October 2019

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‘deranged mind’, artwork by danny perrotta


contributors michael abramson

julia montilla

bradley rabinowitz

rune davino

danny perrotta

jasmine ferrufino

diana gilday

mary leech

emma pesin

trevor massett

durell baxter

jean ings

glenn federico

jessie levin

marissa woods

nora knox

gutter loves you <3, Editor in Chief: Muse McCormack Managing Editor: Mitchell Angelo Layout Editor: Bailey Hummel


horoscopes by mitchell angelo

letter from the editor

5 Hey Gutter Ghosts, Ghouls, and Lovers, I hate to say it, but your Editor in Chief will not be writing this month’s letter. She has unfortunately been possessed by a demon who will not release her until she is brought candy (all donations to free our beloved Muse will be accepted through the Gutter Office in CCN 0024/ 0025 in the basement of the Hub). My name is Grumble and I am the Gutter Ghost. I died in the usual way. That is to say I was sacrificed by a raccoon cult so they could live forever. It worked and now while they frolic in front of cars and buses with abandon, I get my amusement by pissing from the ceiling and making everyone think that they have leaks in their roofs. Mitch told me I have to stop that, but I’ve seen him talking to the raccoons. life may look good now pal, but it’s all just a fad. One day it’s all about immortality and the next everyone wants to be a Rugrat. The Rugrats weren’t immortal. What will you do then? Spooky season is a fun time, somehow Purchase gets even weirder and to me that makes it even better. I watched Bailey lay out this Halloween issue as Muse writhed on the floor screaming the lyrics to Wannabe by The Spice Girls in the language of Satan. You would think such a thing would be distracting, but no. This issue is that good that even a possessed girl couldn’t take my eyes off of it. And that’s because of you. We always say Gutter Loves You. Our love is unconditional and as midterms ramp up, the weather gets colder and gloomier, and suddenly you find yourself having a hard time balancing it all, just know that we are here. Gutter would be nothing without the love and support from the students here and so we will do everything we can to provide you that same love and support. If one day you are feeling down, pop by our office and say hi in your spookiest outfit. If no one (human) is there, then know that I, Grumble the Gutter Ghost, am watching. If your string lights start to blink, I’m saying hi. If something in your apartment breaks, I just want to play. If suddenly your ceiling starts to leak, I am merely trying to warm you with my urine. Stay safe out there kids. And don’t forget… Grumble (and Gutter) Loves You <3 XOXO The Gutter Team Grumble – The Gutter Ghost (They/ Them) Muse McCormack – Editor in Chief (She/ Her) Bailey Hummel – Layout Editor (They/ Them) Mitchell Angelo – Managing Editor (He/ Him)


illustration by emma pesin


measuring orion’s femur

I wish my hair were longer so you could love me I wish my bones were glued together better like they’ll be in plaster when Madame Archaeology re-pieces me how the the who

curious, she’ll say, the male pelvis frail fragments - his, she’ll call them fossils belonging to some man never was: my mother’s mystery son.

I wish my breasts were fuller so you could love me I wish my nerves sang so fine as my stumbling tongue will shape a vowel or my violin when she remembers me come back to me, she’ll say, your fingers your warmth - wooden as she, she’ll call me your sinews creaking to the tune of old rope strained by the North Wind. I wish my mind were brighter so you could love me I wish my spirit were entirely here, as it is elsewhere when I am at my most whole I cannot swallow you, you’ll say, the size of you, your gravity - the dazzling nearness, you’ll call me but break your love into chunks that I may chew and digest. but I wish your mouth were wider so you could love me I wish you’d choke to death with me for my bones are glued together, my nerves they are a-singing, and I’m finally here to shine.



artwork by glenn federico

illustration by emma pesin



photos from; jessie levin, marissa woods, diana gilday & bradley raminowitz <3



artwork by durell baxter



submission from julia montilla

15 writing by michael abramson

16 playlist by nora knox

artwork by durell baxter

deeper - run control cop - chain reaction empath - soft shape palehound - aaron ravvi & the houseplants - nora dehd - on my side mark ronson feat. angel olson - true blue french vanilla - suddenly olivia neutron-john - 16 beat fran - company patio - scum greta keating - big stomp guerilla toss - plants mannequin pussy - drunk II godcaster - she’s a gun pet fox - rare occasion battles - titanium 2 step


photo by jasmine ferrufino


comic by jean ings


comic by mary leech

‘spooky texts from your ex’ submission from muse mccormack

comic by bradley rabinowitz

the back page UPCOMING EVENTS ON CAMPUS music thursday! every thursday @ 9 in the basement of CCN

*interested acts should contact purchasetv@gmail.com

writers club meets every wednesday @ 9 in humanities 2059 lit society meets every tuesday @ 9 in humanities 2031 unicef club meets every tuesday @ 7 in humanities 1044 fall fest 11/2 in the stood fall ball 11/23 @ 9pm in the stood zinefeast part 1 11/10 @ 12 in the stood

FEELING STRESSED? Call the Counseling Center

(914) 251-6390

to make an appointment!

send your poms, playlists, illustrations, articles, text messages, comics, photographs, short stories, shopping lists, paintings, fashion tips, crossword puzzles, recipies, collages and love letters to


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