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Myth versus reality What is Wicca?

Jezibell Anat speaking to a fellow Thelemic practitioner after ritual

Story,  layout  and  photos  by  Josh  Cole The practice of Wicca is shrouded in mystery. The truth is there’s a lack of education amongst the average person regarding what the religion is truly about. While the use of pentagrams in ritual can often cause these mistaken opinions about Wicca, the practice of ZLWFKFUDIW LW KDV DQ HQWLUHO\ GL̆HUHQW meaning during the practice. Wicca is usually practiced in covens, which is similar to a church congregation at a church that practices a sect of Christianity, such as Baptist or Catholic; a coven is a group of witches that follow a common Wiccan tradition. “It is a symbol of many meanings to GL̆HUHQW SHRSOH ´ VDLG -DFRE 2UEHFN a second degree initiate and leader of his coven in Aiken, S.C. “In Wicca it is generally seen as a symbol for ÂżYHV 7KH ÂżYH HOHPHQWV WKH KHDG DQG OLPEV WKH ÂżYH VHQVHV DQG HWF 6R the elements are a reminder of the unity of all things. Its also a potent V\PERO RI PDJLF DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG ´

Its really more an act of transforma-­ tion. We go back to (Aleister) Crow-­ OH\¡V GHĂ€QLWLRQ WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ LQ DF-­ cordance with will and its really about Ă€QGLQJ WKDW IRFXV Âľ

protection to the earth as well, he said. Black magic also leaves many misunderstanding the intent of the religion. It does exist in the community but is looked down upon, 2UEHFN VDLG %ODFN PDJLF ZKLFK is a ritual to bring bad luck or KDUP WR DQRWKHU LV GL̆HUHQW from what one would consider VHOÂżVK PDJLF ZKLFK LV XVHG WR EHQHÂżW RQHVHOI DQG LV DFFHSWHG within the community. Though, magic in Wicca is real, its the primary tool of any practicing witch, he said. Âł2QH RI WKH PRUH FRPPRQ DFWV of magic ... is the raising of a coven power and directLQJ LW ´ 2UEHFN VDLG “It is where we all join together in focusing our spiritual selves on a single point and directing it toward a purpose. Generally, it will be something like if someone is sick, we would join ourselves together and send our spiritual HQHUJ\ RXW LQWR WKH ZRUOG WR KRSHIXOO\ WR KHDO WKHP -XVW OLNH D SUD\HU circle would be for Christians or a prayer at mass for the healing of an LQGLYLGXDO´ ,Q IDFW DV 2UEHFN VDLG LQ UHJDUGV WR magic, they are not far from Christians other than openly calling the ritual magic.

Not all Wiccans practice magic in the sense of spells, chants and incantations. Some chants may be used but when it comes to rituals like that of pagan vespers rituals performed at the Universalist Unitarian Church in Augusta – these act as tools to transform oneself, VDLG -H]LEHOO $QDW DQG -RH VDLG =XFKRZVNL WZR thelemic Wiccans that hold ritual every month at the church. “Its really more an act of WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ ´ $QDW VDLG Âł:H JR EDFN WR $OHLVWHU &URZOH\ÂśV GHÂżQLtion transformation in accordance ZLWK ZLOO DQG LWV UHDOO\ DERXW ÂżQGLQJ that focus ‌ I don’t believe you can VD\ D VSHOO DQG FKDQJH WKLQJV RU VRPHWKLQJ´ At these rituals there will be a concept that is the focus to be achieved, such as in the Egyptian ULWXDO RI ,VLV DQG 2VLULV WKDW IRFXVHV RQ 2VLULVÂśV GHDWK DQG KRZ KLV ZLIH ,VLV brought him back to life. When perIRUPHG WKH LGHD =XFKRZVNL DQG $QDW were striving to create was getting over a hardship, such as the loss of a loved one. This concept works well, though, as it allows for a more holistic experience into paganism. The theme at the vespers meetings changes often along

with the concept that is trying to be achieved. 2QH PRQWK LW ZLOO EH (J\SWLDQ and the next maybe one of a Nordic pantheons, Anat said. Sometimes it is simply God and Goddess and sometimes the theme is just the elements HDUWK ZLQG ÂżUH DQG ZDWHU These open arms concepts also help individuals such as atheist pagans, like Matthew Hollimon, be a part of the pagan community without claiming any particular god or goddess. “A lot of pagans don’t even believe LQ WKH VXSHUQDWXUDO ´ +ROOLPRQ VDLG “Its metaphor. It has a lot to do with the self conscious or respect for the (DUWK ´ That in mind Hollimon said he also likes how the pagan meetings help him teach his daughter about more than the traditional Pentecostal background he was brought up in. With all of the many sects and traditions of Wicca, there are many interpretations of what is believed LQ :KLOH PDQ\ KDYH GL̆HUHQW YLHZV on how to perform rituals and what exactly is believed, like many other religions, it is a form of expression to help guide one in day-to-day experiences.

Josh Cole, a senior on the public relations track

Jezibell Anat, a thelemic Wiccan. Alongside many other confusions regarding the religion, maybe the best place to start with Wicca is to clear up what its not. Its not witches worshiping demonic forces and the Devil. There are two PDLQ GLYLQHV ZLWFKHV EHOLHYH LQ WKH God and Goddess, a male and female couple of gods who the whole world is FUHDWHG IURP 2UEHFN VDLG 7KHVH JRGV are not prayed for, however; they are performed for through magical rituals. A Wiccan ritual can be performed several ways, he said. It can be done solo or with other witches. Usually a God, Goddess or some higher power

is called upon whether the witch is theist or not. The ritual is usually performed for a purpose such as to comfort for the winter solstice, to bring in hope for the more harsh winter times or celebration at the summer solstice for when the days are longest representing its return. During ritual chants incantations, or spells, will signify the meaning for WKH ULWXDO 2UEHFN VDLG Wicca isn’t really evil at all. There is one rule found in the Wiccan Rede stating, “An it harm none, do as ye ZLOO ´ ZKLFK PHDQV LI LW GRHVQÂśW KXUW anyone, including you, do what you want. Most Wiccans also extend this

Joe Zuchowski discussing Thelema and witchcraft with pratitioners after ritual

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