Visiting Queerness in NYC :a zine

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visiting queerness in nyc

bushwick, brooklyn is a liminal space of. queer and not. it is admist some of the most blatant gentrificaion i have ever seen, which I am a visitor in and not familiar with enough to truly understand. but it looks like blatant edges of a behemoth. messy haircuts i usually assume mean part of the community that blur the edges between queer and adamant heterosexuality.

the bathroom is full of queer stickers and the set of musicans is sweet and wholesome. i have a lovely night. but it feels. liminal.

i stare at many people but talk mostly with my friend

the boy handing me tea is soft and overcommited to ripe pur eh. ‘these are what i recommend right now’ he says, listing half the menu. his smile is warm and i text all my friends about him when i leave

- do you know where the masks are? your rings are lovely. is there a phone charger? could i have a granola bar with my test kit please? -

two people are discussing which books would disagree with their profs the most the cashier is giving out harm reduction materials

the bathroom is full of stickers a boy in the back is moving the beanbag closer to his phone

zines 2 read

Ain’t shit - a punk zine

Housekeeping - an anarchic educational series on homelessness and housing

creeker - (vol 3)

40 ways to fight facists - spencer sunshine

new york’s co-op spaces remind me of those in any city, but are almost more impressive in their adamancy to exist. relics in neighbourhoods where a single room costs 2k, museums to squatters’ rights and free harm reduction feel like stepping stones through the city

go talk to him

what did you order dear?

you don’t see people order gin that much these days. Mostly i get vodka crans have a lovely night darling

i love you!

do you know how old I am ?

what song do you want to hear?

I control the music are you having fun?

queer bar

who should my friend flirt with? two g&t please (16$)

this dance has been queer as long as it has existed we are dancing near the piers were punking was evolving decades ago. this whole city is built in on itself

@ hustle

see you next week right? lead or follow?

i didn’t know you were in town

it’s a full extension of your arm, up and flick. that’s the base of waacking you thought it was just me working? it’s all of us he didn’t have to make it look easy! damn

oh i love your overalls! oh they’re not overalls sorry i -

i talk to people about organisation, dance, water fountains, shoes, and puppetry.

conversations around me contain a million more things, though mostly weekend plans, nice to meet yous, and discussions about upcoming competitions

the straight event is not fundamentally different, but there are different lines to break.

i find myself easily frustrated

follow or lead? no

swing dancing -

queer and not

as a whole this city feels both like it is posing all the time, too aware of itself and its legacy to ever relax and yet it is also violently always in a state of becoming, wrecking anything inconveniently in the way. im not sure where american dream and dystopia begin and end

support your unions, and bye for now

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