Flashing and Weatherproofing | HOA Management | Greenville SC

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Flashing and Weatherproofing



According to your trusted professionals on HOA management in Greenville, SC, homes are intended to provide warmth and protection to people that live inside them. Therefore, weatherproofing is crucial to protect the occupants from the elements. And this measure is fundamental to make homes better and healthier places.

When we think about weatherproofing, the first thing that comes to mind is preventing water and moisture from entering homes and buildings. During winter, most locations get significant amounts of rain, ice, and snow. However, dampness and rain are not the only issues to solve when it comes to weatherproofing. Avoiding outdoor air entry is also another aspect related to weatherproofing.


When it comes to weatherproofing, adequate window installation is vital and essential to achieving longterm results. Over the year, regardless of weather conditions, drafty windows and doors are issues that require an immediate solution. In this sense, adequate weatherproofing of doors and windows improve indoor air quality and prevent high energy costs.


The primary function of any roof is to protect our homes from weather elements like rain, sun, snow, wind, and dust. Therefore, tightly constructed and fitted roofing is the best guarantee to prevent houses and buildings from extreme heat and cold weather conditions and preserve indoor items. For this purpose, ensuring that the materials we are using and the roof design are appropriate to the local climate is key to proper weatherproofing.


For example, adobe or wooden shingles are not suited for climates with strong driving winds and rain. Extreme conditions make necessary specific elements, materials, and designs to keep moisture away from the interior and prevent it from entering through the shingles.

Metal flashing is a reliable weatherproofing installation for a home’s roof. It consists of inserting sheets of metal at critical areas to hinder the entry of water or moisture. Hence, the purpose of a metal flashing is to divert water away from the joints that bond different roofing materials. In this sense, it prevents roof leakages and corrosion around critical points such as chimneys and skylights.


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