D'Urban Street business spot, South Ruimveldt, Continental Park, Craig $13M. LAND: Annandale Market Road business spor, Friendship land size 115x450 (Wharf side) $65M, Meadow Brook Gardens $8.5M.

EXECUTIVE HOUSESRORAIMA TRUST, VERSAILLES - $50M; AA ECCLES- $60M, $75M, $100M; ALBERTTOWN (2 COTTAGES)- $26M; GRANVILLE PARK, BV- $40M; OGLE (PUBLIC ROAD)- $45M; KITTY$85M, $60M; NON PARIEL$25M,$20M, $15M; COLDINGEN- $14M; ATLANTIC GARDENS- $45M; IMAX/ ENTERPRISE GARDENS$16M/ $13M; ANNANDALE (PUBLIC ROAD)- $45/20M; HAPPY ACRES- $28M, $45M; NEW MARKET STREET- $55M; LAMAHA STREET- $8M. SECTION K, C/VILLE - $55M, GARDEN OF EDEN $40M. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 2704470/ 623-6431/ 647-0560., NOVEMBER Bargains in Guyana: Full concrete D'Urban Street business $19M, business and residence Bent Street 16M, Gordon Street business & residence $23M. Waterloo Street business and residence (new) $35M. South Road Land $36M, Charlotte Street 2 buildings 2 houses by Light$32M. Land 140 x 60 by Russian Embassy $30M. Land at Turkeyen 140x60 $32M. L0 Ressovenure Land 126x60 $20M. Campbellville flat house needs repairs $13M. Section K $19M needs repairs, 3-storey Quamina Street for hotel US$599 000, Bel Air Park $49M Lamaha Gardens valued $85M now $70M. Rental of apartments from US$700, Residence US$1 200 upwards. Phone Lord Patrick Pereira 227-6863, 225-2709, 227-6949, 226-1064, 669-3350. 7 days a week 25% DISCOUNT on all properties for this summer only. Sale! Sale! Sale! Business property immediately: East of Orange Walk in Charlotte Street $28M, 3-storey business property in Croal Street requires repairs $32M, Bent Street almost new 2-storey business property $!6M, South Ruimveldt Gardens residence $16M, Ogle fully concrete new $49M, Tucville new $26M, Prashad Nagar executive $55M, Bel Air Park $55M, Kitty business or residence requires repairs, on 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, Forshaw old house $21M, 3-storey business close to Main Street $55M, Meadow Brook $45M, fully concrete D'Urban Backlands $30M, New Section 'K' $42M, Lamaha Gardens executive $68M, one ranchstyle Section 'M' 3-bedroom suites for elderly $50M, fully concrete with excellent interior work, Bel Air Gardens $130M.Mr. Alanna Debidayal 231-2064, 6979377, 225-3068, 227-6863, 2261064, 227-6949, CAPITAL REALTY PROPERTIES: Albert Street $47M, Eccles $30M, Sheriff Street $72M, Atlantic Ville $56M, Atlantic Gardens $50M, Hadfield Street $42M, Charlestown corner $37M, Ogle $60M, Diamond $8M, $13M, $15M, $17M, $40M, $120M, Providence $42M, Grove $13M, $25M, North Ruimveldt $12M, Brickery $23, Parfaite Harmony $9M, $28M, $40M, $43M, Tuschen $30M, Chateau Margot $35M, Happy Acres $47M, Norton Street $21M, Good Hope $20M, Meadow Brook Gardens $48M, Lusignan $20M, Republic Park $32M, Earl's Court $48M, Herstelling $16M, Vryheid's Lust $13M, Le Resouvenir $15M, Camp Street $53M, Campbellville Stone Avenue $48M, Alberttown $40M, Paradise $6M, $15. Many more listings Azeem 226-9383 642-3722, 6988710.








NEW concrete Section 'K' $44M, 7apartment William St. concrete building reduced from $60M to $50M, Kitty house requires. repair on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Middle Road La Penitence $16.5M, almost Regent and Oronoque St. $36M, Charlotte Street East of Orange Walk $28M, South Ruimveldt Gardens $66M, Meadow Brook concrete $45M, executive Republic Park $48M, Lamaha Gardens 3 self-contained $70M, Prashad Nagar 6-bedroom $58M, business 3-storey Quamina Street $85M, Bel Air Gardens on double lot $140M, Subryanville $58M, Alberttown concrete business $40M, New Haven 4 selfcontained $80M, 3-bedroom new concrete Ogle $48M, Bel Air Park $52M, Croal St. 3-storey require repairs $30M, 4 lots in AA Eccles with incompl e t e c a t h e d r a l - s t y l e s t ructure requires $20M to complete, plus reserve and place for lake $90M n e g . , Mr. Darendra 615-0069, Vice Presiednt Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Jhonny Ramsahoye 225-2709, Vice President Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 2253068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 6677812, facebook Tony Reid Realty 7 days a week 24 hours a day all holidays and all prices are negotiable.

18 MONTHS coconut plants $275 each any amount. Contact 623-0290.

ARE you a special size or difficult to get the correct fit? Call Roxie 622-4386.

GE 26-cu ft side-by-side refrigerator and freezer; stainless steel front. It has icemaker, dispenses water and ice crush or cube, price $195 000 neg. Tel. 678-1771.

JUST arrived in stock at Alabama Trading, 67 Robb Street, Bourda : Sagiko fruit drinks, vitamax cereal milk, plastic chairs and tables, 70 gram long candles in various colours, tarpaulins in various colours and thickness, PVC ceiling panels. Tel. 227-4234, 231-3345.

1 COMPRESSOR with nailer kit, g e n e r a t o r, p o w e r w a s h e r, S k i l 1 0 " ta b l e s a w, S k i l 1 0 " c o m p o u n d m i t r e s a w, 1 Craftsm a n C h a i n S a w. Te l : 226-0880, 97 Hadfield St, Werk-en-Rust, G/town.

EXCELLENT b a r g a i n s Norton Street - $14M, Bent Street business and residence - $16M, executive Prashad Nagar mansion double lot - $85M, 8 apt. apartment complex was - $120M, now - $85M, Sec. 'K' Campbellville - $23M, Alberttown concrete 5 b e d r o o m s - $46M , other for - $19M, and - $30M, South Ruimveldt Gardens - $19M, Festival City - $14M Charlotte Street business and residence by Bourda Market - $26M, Cummings Street - $34M, Meadow Brook - $28M, D'Urban Street for double lot for 5-stor e y - $25M, Phone Lord Alysious Pereira - 623-2591,227-6949, 225-2709, 231-2064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6 8 6 3 , 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8 , 6 6 7 7 8 1 2 t o n y r e i d s r e a l t y @ h o t m a i l . c om QUEENSTOWN: 3-storey concre t e b u i l d i n g , P r i c e $ 1 00 M . South Ruimvel dt Gardens property in good condition. Price $18M. Lamaha Gardens beautiful 2-storey concrete property 3 self-contained, 1 master, lib rary, television room, living room, upstairs back verandah, dow n s t a i r s den, fully marble stone tile, family room patio, garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmetics, land space Price $90M,Ogle beautiful property $90M,Mon Repos $36M neg, Regent St. $120M beautiful home excellent condition in Eccles $55M neg, Queenstown property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. We are located at 247(D) Forshaw and Oronoque Streets, Queenstown. Tel. 225-6858, 2257164, 667-7812, email:

AGRI. EQUIP. MISC. FIAT 180-90 4x4 tractor, Ford 7740 4WD tractors, 416 Caterpillar 4x4 L/backhoe, Cherry picker list 45ft, 1- 400 Amps diesel welder Perkins engine on trailer. Tel 6662518, 671-1809, 639-2789.



GENERATORS 6 500 watts. 688-4414, 615-3728. COCONUT plants. 611-7754. PAINT ball guns and balls Call 670-9606. 40 ENGINE Yamaha; 300 lbs banga sein. Tel. 681-8013. WHOLESALE plucked chicken. Call 676-0931. BAKING pans and sheet, baking table. Call 695-7484. ONE 14" River dredge in perfect condition. Tel # 669-8985. COMPLETE internet cafĂŠ for sale - 621-5282. LIVE & plucked chicken. Tel: 650-4421, 220-9203. GLASS (mall glasses, hospital glasses etc) Tel: 670-6403.

ONE car seat, great condition. Tel. 667-9737. PURFIED water: drink ever pure water, delivery. Call 442-1952, 442-1656. ONE new radiator for Honda CRV RD5. Tel 674-7494. 1 - 320 CL excavator: excellent condition. Tel. # 699-3992. 2 USED car lifts. Tel. 623-1397, 2332414, 08:00hrs - 16:00hrs. ROTTWEILER pups and mastiff mixed with Labrador. Tel. 625-0345. ONE mixed breed puppy, fully vaccinated. Call 227-7834 anytime. MERCURY in large quantities, 99.9999% purity in grey flask. Call 219-4535. PORTABLE AC 10,000 BTU - used 6 MONTHS - $40 000. 693-3885. WALKING freezers for sale. Sizes from 8x8 to 10x15. Contact # 223-7975, 666-2276. ROTTWEILER pups and mastiff mixed with Labrador. Tel. 625-0345. ONE steel table 8'x4'x3' suitable for workshop/ processing plant, etc. 233-0570. CLARK Ranger skidder, Puma portable mill Tel. 2690603, 662-2508. 1-WHITE television stand with wheels to hold large tv, dvd, music set etc - $25000. Tel:616-5340. USED truck tyres: 295 R 22.5 Good Year from UK, price $38 000. Tel. 684-6661. RECONDITIONED (factory) MF 590 tractors, 4WD, new tyres. Knock-down prices. 689-5858. 1 NEW red kitchen aid mixer: 4.3 litre, 1 semi-circle 5-piece, 7 seat settee. Call 226-6551. 2 ICE Machines, 1 smoothie machine, small fridge. Tel. 2310655, 683-8734. ONE display double-door cooler; one 4-channel security camera and DVR. Tel. 679-6040. PARTS for all North American Trucks, empty plastic barrel $7000, one mobile snackette van 3500 chevy. Tel. 658-2751. SALE - SALE: HOUSEHOLD items: curtains , pool's table- bar stool, etc. Tel. # 6690366 ONE ideal sawmill complex with all equipment. Good location, with large land space. Tel 684-5868 PURE bred German Shepherd puppies, and one female Rottweiler. Tel. 220-2277, 2208904, 626-0910. ONE brand new fishing boat, complete seine and engine. Tel. 220-7648, 626-2066, 679-5455. ONE RZ BHH 4177, in good condition, EFI engine, mags. Tyres for bus and cars. ½ ply board, channel iron, galvanized plain sheet. Tel. 690-2735. BLACKBERRY cell phone, 9650 model, Blackberry Bold excellent condition (like new) - $12,000. 624-6464, 675-3062. Keith. STALLS for sale at Bourda Market (Greens Section) Contact # 227-1819, 657-0135, 649-5830. PLAY Station 2 games at $1000 each, Softmod for PS2 as well. Contact 684-3025. SATELLITE DISHES, RECEIVERS, TVs. TEL: 6573711. OUTBOARD engine between 5 and 50Hp. Tel. 621-3399, 622-0173. ONE tropical freezer 7 cu ft excellent condition, price $40 000 neg. Tel. 678-1771. 1 NEW ASCO automatic change-over switch, 200 Amps. Tel. 694-7817, 612-1351.

NEW designs, dance wear, long lasting USA fabrics, Roxie's Fashion, 301 Church Street, South Cummingsburg. 622-4386. FOUR-way stretch custommade dresses and more. Roxie's Fashion, 301 Church Street, South Cummingsburg.

1- THREE SEATER and one two seater setty - arm covered, new $75,000; 1- stainless steel Kettle with whistle and handle, new - $3000; 1stainless steel kettle 110v - $4000. Tel:614-9432.Owners migrating.

SPANDEX everything: leotards, designed tights, unitards, skirts, swim suits - just name it. 6224386.

LIGHTING Plan 70 kva, Whisper watt 240 - 480 3ph, 220-110, Singh Ph. Fuel tank c a pa c i t y 1 1 4 g a l l o n . 6 7 1 -

ONLY you will have it: one of a kind dresses, tops, tights, etc. 622-4386, 301 Church Street, South Cummingsburg. COME in and see our new designs and fabric no one else has. 301 Church Street, South Cummingsburg. SALE on black leotards and tights from 6 pairs up. Roxie's Fashion 301 Church Street, South Cummingsburg. 1 PERKINS Engine 1000 series, 4 cylinder, complete with radiator, price $900 000 (neg.). Tel. # 226-5999, 619-2525. 1 - SUN deck luxury boat, 25 ft by 8 ft, washroom, leather seats, trailer. Tel. 618-2064. Giveaway price. NEW 18 cubic Kenmore fridge, panel curtains, office chairs, cotton sheet sets, LG front loading washing machine. 223-8213, 225-8000. CATERPILLAR set model D 343, 250 kva, 3 Ph, 415-240, 220/ 127v, AC 60 Hz. Call 227-0190, 693-5610, 616-9727. MIXED breed pups, German Shepherd and Rottweiler already vaccinated and dewormed. 6867417. SALE ON DELL DESKTOP DUAL Core Computers. High Spec, complete with Dell LCD monitor, keyboard and mouse. Tel 691-2077. AMAZING PS3 and Xbox 360 bundles, includes games, controllers, and TVs Contact 639-7114, 674-5625. ONE music set with three power amps with a total of 5 500 watts, etc. For more information, please call 682-3481. Price neg. LARGE double-door fridge, very good condition $55 000, one computer desk $5 000, one DSL modem $5 000. 692-3368, 692-3369. HONDA Generator: Excellent condition, 13000 watts, key start price $500 000 neg. Call 220-7378 or 627-6645. GOOD bargain: gas stove, cooler, pots, tents, bowls and basins, price $35 000. Tel. 6936549. 1-PAIR large Nibby and Cane table lamp antique with shade,110v - $15,000. Tel:6758008. Owner leaving country. ONE 75HP Yamaha Enduro Outboard Engine, Eight Months old. Owner leaving country. Price Negotiable. Contact 609-3686. or 619-1117. K-GUARD 4-channel complete security systems, including DVR and all necessary wiring with or without installation. Contact 658-4009. REBUILT 4-cylinder and 6cylinder Perkins, Kobota, Yamnar and Ford; engine on bed for mining, price $500 000 up. Tel. 6961994 (Rajin). STARR Computer System 2.8 Ghz, 2 MG Ram, flat screen, mouse, keyboard $47 000 neg, Hp desk jet $7 000.DSL modem $6 000, computer desk $7 500 neg. Phone 692-3369. L.G. Brands air condition 220 volts, split units 9,000, 12,000, 18,000 and 24,000 BTU. New with three years warranty, unbeatable prices. Contact 623-0290. PERKINS engines from England, 4- and 6-cylinders. Also Recon engine on bed. We stock all models of Lister Petter spares. Call 624-3187

7450. 2 - 12 000 lb 4-post lifts, 10 000 lb 2-post lifts, 6 000 lb low rise lift, 2 - 80 gallon 175 psi compressor, 390 MF tractor, 399 MF tractor, 2003 Toyota Camry. 643-3875. COMPRESSORS Hermetic air condition compressors, two 12000 BTU and one 24 000 BTU, all in good condition - $50 000. 667-9367. Wii consoles complete with remotes and nun-chuck (15000); one PS2 complete with remote and two games - $15 000. Tel. 644-0744. ONE YAMAHA 85 2STROKE OUTBOARD ENGINE AND ONE CATERPILLAR. Fully marine with 220 H P. Te l : 2 6 0 - 2 9 7 3 / 6 1 0 0756. 1 -TOASTER oven with glass door 110v- $5000; 1Coffee Perculator 110v with glass mug $5000. Te l : 6 1 6 - 5 3 4 0 .

42" LED Super Slim TV, brand new, imported food warmers with nine pans, custom chrome wheels - 305 x 40 x 22, fits all 4x4, brand name colognes, Oakley Polarised sunglasses, steel grills. 642-3722, 223-1885. ONE Chinese sein turn out consists of (1) 40Hp Yamaha outboard; 5 Chinese sein 70 ft mouth 150 ft length; 1 boat 31 ft long 7 ft wide 3 ft dept, yellow and green; 17 coolers; 10 tubs; 10 chamber big line 3 set fish pen. Tel. 6486739, 216-2205. FURNITURE used - good condition - one large wooden dining table with eight chairs; One twin wooden bed frame, and various furniture items. Prices negotiable. Call 231-3560, Georgetown. CELL phones accessories with warranty, wholesale, and retail unbeatable prices: screen protector, charger, ear phones, batteries, cases, memory cards, flash drive, etc. Contact 649-5232. A QUANTITY of foreignused 6-cylinder Perkins engines with lots of Perkins parts. Owner leaving the country. Serious enq u i r i e s o n l y. Te l . 6 7 2 - 2 6 5 4 , 657-9014.

PURE breed pit bull puppies: 8 weeks - $20 000; also 5 months - $45 000; fully vaccinated and dewormed. 656-5412, 2341 4 6 0 , 6 6 1 - 4 11 2 .

580C Hymac: Brazilian, MF 290; Ford 6600 tractor; 24 disc tatu chipper; 20 disc tatu chipper; 28 disc Baldan Rome plough; 3 disc, MF plough; one irrigation pump; one cyl, 6Hp Lister. Tel. 676-6630, 616-9402.

JUST arrived at Alabama Trading, Georgetown Ferry Stelling: portable bag sewing machine, money counting machine, PVC long boots, rattan chairs, banquet chairs, citrus fragrance bath soap. Tel. 2255800, 225-3809.

BULBS 110 volts energy saver, 13 watts bright like 60 watts; we give warranty $500 each wholesale; we also have beautiful LED lights. Check us out at Azelea Store, 111 Regent Road, Bourda. Call 623-0290 or 619-7211.

CHRISTMAS sale: furniture wooden and locally manufactured, suites, mattresses, etc at Morgan's Furniture Store, 167 Charlotte Street between Camp and Wellington. 226-4129, 9 am- 5 pm. 1- ANTIQUE half round table and stool for doing nails etc,$20,000; 1- milk shake stainless steel machine 110v - 3 speed, 3 pint cup stainless steel, good for home or business, $20,000.(Hamilton Beach made). Call:614-9432. 1 - FIGAT rice combine 3700, needs minor repairs, engine and track in perfect order, was working two crops ago. Price $1.6M. Phone 339-2327, 651-2147, 612-5571. GRACO 3900 gas paint sprayer $300 000; De Walt 12" double comp. miter saw $115 000; Pro Tech 10" table saw $20 000; Delta 14" band saw $140 000. 627-1245, 687-8390. MUSIC equipment Behringer 4000 Amp Dennon Jugglers, Numark CD player, JBL Peavey monitors, powered monitors, speaker wires, and more - 623-2923. PLANTS! Plants! Hibiscus, crotons, palms (red palm), Xmas trees, ixoras, ficus, mussaenda etc, also sweet tamarind plants, etc. Contact Evergreen Plant Shop, 156 Block 'X' Diamond Housing Scheme (2nd Avenue/2nd Street). Tel 2162199, 687-5631. 1- SIDE BY SIDE large Refrigerator and freezer, hardly used 110v, good condition $160,000. New 4 speed premium blender with mug - $5000 110v; 132 inch Sony tv with remote control, curve screen, 110v - $65,000. Call 614-9432.

PAINTS, paints, paints: top brands American and Canadian made paint for concrete, wood, metal, floor, ceiling, and anti rust. Starting from $1 900 up per gal. Contact 623-0290 or 270-4650. ALL hard-to-get vehicle parts including windscreen, computer box, doors, lights, engines, front half, back half, mirrors, etc for Toyota , N i s s a n , B M W, M e r c e d e s , M i ts u b i s h i , Honda Isuzu, Fuzo, etc. at unbeatable prices. Contact Tel. 645-7800, 001-597-866-6358. COMPLETE modern workshop equipment, consist of lathes, milling machines, dividing heads, rolling machine, pipe bender, tyre changing machine, 75 kva generator with 6-cyl turbo Perkins engine, portable welders and lots more. Owner leaving the country. Serious inquiries only. Tel. 6722654, 657-9014. IDEAL FOR OFFICE: 2 large stainless steel book display stand - round (UK made) ideal for office or doctor's waiting room or sale of books $35,000 each. 1- paper cutter Guilletene hand type 18x30 USA made - $15000; 1- set of office wall divider (UK made), to set up about 2 to 3 offices with glass door - $40,000. 2 folding metal and plastic chairs for office or patio - $3000 each. Call 675-8008. Owners leaving country. 1- 12 INCH DISC edge sander machine - 110-240v for furniture maker, door edge or any wood work edge (UK made) - $55,000; 1- electric mac tool brand parts washer - 110v with 25 gallon drum that holds fluid at the bottom and square metal bin at the top with cover to wash parts. $55,000. Tel:621-4928.

SCREW on antenna Japanese made for all type of vehicles such as: Allion, Premio, Raum, Spacio, Rav 4, Wagon etc; also all type of mirrors for 192, 212, Honda, and many others. $ 8 0 0 0 p e r p a i r. Te l : 6 1 6 5340. Owners leaving. ALL types of laptop screens, adapters, and desktop IDE hard drive, foldable keyboards, USB audio adapter, IE converters, Dell motherboard - any part can be made available in 1 - week, all parts are brand new. Call 226-2322, 697-7575. USED IDE/ SATA laptop hard drives, laptop keyboards, wireless cards, batteries, memory, Dell power supply, laptop heat sinks, laptop screen mounts, laptop screen-inverters, laptop and desktop processors, and other hard to find parts. Call 226-2322, 697-7575. 1-TRIPPLE light 140 watts power inverter - DC-12 volts to 110 volts with fuse - $20,000; 1two half pool or Billlards Cue in case - $5000, 1- Detecto scale large for measuring height and weight of patients; good for doctor's clinic or any medical organisation - $55,000. (UK made). Call 675-8008. Owner leaving country. 5 PIECES living room chair set, perfect condition, 1 large carpet, 4-drawer vanity, 2-door refrigerator, one 7-cubic feet freezer, 1 outdoor table and chair set (steel and plastic) with folding legs (like new), 2 bar chairs, 1 long wooden table, 1 dell PC with printer and stand, perfect condition. Call 655-9203. 1- LARGE XEROX work centre pro 423/428 photocopy machine with scanning kit, all cds and manuals available with machine; hardly used excellent condition - 110v-240v $400,000 negotiable. 1 large wooden writing desk, 5 drawers, needs minor work - $15000; 4 printers HP Laser Jet 4200N4300 series - $35,000; 2420 $30,000, HP Laser jet - $30,000 ans Lexmark 253-$7000, all 110v and in good condition. Owner leaving. Tel:616-5340. Owner leaving country. BRAND NEW Catridges in box sealed for photocopy machine and hp printers. 2 -Xerox Ink Catridges 113 R 634 $40,000. 2 -Xerox Ink Catridges 113 R 321 - $40,000. 8 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 98x92298X $15000 each. 3 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 13x- $6000 each. 3 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 13A $8000 each. 4 HP Laser Jet coloured catridges 4193A $5000 each. 3 Canon catridges NPG 11 toner $5000 each. All prices are negotiable. Tel:675-8008 OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 1paper shredder 110v, fully automatic with bin -$20,000 (complete). 1 Whirlpool dehumifier on wheels 110v, - $20,000, for office, home or patio; new large APC smart uninteruptable power supply 120vac along with all fittings and new laptop with manuals and CD instructions. $120,000. Call 675-8008. Owner leaving country. NEW ARRIVAL! COMPRESSORS (26 gal, 20 gal, 33 gal, 30 gal & 60 gal. Pressure washer (4200 psi, 3000 psi and 3800 psi DeWalt. Rough neck garbage bins 45 gal & 32 gal. Generators, Stanley 8000 watts. All power portable 10 000 watts, Briggs and Stratton storm 5500 watts. Contact Donna on 609-1179, 6110402.


26 FOR SALE ONE bass fibre glass boat with 115 Hp Mercury outboard engine; One Honda 450 - 475 ATV, in new condition with added accessories. Owner leaving the country. Serious inquires only. Tle. 672-2654, 657-9014. 1- NEW blue large Fibre Glass bath tub (US made) $45000; 2 hot and cold water sinck with fittings (UK made) - $10,000 each. 1 - Relistic CB base station radio set - 12 volts - $12000. Onwer migrating. Tel: 675-8008. Owner leaving country. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 10 large Fujitsu Siemens flat screen computer monitors - 60HZ - 110v $16000 each. 7 surge protector and battery back ups: ES 750120V, 60 HZ-12A-UPS out put 120v,60HZ, 420w, 50VA, 6.25A $15000 each. 3 surge protector and battery back p 7, 2 & 5 - 120v, 2 automatci voltage regulator stabili - AR-2000w - $15000 each and AR 3000 - $20,000with break witch.A quantity of new power cord, and other new computer cords, manuals, CD, spares etc, all for $60,000 (give away). Owner leaving. Tel:675-8008. CORD and cordless drill, Dewalt Rotary Hammer D2550, jigsaw, mitre saw, impact wrench, nail gun, sawzall, grinder, socket set, electric chain saw, hand vac, expansion tool, 7" sliding wet tile saw, 2200 psi gas pressure washer 25-gallon compressor, sm water pump, 13ft ladder, 1300 watts, 3500 watts, 6250 watts Hyundai generator, Red Hawk diesel generator, super-w. All-season wiper 17" to 26". Call 601-1094, 2615142. 9" GOOGLE Android Tablet: 1.5 GHz processor, 512 AM, 8GB, comes with case with built-in keyboard, screen, protector, and styles 35k; 7" Noria Android Tab: 1.2 GHz processor 8GB, 3D gaming, HDMI output (cable included) 28k, 7" in case with built-in keyboard sold separately 3k; 1 glass case (floor model) 10k; 1 complete Dell Desktop computer 50k; 1 PS2 and 2 controllers 18k. Tel. 226-0861, 683-7278. DESIGNER clothing and accessories body building creative powder, Honda pressure washer, living room chairs set, Sony computer, steel grills, food warmers, 100 lbs cylinders, brand new Oakley sunglasses, DVD player with monitor video camera with LCD, brand name colognes, inflatable sturdy big chair, inflatable mattress, writing desks, cocktail tables, karaoke player and discs, decorative plant stands, entertainment centre, wardrobes, large floor vases, large fridge, skid plate fits all set chrome custom wheels 305 x 40 x 22 fits all 4x4 4x4 brand new dining table set six chairs, computer desks, Panasonic complete stereo all items in excellent condition, large areas rugs, much more. 223-1885, 642-3722.

VEHICLES FOR SALE TOYOTA BB, one owner, late PLL series, $1.7M neg. Tel. 6639592. UNREGISTERED vehicle: 2004 Raum, Fielder, Spacio and Runx. Call 609-8989, 616-5595. MOTOR cycle: Jailing JH 150 in good working condition - $165 000. 667-9367. 1 MITSUBISHI 2 ton canter, PJJ series, working condition, asking $675 000. Contact 623-0290. TOYOTA Hilux Surf PLL series in excellent condition. Tel. 2207648, 626-2066, 679-5455. SILVER Blue Bird Slyphy, late PPP series, price $2.6M neg. Tel. 678-1771. 1 - 2012 HONDA RR 600 motorcycle, like brand new. Contact 682-0384. TOYOTA Raum (silver), in excellent condition 16" chromes, leather interior, AC. Tel. 629-7777. 2400CC Toyota Camry, Silver gray, $2.5M neg. Tel. 640-4243, 6910419 serious enquires only. ONE Honda 450 ATV, 4x4, price $800 000; one 2006 Toyota Towning manual $3.3M. Tel. 6220445, 685- 7659. 290 MF tractor, foreign-used, in excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 670-9393. 15 - SEATER pit bull BPP series; and 212 Carina (yellow cab) (1 month). Call 644-2099. ONE Mazda Denio: $ 1.650.000, neg. Contact Danny: 642-2569 1 TOYOTA Spacio fully loaded. Price $1.875M neg. Call 628-0972. ONE new Laverda 3650 Fiat agri combine. Call 258-0001, 6658795. ONE GX 90 Mark 11 chrome rims, music set, press start. 6282330. AT 192 Carina; AE 100 Corolla. Contact City Taxi Service 6601100. ONE 2000 Toyota Fielder in excellent condition, $1.8M neg. 665-9685. NISSAN Pickup (D21) 4x2 , with long tray; working condition 623-2923. TOYOTA Ceres AE 100, good working condition. Price, $750,000 neg. Tel. 601-0225. AT 192, AC, alarm, mag rim, music, remote start, yellow. PKK 7668, $875 000. 628-8354. UNREGISTERED 2 RZ minibus, fully loaded, price $2.9M. Tel. 256-3359, 638-9934, 654-8397. AE 100 Corolla alarm, AC, mags and crystal lights, with HID $800 000, AT 170 EFI fully powdered with mags and CD - $580 000. 619-1047.


FORD F350 single cab pickup, 7.3 V8 diesel solid deff, GT tray, refurbished. 662-5910.

UNREGISTERED Spacio. Tel. 683-6606.

1 - BEDFORD TM with winch, solid condition. Call 6744649.


1 RZ minibus price negotiable. Contact 660-6972. AE 110 Corolla: $1.1M neg. Tel. 670-6222.

TOYOTA Tacoma 2005 4x4 AT, Nissan Frontier 2005 extra cab 4x4. Call 220-7430, 647-2856.






TOYOTA Tacoma 2008, 4x4, TRD fully loaded automatic, extended cab, dark blue colour, with cargo high top. Tel. 6718883, 696-9529.

TOYOTA Hilux, good condition, mag rims, music deck, AC, 4 doors, open back, PKK series, $1M negotiable. Tel. 641-3624.

TOYOTA Tundra 2002 chrome rims, chrome bars, DVD player, 4-wheel drive, excellent condition. Contact: 643-5306/685-0299

CAMRY PGG series, in excellent condition $800 000 neg. Tel. 610-5001. 1 - LANCER motor car $1M neg., PJJ series, good condition, Contact 614-5940. PREMIO, 2003 - $2.6M, Spacio 2003 - $2.45M, 1 Pit bull bus $3.4M, .Dhan Auto Sale.Tel. 616-6575. ONE Toyota new model, 212 Carina mag rims, music, AC, alarm, HID lights, fully loaded. Tel: 626-2503. SUZUKI Vitara Jeep, fully powered in immaculate condition.Asking price $3.5M neg. Tel: 694-6024. AE 110 DVD, alarm, $820 000. F4I CBR $1.1M. 6607178

1 -LANCER Cedia motor car, PKK series, excellent condition, $1.1M negotiable. Contact 6131830. SPACIO 7 seats, AC, music, mags, TV, 6-disc changer, excellent condition. Price $1.6M. Tel. 639-9914, 655-7839, Paul. MITSUBISHI Lancer, ladydriven, late PKK series in excellent condition. AC, mags, alarm, CD Tel: 646-2939. PREMIO, just arrived, fully loaded 35 043 km. Good price. Auto City Auto Sale, Sandy Babb St, Kitty 223-0171, 614-5142. HILUX Surf complete suspension (foreign used). Hilux Surf, minor repairs. Tel 626-2884. UNREGISTERED Toyota Tundra, new tyres, 4x4, very clean, $2.55M. Tel. 233-6337, 662-6027. ONE double cab Nissan Pickup $750 000 neg. Tel. 2330591, 667-6644, 216-3120. 1 - MAZDA RX8 stick shift, fog lights, wheel lights, AC, low mileage, excellent condition. Phone 653-2477. ONE Nissan Vanette series C22, 11-seater with imported roof rack, used for doing business. Call 226-5540. 1 AT 212 new model car with AC and music, excellent condition, price $1 350M neg. Tel. 626-7436. ONE Toyota Premio, chrome rims, HID lights, alarm and music. In excellent condition. Tel. 657-700

TOYOTA Hilux Surf SUV: PMM series, diesel, mint condition, asking $5M. Call 225-5591, 619-5505. AE 110 SPRINTER: mint condition, PHH series 1000,000, km hardly used. Call 617-9507. $980 000 neg.

ONE Toyota Hilux Pick up Extra cab manual transmission, 4WD unregistered just off the wharf, price $2M. Tel. 626-2466, 220-5124. ONE Pit bull bus VVTI all seats never worked hire, AC< music all sliding glass, price $2.7M. Cell 626-2466, 220-5124. ONE Toyota IST, rims, music MP3, AC, fog lamps, fully loaded, price $1.4M. Call 6262466, 220-5124.

1 MOTOR car: Green Datsun Station Wagon in 'H', good working condition, $250 000 neg. Call 615-4367, 270-4149, 647-8595.

ONE Toyota Hilux Solid diff $2.5M. Must be seen 6160327, 220-8770, 220-6542, 689-3612. TOYOTA Tundra (Bubble back), in excellent condition, mags, fully loaded. Owner leaving country. Tle. 220-6770, 621-4082. ONE Toyota Runx PLL series, alarm, rims in excellent condition. Price $1.72M neg. Tel. 694-6875.


1 TOYOTA Allion late PMM immaculate condition, 17'' rims, alarm, CD player, AC, etc. Price $2.1 million. Call 665-7400 or 685-7887.

1 RZ minibus BKK long base, excellent condition with music, mags, etc. Tel. 270-4098, 686-9516.

IRZ MINIBUS: long base EFI. Call 229-6533, 613-2798.

3 - 6x6 TM dump trucks $5.5M each in good condition. Call 6006335.

SUZUKI Vitara: AC, mags, CD, immaculate condition. Tel. 694-6027.

ONE Leyland DAF single axle and dump. 216-1315, 6136615

TOYOTA G Touring Wagon: very good condition, AC, stereo; must be sold - no reasonable offer refused. 627-2981, 604-0054.

ONE RZ minibus in excellent condition in Berbice, rims, music, etc. Contact 326-0971, 649-0950.

AT 192 CD/TV player $920 000; L-Touring Wagon $1.125, CD, TV player, alarm. 660-7178.

TOYOTA Hilux, extra cab pickup, GPP series, fully loaded $2M neg. Tel: 699-8490

GREY AE 110 Corolla: Automatic , AC, CD player, alarm, rims, remote start, 91,000 km, price $1.2M. Tel. 661-0398.

CRUISER Auto Sales: Unregistered Mazda, Axela, Toyota Fielder, New Raum, Noah. Call 603-9700.

1 AT 212 new model, AC, mag rims, CD. 625-7416, 2278659.

GREEN BHH 4177 RZ long base EFI, mags in good condition. Tel. 670-6403.

TOYOTA Tacoma 2011 4x2 automatic fully loaded, extended cab, excellent condition. Price neg. Tel. 671-8883, 696-9529.

FIELDER Wagon, fully loaded, 17" rims, set AC, alarm, excellent condition. Tel. 6162409.

3Y DIESEL, BJJ series minibus, $1.4M neg. Tel. 658-2732.

CANTER: long base, 4D 35 engine, 6-speed, wide body, AC, canvas cover back, excellent condition, Sheriff Street. 226-9109.

1 - 212 TOYOTA Carina new model; 1 -ET 176 Toyota Carina Wagon; Vehicles in immaculate condition. Contact 337-4544, 626-1525. TOYOTA Tacoma 4x4 music, in good condition, GJJ series, price $1.9M negotiable. Tel. 6252516.

H O N D A AT V 5 0 0 4 x 4 double shocks, new. Asking $2.6M. Call 624-5000.

RZ minibuses BMM and BNN, CRV new model,AT 192, 212, NZE, AT 170, Toyota Hilux Surf, 06 Tacoma, Family van (7 seater) canters, Tacoma, Nissan Cefirowagon and cheap cars - 6803154. RZ BUS: Super GL, IRZ, long base, 1250 kgs, 6 lugs, front and rear AC, new from Japan. Ray's One Stop Auto Parts - 225-6356, 225-4420. RZ MINIBUS: high top, original high back seats, excellent for tours, etc, new from Japan. Must be seen. Ray's One Stop Auto Parts. 2256356, 225-4420. ZOOM Auto Sales: Mazda Axela, Fielder, Premio, Axio, at lowest prices, chrome accessories for all vehicles, hid, etc. Tel. 685-7611, 613-1764. AT 212 Toyota Carina, new model, PNN series. One owner, never worked hire, with AC, CD, rims. Going cheap. Contact: 6435306/658-0299. ONE MORRIS AUSTIN Car, PLL series, good condition, automatic, 5 seater. Vehicle transferable, owner l e a v i n g . - $400,000. Te l : 6 1 6 - 5 3 4 0

TERMS available on used and new vehicles, Toyota Sienta (full 7 seater) and AE 100 Sprinter, prices negotiable. Call 641-8647.

ONE RZ Mini Bus, BMM series Price - $ 1.9M Negotiable Call - 2333703

LEYLAND Daf truck with hyab. Tel.. 626-5706.

TOYOTA Ace small bus, one complete music system (vehicle). Contact 666-2744, 616-5622. Owner leaving country.

FOR the best in buying or selling of used vehicles 192, 212, Raum, Rav-4, CRV wagons, Spacio, Premio, Allion and many more. Call 619-5784, 674-0203.

AFFORDABLE AUTOS: Premio, Allion, Spacio, Bluebird Sylphy 233-3783, 695-6169. 233-3783, 695-6169.

ONE Toyota Corolla. Call 223-1094, between 2pm - 5 pm.

HONDA Accord and Integra: both excellent condition, fully powered, like new. 223-9687/8.

T OYOTA Ta c o m a 4 x 4 , TRD 2005, automatic cherry red, extended cab, excellent condition fully loaded. Price neg. Tel. 671-8883, 696-9529.

NEW model Nissan Tiida Latio, brand new condition, unregistered, low mileage. Make offer 233-3783, 695-6169.

BMW 320 CARS,openandenclosed canter trucks with lift, and 4x4 Super cab pick up - 61 Dennis St., Campbellville. 227-0190, 693-5610, 616-9727.

S-V30 Toyota Camry in excellent condition, mags, music, AC, alarm etc. Price neg. Tel. 680-0212, 218-5515.

AE 110 Sprinter: AC, music, mags, PLL series, clean condition $1M; never worked hire; AT 212, $850 000 neg, private. 639-9914, 690-7344.

ONE Nissan 2004 model 4x4. Immaculate condition, 4 brand new Mickey Thompson tyres on. Price $3.9 neg.Tel#. 629-1340, 220-7107, 694-5953.

TOYOTA Tacoma 2005 4WD, $4M. Tacoma body parts, owner migrating. Tel. 220-7430, 647-2856.

AE 110 Sprinter: fully powered, excellent condition. 225-6356.

2008 TACOMA 4 X 4, EXTRA CAB, LIKE NEW, LOW MILEAGE. $4.2 MIL. CALL: 227-1511, 651-4578

H O N D A AT V 5 0 0 4 x 4 d o u b l e s h o c k s , n e w. A s k i n g $2.6M. Call 624-5000.

ALTEZZA, 6 speed manual, 3S, fully powered, mags, excellent condition. 225-6356.

Toyota AT 192 (new model), in good working condition, AC, music, etc. Price $700,000 negotiable. Call 621-8153.

2010 GLK 350 MERCEDES BENZ, ONLY 25,000 MILES, FULLY LOADED. $12.5 MIL. CALL: 6514578

1 - TOYOTA Picnic, PLL series, excellent condition. Price neg. Tel. 644-8084, 623-3738.

3 CF-DAF 85 trucks (with contracted work if desired). Call 6181939.

AT 170 and spares "where is where as" basis, very serviceable; Carina 212 back window screen. Call Tyron - 694-0449.

MUST sell - going cheap: VVTI pitbull bus, 19 seater, $2.8M terms available. Call Selma 614-9078. TOYOTA Corolla AE 91 in good condition, AC, tape deck, HA series. Price $650 000 negotiable. Tel. 621-4790. WE buy and sell vehicles for cash and we also do trading-in of vehicles: 30-seater buses low as $900 000 - 680-3154 AT 170 Corona EFI, PHH series, price $475 000; AT 192 motor car, PJJ series, price $575 000. Phone 268-3953, 638-5301. TWO NZE Corolla: PKK and PLL, both in excellent condition; mags, music, alarm, etc. Contact 621-4772, or 689-5802. UNREGISTERED 2005 Raum $2.2M, Solid Def Hilux $2.4M, 2-ton dump truck $2.3M. 641-1800, 220-1324. MERCEDES Benz CLL 200 kompressor, 2005; pearl white, PRR series; TV, DVD, etc immaculate; give away price $4.6M neg. 623-5492. TOYOTA Tacoma 1999 4-cylinder, 4-wheel drive, never registered, rims & AC. Ideal for interior roads Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-0299. 1 - TOYOTA Premio - PNN series, in excellent condition (lady driven), 17" chrome rims, alarm, automatic start, AC, CD player, etc - $2.3M neg. Contact 649-2541. TOYOTA Raum with full flair kit, AC, music, mags. One owner. Very clean condition. Reasonably priced. Contact: 643-5306/226-7855, 685-0299. JUST Arrived! 2 Honda 4 5 0 c c AT V b i k e w i t h d o u b l e shock winch, 4-wheel drive. Going cheap. Contact 6435306, 658-0299.

DRIVEN Auto Sales: new arrivals sale - unregistered fully-loaded Toyota Sienta - $2,250,000; and Mazda Axela - $2,350,000. 643-6565, 226-9931. 2002 Toyota Tundra, never registered, fully powered, 4-wheel drive, very excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-0299. ONE 323 Mazda wagon in good condition (requires 4 suspensions) $300 000. One Jialing 150cc scrambler. Price $120 000, Prices neg.Tel. 690-0266. TOYOTA Tundra 2005, bubble tray with hard cover with rims, leather, interior, 4-wheel drive. Clean & excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact: 6435306, 685-2099. 1 - TOYOTA Dyna canter short base, 2 ½ tons, double wheel, diesel. Excellent condition, one owner. Price $1M neg. Call 684-8231. NEW shipment: Toyota Noah, Premio, Spacio, TV, spoiler, wood finish, fog lamp, body kit, rims, etc, Raum, Vitz, Hilux solid def, NZE 121 R.H. Auto Sales, Blankenburg WCD. 269-0794, 688-4847. 2007 CAT 962H loader 10,800 hrs, location, Georgetown or East Coast Demerara; Caterpillar Survey, equipment in excellent conditions. Tel. 619-2228 or 6192229. Price US$175,000.00 (G$35M) ONE original Lexus LS 400. Price $4.2M, One BMW 740 IL $4.7 M, one BMW 528E new engine $500 000, both in excellent condition. Luxury cars. Owner leaving country. Make offer. Tel. 6882525

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013


Minister of Sport commits to ... From back page

but I understand one stage record was broken, for which I congratulate the winner of that particular stage.” Recounting the difficulties faced to host the event, which cost approximately G$6M per year, Dr. Anthony thanked the members of the Guyana Police Force and all the others who made the race a success story this year, while making a plea for support from Corporate Guyana, to sustain the growth and development of the event. “This five-stage race takes a lot of partners for us to pull it off… The Guyana Cycling Federation have been with us from the inception and they have done all the judging and technical part of this event which we have seen grown and become one on the calendar of our country.” “When we started this race in partnership with the Ministry of Health, who benefitted from funding from a number of organizations, we thought it would provide a good backdrop in which we can educate persons across the country about HIV and AIDS,” related Dr. Anthony. “It is still an issue with our country and while we would have made good strides and tried and reduced the incidence of HIV in Guyana, we still cannot take it for granted and the reason we thought about this race is primarily due to a lot of young people being involved in cycling and a lot of them follow the race. The Ministry of Health saw the nexus for the first six years to fund the race at a cost of approximately G$6M. However, this year the international body which usually provided the funding were unable to do so, and we did not wish to discontinue the race, as it has become a calendar event.” He continued to state, “We decided from the Ministry, through the National Sports Commission that we will fund it. Within the next two to three weeks, we will be calling all the stakeholders together and plan for next year’s race. If that fails, because we want to have the private sector involved, and if that fails, then the Ministry of Sport will carry it until we can find responsible partners and corporate citizens who are willing to partner with us; but we have every confidence that they are persons out there who are seeing what this race can do, having seen it all.” In his brief remarks, Kumar said the event which was won by 19 year old Raynauth Jeffrey of Team Coco’s, was indeed a success. “I really appreciate the interest of our cyclists. Those that you see sitting here, who participated in this race, always called and enquired when we would have this race and after having discussions with Dr. Anthony, he decided that we will have the race this year, while next year we must have a fixed date,” said Kumar. Thompson said her organization is very pleased to be associated with the event, while she thanked the participants for making it a success and offer special congratulations to Jeffrey for winning this year’s edition and bringing the title back to Guyanese soil. Jeffrey recorded a winning time of 10h. 05mins: 33secs to take the top podium spot and US$1,000 and trophy, which came along with it, leaving the 2007 champion Alanzo Greaves in second place, 52 seconds behind, with his Team Coco’s teammate Darren Matthews third, a further 25 seconds behind Greaves. Williams, Godfrey Pollydore, Orville Hinds, Paul DeNobrega, Robin Persaud, defending champion Jaime Ramirez and Eastman, completed the top 10 paying positions behind Jeffrey, Greaves and Matthews in the respective order, with a time deficit of 4m: 23secs separating Jeffrey from Eastman.

ENGLISH RACING TIPS Southwell 08:10 hrs Overrule 08:40 hrs Peter’s Island Speckled Wood 09:40 hrs May Whi 10:10 hrs Stout Cortez 10:40 hrs Biscuiteer 11:10 hrs Breezolini 11:40 hrs Hannahs Turn Lingfield 08:50 hrs Keychain 09:20 hrs Loughalder 09:50 hrs Lady Boru 10:20 hrs Seventh Hussar 10:50 hrs Bathwick Junior 11:20 hrs Guanciale 11:50 hrs Lola Galli

FRENCH RACING TIPS Chantilly 08:15 hrs Aventador 08:50 hrs Hippolyte 09:20 hrs Veneziano 09:50 hrs Renny Storm 10:20 hrs Elitiste 10:55 hrs Flute Enchante 11:25 hrs Mohica Glaz IRISH RACING TIPS Wexford 08:45 hrs Briar Hill 09:15 hrs Grey Monk 09:45 hrs Royal Moll 10:15 hrs Tipped Up Harry 10:45 hrs Speckled Wood 11:15 hrss Foritsa 11:45 hrs Ibetellingyoualie


Confident England eye fourth Ashes title in row By Nick Mulvenney

SYDNEY: (Reuters) - The second leg of an Ashes double-header unique in the 131 years of such contests gets underway in Brisbane on Thursday with everything bar the eternal optimism of the Australian nation pointing to

MICHAEL CLARKE a fourth successive England triumph. With the dominant 3-0 success on home soil still fresh in the memory, England can justifiably approach a trip Down Under with more confidence than at any time since the 1970s, when World Series cricket tore the heart out of the home side. The core of an England side unbeaten in Tests this year has very happy memories of their last trip in 2010-11, when they hammered Australia 3-1 to win the Ashes on foreign soil for the first time in 24 years. That feeling has been compounded by the conviction that they won in England with something to spare and their vaunted batting line-up can only do better than they did in the five home tests. “I think Australia will suit our batsmen a bit more than English conditions,” England paceman Stuart Broad said last week. “We had these sort of slow, turning wickets that are quite hard to score on and we’ve got guys who cut and pull, free-scoring players, and I think our batsmen are very excited to play here and will thrive in the Australian conditions.” And yet, despite losing seven of their last nine Tests and drawing the other two, there is also a growing feeling of confidence in Australia. The hosts feel the series in England was closer than the scoreline suggested, their batting line-up is more settled than it has been for a while and that if their quick bowlers can fire on the hard home decks, they can really trouble England. There was little chance that their preparations for the second series could be disrupted as much as those for the first, when coach Mickey Arthur was sacked and opener David Warner was stood down for punching England’s Joe Root in a bar. The excellent bowling performance of Ryan Harris in England was one reason for the growing optimism and the in-

jury-prone paceman articulated the feeling of the Australia camp after the squad was announced for the Gabba. “It’s time we brought the urn home and we know that,” he said. “You always have pressure at this level and there is extra after not winning the last few series. “But if we play our best cricket we will win. We believe in each other.” Australia have been forced by injury to take a gamble on pace bowler Mitchell Johnson recapturing his best form after four years of erratic performances which have made him the favourite target of England’s Barmy Army of fans. In addition, Harris’s fragile frame is unlikely to last the full five tests so Australia will be hoping the recuperation of James Pattinson and Jackson Bird continues to go well. BAILEY GAMBLE Another gamble was on the uncapped George Bailey for the vacant number six batting spot and while the 31-year-old does not have great red ball pedigree, he has shown a remarkable ability to step for his country in Twenty20 and one-day internationals. All-rounder Shane Watson’s talent is in no doubt but a hamstring injury has disrupted his preparations and the decision over whether he will be able to bowl in the first test is likely to

be taken on the first morning at the Gabba. Despite those small flies in the ointment, Australia captain Michael Clarke has been trumpeting the new optimism like a politician on the campaign trail. “I think the team is in a fantastic place and the feeling in the group is outstanding,” he said in Sydney last week. “I think the boys are flying. They’re all looking forward to Thursday week.” The A us tralian weather means England’s preparations have not been perfect but, apart from a calf injury to wicketkeeper Matt Prior, they have not seen much to darken their collective mood. “As a team, I think we can take a lot of confidence about how we’ve performed over a the last 18 months or so,” said Broad. “We’ve had games where we’ve not been that good but got away with draws when we shouldn’t have done. We’ve got a really steely unit in that changing room.” Jonny Bairstow is on standby should Prior fail to prove his fitness, while opener Michael Carberry looks set to make his Ashes debut at the Gabba with Root moving down to number six in the batting order. Australia, though, has never been an easy place to tour for

any England side. Their last win at the Gabba came in 1986 and their most recent victory in Perth, venue for the third Test, goes even further back to the 1978-79 tour. The decision to move the Australia-hosted Ashes out of its proximity to the limited overs World Cup in the cricketing calendar means only 88 days will have past between the two

ALASTAIR COOK series this year. There has been no sign of any Ashes fatigue setting in, though, and ticket sales have been brisk for all the matches, which also include tests in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. “The Aussie public have got an excitement from feeling their side is a bit more settled and are really coming for us,” added Broad. “And we’ve a lot of confidence in our own ability and I think if I was a fan I’d be really excited about this series, it’s going to be extremely entertaining.”

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

Bharat Ratna award for Sachin Tendulkar SACHIN Tendulkar will become the first sportsperson to be conferred the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award. The Prime Minister’s Office made the announcement hours after Tendulkar brought down the curtains on a 24-year international career. “Sachin Tendulkar is undoubtedly an outstanding cricketer - a living legend who has inspired millions across the globe,” a PMO release said. “During the last 24 years, since the young age of 16 years, Tendulkar has played cricket across the world and won laurels for our country. He has been a true ambassador of India in the world of sports. His achievements in cricket are unparalleled, the records set by him unmatched, and the spirit of sportsmanship displayed by him exemplary. That he has been honoured with several awards is testimony to his extraordinary brilliance as a sportsman. SACHIN TENDULKAR Speculation about Tendulkar getting the award has been around for years, and peaked in 2011 when the eligibility criteria for the award was broadened. Originally, the honour was for excellence in “art, literature, science and public services” but was amended to recognise “performance of highest order in any field of human endeavour”. In 2008, Tendulkar became the first sportsperson, along with chess grandmaster Viswanathan Anand, to receive the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-highest civilian honour. Tendulkar received the Arjuna Award (a national award for distinguished sports persons) in 1994, and in 1998 he received the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award, the country’s highest sporting honour. The next year, he was the recipient of the Padma Shri ( the fourth-highest civilian award). Previous recipients of the Bharat Ratna include Nobel laureates Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa. (ESPN Cricinfo)

Maracanazo 1950 repeat is the spur for Uruguay By Malena Castaldi

MONTEVIDEOLReuters) Uruguay are 5-0 up going into the second leg of their World Cup playoff against Jordan at the Centenario tomorrow and already dreaming of achieving another ‘Maracanazo’ at the finals in Brazil next year. Before kickoff the hosts will honour 86-year-old Alcides Ghiggia who scored the winning goal and is the sole survivor of the 2-1 upset victory over Brazil that gave Uruguay their second world title in the 1950 final at the Maracana. “What happened in that World Cup left a big mark on the Brazilian people,” Paris St Germain striker Edinson Cavani told a news conference yesterday. “Uruguay have earned their respect,” said Cavani who scored a brilliant fifth goal with a venomous free kick in last week’s first leg in Amman. The Uruguayans suffered a form slump in 2012 that jeopardised their qualification chances but were desperate to make it to Brazil, given the rivalry with their northern neighbours and the memory of the ‘Maracanazo’. Cavani’s side, semi-finalists at the 2010 World Cup

in South Africa, do not want to show any lack of respect to their playoff opponents despite the one-sided nature of last week’s match. The Interior Ministry have urged the sellout crowd of 45,000 at the Centenario, the stadium where Uruguay won their first World Cup in 1930, not to whistle or boo the Jordanian national anthem before

kickoff. “Uruguay took a substantial step towards qualifying for Brazil 2014 and they did so without humiliating their rivals even if the loaded scoreline appears to suggest the opposite,” the ministry said in a statement at the weekend. “The thousands of Jordanians who watched the match enjoyed the light blues’s game.

A packed stadium dreaming of another result ended up applauding our team, showing that respect is ... as valuable as the dream of playing at a World Cup.” TRUE NIGHTMARE A team brimming with top talent such as Liverpool’s Luis Suarez and his strike partner Ca-

GKC blazing trail in the ...

From page 32

earn their shodan (black belt) rankings. Moving from 10th kyu to 9th kyu were Daniel Denny, Damale Denny, Clide Sampson, Akil Sampson, and Ezkiel Poulis. Whilst moving from 10 th kyu to 8th were Bibi Mohamed, Kyle Chung, Kellisha Jupiter, Dana Persaud, Lana Persaud, Mario Dos Santos, Chrisann Newton, Rayden Persaud, Danielle Khan, Lemuel Scott, Jonathan Robinson, and Eaton Low. Moving from 9 th kyu to th 7 kyu were Aditya Seetaram, Jonathan Niranyan, and Kenrick Narine, even as Alexander Persaud moved from 8th kyu to 7 B kyu, along with Aron Hendricks, Demetri Lowe, and Kiefer Bark-

er, Destinny Cao, Bruce Yong, Rudy Austin, Seon Poulis, and Thamika Wong. Jun Mikami, William Escarraga, Alyssa Singh, Nizi Realine, Krystal Realine, Jonathan Ramlal, and Vickram Thani, all moved from 7th kyu to 6th kyu; Faraud Mohamed from 7th kyu to 5 B kyu, Jeremiah Poulis 8th kyu to 6th kyu, Ethan Jones 6th kyu to 5B kyu, and Motilall Mattadin skipping from 7th kyu to 5th kyu. Anish Sharma, Joshua Zaman, Daniel Lowe, Dominick Johnson, all moved from 6th kyu to 5th kyu, while Aiden Singh 7 th kyu to 5 th kyu, Ronaldo Persaud 6th kyu to 5th kyu along with Michael Alphonso and Scott Habibullah, even as promotions from

5th to 4th kyu were achieved by Jayden Hurry, Deron Austin, Daniel Hing, Basilia Bettencourt, Samuel Munroe, and Ian Boller. Stefon Smith, Brittney Bettencourt, Daequan Burnett, and Rayad Boyceo moved from 4 th kyu to 3rd kyu, Aron Connelly skipped from 3rd kyu to 1st kyu, Nigel Roberts moved from 3rd kyu to 2nd kyu, and moving from 3rd kyu to 2nd kyu were Jayz Halley, Princess Charles , Reba Ramlall, and Carmalita Byrne. Navinda Soodoo moved from 3 rd kyu 1 st kyu, while ascending from 2nd kyu to 1st kyu were Otho Harris, Rhea Connelly, Jonathan Connelly, and Ryan Sarjoo.

vani would have to experience a true nightmare not to go through to the finals from this position. Coach Oscar Tabar ez, who is likely to name an unchanged team, is not expecting any complacency from his side. “Footballers often feel their motivation according to their needs,” he said. “When there’s no need there’s no motivation but I think as we get nearer the match ... things will fall into place and I hope we can fulfil our objective which is to play a very good match.” Suarez, leading scorer with 11 goals in the 16-match South American qualifying group, did not manage to get on the scoresheet in the first leg and will be looking to put that right in the return tie. The Jordanians know it is almost impossible to overturn their first-leg deficit. “We’re not going to kid ourselves, we are very disappointed. We told everyone at home it would be difficult but we hoped to give much more,” said striker Tha’er Bewab. “Now we’ve come here for a good result. Above all for the public, we want to change our image.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013



Brilliant Fudadin leads Rose Hall Town Gizmos and Gadgets to title A BRILLIANT all round performance from West Indies Test player, Assad Fudadin, led Rose Hall Town Gizmos and Gadgets to an easy and comprehensive seven-wicket victory over Albion Cricket Club in the finals of the Berbice Cricket Board/Namilco/ Bakewell T20 tournament on Sunday last. Playing in front of a large and colorful crowd at the famous Albion Cricket Club ground, Fudadin took 4 for 24 runs and returned with the bat to score an even half-century to lead his team home. RHT Gizmos and Gadgets won the toss and surprisingly, invited their host to take first strike, to which Sewnarine Chattergoon (16) and Kandasammy Surujnarine posted 28 for the first wicket; this was before the former was brilliantly taken by Dominic Rikhi at the long on boundary off the bowling of Royston Crandon in the fifth over. The talented Balchan Baldeo (13) joined Surujnarine and they carried the score to 50 before Fudadin, bowling medium pace, removed Baldeo, while the dangerous Jonathan Foo was not allowed to settle and was brilliantly caught by Fudadin at short mid wicket for 10 off the bowling of veteran left arm spinner Ravi Narine. Thereafter, Albion’s batting was kept in check and only

Anthony Bramble (27) and Devindra Bishoo (11) offered some resistance to Fudadin, who got support from Narine, Eon Hooper, Crandon and Rikhi, as Albion were dismissed for 114 in their allotted 20 overs. RHTGG lost Hooper (00), who was used as a pinch hitter in the first over to off spinner, Veerapen Permaul, but Fudadin and Rikhi batted brilliantly to add 90 runs for the second wicket, before Fudadin was caught at long off, off Foo for a mature 50 (3x4) off 48 balls in the 15th over. National player, Rajiv Ivan, and Rikhi continued to build on the foundation laid by Fudadin and took the score to 109 in the 17th over before Rikhi was caught behind off Bishoo for 36 off 43 balls. However, it was the final success for Albion, as Ivan and Crandon took their team to 115 for 3 in the 18th over, with Ivan being unbeaten on 16 and Crandon 3, respectively, as Permaul Foo and Bishoo took a wicket each for Albion who were surprisingly ragged in the field. Earlier in the third place playoff, Universal Solutions Bermine defeated West Berbice Super Kings by five wickets to take that position. Batting first, West Berbice reached 92 for 6 off their allotted 20 overs with skipper, Krisendat Ramoo, scoring 33

and Arthley Bailey supporting him with 22. Romario Shepherd took 2 for 27 for Bermine, who in reply reached 96 for 5 in 18.2 overs, thanks to an unbeaten 31 from Eugene LaFleur and Shemroy Barrington’s 29, as national fast bowler, Keon Joseph, bowled with genuine pace to snare 3 for 14. At the presentation ceremony that followed, president of the BCB, Keith Foster, praised Namilco and Bakewell for their joint investment in Berbice cricket while noting that the game continues to attract sponsorship due to the hard work of the Board. He congratulated the winners on a well deserved victory and urged the top two teams in Berbice to always maintain their high standards. General Manager of Bakewell, Rajin Ganga, in his brief remarks expressed gratitude to the executives of BCB for a well organised tournament and was pleased with the quality of cricket he saw. Bert Sukhai, Managing Director of Namilco, hailed the tournament as a success and, like Ganga, praised the work of the BCB noting that this was his company’s first venture into sponsorship of cricket and said they would be willing to return next year once a good proposal is submitted. Fudadin collected a one-

PMTC 1 win Chattergoon Memorial volleyball competition ‘PMTC 1 Volleyball Club maintained their unbeaten record this year, when they lifted the first place trophy in the Shamshadbagan Chattergoon Memorial Volleyball Competition which was played on Sunday at the Guysuco Apprentice Centre at Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice. PMTC 1 who were without their star spiker, Quacy Matheson, easily swept aside all of their opponents in straight sets due to the brilliant spiking of Ian Bagot and splendid setting of captain Jason Seelochan, with former National Captain, Seon Glasgow, and Luen David

providing valuable support. The competition which was played on a ‘round-robin’ 2 best of 3 basis, involved PMTC 1, Port Mourant Jaguars, PMTC 2, Rollers of New Amsterdam, Falcons of Canje, and newcomers to competitive volleyball, Skeldon Jets. Second place winners Port Mourant Jags won 4 of their 5 matches, PMTC 2 lost all 5 of their matches, Falcons won 3 and lost 2, Rollers won 2 and lost 3 and, Skeldon Jets won 1 and lost 4. At the presentation ceremony held immediately after the conclusion of the competition, Berbice Volleyball Associa-

The winning PMTC 1 team display their hardware with BVA officials.

tion (BVA) President, Gregory Rambarran, congratulated the winners, and all teams for participating; he also thanked the Chattergoon family for sponsoring the competition in memory of their late mother, and the management of the Guysuco Apprentice Centre for granting the use of their facilities. BVA Secretary, Levi Nedd, who is also the National Volleyball Coach, in his remarks said he was pleased with the standard of play and was happy that Rollers and Falcons clubs were back on board. He added that, he was impressed with the skills and standard of play of the youngsters on the Skeldon Jets team and urged all the players to continue to work on their basic skills. Trophies were presented to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placed winners and also to the Best Setter - Jason Seelochan, Best Spiker - Ian Bagot, and Best Defence - Seon Glasgow. The BVA also took the opportunity to present balls to two referees and the PMTC 1 team that will be participating in an International Club Tournament organised by the Guyana Volleyball Federation (GVF), this weekend at the National Gymnasium in Georgetown. (Michael Khan)

year free supply of cable service compliments of E-Networks after being named the Man-ofthe-Match in the finals, while he was also the recipient of one DVD player and a CD player, compliments of A. Ally and Sons for scoring the most runs and taking the most wickets in the final. Fudadin completed a bril-

liant day by clinching the best catch of the day award while his team mate, Clinton Pestano, won play of the day with a brilliant run out of David Latchaya. Bramble struck the only six of the day and as such was awarded with the prize of the biggest six of the day, even as RHTGG collected

$200,000.00 for winning the tournament along with a beautiful trophy, and Albion received $100,000.00 for their efforts. Universal Bermine and West Berbice Super Kings won $50,000.00 and $25,000.00 respectively; while gifts were shared to spectators, ground staff, umpires and others, compliments of Namilco and BCB as members of the four teams received products of Bakewell. The BCB would like to thank Namilco, Bakewell, Ansa McAl, E-Networks, Guysuco, Universal DVD and Solutions, Sentinel Security, Guyana Police Force, and the media for their support in making this tournament a success.

The victorious Rose Hall Town Gizmos and Gadgets team, strike a pose with the trophy, after defeating Albion in the final. Fifth from left is General Manager of Bakewell, Rajin Ganga, while on his left is Managing Director of NAMILCO, Bert Sukhai.


Hong Kong thrash Canada ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, (CMC) — Opener Irfan Ahmed struck a century and Munir Dar claimed four wickets as unbeaten Hong Kong thrashed Canada by 53 runs in a Group A match of the ICC World Cup Twenty20 qualifiers at the Sheikh Zayed Nursery 1 ground here yesterday. While Hong Kong were recording their third straight victory, Scotland, Uganda and Kenya won at the third attempt to keep their hopes alive. Pakistan-born Ahmed’s 53-ball 100, which contained eight sixes and four fours, helped Hong Kong post 168-5 before restricting Canada to 115-8, Dar claiming 4-17. Scotland, who lost their opener to Bermuda, got off the mark with an eight-wicket win over Nepal in Dubai. Calum MacLeod spearheaded Scotland’s reply after Nepal posted 137-7, hitting five fours and three sixes in his unbeaten 82 from 64 balls to see his side home with four balls remaining. Earlier, Nepal were pegged back by Safyaan Sharif (3-19) and Gordon Goudie (3-29). Uganda registered their first win by beating Italy by one wicket with one ball left in Abu Dhabi. Gareth Berg led Italy to 148-4 with 62 from 34 balls before Uganda replied with 151-9. Veteran Steve Tikolo’s unbeaten 48 helped Kenya cruise to an eight-wicket victory over Denmark with 10.5 overs remaining in Dubai. Opening bowlers Nehemiah Odhiambo (3-15) and Ragheb Aga (2-8) restricted the Danes to a mediocre 84-8 before 42-year-old opener Tikolo cut loose. The top three teams in each group will advance to next year’s World Cup proper in Bangladesh. Summarised scores: Group A Hong Kong (168-5) beat Canada (115-8) by 53 runs Uganda (151-9) beat Italy (148-4) by one wicket Group B Scotland (138-2) beat Nepal (137-7) by eight wickets Kenya (85-2) beat Denmark (84-8) by eight wickets

Vettel proud of eight wins record SEBASTIAN Vettel is “proud” of becoming the first driver to win eight consecutive races in a single season. The Red Bull driver broke a record held by Michael Schumacher and Alberto Ascari with victory in the US GP. “Numbers do not make me jump in the car but we realised we had done it and it makes you very proud,” Vettel said. “You realise what it means to look back at those names. People look back and talk about certain drivers. One day people might talk abou He said the achievement, which he described as “incredible” would not fully sink in until Monday morning. “It’s always the day after usually you feel invincible - don’t get me wrong,” said Vettel, who tied up his fourth consecutive title in India three races ago. “It is great feeling. You have a grin on your face, unless you have a hangover. It is nice feeling, Sunday things happen very quick and it is bit harder to realise. “It is one of those records that was not meant to be broken ever and it’s very difficult to understand we actually did it. “It is down to team effort. Everyone is willing to push. This morning at eight o’clock the car was in pieces - we had the gearbox on the floor we had some concern about reliability and the guys were trying to fix it and it ran fine in the race. “Since the summer break I don’t know what we have all done, but we need to remember for future years should we require a little bit more than just good performance. “As a sportsman you know not every day is supposed to be a good day, you will have ups and downs. “The points when you are at the low they hurt a lot more than when you are on the high. “I keep saying there is no guarantee for the next race, for the next race and equally for the year after. We had a phenomenal run that last five years. You never know what is coming next. You have to enjoy today and look forward to tomorrow.” Red Bull team boss Christian Horner said: “When we reflect what we have achieved it is quite remarkable, the levels Sebastian

Matt Prior given time to prove fitness

ENGLAND will give Matt Prior as long as possible to prove his fitness for the first Ashes Test against Australia in Brisbane, starting on Thursday. The wic k et k ee p er h as played 57 Tests in a row but is struggling to be fit for the game because of a torn calf muscle. Prior, 32, underwent an intense fitness session at the Gabba on Monday as well as spending time in the nets and gave a thumbs up to cameras as he left. He will be assessed over the next two days before a final decision is made

Prior suffered the injury while running during the tour game against Australia A in Hobart on 9 November. Yorkshire’s Jonny Bairstow, 24, who is yet to keep wicket at the highest level, is standing by to deputise. In his newspaper column in the Daily Telegraph, Prior said he would need to be able to train at 100% tomorrowy to be fit for the Test. “It will be touch and go whether I am fit in time,” he wrote. “I’m optimistic I will be OK, but it is a long series

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

and as much as you want to play in the first Test, I do not want to come back too early, tear it again

Red Bull Formula One driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany celebrates with his trophy on the podium after winning the Austin F1 Grand Prix at the Circuit of the Americas in Austin Sunday. (Credit: Reuters/Mike Stone) has reached, the accuracy and consistency he has driven with is quite astounding. “He was pretty emotional at the end of the race because he has beaten a record of one of his idols, who it seemed unlikely that kind of record would be beaten. “To win eight consecutive races, to have won every race since July [when Lewis Hamilton won the Hungarian Grand Prix] is mind-blowing, especially against the quality of opposition we’re up against. It’ll take a little while for it to sink in with the whole team.”(BBC Sport)

Mae’s Secondary whip American School

MAE’s Secondary School turned out not to be appreciative guests when they whipped host, Georgetown American School, 3-1 in a friendly inter-school football game played at the American School ground in Deli Street, Prashad Nagar, last Thursday. Striker, Darshan Persaud, netted all three goals for Mae’s as he mesmerized the vociferous American School supporters with both head and foot work. Persaud scored twice in the first half and completed an excellent day with a goal in the second half. The American School’s lone goal came off the boot of Aurelius Barrus in the second half. A return match is scheduled for Thursday at the Mae’s Ground.


Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market &The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230)& CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: (1) 62 (WI vs ENG, Bourda, 1994) (2) MakayaNtini (266); KapilDev (253); Heath Streak (239); Darren Gough (235) Today’s Quiz: (1) Lance Gibbs took 309 Test wickets. How many were taken against India? (2) Who is the fastest man to 300 ODI wickets in terms of matches? How many? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

MATT PRIOR and be out for a long time.” Meanwhile, James Anderson believes the identity of England’s third seamer for the first Test will be determined by performances in the nets over the final 48 hours of preparation. (BBC Sport)

The triumphant Mae’s Secondary School team


The Chronicle is at

GKC blazing trail in the world of Martial Arts

THE GUYANA Karate College held its end of year grading examinations last Friday

at its main dojo which is being housed in the Malteenoes Sports Club pavilion,

where more than eighty of its students were promoted after successfully undergoing its belt

Master Frank Woon-a-Tai and Sensei Jeffrey Wong, strike a pose with female karatekas of the Guyana Karate College after the grading sessions.

rank tests, under the watchful eyes of Master Frank Woon-A-Tai and Sensei Jeffrey Wong. Leading the way at this grading session was the young phenomenon, Tyler Orderson, who two years ago, achieved the feat of becoming the youngest Shotokan Karateka to obtain the Shodan (black belt) ranking; this time achieving the accomplishment at just nine years old and becoming the youngest person across the Globe to earn a nidan (second degree black belt) ranking. Alyssa Persaud with a top quality display of kata (form) and kumite (fighting) also earned her nidan ranking, even as Mickelly Rahaman, Rebecca Ramlall, Rachael Ramlall, Rajiv Lee, Khalid Adams, Zane Low and Arvin Seelall, all undertook a grueling examination to

Please see page 28

Goodluck retains rifle shooting title on hard fought day

RANSFORD Goodluck retained his title on a hard fought final day of competition at the National Rifle Shooting championships sponsored by Crown Mining, Queensway and Industrial SafetySupplies Inc. which ended Sunday at the Timehri ranges. Goodluck amassed a grand aggregate of 343 points with 29 V-bulls to claim championship honours edging out day three winner National Captain, MahendraPersaud, who recorded an overall 341 with 24 V-bulls for second position. Rain had curtailed competition on Saturday in which Lennox Braithwaite shot two possibles with scored of 35.7 and 35. 3 shooting at 500 and 600 yards ranges followed by Goodluck with 69.11 (34.6 and 35.3), Per- RANSFORD GOODLUCK saud with 68.7 (33.4 and 35.3), and Dylan Fields 68.5 (35.3 and 33.2) being the ‘X’ Class leaders. Sunday’s shooting was intriguing with Goodluck, Fields and Braithwaite all locked on the same score at 1000 yards but Persaud in a pugnacious move bounced back into contention by winning the range with 144 points and nine V-bulls. He was followed by Goodluck with 142.9, Fields 138.9 and Braithwaite 134.9. Fields finished with an overall aggregate of 338.22 to claim third position while Braithwaite was fourth with 332.29. Lt. Col Terrence Stuart was the winner of the ‘O’ Class competition with 309 points and 14 V-bulls followed by Inspector Dane Blair finishing second with 277 points and 12 V-bulls and Sherwin Felicien third with 299.4. Ryan Sampson, Secretary of the GNRA said the presentation of prizes will take place next month at the planned GNRA Annual Presentation Ceremony. He expressed sincere gratitude to Crown Mining Queensway and Industrial Safety Supplies Inc. for sponsoring this year’s championships.

Minister of Sport commits to continuation of Annual ‘Ride for Life’ event ….Fixed date for 2014 edition

By Calvin Roberts “WE ARE looking at having a multitude of partners for next year’s event and if not, I want to guarantee you that the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport (MCYS) will fund and continue to fund the race until we get other partners to come on board with us.” Those were the words of Minister of Sport Dr. Frank Anthony, who was addressing his audience which included Director of Sport, Neil Kumar, and president of the Guyana

Cycling Federation, Cheryl Thompson, along with cyclists who competed in the just concluded seventh annual ‘Ride for Life’ cycle road race. “We are extremely pleased that Team Coco’s and the other foreign competitors are here to compete, not because of the prizes, but to provide intense competition because if they were looking at the prizes, they would not have been here this year. “I think that since we’ve had the participation of Team Coco’s, we have seen the qual-

ity of the race improving, especially the timings which have noticeably improved once we start having external competition and that is good,” related Dr. Anthony at the National Cultural Centre last Sunday. He added, “I think this is good. It is good that we are able to have this firm competitiveness, so that we can improve overall. Every year Minister of Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony (left), presents the overall winner of the seventh we look to break records and annual National Sports Commission/Ministry of Sport/Ministry of Health/Guyana Cycling unfortunately we were not able Federation ‘Ride for Life’ five-stage road race, Raynauth Jeffrey, with his championship to break the overall record, trophy and jersey, while Director of Sport, Neil Kumar (center), looks on appreciatively. Please see page 27 (Photo by Sonell Nelson)

Printed and Published by Guyana National Newspapers Limi ted, Lama Avenue, Bel Air Park, Georgetown. Telephone 2 2 6- 3243-9 (General); Editorial: 2 2 7- 5204, 2 2 7- 5216. Fax:2 2 7- 5208


GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013


Minister of Sport commits to ... From back page

but I understand one stage record was broken, for which I congratulate the winner of that particular stage.” Recounting the difficulties faced to host the event, which cost approximately G$6M per year, Dr. Anthony thanked the members of the Guyana Police Force and all the others who made the race a success story this year, while making a plea for support from Corporate Guyana, to sustain the growth and development of the event. “This five-stage race takes a lot of partners for us to pull it off… The Guyana Cycling Federation have been with us from the inception and they have done all the judging and technical part of this event which we have seen grown and become one on the calendar of our country.” “When we started this race in partnership with the Ministry of Health, who benefitted from funding from a number of organizations, we thought it would provide a good backdrop in which we can educate persons across the country about HIV and AIDS,” related Dr. Anthony. “It is still an issue with our country and while we would have made good strides and tried and reduced the incidence of HIV in Guyana, we still cannot take it for granted and the reason we thought about this race is primarily due to a lot of young people being involved in cycling and a lot of them follow the race. The Ministry of Health saw the nexus for the first six years to fund the race at a cost of approximately G$6M. However, this year the international body which usually provided the funding were unable to do so, and we did not wish to discontinue the race, as it has become a calendar event.” He continued to state, “We decided from the Ministry, through the National Sports Commission that we will fund it. Within the next two to three weeks, we will be calling all the stakeholders together and plan for next year’s race. If that fails, because we want to have the private sector involved, and if that fails, then the Ministry of Sport will carry it until we can find responsible partners and corporate citizens who are willing to partner with us; but we have every confidence that they are persons out there who are seeing what this race can do, having seen it all.” In his brief remarks, Kumar said the event which was won by 19 year old Raynauth Jeffrey of Team Coco’s, was indeed a success. “I really appreciate the interest of our cyclists. Those that you see sitting here, who participated in this race, always called and enquired when we would have this race and after having discussions with Dr. Anthony, he decided that we will have the race this year, while next year we must have a fixed date,” said Kumar. Thompson said her organization is very pleased to be associated with the event, while she thanked the participants for making it a success and offer special congratulations to Jeffrey for winning this year’s edition and bringing the title back to Guyanese soil. Jeffrey recorded a winning time of 10h. 05mins: 33secs to take the top podium spot and US$1,000 and trophy, which came along with it, leaving the 2007 champion Alanzo Greaves in second place, 52 seconds behind, with his Team Coco’s teammate Darren Matthews third, a further 25 seconds behind Greaves. Williams, Godfrey Pollydore, Orville Hinds, Paul DeNobrega, Robin Persaud, defending champion Jaime Ramirez and Eastman, completed the top 10 paying positions behind Jeffrey, Greaves and Matthews in the respective order, with a time deficit of 4m: 23secs separating Jeffrey from Eastman.

ENGLISH RACING TIPS Southwell 08:10 hrs Overrule 08:40 hrs Peter’s Island Speckled Wood 09:40 hrs May Whi 10:10 hrs Stout Cortez 10:40 hrs Biscuiteer 11:10 hrs Breezolini 11:40 hrs Hannahs Turn Lingfield 08:50 hrs Keychain 09:20 hrs Loughalder 09:50 hrs Lady Boru 10:20 hrs Seventh Hussar 10:50 hrs Bathwick Junior 11:20 hrs Guanciale 11:50 hrs Lola Galli

FRENCH RACING TIPS Chantilly 08:15 hrs Aventador 08:50 hrs Hippolyte 09:20 hrs Veneziano 09:50 hrs Renny Storm 10:20 hrs Elitiste 10:55 hrs Flute Enchante 11:25 hrs Mohica Glaz IRISH RACING TIPS Wexford 08:45 hrs Briar Hill 09:15 hrs Grey Monk 09:45 hrs Royal Moll 10:15 hrs Tipped Up Harry 10:45 hrs Speckled Wood 11:15 hrss Foritsa 11:45 hrs Ibetellingyoualie


Confident England eye fourth Ashes title in row By Nick Mulvenney

SYDNEY: (Reuters) - The second leg of an Ashes double-header unique in the 131 years of such contests gets underway in Brisbane on Thursday with everything bar the eternal optimism of the Australian nation pointing to

MICHAEL CLARKE a fourth successive England triumph. With the dominant 3-0 success on home soil still fresh in the memory, England can justifiably approach a trip Down Under with more confidence than at any time since the 1970s, when World Series cricket tore the heart out of the home side. The core of an England side unbeaten in Tests this year has very happy memories of their last trip in 2010-11, when they hammered Australia 3-1 to win the Ashes on foreign soil for the first time in 24 years. That feeling has been compounded by the conviction that they won in England with something to spare and their vaunted batting line-up can only do better than they did in the five home tests. “I think Australia will suit our batsmen a bit more than English conditions,” England paceman Stuart Broad said last week. “We had these sort of slow, turning wickets that are quite hard to score on and we’ve got guys who cut and pull, free-scoring players, and I think our batsmen are very excited to play here and will thrive in the Australian conditions.” And yet, despite losing seven of their last nine Tests and drawing the other two, there is also a growing feeling of confidence in Australia. The hosts feel the series in England was closer than the scoreline suggested, their batting line-up is more settled than it has been for a while and that if their quick bowlers can fire on the hard home decks, they can really trouble England. There was little chance that their preparations for the second series could be disrupted as much as those for the first, when coach Mickey Arthur was sacked and opener David Warner was stood down for punching England’s Joe Root in a bar. The excellent bowling performance of Ryan Harris in England was one reason for the growing optimism and the in-

jury-prone paceman articulated the feeling of the Australia camp after the squad was announced for the Gabba. “It’s time we brought the urn home and we know that,” he said. “You always have pressure at this level and there is extra after not winning the last few series. “But if we play our best cricket we will win. We believe in each other.” Australia have been forced by injury to take a gamble on pace bowler Mitchell Johnson recapturing his best form after four years of erratic performances which have made him the favourite target of England’s Barmy Army of fans. In addition, Harris’s fragile frame is unlikely to last the full five tests so Australia will be hoping the recuperation of James Pattinson and Jackson Bird continues to go well. BAILEY GAMBLE Another gamble was on the uncapped George Bailey for the vacant number six batting spot and while the 31-year-old does not have great red ball pedigree, he has shown a remarkable ability to step for his country in Twenty20 and one-day internationals. All-rounder Shane Watson’s talent is in no doubt but a hamstring injury has disrupted his preparations and the decision over whether he will be able to bowl in the first test is likely to

be taken on the first morning at the Gabba. Despite those small flies in the ointment, Australia captain Michael Clarke has been trumpeting the new optimism like a politician on the campaign trail. “I think the team is in a fantastic place and the feeling in the group is outstanding,” he said in Sydney last week. “I think the boys are flying. They’re all looking forward to Thursday week.” The A us tralian weather means England’s preparations have not been perfect but, apart from a calf injury to wicketkeeper Matt Prior, they have not seen much to darken their collective mood. “As a team, I think we can take a lot of confidence about how we’ve performed over a the last 18 months or so,” said Broad. “We’ve had games where we’ve not been that good but got away with draws when we shouldn’t have done. We’ve got a really steely unit in that changing room.” Jonny Bairstow is on standby should Prior fail to prove his fitness, while opener Michael Carberry looks set to make his Ashes debut at the Gabba with Root moving down to number six in the batting order. Australia, though, has never been an easy place to tour for

any England side. Their last win at the Gabba came in 1986 and their most recent victory in Perth, venue for the third Test, goes even further back to the 1978-79 tour. The decision to move the Australia-hosted Ashes out of its proximity to the limited overs World Cup in the cricketing calendar means only 88 days will have past between the two

ALASTAIR COOK series this year. There has been no sign of any Ashes fatigue setting in, though, and ticket sales have been brisk for all the matches, which also include tests in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. “The Aussie public have got an excitement from feeling their side is a bit more settled and are really coming for us,” added Broad. “And we’ve a lot of confidence in our own ability and I think if I was a fan I’d be really excited about this series, it’s going to be extremely entertaining.”

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

Bharat Ratna award for Sachin Tendulkar SACHIN Tendulkar will become the first sportsperson to be conferred the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award. The Prime Minister’s Office made the announcement hours after Tendulkar brought down the curtains on a 24-year international career. “Sachin Tendulkar is undoubtedly an outstanding cricketer - a living legend who has inspired millions across the globe,” a PMO release said. “During the last 24 years, since the young age of 16 years, Tendulkar has played cricket across the world and won laurels for our country. He has been a true ambassador of India in the world of sports. His achievements in cricket are unparalleled, the records set by him unmatched, and the spirit of sportsmanship displayed by him exemplary. That he has been honoured with several awards is testimony to his extraordinary brilliance as a sportsman. SACHIN TENDULKAR Speculation about Tendulkar getting the award has been around for years, and peaked in 2011 when the eligibility criteria for the award was broadened. Originally, the honour was for excellence in “art, literature, science and public services” but was amended to recognise “performance of highest order in any field of human endeavour”. In 2008, Tendulkar became the first sportsperson, along with chess grandmaster Viswanathan Anand, to receive the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-highest civilian honour. Tendulkar received the Arjuna Award (a national award for distinguished sports persons) in 1994, and in 1998 he received the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award, the country’s highest sporting honour. The next year, he was the recipient of the Padma Shri ( the fourth-highest civilian award). Previous recipients of the Bharat Ratna include Nobel laureates Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa. (ESPN Cricinfo)

Maracanazo 1950 repeat is the spur for Uruguay By Malena Castaldi

MONTEVIDEOLReuters) Uruguay are 5-0 up going into the second leg of their World Cup playoff against Jordan at the Centenario tomorrow and already dreaming of achieving another ‘Maracanazo’ at the finals in Brazil next year. Before kickoff the hosts will honour 86-year-old Alcides Ghiggia who scored the winning goal and is the sole survivor of the 2-1 upset victory over Brazil that gave Uruguay their second world title in the 1950 final at the Maracana. “What happened in that World Cup left a big mark on the Brazilian people,” Paris St Germain striker Edinson Cavani told a news conference yesterday. “Uruguay have earned their respect,” said Cavani who scored a brilliant fifth goal with a venomous free kick in last week’s first leg in Amman. The Uruguayans suffered a form slump in 2012 that jeopardised their qualification chances but were desperate to make it to Brazil, given the rivalry with their northern neighbours and the memory of the ‘Maracanazo’. Cavani’s side, semi-finalists at the 2010 World Cup

in South Africa, do not want to show any lack of respect to their playoff opponents despite the one-sided nature of last week’s match. The Interior Ministry have urged the sellout crowd of 45,000 at the Centenario, the stadium where Uruguay won their first World Cup in 1930, not to whistle or boo the Jordanian national anthem before

kickoff. “Uruguay took a substantial step towards qualifying for Brazil 2014 and they did so without humiliating their rivals even if the loaded scoreline appears to suggest the opposite,” the ministry said in a statement at the weekend. “The thousands of Jordanians who watched the match enjoyed the light blues’s game.

A packed stadium dreaming of another result ended up applauding our team, showing that respect is ... as valuable as the dream of playing at a World Cup.” TRUE NIGHTMARE A team brimming with top talent such as Liverpool’s Luis Suarez and his strike partner Ca-

GKC blazing trail in the ...

From page 32

earn their shodan (black belt) rankings. Moving from 10th kyu to 9th kyu were Daniel Denny, Damale Denny, Clide Sampson, Akil Sampson, and Ezkiel Poulis. Whilst moving from 10 th kyu to 8th were Bibi Mohamed, Kyle Chung, Kellisha Jupiter, Dana Persaud, Lana Persaud, Mario Dos Santos, Chrisann Newton, Rayden Persaud, Danielle Khan, Lemuel Scott, Jonathan Robinson, and Eaton Low. Moving from 9 th kyu to th 7 kyu were Aditya Seetaram, Jonathan Niranyan, and Kenrick Narine, even as Alexander Persaud moved from 8th kyu to 7 B kyu, along with Aron Hendricks, Demetri Lowe, and Kiefer Bark-

er, Destinny Cao, Bruce Yong, Rudy Austin, Seon Poulis, and Thamika Wong. Jun Mikami, William Escarraga, Alyssa Singh, Nizi Realine, Krystal Realine, Jonathan Ramlal, and Vickram Thani, all moved from 7th kyu to 6th kyu; Faraud Mohamed from 7th kyu to 5 B kyu, Jeremiah Poulis 8th kyu to 6th kyu, Ethan Jones 6th kyu to 5B kyu, and Motilall Mattadin skipping from 7th kyu to 5th kyu. Anish Sharma, Joshua Zaman, Daniel Lowe, Dominick Johnson, all moved from 6th kyu to 5th kyu, while Aiden Singh 7 th kyu to 5 th kyu, Ronaldo Persaud 6th kyu to 5th kyu along with Michael Alphonso and Scott Habibullah, even as promotions from

5th to 4th kyu were achieved by Jayden Hurry, Deron Austin, Daniel Hing, Basilia Bettencourt, Samuel Munroe, and Ian Boller. Stefon Smith, Brittney Bettencourt, Daequan Burnett, and Rayad Boyceo moved from 4 th kyu to 3rd kyu, Aron Connelly skipped from 3rd kyu to 1st kyu, Nigel Roberts moved from 3rd kyu to 2nd kyu, and moving from 3rd kyu to 2nd kyu were Jayz Halley, Princess Charles , Reba Ramlall, and Carmalita Byrne. Navinda Soodoo moved from 3 rd kyu 1 st kyu, while ascending from 2nd kyu to 1st kyu were Otho Harris, Rhea Connelly, Jonathan Connelly, and Ryan Sarjoo.

vani would have to experience a true nightmare not to go through to the finals from this position. Coach Oscar Tabar ez, who is likely to name an unchanged team, is not expecting any complacency from his side. “Footballers often feel their motivation according to their needs,” he said. “When there’s no need there’s no motivation but I think as we get nearer the match ... things will fall into place and I hope we can fulfil our objective which is to play a very good match.” Suarez, leading scorer with 11 goals in the 16-match South American qualifying group, did not manage to get on the scoresheet in the first leg and will be looking to put that right in the return tie. The Jordanians know it is almost impossible to overturn their first-leg deficit. “We’re not going to kid ourselves, we are very disappointed. We told everyone at home it would be difficult but we hoped to give much more,” said striker Tha’er Bewab. “Now we’ve come here for a good result. Above all for the public, we want to change our image.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013



Brilliant Fudadin leads Rose Hall Town Gizmos and Gadgets to title A BRILLIANT all round performance from West Indies Test player, Assad Fudadin, led Rose Hall Town Gizmos and Gadgets to an easy and comprehensive seven-wicket victory over Albion Cricket Club in the finals of the Berbice Cricket Board/Namilco/ Bakewell T20 tournament on Sunday last. Playing in front of a large and colorful crowd at the famous Albion Cricket Club ground, Fudadin took 4 for 24 runs and returned with the bat to score an even half-century to lead his team home. RHT Gizmos and Gadgets won the toss and surprisingly, invited their host to take first strike, to which Sewnarine Chattergoon (16) and Kandasammy Surujnarine posted 28 for the first wicket; this was before the former was brilliantly taken by Dominic Rikhi at the long on boundary off the bowling of Royston Crandon in the fifth over. The talented Balchan Baldeo (13) joined Surujnarine and they carried the score to 50 before Fudadin, bowling medium pace, removed Baldeo, while the dangerous Jonathan Foo was not allowed to settle and was brilliantly caught by Fudadin at short mid wicket for 10 off the bowling of veteran left arm spinner Ravi Narine. Thereafter, Albion’s batting was kept in check and only

Anthony Bramble (27) and Devindra Bishoo (11) offered some resistance to Fudadin, who got support from Narine, Eon Hooper, Crandon and Rikhi, as Albion were dismissed for 114 in their allotted 20 overs. RHTGG lost Hooper (00), who was used as a pinch hitter in the first over to off spinner, Veerapen Permaul, but Fudadin and Rikhi batted brilliantly to add 90 runs for the second wicket, before Fudadin was caught at long off, off Foo for a mature 50 (3x4) off 48 balls in the 15th over. National player, Rajiv Ivan, and Rikhi continued to build on the foundation laid by Fudadin and took the score to 109 in the 17th over before Rikhi was caught behind off Bishoo for 36 off 43 balls. However, it was the final success for Albion, as Ivan and Crandon took their team to 115 for 3 in the 18th over, with Ivan being unbeaten on 16 and Crandon 3, respectively, as Permaul Foo and Bishoo took a wicket each for Albion who were surprisingly ragged in the field. Earlier in the third place playoff, Universal Solutions Bermine defeated West Berbice Super Kings by five wickets to take that position. Batting first, West Berbice reached 92 for 6 off their allotted 20 overs with skipper, Krisendat Ramoo, scoring 33

and Arthley Bailey supporting him with 22. Romario Shepherd took 2 for 27 for Bermine, who in reply reached 96 for 5 in 18.2 overs, thanks to an unbeaten 31 from Eugene LaFleur and Shemroy Barrington’s 29, as national fast bowler, Keon Joseph, bowled with genuine pace to snare 3 for 14. At the presentation ceremony that followed, president of the BCB, Keith Foster, praised Namilco and Bakewell for their joint investment in Berbice cricket while noting that the game continues to attract sponsorship due to the hard work of the Board. He congratulated the winners on a well deserved victory and urged the top two teams in Berbice to always maintain their high standards. General Manager of Bakewell, Rajin Ganga, in his brief remarks expressed gratitude to the executives of BCB for a well organised tournament and was pleased with the quality of cricket he saw. Bert Sukhai, Managing Director of Namilco, hailed the tournament as a success and, like Ganga, praised the work of the BCB noting that this was his company’s first venture into sponsorship of cricket and said they would be willing to return next year once a good proposal is submitted. Fudadin collected a one-

PMTC 1 win Chattergoon Memorial volleyball competition ‘PMTC 1 Volleyball Club maintained their unbeaten record this year, when they lifted the first place trophy in the Shamshadbagan Chattergoon Memorial Volleyball Competition which was played on Sunday at the Guysuco Apprentice Centre at Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice. PMTC 1 who were without their star spiker, Quacy Matheson, easily swept aside all of their opponents in straight sets due to the brilliant spiking of Ian Bagot and splendid setting of captain Jason Seelochan, with former National Captain, Seon Glasgow, and Luen David

providing valuable support. The competition which was played on a ‘round-robin’ 2 best of 3 basis, involved PMTC 1, Port Mourant Jaguars, PMTC 2, Rollers of New Amsterdam, Falcons of Canje, and newcomers to competitive volleyball, Skeldon Jets. Second place winners Port Mourant Jags won 4 of their 5 matches, PMTC 2 lost all 5 of their matches, Falcons won 3 and lost 2, Rollers won 2 and lost 3 and, Skeldon Jets won 1 and lost 4. At the presentation ceremony held immediately after the conclusion of the competition, Berbice Volleyball Associa-

The winning PMTC 1 team display their hardware with BVA officials.

tion (BVA) President, Gregory Rambarran, congratulated the winners, and all teams for participating; he also thanked the Chattergoon family for sponsoring the competition in memory of their late mother, and the management of the Guysuco Apprentice Centre for granting the use of their facilities. BVA Secretary, Levi Nedd, who is also the National Volleyball Coach, in his remarks said he was pleased with the standard of play and was happy that Rollers and Falcons clubs were back on board. He added that, he was impressed with the skills and standard of play of the youngsters on the Skeldon Jets team and urged all the players to continue to work on their basic skills. Trophies were presented to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placed winners and also to the Best Setter - Jason Seelochan, Best Spiker - Ian Bagot, and Best Defence - Seon Glasgow. The BVA also took the opportunity to present balls to two referees and the PMTC 1 team that will be participating in an International Club Tournament organised by the Guyana Volleyball Federation (GVF), this weekend at the National Gymnasium in Georgetown. (Michael Khan)

year free supply of cable service compliments of E-Networks after being named the Man-ofthe-Match in the finals, while he was also the recipient of one DVD player and a CD player, compliments of A. Ally and Sons for scoring the most runs and taking the most wickets in the final. Fudadin completed a bril-

liant day by clinching the best catch of the day award while his team mate, Clinton Pestano, won play of the day with a brilliant run out of David Latchaya. Bramble struck the only six of the day and as such was awarded with the prize of the biggest six of the day, even as RHTGG collected

$200,000.00 for winning the tournament along with a beautiful trophy, and Albion received $100,000.00 for their efforts. Universal Bermine and West Berbice Super Kings won $50,000.00 and $25,000.00 respectively; while gifts were shared to spectators, ground staff, umpires and others, compliments of Namilco and BCB as members of the four teams received products of Bakewell. The BCB would like to thank Namilco, Bakewell, Ansa McAl, E-Networks, Guysuco, Universal DVD and Solutions, Sentinel Security, Guyana Police Force, and the media for their support in making this tournament a success.

The victorious Rose Hall Town Gizmos and Gadgets team, strike a pose with the trophy, after defeating Albion in the final. Fifth from left is General Manager of Bakewell, Rajin Ganga, while on his left is Managing Director of NAMILCO, Bert Sukhai.


Hong Kong thrash Canada ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, (CMC) — Opener Irfan Ahmed struck a century and Munir Dar claimed four wickets as unbeaten Hong Kong thrashed Canada by 53 runs in a Group A match of the ICC World Cup Twenty20 qualifiers at the Sheikh Zayed Nursery 1 ground here yesterday. While Hong Kong were recording their third straight victory, Scotland, Uganda and Kenya won at the third attempt to keep their hopes alive. Pakistan-born Ahmed’s 53-ball 100, which contained eight sixes and four fours, helped Hong Kong post 168-5 before restricting Canada to 115-8, Dar claiming 4-17. Scotland, who lost their opener to Bermuda, got off the mark with an eight-wicket win over Nepal in Dubai. Calum MacLeod spearheaded Scotland’s reply after Nepal posted 137-7, hitting five fours and three sixes in his unbeaten 82 from 64 balls to see his side home with four balls remaining. Earlier, Nepal were pegged back by Safyaan Sharif (3-19) and Gordon Goudie (3-29). Uganda registered their first win by beating Italy by one wicket with one ball left in Abu Dhabi. Gareth Berg led Italy to 148-4 with 62 from 34 balls before Uganda replied with 151-9. Veteran Steve Tikolo’s unbeaten 48 helped Kenya cruise to an eight-wicket victory over Denmark with 10.5 overs remaining in Dubai. Opening bowlers Nehemiah Odhiambo (3-15) and Ragheb Aga (2-8) restricted the Danes to a mediocre 84-8 before 42-year-old opener Tikolo cut loose. The top three teams in each group will advance to next year’s World Cup proper in Bangladesh. Summarised scores: Group A Hong Kong (168-5) beat Canada (115-8) by 53 runs Uganda (151-9) beat Italy (148-4) by one wicket Group B Scotland (138-2) beat Nepal (137-7) by eight wickets Kenya (85-2) beat Denmark (84-8) by eight wickets

Vettel proud of eight wins record SEBASTIAN Vettel is “proud” of becoming the first driver to win eight consecutive races in a single season. The Red Bull driver broke a record held by Michael Schumacher and Alberto Ascari with victory in the US GP. “Numbers do not make me jump in the car but we realised we had done it and it makes you very proud,” Vettel said. “You realise what it means to look back at those names. People look back and talk about certain drivers. One day people might talk abou He said the achievement, which he described as “incredible” would not fully sink in until Monday morning. “It’s always the day after usually you feel invincible - don’t get me wrong,” said Vettel, who tied up his fourth consecutive title in India three races ago. “It is great feeling. You have a grin on your face, unless you have a hangover. It is nice feeling, Sunday things happen very quick and it is bit harder to realise. “It is one of those records that was not meant to be broken ever and it’s very difficult to understand we actually did it. “It is down to team effort. Everyone is willing to push. This morning at eight o’clock the car was in pieces - we had the gearbox on the floor we had some concern about reliability and the guys were trying to fix it and it ran fine in the race. “Since the summer break I don’t know what we have all done, but we need to remember for future years should we require a little bit more than just good performance. “As a sportsman you know not every day is supposed to be a good day, you will have ups and downs. “The points when you are at the low they hurt a lot more than when you are on the high. “I keep saying there is no guarantee for the next race, for the next race and equally for the year after. We had a phenomenal run that last five years. You never know what is coming next. You have to enjoy today and look forward to tomorrow.” Red Bull team boss Christian Horner said: “When we reflect what we have achieved it is quite remarkable, the levels Sebastian

Matt Prior given time to prove fitness

ENGLAND will give Matt Prior as long as possible to prove his fitness for the first Ashes Test against Australia in Brisbane, starting on Thursday. The wic k et k ee p er h as played 57 Tests in a row but is struggling to be fit for the game because of a torn calf muscle. Prior, 32, underwent an intense fitness session at the Gabba on Monday as well as spending time in the nets and gave a thumbs up to cameras as he left. He will be assessed over the next two days before a final decision is made

Prior suffered the injury while running during the tour game against Australia A in Hobart on 9 November. Yorkshire’s Jonny Bairstow, 24, who is yet to keep wicket at the highest level, is standing by to deputise. In his newspaper column in the Daily Telegraph, Prior said he would need to be able to train at 100% tomorrowy to be fit for the Test. “It will be touch and go whether I am fit in time,” he wrote. “I’m optimistic I will be OK, but it is a long series

GUYANA CHRONICLE Tuesday November 19, 2013

and as much as you want to play in the first Test, I do not want to come back too early, tear it again

Red Bull Formula One driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany celebrates with his trophy on the podium after winning the Austin F1 Grand Prix at the Circuit of the Americas in Austin Sunday. (Credit: Reuters/Mike Stone) has reached, the accuracy and consistency he has driven with is quite astounding. “He was pretty emotional at the end of the race because he has beaten a record of one of his idols, who it seemed unlikely that kind of record would be beaten. “To win eight consecutive races, to have won every race since July [when Lewis Hamilton won the Hungarian Grand Prix] is mind-blowing, especially against the quality of opposition we’re up against. It’ll take a little while for it to sink in with the whole team.”(BBC Sport)

Mae’s Secondary whip American School

MAE’s Secondary School turned out not to be appreciative guests when they whipped host, Georgetown American School, 3-1 in a friendly inter-school football game played at the American School ground in Deli Street, Prashad Nagar, last Thursday. Striker, Darshan Persaud, netted all three goals for Mae’s as he mesmerized the vociferous American School supporters with both head and foot work. Persaud scored twice in the first half and completed an excellent day with a goal in the second half. The American School’s lone goal came off the boot of Aurelius Barrus in the second half. A return match is scheduled for Thursday at the Mae’s Ground.


Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market &The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230)& CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: (1) 62 (WI vs ENG, Bourda, 1994) (2) MakayaNtini (266); KapilDev (253); Heath Streak (239); Darren Gough (235) Today’s Quiz: (1) Lance Gibbs took 309 Test wickets. How many were taken against India? (2) Who is the fastest man to 300 ODI wickets in terms of matches? How many? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

MATT PRIOR and be out for a long time.” Meanwhile, James Anderson believes the identity of England’s third seamer for the first Test will be determined by performances in the nets over the final 48 hours of preparation. (BBC Sport)

The triumphant Mae’s Secondary School team


The Chronicle is at

GKC blazing trail in the world of Martial Arts

THE GUYANA Karate College held its end of year grading examinations last Friday

at its main dojo which is being housed in the Malteenoes Sports Club pavilion,

where more than eighty of its students were promoted after successfully undergoing its belt

Master Frank Woon-a-Tai and Sensei Jeffrey Wong, strike a pose with female karatekas of the Guyana Karate College after the grading sessions.

rank tests, under the watchful eyes of Master Frank Woon-A-Tai and Sensei Jeffrey Wong. Leading the way at this grading session was the young phenomenon, Tyler Orderson, who two years ago, achieved the feat of becoming the youngest Shotokan Karateka to obtain the Shodan (black belt) ranking; this time achieving the accomplishment at just nine years old and becoming the youngest person across the Globe to earn a nidan (second degree black belt) ranking. Alyssa Persaud with a top quality display of kata (form) and kumite (fighting) also earned her nidan ranking, even as Mickelly Rahaman, Rebecca Ramlall, Rachael Ramlall, Rajiv Lee, Khalid Adams, Zane Low and Arvin Seelall, all undertook a grueling examination to

Please see page 28

Goodluck retains rifle shooting title on hard fought day

RANSFORD Goodluck retained his title on a hard fought final day of competition at the National Rifle Shooting championships sponsored by Crown Mining, Queensway and Industrial SafetySupplies Inc. which ended Sunday at the Timehri ranges. Goodluck amassed a grand aggregate of 343 points with 29 V-bulls to claim championship honours edging out day three winner National Captain, MahendraPersaud, who recorded an overall 341 with 24 V-bulls for second position. Rain had curtailed competition on Saturday in which Lennox Braithwaite shot two possibles with scored of 35.7 and 35. 3 shooting at 500 and 600 yards ranges followed by Goodluck with 69.11 (34.6 and 35.3), Per- RANSFORD GOODLUCK saud with 68.7 (33.4 and 35.3), and Dylan Fields 68.5 (35.3 and 33.2) being the ‘X’ Class leaders. Sunday’s shooting was intriguing with Goodluck, Fields and Braithwaite all locked on the same score at 1000 yards but Persaud in a pugnacious move bounced back into contention by winning the range with 144 points and nine V-bulls. He was followed by Goodluck with 142.9, Fields 138.9 and Braithwaite 134.9. Fields finished with an overall aggregate of 338.22 to claim third position while Braithwaite was fourth with 332.29. Lt. Col Terrence Stuart was the winner of the ‘O’ Class competition with 309 points and 14 V-bulls followed by Inspector Dane Blair finishing second with 277 points and 12 V-bulls and Sherwin Felicien third with 299.4. Ryan Sampson, Secretary of the GNRA said the presentation of prizes will take place next month at the planned GNRA Annual Presentation Ceremony. He expressed sincere gratitude to Crown Mining Queensway and Industrial Safety Supplies Inc. for sponsoring this year’s championships.

Minister of Sport commits to continuation of Annual ‘Ride for Life’ event ….Fixed date for 2014 edition

By Calvin Roberts “WE ARE looking at having a multitude of partners for next year’s event and if not, I want to guarantee you that the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport (MCYS) will fund and continue to fund the race until we get other partners to come on board with us.” Those were the words of Minister of Sport Dr. Frank Anthony, who was addressing his audience which included Director of Sport, Neil Kumar, and president of the Guyana

Cycling Federation, Cheryl Thompson, along with cyclists who competed in the just concluded seventh annual ‘Ride for Life’ cycle road race. “We are extremely pleased that Team Coco’s and the other foreign competitors are here to compete, not because of the prizes, but to provide intense competition because if they were looking at the prizes, they would not have been here this year. “I think that since we’ve had the participation of Team Coco’s, we have seen the qual-

ity of the race improving, especially the timings which have noticeably improved once we start having external competition and that is good,” related Dr. Anthony at the National Cultural Centre last Sunday. He added, “I think this is good. It is good that we are able to have this firm competitiveness, so that we can improve overall. Every year Minister of Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony (left), presents the overall winner of the seventh we look to break records and annual National Sports Commission/Ministry of Sport/Ministry of Health/Guyana Cycling unfortunately we were not able Federation ‘Ride for Life’ five-stage road race, Raynauth Jeffrey, with his championship to break the overall record, trophy and jersey, while Director of Sport, Neil Kumar (center), looks on appreciatively. Please see page 27 (Photo by Sonell Nelson)

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