Anuario Joyeria Contemporania 2014-2015

Page 117

SUSA BECK La artista da un carácter individual y una elegancia sensual a sus joyas. Sus influencias son Antoni Gaudí, Max Ernst o Henry Moore. Su amor por la danza moderna, la arquitectura y la música se filtra en sus emociones y en su trabajo. En esta pieza, Seed - Including Life and Death, la vida y la muerte están acopladas entre sí. The artist gives an individual character and a sensual elegance to her jewellery. Her influences are Antoni Gaudí, Max Ernst and Henry Moore. Her love for modern dance, architecture and music seeps into her emotions and her work. In this piece, Seed - Including Life and Death, life and death are coupled together.

Munich - GERMANY Tel. +49 89 295927 ▶ Seed - Including Life and Death. Plata, oro, cristal de roca, piedras preciosas. Seed - Including Life and Death. Sterling silver, gold, mountain crystal, precious stones.


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