Guyana chronicle 05 12 13

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GUYANA No. 103671


The Chronicle is at


Transparency International should release basis of Guyana’s CPI designation -President Ramotar

PRICE: $60


President Donald Ramotar greets one of the invited guests at last evening’s gala and awards presentation (Sonell Nelson photo)

Page 2

Government adamant that Parliament cannot govern… -bills approved need presidential assent before they become law

December 12 sitting of National Assembly…

Moblissa double-murder accused remanded until January 8 Page 9

- case transferred to Christianburg Magistrate’s Court

Burrowes resigns from HSDU Page 7


Several Bills to be returned to the House

Double-murder accused Orin Rodrigues being escorted by the police to the lock up.

Page 10

Sooba confirmed as Town Clerk Page 7

Page 10

-including AML/CFT; Firearms (Amendment) Bill and the Evidence Amendment Bill

Bygeval Secondary now an A-list school Page 14



GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013

Transparency International should release basis of Guyana’s CPI designation-President Ramotar By Vanessa Narine

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar, last evening, called for Transparency International to act in a transparent manner and release the basis of their recent designation of Guyana on the Corruption Perception Index (CPI). “This is a product not based in fact, but engineered,” he said. He was delivering remarks at the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce (GCCI) annual gala and awards ceremony. In the report, released earlier this week, Guyana dropped lower on the index, from 116 last year to 134 out of a total of 178 countries. According to the report, the index scores 183 countries and territories from zero (highly corrupt) to 10 (very clean) based on perceived levels of public sector corruption. It uses data from 17 surveys

that look at factors such as enforcement of anti-corruption laws, access to information and conflicts of interest. Guyana is rated at a lowly 2.5. Mr. Ramotar called on Transparency International to release the surveys which the rating was based on, the source of information, the duration of the surveys and the staff involved in compiling the data. He referenced the fact that Transparency International officials have publicly criticised the current administration recently on incidents of perceived conflicts of interest, but noted that the staffers involved in the survey are known affiliates of opposition factions. The Head of State stressed the fact that the government under the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) is the body that has ensured the tabling of

the Auditor General’s report in the National Assembly after years of absence and is the one that pushed for open bidding in awards of contracts. According to him, the PPP/C government has made a transformation in promoting transparency, and in some regards has done better than developed countries.

UNPATRIOTIC President Ramotar told the gathering of private sector stakeholders that his government has moved to retable the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT)Bill in Parliament. According to him, non-support of the bill a second time would be unpatriotic. He addressed the Alliance For Change’s (AFC) call for the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission to be a pre-requisite for the party’s support of the Bill and made it clear that support of the Bill should be “unconditional,” particularly given its importance. Ramotar stressed that his

Former President of the Chamber, Gerry Gouveia, is honoured at last evening’s event with an award presented by current President, Clinton Urling (Sonell Nelson photo)

GCCI President Clinton Urling, right, greets former President, Komal Ramnauth (Sonell Nelson photo) government is “ready now” to set up the Commission, but has some concerns, in particular the effort being made under the legislation to remove Cabinet’s ‘no objection’ to contracts. He made it clear that if the government is to be held accountable for spending, it must be able to have a say. The President pointed out that nowhere in the Caribbean is a Cabinet’s role in the award of contracts at such a minimum, as it is in Guyana. He underscored the fact that if the Commission is to be an oversight body it must have something to oversee, which is the accountability of the govern-

ment in spending as it relates to contracts. Ramotar repeated his call for the public good to be placed above politics for the AML/CFT Bill to be passed. “The Anti-Money Laundering Bill affects us all,” the President stressed. He acknowledged the effects of the warning by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) to its members to “consider implementing counter measures to their financial systems from the ongoing money laundering and terrorist financing risks”

Please see page 3

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013


Body with missing Transparency International rather uncharitable to Guyana Government genitals discovered

… falling prey to wickedness perpetrated by some media By Telesha Ramnarine FOLLOWING the release of the Transparency International 2013 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr Roger Luncheon yesterday said the body has once again shown that it is “rather uncharitable” to the government. Speaking to reporters following his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President in Georgetown, Luncheon said Transparency International (TI) has failed to recognize the efforts that the government has been making over time in addressing the issue of transparency and accountability. Luncheon said he felt that the body was falling prey to the “wickedness” that some members of the media perpetrate in making unqualified and unsubstantiated conjectures about government and corruption.

A report released last Tuesday showed Guyana ranking 27 out of 100 points in the CPI, as compared to last year when the country obtained 28 points. Barbados scored 75 points, The Bahamas 71, St Lucia 71, Trinidad and Tobago 38, Jamaica 38 and Suriname 36. According to TI, the ranking this year offers a warning that the abuse of power, secret dealings and bribery continue to ravage societies around the world. More than two thirds of the 177 countries in the 2013 index scored below 50, on a scale from zero to 100. “The Corruption Perceptions Index 2013 demonstrates that all countries still face the threat of corruption at all levels of government, from the issuing of local permits to the enforcement of laws and regulations,” said TI Chair Huguette Labelle. The Corruption Perceptions Index is based on experts’ opinions of public sector corruption.

over Gt. seawall

CRIMINAL Investigation Department (CID) ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) were yesterday investigating the circumstances that led to the lifeless body of a man being found over the wall at Camp Street and Seawall Road, a short distance from CID Headquarters. A police source told the Guyana Chronicle that the body bore marks of violence on the hands and to the side; and that the victim appeared to be in his fifties, is of African descent, and the body seemed to have been dumped there hours before its discovery. The source opined that the body might have been placed at the location just before sunrise yesterday morning. The police have reported that the body was discovered minus its genitals. The body is presently at the Lyken Funeral Parlour awaiting identification.

Transparency International should release basis of Guyana’s CPI ... From page 2

emanating from Guyana. The French-based Financial Action Task Force is expected to hold a review in February review, which Guyana could be included in, following CFATF’s designation of Guyana as a country with strategic anti-money laundering and countering the financing terrorism deficiencies that has not made sufficient progress in addressing the deficiencies and have not complied with its Action Plan developed with CFATF to address these deficiencies. CFATF itself is expected to review Guyana’s position in May 2014 at its next meeting. “The consequences of its non-passage are too difficult to contemplate,” Ramotar said. ATTACKS The President took the opportunity to spotlight the attacks being made on the government with respect to development and made it clear that these are also attacks on the private sector. According to him, one is “hard-pressed” to believe that

it is “not” an effort being made by opposition factions to stymie the development of the country, particularly since the projects “under attack” have “transformational” impacts for Guyana. He maintained that his Government will do what is best for the country and move forward as best they can with various projects. “We did not spend $30M for a road to nowhere,” he said referencing the road to the Amaila Falls hydro-power site, “We will build Amaila.” Ramotar stated that his government will resist the negativity being spewed by different opposition factions and work

A section of those in attendance at the GCCI’s annual gala and awards ceremony (Sonell Nelson photo) to ensure the continued development of the country, so that Guyana can realize its fullest potential – an effort that the partnership of the private sector

is key to advancing. The Head of State stressed the need for maturity in moving forward, for the good of the nation.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013

Rocket fire kills 17 in Syrian city of Aleppo fore next month’s planned peace talks in Geneva. Assad’s government and the political opposition in exile have said they are ready to attend the talks, but have set out apparently irreconcilable goals. The opposition says Assad can play no role in Syria’s future and must hand over to a fully empowered transitional government - demands it says were set out in an earlier international meeting in the Swiss city in June last year. But Assad, bolstered by military gains and backed by Iran and Russia, faces far less pressure to make concessions than a year ago, when a rebel assault on his capital seemed likely. “If anyone thinks we are going to Geneva 2 to hand over the keys to Damascus they needn’t bother going,” Information Minister Omran Zoabi told the regional broadcaster Al Mayadeen. “And if anyone thinks that the delegation going to GeneDamaged cars with shattered screens are seen at a site hit va 2 is authorized by anyone by a rocket at al Furqan neighbourhood in western Aleppo other than President Bashar al-Assad, they are mistaken,” December 4, 2013. Credit: Reuters/George Ourfalian Zoabi said. “The decision is President Assad’s and he will be northeast. landed. the leader in the transitional There has also been a reThe British-based Syrian phase - if we get there... and surgence of fighting in central Observatory for Human Rights he will remain Syrian presAleppo - the heart of what used said the casualties included nine ident.” to be Syria’s biggest city - becivilians and five members of Reuters) - ROCKETS fired into a government-controlled district of Aleppo killed at least 17 people in the northern Syrian city on Wednesday, state media and a monitoring group said. Photographs from the incident in Meridien and Furqan, two adjacent neighborhoods in western Aleppo, showed pools of blood on the pavements and a crater in the road where one of the rockets appeared to have

President Bashar al-Assad’s security forces. It put the death toll at 18, one more than was reported by state news agency SANA which called the rocket fire a “terrorist attack ...on residential districts” of the disputed city. Assad’s forces have gained ground to the southwest of Aleppo and carried out air strikes, dropping improvised barrel bombs from helicopters on the town of al-Bab to the

Attack on intelligence HQ in northern Iraq kills six (Reuters) - SUICIDE bombers and gunmen attacked a police intelligence headquarters in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk on Wednesday, killing at least six people and wounding dozens more, a health official said. Security forces and attackers engaged in a two-hour gun battle at the complex where explosions could be heard, police said. Hospitals in the city, 250 km (155 miles) north of Baghdad, counted six people killed and 47 wounded, said Sabah Amir Ahmed, head of the health directorate in Kirkuk. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, but Sunni Muslim insurgents linked to al Qaeda have regularly hit targets linked to the Shi’ite-led government and security services since the start of 2013.

DATE: 30/11/2013 M 02 08 09 17 22 28 18 DATE: 04/12/2013 E 12 24 22 04 03 01 27

Areas around Kirkuk are strongholds of al Qaeda, according to security officials. On Tuesday 12 people were killed in two similar attacks in northern Iraq targeting a government complex and a police

building. Violence in Iraq has intensified along with the conflict in neighboring Syria and is expected to escalate ahead of parliamentary elections in April next year.

An Iraqi security forces personnel inspects a car after a bomb in Kirkuk, 155 miles north of Baghdad, December 4, 2013. Credit: Reuters/Ako Rasheed







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GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013 5

Venezuela’s power cut was ‘sabotage’ - President Maduro (BBC News) VENEZUELA’S president has said he has proof that Monday’s massive power cut in the capital Caracas and other cities was caused by “rightwing” saboteurs. Appearing on state TV, Nicolas Maduro showed a picture of what looked like a cut conductor cable. He said the saboteurs’ aim was to destabilise the country ahead of local elections scheduled for this weekend. Caracas’ metro ground to a halt and people had to be led out of shops and offices - but power was later restored. Government opponents say poor maintenance was the likely cause of the blackout. Power cuts are common in Venezuela, especially in the inland states, but they rarely affect the capital. ‘WE ARE AFRAID’ Speaking on state TV, Mr

Maduro said that “we always face these attacks by the rightwing fascists”. “They wanted to make me, as president of the republic, decree a state of emergency and suspend the elections. “Whoever made this criminal attack wanted to leave our Venezuela without electricity for 24 to 48 hours... thinking that would convince people not to continue with the revolution.” Mr Maduro promised to give more details on Wednesday. He earlier tweeted that the outage had been triggered in the same place as a blackout in September. The power cut plunged Caracas into darkness after 20:00 on Monday (00:30 GMT Tuesday) as Mr Maduro was addressing the nation on television. Caracas resident Olinda

PRESIDENT NICOLAS MADURO Reyes was evacuated from a shopping centre in eastern Caracas shortly after power was lost. “We are afraid,” she said. “There are no buses, the subway doesn’t work and we’re in complete darkness at the mercy of God.” The blackouts did not affect Venezuela’s oil refineries, which are powered by separate generator plants.

‘Brutal attacks must stop’ (Newsday) SAYING “brutal and monstrous attacks” against the nation’s children could not be allowed to continue, as yet another child was reportedly beaten to death over the weekend, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar yesterday announced that

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar former Independent Senator Diana Mahabir- Wyatt has been appointed to chair the Child Protection Task Force (CPTF). The CPTF, which had been identified by the Prime Minister following her private visit to the relatives of six-year-old Keyana Cumberbatch, who was sexually assaulted and brutally beaten to death last week, has been given a six-week mandate by which to submit its recommendations to Government.

Speaking briefly to reporters following a HDC key distribution to 200 recipients at Cypress Hills, Union Hall, San Fernando yesterday, Persad-Bissessar disclosed a “smaller core team” or imp le me n tatio n tea m w o u ld also be selected to implement the recommendations of the CPTF. “Too often, recommendations come and they sit on a shelf, I don’t want that to happen to this, this has been long overdue,” Persad-Bissessar said. Asked whether the CPTF would take away resources from the Children’s Authority, she said, “not at all, not at all. First of all, this would not be anything to oust any Ministry or the agencies of any Ministry. It really assists in making sure that we fully implement all the measures that are necessary for the Children’ Authority to function in an improved manner.” She also described the16-member team as experts in their fields who were “very passionate” about children rights and protection. Persad-Bissessar observed that law was only one tool that would be used to deal with the problem, the other being the implementation of policies and strategies.

“I don’t know if the problem is simply one of legislation. It is one of implementation of the legislation, it is one of putting the flesh onto the bones, the law is the skeleton,” she said, adding the work of the CPTF would be to “look at the existing law, to make recommendations for amendments, improvements or entirely new legislation.” Persad-Bissessar also urged that laws alone would not solve the problem, encouraging each citizen to play their role in protecting children. “It is a matter for every single individual, every citizen, to take some kind of responsibility in a community,” she said. “Sometimes, in a neighbourhood, the neighbours know something is not right but there are no proper mechanisms or safe places to which they can make a report, those areas we would need to take cognisance of, breaking the silence initiative. We need to really get that public awareness out there,” she added. In her address, she recalled Keyana, one-year-old Jacob Monroe, and threeyear-old Jabari Hernandez, were “made to endure the kind of suffering no child must ever have to experience” and paid the ultimate price of abuse with their deaths.”

Jamaica’s first medical ganja company launched

(Jamaica Gleaner) PROFESSOR Henry Lowe yesterday launched Jamaica’s first medical ganja company, MediCanja in Kingston, to capitalise on the multibillion-dollar industry’s commercialisation. Lowe is the executive chairman of Biotech Research and Development Institute. He said it would be unfortunate if Jamaica lost out to a booming multibillion-dollar industry in Europe, Canada and the United States. He noted that Canada’s

hemp industry is valued at more than US$2 billion yearly. Professor Lowe pointed out that Jamaica was the first country in the world to develop a commercial product from ganja, Canasol used to treat glaucoma. MediCanja will undertake pioneering research and product development using the medicinal compounds called the CBDs – the non-psychoactive compounds in ganja. The establishment of MediCanja follows the publication of a findings from a survey,

which showed that a majority of Jamaica’s population may be in support of relaxing the laws prohibiting the use of marijuana. The survey, which was conducted by pollster Don Anderson, revealed that 55 per cent of those interviewed felt that the laws criminalising marijuana should be relaxed. The poll on medical marijuana was commissioned by Professor Lowe’s Bio-Tech Research and Development Institute and Pelican Publishers. Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Anthony Hylton was the official guest speaker at the company’s launch.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013


Fomenting danger for workers EDITORIAL

READING columns by Freddie Kissoon in the Kaieteur News has led me to believe that he is bent on promoting and inciting racial bitterness and violence against the state. This seems to be supported by the publishing house that has paraded hatred, abuse, misinformation and misrepresentation against the PPP/C government. Ironically, he has abused the freedom of the press to propagate his personal line that the country is governed by a dictatorial government. It must be noted that if he did not have the freedom, which the PPP/C administration had put in place, he would have been heavily penalised. His most recent column: “One Day the PNC will wake-up and

say enough is enough. Let’s hope it is tomorrow”, clearly displays another of his hopes for disruptive behaviour against the administration. This dangerous intent should be marked by the relevant authorities. However, the obvious call for the opposition to lead street protests could well be a self-defeating and dangerous strategy. It would mean once again that workers, their children and even the protestors themselves would pay a price. Kissoon should wake up and find another strategy to fight his battles.

Course Is Lawrence Griffith’s of justice job on the line? defeated

THE recent acquittal of an alleged murder accused at a preliminary enquiry hearing because of the absence of prosecution witnesses, inclusive of the police, and other vital evidence, supports the general public’s disenchantment with the nation’s justice system and the consequential loss of faith in its workings. In this particular instance, the accused Carlyle Barton, in May 2013, had been captured on surveillance cameras carrying out what was definitely a cold-blooded act of murder, shooting Shawn Nelson in the head, before calmly returning to his car. This brutal scene that was shown, on virtually every national network, exemplified an act being committed by a person without due regard for the resultant consequences. It was chillingly callous and utterly disrespectful to the sensitivities of those who were its witnesses. One would have expected that with the assailant identified, apprehended and charged, that a committal process for subsequent trial was without any expected difficulty. But such a conclusion has been unfortunately proven wrong by a situation that is well known as a cause for defeating the course of justice– failure of witnesses to attend court, coupled with the absence of vital evidence. Once mandated, witnesses are bound by law to discharge such an obligation by appearing in court, whether it is for the defence or prosecution. It is a cardinal rule that the police are charged with ensuring their attendance, since they are pivotal to the proper dispensation of justice. Furthermore, when they fail to attend hearings, summons ought to be issued for their arrest. It is instructive to note that in the Barton proceedings, there were postponements because of the absence of witnesses. Just why was such a questionable state of affairs allowed to continue without action initiated against the errant parties is surprising. After all, these were proceedings into the very serious case of murder, and the fact that even police officers as witnesses were also absent, speaks of the gross disregard that the latter as supposedly custodians and defenders of the law, hold for the very laws they have sworn to uphold. Why a case of this nature should be allowed to fail points to a highly irregular state of affairs and something very sinister. It leads to the reasonable conclusion of a deliberate plan to defeat the course of justice. The fact too, that it was reported that the surveillance recordings although removed from a nearby business was not presented in court, justifiably supports such a contention. This cannot be fair to first, the deceased victim’s family who were expecting justice; and society, that expects wrongdoers to be sanctioned if found guilty. Surely, the justice system was not conceived to function in a manner whereby its purpose is defeated by its first line of defenders who fail in their duty. But it has been repeated again. We cannot urge the proper functioning of this most indispensable institution, pivotal to the proper order of the state, when there are those within that are undermining its process. This unholy state of affairs must cease! It must be reiterated, that the justice system can only function properly if all its component parts carry out their respective duties as demanded by law. Therefore, those who fail in their mandate must either be removed or be censured accordingly. Society expects no less.

“THOSE who forget the past are condemned to repeat it”. As such, I hereby refer to the above caption as it relates to the publication of a letter in K.N. 28.11.13 captioned: “Leave Matthias alone, detractors back off” by Lawrence Griffith. Editor, while I intend to

make my comment brief, may I enquire from Lawrence how long has he been under the employ of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF), and what year was he the secretary of the GFF? I cannot recall the exact year Mr. Griffith had started working with the GFF, or when

Time to address the transportation woes THE Chronicle’s recent editorial on Guyana’s transportation woes, although timely, does not offer any real solutions, only problems. The first thing that needs to be done is for government to undertake a study, both on the problems expressed in the editorial and possible solutions, that can be tried. The solution may lie in giving the public some form of alternatives and the private mini-bus owners some competition. Competition forces people to behave differently to their customers. It is likely that more than one mode of transportation may be necessary and enacted in phases as the results are known. Government must consider private, joint ventures and public investment in transportation, while pursuing practical solutions. Some things that may be considered to improve travel and create competition: small-sized buses best suited to the roads in Georgetown; and larger ones for highway routes only, a mixture of various mini-bus types best suited to a given route and potential riders. The Chronicle should pursue this problem with government to determine if they are seriously pursuing solutions. In some countries, there are various bus services geared to specific groups, routes and destinations. School buses and long-distance buses that operate mainly outside the city with limited stops should be considered if and where practical. Taking students out of the mini-bus scene is a worthwhile effort. Travel is faster and less crowded, if bus stops are staggered with bus “A’ stopping at every other stop on the way, while bus “B” does the opposite thereby providing for all stops. It is time to think outside the proverbial “box”, stop complaining and give travellers some transportation alternatives besides enforcing & tightening the laws against abusive mini-bus owners. N. AUGUSTUS


he was the secretary. What I do know for sure is, when the GFF had established its office in Bel Air Park, which was under the presidency, of former president, Mr. Colin Klass. For the records and for public edification, the individual would have served as secretary of the then GFL and GFA, and definitely not the GFA and GFF respectively! By the way, can Lawrence safely, say publicly, under whose presidency he served as an administrator/employee? A period of six months would have elapsed and only one competition to date would have commenced? With this observation as an established fact, then given the inherent debt and cash-strapped situation of the GFF, Mr. Griffith’s employment as Competitions/ Tournament Coordinator should cease forthwith, along with others, who are masquerading as competent administrators, but are rather useless. Forty years and still counting of servitude to the sport! Has Mr. Griffith subtracted the years when he was suspended as a former secretary, of the then GFL and would he care to state the reason? While I must admit that within the GFF’s secretariat the individual is the most knowledgeable administratively and definitely in the area of Refereeing! So, too is his stewardship as a salesman, in the illicit sales of football equipment the sport has been deprived of for development. The individual should do some soul searching, whereby meals even down to a few loaves of bread, compliments of Humphrey’s Bakery, while Mr. Desmond Alfred was the national coach were pilfered from the national team! Was this act personal self-aggrandizement, self-enrichment or kleptocracy? “Perched precariously like a lizard on a limb, while being caught between a rock and a hard place”! Mr. Griffith’s defence of Matthias and definitely not football is riddled

with distortions, deceptions and half-truths! Since he claims, “Matthias took up the reins of president sometime in March, 2013 and a massive debt in the vicinity of $40M”. The AGM of the GFF was held in April, not March, while it’s public knowledge the inherent debt was $30M. Lawrence, why add $10,000,000, is this amount a further accumulation that is growing to how much we don’t know? Where is the evidence of accountability, transparency and development? Is it within unilateral decisions devoid of General Council’s approval? Shame on you! At the end of the day your sealed lips over the years, for all the shortcomings in the sport, were met with stony silence. Can this be construed as condoning malpractices! “For we wrestle not against flesh, nor blood; but against principalities and powers and wickedness, that exist in high places.” So, should this present administration of the GFF, be spared? Absolutely not! While a little bit of self-confession is good for the soul, I do hope Lawrence you don’t live to regret the contents of your letter over the coming years. Since associations and clubs are mismanaged more than ever before, which is evident on a daily basis; as a matter of fact with no structured programme of development in place, compounded by the absence of competitions, is also depriving the sport of producing another “Lily” Pollard, Adrian Forde, Osmond Juene, Christopher George, Kevin Archer and Dion Barnwell. Please Lawrence, set a proper wall, stay focused on the goalline as this direct free-kick is curling towards goals and don’t duck, as was/is customary! LESTER SEALEY

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013 7

Circumstances surrounding the Barton murder case should be investigated THERE are a few cases that have gained my attention and subsequent strong response as the Carlyle Barton matter involving Magistrate Fabayo Azore. In my letter to you today, my thoughts and sentiments bear the urgency and seriousness to its full extent, that is, a complete removal of this Magistrate from the bench. I call on the chief justice and the attorney general to move swiftly to effect same. She should first be sent on administrative leave pending a full investigation into the above matter and removal from office, never to stand or practice law in our courts again. Lest anyone should entertain the idea that by calling for administrative leave to mean these endless delays in an ongoing legal investigation, while the horrible magistrate sits idly at home feeding off taxpayers’ money, then, they are horribly wrong. What I am saying is, I want a speedy investigation with the happy result of seeing the back of a ridiculous magistrate. I am saying this with utmost

certainty and what the people of this country would be looking forward to. I make this strong appeal to the authorities in light of the horrible decision she made in the Carlyle Barton case. Here we have a magistrate, without a care in the world, who could have perverted the course of justice by freeing a criminal even before the accused had his day in court. This is a reprehensible act, way past human comprehension. There is no reason or excuse anyone could come up with to try and mitigate the circumstances of such an erroneous decision. In the simplest way I can explain it, judges and magistrates are really arbiters or referees in a court of law, placed there to see that justice is dispensed in a fair and balanced manner. When you look at the Nelson versus Barton matter, there was no referee, hence no case; but there was a decision; a horrendous decision in freedom for the accused. Outrageous! This kind of behaviour cannot, I repeat, cannot be tolerated; we are already traumatized

with a crime-ridden society while further to be burdened by a crime-perpetuating magistrate. No, this is simply too much to handle. I’d rather have one less justice of this type in our courts. Let me relate to you the sentiments of a friend of mine, whom I called and spoke to soon after the Barton fiasco. His response to me was: “The magistrates always refer to the court as “my court” ... her court, her decision so why the huff and puff” While this sums up what really took place, he as well as the silly magistrate is ever so wrong. It is our court, the people’s court and we go there for justice to be served not for a circus. Finally, we are dealing with another case of the Holder-Allen type of magistrate, one who brings her twisted, hidden agendas to our courts. We must act now, in the same way we dealt with Holder-Allen the same must be done with Azore; get rid of her now! NEIL ADAMS

Burrowes resigns from HSDU By Telesha Ramnarine SPEAKING with reporters at his weekly post-Cabinet press conference at the Office of the President in Georgetown, Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon yesterday confirmed that government has accepted the tendered resignation of Executive Director of the Health Sector Development Unit (HSDU), Mr. Keith Burrowes. Luncheon said discussions are ongoing with Burrowes on the steps to address his continued contribution to

the administration, and that he was totally unaware that Burrowes was planning to emigrate after tendering his resignation. “It is for us essentially assigning, with Mr. Burrowes’s acquiescence, appointment other than in the HSDU. So I wouldn’t jump to conclusions. The most I would say is that we are locked in discussions on the way forward,” Dr Luncheon said. Burrowes is Presidential Adviser on Finance and also the Chairman of Go-Invest and the Guyana Na-

MR. KEITH BURROWES tional Newspapers Limited (GNNL).

Sooba confirmed as Town Clerk MS. CAROL Sooba has been confirmed as Town Clerk of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC), Head of the Presidential Secretar-


iat, Dr Roger Luncheon announced yesterday. Luncheon was probed about Sooba’s appointment at his weekly post-Cabinet press conference at the Office of the President in Georgetown. But did not provide any details on the appointment and Minister within the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Mr. Norman Whittaker could not be reached for comment. He holds the responsibility for overlooking the country’s municipalities. This newspaper’s efforts to contact Mayor Hamilton Green

and Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green for comments were also unfruitful. When contacted yesterday, Sooba told the Guyana Chronicle that she was officially appointed on December 2. She said such an appointment was expected as over the past months, she has had “to take up the City Council from zero.” It is only “justifiable” that she would be allowed to work in that capacity, Sooba opined, adding that she was happy to get the opportunity to continue working to make the City Council better.


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013

On reports and yardsticks By Keith Burrowes

FROM time to time in this column, I have returned to the question of how our international image as a nation impacts our development. Simply put, a good image shows the world that

we are a good place to live, work and invest in – a bad image inspires just the opposite. Coming fresh out of hosting an event, CARIFESTA X, which undoubtedly raised Guyana’s profile in the Region, we have just been hit with the broadside of a low rating, a slippage in fact from last year’s, in the Transparency International corruption index. According to Transparency International, Guyana ranks the second lowest in the Region in terms of perceived corruption, higher only than the perennial Regional pariah, Haiti . The report establishes a nexus between perceived corruption, albeit by its own

KEITH BURROWES yardstick, and under-development in the countries it lists as most corrupt. According to one newspaper article: “Professor Johann Graf Lambsdorff of the University of Passau, who carries out the Index for TI, said an improvement in the CPI by one point (on the 10-point scale) increases capital inflows by 0.5% of a country’s gross domestic product and average incomes by as much as 4%.” What I found ironical in this analysis is that what is missing from the equation is the projection, for example, of the decrease in

capital inflow, and the corollary negative impact, that such reports – particularly a perception-based report such as TI’s – cause within in the economies of the countries under review. It is understood that organisations such as Transparency International need a reason to perpetuate their funding and support. However, considering the devastating impact these reports have on the countries they pronounce judgment on, what is startling is that there seems to be no recourse for the states pronounced upon to explain any misperceptions. What is telling about the modus operandi of such reports is that there is no mechanism for appeal, clarification and the widespread dissemination of a more accurate assessment either during the writing up of these reports or after. It is frankly not in their interest to have such a mechanism or mechanisms in place. Granted that in complex environments such as the United States , it is harder to establish indices of evaluation of anything, much less the”perception of corruption”. Yet this very complexity warrants greater scrutiny than we are liable to find in reports from Transparency International and other watchdog organisations. Reads a recent article in The Economist: “Thanks to the information technology, they could design myriad complex derivatives, some of them linked to mortgages. By combining debt and derivatives, the banks created a new machine that could originate and distribute prodigious quantities of risk to a baffling array of counterparties…This system worked; indeed, at its simplest, it still does, spreading risk, promoting economic efficiency and providing cheap capital. Yet over the past decade this entangled system also plainly fed on itself…Thanks to what, in hindsight, has proven disastrously lax regulation, banks did not then have to lay aside capital in case something went wrong.” Something, as is obvious, did go wrong. The American financial crisis of present is directly linked to corruption in a country where the lines between government and the financial sector, in spite of a sophisticated regulatory and oversight regime, are indeed less lines than grey areas and where the free rein given to the financial services sector was tantamount to enablement of the perverse practices which underwrote the devastation. The impact of that very real devastation on developing economies is potentially more harmful than anything TI can pronounce upon in many of the countries that have scored poorly on its annual report card, affecting everything from local central banks to the ability of immigrants to remit money at the levels they have been doing for the past few years. Reports such as TI’s Corruption Index undoubtedly have their place in establishing an environment of accountability in a globalised world. However, we who receive the brunt of their negativity have to raise our voices in objection whenever our image is tarnished.

Concerns remain over completion of outfall sluice as Hope Canal project deadline looms By Vanessa Narine

THE deadline for completion of the Hope Canal project is a mere 27 days away, December 31, and while work on three of four components of the project is progressing well, concerns remain over the completion of the outfall sluice. The contractor doing work on the eight-gate sluice at the canal’s Atlantic end met with Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy on Monday in a meeting expected to address construction challenges hindering progress on the outfall sluice. The contractor was expected to present the minister with a revised work plan, even as the minister himself had suggested the use of sub-contractors to ensure that the December 31 deadline for construction is met. Regrettably, the minister was unavailable to comment on the outcome of that meeting. The last update on work on the other three components of the project indicated that the more than 10-kilometre channel from the East Demerara Water Conservancy (EDWC) is 90 per cent complete; the bridge across the public road is 80 per cent complete; and the conservancy head regulator is 75 per cent complete. The contractor’s ability to complete the outfall sluice came under scrutiny since the last update two weeks ago, when work was only 50 per cent complete. Indications were that the US$15M Hope Canal project, expected to alleviate flooding in the Mahaica/Mahaicony/Abary (MMA) areas during rainy periods, would be operational as this year’s rainy season sets in. Over the years, residents in the MMA area have lost crops and cattle to flooding experienced during the rainy period. In the past, when the Maduni Sluice had to be opened to drain the East Demerara Water Conservancy, residents in the MMA area had to battle a rise in the Mahaica Creek, making completion of the Hope Canal something that is greatly desired. In a prior interview with this publication, Dr Ramsammy had made clear that he would not tolerate work extending over the project’s completion deadline. Construction on the project began in February 2011 with an estimated 18 months for completion, and the deadline for the project was initially set for June of this year, but was subsequently extended to the end of August, and then once again extended to December 31.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013


GBTI donates $750,000 to charitable organisations THE Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI), presented cheques to local charitable organisations at their Kingston Head Office on Wednesday. Senior Manager of the Risk Department, John Barnes said that the bank was interested in aiding the development of society from both a social and an infrastructural standpoint. He said the bank partnered with the awarded bodies for a number of years because of the meaningful contributions they made. The sum of $750,000 was divided among eight organisations including: David Rose School, Dharm Shala, Guyana Relief Council, Guyana Society for the Blind, Periwinkle Club, Uncle Eddies Home, Salvation Army and Red Cross.

GBTI managers (back row) with some of the representatives of the recipient organisations

Court Roundup

With Geeta Rampersaud

Moblissa double-murder accused remanded until January 8

Prominent Islamic scholar visits Guyana

MAULANA Dr Shaykh. Muhammad Hisham Kabbani is currently visiting Guyana and meeting with local Islamic leaders. This scholar of mainstream traditional Islam has spent his life spreading the teachings of peace, tolerance, respect and love as the message of Islam throughout the world. The Lebanese-born scholar has a Bachelor Degree in Chemistry from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, medical studies in Lavin, Belgium, a degree in Islamic Devine Law, Damascus, Syria. He is also chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of America and sits on a number of American Islamic Organisations. He is also the author of a number of books and articles published worldwide.

- case transferred to Christianburg Magistrate’s Court TWENTY-year-old Orin Rodrigues (no address given) appeared yesterday before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, accused of murdering his step sister, 34-year-old Molly James, and her son, 15-year-old Aaron James, at Moblissa on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway on November 30 last. He was not required to plead to the capital offence, and was remanded to prison whilst the matter was transferred to the Christianburg Magistrate’s Court for calling on January 8, 2014. The police prosecutor, Sergeant Vernetta Pindar told the court that the late Molly James’s teenaged daughter was washing clothes at a creek at Moblissa on November 29 when the accused came up to her, placed a knife to her neck and had forced sexual intercourse with her. Molly reported the matter to the police, Double-murder accused Orin Rodrigues being escorted by the and Rodrigues bepolice to the lock up. came annoyed. The accused returned on November 30 at midnight, when Molly and her son were sleeping, and stabbed them before making good his escape. But police, acting on information, made another visit at Moblissa on December 1, and found the accused about two and half miles away from where the incident took place. Rodrigues was arrested and charged and he later took the police to where he had hidden the murder weapon, and also gave a confession statement.

Durban Street man remanded for larceny of car mirrors NARESH Alli of Lot 44 Durban Street Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown was yesterday remanded to prison when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry to answer a simple larceny charge. He pleaded not guilty to the offence, particulars of which stated that on December 2, at Robb Street, Georgetown, he stole one car mirror valued $30,000, property of Anthony Zales. Police Corporal Bharat Mangru, prosecuting, told the court that on the day in question, at around 19:30 hrs, the victim parked his motor car, PRR 1177, on Water Street, Georgetown and proceed to his office for a meeting. Someone subsequently saw the defendant stealing the car mirror, raised an alarm, and public-spirited citizens apprehended the defendant. The defendant’s story was that he saw something glittering on the road, and was about to pick it up when another man said, “Hey! Drop the thing!” Alli claimed that he had no intention of stealing the mirror. He also said the VC lashed him to his head with a gun. Anthony Zales, the virtual complainant (VC), explained that on the day in question he saw the defendant receiving a thrashing and he rescued him from his attackers. He said he inquired from the defendant where he had carried the other mirror, since he had already stolen the other side mirror, and Alli responded that his uncle’s car had been stripped. Zales added that a police officer called him and asked him to give Alli another chance, since Alli is her brother-in-law. Zales also said an elderly woman had witnessed the entire mirror theft incident, but he does not wish at this time to reveal her identity, since she is living alone and is fearful for her life. Prosecutor Mangru successfully objected to bail, citing the seriousness and prevalence of the offence and the fact that Alli poses a flight risk if granted bail, as he may not return for his trial. Alli was refused bail and the matter stands adjourned until December 9.

Maulana, Dr. Shaykh Hisham Kabbani pays a courtesy call on Attorney-General, Anil Nandlall


Government adamant that Parliament cannot govern… -bills approved need presidential assent before they become law By Telesha Ramnarine WHILE the parliamentary opposition is claiming that decisions arrived at by the House are binding on the Executive, the Executive is adamant that Parliament cannot govern, particularly by way of House motions and resolutions. Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon made these remarks yesterday while addressing his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President in Georgetown. Luncheon, also Secretary to the Cabinet, was speaking in the context of President Donald Ramotar’s recent non-assent to the Local Government Amendment Bill. Bills that have secured parliamentary approval must be assented to by the President before they can become law, Luncheon pointed out. “And the reasons for the President’s recent non-assent…illustrates why the mere approval of the House cannot and would not

suffice for making law; and in essence, is not automatically binding on the Executive.” Luncheon reminded that this is not an original bill but one that was amended by the opposition to insert the Local Government Commission wherever the minister was mentioned or appeared in the legislation. In essence, Luncheon explained that wherever the minister was mentioned to exercise an authority, the Opposition replaced him with the Local Government Commission. “What they failed to recognise is that the Commission was a creature of the Constitution whose provisions expressly outlined the powers that the Local Government Commission had. And so this resort of the Opposition to create new powers in the context of their amendment of the Local Government Bill flew in the face of that reality. “The commission did not, by its constitutional provisions, have those powers that the Opposition sought to confer in the context of

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013 their amendment to the Local Government Bill. And therein essentially lays the basis for the president’s non-assent. “How could he conceivably assent to a bill conferring powers on a body that it never had? The president properly declined and correspondence has been sent to the Speaker addressing the president’s resolve not to re-submit this bill for parliamentary reconsideration,” said Luncheon. Meanwhile, a few weeks ago, President Ramotar assented to the three other local government bills, namely the Fiscal Transfers Bill 2012, Municipal and District Councils (Amendment) Bill, and the Local Government Commission Bill. The President had earlier said that it was not the lack of political will on the part of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration that local government elections were not held in Guyana since 1994. He had expressed hope for the passage of the four bills that were pending in Parliament. During a special interview at his office, the Head of State had told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that, despite talks of transparency and compromise by the parliamentary Opposition, they had been showing an extraordinary level of inflexibility and were attempting to change many of the positions that were initially agreed to. “We are the ones who brought back local government elections to Guyana and the fact that we did not have these elections has nothing to do with the lack of will on our part…I know that it is badly needed, because many of the problems we face are due to the fact that we did not have local government elections,” he observed. Prior to 1994, local government elections were last held in 1970. Subsequent to 1994, the elections could not be conducted because of the coincidence with the general and regional elections of 1997.

December 12 sitting of National Assembly……

Several Bills to be returned to the House -including AML/CFT; Firearms (Amendment) Bill and the Evidence Amendment Bill By Telesha Ramnarine AT the next sitting of the National Assembly on December 12, government plans to introduce the Summary Jurisdiction Procedure Bill which essentially provides for errant traffic offenders to pay their fines in Georgetown regardless of where the offence was committed. Hence, if an individual was caught speeding in Linden or Essequibo, but they are a resident of Georgetown, they will be able, with successful enactment of the bill, to pay their fine in the city. Head of the Presidential Secretariat and Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon provided this information yesterday at his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President in Georgetown. Furthermore, the government anticipates at that meeting there would be an initial sitting of the Parliamentary Special Select Committee (PSSC) that was appointed to consider the Telecommunications Bill. “This initial meeting will be for the purposes of electing a chairperson of the select committee that would be considering those two bills,” Dr Luncheon disclosed He added that the government would also have the second reading of the Procurement Amendment Bill essentially to retain the government’s involvement in the process of procurement, goods and services, in Guyana. The three financial papers and the accompanying appropriation bill will also receive the attention of the House. The first financial paper deals with the constitutionally enabling statement of excess provisions that are timely being brought to the House’s attention; the second financial paper dealing with contingency fund and the advances from the contingency fund; and the third one would be dealing with the applications by government for supplementary provisions to fund expenditure for activities planned for the fiscal year 2013. The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Amendment Bill will also be returned to the House, along with the Firearms (Amendment) Bill and the Evidence Amendment Bill.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013



GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013

Aries March 21 - April 19

Have you been losing perspective when it comes to the most important people in your life? Sure, your boss deserves a lot of your respect -- but are you giving them too much? Your family deserves more of your energy right now, so put them first on your priority list. They’re the ones who truly love you and have your best interests at heart. Try to take some time off, even if it’s just an hour or two. Remind yourself about what is really important and make a necessary correction in your perspective.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

If you’re put in a situation that involves a clash of delicate egos today, focus on fairness -- not on politics. You have the strength of your ideals to rely on, so rely on them. Equality is too important to be sacrificed to get on someone’s good side. If you smell a bad idea, say so. Playing favourites is not advised. Set a good example by being honest and objective. Impressionable people are watching.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

Communication with your partner could become somewhat difficult right now, and it is not going to be immediately clear why. This is nothing you should worry too much about, though. As long as you are up front about at least trying to talk things out, then they will try to listen. That’s about the best you can hope for. The good news is that sometimes, when you work so hard to talk things through with someone else, new ideas emerge.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

If you’re not in the mood to hit the town and whoop it up, then you’re not going to be much fun doing it, are you? This is the logic you should use when you tell your friends that they should count you out of the latest big social scheme. You’re feeling more introspective right now, and the idea of going out and making small talk with strangers is not striking you as the recipe for a good time. You need to do what you want, not what they want you to do.

Leo July 23 - August 22 CHANNEL 11

Below rates for December 3, 2013 CURRENCY G$/US$ G$/GBP G$/CAD$ G$/EURO G$/BDOS$ G$/EC$ G$/TT$

BU3ING 205.48500 336.07072 192.65776 279.19247 101.49563 75.18194 31.62941

SELLING 207.93125 340.27949 194.87822 282.72412 102.51313 75.93565 31.94650

For Thursday December 05,2013 -05:00hrs For Friday December 06,2013 -05:00hrs For Saturday December 07,2013 -08:30hrs

05:00 Inspiration 05:30 Newtown Gospel *** 06:00 NCN News Magazine r/b 06:30 BBC 07:00 Guyana Today 08:00 GINA Presents 09:00 Stop the Suffering 10:00 Food Networks 11:00 History 12:00 CNN 12:30 NCN Newsbreak 12:35 GCCI Update (r/b) 13:00 National Geographic 14:00 NCN Newsbreak 14:05 Movie- Home Alone 1 16:00 Disney XD 17:00 NCN Live with Wanita* 18:00 NCN News Magazine 18:30 Political Scope 19:00 NIS & You 19:30 CXC Awards Ceremony 20:00 3d/daily millions/play de dream/lotto draw 20:05 CXC Awards Ceremony 21:00 Celebrating Roraima Airways* 22:00 NCN Late Edition 22:30 Caribbean Newsline 23:00 Movie


Your enthusiasm about one aspect of your life is going to start bubbling over to another part of your life, today. Things could get a little messy, but you will love every minute of the fun chaos -- and so will the people who are closest to you. You’ll have a smile plastered to your face all day long, and a great attitude about even the most boring-sounding things. Balancing your cheque book? Sounds like a blast! Cleaning out the garage? Couldn’t think of a more fun thing to do!

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Someone sweet from your past might pop back into your life again soon, either in person or over the Internet. Greet them with open arms or an enthusiastic reply. They were very important to you once, and they could be again. The two of you have a lot to catch up on, and their news might shock you in the most delightful way. You might have thought you had no more room in your life for more friends -- but this person isn’t new, so integrate them back into the rotation.

Libra September 23 - October 22

Just like a bad apple can ruin the whole bunch, a bad person can ruin a whole team. So watch out for people who aren’t on board with the group goals today. Staying focused on the greater good is not easy for some (selfish) people to do, so you will have to help them along. If you don’t, their negative energy could really bring everyone down. Do not let them force everybody’s momentum downhill. You’re all better than that!

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Your willpower is still going strong, so there is absolutely no reason to worry about succumbing to any temptations today. Be confident that you can continue to resist. All of the charm that this vice or that unhealthy person used to hold for you is fading fast -- perhaps not quite as fast as you would like, but it is definitely fading! Just keep abstaining, and soon you will lose your taste for it (or them) altogether. Get ready to begin a very empowered phase of living.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

Try to fill your day with as much music and art as you possibly can -- both of these will soothe you and take you out of a crabby, blue mood in minutes. Plus, music and art will help you get back in touch with the more expressive parts of yourself. Listening to your favourite songs, visiting a museum or sculpture garden, or even just going online to learn more about your favourite artists will help you stay content and happy with where you are in life.

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

You will wake up with a lot of high energy coursing through your body this morning, which will go a long way toward fuelling some high productivity! This is a great day to tackle that project you’ve been putting off for so long -- cleaning the garage, organising your clutter, balancing your cheque book, cleaning out the refrigerator. The things that you were dreading will suddenly be enjoyable for you, so make the most of it. Dig in. You’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

If you don’t feel extremely self-confident right now, ask yourself what you are doing to test yourself. By facing a difficult challenge, you can prove to yourself how special you are. Even if you don’t succeed, the act of facing a fear or trying to climb an especially tall mountain alone will go a long way toward making you see that you are capable of doing just about anything. In fact, you are capable of doing more than most! Dig down deep and wake up some of your slumbering ambitions.

Pisces February 19 - March 20

Today, the powerful people will be cheering you on and singing your praises -- these newfound friends will help you go a very long way. It’s up to you to go the entire distance, though. So don’t take your eye of the ball. You are so close to what you want right now that resting on your laurels or taking a break from the action is simply a mistake. All that planning is finally starting to pay off.

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013 13

Visiting CXC officials and top CSEC students in discussion with President Donald Ramotar during a courtesy call yesterday Opposition Leader David Granger rapping with visiting CXC officials and top CSEC students during a courtesy call yesterday. Granger is flanked by Dr Rupert Roopnaraine (left)

CXC, secondary school teachers in dialogue

HEADTEACHERS, deputy heads and other teachers in senior capacities, as well as stakeholder Education Ministry officials, engaged officials from Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), yesterday at the Guyana International Conference Centre, Lillendaal. Superintendent of Examinations and Local Registrar for CXC, Saudia Kadir, told the Guyana Chronicle that secondary schools, some 110, from across Guyana were represented at the interactive session. She said: “We are trying to provide teachers with the chance to address their concerns and interact with the officials so they understand the direction CXC is looking

(Please see page 14)

Officials from CXC moments prior to the start of the session


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013

Bygeval Secondary now an A-list school

BYGEVAL Secondary is now an A-List school following the unveiling of a commemorative plaque by Education Minister, Ms. Priya Manickchand on Tuesday in this regard. Like the recently commissioned Rosignol Secondary School, significant investments were made by the Government of Guyana (GOG) in collaboration with the MOE and the Region 5 (Mahaica/Berbice) administration to ensure that Bygeval Secondary School attained A-List status. In that regard, several works were executed, particularly in the areas of infrastructure, learning materials and curriculum improvement. Ms. Manickchand spoke of the notable investments made by the ministry and the region to elevate Bygeval Secondary to an A-List school. She also highlighted the rationale behind making Bygeval an A-List school as well as some of the critical areas in which the school has benefited from this upgrade. THE RATIONALE The minister explained that Region 5 never had an A-List school which meant that children from the region who did well at the National Grade Six Assessment Examinations would have had to travel to another region for the kind of quality education that matched their ability. “Of all the coastal regions, Region 5 was the only region that did not have A-List schools, so every time your children did well, we would have to send them to either Region 6 or Region 4 to get a good quality education. We at the ministry did not think this

situation was fair to the parents and children of the region, so we set about identifying two schools at the two extremes of the region - Rosignol Secondary and Bygeval Secondary - and set about making these two schools, A-Listed schools,” Manickchand explained.

poultry production. The library is also equipped with reference books for various subject areas; in addition, some enrichment materials have been added,” the minister disclosed.

ence, Information Technology, Principles of Business, Agriculture Science, Economics, Office Administration, Principles of Accounts, Spanish, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. For both classes, there are class sets for Geography, as well as those texts required for English

ology, Chemistry, Physics, Integrated Science, Human and Social Biology, Agricultural Science, Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business, Economics, Office Administration, Information TEXT BOOKS Technology, Food and Nutri“For text books, we have tion, Home Economics Management, Geography, UPGRADES MADE Social Studies, CaribTO BYGEVAL bean History, English “We rehabilitatA, English B, Spaned several sections of ish, Mathematics, Methe school by painting chanical Engineering and doing electrical Technology, Building work,” she said. “All Technology, Woods, the science labs (BiTechnical Drawing, ology, Chemistry and and Visual Arts. Soon Physics) were comClothing and Textile pletely refurbished. and Physical Education They are now properly will be added to the equipped with furnicurriculum. ture, equipment and Over 45 million chemicals. The Home dollars was expended Economics lab was on the Bygeval Secondalso refurbished and ary School to provide is now outfitted with text books, chemicals furniture, equipment and lab equipment, and other materials. physical rehabilitation The IT Lab boasts 15 works, computers, furnew computers, and niture, etc., to bring servicing was done it up to the level of to the other comput- Education Minister Priya Manickchand with students of Bygeval Secondary a n A - L i s t e d s c h o o l . ers bringing the total School Students attending number of computers Bygeval Secondary in the lab to 30. This means been really trying to provide as B. To complete the text books School are assured of a suthat every child in that class can much as we can, even more than allocation in Grade 11, there are perior quality education with access his or her own unit when other A-List schools,” she stathistory texts for each student. the efforts undertaken by using the lab. The Industrial ed. “In Grades 7, 8 and 9, each government and the ministry Technology lab is now equipped student has the recommended TEACHERS AND SUBJECT in upgrading the school to an with adequate tools and other text books for the following OFFERINGS A-Listed status. supplies while electricity has subjects: Mathematics, English Bygeval has 38 teachers, 12 What is a List-A or A-List been restored to the lab. The A, Social Studies, Science, Agof whom are trained graduates, School? Apart from the five NationAllied Arts department has ricultural Science, Home Ecotwo are untrained graduates, al/Senior Secondary schools also benefited from a number nomics. In addition, there are 14 trained teachers and 10 unwhich are Queen’s College, The of indoor and outdoor sporting also class sets for Spanish. In trained teachers. Bishops’ High, Saint Stanislaus gear and equipment. And the Grade 10 and 11, each student College, Saint Rose’s High Agricultural Science Departhas a copy of the recommended SUBJECTS OFFERED and Saint Joseph High, there ment also received equipment texts for the following 14 subThe school currently are Junior Secondary Schools and tools so that the department jects: Mathematics, English A, provides 24 CSEC subjects in the Secondary School Syscould be extended to include Social Studies, Integrated Sciwhich are as follows: Bi-

tem. These are located all over Guyana and are categorised, List A to List D, based on the performance of the school at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) with List A Schools being the highest performers and List D the lowest performers. Students who would have missed placement at the national or senior secondary schools by a few marks earn placement at List-A schools, sometimes called A List Secondary Schools. These schools are equipped to accommodate and bring out the best academic and extra-curricular performances from its students. Over the last few years, some of the List A Secondary Schools and the students who attend those schools have been performing as well as, and even better than, some of the Senior Secondary Schools. For example, in 2012, the student who topped the Caribbean at CSEC attended the Abram Zuil Secondary School in Essequibo and in 2013 the student who topped the Caribbean at CSEC attended the Anna Regina Secondary School. Anna Regina Secondary also received the best performance prize in the Caribbean for Technical Vocational Education. These schools are both List A schools. The minister toured the school and shared in the delight and pleasure expressed by teachers and students. They demonstrated their gratitude at the input made by the Government of Guyana and the Ministry of Education to upgrade their school and pledged to make maximum use of its resources.

CXC, secondary school teachers in ... (From page 13) to go in the future.” This session, one of many events, is part of the ‘Week of Events’ planned by the Ministry of Education in honour of the visiting delegates from the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and the top awardees for the Caribbean Examinations. The interactive session was not open to the media.

A section of the teachers at yesterday’s interactive session (Sonell Nelson photos)

Education Minister Priya Manickchand in discussion with visiting CXC officials and top CSEC performers yesterday

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds with visiting CXC officials and top CSEC students during a courtesy call yesterday

GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013







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GET REMARKABLE Results! Consult Tuition Expert. Become a 'Top Performer' at any of these exams: National Grade 6 Assessment [Common Entrance Examination]; CSEC [CXC]; Associated Board of Royal School of Music Exams. "You can now customise your tuition to meet your every learning need!" Do you want to be Guyana's next top p e r f o r m e r a t a n y o f t h e a b ove exams? Con s u l t TEACHER Preya [education consultant/ educator/ education specialist] [592] 651-5220, 6800632

Q UA L I F Y YO U R S E L F IN COMPUTER STUDIES at Computer World at only $7 0 0 0 p e r c o u r s e . Te l : 2 2 5 1032 or 227-6619, Vlissengen Road & Gordon St r e e t s , K i t t y, o p p o s i t e G D F Sports Ground. FULL BENEFIT ACADEMY(Music & Academics) departments, daycare, playgroup, nursery, primary & secondary, individualised attention, extra classes for weak students, special focus on phonics and reading. Get customised tuition. Music is offered, high quality teaching-learning approaches. The Indivindualised Tuition School For Every Ability, Register now for school. 651-5220, 647-0686. FITNESS LOSE or gain weight: fat reduction powder, protein powder. Call 660-2686, 625-7073. TRYING to get pregnant? Ovulation kits for sale, USA brand, wholesale and retail, gives the best date of ovulation for a better chance of pregnancy. For more information call 619-3202. LEARN TO DRIVE FITNESS MAISONS DRIVING School 22 Nabaclis Public Road. Tel 6504291, 652-6993. B & C DRIVING School at 6 Hadfield Street, Lodge. Tel. 2250150, 229-7258, 680-6826. SOMAN and Sons Driving School. Learn to drive the right way. First Federation Building. 622-2872, 644-5166, SHALOM Driving School Lot LEARN TO DRIVE 2 Croal Street Stabroek and enjoy our Anniversary special between 19th October to 30th November 2013 fee reduce by 20% Call 2273869, 227-3835, 227-7560, 6228162. Rk's Institute of Motoring Learn to drive at an affordable cost. Professional, Courteous and Patient Driving Instructor. For more details contact Annmarie/Vanessa at 172 Light and Charlotte Streets, Bourda. Te# 227-5072, 226-7541, 2 2 6 - 0 1 6 8 .

MASSAGE MASSAGE SOOTHING MASSAGE. Call for appointmentsl out calls only. Anna 661-8969. IN D I R A SINGH THERAPEAUTIC M A S S A G E . TEL. 615-6665. M A S S A G E Divinty Spa, 245 Sheriff St., specialise in relaxation and therapuetic massages, facials. C a l l 6 6 1 - 6 6 9 4 , ask for Dianna

NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that XUEFANG SU of Lot 51 Bath Settlement, West Cpast Berbice is applying to the Minister for Naturalisation and that any person who knows any reason why Naturalisation should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Home Affairs, Georgetown, Guyana.

I N V I TA I TO N F OR BIDS Wakenaam Neighbourhood Democratic Council The Wakenaam Neighbourhood Democratic Council invites bids from suitable qualified bidders for the under mentioned. Purc h a s e o f o n e ( 1 ) 5 8 C H y m a c E x c a v a t o r, l i g h t g r e e n i n c o l o u r, i d e n t i f i c a tion No. 20015, Engine No. TC 13682 US12879D Chassis No. 580C2889. The original and copy of the tender must be enclosed in a sealed envelope which does not in any way identify the tenderer and should be clearly marked on the top l e f t h a n d c o r n e r. T E N D E R FOR THE PURCHASE OF HYMAC. Bids will be opened on the 18th day of December, 2013. Bids must be delivered to the address below by the 13th of December, 2013. T h e C h a i r m a n , Wakenaam Neighbourhood Democratic Council, Sans Souci, Wakenaam, Essequibo River. For further i n formation call A.Z Khan (Chairman) on 684-5141.

RENTAL / HIRE RENTAL HIRE ONE stall at Meriman's Mall, 642-6381, 223-6862. ONE enclosed canter, suitable for food business. Tel. 2193199, 638-4515. 320 CAT Excavator, 322 CAT Excavator, short boom or joint venture. Tel. 661-6161.



CHEATING spouse, polygraph testing, background checks, locating missing persons, bodyguard service, private + criminal investigation, any other (Worldwide). Contact Strategic Advisory Services. Tel. 592-6299588, 592-602-8149 Email: Member of National Association of Investigative Specialists (USA) (All assignments treated as top secret

GRANITE INSTALLATION: cutting, polishing and profiling to all your granite counter tops, also building of cupboards and closets. Contact Rawle - 611-7031, 667-7963.

SERVICES vices ser services DO you need a business plan? Call 231-4750, 6462569. TV, DVD, microwave, stereo, washers, amplifiers etc. 693-2683. CELLPHONE repairs and unlocking and reloading. Contact 649-5232. MASON: All blocked work, plastering, casting,building of bridges, fences and septic tanks undertaken. Tel. 619-3296. HOME Investment: Protect your home against termites, at best price, before, during or after building. 626-2771. REPAIRS to fridge, washing machine, gas stove. Contact Kirk, 223-7975, cell 666-2276. LOOKING for a q u a l i f i e d and experienced caregiver to care for your sick, elderly - contact 220-9114, 682-9206. REPAIRS to TV, DVD, microwave, stereo, washers, amplifiers, INSTALLING SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS,etc. 693-2683. DONE to any type of satellite dish, programme FTA boxes or any cable box, TV programme. 609-7363, 683-7167.


L A N D S C A P I N G , plantscaping, fence hedging Potted plants, lawn development, land development. Call Yolanda 655-0755.

PAWN SHOP ELEGANCE Jewellery and Pawn Shop, Lot 1 Durban Street Werk-enRust between Camp and George Streets. Tel: 223-6331, 227-2307. PENPAL


OVERSEAS based Indian male seek female age 29 up. No Tex-call 661-3299. GUYANESE male, age 51, seeks female companion for serious relationship. Tel. 665-8797, 611-1172. No texting. GET a Friend! Get educated! Get Married! Migrate!..through the CFI. Telephone Friendship Link. Call 592261-5079, 654-3670, 688-8293,2616833 twenty-four hours MEET you match: find lifelong partners, friends; confidential rules apply Tel. 592-2238237, 592-648-6098 8:30 am - 5 pm daily; both phones same hours.

WE buy and sell your properties especially Kitty, Campbellville, or Georgetown. We also rent residential and business properties. Contact 6876647, 674-2600, 223-1440. FOR the best in computer repairs, maintenance, upgrades online customer support money back guarantee on all jobs done. No diagnostic fee reprogramming PC with latest software $5000, router programming. Call 226-2322, 697-7575. BUTTERCUP Day Care, 7:30 am to 6:00pm, Monday to Saturday, opened during the Christmas, school holiday. From 2 to 8 years old, opened up to 8 pm in December. Call us today. Tel. #: 664-0580. J. EASTMAN AND Associates Financial Services Chartered Accountants Services: Taxation, Consultancy, Accounting, Income tax, Vehicle and Building Compliances. Office located at 190 Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown. Tel. 2232105, 662-7467, or Email at NON-IMMIGRANT Visa Service. Professional Visa applications to the US and Canada. Fees USA VISA $3000, Canada $4000, Plaza Computer Service, 245 Sheriff Street, C/ville. 225-7390, 618-0128, 688-1874. Open Monday to Sunday 09:00hrs 21:00hrs

UNIVERSAL chair covers for weddings and other special occasions $200 per cover. Call Son Designs 688-8812, visit DALE Chowkai Construction: Building of homes, building, renovations, carpentry, masonry, tiling, plumbing, lacquering, painting. Call 682-4533 PROFESSIONAL ARTIST: SIGNS, BILLBOARDS, STORE FRONTS, BANNERS, COMPANY FLAGS, ETC (KNOWN AS "MR. NEAT", NOBODY DOES IT BETTER). CALL "MAX:" ON 609-8132, 672-8569.


SURINAME Pre-Christmas trip return sightseeing-tour, etc.: Nov 28th- Dec 1st. Tel # 644-0185, 639-2663, 665-5171, 227-8290 SURINAME Old Year into New Year return trip, December 29 - January 2, Book early - 644-0185, 639-2663, 665-5171, 227-8290.

SPIRITUALITY SPRIRITUALITY SPIRITUAL works done to bring peace, finance, success, enhance prosperity, remove evil, blockage, reunite families, lovers, etc. 6107234, 644-0058.

SPIRITUAL work done in Suriname. Remove evil, sickness, pregnancy, prosperity, business, etc. Call 6748603, 680-5596, 597-851-9876. DUTCH spiritual help in removing evil spirit, bad luck, evil sickness, spells, reuniting lovers, bringing prosperity to business, etc. Tel: 612-6417, 220-0708, .687-5653.

TECHNICIANS available: Repairs, servicing and installation, washers, dryers, stoves, deep fryers, industria l c o n t r o l s . 619-0793, 699-8802, 218-0050.''

QUBOTRONICS for your IT needs and consulting services offer computer repairs, upgrades, DVR Installation, and more. # 638-1388, 664-8660.


SPIRITUAL reading, other works done. For fast results - reuniting lovers, removing evil and all blockages, etc. Call 696-8873, 6731166.

BRAINS Construction and Rental Service excavator, bobcat, truck, tools. Tel. 6015024, 2274536. REPAIRS to LCD, Plasma, Projection, Led TV's, microwave ovens, amplifiers, DVD and CD systems, etc. Ordering of spares for complete servicing. Abdul Electronics. 225-0391.

EZEE RUNNINGS Taxi Service, 46 Sheriff Street - 2256926, 231-5808, short drop $300.

PRINT color calendars as low as $8.00, many options; Order from 50 and up. Hurry, make your business look good this Christmas. Call today 2272679, 655-3070.

FOR all general welding such as grill, boat, aluminum; and casting welding also. Tel. 2332847, 696-6263 Khemraj.

PLANNING an event? Call Travellers Sound Company, thirty years in the business. Indian wedding, religious function, barbecue, conference, concerts (all levels). We do stage lighting, disco lighting, parties, generators from 5 KVA to 400 KVA, PA system, all types. Tel. 226-6527, 600-7242, 600-3122, 623-7242, 623-3122, Leonard or Steven, based at Club Monaco.


PT. INDAR Disciple of Swami Dayaramdas (India), specialist in Tantra, Mantra, Yantra, Poojas and Yagiyas; solve your problems today. 604-4760, 6281964. ONLINE SHOPPING: shop online this Cyber Monday, 2 December, and the rest of the holidays from the comfort of your homes and mobile phones. Check us out at onlineshoppersgyny for all your favourite brands. We deliver to Bartica, Port Kaituma, Mabaruma, Lethem, Essequibo, Berbice, Linden, and Georgetown. Whatsapp 678-9680, Email FOR all general construction, contact Mohamed. We specialize in onr y, plumby, mas pentr car masonr pentry carpentr ing, power-wash, painting painting,, t r o w e l t e x and varnishing. Call 233-0591, 667-6644 667-6644,, (office) 216-3120. J. EASTMAN AND Associates Financial Services Chartered Accountants Services: Taxation, Consultancy, Accounting, Income tax, Vehicle and Building Compliances. Office located at 190 Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown. Tel. 2232105, 662-7467, or Email at

FAITH- HEALING SERVICES. We can help with bad luck, remove blockage, evil spirit, pregnancy, love, reunite family, maiter, marriage problem, business, skin problems such as sore, hex spell or curse. Tel 6121975, 6835228.

VETERINARY SERVICE SAVE HEAVEN ANIMAL CLINIC 131 GUYHOC PARK GEORGETOWN. Services includes vaccination, (Rabies Feline and Canine), dewormed, Surgeries, Pet grooming. Pet export certificates can be arranged. Tel. 223-3866, 691-9179. VACANCY


ONE Receptionist to work in Georgetown. Call 6447574. ONE live-in maid 38 - 49 years. Must be from country. Tel. 612-1124, 611-0200.







ONE Cashier, and one Cook to work in Georgetown. Tel. 6796040.

CANTER TRUCK DRIVER - Minimum 5 years' experience, PORTERS and WATCHMAN- Apply with written application to Patsan - Sheriff &Johnsmith Streets, Campbellville.

ONE experienced hairdresser for full-time employment. One house keeper/cook ;must be willing to work weekend. Location: Cornelia Ida, W.C.D. Tel# 6025332.

0.080 ACRE, Republic Drive, Residential Area, Betterverwagting, East Coast. No Agent. Tel. # 6843009 or 601-7952

SECURITY Guards, 35 years. Must be able to work shift. Requirements - application, reference last place of employment, TIN, NIS#, ID#. Apply 233 South Road, Lacytown. Tel. 225-0198.

VACANCY exists for one (1) Female Accountant: qualifications needed: 1. Level 2 ACCA or Diploma in Accounts ; 2. At Least ONE year Experience; 3. Knowledge of Quick Books; 4. Knowledge of VAT, NIS & PAYE. Please apply in person with Job Application & CV along with a passport photograph at the following address. Pulse Entertainment Office 236 South Road Lacytown (between Camp & Alexander Street).

SKILLED and unskilled workers needed in the Virgin Islands 683-6591, 1 - 284-342-3109. EXPERIENCED Driver/ Salesman. Apply at Baron Foods. 225-6277. ONE (1) Sales girl and one (1) handyman needed. Contact 227-4263, 628-1203. OFFICE Clerk/ maid to work in Trinidad, living accommodations provided. Call or text 1 868 745 6214 for more details. VACANCY exists at MALA's Beauty Salon for one (1) professional Hair Dresser. Call 6192666 for more info. ONE Receptionist and parttime cleaner at Steve Ganesh, 38 William Street, Campbellville. 688-1855. ABLE bodied porter. Apply in person with recent police clearance and 2 recommendations. Tel # 226-5473. 1 SALES Clerk, must have knowledge of all types of Japanese spares, at lesst 3 years experience. Tel: 227-, 227-2322 EXISTS for a housekeeper, Nanny. Must live in town and be able to work flexible hours. Contact 684-9770. SENIOR Accounts clerk and Auditor needed send application to PO box: 101848 PORTERS, Moulder & Woodmizer operator, lumber clerk. Call Richard: 609-7675, 233-2614. ONE person to work at snackette to prepare barbecui. Call 692-6595, 226-5336, 6164686. FOR Snackette Assistant: Apply 352 East Street, Georgetown, Monday to Friday, opposite public Hospital Gates. SENIOR Accounts Clerk - ACCA level and 2 years experience. Handyman - Call 223-5273-4 Manager send applications to PO: box 101848 EXIST for Security Guards to work at mining firm contact Tel# 226-9768/ 642-7963. COUPLE needed as Caretakers for farm on the Soesdyke / Linden Highway; details 6446551 anytime. SALES Clerk: Honest and reliable. Come in with application, Nanda's Boutique, 223 Camp Street. OFFICE Clerk, Senior/ J u n i o r. C X C E n g l i s h M a t h ematics. Computer knowledge an asset. Call 225-0188, 2256070. PROFESSIONAL Typists: Data Entry Staff needed. Must have an average typing speed of 60 WPM. Previous experience will be an asset. Call 592-6008674 BILLING/SALES Clerk. Must have a working knowledge of QuickBooks. 5 subjects CXC. Experience would be an asset. Apply at: LENS, Hydronie, Parika. 260-4916, 260-4915 VACANCY exists for Male Stock Clerk. Apply in person with written application to Regency Suite/Hotel. 98 Hadfield Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown. ARE you within the ages of 30 - 45 years? Do you want a weekend job (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon) as a domestic /baby sitter on a live-in live-out basis? Applicants preferably from Industry to LBI, ECD. Call 626-2080. VACANCY: for a van driver, and a canter driver. Excellent salary and commission. Apply in person with police clearance, a copy of your driver's license, and 2 recommendations. Tel # 226-5473.

COOK: Must be able to work shift. Requirements - application, reference last place of employment, TIN, NIS#, ID#. Apply 233 South Road, Lacytown. Tel. 2250198. RECEPTIONIST: Must be able to work shift, age 30 - 50. Requirements - application, reference last place of employment, TIN, NIS#, ID#, Police Clearance. Apply 233 South Road, Lacytown. Tel. 225-0198. ROOM ATTENDANT: 28 years plus, must be able to work shift. Requirements - application, reference last place of employment, TIN, NIS#, ID#. Apply 233 South Road, Lacytown. Tel. 2250198. VACANCY exists for one (1) Assistant Manager to work at an out of town Hotel & Club. Must have vast managerial experience. Must know how to lead staff & function efficiently. Contact # 226-9768/642-7963. VACANCIES exist for Hair Dresser must be able to cut all styles and also do nails designs. Sales Clerk to run stationery and internet café . Handyman. Apply in person with one reference at West Shore Plaze, 15 Public Road Ruimzeight 2691524/1524, 697-6510.


Land For Sale

20 HASLINGTON ECD 50ft x 75ft. Contact 654-6540. HOUSTON Gardens, 87 x 125, $13M neg. 611-0315, 690-8625. REPUBLIC Gardens EBD size 50x100. Price $9.8M. Contact 685-7887, 665-7400.. ATLANTIC Ville & Friendship ECD EBD. No price will be refused . Tel. 689-9388, 3 ACRES of land for sale in Kara Kara Linden -$35M. Contact 680-3771, 694-7210. 100x200 PLOT of land for sale in Watuka, Linden for sale. Contact 680-3771, 694-7210. KURU Kuru, Linden Highway, for farming, Georgetown business spot. Tel. 658-7297. LAND 45x90 at 14 Kersaint Park, LBI. Price $15M, Tel. 699-9201. LAND for rent on Sheriff Street- size 80 ft x 120 ft.: Contact 226-9109.

VA C A N C I E S e x i s t f o r Sales Clerk, Bond Clerk, Accounts Clerk and Pharmacist at Roy's Pharmacy. Interested persons can send in applications along with Curriculum Vitae and one passport-size photograph to Roy's Pharmacy Stall #32-33 and 64-65 Bourda Market. Tel. 226-0693, one cleaner call Samantha 223-6072.

ATLANTIC Garden, ECD: size 70 x 100 -$20M neg. Tel. 639-2835, 223-5460.

RK'S SECURITY Services (Security Department) 2 watch Commanders, 5 Site Supervisors/Commanders (for Diplomatic Residences and Industrial Locations), 4 Visiting supervisors with Motorcycle or license for Motorcycle, 2 Drivers (ages 35+) for car, van and lorry. Contracted work and company employee with benefits in the system.

BLANKENBURG Public Road, WCD: land for sale 38 x 150 - $11M. 658-0132.

2 MALE Front Desk Assistants 28-45 yrs, Apply K&VC, 233 South Road. Tel. 225-0198. Requirements: application, TIN, ID#. Benefits: Attractive wages, weekly incentives and a comfortable work environment in a centrally located area. VACANCY exists at Survival Shopping Complex, 173 Sheriff Street for an IT Technician. Applicants must send in an application along with a passport-size photograph and CV. For more information, contact 227-5288-89. INTERNET World career opportunity: a vacancy exists for a dynamic and motivated individual to fill the position of Computer Operator. Must have CXC Maths and English, and must be computer literate. Send application to Human Resource Manager, Internet World or Email: WAITERS AND BARTENDERS WANTED a new service provider will be accepting applications for waiters and bartenders (males and females between ages of 18 - 30) Professional training will be provided. These applications must be sent no later than 17th June, 2013. Please send application to 64 Craig Street, Campbellville or Email For more information contact 2278822, 696-3049.

DOWNTOWN location, size 65 x 125, price $32M. Diamond size 30x75, price $3M. Tel. 6702013. Serious enquiries only. CLAIM gold and diamond at Kurupung middle M a z a r u n i . Te l . 6 9 4 - 1 7 0 7 .

41 ACRES land at Silver Hill Linden Highway. Tle. 223-7181, 627-4900. DIAMOND 54x80, La Parfaite Harmonie, Vreed-enHoop. 629-8253, 688-4414.

BB ECCLES 100 x 50 only $14M, Call 231-2064, 225-2626, 227-6863, 615-0069, 627-0288, 226-1064. 600 ACRES MAHAICONY with 45 cows, 1 horse, house and generator HOUSE LOTS VERSAILLES and Republic Gardens gated compound, High Street, Bel Air, Cummings Street. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624. 100 ACRES Mahaica Creek, Manni Street Linden, 2nd lot D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust with driveway, Rainbow City Linden with approved plan. Call 644-6551. LAND in Queenstown 165 x 60 over $100M. Phone Vice President Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Darandia 615-0069, 618-0000, 225-2626 ONE land in Duncan St. for 4-storey office complex, bond, school, apartment $31M. Phone 627-0288, Mr. Ramsayoe 618-0000, Mr Alysious Pereira 623-2591, Mr. Darindra 615-0069.\ TRANSPORTED River View land, location Skeldon Berbice, 9.650 acres. For more information, contact 592-617-5860 after 16:00 hrs. DIAMOND, Grove, La Parfaite Harmonie, LBI, Kuru Kururu, Herstelling, Sheriff Street, Bush Lot WCB, Adventure. Rice land - 629-8253, 688-4414. L.B.I E.C.D- Corner lot 9000 Sq Ft Land Price $16 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 643-6353, 6857887. REPUBLIC GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - Size 5000 sq ft. Price $13.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SHERIFF STREET- double prime business spot (Size 12,500 sq ft) Price USD$ 1.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 -7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. REPUBLIC GARDENS/ REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D (Gated community) - (Size 10,000 sq ft) Price $23 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. D'ANDRADE Street Newtown- Double lot. Price $21 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

EXCLUSIVE residential house lot (100 ft x 50 ft) in Parfaite Harmonie and Schoonord $2.6M and $2.8M. 675-7292, 218-5591.

ATLANTIC GARDENS E.C.D- Triple lot. Price $59 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

REPUBLIC GARDENS Size 50 X 100. Price $9.8 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

HIGH Income areas; Parfaite Harmonie (100 ft x 50 ft) $2.5M, Herstelling and Eccles (100 ft x 50 ft) $4.5M, Non Pariel (100 ft x 50 ft). $4M. 675-7292, 218-5591.

HIGH STREET - Size 90 x 80. Price USD$600,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

VLISSENGEN RD- WORTHMAN-VILLE- triple lot suitable for business, bond, etc. Price reduce to $39 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

1 ACRE FRIENDSHIP WATER FRONT, EBD HOUSE LOTS Versailles and Republic Gardens (gated compound) Bel Air. TEL: 226-8148, 625-1624. DIAMOND, Kuru Kuru, Good Hope, Lae Harmonie, Roriama Scheme, Kitty, 30 acres at Soesdyke Highway, Canal No. 1, 688-4414, 615-3728. HOUSE lot in Diamond Housing Scheme, 125ft x 75ft, 15hp Suzuki outboard engine, 14½ ft aluminum boat. Tel. 638-6722 S. Zaman. PLOTof land for sale located at Ocean View Drive, Ruimzeight Gardens WCD. Call 267-2348, 6943896. KURU Kuru, Soesdyke/Linden Highway, Georgetown, size 60 x 120. Price $24M neg. Contact 658-7297. 13 ACRES of land at LindenSoesdyke Highway, 60 Yards from Soesdyke junction; suitable for business preference- attractive price - 601-3094.

GARNETTE ST NEWTOWNLand for commercial building, bond, apartments, etc. Size 32x135. Price $34 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665- 7400, 6857887, 643-6353. DURBAN STREET, FREEBURG - INVESTMENT corner lot . Size 11,000 sq ft. Price $77 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. DIAMOND E.B.D - Unfinished concrete structure and land. Price $6.2 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. 120x60 CLOSE to Brickdam, $75M suitable for 5storey complex, hotel Mr Ramsohoye 618-0000, Mr Pereira 226-1064, Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 227-6863, 225-5198.



LAND for bond, hotel, apartment complex, Blygezight 120 x 60 $36M, neg, Austin St. 134 x 56 - $36M, Kitty 8 000 sq ft - $22M, Phone Vice President 225-2626, 618-0000, 2252626, 623-2591, 226-1064, 227-6863, 615-0069

WE wish to advertise all land was made by the creator for different purposes. Go as high as you can to enjoy economy of height. Earl's Court LBI double lot 120 x 90 $17M, Happy Acres parallel to the Main Road 100 x 50 - $16M, for business or 4-storey apartment land for bonds on the East Coast $28M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft $20M, Da Silva St 70 x 35 - $14M, 9 000 sq. ft on Main Road 500 yards south of Chinese Embassy, Turkeyen 1.4 acres $38M, Campbellville 80 x 60 with lots of reserve $16M, Republic Park $16M, Continental P a r k d o u b l e l ot $35M, Croal Street 75 x 50 - $32M, 3 lots at 'AA' Eccles with massive unfinished structure $98M, plus reserve. Friendship $3.5M, Pearl 5 acres for gated c o m m u n i t y $45M neg. Phone cell 697-9377, 225-3068, 226-1064, 227-6863, 2276964, 225-2626.

LAND with 20ft driveway Dennis Street $17M, Sec. 'M' 90 x 50 plus reserve $17M, Kitty 8 000 sq. ft - $19M, one house in McDoom close to main road $9M. Phone Mr Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000 Vice President Alysious Pereira 623-2591, 227-6863, 226-1064, 225-2626. 148 x 60 land in Bel Air Village for hotel, bond, 5-storey, students' dorm - $42M. Phone Vice President Patrick Pereira 669-3350, Vice President Ramsohoye 6180000, 623-2591, 227-6863, 2252626, 667-7812. 8000 SQ FT at Continental Park -$18.5M; LBI Earl's Court; LBI double lot -$15.8M; Happy Acres -$14M, Phone Mr. Ramsohoy 618-000, M r. Darindra 615-0069, Mr. Pereira 623-2591, 661-1952, 2252626, 225-3068, 231-2064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 69238831. 1500 ACRES of land includes 240 head of cattle, four storey concrete dwelling house, vehicles and machinery. Over 890 acres filled with sugar cane and rice cultivation. Contact 223-8479, 647-3768 MADUNI Yarrowkabra 30 acres in the vicinity of Maduni Creek $8M, Land of Canaan 3 acres roadside, width 500ft, road to river 400ft riverside frontage 500ft - $120M neg, Berbice riverside 112x114 (12768 sq. ft) 98x48 ft (4704 sq. ft) factory building on site 75x62ft - $60M, Soesdyke riverside 160x300 ft $35M, 2272612, 627-8314, 655-0755; SECOND lot in Dennis St, with driveway 20 feet $17M, Sec. 'M', 80 x 60, plus reserve for bond $19M, Da Silva St 80 x 50 $13M, Kitty Railway Embankment 8 000 sq. ft $20M, land has 20 ft driveways. Vice President Drandia 615-0069, Vice President Alysious Pereira - 623-2591, Vice President Ramsayae 618-0000, Vice President 225-2626, 226-1064, 6677812. HAPPY Acres front, residential areas $16M, Bagotville, W.B.Dem land 45 by 150 feet on eastern side of road, D'Urban Street close to High Street 50 by 100 feet for $16M, five acres of prime land at Pearl, EBD for $12M, Agricola, double lot $8M, Success and Railway line road on ECD 22 000 sq.ft of land for $48M, Nandy Park residential $16.5M, Contact Pete's Real Estate - 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546.

BETTER VALUES REALTY PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES 31 Bent Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown (592) 225-8101; 225-8103, 686-3153; 658-3928 Available Land, Rentals and Property LAND Diamond (50 x 90)-6.8m Friendship river side (114 x 166) -80m Neg, Diamond/ Grove New Scheme 2nd Bridge -$6M Neg, Grove Public Road (100 x 40) -$35M, Grove 1st Bridge -$6M, Essequibo Supernaam -$17M, Linden Highway 20 acre farming land -$45M, Robb and King -(US)$1.6M, Republic Gardens (50 x 100) -$16M, Sheriff Street Double Lot -(US)$1.5M, Quamina Street (40 x 95) -$45M, Lamaha Springs with foundation and column -$9M, Bagotstown (Road to River) -$35M Neg, Soesdyke (50 x 400) -$40M Neg, Enmore Public Road (100 x 200) $35M, Parika Stelling -$24M, Wakenaam -$15M, Grove/Diamond -$3.5M/$6.5M, La Parfaite Harmonie -$1.5M/$2.5M, Sham Rock Gardens Main Road E.C.D $50M, Vreed-en-Hoop 1.1 acre $13M, Crane Housing Scheme (50 x100) -$4M, Enmore Seaside (185 x 131) -$25M, Coverden (Road to River 62 x 600) -$37M, Diamond Land with foundation and column $4.5M, Diamond land 3rd Avenue 60 x 120 -9m, Republic Garden 7 lots together - 80m neg, Grove Samantha Point (100x200) - 4.5m, Essquibo Supernaam land - $17M, Providence land - $12M neg, Sarah Johanna 8 acres land - $15M neg, North Road & King Street US$1.6M, Haley and Durban Corner land -$18M neg, Diamond Main Road Opposite Bank Commercial land 13,300sq'ft -US$1.4M neg.

GUYANESE businesses must think out of the box. They must adopt a new strategy. The Chinese are moving in some locations that land for bond/factory is cheap, 20 000 sq ft land close to the Chinese embassy for bond. $58M, 8 000 sq. ft on the main road close to the Chinese Embassy $54M for 4-storey fast food/super m a r k e t 2 0 0 - c a r parking. 1½ acres of land in Turkeyen for hostel, school, university, bond, Buy now, be decisive. Present, you have a boss, now decide. Phone Mr. Danhandri 6150065, Mr. Patrick Pereira 6693350, Mr. Alysious Pereira 6232591, 225-2709, 225-2626, 225-3 0 6 8, 226-1064, 227-6863, 225-5198 Seven days of hotmail: THIS land is going to solve your business need, in Smyth close to Brickdam 120 x 60 the only land available for $55M neg All lands that would give you the same return on your investment $95M, talking of 5-storey complex. Phone Lady Boston 684-2244, Lady Racel Jones 688-3434 lady Davi Dyal 697-9377, Master Darindra 615-0069, 618-0000, 623-2591, 225-2626, 225-3068, 226-1064 , Email: m

TRANSPORTED roadside house lot; prime transported rice fields all situated at Pln. Paradise, West Coast Berbice. Copies of documents for the above mentioned lands can be inspected at the Chambers of Mr. Lloyd Thomas Attorneyat-Law, Lot 6 De Edwards, West Coast Berbice, between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm, Mon to Fri. No reasonable offer will be refused. For information: Call 327-5314.


18 LAND FOR SALE LAND at Ithaca for sale or rental accessing Blairmont Road 30. 40'w x 341.04L, 38.70x409.60 - $40M, 38.55w x 279.94L, 38.55x279.94, 38X55X279.94 $60M, 124.30x427.96, 62.15x427.96, 132.44x404.60 $100M, 132.44x428.00 - $25M, (3) BDR upper flat for sale Pearl EBD 50'x110' - $15M, land at Bagotsville 37wx700L - $10M, mining land at Ekukerku top side 725 acres and 820 acres - $8M, Contact Brian 666-2594, T. Roberts 676-7955. to letTO LET FURNISHED rooms: single person only. Tel. 229-6149. 2-BEDROOM bottom flat. Phone 227-1828. 2-BEDROOM bottom flat in BB Eccles Tell: 624-4733. 2 BEDROOMS for decent working persons. Tel. 227-0485. SMALL office space on Regent Street $25 000 monthly. Tel. 609-6306. 3 BEDROOM upstairs and bottom flat at 436 back Street Grove. 610-7943. ALBERTTOWN business space to rent on Light Street. Tle. 644-0530. OFFICE space - 2500 square feet- Lamaha and Carmichael Street. Call 225-8915 (office). NEWTOWN: 1 - BEDROOM apartment furnished and grilled $60 000. 622-8109. EXECUTIVE houses and apartments, Contact - 223-8479, 647-3768 FINE business location, ground floor, Brickdam for office or business.Tel. 694-1091. TOP flat 3-bedroom $60 000 East Bank near Harbour Bridge. 642-8436. 1 - BUSINESS premises in central Georgetown. Call 6184576. ONE-bedroom apartment in Kitty $50 000 monthly. Call 6262990, 687-7566. ONE Canteen in Land of Canaan EBD $20 000 per month. Tel. 266-5243. ONE bottom flat in residential area, 3 bedrooms. Tel. 2271275. Call after 18:00hrs. NEWLY-built apartment for rent -$50 000 per month. Tel. 650-6231, 697-0480. ONE 2-bedroom upper flat in B.V. $45 000 per month. Tel. 226-8689. 2 MODERN apartments at Campbellville, Georgetown. Call 219-4535. HOUSE at Lamaha Garden and Diamond, E.B.D.; hot and cold water, etc. Call 219-4535. EXECUTIVE apartment from US$5000, US$8000, US$10000, $US12000 and upwards. 226-1064, 669-3350.

TO LET REST- Bar for rent, 3-Bedroom house for rent, with one master room. Call: 669-0366 FULLY Furnished Apartment $80,000 Monthly Tel: 6272981/604-0054. FOR rent: one three-bedroom apartment, upper flat, Camp and Norton Streets. Contact 628-0972. 2-STOREY, 1 BOND space, located at Broad and Ketley Streets, with utilities. 643-3675. One bedroom Furnished apartment with AC Hot & Cold shower and internet. $25 US Daily 231-6061/621-1524. FURNISHED executive apartment with internet access, generator and parking. Tel. 6420636. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom apartments in Eccles $80 000 and $100 000. Tel. 6899222. ONE - bedroom self-contained bottom flat apartment in Kitty. Call 227-0720, 661-0999, 622-6211. ONE (1) semi-furnished apartment in Subryanville, available immediately, price US$900 per month. Tel. 664-5322. ONE three-bedroom bottom flat, 238 Forshaw Street, Queenstown -$75 000. 2238533, 694-8598. FULLY Furnished 1 and 2 bedroom apartment. Long and Short term. Utilities included Duncan Street Contact 645-0787. GARNETT Street: One- & two-bedroom furnished apartments. with hot & cold, AC & Internet from US$20 daily. Rates neg. for monthly visitors. Phone: 227-5852/638-4404. 2-BEDROOM furnished bottom apartment, grilled, etc, for short/ long term Campbellville. Call 225-7173, 684-4194. OGLE : unfurnished twobedroom apartment with all conveniences. Price $60 000.Tel. 642-0636. BUSINESS place: central location, price $55 000, one fully secured ground floor. Tel. 6420636. QUEENSTOWN, Peter Rose St: furnished executive apartment, price US$600. Tel. 642-0636. TWO-bedroom bottom flat, fully furnished, AC, hot and cold, fully grilled, large parking. Tel. 226-5400. OFFICE space: Queenstown Peter Rose St executive office space. Price US$500. Tel. 642-0636. QUEENSTOWN: Furnished executive apartment with air condition and parking. Price US$600. Tel. 642-0636.

TO LET UNFURNSIHED two and threebedroom apartments with all convenience. Contact Krishnadat Raghubir Tel. 642-0636. 2 BEDROOM apartment in 95 Craig St., Campbellville, preferably for small family, professionals, teacher. Tel # 2254409, 645-0984 FURNISHED 3-bedroom top flat in Kitty; and 2-bedroom bottom flat in Campbellville, unfurnished 3- bedroom house in Diamond. Call 644-2099.

LAMAHA Springs: 4-bedroom house, 1 room self-contained , laundry room, and stock room, parking for 2 vehicles US$700. 647-5914, 687-0729.

ONE furnished apartment for overseas visitors with AC, hot and cold shower, US$25 daily. Call 2316061, 621-1524.

ONE 2 bedroom apartment in Newtown Kitty, $50 000 monthly. One small cottage $50 000 monthly in Mon Repos. Tel. 226-7038, 643-5797.

H O U S E S , A p a r t m e n ts & business for rent. US$400. & up. Call Sandy - 638-7232/2227986 . DOWNTOWN space suitable for any office, barber, salon, storage or other. Call 2273064, 628-7589 . ONE Dredge, 2 engines, pump, hose, complete beded. Owner leaving country. Contact 649-4435. FULLY secured concrete bond, 87 ft by 31', private compound, McDoom Public Road, back of Police outpost. 233-0570. OFFICE business space, Queenstown US$300, US$500, US$900 and US$1600 neg. AC and parking space. Tel. 624-4225. 1 - MONTH holiday apartment with AC. Book now Mr. Pereira 623-2591, 231-2064, 2261064, 227-6949, 692-3831. ONE two-bedroom apartment at Industry, toilet and bath inside. Tel. 222-8887, 626-6981, 656-6356 3-BEDROOM house in Durban Street ,spacious, quiet and private. 226-0673, 685-4694 -$70 000. 3-BEDROOM furnished concrete house, $50 000, two (2) months security. Near Parika and Tuschen Scheme. 592-686-2800. ATLANTIC GARDENS- 3 bedrooms upper furnished US$950. JEWANRAM: 2271988/623-6431/ 647-0560. MEADOW BROOK GARDENS- New upscale 3 bedrooms property with modern amenities, A/C, Hot & Cold, Grilled, Secured parking, etcUS$1300. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/ 647-0560

'AA'ECCLES- Well appointed fully furnished 3 bedrooms propertyUS$1500. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/626-5260

BUSINESS Place, Price -$ 600,000, Central Location. One small and fully secured ground floor. Tel: 642-0636.

KITTY (RESTURANT)- 4 corner- US$650. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/6265260

ONE-bedroom apartment. Preferably working couple. Cornelia Ida, W.C.D. Tel# 6025332.

1-FLAT wooden, fullygrilled wooden building to rent for business, 50k. negotiable. Tel 226-0861, 683-7278.

ECCLES 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT & 3 bedroom upstairs, short term. Tel 660-4764.

NORTH ROAD: business/ office space downtown: top storey $100 000, $70 000, $40 000. Tel. # 226-5999, 619-2525.

MON REPOS, E.C.D- Well appointed apartments. Upper$100,000, Lower- $80,000. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/ 647-0560.

ONE house or apartment to rent: $15,000-$20,000 a month. Tel. 698-0844. APARTMENT for single or couple only. Call 692-6595, 2265336, 616-4686.

CENTRALLY located 2bedroom upper flat, suitable for residence or business, -$60 000 neg. Tel. 227-1871, 646-293. QUEENSTOWN: Unfurnished three-bedroom apartment with all conveniences. Contact Krishnadat Raghubir. Tel. 642-0636.

NORTH ROAD- Business ground floorUS$1500. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/626-5260

1 THREE bedroom concrete bottom flat, inside toilet & bath, telephone, parking. Decent working couple. 648-3342, 6685384.

LAMA Avenue: Furnished executive apartment with Internet Access, Generator, and Parking. Tel: 642-0636.

2-BEDROOM in exclusive residential area with all modern amenities. 6532920.

HERSTELLING, E.B.D- 2 bedrooms unfurnished apartment$65,000. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/626-5260

ONE furnished room to rent in La Parfait, Harmonie, West Bank, Demerara (18 000, working elderly female preferred ) - 615-1201, 2276690.

BUSINESS place, central location. Price $55 000. One small secure ground floor. Tel. 225-0545.

PRIME business location to rent in Camp Street between New Market & Lamaha for business or office, Tel: 694-1091, 639-4499.

TO LET 2-BEDROOM fully-furnished top apartment, generator, grilled, 2 ACs, cameras, etc -US$750; other houses and apartments from -US$1000 -furnished and unfurnished. Call 664-5105.

2-STOREY building fourbedroom with AC, flat screen TV in all rooms, and business on ground floor for fast food restaurant. Call 227-6863, 225-2626, 225-3068, 225-5198.

SUBRYANVILLE- 3 bedrooms semi-furnished property overlooking the Atlantic - $1,200. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 623-6431/668-0238/ 647-0560/626-5260.

FURNISHED room and apartment $3 000, $4 000, $5 000, $6 000 daily. Call Julian 638-4505, 225-4709.

TO LET DIAMOND- New and well appointed executive house, unfurnishedUS$1200. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/ 647-0560

PRASHAD NAGAR/ BEL AIR PARK- 4 bedrooms furnished property with modern amenitiesUS$2500, US$1200. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/ 647-0560. LAMAHA STREET/ HADFIELD STREET/ NORTH ROAD/ NEW MARKET STREET (1000 sq.ft) - Suitable for school, offices, business, etc. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 6236431/ 647-0560.

EXECUTIVE two-storey building, 3 bedrooms, with all modern conveniences, furnished/unfurnished, Meadow Brook Gardens. Mr Narine. 696-8230. 3-BEDROOM, fully furnished top apartment, available for local and overseas rental for short/ long term Kitty. Call 2257173, 684-4194. ONE-bedroom bottom flat with hall at Kersaint Park, L.B.I., East Coast Demerara. Tel. 2205516. 2-BEDROOM apartment, furnished and unfurnished for short or long term rentals in South Ruimveldt Georgetown. Call 6455938. FULLY furnished two-bedroom house upper-flat in central location with all modern facilities for daily or monthly rental. Call L. Persaud 231-5992, 623-9308. SPACES: perfect locations for offices, stores, or restaurant, from as low as $70 000, Camp Street, Regent Street, and Cummings Street. Contact Mr. Alexander 669-0943, 227-6949. 1- AND 2-bedroom apartments for long term rental with self-contained hot and cold AC, etc location Mon Repos, ECD. Price $75 000 and $85 000. Tel. 618-0626. REGENT STREET Store,secure ground floor 60'x10,' suitable for electronic, cell phone, computer, general or Jewellery store . Mr. Paul 231-9181, 626-1150, 118 Regent & Alexander Streets. GARNETT Street: One- & two-bedroom furnished apartments. with hot & cold, AC & Internet from US$20 daily. Rates neg. for monthly visitors. Phone: 227-5852/638-4404. EAST STREET Public Hospital vicinity: Top and bottom flat fully grilled, air conditioned; good for doctor's office. Contact B & G's Realty. 227-4125, 617-9717. UPPER flat suitable for office, school, church or any business at Cummings and Middle Streets. Tel. 233-2692. BUSINESS spot for rental: Internet, pharmacy, indoor restaurant, bond space, boutique, and cell phone shop. etc. 623-2591, Mr Pereira. UNFURNSIEHD 2-bedroom, bottom flat, central Georgetown, from January, 2014 -$70 000 monthly; couple, small family. 227-3471 after 6 pm BEL AIR PARK - 5 bedroom executive house. Price USD $4500. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. CARMICHAEL STREET - executive offices . Size per unit 1650 sq ft. Price USD $2200 plus VAT neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

SPACIOUS apartment 3-bedroom including 1 self-contained, hot and cold bath, grilled windows, parking available in yard. $90 000. 6187750, 661-5992. ENTERPRISE E.C.D- Unfurnished 2 bedroom bottom flat . Price $50,000.Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. KITTY $65 000, Campbellville $100 000, Bel Air $80 000 US$1000, Atlantic Gardens US$900, Greenfield Park US$1300. Diana 227-2256, 626-9382. ONE furnished two-bedroom bottom flat apartment for rent at 15 'B' North Road, Bourda amount $100 000 including electricity and water. Tel. 227-4910, 682-3813. SOUTH Road: $180,000 office or residence; Kingston: US$800; Queenstown: $75 000 3-bedroom; Kingston (office space): $100 000. Contact 6876647, 612-5026, 223-1440. NEWLY built house, upper flat, Lot 446, Parfaith Harmony, Canal No. 1, 2 bedrooms, lights, water, $35 000 per month. Contact Rena, 220-5509, 687-1215 or Jairam 677-6878. OFFICE/executive rental: Wonderful 7-bedroom property for office & residence at Atlantic Ville, East Coast Demerara. Price US$2000. Call Mr Darin 615-0069, 225-2626, 225-5198, 2253069, 225-2709, 231-2064. KITTY 3 bedrooms $80 000, North Ruimveldt 3 bedrooms $65 000, and 2 bedrooms $55 000, Republic Park 2 bedrooms $60 000, Republic Park bond space $150 000. Troy 626-2243, 6943652. 2-BEDROOM furnished top apartment, Campbellville $80 000 neg, 2-bedroom furnished top flat South Road US$800, other apartment and houses furnished and unfurnished from US$800 up. Call 6645105. QUEENSTOWN: Fully furnished 1- and 3-bedroom apartments, hot & cold, AC, internet, parking, etc., suitable for overseas and visitors short term. 227-1843, 226-5137. THREE-bedroom, with kitchen, bath, toilet, living, dining room for three single working females, three students or small families, adults; near UG, third St., Cummings Lodge. Call 646-1799, 644-9058. C/VILLE close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete building. Suitable for business, school, residence etc . Price USD $ 12,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. QUEENSTOWN - 3 storey concrete building suitable for school. Building size 10,250 sq ft. Price USD $4500. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SUBRYANVILLE - Semifurnished 3 bedroom house with office space on ground floor. Price USD$1350. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. QUEENSTOWN- Furnished 2 bedroom Executive top flat. Price USD $1300. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. GARNETT STREET C/ VILLE - Furnished three bedroom house. Price USD $1300. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. PRASHAD NAGAR - furnished 2 bedroom apartments for a single person or couple. Price USD $600. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

TO LET QUEENSTOWN - bottom flat suitable for office/residence. Price USD $1200. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 6857887, 643-6353. EXECUTIVE rentals in residential area, well secured, fully furnished with parking. Contact Luxury Homes on 696-3049 or 6157539. APARTMENTS : Unfurnished one-bedroom $50 000 and $55 000, 2-bedroom $60 000 monthly. Furnished, US$500 - US$1000 monthly. Contact 231-0845. QUEENSTOWN- Bottom flat suitable for storage bond size (1160 sq ft). Price $100,000 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. GUYSUCO Gardens E.C.D - semi furnished 4 bedroom house Price USD $1400 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. ECCLES E.B.D- fully furnished executive house with modern amenities. Price USD $1800. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. ATLANTIC GARDENS- Fully furnished Executive 3 bedroom house. Price USD $1800. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. CONRAD BARROW'S REALTY: REGENT STREET: 1 bedroom upper -$40 000, SOUTH ROAD 1 bedroom bottom -$60 000 OGLE 2-bedroom bottom -$50 000. Telephone 616-8262. SUBRYANVILLE- Unfurnished 3 bedroom house can be used as office or residence. P r i c e U S D $ 11 0 0 . C o n t a c t Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 6436353. RESIDENTIAL: 2- and 3bedroom unfurnished and furnished apartments, $85 000 to $130 000. BUSINESS: Robb Street 3-storey/flat, Alberttown 3-storey/flat, Alberttown $100 to $450 000. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624. 2-BEDROOM fully grilled apartment at Vryheid's Lust, indoor parking, garage, disposal and water included. Secure and breezy -$50 000 per month; one month's rent in advance, with one month security deposit. Call 699-5849, 220-0698, No agents. ECCLES E.B.D - brand new executive 5 bedroom house furnished, semi furnished or unfurnished. Price USD $3500 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SHERIFF STREET SECTION K C/VILLE- Semi- furnished 3 bedroom house can be rented as office. Price USD $1850 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. 4 BEDROOM, fully furnished upper flat apt, all amenities inclusive of kitchen, laundry internet, public road kitty $1000 USD negotiable. Call: 6294961/600-0282/226-1769. SMYTH Street, Georgetown: 1 large secure bond US$1800, with 3 bedrooms upper flat US$500, Bel Air Park new 2-storey house with 3 apartments ideal for company US$2500 neg. Naresh Persaud 225-9882, 681-2499. ONE 2 and 3 bedrooms, furnished and unfurnished apartments - US$400 and up; Also available for daily rentals. Contact Mr. Pereira 669-0943, 2276 9 4 9 , Garden of Eden 1-4 bedroom house on land with lots of fruit trees. 3rd house from Public Road. 90x1, 100 ft 100,000 per month rental. For Sale 36M. 2 bedroom apartment upper flat $ 45,000 575 block X Diamond June 623-1562.







KITTY 3 big bedrooms upstairs -80k, North Ruimveldt 3 bedrooms upstairs -55k, 2 bedrooms down -55k, Nandy Park 3-bedroom house by itself -120k neg, Hadfield St. semi -furnished 1 bedroom, light and water included -45k, Paul 655-8361, 6996811, Fabulous Homes Realty.

K I N G S T O N : S p a c i o us upper flat, 3 bedrooms, unfurnished, big yard, parking $120 000. Eccles, new apartment building, quiet area, 2-bedroom, unfurnished, parking $120 000. Subryanville, quiet and residential area, beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean, 2storey concrete, semi-furnished, 4 bedrooms, 2 self-contained study room, guest suite, walk-in pantry, spacious patio, security hut, maid's quarters, AC< parking US$2500, Eccles, residential area, 2-storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms upstairs, automatic garage, AC, parking US$2500, Campbellville, bottom flat, 2-bedroom unfurnished $60 000. Nandy Park, bottom flat 2 bedroom unfurnished $65 000. Lamaha Gardens, beautiful semi-furnished p r o p e r t y, 3 b e d r o o m s , l a r g e back patio, garage yard space US$1800, Greenfield Park gated community, 2-storey furnished, 3 bedroom, big yard large patio, US$1300. Lamaha Gardens, quiet and secure 2storey unfurnished 3 bedrooms, back patio, yard space AC US$1500, Happy Acres, 2-storey apartment building, 3 bedrooms each, fully furnished, p a r k i n g US$1500 each. Call Pete's Real Estate Lot 2 George Street, W/ Rust. 227-2487, 226-5546, 2269951, 223-6218.

ALBERT S T R E E T, ALBERTOWN - 3 storey concrete building. Suitable for school, embassy, office complex, call centre, medical complex, etc. Price USD $10,000 neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-740 0, 6857887, 643-6353.

GROVE, E.B.D flat concrete house $11M; Cummings Lodge incomplete 2 storey house $7.5M, Sophia - 2 storey house $12M. Tel. 684-6266.

TWO-storey building located at prime location Alberttown, Georgetown furnished with all modern amenities including master bedroom with AC spacious kitchen, sitting and dining quarters, bar area, large parking area can accommodate 4 cars, secure environment apartment suitable for large family/business use - 645-8400. 3-BEDROOM wooden building, Agricola Public Road. 2 bedroom house in Diamond $90,000. Brand new 5 bedroom house in Diamond $2000,000 Tel. 216-3120, 6676644. VREED-EN-HOOP: twobedroom house by itself -$50 000, top flat two-bedroom semifurnished -$100 000, bottom flat one-bedroom apartment -$30 000 unfurnished negotiable. Call MR. Budram 692-3831. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom very spacious $90 000, furnished 1- 2-, & 3-bedroom, including AC, internet, parking, pool US$500, US$600, US$700. Very exquisite. Contact Alexander Pereira - 669-0943 Email BEL Air Gardens spacious, secure and secluded, four bedrooms one self contained, ocean front view, lounge on lower flat, house keeper apartment, hot and cold pressure system, multiple parking, with driveway -US$1500. Tel. 667-9367. SAFFON ST CHARLESTOWN- 3 storey concrete building for general store/ storage bond. Size 15225 Sq Ft. Price USD $10,000. Contact Royal Real Estate 2257276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. BETTER VALUES REA LT Y PROFESSIONA L REAL ESTATE SERVICES 31 Bent Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown (592) 225-8101; 225-8103, 686-3153; 6583928 Available Land, Rentals and Property Robb Street (3) bedroom furnished -US$800, G.T (2 & 3) bedroom unfurnished -$60,000$100,000, Luxury homes (5) bedrooms -US$2600, Thomas Street (3) storey building -US$3000, Diamond between 5th&6th street 1 house 3 bedroom inclusive of hot/cold, AC etc.-US$1000, Diamond between 5th & 6th street Bottom flat 2 bedroom -$50,000, Top flat 3 b e d r o o m -$60,000, Plaza Bridge New Mall Business Spots available US$150-1000, Albert Town 6 Office Spaces -$80,000, Commercial Buildings for Rent US$2500 and abo ve Executives Homes for rent US$1500 and above THE World #1 Realtor Miste r Terry Redford Reid 667-7812, 225-6858, 225-7164, 226-1064, 225-2626, 231- 2 0 6 8 , 6 1 97945. H a ve the executive rental reduced by 35%, Prashad Nagar US$1000, Jacaranda Ave. Bel Air Par k U S $ 2 0 0 0 , B a r ima Ave Bel A i r Park US$1 8 0 0 , B e l A i r S p r i n g s U S $ 1 0 0 0 , l a r g e b ond for rental o f f i c e s m a l l f o r m U S $ 3 75, 10 000 sq ft office space for technologybusiness, Lam a h a Gardens US$1500, Lama Ave, Bel Air Park US$180 0 , B e l A i r P a r k on t he round abou t U S $ 1 0 00, Prashad Nagar US$1500, land from $11 million, riverside l a n d h o t e l s with US$35 000 month rental a nd office space US$40 000 month prope r t i e s f r o m $ 1 4 m i l l i o n . 22 5 - 2626, 225-5198, 2 2 6 - 1 0 6 4 , 6 2 3 2 5 9 1 , 6 6 9 - 3350=

WE have rental from US$800 in K i n g s t o n , N e w Haven, beautiful 2-storey concrete property, 4 self-contained rooms, large den, large living room, family room, tele vision room, beautiful kitchen, fully air conditioned, hot and cold facilities, land space. Price US$2500, unfurnished. Bel Air Springs 2-storey concrete property, master room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, family ro o m , d e n , v e r a n d a h , hot and cold facilities, semif u r n i s h e d , s e c u r i t y c a m e r a s, land spac e US$1500. L amaha Gardens 2-storey c o n c r e t e p r o p e r t y, f u l l y air conditioned 3 be d r o o m s , u n furnished US$2000, (neg). Prashad Nagar 2-storey concrete property large livi n g a r e a , 4 self-contained rooms hot and cold facilities, g e n e r a t o r, u n f u r nished US$1500 neg. Camp St middle floor suitable for business $175 00 0 . QUEENSTOWN: Beautiful 2storey concrete property in perfect con d i t i o n , 4 b e d r o o m s , h o t a nd cold facilities, master room, family room, den, air-conditioned, parking space for vehicle US$2500. Do cal l u s o n Te l . 2 2 5 - 6858, 225-7164, 6881885 Call Terrence 667-7812. We are situated at 247 'D' Forshaw &Oronoque Sts. Queenstown. ANTHONY Reid BSc h a s more than 20,000 hrs in Real Estate Investment and Economic Transformation of People Economic Growth. We have rental from US$1500, in Bel Air Park, ambassador's residence in U n i versity Gardens Le Resouvenir, Lama A v e w i t h p o o l , J ac a r a n d a A v e . w i t h large lawns U S $ 2000, Prashad Nagar US$1000, apt. from U S $ 7 0 0 , b o n d 8 0 0 0 sq ft, small an d l a r ge office space up to 15000 sq foot; state of the art hotel and o f f i c e c o m plex with i n c o m e o f U S $ 4 0 000 monthly; 2 acres of l and in the city for hotel, and any complex Main Street 2 ½ acres US$5M, Water Stre e t 4 a cres for hotel, hotel on 5 acres of land overlooking the sea US$5M; another overl o o k i n g the sea US$1.5M, income US$15000; riverside land residential land at LBI - $10M; Republic Park $8M, Diamond $ 7 M , S e c . ' K ' $ 2 0 M , B e l Air Park $25M, G a r nett double lot $42M, Phone 225-2626, 231-2064, 225-2709, 2261064, 227-6949, 227-6863, 6677812. 619-7945.

LAMAHA Gardens: beautiful unfurnished 2-storey concrete, 1 self-contained master room, 2 bedrooms, enclosed garage US$1000 neg., BAGOTSTOWN, furnished 4 bedrooms -$125 000, NANDY Park: quiet and residential area, 2 bedrooms, bottom flat -$65 000, PRASHAD Nagar: excellent neighbourhood, unfurnished 3 bedrooms, parking US$1200, KITTY, William Street: furnished bottom flat 1-bedroom, AC, parking -$65 000, BEl Air Park: newly built 2-storey furnished, 3 bedrooms, AC, parking US$2500, GREENFIELD Park, gated community: 2-storey furnished, 3 bedrooms, large parking, big yard space US$1300, KITTY, Barr Street: upper-flat, 3 bedrooms -$125 000, ECCLES: new apartment building, 2 bedrooms, unfurnished, parking -$120 000 neg, NEW Haven: secured area, modern 2-storey property, unfurnished, 3 bedrooms, AC, parking -US$2500, BEL Air Gardens: peaceful environment, unfurnished, 4-bedrooms, self-contained master room with patio, parking -US$1500, KITTY, Garnett Street, beautiful 2-storey concrete semi furnished, parking, AC, US$1800 neg, PARAFAIT: 3 bedrooms, self-contained, AC, parking -$65 000. Contact Pete's Real Estate: 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE NEW home - $30M neg. 6110315, 690-8625. 1 HD Projector, 1 receiver amplifier. Contact 642-0078. ONE concrete 2 flat house in Sophia, prime location. Call 629-7745. 2-STOREY house at 319 East Street $19M. Tel. 225-7593. PROPERTY FOR SALE. CONTACT 609-0062/699-9926. 3 BEDROOMS: 324 Bee Hive Public Road, E.C. Demerara. Tel 621-9229. 61 TUCBER Park, NewAmsterdam, 2 storey building. Tel: 654-6540. HAPPY Acres $45M, 223-1765, 615-8734.\ 3 BEDROOM 2 storey concrete in Lusignan $18M neg. 675-7385. ATLANTIC Ville $52M neg, semi-furnished. Tel. 680-3771, 694-7210. 6-BEDROOM property at Hibiscus Place for sale -$20M; Contact 680-3771, 694-7210. 2-BEDROOM house in Enterprise -$10.4M neg. Tel. 6803771, 694-7210. PROPERTY in Bare Root, ECD. No agents. Reasonable offer. Tel. 612-6417. CHARLOTTE Street 100x35 ft, 3 lots from Bank $56M neg. 225-9882, 681-2499. GROVE, E.B.D flat concrete house $11M; Sophia land $1.5M. Tel. 684-6266. OCEAN front land (100x50) on the East Coast, with house. Tel. 657-8086. AGRICULTURE Road: 2storey 3-bedroom property. Tel. 612-2522 2-BEDROOM house and land in De Kindren, W.C.D. -$7M neg. Tel. 679-7691, 327-5592. ONE property at Schoon Ord New Housing Scheme, WBD, 2-storey concrete. Tel. 698-3636. ONE 2-storey concrete house in Grove, fully tiled, 3 bedrooms upstairs. 628-2330. GROVE E.B.D - 3 bedroom flat concrete house - $11M, Sophia land $1.2 & $2M. Tel: 684-6266

3-BEDROOM flat house, fully grilled, with all amenities located at Herstelling EBD, in a gated community. Serious enquiries only 6708958.

PROPERTY FOR SALE RANCH house (Region No.9), main house and out house located on 25 acres of land For more information, please call Harry on 592-641-5499, 592-6801669 or Natasha 592-617-5860.

CAMPBELLVILLE, Georgetown: six-bedroom twoflat ,land size 133 x 60 -$65M neg, Block CC Mon Repos, ECD $23M and -$20M neg. Tel 2235460, 639-2835.

VERSAILLES: Fully furnished 5-bedroom house, all rooms self-contained, modern facilities including generator. Beautiful landscape in gated community. Tel: 592-624-8704, 592-684-9203.

SEMI-unfurnished flat concrete house situated at Pariel 806 of Block XXVIII Plantation Friendship, East Bank Demerara with fruit trees, price negotiable. Call Tel. Nos 647-8595, 270-4149, 227-7978 ask for Terrence.

EXECUTIVE two-storey building, 3 bedrooms with all modern conveniences, Meadow Brook Gardens, Mr. Narine. 696-8230. ONE two-storey with business at Lamaha Street, Queenstown. Tel. 231-4586, 673-5546, 695-4382 FRIENDSHIP, La Parfaite Harmonie, Crane Village, West Ruimveldt, La Penitence, Kitty, Good Hope. 688-4414, 615-3728. LAND with incomplete structure at 19th Street, Diamond -$4.5 million. 654-7510, 614-5100. 1 - NEW 3-bedroom concrete house, 1 master bedroom, fully grilled in Caneville E.B.D. TEL. 697-9540, 691-5978.

2 FLAT wooden building, 178 Waterloo Street, Georgetown. $50M. Call 627-3994. 1 - DOUBLE lot with 2-storey concrete house, Chateau Margot, E.C.D. -$32M Tel. 661-9431. EXECUTIVE 4-bedroom property in Atlantic Ville, E.C.D. -$56M. Contact 680-3771, 694-7210. 3-BEDROOM property on 100x120 plot of land in Berbice for sale -$18M Contact 694-7210, 680-3771. UNFINISHED property located in Linden on 150x200 plot of land for sale -$16M Contact 680-3771, 694-7210. KITTY $30M, Campbellville $40M, Queenstown $40M, Diamond $9M. Tel. 642-0636. QUEENSTOWN, Peter Rose Street: one large concrete and wooden building, vacant possess, price negotiable. Tel. 225-0545. TWO-storey 3-bedroom selfcontained, remote gate, standby generator, in Lamaha Gardens 684-1163, 600-0944. ONE fully furnished two-bedroom house in Bougainvillea Park, Farm, E.B.D. Contact Adrian 678-1243. PRADO Ville mansion, 5 bedrooms, all self-contained AC, parking etc.:$120M neg. Serious enquiries. Call: 610-8332. 3-BEDROOM house E.C.D. $13M; new 2-storey Diamond EBD $20M neg. Contact 6742600, 223-1440. FESTIVAL City: one wooden house, needs a little repairs, selling price$16.5M. Call 225-7173, cell 684-4194. 2 PROPERTIES (SIDE BY SIDE) ECD PUBLIC ROAD 2storey/flat concrete $18M, Lusignan 3-storey/flat South Road. TEL. 226-8148, 625-1624. REPUBLIC Gardens New Housing Scheme Gated community situated in Peter's Hall District, East Bank Demerara.. All infrastructure are in place. Interested persons are asked to make contact at our office: 2251787 or 672-7189 NEED to sell or rent your property? Call Capital Realty 226-9383 for professional service and results.


2-BEDROOM, 2-storey property at Enterprise, ECD. 2 more properties at Non Pareil and Liliendaal, ECD. Tel: 639-6013, 670-9004 Dave. QUEENSTOWN, Peter Rose Street: One large concrete and wooden building. Price neg. Tel. 225-0545. KITTY: Business place, transported two-storey concrete front building. Price neg. Tel. 2250545. DIAMOND: One two-bedroom concrete flat building with yard space, Price neg. Tel. 6420636. CAMPBELLVILLE, Stone Avenue: Large concrete building with two self-contained apartments. Vacant possession. Tel. 642-0636. SECURE investment opportunity: Invest in a property on Florida, gateway resort in Florida with 41% return in 2 years. Call 692-9384. TWO-storey concrete building - 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 down, garage - located at 16CC Eccles E.B.D. Tel. 621-9115, 666-2626. 2-STOREY concrete house: 3 bedrooms, 1 self-contained with AC, 1 laundry room, located at Mon Repos, E.C.D. $36M neg. Tel. # 6422116. CAMPBELLVILLE, Stone Avenue: large concrete building with two self-contained apartments, immediate vacant possession. Tel. 225-0545. RESIDENTIAL Area, twostorey building on double plot. Lots of fruit trees. Ogle - Shamrock Gardens, East Coast. Contact 642-4926. PROPERTY at Lot 39 'C' Martin Street, Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice. Tel. 2190223, 685-4839 after 18:00hrs. $2.5M. Must go. LODGE commercial property: 4-corner, consist of apartments rental and beverage depot. Tel. 223-7181, 627-4900. S. DEONARAIN Real Estate Business and Valuation Services at 4 Strand, New Amsterdam, Berbice. Tel. 330-2521, 6115233. LOT 6 B Grant's Scheme, Craig, E.B.D. 3-room flat concrete garage, water trestle -$13 million neg. No Agents. Tel. 266-2779 after 6:00pm.

ONE going concern: property for sale on Sheriff Street, Campbellville. Call 227-4792 or 656-9894, 682-7733.

TWO-storey concrete wooden building in prime business area on Sheriff Street. Contact Pete's Real Estate, 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805.

LARGE concrete building bordered by 3 Main Streets in central Georgetown. Ideal for offices, school, bond, etc., 4 flats 130ft x 35 ft each, land 250ft x 50 ft. 227-0190, 693-5610.

GOOD Hope $20M, 25M, Better Hope $50M, Bel Air $40M, Alberttown 60M, 4th Street Campbellville $65M. LAND Kitty, Duncan Street $28M, Da Silva $19M & $20M.

1 - TWO-storey concrete, needs repairs, located at A12 East La Penitence Housing Scheme, Georgetown, just behind the Police Station. Price $22M neg. Tel. 6626173, 648-4420. LOCATED at Thomas and Lamaha Streets, Kitty, prime business spot. Tel. 225-7732, 610-3043, 689-7250, 6884771. BUSINESS property in Bent St - $16.5M, Phone Mr. Darindra 615-0069, 226-1064, 618-0000, Mr Pereira 6232591, 225-2626. 225-5198, 231-2064, 226-1064. 2-STOREY, William St - $30M, land sixe 100x50 - 669-3350, 6232591, 226-1064, 225-2626, 2255198, 225-3068, 231-2064, 2276949, 227-6368, 225-2709. BUSINESS for sale one game shop located at Lot 13 D'Urban Street, Werk-en-Rust, for price contact Leon Denobrega. Tel. # 610-0808, 231-8424. HOPE, Diamond, Crane Village, West Ruimveldt, North Road, Robb Street, La Parfaite Harmonie. Tel. 629-8253, 6884414, SOUTH $19M and $23M, Kitty $25M, East Ruimveldt $14M, WBD $9M, Eccles $23M, Main Street US$900 000, seaside land BV $15M a plot. Troy 626-2243, 694-3652. GREIA ECCLES: Three bedroom concrete building 28M; Diamond - concrete and wooden two-storey building - 16M; Guyhoc Park - two-storey concrete and wooden building- 11M. Tel # 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078. OGLE E.C.D 2 family concrete house upper flat 3 bedroom lower flat 2 bedroom price $56 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. DIAMOND E.B.D- brand new Executive concrete house, upper flat 4 bedroom and lower flat 2 apartments Price $53 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. D'URBAN BACKLANDS - 3 bedroom flat house on corner lot, repairs needed Price $14 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 6857887, 643-6353. VERSAILLES W.B.D- brand new 5 bedroom executive house with extra house lot. Price $70 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. PUBLIC ROAD KITTY: two family concrete property suitable for business Price $45million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. MON REPOS E.C.D- Modern 4 bedroom concrete property inclusive of 1 master room. Price $36million neg ., Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. DIAMOND E.B.D- Modern 2 family concrete house. Price $35 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. KITTY $30M, East Coast $11.5M, East Bank $13M, BB Eccles $25M, AA Eccles $60M, Alberttown $32M, West bank $18.5M. Diana 227-2256, 6269382.



LAND OF CANAAN- 4 bedroom concrete house just off the public road. Price $17.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

SANDY BABB STREET KITTY - 2 storey wooden and concrete Income Property. Price $66 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

REPUBLIC Gardens, E.B.D.: new 2-storey concrete house, 4-bedroom, 1 master, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, laundry, living room, roof garden, fully tiled gated community -$29M neg. 652-9173, 644-3275.

DIAMOND/GROVE E.B.D3 bedroom flat house. Price $13 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353.

DIAMOND, 19th Avenue: 1 incomplete, 2-storey house, transported, wonderful neighbourhood -$6M neg, Section "k" Campbellville,1 2-storey mansion, 4 master rooms, AC, etc $45M. Naresh Persaud 225-9882, 681-2499. PRASHAD NAGAR- Investment property. 3 bedrooms upper flat and 3 bedroom lower flat. Price reduced to $58 million for quick sale . Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353 GARNETTE STREET C/ VILLE- concrete building on double lot. Price $58 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353 QUEENSTOWN- Investment property on corner. Suitable for business, apartment complex, hotel or dream house etc. Land size 6500 Sq Ft.Price $85 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. BENT STRRET- FREEBURG - 3 bedroom wooden house. Price $12 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. DIAMOND E.B.D- 4 bedroom concrete house . Price $25 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. REPUBLIC PARK E.B.D 4 bedroom concrete house. Price $34.5 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 2257276, 665 7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. TROPICAL REAL ESTATE: brand new modern 4storey building for commercial purposes in popular business district 36x34 building single and land 42x50 asking US$1M neg. Tel. 676-8995, 681-0795, 611-8438. ROBB STREET - close proximity to Bourda. Investment properties. Price $ 180 million. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643-6353. RAMROOP'S Real Estate and Appraisals Enterprise with house -$6M, Sister's Village, business property W.B.D. -$50M, option to rent. For all your Real Estate needs. Tel. 628-1567, 628-5738. ALBERT STREET, ALBERTOWN - 3 storey concrete investment property. Suitable for school, embassy, office complex etc. Price $160 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. CARMICHEAL STREEET 2 storey wooden and concrete back building with 7 ft drive way. Suitable for office/residence. Price $23 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

DIAMOND/GROVE - 2 family concrete house. Price $13.5 million neg . Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. ONE-flat three-bedroom property at Somerset Court $16M, one two-bedroom flat at Diamond -$9.5M. Call Pete's Real Estate - 223-6218, 2265546, 227-2487, 623-7805. SOUTH Ruimveldt Garden two-storey wooden concrete 6bedrooms -$21M,. Call Pete's Real Estate - 225-5546, 2272487, 226-9951, 623-7805. TWO-storey concrete building, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 bedrooms downstairs, at Eccles, E.B.D. -$25M. Call Pete's Real Estate - 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 623-7805. TWO-storey concrete building at Station St. three bedrooms up, two downstairs, in excellent condition -$50M. Call Pete's Real Estate - 226-5546, 2272487, 226-9951, 623-7805. THREE-storey building at Regent Street, central location US$1.8M. Call Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-5546, 2272487, 226-9951, 623-7805. QUEENSTOWN- 3 storey concrete Investment Property. Suitable for business, school, apartment complex, hotel etc. Price $100,000,000 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. NANDY PARK E.C.D - 2 family wooden and concrete Income Property. Price $35 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353. SOUTH ROAD - brand new 3 storey concrete building with roof garden. Currently renting as hotel and bar. Price $115,000,000 million neg. Contact Royal Real Estate on 225-7276, 665-7400, 6857887, 643-6353. HOUSES: Mon Repos $23M, $20M, Diamond $34M , Ogle $65M Contact 223-8479, 647-3768 www. s p a c e s e e k . g y HOUSE and Land for Sale Two Storyed Wooden and Concrete House, Sixth Street Alberttown Georgetown. $35 Million Dollars Negotiable. Contact: Mr. George Teekah Tel: 231-6278 Or Dr: Thasana Teekah Tel: 626-0993 MIDDLETON Street, Campbellville: 2-storey concrete house, 3 bedrooms upstairs, one self-contained; 2 bedrooms downstairs, one self-contained; back house, huge driveway -price $30M net. Phone 226-5999, 6192525. GREIA: Strathspey ECD: Flat three-bedroom concrete building $6M, Eccles two corner spots, concrete buildings $25M, Canal No. 2 two-storey 4-bedroom concrete building on 9 acres of land $25M, Tel. 2253737, 225-4398, 651-7078.

LING STREET, CHARLESTOWN - 2 family wooden and concrete house, 3 bedrooms upper and 2 bedrooms lower. Price reduced to $11.7 million for quick sale. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 665-7400, 685-7887, 643-6353.

GREIA: Campbellville twostorey concrete building $50M, Atlantic Ville furnished twostorey building with generator, overlooking Atlantic Ocean $55M. Tel. 2 2 5 - 3 7 3 7 , 2 2 5 4398, 651-7078.

C/VILLE close proximity to Sheriff Street - brand new 3 storey concrete Investment Property. Suitable for business, school, residence etc. Price USD $ 1. 4 million. Contact Royal Real Estate 225-7276, 6657400, 685-7887, 643- 6353.

BUSINESS: REGENT STREET, Robb Street, Church Street. RESIDENTIAL NEW HAVEN, Bel Air Springs, Gardens and Park, Lamaha Gardens, Prashad Nagar, Atlantic Gardens, Diamond. TEL. 2268148, 625-1624.

PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO business spots in prime areas (1) Robb Street land 32x110 - $60M and North Road land Size 32x100 - $60M. Call Pete's Real Estate - 226-9951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 223-6218, 623-7805. EAST Ruimveldt $13M, Eccles $25M neg, Vlissengen and D'Andrade $150M neg, South Ruimveldt $23M neg, Princes Street business $62M neg, bond space $150M neg, Enterprise $13M neg. Contact Alicia 616-1442. OGLE: one 2-storey concrete building, 3-bedroom with parking and land space $45M neg, West La Penitence one wooden and concrete 3-bedroom building $5M, Georgetown one 2-storey wooden and concrete building upper flat apartment for rental and bottom flat whole sale business. Call 645-5938. THESE are ) NOVEMBER bargains: Sec. 'K' $23 million, Meadow Brook $28M, and $35M, Kitty $23, Alberttown concrete massive for hotel $45M, Bel Air Park in great condition $52M, HappyAcres executive $58M, Alberttown $30M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville $34M now, Phone 2252626, 225-5198, 227-6863, 2276449, 225-2709, 231-2064, 2261064, 667-7812 tonyre i d s r e a l t y @ h o t m a i l . c o m . HIBISCUS Place $7M, Patentia $7M, East Ruimveldt $10.5M, Granville Park BV $32M, Section K C/ville $48M, Guysuco Gardens $90M, Kitty US$1.5M, Subryanville US$2.2M, Grove $5.5M, $7.5M, $12M, Diamond $8.5M, $18M, $23M, Anandale $9M, Eccles $30M. Call: Rosanna 6715008, 619-8000. Email: rosannarealty_g t @ y a h o o . c o m , BBM 236A219D . PRIME Real Estate: 2-storey building, excellent condition, Pitt Street New Amsterdam, Berbice, 7000 sq. ft, for sale or rent. Double lot 70x108 New Amsterdam, Berbice $20M neg, Clothing boutique for sale on Church and Camp. Contact 3333803, 698-2499. BEAUTIFUL two-storey concrete five-bedroom property at Nandy Park $70M, three bedrooms two-storey concrete house in Republic Park -$40M, beautiful two-storey three-bedroom house at Continental Park -$39M, four-bedroom, 2 self-contained house at Atlantic Garden has hot and cold, AC and is selling fully furnished $45M. Call Pete's Real Estate: 2265546, 223-6218, 226-9951, 2272487, 623-7805. OGLE, ECD: Two properties one for $32M, and $52M good condition, no repairs. Call Pete's Real Estate, Lot 2 George St., 227-2487, 226-5546. Nandy Park excellent 2storey concrete building one family with four bedrooms situated at a corner for $72M. Call Pete's Real Estate. 2272487, 226-5546. EXECUTIVE 2 storey concrete building with modern conveniences (furnished/unfurnished), Safe location opposite Central Police Station (Coburg Street, New Amsterdam), 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Office space completed on 1st floor with private entrance, Large landscaped lot (71x120). Contact Lana Sattaur at 333-2377 or LAND OF CANAAN: 1 spacious modern 3-bedroom concrete house, 3 master rooms, guest room, AC, generator, separate caretaker's apartment plus 2-bedroom flat concrete house, fully fenced in concrete, lots of fruit trees on 3 acres of land. Ideally built for a Hindu family. Price US$550 000 neg. Naresh Persaud. 225-9882, 681-2499. N E W modern Pike North Ruimveldt ranch with master room $17M, Meadow Brook Gardens $35M, Tucville concrete new $27M, Providence $25M, new ranch $13M, Bel Air Park $45M, Prashad Nagar $37M, Duncan St. $23M, Sec. 'M' Campbellville requires r e pairs $14M, D'Urban St. $15M, Bent St. business residence. Phone Lord Johnny Ramsohoye 225-2709, 618-0000, 2276949, 225-2626, 226-1064, 227-6949, 225-5198.

PROPERTY FOR SALE ONE-storey wooden building in good condition Success on Embankment Road for $24M, concrete building needs improvement work on Railway Embankment road on 22 000 sq. feet of land $48M Contact Pete's Real Estate 223-6218, 226-9951, 227-2487, 2265546, 623-7805. K I T T Y, S t a t i o n S t r e e t , property with existing business, 2-storey concrete, 2family, 3 bedrooms ups tairs, 2 bedrooms downstairs, yard s p a c e $ 5 5 M , C o n t a c t P ete's Real Estate 223-6218, 2269951, 227-2487, 226-5546, 623-7805. WATERSIDE PARK Bush Lot Village, West Coast Berbice. Vacant lots from $2.6M - $+5M and lots with newly completed houses from $6.8M. 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom homes close to race track, seashore, schools, supermarket, churches, gas station, shops etc. NO DOWN PAYMENT: monthly, quarterly or half-yearly instalments. Roads, water, electricity, phone. Regency Homes 232-0107, 610-0956. ONE 3 BEDROOM property in Independence Boulevard La Penitence - $7M giveaway, own leaving before Christmas. Phone 226-1064/692-3831/623-2591/ 615-0069/225-2626. PUBLIC ROAD, WEST BANK BUSINESS PROPERTY 200'X30' (6000 SQ FT) INCLUDING STOCKS VALUED OVER $20M. IDEAL FOR SUPERMARKET, HARDWARE STORE, PRIVATE SCHOOL, OR ANY OTHER LUCRATIVE BUSINESS G$53M NEG. SERIOUS ENQUIRES ONLY (NO AGENTS PLEASE) CALL MAX ON 672-8569, 609-8132. FABULOUS Home Int'l: Coldigen - $14M, $16M, neg, Enterprise - $12M, Paradise Public Road - $12M, East Ruimveldt $13.5M, South Ruimveldt - $17M, $18M, $25M neg, Diamond $13M, $14M, LAND John Street $28M, Da Silva Street - $19M and $20M, Diamond Grove - $5M$7M, etc. Contact Theresa 6486033. RAPHAEL'S Real Estate and Property Management Service 204 Charlotte Street, B o u r d a . Te l . 2 2 5 - 8 2 4 1 , 2 2 7 4950, 226-7829, Fax: 2271537 Properties for sale: Durban St., Lodge - $29M, William St. Campbellville $34M, Wills Ave Republic Park - $32M, 59 Stanleytown N/A, B/ce - $24M, Forte Island, Essequibo River 33.5 acres - $5.9M. TO move in for Christmas Happy Acres 2-storey concrete $24M, Republic Park -$30M, Norton Street for business and residence -$30M, close to complete Dowding Street 2nd building $7M, vacant 2-storey Dowding Street -$29M, give away Lamaha Street close to Vlissengen Road $21M, 2-bedroom vacant Eccles BB -$15M, Lodge -$13M, South Ruimveldt -$18M, give away Lamaha Gardens -$60M, Prashad Nagar -$55M, William Street $31M, Durban Backlands -$31M 661-1952, 225-2626, 231-2064, 225-5198, 117-6863, 225-3068, 225-1709, 623-2591. PROPERTY for sale by bid. Contact Pete's Real Estate Lot 2 George Street, Werk-en-Rust Georgetown 223-6218, 2269951, 227-5546, 623-7805 Lot 65 3½ Mile, Housing Scheme, Bartica, 1 flat concrete buildi n g , 3 b e d r o o m s . L o t 11 0 E Elizabeth Hall, Enterprise, ECD 2-storey concrete, 3 bedrooms. Lot 76 3½ Mile Housing Scheme, Bartica, 1 flat concrete building, Lot 214 La Parfaite Harmonie, WBD, 2-store concrete needs internal repairs. Lot 577 Section 'C' Sophia, 1 flat concrete structure. Lot 101 Blankenburg, WCD, 2storey concrete, 3 bedrooms. Lot 43 Sans Souci, Wakenaam, 2-storey wooden building.



ONE NEWLY built two flat concr e t e b u i l d i n g a t D i a mond New Scheme. The upstairs consists of two selfcontained bedrooms with built-in closets, a spacious k i t c hen, dining and living rooms along with a large verandah at the back. The lower flat has a twobedroom apartment and a large area that could be used as a bond or for any business. The yard has a concrete fen c e w i t h s p i k e s and razor wire above it. There is also a laundry and a generator room downstairs along with a fully tiled carport. A complete water supply is available including six tanks and pump. Asking price: $42M. Interested persons can contact owner at 693 2531.

EXQUISITE! AA Eccles $85M Republic Park $55M, BB Eccles $35M, Diamond unfinished $22M, Queenstown $100M, Lamaha St. $40M, Section 'K' $40M - $ 7 5 M . C o n t a c t 6 4 4 9883.

WAT E R S I D E PA R K Bush Lot Village, West Coast B e r b i c e . Va c a n t l o ts f r o m $2.6M - $+5M and lots with newly completed houses from $6.8M. 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom homes close to race track, seashore, schools, supermarket, churches, gas station, shops etc. NO DOWN PAY M E N T : m o n t h l y, q u a r terly or h a l f -yearly i n s t a l m e n t s . R o a d s , w a t e r, e l e c t r i c i t y, p h o n e . R e g e n c y Homes 232-0107, 610-0956. EXCELLENT location DUKE Street, Kingston opposite the American Embassy. One (1) huge four storey concrete and steel building, 2 bedrooms on each flat, AC< h o t w a t e r, r e f r i g e r a t o r a n d stove one ach floor and fully furnished, generator. Can be used for embassy, office, apartments or residence. Price $180M. Property being sold with all equipment and furnishings inclusive. Serious enquiries 223-8634, 646-3251, 2270464 CALL us at Raphael's Realty, 204 Charlotte St. Bourda Tel. 225-8241, 227-4950 after hrs 226-7829 fax 227-1537. Timehri hotel $60M, executive Ogle $100M, $115M, $170M, Diamond $21.5M, $26M, Queenstown $65M, $75M, $120M, Kitty $60M, LBI $43M, Versailles $25M, Westminster WBD $24M, Republic Park $40M, Nandy Park $40M, South R o a d . 3 - s t o r e y b u i l d i n g . $ 2 2 0 M , B r i c k dam $180M, Hop e E C D $ 2 5 M , Lamaha G a rd e n s $125M, $200M, Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Louisa Row $44M, Lamaha St Alberttown $85M, Subryanville $500M. LAND for sale La Grange $3M, Smyth St. $60M, Bel Air (ECD) $42M.

25% DISCOUNT on all p r op e r t i e s f o r t h i s s u m m e r only. UG Gardens $140M, Republic Park $30M, Nandy Park 4 apartments $32M, Middle Road La Penitence land s i z e 140 x 60 $17M, second Street Alberttown business and residence $45M, 5th St. Alberttown massive concrete $48M, Eccles $14M, Kitty Sandy Babb St. two properties on double lot $38M, Lamaha St Queenstown apartment complex $5 8 M . P h o n e V i c e Pr esident 231-2064, 2253068, 2 2 7 - 6 8 6 3 , 2 2 6 - 1 0 6 4 , 227-6949, 225-2626. R&N Marketing and Rea l t y. K I T T Y$ 17 M , $ 33M & $ 3 5 M , Good Hope $15.5M, G a r n e t t S t $ 3 1 M , Montrose $16M, Mon Repos B l o c k C C $23M, $ 1 0.5M & $9M, Ganges St. P/Nagar - 5 Bedroom $58M, Granville Park $31M, Lusignan business property $13M, Durban St $21M, Ogle A/Strip Road $55M, Better Hope Pub Rd $37M, Cummings St $37M, New Market St $55M, Ea s t St $ 6 0 M , Happy Acres $ 30 M , N o r t h R o a d $ 70 M , Bel/A/Park $60M, P/Nagar $28M, L/Gardens $75M,Regent St. $1.2MUS. Diamond - 2nd Ave, 5 Bedr o o m $ 3 8 M . Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332.

R&N Marketing and Realty. Delph St C/VILLE 5 bedroom selfcontained back house $ 28M , LBI Embankment $24M, Good H o p e P / R d (land - 280x140) $ 90 M , Sherrif & Enachu Sts. $75M, Vlissengen Rd. (land) $75M, $110M, $140M, Sherrif St, $50M, S o u t h Ruimveldt $16M, Diamond $9M,$12M, $22M, East R/ veldt $10.5M, Eccles $30M, $34M, A/town $36M,Triumph $14M, Agriculture Road, Triumph $20M, Sherriff St. $150M, Subryanville $58M, Brickdam $100M, Ogle brand new 2-storey, 5 bedroom house $80M, Lamaha St, Queenstown, 3-storey, corner proprty $85M. Tel. 219-4399, 6108332 NOVEMBER Bargains in Guyana: Full concrete D'Urban Street business $19M, business and residence Bent Street 16M, Gordon Street business & residence $23M. Waterloo Street business and residence (new) $35M. South Road Land $36M, Charlotte Street 2 buildings 2 houses by Light $32M. Land 140 x 60 by Russian E mbassy $30M. Land at Turkeyen 140x60 $32M. L0 Ressovenure Land 126x60 $20M. Campbellville flat house needs repairs $13M. Section K $19M needs repa i r s , 3 - s t o r e y Q u a m i n a S t r e e t for ho tel US$599 000, Bel Air Park $49M Lamaha Gardens valued $85M now $70M. Rental of apartments from US$700, Residence US$1 200 upwards. Phone Lord Patrick Pereira 227-6863, 225-2709, 227-6949, 226-1064, 669-3350. 7 days a week EXECUTIVE HOUSESRORAIMA TRUST, VERSAILLES- $50M; AA ECCLES- $50M, $75M, $100M; D I A M O N D - $ 3 8 M ; ALBERTTOWN (2 COTTAGES)- $26M; GRANVILLE PARK, BV- $40M; OGLE (PUBLIC ROAD) - $45M; KITTY$70M; NON PARIEL$25M,$20M, $15M; COLDINGEN- $14M; ATLANTIC GARDENS- $50M; IMAX/ ENTERPRISE GARDENS$28M/ $12M; ANNANDALE (PUBLIC ROAD)- $45M; ANNANDALE -$22M; HAPPY ACRES- $28M, $45M; NEW MARKET STREET- $55M; HADFIELD STREET- $12M; GROVE-$16M; UJAMA SCHEME, L.B.I$16M; LAMAHA STREET- $8M. JEWANRAM: 227-1988/ 2704470/ 623-6431/ 647-0560 E m a i l : / FABULOUS Homes International Realty: Coldingen $14M neg, Rasville $14M neg, Enmore $8M neg, Campbellville $15M neg, Diamond 2 for 1 deal $15M neg, Cove and John 2 homes 5 bed rooms $12M, 4-bedro o m $10M, McDoom Solid concrete $20M, North Ruimveldt 7bedroom fixer upper, Nismes $6.5M, La Parfaite Harmonie $8.5M, 6-bedroom apartment (4 2-br, 2 1-br) only $21M neg), corner lot 89x80 Albouystown. Ready to go now! And many more, call Ahaziah 613-3018 SOUTH Ruimveldt $21M, $25M, $17M, North Ruimveldt $15M, Dowding St. $17M, Leonora $48M, neg, Grove $10M neg, Diamond $5M, Non Pariel $15M neg, Prashad Nagar $32M, Section 'K' $40M neg, Plaisance $7.8M, Kingston $18M, Princess Street $14M neg, Durban Backlands $30M neg, Continental Park $60M neg, Lodge $ 11 M , N o r t h R o a d $ 6 0 M , Guyhoc park $12M, Rentals William St. Kitty US$600 - 1000, Call Corretta on tel. # 697-7842, 6716653, 231-7 0 5 2 .


GUYANA CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2013 NISSAN part finder parts, 92/93 model 677-4135/ FOR Tel: SALE 687-3896.




HARRY & SON REAL ESTATE LOT 185 CHARLOTTE & KING STREETS, MARAJ BUILDING TEL. # 227-0265, 227-1881, 629-5178 Non Pariel, Norton Street, Carmichael Street, North Ruimveldt, Bel Air Park, Thomas Street business spot, Durban Street business spot, South Ruimveldt, Continental Park, Craig - $13M. LAND Friendship land size 115x450 (Wharf side) $65M, Meadow Brook Gardens - $8.5M.

NEW concrete Section 'K' $44M, 7-apartment William St. concrete building reduced from $60M to $50M, Kitty house requires. repair on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Mi d d l e R o a d L a P e n i t e n c e $ 1 6.5M, a l m o s t Regent and Oronoque St. $36M, Charlotte Street East of Orange Walk $28M, South Ruimve l d t Gardens $66M, Meadow Brook concrete $45M, executive Republic Park $ 4 8 M , L a maha Gardens 3 selfcontained $70M, Prashad Nagar 6-bedroom $58M, business 3-storey Quamina Street $85M, Bel Air Gardens on double lot $140M, Subryanville $58M, Alberttown concrete business $40M, New Haven 4 self-contained $80M, 3-bedroom new concrete Ogle $48M, Bel Air Park $52M, Croal St. 3-storey require repairs $30M, 4 lots in AA Eccles with incompl e t e cathedral-style s t r u c t u r e r e q u i r e s $20M to complete, plus reserve and place for lake $90M neg. , Mr. Darendra 615-0069, Vice Presiednt Alysious Pereira 6232591, Vice President Jhonny Ramsahoye 225-2709, Vice President Darindra 615-0069, 225-2626, 2253068, 227-6863, 226-1064, 6677812, facebook Tony Reid Realty 7 days a week 24 hours a day all holidays and all prices are negotiable.

FIAT 180-90 4x4 tractor, Ford 7740 4WD tractors, 416 Caterpillar 4x4 L/backhoe, Cherry picker list 45ft, 1- 400 Amps diesel welder Perkins engine on trailer. Tel 6662518, 671-1809, 639-2789.

2 ICE Machines, 1 smoothie machine, small fridge. Tel. 231-0655, 683-8734.


COMPLETE Pentium and desktop computer with dell screen $35 000. Call 226-2322, 697-7575.

EXCELLENT b a r g a i n s Norton Street - $14M, Bent Street business and residence - $16M, executive Prashad Nagar mansion double lot - $85M, 8 apt. apartment complex was - $120M, now - $85M, Sec. 'K' Campbellville - $23M, Alberttown concrete 5 b e d r o o m s - $46M , other for - $19M, and - $30M, South Ruimveldt Gardens - $19M, Festival City - $14M Charlotte Street business and residence by Bourda Market - $26M, Cummings Street - $34M, Meadow Brook - $28M, D'Urban Street for double lot for 5-stor e y - $25M, Phone Lord Alysious Pereira - 623-2591,227-6949, 225-2709, 231-2064, 227-6863, 226-1064, 227-6 8 6 3 , 2 2 5 - 5 1 9 8 , 6 6 7 7 8 1 2 t o n y r e i d s r e a l t y @ h o t m a i l . c om R&N Marketing and Realty. Good Hope PUBLIC Road East Coast (land - 675 x 92) $150M, Agriculture Rd, Triumph (land 600 x 45 ft) $14M, Chimney Road, Chateau Margot - (4 bedroom self cont) $31M, Atlantic Ville 5 bedroom self contained $53M, Diamond 2nd Ave5 Bedroom $40M, Queenstown (back lot 80x60) $37M, Oleander Gdns $40M,Alberttown,6th St, $52M, L/ Gardens $55M, Atlantic G a r d e n s $ 45 M , D u n c a n S t $ 30M , Alexander St $ 50M , R o b b St $60M,Barr St $65M , E a r l ' s C o u r t $ 3 5 M , Meadow Brook Gardens $50M, Queenstown $70M, South Road $85M. Republic Gdns -Land (100x100) $24M. Tel. 219-4399, 610-8332. QUEENSTOWN: 3-storey con c r e t e building, Price $ 1 00 M . S o u t h R u i m v e l dt Gardens prop erty in good condition. Price $18M. Lamaha Gardens beautiful 2-storey concrete property 3 self-conta i n e d , 1 m a s t e r, l i b rary, television room, living room, upstairs back verandah, downs t a i r s den, fully marble stone tile, family room patio, garage parking space, for 3 cars, needs cosmet i c s , l a n d s p a c e P r i c e $ 9 0 M, O g l e b e a u t i f u l p r o p erty $90M, M o n R e p o s $ 3 6 M neg, Regent St. $120M beautiful home excellent condition in Eccles $55M neg, Queenstown property $100M. Do call us at Joy Reid's Realty. We are located at 247(D) Forshaw and Oronoque Streets, Q u e e n s t o w n . Te l . 2 2 5 - 6 8 5 8 , 2 2 5 - 7 1 6 4 , 6 6 7 - 7 8 1 2 , email: 2 5% D I S C O U N T o n a l l properties for this summer only. Sale! Sale! Sale! Business property immediately: East of Orange Walk in Charlotte Stree t $ 2 8 M , 3 storey business property in Croal Street requires repairs $32M, Bent Street almost new 2-storey business property $!6M, South Ruimveldt Gardens residence $16M, Ogle fully concrete new $49M, Tucville new $26M, Prashad Nagar executive $55M, Bel Air Park $55M, Kitty business or residence requires repairs, on 8 000 sq. ft $19M, Fors h a w o l d ho u s e $21M, 3-storey business close to Main Stree t $ 5 5 M , M e a d o w B r o o k $45M, f u l l y c o n c r e t e D'Urban B acklands $30M, New Section 'K' $42M, Lamaha Gardens e x e c u t i v e $ 6 8 M , o n e ranch-style Section 'M' 3-bedroom suites for elderly $50M, fully concrete with excellent interior work, Bel Air Gardens $130M 2 3 1 - 2 0 6 4 , 225-3068, 2 2 7 -686 3 , 2261064, 227-6949,

BETTER VALUES REALTY PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES 31 Bent Street, Werk-en-Rust, Georgetown (592) 225-8101; 225-8103, 686-3153; 6 5 8 3 9 2 8 Available Land, Rentals and Property Diamond (4) bedroom furnished with pool -78m, Behind Plaza (4) apt double lot -30m Neg, Lot 5 Best Road (3) bedroom flat W.C.D -17m, Mon Repos (3) bedroom flat -12m Neg, Sophia Apt -20m Neg, Public Road Kitty (2) storey (5) bedroom 55m, Diamond (2) bedroom flat -$9.5M, Mandela Avenue (2) storey -$19M Neg, Kingston (3) bedroom $12M Neg, Herstelling (2) storey $14.5M, Ogle Airport (5) bedroom $65M Neg, La Grange (3) bedroom flat -$8M Neg, Goed Fortuin (3) bedroom flat -$30M, Patentia (4) bedroom -$28M, Charlestown (3) storey $33M, Essequibo large land (93 * 226) -$17M, Uitvlugt W.C.D (2) storey -$15M Neg, Pouderoyen W.C.D (2) bedroom flat $5.8M, Prashad Nagar (2) storey -$65M, Republic Park (2) storey-$37M, Diamond -$7M, Robb and Albert $110M, Robb and Oronoque $85M, Plaza Bridge Double lot house 3 bedrooms -$20M, Eccles Docal Road two family house, 3 bedrooms upstairs and 2 downstairs -$30M, Anna Catherina house 3 bedrooms and 1master room -$25M, Pike Street House Top Flat 2 self contained bedroom hot/cold shower, lower flat 1&2 bedroom apartments -$45M, Prashad Nagar 5 bedrooms house -$65M, North Road before Camp Street (100x35) 4 stories building business place -$165M, Robb Street 3 story building -$160M, Agricola Second Street -$7M & $8M, Enmore E.C.D-House 4 bedroom -$17M, Queenstown - House $60M, Queenstown - Business property -$90M, South Rumiveldt Park House 5 bedroom,2 bathroom,4 car parking garage, study etc -35m neg, John Street C/Ville - Bond space US$1500, Eccles Broad Street Bond Space - US$5000, Guyhoc Park 2 family House - $15M neg, Section K- 4bedroom, Parking, Yard Space, 3 bathrooms - $57M neg, DAugiar Park- 4 Bedrooms House -US$1.5M, South Kaikan Street- 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms $20M neg. Jonny P Supermarket - Aubrey Barker and Kaikan Street - $45M neg, Penny Lane- 2 Storey Concrete - $32M neg, Ogle- 2 Storey Concrete 55x110, 4 bedroom, 3bathrroms - $45M neg, Diamond- AA 2 Storey Concrete 3 bedrooms 2bathrooms -$15M neg, Princess Street -$15M neg, Norton Street between Hardina and Lusia -$25M neg, Durban Street between Hardina and Lusia -$30M neg.

FOR SALE GENERATORS 6 500 watts. 688-4414, 615-3728. RIDGEBACK and pitbull mixed. 625-0345. TIBETTIAN Terrier pups. Tel. 226-4166, 655-0054. ONE Stall in Stabroek Market Tel: 658-0115/718-757-8031. PAINT ball guns and balls Call 670-9606. BAKING pans and sheet, baking table. Call 695-7484. ONE 14" River dredge in perfect condition. Tel # 669-8985. COMPLETE internet cafĂŠ for sale - 621-5282. SEVEN-week Rottweiles pups. Tel. 227-8028, 604-7105. LIVE & plucked chicken. Tel: 650-4421, 220-9203. GLASS (mall glasses, hospital glasses etc) Tel: 670-6403. ONE car seat, great condition. Tel. 667-9737. 150 GOATS and sheep. 6268979. HP LAPTOP -$40 000.Call 226-2322, 697-7575. 14" SONY color TV, price -$12 000. Call 226-2322, 697-7575. PURFIED WATER: DRINK EVER PURE WATER, DELIVERY. Call 442-1952, 442-1656. ONE new radiator for Honda CRV RD5. Tel 674-7494. 2 USED car lifts. Tel. 623-1397, 2332414, 08:00hrs - 16:00hrs. KOBELCO Excavator, SK 210 Mark 8, for sale. Call 6677906, 666-8570. SINGER Sewing machine, very good condition. Price $18 000. Call 669-8260. RESTAURANT equipment; Hurricane Sundeck luxury boat with trailer, negotiable. 618-2064. ROTTWEILER pups and mastiff mixed with Labrador. Tel. 625-0345. SHOES: fashionable heels - $6,000 each $5,500 wholesale. 693-3885. MERCURY in large quantities, 99.9999% purity in grey flask. Call 219-4535. WALKING freezers for sale. Sizes from 8x8 to 10x15. Contact # 223-7975, 666-2276. ROTTWEILER pups and mastiff mixed with Labrador. Tel. 625-0345. 1-WHITE television stand with wheels to hold large tv, dvd, music set etc - $25000. Tel:616-5340. CUBAN Cigars: one for $1500, box of 25 ($2500). Tel. 613-0494. 32" SAMSUNG LED TV, $95 000. Tel. 613-0502, 6816613. F.G. WILSON 165 KVA generator with very low hours. 6562350. SITTING room chairs: $30 000, and one long carpet. Tel. 2234649, 668-5449, 223-5033. FOR pure cassava cassereep please call 656-9456, Georgetown. SITTING room chairs: $50 000, in excellent condition. Tel. 225-4445. 1 NEW red kitchen aid mixer: 4.3 litre, 1 semi-circle 5-piece, 7 seat settee. Call 226-6551. ONE Steel Table 8"x4"x3 "Suitable for workshop/processing plant etc. Tel: 233-0570. HARDWOOD: 140BM, Greenheart 220 BM Tel: 680-3154.

ONE display double-door cooler; one 4-channel security camera and DVR. Tel. 679-6040.

SALE - SALE: HOUSEHOLD items: curtains , pool's table- bar stool, etc. Tel. # 669-0366 BLACKBERRY cell phone, 9650 model, Blackberry Bold excellent condition (like new) $12,000. 624-6464, 675-3062. Keith. PLAY Station 2 games at $1000 each, Softmod for PS2 as well. Contact 684-3025. SATELLITE DISHES, RECEIVERS, TVs. TEL: 6573711. OUTBOARD engine between 5 and 50Hp. Tel. 6213399, 622-0173. TERRIER puppies for sale, for details write or call 696-7467 PIONEER air conditioner, split unit, 12.6 BTU and 18 000 BTU. 623-3280, 689-4372. 1 - COMPLETE sound system: over 20 pieces to go, price negotiable. Tel. 227-0761, 6104515.



STARR Computer System 2.8 Ghz, 2 MG Ram, flat screen, mouse, keyboard $47 000 neg, Hp desk jet $7 000.DSL modem $6 000, computer desk $7 500 neg. Phone 692-3369.

42" LED Super Slim TV, brand new, imported food warmers with nine pans, custom chrome wheels - 305 x 40 x 22, fits all 4x4, brand name colognes, Oakley Polarised sunglasses, steel grills. 642-3722, 2231885.

MALE German Shepherd mixed 18 months $70 000, female pure bred pitbull 4 months $40 000. Tel. 639-8924, 227-4674. SALE ON DELL DESKTOP DUAL Core Computers. High Spec, complete with Dell LCD monitor, keyboard and mouse. Tel 691-2077. POOLS table, imported and local and accessories such as cues, balls, cloth, rubber, spot chalk, etc. Tel. 609-3311, 6144841, 220-4298. PERKINS engines from England, 4- and 6-cylinders. Also Recon engine on bed. We stock all models of Lister Petter spares. Call 624-3187 1- THREE SEATER and one two seater setty - arm covered, new - $75,000; 1- stainless steel Kettle with whistle and handle, new - $3000; 1- stainless steel kettle 110v - $4000. Tel:614-9432.Owners migrating.

LIGHTING Plan 70 kva, Whisper watt 240 - 480 3ph, 220110, Singh Ph. Fuel tank capacity 114 gallon. 671-7450. 2 - 12 000 lb 4-post lifts, 10 000 lb 2-post lifts, 6 000 lb low rise lift, 2 - 80 gallon 175 psi compressor, 390 MF tractor, 399 MF tractor, 2003 Toyota Camry. 643-3875.

TIBERTAN Terrier: 10 weeks old, fully vaccinated, and dewormed. Tel. 617-9476, 6604003.

ONE YAMAHA 85 2STROKE OUTBOARD ENGINE AND ONE CATERPILLAR. Fully marine with 220 HP. Tel: 260-2973/610-0756.

WELDING torch, hose, tips, #14 rods, bearings, one ton chain hoists, 110 volt impact wrench. Tel. 231-1332.

1 -TOASTER oven with glass door 110v- $5000; 1- Coffee Perculator 110v with glass mug - $5000. Tel:616-5340.

1 PERKINS Engine 1000 series, 4 cylinder, complete with radiator, price $900 000 (neg.). Tel. # 226-5999, 619-2525.

TOSHIBA Satellite: quad-core, 500 GB HDD, 6GB memory, DVD, webcam, 15.6" display, $110 000. Tel. 613-0502, 681-6613.

NEW 18 cubic Kenmore fridge, panel curtains, office chairs, cotton sheet sets, LG front loading washing machine. 223-8213, 2258000.

COMPUTER repairs, maintenance, upgrades, online customer support, DATA recovery, virus removal and more. Call 226-2322, 697-7575.

PURE breed Doberman pups, vaccinated and dewormed.Tel: 696-4659/6092815 ONE music set with three power amps with a total of 5 500 watts, etc. For more information, please call 682-3481. Price neg. LARGE double-door fridge, very good condition $55 000, one computer desk $5 000, one DSL modem $5 000. 692-3368, 6923369. HONDA Generator: Excellent condition, 13000 watts, key start price $500 000 neg. Call 220-7378 or 627-6645. 1-PAIR large Nibby and Cane table lamp antique with shade,110v - $15,000. Tel:6758008. Owner leaving country. ONE 75HP Yamaha Enduro Outboard Engine, Eight Months old. Owner leaving country. Price Negotiable. Contact 609-3686. or 619-1117. PITBULL- 18months rednose male. Impressive structure with 22" head and growing. Excellent quality. Call 679-9101. GARMIN Nuvi LM 40 GPS with life-time updates for North America. As good as new, only $65 000 Call 656-1211. K-GUARD 4-channel complete security systems, including DVR and all necessary wiring with or without installation. Contact 658-4009. FURNITURE closing down sale! All items must go. Morgan's Furniture Store, Charlotte west of Camp 7 doors. Call 2264129, Monday to Friday. REBUILT 4-cylinder and 6cylinder Perkins, Kobota, Yamnar and Ford; engine on bed for mining, price $500 000 up. Tel. 696-1994 (Rajin).

BLOW out sale, December 02 08; gift items, clothing, foot ware, etc at Lot 151 6th Street, Alberttown. Phone 226-0210, 658-5454. JUST arrived at Alabama Trading, Georgetown Ferry Stelling: portable bag sewing machine, money counting machine, PVC long boots, rattan chairs, banquet chairs, citrus fragrance bath soap. Tel. 225-5800, 225-3809. NIGHT OWL 8 Channels video Security kit, with 500 GB Hard Drive and 8 Night Vision Cameras. Viewable on Smartphones and tablets, Motion activated recording; contact: 622-9589. PLASTIC Jumbobarrels,12"x15"laminating pouches, Sony DVD camcorder (mini disc), badge making machine with accessories (hand held), Home Security alarm system, 10mm, 600 LED 3528 Smd chasing decorative lights. Tel. 231-1332. 1- ANTIQUE half round table and stool for doing nails etc,$20,000; 1- milk shake stainless steel machine 110v - 3 speed, 3 pint cup stainless steel, good for home or business, -$20,000.(Hamilton Beach made). Call:614-9432. PLANTS! Plants! Hibiscus, crotons, palms (red palm), Xmas trees, ixoras, ficus, mussaenda etc, also sweet tamarind plants, etc. Contact Evergreen Plant Shop, 156 Block 'X' Diamond Housing Scheme (2nd Avenue/2nd Street). Tel 2162199, 687-5631. 1- SIDE BY SIDE large Refrigerator and freezer, hardly used 110v, good condition - $160,000. New 4 speed premium blender with mug - $5000 110v; 1-32 inch Sony tv with remote control, curve screen, 110v $65,000. Call 614-9432. JUST arrived in stock at Alabama Trading, 67 Robb Street, Bourda : Sagiko fruit drinks, vitamax cereal milk, plastic chairs and tables, 70 gram long candles in various colours, tarpaulins in various colours and thickness, PVC ceiling panels. Tel. 2274234, 231-3345.

FURNITURE used - good condition - one large wooden dining table with eight chairs; One twin wooden bed frame, and various furniture items. Prices negotiable. Call 231-3560, Georgetown. CELL phones accessories with warranty, wholesale, and retail unbeatable prices: screen protector, charger, ear phones, batteries, cases, memory cards, flash drive, etc. Contact 6495232. ONE stand-up freezer (Kenmore), new, 27 cubic $320 000, one tyre changer with electronic wheel balancer (Snapon), Snapon diagnostic kit, one 3 000 watt power tech generator. Tel. 669-4727, 683-8990, 6694727. ONE bass fibre glass boat with 115 Hp Mercury outboard engine; One Honda 450 - 475 ATV, in new condition with added accessories. Owner leaving the country. Serious inquires only. Tle. 672-2654, 657-9014. 580C Hymac: Brazilian, MF 290; Ford 6600 tractor; 24 disc tatu chipper; 20 disc tatu chipper; 28 disc Baldan Rome plough; 3 disc, MF plough; one irrigation pump; one cyl, 6Hp Lister. Tel. 676-6630, 616-9402. USED FURNITURE in really good condition one large wooden dining table with 8 chairs, $42k, one wooden twin bed frame $20k, prices negotiable Georgetown. Tel. 2313560. RECENTLY opened Azelea top brand Store at 111 Regent Road, Bourda, Georgetown. We have Aeropostal, American Eagle, Calvin Klein, Hollister, Guess, Abercombe and Fitch, American exchange, H.M., Forever 21, Nike, Addias, Lockers, etc.; original brands at unbeatable prices. Contact 619-7211. BULBS 110 volts energy saver, 13 watts bright like 60 watts; we give warranty $500 each wholesale; we also have beautiful LED lights. Check us out at Azelea Store, 111 Regent Road, Bourda. Call 623-0290 or 619-7211. PAINTS, paints, paints: top brands American and Canadian made paint for concrete, wood, metal, floor, ceiling, and anti rust. Starting from $1 900 up per gal. Contact 623-0290 or 270-4650. FURNITURE (used, good condition) -one large wooden dining table with eight chairs $40 000, one wooden twin bed frame $18k, small wooden cabinet $7 000, various furniture items. Call 231-3560 Georgetown. AE 100 L-TOURING Wagon, PKK series, $1 050 000, Jailing 250 Eagle motorcycle $250 000, 4 BF Goodrich mud terrain tyres 33x10.50x15, 95% thread $220 000. Contact 2238780, 669-3741. NEW ASCO 200 amps and 100 amps automatic changeover switch, 2 New Q see bullet 1080 TV lines camera, 1 Speco technologies 1080 TV lines, HD Dome camera, 1 Bosch 16-channel DVR 600 series. Tel. 6947817, 612-1351. KEEP COOL with this hot deal - MILEXUS Split air conditioner outdoor units - 2 Units: ML-SPAC-24K-220V asking $100 000; 1 Unit: ML-SPAC18K-220V asking $105 000; 3 Units ML-SPAC-12K-220V asking $80 000. Prices inclusive of mounting brackets. Like brand new. Contact 592-231-0654.








1 HARLEY Davidson motorcycle 1350 cc, Black, fully chromed, super clean ,LG 9435 -$2.2M neg, 1 new Samsung Galaxy Tablet 2 -$90 000 neg., 1 Honda Rebel, 250 cc black, CE 9441 -$650 000 neg., 1 Honda Falcon motorcycle (Scrambler), 400cc, rims strong, green, CF 8636 -$500 000 neg. Tel. 673-7734.

1- NEW blue large Fibre Glass bath tub (US made) - $45000; 2 hot and cold water sinck with fittings (UK made) - $10,000 each. 1 - Relistic CB base station radio set - 12 volts - $12000. Onwer migrating. Tel: 675-8008. Owner leaving country.

AE 110 Corolla: $1.1M neg. Tel. 670-6222.

TOYOTA Ceres AE 100, good working condition. Reasonable offer accepted. Tel. 601-0225.

TOYOTA Alteeza, PNN, HID, LED, body kit, alarm. Price $2.4M. Te l : 6 0 0 - 0 8 1 4 .

AT 170 Carina, automatic, good condition. Any reasonable offer, $450 000 and above. Call 619-1047, 672-6670, 604-7232.

IDEAL FOR OFFICE: 2 large stainless steel book display stand - round (UK made) ideal for office or doctor's waiting room or sale of books - $35,000 each. 1- paper cutter - Guilletene hand type 18x30 USA made - $15000; 1- set of office wall divider (UK made), to set up about 2 to 3 offices with glass door - $40,000. 2 folding metal and plastic chairs for office or patio - $3000 each. Call 675-8008. Owners leaving country. 1 - 1 2 I N C H D I S C edge sander machine - 110-240v for furniture maker, door edge or any wood work edge (UK made) - $55,000; 1- electric mac tool brand parts washer - 110v with 25 gallon drum that holds fluid at the bottom and square metal bin at the top with cover to wash parts. $55,000. Tel:621-4928. SCREW on antenna Japanese made for all type of vehicles such as: Allion, Premio, Raum, Spacio, Rav 4, Wagon etc; also all type of mirrors for 192, 212, Honda, and many others. $8000 per pair. Tel: 616-5340. Owners leaving. ALL types of laptop screens, adapters, and desktop IDE hard drive, foldable keyboards, USB audio adapter, IE converters, Dell motherboard - any part can be made available in 1 - week, all parts are brand new. Call 226-2322, 6977575. USED IDE/ SATA laptop hard drives, laptop keyboards, wireless cards, batteries, memory, Dell power supply, laptop heat sinks, laptop screen mounts, laptop screen-inverters, laptop and desktop processors, and other hard to find parts. Call 226-2322, 697-7575. 1-TRIPPLE light 140 watts power inverter - DC-12 volts to 110 volts with fuse - $20,000; 1- two half pool or Billlards Cue in case - $5000, 1Detecto scale - large for measuring height and weight of patients; good for doctor's clinic or any medical organisation - $55,000. (UK made). Call 675-8008. Owner leaving country. BRAND NEW Catridges in box sealed for photocopy machine and hp printers. 2 -Xerox Ink Catridges 113 R 634 - $40,000. 2 -Xerox Ink Catridges 113 R 321 - $40,000. 8 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 98x92298X - $15000 each. 3 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 13x- $6000 each. 3 HP Laser Jet Ink Catridges 13A $8000 each. 4 HP Laser Jet coloured catridges 4193A $5000 each. 3 Canon catridges NPG 11 toner $5000 each. All prices are negotiable. Tel:675-8008 OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 1-paper shredder 110v, fully automatic with bin -$20,000 (complete). 1 Whirlpool dehumifier on wheels 110v, - $20,000, for office, home or patio; new large APC smart uninteruptable power supply 120vac along with all fittings and new laptop with manuals and CD instructions. -$120,000. Call 6758008. Owner leaving country. NEW ARRIVAL! COMPRESSORS (26 gal, 20 gal, 33 gal, 30 gal & 60 gal. Pressure washer (4200 psi, 3000 psi and 3800 psi DeWalt. Rough neck garbage bins 45 gal & 32 gal. Generators, Stanley 8000 watts. All power portable 10 000 watts, Briggs and Stratton storm 5500 watts. Contact Donna on 609-1179, 611-0402. 1.2 MEGAWATT GENERATOR: 16-cylinder Cummins engine Onan 1250 KVA coil (1.2 megawatts), 3 Phase 440 volts, 1,242 hours, 1992 model, 12,000 volt transformer, manual transfer switch, 8 distribution panels, main switch for transformer. Price G$15.5M (neg.), one new diesel generator 20 KVA key start, $250 000 neg. Ideal for interior or farm. Contact Rajesh - 614-8960 Guyana, Trinidad: 0011-868-297-4823 (anytime).

OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 10 large Fujitsu Siemens flat screen computer monitors - 60HZ - 110v $16000 each. 7 surge protector and battery back ups: ES 750-120V, 60 HZ-12A-UPS out put 120v,60HZ, 420w, 50VA, 6.25A - $15000 each. 3 surge protector and battery back p 7, 2 & 5 - 120v, 2 automatci voltage regulator stabili - AR-2000w $15000 each and AR 3000 $20,000with break witch.A quantity of new power cord, and other new computer cords, manuals, CD, spares etc, all for $60,000 (give away). Owner leaving. Tel:675-8008. Industrial Plane (wood) 24 Inches. 550 Volts 3 Phase 440V heavy duty SINGLE HEAD; industrial tables saw 20" Blade and 14" Blade 550 Volts. 3 Phase 440V (All 3 for $1.6M neg) Italial made Simony pressure washer 1 Marine Perkins engine with gear box. 4 cyl, next to new with accessories , 1 3 cyl Perkins excellent condition, 1 6 cul perkins , good condition, 1 Raptor ATV Whild Fire 200cc good condition , 1 1 Yamaha ATV 4 wheel drive350-150ccm resource off, 1 ATV Trail Boss Pollaris back wheel drive 325, (All ATV $700,000 each Neg) 1 (50HP) Yamaha out board exclusive condition. Call 669-4727/ 683-8990. DESIGNER clothing and accessories body building creative powder, Honda pressure washer, living room chairs set, Sony computer, steel grills, food warmers, 100 lbs cylinders, brand new Oakley sunglasses, DVD player with monitor video camera with LCD, brand name colognes, inflatable sturdy big chair, inflatable mattress, writing desks, cocktail tables, karaoke player and discs, decorative plant stands, entertainment centre, wardrobes, large floor vases, large fridge, skid plate fits all set chrome custom wheels 305 x 40 x 22 fits all 4x4 4x4 brand new dining table set six chairs, computer desks, Panasonic complete stereo all items in excellent condition, large areas rugs, much more. 223-1885, 642-3722. 1- LARGE XEROX work centre pro 423/428 photocopy machine with scanning kit, all cds and manuals available with machine; hardly used excellent condition - 110v-240v - $400,000 negotiable. 1 large wooden writing desk, 5 drawers, needs minor work $15000; 4 printers HP Laser Jet 4200N4300 series - $35,000; 2420 - $30,000, HP Laser jet - $30,000 and Lexmark 253$7000, all 110v and in good condition. Owner leaving. Tel:616-5340. Owner leaving country. LIVING or farming on a white sand area such as Soesdyke, Linden Highway? Your garden wouldn't grow anything because of poor soil. Don't worry help is at hand. We have 100% organic soils suitable for seed trays, boxes, window boxes, greenhouse or shade houses, plant pots, or in large quantities for farm, large or small or high way sands. Results guaranteed. Quantities in 25, 55 or 100, 16-bags, also by the ton/2240 lb at affordable prices. Contact 2615366, 618-6643, 688-0639.

VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE UNREGISTERED Spacio. Tel. 683-6606. AT 212 Carina, HB series, in excellent condition; 622-3697 15 SEATER pitbull minibus, BPP series. Call 644-2099. ONE Toyota IST, PMM series. Tel. 619-2431. TOYOTA Corolla G-Touring Wagon. Tel. 644-0530. TOYOTA Corolla AE 81 automatic. Tel. 683-8013. ONE Toyota IST, in immaculate condition. Tel. 645-6541.

ONE Toyota Corolla. Call 2231094, between 2pm - 5 pm. TOYOTA 212 Carina, AC, mags, music, in excellent condition. 645-6832, 650-1612. 65 DAF truck GJJ series. Tel. 699-5790. TOYOTA Tacomas "WARN" winch. 233-2488. 2 LEYLEND Daf hauler truck. 6562350. 1 - TOYOTA T u n d r a i n excellent condition. 6231355. JAILING JH GY2 150cc motorcycle in very good condition. Tel. 667-9367. 2x4 TOYOTA Hilux, minor body works, MF 135 tractor. Tel. 627-3483, 614-0123. 1 - TOYOTA Hilux Surf Extra Cab 5L diesel pickup -excellent condition. 656-2350. EXCAVATOR booms long and short for CAT 3IL and 320 machines. 656-2350. SUZUKI Vitara: AC, mags, CD, immaculate condition. Tel. 694-6027. 1 ENCLOSED canter, MMC, short base, good condition - 6126165.

TOYOTA Ceres AE 100 good working condition, reasonable offer accepted. Tel. 601-0225. NISSAN Sentra B13, automatic gear, electric windows, AC, needs minor repairs. Call 6265771. MAZDA 3, TV, DVD, back up camera, mags, fully loaded, price $2.4M neg. Tel. 658-5097. 6535174. TOYOTA G-Touring Wagon, very good condition, AC, stereo, must be sold, no reasonable offer refused. 627-2981, 604-0054. AT 192, AC, alarm, mag rim, music, remote start, yellow. PKK 7668, $875 000. 6288354. AE 100 Corolla alarm, AC, mags and crystal lights, with HID - $800 000, AT 170 EFI fully powdered with mags and CD - $580 000. 619-1047. 1 - BEDFORD TM with winch, solid condition. Call 674-4649. TOYOTA Hilux Surf 3Y engine, new tires, excellent condition -$3.3 million; 615-4667. ONE RZ Mini Bus, BMM series Price - $ 1.9M Negotiable Call 233-3703

1 - TOYOTA land cruiser Prado automatic, gasoline, 1998 model, please call 664-2246. ONE Toyota 2007 Axio, late PRR series, fully loaded; one unregistered Allion, fully loaded. 6481000. TOYOTA Corolla L-Touring Wagon: automatic, mags, roof rack. PLL series -$895 000. Tel. 612-2258. LEXUS Sport Coupe Sc 400, seats 4 persons, fully loaded, 1 owner, excellent condition, must be seen, $2.4M. 612-9111, 225-9156. SPACIO 7 seats, AC, music, mags, TV, 6-disc changer, excellent condition. Price $1.6M. Tel. 639-9914, 655-7839, Paul. U N R E G I S T E R E D To y o t a P r e m i o : N Z T - 2 6 0 , 2 0 0 7 Ye a r M o d e l , S i l v e r , T V, r e v e r s e c a m e r a , h i d . Te l . 6 4 4 - 0 5 3 0 . HILUX Solid Axle pickups, AC, 33x12.50 MT tyres, unregistered, in excellent condition.Spares available. Call 691-2077. MITSUBISHI Lancer, ladydriven, late PKK series in excellent condition. AC, mags, alarm, CD Tel: 646-2939.

TOYOTA BB, one owner, late PLL series, $1.7M neg. Tel. 6639592.


VIVA AND FORD WAGON driving when parked - $200 000 NEG. 693-3885.

3 - 6x6 TM dump trucks $5.5M each in good condition. Call 600-6335.

UNREGISTERED vehicle: 2004 Raum, Fielder, Spacio and Runx. Call 609-8989, 616-5595.

ONE Leyland DAF single axle and dump. 216-1315, 613-6615

PREMIO, just arrived, fully loaded 35 043 km. Good price. Auto City Auto Sale, Sandy Babb St, Kitty 223-0171, 614-5142.

ONE 6'' long length gutter machine with a F.150 truck for sale, $2.5M. Tel 220-9659.

TOYOTA Hilux, extra cab pickup, GPP series, fully loaded $2M neg. Tel: 699-8490

HILUX Surf complete suspension (foreign used). Hilux Surf, minor repairs. Tel 626-2884.

IS YOUR car TV getting error "INSERT MAP DISC"? software reload available. 643-6565.

GREEN BHH 4177 RZ long base EFI, mags in good condition. Tel. 670-6403.

UNREGISTERED Toyota Tundra, new tyres, 4x4, very clean, $2.55M. Tel. 233-6337, 662-6027.

1 - 2012 HONDA RR 600 motorcycle, like brand new. Contact 682-0384.


TOYOTA IST, 2002 model, on wharf. Price neg. Tel. 625-7772, 621-4390, 650-6230.

CAMRY PGG series, in excellent condition $800 000 neg. Tel. 610-5001.

2001 MITSUBISHI Cedia in excellent condition, 17" chrome rims, price $1M neg. Tel. 6622445.

TOYOTA Raum (silver), in excellent condition 16" chromes, leather interior, AC. Tel. 629-7777.

ONE Hilux Vigo fully loaded with lift kit etc. 638-8930, 6538226.

I RZ bus 3Y engine, PJJ series; 1 Hilux Surf 4x4 3Y engine, PHH series. Call 610-0514.

1 - LANCER motor car $1M neg., PJJ series, good condition,Contact 614-5940.

ONE Runx - PLL series; and 2005 Allion - PMM series; excellent condition. Call 617-8500.

ONE Toyota new model, 212 Carina mag rims, music, AC, alarm, HID lights, fully loaded. Tel: 626-2503.

TOYOTA Noah: 2004 model, 16" mags, silver, nice condition. Tel. 619-6503.

SUZUKI Vitara Jeep, fully powered in immaculate condition.Asking price $3.5M neg. Tel: 694-6024.

ONE Honda 450 ATV, 4x4, price $800 000; one 2006 Toyota Towning manual $3.3M. Tel. 6220445, 685- 7659.

A E 11 0 D V D , a l a r m , $820 000. F4I CBR $1.1M. 660-7178

290 MF tractor, foreign-used, in excellent condition. Price neg. Contact 670-9393.

1 - TOYOTA Picnic, PLL series, excellent condition. Price neg. Tel. 644-8084, 623-3738.

TOYOTA AT 212 in immaculate condition, music, AC, first owner, $1.2M. Tel. 621-4038, 693-2702.

H O N D A AT V 5 0 0 4 x 4 double shocks, new. Asking $2.6M. Call 624-5000.

ONE Mazda Denio: $ 1.650.000, neg. Contact Danny: 642-2569 ONE new Laverda 3650 Fiat agri combine. Call 258-0001, 6658795. AT 192 Carina; AE 100 Corolla. Contact City Taxi Service 660-1100. ONE AE 100 Corolla 15" mag, $650 000 neg. Tel. 612-1233. 1 - TOYOTA Runx, 1 -Nissan Wingroad Wagon. Tel. 645-5893, 612-2522. TOYOTA Raum $1.1M neg, in excellent condition. Tel. 6400692. COROLLA Axio $2 850, Spacio PRR series $2.1M, CRV PJJ $1.7M. 697-0294.

3 CF-DAF 85 trucks (with contracted work if desired). Call 618-1939.

TOYOTA Pick up truck left hand drive in excellent condition, price negotiable. Call 641-5836, 609-7106.

MUST sell - going cheap: VVTI pitbull bus, 19 seater, $2.8M terms available. Call Selma 6149078. 1 TOYOTA Spacio fully loaded. Price $1.875M neg. Call 628-0972. 1 - TOYOTA 3Y M/van in "G" series, top condition. Contact #610-9625. ONE Toyota 3Y Super Custom, registered in G, excellent working condition, asking $450 000 neg. Tel. 625-3265. DRIVEN AUTO BLOWOUT SALE: unregistered Mazda, Axela -$2 300 000, Pioneer CD, crystal lights, remote start alarm. 6436565, 226-9931. ONE Nissan Vanette series C22, 11-seater with imported roof rack, used for doing business. Call 2265540. TRACTOR just arrived from Canada MF 285, $2.5M, 265 - $2M, MF 165 - $1.8M, 135 - $1.3M, Pick up $1.5M. Tel. 682-5230, 628-9596.

3 CF-DAF 85 trucks (with contracted work if desired). Call 618-1939.

ONE Toyota Premio, chrome rims, HID lights, alarm and music. In excellent condition. Tel. 657700

4X4 Tacoma, never registered, 2005 model, $3.8M. Excellent condition. 614-5142, 622-1610.

UNREGISTERED 3t o n n e , s h o r t - b a s e c a n t e r, fully loaded, $2.8M 6157526

TOYOTA Tacoma park lights and bumper lights, BMW park lights, Toyota BB rear lights. 6436565.

ONE Honda CRV 2002, PMM series, leather interior, sun roof, mag. rim, price $2.2 million. Call 622-6060.

ONE G-Touring Wagon, AC, mags, music in excellent condition, price negotiable. Tel. 6227573.

1 MOTOR car: Green Datsun Station Wagon in 'H', good working condition, $250 000 neg. Call 615-4367, 270-4149, 647-8595.

2005 HONDA CRV, fully loaded, 17" mags, body kit, Special Edition, immaculate condition. Contact 655-3622.

TOYOTA Tacoma 2005 4WD, $4M. Tacoma body parts, owner migrating. Tel. 220-7430, 6472856.

AE 110 SPRINTER: mint condition, PHH series 100,000, km hardly used. Call 617-9507. $980 000 neg. BMW 320 CARS, open and enclosed canter trucks with lift, and 4x4 Super cab pick up 61 Dennis St., Campbellville. 227-0190, 693-5610, 616-9727. 1 TOYOTA Allion late PMM immaculate condition, 17'' rims, alarm, CD player, AC, etc. Price $2.1 million. Call 665-7400 or 685-7887. TOYOTA Tacoma 2011 4x2 automatic fully loaded, excellent condition. Price neg. Tel. 671-8883, 6969529. ONE Toyota Allion and one NZE Corolla both in excellent condition. Tel. 2332939, 689-5802. TOYOTA Ta c o m a 2008, 4x4, TRD fully loaded automatic, dark blue colour, with cargo high top. Tel. 671-8883, 696-9529. ONE Toyota Raum PNN series, AC, CD music set, 16" chrome rims, in excellent condition, $1.6M. Tel. 650-0609. TOYOTA Allion 2006 model for sale in mint condition, PRR series, price $2.35M neg. Call 643-8625 or 6712422. SAVE big US$3,500 IST, VITZ, Fun Cargo, Allex, Spacio, Passo, Fit, Colt, Lancer, 212, Raum, Demio. 626-2771. 2002 TOYOTA Fielder, PNN 8657, brand new tires, rims, shocks, and lift kit, $2.0M neg. Tel. 266-2779, 6613353. HILUX Surf Enclosed IKZ diesel, automatic, fully powered, sun roof, 16 tyres bull bar, mags, spare wheel rack, excellent condition. 2269109. ONE (1) Nissan van (2005) unregistered $2.5M, one (1) Toyota Prado, PMM series, 20039, one 4.5 Daf box truck. Call 220-2128, 642-1141. TOYOTA Premio, chrome rims, cool kit, DVD deck, $2.3M, Toyota RAV-4 old model in excellent condition $2.1M. Tel. 681-8914, 617-5559. ONE (1) Silver Mazda Axela hatchback 2004, fog lights, alloy wheels, excellent condition. PRR series, $1. 85M neg. Tel. 600-8516. TOYOTA Tacoma 4x4, TRD 2005, automatic cherry red, excellent condition fully loaded. Price neg. Tel. 6718883, 696-9529. FOR the best in buying or selling of used vehicles 192, 212, Raum, Rav-4, CRV wagons, Spacio, Premio, Allion and many more. Call 619-5784, 6740203. TERMS available on used and new vehicles, Toyota Sienta (full 7 seater) and AE 100 Sprinter, prices negotiable. Call 641-8647. ONE Nissan 2004 model 4x4. Immaculate condition, 4 brand new Mickey Thompson tyres on. Price $3.9 neg.Tel#. 629-1340, 220-7107, 694-5953. TOYOTA IRZ 5L diesel bus, BMM 6096, AC, mags, music, P/W, automatic, $1.8 million neg. Call 225-7237 or 624-2730. O N E To y o t a H i l u x Solid diff $2.5M. Must be seen 616-0327, 2208770, 220-6542, 6893612.








TOYOTA Tundra (Bubble back), in excellent condition, mags, fully loaded. Owner leaving country. Tle. 220-6770, 621-4082. Japan's No. 1 Used and Damaged Automobile Dealer; Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Email Phone 233-3783, 695-6169.

FOR sale Nissan Titan 4x4 2005 excellent condition, fully loaded, leather, electric front seats 4 extra mud tyres and rims. Owner leaving the country. Tel 656-1340.

ONE Toyota Runx PLL series, alarm, rims in excellent condition. Price $1.72M neg. Tel. 694-6875.

AE 170 $550 000neg, owner leaving country, transferable, 4 mag rims just installed (value $125 000), in very good condition. Tel. 619-1439.

H O N D A AT V 5 0 0 4 x 4 d o u b l e s h o c k s , n e w. A s k i n g $2.6M. Call 624-5000.

TOYOTA Tacoma 1999 4-cylinder, 4-wheel drive, never registered, rims & AC. Ideal for interior roads Going cheap. Contact: 6435306, 685-0299.

DEALS! DEALS! DEALS! (2) 2002 Toyota Regius, colour Black, two-tone with wood panel (13) seats; Alloys, Navi, CD, fog lights and AC and more, price $2.2M. Tel. 6245617

PETE'S Auto Sales, Lot 2 George Street Werk-en-Rust back of Camp and Brickdam church. We buy and sell used vehicles, we also trading yours for another, RZ buses, Tundra, CRV, R AV- 4 , P r e m o , A l l i o n, NZE, AT 212, Spacio, Vios. We have all models of used vehicles - 2313690, 649-0329, David.

RAY'S Motor Spares and Auto Sales: New shipment Toyota: Ractis, Passo, Pitbull busses, Allion, Vios , Coaster bus, Voxy, Picnic, Allex, Wills, Fortuner, Wish, Isls, Nadia, Avenesis, Axio, Premio, Verossa, FunCargo, AT 212, Cami, Hilux, Vigo and Landcrusier, PickUps, Ipsum, VItz, IST, SPacio, ALtezza, Sienta, Runx, Belta, NZE 121, Caldina wagons, Hilux exta cab, RUSH, New and old models Prado, Premio, 4Runner, BB, Raum, Landcruiser. Honda: Fit, CAPA, Civic, CRV, Audi: A 4 , Mazda: RX8, Axela, BMW: 3 1 8 , 320, Mercedez Benz: E200, Nissan: Cefiro, Murana, Tiida, Latio, Datsun PickUp, Vanette van, X-Trail, Suzuki: Escudo. Ray's Motor Spares and Auto S a l e s , 2 4 4 Sheriff Street, Georgetown, Tel : 227-2322, 2272320. Bagostown, EBD 2235151

1 RZ minibus BKK long base, excellent condition with music, mags, etc. Tel. 270-4098, 6869516. ONE RZ minibus in excellent condition in Berbice, rims, music, etc. Contact 326-0971, 649-0950. CRUISER Auto Sales: Unregistered Mazda, Axela, Toyota Fielder, New Raum, Noah. Call 603-9700.

TOYOTA Raum with full flair kit, AC, music, mags. One owner. Very clean condition. Reasonably priced. Contact: 643-5306/2267855, 685-0299. NZE Fielder Wagon in good condition, presently working hire, priced to go $1.1M. Tel. 693-2852, 639-7870.

FIELDER Wagon, fully loaded, 17" rims, set AC, alarm, excellent condition. Tel. 616-2409.

JUST Arrived! 2 Honda 450cc ATV bike with double shock winch, 4-wheel drive. Going cheap. Contact 643-5306, 658-0299.

S-V30 Toyota Camry in excellent condition, mags, music, AC, alarm etc. Price neg. Tel. 680-0212, 2185515.

TOYOTA Tundra 2002 chrome rims, chrome bars, DVD player, 4-wheel drive, excellent condition. Contact: 643-5306/685-0299

2001 TUNDRA -$1.4M, 2004 Mercedes E Class -$5.3M, 2004 Subaru WRX -$3.5M. HID kits $18 000, car alarm -$7000, Sony CD deck -$25 000, FM transmitter $6500. 698-7104.

1998 TOYOTA Raum, PLL series, not previously hired car, full recent service -$880 000; 2004 Toyota Camry -$2.4M with mag rims, excellent condition. Phone 233-3783, 695-6169.

TOYOTA Ace small bus, one complete music system (vehicle). Contact 666-2744, 616-5622. Owner leaving country. 2010 GLK 350 MERCEDES BENZ, ONLY 25,000 MILES, FULLY LOADED. $12.5 MIL. CALL: 651-4578 2008 TACOMA 4 X 4, EXTRA CAB, LIKE NEW, LOW MILEAGE. $4.2 MIL. CALL: 227-1511, 651-4578 1 - 212 TOYOTA Carina new model; 1 -ET 176 Toyota Carina Wagon; Vehicles in immaculate condition. Contact 337-4544, 626-1525. TOYOTA Tacoma 4x4 music, in good condition, GJJ series, price $1.9M negotiable. Tel. 625-2516.

1 - TOYOTA Premio - PNN series, in excellent condition (lady driven), 17" chrome rims, alarm, automatic start, AC, CD player, etc $2.3M neg. Contact 649-2541. 2 - PREMIOS unregistered, 1 Allion registered, all excellent condition. Contact Leonard - 2269316, 617-1505, 673-8451. 2001 Mitsubishi Galant $1.5M negotiable, good condition, bought from Mitsubishi dealer, original owner. Contact 671-6296 or 624-4388 ZOOM Auto Sales: Mazda Axela, Fielder, Premio, Axio, at lowest prices, chrome accessories for all vehicles, hid, etc. Tel. 6857611, 613-1764.

MUST sell - going cheap: VVTI pitbull bus, 19 seater, $2.8M terms available. Call Selma 614-9078.

TOYOTA Corolla AE 91 in good condition, AC, tape deck, HA series. Price $650 000 negotiable. Tel. 621-4790. TWO NZE Corolla: PKK and PLL, both in excellent condition; mags, music, alarm, etc. Contact 621-4772, or 689-5802.

1 RZ minibus EFI l-BASE, BJJ series, price -$1 050 000, 1 AT 212 motor car, PJJ series, price -$1 050 000 Phone: 268-3953, 638-5301; both in excellent condition.

PLACE your order for parts now. Nose cuts, half cuts, doors, lights, etc, container leaving Japan December Email Phone 233-3783, 695-6169.

BEST Price Auto Sale.s Tel. # 254-0441, 650-1369, 619-2431 -Toyota Wills, Spacio, Premio, Fielder - Options: low mileage, TV, CD, radio, Alloy wheels, rear Spoiler. 2007 CAT 962H loader 10,800 hrs, location, Georgetown or East Coast Demerara; Caterpillar Survey, equipment in excellent conditions. Tel. 619-2228 or 619-2229. Price US$175,000.00 (G$35M) ENCLOSED 3 ton and 2 ton canters, one Chevy Blayer, 2 - 2" chrome, music, one H3 stone crusher, beded complete with engine YN 65 - 4 door Solid Deff Hilux. Tel. 616-8193, 601-9297 ONE original Lexus LS 400. Price $4.2M, One BMW 740 IL $4.7M, one BMW 528E new engine $500 000, both in excellent condition. Luxury cars. Owner leaving country. Make offer. Tel. 688-2525 KAWASAKI Ninja 05, 600; Suzuki 250, 09, both 4,000 km; Toyota Tacoma unregistered 4 cylinders; Honda Fit Toyota Sera. All vehicles excellent condition; make offer. 223-1885, 642-3722. LORRY for sale, One 2Ton Mitsubishi canter, White GPP series, In excellent condition. Persons interested are asked to make contact on: 611-1614/684-2880

ONE enclosed Toyota Dyna GHH series, one Bedford 10 ton TL 500 flat tray GDD series, one Toyota Camry PFF series, one enclosed Chevrolet van GKK series, all in working condition, one unserviceable Mitsubishi Canter GFF series, one enclosed DAF LF 45 GNN series. Contact 265-7550.

AT 212 Toyota Carina, new model, PNN series. One owner, never worked hire, with AC, CD, rims. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306/658-0299.

ONE (1) Honda Fit Car (as is), PLL series, good condition, AC, alarm, power steering, mirrors and window. 600-7223, 670-8051.

1 - 2 TON short base enclosed canter, excellent condition; 1 Food truck, display case, glass door cooler, etc. Must see; Pitbull bus, BNN series, 19 seater. Must sell $2.7M neg. 614-9078.

1 - NISSAN Latio (Tiida) PMM 6764 in excellent condition, keyless, good tyres, 82 000 miles, ownerdriven, powerful AM/FM sound system with TV, CD changer, alarm, Call Mohabeer - 624-2922, 226-6636. PRICE $1.9M

1 USED AT 192 Toyota Carina, excellent condition. Tel. 6210194, 223-9731.

UNREGISTERED 2005 Raum $2.2M, Solid Def Hilux $2.4M, 2-ton dump truck $2.3M. 641-1800, 2201324.

HONDA Fit, late PNN, fully powered, mags, Kawasaki Ninja 05 4000 km, 600cc, Suzuki 09 4000 km 250cc all duties, taxes paid. Make offer. Must sell - 6423722, 223-1885.

ONE MORRIS AUSTIN Car, PLL series, good condition, a u t o m a t i c , 5 s e a t e r. Ve h i c l e transferable, owner l e a v i n g . $400,000. Te l : 6 1 6 - 5 3 4 0 2002 Toyota Tundra, never registered, fully powered, 4-wheel drive, very excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-0299. TOYOTA Tundra 2005, bubble tray with hard cover with rims, leather, interior, 4-wheel drive. Clean & excellent condition. Going cheap. Contact: 643-5306, 685-2099. 1 - TOYOTA Dyna canter short base, 2 ½ tons, double wheel, diesel. Excellent condition, one owner. Price $1M neg. Call 6848231.

TWO NISSAN Vanette small mini buses. Private -PEE and PDD series;good for selling food, stick gear, etc, glass windows around, double sliding door, mags etc. Price $275,000 and $325,000. Vehicle transferable, owner leaving. Tel:616-5340. ONE crashed Toyota Spacio, PNN series. Can be sold as is with registration or as spare parts, front nose cut, front and back lights, fog lights, seats, VVTI engine and gear box, 15" shine chrome rims, etc. Call 6225327 anytime. ONE Nissan Rasheen, Year 2000, PNN series - shaped featured a small Hummer. In good working condition, Fully loaded, AC, Alloy Wheel, Cd and Flash drive etc. Interested persons kindly contact - Tell# 645 6828. TOYOTA Hilux Surf Limited, 20 inch chrome rims, sun roof, 3RZ engine, 4WD, prestige remote start security system, DVD/CV, chrome accessories $6.5M. Toyota Land cruiser Prado, 20 inch chrome rims, leather seats/ rear extra seats, 3RZ engine, chrome accessories, 4WD, $6M. HZ Hummer 24 inch chrome rims, candy Apple Red paint, air brush with graphic designs, scissors doors, fully chrome kit, leather colour seat s , $ 3 0 M . C o n t a c t 613-0252.

HARRY & SON AUTO SALES LOT 185 CHARLOTTE & KING STREETS, MARAJ BUILDING TEL. # 227-0265, 227-1881, 629-5178 We buy and sell used cars. Al prices are negotiable. USED 212 - $1 250M, VIOS - $1.6M, Rumh - $1 250M, Primo - $2.8M (unregistered), Toyota Gaia (7-seater) - $1.7M, Vista - $900 000, Toyota Wagon Corona - $850 000, Allion - $2.150M, Lancer - $1.2M, Honda Civic - $1.2M, Mitsubishi Galant - $1.3M, Tacoma Year Model 1998 - $2.5M, RZ bus - $850 000, Range Over Des 5L Eng Sold Deff - $5M, Land Cruiser - $4M, Honda Accord - $1M, 318 BMW - $2.9M, I-Touring Wagon - $1.2M, Nadia - $1.7M, Caldina Wagon 3S Turbo/ 5-speed manual - $2.7M, Mazda Axela - $2M, 100 Corolla - $800 000, Small bus - $1M, AT 192 - $850 000, 210 Corolla $1.4M. KRISHNA & SON AUTO SALES LOT 235 SOUTH ROAD AND LIGHT STREET BOURDA, GEORGETOWN TEL. # 629-5178, 223-8655 We buy and sell used cars. All prices are negotiable. USED. 212 - $1 250M, VIOS - $1.6M, Rumh - $1 250M, Primo - $2.8M (unregistered), Toyota Gaia (7-seater) $1.7M, Vista - $900 000, Toyota Wagon Corona - $850 000, Allion $2.150M, Lancer - $1.2M, Honda Civic - $1.2M, Mitsubishi Galant $1.3M, Tacoma Year Model 1998 $2.5M, RZ bus - $850 000, Range Over Des 5L Eng Sold Deff - $5M, Land Cruiser - $4M, Honda Accord $1M, 318 BMW - $2.9M, I-Touring Wagon - $1.2M, Nadia - $1.7M, Caldina Wagon 3S Turbo/5-speed manual - $2.7M, Mazda Axela $2M, 100 Corolla - $800 000, Small bus - $1M, AT 192 - $850 000, 210 Corolla - $1.4M. JUST arrived, new shipment of Japanese vehicles - Toyota Carina AT 212 (new model), Toyota Hiace pit bull stick gear and automatic, Toyota Hilux both extra cab and single (gasolene and diesel), Toyota Allion & Premio both 2003, 2009 & 2008 year, fully loaded CD, TV, reverse camera, alloy wheels and flairs, Toyota Rush 2006 & 2007 CD, TV, DVD, alloy wheel. Also available Toyota Spacio, BB, Fielder W a g o n ( n e w Model), Honda S2000, Mazda Axela 2006, Nissan Bluebird (Sylphy) 2006 Yr. Credit available on v e h i c l e s . A l s o a v a i l a b l e RAV 4 side bars new model, CRV rear bar, T/Rush rear bar, front bar, side bar and back bar, Prestige alarm, bedliners for both extra cab and single cab pick-up, sliding glass for the pitbull buses. Contact Automart Auto Sales, Motor Spares & Accessories (Randy) 624-7808, 233-2400, 233-2681 JUS T A R R I V E D ! To p q u a l i ty re-conditio n e d v e hicles - Toy ota Premio; Toyota Allion; Toyota Corolla Axio; Toyota Noah ; Suzuki Swift; Mercedes Benz C200 Compressor; BMW 318i; Corolla AE100 Wagon; Honda CRV RD4; Land Cruiser (fully loaded); Mazda Proceed 4WD Extra-cab pickup; Toyota Hilux 4WD Extra-cab pickups - 3RZ, 5L, Solid Differential; Mitsubishi Canter Trucks 3, 3.5 TONS OPEN T RAY, 2-TON 4WD; 3 - ton Dump Truck ; Nissan Atlas 2 ton truck.P r e O r d er your units ear l y a n d g e t t h e b e s t p rices. Full after - s a l e s s e r v i c e a n d f i nancing available. DEO MARAJ A UTO SALES, 2 CHIMNEY ROAD, CHAT E AU M A R G O T, E C D . 6 2 4 0 7 6 2 , 220-5177. A name and service you can trust.

NOSE CUT Premio, Allion, Corolla, Carina 212, Alteza, Raum new model, Raum old model, Hiace Pitbull, Nissan K11 March, Toyota Duet M100a, Platz SCP11, Fun cargo, EP91 Starlet Passo KGC10, Vista SVC32, Allex, EP82 Starlet, Avensis, Cube Z10, Toyota Spacio, Honda Civic EK3, Honda HR-V GH3, Honda Fit GD1, Toyota Corona ST 210, Honda Civic EK3, Honda HR-V GH3, Honda FIT GD1, Toyota Carona ST210, Toyota ProBox NCP51, Mazda Familia BJ5W, Mazda Demio DY5W. Door, fender, engine, bonnet, trunk, rear gate, bumper, full grill, head light, tail light, windscreen, door mirror, door visor, door main switch - Premio, Avensis, Spacio, ProBox, Mark 2 GX 110, Carina AT 212, Vista, Harrier, GAIA, Allion, Corolla, Caldina, Runx, Noah AZR65, Hiace, Duet, AIRWAVE, VOXY, Allex, Funcargo, Corona, X-trail , Succeed, Raum N/M, Sprinter, NADIA, NOTE, Alteza, Vitz SCP10, Wish, IPSUM, Carina AT 192, Raum O/M, Passo, Demio DY5W and many more Contact Eddie's Auto Parts, 6 Vlissengen Road Newtown. Tel. 227-2835.



1. One Babysitter Call 223-5273/4 BUS seats for big bus -6753062, 686-0900 TM Truck driver. Call 6744649. CATERPILLAR and Perkins mechanic - call 223-5273/4 EXPERIENCED dispatcher. Tel. 225-4112, 227-1200. ONE Cook at Xenon Hotel. Tel. 771-4989, 670-6559. 2 BEDROOM apartment to rent. Contct 684-3040, 692-6246. ONE experienced dispatcher. Call 227-4545, 227-4445. GENERAL domestic : must be able to cook. Tel # 6229859. ONE female to work. Tel 227-3341, 699-1212. ONE Pharmacist in Grenada. 473-439-8650 (Dr Peeta). ONE experienced Cook for snackette. Contact 662-3415, 2314832. ONE Cook and Cashier. Call 627-9439 or 662-1704 contact hours 9 am - 7 pm. DRIVER with hire cars to work with reputable Taxi Service. 601-3094. ONE driver to work 45 Zone, age from 40 and over. Tel. 6609476. DOMESTIC, preferable from the East Coast -Phone 2202785, 220-1305. LAND to purchase on W.B.D., Parafaite Harmonie. Tel. 614-9078.

VEHICLES FOR SALE SEAMSTRESS from West bank, West Coast Demerara. Call 626-2629, 676-6312. 1 CANTER DRIVER URGENTLY TEL. 222-3927, 6499876. CONTRACT cars - City Taxi Ser vice. 660-1100, 226-7150. WAITRESS: one maid, kitchen girl, and bar girl. Tel # 686-6608, 686-5766. ONE cook with Carnegie experience to work on the East Coast. Tel. 613-4398, 628-3209. EXPERIENCED hire car driver. Contact - Y. Khan - 2267948, 686-6648. ONE car to work and keep car must be in good condition. Call Andre - 615-5894. 1 - F-150 6 cyl fully loaded $3M neg. tel. # 689-5254, 2560504. ONE DESIGNER TO WORK MONDAY TO SATURDAY. CALL 627-5378. URGENTLY needed: Plot of land to buy in Parfaite Harmonie, Non Pariel, Eccles, Herstelling. 2185591, 675-7292. NIGHT Guards to work around outlets in Georgetown, Age 35 - 50 years. Tel. 225-9304, 226-0772. SECURITY Guards and W a t c h m e n Te l . # 2 2 3 5273-4 2 PROFESSIONAL Seamstresses, 2 heavy-duty sewing machine operators. Call Roxie 627-5378. WANTED boat captain & partner to live in and work at Essequibo River Resort. Tel:226-0240 BOY to pluck chicken. Contact Z. Khan at Thomas Street, Kitty. Phone 226-7948, 686-6648. ONE experienced cook must have reference and food handlers. Call 683-1134 WORKERS to live and work on Parika farm. Call 685-9590, 223-6941. GARDNER/Handyman to work Monday to Friday. Tel. 2253557. WATCHMAN, boys, and girls to work in factory. Apply in person to R.P's Enterprise, Area 'K' Le Ressouvenir, E.C.D. WANTED: a fuller to fill (5) gallon water excellent salary. Must have Police Clearance. Tel. 2265473. ONE WAITRESS. Green Palace Liquor Restaurant & Pools Club, Parika. Call 660-1248/ 4032 (Ramo) ONE Handyman between ages 18 to 30 to work in Georgetown. Call 227-3341, 6991212 for more details. FEMALE TO WORK in factory in Georgetown between ages 18 to 30 Call 227-3341, 699-1212 for more details. SECURITY Guard night duty, 12 hours, Central Electronics at 67 Robb street. Tle. 227-3106, 225-8725. ONE spare part Counter Clerk, must have 3 years experience in selling Japanese parts. Contact 231-7839 work hour. DRIVER needed between the ages of 35 and 50 to drive a Toyota Raum. Contact # 6399040 or 219-1372. RECEPTIONIST, housekeeper and bartender to work in guest house 6 days per week. Call 227-2199, 227-2186. BOYS to work in factory. Apply in person to R.P's Ent., Area 'K' Le Resouvenir, ECD. Formally Chin'a Manufacturing Industrial Limited. A DELIVERYMAN to work at a restaurant; company will provide motor cycle. Apply in person to 53 David St., Kitty.

Johnson and Ogle-Thomas voted ... From Back Page head and shoulders above his other two competitors (Barnwell and Permaul) for the title of GCB Cricketer-of-the-Year, on the night. The former West Indies Under-19 skipper ended the preliminary phase of the competition as the third highest run-scorer with 430 runs from six matches at an average of 35.83, scoring three fifties in the process, with Windward Islands’ Devon Smith (682) and Barbados’ Kraigg Brathwaite (440) occupying the top two positions, enabling him to be Guyana’s leading run-scorer in the process. In the Super50 tournament, Johnson is averaging 29.65 from the 45 first class matches he has played wherein he accumulated 2 224 runs with a highest score of 144 for West Indies ‘A’ against Sri Lanka ‘A’ last June. He also finished the preliminaries as the third leading run-scorer with 204 from six games at an average of 34.00, with a solitary

half-century. The Windward Islands duo in Andre Fletcher (239) and Smith (222), sat at the top of the run scorers’ chart leading into the semifinals of the tournament, for which Guyana failed to qualify, thus decreasing Johnson’s opportunity of scoring more runs, as he sat at the top of his country’s aggregate list. Apart from the Junior Cricketer-of-the-Year title, Chanderpaul, who is the eldest son of Guyana and West Indies middle order batsman Shivnarine Chanderpaul, received accolades for his selection to the West Indies Under-19 team, Highest Individual Score in the WICB TCL Under-19 tournament and also for being named the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the TCL tournament. Shimron Hetmyer and Gudakesh Motie-Kanhai also received awards for their selection to the West Indies Under-19 team, with M o t i e - K a n h a i b e i n g re warded further for taking

the Most Wickets in the WICB TCL Under-19 tournament. Ronsford Beaton started the awards rolling following the president’s Year in Review report, brief remarks from Director of Sport Neil Kumar and the feature address from WICB Director Baldath Mahabir, when he was named the Most Improved Player, for which he received the Lance Gibbs Trophy. Barnwell, who is an energetic Guyana and West Indies T20 all-rounder, carted off the Rohan Kanhai Trophy after being named the Senior Domestic Cricketer-of-the-Year and another trophy for his outstanding performance in the Caribbean T20 tournament, where he blasted 88 against Jamaica to lead Guyana into the final, despite a belligerent 122 from Christopher Gayle. Renaldo Ali-Mohammed’s feats in the WICB Under-15 tournament did not go in vain, for while he was named the MVP of that tournament, he

received an award for his outstanding performances in the same tournament. Special Awards were given to Shivnarine Chanderpaul for achieving the unique distinction of playing 150 Test matches, Anand Sanasie, former president Chetram Singh, Terry Holder, Hardat Thomas, Ryan Banwarie and Chronicle Sport’s Calvin Roberts. Corporate Awards were handed to New GPC/Limacol, Hand-in-Hand and Demerara Distillers Limited, for their outstanding contributions to the development of cricket through sponsorship. Albion Cricket Club was voted Club-of-the-Year from Demerara Cricket Club and Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club. Johnson made the thankyou remarks on behalf of the awardees, while Sanasie moved the vote of thanks on behalf of the GCB, following which the awardees and special invitees took part in the cocktail reception.

Chanderpaul crosses 11 000 ... From Back Page vantage of Samuels’ reluctance to come forward and had him caught at first slip off an outswinger delivered from a wider angle as the batsman was sucked in to a loose drive to be dismissed for 14. Narsingh Deonarine added 33 for the fifth wicket with Shivnarine Chanderpaul, pushing at fuller deliveries with hard hands. The technique earned him two boundaries, but an attempted wild drive - without moving his feet - off an angled delivery in Southee’s seventh over of his spell went straight

to first slip where Ross Taylor completed the catch after a brief fumble. Unfazed by the indiscre-

Darren Bravo

CCC appeals to WICB not ... From Back Page through the CCC programme. If I wasn’t playing regular regional cricket, no one would have looked at me to be part of the Tallawahs franchise.” CCC said it is yet to receive official correspondence on the matter from the WICB. “At this time there are hundreds of young cricketers in schools and colleges across the

region waiting for an opportunity to enter universities and to play for CCC,” said captain Kyle Corbin of Barbados. “We are the icon for a new generation of young players. We do not wish to see our hopes dashed. We urge your positive consideration.” CCC reached the final of this year’s Super50 tournament, where they lost to the Windward Islands by nine wickets.

tion shown by other batsmen, Chanderpaul batted confidently, driving at the full deliveries, pulling the short ones and using his feet to Ish Sodhi. A powerful pull off Neil

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Wagner took him past 11 000 runs in Test cricket and three boundaries in the next over bowled by Sodhi brought him his 62nd half-century in Tests.

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Taylor’s double ton helps NZ to mammoth total (REUTERS) - Ross Taylor’s first Test double century helped New Zealand to 609 for nine declared, before his bowlers reduced West Indies to 67 for two as the hosts took firm control on day two of the first Test in Dunedin yesterday. Taylor produced a controlled 217 not out and combined in a string of productive partnerships to push New Zealand past 600 for just the fourth time in their Test history. It was their highest score against West Indies, surpassing the 543 for three the 1972 team scored in Guyana, and the highest Test score in Dunedin, eclipsing the 586 for seven New Zealand made against Sri Lanka in 1997. “I don’t think it’s sunk in yet, maybe tonight it will,” Taylor, whose previous best score was an unbeaten 154 not out against England in Manchester in 2008, told Radio Sport. “I think my state of mind out there I was just trying to bat the same tempo, be pretty relaxed and play as straight as possible. “I actually feel like I’m still batting out there so hopefully it will sink in a bit more tonight.” After the declaration, Trent

Boult had Kirk Edwards caught at second slip by Peter Fulton for a duck before Tim Southee dismissed Kieran Powell caught behind for seven to reduce the tourists to 24 for two. Darren Bravo (37 not out) and Marlon Samuels (14 not out) combined to settle the innings and guide their side to the close, albeit 542 runs in arrears. Taylor curbed his typically attacking instincts yesterday against a bowling attack far more disciplined than they had been on day one, when they won the toss and chose to bowl on the green-tinged pitch. Such was Taylor’s control at the crease, he did not hit a six in his entire 317-ball, 491-minute innings. The 29-year-old, a renowned six-hitter in limited overs cricket with a penchant for throwing away his wicket by hitting across the line over midwicket, said he had never batted better for his country. “I think probably Manchester comes close to it,” Taylor added. “Both innings I didn’t feel great leading into it and I had to exorcise some of those

demons. Mentally, I think the way I structured it, it was my best innings. “All through the day it was just about ticking off little things. Getting to 150, then my highest Test score, the highest score on the ground then Smithy (Ian Smith) told me that I’d never beat his 174, so I will have to remind him of that.” Taylor shared in five partnerships of more than 60 runs. The largest of 195 with captain Brendon McCullum (113) was a New Zealand record for the fourth wicket against West Indies, surpassing the 189 runs Mathew Sinclair and Nathan Astle compiled in late 1999. The hosts had resumed the day’s play on 367 for three after Taylor and McCullum had completed centuries just before the close on Tuesday. McCullum was bowled by a Darren Sammy delivery that nipped back and hit off stump to leave the hosts 380 for four, before Corey Anderson was caught behind for a duck before lunch. Taylor and Watling (41) then shared in an 84-run partnership before the wicketkeeper

Former NZ players in match-fixing investigation (REUTERS) - The International Cricket Council is investigating former New Zealand players over their involvement in alleged match-fixing, the sport’s world governing body said yesterday. The ICC was forced to issue a statement confirming it had been investigating a small group of players after a local newspaper reported that up to three players were involved in a probe by the Anti-Corruption and Security Unit. “The ICC confirms that it has indeed been working closely over the past few months with its colleagues in the domestic anti-corruption units of member boards to investigate these and related matters,” the statement said.

“The ICC and all of its members maintain a zero-tolerance attitude towards corruption in the sport, and the ACSU will continue to collaborate with relevant individuals in order to complete its investigation process. “Naturally, as the investigation remains ongoing and nobody has been charged with any offence, no further comment will be made.” New Zealand Cricket had earlier issued its own two-sentence statement confirming the investigation after a New Zealand Herald report said members of the ACSU had been in the country for months conducting enquiries. “New Zealand Cricket (NZC) is aware the International Cricket Council (ICC)

Pele not taking part in World Cup draw, will be in audience (REUTERS) - Pele will not be taking part in tomorrow’s World Cup draw although he will be in the audience, he said yesterday, adding that he was worried about landing Brazil in a difficult group. “President Dilma (Rousseff) suggested that I represent Brazil when it came to pulling the balls out of the pots, which I’ve done several times before,” Brazilian media quoted the former great Brazil striker as saying at an event in Sao Paulo.

“I preferred to turn down the offer because I wouldn’t feel comfortable in picking out balls which are not favourable to Brazil.” Pele has earned a reputation in Brazil as a “pe-frio”, literally “cold foot”, although he gave a sarcastic response to a reporter who asked him about it. “I won five world titles, two with Santos and three with the national team and I s c o re d m o re t h a n o n e thousand goals, so you’re

is investigating a small number of former New Zealand cricketers,” NZC said. “As this is an ICC investigation, unfortunately NZC is not able to comment further.” The Herald said the players, none of whom is still playing professionally, were involved in the investigation which was concentrating on matches overseas rather than in New Zealand. The New Zealand government last week announced an initiative to encourage greater information-sharing and co-ordination amongst government agencies and sporting organisations in an effort to combat corruption in sport. It also plans to introduce anti match-fixing legislation next year. Pele

right, I’m a cold foot,” he said. “I will be there, God willing,” Pele added. “I will give interviews, accompany the delegations from abroad and do what is necessary, representing President Dilma.” Draw organisers said on Monday that Pele would make an appearance in some shape or form, adding that he would provide the “wow factor”.

was well caught by Edwards at second slip when Tino Best got a delivery to pop off a length and New Zealand were 469 for six. Pace bowler Southee was dismissed three runs later for two, well caught by Bravo at slip after he prodded at a Narsingh Deonarine delivery, before Taylor and Ish Sodhi (35) combined for a 76-run partnership. Taylor, who had been joined by Neil Wagner, hit his 23rd boundary to move to 199 before paddling the ball behind square for three runs to reach the milestone and prompt a standing ovation from the crowd at University Oval. He was the 13th New Zealand batsman to score a double century in Test cricket. Wagner attacked after tea, blasting two sixes and three boundaries before he was runout for 37, which prompted McCullum to declare about 25 minutes into the final session. “We could have easily been bowled out for 450 which would have been a good total but not deserved of yesterday’s performance,” said Taylor. “Those little partnerships of 50 or 60 are always valuable and I’m sure for the rest of the series, those guys all got starts and hopefully they can continue later on.”

Ross Taylor’s maiden double-century led New Zealand to 609, their best total against West Indies, in the Dunedin Test.

NEW ZEALAND first innings (overnight 367-3) P. Fulton c Edwards b Sammy 61 H. Rutherford c Deonarine b Shillingford 62 A. Redmond c Samuels b Best 20 R. Taylor not out 217 B. McCullum b Sammy 113 C. Anderson c Ramdin b Best 0 BJ Watling c Edwards b Best 41 T. Southee c Bravo b Deonarine 2 I. Sodhi c&b Deonarine 35 N. Wagner run-out 37 Extras: (lb-10, nb-1, b-10) 21 Total: (for nine wickets decl. 153.1 overs) 609 Fall of wickets: 1-95, 2-117, 3-185, 4-380, 5-385, 6-469, 7-472, 8-548,

9-609. Bowling: Best 34.1-5-148-3, Gabriel 27.5-4-148-0, Sammy 23.1-4-79-2 (nb-1), Shillingford 46-7-138-1, Deonarine 22-0-76-2 WEST INDIES first innings K. Edwards c Fulton b Boult 0 K. Powell c Watling b Southee 7 D. Bravo not out 37 M. Samuels not out 14 Extras: (lb-8, nb-1) 9 Total: (for two wickets, 24 overs) 67 Fall of wickets: 1-4, 2-24. Bowling: Boult 8-5-7-1, Southee 7-1-15-1, Wagner 6-2-27-0 (nb-1), Sodhi 3-0-10-0. Remaining fixtures: D e c e m b e r 11 - 1 5 2 n d Te s t , Wellington December 19-23 3rd Test, Hamilton


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013

Guyana has uncut raw cricketing talent … says WICB Director By Calvin Roberts WEST INDIES Cricket Board Director and Chairman of its Marketing Committee Baldath Mahabir, who also heads the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board’s Coaching and Youth Development Committee, last Tuesday night delivered the feature address at the Annual Awards ceremony of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB). In addressing his audience which included fellow WICB Directors Clifford Reis, Anand Sanasie and Anand Kalladeen, along with Director of Sport Neil Kumar, Retired Chancellor of the Judiciary Cecil Kennard and former GCB presidents Chetram Singh and Ramsay Ali, Mahabir said the country has uncut raw cricketing talent. Below is an excerpt taken from Mahabir’s speech: “My friends, Guyana has the capacity to supply top class cricketers, especially batsmen, to the world. But first stop, to the West Indies. Not unlike your vast, strong but seemingly silent rivers - so too I see your cricket. Your country and its people have the talent and the passion to excel. These raw uncut cricketing gems exist in every village in Guyana. Sit with your stakeholders and plot your short, medium and long term plans.

Find the gems, polish them, empower them, fill them with self-belief and self-esteem and let’s explode Guyanese talent to the world. May I humbly suggest that the authorities recognise Guyana cricket for what it is, fuel it and allow it to grow, unfettered and unencumbered. This sport has the capability to be a huge agent of social as well as economic transformation, in this country. Allow the game to thrive and prosper. Do your best to provide an enabling environment that will allow this great game to flourish. Yes, there may be areas that are weak but identify them and strengthen them to allow the vehicle to move forward. Any structure that would have allowed the talents of Kanhai, Butcher, Solomon, Fredericks, Lloyd, Gibbs, Kallicharran and Chanderpaul (to name a few) to grow and prosper must have much inherent good. There is no need to destroy this to create a new mechanism. Work with it, be strong and honest in your assessments and then work in harmony and in brotherhood for the benefit of the game. Administrators, whether in sport or in politics are only part-time custodians of power

WICB Director Baldath Mahabir is seen in this Cullen Bess-Nelson photo addressing the audience at the GCB’s Annual Awards Ceremony on Monday night. country, polish them and unon behalf of the people. Recog- leash them on the world. We nise this, and in your watch, do will all benefit and as for your your best for sport and politics pitches, you know that answer will long outlive those who as well as I do. Economically, there are presently, and temporarily, hold many better than me to prothe reins of power. Ladies and gentlemen, nounce, but all I want to urge is I have revisited the past, that you look at ways of adding touched on the present and value to that which you have will now try to peer into to- access to. Value to your people, timber, craft and value to your morrow. Where will Guyana be? unspoilt environment!. Sit and dream, and then Where will the World Economy be? Where will Guyana cricket implement, as Guyana and be, where will W.I Cricket be – Guyana’s cricket have huge What’s next for World Cricket. untapped potential. Dare to be different. Dare What new and innovative invention is being hatched to excite to be a game changer - for the days of plodding leadthe cricket world? In Guyana, two things can ership are gone. Technology help Guyana and West Indies has changed and continues to cricket. Better pitches and a well change our world at a franthought-out and implemented tic pace and we as sporting development plan. Uncover administrators must keep up the gems within your beautiful with the pace - for that is the


Action bowls off today with second ... First round pushed back round matches By Calvin Roberts

FOLLOWING a rain-interrupted schedule first round start last week, the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) will today commence their Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T) in collaboration with Hand-in-Hand Group of Companies-sponsored four-team four-day championships. At Everest, former champions Berbice will collide with President’s XI while at Enmore on East Coast of Demerara,

perennial whipping boys Essequibo will take on defending champions Demerara, who will be led by GCB Cricketer-of-theYear Leon Johnson. There is no doubt that Demerara will start the encounter at Enmore against a lineup that is missing key fast bowler Ronsford Beaton as favourites, as only three members in the 14man squad have not represented Guyana at the First Class level, while one of them has never represented Guyana at any level. Rajendra Chandrika and Trevon Griffith will open their

CRICKET QUIZ CORNER (Thursday December 05, 2013) Compliments of THE TROPHY STALL-Bourda Market & The City Mall (Tel: 225-9230) & CUMMINGS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD-83 Garnette Street, Campbellville (Tel: 225-6158; 223-6055) Answers to yesterday’s quiz: Viv Richards Everton Mattis and Irving Shillingford Today’s Quiz: How many Test matches leg-spinner RajendraDhanraj played? How many wickets he took? Clive Lloyd played 87 ODIs. How many times he won the Man of the Match Award? Answers in tomorrow’s issue

Members of the President’s XI squad, conduct a warm-up exercise ahead of their net session at the Guyana National Industrial Corporation (GNIC) ground yesterday afternoon. Anthony Adams will lead the batting with Johnson, former Cinderella County side which Guyana and West Indies skipper also includes Gilford Moore, Ramnaresh Sarwan, Christopher who represented the Combined Barnwell, Steven Jacobs and Campuses and Colleges (CCC) Zaheer Mohammed bolstering in Regional first class and Super50 tournaments, before returning to Guyana. Also included in their lineup is Dillon Heyliger, who, like Rajiv Ivan, was named in Guyana’s 2012 Caribbean T20 tournament squad, but did not play any game, Keanu Harry, Kevon the middle order. Boodie, Ricardo Peters, Mark Discarded national wicketTyrell and the lively Kemo Paul. keeper batsman Derwin Christian The Sewnarine Chatterwill lead the lower order with goon-led Berbice team, like Desupport from Paul Wintz, Amir merara, comprises players who Khan and Trevon Garraway, have represented Guyana at varwhile Garraway, Wintz, Mohamious levels, will have their work med, Khan, Barnwell, Jacobs, cut out when they go up against and to some extent Griffith and a confident Vishal Singh-led Johnson, will take charge of the President’s XI at Everest. Demerara bowling department. West Indies’ ‘A’ team middle Left-arm orthodox spinner

pace of the young, the pace of the future. Be aware of what huge marketing possibilities abound due to the growing business of sport. Make yourself current and aware. Almost every aspect of sport has commercial considerations, and cricket is no different. Indeed, we are luckier than most because we have three varieties of the same product to sell - so we can segment the market - we have Test Cricket for the connoisseurs, 50 over for the middle of the road, and T20 for those who love action. As we say when buying doubles in Trinidad, the pepper is either hot, medium or slight, yours to choose - but it’s all tasty. We’ve got to see cricket like that, still in demand, relevant and very tasty. But we must watch our packaging and presentation. Our stadia themselves must become a destination, an experience. The modern spectator is a more demanding one. He/she wants good comfy seats, good amenities - (washrooms etc), food, and generally good entertainment. For a 3-hour game, you may escape with razz-ma-tazz. But for a full day, brother, make sure your stadium is user-friendly and the crowds will come. Use the event, use the technology, use the entertainment value and build the game in your part of the world. Build partnerships with Regional and

International counterparts and explore ways of tapping into the vast potential that is sport. Maybe a peep into the next decade will see Guyana having the first artificially grassed cricket field that will see you play cricket immediately after it rains, under lights and at sometime in the not-too-distant future under a dome. Maybe we will see 10 or more Guyanese cricketers leading West Indies and world cricket, much like Usain Bolt has done for Jamaica, or Brian Lara has done for Trinidad or Sachin Tendulka has done for India. We must dream, and we must pursue our dreams for if we don’t dare and we stand still, the world will leave us behind. Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight you have rewarded those who excelled in the past year. My congratulations to each and every awardee, each and every participant and all those who laboured in the vineyards to make it possible! Best wishes to Guyana as a country, and to the Guyana Cricket Board and all cricketers, and cricket fans. Go brave, dare to be a champion for you have it within you to be one. Thank you all for giving me this opportunity to be here and to address you tonight and, in closing, let me wish each and every one of you a Happy and Holy Christmas and a blessed, successful and prosperous New Year.

order batsman Assad Fudadin, Jonathan Foo, Royston Crandon, Anthony Bramble, Rajiv Ivan, Raun Johnson, Devon Clements and Keon Joseph, like Chattergoon, have all represented Guyana at one level or another. C h a t t e rg o o n , A n t h o n y D’Andrade, Fudadin, Foo, Crandon, Ivan, Bramble and Clements will take care of the batting with Bishoo also contributing in that area, while Joseph, Johnson, Bishoo, Crandon, Ivan, Clement and Krisendat Ramoo will be responsible for the bowling. The President’s XI lineup consists of players who were unfortunate not to make their County sides and will be looking to show to their respective County selectors the mistake

tournament a highly competitive one, once all the players compete to their true potential, since it is being used as a yardstick for selection to Guyana team. Gyananand Sookdeo and Imran Moakan are the men in charge of play at Everest with Patrick Garnath as the standby, while at Everest N. Shivsankar and Nolan Hawke will call play in the middle, with Montgomery Chester as the standby official. Listed below is a list of all the squads: President’s XI: Vishal Singh, Shemroy Barrington, Robin Bacchus, Ryan Ramdass, Seon Hetmyer, Shaquille Williams, Jason Sinclair, Romario Shepherd, Collis Butts, Steven Sankar, Kellon Carmichael, Andre Stoll, Dominique Rikhi and Seon Daniels. The Coach is Esuan Crandon and the Manager is Robert `Pacer’ Adonis. Demerara: Leon Johnson, Christopher Barnwell, Trevon Griffith, Rajendra Chandrika, Christopher Pattadin, Ramnaresh Sarwan, Steven Jacobs, Derwin Christian, Amir Khan, Zaheer Mohammed, Paul Wintz, Trevon Garraway, Randolph Knights and Totaram Bishun. Berbice: Sewnarine Chattergoon, Anthony D’Andrade, Assad Fudadin, Jonathan Foo, Royston Crandon, Rajiv Ivan, Devon Clements, Anthony Bramble, Eugene LaFleur, Kandasammy Surujnarine, Keon Joseph, Devendra Bishoo, Krisendat Ramoo and Raun Johnson. Essequibo: Royan Fredericks, Anthony Adams, Kevon Boodie, Ricardo Peters, Avenash Persaud, Herry Greene, Parmesh Parsotam, Mark Tyrell, Rajiv Balgobin, Rovindra Parsram, Kemo Paul, Keanu Harry, Dillon Heyliger and Gilford Moore.

they would have made in not selecting them. Ryan Ramdass and Shemroy Barrington have played for Guyana at the first class level before, along with Singh, and all three along with Andre Stoll, Robin Bacchus and Kellon Carmichael, were overlooked for the Demerara team even though they were in the trial squads. Apart from Collis Butts and Jason Sinclair, all other players in the President’s XI have played for Guyana at various levels, which makes this year’s


GUYANA CHRONICLE Thursday December 5, 2013


North East La Penitence shock Back Circle

NORTH East La Penitence, through goals from Calvin Moore, Carl Tudor and Alwyn Moore, inflicted a 3-0 drubbing on former champions Back Circle, while Laing Avenue were handed a shocking 1-0 defeat at the hands of Broad Street, on the third night of action in the sixth annual Banks DIH ‘Guinness Greatest of de Streets’ competition. Playing on the National Cultural Centre tarmac on Tuesday night, Calvin Moore scored in the 5th minute, followed by Tudor’s goal that was scored 15 minutes later, while Alwyn Moore placed the nail in Back Circle’s coffin with his 30th minute strike. In the Broad Street versus Laing Avenue encounter, Jimmy Gravesande’s 9th minute strike was all that was needed to separate the two teams, even as North Sophia triumphed over Festival City via a 3-1 penalty-kick win. Stevedore Housing Scheme

also came away with a 5-4 penalty-kick victory over Norton Street-West, after regulation time ended with the scores level at 3, with Quason Winter scoring a double for the victors in the 10th and 11th minutes, and Fitzroy Witherspoon in the 9th minute. Nigel DeCamp also had a brace for Norton StreetWest, finding the back of the box goal in the 7th and 21st minutes respectively, which, along with Dillon Legall’s 24th minute goal, ensured the game went into penalty kicks. Berlin Massive and North-Last Entrance also had their game decided from the spot, after the scoreline read 2-2 at the end of regulation time. Devon Charles saw his 44-second goal for Berlin Massive nullified by Shawn Goodluck’s strike for North-Last Entrance 16 seconds later, while Orin Massiah sent North-Last Entrance into the lead with his 4th minute goal which was

Canada, Gus Logie part ways TORONTO, Canada - Gus Logie, the coach of Canada, has been let go due to the team’s lack of results, Cricket Canada announced yesterday. Logie, the former West Indies batsman, who was appointed as coach of the national team in 2012, endured a difficult time at the helm. The team’s most recent failure came in the ICC World Twenty20 Qualifier, where they missed out on securing a spot in the World Twenty20 2014 by a long way, finishing 12th after winning only two group games out of seven. The team is currently chasing one of two spots available for the 2015 World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, with ODI status and a place in the ICC High Performance Programme also at stake. Given how important the next few months will be for the team, Doug Hannum, CEO of Cricket Canada, said it was time for the board to act. “This is obviously a challenging time for the organisation but this decision is made with a view to prepare and send the best team to the World Cup Qualifier in January,” he said. “Unfortunately you cannot change 15 players at once and something had to give. It’s up to the playing group to pick themselves up and give a good account of themselves in New Zealand.” Logie, 53, who played 52

Gus Logie Tests and 158 ODIs for West Indies between 1981 and 1993, had had a stint with Canada before, during the 2003 World Cup, before guiding West Indies to their Champions Trophy triumph in 2004. In 2005, he signed a longterm coaching deal with Bermuda but left them in 2009 after - justifiably, it was said - criticising the cricket set-up in the country. He replaced Michael Dighton for Canada in June last year. “We would like to thank Gus for all that he did while he was with us. His efforts in 2003 in South Africa are part of Canada’s sporting history and his hard work and dedication to his craft are unparalleled,” Ravin Moorthy, the Cricket Canada president, said. “It’s unfortunate that his tenure had to end after the disappointing tour of the UAE, but unfortunately this is a results-driven business and the results just weren’t there.” Cricket Canada are yet to name a replacement for Logie.

… Broad Street edge Laing Avenue

Part of Tuesday night’s action between Back Circle (black bibs) and North East La Penitence, as captured by Chronicle Sport’s Sonell Nelson. Tucville emulated Broad and complemented by goals later neutralised by Sherwin Street by defeating Riverview from Desmond Cotton (20th) Cadogan’s 15th minute strike 1-0, even as Jermain Scott and Michael Stuart (24th), for Berlin Massive who went guided Bent Street to a 4-2 while Chris Galloway (9th) onto to win the contest 3-2 on victory over D’Urban Street and Jamal Nicholas (14th) penalty kicks. with his brace that scored in scored for the losers. Thanks to Dennis Edthe 1st and 5th minutes of play The final game of the night wards’ 9th minute goal,

saw Alexander Village go on to win 3-2 on penalty kicks against East La Penitence, even though Shem Porter got a brace for the former in the 22nd and 24th minutes while Jermaine Weekes (10th) and Devon Millington (23rd) responded for the latter. The action continues with eight more matches at the Middle Street-based Burnham Basketball Hardcourt tonight with the fixtures as follows: Cross Street going up against East Front Road, Albouystown ‘A’ facing South Sophia, defending champions Leopold Street opposing Costello and Island All Stars taking on West Front Road’s Gold is Money. There will be the Guinness halftime break and on the resumption of play, Kingston meet South Ruimveldt, Norton Street –East clash with Queen Street/Tiger Bay, Globe Yard oppose Albouystown ‘B’ and Hope Street/Tiger Bay challenge California Square. (Calvin Roberts)

Adidas offers free World Cup ball to newborns in Brazil RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (Reuters) - The latest army of Brazil fans born in the country have been offered a free World Cup ball by German sporting goods maker Adidas as part of the official launch of the brazuca. The company’s chief executive Herbert Hainer said earlier this week that he expected Adidas to sell a record number of footballs next year when the tournament kicks off. However, any child born in Brazil on Tuesday, when the ball was launched, can be the proud owner of a brazuca, named in 2012 after a public vote in Brazil involving one million fans. The name comes from an informal local term meaning ‘Brazilian’ and refers to the Brazilian way of life. It is also used to complement a skilful move on the pitch. The colours and ribbon design of the ball panels symbolise the traditional multi-coloured wish bracelets worn in the country (fita do Senhor do Bonfim da Bahia).

The official match ball for the 2014 World Cup named ‘Brazuca’ was presented in Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday. different design, including a Sweden-Argentina friendly in The ball was tested for 2-1/2 February. years by more than 600 players Adidas has made every World and 30 teams in 10 countries Cup ball since 1970 and recently across three continents, includextended its partnership with socing Argentina’s Ballon d’Or, or cer’s world governing body FIFA world player-of-the-year winner until 2030, including the supply of Lionel Messi and European the official match ball. champions Bayern Munich. The company said in a news It was also used in sevrelease that “a new structural eral internationals, with a

innovation with a unique symmetry of six identical panels alongside a different surface structure will provide improved grip, touch, stability and aerodynamics on the pitch”. Brazil fullback Dani Alves said: “... we’re going to have a lot of fun with it. Most importantly, it plays well on the ground and in the air. It’s increased my levels of excitement even further and I honestly cannot wait for the opening game.” The tournament kicks off on June 12 next year in Sao Paulo and runs through to the July 13 final in Rio de Janeiro. World and European champions Spain are hoping the brazuca, which follows in the footsteps of the Jabulani and its predecessors going back to the renowned 1970 Telstar version, can bring them more success at next year’s finals. Spain captain and goalkeeper Iker Casillas said: “The brazuca has a stunning design that feels inspired by Brazil. Now the ball has been launched the tournament feels a lot closer. Hopefully with brazuca we can get the same result as in 2010.”

Solozano gets WI off to flying start CHITTAGONG, Bangladesh - West Indies Under-19s started their tour of Bangladesh with a big victory over the Bangladesh Cricket Board’s Invitational XI yesterday. The Windies scored 263-5 off their 50 overs and then bowled out the home side for 149 off 38.2 overs to win by 114 runs. Left-hander Jeremy Solozano top-scored for West Indies with 72 which included seven fours and three sixes on a good pitch at the Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium in Chittagong. He played the anchor role and was named Player-of-the-Match. The vice captain added 105 for the first wicket with Shimron Hetmyer who blasted 56 off 75 balls with eight fours. Brandon King gave the innings a final flourish as he muscled 51 off 35 balls – which included five boundaries and two sixes. He shared a fourth-wicket stand of 84 off just 67 balls with Tristan Coleman, who made 42 off 52 balls. The West Indies bowler proved dominant in the second half of the match. Captain Ramaal Lewis led the attack with 3-31 with his off-spin, while fast bowler Jerome Jones (2-17) and Marquino Mindley (2-19) made crucial breakthrough early in the innings. The West Indies will have a full training session today. The first official One-Day match against the Bangladesh Under-19s will be tomorrow at the ZAC Stadium.

Jeremy Solozano


The Chronicle is at

Minister Anthony lauds Chanderpaul on his milestone Minister of Culture Youth and Sport Dr Frank Anthony has extended congratulations to Shivnarine Chanderpaul on achievement of his milestone of scoring 11000 runs in Test cricket. “He is a tenacious batsman and has worked very hard over

the years. He is determined, disciplined and these have helped him achieve this milestone, and he continues to be an inspiration to young cricketers throughout the world. I wish him continued success, and I once again offer congratulations to Shiv,” Dr. Anthony said

Johnson and Ogle-Thomas Chanderpaul crosses voted Cricketers of the Year 11 000 Test runs … Chanderpaul carts off four awards

The awardees pose with their trophies after being rewarded on Monday at the GCB Annual Awards ceremony. (Cullen Bess –Nelson photo) eter-of-the-Year, for which he for his achievements with the received the Roy Fredericks FOLLOWING a two-year Ogle-Thomas were voted Male West Indies ‘A’ team this year, Trophy. hiatus for reasons unknown, and Female Cricketers of the along with Permaul, Narsingh Senior national skipper and the Dru Bahadur-steward Year. Deonarine and Assad Fudadin. West Indies left-arm spinner Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) Eighteen-year-old Guyana The 26-year-old Johnson, Veerasammy Permaul took last Tuesday night hosted its and West Indies Under-19 First who led all of Guyana’s batshome three individual awards, Annual Awards Ceremony Class opener Tagenarine Chanmen in this year’s West Inincluding spoils for being and Reception for 2013 in the derpaul stole the spotlight from dies Cricket Board Regional named the Senior Regional upper pavilion of the GeorgeJohnson, by carting off four four-day tournament, stood Cricketer-of-the-Year, while town Cricket Club (GCC) individual awards, including Johnson was also rewarded where Leon Johnson and June accolades for the Junior CrickSee Page 24

AN attacking spell of swing bowling from Tim Southee on the third morning left West Indies hanging by their nails in the Dunedin Test. Southee struck thrice with the wickets of Darren Bravo, Marlon Samuels and Narsingh Deonarine to kill the chances of a fight from the West Indies top order and strengthening New Zealand’s stranglehold on the match. The pitch at the University Oval had lost its greenish tinge and with the sun out, the conditions seemed best for batting. West Indies, trailing by 542 at the start of the day, couldn’t have asked for more. The New Zealand bowlers, however, showed yet again where West Indies had gone wrong in the first two days, bowling predominantly fuller lengths and using the bouncer sparingly. With Marlon Samuels and Darren Bravo staying rooted to the crease against swinging deliveries, a wicket never seemed too far. Southee extracted an outside edge off Samuels’ bat in the second over of the day only to see it fall short of first slip. In the next over, Samuels had another reprieve after Nigel Llong had ruled him out lbw as he played outside the line to a Boult delivery that came in. The replays showed the ball just missing off stump and the decision was overturned. New Zealand’s search for wickets ended in the fourth over of the day as Bravo drove at a full delivery from Southee and got a thick outside edge which was snaffled by Brendon McCullum at gully. 24 Thirteen balls later, Southee took ad- See Page

Shivnarine Chanderpaul

CCC appeals to WICB not to remove them from regional tournaments BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (CMC) - The Combined Colleges and Campuses (CCC) team is appealing to the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) not to remove it from the Regional Super50 and Four-day competitions. CCC’s appeal comes ahead of Saturday’s WICB’s meeting at which the team’s future in regional tournaments is expected to be among topics for discussion. “So we’re all feeling disappointed with all the rumours going around and even the press release last week,” declared Jamaican Akeem Dewar.

“But we certainly hope the WICB consider keeping us in the tournament, because over the years we have done very well”. Last week, WICB CEO Michael Muirhead said the regional board is considering axing CCC from the regional tournaments. Students held a press conference in Barbados on Tuesday, hoping to persuade the WICB to change their minds about removing their team from the 2014 regional tournaments. “I was a product of the Jamaica Tallawahs team,” Dewar said. See Page 24 “And I believe my selection came

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