FOCUS ON Business #1 November-December 2021

Page 1 No. 1 (1) | November–December 2021 ISSN 2720-3549 PRICE EUR 6 (INCL. 8% VAT)

Creating a positive difference in the world

Andreas Flodstrom, Founder and CEO of Beetroot | p. 34

Labour market trends. Migrations. Is Poland still a promised land for foreigners? | p. 78

Using PR services has never been so easy Public Relations on demand


Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to welcome you in our brand new business magazine. So far, you have received a bimonthly magazine called Outsourcing&More, which has been published for 10 years already. A decade is a good time for some summaries and changes, which in our case resulted in the change of the title of the magazine we publish. Welcome to the FOCUS ON Business! FOCUS ON Business is a modern magazine of the business services sector, in which we will more and more often describe global business trends and present them in a clear form, as you can see in this issue. The current issue of magazine FOCUS ON Business consists of several dozen articles and interviews from Poland and around the world, in which we focus on three main areas – Business – Business Environment – HR. These three sections will accompany us, not only in the current edition, but also in each subsequent one. However, since we are talking about the current, first issue of FOCUS ON Business, I encourage you to read the interview with Andreas Flodstrom, Founder and CEO of Beetroot – this is our main interview. Global business continues its development in Poland, and Beetroot is a great example of this. On our pages you will also find current legal advices, news from the flexible offices industry, the world of finance and much more. It also includes the coverage of The BSS Tour series of conferences organized in Poland. I hope you will like the new version of FOCUS ON Business. I would love to hear your opinion on this. Please send any comments to our editorial office

Editor in Chief

Editorial office EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Dymitr Doktór | MANAGING EDITOR: Katarzyna Czylok-Dąbrowska | DTP: Iwona Księżopolska ADVERTISING: PUBLISHED BY: Pro Progressio spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa ul. Dziekońskiego 1, 00-728 Warszawa EDITORIAL OFFICE ADDRESS: ul. Dziekońskiego 1, 00-728 Warszawa

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

Selected photos come from An electronic version of the Magazine see the website All rights reserved. No copying, reproduction or photocopying allowed without written consent of the publisher.

The views expressed in this publication as well as the content of the adverts are not necessarily those of the editor. LEGAL SUPPORT: Chudzik i Wspólnicy PRINT: Drukarnia Jantar

CIRCULATION: 3000 copies PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE: Warsaw, 18.11.2021 AUTHORS: Dymitr Doktór • Agata Stolarz • Piotr Maksymiuk • Iwona Więckiewicz-Szabłowska • Agnieszka Kunikowska • Jarosław Karlikowski • Katarzyna Saganowska • Rob Bradford • Béla Kakuk • Andreas Flodstrom • Marcin Uske • Tadas Stankevičius • Yara El Ashram • Aleksandra Moszyńska • Edyta Wiwatowska • Arkadiusz Zgliński • Anna Tymoshenko • Ewa Klimczuk



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BUSINESS NEWS FOCUS ON Business – a new media outlet for the modern business services sector After ten years on the international business press market the "Outsourcing&More" bimonthly is changing its name to "FOCUS ON Business".

10th edition of the Poland Business Run 2021. Employees of companies ran for people with disabilities Thanks to them, aid will reach 114 people with physical disabilities.

Talking IT in the Heart of Poland The focus of this Pro Progressio event was placed on the most important trends and issues currently faced by the IT world.

The BSS Tour travels across Poland Autumn 2021 saw the return of The BSS Tour – a series of events organized by Pro Progressio.

Polish New Deal and taxes We present a brief overview of some of the tax changes, focusing on PIT and the employers' perspective.

Is this the end of remote work as we know it? An overview of the bill The reality of working during the pandemic has introduced the concept of remote working into the Polish labour relations for good.

The Whistleblower Protection Act is coming. What should employers be aware of? What new obligations will this law introduce?

What is reputational risk and how does it affect your business? Company reputation has become an increasingly well-understood issue.

Leading medical technology company builds GBS in Warsaw Interview with Rob Bradford – VP of Global Business Services at Zimmer Biomet.

Culture is the only insurance that lasts forever An interview with Béla Kakuk, CEO BPiON Group.

MAIN INTERVIEW Creating a positive difference in the world An interview with Andreas Flodstrom, Founder and CEO of Beetroot.


Focus on Business | November–December 2021

42 44 46 48 52 54 58 62 64 66 68 72 76 78 Focus on Business | November–December 2021

New POINT on the business map of Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz This is a new and another investment conducted by Torus in this part of the city.

How to prepare your workplace for a return to the office? 6 things you should reconsider!

From airfield to R&D: Kaunas is building the Baltics’ most modern innovation park The R&D outsourcing industry is poised to grow at an increasing pace, reaching the size of more than USD 650 billion by 2025.

Meet new Egypt – a service delivery hub for global companies The world today is becoming a global village with companies investing in different nations to remain afloat and competitive.

Business as a community The attractiveness of Pomerania as a place for business is defined not only by the tax or legal system, but also by its strong communities.

It was not a lost year – the BSS sector in Bydgoszcz is still on the path of dynamic growth An interview with Edyta Wiwatowska – the President of the Management Board of the Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency (BARR).

Elbląg's port activities Interview with Arkadiusz Zgliński, Director of Spółka Zarząd Portu Morskiego Elbląg.

Kielce – from idea to business. Projects for the development of entrepreneurship The initiatives aimed at attracting new companies, talented people, but also large business and international startups to the city.

Katowice – the best game to play! Katowice has been chosen to host the World Urban Forum, which will be held under the aegis of UN-Habitat – the UN agency for urbanization and urban settlements in 2022.

Duopolis, or the expansion of Warsaw-based BSS companies to Łódź CBRE and the City of Łódź Office held a conference in Warsaw which addressed recruitment challenges on the Warsaw labor market – and pitched the idea of expansion to the Łódź.

A Great Time For The Real Estate Market In Poznań The office real estate market in Poznań has already exceeded 600,000 square meters.

Professional Częstochowa In Częstochowa, the Better Job Now Program has been operating since 2017, which is a response to the needs of residents and entrepreneurs.


Labour market trends. Migrations. Is Poland still a promised land for foreigners? An interview with Ewa Klimczuk, Operational Director of Gi Group Temp & Perm.


Business news



EIF guarantee of €210 million to Banca

than 350 small businesses affected by

March to mobilise €300 million to sup-

the pandemic, thereby also safeguar­

Poland will host for the first time the UN

port SMEs and small mid-caps in Spain.

ding employment levels.

Digital Summit – Internet Governance

The agreement is supported by

This agreement between Banca

Forum. The event, organized by the Chan-

the Pan-European Guarantee Fund,

March and the EIF falls under the Pan-­­­

cellery of the Prime Minister, will be held

part of the European Union's €540 bil-

-European Guarantee Fund, part of

from 6 to 10 December 2021, at the Inter-

lion package to address the economic

the European Union's €540 billion pack-

national Congress Centre in Katowice.

impact of COVID-19.

age to address the economic impact of

The European Investment Fund


IGF (Internet Governance Forum) is an international meeting initiated by

(EIF), part of the European Investment

Thanks to the Pan-European Gua­

the United Nations that enables a global

Bank Group, joins forces with Banca

rantee Fund (EGF), Banca March will be

discussion on the development of the In­­­

March to promote the economic reco­

incentivised to provide debt financing

ternet. It is a place of exchange of ideas

very of Spanish small and medium-sized

to SMEs and small mid-caps at favour-

and experience in the field of Internet

enterprises (SMEs) mainly located in

able terms, ensuring that Spanish com-


the Balearic Islands. The EIF will grant

panies have sufficient financing availa-

The World Internet Governance

a guarantee of up to €210 million which,

ble to mitigate the economic impacts of

Forum 2021 will be attended by the Sec-

when combined with Banca March’s

the COVID-19 crisis, and are able to con-

retary General of the United Nations

financing, will amount to €300 million.

tinue their growth and development in

– António Guterres, Vice-President of

It is estimated that the agreement

the medium to long term. The EIF will

the European Commission – Margrethe

signed will facilitate access to finance

provide a 70% guarantee on a portfolio

Vestager, dozens of ministers of digitiza-

at advantageous conditions for more

of new lending.

tion from different corners of the world, business representatives from different continents, NGO activists and academics. Several thousand people from all over the world will discuss the opportunities and challenges posed by the Internet and ways to fully exploit its potential. IGF2021 will be a place of open and real debate about, among others, the future of Internet platforms. The slogan of this year's conference is: >Internet United< ("united internet"). The City of Katowice, as the host of this global event, is preparing special attractions for its participants! Details:


Focus on Business | November–December 2021


anywhere in the world, WorkMotion

They also identified whether the loca-

cities are most accessible and attractive

decided to rank the cities according to

tions in the study offered a specific visa

for remote workers by assessing factors

their remote working compliance regu-

for remote workers.

related to employment compliance, liv-

lations, cost of living, infrastructure and

Next, the researchers analysed

ing costs, infrastructure and liveabi­

liveability. Additionally, they used pro-

the cost of living in each city by studying

lity, in addition to showing current loca-

prietary data to illustrate current loca-

local tax rates, housing costs and availa-

tion trends.

tion trends by showing where remote

bility, and how affordable the city is for

Melbourne is the highest ranking

workers are currently being hired from.

food, energy and other living expenses.

city in the index, scoring well for employ-

The resulting index reveals which cities

Following this, they moved on to

ment compliance factors, citizen happi-

are facilitating remote working best, and

review each city’s civic infrastructure

ness and its digital nomad visa. Montreal

which are most attractive for remote

by assessing the levels of political sta-

and Sydney rank second and third.

workers to relocate to, as well as cur-

bility, gender equality, minority equality

rent remote worker patterns.

and LGBT+ equality. The cities’ level of

Dublin ranks best for ease of employ­­­­ment compliance, meaning its com­­

WorkMotion began the study by

safety and security was also evaluated,

pliance regulations are most straightfor-

identifying a list of indicators that impact

in addition to the quality of the public

ward, ahead of Helsinki and Copenhagen.

whether a city is a good place for reloca-

education system, health system and

The city with the happiest citi-

tion, covering employment compliance

the access citizens have to healthcare.

zens is Copenhagen, followed by Bern

regulations, infrastructure, costs and

To conclude the research, they

and Wellington.

liveability. They then assessed thousands

assessed each city’s liveability by look-

Istanbul has the most favourable

of global cities against a range of factors

ing at the quality and variety of the cul-

tax rates for remote workers, ahead of

related to remote working, before select-

tural attractions on offer, the cost and

Lisbon and Hong Kong.

ing the best scoring 80 cities.

quality of the mobility and data on citi-

Global employment specialists

For the first category, Remote have released a study

Working Compliance, they assessed how

The resulting study provides an as-­­­

that analyses the ease of complying

straightforward it is for companies

ses­­­sment of the current remote working

with local employment laws and ranks

to com­­pliantly hire remote workers

landscape by ranking 80 global c­ities for

the attractiveness of 80 global cities for

based on local legislation, in addition to

their accessibility and attractiveness for

remote workers. As a company that

the legal requirements they must adhere

this demographic.

helps companies hire employees based

to when employing a remote worker.

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

zens’ happiness.



FOCUS ON Business – a new media outlet for the modern business services sector Text | Dymitr Doktór

After ten years on the international business press market the "Outsourcing&More" is changing its name to "FOCUS ON Business".

The issue you are holding in your hands

Outsourcing&More has, until now,

For nearly five years our closely

right now – or reading its PDF version

been a magazine that accompanied global

followed the creation of a super-­sector

on the Internet – opens a new chapter in

changes, one of which has been the evo-

which assumed the BSS (Business Sup-

our story. The first 60 issues of the maga­

lution of ‘outsourcing services’ to Mo­dern

port Services) name and combined

zine focused primarily on the introduc-

Business Services. The market has

the BPO, SSC, R&D, IT, and Call Contact

tion to and education about the outsou­r-­­­­­ embraced that new sector name which,

Center industries. The concept of Business

cing sector.

on the one hand, emphasized the impor-

Support Services is much broader and

The outsourcing sector has grown

tance of outsourcing, but on the other

is constantly evolving. While analy­zing

and developed significantly in that time –

hand started to increasingly address

global business trends, Pro Progres­sio –

both at its core markets in the United States

the area of shared service centers for

the Outsourcing&More publisher – noticed

and Asia as well as all over the world, inclu­­­-

companies from the private and public

that the issues covered in the magazine

ding Central and Eastern Europe.

sector alike.

increasingly focused on the “More” aspect rather than on outsourcing itself.


Focus on Business | November–December 2021

FOCUS ON Business is a new name that will be your partner from November 2021 onwards.

In order to adapt to the changes

that is happening in the modern business

taking place, we made a decision at Pro

services sector… and plenty more than

Progressio to take a bold step forward,

that. Our new name is universal and ena-

open a new chapter for our media, ex­­­

bles us to expand the scope of informa-

pand the scope of topics covered, and

tion we can share with you. We hope that

change our magazine’s name – something

you will enjoy both the expanded infor-

you are witnessing right now.

mation scope as well as the new visual

FOCUS ON Business is a new name

form of our media and that you will

that will be your partner from Novem-

reach for FOCUS ON Business as often as

ber 2021 onwards. FOCUS ON Business

you had reached for Outsourcing&More

is a unified name covering both the Out­­­­­-

and OutsourcingPortal.

sourcing&More magazine as well as

We would like to invite you to sub-

the online platform, which was thus far

scribe to the FOCUS ON Business maga-

available at

zine and visit the

We have made every effort to en­­­

platform daily – that’s where you will

sure that our media – both the online

find up-to-date, valuable, and interesting

portal and the Magazine, under the joint

information concerning the business ser-

FOCUS ON Business name – are your

vices environment. This is what we focus

main source of knowledge concerning all

on in our work every day!

Author Dymitr Doktór Editor in Chief of FOCUS ON Business

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



10th edition of the Poland Business Run 2021. Employees of companies ran for people with disabilities Text | Editorial Office

In 2012, the idea of a relay race for business representatives was born in Krakow. Thanks to the enthusiasm of the initiators and the combination of the event with a charitable goal, the plans did not end there and this year saw the 10th edition of the event. We are of course talking about the Poland Business Run, in which 28 thousand runners from over 1,300 companies took part on September 5th. Thanks to them, aid will reach 114 people with physical disabilities.

The integration of employees who join

Krakow, Warsaw, Katowice or Poznań

in Poland, of course, but some completed

teams to take part in the Run is – besi­

due to the pandemic, the Poland Business

the competition in more exotic places.

des the noble goal – one of the most

Run Foundation found a way to run for

important values of the undertaking.

those in need anyway.

Companies have appreciated this for

The organisers prepared the Run

based and where our first Kraków Business

in a safe virtual formula. Each runner

Run took place in 2012. But there were also

– The aim of the initiative was to

of the 5-person relay covered the dis-

those who completed the race distance in,

release the extraordinary potential and

tance of 4 km in any location of their

among others, Singapore, India, Canada,

energy of employees of Krakow's com-

choice, and measured their time using

Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates or

panies, who wanted to help others –

an application.

Japan. And this is really great! Apart from

10 years now.

says Michał Stępień, UBS Country Head

– We made no secret of the fact

Poland, foreign branches of companies

Poland, who has been supporting the Run

that we wanted to meet our runners to

and corporations ran in the Run, as well

for years. – For me, the most interesting

celebrate 10 years of running and help-

as people who were on holiday on Septem-

aspect was definitely the so-called "team-

ing together. We wanted to look at their

ber 5th, e.g. in Turkey or Sicily – comments

work", which we took straight from

focused faces at the start line, cheer

Marta Hernik, the Managing Director of

the corporate world. We join teams, but

them on and award medals at the fi­nish

the Poland Business Run Foundation.

we also cooperate – as companies or

line. We did not succeed, but we have

ci­ties – for the idea of a better world, and

plenty of reasons to be happy! – says


the effort we put into organising the event

Agnieszka Pleti, President of the Poland

Joining runners in 5-person relay teams

pays off many times over. The beneficia­ries

Business Run Foundation. – Thanks to

is a good way to integrate employees and

benefit as well as the runners, companies

the record number of runners, our birth-

promote physical activity in the work-

and organisations, and also the wonder-

day dream of supporting over 100 bene-

place. For many companies, participa-

ful volunteers who help in the preparation

ficiaries came true. And the virtual for-

tion in the Poland Business Run in Sep-

of the Run – he adds.

mula is also an opportunity for business

tember is already a tradition, and more

to invite co-workers from different parts

and more of their representatives cross

of the world to compete – she adds.

the finish line each year.

tion of the event. Year by year, the num-


a permanent fixture in our calendar: we

ber of cities where the event was held

The runners of the Poland Business Run

have been cooperating in its organisation

has grown, as has the number of partici-

2021 chose their own route, thanks to

for 6 years and we are invariably happy to

pants and beneficiaries. Although it was

which they could start in any location

be a part of this wonderful event. The scale

not possible to organise mass events in

around the world. Most participants ran

of this year's run positively surprised us

A RECORD FOR THE JUBILEE A lot of time has passed since the first edi-


– As usual, several thousand people ran in Kraków, where our Foundation is

– The PBR has already become

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

– as many as 45 teams took part from GLS alone. It is great that we want to help and we are bound by a noble goal – says Małgorzata Markowska, Marketing Mana­ ger, GLS Poland.

SUPPORT FOR PARALYMPIC ATHLETES Funds collected from participation fees will help 114 people with amputations and other locomotor problems. Thirty eight prosthetic limbs, 30 wheelchairs or other equipment and 46 rehabilitation stays will be subsidised. Among the bene­ficiaries for whom the Poland Business Run runners took part, there are e.g. athletes who appeared in the colours of Poland at the Paralympics in Tokyo. Kamil Otowski is a 22-year-old suf-

Runners of the PBR 2021.

fering from peripheral polyneuropathy, which manifests itself by the loss of nerves in the limbs. He made his swimming debut at the Paralympic Games in Tokyo. Krystian Giera, who races on a handbike, suffered a spinal injury in an accident at the age of 26. Robert Jachimowicz lost feeling in his legs and partly in his hands as a result of a motorbike accident. For the 54-year-old discus thrower, Tokyo 2020 was already his third Paralympic start. Each of the competitors, as a beneficiary of the Poland Business Run relay, will receive funding for an active wheelchair.

REHABILITATION IS WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD Apart from prosthetic limbs and medical

Klaudia Kaniewska and the beneficiaries of the run in the PBR 2021 studio.

equipment, beneficiaries of the Poland

the farewell ceremony, could not believe

help. These are the reasons why, year by

Business Run relay can also count on

the results and asked me what he could

year, we are able to increase the scope

co-financing rehabilitation periods orga­

do to come back. Friday always lifts my

of aid which flows to the beneficiaries of

nised in the Rehabilitation Centre Znowu

spirits – says Dr Agnieszka Wnuk-Scar-

the run. We know that this year we will

w Biegu in Krakow. It is an institution

daccione, Head of Rehabilitation at

manage to help 114 people. And I honestly

established at the initiative of the Poland

the Znowu w Biegu Centre.

don't know what else to say apart from

Business Run Foundation and the first

a simple but all-inclusive "thank you"

centre in Poland focusing on amputee


– comments Marta Hernik, Managing

patients. In addition to the support of

All this would not be possible if it were not

Director of the Poland Business Run.

physiotherapists, the course also includes

for the companies that sign up for the Run

How many companies will take part

meetings with a psychologist, dietician

every year and then train together and

in the 11th edition of the Poland Business

and other specialists, so that the support

run 4 km for the beneficiaries of the Po-

Run next year and how many beneficia-­

is as comprehensive as possible.

land Business Run Foundation. For many

ries will receive support? We will find out,

– Sometimes a patient would come

people, this is their only adventure with

because – as representatives of the Foun-

to us and say that there was actually no

running and their motivation is to help

dation say – the Run will be organized as

hope that things would get better. That he

those in need.

long as there is someone to help.

had already been to so many rehabilita-

– I am very impressed with the run-

More information about the bene-

tions, that he had been through so much

ners. It is not so much their athletic ability

ficiaries of the relay Run and other initi-

in his life, that he did not expect much from

that I admire, because in our run results

atives of the Poland Business Run Foun-

our centre. And then the same patient, at

are not the most important thing, but their

dation can be found at www.polandbusi-

the end of the course, on Friday, during

endless energy, smile and willingness to

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



Talking IT in the Heart of Poland Text | Editorial Office

On October 20 The BSS Tour series travelled to Łódź and took over the city’s Monopolis Stage. The focus of this Pro Progressio event was placed on the most important trends and issues currently faced by the IT world.

City of Łódź was the event’s Strategic Part-

– a name chosen very deliberately. For

The event was hosted by Wiktor

ner and the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber

quite some time now Łódź has been

Doktór, CEO at Pro Progressio, who took

of Commerce, Virako, SoftServe, Experis,

strengthening its position among cities

on the mantle of the conference lead

Colliers, Riposta, and Chillispaces were

that offer a wide range of modern tech-

moderator. In the opening part Wik-

among its Partners and Sponsors.

nologies-based services. Each year sees

tor conducted an interview with Adam

The BSS Tour in Łódź is actually

an increase in the number of investors

Brzostowski, Director of the Economic

a two-day event. An evening networking

active in software development, gaming or

Development and International Coope­

session, attended by several dozen peo-

VR. There are more and more R&D centers

ration Office, discussing key initiatives

ple, took place on the eve of the confe-

choosing Łódź, too. All of that would not

and efforts undertaken by the City of

rence itself. It allowed speakers and con-

have happened had it not been for conside­

Łódź Office concerning the growth of

ference participants to get to know each

rable support from the City of Łódź Office.

the IT industry. The opening part allowed

other better, exchange views, and pre-

During the conference planning

the participants an opportunity to learn

pare for the debates to be had the fol­

phase Pro Progressio focused on diver-

more about the office real estate poten-

lowing day.

sity – both in terms of the substantive

tial of Łódź, including Monopolis – one of

to­pics to be discussed at the event as well

the most stunning and pivotal locations

as their delivery.

for IT offices. It is a mixed-use facility

"IT in the Heart of Poland" was the name of the event held in Łódź this year


Focus on Business | November–December 2021

built by Virako at Kopcińskiego St. Anna

solutions. Panel consisted of Paweł

Amazon manager introduced the issue

Celichowska (Member of the Board at

Łopatka (Vice President, APAC Clients

of data collection, followed by – over

Virako) and Marcin Włodarczyk (Regio­­

Success and Country Manager at Soft­

an on-line connection to a database –

nal Director at Colliers) were delivered

Serve), Tomasz Mrozowski (CEO at

a detailed look into an Amazon e-com-

this segment of the event.

Grupa 3S), Andrzej Tabara (CTO & Busi-

merce facility work planning process.

The main part of the conference con-­­­­ ness Development Director at Team Con-

The second part of the day cove­

sisted of two traditional presentations,

nect), Adam Chołys (Senior Cloud Solu-

red two significant issues in IT – cyber-

one panel discussion, one case study dis-

tions Architect at iTechArt), and Wojciech

security and trends in the labor market.

cussion, and a stand-up presentation.

Kubiak (Cloud Technical Unit Leader at

Łukasz Olechnowicz, CEO at Infopulse

Sebastian Młodziński from Timate

Cybercom) who discussed the cloud as

Polska, discussed cybersecurity and in

was the first speaker to address the au­

an environment supporting business

his stand-up presentation highlighted

dience, discussing the problems related

development. The combination of com-

the most important areas in relation to

to the Internet of Behavior. Młodziński

pany managers, financial officers, and

threats faced by companies not exercis-

showed how crucial it is not only to col-

technology experts proved to be the win-

ing enough care regarding access to sen-

lect data but also to analyze it, present

ning formula as The BSS Tour Łódź par-

sitive data. Infopulse Polska’s CEO used

it to the employees, as well as introduce

ticipants were treated to an in-depth

specific examples showing how access

changes and optimize processes on

discussion offering great insight into

data or other relevant information is

a team and individual level. The Inter-

both the use of the cloud as well as

extracted from employees and empha-

net of Behavior is becoming increas-

the approach to data security and pro-

sized that the weakest link in the entire

ingly p­o­pular in many enterprises – it is

cess implementation.

cybersecurity process in every company

the evolution of Industry 4.0 into Indus-

Cezary Pieczetowski, General Ma­­­­

try 5.0 and the next step in the Internet

nager at Amazon Łódź, walked onto

are precisely their employees. "IT in the Heart of Poland" confe­

of Things. Leading narrative thread sug-

the Monopolis Stage just before lunch

rence concluded with a presentation by

gested that we can expect an ever-greater

break. Pieczetowski's task was to show, in

Agnieszka Grzybowska and Sylwia Panek-

optimization of work resulting from

a real production environment, an exam-

-Strzała from Experis. Based on data col-

proper data analysis and interpretation

ple of the way in which Big Data ena-

lected exclusively for this session they

provided to us by the work environment.

bles quick data analysis in the cloud and

presented trends in the labor market as

The next part of the event was

allows strategic business decisions to

well as an extensive, industry-wide pay

a panel discussion on cloud security

be made within the e-commerce indus-

spine covering the IT sector in Poland.

and the possibilities offered by cloud

try. Presentation delivered by the local

Grzybowska and Panek-Strzała referred to a number of data points, which – among others – allowed the event participants to learn that the global develo­ per community is short of 40 million people already and this number will double by 2030. The presentation by Experis’ experts garnered a lot of attention among conference attendees and spurred them on to engage in insightful discussions. The final act in The BSS Tour Łódź "IT in the Heart of Poland" conference was another networking session that wrapped up the event. It’s become somewhat of a tradition that events organized by Pro Progressio combine excellent substantive content with a fantastic networking atmosphere. The October event was another IT initiative supported by the City of Łódź Office, which intends to make use of very favorable conditions in order to attract more IT investments into the city. Continuous inflow of new investment projects, both from Ukraine and Belarus, as well as from Western Europe and North America, is the best proof anyone could ask for.

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



The BSS Tour travels across Poland Text | Agata Stolarz

The COVID-19 pandemic still forces restrictions on the organization of business events, however autumn 2021 saw the return of The BSS Tour – a series of events organized by Pro Progressio.

‘IT IN THE HEART OF POLAND’ The BSS Tour stands for conferences co­­­

and Trade Agency, Invest in Pomerania,

ve­ring current business trends within

the City of Słupsk, Pomeranian Regional

the modern business services sector.

Develop­ment Agency S.A., Słupsk Spe-

The BSS Tour started in 2017 and since

cial Economic Zone, Słupsk Techno­

then dozens of conferences have been

logy Incubator, JLL, Progres Group, and

held in many Polish cities. The topics

Riposta Agency.

addressed include management, IT, law,

The FOCUS ON Słupsk report con-

as well as issues such as happiness at

stituted the starting point for a discus-

work or employer branding.

sion on the investment attractiveness of

The autumn of 2021 brought as

the city of Słupsk for the modern business

many as three The BSS Tour conferen­ces.

services sector. The conference that fol-

‘IT in the Heart of Poland’ kicked off

lowed enabled a discussion on the role

the proceedings and took place in Łódź

of satellite cities in the development of

towards the end of October. Topics as

the BSS industry in Poland. Attendees

diverse as the cloud, Big Data, cybersecu­

included representatives of Grupa Pro-

rity, as well as the Internet of Behavior

gres, Randstad, JLL, the Pomeranian

were all of major interest to the parti­

R­e­­­­g io­­n al Development Agency, and

cipants who travelled to Łódź from

the Pomeranian University. Fields of

the ci­ties of Gdańsk, Warsaw, Lublin,

study, work environment, as well as cur-

Kraków, Wrocław, and Katowice. Confe-­ rent trends, limitations, and the inevitarence participants – in addition to nume­

bility of employing foreigners – were all

rous pieces of advice, tips, and case stu­

among the plethora of issues discussed

dies – also had the opportunity to learn

at the event.

more about the latest IT job market

The BSS Tour Słupsk was an excel-

trends, as well as the current pay spine

lent opportunity to demonstrate that

regarding over a dozen popular IT jobs.

cities with fewer than 100,000 inha­­­-

Analysts and experts from Experis col-

bi­tants are ready for a faster uptake of

lected the data in question exclusively

BSS projects.

for The BSS Tour Łódź. the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of


Commerce, Colliers, SoftServe, Experis,

The third event or rather several events

Riposta, and Chillispaces all counted

carried out under a common name were

among the event Partners and Sponsors

the Jurajski Economic Congress and

and powered the conference to life.

the Em­­­­ployer Branding Workshop. It was

City of Łódź, Virako, Monopolis,

the fourth edition of the Congress and



the Workshop was held for the third

The BSS Tour then moved to Słupsk for

time, but never before had both events

its second event. ‘It’s Time for Słupsk’ was

been joined together by The BSS Tour

the first ever event of its kind. The FOCUS


ON Słupsk report was launched dur-

The event took place in Częstochowa

ing the conference. This report was

at the beginning of November 2021 and

a joint effort by Pro Progressio in col-

its main focus was to focus on a variety

laboration with the Polish Investment

of HR issues as well as the significance of

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

the employer’s image and brand. The BSS Tour Częstochowa consisted of two discussion panels moderated by Anna Tymoshenko from the City of Częstochowa Office and three Employer Branding workshops moderated by Lightness’ Zyta Machnicka, Adam Wąsik from Pracownia EB, and Pro Progressio’s Wiktor Doktór. The 2021 EB workshops were de­­ signed as practical educational sessions. Participants of The BSS Tour Częstochowa had the opportunity to actively partake in the analysis of relations with potential and current employees at the stages of their acquisition, onboar­ ding, ongoing employment, as well as quitting the organization. Over a dozen case studies of good employer branding campaigns were presented. This was followed by a cost breakdown and analysis, aimed at showing just how much does it actually cost to produce a comprehensive strategy both supporting employees’ recruitment and caring for emplo­ yer’s image. The HR segment of the Jurajski Economic Congress focused on challenges and objectives faced by small, medium, and large companies as well as international corporations located in the Częstochowa region. Discussion saw the parti­ cipation of, among others, the President of the City of Częstochowa and the representatives of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers in Częstochowa, the Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Częstochowa, the Katowice Special Economic Zone, as well as businesses such as Kacper Sp. z o.o., Hegel­ mann, ZF Group, Servecom, Liberty Częstochowa, and TEST Sealing Systems.

THE BSS TOUR KEEPS MOVING FORWARD The autumn round of The BSS Tour is done. More events will be happening shortly – you can stay up to date and follow all the developments at Join us there! And in the meantime, why not take a look at the attached photos

Author Agata Stolarz Operations Manager, Pro Progressio

of the Łódź, Słupsk, and Częstochowa events.

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



Polish New Deal and taxes Text | Piotr Maksymiuk

A characteristic feature of the tax law in Poland is its lack of stability and the introduction of numerous amendments. However, there haven't been so many tax changes introduced at the same time, such as those included in the Polish Lada, for a long time. The document amending the acts, mainly tax ones, is nearly 300 pages long. Entrepreneurs need to make even more effort than usual to learn about the changes and adapt to them. Below we present a brief overview of only some of the tax changes, focusing on PIT and the employers' perspective.


insurance contribution remains at 9%.

a textbook example of overly complicat-

The most widely advertised change by

The percentage of the contribution for

ing the law. The relief is the highest in

the authorities is the raising of the tax

entrepreneurs paying the flat tax rate

the case of income (revenues) amount-

base threshold, above which the 32%

will be reduced to 4.9% of income (how-

ing to approximately PLN 103 thousand

tax rate applies, from PLN 85,528 to

ever, it may not be lower than 9% of

annually, when the tax base is reduced

PLN 120,000. At the same time, in the case

the minimum wage applicable on 1 Janu­-

by approximately PLN 13.5 thousand.

of income settled according to the tax

ary of the contribution year). Separate

However, its amount drops to only

scale, the tax-free amount increases to

and complicated rules for calculating

a dozen or so zlotys in the case of income

PLN 30 thousand. The tax-free amount

the health insurance contribution will

(revenues) from the marginal values of

will be applied by deducting the amount

apply to taxpayers paying in flat-rate

the adopted range.

of PLN 5,100 from the tax due, calculated

forms of taxation.

at the rate of 17% on a tax base of up to PLN 120,000. Interestingly, the amount of the tax reduction in the first range of the tax scale may be increased by the Council of Ministers at the request of the Minister of Finance, if the amount of the subsistence minimum for the household increases. However, this does not apply to taxpayers falling within the 32%

There will be several new tax exemptions for individuals. These will apply to income obtained from the sale for consideration, after three years, of shares acquired by the taxpayer (from 2022) as the result of an initial public offering.

rate, for whom the tax-free amount will not be indexed.



Interestingly, it will be possible to

The negative effect of changes in the he­­

lower the tax base by the membership


alth insurance premium is to be reduced,

fees paid to trade unions (up to PLN 300

The possibility of deducting any part of

but only in the case of employees and

per year).

the health contribution from income tax

entrepreneurs who settle taxes according

has been abolished completely (so far it

to the general rules, constituting a new

has been possible to deduct 7.75% from

allowance for the middle class consisting


the 9% basis of its assessment). In prac-

in a reduction of the tax base. The relief

Taxpayers' revenues will be increased

tice, this means an increase in public

applies only to taxpayers who earn

by the value of work of an illegally

law burdens by 7.75% for the majority

income from their employment or busi-

employed person (within the mean-

of taxpayers.

ness of not less than PLN 68,412 per year

ing of the Act on Employment Promo-

The catalog of persons subject to

(PLN 5,700 per month), and not higher

tion and Labor Market Institutions)

mandatory health insurance has been

than PLN 133,692 per year (PLN 11,141

in an amount equivalent to the mini-

extended to include persons appointed

per month).

mum remuneration for work in a given

to perform functions under the act of

The formulas for calculating this

month. The same effects apply to any

appointment, who receive remuneration

allowance (there are two, and the se­cond

income of an employee gained from

for this. The basic amount of the health

is applicable from PLN 102,589) is

illegal employment which the employer

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

did not disclose to the competent state authorities (on the employee's side, these revenues will be exempt from PIT taxation). At the same time, the employer will not be able to count paid benefits due to illegal employment as tax deductible costs. Moreover, in the event of illegal employment or the lowering of the basis for the assessment of employee insurance premiums, the premiums will not be borne by the insured employees, but must be paid entirely from the emplo­ yer's own resources.

TAX EXEMPTIONS There will be several new tax exemptions for individuals. These will apply to income obtained from the sale for consideration, after three years, of shares acquired by the taxpayer (from 2022) as the result of an initial public offering. As part of the joint limit of up to PLN 85,528 per year, pursuant to Art. 21 sec. 1 items 152-154 of the PIT Act, work

in which they moved their place of resi­

above, pursuant to Art. 21 sec. 1 items

contracts, mandate contracts or business

dence to Poland. For 10 years, income

152-154 of the PIT Act.

activity shall be exempt from taxation for:

obtained outside the territory of Poland,

A taxpayer will be allowed to r­­e­­

• (i) revenues of some taxpayers, if after

regardless of its amount, will be subject

quest the collection of tax advances with-

2021 they moved their place of residence

to a lump sum of PLN 200,000 annually

out applying standard monthly employee

to the territory of Poland (from the EU,

(in the case of income of a family mem-

tax deductible costs (PLN 250). Another

EEA or several other countries men-

ber of such a taxpayer, the tax will be

new introduction is the possibility for

tioned in the regulation); the exemption

PLN 100,000). At the same time, the tax-

a tax remitter not to collect advances

is valid for four consecutive tax years,

payer will be obliged to incur expenses

on the income of persons employed

• (ii) income of taxpayers who in the tax

for economic growth, development of sci-

under civil law contracts, if they do not

year exercised parental responsibility

ence and education, protection of cul-

achieve other incomes and their annual

in relation to at least four children, and

tural heritage or promotion of physical

income does not exceed PLN 30,000.

• (iii) for the purpose of the economic

culture of at least PLN 100,000 per year.

Due to the change in tax relief for sin-

activation of people over 60 (women) or

gle pa­rents (tax deduction instead of joint taxation), such taxpayers will not

who, despite acquiring the right, does not


receive an old-age or disability pension.

The amendment will also introduce some

of reduced tax advances.

In the event of using these exemp-

changes with regard to the obligations

The amount of revenues from the pri-­­­

tions and at the same time applying

of tax remitters collecting tax advances.

vate use of company cars by employ-

increased costs of obtaining revenues

Tax remitters will not reduce advances

ees will now be determined by engine

from royalties for employees, the total

by the health premium collected. Tax

power and the type of drive (electric), not

amount of the exemptions and costs

remitters must take into account the new

by engine capacity. Unfortunately, this

may not exceed PLN 120,000, which is

"middle class" allowance when calculat-

solution still applies only to employees,

the amount constituting the upper limit

ing advances. At the taxpayer's request,

and the determination of similar reve-

of the first range of the tax scale.

a tax remitter will be obliged to take into

nues for other taxpayers remains with-

account the tax exemptions described

out detailed regulation.

65 (men), income earned by a taxpayer

be able to apply to the payer for the use

LUMP SUM TAX FOR NEW RESIDENTS A new solution has been introduced to encourage high-net-worth, non­� -resident individuals to transfer their tax residence to Poland. A lump sum on the income of such persons may be chosen if they have not had a place of resi-

Author Piotr Maksymiuk Senior associate, Baker McKenzie

dence in Poland for at least five of the six tax years directly preceding the tax year

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



Is this the end of remote work as we know it? An overview of the bill Text | PhD Iwona Więckiewicz-Szabłowska and Agnieszka Kunikowska

The reality of working during the pandemic has introduced the concept of remote working into the Polish labour relations for good.


Currently, the basic principles of remote

the Parliament in the fourth quarter of

working. The fundamental difference

work are regulated in the Act of 2 March

this year. It may, however, differ in its

between them is that telework is a per-

2020 on special solutions related to pre-­­­­ final version from the assumptions pre-

manent form of performing work by

venting, counteracting and combating

an employee outside the workplace,

sented below.

COVID-19, other infectious diseases

Before briefly presenting the amen­­

using means of electronic communi-

and crisis situations caused by them

ding bill, it is worth noting that it mostly

cation, based exclusively on an agree-

(hereinafter: Special Law). However,

duplicates the current provisions of

ment between the parties. However,

it is temporary in nature, so legisla-

the Labour Code concerning telework.

according to the provisions of the spe-

tive action is pending to introduce this

According to the amendment, telework

cial law, remote work may also be per-

form of work into the Labour Code.

in its present form shall be replaced by

formed at the request of the employer

This article is based on a bill amending

remote work.

and occasionally.

the Labour Code and certain other acts

For the sake of argument, it should

Pursuant to the provisions of the La-­­­

of 16 July 2021. According to its assump-

be noted that teleworking present in

bour Code amending bill, remote work

tions, this bill should be submitted to

the Labour Code is not the same as remote

will involve working wholly or partially

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

in a place indicated by the employee and

• in the period when, due to force maje­

work – in this respect, the bill to a large

agreed upon with the employer (inclu­

ure, the employer is temporarily una-

extent duplicates the current solutions

ding the employee's place of residence),

ble to ensure safe and hygienic wor­

concerning telework.

in particular using means of direct re­­­­

king conditions at the employee's cur-

mote communication. It means that work

rent place of work.

can be performed only remotely or in

First of all, as it is the case with telework, each employer will have to regu-

When issuing such an order, the em-­­ late the principles of remote work either

a hybrid form (partially remotely and

ployer will always have to obtain a state-

by an agreement concluded between

partially in the workplace) – according

ment from the employee that they have

the employer and the company trade

to the needs and arrangements between

the premises and technical conditions

union organisation, or by regulations

the employee and the employer. Also,

to perform work in this form. An analo­

established by the employer – if no agree-

the amendments to the Labour Code

gous solution is currently provided for

ment with the trade union is concluded,

assume that remote work may be intro-

in the special act. The bill, however, goes

or if there is no trade union organisa-

duced by parties' mutual agreement or

beyond that regulation by introducing

tion. In the latter case, the regulations

by employer's order.

a provision that if the employee informs

are subject to consultation with employees' representatives.

Teleworking present in the Labour Code is not the same as remote working. The fundamental difference between them is that telework is a permanent form of performing work by an employee outside the workplace, using means of electronic communication, based exclusively on an agreement between the parties.

Also, the employer shall be obliged to provide the employee with materials and tools necessary for the remote work and to pay the related costs, unless the parties regulate those issues differen­ tly between themselves. The bill recognises as employee's expenditure not only the costs of electricity and access to tele­ communication lines, but also costs re­­­ lated to installation, service, operation and maintenance of work tools necessary

In the former case, the parties'

the employer of a change in the premi­

for the remote mode. The employer will

agr­­eement on the remote work may be

ses and technical conditions, preventing

also be obliged to provide the employee

made when concluding the employment

the remote work, the employer will have

with technical assistance and necessary

contract or during the employment. It is

to cancel the remote work order.

training in the use of work tools needed

assumed that such an agreement may be

Undoubtedly, the proposed change

made in writing or electronically. Simi-

of applications and statements made by

to perform work in this form. As is currently the case with tele-

larly, as currently in the case of telework,

both parties to the employment relation-

work and remote working, the parties

the Labour Code will stipulate the group

ship is a great facilitation for the use of

may agree that during the remote work-

of staff whose request for remote work

remote working. So far, the provisions of

ing the employee will use their own mate-

will be binding for the employer. They

the Labour Code provided for them only

rials and work tools, including technical

will mainly be employees bringing up

in writing (i.e. a document with the hand-

equipment, for the payment of an allow-

a child up to the age of 4, as well as pa-­ written signature of the parties). Instead,

ance. The allowance may be replaced

rents of children with disabilities. There is

the amendment provides for a paper or

by the payment of a lump sum, whose

also a proposal to expand the group with

electronic form.

amount will correspond to the expected

employees who care for another member of their immediate family or a person with a disability certificate living in their household. The employer will only be able to refuse the employee's request for remote working if it cannot be recon­ciled with the labour organisation or the job

The Special Law mostly duplicates the current provisions of the Labour Code concerning telework. According to the amendment, telework in its present form shall be replaced by remote work.

performed by the employee. An interesting solution proposed

costs to be incurred by the employee for

ing at the employer's instruction (the so�­­ in the amendment is also the so-called

On the other hand, remote work-

the remote work. The bill directly indi-

-called incidental remote working) may

occasional remote work. At the emplo­

cates that such benefits shall not con-

be introduced in the following instances:

yee's request, remote work may be per-

stitute the employee's income within

• during a state of emergency, a state of

formed for up to 24 days per calendar

the meaning of the PIT law.

epidemic hazard or a state of epidemic;

year. As it is to be only an occasional solu-

The bill copies the current regula-­

• during the period of 3 months follow-

tion, it will not involve observing any

tions of teleworking in terms of the remote

ing the cancellation of the abovemen-

formal conditions. These, however, are

employee's right to be on the workplace

tioned states;

numerous for the basic variant of remote

premises upon principles adopted for

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



all employees. Similarly, it prohibits

system and psychosocial conditions of

procedure in the event of an accident at

the discrimination of an employee per-

such work. Based on this assessment,

remote work. After reporting the acci-

forming remote work. It also includes

information must be drawn up includ-

dent, the accident team will inspect

the employer's obligation to shape

ing the principles and methods of appro-

the accident site at a time agreed upon

the protection principles of the data pro-

priate organisation of the remote work

with the employee or their household

vided to the employee working remotely

place, principles of safe and hygienic

member. The site inspection can be omit-

and to carry out, where necessary, ins­

performance of remote work, activities

ted if the accident team finds that the cir-

truction and training. The employee will

to be performed after the completion of

cumstances and causes of the accident

be obliged to confirm knowledge of and

remote work and principles of action

do not raise any doubts.

com­­pliance with the data protection rules.

in emergency situations that pose a risk

While stipulating that the proposed

As regards OSH training, the amend­­-

to human life or health. The employee, in

regulation may be subject to further

ment provides that induction OSH train-

turn, will not only have to confirm that

changes, it should be noted that it allows

ing may be conducted entirely by electro­

they are familiar with both the asse­s­

for greater flexibility than in the case of

nic means for administrative and office

sment and the information prepared on

telework. The popularity of the remote

positions. These are not the only specific

its basis, but also confirm in a statement

working during the pandemic period

provisions concerning OSH in the work-

that the remote work place in the loca-

proves that it was a solution expected

place. The draft stipulates that the occu-

tion indicated by the employee and

by the parties to the employment rela-

pational risk assessment to be prepared

agreed with the employer ensures safe

tionship, which – especially in the hybrid

by the employer before the employee is

and healthy working conditions.

form – is attractive not only due to sani­

permitted to perform remote work must

The Labour Code amending bill also

take into account the impact of such

takes into account the specific nature of

work on vision, the muscular and skele­tal

remote working in the post-accident

tary reasons.



Iwona Więckiewicz-Szabłowska

Agnieszka Kunikowska

attorney-at-law, doctor of philosophy, Chudzik i Wspólnicy Radcowie Prawni

attorney, Chudzik i Wspólnicy Radcowie Prawni

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

Shorter reporting deadlines? Constantly changing accounting and tax rules? High turnover in your financial department? Additional costs and uncertainty of implementing New Deal rules in Poland?


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The Whistleblower Protection Act is coming. What should employers be aware of? Text | Jarosław Karlikowski

On 18 October 2021, the Polish government published a draft bill on protecting whistleblowers that aims to implement Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law ("Directive 2019/1937"). The deadline for the new legislation to enter into force is 17 December 2021. What new obligations will this law introduce?

The purpose of Directive 2019/1937 is

will be protected, for example, under

of a given company, as well as to corpo-

to improve the enforcement of Euro-

regulations prohibiting harassment or

rate shareholders, partners and mem-

pean Union law and policies by intro-

discrimination at work, but there is no

bers of the bodies. Finally, the protec-

ducing common minimum rules pro-

com­­­prehensive regulation covering all

tion will also be guaranteed to former

viding protection to persons reporting

sectors (certain regulations currently

employees and candidates if information

breaches of law. The Directive estab-

exist in the banking sector, for exam-

about the violation was obtained during

lishes rules and procedures to protect

ple). The lack of a systemic regulation

the recruitment process.

the so-called "whistleblowers," i.e., per-

of these issues in Polish domestic law,

The proposed act will introduce

sons who report information about vio-

makes it necessary for Poland to intro-

a general rule that will exclude the possi-

lations of law obtained in the course of

duce a new dedicated law that will regu­

bility of a whistleblower being exposed to

their professional activities. The scope

late these matters in such a way as to en­­­­­

any harm or charges for making a report.

of the Directive covers whistleblowing

sure the achievement of the objectives

Whistleblowers will be protected against

in a number of areas, such as public pro-

set out in Directive 2019/1937.

any work discrimination and their legal

curement, financial services, prevention of money laundering and terro­rist financing, product safety and transport safety, environmental protection, food safety, public health, consumer protection, privacy protection or IT security, as well as reporting of breaches affecting

The act will provide that violations of the law may be made through internal or external reporting channels and through public disclosure. The act will include requirements for the organization of such channels.

the EU's financial interests and breaches


concerning the internal market (e.g. com-

A draft bill regarding the above

position will be significantly strengthe­

petition and state aid rules and corporate

mentioned issues was published on 18 of

ned in the event of court proceedings. For

taxation rules).

October. The proposed regulations will

example, in the case of an appeal against

Directive 2019/1937 is a legal mecha-­ extend the protection to include whistle­

termination of employment, the e­mplo­

nism that obliges member states, inclu­

blowers working in both private and

yer will have to prove that the dismissal

ding Poland, to prepare and enact laws

public sector. The guarantees and legal

was not related to the whistleblower's

providing protection for whistleblo­

remedies that the bill introduces, will be

report. Similar protection measures will

wers, including provisions on procedures

available to whistleblowers regardless of

also apply to persons performing work

for reporting such violations, both in

the basis and form of their work (thus, it

under civil law contract. Termination

the public and private sector. Currently,

will also cover persons employed under

of such a contract will be ineffective

Polish law does not have the solutions

civil law contracts, B2B, or as appren-

for a whistleblower, and the whistle-

required by the Directive that would

tices). Furthermore, the protection will

blower will be able to demand compen-

provide systemic protection for whistle-

also be extended to whistleblowers

sation. Whistleblowers are also to be pro-

blowers. In some cases, whistlebl­owers

working for subcontractors or suppliers

tected against employer's claims related

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

to the revealed irregularities, as well as

they can assess whether the report re­

verification of reports, including pro-

against disciplinary proceedings, allega-

ceived an appropriate response.

tection of confidentiality of the identity

tions of defamation or infringement of

According to the proposed regula-

personal intersts. The draft bill also pro-

tions, violations of law may be reported

vides that the provisions of employment

through internal or external reporting

contracts excluding or limiting the right

channels as well as in the form of a pub-

to report, shall be invalid.

lic disclosure. The draft bill also deter-

The status of a whistleblower can

mines requirements for the organization

be obtained as a result of making a noti-

of such channels (procedures and organi-

fication (internal or external) or public

zational arrangements) for reporting vio-

disclosure of information about irregu-

lations as well as rules for making pub-

larities on account that the reporting fol-

lic disclosures.

of the whistleblower and the person to whom the report pertains.

The proposed act will introduce a general rule that will exclude the possibility of a whistleblower being exposed to any harm or charges for making a report.

lows the principles set out in the future

The internal whistleblowing pro-

act. It will be necessary to follow the re­­­­

cedure itself, which employers will be

quired procedure, i.e. in particular to

required to implement, will have a form

make a notification using the notification

of an internal labour law act. Its content

channels provided for in this respect or

will have to be agreed on with trade

to follow the rules for public disclosure.

unions or employee representatives.

However, the whistleblower will have

The procedure will cover organiza­tio­

The obligation to establish internal

to act fairly and the whistleblowing

nal issues, such as specifying organiza-

channels for reporting violations, will

information will have to be credible –

tional units or persons accepting whis-

apply to public sector entities as well as to

the whistleblower should have reasona-

tleblowers' reports, taking follow-up

private sector entities employing at least

ble grounds to believe that the reported

actions and providing feedback to whis-

250 people (as of 17 December 2023, also

information about the violation is true at

tleblowers, ways of reporting and con-

to private companies employing at least

the time of reporting. The whistleblower

firming the acceptance of reports, as

50 people). For other entities, the creation

will have the right to monitor the pro-

well as deadlines for the actions to be

of internal channels for reporting will not

gress of the case, i.e., to receive feedback

taken. The employer will have to ensure

be mandatory, but those entities will be

on the follow-up actions taken, so that

proper organization of the receipt and

able to set them up voluntarily.

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



The act will also regulate the pro-

The act will also regulate the rules

threatened with retaliation, or the vio-

cedures and organizational solutions for

of the so-called public disclosure, i.e.

lation is unlikely to be effectively reme-

submitting notifications of violations

making information about the infringe-

died given the particular circumstances

of law to the relevant state authorities

ment public. Public disclosure will entail

of the case.

(the so-called "external" channels for sub-

protection if the whistleblower first

The provisions protecting whistle­

mitting notifications), along with the obli-

reports internally (through a channel

blowers will apply not only to violations

gation to verify the notifications and take

organized by the employer) and exter-

of European Union law provided for by

subsequent actions. In principle the pub-

nally (to the Commissioner) or immedi-

Directive 2019/1937, but also to all viola-

lic body receiving such reports will be

ately reports externally, but no timely

tions of law in the areas of Polish law cor-

the Commissioner for Human Rights (in

action is taken in response to the report.

responding to those listed in the Dire­­­ctive.

Polish: Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich).

Exceptions will be made where the whis-

In practice, this means that the scope of

The Commissioner will be responsible

tleblower has reasonable grounds to

law violations to which the new provisions will apply will be very wide.

The new act should be implemented into the Polish legal system by 17 December 2021. The current pace of work does not guarantee that this deadline will be met.

The new act should enter into force by 17 De­­­cember 2021. However, the current pace of work does not guarantee that this deadline will be met. In fact it is likely that the new regulations will not come into force until 2022. Despite that, it is

for providing information and support

believe that the violation may pose an i­­m-

advisable that employers start preparing

to those who report violations of law, as

minent or obvious threat to the public

now to implement a whistleblowing policy

well as for the receipt and initial verifi-

interest, or if as a result of an external

in their companies and establish an inter-

cation of reports, as well as the follow-up

report made, the whistleblower will be

nal channel for reporting violations.

of cases by referring them to the public institutions competent to examine them. The institution to which the Commissioner forwards the notification will be obliged to provide the applicant with feedback, take follow-up action, and provide the Commissioner with comprehensive

Author Jarosław Karlikowski | attorney-at-law, Noerr

information on the actions taken in relation to the notification.


Focus on Business | November–December 2021


What is reputational risk and how does it affect your business? Text | Katarzyna Saganowska

Company reputation has become an increasingly well-understood issue for boards and executives with regulatory requirements increasing to demonstrate the measures taken to understand and engage with stakeholders. For this reason, more and more companies are aware of reputational risk and are wondering how to measure this reputation risk, that can affect their business.

I observe that the boards need more pre-

broadcast channels, allow companies to

cise assessment and qualification of repu-­ listen and understand the thoughts and

for all firms in these sectors.

tation risk. To predict how it is evolving

feelings of their different stakeholders.

Last but not least to mention are

and the negative impact posed by certain

This incredibly rich set of data paired

the risks on which a company is negati­

issues. All this to support better decision

with some automated learning tech-

vely differentiated compared to its peers

making and the balance of risk appetite

niques enables the structuring of pre-

that are the most toxic. In a simple words

versus reward.

viously unstructured data and by add-

– if your company is seen as significantly

ing weighted sentiment measures to this,

out of step on environmental, social or


companies can very quickly build a pic-

governmental issues relative to your

In current international and national

ture of the risks they face as an organi-

peers, then there is the potential for

busi­­­­ness landscape, reputational risk is

zation, prioritize such by current impact

activists or single-issue NGOs to target

a tangible, quantifiable business con-

and severity, apply mitigating measures

you on this matter. Therefore a simple

cern. It can be measured, and undenia-

(if required).

conclusion is that the understanding not

bly has a link to financial value, among

just your own reputation risk profile but


also where you sit on each of your risks

proofs that no industry is safe from con-

This reputation risk profile already rep-

ting potential vulnerabilities which may

sumer condemnation and dynamic shifts

resents an enormous step forward for

initially be further down the list of imme-

in public perception. Manufacturing and

businesses in terms of getting some con-

diate priorities.

Tech companies have come in for criti-

trol of the issues and events that consti-

cism for not eliminating exploitation in

tute an actual or potential threat to com-

their supply chains. Also financial insti-

pany’s reputation. Taking into account

tutions are called out for manipula­ting

rather obvious fact that the data is not

the markets and ordinary retailers see

static and nor are the issues, a simple

drop in sales when customer data is

conclusion is that context, as ever in ana-

lifted in cyber-attacks.

lytics, is a king.


zation’s reputation risk profile, is crucial

As the awareness and need for reputa-

identified at the very top of such list

tion risk management has increased,

are simply the cost of doing business in

With your reputational risk foot-

also the sophistication of the tools avail-

a given sector. For example, Oil and Gas

print measured and your relative risk

able constantly develops. The main rea-

firms are likely to be targeted on envi-

exposure mapped, you have your base-

son is the wealth of secondary research

ronmental grounds, while insurers will

line in place. By using these baseline

data from publicly available sources such

frequently face complaints over lack of

values, companies can monitor any va­­

as social media, as well as online and

payouts. It shouldn’t necessary mean that

riance in their risk profile relative to

other KPIs. A simple adverse media check

Identifying an individual organi-


these are the biggest reputational risks

however it may be that the key issues

relative to the sector, is the key to spot-

While reputational risk can’t be fully controlled, it can certainly be positively influenced. IS MANAGING THE REPUTATION RISK IN REAL-TIME POSSIBLE?

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

these norms and be automatically alerted

ready to decide whose opinion mat-


to this, allowing for earlier intervention

ters most when it comes to preserving

Companies with strong positive reputa-

and risk mitigation.

your company’s reputation. In a world

tions attract better people. They are perceived as providing more value, which often allows them to charge a premium.

Companies with strong positive reputations attract better people. They are perceived as providing more value, which often allows them to charge a premium.

The surveys proof that their cust­omers are more loyal and continue to buy broa­ der ranges of products and services. At the same time the market believes that such companies will deliver sustained earnings and future growth, they

Nowadays, despite the fact reputa-

where confidentiality is a commodity,

have higher price-earnings multiples and

tion has its own long reputation of being

it is always better to communicate than

market values and lower costs of capital.

impossible to measure, with the right

to stay silent. On top companies that are

Moreover, in an economy where major-

combination of data sources, machine

transparent in their communications

ity of global market value comes from

learning techniques and a detailed

tend to recover more quickly. The inter-

hard-to-assess intangible assets such as

understanding of how reputation func-

connected world where everyone has

brand equity, intellectual capital, and

tions, basically any company can both

the ability to express, an authentic, trans-

goodwill, organizations should be espe-

quantify and manage its reputation and

parent and consistent communication is

cially vulnerable to anything that dam­a-

risks related to it, in real-time.

the best attitude a company in question

ges their reputations.

should follow.

IS IT POSSIBLE TO PREVENT REPUTATIONAL RISK? While reputational risk can’t be fully controlled, it can certainly be positively influenced. The rapid growth of digital media and communication channels has given an influential voice to

Author Katarzyna Saganowska Head of Risk and Compliance, TMF Group

a wider range of stakeholder groups – and also the entrepreneurs should be

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



Leading medical technology company builds GBS in Warsaw Interview with Rob Bradford – VP of Global Business Services at Zimmer Biomet.

Wiktor Doktór, Pro Progressio: Rob,

global standards and efficiencies, as well

operation, and leaders who are look-

I must admit I’m impressed with

as creating economies of scale by centra­

ing for innovative ways to drive stand-

the dynamics of Zimmer Biomet GBS’

lizing certain activities. We are opening

ards and efficiencies are lining up to talk

growth in Warsaw. Despite the COVID-

shared service centres to cover each of

with us.

19 pandemic you have created a space

our regions, with Warsaw servicing all

for hundreds of people. Congratula-

of Europe and ME&A. The selection pro-

Every GBS focuses on processes as well

tions! But let’s take a step back. How

cess evaluated 30+ cities in East and West

as on languages. What does it look like

did it all start? Can you tell us what

Europe, against dozens of criteria. Ulti-

in your case? Is English enough to work

kind of a company Zimmer Biomet

mately, everyone is seeking that per-

for Zimmer Biomet GBS or you are also

is, what do you do, and where are is

fect balance of cost versus deep skills

looking for other language skills?

the company present?

in the market, and for us, we found that

We absolutely have a variety of lan-

Rob Bradford, Zimmer Biomet:

situ­ation in Warsaw. There is such a great

guage requirements. Like many compa-

Wiktor, thanks for the kind words. We are

depth of talent, language capability, and

nies, we have standardized globally on

truly excited about the rapid pace we are

a very industrious attitude of the Polish

English for a lot of internal activities

seeing. Zimmer Biomet is a leading medi­

workforce. We couldn’t be happier with

and as the language shared by senior

cal technology company, whose mission

our choice.

is to alleviate pain and improve the quali­­ ­ty of life for people around the world, through the use of our innovative pro­ ducts and suite of integrated digital and robotic technologies that leverage data, data analytics and artificial intelligence. If you know someone with an artificial knee, or hip, or shoulder, there is a good chance it is one of our products. We are a global, ~$8 Billion USD company, with

GBS is a great way to start a career, but it’s also a great place for senior people to go to round out their experiences. My advice is DON’T come to GBS unless you are ready to make big changes and drive big value. It’s hard work, but it’s so rewarding, which is why I have stuck with it for 30+ years myself!

over 20,000 associates, operating in more What kind of processes are already

leader­ship. However, we are not going

being ran in 2021 and what processes

to mandate that our customers, and ven-

Thank you, that sounds great. Then,

do you plan to migrate to the GBS in

dors, and other external business part-

at a certain stage your company has

the coming years?

ners speak English with us. We still need

than 70 countries.


decided to open a GBS centre. What

Right now, we have several key

to conduct business in a variety of local

did the location selection process look

functions that have partnered with our

languages. Groups like our HR team, ser-

like? Was Warsaw the natural candi-

centre in Warsaw, including Finance, HR,

vice every person in our company, not

date for your centre or did it have

IT, Procurement, Quality, and Regu­latory.

just our English speakers, so we need


In just a few months, we have grown

to be flexi­ble for large portions of our

Yes, like many other large compa-

from nothing to over 150 associates in

employee population as well. In all, we

nies, we have grown both organically and

our centre, and we continue to grow

will likely service people in 12–15 lan-

thru acquisitions over the years, leading

every week. And yes, there are several

guages out of this centre, and therefore

to a complex landscape of technologies

other functions who have shown inte­

finding a city with this depth of language

and processes. GBS is one of the most

rest. It is safe to say that everyone is tak-

skill was incredibly important. In our

popular strategies for driving towards

ing notice of the talent in our Warsaw

search for a location, Warsaw scored

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

very high in most of the key languages

layout. If you are doing transactional

at the crossroads of almost everything

we wanted to support, and so far we are

work, we expect you to stay at home.

going on in the company, so we are

finding fantastic linguistic talent.

The office is now specifically designed

the source of so much information and

for training and collaboration, not rows

value. Also, GBS provides a rich variety

We do live in very dynamic times

of cubicles. And yes, after careful safety

of career paths and learning opportuni-

where office work is intertwined with

planning in accordance with local guide-

ties. Finally, the core of our mission is

remote work. What is your policy in

lines, you definitely saw a lot of people on

related to fixing and improving process,

that area? Do you give your emplo­

opening day in the office. There was tre-

which is a critical skill for any senior

yees choice to work from office or/and

mendous excitement to see our CEO and

executive to have. GBS is a great way to

remotely? During the official opening

Executive Leadership team, so that was

start a career, but it’s also a great place

ceremony of your GBS at the beginning

an unusual day, but a great one!

for senior people to go to round out their

of October 2021, I saw a lot of people in your office. Great question, and I can tell you that we are leaning into the challenges posed by COVID. We had to adapt quickly last year to the safety needs introduced by this pandemic. While it put a lot of

Like many other large companies, we have grown both organically and thru acquisitions over the years, leading to a complex landscape of technologies and processes.

stress on the business, it also showed us that there was another way to operate,

The GBS industry is a great place to start

experiences. My advice is DON’T come

and that we could possibly save money

or develop business career. What advice

to GBS unless you are ready to make big

in the future on facilities. GBS is leading

would you give to people who may be

changes and drive big value. It’s hard

the way in this. All of our facilities were

thinking about joining your team?

work, but it’s so rewarding, which is why

designed and built during COVID, and we

You are so right. In fact, this is a key

have included several innovations. First,

part of our mission and strategy in our

we are only building to about 40–50%

GBS. We want to be a proving ground

Thank you very much and all the best

capacity, so we expect at least half of our

for future leaders in the company. GBS

for the future. It’s really fantastic to

employees to work from home on any

is such a fantastic place to be at any

see such a big brand operating a GBS

day. We also have changed our office

point in your career, because we are

out of Warsaw!

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

I have stuck with it for 30+ years myself!



Culture is the only insurance that lasts forever An interview with Béla Kakuk, CEO BPiON Group.

Focus on Business: What is the big­­­­­­­­­-

Does it mean you made your decision

colleagues because their subordinates

gest challenge to the BPO industry

on the office/home-office/hybrid

are remote – and who needs more peo-



ple management. Furthermore we had to

Béla Kakuk, BPiON Group: Most

BPiON provides 100% Digital Busi-

integrate subject matter experts in order

articles are about how to attract talents,

ness Process Outsourcing, all Account-

to maintain the quality of our services

but these are usually written by compa-

ing and Payroll services delivered in

and solutions. In our practice the real-

nies who are about to recruit the same

the secure cloud. So, the physical pres-

life experiences and a continuous cre-

amount of people they dismissed du­ring

ence in the office is not necessary for

ative challenging attitude is important.

the first months of the COVID era. I think

the processes.

What our Client could experience from

the biggest challenge is not simply to retain talents, but how to articulate your culture toward them. As Peter Drucker says, “culture eats strategy for breakfast” and this is more valid nowa­days than ever when the maj­ority of the colleagues are working partly from their home environment. Culture is everything. This is the magic that decides whether we like Mondays or hate, whether we are inspi­­ red to change perspective every minute

Culture is everything. This is the magic that decides whether we like Mondays or hate, whether we are inspired to change perspective every minute or keep our standard job description as written, whether we are looking for lasting partnerships with Clients, vendors and colleagues or believe in an isolated professional bubble.

or keep our standard job description as written, whether we are looking for la­s­

We try to remain agile and when

this change is that we have became more

ting partnerships with Clients, vendors

a situation comes happy to change our

of an advisory firm, than an administra-

and colleagues or believe in an isolated

policies and organization norms accor­

tive one and now more than 30% of our

professional bubble.

dingly, but now we believe that 2 days

consolidated revenue from Poland, Hun-

a week office work is essential to keep

gary and Romania comes from one-off

Has your employee retention strategy

a healthy feed of the culture. It is like

consulting nature, such as tax advisory,

changed due to COVID?

being on annual vacation when the first

process optimization, system localiza-

Definitely. How we used to develop

week is accompanying the new situa-

tion and improvement, due diligence,

and keep culture together has changed

tion and circumstances, while the se­cond

and on-site engagements.

dramatically in the COVID era. Integ-

week is where you enjoy most and can

rity, transparency, respect, open-mi­­­nded

be inspired.


You mentioned the 3 countries where BPiON Group has offices. Are the mar-

approach, and other values are best spread by personal collaboration, ex­­­

Has the COVID era brought any signi­

ket changes or service providers’ reac-

p­­­­­­e­­­riences and failures lived through

ficant changes to how you provide ser-

tions different by these jurisdictions?

together in that moment. And this m­­o-

vices to your Clients?

We have just started in Roma-

ment is just diffe­rent via 2D sitting in

Basically not. Our current engage-

nia, so I might not be in the position to

our home office and staring at the screen.

ments remained the same and every

make any market-wide conclusion, how-

While expe­rimenting with certain new

month we have to do bookings, closure,

ever happy to share my view on Poland

– rather technology-driven – elements

payroll runs and similar high-value finan-

and Hungary. Size matters, like in many

of o­­n­­boarding and training, we had to

cial administrative tasks. On the other

other cases. If your market in Poland

em­­­phasize the importance of physi-

hand, we had to allocate more responsi-

is minimum 4 times higher than other

cal collaboration.

bilities to senior, experienced and loyal

CEE ones and you act more of a regional

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

corporate hub, the initiatives you accele­

revenue growth implication of the Hun-

rate in order to strengthen your organi-

garian financial restructuring project,

zation against this new disruptive threat

however, once they are done, we have

like COVID is more fundamental, since

to go to market and fight for the next one

the cost of it is spread over a bigger

facing the same global/regional competi-

organization. We are involved in more

tors. While in Poland we can invest more

long-term, structural projects in Poland

into structural changes in order to assist

and rather shorter-term corrective rapid

strategical changes on the Client-side as

actions in Hungary. It does not mean

well (such as acquisitions, integrations,

that we are not enjoying the enormous

centralizations, SSC expansions, etc.).

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

Now we believe that 2 days a week office work is essential to keep a healthy feed of the culture.



You can not spend enough on cyber security, since this is one of the biggest threats of every business nowadays. We believe that our actions are well supported on a group level by the highest registered Microsoft partner IT provider in Hungary. Have you faced any Client requ­i­re­­­­ments where you had to refuse the scope? This is not an easy question since Is this new market situation reflec­­ted

Local decision-makers have time and

it is in our DNA to be inspired through

in your regional investment strategy?

capacity to learn, experience and under-

ideas and change perspective, there-

First of all, we do not believe in

stand your culture and how it creates

fore we hardly ever say no to Clients.

long-term strategies. We classify our-

value for their organizations, while

We never refuse due to IT requirements,

selves as an indefinite purpose company,

regional decision-makers are more into

since we can easily isolate and create cus-

therefore following our WHY statements

pure facts, like references, IT infrastruc-

tomized solutions for every Client, which

(Simon Sinek: book of “Start with WHY”)

ture and cyber security and other terms

exercise is managed by our internal digi-

is more important for us than reaching

of the engagements. These used to be

tal transformation team. We have rather

financial results every year. It does not

secondary a decade ago while becom-

seen cases where there was no cultural fit

mean that we are happy if any of the pro-

ing USP nowadays.

at all between the Client and us.

jects are loss-making, but we can live with more than 12-month returns or breakeven projects if it gives significant fuel to our cultural growth. One example is that we entered Romania without any market study or detailed budget calculation, we entered there since we knew the Romanian proactive service approach to improve decision makings and create quality solutions and we found our local country manager who

This is not an easy question since it is in our DNA to be inspired through ideas and change perspective, therefore we hardly ever say no to Clients. We never refuse due to IT requirements, since we can easily isolate and create customized solutions for every Client, which exercise is managed by our internal digital transformation team.

can spread our WHY testaments and va-­ lues there. Whether it will result in profit in a year or 2, is a different question.

How BPiON strengthen its infrastruc-

We are in the service industry, where cul-

ture to meet new requirements and

ture matters more and less CAPEX heavy

face cyber threats?

markets, so we can afford the luxury of

We believe that as long as we focus on our internal culture, especially

We believe that we started our

du­ring COVID affected periods, it will

operation just in time, when the new

have an impact on our service level as

On the other hand, we are big

cloud applications and functionalities

well as Client loyalty. So far our employee

enough with approximately 100 experts

became wide spread and carefully tested,

attrition rate is less than 10% and our

onboarded, so regional wide investment

therefore we were born in the cloud.

Client churn is less than 1% and we enjoy

decision should be made as well. Our

Having our infrastructure completely

every day of our business life following

main focus is to strengthen our Polish

under the Microsoft AZURE cloud fits

our WHY testament.

operation which still grows over 100%

well into our culture of fast and flexible

annually and to transform our local cul-

decisions, where we can easily scale up

tural differentiators into a regional one.

the scope and size of the IT requirements.

simi­lar decisions.


How do you see BPION in the future?

Thank you for the interview.

Focus on Business | November–December 2021


CREATING A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD An interview with Andreas Flodstrom, Founder and CEO of Beetroot.

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



Most of the companies we met during our scout travels had names related to IT with the words "technology," "solutions," and "software" in them. It was relatively easy to mix them up, so we looked for a name that would stand apart from the crowd. But more importantly, we wanted it to sound and feel alive. Essentially, we're a software company, but we focus on growing an ecosystem that creates impact. And of course, beetroot — one of the main ingredients in the traditional Ukrainian dishes — illustrates a solid connection to Ukraine. So all in all, when we came up with the name "Beetroot", we didn't think twice!


Wiktor Doktór, Pro Progressio: Beet-

scholarship and a few thousand euro in

so we looked for a name that would

root, a company you have set up in

cash were enough to live in Ukraine and

stand apart from the crowd. But more

Sweden, is going to have 10th anniver-

get things going.

importantly, we wanted it to sound

sary in 2022. What were the beginnings

So back in 2012, I got an old rusty

and feel alive. Essentially, we're a soft-

of your business and why “beetroot” is

Lada to drive us down from St. Peters-

ware company, but we focus on growing

the name of it?

burg to Kyiv. That's where our first office

an ecosystem that creates impact. And

Andreas Flodstrom, Beetroot:

took place — in a basement apartment

of course, beetroot — one of the main

While Beetroot was established in 2012,

near the railway station, to be specific.

ingredients in the traditional Ukrainian

its story goes back to my university years.

We moved to Odesa after about half

dishes — illustrates a solid connection

Back at the time, I was working on my

a year. There, we started to build a soft-

to Ukraine. So all in all, when we came

Master's Thesis for Chalmers School of

ware service model known as Dedi-

up with the name "Beetroot," we didn't

Entrepreneurship, dedicated to asses­

cated Team. The business grew rather

think twice!

sing IT outsourcing locations within CIS

quickly. But then something happened

in the direction of social entrepreneur-

that we were not prepared for at all –

As many Scandinavian Tech&IT com-

ship. I met Gustav Henman, an entre-

Maidan, the revolution, and the fol-

panies your growth is also connected

preneur too, and just as fascinated

lowing military aggression in Eastern

with operations presence in CEE

by Eastern Europe, particularly Post-­ Ukraine. Those events affected us a lot.

Region. You have chosen Ukraine.

-Soviet countries, as myself. So at some

We reali­zed that we're in the position

Why? How big is your business in

moment, we thought: "Why don't we

to do something meaningful vs. just

Ukraine and what are your next busi-

pack our bags and move somewhere

remaining external viewers. So we cre-

ness destinations, if any?

in Eastern Europe to start a business?".

ated Beet­­­­root Academy, a school for

When we first arrived in Kyiv, we

We didn't exactly know what or where it

those who want to start a career in Tech.

were not sure we would stay there.

would be. But, we wanted it to be some-

With the help of several international

We traveled a lot around Ukraine, Mol-

thing impactful and engage great p­e­

NGOs and governmental organizations,

dova, Belarus, and Russia, meeting small

ople around.

we launched a course for internally dis-

IT companies and experimenting with dif-

We quickly realized that starting

placed people from Crimea and Eastern

ferent delivery models. According to my

something in the IT-sphere would be

Ukraine. Beetroot entered the tech edu-

Master's Thesis study, Ukraine was "lea­

a good option for many reasons. First of

cation segment, and we started to scale

ding the charts" by numerous objective

all, it felt great for our entreprene­urial

from there.

factors. However, some subjective rea-

drive and curiosity. Second, the tech

As for the company name, we wan­

industry provides a fantastic platform

ted it to have a culture, a certain vibe

sons for us to choose this country over

for building opportunities, which aligned

around it. Most of the companies we

There's something about the dyna­­

perfectly with our initial strive to cre-

met during our scout travels had names

mics of life in Ukraine — I've always

ate a positive difference in the world.

related to IT with the words "techno­

enjoyed how easy it is to connect with

Last but not least, you don't need a huge

logy," "solutions," and "software" in them.

people here in a relaxed and soulful way.

capital to get started in IT. One student

It was relatively easy to mix them up,

Besides, I had a plain gut feeling that

others were strong as well.

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

When we've just founded Beetroot in Ukraine, we got a lot of suspicious rea­ctions and questions like "OK, impact, I see. But what's in it for you?". I would usually ask the question the other way around. "If there's no purpose behind your work other than earning money, then why the heck do you do it?". Today, I don't get so many such questions, and I'm happy about it.

Ukraine is the right place to set up

transformations in terms of processes

Beetroot is undoubtedly one of them.

an impact-driven business. In 2012 it

and, therefore, skills that are in demand.

However, our scaling strategy for Beet-

wasn't that obvious what trajectory his-

At Beetroot Academy, we believe that

root Academy assumes a much broader

tory would take. However, it’s clear that

the world desperately needs more plat-

expansion pace as we want to educate

our intuition was right as Ukraine took

forms and programs for life-long learn-

hundreds of thousands, maybe millions

a progressive vector.

ing. Because let's face it – traditional edu-

of people eventually.

Today, the Beetroot ecosystem en­­­ co­­­­­­­m­­p asses 600+ people, with the im­­­

cational systems will not be able to keep up with fast-paced economic changes.

Something what is underlined by you

mense majority based in Ukraine. While

In line with this vision, the Acade­

very clearly is “sustainable software

we are committed to growing in Ukraine,

my's mission is to help people re-skill

development”. On you web page you

we look for scaling opportunities in

or gain the necessary knowledge to start

are showing this approach as a part

the EU and other countries. We've been

or upgrade their careers in Tech. Our

of your business mission. Why is it so

running tests for Beetroot Academy,

programs, based on a boot-camp model,

important for you?

expanding from Ukraine to Sweden and

blended learning, and mentor support,

While we did not have a formu-

Kosovo. And there's definitely more to

are focused on the practical aspect of

lated mission in our early days, we've

come in the next few years.

education. This way, students can quickly

always had this purpose of creating

become employable or level up their

a positive impact with our work. Natu­

Recent years have proved there is

skills. In addition to tech courses, Beet-

rally, when you're just starting, you

a lack of talent pool especially when it

root Academy offers a Management skill

focus on growth and simply being able to

comes to software developers or soft­­­­

set related to the digital economy.

stand on your own legs. Still, I've always

ware testers. At some stage of your

believed that you need a reason beyond

business growth you have created

I must say numbers are significant.

earning money for loving to go to work

“Beetroot Academy” – what were

Already 4,700 graduates trusted you

every day. Spending the lion's share of

the main reasons of starting this acti­

across all Ukraine. What usually

our lives at work requires our activity's

vity and how does it work?

the graduates do once they complete

results to be meaningful.

As I mentioned above, we created Beetroot Academy as a response to

your Academy? Do they stay in Beetroot or look for work in other companies?

When we've just founded Beetroot in Ukraine, we got a lot of suspi­cious

the turbulent times in Ukraine back in

Actually, the current number of

rea­ctions and questions like "OK, impact,

2014. It started as an impact-oriented

graduates is 5,300. Both. From the very

I see. But what's in it for you?". I would

organization, first and foremost, and it

beginning, the idea behind Beetroot

usually ask the question the other way

remains so today.

Academy has been to educate people

around. "If there's no purpose behind

As you correctly pointed out, we've

for the entire tech market, not just for

your work other than earning money,

been facing a tech talent shortage for

our software development consultancy.

then why the heck do you do it?". Today,

a long time. And this problem is not going

Therefore, we currently have around 200

I don't get so many such questions, and

to disappear anytime soon. The global

partner companies to offer career oppor-

I'm happy about it. More and more entre-

economy will keep facing significant

tunities to the Academy graduates, and

preneurs and companies in Ukraine are

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



I think we live in pivotal times. All the tools we need to serve all possible human needs are either avai­lable or expected to appear soon, but global societal development is lagging. In other words, technologies are developing faster than global political systems, particular economic processes, and cultural aspects could keep up with. Today, we have more opportunities than ever, but to use them, we need to keep up "lagom", as they say in Sweden.

choosing to operate based on a pur­­­-

and sustainability efforts in our 2020 Sus-

will also foster a stronger consolidation

pose and pay attention to their social

tainability Report:

trend in the industry during the 2020s.



Global challenges, such as climate change


and potential health crisis similar to


COVID-19 will continue to drive inno-

At Beetroot, we have slightly reformulated our mission statement several times. Still, we follow the original direc-

vation in Tech, and hopefully accelerate

tion — we're a social enterprise that uses


transformation both on individual and

commercial tools to create impact. Does

Based on your knowledge and analy-

it mean we don't care about our business

sis of business trends – which of the IT/

In general, I think we live in pivo­

success? Of course not. I actually don't

Software/Tech services will grow within

tal times. All the tools we need to serve

believe these things go against each

next few years. Do you expect any sig-

any possible human need are already

other. An impact-driven mission proves

nificant market changes (for example

available or expected to appear soon,

to align very well with a business stra­

more AI) or rather todays trends will

but societal development worldwide is

tegy. For example, when we chose to

stay with us for a little bit longer?

lagging. In other words, technologies

societal levels.

expand Beetroot in Ukraine's small and

The pandemic crisis has accel­

are developing faster than global politi­

midsize cities, this decision served both

erated the global megatrends of digitali-

cal systems, particular economic pro-

our business goals and our purpose.

zation and remote work. I would be very

cesses, and cultural aspects could keep

Thus, we got more opportunities to at­­­­

surprised if we didn't see an even faster

up with. One of the ways of addressing

tract talent outside of large IT hubs and

pace of development in the coming years,

this challenge, in my opinion, is creating

positively influence the development of

which is both exciting and worrying.

more tools for an individual to take care

local communities.

Market-wise, the need for tech skills is

of their mindset and personal balance in

For us to be sustainable today

snowballing — 2021 breaks record after

the fast-changing digital era. Today, we

means to be able to create a positive i­m-

record in terms of vacancy amount in

have more opportunities than ever, but

pact tomorrow. Therefore, we focus on

Ukrainian IT. The main bottle­neck for

to use them, we need to keep it “lagom”,

several impact areas related to sustain-

growth is the tech ecosystem's capa-

as we say in Sweden: to move forward

able development's economic, social,

bility to raise new specialists, so being

with the right balance.

and environmental aspects. You can

strong in education is a key to success.

learn more about Beetroot's mission

The intensified competition for talents

Thank you Andreas.

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

Investment news



DOKI, alongside MONTOWNIA, which

The European Property Awards

floors are dedicated for commercial ser-

is part of the investment – the construc-

(EPA) is part of the International Prop-

vices, with a cultural function planned

tions arising in the historic, post-shipyard

erty Awards, a competition that attracts

out as well. The office buildings will be

areas of Gdańsk, have been awarded in

investors from around the world. DOKI

erected to the high standard of Torus,

one of the most prestigious competitions

and MONTOWNIA received the Award

which the company is constantly devel-

in the real estate industry – the European

Winner title in as many as three catego-

oping through technological innovations,

Property Awards. DOKI received the Award

ries in the national phase, consequently

among others.

Winner title in the Mixed-Use Develop-

advancing further in the competition.

The campaign promoting the DOKI

ment and Development Marketing cate-

DOKI are being built in a unique

investment earned recognition in the Mar­­­-

gories, while MONTOWNIA in the Com-

place in Gdańsk, right next to the European

keting Development category. Its core

mercial Redevelopment/Renovation.

Solidarity Centre and the historic BHP

was formed by the production of a video

DOKI is a multifunctional invest-

(Health and Safety) Hall of the Gdańsk

spot based on an evocative dance, com-

ment carried out jointly by Euro Styl (resi­­-

Shipyard. The investment is characte­

bined with a recognizable audio track

dential part – DOKI Living, and com-

rized by a large spatial and architectural

(the Welshly Arms hit Legendary). In

mercial part – MONTOWNIA) and Torus

diversity, alongside numerous corre-

turn, MONTOWNIA, awarded in the Com-

(office-commercial part – DOKI Office).

sponding functions. The office-commer-

mercial Redevelopment/Renovation

The investment is in line with the trend

cial function (DOKI Office) is provided

cate­gory, makes up a historic building

of modern development of post-indus­

by two modern and certified buildings

from the 1930s, in which, after restora-

trial areas, while introducing new urban


tion, 114 serviced lofts, a 400-metre con-

functions all along, which can be recog-

ERS) with a total leasable area of nearly

ference space, and a food hall will find

nized in many European cities.

38,000 square metres. Their ground

their place.

Focus on Business | November–December 2021


plants as well as tables and sofas, creating a "Garden Point" zone, which is ideal for meetings and work breaks in relaxing surroundings. The greenery is not only pleasing to the eye, but also has a positive effect on the lobby’s air quality and acoustics. Marynarska Point 2 also offers space on the ground floor for shops, restaurants and other services. The building’s retail units are currently leased out to a medical clinic, canteen and a grocery shop. The location is undoubtedly an ad­­­ vantage of Marynarska Point 2. Warsaw Służewiec is a popular business address and attracts a number of corporations. The office building on Marynarska Street

Adecco, a global recruitment company,

The office building, owned by Blue-

is located near Wołoska Street and is

will open one of its Warsaw offices in

house Capital, offers nearly 14,000 sqm

well-served by road as well as public

Marynarska Point 2, completing the pool

on 11 floors. In the past year, its common

transport. Fryderyk Chopin Airport is

of tenants for the building’s ground floor.

areas have undergone revitalisation.

also just a few minutes away by car. In

Experts from advisory company, JLL, are

The main lobby now has an eye-catch-

addition, one of the capital’s largest shop-

responsible for the commercialization

ing new, green oasis with a wooden

ping malls – Galeria Mokotów – is located

of the office building, while Adecco was

construction resembling a cottage at its

in the immediate vicinity, along with new

represented by Colliers.

centre. This area has numerous exotic

hotels and other services.


supplier of technology and components,

developed, is under construction next to

toni is completing another development

including for the automotive industry –

the future S1 expressway, which in the

for the automotive industry in Bielsko­-

a company that employs 1,000 people in

stretch under construction between Mys-

Biała. As part of Panattoni Park Bielsko­-

total. The centre is to be opened in Janu­

łowice and Bielsko-Biała is to be part of

Biała IV, the developer is to deliver a BTS

ary 2022. The development of the factory

the international route between Gdańsk

production centre with an area of 33,200

will allow the company’s operations in

and Vienna. Moreover, the road will pro-

sqm to the Italian-based Cornaglia Group

Poland to be moved to a new location

vide direct access to the A1 motorway

– a producer of components for the auto-

and will allow the company to increase

and the Slovakian border at Zwardoń.

motive industry, as well as construction

its production capacity and extend its

Panattoni Park Bielsko Biała IV is ideally

and farm equipment and other machin-

machine park with the latest generation

placed in regard to the Upper Silesian

ery. The company is growing its busi-

of equipment. This will result in produc-

urban area as well as to Kraków, which

ness in Poland and the Panattoni devel-

tion being increased and in new custom-

makes hiring highly qualified workers

opment will allow it to expand its activi-

ers in Europe being won over.

significantly easier.

ties in one location. The building is to be

Among the activities undertaken

completed in January 2022, but already

to prepare for the operations of the Cor-

at the end of this year, the fit-out of a

naglia Poland factory, Panattoni dug out

modern and highly specialised produc-

a large area that went down 7 metres

tion line will begin.

to prepare the foundations for the ten-

To meet the scale of European

ants’ metal presses. It is also to support

motoring. Bielsko-Biała is an area that

the company in transporting and fit-

continues to develop with several new

ting a piece of production equipment

investments. The automotive indus-

that weighs over 100 tons, which is to

try, due to its numerous developments,

arrive at the Polish factory from Italy. To

is one of the driving forces behind this

gain the maximum effect from the press-

and Panattoni is backing its growth in

ings, Cornalgia Poland is to make use of

the region. Currently, the developer is

advanced equipment. The new line will

constructing a BTS production centre

be able to produce parts from both alu-

with an area of 32,200 sqm as part of

minium and steel.

Panattoni Park Bielsko-Biała IV for the

Panattoni Park Bielsko-Biała IV,

Cornaglia Group – a leading European

where the Cornaglia BTS factory is being

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



New POINT on the business map of Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz Text | Marcin Uske

The construction of the Punkt (Point) office building has begun in Wrzeszcz. This is a new and – after Officyna – another investment conducted by Torus in this part of the city. A cosy building, with nearly 13,000 square metres of leasable area on offer, will perfectly integrate with the surrounding urban tissue abundant in various commercial, service, and residential functions.

– The pandemic has changed a lot on

be selected. Furthermore, in cooperation

other things, to energy efficiency or low

the office market and put many invest-

with local artists, a graffiti gallery is to

consumption of potable water, reducing

ments on hold, but I believe in a relatively

be set up in order to fill the staircases of

maintenance costs, as well as to the use

quick recovery. In the short term, we are

the building, constituting an attractive

of human-friendly building materials.

probably not likely to observe spectacu-

alternative to using the elevators.

It will also stand as a certified Object

lar increases, but as soon as the situation

without barriers (‘Obiekt bez barier’)

allows business to release the brakes, it


adapted to the free movement of people

may quickly turn out that well-located

Punkt is a cosy office building with six

with disabilities. It will also accommo-

and high-quality office space proves to be

overground storeys (the ground floor will

date a room that will cater to the needs

a scarce commodity in the Tricity – says

house commercial premises), and one

of parents and their small children.

Sławomir Gajewski, president of Torus.

underground storey, with a total leasa-

Punkt will be erected in the high

ble area of 12,781 square metres (GLA).

standard of Torus, which the company


The building will be certified in the LEED

is constantly developing through techno-

Wrzeszcz, the second centre of Gdańsk,

v4 system. Thus, it will meet the highest

logical innovations, among others – with

as the inhabitants say about it for a good

environmental standards related, among

one of them being the recently modified

reason, is a remarkably interesting, diverse, and buzzing district. The extensive offer within culture, entertainment, gastronomy, commerce, and accommodation, attracts like a magnet, and resonates not only with young people. With a gem in the form of Wajdeloty Street, restored several years ago, with a deve­ loping residential package, another sti­ m­ulus to increase the district’s potential is found in modern office buildings, perfectly integrated into the urban fabric, with Punkt to be another one of them. In a small, glazed building with interiors designed in a ‘light and free’ style, one will find unique space for work and business development. The investment will fit into the atmosphere of a revi­ ving, fashionable district. An attractive development plan of the square next to the building is in the making – as part of a competition for architectural studios, with the concept of creating an appea­ ling, artistic utility and leisure space to


Focus on Business | November–December 2021

system of air handling units, thanks to

another point of the central business dis-

The design of the building was

which the possibility of spreading va­­

trict that has been shaping up for many

carried out by APA Wojciechowski Trój­

rious types of pathogens such as bacte-

years between the districts of Wrzeszcz

miasto. The scheduled completion date

ria or viruses has been virtually elimi-

and Oliwa, along the main thoroughfare

of the investment is the second quarter

nated. It will also be distinguished by:

of the Tricity.

of 2023.

the 3-metre height of office rooms, tilt windows, individual temperature control system, building application with a number of practical functions (facilita­ting access to the building, among others), and full infrastructure for cyclists (with parking lots, changing rooms, shower facilities). A terrace has been designed on the fourth floor, which will serve as a place of relaxation and rest for employees. There are 283 parking spots planned in the investment, including 83 of underground spaces, which is an exceptionally high rate, especially with reference to such a central and attractive location.

EVERYTHING NEARBY, EVERYTHING WITHIN REACH The building is ideally located – right next door to popular shopping malls (Bałtycka and Metropolia), and is well-linked – nearby the Commuter Train Railway Station/Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway Gdańsk Wrzeszcz, close to numerous bus and tram stops. Getting to the centre of Gdańsk Główny takes only a few minu­ tes from this location, while in a quarter of an hour you can reach Sopot or the Lech Walesa airport. – The Punkt office building makes up the best communication hub in the Tri­ city, with direct access to numerous means of public transportation. In combination with various service facilities located nearby, it constitutes an exceptionally attractive offer for office location, and I am convinced that the market will recognize it in no time – says Marcin Piątkowski, Torus leasing and marketing director. Punkt is being erected in the vici­ nity of numerous service facilities, restaurants of various magnitude, signature coffeehouses, culture and entertainment hubs, gyms, parks, antique shops, alongside small craftsman workshops, such as shoemaker’s or watchmaker’s, which are becoming a rare sight these days. A cosy office building in such a multifunctional environment will make a great place for work. It will introduce a business func-

Author Marcin Uske | PR manager, Torus

tion, and supplement the offer of this part of the city. It will also constitute

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



How to prepare your workplace for a return to the office? 6 things you should reconsider! Since March 2020 we have learned that the COVID-19 is not very predictable. Yet, we can design the workplaces in a way that limits the spread of various infectious viral outbreaks. What’s essential in adjusting offices and maintaining the right balance between health and safety, comfort, sustainability, and privacy rights for office users?

when they come back to work. How to design an office where people can work during a pandemic? Here are the recommended solutions for fit-outs that meet pandemic guidelines:

1. AN INCREASED AMOUNT OF FOCUS ROOMS A vital motivator to work in the office is now a quiet workplace, allowing people to concentrate. Working in an enclosed, comfortable space increases producti­vity. Turn an open space into several focus rooms with different functions. Allow for standing or seated work as well as rest.

2. AMENITIES IN SPACES ENABLING COLLABORATION According to a Skanska study, people still prefer going to the office. However, in the post-pandemic era, offices will have to offer more than before – they should be better, more comfortable and exciting than what we have at home. Differ-


We are wiser after over a year of the pan-

The future office will not be just some loca-

ent types of work spaces, such as creative

demic. In the face of this new reality,

tion that the employees have to go to every

work rooms or remote forms of collabo-

Skanska has taken steps to outline a way

day, but a place where they want to be.

ration, will improve safety and freedom

of readjusting the working environment

It will facilitate socializing, sharing expe-

of choice in how to work. For effective

for employees who will return to offices.

riences, and finding the balance between

relaxation, create team meeting spaces

– Our efforts were directed at indi-

personal and working life – says Adam

and in-building services, such as coffee

cating how to create a working envi-

Targowski, Environmental Director at

shops, games rooms, or pilates classes.

ronment, which will encourage people

Skanska’s commercial development busi-

to work in offices and at the same time

ness unit in CEE.


maintain the company culture. Together

Skanska has developed the “Care for

with our partners, we have tried to rede-

Life Office Concept” to adapt to the cu­­­­r­­­­-

Meeting room capacity should be reduced

fine the future of workplaces and adapt

rent situation. It was designed with

during the pandemic. Sensors that col-

the concept to help respond to their needs.

the focus on making employees feel safe

lect occupancy data make it possible

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

to control the number of participants.

during the day. Thorough disinfection of

CEE. The developer collaborated with

Provide more flexibility in the office

the workspace is a priority that should be

designers, an epidemiologist, an exte-

space. When holding large meetings

performed every day.

rior designer, and an architectural stu-

is not possible in a room, rearrange

Creating user-orientated work-

dio ARUP to provide the clients with

places is a challenge for every business.

the best-suited workplace solutions.

Skanska shares good practices by provid-

It includes consulting services for ten-


ing tenants with professional advisory

ants and implementing safety protocols

services in office safety. Consequently,

and solutions to mitigate the transmis-

Computer simulations increasingly drive

the developer actively responds to

sion of COVID-19 and/or any other poten-

tenants to optimize space usage based

the client’s current needs or even helps

tially infectious diseases in the future.

on statistical probabilities. Sensors, heat

adjust existing and future fit-outs to new

It consists of 4 areas: air quality, touch-

maps, and traffic monitoring are areas

safety requirements.

free solutions, social distancing, meas-

the open space.

of proptech that are already supporting

ures, and building management.

tenants in their management decisions. Observe, analyze and schedule traffic in your office.

5. DESK WIDTH WIDER THAN 1.6 METERS The socially distanced office has re­­shaped the office furniture. It’s called the Six Feet Office. It is a way of transforming existing

According to a Skanska study, people still prefer going to the office. However, in the post-pandemic era, offices will have to offer more than before – they should be better, more comfortable and exciting than what we have at home.

offices into places where the six-feet distance rule is obeyed (6ft = 1.83 meters). wide. This will ensure comfort and make


now becoming a return-to-the-office exer-

it easier to maintain the necessary social

There’s no healthy workplace without

cise and learning new ways of the mixed

distance. Arrange rows of desks 2 meters

prioritizing employees’ health itself.

form of working both in the office and at

apart to keep walkways safe.

Both physical and mental. After detailed

home. It demands setting up new rules for

research, cooperation with experts,

the offices, but also a specific adaptation


and inspired by our previous actions,

of our workplaces as business needs con-

Desk-sharing is a common solution in

Skanska keeps creating easy spaces to

tinuity. The safety and wellbeing of our

flexible offices. However, it should be

work in.

employees, customers, partners, and com-

Provide desks that are at least 1.6 meters

– The global remote-working test is

carefully reviewed, as the workspace

The “Care for Life Office Concept”

munities are Skanska’s top priority and

should be assigned to only one employee

was developed for Skanska buildings in

goes hand in hand with one of our core values – Care for Life. An office has three important roles to play: integrating, culture-making, and supporting team building. We have created the new offer called Care for Life Office Concept so offices can still fulfill their purpose in the new normal – said Katarzyna Zawodna-Bijoch, President and CEO of Skanska commercial development unit in CEE.


Focus on Business | November–December 2021



From airfield to R&D: Kaunas is building the Baltics’ most modern innovation park Text | Tadas Stankevičius

Illustrations | MASH studio

The R&D outsourcing industry is poised to grow at an increasing pace, reaching the size of more than USD 650 billion by 2025. At the same time, companies are moving from business process outsourcing to knowledge process outsourcing in such industries as automotive, consumer electronics, aerospace, and telecommunications, creating a demand for top-level spaces for innovation development.


Kaunas, the fourth largest city in the Bal-


tics, could soon become a regional R&D

Located in Aleksotas – a borough that's

testing, and office spaces, the planned

outsourcing centre, fueling the growth of

a stone's throw away from downtown

facilities include open-plan workspaces,

Industry 4.0 in the region. Once an avia-

Kaunas – the future Aleksotas Innova-

a multipurpose amphitheatre, a kinder-

tion testing field, a 30 ha area neighbour-

tion Park (AIP) will offer turn-key faci­

garten, and spaces for exhibitions and

ing the city centre is being converted into

lities for cutting-edge product devel-

community events. The park’s infrastruc-

a compact and green industrial innova-

opment. The city is already known for

ture will receive a total of EUR 15 million

tion valley. Soon ready to welcome com-

attracting greenfield investment in its

in public funding, with more than a half

panies carrying out pioneering R&D

Free Economic Zone, but this project will

already invested in roads and under-

activities, the compound is officially aim-

be aimed at R&D functions that require

ground communications.

ing to create 1,000 high-skilled jobs while

ready-to-use facilities.

Besides state-of-the art laboratory,

The AIP will dovetail nicely with

attracting no less €90 million in private

The park’s central location promi­

the government’s target to elevate Lithu­­­­-

investment. In reality, both numbers are

ses not only great convenience for inno-

­ania in the world of Life Sciences. This

likely to be exceeded. What should com-

vative companies, but also easy access

industry is responsible for 2% of

panies coming here expect?

to the city’s scientific and social capital.

the country’s GDP, which is about 6 times

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

more than the EU average. But Lithu­ania

capita, and much of the country’s scien­

AIP is envisioned to become a prime

is aiming even higher, with an ambi-

tific capacity is concentrated in Kaunas.

example of sustainable architecture and

tious plan for upping this number to 5%

For instance, Kaunas Technology Uni-

design. Developing the park, an emphasis

by 2030.

versity (KTU) is the largest technical

will be made on using renewable sources

university in the Baltics, and produces

and creating the best conditions for com-


high-quality STEM graduates that are

panies working on green innovations.

The close connection to the surroun­

the key component to R&D success.

According to the recently published feasi-

ding community and environment is

Innovative companies investing

bility study, simple spatial planning rules

not the only element that sets the Alek-

in AIP will have prime access to the ac­­­­a­­-

can help create a more humane street pro-

sotas project apart. Formerly home to

demic world and top-level talent. Bran­­

file, while the vision of the park explored

military base and aircraft factory, Alek-

ches of at least 3 Lithuanian universities

has both maximum flexi­bility for potential

sotas has been a site of innovation since

are in the plans, along with more than

investors, and the individuality of the ter-

the early 20th century. And while it’s been

140 jobs for full-time researchers.

ritory, in mind.

some time since the last plane was constructed here, the park’s developers are excited to see the creative spirit come back to the area. Currently, a former helicopter repair hangar is being converted into 10,000 m 2 of modern lab space. Also, the territory of the park borders a 19th-century artillery warehouse complex

The AIP will dovetail nicely with the government’s target to elevate Lithu­ania in the world of Life Sciences. This industry is responsible for 2% of the country’s GDP, which is about 6 times more than the EU average.

of the Kaunas Fortress. Abounding with greenery and popular with locals, the area will get a facelift with outdoor


a major role in accelerating sustainable


The Aleksotas park’s innovation-inspi­

industrial development and tech innova-

Consistently ranked as Lithuania’s best

ring environment will fulfill the highest

tion in Lithuania and the CEE region. By

student city, Kaunas’ lively atmosphere

sustainability requirements, from envi-

2022–2023, the park will be ready to wel-

derives from the thousands of young peo-

ronmentally-friendly buildings to using

come the first innovators to take advan-

ple who are seeking higher education at

electric micro mobility (like e-scooters)

tage of excellent infrastructure, top-quality

its seven research universities and uni-

devices to move around the territory.

talent, and collaborative opportunities.

sports courts and space for art exhibits.

The Aleksotas park is set to play

versities of applied sciences. The availability of young, highly-skilled specialists along with the city’s exceptional connec-


tivity has already attracted many innovative companies, from HELLA and Continental to OAG and NKT. Lithuania has one of the world’s

Tadas Stankevičius Director, Kaunas IN

highest ratios of science graduates per

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



Meet new Egypt – a service delivery hub for global companies Text | Yara El Ashram

The world today is becoming a global village with companies investing in different nations to remain afloat and competitive. Consequently, demand for offshoring IT services has risen dramatically in an effort to explore the ripe opportunities (financial attractiveness or skilled labor) that many offshoring destinations promise to offer.

Nevertheless, mitigating operational

as a result of Egypt’s ability to offer busi-

European offshore centers. Furthermore,

risk in today’s dynamic and disruptive

ness leaders the opportunity to expand

digital transformation initiatives among

world has become more and more chal-

their global footprint and offer high-value

government entities and private enter-

lenging for businesses striving to achieve

services without weighing down budgets.

prises has propelled Egyptians to learn

global presence, agility & responsiveness.

and acquire new technological skills to

In the light of the pandemic, natu­ral


increase their IT competence. Today, such

disas­ters, unstable economies and politi­

With its recent performance in The Eco­

tech talents contribute to the global suc-

cal turbulence taking place, businesses

nomist’s Normalcy Index, Egypt was

cess of multinational companies such as

are looking to put their eggs in different

ranked 4th among the top 10 countries

Ericsson, Vodafone and Dell Technologies

baskets as a way to strengthen their busi-

showing resilience during COVID-19

by providing their customers worldwide

ness’s resilience.

pandemic in March 2020, sector compa-

with innovative tech solutions powered

nies were able to successfully migrate

by AI, Analytics, IoT & Big Data.

According to Ernst & Young (EY) findings, 80% of the working population speaks English & other European languages vs. 20-65% peer Eastern European offshore centers.

50-80% of their workforce to WFH within

– The quality of the human capital in

two weeks only without services disrup-

this country is pretty much second to none

tion. In addition, owing to the country’s

and as a leader of a large organization, we

political stability and absence of natural

desperately want to attract that talent into

disasters, the socio-economic risk fac-

our business – says Gary Adey, Vodafone

tors for Egypt have significantly become

Shared Services’ Group Director. Voda-

non-existent over the past few years, with

fone Shared Services has continued to

the government showing ultimate com-

grow in Egypt reaching 8000+ employ-

mitment to its 2030 national agenda and

ees serving Vodafone Group worldwide

the United Nations Sustainable Develop-

with edge-cutting solutions & services

ment Goals (SDGs). This has contributed

powered by emerging technologies such

With the increased pressure firms

to a welcoming environment with for-

as AI, IoT, Analytics etc.

are facing in relation to managing opera­

eign investments growing significantly

tional risks, expanding their business and

into the country. According to IMF, Egypt

providing high-value services, more are

could see foreign direct investment jump

looking to achieve the delicate equili­

this year as much as 60% this fiscal year

brium for reducing cost while driving

compared to last year.

innovation. With a spotlight shining on


destinations that can equally provide


cost-effective & innovative models, busi-

With its young, dynamic & multi-lingual

ness leaders can now breathe a sigh

talents reaching 550K graduates annually,

of relief.

Egypt offers the largest pool of calibers in

Egypt, famously known for its a­­n-

the Arab speaking world and s­econd la­­r­

cient history and rich diverse culture,

gest in EMEA region. According to Ernst &

continues to grow as a service delivery

Young (EY) findings, 80% of the working

hub for global companies in Europe,

population speaks English & other Euro-

North America and Asia. This has come

pean languages vs. 20-65% peer Eastern

In 2020, Ericsson’s new AI & Analytics Hub in Egypt achieved a key milestone by shipping its first Cognitive Software to be used by Ericsson customers worldwide to design and optimize networks. Focus on Business | November–December 2021

Taking advantage of a rich multi­

In 2009, Dell Technologies Center

worldwide to design and optimize net-

lingual pool of talents well versed in

of Excellence was established with

works. – Egypt has been heavily prioriti­

20+ languages, multinational Webhelp

an expert network of resources offering

zing digital transformation by setting

entered Egypt. As put by Phillipe Brou-

technical support and consulting services

ambitious goals through Egypt Vision

tin, Webhelp’s General Manager of Africa

while working on research and product

2030. To achieve the targets of Vision 2030,

Development and Alaa El Khishen, CEO at

innovation for the group. Today, the COE

the country has further created the ICT

Webhelp – You don’t need to hire ex-pats

provides world-class technologies and

2030 strategy and the Digital Egypt initia-

and import them because the ta­lent pool is,

innovations powered by AI, RPA, IoT,

tive with objectives of developing ICT infra-

rich and mature enough to develop an in­­

Analytics and Big Data to serve markets

structure; fostering digital inclusion and

credible CX team domestically. The level of

across the Middle East, Africa, Europe,

encouraging innovation to aid the nation’s

expertise and qualifications we see from

US, and Asia in 14+ languages helping

transformation into a knowledge-based

middle, senior, and j­u­­nior mana­gement

customers accelerate their digital trans-

economy – Eva Andrén, Ericsson Vice

teams are impressive.

formation and IT processes.

President and Head of Managed Services.

Interestingly, this unique talent comes with a competitive advantage. As per EY, cost arbitrage for Egyptian ta­lents are up to 60% vis-à-vis other leading regional offshoring hubs in Eastern Europe & South Africa.

IT & INNOVATION Home to 500 Fortune companies with the likes of Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Uber as well as tech-powered startups like

Egypt continues to grow as a service delivery hub for global companies in Europe, North America and Asia. This has come as a result of Egypt’s ability to offer business leaders the opportunity to expand their global footprint and offer high-value services without weighing down budgets.

Instabug, Vezeeta & Swvl, Egypt is leading the innovation scene in MENA region

In 2020, Ericsson’s new AI & Analy­

Valeo Internal Automotive Soft-

attracting business leaders on the hunt

tics Hub in Egypt achieved a key mile-

ware Center employs over 2000 engi-

for innovations and tech-powered solu-

stone by shipping its first Cognitive Soft-

neers developing cutting-edge R&D soft-

tions to today’s global challenges.

ware to be used by Ericsson customers

ware solutions and intuitive driving

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



technologies for automotive companies

reside inside the universities with exter-

globally. – Offshore centers’ competitive

nal access to support students as well as

advantage is usually related to cost effi-


ciency. In Valeo Egypt, we have achieved

To empower young talents and

the extra miles, not only as a cost-oriented

promote digital skills, MCIT and its affi­

center, but also as an innovation hub –

liate, ITIDA (IT Industry Development

Motaz Agamawi, Head of Research and

Agency), launched several governmen-

Innovation at Valeo Egypt.

tal initiatives such as Egypt Future Work

Egyptian-grown startup Instabug, now helps global clients like PayPal,

is Digital (FWD) and Digital Egypt Buil­ ders Initiatives (DEBI).

eBay, Samsung, Phillips, and Shopify col-

Launched in May 2020, Egypt Fu­

lect real-time contextual insights as well

ture Work is Digital initiative avails fully

as enhance user experience quality for

funded online training in Data Analy­tics,

mobile apps reaching more than 25 thou-

Web Development, and Digital Market-

sand other companies worldwide.

ing to 100,000 youths through Ud­ac ­ ity e-learning platform. To date, 52,000 gra­


du­ated with more than 10,600 active free­­­­-

In line with its 2030 Vision and Digital

other leading platforms.

lancers on, Upwork, and

Transformation, the Egyptian Govern-

Digital Egypt Builders Initiative

ment has invested $2bn in internet infra-

laun­­­ched by MCIT in September 2020,

structure upgrades which has aided in

seeks to empower the next generation

supporting the surge in demand for ICT

of engineering and computer science

services for remote work, digital pay-

graduates preparing qualified leaders

ments and e-commerce platforms dur-

to work in the entities responsible for

ing the pandemic. To further acceler-

transforming Egypt into a first-class

ate the transformation of Egypt into

digital state. Moreover, in June 2020,

a regional digital hub, Ministry of Com-

MCIT signed 4 MoUs with Dell Techno­

munication & Information Technology

logies, Vodafone, Kaspersky, and Hua-

(MCIT) focuses mainly on promoting and

wei to develop technology skills incl.

developing: Digital Transformation, Digi-

AI, Cybersecurity, data science, and

tal Skills & Jobs, Digital Innovation, Digi-

cloud computing.

In line with its 2030 Vision and Digital Transformation, the Egyptian Government has invested $2bn in internet infrastructure upgrades which has aided in supporting the surge in demand for ICT services for remote work, digital payments and e-commerce platforms during the pandemic.

tal Infrastructure and Legislative & Regu­


latory Framework. To boost its position as a provider

Key success factors of overseas expan-

to world-class ICT & outsourcing services,

sions will always be attributed to regio­

the Egyptian government has undertaken

nal location, competent talents, unique

several nation-wide projects to promote

& innovative products/services and

technological innovation, empowerment

cost-competitiveness. Business leaders

of young talents, creation and growth

looking to grow their global footprint

of new IT & tech-enabled local compa-

and provide client-centric solutions &

nies. It has established science and tech-

services will find that Egypt as a desti-

nology parks across the country, a new

nation offers high-tier capabilities such

Applied Innovation Center to boost R&D,

as business continuity, digitally skilled

and innovation clusters. Furthermore,

multilingual workforce, high-value ser-

MCIT is investing EGP 600 million in

vices as well as a rapidly evolving busi-

Creativa Innovation Hubs, where hubs

ness & IT environment.

Author Yara El Ashram

Senior International Marketing Specialist, Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA)


Focus on Business | November–December 2021



2 000 m2 of modern and comfortable office space Downtown location - surrounded by numerous coffee houses, restaurants, shops, and services Climate of burgeoning Wrzeszcz Perfect communication hub Within 5-minute walk to SKM, PKM, PKP Gdańsk Wrzeszcz station 15-minute car drive away from the airport High parking coefficient 1 spot for 40m2 NLA Certification in LEEDv4


Facility without Barriers



Business as a community Text | Aleksandra Moszyńska

The attractiveness of Pomerania as a place for business is defined not only by the tax or legal system, but also by its strong communities. No business operates in a vacuum, which is why interactions with the environment and creating added value through cooperation, collaboration and partnerships is so important.

This communality was and is a key fea-

of pandemic and the last year has shown

from the HR specialists perspective, and

ture of Pomerania, from the merchant

that an building an engaged online com-

cooperation with renowned law compa-

guilds and the Hanseatic League to Soli­­­­-

munity is not as difficult, given the right

nies, such as Baker McKenzie, DLA Piper,

darity. No wonder that it became a distin-­­­­ motivations. Awareness of the common

Miller Canfield, PCS Paruch Chruściel

guishing feature and competitive adva­­­­n-

need to be part of the community moti-

Schiffter | Littler Global, Bird & Bird or

tage of the region in the global arena.

vated us to efficiently move all our regu-­ Tedy & Partners guarantees the highest

The threat of an economic crisis caused by

lar networking events online while reta­

the pandemic has highlighted the impo­­­r­

ining nearly all the networking opportu-

tance of building business communities.

nities offered by offline events. – Awareness has led us to quickly

have resulted in a significant increase


move our focus from standard face-to-

in interest in legal aspects of employer-­

-face visits, conferences, summits and fairs

-employee relations. The meetings answer

"Community is what we do together" –

that have been cancelled or postponed, to

the most current questions and issues of

wrote sociologist David Brain. A commu-

remote meetings with our partners and

the companies and are highly appreciated

nity does not form itself, but needs care-

creating online communities. We hosted

by the participants. As a result, the series

ful nurturing and curation. For many

regular networking meetings, where we

conducted online is attended by a huge

years the mission and the main task of

learned about challenges, provided active

number of representatives of corpora-

Invest in Pomerania has been to create

support and assistance. Our wisdom and

tions from various Polish cities.

the right conditions and give the local

strength comes from the community of

As part of our efforts to attract

business communities a platform to net-

professionals and organizations – and

world-­­­class talent to the region, we laun­

work and integrate.

this will never change, regardless of what

ched Live more. Pomerania in 2018 with

quality of content. New working conditions, incl­u­­ ding remote and hybrid work models,

the aim of sharing the best of the region

Jobs@Pomerania, the first of its kind, market-drive, profile-led recruitment platform, showcasing the most wanted profiles on the market. The platform aimed at everyone currently not living or working in the region is a great way to attract world-class talent to the region.

in terms of living, working and studying with the rest of the world. Adding to Live more. Pomerania is Jobs@Pomerania, the first of its kind, market-drive, profile-led recruitment platform, showcasing the most wanted profiles on the market. The platform aimed at everyone currently not living or working in the region is a great way


An excellent example of this are

form it takes – says Marcin Grzegory –

to attract world-class talent to the region.

the quarterly meetings with business ser-

Deputy Director at Invest in Pomerania,

This platform is available for free or our

vices providers operating in our region.

in the state of the Business Services Sec-

partners, the top employers in the region

During the meetings we talk with rep-

tor in the Tricity – 2021.

and is currently being used by more than

resentatives of the companies about

Particularly worth mentioning is

both current situation in the local eco­

the series of meetings that we are organi­

100 companies. We support networking and e­x-

nomy and global trends, we share our

sing since 2019 – "Law with the cup of cof-

change of experience through regular

insights, discuss case studies and good

fee". The meetings are hosted by us and

industry meetings, meetups and confe­

practice and plan for future collabora-

different law firms, both from Pomera-

rences. We are the initiator of cooperation

tions. This principle of cooperation with

nia and outside the region. These meet-

in innovative and fast-growing sectors.

businesses has also worked well in times

ings raise the most important legal issues

An example of this is the Aviation Hub,

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

a regional cluster of companies related to the aviation industry, and AI Pome­ rania aimed at supporting the potential of the Tricity in the artificial intelligence industry. According to the latest Digital Poland report, since 2015, the number of companies operating in the AI sector in the Tricity has increased rapidly, and Gdańsk has become a promising location in the country when it comes to the potential of the artificial intelligence market.

FOREIGNERS AS A COMMUNITY Diversity and openness are part of the DNA of Pomerania and we at Invest in Pome­ rania do a lot of work on integrating, localising and assimilating foreigners. One of our great initiatives is Come2Pomrania, a complementary program

The webinar series called #New2­­

to the national Poland. Business Harbour

Tricity is aimed at individuals and com-

program. Initially aimed at Belarusians,

panies looking to relocate to Pomerania.

the program now covers Armenia, Geor-

The webinars talk about important first

gia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine too.

steps like applying for PESEL and NIP or

The initiative has attracted many Bela-

filing taxes, etc.

rusians looking for security and free-

Talking about the success of

dom for their families and businesses and

the #New2­­­Tricity program, Jagodzińska­-

we have successfully embedded 6 start-

Warzych continues: During each meeting,

ups and companies and are talking to

we observe a great commitment on the part

many more.

of foreigners. They willingly ask ques-

– Tricity is a hospitable and tole­

tions to experts, looking for answers to

rant place and we want all new inhabi­

their problems. More and more people

tants of the region to feel welcome here.

are also joining us every time. We can

We are well aware that moving to a new

see that our initiative was necessary, and

place is not easy. Dealing with all the legal

this is extremely pleasing and motivating

and administrative regulations can cre-

us to continue our work. We hope that

ate problems, especially when it is addi-

#New2Tricty will become a recognizable

tionally accompanied by a language and

initiative among foreigners and a kind of

cultural barrier. Hence, our idea to orga­

guide to organising life "from the begin-

nize a series of meetings with foreigners,

ning" in Tricity.

during which invited experts will clarify

After the economic slowdown of

problematic issues related to relocation

2020, we see 2021 as a time of optimism

to Poland – says investors spokesperson

and dynamic development of the BSS

Anna Jagodzińska-Warzych from Invest

sector in Tricity. Looking into the future,

in Pomerania.

Invest in Pomerania activates its com-

Come2Pomerania program, initially aimed at Belarusians, now covers Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine too. Pomerania has successfully embedded 6 startups and companies and are talking to many more.

munity-building activities to meet the requirements of the new reality.

Author | More information Aleksandra Moszyńska | Associate - BSS Section Phone: +48 500 351 639, e-mail: Invest in Pomerania Grunwaldzka 472 D Av, Olivia Business Centre – Olivia Six, 80-309 Gdańsk Phone: +48 58 32 33 256, e-mail:

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



It was not a lost year – the BSS sector in Bydgoszcz is still on the path of dynamic growth How did the time of the pandemic affect the implementation of investment projects on the Bydgoszcz BSS market? What attracts new investments from the BPO/SSC sector to Bydgoszcz and what support from the City can the investor count on? We are discussing these and other topics in an interview with Edyta Wiwatowska – the President of the Management Board of the Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency (BARR).

Focus on Business: We are approach-

face-to-face, we have been sharing

modern office infrastructure, com-

ing the end of another year marked

insights and experiences from the Byd­

petent human resources and good

by the pandemic, the economic effects

goszcz real estate market and modern

work-life balance. Which new inves-

of the “corona crisis” and further

business services.

tors have shown interest in the City’s

changes in the field of business organi­

We also hosted another online

sation. What was that time like from

meeting as part of “Bydgoszcz BPO/SSC

For ten years, our City has been

the perspective of BARR operations on

RoundTable”, attended by local tech-

successively building its position as one

the BPO/SSC market in Bydgoszcz?

nology, financial and customer service

of the leading locations for the business

Edyta Wiwatowska, Bydgoszcz

companies. The partner of the event was

services sector. This year, Bydgoszcz,

Regional Development Agency: Effi-

Baker McKenzie law firm, whose repre-

once again, was among the most dynami-

cient introduction of changes, new work

sentative discussed key issues regarding

cally developing cities in Poland, accord-

organisation, or providing online ser-

the currently developed legal solutions

ing to the European Business Services

vices has become everyday reality. These

in the field of remote work. The parti­

Association. The presence of our City on

trends, accompanying us for the second

cipants of the meeting had the oppor-

the so-called short list of nominees in

year in a row, also included the activi-

tunity to consult issues important for

the CEE Business Services Awards 2021

ties of the Bydgoszcz Regional Develop-

their operations and share news on

competition, in the Most “Dyna­mically

ment Agency. Despite the pandemic, we

the deve­lop­­­­ment of the Bydgoszcz mar-

Developing” City – Poland category,

have actively supported investors and

ket of mo­dern business services. These

local entrepreneurship, and promoted

are valu­able, substantive talks, which is

the economic potential of Bydgoszcz and

why we plan to continue these type of

the region. Since last spring, almost all

meetings in the future.

BARR activity in the field of communi-

Entrepreneurs and those planning

cation with investors and economic pro-

to start a business could use the online

motion of Bydgoszcz has been moved to

support offer, including free webinars,

virtual space. Despite the difficulties

video-consultations, or the possibility of

related to epidemic restrictions, repre-

posting job offers on our website as part

sentatives of our agency were the initia­

of the #JestPraca campaign. Remote ser-

tors or participants of many industry vid-

vice for investors has been improved by

eoconferences and chats with investors.

the use of a modern, online database of

We have fully used these communication

investment offers from Bydgoszcz and

opportunities to promote the investment

the entire Bydgoszcz Metropolis associ­a-­­

potential of Bydgoszcz among mana­

tion, available at

gers of Polish and foreign corporations.


offer recently?

Since last spring, almost all BARR activity in the field of communication with investors and economic promotion of Bydgoszcz has been moved to virtual space. emphasizes the importance of Bydgoszcz for building the modern business

We have also participated in numerous

The BPO/SSC sector in Bydgoszcz con-

services sector in Poland. The constant

online meetings and discussion panels,

tinues to grow intensively, and the City

development of existing investors in

and from September this year, already

offers friendly conditions, such as

combination with successful new entries

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

allows Bydgoszcz to compete boldly for

accounting. This is confirmed by, among

office building that meets the highest

even the most advanced projects, and

others, the latest investment of the Ciech

market standards, where data security,

our specialisation in the IT industry con-

Group. The investor decided to centr­alise

user comfort, and ecology are the most

firms the reliability of this location and

the support functions within the new

important aspects, and a perfect location

allows for further expansion of the sec-

Ciech Services company, which will act

in the centre is a great convenience for

tor, despite the pandemic.

as a shared services centre and provide

the employees.

The Bydgoszcz offer attracted, among others, a new investor from the IT industry – BORG5. The company deals with the design, implementation and migration of telecommunications networks essential for rail safety, mainly on the British market. In recent months it has located its competence centre in one of the most modern office buildings in Bydgoszcz, Immobile K3, located in the very centre of the City. The Byd­goszcz

The constant development of existing investors in combination with successful new entries allows Bydgoszcz to compete boldly for even the most advanced projects, and our specialisation in the IT industry confirms the reliability of this location and allows for further expansion of the sector, despite the pandemic.

location was chosen, among others, because of the availability of highly quali­fied staff, as well as a highly developed

selected services from Bydgoszcz, such – one of the lead-

telecommunications sector, and the tech-

as accounting and financial services.

ers in flex office spaces in Poland – has

nical profile of the local universities.

This is another company of the Ciech

decided to invest in Bydgoszcz as well.

In addition to the IT specialisa-

Group, whose office is located in the City

This year, the operator has made flexi-

tion dominating in the BPO/SSC sector

– the first was Ciech Pianki, which is one

ble offices available in a designer space

in Bydgoszcz, F&A services are develo­

of the leading domestic producers of PUR

of 1,500 sq m, located in the new Prelu­

ping more and more dynamically in

polyurethane foams and high-class FFP2

dium office building, in the city centre.

the City, which is additionally sup-

and FFP3 protective masks. At the begin-

The company chose Bydgoszcz due to

ported by the fact that the largest num-

ning of June 2021, Ciech Services opened

its high business potential and low mar-

ber of students and graduates in Bydgo-

its office in the Arkada Business Park

ket saturation with serviced offices, see-

szcz can be attributed to finance and

building. It is a technologically advanced

ing here also a further perspective for

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



expanding its business. The offer from

bring benefits in the form of further

solutions carried out by the Nokia Tech- is a significant enrich-

branches of companies from Poland and

nology Center in Byd­goszcz, the deve­

ment to the office offer in Bydgoszcz.

abroad opened in Bydgoszcz.

lopment of an autonomous traffic sys-

We are glad that it was in our City and

tem by the Bydgoszcz branch of Global­

in our offices that saw

The strongest side of the Bydgoszcz

Logic or electric vehicle charging sta-

the potential to develop its operations in

sector of modern business services

tions manufactured by Kolejowe Zakłady

Poland. The solutions that bring the crea-

is definitely the IT industry. What is

Łączności. More and more companies

tion of a modern, comfortable and attrac-

the prospect of its further develop-

from the IT industry, including those

tive flex office space in the city centre

ment in the City?

of domestic origin, win international

provide an excellent alternative when

The prospect of further develop-

choosing a place of business for both new

ment of the IT industry in Bydgoszcz

awards for the highest level of products

investors considering this location, as well

is currently related to, among others,

Atos has been also intensively

as entrepreneurs already present in our

the dynamic growth of the e-commerce

developing its activity in By­­dgoszcz for

City or start-ups.

market, development of 5G technology,

years. It has become the lar­gest entity

and services provided.

from the BSS sector on the local market, and in 2019 it moved its headquarters

The IT industry in Bydgoszcz currently has seen many interesting, challenging and international projects, and recent years have been the time of intensive growth and building a local specialisation proved by international successes. This is our specialty in Bydgoszcz, which is undoubtedly a unique element of the City’s investment offer and has great potential for further growth.

here. Specialists from Bydgoszcz carry out strategic projects for global clients and participate in work on such presti­ gious projects as, for example, IT services for the Olympic Games or the office of the Prime Minister of Belgium. The company is dynamically developing research and development activities. Atos Poland R&D, established last year, received in September this year the official status of the Research and Development Centre from the Ministry of Development

In addition, during the pandemic,

cloud tools, industry 4.0, smart city

when the world has adapted to changes

solutions, automation, or the possi­­­­b­i-­­­­­

and Technology. The IT industry in Bydgoszcz cur-

and has dynamically moved towards new

lity of cooperation with various sec-

rently has seen many interesting, chal-

forms of communication and remote or

tors and industries. The newest solu-

lenging and international projects, and

hybrid work, Bydgoszcz is increasingly

tions provided by IT companies present

recent years have been the time of

attracting companies traditionally con-

in the City are eagerly used, for exam-

intensive growth and building a local

centrated in the largest agglomerations.

ple, by the strong manufacturing sec-

specialisation proved by international

The idea of “work from anywhere” is

tor, which has a rich tradition here.

successes. This is our specialty in Bydgo-

now being adapted by the City to the con-

Such sustainable development, based

szcz, which is undoubtedly a unique ele-

cept of “work from Bydgoszcz”, offering

on the synergy of competences, is often

ment of the City’s investment offer and

corporations resources of a highly quali­-

the reason why international entities

has great potential for further growth.

fied and motivated pool of Bydgoszcz

decide to conduct key business opera-

It is also a magnet for qualified specia­

talents. This also influences the dyna-­ tions in Bydgoszcz.

lists from various IT areas, who can suc-

mics of the growth of Bydgoszcz. Our City

Companies located in Bydgoszcz

cessfully develop their careers here, and

aims to become even more recognisable

develop their activities based on innova-

at the same time – using the friendly

among corporations that do not have

tive technologies, invest in the develop-

space to live and the advantages of

their branches here. Many of our resi­-

ment of their R&D departments, develop

a city with a “boutique” atmosphere –

dents continuously provide services

innovative solutions, and offer attractive

in the spirit of work-life balance realise

to focal points in larger cities, thereby

jobs in the implementation of global pro-

their passions and aspirations.

building confidence in local opportuni-

jects. Such activities include, for exam-

ties. We hope that in the long run it will

ple, advanced work on 5G network

Thank you for interview.

More information Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency 4C Unii Lubelskiej Street, 85-059 Bydgoszcz Phone: +48 52 585 88 23, e-mail:


Focus on Business | November–December 2021


Elbląg's port activities Interview with Arkadiusz Zgliński, Director of Spółka Zarząd Portu Morskiego Elbląg.

Focus on Business: Mr. Director, Elbląg

a sea port. The process of reconstruction

maritime state, gaining wide access to

is an inland town, but for years it has

and economic activation of maritime

the sea from Szczecin, through Gdynia

been associated with access to the Bal-

cities, including Elbląg was supported

and Gdańsk, to Elbląg. In 1946, an attempt

tic Sea via the Elbląg Bay. When was

by Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski. On his ini-

was made to change the decision regard-

the port in Elbląg established and what

tiative, in March 1946, an organisa-

ing the port, the Association of Polish

were its original assumptions?

tional meeting of the Economic Associa­

Ports considered its reconstruction, and

Arkadiusz Zgliński, Director of

tion of the Maritime Cities was held at

in April there was serious discussion

Spółka Zarząd Portu Morskiego Elbląg:

the headquarters of the Government Dele-

about building a canal across the Vistula

The maritime traditions of Elblag date

gation for Maritime Affairs in Gdańsk, at

Spit to connect the port with the sea, but

back to its oldest history, and if we con-

which the Act of the Organisational Com-

these plans were quickly abandoned.

sider the Prussian emporium Truso to

mittee was signed. This document empha-

The seaport in Elbląg was for-

be its predecessor, it even predates it.

sised that Poland was becoming a truly

mally established in 1947. The Minister

From the very beginning of its existence dated to 1237, Elbląg was a market town. For the first 70 years Elbląg was the only seaport and the most important centre of town-styled life of the young Teutonic country. It was one of the most important ports for the most influential Hanseatic Kontore in Novgrod. Situ­ ated on the Elblag River, the Old Town port was located 10 km from the river’s estuary to the Vistula Lagoon. The port’s first roadstead was also located here. In the 20-year period between the World Wars almost 100 merchant ships were built in Elbląg shipyards. After the First World War the port significantly declined. Then, after a few years, first inland shipping, then maritime shipping began to revive. Between 1933 and 1937 as many as 1605 ships arrived in the port, which clearly indicated a revival, but not on the scale compared to big Baltic ports. The biggest turnover in the port took place in 1936. Coal, coke, iron, fodder, building materials, fertilizers were exported through the port, while grain, flour, tobacco and machine elements were imported. In 1945 Elbląg returned to Poland. As a result of many circumstances, the town, despite attempts just after the war and in the following years, could not return to its former role as


Focus on Business | November–December 2021

of Shipping, A. Rapacki, by decree of the 9th

the Vistula Spit was reintroduced. How-

The only serious attempt to revive

of December, 1947 on the establishment

ever, the decision of the head of the Trans-

the Elbląg port during the communist

of maritime offices and harbour master’s

portation Department of the Chief Com-

era was the establishment of the Council

offices, established the following: "§ 4. As

mittee of the Polish United Workers'

of Port Users in the mid-1960s. The town

a part of maritime offices, the harbour

Party closed the matter. Meanwhile, in

councillors initiated the formation of this

master’s offices are being established in:

various places on the Elbląg River 40–50

body with a view not only to maritime

Gdańsk, Gdynia, Szczecin with Świno­

thousand tons of cargo were trans-

transport, but also to the development

ujście, Elbląg, Hel, Władysławowo, Łeba,

shipped annually.

of inland shipping.

Ustka, Darłowo, and Kołobrzeg (...)”. Five

In the period of communist Polish

years later, in 1952, the Minister of Ship-

Peoples Republic, the attitude of the mari­

How has the function of the port of

ping, M. Popieł, by his decree of the 16th

time administration played decisive role.

Elbląg changed over the last few

of February, 1952 on the establishment of

Although the Vistula Lagoon was econo­


the territorial border of the seaport on

mically unused, the Maritime Office in

The port of Elbląg is a typical river

the Vistula Lagoon in Elbląg, established

Gdynia carried out a number of modern-

and sea port of local character. Therefore,

the territorial border of this port. In 1949,

ization works in the administered ports in

it handles inland passenger and cargo

the project to build a canal through

Krynica Morska, Frombork and Tolkmicko.

shipping, yachts and other sport boats, also inland and sea vessels, short-range

The port of Elbląg is a typical river and sea port of local character. Therefore, it handles inland passenger and cargo shipping, yachts and other sport boats, also inland and sea vessels, short-range sea shipping, possibly including ferries.

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

sea shipping, possibly including ferries. Inland cargo shipping on domestic routes is currently operated between Elbląg and the ports of the Tri-City. Also passenger shipping is carried out on the Vistula Lagoon, but mainly outside Elbląg. After 2006 trans-shipments and cargo trading in the Elbląg



port practically disappeared due to

the Russian Federation used instead

As a member of the EU, Poland

the banning free navigation on the Rus-

of the sanctions imposed by the EU rele­

is a very important point of contact

sian part of the lagoon decided unilate­

vant economic tools in the form of pro-

between the Union and the former Eas­

rally by the Russian government. It was

hibitive customs duties and the neces-

tern Bloc countries. The lack of access

not until 2010, after the agreement

sity of building materials to be certified

to the open sea on the Polish side

signed by the governments of Poland

by Russian institutions. As a result of such

of the Vistula Lagoon makes this water

and Russia in 2009, that the activities

measures, the volume of trans-shipments

body the only one of its kind in Europe,

of the Elbląg port were reactivated.

dropped from 358 thousand tonnes in

which means that the coastal municipa­

Afterwards, trans-shipment and tourist

2014 to around 100 thousand tonnes per

lities cannot fully use its development

traffic reopened to the eastern markets.

year by 2020.

potential in the social and economic terms provided by the Baltic Europe.

In the Elbląg port there are marinas and tourist harbours with complete infrastructure. After the canal is built, sailing directions could be ports in Tri-City, Scandinavia and other western Europe ports, as well as to ports in the Kaliningrad Region, if the relationship with Russia sufficiently improve.

The construction of the canal, which is part of the waterway between the Elbląg seaport – the Vistula Lagoon – the Bay of Gdańsk, determines not only the proper use of the newly built reloading terminal in the Elbląg port, but also the development of municipa­ lities located on the western and southern sides of the Vistula Lagoon. In addition, this canal will allow the opening


The volume of trans-shipments grew year

The construction of a waterway through

of the Vistula Lagoon for the European

by year until the annexation of Crimea

the Vistula Spit has been widely dis-

Union member states.

by the Russian Federation when the geo-­ cussed for several years. What benefits

The fundamental results to be achie­­­­­-

-political conflict arose. As a result, after

will the canal bring to Elbląg and what

ved due to the construction of the Ship-

2016, trans-shipments at the Elbląg

infrastructural changes in the port will

ping Canal through the Vistula Spit in­­­

port started to decline again. Moreover,

it entail?

clude: a direct connection of the Vistula

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

Lagoon to the sea within the Polish bor-

a storage and trans-shipment terminal,

shipping to ports located on the Lagoon,

ders, making Elbląg Sea Port available

a passenger terminal with an interna-

inland shipping along the Żuławy Loop

for sea vessels, reaching at least 3.5 mil-

tional customs clearance point, moderni­

and the Elbląg Canal route via slipways

lion tonnes of annual trans-shipping

sation and extension of the Elbląg Sea

that are unique in the world.

vo­l ume in the Elbląg Sea Port, i.e. at

Port infrastructure (within the Old Town

least 3 million tonnes more than without

area), the Żuławy Loop, modernisation

Finally, let us return to the port area

the construction of the canal, shorten-

of the hangar for sailors at the Yacht Club

itself. Do you currently have any land

ing of the sea routes between Elbląg and

at Radomska Street.

available for tenants to use and, if so, what is it and what is it for?

Tri-City, Elbląg – ports of Western Europe and Elbląg – ports of the eastern Baltic,

Business is one thing and passenger

Of course, both the company and

making the Vistula Lagoon and the mari-

traffic is another. What are the cur-

the city have land resources dedicated

nas located on it available for yachts

rent and future plans with regard to

to port development, construction of new

from the sea. Moreover, the possibil-

passenger service and the directions

terminals, storage yards or warehouses.

ity of sailing a tourist ship from the Vis-

of cruises from the port of Elbląg?

Already this year, we have leased an area

tula Lagoon to the sea will make tourist

As mentioned above, the Elbląg

of over 0.5 hectare adjacent to the cur-

stay at the Lagoon more attractive, tour-

port has a passenger and ferry terminal

rent trans-shipment terminal, intended

ist attractions in the area of the Vistula

with an international passenger and car

for storage and warehousing of goods.

Lagoon (Elbląg, Frombork) for coastal

customs clearance point, which meets all

In addition, we have acquired a new

tourist ships from the sea will become

customs and border clearance require-

over 150-metre long quay with access

available and the time of tourist cruises

ments. Moreover, the terminal has a 198-

to a railway siding, which is currently

from Tri-City to Elbląg, Frombork and

meter long mooring wharf and a ro-ro

being modernised by a new business

Krynica Morska will shorten. Finally,

ramp for ferry boats. Another important

operator. Further on, advanced nego-

the expansion of commercial cooperation

area adapted for mooring passenger ves-

tiations are being held with the Mayor

with ports of the Kaliningrad Region will

sels as well as yachts and motor boats is

of Elbląg on the sale or lease of a 5 ha

be possible.

the modernised mooring wharf located

area adjacent to the Elbląg River to

in the centre of the Old Town.

a prospect investor. Other land reserves

The Shipping Canal through Vistula Spit designed and built in this way will become an important connection within the international waterway system, connecting the Baltic Sea with the sea port in Elbląg and other ports on the Vistula Lagoon. Looking from a business perspective, it is important to have port-related logistics. Please share the most impo­­­r­­­tant technical data related to the port

Both the company and the city have land resources dedicated to port development, construction of new terminals, storage yards or warehouses. Already this year, we have leased an area of over 0.5 hectare adjacent to the current trans-shipment terminal, intended for storage and warehousing of goods.

facilities. Elbląg, constantly thinking of future

Additionally, in the Elbląg port

include plots of over 20 ha located in

open access to the Baltic Sea, thanks to

there are marinas and tourist har-

the north-eastern part of the town. Also

the favourable attitude of local autho­

bours with complete infrastructure.

land located directly by the river is dedi-

r­i ties, has made a number of invest-

After the canal is built, sailing directions

cated for activities that require and sup-

ments in infrastructure and access to

could be ports in Tri-City, Scandinavia

port water transport.

the port. The total investment expendi-

and other western Europe ports, as well

tures exceeded PLN 100 million. The most

as to ports in the Kaliningrad Region, if

important investments included: con-

the relationship with Russia sufficiently

struction of the European Union Route,

improve. Still, as much important will be

Thank you for the interview.

More information Promotion, Culture and Tourism Department, Promotion and Entrepreneurship Unit | City Hall of Elbląg Stary Rynek 25 Street, Ratusz Staromiejski, IV floor, room 400, 82-300 Elbląg Phone: +48 55 239 32 90, 55 239 33 17 e-mail:

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



Kielce – from idea to business. Projects for the development of entrepreneurship Over the last year, Kielce obtained funding for the implementation of several projects aimed at the development of innovative companies, transforming business ideas into startups or supporting young people on the labor market. These are initiatives aimed at attracting new companies, talented people, but also large business and international startups to the city.


to the greatest extent to the develop-

through a comprehensive incubation

ment of Industry 4.0. It is about such

program, thanks to which entrepreneurs

The project involves recruiting 60 foreign

specializations as Industrial Internet

can transform their idea into a product

startups from countries such as Ukraine,

of Things, Artificial Intelligence and

/ service.

Belarus, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and

related industries.

Croatia. After the preliminary evaluation, this year, 36 of the most promising

The project will be implemented until the end of October 2023.

companies will be selected to work for

The recruitment to the Startup Platform may be attended by an origi­ nator / team of originators who have an innovative idea at least nationwide in the following industries: aviation, auto-

soft-landing, the originators will have


to set up companies in Poland, prepare

The main goal of the project is to support

the creation of a capital company based

an initial cost estimate and development

the development of startup innovation

on the submitted innovative idea, and

the Świętokrzyskie companies. – In the first stage, the so-called

motive, construction, IT / ICT. The condition for participation in the project is

plan, and establish relationships with technology recipients, i.e. the mentioned entrepreneurs, to learn about their needs. They will receive support for these tasks in the amount of up to PLN 50,000. Lawyers, business mentors and mentors will help in the implementation of the above, who will guide them step by step through the most important stages – says Justyna Lichosik, director of the KTP. If the ideas prove to be satisfactory for the companies, letters of intent will be signed, which will give startups the green light to further develop solutions and their test implementations. They will receive another pool of money for this – up to PLN 250.000. In the first place, however, the so­­called scouts will focus on acquiring startups from outside Poland with the most interesting innovative solutions. They will reach dozens of the most promi­ sing foreign markets in the world with their offer. Particular attention will be paid to solutions that will contribute


Focus on Business | November–December 2021

has. In order to decide on their protec-

Infrastructure of the Kielce Technology Park.

tion, they must be identified and their role in the enterprise defined. The next step should be to choose the security method. This is where a patent attorney will help companies. Recruitment of companies to the program is conducted by the Patent Office. After the enterprise qualifies for the program, the office directs it to the operator from the voivodeship in which it is registered.

BUSINESS ACADEMY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE then registering it in one of the voivode-

and activities recommended to be per-

The main goal of the project is to mitigate

ships of Eastern Poland: Lubelskie, Pod-

formed, in order to refine the idea, cre-

the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by

karpackie, Podlasie, Świętokrzyskie or

ate a business model and MVP.

supporting young people (aged 18-29)


After the incubation period and

who are unemployed and lost their jobs

Application for the Startup Plat-

a positive recommendation of the plat-

after March 1, 2020 in setting up and run-

forms project takes place after logging

form, the company may apply for a sub-

ning a business.

into the LSI1420 system available at:

sidy from the Polish Agency for Enter-

The project entitled "The Business

prise Development in the amount of up

Academy for Young People" is imple-

to PLN 1 million.

mented by the Integration and Devel-

The idea undergoes an initial formal and content-related evaluation,

opment Association in partnership with

and the final one, made by the Expert


Panel. The main criteria for evaluating

A project under which the Kielce Tech-

The project is co-financed by the Eu-

an idea by the Expert Panel are: innova-

nology Park provides services in the field

ropean Union under the European Social

tion of the concept, competitive advan-

of intellectual property protection. This

Fund. Support provided by the European

tages, business potential, qualifications of

is another type of support addressed to

Social Fund. Implementation period:

the team that is to develop the product.

entrepreneurs, especially those taking

01/01/2021 – 30/06/2022.

made by the Qualification Committee,

In order to proceed to the final

their first steps in business.

the Municipality of Kielce / Kielce Technology Park.

30 people aged 18 to 29 will receive

evaluation stage, a positive result from

The new type of support is provided

motivational support aimed at substan-

the initial evaluation must be obtained.

thanks to co-financing from European

tive and mental preparation for self-­

For originators qualified for the incu-

funds applied for by the Patent Office of

-employment. After passing a training

bation process, industry experts will be

the Republic of Poland. The so-called ser-

cycle and a positive assessment, they

required to prepare recommendations

vice operators in each of the provinces.

will be able to apply for a development

on the subject and type of specialist ser-

One of such operators is KPT. Entre-

grant in the amount of PLN 23,000, and

vices that will enable the creation of

preneurs from the Świętokrzyskie and

then the bridging support – an average

an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and

Mazowieckie regions can benefit from

of PLN 2,000 per month for a period of

its introduction to the market.

the help of the Park.

6 months.

Incubation will last on average

KPT provides the service together

People residing or studying in

6 months: from a minimum of 3 to

with a patent attorney who advises

the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, impor-

a maximum of 8 months.

companies on how to protect intellec-

tantly, not registered in the records of

The incubation manager, together

tual property rights and how to safely

labor offices and those who lost employ-

with the startup, taking into account

use them in business transactions.

ment after March 1, 2020 as a result of

the recommendations of the Expert

The support in question is to first make

the pandemic, could apply for the project.

Panel, will prepare a detailed incubation

the interested entrepreneur aware of

program with a description of the work

what intellectual property resources he

Project website:

More information Investor Assistance Centre | Kielce City Hall Strycharska 6 Street, 25-659 Kielce Phone: +48 41 36 76 571, 41 36 76 557, e-mail:,

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



Katowice – the best game to play! The new image of Katowice is nowadays composed of so many attributes, far from the stereotypes formed throughout decades, that the city is now setting an example for other agglomerations as a model of successful economic and social transformation. The best proof of that is the fact that Katowice has been chosen to host the World Urban Forum, which will be held under the aegis of UN-Habitat – the UN agency for urbanization and urban settlements in 2022 under the slogan "Changing our cities for a better future".

related to e-sports and gaming, but

plans to expand its team by another

of important international events, we usu-­­­­ also telecommunications corporations,

300 people to the total number of 1,000

ally mention events of great social and

FMCG or banks that want to be close to

employees by the end of 2021. Addition-

economic importance, such as the Euro-

fans of virtual games and offer products

ally, Katowice is also a home of such

pean Economic Congress, the 13th edi-

tailored to their expectations by partici-

companies like Anshar Studios S.A, Code

tion of which was held in September this

pation in fair as exhibitors.

Horizon Sp. z o.o., Crazy Goat Games,

If we talk today about Katowice as a city

year. Among special guests, in the con-

The fact that Katowice is undoub­

text of organizing the next year's World

tedly one of the most important e-sports

Dev, Incuvo, Jujubee S.A., etc. The development of these cre­­­­­a­­­­­­­­tive

Urban Forum in Kat­owice, the event was

and gaming centers in Poland would not

industries fits perfectly with the stra­

visited by the Executive Director of UN-­ be possible without its potential to host

tegic vision of the development of Kat­­­­o-

-­Habitat – Maimunah Mohd Sharif.

major international events that is ena-

wice city till 2030, where among the four

But not only politics, economy and

bled by the two adjacent venues located

priorities referred to as the "4i concept"

social issues focus the public attention,

in the city center: the International

(intelligence, innovation, integration,

because culture, sport and other media

Congress Centre in Katowice as well

internationalisation), it is innovation,

events also strongly shape Katowice's

as “Spodek” events hall, which cele-

aiming to shape the structure of the city

modern image.

brates its 50th birthday this year.

in such a way that it becomes a strong

Katowice is a young city, and a large part of its community is made up of st­u­­­­­dents – almost 54 thousand in Kato­wice alone, 93 thousand in entire GZM Metro­ polis, and we must add to this number also pupils of almost 40 secon­dary and post-secondary schools. E-sports in comp­­­­­­­­uter games, is now a true passion of a great number of young people and attracts crowds of e­­­­n­­­­thusiasts from all over the world to the finals of the Intel Extreme Masters tournaments in a fa­­­ mous “Spodek” events hall in Katowice.

One of the most spectacular development projects of Katowice is the New Technology District – Katowice Gaming and Technology Hub. It is to be a Megaproject, a unique place on the map of Katowice, bringing together entrepreneurs from the gaming and e-sports industries, as well as the creative sector and related technology branches.

The scale of this event is clearly eviden­­


ced by the fact that in the last pre-pan-

Creative industry branches such

center for the creation and implementa-

demic year, 2019, it gathered 174 thou-

as e-sports and gaming are clearly pr­e-

tion of technological, cultural and social

sand spectators, and through online

sent in Katowice's economic landscape

innovations, that is one of the founda-

media the struggle of the competitors

not only in the context of the annual Intel

tions for building the future of Katowice.

was watched by 230 million people!

Extreme Masters, as the city is home to

One of the most spectacular deve­­­­

The scale and importance of Intel

companies such as ESL Poland, a world

lopment projects of Katowice is the New

Extreme Masters is also influenced

leader in e-sports and related innova-

Technology District – Katowice Gaming

by the fact that IEM is now not only

tions, or Keywords Studios, providing

and Technology Hub. It is to be a Meg­­­a-­­­­­­­

the tournament itself, but also – a trade

international services to developers and

project, a unique place on the map of Kato­

fair in which companies directly

publishers of computer games, which

wice, bringing together entrepreneurs

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

Intel Extreme Masters Championship Finals. Photo: Katowice City Hall.

from the gaming and e-sports industries,

The key to the success of the New

as well as the creative sector and related

Technology District will be the accu-

technology branches.

mulation in one place of companies

The plan is to create a Hub on the site

from the gaming and e-sports indus-

of the decommissioned "Wie­­czorek"

tries, as well as related technology

coal mine, around two historic mi­ning

companies whose development and

shafts of the "Wieczorek" mine – Pułaski

cooperation will be stimulated by the City

shaft and Poniatowski shaft and in

of Katowice. Attracting large gaming

the vicinity of the exemplarily revita­

companies, around which the whole

lised historic Nikiszowiec district. Accor­

business ecosystem will be created, is

ding to the plans, an expanded com-

expected to be an important develop-

plex of the Katowice Gaming and Tech-

ment factor. It is assumed that the revi-

nology Hub is to be built in the area of

talization and transformation of the his-

the Pułaski shaft, while the area around

torical mine into a modern space which

the Poniatowski shaft is to be made avai­

meets the requirements of entrepreneurs

lable for everyone as a recreational space

from the gaming industry in the broa­

enabling to pursue individual passions

dest sense of these words will be a major

and interests.

impulse for the development of the dis-

Attracting large gaming companies, around which the whole business ecosystem will be created, is expected to be an important development factor.

trict, the city and the entire region.

More information Investors Assistance Department | City Hall of Katowice

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



Rule of thumb is that difference in remuneration for similar positions can reach between ten and twenty percent. Certain projects may benefit from considering a scenario whereby employing people from Łódź in their home city, instead of recruiting for the Warsaw branches, may yield the best results.


Focus on Business | November–December 2021

Duopolis, or the expansion of Warsaw-based BSS companies to Łódź CBRE and the City of Łódź Office held a business conference in Warsaw which addressed recruitment challenges faced by the Modern Business Services companies on the Warsaw labor market – and pitched the idea of expansion to the city of Łódź.

In their presentation City of Łódź Office

investments, the evolution of the global

as well as enable safe, long-term devel-

emphasized that modern-day Łódź re­­­

market (incl. supply chain or the com-

opment. Benefits center around both

presents an economic ecosystem com-

petitiveness of companies operating in

the quality and costs of running a busi-

plementary to that present in Warsaw,

Poland), as well as the economic deve­

ness (labor, real estate) but also the cost

while offering conditions and business

lopment of Poland – all contribute to

and quality of life, which are becoming

climate typical for a regional city. Rule of

a growth in the demand for develop-

increasingly appealing and help attract

thumb is that difference in remuneration

ment planning, business process relo-

employees. In the case of Łódź, its infra-

for similar positions can reach between

cation, and the expansion of activi-

structural, location, and human capital

ten and twenty percent. Certain projects

ties to new markets, including those in

advantages make it a top business expan-

may benefit from considering a sce-

regional cities.

sion and growth destination for foreign

nario whereby employing people from

The above sets out the current mar-

Łódź in their home city, instead of recru­

ket situation – and the growing signifi-

companies and, over the next few years,

iting for the Warsaw branches, may yield

cance of Łódź in the business services

Adam Brzostowski, Director of

the best results.

industry will be one of its outcomes. Posi-

the Ec­­­onomic Development and Interna­

also those from Warsaw and Kraków.

Good transport links between

tive dynamics of new investments inflow

tional Cooperation Office at the City of

the two cities are another significant

over the past few months as well as new

Łódź Office: Organizing individual con-

factor. These will only get better as fur-

entrants announcing their arrival in Łódź

sultations and workshops for companies

ther developments are scheduled, in con-

across the coming quarters further rein-

planning their business processes expan-

nection with the government's plans to

force the city’s status. In total, 2022 may

sion is one of the elements of the Duo­

build the Solidarity Transport Hub. Rail-

bring around 10 new BSS investments.

polis project. The substantive value of

way infrastructure will be the project’s

Jan Banasikowski, Associate Direc-

the project lies in the opportunity to ana-

building block over the coming years

tor at CBRE Advisory & Transaction Ser-

lyze the directions and benefits of planned

and will cut the travel time between

vices: Whenever we engage in talks with

activities in an interdisciplinary way, uti-

Łódź and Warsaw to mere 40 minutes.

foreign investors as well as large organi­

lizing the experience and knowledge of

The Łódź office hub, akin to many office

zations planning to grow their operations

a group of market experts in the areas

real estate in Warsaw, is very well con-

in new locations across Poland, we like

of HR (Grafton), real estate (CBRE), and

nected to the train station.

to point their business expansion appe-

investor support (City of Łódź Office).

Business expansion – the growth

tite towards directions and solutions that

Please reach out to us if you would like

of the BSS sector, the inflow of foreign

generate specific and meaningful savings

to learn more.

More information Business Development and International Relations Bureau Piotrkowska 104a Street, 90-926 Lodz Phone: +48 42 638 59 39, Fax: +48 42 638 59 40, e-mail:, Linkedin: Invest in Lodz

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



A Great Time For The Real Estate Market In Poznań The office real estate market in Poznań has already exceeded 600,000 square meters. In addition to the office market, the logistics and warehouse industry is also developing very well in Poznań.

MODERN OFFICE SPACE In September, we had an opportunity to

of 5 buildings with a total usable area

celebrate an 5th anniversary of Rockwool,

of 100,000 sq. m and create great co­n-­­­­­ ing, free electric scooters, fourteen high-

facilitating communication in the build-

which opened its new office. Where?

ditions for work. It is also a space open to

speed elevators and a modern relax

In the Nowy Rynek complex, which is

new residents, neighbours and visitors.

zone. The first tenant of Andersia Silver

becoming the headquarters of the most

In the vicinity of the Nowy Rynek

is the Finnish IT Security company F-Se-

important players on the Poznań market.

complex, the construction of the tallest

cure, which will occupy the top 3 floors

Allegro, Żabka, Franklin Templeton and

office building in Poznań, Andersia Silver,

with a total area of 3,500 sq. m.

Arvato have their offices here. Nowy Rynek

has already started. The awaited sky-

A new, very attractive office bui­lding

is located in the very heart of Poznań

scraper will be part of the so-called

on the map of Poznań is also the Giant

(in the vicinity of the main railway sta-

Poznań Manhattan – the set of buildings

Office at Głogowska street. The advantage

tion, MTP Poznań International Fair and

at pl. General W. Anders. Andersia Silver's

of this building is its modern, functional

Stary Browar) and will ultimately consist

tenants will be able to use an application

archi­­­­t ecture, but also its convenient

Nowy Rynek building. Source: Skanska.


Focus on Business | November–December 2021

location. Giant Office is well connected

– Berlin and Warsaw. It is a convenient

to the city centre. A two-minute walk

location for companies distributing goods

is enough to get to the tram stop, from

to the markets of Western Europe. In ad­­­

which you can reach the very centre of

dition, the city has an airport of interna-

Poznań in 15 minutes. The building is also

tional importance Poznań-­Ławica, from

located close to the road Warsaw-Ber-

which you can fly to four continents – to

lin, so it is an interesting proposition for

the most important cities in Europe, but

many different industries.

also to Asia, Africa and America. Poznań is also an important academic and cul-

In the vicinity of the Nowy Rynek complex, the construction of the tallest office building in Poznań, Andersia Silver, has already started. The awaited skyscraper will be part of the so-called Poznań Manhattan – the set of buildings at pl. General W. Anders.

tural centre of Western Poland. In the Poznań agglomeration, two large Panattoni logistics investments with a total area of almost 70,000 sq. m are currently underway. The CLIP company is also expanding its transhipment termi-

New investment in the city

Name of the investor: Merkeleon P Sp. z o.o. (SOFTSWISS GROUP) Country of origin: Belarus Sector: IT Number of workplaces: 48 Occupied space in m2: 250 Location in the city: Maraton Business Link

nal. Without slowing down, the construction of another two warehouse parks is planned: 7R CITY PARK Poznań and Hillwood Konin.


SOFTSWISS, an international IT brand that offers certified software solutions for iGaming,

The housing market is developing dyna-

is entering the Polish market. Following its

mically in Poznań. More and more new

success on many other markets – European,

players are entering the real estate market. Last year, the MTP Poznań International Fair sold over 5 ha of its area between

Asian and even African – the company wants to take advantage of its rich experience by inviting Polish programmers to cooperate. The Polish branch of SOFTSWISS, Merkelon P Sp. z o.o., is

After many years of tenders,

Matejki, Grun­­­­­­waldzka and Ułańska

the area of the Railway Rolling Stock

streets to the Belgian developers Revive

Repair Company (ZNTK Poznań), which

and BPI Real Estate. At the junction of

SOFTSWISS was established in 2009. Just

is part of the Wolne Tory territory, was

two districts: Grunwald and Łazarz, there

four years later, it became the first company

sold this year. It is located between

are former military barracks, which, on

in the world to implement an online casino

the districts of Łazarz and Wilda and in

the devel­­­o­­­­­­pers' initiative, have under-

the future it may become an important

gone "recycling of the place". Ultimately,

business and cultural district of the city.

a new multi­functional district will be

The concept of the development of this

built here, and now, instead of fencing

space was prepared by the Munici­pal

the area off while awaiting the start of

Urban Studio and sets up both multi­-

construction, it has been opened to every-

-family residential and service functions.

one. This is how the Barracks of Cul-

A modern downtown district with great

ture (Koszary Kultury) project, which

potential for the office real estate market

offers residents an attractive space to

is to be built here.

spend their free time, physical activity and nature activities, was created. It is

based in Poznań.

service technology with a bitcoin payment system. Currently, the brand holds international licences allowing it to implement the developed software in virtual casinos offering entertainment with thousands of games. The latest product offered by SOFTSWISS is a special platform for sports betting. As company representatives point out, process speed is part of their corporate culture. The company is constantly exploring new markets, working with their regulators and government agencies to suggest legal solutions


the first such initiative in Poznań and is

During the pandemic, the demand for

proof of the positive changes taking place

warehouse space has increased signi­fi-

in the real estate world. Now developers

The company currently employs over

cantly (in Poznań at a record-breaking

are striving to create an attractive space

700 people worldwide and has partnerships

level of + 31% y/y). According to CBRE

for residents, which perfectly comple-

with over 300 international entities in its

data, the level of the warehouse mar-

ments and blends with the atmosphere

ket in the Poznań agglomeration is

of the district.

2,323,500 sq. m. In the first quarter of

The City of Poznań promotes inte­

2021, 111,300 sq. m of modern logistics

res­ting properties with mixed residential

space was delive­red for use, and another

and service functions, as well as indus-

537,800 sq. m are under construction.

trial and service ones. Among the invest-

As indicated in the report, the main

ment areas planned for sale this year or

advantage of the Poznań market is its

in the distant future, it is worth pay-

favourable location by the A2 motor-

ing attention to attractive invest­­­ment

way, connecting two European capitals

fields at the Rataje roundabout, real

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

to make the iGaming sector run efficiently.

business portfolio.

Ivan Montik Founder of SOFTSWISS GROUP



Concept of ZNTK land development. Authors: Miejska Pracownia Urbanistyczna.

estate in the heart of the newly emerg-

-Ławica Airport, including at Kajki Street.

ing district at Unii Lubelskiej street,

On the other hand, between the junc-

the area at the intersection of Het-

tions of the A2 Poznań-Komorniki and

mańska and Górecka streets, as well

Poznań-Luboń motorways, the property

as over 185,000 sq. m of commercial

is located in the area of Mieleszyńska

space in the area of Franowo and Fol-

street. However, these are only some of

warczna streets. Plots with an area of

the investment areas currently promoted

over 50,000 sq. m have great potential

by the City. The list of planned invest-

at Bałtycka Street, where various types

ment areas is available on the website

of development may be built: service,

production, storage or warehouse.

This year, two large international

Municipal areas intended for multi­�

events for the real estate sector – the MIPIM

-family housing or service buildings

fair in Cannes and Expo Real fair in

in the very centre or in the vicinity of

Munich took place. Representatives of

it are located, among others, at Wenec-

the City of Poznań participated in both.

jańska and Warszawska streets. Seve­

It was another opportunity to promote

ral fields with a residential and service

investment potential of Poznań as an at­­­

function are located near the Poznań-

tractive place to run business.

This year, two large international events for the real estate sector – the MIPIM fair in Cannes and Expo Real fair in Munich took place. Representatives of the City of Poznań participated in both.

More information Investor Relations Department | City of Poznań Za Bramką 1 Street, 61-842 Poznan Phone: +48 61 878 54 28, e-mail:


Focus on Business | November–December 2021


Professional Częstochowa Text | Anna Tymoshenko

Translation | Magdalena Wytrzymała

In Częstochowa, the Better Job Now Program has been operating since 2017, which is a response to the needs of residents and entrepreneurs – it operates in a two-vector way: on the one hand, the local government tries to influence business owners to apply high standards of employment, increase remuneration for work and activities in the field of corporate social responsibility. On the other hand, it tries to adjust the education of staff to the needs reported by entrepreneurs (e.g. subsequent editions of projects) and to allow employees to retrain and improve their competences.


Among the many components of this

The situation on the labour mar-

their future employees and try to influ-

program, the new approach of the local

ket in Częstochowa is good, the unem-

ence the profiling of their qualifications.

government to the issue of industry and

ployment rate is 3.5% (as of April 2019)

The cooperation of entrepreneurs with

technical schools deserves special atten-

and has dropped below the average

schools, both at the secondary and ter-

tion. As part of the "Zawodowa Często-

in the Śląskie Voivodeship. Entrepre-

tiary level, is the only chance to educate

chowa" project, the Development Depart-

neurs from the Northern Subregion of

qualified staff, following the real needs

ment and the Investor Assistance Center,

the Śląskie Voivodeship are aware of

of the local labour market. The task of

which has also been the Center for Bet-

the necessity and importance of invest-

the local government is to create a plat-

ter Workplaces for two years, joined

ments in the development of human

form for understanding between these

the efforts to promote them. It is here

resources. Activities in the field of staff

interdependent areas – education

that they know best which specialists

education cannot only take place inside

and business.

will be needed on the labour market in

the company, entrepreneurs already at

The changes that started in 1999

the near future.

the level of secondary schools look for

were designed to improve our education

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

system, adapting it to the needs of the la­­­bour market. With time, however, it tur­­­­ned out that they were not well prepared, and the dual education system in vocational education functions rather as a theory. Long-term marginalization of the importance of vocational schools and treating them as relics of the infamous

Innovation necessary on the job market is the glass technology technique. Due to the rapid development of two large companies in the industry in Częstochowa – Stölzle and GUARDIAN Glass – this direction gives young people a guarantee of stable employment and the possibility of development in global concerns.

past, has adversely affected the image of this branch of education and is one

The demand for young, proper­­

of the reasons for the workforce deficit

­ly educated employees was shown in

• Vocational School Complex No. 9 (book-

at present.

the first edition of the project: "Profes-

Władysław Stanisław Reymont School

binder, printer, fitter electronics);

For years, Częstochowa has been

sional Cooperation", in which the idea

of the Fashion and Advertising Industry:

introducing changes in technical educa-

of reaching entrepreneurs directly with

• Technical School No. 7 (fashion indus-

tion and creating a new image of voca-

the internship offer of schools turned out

try technician, advertising organization

tional education among young people

to be the key to success. Initially, the pro-

technician, digital graphic process tech-

and parents. Subsequent editions of

ject assumed that over a thousand stu-

nician, textile technician, hairdressing

the project "Młodzi Kreatywni" as part

dents would take part in paid intern-

of the Program for Supporting Entre-

ships with fifty entrepreneurs. How-

preneurship and Creating New Jobs in

ever, the number of willing employ-

Częstochowa for 2013-2018, in addition

ers increased more than threefold and

Stefan Żeromski Team of Technical and

to shaping entrepreneurial attitudes

exceeded one hundred and fifty. Fur-

General Schools:

among young people, showed young

ther editions of the projects are cur-

• Technical School No. 6 (hotel technician,

people the benefits of choosing the right

rently underway.

profession. The right choice of a trade crucial for the development of a young person's professional career. The total

Bolesław Prus School Complex:

value of Częstochowa EU projects dedi-

• Technical School No. 11 (mechatronics

cated to technical and vocational educa-

technician, photo technician, surveyor

tion in 2016-2020 is over PLN 25 million.

technician, electronics technician);

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

upholsterer, hairdresser);

IT technician, nutrition technician and gastronomic services, hairdressing ser-


and technical school may turn out to be

service technician); • Vocational School Complex No. 5 (tailor,

vices technician); • Vocational School Complex No. 4 (hairdresser); Jan Kochanowski School Complex: • Technical School No. 2 (logistic technician);



School of Economics:

Maria Grzegorzewska Special Voca-

people from grades 1-3 of industry voca-

• Technical School No. 3 (economist

tional Schools:

tional schools and grades 1-4 of techni-

technician, salesman technician,

• Special Vocational Schools and Voca-

cal schools.

tourist service technician, freight for-

tional School Complex No. 11 (tailor,

warder technician);

cook, upholsterer).

Maria Curie-Skłodowska Gastro-

The innovation of the second edition is the fact that the project will finance the training of mechatronics tech-

nomic Schools:

The value of the support provided to

nicians with watchmaking innovation.

• Technical School No. 8 (nutrition tech-

the directions mentioned above is ap­­­­­

At that time, Częstochowa was the only

proximately PLN 20 million.

city in this part of Europe with such

nician and catering services, waiter); Vocational School No. 6 (chef);

New fields of study have been pre­­­­-

an educational profile. Today, the near-

School of Mechanical and Electrical:

pared for students, which are part of

• Technical School No. 9 (mechanic tech-

a project implemented under the munici­

In Częstochowa, despite the pan-

pal program Now Better Work. They not

demic in 2020, cooperation between busi­­­-

nician, electrician technician);

est watchmaking school is in Vienna.

nesses and schools was quite good. In ad­­­­ dition to city projects dedicated to stu-

The cooperation of entrepreneurs with schools, both at the secondary and tertiary level, is the only chance to educate qualified staff, following the real needs of the local labour market. The task of the local government is to create a platform for understanding between these interdependent areas - education and business.

dents and teachers, there is also a project implemented with the Katowice Special Economic Zone – "Śląskie. Professionals". Another innovation necessary on the job market is the glass technology technique. Due to the rapid development of two large companies in the industry in Częstochowa – Stölzle and GUARDIAN Glass – this direction gives young people a guarantee of stable employ-

School of Automotive and Construction:

only open the prospect of attractive

• Technical School No. 10 (automotive

employment for entrepreneurs in Częs-­­­­­­ in global concerns. Demand for profes-

ment and the possibility of development

technician, mechanic technician, rail

tochowa, but above all, they are the first

sionals with such qualifications is not

transport technician);

important step on the path of profes­­

falling, but the problem is their insuffi-

• Vocational School No. 8 (mechanic and

sional development and enable the con-

cient number – "Professional coopera-

electromechanic of motor vehicles);

tinuation of education at Częstochowa

tion" is to be a response to this deficit.


At the same time, graduates of the tech-

Technical School Complex: • Technical School No. 12 (landscape

The main goal of all editions of

nical school can continue their education

architecture technician, construc-

the "Vocational Cooperation 2" project

at the Częstochowa University of Tech-

tion technician, equipment technician

will be to support female and male stu-

nology, where they can find specializa-

and renewable energy system, sani-

dents in such a way that they can easily

tion created specially for them: glass and

tary technician);

cope with the labour market after gradu­

ceramics engineering.

• Vocational Schools No. 10 (fitter of

ating from school. This will be achieved

People are the most important in

building and finishing works in con-

by participation in professional courses –

Częstochowa. Virtually every city resident

struction, fitter of network, installa-

including certified ones, and thus ensur-

is someone else's employer or employee –

tion and sanitary equipment, roofer);

ing official confirmation of the obtained

they create an efficiently functioning eco-

Władysław Sikorski Technical Scien-

qualifications, as well as paid intern-

nomic fabric of the city.

tific Institutes:

ships, internships and specialist classes.

• Technical School No. 5 (IT technician,

It will also be possible to take advantage

teleinformatic technician, electronics

of professional educational and voca-

technician, mechanic technician, avia-

tional counselling. Only the second edi-

tion technician);

tion of the project involved a total of 286

More information Investor Assistance Center Department of European Funds and Development | City Hall of Częstochowa Waszyngtona 5 Street, 42-217 Częstochowa Phone: +48 34 3707 212, +48 34 3707 213 e-mail:,


Focus on Business | November–December 2021

HR news


Maja Mandela joined TMF Group as

internationally – either organically or

which employs over 500 experts in War-

Accounting and Tax practice leader for

through mergers and acquisitions –

saw and Katowice and is one of TMF

the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)

and to investment funds. TMF Group's

Group's largest branches in the Europe,

region covering Poland, the Czech

services are used by more than 60% of

Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region.

Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia and

the Fortune Global 500 and FTSE 100

The role of the Polish manager is to


companies and nearly half of the world's

manage the quality of accounting and tax

300 largest private equity firms.

services delivered to clients, as well as to

TMF Group is a leading provider of business administration and compli-

Maja Mandela works in the War-

develop TMF's business in this area. She

ance services to companies expanding

saw office of TMF Group's Polish branch,

is also responsible for managing a team of approximately 300 people in 6 countries of Central and Eastern Europe. She works closely with the TMF Global mana­ gement team on product offering and business strategy. Previously, from 2003 to 2020, the manager was associated with EY con­­­sulting company, where as a partner in Audit and Advisory team for financial institutions she was responsible for co­­­ ope­ration mainly with insurers, asset managers and banks in the area of audit and advisory on financial and accounting processes, implementation of new regulations and transaction advisory. She graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics with a degree in Quantitative Methods and Information Systems. She is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) of the Polish Chamber of Certified Public Accountants.


Focus on Business | November–December 2021


He worked and performed manage-

Commercial Real Estate, taking the posi-

rial functions in real estate agencies – PNB

tion of Leasing Director in the Cracow

Paribas Real Estate, Emmerson, CBRE. He

department. His duties will include sup-

was also responsible for the commercial-

porting newcomers and current cli-

ization of office projects, also successfully

ents of the agency in the processes of

participated in re-commercialization pro-

searching for space and solutions, both

jects for existing facilities.

office and warehouse in Lesser Poland

He is a graduate of the Warsaw Ma-

Voivodeship and commercialization of

nagement University, a graduate of post-

office buildings.

graduate studies incl. in the field of real

Tomasz for over 15 years has been

estate brokerage and real estate valua-

actively involved in the development of

tion at the AGH University of Science and

the commercial real estate market.

Technology in Kraków.

LEVERAGE THE A3 REVOLUTION: THE FUTURE OF WORK REPORT 2021 Covid has changed the way work gets

& Business Services Council, Open

done and the expectations of specia­

Assembly, Stratigens, Sourcing Change,

lists. The Future of Work Report 2021

Tolson Consulting, and Pro Progressio.

“The A3 Revolution”, analyzes the shift

The report targets a vast audience

to an “Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere”

of decision-makers in companies, espe-

model, examining the three megatrends

cially within HR & recruitment, inno-

of flexible working hours, new forms of

vation, and technology. Every year it’s

employment that are replacing full-time

downloaded by thousands of managers

contracts, and a lack of geographical con-

around the world.

straints. The document was published

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

by Talent Alpha and partners including

Here you can

EPAM Systems, Everest Group, Global


Sourcing Association, Global Technology

the report for free:



Labour market trends. Migrations. Is Poland still a promised land for foreigners? An interview with Ewa Klimczuk, Operational Director of Gi Group Temp & Perm.

Focus on Business: Ukrainians are

taking advantage of the introduced facil­­i­­­­­-

managers, they do conceptual work, in­­

the most numerous group of foreig­ners

tations, they more often decide to lega­­­­-

cluding technical work. They use their

working in Poland. Has the pandemic

l­ise their stay in Poland, thanks to which

skills, and the key is knowledge of Po­lish

affected the presence of Ukrainians on

they do not have to leave.

or English.

the Polish labour market? What are

The number of temporary resi-

the current statistics? In which sec-

dence permits issued is growing and is

Are there any other advantages besides

tors do they work?

several dozen percent higher than last

proximity of location that attract Ukra-

Ewa Klimczuk, Gi Group: Some

year. Even bigger increases concern

inians to the Polish labour market?

Ukrainians had to leave when the pan-

long-term resident permits and per-

The geographical factor is very

demic began and coming back was dif-

manent residence permits, mainly in

important for Ukrainians and Belaru-

ficult due to the restrictions. Not all of

the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. Statistics

sians. The journey takes less time, they

them returned to Poland. Some chose to

show a trend: migration is part of our

can visit their families more often. Cul-

go further afield, mainly to Germany,

reality. It is progressing together with

tural factors and language are also impor-

the Netherlands and the UK, where they

globalisation, growing automation and

tant: Russian, Ukrainian and Polish are

can count on higher wages. Statistics?

robotisation and demographic changes.

close to one another, there are fewer dif-

Estimates speak of more than 850,000

Labour shortage is visible in almost

ficulties in communicating at work and

Ukrainians legally working in our coun-

all sectors. There are not enough people

outside of it. Let us not forget the most

try. Data from the Office for Foreigners

willing to do the simplest, least paid jobs,

important one – finance. Ukraini­a ns

shows that the grey economy is another

and there is a lack of qualified specialists,

come to improve their standard of living

several hundred thousand. The remain-

professionals with specific competences.

and salaries in Poland are more attrac-

ing group of foreigners are Belarusians

Foreigners are employed in manufactur-

tive than in Ukraine, although this is

and – for several years now – workers

ing, logistics, services and IT. Their role

also changing slowly. The situation in

from Asia, mainly Vietnam, Indonesia

is gradually changing. They still perform

this country is impro­ving, and it is eas-

and India.

simple and difficult jobs that Poles are

ier to find a satisfying job. Ukrainian citi­zens are therefore not only more willing

The role of employment agencies is changing. We can see that the share of temporary work is decreasing, while the share of permanent and outsourced employees is growing, which is convenient for companies, especially in a situation as unstable as the one we are facing now. The benefits are flexibility of employment and a comprehensive service.

to stay at home, but have also started to leave for countries other than Poland, where they can do more. What conditions must foreigners meet to be able to work in Poland? What is the role of the agency and what is the role of the company? Formalities depend on the type of employment and residence documents, as well as formal requirements


In the past, Ukrainians would come

not interested in, e.g. in cold stores, but

of the country the foreigners come from.

for a few months, then return home and

at the same time it is clearly visible that

What is needed is the employer’s decla-

obtain another visa or wait for the visa-

they increasingly often reach for spe-

ration of their commitment to employ

free regime to be renewed. Currently,

cialist positions. They are production

a given person, which is registered in

Focus on Business | November–December 2021

Statistics show a trend: migration is part of our reality. It is progressing together with globalisation, growing automation and robotisation and demographic changes. Poland at the District Labour Office competent for a given employer. This is the basis for obtaining a visa and crossing the border. It is also necessary to fill in additional documents, to pay for insurance and travel and to get to the agreed place. In the case of workers from Asia, the procedure is longer. Of course, it is best if the candidate has a residence card in our country. We recruit both abroad and among foreigners already living in Poland. In Ukraine, we have our own offices and recruitment takes place directly. In the case of Asian countries, we cooperate with local agencies – they search for candidates according to specific needs – for a given client and for specific positions. We adapt the forms and scope of employment to the expectations of companies that need employees for a few weeks or a few months, want to hire directly or prefer a comprehensive outsourcing service, outsourcing not only the payroll and administrative services, but above all some of the processes, warehouse mana­ gement, production line management, reception or supply chain management. The role of employment agencies is changing. We can see that the share of temporary work is decreasing, while the share of permanent and outsourced employees is growing, which is conve­ nient for companies, especially in a situ­ ation as unstable as the one we are facing now. The benefits are flexibi­ lity of employment and a comprehensive service.

Focus on Business | November–December 2021



What can employers do to encourage

As an employment agency, we are

Ukrainians to stay permanently? How

in constant contact with the employed.

does Gi Group support hiring emplo­yees

We provide care not only during the re-­­­

from Ukraine in Poland? I am asking

c­­­ru­­itment process, but throughout the en-

about both employers and jobseekers.

tire period of cooperation, including

The most important thing is to

support in administrative matters or

know the plans and expectations of com-

accommodation. They are also assured of

panies and candidates. We try to match

employment – if an assignment with one

them, adjusting the service to the cur-

employer ends, we give them an oppor-

rent needs. On the one hand, we select

tunity to start work with another one.

the most suitable candidates in accor­

Training is an important element,

dance with the complex demand for jobs,

too. Apart from the induction ones, we

number of people and form of employ-

also prepare other training schemes, e.g.

ment. On the other, we make sure that

in the area of culture, customs and prac-

foreigners have the best possible sup-

tical issues. They are particularly needed

port and want to stay with us. This is

in the case of Asian employees, and both

not an easy role, as the labour market is

they and the companies benefit from

volatile and employment costs constitute

them. We have also introduced career

the vast majority of those borne by com-

paths for foreigners who want to stay in

panies, which want to maintain budget-

Poland for longer. We upskill them on

ary discipline and are often not willing

the basis of their talents and competen-

to increase salaries. So for agencies like

cies already in place.

We recruit both abroad and among foreigners already living in Poland. In Ukraine, we have our own offices and recruitment takes place directly. In the case of Asian countries, we cooperate with local agencies – they search for candidates according to specific needs. ours, flexibility is key. With an extensive

To what extent can hiring foreigners

database of companies we work with

solve the problem of labour shortage?

and candidates, we can handle a varie­ty

Labour migration is a global trend,

of assignments, engaging for longer or

visible in all countries. It is an impor-

shorter periods. We are able to ensure

tant piece of the puzzle, as are policies

continuity of employment for those we

in the area of demographics, education,

recruit and employ. This is facilitated by

adapting the labour market to the fast

their positive attitude to relocation. They

development of technology. The prob-

can work in one place and after a month

lem is not only a shortage of labour, but

in another.

also a shortage of specialists, people with

What do foreigners expect? Some

specific, often new competences, and

are interested only in short stays, others

adapting the education system to market

are linking their future with Poland. For

needs, with systematic further training.

them, stability is important, as increasin­g­­­-

Our society is ageing and we have

ly often they come with their families,

a high percentage of economically inac-

and of course earnings that allow them

tive people. However, neither migration

to live with dignity. This is an impor-

nor technology will solve all the prob-

tant issue in terms of preventing turn­

lems. What is needed is a realistic analy­

over. Gone are the days when Ukrainians

sis of trends and a coherent strategy of

accepted the lowest wages and any work.

the state and companies, as well as its

They still take jobs that Poles often do not

consistent implementation. We must

want to do but their expectations have

work hard to build up our know-how, as

risen, both in terms of pay and living

we do not want to be a country whose

conditions. They know that Polish com-

only asset is cheap labour.

panies need them. Thank you for the interview.


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