1 minute read

Corlic Hill Loop

by Rona Simpson

Length: 6 miles

Duration: 2-3 hours (without kids) interminable with them

Rating: Easy/moderate – 303m of incline up Corlic Hill

Points of Interest: Gryffe Reservoirs, ruined farmsteads and Inverclyde Windfarm

A great walk with panoramic views over the Clyde valley to Arran and the Cowal Peninsula.

The landscape of this area has changed immeasurably in the last few years with the introduction of the Inverclyde Windfarm. For my turbine mad little boy, this is now the perfect walk! 120m from ground to wing tip, these futuristic megaliths dominate the hillside and are pretty intimidating up close.

The walk starts on the Old Largs Road, where there is a signpost to the hill and a small area for parking.

Follow the track up past the cottage and military mast.

After passing a single tree and dry stone wall on the right of the path, cross a stile and follow a grassy path up to the summit of Corlic Hill.

Descend the same way until you come to the tree again. There is a gate on your left that you pass through.

Head south and you eventually pass two ruined farmsteads hidden between clusters of trees.

Pass through a gate to the east of the last set of ruins.

Head south east through a field until you get to the path between the two reservoirs.

Turn right onto a forestry track.

At the end of the track turn right and right again onto the Old Largs Road.

Inverclyde Wind Farm

Like them or loath them, they are remarkable looking structures. At full operational capacity this one will provide enough renewable energy to power approximately 14,800 homes. Planning permission was initially refused by Inverclyde Council, citing potentially adverse effects on cultural heritage, visual impacts within the neighbouring settlements to the north and south. However, after an appeal and Public Local Enquiry, the permission was granted. As well as noise and environmental constraints, there was a requirement for the project to benefi t the community and it was certainly getting good use when we were there. Many families were walking or cycling among the turbines.