eastar 09

Page 79




10 October

1 January

인천-사이판 정기편 취항 Incheon-Saipan regulation route launched

이스타항공 설립 Establishment of EASTAR JET

청주-선양 정기편 취항 Cheongju-Shenyang regulation route launched

11 November


인천-지난 정기편 취항 Incheon-Jinan regulation route launched

8 August 항공운송사업면허 취득 (제2008-3호) Acquired air transport license

12 December 항공기(B737-600NG) 1호기 도입 1st. plane delivery(B737-600NG)

11 November

12 December 인천-홍콩 정기편 취항 Incheon-Hongkong regulation route launched

2014 2 February

2009 1 January AOC(항공운항증명) 취득 Acquired AOC 국내선 운항 개시(김포-제주) Inauguration of domestic flight(GMP-CJU) 항공기(B737-700NG) 도입 Plane delivery(B737-700NG)

2 February 군산-제주 취항 Gunsan-Jeju route launched

6 June

탑승객 1000만 명 돌파 Records ten million passengers

7 July 청주-상하이 정기편 취항 Cheongju-Shanghai regulation route launched

10 October 청주-옌지 정기편 취항 Cheongju-Yanji regulation route launched 청주-하얼빈 정기편 취항 Cheongju-Harbin regulation route launched 청주-다롄 정기편 취항 Cheongju-Dalian regulation route launched

인천-하노이 정기편 취항 Incheon-Hanoi regulation route launched 탑승객 2000만 명 돌파 Records twenty million passengers

12 December 부산-코타키나발루 정기편 취항 Busan-Kota Kinabalu regulation route launched 부산-김포 정기편 취항 Busan-Gimpo regulation route launched

2017 6 June 인천-다낭 정기편 취항 Incheon-Danang regulation route launched

7 July 인천-삿포로 정기편 취항 Incheon-Sapporo(Chitose) regulation route launched B737-900NG 항공기 도입 B737-900NG Plane delivery

9 September 탑승객 2500만명 돌파 Records 25 million passengers

청주-제주 취항 Cheongju-Jeju route launched

12 December


10 October

국제선(인천-말레이시아 사라왁 쿠칭) 운항 개시 International route launched (Malaysia-Sarawak Kuching)

1 January

이스타항공 창립 10주년 10th anniversary of the foundation of EASTAR JET

2010 1 January 탑승객 100만 명 돌파 Records a million passengers

7 July 국제선 정기편 운항 개시 (인천-코타키나발루) Regulation international route launched (Incheon-Kota Kinabalu)

10 October 국적 항공사 최초 중국 장자제 직항 취항 First foreign carrier to fly to Zhangjiajie launched of 1st. international flights

2011 1 January 탑승객 300만 명 돌파 Records three million passangers

7 July 인천-나리타(도쿄) 정기편 취항 Incheon-Narita(Tokyo) regulation route launched

10 October 인천-방콕 정기편 취항 Incheon-Bangkok regulation route launched

12 December 인천-씨엠립 정기편 취항 Incheon-Ciem Reap regulation route launched

2012 3 March 항공기 도입(B737-800NG) Plane delivery(B737-800NG) 탑승객 500만 명 돌파 Records five million passengers 인천-오사카(간사이) 정기편 취항 Incheon-Osaka(Kansai) regulation route launched

자회사 공항 여객 서비스 이스타포트(주) 법인 설립 Establishment of subsidiary company EASTAR PORT(Airport passenger service)

7 July 인천-푸껫 정기편 취항 Incheon-Phuket regulation route launched

9 September

11 November 인천-가고시마 정기편 취항 Incheon-Kagoshima regulation route launched

12 December 인천-미야자키 정기편 취항 Incheon-Miyazaki regulation route launched

청주-홍콩 정기편 취항 Cheongju-Hong Kong regulation route launched

10 October 제주-방콕 정기편 취항 Jeju-Bangkok regulation route launched 부산-제주 정기편 취항 Busan-Jeju regulation route launched 부산-방콕 정기편 취항 Busan-Bangkok regulation route launched 부산-오사카(간사이) 정기편 취항 Busan-Osaka(Kansai) regulation route launched 인천-오키나와 정기편 취항 Incheon-Okinawa regulation route launched

11 November 탑승객 1500만 명 돌파 Records fifteen million passengers

2018 1 January 인천-오이타 취항 Incheon-Oita route launched

3 March 청주-오사카 정기편 취항 Cheongju-Osaka regulation route launched

5 May 부산-삿포로 정기편 취항 Busan – Sapporo(Chitose) regulation route launched

6 June 인천-블라디보스토크 정기편 취항 Incheon – Vladivostok regulation route launched

2016 3 March 인천-타오위안 정기편 취항 Incheon-Taoyuan regulation route launched 청주-닝보 정기편 취항 Cheongju-Ningbo regulation route launched

7 July 부산 - 블라디보스토크 정기편 취항 Busan – Vladivostok regulation route launched 인천-이바라키 정기편 취항 Incheon – Ibaraki regulation route launched

7 July

9 september

인천-후쿠오카 정기편 취항 Incheon-Fukuoka regulation route launched 국내 LCC 최초 ‘U FLY 얼라이언스’ 가입 Joining ‘U Fly alliance’ for the first time in domestic LCC

청주 – 삿포로 정기편 취항 Cheongju – Sapporo regulation route launched

5 May

8 August

김포-송산 정기편 취항 Gimpo-Songshan regulation route launched

제주-취앤저우 정기편 취항 Jeju-Quanzhou regulation route launched

청주 – 후쿠오카 정기편 취항 Cheongju – Fukuoka regulation route launched 청주- 타오위안 정기편 취항 Cheongju – Taoyuan regulation route launched


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