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Practice 7

Answer the following questions orally. 1. 2. 3.

Practice 8

Do you like listening to a story? What kind of story do you like? What do you like most when you tell the story to the people around you?

Read the story aloud. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Collin Thinks Big

Source: 50 Bedtime Stories: the Perfect Way to End Your Day, 2002

Collin Caterpillar and Sylvia Snail were crawling along the garden wall one sunny morning. “Isn’t the world big?” remarked Collin as he gazed around. “It’s huge, it’s enormous” agreed Sylvia, who thought a lot about such things inside her mind. “It makes me feel so very small,” Collin said. “But I know a way to change all that!” said Sylvia wisely. So the two of them spent the rest of that morning collecting the tiniest things they could Ànd. Collin collected a crumb, a pea, a shell and a petal. Soon he had found a feather, a peanut, a button and a berry. Sylvia brought back a drawing pin, a paper clip, a pen nib, a pin and a needle. “Look! You’re almost a giant Collin!” said Sylvia. “Funnily enough, how small these things are,” chuckled Collin, “and look how big I am!” Adapted from 50 Bedtime Stories: the Perfect Way to End Your Day, 2002

It’s a Great Story


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