The Community Guide, Langley, June 2012

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langley | June 2012

relieve the OUCH of sunburn make a SPL ASH in th e Po o l

P u z z l e s . . . and more Get some Fresh Air 6

Grill the PERFECT steak ... pg. 10


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Get Some Fresh Air 6 Practice safety and Common sense When hiking Hiking. Great exercise... Great views... But make sure it’s done right.

Relieve the OUCH of Sunburn 8 Get relief From the Pain of sunburn Important information... Now that you’re a lobster!

Home Renovation Know-How 9 Follow the 3 ‘P’s of home renovation Planning. Permits. Protection.

Make a SPLASH in the Pool 11 Pool Parties Can make Birthdays Fun and Easy Horseplay in the pool IS allowed!

Events 15 What’s happening Close to home?


Event Listings in Your Community.

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Grill the PErFECT steak

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June 2012


© 2012 by Growth Media N.A., Inc. All rights reserved.

All photography, articles and advertising, or any part thereof compiled by Growth Media N.A., Inc., are exclusive property of Growth Media N.A., Inc., and protected by copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission is prohibited. Opinions expressed in this magazine are those of contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of Growth Media N.A., Inc. Growth Media N.A., Inc., is an environmentally responsible company. 505 - 8840 210th St., Suite 407 | Langley, BC V1M 2Y2 Phone: 888.717.7468 | Fax: 604.608.4815

The Community Guide


rs e m o c ew N r o F Tips to the lf o G f o Game


ew hobbies can be as enjoyable one moment and as frustrating the next as golf. Golfers know a great putt can be quickly followed by a bad tee shot, and maintaining their composure through the highs and lows of the game is a key to success on the links. Maintaining that composure isn’t always easy, even for the professionals. It’s even more difficult for beginners, who quickly learn the game of golf involves more than just spending sunny weekend afternoons on pristine golf courses. In fact, golf can be quite demanding, and beginners would be wise to heed a few tips before hitting the course. • Don’t commit to an expensive set of clubs right off the bat. Golf clubs can be very expensive, so beginners should buy an affordable set of clubs so they can get the hang of what they like before spending a lot of money. Visit a pro shop and explain that you are just a beginner. The shop will likely make some valuable suggestions and might even let you try out a pair of clubs. In addition, many driving ranges allow customers to rent clubs, and this can be a great and inexpensive way to find the right clubs for you.

self-taught golfer. When first trying your hand at golf, take some lessons and don’t expect to be playing 18 holes any time soon. Before hitting the course, where you might be discouraged and you might frustrate those golfing behind you, learn the fundamentals by taking a few lessons at the driving range. Learn from a professional, who won’t offer you any hidden secrets to golfing glory (there aren’t any) but will offer sound advice on the game’s fundamentals. • Take the game home with you. Beginners can even take advantage of golf’s vast popularity by taking the game home with them. This doesn’t mean building a putting green in your backyard. Rather, purchase some instructional DVD’s to learn the game during your down time throughout the week. Many golfers don’t have time to hit the links during the week, but they do have time to watch some DVD’s when they get home from work. Such instructional DVD’s can help you master your grip and stance, which you can then take with you to the course over the weekend. • Have fun. Golf is a fun game; it just takes time to hone your skills. But even if you aren’t ready for the professional tour after your first few rounds, you can still have fun. Don’t let some beginner’s frustration, which every golfer experiences, ruin the fun of the game. Take note of your surroundings when you hit the links, and appreciate the time you’re spending with your group. If the game becomes more a source of frustration than fun, then take a break and put in some more work away from the course, be it at the driving range or studying at home. TCG

• Take lessons. Even the very best at self-teaching might find it extremely difficult to become a


The Community Guide

June 2012

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Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! Level: Beginner

... Solution on Page 9 June 2012

The Community Guide


Practice Safety and Common Sense When Hiking


warm breeze, the sound of a bubbling brook and the fresh smell of pine in the air are just some of the draws of hiking. There’s nothing quite like getting outdoors and enjoying nature. Although hiking isn’t inherently dangerous, being at the mercy of the elements does imply some risk. As a result, it pays to be prepared when embarking on a hiking trip. Even novice hikers know to avoid bug bites and apply sunscreen before heading outdoors, but there are also some lesser-known potential hazards on the hiking trail. Heeding these tips can keep a person safe. Plan ahead. Understand the terrain and the trails before you begin the hike. Visit the park or area’s official website to access detailed, printable trail maps and other information about the area. Make note of ranger stations, portable bathrooms and any other places you may want to use as pit stops along the way. Give a copy of the trail map to someone staying behind, marking your planned place of entry. In the event you get lost, the person at home can alert authorities to your approximate location.

their own share of plants and animals. It is wise to know which species you may encounter along the way so you will know how to treat a bite or a brush with a poisonous plant in the event of an emergency. Be mindful of the weather. Before going on the hike, get the latest weather report from a few different sources. This way you will have an average picture in your head of what the weather will be, and you can choose your footwear, clothing and other essentials based on that forecast. Few things can spoil a trip faster than unpredictable weather and failure to be ready for it. Pack a supply kit. It’s easy to go overboard on gear, but there are some basics that should be hiking essentials. Include a First Aid Kit, a Swiss Army Knife, matches or a lighter, aspirin, a flashlight, and toilet paper in your supply kit.

Know your environment. Hiking trails can be found all around the world. Some may be arid and barren areas, while other areas may be lush and tropical. Each of these regions brings with them 6

The Community Guide

June 2012

Bring water. Water is essential when going on a hiking trip. By the time you are feeling thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Bring at least 1 to 2 liters of water per person. Keep in mind that this may mean adding 3 to 4 pounds to the pack. When necessary, trade excess weight in other supplies for water, since water is most essential. Drinking from springs or lakes is not adviseable. Animals bathe and relieve themselves in that water, and it might be teeming with bacteria. Pack snacks. Bring along lightweight snacks, such as granola bars, dried fruit and nuts. Avoid sugary or starchy snacks that your body will burn up in no time, leaving you feeling hungry again. Keep food in tightly fitted containers so aromas won’t lure curious animals in close. Embark early. The temperature is lower in the morning, and the sun is less intense in early morning as well. In addition, starting early reduces the chance you will be hiking in the dark.

Be aware of your surroundings. Although most animals will be content to avoid a hiking party, if they are provoked or caught off guard, they may defend themselves. Watch where you are walking and avoid going off the trail. If scaling rocks, be careful where you put your hands. There may be snakes or small rodents lurking in crevices. Carry a field guide. Refer to a field guide to help identify plants, trees and animals you may have seen. Take plenty of photographs. Most hikers want to document the sights around them. Capture the moments with photos and be sure to make prints later. Carry out only what you carried in. Litter can ruin a natural landscape and put animals in danger. Always bring a trash bag and remove your spent items. Also, leave nature as you found it. Resist the urge to take flowers or saplings or any other samples of the environment. TCG




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The Community Guide


Get RELIEF From the PAIN of Sunburn


ummer draws people outdoors to enjoy fun in the sun. But not every aspect of summertime weather can be pleasant, especially when sunburn rears its blistery head.

Despite the health warnings about sun exposure, people still venture outdoors repeatedly without the use of a protective product with a high enough SPF. Side effects of failing to protect the skin can include nasty burns and an increased risk of skin cancer later in life. Perhaps individuals fail to take sunburns seriously because they don’t associate sunburns with anything dangerous. But sunburn is just like any other burn and the skin pays the price. Most people wouldn’t intentionally set fire to their skin or play with caustic chemicals. But they will spend hours in the sun unprotected. Just like the flames of a fire, the sun can cause serious burns, even second- and third-degree ones. A second-degree burn causes not only damage to the epidermis, or the outer layer of skin, but extends deeper into the dermis as well. A third-degree burn seriously harms the entire epidermis and dermis, as well as nerves and fatty tissue contained within. Because the epidermis and hair follicles are destroyed, new skin will not grow. Sunburn can occur after roughly 15 to 30 minutes of exposure to the sun. The burn itself may not show up for hours later, which is why people often think they’ve avoided a burn. The results of sunburn are often pain, redness and potential blistering, depending on the level of damage. Although there is no specific treatment for sunburn, there are some remedies that can help the pain and help to speed up recovery.


Drink plenty of water. Damaged skin may not be able to properly inhibit the loss of moisture from the body, resulting in dehydration. Drinking water can replenish fluids needed for comfort and health. Over-the-counter pain medications may alleviate the stubborn pain. If the pain is very severe, consult a physician, who might feel prescription-strength pain relievers are necessary. There also are topical pain-relief sprays that temporarily dull the pain and cool the skin. Cool, wet compresses as well as lotions that soothe can also be helpful and reduce swelling. Look for ones with natural ingredients, such as aloe vera. Oral antihistamines can help when the skin eventually starts to peel and becomes itchy. If blisters are present, leave them be until they break on their own. Prematurely breaking sunburn blisters can increase the risk of infection. An antibiotic cream may be applied after the blisters break to speed up healing and prevent infection. If the sunburn is severe or accompanied by a fever, consult a physician. The best way to treat sunburn is not to get it in the first place. This means being diligent about applying sunblock before going outdoors. TCG

The Community Guide

June 2012

the project’s financing. It can be helpful to make a list of all income and expenses and find out how much funding is left over for a project. When getting estimates on the work, whether it will be done by a contractor or a DIY project, the homeowner should then make a list of approximate costs (rounding up) and then compare it against the available funds.

Follow the 3 ‘P’s of Home Renovation


Many projects, especially those involving building, demolition, electrical work, or mould remediation, require permits issued by the town, province or city in which the work will be taking place.


very home project begins with an idea and ends with the culmination of the job. In between, there are three main components of an improvement project that can mean the difference between success and frustration: Planning, permits and protection.


The initial stage of a renovation is the planning stage. Planning is when a homeowner works through the concept of the project and determines what is necessary to complete the task. Many people find it helpful to write out plans and draw up the concept on paper. This doesn’t require expensive architectural software. A simple piece of graph paper plotted with measurements and a sketch is often sufficient for small projects. If the job will be expansive and require an architect or engineer, he or she will often provide a technical drawing.

The purpose of permits and subsequent inspections is often questioned by homeowners looking to circumvent the system. However, building permits are required to ensure public safety, health and welfare as they are affected by building construction, structural strength, zoning, and code requirements. In essence, building permits are how the government regulates safety and protects both current and future residents of the property. In many cases, homeowners will need to visit the municipal building in their respective towns and apply for a permit. The permit may not immediately be issued. Oftentimes, there is a waiting period during which the project’s legality and safety is examined. Once the project is approved, the applicant will be able to file for the actual permit(s). There is usually a fee or fees for permit application, which covers any clerical work. Work should not begin until a permit is received, and then the permit generally has to be placed in plain sight, such as in a window of the building. Depending on building codes, inspections of the work may need to

If the project focuses more on decorating than building, some find it helpful to create a design board. This is where fabric swatches, paint colour samples, pictures of Package FINANCING AS LOW AS Pricing with $ furniture and accessories, and any Installation 25 00 Available Hardwood & Laminate other components of the room are FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATES put together. Having a design board 8 MM HARDWOOD LAMINATE enables the homeowner to go to the Was $3.99 sq.ft. Was 99¢ sq.ft. Now from store with board in tow and match up Now from LAMINATE $ 49 items to things in the store. ¢ sq.ft. FLOORS /MO. O.A.C Based on min. $1800 purchase


Another part of the planning stage is establishing a budget and determining










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The Community Guide


take place after all of the project is completed or during certain phases. For example, the building of a deck may require inspections after footings are installed and secured, and before the upper portions of the decking materials are attached. If an inspection takes place afterward, the inspector will be looking for key code issues to determine whether the work was completed successfully. If a contractor was used, he or she may have to be present at the time of the inspection. If the work passes, an approval will be given and put on record. If the work fails, applicable repairs will have to be made and a re-inspection will be scheduled. Should a home be put on the market, all permits may need to be on file or in the homeowners’ possession in order for a certificate of occupancy to be issued to the new buyer. Failure to have permits can hold up the process or result in fines.


Homeowners about to begin a project also need to emphasize safety. There are a number of things that can be on hand to make a work environment safer. These include:

Boots: Proper footwear ensures protection should an item fall on the foot or when walking where nails or other sharp items are located. Fire Extinguisher: A fire extinguisher should be nearby in the event of a mishap. First Aid Kit: An abrasion or cut may occur, requiring prompt care. Gloves: When the hands need to be protected or extra traction on surfaces is required, gloves can be a necessity. Headphones: Safety headphones can protect the ears against loud, consistent noises from power equipment and tools. Locks: A locked cabinet can store tools, paints, chemicals, and other improvement supplies so that young children or pets won’t have access. When homeowners take the time to plan, obtain permits, and secure the needed protection for a job, they help ensure a safer job that is done correctly. TCG

Eye Protection: This is especially important when working with flying debris, cutting items, mixing caustic chemicals, etc. Respirator or Face Mask: Cover the nose or mouth when there is dust or debris in the air that can enter the lungs. When working with toxic fumes, such as when using spray paints or chemical lubricants, a respirator can offer clean air.

The Perfect Steak The Perfect Steak Serves: 4 Prep. Time: 5 Minutes

4 Steaks (preferably New York Strip), 1” Thick 2 Cloves Garlic, Minced or Pressed 2 Tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce 2 Tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar Freshly Ground Pepper 2 Teaspoons Dijon Mustard 2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil


1. Trim excess fat from the steaks. In a glass dish or heavy plastic bag combine the remaining ingredients. 2. Marinate the steaks for 1 hour at room temperature or up to 24 hours in the refrigerator. If refrigerating, bring steaks close to room temperature 1/2 hour before grilling for more even cooking. 3. Pre-heat the barbecue on HIGH. Brush grill with olive oil. Switch heat to MEDIUM/HIGH and grill steaks as desired, flipping and turning 3X for perfect grill marks. RARE: 1 3/4 mins. per side, 7 mins. total. MEDIUM RARE: 2 mins. per side, 8 mins. total. MEDIUM: 2 1/4 mins. per side, 9 mins. total. WELL: 2 1/2 mins. per side, 10 mins. total. The Community Guide

June 2012


n an era of over-the-top, ultra-expensive birthday parties whose extravagance rivals lavish weddings, some might find it invigorating to scale things down and host a pool party. A pool party is an ideal way to host a birthday or other special event without having to do a lot of planning. All that is typically needed is an available pool and party participants ready to have a good time. Many people mistakenly think that a pool party is something that can only be done during the warm weather. Actually, you can plan a pool party any

time of the year. Many fitness gyms, schools and scuba certification locations open their pools up to public parties. Therefore, whether the event is held in June or January, chances are there is a pool available that can accommodate the crowd. One main advantage to a pool party is that the pool is the entertainment factor for the guests. There’s no need to spend hours thinking up games or other forms of entertainment. Swimming, splashing and jumping into the water will keep many guests occupied for hours. If you prefer more structure, consider relay races, diving games and water volleyball.

Pool Parties Make Birthdays

Fun and Easy

Party Preparation Start with the invitations when preparing the party. Select a coloured paper or pattern that is reminiscent of pool water. A vibrant aquamarine would fit the bill. Print out a catchy phrase that describes the upcoming event (i.e. Jimmy’s Party is Bound to be a Splash), and be sure to remind guests to bring towels and bathing suits. If you will not have enough chairs for all guests, ask them on the invite to bring a beach chair as well. Put together a selection of music that evokes summer fun or tropical locations. There are bound to be compilation playlists available for purchase. An instrumental steel drum album also would be June 2012

effective. Remember, whether it is warm or cold outside, this pool party should look and feel hot. Music will help set that mood. Tie decorations into the theme. Purchase or rent inflatable palm trees and string lantern lights around the party area, if possible. Keep plenty of beach balls on hand to toss around in or out of the water. Table linens can be purchased in bright hues to match the blue, red and yellow strips of a beach ball. Be sure to have plenty of fun pool toys available, such as floats and water guns. Have a few extra pairs of eye goggles on hand as well as sunblock (if the party is outdoors) in case swimmers forgot their own.

The Community Guide


› Make sure fences around the pool are tall enough to prevent accidental falls into the pool and that they are secured with self-latching gates. › Insist that children who cannot swim use an

approved life vest or another approved flotation device. Inflatable water wings are not effective against drowning. Pool Party Food Think about which foods to serve at a pool party. Light, finger foods are ideal because they won’t sit heavily in guests’ stomachs. Think about tea sandwiches, fruit and vegetable skewers, salads, and shish kebabs, served along with chips and dips. If the party will be in the backyard, barbecue fare also may be quick and easy, especially if there are a good number of guests.

› Be sure no one pushes or jumps on others in and around the pool.

Create a number of tropical-inspired beverages. Anything with the taste of melon, mango and pineapple would fit in with the theme. Serve the same types of frozen drinks in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties so everyone can enjoy a taste. Finger foods reduce the amount of cutlery and dishes needed and that amounts to a faster clean-up.

water is too shallow.

› Limit the number of pool floats in the water so that visibility of the lifeguard will not be impaired. › Don’t let anyone chew gum or eat in the pool. It can lead to choking. › Don’t allow running around the perimeter of the pool. › Jumping and diving should be prohibited if the › Make sure guests know to follow the pool rules or

they won’t be allowed to swim.

A pool party is a surefire way to have a fun event any time of the year. It is easy to plan and host, and guests will walk away with many fond memories. TCG

One of the final factors of pool party food is the dessert. Look to individually served desserts that can be eaten by hand. Opt for cupcakes with blue frosting and a gummy fish on top. Ice cream cone sundaes are ideal on warm days. Other guests might like bite-sized fruit and custard tarts. Pool Party Safety When hosting a pool party, emphasize safety. Remember, a person can drown in just a few inches of water in a matter of minutes. According to Kids Health, drowning is the second most common form of death from injuries among kids under the age of 14. Here are some precautions to take when hosting a pool party:

› Designate a Lifeguard. If your party is at a public pool, ensure a lifeguard will be on duty. This person should not leave his or her post unless someone else relieves them. Designate a lifeguard at a private party as well, even hiring an off-duty lifeguard if no guests can perform the necessary duties. 12

The Community Guide

June 2012

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The Community Guide





25. 1999 high school massacre 29. Hip-hop music 32. The cry made by sheep 33. Herb rue genus 34. Reverence 35. Point that is one point S of due E 36. Slash or slice 37. Idly talk 38. Meshwork for fishing 39. K particle 41. Division of geological time 42. Tax collector 43. Treated soil with nitrates 46. Hair on the head

47. Actress Derek 48. Wrenching 52. Overhead shot 55. Federal job safety law 56. At the front 60. Interagency Manufacturers Operating Group (abbr.) 62. Chew tobacco 63. Sacred Muslim pilgrim shrine 64. Very small 65. Kilo yard (abbr.) 66. “____ Ado About Nothing” 67. British school for boys


21. Atomic #48 23. Providence school (abbr.) 24. Allot a site to 25. Pole (Scottish) 26. Hop kilns 27. Mister 28. London palace 29. Finger millet 30. Bestow an honor on 31. Nine-banded armadillo 32. Northern Bolivian river 40. Atomic #28 43. 1st guru of Sikhism 44. Fullback

45. Violet gemstone 46. 26th state 48. A mass of stone 49. Like fireplace residue 50. N’Djamena is the capital 51. ___ City, Oklahoma 74641 53. Leave out 54. Singer & Congressman Sonny 57. Cologne 58. Basics 59. Dash 61. Lifting device on a sailing ship

1. Three-banded armadillo 5. Confining bird structure 9. Taxi 12. Comedian Carvey 13. A young canine 15. “Spy Kids” actress Jessica 16. Galvanizing element 17. TV show “Modern _____y” 18. 2s 19. Hooray! 20. Suggesting horror 22. Eastbound 24. Region of SE Pakistan

1. Wood shaping tool 2. Two considered as a unit 3. Tennis’ Kournikova 4. TV cook Ray 5. Canadian Wildlife Fed. 6. Exclamation of triumph 7. A cut & polished mineral 8. One who removes 9. Stout stick, larger at one end 10. Town in Ghana 11. Lowest or bottom part 14. Smoothing tool 15. Dentist’s group 14

The Community Guide

June 2012

JU N E/ Ju ly ev ents The Arts

Plein Air 2012 at the Fort Gallery June 20 – 23 Noon – 5:00pm | Fort Gallery (9048 Glover Road, Fort Langley) Plein Air painting is back in fashion and the Fort Gallery Artists have decided to celebrate the Fort Langley Village with four days of Plein Air paintings to be followed with an exhibition opening on June 20. Join the artists at the opening reception June 22 at 7:00pm. Visit for more information. Dancing in the Park July 6, 13, 20, August 3 and 31 7:00pm – 9:00pm Douglas Park Spirit Square (20550 Douglas Crescent) Get your rhythm on and join us in the open air for a variety of dance styles in beautiful Douglas Park. Each night will feature a different style of dance. Presented in partnership with Dancing for Dessert. 6th Annual BC Renaissance Festival July 19 – 22 12:00pm – 6:00pm (July 19) 9:00am – 8:30pm (July 20 – 22) Thunderbird Show Park (24550 72 Avenue) Adults: $18 | Youth: $17 | Children/Seniors: $10 Family Rates Available | Reduced Rate Thursday The Renaissance returns this summer at the 6th Annual BC Renaissance Festival! Come join the village of Steller’s Grove for a weekend of thrills and merriment! After the arrest of Charity, Cobbs, and Firth, life returns to normal for the villagers of Steller’s Grove. Even Charity’s abandoned crew seems to be settling in. But what brings King Henry back to the shire, and who is the mysterious widow that has just arrived? Is there foul play afoot? Shop the marketplace, enjoy the stage performers, and spend some time with the characters of Steller’s Grove. Thrill to the excitement of the Joust and join us in song at the end of the day. More to see and do for all ages.

FAmily & Fun

Sounds of Summer June 20, 29, July 4, 11, 18, 25, August 22 and 29 6:30pm – 8:30pm Douglas Park Spirit Square (20550 Douglas Crescent) Join us at Douglas Park Spirit Square for our weekly concert series featuring two different artists per night and a variety of music genres. Phone 604.514.2902 for more information.

June 2012


Aboriginal Day at Fort Langley June 23 10:00am – 5:00pm | Fort Langley National Historic Site Taste salmon baked over the fire, enjoy Aboriginal dancing, drumming and storytelling, and discover the traditions of our land. Langley Canada Day June 30 – July 1 MacLeod Athletic Park (56 Avenue and 216 Street) The destination point for over 50,000 fellow Canadians to celebrate our nations birthday each year. Contact for more information. Erikson’s Daylily Gardens Annual Open House Event July 14 – 15 10:00am – 4:00pm Erikson’s Daylily Gardens (24642 51 Avenue) Visit the gardens at peak bloom and see other local exhibitors, as well as the VanDusen Master Gardeners, the Aldergrove Daylily Society’s ‘fun’ table and Judy Henry who will be providing light harp music in the gardens once again. Admission is by donation - our chosen charity this year will go towards helping the building of the new BC Children’s Hospital. 4th Annual Sustainable Food Festival: Langley Eats Local July 29 11:00am – 3:00pm | Dreidiger Farms Market Langley Environmental Partners Society is proud to announce the 4th Annual Sustainable Food Festival: Langley Eats Local. The goal of the festival is to promote local farmers, processors and vendors that are working hard to produce food in a sustainable way and to encourage citizens of the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley to shop in our region. You’re invited to come out and enjoy some great local food for the whole family!There will be a variety of local food items to sample and purchase in the open air market. Admission to the festival is by donation and don’t forget to bring some money and your reusable groceries bag to bring some fresh, local produce and products home for dinner! SunRype TRi KiDS Triathlon Series July 29 Starts at 8:30am Walnut Grove Community Centre (8889 Walnut Grove Drive) A swim, bike and run event for kids ages 3-15. Non-competitive and tons of fun – TRi KiDS has expanded into BC from Ontario. The series takes 3 sports kids love and combines them into a great racing event. Everyone is a winner! Visit for more information.

The Community Guide


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