2023 19th Annual Gumbo Hill Ranch Production Sale

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Selling 74 hd of Angus & Angus Hybrid Yearling Bulls 19th Annual Production Sale ~ www.gumbohillranch.com February 17, 2023 ~ 1:00 pm mt At The Ranch, McIntosh, SD
Angus~SimAngus~Gelbvieh Angus Performance Proven Genetics for the Commercial Cattleman


First of all we would like to say thank you to all the great customers & friends who have come out to the sale in previous years to purchase bulls. Your support has given us the ability to continue to develop our program and customer satisfaction has always been a priority for us. This has also given us the ability to move our sale back to the ranch. Bringing our customers to the ranch is the best way to give them a true picture of where the bulls come from & a more in depth view of our program & operation.

We have seen the start of an uptrend in the cattle markets in 2022 & I think we are just at the beggining. The future is looking bright for cattle ranchers & we want to make sure you have just the genetics & bull power to help you capture as much value added product as possible.

Here at Gumbo Hill we calve our cows the same time as most of our customers. And weather permitting they are out on the range doing the work themselves. We have found that good cattle that have the ability to perform with less inputs and have more natural ability to gain, thanks to heterosis & high production genetics, prove again and again that they are value added. In addition, we have seen the premium that is paid on a uniform, heavy set of feeder calves, therefore we are bringing you just the bulls you need to make them. The genetics that are used on our cows have a strong maternal line, we believe the cow is the most important part of any pedigree and program. We strive to breed cows that are moderate framed and easy fleshing, reducing inputs to be productive. The bulls are fed and bred to thrive in our regions large pastures, hard pan soils and rocky hills. We have found that hybrid bulls can give the advantage of heterosis to any program, improving performance, foot quality and increasing profits along with still allowing producers to retain high quality replacement heifers & not sacrificing the angus foundation of the animal.

Come out to the ranch anytime and take a look at the bulls, we love to talk cattle! Give us a call if you have any questions or just to have a visit. We look forward to seeing you sale day!

Blaine & Cassie Mollman

-Brady, Bailie, Tripp & Timry Jo

9993 52nd Ave SW

McIntoSh, Sd 57641


blAIne: 605-314-3504 / cASSIe : 701-226-8930

Home: 701-276-9215


FROm mCINTOSH: 4 MIleS WeSt on hWy 12

5 MIleS north on grAvel roAd

FROm WATAugA: 5 MIleS eASt on hWy 12

5 MIleS north on grAvel roAd

SIgnAge WIll be PlAced on the APProAch At hIghWAy turn WeSt on grAvel roAd When you See the guMbo hIll rAnch SIgn



FEBRuARy 17, 2023 | luNCH AT 11:30 mT | SAlE AT 1:00 mT At The Ranch McIntosh, SD


Matt Wznick - Western Ag Reporter - 406-489-2414

Will Bollum - Western Ag Reporter - 507-244-0833

Scott Dirk - TriState Livestock News- 605-380-6024

Kadon Leddy - Cattle Business Weekly - 605-924-0757

Andrew Swanon - Farm & Ranch Guide - 507-829-4133


The bulls will be sorted & sold by sire groups in catalog order. a sale supplement sheet will be available sale day.


Gumbo Hill will retain the right to collect any bull for in herd use sold in the sale at the buyers convince & at our expense.


Free Keep until May 1st & free delivery within 300 miles. We will be happy to assist with transportation or meet at central locations. Buyer takes home sale day & deduct $150/hd.


3 Bulls - 3% | 4 Bulls - 4% | 5 Bulls or more 5%


Every precaution will be taken to protect the safety & comfort of those attending the sale. All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk & neither the owner or sale staff assume any responsibility or liability, legal or otherwise for any accidents occuring in or about the premises.

Registered Bulls

Some of the bull registration information & full epds are not yet available from the American Angus Association at time of print. A list of the updated Registration numbers & full EPD’s will be provided sale day on those animals.


Each bull has been genomically tested with Geneseek Igenity. they are parentage verified & coat color tested. Hetro Black bulls will be identified as such in sale catalog.


Bulls are on a complete Zoetis Health program & have been poured with Clean Up. They will be given breeding shots prior to delivery. Semen testing & a full breeding exam will be performed prior to delivery.


The bulls are not overfed or pushed, they are grown out slowly & penned in large lots to ensure soundness & get a true picture of their genetic performance. the TMR that they recieve contains a mineral pack & rumensin premix & is balanced to acheive a moderate 3lb/ day gain to help ensure sound feet & fertility, they exceeded expectations & are gaining an average of 3.15 lbs per day.


Scrotal measurements that are listed are adjusted by age based upon actual measurements taken in January. We have found this to be a more accurate measure due to the bulls age at the time of sale. All are within the acceptable size to pass a breeding exam. Scrotals will be evaluated again when the bulls recieve their Breeding Soundess exam.


8106 Koupals B&B Pathfinder 8106

Koupals Pathfinder is a son of the late LT Enterprise & his Dam is a true maternal masterpiece at Koupal Angus. He is widely becoming known for his calving ease & explosive growth. As luck, mother nature & unexpected shipping delays would have it we only ended up with one son born of him on the ranch due to limited use in 2021. However he was able to be utilized on our commercial heifer projects & customers were very impressed with the overall birth to growth curve that they recieved from his progeny. We were able to utilize Pathfinder more in our heifer projects in 2022 & are looking forward to having more calves on the ground this spring. With that being said the one son we did end up with blew our socks off with his overall performance & style earning him a spot as the lead off bull in this years sale.

This Pathfinder son was able to keep up with all the rest & recieved tremendous perfomance from his 105 sired dam as well. Earning the award for heaviest 205 WT.

Adj. YW in the group

K oupals B&B p athfinder 8106 son
B&B Identity B&B Blackbd Progress 3015B&B Blkbd Progress 0049 B-Date:1/19/18 Angus Reg# 19270968 BW WW YW SC MILK BW 205 Days 365 Days Mature Wt. Frame Score -1.4 69 124 .25 29 74 779 1377 CED DOC MB RE 8 6 .68 0.69 E P D r eference s ire K oupals B&B p athfinder 8106
028 LT
Erica 0121 Koupals
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 86 846 832 1460 3.78 34 LT Enterprise 5213 Koupals B&B Pathfinder 8106LT Erica 0121 GH 105 Special 0260Y GH 105 Special GH Capitalist NW 5057G B-Date:3-9-22 Angus Homo Black Lot 1 Lot 1 1 Gumbo Hill 0260

062 Deep Creek Countermeasure

CTS Remedy 1T01

Connealy Thunder

7V03 Bellemere Maid 9T02

We purchased Countermeasure in the 2021 Deep Creek angus sale. He was selected for his proven maternal pedigree containing the great Connealy Thunder & Basin Excitement. Displaying an impressive growth curve from birth to weaning only solidified our decision to take him home. We chose to mate him with our up & coming daughters of LT Converse who exhibited enormous mama cow potential with their first calve hitting the ground last spring. The Converse daughters are fancy, the true angus kind with excellent teat & udder quality. They have a bright future here at Gumbo Hill & the

x Converse mating proved to be an outstanding pairing.

2 Gumbo Hill 0248 -H

B-Date:2/26/22 Angus Homo Black

Sandhills 8082

Not much needed to say about these Countermeasure calves. You will find them & like them, like peas in a pod. Suitable for Heifers.

Basin Excitement Deep Creek Excite Lass 738 Deep Creek Up Lass 562
Angus Reg# 19899182 BW WW YW SC MILK BW 205 Days 365 Days Mature Wt. Frame Score 1.2 69 130 .32 19 68 844 1409 CED DOC MB RE 1 19 0.17 1.00 E P D r eference s ire d eep c ree K c ountermeasure d eep c ree K c ountermeasure s ons
CTS Remedy Deep Creek CountermeasureDeep Creek Excite Lass 738
Converse 8011 GH Converse 0248Y
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 78 826 782 1320 3.44 38
All Sale Bulls have been color coat tested & Parentage Verified by DNA.
Lot 2
Gumbo Hill cows are required to have fleshing ability, udder quality, foot integrity & a good disposition.

3 Gumbo Hill 0245 -H

B-Date:3/5/22 Angus Homo Black

CTS Remedy Deep Creek CountermeasureDeep Creek Excite Lass 738

GH Converse 0245Y

LT Converse 8011

GH Impressive 8068T

4 Gumbo Hill 0233 -H

B-Date:3/4/22 Angus Homo Black

CTS Remedy Deep Creek CountermeasureDeep Creek Excite Lass 738

GH Converse 0233Y

Exhibits true angus breed character with a calving ease pedigree 3 generations deep and performance to boot. Use him on cows or heifers but keep every female.

Suitable for Heifers.

LT Converse 8011

GH Hot Lotto 8036T

0233 goes back to a solid cow family, his granddam sold a top bull in last years sale.

Suitable for Heifers.

6 d eep c ree K c ountermeasure sons
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 75 794 773 1355 3.49 35
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 72 684 673 1185 3.01 36
Lot 4
0236 Countermeasure son
Lot 3

5 Gumbo Hill 0246


B-Date:3/4/22 Angus Homo Black

CTS Remedy

Deep Creek CountermeasureDeep Creek Excite Lass 738

GH Converse 0246Y

LT Converse 8011

GH Impressive 8071T

Another bull with 3 generations of calving ease in his pedigree going back to a Mohnen Impressive sired granddam.

Suitable for Heifers

6 Gumbo Hill 0236


B-Date:3/22/22 Angus Homo Black

CTS Remedy

Deep Creek CountermeasureDeep Creek Excite Lass 738

GH Converse 0236Y

LT Converse 8011

GH Chisum 8074T

Predictable calving ease coming from Countermeasure, Converse & Chisum 255 which are all found in this guys pedigree.Check out the growth curve.Suitable for Heifers

7 Gumbo Hill 0244


B-Date:3/4/22 Angus Homo Black

CTS Remedy Deep Creek CountermeasureDeep Creek Excite Lass 738

GH Converse 0244Y

LT Converse 8011

GH Chisum 8062T

Sleep all night calving ease with a maternal pedigree. Granddam is a Chisum 255 daughter going back to the 1635 Bridgewater cow that has 2 sons in the sale also.

Suitable for


Gumbo Hill 0140 -H TWIN

B-Date:3/4/22 7/8 AN 1/8 GV Hetro Black

CTS Remedy Deep Creek CountermeasureDeep Creek Excite Lass 738

U-2 Coalition 206C

GH Coalition 0140Y GH Networth Dusty Trail 1352B

0140’s Coalition dam is about at sweet as they come for disposition & maternal instints. This calf was a twin & she would have raised them both if we would have let her. Suitable

eep c ree K c ountermeasure sons
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 73 730 714 1242 3.19 36
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 68 696 730 1206 3.18 34
Heifers BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 61 648 640 1160 2.91 36
for Heifers BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 58 628 622 1094 2.77 33
Lot 5 Lot
Lot 7 Lot

d eep c ree K c ountermeasure sons

9 Gumbo Hill 0226 -H

B-Date:3/5/22 Angus Homo Black

CTS Remedy

Deep Creek CountermeasureDeep Creek Excite Lass 738

GH Converse 0226Y

LT Converse 8011

Gumbo Hill 8025T

A heifer bull prospect who put up good performance numbers with a low bw at the beginning. Calving ease pedigree throughout.

Lot 9


hoMe rAISed bred heIferS Are offered for SAle PrIvAte treAty every fAll

hAnd Selected & develoPed for QuAlIty & dISPoSItIon

bred to Proven cAlvIng eASe bullS

Suitable for Heifers BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 70 724 710 1118 2.98 32

4123 MAR Groundwork 4123

B-Date:2/22/20 Angus Reg# 19881587

S Foundation 514

Vision Unanimous

S Lady Ann 8384

MAR Final Image 811

MAR Final Image Timber 2704 MAR Timber Design

We had the opportunity to purchase some later calving cows from Koupal’s Angus last winter & a majority came bred to a bull raised right here in our neck of the woods. MAR Groundwork was purchased by Beef 360 & Bud Koupal at the Maher Angus Ranch sale in 2021. He was selected for his excellent foot structure & overall balanced phenotype & performance profile. You will find a half brother to him in the MAR Formation bull that was selected by us in the 2021 sale also with his first calves in the sale.

mar G round W or K 4123 sons

10 GHR Groundwork 2207

B-Date:2/26/22 Angus Reg# 20570940

MAR Ground Work 4123

S Foundation 514

MAR Final Image Timber 2704

KM Broken Bow 002 B&B Gammer 8047

Gammer 6076

This Groundwork son is so complete & well balanced with a smooth profile & rock solid performance.

Branding fun with the cousins!

BW WW YW SC MILK BW 205 Days 365 Days Mature Wt. Frame Score 2.3 68 121 .86 30 CED DOC MB RE 0 21 0.65 0.51 E P D
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC SC CEM Milk DOC REA 90 842 780 1344 3.57 36 12 29 .40 CED BW WW YW 5 6 .5 62 106 EPDs
r eference s ire mar G round W or K 4123

mar G round W or K 4123 sons

GHR Groundwork 2211

2211 is another nice Groundwork son carrying some length of side & a strong square top. His dam is a good Titan daughter coming from Koupal Angus.

Lot 11 12 GHR Groundwork 2215



13 GHR Groundwork 2209

This younger Groundwork brother is out of a Connealy Full Metal daughter going back to Connealy Consensus 7229.

BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC SC CEM Milk DOC REA 95 806 744 1331 3.56 37 1.02 2 24 15 .51 CED BW WW YW 5 3.1 64 115 EPDs 11
MAR Ground
B&B Lass 7092 B&B Lass 1023 B-Date:3/4/22 Angus Reg# 20570938
Work 4123
Final Image Timber 2704 Koupals B&B Titan 3013
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC SC CEM Milk DOC REA 98 636 614 1174 3.10 35 -- 7 25 .-CED BW WW YW -2 4.2 58 106 EPDs S
MAR Ground
MAR Final
Work 4123
Image Timber 2704 Connealy Full
Zara 7167
Zara 7167
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC SC CEM Milk DOC REA 88 692 632 1098 2.95 35 CED BW WW YW -- -EPDs S Foundation 514 MAR Ground Work 4123 MAR Final Image Timber 2704 Koupals B&B Amigo 3034 B7B Lassie 5066 B&B Lassie 3079 B-Date:2/27/22 Angus Reg#Pending
Baldridge Drag Iron - Sire of Lots 15 & 16

GHR Broker 2204


Sitz Broker 11168

B&B Zara 8113

Sitz Broker 12985

Sitz Elsiemere 1655

Koupals B&B On Course 5068

B&B Zara 9175

2204 is another bull origninating from a Koupal dam, he is a stylish,stout, well made bull that we really liked early on as a calf. With his maternal background he should be cow maker.

GHR Drag Iron 2206

Baldridge Drag Iron

Hoover No Doubt

Baldridge Isabel C024

SAV Priority 7283

B&B Queen 5040 B&B Queen 3067

Baldridge Drag Iron is popular son of Hoover No Doubt, they are known for their growth & power. This Drag Iron is no exception carrying tons of middle & muscle shape.

GHR Drag Iron 2202

Hoover No Doubt

Koupals B&B Fort Knox 2207

B&B Prospector Pride 5017

B&B Prospector Pride 1036

This guy is full of middle & stout! Cow making kind with a unique outcross pedigree.

11 s itz B ro K er 11168 son
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC SC CEM Milk DOC REA 86 732 678 1274 3.25 36 .72 7 22 18 .71 CED BW WW YW 1 1.4 61 107 EPDs
Angus Reg#20570941
Lot 14 B aldridr G e d ra G i ron s ons
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC SC CEM Milk DOC REA 93 808 735 1213 3.33 32 - - - -CED BW WW YW - - -EPDs
B-Date:2/26/22 Angus Reg#pending Lot 15
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC SC CEM Milk DOC REA 80 680 612 1182 3.03 34 -- .-CED BW WW YW - -EPDs
Baldridge Drag Iron Baldridge Isabel C024
B-Date:2/21/22 Angus Reg#pending Lot 16

r eference s ire sa V c ertified

0849 SAV Certified 0849

B-Date:1/8/20 Angus Reg# 19852840

Marcys Scale Crusher

SAV Blackmay May 1420


Sitz Upward 307R

Marcys Erica 393

Rito 707 of Ideal

SAV Blackcap May 4136

SAV Certified was the second high selling Scale Crusher son to sell at the 2021 SAV Production sale, and the Scale Crusher son selected to be used back into the SAV herd. He is an impressive individual to see with his flawless phenotype full of lenth of body & overall mass. We had the opportunity to view Certified at SAV this past summer & are excited to sample him in our program. His calves have perfomance, length & overall power.

sa V c ertified 0849 sons


Gumbo Hill 5066

B-Date:3/23/22 Angus Homo Black

SAV Certified 0849

GH Industrial 5066G

Marcys Scale Crusher

SAV Blackcap May 1420

MAR Industrial

Gumbo Hill 1366B

5066 carries a stunning profile on an excellentt set of feet & legs. His Industrial dam is a highly productive cow with a beautiful udder & a ton of capacity.

BW WW YW SC MILK BW Act WW 365 Days Act Ribeye Frame Score 2.7 69 132 1.34 23 90 1039 1674 -CED DOC MB RE 1 29 -.16 1.04 E P D
Blaine & Kelly Schaff evaluating SAV Certified
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 81 758 733 1337 3.62 38 Lot 17


sa V c ertified 0849 sons

Gumbo Hill 1636

B-Date:3/25/22 3/4 AN 1/4 SM Homo Black

SAV Certified 0849

GH Rancher Pioneer 1636

Marcys Scale Crusher

SAV Blackcap May 1420

JF Rancher

Gumbo Hill 827R

This simx Certified son is out of one of our favorite cows. With a bold rib & thickly made he is a powerhouse & cowmaker deluxe. Find him you will like him!


Gumbo Hill 1635 Twin

B-Date:3/25/22 7/8 AN 1/8 GV Homo Black

SAV Certified 0849

GH Bridgewater 1635

Marcys Scale Crusher

SAV Blackcap May 1420

LT Bridgewater 3115

Gumbo Hill 815R

These Certified calves are the type of cattle that really crank it out & I think they will only keep getting more impressive as they age.


Gumbo Hill 5152 Twin


SAV Certified 0849

GH Bridgewater 1635

Homo Black

Marcys Scale Crusher

SAV Blackcap May 1420 LT Bridgewater 3115

BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 92 696 679 1267 3.40 37 Lot 18
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 82 786 744 1262 3.51 34 Lot 19
Gumbo Hill 815R 7/8 AN 1/8 GV
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 72 672 655 1191 3.23 34 Lot 20
The twin brother to Lot 19. Both these calves have the characteristic Certified lenth of body, strong top & great feet. Use them to put some lbs on a set of calves.

r eference s ire m ohnen p resident 2819

2819 Mohnen President 2819

B-Date:1/14/19 Angus Reg# 19558041

SAV President 6847

SAV Madame Pride 2407

Coleman Charlo 0256

SAV Blackcap May 4136

SAV Mustang 9134

SAV Madame Pride 5290

Mohnen President 2819 was our pick from the 2020 Mohnen Production sale. He is a stunning son of SAV President x SAV Madame Pride 2407 who is one of the top producing daughters of the million dollar matriarch cow SAV Madame Pride 5290. Moderate framed, tons of muscle mass & volume; this bull is an eye catcher. He travels with athletisicm & stands on an excellent set of feet. He puts a stamp on all his calves & we are looking forward to calving his first daughters this spring. The true test of excellence for every bull.

Gumbo Hill 4124

B-Date:3/27/22 3/4 AN 1/4 GV Homo Black

Mohnen President 2819

SAV President 6847

SAV Blackcap May 1420

CCC Merritt 030

GH Merritt Dusty Trail 4124P Elk CK 625P

4124 is a favorite in the pen, he comes from one of our most productive Gelbvieh cow families & he is following suit. You will find him in the pens, he’s everyones buddy.

2819 sons

All the bullS At guMbo hIll Are WeIghed WIth A dIgItAl ScAle

We do not gueSS

We do not uSe A tAPe....

All WeIghtS Are true & AccurAte tAken WIthIn 24 hourS of bIrth

none of the bullS born to coWS In thIS SAle hAve been ASSISted At bIrth.

extrA length, PerforMAnce & PoWer froM the StArt

14 m ohnen p resident
BW WW YW SC MILK BW 205 Days 365 Days Act Ribeye Frame Score 3.6 70 121 .24 32 87 881 1438 14.0 CED DOC MB RE 6 22 0.16 0.88 E P D
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 90 808 794 1278 3.63 38 Lot 21


Gumbo Hill 1641

B-Date:3/21/22 3/4 AN 1/4 SM

Mohnen President 2819

GH Rancher 1641o

Lot 22

SAV President 6847

SAV Blackcap May 1420

JF Rancher

Gumbo Hill 923W

This bull is as fancy as they come, hes’s the kind that makes you smile everytime you see him. He’s always been a favorite & the cowmaker kind.


Gumbo Hill 1721

B-Date:3/19/22 3/4 AN 1/4 SM

Mohnen President 2819

GH Rancher 1721o

SAV President 6847

SAV Blackcap May 1420

JF Rancher

GH Upward 107B

Lot 23 exhibits an attractive profile on a well placed set of feet & legs, his Rancher dam has made several good ones & he is no exception.

Lot 22 prior to weaning

15 m ohnen p resident 2819 sons
Homo Black
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 89 742 712 1196 3.34 35
Homo Black
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 89 730 695 1119 3.17 38
Lot 23


Gumbo Hill 8064

B-Date:3/27/22 7/8 AN 1/8 SM

Mohnen President 2819

GH Chisum Rancher 8064T

Homo Black

SAV President 6847

SAV Blackcap May 1420

S Chisum 255

GH Rancher 1641o

8064’s dam is a daughter of the 1641 Rancher cow that is the dam of lot 22. As you can see this cow family is rock solid. This stout, heavy made bull is following suit.


Gumbo Hill 5159

B-Date:3/30/22 Angus

Mohnen President 2819

27 Gumbo Hill 1747

Homo Black

SAV President 6847

SAV Blackcap May 1420

SAV Resource 1441

GH Resource Total 5159G GH BTotal 944W

Lot 25 has a truly maternally stacked pedigree going back to the great 944W Bennett Total daughter. She was in production until 13 yrs of age & has made many great daughters.


Gumbo Hill 1301

Mohnen President 2819

SAV President 6847

SAV Blackcap May 1420

SAV Networth 4200

GH Networth DT 1301B Elk Ck 612P

A 1/4 GV that is long sided, correct & will really put the pounds on a set of calves. 1301’s Networth pedigree makes him a maternal breeding peice as well.

Mohnen President 2819

GH Rancher 1747o

Lot 24

Homo Black

SAV President 6847

SAV Blackcap May 1420

JF Rancher

GH Total 927W

Another calf with a maternal pedigree on both sides. His dam has an excellent foot structure & is highly productive.

ohnen p resident
2819 sons
Mohnen President 2819 at turnout
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 87 670 679 1169 3.17 37
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 94 690 687 1103 3.14 33
3/4 AN 1/4 GV Homo Black
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 92 734 731 1163 3.32 36
B-Date:3/29/22 3/4 AN 1/4
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 85 646 641 1065 2.99 39
All of the Gumbo Hill Ranch Genetics have a focus on strong maternal lines.
We believe that the cow is the most important part of every pedigree and program.
We want to produce cows that are efficient, easy keepers that will not require extra supplementation to be productive on our regions grasslands. This years sale offering represents the top 20% of our bull calves.


105 Gumbo Hill 105 Special

B-Date:3/19/18 Angus Homo Black

HA Cowboy Up

GH Aberdeen 105B

HA Outside 3008

HA Ever Lady 1575

TC Aberdeen 759

Gumbo Hill 912W

GH 105 Special -as a 4 yr old PC- Kristie Birkland

105 Special was the first home raised bull that we had collected for use as a feature sire in our production sale. Purchased by Dave Lensegrav in the 2019, there are so many things we love about this bull! Our confidence in his pedigree & maternal line is exactly why we wanted to capture more of his genetics within our herd & offer them to you as well. His first calves hit the ground in 2020 & he has been putting top end calves in the pens ever since. Special’s calves are truly that …Special! We can’t say enough about his dam GH Aberdeen 105 – she has done it year after year for us, consistently breeding back & producing a top end calf. She is truly one of a kind & her influence along with the powerhouse Cowboy Up will be an asset to any program.

G h 105 special sons


Gumbo Hill 201

B-Date:3/21/22 Angus Homo Black

GH 105 Special

GH Chisum Total 201B

HA Cowboy Up

GH Aberdeen 105B

S Chisum 6175

GH Total 945W

This bull is packed with muscle & thickness, moderate bw with a maternal pedigree, keep every heifer.


BW 205 WT. Adj. YW SC MILK 88 906 1391 43CED DOC MB RE - - - -
eference s ire G h 105 special
GH Aberdeen 105B at 10 yrs of age
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 83 714 685 1169 3.24 37

G h 105 s pecial sons

29 Gumbo Hill 8057

B-Date:3/21/22 Angus Homo Black

GH 105 Special

HA Cowboy Up

GH Aberdeen 105B

Mohnen Impressive 1093

GH Impressive 8057T GH Resource 1620o

A true son of 105 special with a strong top, long body & impressive performance numbers. Complete package.

32 Gumbo Hill 5055

Lot 29

B-Date:3/19/22 Angus Homo Black

HA Cowboy Up

GH 105 Special GH Aberdeen 105B

Connealy Capitalist 028

GH Capitalist 5055G Gumbo Hill 1335B

Lot 30


Gumbo Hill 4066

B-Date:3/23/22 7/8 AN 1/8 SM Homo Black

HA Cowboy Up

GH 105 Special GH Aberdeen 105B

Mohnen Long Distance 1639

GH Long Distance 4066 GH Chisum Subzero 263

A lighter BW bull that still has the power pedigree in his 105 Special sire.


Gumbo Hill 4002

B-Date:3/26/22 7/8 AN 1/8 GV Homo Black

GH 105 Special

GH Merritt Atlas 4002P

HA Cowboy Up

GH Aberdeen 105B

CCC Merritt 030

GH Atlas Buschwacker 702p

Lot 32’s capitalist dam is just picture perfect, add the longevity & performance of 105 to the udder quality & angus breed character of the Capitalist daughters.

33 Gumbo Hill 256

B-Date:3/23/22 7/8 AN 1/8 GV Homo Black

HA Cowboy Up

GH 105 Special GH Aberdeen 105B

Gumbo Hill 256B

Commercial Angus

Gumbo Hill 3-53W

The 256 cow does it every year & brings another pure power bull to the sale again. Check out the performance #’s on this fella.

GH Aberdeen 105B front feet at 10 yrs of age

If your looking to add length to your calves this guy is up to the task.

BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 92 824 810 1292 3.61 38
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 80 694 671 1179 3.24 35
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 100 654 641 1201 3.22 32
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 85 696 662 1046 2.99 36
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 100 820 793 1353 3.75 40

F42 QB Last Frontier F42

Last Frontier is a high % simmental bull originating from the Quandt Brothers ranch. He was purchased by Hart Simmentals & used heavily in both programs. Progeny are clean made, high growth & maternally productive. His dam QB MS Last Call is one of Quandts best donor cows. Look to him to add clean fronted simmental power into a pedigree.

QB l ast f rontier f 42 sons 34

Gumbo Hill 1670


1670 is a true POWER bull, WW wt, 365 wt, WDA & Scrotal ! His Admiral dam really outdid herself.


Gumbo Hill 207


QB Last Frontier F42

GH Thunder Pioneer 207B

CCR Frontier 0053Z

QB MS Last Call B714

Connealy Thunder

BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 105 816 802 1290 3.67 38

Gumbo Hill 250

QB Last Frontier F42

GH Chisum Pioneer 250B

Lot 35


1/2 AN

CCR Frontier 0053Z

QB MS Last Call B714

S Chisum 6175

GH Pioneer Bushwacker 939W Homo

BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 86 680 663 1191 3.24 36 Lot

MCC Daylight 0005
Frontier 0053Z CCR MS 4013 DURA 0053X WCS MR Last Call 212Z QB MS Last Call B714KS Miss Advance Y714 B-Date:3/5/18 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Reg. 3509777
BW WW YW Milk API BW 205 Days 365 Days Mature Wt. Frame Score 3.5 75 131 33.3 117 -- -MCE DOC MB REA 3.5 16 0.25 1.05 E P D r eference s ire QB l ast f rontier f 42
QB Last Frontier
QB MS Last
MAR Admiral GH Admiral 1670o Gumbo Hill 4134P B-Date:3/27/22 3/8 SM 5/8 AN Homo Black
Call B714
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 108 812 799 1415 3.88 41
Lot 34
GH Pioneer 045Y 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Black
Sure have to appreciate how clean made & smooth patterned the Last Frontier sons are, even better look at the growth numbers they put up.
B-Date:3/22/22 1/2
Maternally bred simmental bull whose dam 250 has raised alot of good ones over the years. Will make some great Simm influenced females.


Gumbo Hill 1676

QB Last Frontier F42

CCR Frontier 0053Z

QB MS Last Call B714

Basin Payweight 1682

GH Payweight 1676o Gumbo Hill 4168P

40 Gumbo Hill 4140

B-Date:3/29/22 3/8 SM 5/8 AN Homo Black

QB Last Frontier F42

GH Packer 4140P

Another Last Frontier with a smooth profile, free moving & setting on excellent feet & legs.


Gumbo Hill 229

CCR Frontier 0053Z

QB Last Frontier F42 QB MS Last Call B714

229 is a lower BW bull out of a Final Answer dam. She has been a very productive cow over the years.


Gumbo Hill 4166

QB Last Frontier F42

GH Long Distance 4166P

CCR Frontier 0053Z

QB MS Last Call B714

Mohnen Long Distance 1639

Hill 258B

Moderate birth weight half blood with a lot of stretch, function & rock solid performance.

CCR Frontier 0053Z

QB MS Last Call B714

Coneally Packer

Mohnen Jilt 2349B

Lot 40 is a square topped bull with plenty of length of side & good structure.


Gumbo Hill 1303


QB Last Frontier F42


CCR Frontier 0053Z

QB MS Last Call B714

Basin Excitement

42 Gumbo Hill 8034

B-Date:3/24/22 3/8


CCR Frontier 0053Z


Last Call B714

QB l ast f
Homo Black
B-Date:3/22/22 3/8 SM 5/8 AN
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 103 718 692 1240 3.37 39
B-Date:3/23/22 3/8 SM 5/8 AN Homo Black
SAV Final Answer GH Final Answer 229B
Hill 032Y
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 81 680 658 1222 3.28 36 Lot
SM 1/2 AN Homo Black
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 83 770 747 1297 3.58 41
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 90 686 680 1200 3.30 37
GH Excitement 1303B Gumbo Hill 124B SM
5/8 AN Homo Black
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 100 744 726 1134 3.26 38
1303 is a performance bull who is long as a freightrain. He will add some extra rib & power.
QB Last Frontier F42 QB
BSF Hot Lotto 1401
GH Hot Lotto 8034T GH Balancer
5/8 AN Homo Black
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 78 656 657 1121 3.04 37
Light BW & clean front & smooth profile. The Balancer 934 pedigree only makes him even better.

0170 Ellingson Turn Key 0170


Ellingson Three Rivers 8062

EA Miss Blackbird 5054

Connealy Consensus 7229

EA Embylynette 6279

Koupal Advance 28

EA Miss Blackbird 3223

Turn Key was the high selling Three Rivers son in the 2021 Ellingson bull sale. Selected for the pure power & performance exhibited by the Three Rivers line, Turn Key is a more moderate frame size with the maternal benefits added from his Advance dam that is a premier donor at Ellingson Angus. She is known for her foot & udder quality, fertility & phenotypic balance.

e llin G son t urn K ey 0170 sons

43 Gumbo Hill 8052

B-Date:3/16/22 Angus Homo Black

Ellingson Turn Key 0170

GH Chisum 8052T

Ellingson Three Rivers 8062

EA Miss Blackbird 5054

S Chisum 255

GH Wagonmaster 1606o

A true curve bender bull with a moderate bw & strong performance numbers. It was a little frosty when we pictured him but what an impressive phenotype on a stud of a bull.

Reg. 19853322
BW WW YW SC MILK BW 205 Days 365 Days Mature Wt. Frame Score 3.4 93 163 .66 24 -CED DOC MB RE 4 11 0.46 0.85 E P D r eference s ire e llin G son t urn K ey 0170
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 80 726 702 1280 3.38 39 Lot 43
Timry & her mom decided to branch off into a side breed adventure....mini highlands.

44 Gumbo Hill 103

B-Date:3/24/22 3/4 AN 1/4 SM

Ellingson Turn Key 0170

GH Networth Subzero 103B

46 Gumbo Hill 1348

Homo Black

Ellingson Three Rivers 8062

EA Miss Blackbird 5054

SAV Networth 4200

GH Subzero 403B

At 11 years of age the 103 cow is still knocking it out of the park. She’s a maternal great & her genetics will add logevity & performance to your herd.

45 Gumbo Hill 1311

B-Date:3/20/22 3/4 AN 1/4 SM

Ellingson Turn Key 0170

GH Tanker Total 1311B

Homo Black

Ellingson Three Rivers 8062

EA Miss Blackbird 5054

TNT Tanker

GH B Total 915W

Another bull from a solid cow who has raised many good ones for us.


Ellingson Turn Key 0170

GH First Class 1348G

Lot 44

Angus Homo Black

Ellingson Three Rivers 8062

EA Miss Blackbird 5054

SAV First Class

Gumbo Hill 512G

Maternal bred & fancy made out a good footed First Class daughter. She is perfect uddered & shows true angus breed type.

47 Gumbo Hill 8007


Ellingson Turn Key 0170

GH Hot Lotto 8007T

Angus Homo Black

Ellingson Three Rivers 8062

EA Miss Blackbird 5054

BSF Hot Lotto 1401

GH Upward Analyst 110B

A Turn Key son with some extra lenth of body & a nice square top.

22 e llin G son t urn K ey 0170 sons
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 96 792 789 1355 3.68 37
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 84 722 690 1094 3.12 41
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 87 662 643 1091 3.03 36
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 80 668 658 1194 3.16 37

J unction 0124 0124 Koupals B&B Junction 0124

B-Date:1/20/20 Angus Reg. 19868538

Koupal Junction 037

B&B Eona Erica 8136

O C C Juneau 807

Koupal Ebonette 734

Koupals B&B Fix It 6072

B&B Eona Erica 204

Junction is a maternal masterpiece originating from Koupals Angus. Predictable, proven calving ease in a moderate easy fleshing package. We were very pleased with his progenys consistent birth weights & angus type. Bud Koupal is excited about his highly maternal pedigree says he is an cow maker through & through.



J unction 0124 sons


Gumbo Hill 0206 - H

B-Date:3/8/22 Angus Homo Black

Koupals Junction 0124

Gumbo Hill 0206Y

Koupal Junction 037

B&B Eona Erica 8136

GH Resource 946

Gumbo Hill 5022G

Lot 48 is a very complete bull with depth of body & easy fleshing. A real calving ease cow maker. Suitable for Heifers



GHR Junction 2210 - H

Koupal Junction 037

Very predicable calving ease in a complete, smooth made bull that performed well. Suitable for Heifers.

49 50

Gumbo Hill 0214 - H

B-Date:2/24/22 7/8 AN 1/8

Koupals Junction 0124

Homo Black

Koupal Junction 037

B&B Eona Erica 8136

VAR Density 5249

Resource 5120G


s ire
BW WW YW SC MILK BW 205 Days 365 Days Mature Wt. Frame Score -1.2 69 116 1.10 29 -CED DOC MB RE 13 2 0.45 .68 E P D
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 75 706 702 1174 3.06 38 Lot
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC SC CEM Milk DOC REA 68 738 712 1224 3.16 39 -- 7 25 .-CED BW WW YW -- -EPDs
MAR 4097 Impression 2375 MAR Windy Account
MAR Accountabull Image
B-Date:3/1/22 Angus Reg#Pending
B&B Eona Erica 8136
Gumbo Hill 0214Y GV
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 68 694 663 1259 3.10 40 Lot
Easy Fleshing & Easy Calving. Use him with confidence on your next heifer project. Suitable For Heifers.

K oupals J unction 0124 sons

51 Gumbo Hill 0164 - H

B-Date:3/8/22 7/8 AN 1/8 SM Homo Black

Koupals Junction 0124

Gumbo Hill 0164Y

Koupal Junction 037

B&B Eona Erica 8136

VAR Density 5249

GH Rancher 1747o

Strong topped & fancy made this calf is a true blue cow maker. Suitable For Heifers.

52 GHR Junction 2203 - H

B-Date:2/22/22 Angus Reg#Pending

Koupals Junction 0124

B&B Lass 7034

Koupal Junction 037

B&B Eona Erica 8136

Koupals B&B Atlas 4061

B&B Lass 456

54 Gumbo Hill 0217 - H

B-Date:3/10/22 Angus Homo Black

Koupals Junction 0124

Koupal Junction 037

B&B Eona Erica 8136

Spickler Unanimous 708

Gumbo Hill 0217Y Gumbo Hill 5125G

Moderate made & easy fleshing. Suitable For Heifers.

A Junction son out of another Koupal dam. Maternally bred & sleep all night calving ease. Suitable for Heifers.

53 Gumbo Hill 0211 - H

B-Date:3/4/22 Angus Homo Black

Koupals Junction 0124

Gumbo Hill 0211Y

Koupal Junction 037

B&B Eona Erica 8136

GH 105 Special

GH Industrial 5066G

Smooth design & double bred calving ease going back to MAR Industrial. Suitable For Heifers.

55 Gumbo Hill 0113 - H

B-Date:3/11/22 Angus Homo Black

Koupals Junction 0124

Gumbo Hill 0119Y

Koupal Junction 037

B&B Eona Erica 8136

Mohnen General 548

GH Wagonmaster 203B

. Predicitable calving ease in a true angus, maternally made package. Suitable For Heifers.

56 Gumbo Hill 0119 - H


Koupals Junction 0124

Gumbo Hill 0119Y

Homo Black

Koupal Junction 037

B&B Eona Erica 8136

GH 105 Special

GH Final Answer 239B

The Junctions were so predictable & consistent at calving we expect this guy to be the same. Suitable For Heifers.

BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 62 726 719 1147 3.05 35
Lot 51
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC SC CEM Milk DOC REA 79 660 571 1111 2.89 33 -- .-CED BW WW YW -- -EPDs
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 76 736 719 1203 3.13 39 Lot 53
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 70 654 660 1056 2.78 35
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 74 647 656 1134 2.90 32
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 75 648 652 1096 2.83 36


eference s ire mar f ormation 271-018

271 MAR Formation 271-081


Formation was selected from the Maher Angus sale in 2021. We appreciated him for his length of side, overall muscle expression & foot quality exhibited by his dam at work on the Maher Ranch. His Foundation sire is also known for his foot quality & is making quality females around the country. Formation has also exhibited a excellent dispostion & has passed that down to his offspring as they are all quiet & easy to handle. We are looking forward to seeing more calves out of him here & at Maher Angus in 2023.


57 Gumbo Hill 5003


ormation 271-018 sons

5003 was born shaped like a bull & still will catch your eye in the pens with his bold muscle pattern & easy going, A+ disposition.

Foudation 514
Lady Ann
MAR I87 New Design 529 MAR Design Timber 942 MAR Design Timber 942 B-Date:01/22/20 Angus Reg. 19881734 BW WW YW SC MILK BW 205 Days 365 Days Mature Wt. Frame Score 2.7 65 116 1.41 24 82 763 1309 -CED DOC MB RE -3 30 0.01 .21 E P D
1418 S
Foundation 514 MAR Formation MAR Design Timber 942
Upgrade GH Upgrade FA 5003G GH 005Y Final Answer B-Date:3/21/22 3/4 AN 1/4 SM Homo Black
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 80 768 736 1290 3.54 39
Lot 57

mar f ormation 271-018 sons

58 Gumbo Hill 1727

B-Date:3/22/22 3/4 AN 1/4 SM Homo Black

MAR Formation

GH Rancher 1727o

S Foundation 514

MAR Design Timber 942

JF Rancher

GH Chisum Total 201B

This bull is thick, stout & maternally bred. His dam is a daughter of the good 201 cow who has a powerhouse bull in Lot 28 of sale. It comes easy for this cow family.

59 Gumbo Hill 8013

B-Date:3/21/22 3/4 AN 1/4 SM Homo Black

MAR Formation

GH Rancher 8013T


S Foundation 514

MAR Design Timber 942

JF Rancher

GH Chisum Total 201B

Here is an opportunity to get 3/4 brothers in the lot 58 & 59 bull. Both out of daughters of the 201Chisum cow. Maternally made & consistently good.

60 Gumbo Hill 254


MAR Formation

GH Aberdeen 254B

Angus Homo Black

S Foundation 514

MAR Design Timber 942

TC Aberdeen

Gumbo Hill 073Y

This bull is a female maker by pedigree & design & check out the birth to weaning spread.

61 Gumbo Hill 1338

B-Date:3/23/22 3/4 AN 1/4 GV Homo Black

MAR Formation

62 Gumbo Hill 8062


MAR Formation

GH Chisum 8062T

Angus Homo Black

S Foundation 514

MAR Design Timber 942

S Chisum 255

GH Bridgewater 1635

This young cow is really starting to prove herself in the herd & this stretchy, smooth made Formation son is maternally bred & good footed.

S Foundation 514

MAR Design Timber 942

SAV Networth 4200

GH Networth Dusty Trl 1338BElk Ck Icecycle 631S

Another bull from an excellent cow family going back to the 631 Elk Creek cow. Keep every heifer.

BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 85 754 726 1348 3.62 36 Lot
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 83 682 674 1226 3.25 38 Lot
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 83 744 725 1037 3.09 36
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 94 756 731 1103 3.22 36
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 78 664 662 1114 3.04 36

63 Gumbo Hill 9062

B-Date:4/2/22 Angus Homo Black

GH Coalition 1314-20

GH Raindance 9062G

U-2 Coalition 206C

GH Networth Atlas 1314B

SAV Raindance 6848

GH Thunder Pioneer 207B

The maternal value of this bulls pedigree is huge, Coalition Networth, Raindance, Thunder. ALL COW MAKERS. An impressive growth curve on a bull with an equally impressive phenotype.

64 Gumbo Hill 5156

B-Date:4/9/22 3/4 AN 1/4 SM Homo Black

GH 105 Special 5159-20

Lot 63

GH 105 Special

GH Resource Total 5159G

3D Black Full Throttle

GH Full Throttle 5156G Gumbo Hill Ranch 937W

We really like this bulls sire, a son of the 105 Special bull & out of a good Resource dam. This bull is a bit younger but keeping up with the big boys just fine.

65 Gumbo Hill 0132-H

B-Date:2/25/22 Angus Hetro Black

LT Enterprise

GH General 0132Y

Connealy Capitalist 028

LT Erika 0121

Mohnen General 548

GH Balancer 934W

This is one of those times when this straw went in hoping for a heifer. Instead, you get an opportunity at a sleep all night heifer bull. Suitable for Heifers.

66 GHR Junction 2216-H


Whitestone General 9073

B&B Empress 0142

Lot 65

Musgrave 316 Stunner

Whitestone Erica L075

Koupals B&B Full Metal 6147

67 Gumbo Hill 9136


GH Coalition 1314-20

GH Chisum 9136G


U-2 Coalition 206C

GH Networth Atlas 1314B

S Chisum 255

MAR Payweight 5377

BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 86 624 689 1237 3.25 36

2216 is a bull coming from a Koupals Angus daughter we purchased bred to a Stunner son. Suitable for Heifers.

27 m isc s ire G roups
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 73 696 742 1322 3.48 37
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 94 672 699 1223 3.38 36
GH 105 Special 5159-20 as a 2 yr old
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 70 692 664 1188 2.99 34
.57 6 29 17 .70 BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC SC CEM Milk DOC RE 81 584 633 11125 2.83 33 CED BW WW YW 6 1.8 58 102 EPDs
Whitestone Empress 4201 Angus Reg#20570935
Homo Black
Another younger brother in the group who put up good performance numbers & his good 9136 dam has been able to put a bull in the sale her first 2 years of production.

68 Gumbo Hill 5141

m isc s ire G roups

72 Gumbo Hill 1617

B-Date:4/16/22 3/4 AN 1/4 SM Homo Black

GH 105 Special 5159-20

GH Upgrade 5141G

GH 105 Special

GH Resource Total 5159G

MR NLC Upgrade U8676

Gumbo Hill 825R

Lot 68’s dam has put many good bulls in the sale over the years, pair her with this good 105 son & we have another dandy on our hands.

69 Gumbo Hill 9112

B-Date:4/1/22 Angus Homo Black

GH Coalition 1314-20

GH Chisum 9112G

U-S Coalition 206C

GH Networth Atlas 1314B

S Chisum 255

GH Density 1782o

9112’s sire is a bred to be a true cowmaker. The 1314 Networth dam is one of the greatest cows to walk to ranch.

70 Gumbo Hill


B-Date:3/25/22 Angus Homo Black

GH Density 122-17

GH Cowboy Up 9056G

GH Density 513

Gumbo Hill 122B

HA Cowboy Up

GH Excitement 1369B

A well balance bull with a beautiful muscle pattern & structure.

71 Gumbo Hill 9029


GH General 5071-20

GH Roughrider 9029G

Homo Black

Mohnen General 548

GH Industrial 5071G

Ellingson Roughrider 4202

GH Industrial Pioneer 5046G

This young bull is sired by a General son out of one of our best Industial daughters. His dam a Roughrider daughter is going to be a good one also.


GH 105 Special 5159-20

Homo Black

GH 105 Special

GH Resource Total 5159G

SAV Resource 1441

BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 85 660 747 1243 3.52 36

73 Gumbo Hill 1789


Homo Black

LD Capitalist 316

S 316 Capitalist 0222 S Elba 1004 EF Commando 1366


BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 90 650 670 1090 3.09 35

A cow making pedigree out of a Capitalist 316 son.

B-Date:4/15/22 Angus

Homo Black

Networth Atlas 1314B SAV Final Answer GH Final Answer 219B


BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 85 672 718 1102 3.20 36

BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 90 664 713 1201 3.38 36
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 84 682 725 1193 3.23 37
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 80 656 680 1228 3.20 36
BW Act WW 205 WT. 365 WT. WDA ADJ. SC 84 570 643 1031 2.81 34
GH Resource 1617G Gumbo Hill 173B Angus
The youngest bull in the sale but his performance cant be overlooked. With a pedigree like his its no surprise.
GH Commando 1789o Angus
Hill 5081G
74 Gumbo Hill 219
U-S Coalition 206C GH Coalition 1314-20
Hill 058Y
Last but not least this young bull performed above average. His 10yr old Final Answer dam is a favorite of ours & has been an excellent producer.
GH Coalition 1314-20 as a yearling

Thank you for your support of our program.

We look forward to another year full of good cattle, great memories & green grass ; we wish the same for you!

e xcitin G ne W G enetics comin G soon in 2023
Musgrave Exclusive LD Capitalist 316 x Musgrave Prim Lassie 163-386 AAA Reg# 18130471- ANGUS SAV Bloodline 9578 SAV Rainfall 6846 x SAV Embynette 2369 Reg#19542324 - ANGUS TJ Gold Hooks Eagle 6E x TJ 12C ASA Reg# 3582577 - PB SM TJ Franchise 451D CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z x Tj Miss Networth U11 ASA Reg# 3148384 - 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Koupals B&B Watchman 111 EG Eyes on You x B&B Kimberly 4124 AAA Reg# 20161651- ANGUS Koupals B&B Forecast 1111 SAV Rainfall 6846 x B&B Prospector Pride 7025 AAA Reg# 20160419- ANGUS

o ur 1 st sale at the ranch W as a B i G success than K s to the support from our amazin G friends & customers . t han K y ou a G ain from all of us at G um B o h ill

let hybrid vigor increase your profit$ Blaine & Cassie MollMan 9993 52nd ave sW MCintosh, sd 57641 WWW.guMBohillranCh.CoM

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