GNOF 2018 Annual Report

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For over 90 years, the Greater New Orleans Foundation has been connecting generous people to the causes that spark their passion. As one of the most trusted philanthropic organizations in the region, we work every day to drive positive impact through philanthropy, leadership and action in our thirteen parish region. In addition to grantmaking, we convene people, resources, and ideas to create intelligent strategies and solutions to meet our region’s greatest challenges. We are proud to serve as a vocal civic leader with our partners to ensure a vibrant, sustainable, and just region for all.

Our Stories, Your Story: Giving In Action Welcome to your Greater New Orleans Foundation Gratitude Report! On these pages, you’ll read stories about some of the inspiring and remarkable non-profit organizations that you help fund with your gifts to the Foundation. And you’ll also meet some of our kind and caring donors who, like you, have passion for our region and show compassion to our neighbors.

These stories show you giving in action. For nearly a century, the Greater New Orleans Foundation has connected caring and generous people like you with the approximately 5,500 local nonprofit

organizations that have been changing our region for the better. Together, we drive positive impact through philanthropy, leadership and action in the Greater New Orleans Region. It is an exciting time at the Foundation. We have increased donor engagement and continue to earn strong investment returns for funds under management. We continue to lead on pressing challenges like coastal erosion and water management, while taking advantage of new opportunities like equitable redevelopment projects such as the Spirit of Charity Innovation District. And we are partnering with corporate and national

foundations to sharpen our focus even more on strengthening local nonprofits through our Nonprofit Leadership and Effectiveness Initiative. Because of your support, every single day we are making our region a better place, and together, we are creating a vibrant, sustainable and just region for all. We hope you see yourself in these stories. We would love to hear from you about your hopes and dreams for our region and what giving in action means to you. Sincerely yours, Andy Kopplin, President & CEO and Christy Brown, Board Chair

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Same Foundation. New Look. Greater Impact. Check out our new website at We are excited to share our new brand and website with you. The Greater New Orleans Foundation remains the hub to drive positive impact through philanthropy, leadership, and action in the Greater New Orleans Region. Our roots extend back to the Community Chest

of New Orleans established in 1923. For over 90 years, we’ve connected our donors and fundholders with the causes that stir their passions. In addition to grantmaking, we convene people, resources and ideas to create intelligent, innovative strategies and solutions to meet our region’s greatest challenges.

With our Board of Trustees and leadership, the Greater New Orleans Foundation is Giving in Action. This new brand is our latest step to highlight our commitment to serve as a vocal civic leader that works to ensure a vibrant, sustainable, and just region for all.

Join us by Giving in Action.

Donor Spotlight

The Impact of Impact 100 I’ve been here in New Orleans for about a year and I just love this city. When I learned about Impact 100, I got connected right away. It felt really good to connect with other women doing the kinds of giving, work, mentorship and board service I’m interested in. I love and appreciate this community and what needs to happen here. I knew I could learn a lot from these women and they would help me plant my feet and learn about the city. There is a real generosity within Impact 100 and GNOF—financial generosity of course, but also generosity of spirit. I’m dedicated to recruiting more people of color to engage with GNOF and let organizations with black men and black women involved know that this is your foundation too. There are seats at the table that you need to take! I’m also passionate about nurturing the holistic development of young black boys. I have two brothers and I know the challenges our young men face. I don’t think of them as an “at risk population,” for me it’s just about loving people. Every boy needs something different, not just financial support but sometimes summer camp, music lessons or just someone to talk to. Being part of helping organizations that help lift our boys up feels good to me. Jeanette Davis-Loeb

$800K in 7 years The women of Impact 100 have awarded $800K in seven years to nonprofits of the Greater New Orleans region.

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“I’m a Silverback Man!” When a Silverback mentor asks you, “How you doin’?” you know instantly what he means. And you respond, “Graduating with a 3.5”, talking about your grade point average. You reach out for a high five or a handshake and declare, “I’m a Silverback Man!” Every day, we have 150 volunteers working with 560 boys at 17 schools, and everything we do revolves around helping each other become better men. It’s the same team of guys that go to the same school, to be with the same kids, every week. Our mentors share stories about being boys just like these kids and share their challenges and opportunities. Boys identify a new pathway through these stories. We help

them get set up with a curriculum that we know works. What we do is validated by research and science. Eighth grade is a pivotal year when a boy’s brain is developing as much as it was when he was between three and five. In eighth grade, boys are actively seeking who they will become and their brains are developing pathways and connecting the dots. Our boys make it cool to do well in school. They become leaders at school, drum majors in band, captains on sports teams, active on student councils. And they become leaders at home too, helping their moms and younger siblings. Really they become great citizens. The support we receive from GNOF is amazing.

I attended the Executive Director Intensive training and it was so eye-opening to spend time with other, much more experienced CEOs. We got financial training, our board members have participated, and more. GNOF has helped us become a well-managed non-profit that looks forward to and anticipates the future. GNOF feels like home. It’s a place you can go if you need some advice or inspiration. Someone over there knows something right now that I don’t know yet that I need to know, but I will soon, and I’ll know who to call! The people at GNOF have passion and commitment and promise. It’s very inviting and empowering to be involved. Lloyd Dennis, Silverback Society | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 7

GiveNOLA Day is a one-day online giving event. For 24 hours, everyone who loves Greater New Orleans can support their favorite local causes by donating to one or more participating nonprofit organizations. In its inaugural year, more than $2.2 million was raised for more than 300 participating nonprofits from more than 19,000 donors. In 2018, $5.6 million was raised from over 48,000 gifts for 765 nonprofits.

Nonprofit Leadership and Effectiveness (NLE) is GNOF’s program that has strengthened the governance, leadership, and management of thousands of nonprofits in our region to better deliver programs that serve the community. None of this work would have been possible without generous partners and sponsors like The Kresge Foundation, JP Morgan Chase, Chevron, The Kellogg Foundation and early investments from The Open Society Foundation and Marguerite Casey Foundation.


NLE has provided coaching to over 500 Executive Directors and provided leadership development training to over 200 Executive Directors, and emerging leaders.


Strengthened governance practices, deepened engagement of hundreds of board members.

7 communities

Established 7 communities of practice increasing partnerships between organizations.

Here For Our Boys, 24 Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year, For Life Growing up without a father is a challenge facing thousands of our boys in New Orleans. And for far too many, the challenge will prove overwhelming. We are here for these boys, providing mentorship, education, recreation, camaraderie, cultural enrichment, emotional support and helping fill the void for fatherless young men in New Orleans. Son of a Saint is a family. Boys enter between age 10 and 13 and they are with us for life. Most of our boys lost their fathers to violence, incarceration or other difficult circumstances. We connect each boy with a mentor who helps them with anything they need. From mental health services to working through trauma

to career exploration. And the plan is customized for each boy, depending on where he is at and what he needs most. Our boys also work together on different volunteering opportunities at food banks, city parks and do their own part to give back. And we’re where we are today because of GNOF. GiveNOLA Day is really important for us, and we’re so proud to be one of the organizations receiving the most donations. Give NOLA helps introduce us to so many new people, so they can get interested in our work, get inspired and get involved. Bivan “Sonny” Lee,, Son of a Saint

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Donor Spotlight

New Orleans Town Gardeners Legacy Fund Like every beautiful flower, we started from a seed. An anonymous donor offered us a $500,000 match for every dollar we raised. We accepted the challenge and went after it. It was an opportunity for women to step up to the plate and feel proud to support our club. Women told us they felt very proud of themselves, reaffirmed what we stand for and what we value. It’s been so rewarding, so joyful. It’s an honor and privilege to be part of this club. We love to garden and we care about the environment. And the ladies here, we like to get our hands dirty. We’re not sitting around sipping tea! Together, we fund a variety of projects from rebuilding gardens, planting native trees and flowers, to the Edible schoolyard New Orleans and Grow Dat Youth Farm, to funding scholarships in conservation. The Edible Schoolyard New Orleans and Grow Dat Youth Farm programs impact so many children. They learn about planting and preparing soil and fruits, they learn about nutrition, and they also build self-esteem, a sense of responsibility and leadership. We’re also advocates of coastal restoration—we provide scholarships for an intern to participate in coastal restoration studies. Our hearts are open and we’re putting our roots down to keep our city beautiful and healthy for our children, grandchildren and future generations. Anne Milling, Betsy Nalty, Caroline Reily, & Sybil Favrot | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 9

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Donor Spotlight

Leave a Legacy in St. Bernard Parish The Story of the St. Bernard Kiwanis is the story of meeting immediate, urgent needs in our parish, but making sure people’s needs will be met tomorrow, next year, 20 years from now and for as long as they are needed. Years ago, we knew we needed to endow some funds to protect our projects in the parish. While the work we are doing to help kids read, give grants to teachers and invest in scholarship funds needs to happen right now, we also wanted to protect this work in the future. So we used GNOF to help us set up an endowment. We brought together people who wanted to support programs

today and also to create a legacy. We are very happy with our partnership with GNOF. The performance of funds has been consistent and met our objectives perfectly. And it feels amazing that every time there is a need for something, there’s money to do it. Plain and simple. We draw from the endowment and fund a project. Ours is the story of strong and steady planning that also makes sure more money than ever will support our parish. It’s very satisfying to support our neighbors like this. We know that no matter what happens, the money will be here. Robert Showalter, St. Bernard Kiwanis

We’re grateful to the many nonprofit organizations across the region that partner with us by establishing funds for their benefit or trusting us to manage their board reserve fund or endowment. Two of the great groups that partner with us are the Jefferson Council on Aging, located in Jefferson Parish, and MacDonell United Methodist Children’s Services in Terrebonne Parish. | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 11

One Foot in Our History, One Foot in Our Future Kingsley House is 123 years young. Our history is rich. We were the first settlement house in the South. The first professional early learning childhood development center in Louisiana. First summer camp. First public playground in New Orleans. We led the charge on disease prevention and control. We were at the forefront of the equal rights and civil rights movements. Today, we are leaders in anti-poverty work, both programmatically and structurally. And we are a hub for all kinds of social services in the deep south.

and helped us accomplish our ambitious strategic growth. We were able to ask the right questions and access the resources we needed. Immediately after our training, we made process changes that our board now loves. Our board learned to focus on what’s next, how to have better discussions in a more deliberate, intentional way. Being on our board is not about reviewing reports but about planning, strategizing, helping me figure out how to move the needle on critical anti-poverty work today and in the future.

GNOF has been instrumental in my personal growth and continues to influence the whole city in crucial ways. Governance training with GNOF allowed us to bring board leadership along in the evolution of our organization

I am also deeply proud to be part of GNOF because of their work to support the Campaign for Equity New Orleans (CENO) with the Racial Equity Institute, a new initiative started by four entrepreneurs tackling the social,

economic and ethnic inequalities that plague every community in our country. The fact that CENO brings the Race Equity Institute (REI) here to New Orleans and to our state is important to help us achieve the change we’ve been working towards for 123 years. I’ve done lots of diversity training across the country, at excellent places like Harvard, and the way CENO and REI does it is the best I’ve ever seen, anywhere in the U.S. Bringing that to New Orleans, and growing it here, with over 500 leaders participating…it’s amazing, it’s a game-changer and it’s transformational. I’m more hopeful now than ever before in my 25 years in this work. Dr. Keith Liederman, Kingsley House

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Donor Spotlight

Timothy and Karen Mackie Return Home to New Orleans We were born and raised here, went to public school here. Both our fathers were blue-collar workers, longshoremen, and our mothers were homemakers. And they instilled in both of us the importance of education. Along the way, they also encouraged us to play music and we both went to art school. Now that we’re getting towards retirement and slowing down in our lives, we realized as we reflect back about the importance of the arts to round out and shape your approach to the world. The arts are a way to understand history. Karen’s career was in technology so we also support projects that

help kids get early exposure to and understanding of tech. So we’re at a point where we want to find ways to give back, and giving to the arts, and giving to support kids and tech is what matters to us. At the end of the day it’s about changing children’s lives. We are realizing our parents’ and grandparents’ dreams. When we reflect back on the base they set for us, and the conversations we had with them, we are proud to carry that forward. It’s a very good feeling to send it forward another generation. Timothy & Karen Mackie

“We are realizing our parents’ and grandparents’ dreams.” Timothy & Karen Mackie | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 13

Hugh Seligman, Professional Advisor and Estate Attorney In my role as a lawyer, GNOF is a great way to serve our clients and help introduce them to charities to support. The work of GNOF is important for anyone interested in developing the city. The organizations we support together have impact in a variety of really crucial ways. When you feel that sense of civic responsibility, there’s no better place to look than here at home for great organizations to support. And people can see the results of that, right here in our own backyard. A healthy city has a healthy philanthropic environment. It’s key, from where I stand, for GNOF to be a driving force behind economic development. A place where businesses want to come and where our whole community benefits. I know GNOF also does important leadership training, workforce development and education. Also for me personally, I’m working to get more young professionals involved at GNOF. There are great opportunities for younger generations of professionals, and donors, to get involved. Hugh Seligman

If you help others give back, we’re here to help you. We appreciate those who help others. That’s why for over 90 years, we’ve been leaders in connecting professional advisors with giving strategies and vehicles that meet their clients needs. That way, we help advisors assist their clients with philanthropic investments that fulfill community needs and create a greater impact.

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Preserving the Spirit of Charity Last September, GNOF and partners unveiled the Spirit of Charity Innovation District Strategic Plan – a blueprint to revitalize the neighborhood surrounding the former Charity Hospital, create jobs, honor the Spirit of Charity Hospital, and create a model development strategy that will truly be equitable and inclusive for all New Orleanians. We continue to work with our business, government and civic partners to advance this potentially game-changing project. That includes the Spirit of Charity Foundation. Founded by the late Jerry Romig

in 1993, the Spirit of Charity Foundation has been committed to improving the quality of patient care in our community. This work to support and facilitate patient-centered care, promoting health and wellness, and advancing medical research and education through fundraising began to benefit the former Charity and University Hospitals, and now continues for the University Medical Center New Orleans. Hurricane Katrina marked the end of an era of the public Charity Hospital, but it only renewed the commitment of the Spirit of Charity Foundation to

supporting Charity Hospital’s mission while also raising the level of patient care for the people of New Orleans and the region. As GNOF leads the Spirit of Charity Innovation District process, we are proud to partner with the Spirit of Charity Foundation. Learn more at | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 15

Donor Spotlight

The Gift of Giving Our fund was originally set up by Kendall’s parents as a gift. They have always been so generous with our family, and in the community, and we’re full of gratitude for that. By setting up this fund, they made the first step and then we chose to match it. And once we got into it, we realized the value and efficiency of the idea of giving through GNOF. You can participate in ways that work for you. It’s been a really positive experience. Gratification comes from doing good things for others. It’s a wonderful gift when you’re at a point in your life where you can be generous. We are inspired by the incredible local efforts here in New Orleans, especially those that are highly effective and tangible. Patrick Schindler & Kendall Winingder

“It’s a wonderful gift when you’re at a point in your life where you can be generous.” Patrick Schindler & Kendall Winingder

Give the gift of philanthropy. For more information on setting up a fund, making a gift in honor of, or in memory of a loved one, contact Allie Betts at

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Donor Spotlight

Couvillon Family Fund For 21 years, I’ve been managing the family foundation set up by my father and mother. And now, it’s just wonderful to see the third generation getting involved. It feels good to be passing along a philosophy to our grandchildren. For me, that’s more interesting than taking them on an outing! The most important part of our foundation is having our family work together to do good work and help others locally. We benefited from living here and we love giving back to the people that allowed us to be so lucky. We live here because we love it and it’s a great place to raise a family. Susan Couvillon

In October 2018, the Greater New Orleans Foundation hosted over 100 family members and professional advisors for three informational workshops with Sharna Goldseker, Executive Director of 21/64. 21/64, named for the ages when some family members may be joining or preparing to leave the family’s philanthropy table, specializes in serving charitable families as well as wealth and philanthropy advisors—so multiple generations can work, give and serve together more effectively. | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 17

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Ashé Means The Ability To Make Things Happen Ashé, the ability to make things happen, comes from West Africa and it’s a lot like an affirmation, an “Amen.” And we draw our mission every day from that energy. We are here to know and honor and preserve and celebrate and practice and validate authentic culture, especially for people of African descent.

Our institution is a place that demands respect and resources for culture, and we’re here to have conversations about why that’s important. We work on our governments and our laws, but do we work as hard on our culture, our people, our diversity? What are the conversations we need to have today?

With GNOF as our partner, we’ve been on a 20-year journey to embrace human problems from a cultural perspective. Our existence started as an art exhibit at the contemporary arts center. It was an installation on the whole bottom floor, and people were moved by positive art about black folks and that started the conversation. We started a designated fund through GNOF and received grants over time to build our work.

Every week we offer programming for kids, women, men and elders. We have exhibits, performances, concerts, dance. Culture is about doing things together. That’s how families and neighborhoods become strong. And we want to extend this simple but difficult formula across our whole city.

And then the storm happened. 7/8 of our city was filled with water, but not us. We were on the ground, and we opened our doors. That redefined us. Since then, GNOF has continued to provide amazing support. You helped us buy our home. You’ve been a sturdy and steady partner over the years. I do not think we would be here, doing what we’re doing, if not for GNOF and people who made it their business to make sure we are here.

Carol Bebelle, Ashé Cultural Arts Center

”We were always there like a flickering flame, doing our work, but when the lights went out in New Orleans, our flickering flame became a beacon, and people really saw us.” Carol Bebelle

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What You Do In The First 72 Is Crucial The First 72+ is a non-profit that helps incarcerated folks and their families. We are called a “re-entry organization,” helping people transition to home from prison. We offer free transitional housing for 6 residents at a time for 6 months. In addition, we help with individual cases, we have a peer mentorship program involving over 300 people at any given time, we offer free legal services, we help with benefits, help people rejoin the work force, and we have up to 20 walk-ins every week. The good news is that more people are coming out of prison. But we are one of the only organizations that exists to help meet people right when they are coming home. Two years ago, we were a new organization without a long record of accomplishment. We competed in GNOF’s Pitch It! Innovation Challenge to launch

a small business incubator to help start and scale businesses with zero interest lending and credit building, all paid forward in a communal loan fund. We won PitchIt! that year and earned one of our very first competitive grants. The coaching, support and award gave our young organization a lot of confidence. We have the experience and knowledge to help people successfully return home. Most of our staff were formerly incarcerated. We believe in the principle that those closest to the problems are also the closest to the solutions. This is critical to ensuring empathy and understanding. Most recently, thanks to generous donors including a $100,000 grant we won from GNOF’s Impact 100 women’s giving circle, we are building a new

transitional house, allowing us to more than double our impact! Kelly Orians, The First 72+

“We believe in the principle that those closest to the problems are also the closest to the solutions.” Kelly Orians

$200K+ Now in its sixth year, Pitch It! The Innovation Challenge has invested over $220,000 to fund a novel approach, an innovative product, a new process, or an innovative service that supports a unique way of doing business in the nonprofit sector. | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 21

Thank You

1923 Legacy Society The 1923 Legacy Society recognizes the founding year of the Community Chest, our predecessor, and honors those forward-thinking individuals who have let the Foundation know that they plan to leave a gift to the community through a bequest, trust, life insurance policy, retirement plan, or charitable gift annuity. The Foundation extends its gratitude to the members below for their commitment to making the Greater New Orleans region a better place for all in the future. Ms. Jeannette Abadie Mr. and Mrs. James L. Adams Ms. Marguerite L. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ford Aguiluz Mr. and Mrs.* Wayne F. Amedée Mrs. Suzanne Baer Mr. and Mrs. John D. Becker Ms. Armande Billion* Ms. Jane E. Boettcher Mr. Henry M. Lambert and Mr. Carey Bond Mrs. Caroline Huger Boone Mr. Donald J. Borngesser Dr. Joseph P. Braud and Mrs. Angela D. Braud Mr.* and Mrs. Harold H. Bretz Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Bush Dr. Michael Carey Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Chotin Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Sanders Clatworthy Dr. * and Mrs. Isidore Cohn, Jr. Mr. Joseph M. Costello III* Ms. Kathleen T. Davenport Ms. Erna L. Deiglmayr* Mr. Joseph DePaso Jr. Ms. Nancy R. Dreux* Mr. George C. Durant Jr. Dr. Victor J. DuRapau Jr. The Honorable Stanwood R. Duval and Mrs. Janet Daley Duval Mr.*and Mrs. Joseph H. Epstein Jr. Ms. Martha Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. Willerd R. Fann* Ms. Patricia W. Faust Mr. John H. Fellman* Mr. Charles R. Fendig and Ms. Maria N. Fisher Mrs. Elizabeth N. Fischer* Rev. Louis J. Franz C.M.* Mr. Thomas I. Gault and Ms. Mary Lee Sweat Ms. Beulah Ann F. Glucksman*

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn G. Goodier Ms. Marie Gould Mrs. JoAnn F. Greenberg* Mrs. Fred E. Grissom Mr. Christopher M. Guidroz Mrs. Sally S. Hansen Mr. Peter S. Hansen* Mrs. Byrde B. Haspel* Mrs. Muriel K. Haspel* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Haspel Mrs. Edward M. Heller Mr. Peter L. Hilbert Sr.* Mr. Brian D. Hite Mr. John D. Hopper Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. John J. Jones Jr Nina M. Kelly Ph.D. Ms. Virginia D. Kock* Mrs. Jane N. Kohlmann Mrs. Jill Moses Kohlmann* Ms. Corvette J. Kowalski* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Krebs* Ms. Nöel Margaret Lawrence Mr. Paul J. Leaman Jr. Mr. Ronald LeJeune Mr. F. Rivers Lelong* Mr. Thomas B. Lemann Mrs. Amelia Lemle* Mrs. Leone S. Marks* Mr. John H. Marque* Mr. and Mrs.* Ellis L. Marsalis Jr. Mr. George J. Mayer* Mr. James McCutcheon and Ms. Nancy Hopper Mr.* and Mrs. Robert C. McIntyre Drs. Emel and Ranney Mize Mrs. George R. Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. James E. Moorman Mrs. Elizabeth P. Moran

Mr. and Mrs. Biff Motley Mr.* and Mrs. Harold Newman Mr.and Mrs. Morris W. Newman* Dr. G. Albert Ruesga and Dr. Max Niedzwiecki Mr. Bernard K. Oppenheim* Dr. Andrew Orestano Mr. Donald Payne Mr. and Mrs. Gude P. Rao Mr. Robert J. Reid* Mr. and Mrs. H. Eustis Reily* Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Reily Mr. and Mrs. O. Jack Schneidau* Ms. Emily Schoenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shell Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Smith Mrs. James W. Smith* Mr. Donald P. St. Pierre Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert G. Stock Jr. Mr. John J. Sullivan Dr. Charles C. Teamer, Sr. Mrs. Bernardine S. Thomas Dr. Sam A. Threefoot* Rev. Wilmer L. Todd Mrs. Nina C. Tyler Robert A. Udick Ph.D.* Mr. Philip Uhl* Mrs. Kathleen M. Vick* Mr. and Mrs. George Villere* Mr. Jonathan M. Wallick and Ms. Marjorie R. Esman Dr. William W. Waring and Dr.* Nell Pape-Waring Dr.* and Mrs. Richard M. Warren Mrs. Joel W. Weinstock Mr. George Q. Whitney* Mrs. Marion S. Zinser* * deceased

“We wanted a constant reminder that we had the capacity to give. Our intent is to grow our fund while we continue to make donations to the organizations that are important to us.” Richard Currence, The Arabella Fund

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Thank You

Partners in Philanthropy Contributions to our Partners in Philanthropy campaign enable the Foundation to direct significant sums of money to important community projects. These gifts cover the Foundation’s operating expenses and enable it to continue its role of connecting donors to community needs. ALTRUIST ($20,000+) W. R. Baird Family Trust RosaMary Foundation

LEADER ($10-$19,999) Mr. and Mrs. Christian Brown Ms. Lynne Burkart Mr. Conrad Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Walter Isaacson

SUSTAINER ($5,000-$9,999) Azby Fund Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ball Ms. Elizabeth Boh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boh Mrs. Adrian Duplantier Local Hands Helping Local Children Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lynes Sloss Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Soltis

BENEFACTOR ($2,500-$4,999) Mrs. Ann Babington Baptist Community Ministries Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barkerding Mr. and Mrs. David Barksdale Mr. and Mrs. E. Howell Crosby Mr. Charles Fendig and Ms. Maria Fisher Ms. Alison Hartman Ph.D Mr. William L. Kohlmann Mrs. Pat McIntyre Mr. Arthur Roger Waggonner and Ball Mr. Jimmie M. Woods and Hon. Regina Bartholomew-Woods Mr. and Mrs. George V. Young Mr. and Mrs. Luis Zervigon Mrs. Mary Zervigon

PATRON ($1,000-$2,499) Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Adler Mr. Warner L. Thomas and Ms. Linda Bacon Mr. John Barton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bories Mrs. Louisette Brown Ms. Vanessa Brown Claiborne Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Capomazza di Campolattaro Mrs. Isidore Cohn Mr. and Mrs. George Denegre Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Donald Mr. and Mrs. David Edwards Ms. Jeanette Davis-Loeb Mrs. Margaret Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Farnsworth Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Gibert Mr. James Gulotta and Ms. Susan Talley Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hammer Dr. and Mrs. Harris Hyman III Mr. Andrew D. Kopplin and Ms. Andrea Neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lapeyre Mrs. Frances Lauricella Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Lauricella Mr. and Mrs. Byron LeBlanc

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Leger Jr. Mr. Zack Lemann Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Lewis Mr. Richard Marks and Ms. Jennifer Morrison Mr. and Mrs. R. King Milling Leann and Ted Moses Ms. Andrée Moss Mrs. Elizabeth S. Nalty and Mr. Richard L. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nead Mr. and Mrs. Alan Philipson Mr. and Mrs. Irving Phillips Mr. Anthony Recasner Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Usdin Ms. Cheryl Teamer Mr. Christopher Vincent Warren Stock Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Winingder Mr. Kevin Wilkins and Ms. Ginny Wise Mr. and Mrs. Linton L. Young Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Young

SPONSOR ($500-$999) Mr. and Mrs. Bart Ary Bankcroft Family Mr. and Mrs. Miles Clements Dr. and Mrs. Jimmie E. Colón Mr. Bill Coneybear Mr. George Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. D. Blair Favrot Mr. and Mrs. James Geary Mr. Alex Gershanik and Mrs. Maureen Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huguley Mr. and Mrs. E. Douglas Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Lehmann Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mayer Ms. Erin McQuade-Wright Mr. and Mrs. Jacques B. Michell Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation Mr. Carlo Mulvenna Mr. Gary Sernovitz and Ms. Molly Pulda Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rice Ms. Courtney-Anne Sarpy Ms. Rachael Schultz Mr. and Mrs. William Sizeler

FRIEND (UP TO $499) Ms. Marguerite L. Adams and Mr. Thomas Foutz Mrs. Jamie Agnew Ms. Bethlehem K. Andrews Ms. Allison Bach Ms. Allie Betts Ms. Leda Black Mr. and Mrs. Blair Boutte Ms. Julie Breitmeyer Ms. Ann Burghardt Ms. Barbara Cain Mr. and Mrs. D.B.H. Chaffe III Ms. Kellie Chavez Greene Mr. Cain Clement Mr. Jack Clements Mrs. Monika McKay and Mr. Karl Connor

Ms. Deserea Cooley Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Crespino Ms. Ella Delio Mr. Powell DiGangi Ms. Analiza Dorotan Ms. Adelaide Downham Mr. Edmond Eberle Mrs. Ernestine Eckstein Mr. Michael L. Eckstein Ms. Monica Edwards Mr. Michael Eichler Mrs. Vaughn Fauria Ms. Trish Faust Mr. Jack L. Wiener Jr. and Ms. Sandra M. Feingerts Ms. Anne Fitzhugh Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer J. Freiberg Dr. A. Joanne Gates and Ms. Marilyn McConnell Mr. Jeffrey Goldfarb Mr. John Greene Mrs. Rita Gue Mrs. Susan Gundlach Mr. and Mrs. John Haspel Ms. Margaret Heine Mrs. Maurice Handleman Mr. and Mrs. William Hines Ms. Elizabeth Ingram Mr. Robert Jacobson Mrs. Carmen James-Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Hans A. B. Jonassen Mr. Mike Kantor Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kantrow Ms. Sharon Katz Mrs. Jane Kohlmann Mr. and Mrs. William Kufta Mr. and Mrs. Kevin LaChute Ms. Elaine Leitner J. B. Levert Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lily Ms. Jennifer Lloyd Ms. Judith Lozano Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mayer Lady Carrie L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William Mimeles Ms. Andreanecia Morris Mr. David Muth Ms. Johanna Paine Mr. and Mrs. William S. Penick Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne Perrilliat Jr. Mr. Rahul Prasankumar Ms. Marlene Quarles Ms. Suzanne Raether Mr. and Mrs. Wesley T. Ralston Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rapier Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Reily Ms. Joann Ricci Ms. Karla Rivera Ms. Bonita Robertson Mr. Preston Floyd Rockhold Mr. and Mrs. John Sarpy Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schenk Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schuller Mr. Jay Shames Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sontheimer | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 23

Thank You Mrs. Lynne Stern Ms. Suzanne Stone Ms. Rachel Swan and Mr. Daniel Pruksarnukul Reverend Wilmer L. Todd Mrs. Jilla Tombar Mr. Neil Touchet Ms. Vera Triplett

Ms. Connie Uddo Usdin-Weil Foundation Mr. Tom Varisco Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Viator Mrs. Jessica Vinturella Mr. and Mrs. Franz Vogt Mr. Tyronne Walker

Miss Flora Williams Mr. Roy Williams Marie and Robert Wolf Mr. Charles Whited Mr. Jack Zoller

Unrestricted Funds Many donors have established funds that are totally unrestricted or have quite broad purposes, giving the Greater New Orleans Foundation flexibility in the way the income is used. These are the primary funds underwriting the Foundation’s IMPACT program, which provides support to a broad range of community services. Jacob Aron Fund Everett T. Aultman Fund Victor L. Bernard Foundation Fund Mr. & Mrs. S. J. Besthoff Fund Harry J. Blumenthal Jr. Fund Blumenthal-Jepsen Family Fund Don Borngesser Fund Edgar A. G. Bright Fund R.J. Bynum Fund Mr. & Mrs. Leon S. Cahn Fund Community Benefit Rebuild Fund Nancy Reeves Dreux Endowment Fund George and Mathilde Dreyfous Fund Kitty and Brooke Duncan Fund Freeman-Woollam Fund Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Fund Louis A. and Lillian L. Glazer Family

1965 2000 1989 1973 1987 1988 2002 1976 1953 1995 2007 1994 1986 1985 1988 1988

Foundation Inc. Fund 1989 The Greater New Orleans Foundation Fund 1986 Mr. & Mrs. John J. Graham Fund 1993 Byrde Berenson Haspel Endowment Fund 2007 Heymann Fund #2 (Unrestricted/Endowed) 1987 Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Heymann Fund (Unrestricted/Endowed) 1988 Scott and Leslie Jacobs Fund 1989 Barbara & Ben Johnson Family Foundation (Endowed) 1995 L.V. and Stephanie Lamar Foundation 1980 Lemann Family Fund 1989 Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Lewis Endowment Fund 1989 Loewenbaum Family Fund 1987 Theodore A. Mars Jr. Endowment Fund 1994 Mason Family Fund 1986 Harold S. Mayer Fund 1995

Leonie and Gus Mayer Fund 1959 Patricia & Robert C. McIntyre Fund 1986 NOPSI/LP&L Fund 1987 Pan American Life Fund 1988 Aage Qvistgaard-Petersen 1976 A. Louis & Nathalie O. Read Fund 1986 Rebuild New Orleans Fund 2005 Reily Foundation / Jacob Aron Fund II 2012 Boatner Reily Family Fund (Unrestricted/Endowed) 1988 Robert and Edwina Reisfeld Foundation 1995 RosaMary Fund 2003 Leon & Eleanor Sarpy Fund 1995 Shilling Fund 1986 Carolyn E. Sonnier Fund 1995 Moise Steeg Fund 1989 Erich and Lea Sternberg Memorial Fund 1988

“If we don’t give back, what’s going to happen? It’s our responsibility. And it’s a joyous one.” Janet Daley Duval, Janet Daley Duval Fund

24 | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report |

Thank You

Field of Interest Funds Field of Interest funds allow donors to support a specific area of interest rather than an organization. Many of the grants made through these funds are given through our IMPACT grantmaking program. ARTS Arts Fund  Lucile J. Blum Fund  Janet Daley Duval Field of Interest Fund  Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Expansion Arts Fund  Hansen Fund for Arts Technical Assistance  Louisiana Asian Heritage Foundation Fund  Mr. & Mrs. P. R. Norman Fund  Reily Foundation / Lafaye Family Fund  Welch Family Fund for 2200

1996 2000 2011 1989 2014 1999 1990 2012 2000

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT  Regional Economic Development Fund    EDUCATION  Adult Literacy Fund  Henry Bernstein Fund  Boh Bros. Construction Co., LLC Fund  Dr. Joseph P. Braud Family Fund  Cahn Family Foundation

2013 1994 1994 1989 1990 1995 1988 1989 2008


DISASTER RELIEF  Bayou Community Foundation Disaster Recovery Fund  FOI Fund for Lafourche Parish  FOI Fund for St. Charles Parish  FOI Fund for St. John the Baptist Parish  FOI Fund for St. Tammany Parish  FOI Fund for Terrebonne Parish  Gulf Coast Oil Spill Fund  Noah’s Wish/Hurricane Katrina Settlement Fund  SOS: Gulf Coast Relief Fund

Drexel Prep Foundation Fund  Education Fund  The Environmental Fund  Fenner-French Foundation Fund  First Commerce Corporation Fund  Virginia D. Kock Endowment for Education  Nancy & Michael Marsiglia Fund  Reily Foundation Fund  Jonathan M. Wallick Fund for Building Restoration Training

2016 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2007 2010


2004 2011 1990 1994 1997

Gulf States Eye Surgery Foundation Fund  Estate of Harold W. Newman Jr. Charitable Remainder Trust  Lila Lee B. & Morris W. Newman Field of Interest Fund  Frank & Winston Purvis Fund

1971 1994 2014 1989

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES  W. R. Baird Charitable Trust Fund  Mildred H. and Isaac S. Heller Fund  Dorothy Jean and Peter L. Hilbert Fund  Joan and Leslie Inman Family Fund  Kahn-Oppenheim Trust Fund  Marjorie & Fred Kullman Fund  Albert N. & Hattie M. McClure Fund

1991 1990 2014 1994 1998 1985 1963

OTHER  Joseph DePaso Charitable Trust Fund  Drs. Nina and Raja Dhurandhar Family Foundation Fund  The Patricia and Frank Faust Companion Animal Fund

2017 2017 2013

Fidelity Here for Good Employee Assistance Fund  Brian Daniel Hite Fund  Women of the Storm Fund  Philip Uhl Fund

2017 2017 2006 1961

REGIONAL  Bayou Community Foundation Grants Fund  Bayou Community Foundation Quasi Endowment Fund  Gheens Foundation Fund for the Bayou Community Foundation  Jefferson Community Foundation Grantmaking Fund  Jefferson Community Foundation Operating Fund  Jefferson Parish Community Foundation Endowment Fund  Plaquemines Affiliate Operating Fund  Plaquemines Community Foundation Endowment Fund  Plaquemines First Fund  Rebuild Plaquemines Fund  Rebuild St. Bernard Fund  St. Bernard Affiliate Operating Fund  St. Bernard Community Foundation Endowment Fund

YOUTH  Margaret and Charles Dale Fund  Erna Deiglmayr Fund  Mary Lemann Goldman Fund  Robert & Shirley Haspel Fund for Children & Youth  Youth Alternatives Fund

2012 2012 2012 2006 2009 2006 2009 2006 2012 2006 2006 2009 2006

2001 2002 2000 1986 1990

Donor Designated Funds Donor Designated Funds allow donors to provide ongoing support to their favorite organizations - forever. A & O Endowment Fund 1991 James L. Adams Fund 1998 Agana Burial Fund 1995 America’s WETLAND Foundation 2003 J. Aron & Company, Inc. Fund 1997 Arts Council of New Orleans Special Project Fund 1996 The Azby Fund for the Benefit of the Pavilion and Conservatory of the Two Sisters 2002 Ann H. & Charles J. Babington Charitable Reminder Unitrust 1999 Evelyn Ball and Serena Thomas Fund 2003 Emmett W. Bashful Fund 2003 Emmett W. Bashful Charitable Remainder Unitrust 2003 Bayou District Foundation General Endowment 2014 Edith H. Beekman Fund 1977 Behrman Stadium Fund 1993 Mary Ann Bendler Fund 2001 Clare and Jack C. Benjamin Designated Fund 2019

Best of the Bayou Music Fund 2018 John Richard Bienvenu/Kiwanis Club Scholarship Fund 2002 Armande Billion Endowment for the Arts Council of New Orleans 1990 Walter J. Boasso Charity Fund 2002 Lindy Boggs Fund 2003 Glenn Borne Fund 2002 Bourque/Lauman Fund 2004 Breakthrough New Orleans/ Summerbridge Fund 2002 Georgiana and Harold Bretz Philanthropy Fund 2002 Bridge House Fund 2001 Ivy Brown Fund for the Lighthouse for the Blind 2001 Building Endowment Fund for United Way 1978 James J. Buquet Jr. Family Foundation Fund 2000 Cora Keenan Burch Fund 1971 Bureau of Governmental Research Fund 2001 Ann & Morris Burka Fund for The Greater New Orleans Foundation 1985

Evelyn & Billy Burkenroad Fund 1986 William B. Burkenroad Sr. Fund for United Way 1958 CAC/ Barbara L. Weigel Emerging Visual Artist Fund 2008 CAC Jazz Endowment Fund 2005 Carrollton Rotary Children’s Foundation 2005 CDL Center of Excellence Fund 2004 Chalmette High School High-Flying Owl Fund 2003 Children and Family Service Fund 2000 Michael B. Chutz Fund 2012 City Park Big Lake Pump House and Arbor Fund 2009 City Park Botanical Garden Fund 2008 City Park Carousel Fund 2008 City Park Endowment Fund 1992 City Park / Pepsi Tennis Center Fund 2011 City Park Playground Fund 2007 City Park Matt Savoie Soccer Complex Fund 2011 Clatworthy Charitable Remainder Unitrust 2001 Sanders and Sue Clatworthy Endowment Fund #2 | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 25

Thank You 2010 Closed Captioning Committee Fund 1992 Dr. Isidore Cohn Jr. Fund for the LSU School of Medicine Learning Center 1987 College Road Fund 2018 Contemporary Arts Center Fund 1991 The Joseph M. Costello Endowment 2003 The Joan Coulter Fund for the LPO 2012 Covenant House New Orleans 2005 Jeffrey Cusimano Memorial Fund 2012 Cut Off Community Children’s Reading Program Fund 2002 Janet Daley Duval Donor Designated Fund 2011 Dr. Ralph Dauterive Archbishop Hannan Community Appeal Fund 2018 Dr. Ralph and Lily Dauterive Fund 2011 Mary Harnden Davidson Memorial 2007 Deutsches Haus Building Fund 2016 Alberto Doria Fund 2003 Charles E. Dunbar Fund 1971 Lawrence D. Barrett and F. Robert Duplantier Endowment Fund for Boys Hope 1985 Efforts of Grace Fund 1993 The Environmental Fund Designated for GNOF 2011 Willerd R. & Sallykay Fann Fund 2001 Steve & Karen Fecke Fund 2002 John H. Fellman Fund for the LA SPCA 1996 Darwin S. Fenner Memorial Fund for the New Orleans Symphony 1984 Terry Fleming Fund 2000 Beatrice and Harold Forgotston Philanthropic Fund for United Way 1997 Freedom Fund 1999 Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Recreation Fund 1991 Friends of the New Orleans Public Library 2004 Thomas J. Gault and Mary Lee Sweat Fund 2013 Sibyl P. Gayman Fund 2001 Godchaux Reserve Plantation Fund 1993 Danny Gottsegen Fund for NOCCA 1988 Greater New Orleans Educational TV Fdn. WYES 1996 The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestra Endowment Fund 2002 The Fred E. & Juanita B. Grissom Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust 2003 Tony Martin Guerrero Memorial/PFLAG Scholarship Fund 1997 Gulf Restoration Network 2010 The Doris and Peter S. Hansen Memorial Designated Fund 2013 Dr. & Mrs. William E. Harmon Family Fund 1999 Jim and Glenda Harper Fund 1999 Haspel Family Fund for United Way 1987 The Lois and Lloyd Hawkins Jr. Grand Opera Foundation 2011 Hearin Family Donor Designated Fund #1 2018 William Randolph Hearst Fund 2000 Linda and Jerry Himelstein Fund 2003 George and Kay Hirabayashi Fund 2000 George and Kay Hirabayashi Fund 1993 House of Ruth Endowment Fund 1999 Imagine Greater Campaign Building Fund 2011 Imagine Greater Campaign: Endowment 2011 International School of Louisiana Endowment Fund 2010 JCOA Reserve Fund 2018 Jefferson Dollars for Scholars Scholarship Endowment Fund 2001 Jefferson Performing Arts Society Endowment Fund 2001 Jewish Community Center Endowment Fund 2002 Junebug Productions Inc. Fund 1993

Kalorama Endowment Fund 2001 Karnes-Sullivan Scholarship Fund 2000 Kearby-Caldwell Fund for PFLAG 1996 KID smART Reserve Fund 2018 Kingsley Foundation 2017 Kingsley House Fund 2001 Delores Duncan Kinsey Endowment Fund for NO/AIDS Task Force 1990 Kiwanis Club of St. Bernard Ready for Reading Fund 2017 Virginia D. Kock Endowment for The Arts Council of New Orleans 1995 Virginia D. Kock Endowment for the Symphony 1995 Eleanor B. Kohlmeyer Fund 1998 Michelle Lynn Konechne Memorial Scholarship Fund 2000 Corvette Juliane Kowalski Fund 2006 Andy Kruzich Memorial Aids Fund 2003 LA Civil Service League Freeman Challenge Fund 2012 J. Monroe Laborde M.D. Spasticity Fund 2002 Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation Endowment Fund 1991 Will and Pat Lannes Fund 2003 Latter & Blum, Inc. Realtors Fund 2003 Latter Library Fund 1985 Le Petit Theatre Endowment Fund 2003 Ronald J. LeJeune AC Fund 1998 Thomas B. Lemann Charitable Remainder Unitrust 1997 James & Joyce Leonard Fund 2006 Wayne & Jackie Leonard Family Fund 2003 Lorio/Dauterive Trust Fund 2002 Caroline Keller Loughlin Fund for the Benefit of City Park 2015 Louisiana Children’s Museum Endowment Fund 2000 Louisiana Council for Music Performing Arts Fund 2008 Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities Greater New Orleans Education Fund 2010 Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra Fund 1997 Lower Garden District Parks and Fountains Fund 2017 The Freda M. Lupin Scholarship Fund 2007 MacDonell United Methodist Children’s Services Fund 2016 Make-A-Wish Foundation of Louisiana Fund 2000 Make It Funky Jazz Scholarship Endowment Fund 2004 The Mrs. Margaret Fund for Communities in Schools 2012 Market Umbrella Endowment Fund 1998 Matherne/Meteye Memorial Golf Shelter Fund 2000 Metropolitan Area Committee Leadership Forum Endowment Fund 1996 Metropolitan Center for Women and Children Freeman Challenge Fund 2012 Metropolitan Crime Commission Endowment Fund 2001 Metropolitan Leadership Forum Endowed Fund 1993 George “Star” Mayer Fund 2006 Betty and Stanley McDermott Jr. Fund 1996 Pat & Bob McIntyre Endowment for The Greater New Orleans Foundation 2004 Sister Mary Bertilla McNeely, MSC Fund 2003 Sara Meyers and Henrietta (Tuddy) Meyers Mattise Fund 2004 Donald Mintz United Way Council of Chairs Fund 2000 Emel and Ranney Mize LPO Endowment 2009 Emel and Ranney Mize New Orleans Opera

Endowment 2009 J. Edgar Monroe Fund for United Way 1981 Anne K. Montgomery Charitable Remainder Trust 1999 Dr. James E. & Frances S. Moorman Fund 2002 Mervin G. & Maxine M. Morais Endowment for Decorative Arts Fund for the New Orleans Museum of Art 1987 Morris F.X. Jeff, Sr. Memorial Skatemobile Derby Fund 1993 NAWIC Chapter 17 Scholarship Fund 1995 New Orleans Ballet Association Fund 1987 New Orleans Class Action Safety Fund 1997 New Orleans Convalescent Home 1961 New Orleans Gay Men’s Chorus Endowment Fund 1990 New Orleans Interfaith Sponsoring Committee/ACT Fund 1992 New Orleans International Music Colloquium - Endowed 2002 New Orleans Musica Da Camera Fund 1992 New Orleans Opera Association Endowment Fund 2006 The New Orleans String Project Endowment Fund 2003 New Orleans Video Access Center Fund 1995 New Orleans Westbank Library Fund 1986 New Orleans Youth Action Corps 1993 1983 Harold W. Newman Endowment Fund for Le Petit Theatre 1998 Lila Lee B. & Morris W. Newman 1998 Endowment Fund 1998 Lila Lee B. & Morris W. Newman Charitable Foundation 1999 The NOCCA Institute Fund 1987 NONDC Endowment Fund 1998 N.O.P.S.I. Endowment Fund 1973 Norco Lions Club Fund 2013 The Sunny and Roussel Norman Education Fund 2005 Odyssey House Louisiana, Inc. Fund 2001 Joan and Godfrey Parkerson Family Fund 2008 Partnership for the N.O.J.C. Marching Club Support Fund 2001 Partnership for the N.O.J.C. Music Instrument & Education Fund 2001 Sharon A. Perlis Fund 2003 PFLAG New Orleans Endowment Fund 2000 Dr. Armengol Porta Memorial Fund 2000 Seth Daniel Poticha Award Fund 2004 Daniel Price Memorial Fund for Aspiring Artists 2004 Pro Bono Project 2002 Project Lazarus Endowment Fund 1997 Thomas G. Rapier Fund 1995 The Robert J. Reid Animal Rescue Fund 2006 Reily Foundation / Aron Family Fund 2012 Edward L. Renton Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund 1995 Arthur Roger Fund for NOMA 2018 Eddy K. Rosen Fund 2001 The Rotary Club of Slidell Endowment Fund 2005 Leonie Davis Rothschild Endowed Fund 2003 Royal St. Louis Fund for United Way 1980 Saint Augustine High School/Josephite Scholarship Foundation 1997 Salem Lutheran Church & School Endowment 2004 Courtney A. Sarpy Fund 2011 Leon & Eleanor Sarpy Trust Fund for Loyola Law School 1983 Leon Sarpy Tree Endowment 2017 O. Jack and Margot H. Schneidau Fund 1995 The Denise G. & Philip J. Schoen III Fund 2003

26 | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report |

Thank You Scholarship Foundation of New Orleans Endowment Fund 1993 Elizabeth Porch Schwartz Endowment Fund for Le Petit Theatre 1989 Second Harvest at the Bayou Community Foundation 2018 Tracey W. Sherry Fund 2002 Robby and Susie Showalter Family Fund 2015 Sixth Baptist Church of New Orleans Fund 1998 Willa Slater Fund for the Moses Hogan Award at NOCCA 2010 Jeanne and Jim Smith Fund 1999 Society for Environmental Education Fund f or the Louisiana Nature Center 1991 Southern Eye Bank Endowment Fund 1988 Spaymart Agency Fund 2011 St. Bernard Chapter LSU Alumni Fund 2015 St. Bernard Kiwanis Foundation Nunez Scholarship Fund 2014 St. Bernard Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship Fund 2002 The St. Matthew’s Episcopal School Endowment 2006 Anna D. and Constance H. Stephens Fund 1997 Gordon & Susan Sterling Fund 2003 S. Walter Stern Jr. Arts Fund for the Arts Council of

New Orleans 1985 Jack Stewart Cultural Fund 2001 Mary R. and Gilbert G. Stock Jr. Fund 2001 The Doris Z. and Roger T. Stone Botanical Garden Fund 2016 Doris Zemurray Stone Chair in Philanthropic Leadership 2010 Stream of Dreams Fund 2002 Stuart Hall Fund 1995 Symphony Chorus of New Orleans 2006 The Patrick and Phyllis M. Taylor Fund 2004 Terrebonne Foundation for Academic Excellence in Public Education Fund 1992 The Mary-Kate Tews “A Studio in the Woods” Fund 2008 Tom & Mary-Kate Tews Fund 2004 Alice P. Thomas Fund 2002 Dr. Sam A. and Virginia R. Threefoot Fund 2000 Top 10 By 2010 2000 Robert Alan Udick Memorial Endowed PFLAG Scholarship Fund 1999 United Way Endowment Fund 1980 Urban League of Greater New Orleans Fund 2001 Kathleen Moore Vick Foundation 2012 George G. Villere Fund for Lighthouse Louisiana 2017 Vision St. Tammany Fund 1998

Volunteers of Doctors Hospital of Jefferson Fund Richard M. & Yvette A. Warren Fund Beulah Bloch Weil & Isaac L. Weil Memorial Fund Weil Family Fund in Memory of Rosetta and Harold Weil Ben Weiner Fund for the United Way Welch Family Fund for 2103 Welch Family Fund for 2108 Welch Family Fund for 2203 Welch Family Fund for 2208 Welcome Neighbors Fund George Q. Whitney Fund Woodlands Conservancy Endowment Fund WRBH Reading Radio Fund The YLC Fund YMCA of Greater New Orleans Children’s Fund Young Aspirations/Young Artists, Inc. Young Audiences Fund Youth Civic Engagement Initiative Fund Youth Service Bureau Jerry W. Zachary Fund Jerry W. Zachary and Henry Bernstein Fund for the New Orleans Opera Association Marion S. Zinser Fund

2004 2003 2000 2000 1998 2003 2008 2003 2008 2003 1997 2012 2001 1998 2017 2009 1987 2000 2001 2018 2018 2003

Donor Advised Funds The Greater New Orleans Foundation offers several options for philanthropists who already have a good idea of how they want to direct their giving. Our most popular is the donor advised fund, which allows fundholders to take advantage of the Foundation’s professional support, expertise, and knowledge of the community. James and Roberta Adams Fund 1997 Marguerite L. Adams & Thomas K. Foutz Fund 2013 The Lori & Victor Aguiluz Donor Advised Fund 2017 Alarcon/Quentin Fund 1989 Enrique Alferez Sculpture Fund 1999 Chef Jerry Amato Mother’s Restaurant Culinary Fund 2016 The Ambrose Fund 2007 Barbara K. & Wayne F. Amedée Fund 1998 The Arabella Fund 2009 The Aschaffenburg Foundation 2000 Carol and Harold Asher Family Fund 2014 Assumption Education Fund for Academic Excellence 1994 The Autenreith Charitable Trust Fund 2003 Ann H. & Charles J. Babington Family Fund 1999 Banner Drives Foundation 1999 Harry G. and Mary Ann Barkerding Family Fund 2016 Barksdale Family Fund 2011 Emily Ann Stein & Jack C. Benjamin Philanthropic Fund 1996 Better NOLA Fund 2017 Anne Claire Beyer Foundation 2007 Blitch Family Foundation 2018 Black Bag Medicine Foundation Fund 1999 Black Dog Fund 2018 The Boettcher Fund 2003 The Ann and Robert S. Boh Family Fund 2004 Boh Brothers Centennial Fund 2009

Elizabeth Anne Boh Fund 2005 The Robert Henry Boh and Katherine Sandoz Boh Foundation 2003 Boysie Bollinger Fund 2018 Bridget and Bobby Bories Fund 2003 Barbara Bourgeois Memorial Fund 2003 The Boutte Family Fund 2017 Dr. Joseph P. Braud Family Fund 1998 Al Briede Gold Cup Fund 2018 Brown Family Fund 2011 Brown Claiborne Family Fund 2018 R. Stephanie Bruno & Gerald J. Vetter Jr. Fund 1995 Buccaneer Fund 2011 The Burkart Fund 2013 Busenlener/Bougere Fund 2017 Harold and Gloria Callais Family Foundation 2010 Carnival Krewes Fund 2016 THA CARTER FUND 2015 Chaffe McCall Foundation Fund 2007 Anne-Lynne & Storey Charbonnet Family Foundation 2012 The Chequelin Fund 2009 Chevron Corporate Advised Fund 2017 The Chevron Energy For Learning Fund 2007 Chevron Environmental Stewardship Fund 2016 Chevron NOLA Fund 2018 Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, LP in memory of Matthew C. Steele Fund 2001 The J. Scott Chotin Jr. Family Community Fund 2011 Mike and Lynn Coatney Family

Foundation Fund Dr. & Mrs. Isidore Cohn Jr. House Fund Deena and Phil Cossich Foundation Coulon Family Fund John Stone Coulter Fund Couvillon Family Fund Cox Charities Fund Crescent City Physical Therapy Fund CS Metals of Louisiana LLC Fund D & D Foundation Fund Allen and Thelma Danos Foundation Fund Daniels - Robertson Fund Dat City Cares Fund Willie Mae & Leamon Dawson Sr. Scholarship Fund The Delta Foundation George & Milly Denegre Fund Rosemary B. and Brunswick G. Deutsch Foundation Rosemary B. and Brunswick G. Deutsch Foundation for Le Petit Theatre du Vieux Carré Fund The Rosemary B. and Brunswick G. Deutsch Legal Education Foundation Dezauche-Styles Charitable Fund Marc Alden Diasselliss Foundation Dinnell Family Fund Dr. Donald and J.J. Dooley Fund Willie P. Dorsey Sr. and Stephen M. Lee Educational Fund The Dugan Foundation The Shaun and R. Foster Duncan Fund

2009 2001 2002 2017 1992 2017 2004 1996 2001 1999 2014 2014 2011 2003 2001 1999 2001

2001 2001 1997 2008 2010 2009 2000 2008 2017 | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 27

Thank You Adrian & Sally Duplantier Family Foundation 1998 John R. and Lauren G. Dupré Family Foundation Fund 2000 Easter Seals of Louisiana Fund 2007 Ethel L. Eaton Fund 2007 Catherine & David Edwards Gift Fund 2013 Harris Elledge Fund 2016 John & Patty Elstrott Fund 2013 Emerson Family Fund 2017 The Emi’s Fund 2017 Emily’s Blooming Youth Fund 2015 The Emma Fund 2015 Epiphany Fund 2005 Margaret & Joe Epstein Fund 1997 Epstein Family Fund 1984 Allen Eskew, FAIA Memorial Fund 2013 Esman and Wallick Fund 2015 The Espinosa-DuRapau Family Memorial Fund 2015 The Doctors Estrada Fund 2016 Curtis D. Eustis Family Philanthropic Fund 2009 Exxon Mobil Fund 1996 The Buzzy Fakier Fight for Cancer Fund 2005 The George C. Fakier Sr. Fight for Heart Disease Fund 2005 The Glenn Fakier Fight for DVT Fund 2005 The Rebecca Fakier Fight for Pediatric Cancer Fund 2005 Amy & Stephen Farnsworth Family Fund 2012 The Favrot-Van Horn Fund 2007 Elizabeth Fischer Fund 2009 Bryan and Lauren Fitzpatrick Family Foundation 2013 Fowler Family Fund 2004 Norman C. Francis Fund 2017 Franklin Southland Printing Company, Inc. Fund 1998 The Richard West Freeman Endowment Challenge Fund 1999 Freeman-Woollam Donor Advised Non Endowed Fund 2015 Freeport-McMoRan Foundation Arts Fund 1989 William D. French and Family Fund 2013 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Garvey Fund 2002 Generation Fund 2011 Gershanik Family Fund 1994 Gert Town Community Fund 1997 Gervis Fund 2000 Get Out for the Gulf Fund 2010 Katie and Jimmy Gibert Fund 2016 Ginkgo Fund 1998 The Gwathmey & Fritz Gomila Family Fund 2003 Glenn G. Goodier Fund 2011 Ken and Kathy Gootee Family Fund 2007 Jean and Wesley Gould Fund 2001 GPOA Children & Youth Fund 1994 Gramercy Alumina Endowed Fund 2001 Great 100 Nurses Foundation 2001 JoAnn and Harry Greenberg Fund 2003 The Grefer-Haase Fund 2006 Consuelo Garza Griffith Fund 2000 Grissom Family Fund 2003 Gude and Mirtipati Families Benevolent Fund 1997 Suzanne and Chris Guidroz Fund 2012 Hales Family Fund 2017 Thomas L. Hammock Fund 2011

Harch Hyperbaric Research Fund Robert and Shirley Haspel Endowed Fund Robert and Shirley Haspel NonEndowed Fund Hassinger Family Fund Charlotte and Paul M. Haygood Fund The Hearin Fund Odette C. Henican Foundation Henry Street Fund Heymann Fund (Donor Advised/NonEndowed) Hitt Hawf Fund Christian and Deirdre Hooper Fund Hopper Family Fund Douglas and Ellinor Howard Fund Ellinor and D. Douglas Howard Jr. Fund Scott and Janet Howard Family Fund Nell, Logan and Harley Howcott Family Fund Robert and Claire Howson Foundation Eugenie & Killian Huger Fund - CHB Eugenie & Killian Huger Fund - DHV Eugenie & Killian Huger Fund - EHS Eugenie & Killian Huger Fund - JMH Eugenie & Killian Huger Fund - SHL Hughes - Edwards Fund Maureen and Whit Huguley Family Fund The Human Fund Andrea Huseman and Jeffrey Huseman Fund Campbell and Allison Stewart Hutchinson Fund Hymel - Reis Charitable Family Fund Ile Narcisse Foundation IMC Phosphates Company Fund Cathy and Walter Isaacson Donor Advised Fund James Family Foundation New Orleans Relief Fund JB Charitable Fund JBJ Family Fund Jenkin Charitable Gift Fund Aida Smith Johnson Fund for Children Pierce & Hans Jonassen Fund Harry Wade Jones and Stella Pinkney Jones Family Fund Journalism Education and Diversity Fund Harriett & A. L. Jung Fund K + P Foundation Fund Kaiser Aluminum Non-Endowed Fund Harry & Susan Kelleher Fund Keller Family Foundation Fund Kelly Keller Music Foundation Nina M. Kelly Fund The Kepper Family Fund Sun Kim & Kee Lee Foundation E. James Kock Jr. Family Fund #1 E. James Kock Jr. Family Fund #2 The Jill Moses Kohlmann/Allison Bach Fund The Jill Moses Kohlmann/Jennifer Bach Rosen Fund The Jill Moses Kohlmann/Penny Bach Evins Fund Eleanor and Herman Kohlmeyer Family Fund Linda and Gordon Kolb Family Fund Kopplin/Neighbours Fund

2000 1994 1991 1997 2007 1999 1999 2004 1990 2015 2015 1998 2018 2009 2001 1993 2004 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1996 2017 2014 2014 2000 2007 1999 2002 2017 2006 2018 2013 2002 2003 1999 1996 1997 1996 2017 2001 2004 1997 2004 2000 2015 2004 1987 2004 2014 2014 2014 2008 2015 2017

Joe and Betty Krebs Fund Krewe of Muses Foundation Fund John Kushner Realty, Inc. Fund La Societe Des Dames Hospitalieres Donor Advised Fund LABO Charitable Fund James & Stephanie Laborde Family Fund Kevin & Kathleen Laborde Fund Ted and Mary Merle Laborde Fund Lafourche Education Foundation Fund Amy Schwartz Lake & Marion L. Lake Family Fund Lake Family Fund - Jane Paxton Northrop Memorial Eugenia & Albert Lamar Fund (Endowed) Eugenia & Albert Lamar Fund (Current) The Loeber and Barbara Landau Fund The Landis Foundation Laughing Buddha Fund Francis E. and Betty V. Lauricella Family Fund Hank Lauricella Memorial Fund Dana E. Leaman Fund Byron and Pat LeBlanc Fund Lelong Family Fund II Lelong Family Fund III The Lelong Family Fund The Lemle Learning Fund Barbara London Lemann Fund for Children Stephen B. Lemann Memorial Fund Leopold Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Lewis Fund Tabitha and Michael Lewis Fund Tommy and Wiley Lewis Fund LinHunSco Fund Richard & Susan Lizotte Fund Local Hands Helping Local Children Fund The Longue Vue Fund Loving Family Fund Tim and Karen Mackie Foundation Fund Captain Hank Madison Fund The Theresa Bittenbring Marque & John Henry Marque Fund Mboya K. Marsalis Fund The John Craig Marsh Fund Edward F. and Louise B. Martin Family Fund Louis & Daisy Mason Scholarship Fund Leila B. Matthew Fund McCall Fund Steve and Kim McCollam Fund The Amy McGuinness Women’s Wellness Fund Gustaf W. McIlhenny Foundation Pat & Bobby McIntyre Family (Current) Fund Pat and Bobby McIntyre Family (Endowed) Fund McKay-Connor Family Fund McRae Family Fund Patrick C. Mercardante’s Grandchildren Fund Robert W. Merrick Family Fund Milton H Latter Library Decorative Restoration Fund Arthur B. Monroe Family Fund Malcolm L. & Mary T. Monroe Fund

1998 2003 1998 2014 2014 2002 1999 2000 2005 2003 2018 1997 1997 2005 2006 2016 2001 2014 2011 2008 2013 2013 2006 1990 2000 1995 2017 1992 2005 2013 2001 1998 2011 2003 2012 2017 2002 2007 1995 2015 2008 2003 2016 1998 2018 1996 2003 1998 1998 2018 2015 1998 2002 2018 1995 1994

28 | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report |

Thank You Moyna Monroe Family Fund 1995 More For The 504 Fund 2016 Morrow-Orestano Philanthropic Fund 2010 Leann and Ted Moses Family Fund 2017 Moss Family Fund 2013 Motiva Corporation Fund 2002 Murray Law Firm Fund 2018 Namaste NOLA Fund 2012 The Natasha Fund 2011 The Natasha Fund No. 3 2015 The NEH Fund - Improving Women’s Lives 2014 New Orleans Cleft/Craniofacial Fund 2006 New Orleans Jazz Restoration Society Inc. and John Chaffe New Orleans Jazz Fund 1998 New Orleans Recreation Trust Fund 1991 The New Orleans Town Gardeners Legacy Fund 2018 Newell-Usdin Fund 2004 Donald “Duck” Newman Foundation 2018 Lila Lee B. & Morris W. Newman 1995 Endowment Fund 1995 Morris W. Newman Family Foundation 2000 NOLA Access Initiative Fund 2012 NOLA Kids Rising Fund 2007 NOLA Promise Fund 2018 Norco Community Fund (Endowed) 2001 Norco Economic, Educational & Social Development Endowed Fund 2003 Occidental Chemical Corporation Fund 2002 Octavia Fund 2004 Olinde Family Fund 2005 Operation Merry Christmas Endowed 2012 Rajender and Noni Pannu Fund 2003 Payne Family Fund for Education and Youth 2016 Laura Peebles Fund 1996 The Edith & Louis Peilen Fund 2004 Penick Family Fund 1997 Tom Perrault and Salvatore Giambanco Fund 2018 Ashton Phelps Jr. Family Fund 2000 Alan and Arlene Philipson Fund 2007 The Andy and Eric Philipson Fund 2004 The Pinckelope Foundation 2004 Pinckley Prize Memorial Foundation Fund 2013 Hanna Sharkawy Pittman Fund 2005 Bruce Blakemore Poitevent Fund 2008 Pratt-Stanton Manor Fund 2011 The Prytania Fund 2003 Pump to the River Jefferson/Orleans Fund 2007 The Quarles Fund 2018 Rainey Conservation Alliance Fund 2012 Lee and Kathy Randall Fund 2016 Stanley W. Ray Jr. Philanthropic and Civic Trust Fund 2001 Boatner Reily Family Fund (Donor Advised/Endowed) 1985 Mary F. Reily Fund 2006 Reily Family Charitable Fund 2010 Robert Reily Family Trust Fund 1988 Reily Foundation / Bridget & Bobby Bories Family Fund 2012 Reily Foundation / Cathy & Andy Burka Family Fund 2012 Reily Foundation / Ethel Reily Dicks Memorial Fund 2012

Reily Foundation / John and Madge Dicks Fund Reily Foundation / Boatner Reily Family Fund Reily Foundation / H. Eustis & Frederica G. Reily #1 Family Fund Reily Foundation / H. Eustis & Frederica G. Reily #2 Family Fund Reily Foundation / Jonathan Reily Family Fund Reily Foundation / Michael M. Reily Memorial Fund Reily Foundation / Stephen Reily Family Fund Reily Foundation / Timothy S. Reily Family Fund Reily Foundation / The Roubion Family Fund Reily Foundation / Peggy Bories Schleiff & Henry Schleiff Family Fund The Reily Foundation/Lynn and Charles C. Smith III Fund Reily Foundation / Kenneth B. Thompson III Family Fund Reily Foundation / Usdin-Newell Family Fund Reily Foundation / Linda Usdin & Steven Bingler Family Fund Reily Foundation / Steve and Melanee Usdin Family Fund Reily Foundation / The Unexpected Fund Reily Foundation / Yoder Family Fund Larry Reynolds Fund Ricchiuti Family Fund Joey and Enola Richard Fund Francoise Billion Richardson Foundation Riddick Family Fund Ronald Ridenhour Fund Risen Son Foundation Mable C. Robinett Fund The RosaMary Foundation Staci Rosenberg Fund The Stephen and Sandy Rosenthal Fund Mrs. Claire Reichert Roy and Mr. Edwin M. Roy Foundation The Elsie Gelpi Rubin Foundation Saint Whitecloud Fund Courtney-Anne Sarpy Fund Eleanor Legier and Leon Sarpy Foundation Fund John & Linda Sarpy Fund Kara and David Schonberg Family Fund Rachael Schultz Fund Seasons, The Center of Caring Fund Second Chance Fund The Selby Fund The Selby Disaster Relief Fund The Selley Foundation Fund Serena Foundation Fund* Shane Family Foundation Shea/Stokes Family Fund The Shell Beach Fund Carolyn and Dick Shell Family Fund #1 Carolyn and Dick Shell Family Fund #2 Ivan Morton Sherman Foundation Fund Jackie and Dan Silverman Family Fund The Timothy & Willa Slater Family Fund Sloss Family Fund

2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2002 2018 2013 1995 1996 1999 2003 2017 2003 2010 1994 2003 2013 1990 1998 1998 2000 2015 2018 1997 2015 2010 2011 2000 2011 2007 2018 2013 2002 2002 2018 2015 2005 2013

Smith/Cooper Foundation Fund 2006 Stephen L. and Caroline W. Sontheimer Fund 1999 Nancy Sorak Fund 2017 The Spears Family Foundation Fund 2006 Sport Family Foundation 2001 Sport Family Foundation II 2002 St. Charles Charities Fund 2010 St. James Parish Community Fund 2006 St. James Parish Excellence in Education Endowed Fund 2001 St. Pierre Trust Fund 2015 St. Pierre-Turner Fund 2001 Stag Cummins Fund 2007 George & Lilian Stahler Fund 1995 Starbucks Community Fund II 2006 Frank B. Stewart Jr. & Paulette D. Stewart Charitable Remainder Trust 2013 Frank B. Stewart, Jr. Donor Advised Fund of the Greater New Orleans Foundation 2013 Allison Lewis & Pierre Stouse Family Fund 2013 Mary Lynn Strasser Fund 2001 Benjamin Levick Sullivan Fund 2013 Charles and Mary Teamer Scholarship Fund 2004 The Tesson Fund 2010 Bernardine S. Thomas Fund 1997 W. Howard Thompson Charitable Trust Fund 2003 Jim Thorns Family Fund 2002 The Times-Picayune Fund 1979 Father Willie Todd Endowed Foundation Fund 2007 Transform New Orleans Fund 2010 Hilda Marie Tregre Fund 2013 Turnbull Foundation 1998 UCE Scholastic Fund 2018 UMC Burn Fund 2018 Cecile Weil Usdin Endowment Fund 1993 Vales Derbes Family Fund 2012 Anne and Sandy Villere Family Fund 2011 Fran and George Villere Family Fund 2000 Villere Charitable Lead Trust Fund 2011 Franz and Marilee Vogt Family Fund 1999 Germaine Bagot Vorhoff Fund 2018 The Wailes Family Fund 2013 Waldhorn/Moses Family Fund 1996 Antonio Waring Fund 2014 Ben and Kathleen Waring Fund 2018 Calais and Patrick Waring Fund 2011 Nell Pape W. Waring and William W. Waring Fund 2007 Peter A. Waring Fund 2011 Edna B. and Joyce Fay Washington Breast Cancer Foundation Fund 1996 Webb Connect Foundation Fund 2003 Marjorie and Clifford T. Weihman Memorial Fund 1986 Welch Family Fund 2000 Westfeldt Foundation Fund 2014 Charles & Elizabeth Wetmore Fund 2016 Whitney Bank Fund 2002 Jacques L. Wiener Jr. and Sandra M. Feingerts Family Fund 2011 Bertrand A. Wilson Family Fund 2007 The Betty A. Wilson Fund 2011 Wilson Next Gen Fund 2017 George H. Wilson Jr. Fund 2007 Andrew B. Wisdom Family Fund 2002 Marie Kohlmeyer Wolf Fund 2008 Zawadi Giving Circle Fund 2007 Mary K. Zervigon Fund 2007 | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 29

Thank You

Supporting Organizations Supporting Organizations at the Greater New Orleans Foundation play an important role in addressing the greatest challenges of the region. Supporting Organizations are separate nonprofit organizations with IRS tax-exempt status. They have a separate board of directors, manage their own investments, and award their own grants. With professional management and oversight of all aspects of the supporting foundation’s administrative, investment, and grantmaking activities performed by GNOF, donors and their families can concentrate on philanthropic interests without worrying about the details. The Pat and Kate Brady Family Foundation 2000 The John and Clara Brady Family Foundation 2000 D J R Foundation 1997

The Fertel Foundation 2000 The J. Bennett Johnston Science Foundation 2001 Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra

Endowment Trust Albert N. & Hattie M. McClure Fund Frank B. Stewart Jr. Foundation

1998 1963 1993

Partners Partnering with the Greater New Orleans Foundation is a great way for companies, foundations and donors to make our community more vibrant and nonprofits stronger. We’d like to thank our partners for the role they serve in making our region greater.

30 | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report |

GiveNOLA Day is a one-day online giving event. For 24 hours, everyone who loves Greater New Orleans can support their favorite local causes by donating to one or more participating nonprofit organizations. Since its inception, GiveNOLA Day has raised a total of $20 million dollars for our regions nonprofits. INAUGURAL YEAR (2014)

$2.2+ Million Raised


Participating Nonprofits


$5.6+ Million








Participating Nonprofits



$6+ Million Raised

Participating Nonprofits


Mark Your Calendars GiveNOLA Day 2019 is May 7th You can donate to your favorite participating nonprofit with your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) without credit card or processing fees through April 19, 2019. Contact Allie Betts at for more information. | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 31

The Greater New Orleans Foundation would like to thank our GIveNOLA Day 2019 sponsors.

GiveNOLA Day 2019 is Powered by


















32 | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report |

2018 Financials The Greater New Orleans Foundation annually engages the services of an independent accounting firm to perform an audit of the Foundation’s financial statements. As part of its audit, the firm also reviews the internal controls and various procedures to ensure Foundation staff is adhering to the most current account practices. The Foundation’s auditor, LaPorte, CPAs & Business Advisors, has issues an unmodified opinion on the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2018. GNOF ENDOWMENT POOL RETURNS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2018







$40 $35


$30 $340



$20 $15














$10 $17.5






























We proudly serve 13 parishes in the Greater New Orleans area. With funds benefitting all parts of our region, we strive to create a more united and thriving community for Southeast Louisiana—to make this a better place for all, now and for generations to come. | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 33

2018 Board of Trustees Christian T. Brown, Chair Managing Member, NOLA Holdings, LLC

Arnold W. Donald President & CEO, Carnival Corporation & PLC

Leann O. Moses, Vice Chair Partner, Carver Darden Koretzky Tessier Finn Blossman & Areaux, LLC

David Edwards Partner, Jones Walker

Charles L. Rice Jr., Secretary Assistant General Counsel, Entergy Services, LLC Robert A. Bories, Treasurer CFO, Gulf South Holding, Inc. Cheryl R. Teamer, Past Chair Sr. VP for Public Affairs, New Orleans & Company David Barksdale Principal, Alluvian Capital LLC Gayle Benson Owner, New Orleans Saints and New Orleans Pelicans Robert S. Boh President & CEO, Boh Bros. Construction Lynne Burkart Director, Postlethwaite and Netterville

Monica Edwards Managing Partner, Skytree Capital Partners Alex Gershanik Principal, Power Courses Rita O. Gue President, The Meraux Foundation Cathy W. Isaacson J.D. Civic Leader Patricia S. LeBlanc LeBlanc Butler LLC Walter J. Leger Jr. Senior Partner, Leger & Shaw Monika McKay Real Estate Advisor R. King Milling Chairman, America’s WETLAND Foundation

Arthur Roger Principal, Arthur Roger Gallery Lynes R. Sloss President, Bellwether Technology Warner L. Thomas President & CEO, Ochsner Health System Vera B. Triplett Ph.D. Noble Minds Institute for the Whole Child Learning Steven W. Usdin Founding Member, Barrasso, Usdin, Kupperman, Freeman & Sarver, LLC Jimmie M. Woods Sr. Partner, Metro Service Group George V. Young Partner, St. Denis J. Villere & Co., LLC Luis Zervigon Vice President & COO, Crescent Capital Consulting, LLC

Greater New Orleans Foundation Staff EXECUTIVE



Andrew D. Kopplin President & CEO

Carmen James Randolph Vice President, Programs

Erin McQuade-Wright Vice President, Development & Donor Relations

Ella Delio Director, Environmental Programs

Allie Betts Senior Gift Planning Officer

Richard Martinez Senior Program Officer

Jilla Tombar Corporate & Foundation Partnerships Officer

Isabel Barrios Program Officer

Jamie Agnew Development Associate

Roy Williams Program Officer

Adelaide Downham Donor Relations Assistant

Karla G. Rivera Special Assistant to the President & CEO COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC AFFAIRS

Tyronne Walker Vice President, Communications & Public Affairs Sam Randolph Communications & Public Affairs Associate FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION

Ryan M. Crespino Vice President, Finance & Administration Jessica Vinturella Controller Kim LaChute Staff Accountant Charla Smith Finance Assistant Sandra Lilly Office Manager Theresa Barrios Receptionist & Administrative Assistant

Anita Marshall Jefferson Workforce Innovations Navigator Powell DiGangi Workforce Innovations Navigator


Rachel Swan Grants Manager

Kellie Chavez Greene Director, Nonprofit Leadership & Effectiveness


Bonita A. Robertson Director, Civic Leadership

Kristen Craig Nonprofit Leadership & Effectiveness Associate

34 | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report |

Vice President Joann Ricci Departs GNOF after Eight Years, Kellie Chavez Greene Promoted to Director of Renamed Nonprofit Leadership & Effectiveness Team In November, the Greater New Orleans Foundation announced that after nearly eight years leading the creation and development of a robust Organizational Effectiveness Initiative that has strengthened the governance, leadership, and management of thousands of nonprofits in the Greater New Orleans region to better deliver programs that serve the community, Vice President of Organizational Effectiveness, Joann Ricci is departing. “Joann has been an amazing builder, leader and strategic thinker for the nonprofit sector in our region,” said Andy Kopplin, Greater New Orleans Foundation President and CEO. “Under Joann’s leadership, the Foundation’s Organizational Effectiveness Initiative has provided high-quality and intensive trainings as well as coaching and technical assistance grants to close to 5,000 nonprofit

executives, staff, and board members across our region.” Kellie Chavez Greene has been promoted to Director of Nonprofit Leadership and Effectiveness. Kellie will oversee the Foundation’s program. Kellie joined the staff of the Greater New Orleans Foundation in January 2013 as a Program Officer for Organizational Effectiveness. Kellie’s responsibilities include designing and implementing programs to strengthen the region’s nonprofit organizations and to increase the effectiveness of the Foundation’s grantmaking. This work includes coordinating the Foundation’s learning opportunities, developing resource materials and training curricula, and managing the Foundation’s technical assistance grants. For nearly eight years, under former Vice President Joann Ricci,

the team has built organizational capacity of the Foundation’s current grantees and other nonprofits while building a healthy nonprofit ecosystem among the agencies in the 13 parish region served by the Foundation. The renaming of this important body of work to Nonprofit Leadership and Effectiveness (NLE) is to highlight our laser focus on helping nonprofits improve their leadership and effectiveness. Nonprofit Leadership and Effectiveness acknowledges the full depth and breadth of our work with both organizations and staff, as well as board leaders that manage and govern them. It is imperative that we work at all levels in the nonprofit ecosystem in support of a responsive, equitable, sustainable, and impactful nonprofit sector where both organizations and leaders are reaching their full potential. | GNOF 2018 Annual Gratitude Report | 35

What’s The Story of this Report? I hope you have enjoyed reading these stories of giving in action, and I hope you see your own stories and values reflected here. This Gratitude Report is a part of the Foundation’s commitment to providing our donors and our community with tangible examples of what we are achieving together. With your continued support and partnership, we are

positioned to be the catalyst for transformational change in Greater New Orleans. We are doing good by helping others do good, improving lives and solving problems in the place we love. Through vocal civic leadership, GNOF and our partners are addressing the biggest challenges facing our region. We are pulling together the people, ideas and resources needed to

create the Greater New Orleans of our collective dreams. As our new brand, website, and this report reflect, the Greater New Orleans Foundation is committed to increasing partnerships and lifting up the impact of our donors and nonprofits as we create even greater impact. Tyronne Walker, Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs

Please contact Erin McQuade-Wright at 504.598.4663 or to learn more about supporting the Foundation, to let us know about any omissions and errors, or to request removal of your name from future donor listings. Photography by: Jackson Hill, Michael Palumbo

Center for Philanthropy 919 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 Phone: (504) 598-4663 Fax: (504) 598-4676 @GNOFoundation |


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