Lakewood Community News - November 2022

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Lakewood CommunityNews

Lakewood wins prestigious award

and cultures who call Lake wood home.

Lakewood is considered one of California’s most broadly diversifying communities, with a population of people from all over the nation and world that closely mirrors the diversity of Los Angeles County as a whole.

New “Pillars of Community” is unveiled for the public

The League of California Cities has awarded the City of Lakewood with its “Helen Put nam Award for Excellence” in enhancing public trust for Lake wood’s community-wide race, equity, diversity and inclusion plan.

Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, the City of Lakewood initiated a Com munity Dialogue designed to listen to residents and create or enhance city efforts that “build on all the good in Lakewood and make the community the safest, most welcoming place it can be, for everyone.”

Hundreds of residents took part in discussions and rec ommendations, resulting in a council-approved Action Plan

in early 2021 that called for:

• A multicultural food and music festival, called the Lake wood Fest-Of-All. The second annual Fest-Of-All was held on Oct. 8, 2022, with over 7,000 residents and guests in atten dance.

• Increased opportunities to meet with Sheriff’s Department personnel, such as Coffee with a Deputy, Ice Cream with a Depu ty, and National Night Out.

• Ongoing opportunities for residents to meet and discuss diversity-related issues with fel low residents and city leaders. The most recent gathering was held Oct. 20.

• Recognition of commemora tive calendar days and months that celebrate the many people

Lakewood honors “Native American Heritage Month”

“I’m extremely proud of our residents and our city for win ning this award, which is known as the Academy Awards of city government in California,” said Mayor Steve Croft. “It’s a testa ment to the contributions from a lot of people and organizations who are working together in the spirit of enhancing peopleto-people relations in our com munity and keeping Lakewood a great place to live. Thank you to everyone who has played a role in developing our Commu nity Dialogue Action Plan and to everyone who continues to be a good, friendly and welcoming Lakewood neighbor.”

Established in 1982 by the League of California Cities, the Helen Putnam Award for Excellence is given annually to just 12 cities to recognize out standing achievements among California's 482 municipalities. The purpose of the award is to promote innovative solutions by city governments.

See a short video from the League about why Lakewood was selected for the award at nam. Learn more about Lake wood’s Community Dialogue Action Plan at www.lakewood ♦

Lakewood City Council cuts the ribbon for the new exhibit.

A new Pillars of Community memorial to honor the “Leg ends of Lakewood” was made public for the first time on Sept. 27 at The Centre during a Lakewood Celebrates com munity reception.

Starting with Lakewood’s 50th anniversary in 2004 and continuing every five years since, the Lakewood City Council has named as “Leg ends of Lakewood” individu als, groups of people, organi zations and programs that have made significant, lasting con tributions to the development and progress of Lakewood. The Legends of Lakewood are recognized and named on the

Pillars of Community.

The new Pillars of Commu nity artwork makes use of vid eo technology and historic and contemporary photographs to tell the story of Lakewood and the people and organizations who have helped build and sustain the community.

See a Lakewood CityTV vid eo describing the new Pillars of Community, or come visit the Pillars in person during busi ness hours at The Centre.

You can also learn more about the Pillars and the Leg ends of Lakewood at www. fLakewood. ♦

Drive with extra caution on Halloween

Equity, Diversity and Inclu sion is celebrating the diversi ty of people and cultures that Lakewood is proud to have as part of our community. On behalf of the Lakewood City Council, Mayor Steve Croft recently signed a proclama tion declaring November as “Native American Heritage Month” in Lakewood.

America includes many cul tures and peoples dating back thousands of years to the orig inal inhabitants of this land.

In November, Lakewood is joining communities around the nation in honoring Amer

ica’s indigenous peoples and sharing their history, culture, struggles and accomplish ments.

A key element of Lake wood's award-winning Com munity Dialogue on Race,

See a special Lakewood CityTV video that highlights the Native American people who lived in the LakewoodLong Beach area, including the Tongva people at www. ericanHeritageMonth, where you can also get links to infor mation and the history of Na tive Americans from the L.A. County Public Libraries. ♦

The City of Lakewood asks drivers to please remember that on Halloween children may be running unexpectedly across streets. Please drive ex tra cautiously, especially on residential streets where ex cited kids may dart out at any time.

And parents, please remind

your children to be careful crossing streets. Always do so only at crosswalks…not in the middle of a street…and only after checking both directions carefully. Put reflective tape on dark costumes and give your children a flashlight or something to illuminate them when crossing streets. ♦

November 2022 Volume 42 Number 11
Official publication of the Greater Lakewood Chamber of Commerce | 30,000 Circulation - Delivered to every home in Lakewood

Want to help in your community?

through youth organizations like the Boys and Girls Scouts, Little Leagues and Pop War ner Football, or through a re ligious congregation or the city-organized Neighborhood Watch program.

This coming holiday sea son…or any time of the year… please consider volunteering or, if your pocketbook allows, donating to help in our com munity.

Our city is home to many non-profit organizations and clubs, with hundreds of vol unteers and dedicated staff, who provide service and care to local residents in need…and they are always looking for ex tra volunteers or financial sup port to expand the good work that they do. These organiza tions are involved with our li braries, hospice care, meal de liveries to the homebound and many other helpful services.

You can also volunteer

You can also assist our youth through donations to local ed ucational foundations, such as those that provide added sup port to elementary and high school education, and those that provide technology, food and other help to college stu dents, including those experi encing homelessness but still going to school.

For college students, you can donate to student emergency funds at Long Beach City Col lege, Cerritos College (both of which can direct funds specifi cally to Lakewood students in need), or California State Uni versity, Long Beach.

To learn how to volunteer or donate to the above causes and more in Lakewood, go to or

One other way that you can show that you care, even from the comfort of your own

home, is by taking part in Lakewood’s annual “Thank a Servicemember” campaign, where residents are encour aged to write postcards or let ters of appreciation to send to American military personnel serving overseas during the holidays. We’re collecting cards and letters now through early December. For details, go to or call City Hall at 562-866-9771 ext. 3123.

A wise and timeless adage is that when you volunteer, you not only help someone else, but you help yourself through the act of giving and caring. The volunteer spirit is a key part of what has made Lake wood the friendly, neighborly and safe community that we all know and love. And the coming holiday season is a great time to renew that spirit of volunteerism and helping.

As you and your family prepare for the holiday sea son ahead, my colleagues on the Lakewood City Council and I wish you the very best and thank you for being great Lakewood neighbors! ♦

City Spotlight

Save the date for the Tree Lighting Lakewood residents are cordially invited to join in the city’s annual Tree Lighting ceremony and com munity gathering on Friday, Dec. 2 outside The Centre at 5000 Clark Ave., next to City Hall.

Carnival games and food trucks will be on the scene starting at 4:30 p.m. Santa will be ready to hear your children’s holiday wishes and take photos (with your own device) from 4:30 p.m. until 8 p.m.

The official tree lighting program starts at 6:30 p.m. Festivities wrap up at 8 p.m.

Fun features include:

• Lots of falling snow

• Holiday Musical Group

• Plenty of food trucks located in the parking lot behind City Hall where there is more room to spread out and relax.

• Wonderful and free family holiday photo opportunities. Costumed characters will help with several holiday photo scenes, including one with Santa and two large sleighs.

Parking will be available behind The Centre and in the large, gravel parking lot at the corner of Del Amo Boulevard and Clark Avenue. The parking lots immediately in front of and behind City Hall will be closed for use in the event. Pets and alco holic beverages are prohibited.

For more information, visit www. or call 562-866-9771 ext. 2408.

Teen centers offer after-school options

Lakewood’s two teen centers of fer safe, fun and positive ways for teens to spend their free time af ter school. At the Lakewood Youth Center at Del Valle Park and the Teen Resource Center at Bloom field Park, they can socialize with friends, do homework, and play video games while in the company of outgoing and responsible recre ation staff.

Each center offers different Fri day or Saturday night social events for teens, such as movie nights,

flag football tournaments, gaming tournaments and excursions. On Saturday, Nov. 12, from 4-8 p.m., teens can participate in a Nintendo Switch Tournament at Bloomfield Park, 21420 Pioneer Blvd., and on Fridays, Nov. 4, 11, and 18 begin ning at 3 p.m., the Lakewood Youth Center at 4658 Woodruff Ave. will host a series of trivia competitions. For more information, Bloomfield Park can be reached at 562-8651717 and the Youth Center can be reached at 562-429-7472.

Teen centers offer educational opportunities, too. The Teen Re source Center has weekday pro grams including Job Assistance and Homework Assistance. Teens interested in volunteering can get an application and project infor mation at either teen center. The Lakewood Youth Center is open Monday through Friday from 3-7 p.m. The Teen Resource Center is open Monday through Friday from 3-6 p.m.

Play softball to help Project Shepherd

Residents are asked to get on base with Project Shepherd by playing in or sponsoring a softball team in the annual “Turkey Tour nament,” hosted by the City of Lakewood. There will be two tour nament divisions offered: co-ed division and men’s division.

Games for both divisions will be played Saturday, Nov. 12. The co-ed tournament will take place at San Martin Park, and the men’s tournament will be played at Palms Park. Games begin at 9 a.m. and run throughout the day.

Registrations are due by Nov. 9. For more information or to in quire about signing up as a team or sponsor at 562-866-9771 ext. 2408.


• Team fee is $350

• 3-game guarantee

• ASA Bats

• Custom Dri-FIT jerseys will be given to the 1st place team


• Sponsors get a field sign for $100, highlighting your business in front of 120 ball players and fans. Now in its 50th year, Project Shepherd provides food and gifts during the holiday season and throughout the year to Lakewood residents in need. The City of Lakewood and the Rotary Club of Lakewood organize the efforts of volunteers and the donations of food, toys, clothing and cash to make Project Shepherd a success. Over 400 families, including 1,500 youth and adults, were helped in 2021.

Family Game Night

Gather the whole family and join your neighbors for a night of fam ily fun on Friday, Nov. 18 at 6 p.m. at your neighborhood park. Kids versus parents, family versus fam ily, trivia, charades and more, are sure to make this an action-packed evening of fun. Light refreshments will be served. Pre-registration re quired.

Go to

LakewoodToday Page 2 November 2022
(Cont'd. on Pg. 3)

Luncheon to honor those who protect Lakewood

Every November at the Award of Valor Luncheon, Lakewood invites residents and community leaders to take time to recognize deputy sher iffs, firefighters and fellow res idents who have demonstrated heroism and outstanding ser vice to the community.

This year will follow that tradition, with a luncheon at noon on Tuesday, Nov. 15 at The Centre.

The Award of Valor annual luncheon brings together over 400 people, including Lake wood residents, civic and business leaders, public safety professionals, Neighborhood Watch block captains, Sher iff’s Station volunteers and Volunteers on Patrol.

Top officials from the Los Angeles County Fire and Sheriff’s Departments will speak and join the Lakewood community in a show of sup port and appreciation for local heroes and public safety per sonnel.

“This event is a great oppor tunity to say thank you to the deputy sheriffs and firefight ers who work hard every day protecting and serving us, and to the community volunteers who have gone above and

beyond in the cause of pub lic safety in Lakewood,” said Mayor Steve Croft. “If you are able, I hope you can join us at this wonderful and meaningful annual city event.”

Reservations are required. Tickets are $32 each and ta bles of nine are available if purchased by 5 p.m. on Nov. 1. After that, tickets will be $42 each. Seats are not guaranteed after Nov. 8.

Checks should be made pay able to the City of Lakewood and mailed with names of at tendees to: Lakewood City Hall, c/o Community Rela tions Office, 5050 Clark Ave., Lakewood, California 90712.

Tickets can also be purchased online at www.lakewoodcity. org/AOVtickets. Contact 562866-9771 ext. 3123 for more information.

Award of Valor is sponsored by: Platinum Sponsors Rotary Club of Lakewood

Gold Sponsors

H & H Nursery

Lakewood Family YMCA

Lakewood Pan American Association

Water Replenishment District Director John Allen


Festive Ways to Thank Your Holiday Host

(StatePoint) As you make your way to holiday gather ings this season, be sure to show your hosts gratitude for opening their homes to you. There are many thought ful ways to thank a holiday host, but the best gestures are those that include personal ized touches to leave an im pression on the recipient. For example, don’t just bring a bottle of wine with you to the party. Share on the label why you selected that particular variety for your host. Send ing thanks the next day? Go above and beyond a regu lar message with something unforgettable, like a video greeting from SmashUps by American Greetings, which features celebrities and fun characters and can be person alized.

While gifts for hosts don’t need to be grand gestures, showing your appreciation for holiday hospitality is a great way to leave an impression and score an invitation to next year’s party. ♦

City Spotlight

(Cont'd. from Pg. 2)

ecatalog and search for “Family Game Night,” then select your lo cal park and register.

LYS Basketball Registration

Sign-ups for Lakewood Youth Sports Basketball will be available online Dec. 3-17. Go to www.lake and click on the “Sports” tab at the top of the page. Lakewood residents can also visit their local park to regis ter. The co-ed Rookie and Smurf Divisions, for ages 4-5 and 6-7, emphasizes instruction using a smaller ball and modified rules to promote fun and minimize compe tition. The Competitive Divisions are for ages 8-17, with 15-17 Boys and Girls divisions playing a 3 on 3 format focused on providing a fun, social atmosphere.

There is no registration fee for Lakewood residents. Non-resident registration is $20 and can be paid online any time. Players will be instructed to present a birth certifi cate to verify age classifications on Saturday, Jan. 7 from 9:30 a.m. –12:00 p.m.

Teams practice weekday eve nings and Saturday mornings, be ginning Dec. 26. League play be gins Jan. 21 and concludes March 11. Playoffs will conclude by March 18. For more information, call 562866-9771 ext. 2408.

Lakewood Youth Sports volun teer coaches needed

Volunteer coaches are needed for basketball teams for the up coming season at Lakewood parks. Although parents of players make great coaches, it’s not re quired to have a child playing to be a volunteer. Volunteering to coach is a rewarding experience, and anyone that wants to be involved is welcome.

No coaching experience is nec essary. City staff will provide the appropriate training. Inquire at any Lakewood park for complete details or call 562-866-9771 ext. 2408.

Drive-in Movie at Lakewood Center

The city will offer a Drive-in Movie at Lakewood Center, in the northwest parking lot near El Torito restaurant, on Saturday, Dec. 9 featuring Tim Burton’s The Night mare Before Christmas. The movie will begin at 7 p.m. with car staging beginning at 6 p.m. Residents will be charged $10 per car and nonresidents will be charged $15 per car. Pre-registration is required and is open to 100 cars. Participants can register at www.lakewoodcity. org/ecatalog using activity #23710 beginning Dec. 3 for residents and Dec. 5 for non-residents. ♦

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Business November 2022

New Farmers Market opening soon

nut butters, juices, coffee and iced coffee drinks, with a shaded dining area for cus tomers.

The market will be run by the operators of a longstand ing successful Farmers Mar ket in Long Beach (at Clark Ave. and Spring St.). At the end of each market day, Lake wood Meals on Wheels will collect produce and prepack aged donations from the ven dors.

City service changes for Thanksgiving

packaged goods, with 20-30 vendors joining throughout the month of November as the market grows in size. Items will include hot prepared foods, organic chicken, fresh fish, eggs, honey, hummus, vegan dishes, baked goods,

A grand opening event for the Farmers Market will take place after Thanksgiving, with special giveaways for attendees. Details will be an nounced in late November on the City of Lakewood website and weekly eMagazine. To subscribe to the free eMaga zine, visit www.lakewoodc ♦

City Hall is closed for the November holiday, but service is still available.

Lakewood City Hall will be closed on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 24-25 for the Thanksgiving holiday.

NO trash pick-up will occur on Thursday, Nov. 24. Trash pickup for Thursday and Fri day will be delayed by one day. That means pickups nor mally scheduled for Thursday will happen Friday, and Fri day’s normal pickups will oc cur on Saturday.

There will be NO residential

street sweeping Thursday and Friday and no makeup sweep. Therefore, there will be NO residential street-sweeping parking tickets issued during those two days. Street sweep ing and related parking en forcement will be normal on the Monday through Wednes day of Thanksgiving week.

DASH Transit will be closed on Nov. 24-25.

When City Hall is closed, here is how you can report a non-emergency issue:

• Call and leave a message for the city’s customer service staff at 562-866-9771 ext. 2140 or send an email to service1@ They will answer messages on the next business day.

• Submit a non-emergency service request online at www.

• Use the Lakewood Connect app for your smartphone to report an issue, ask a ques tion or give input to the City of Lakewood. The app is avail able from both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store as a free download.

For emergency city service requests, like downed tree limbs, traffic signal outages or water main leaks, call 562866-9771 and follow the in structions to page a 24-hour city emergency worker.

For questions or requests re garding trash and disposal ser vices, contact EDCO Disposal at 562-531-3054. ♦

Business Page 4 & Financial November 2022 11829 Downey Ave Downey, CA 90241 (562) 861-1234 Call Now! We Accept St. Lic#: 731172 $75 OFF Expires 11-30-22 ANY WATER HEATER INSTALLATION
Shoppers can browse a variety of fresh foods, crafts and more.
produce, crafts and
A new Lakewood Farmers Market
soon open Satur days from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on
city property at Del Amo Blvd. and Clark Ave. The Farmers Market will feature California-certified fresh
November 6th

Five ways to help Project Shepherd

As the holiday season quickly approaches, we are reminded of those who are less fortunate. Over 1,500 individuals living in Lake wood, many of them children and seniors, will not able to enjoy the holidays without the food, gifts and toys that many of us have come to take for granted.

With your help, Project Shepherd will ensure there’s enough joy for everyone in Lakewood during the holi day season.

Here are five ways you can contribute to the program:

1. Make a donation by check Mail a check to Lakewood

Project Shepherd, c/o Lake wood City Hall, 5050 Clark Ave., Lakewood, CA 90712.

Or, put the check in an en velope addressed to Project Shepherd and drop it off in the utility payment box out side City Hall.

2. Fulfill a child’s wish on a Teddy Bear Tree

• See the Teddy Bear Trees displaying paper ornaments from Wednesday, Nov. 16 through Friday, Dec. 2 at the Burns Community Center, 5510 Clark Ave. and at Lake wood City Hall, 5050 Clark Ave. in the Recreation and Community Services Dept.

• Select a paper teddy bear

ornament with a specific holi day wish for a child in need, purchase that gift, and return the ornament with the item to City Hall or Burns by Dec. 5.

3. Visit Project Shepherd’s gift registry on Amazon to purchase a gift and have it sent directly to the pro gram.

Starting Nov. 16, visit the link to Project Shepherd’s gift wish list on Amazon at PSAmazon

4. Support the Virtual Canned Food and Toy Drive Sponsor 1 to 35 canned goods for holiday meal baskets or donate to provide a toy for a child in need – or do both! It’s easy using the secure on line form at www.lakewood

5. Donate $10 Grocery Gift Cards

Next time you’re at the mar ket, pick up a $10 grocery gift card or two to donate. Please drop off gift cards to the Burns Community Cen ter, 5510 Clark Ave., Lake wood before Dec. 5.

Project Shepherd is oper ated by the Rotary Club of Lakewood and the City of Lakewood. For more infor mation, call 562-925-7512 or visit ProjectShepherd. ♦

New playground opens in Lakewood

age group—climbing, spin ning, balancing, sliding and swinging. These skills pro mote healthy growth and challenges for developing young bodies for a lifetime of physical fitness.

“Whether you live in the San Martin Park neighbor hood or elsewhere in Lake wood, come on by with your young kids and give Lake wood’s newest playground a try,” said Lakewood Mayor Steve Croft.

Children, parents and city council open up San Martin tot lot.

Kids ages 2-5 have a new playground to enjoy in Lake wood, with many exciting features …and shade shelters for parents and kids.

Features of the new “tot lot” playground at San Martin Park include:

• “Rock’N Slip Glider Ship," on which little ones can “sail” the seven seas with friends. This is the centerpiece of the playground.

• Swing set which features access for all ages and abili ties with bucket seats and straps. There are also “ParentAnd-Me” swings where chil dren can ride while engaging with mom or dad, swinging


• “Turnabout Spinner” that offers children a taste of the merry-go-round many parents enjoyed as youth, but with a safer experience. The small in-ground spinner provides the sensation of spinning at ground level while main taining a comfortable rate of speed.

• Shade shelters spread throughout the playground under which children can play…and parents can get some well-deserved, cool re laxation!

The playground was de signed to provide key ele ments of play crucial to this

The just-finished San Mar tin Park improvements also include new picnic shelters and improved disabled park ing access. The improvements are the latest to be funded by Lakewood Measure L, with enhanced funding coming from a state parks grant se cured by Assembly Member Anthony Rendon.

See a Lakewood CityTV video about the San Martin Park improvements at www. tinTotLot. ♦

Page 5 CommunityNews November 2022 NEW PATIENT SPECIALS • Cleaning, x-rays and exam $75 (over 60% off) • Teeth Whitening $25 (reg. $99) with Cleaning, X-Rays & Exam Family Dentistry 2704 Del Amo Blvd. (at Paramount) Lakewood, CA 90712 (562) 423-1441 Eric M. Reed, D.D.S. UCLA ‘91 / Lakewood HS ‘82 Free Kindergarten Dental Screening! CURRENT PATIENT SPECIALS • 25% off Teeth Whitening Digital X-Rays

Lakewood Run registration is open for 2023!

ruck or run the event’s 5K Run/Walk/Ruck or the 10K Run course for time.

In addition to the 5K/10K Walk and 10KRun, new this year is the 5K Ruck in honor of our military war riors. Rucking is the action of walking with a weighted rucksack (backpack) on your back. Rucking is a low-im pact exercise based on mili tary training workouts.

Lakewood’s tree-lined res idential streets offer a flat, “runner friendly” course that is fast for practiced runners and comfortable for fitness fans and family members.

personal best in the 5K/10K event for time or just for fun in this family-friendly event.

Early bird registration fees are in effect through Jan. 31. The fee is $45 for the 5K Run/Walk, $50 for the 5K Ruck, or $50 for the 10K Run.

Professional timing will be used. Medals will be award ed to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in each category of the 5K and 10K running events. All finishers for the 5K/10K will receive finisher medals.

Save the date for the 32nd annual Lakewood Run, “Warriors Building Healthi er Communities,” on Satur day, March 4, 2023. Deputy Sheriffs, recreational run ners, families and kids will gather at the starting line in front of the Lakewood Sher iff’s Station to walk, roll,

Check out the Lakewood Run website and register on line now at www.lakewood

All participants will be supporting Soroptimist In ternational of Lakewood/ Long Beach and Lakewood Sheriff’s Station charity ef forts while they pursue their

For participants and spec tators, the day includes a fitness expo and displays of public safety equipment and programs. There is also live entertainment and special giveaways from Lakewoodarea businesses.

To inquire about group rate entries or to get more event information, email info@ ♦

in the Lakewood Community News! Call or email us for special pricing: 562-531-9733 advertise@lake woodchamber. com

Page 6 November 2022 ChamberNews
Avid runners, fitness athletes, fami lies and kids are welcome.

Don’t trim trees in the parkway; call the city instead

Spice Up Game Day With This Mouthwatering Recipe

(StatePoint) It’s football season, and there’s only one thing to make game day a bigger win: delicious game day food!

Classic Buffalo Chicken Wings

Register for Project Shepherd assistance

The parkway is the area be tween the sidewalk and the street in front of a residence.

The City of Lakewood plants the trees in that area. They are city property and it is the city’s sole responsibility to trim them when needed. Resi dents should not trim the tree on their own. There have been cases of residents (or their gar deners) doing their own trim ming in a way that is harmful to the tree or to the aesthetics of the neighborhood.

Lakewood is proud to have a “Tree City USA” designa tion, and the city trims every parkway tree on a rotating, four-year cycle for the health of the tree.

However, the city will send out a crew to trim more fre

quently if:

• The foliage of the tree is too thick.

• The tree is growing too close to the house.

• There is “sucker” growth out of the base of the tree.

• The tree is overhanging the sidewalk or street dangerously.

For more information or questions, contact City Hall customer service staff at 562866-9771 ext. 2140 or Ser

Trimming a city tree without permission is criminal vandal ism and can lead to a large fine.

Please do your part to keep Lakewood’s beautiful street trees in good shape. For tips on watering your street tree prop erly, go to www.lakewoodcity. org/TreeCare. ♦

If you’re someone who agrees that no tailgate or watch party is com plete without wings, you’re in good company. According to Chef Jordan Carfagno of Frank’s RedHot, chicken wings are the brand’s most searched recipe during football season. And it’s no wonder, Frank’s is the original Buffalo wings sauce flavor. Anyone looking to kick their wings up a notch can try this mouthwatering recipe for a classic take on wings, and it can be made in the oven at home, or in an air fryer if you’re tailgating.


• 1/3 cup butter, melted

• 1/2 cup Frank’s RedHot Original Cayenne Pepper Hot Sauce

• 2 and 1/2 pounds chicken wing pieces


1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Mix butter and RedHot Sauce in me dium bowl; set aside.

2. Arrange wings on large foil-lined pan. Bake on lowest oven rack for 30 minutes or until crispy, turning once.

3. Toss wings in sauce mixture until well coated. Serve with blue cheese and celery, if desired. ♦

The holiday season can be tough for some Lakewood households, including those who have faced unemployment or underem ployment for many months.

If you are a Lakewood resi dent facing tough economic times, your Lakewood neigh bors want to help. You can reg ister to receive help from Proj ect Shepherd for Thanksgiving and the December holidays.

Call now to make an ap pointment for the registration period of Nov. 2-16. For an ap pointment time, call the Burns Community Center Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. at 562-9257512.

Visit www.lakewoodcity. org/PSRegistration for addi tional information.

Eligibility requirements:

• Lakewood residents only.

• Those who are low-income, unemployed or on public as sistance.

To register, bring the follow ing:

• A current utility bill (water, gas, electric) or government award letter.

• Identification for each person in the household, including children.

Project Shepherd would like to thank our platinum sponsors Macy’s and Lakewood Jay cees for their generous support this holiday season. ♦

Page 7 Green
November 2022

City service changes for Veterans Day

Lakewood City Hall will be closed on Veterans Day, Fri day, Nov. 11.

• Trash service will continue as usual, picked up on your regular day.

• There will be no street sweeping and no makeup sweep in residential areas.

• Commercial sweeping around parks, schools and major streets will continue.

• The city will not issue street-sweeping related park ing tickets in any area.

• DASH Transit will not be available.

When City Hall is closed,

you can call and leave a mes sage for customer service staff at 562-866-9771 ext. 2140 or send an email to service1@ City staff will answer messages on the next business day.

For emergency city service requests, like downed tree limbs, traffic signal outages or water main leaks, call 562866-9771 and follow the in structions to page a 24-hour city emergency worker.

For questions or requests regarding trash and disposal services, contact EDCO Dis posal at 562-531-3054. ♦

Teddy Bear Trees make shopping special

Choose a teddy bear ornament and fulfill a child’s wish.

Thanksgiving holiday sales offer some of the best deals of the year at Lakewood Center. They also provide an afford able way to fulfill the holiday wishes of disadvantaged chil dren living in Lakewood.

Many of the 1,500 resi dents that Lakewood Project Shepherd serves during the holidays are kids—kids who could really use a toy for the holidays. Since 1995, chil

dren from families enrolled in Project Shepherd have hung their holiday gift wishes in the form of paper bear ornaments on “Teddy Bear Trees” in the hopes of having them filled by an anonymous “Santa.”

Beginning Wednesday, Nov. 16, Teddy Bear Trees will be displayed in the Recreation and Community Services Dept. at City Hall as well as the Burns Community Cen

ter. Here’s how the program works:

• You select an ornament with a child's name, age and wish (for a reasonably priced toy) and then shop for the gift that will fulfill that wish.

• Bring the unwrapped gift with the matching “ornament” to the donation box at the City Hall or the Burns Community Center during business hours prior to Monday, Dec. 5.

• All of the unwrapped gifts go to children registered through Project Shepherd, which is Lakewood’s homegrown char ity to assist local families in need.

Or, you can fulfill a child’s wish online by visiting Project Shepherd’s Amazon gift reg istry starting Nov. 16 at www. There you can choose a gift to purchase and have it sent di rectly to the program.

Project Shepherd is operated by the Rotary Club of Lake wood and the City of Lake wood. For more information, call 562-925-7512, or visit ectShepherd. ♦

Page 8 November 2022 ...STAY LAKEWOOD LOYAL SH P LAKEWOOD SH P LAKEWOOD - Single Story Room Additions from Concept to Completion - 75% of work done in-house • Plan & Designing Service • Plans Drawn Ready for Permit • 38 Years of Design & Building Experience on Lakewood Models • Lakewood Resident since 1961 • Only work in Lakewood References Available Call Kyle (562) 278-2360 K.E.Y. Construction Lic#: 540452 Construction


Tips for Finding a Medicare Plan That Works for You

(StatePoint) Feeling over whelmed by your Medicare op tions? There’s a good reason for that. With more than 3,000 Medicare Advantage plans, over 700 Part D Prescription Plans available and an array of carriers offering Medicare Supplement plans, there’s a lot to consider.

“Whether this is your first time enrolling in Medicare or you’ve been through the process before, it’s easy to get confused by the big picture, not to mention all the details,” says Ryan Kocher, Medicare growth officer at Cig na.

This Medicare Annual Elec tion Period (AEP), Kocher is demystifying the enrollment process by sharing the same tips he offers to his own friends and family members:

1. Don’t wait. Understanding Medicare can protect your health and finances in the years to come. If you are transitioning from a commercial plan, work with an expert with your com pany’s insurance plan to avoid gaps in coverage as well as late penalties.

2. Nail down the basics. There are many different plan types. Here’s a breakdown:

• Original Medicare, offered through the U.S. government, in cludes all providers who agree to participate in the program.

• Medicare Supplement plans are plans offered by many private insurers that complement Origi nal Medicare. For an additional premium, these plans cover costs such as copays and coinsurance not covered by Original Medi care. There are a number of stan dardized options available.

• Standalone Prescription Drug Plans, offered by private insurers for a monthly premium, provide drug coverage not covered by Original Medicare or Medicare Supplement.

• Medicare Advantage (MA) plans cover everything covered by Original Medicare, and most also include dental, vision and hearing benefits. They often in clude prescription drug cover age, and other extras like overthe-counter drugs, transportation to doctor’s visits and pharmacies, and fitness plans. MA plans are often available at no extra cost.

3. Review your plan annually.

During the AEP (October 15-De cember 7), it’s important to re view your current Medicare plan, even if you like it. This is because plan details are subject to change every year. Review the Annual Notice of Changes,

which is mailed to you by your insurer each September. This document spells out plan chang es for the upcoming year.

4. Compare all the costs. Be sure to factor in all the associ ated costs of a given plan, not just the monthly premium. Outof-pocket costs, such as co-pays and deductibles, should also be considered. Additionally, note the prices and rules around the prescription drugs you take.

5. Check network requirements.

Before signing up for a particu lar plan, check to make sure that your favorite health care provid ers are in its network. While you may be able to go out of network for care, be prepared to pay more if you do.

6. Ask questions. Don’t settle on a plan until you understand it. If you have questions, reach out to your broker, insurer, physician and even those friends and fam ily members who have Medicare for help.

7. Use your plan. Now that you have a plan, make the most of its benefits. Schedule all the screenings, vaccines and other preventive health measures rec ommended by your doctor. Early intervention can help detect con ditions early when they can be

more effectively treated.

For more information about Medicare, visit, Cigna’s website at www.cigna or the state health insurance assistance program in your area.

Page 9 November 2022 SH P LAKEWOOD

Remind holiday visitors of street-sweeping days

on the apron, which is the sloped area between the street and the sidewalk leading up to your driveway, as long as the vehicle does not overhang the sidewalk.

in the street. Put small fallen branches into your green waste cart if you can. Remove larger branches from the street if you can.

Street sweeping is cancelled when city staff determines it is raining enough that water is pooling or flowing in gut ters throughout a neighbor hood, which prevents effective sweeping. (Sweeping still oc curs during a light sprinkle.)

regular sweeping day the fol lowing week. For example, the cancellation of a Friday sweep means the next sweep in that neighborhood is the following Friday. No sweeping-related parking citations are issued on rain cancellation days. Call or email customer service to verify if sweeping has been cancelled due to rain.

Read the tips for avoiding tickets.

Family and friends visit ing Lakewood over the holi days may be unfamiliar with Lakewood’s parking and street-sweeping schedules and regulations that help keep neighborhoods clean and safe for everyone. Help your visi tors enjoy a joyful celebration and avoid tickets by sharing these tips:

• Check the street-sweeping schedule in advance. For Thanksgiving, there will be no residential street sweeping on Thursday or Friday, Nov.

24-25, and no street-sweeping related tickets will be issued those two days. However, street sweeping will be normal on Monday through Wednes day, Nov. 21-23, so be sure early visitors know where they can safely park on those three days to avoid getting cited. Street sweeping and enforce ment will resume Monday, Nov. 28.

• On your street-sweeping day only, parking is allowed on the front and side lawns.

• Any day, parking is allowed

• Don’t obstruct or overhang onto the sidewalk. When park ing in your driveway or on the apron any day of the week, in cluding street-sweeping day, it is important to NOT obstruct or overhang onto the sidewalk. That creates a dangerous ob struction for pedestrians and violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and state parking laws.

• Citations are issued only when a vehicle is immediate ly in the way of the sweeper. (Parking enforcement vehicles follow directly behind the sweeper.) That means you can park on the street before and after the sweeper passes your home during the posted times in your neighborhood.

• Help get a clean sweep by keeping the path clear. Don’t make leaf piles or leave trash

In the case of a rain cancel lation, sweeping in that neigh borhood is postponed until the

If you have any questions, please contact Lakewood cus tomer service staff at 562-8669771 ext. 2140 or at service1@ ♦

Girl Scouts Troop 70233 take part in "Clean Air Day Pledge"


Girl Scouts Troop 70233, composed of eleven 4th7th grade girls from the cit ies of Lakewood, Bellflower and Long Beach, participated in the 2022 Clean Air Day Pledge at the City of Lake wood’s multicultural celebra tion, Fest-Of-All, held on Oc tober 8, 2022 at the Lakewood Center.

At Fest-Of-All, the girls passed out air-purifying plants to residents, distributed a “Top 10 Actions to Clean The Air” bookmark, and collected sig natures for the Clean Air Day

The girls’ initiative stemmed from a 1989 NASA study that demonstrated that house plants have the potential for improv ing indoor air quality. The plant distribution is funded with a grant the troop secured from the Coalition for Clean Air, whose mission is to pro tect public health, improve air quality, and prevent climate change.

The Clean Air Pledge al lows individuals and organi zations to commit to do their part to clear the air, through actions big and small. Cali fornia Clean Air Day is a proj ect of the Coalition for Clean Air. Girl Scouts Troop 70233 encourages all to “Take the Clean Air Pledge at cleanair” ♦

CommunityNews Page 10 November 2022

Expert Tips to Organize Your Home for Fall

recommends dry cleaning win ter jackets now so they’re ready to wear when cold weather comes.

Find Balance in the Bath room. Whether it’s the primary bath or the kids’ washroom, make the most of your space by organizing everything into different categories, like towels and haircare. Once everything is grouped, you can decide what will be kept where based on the available areas. Use a tray on the counter and bins in pullout drawers.

(StatePoint) From the walkin closet to the kitchen pantry, catch-all spots make all the dif ference in daily routines -- but only if they’re kept neat and tidy.

Family organizing expert Jes sica Litman, also known as “The Organized Mama,” is on a mis sion to help families declutter and stay organized. She’s shar ing her pro tips for getting your home in shape for this busy time of year.

Clear Away Cabinet Clutter. ‘Tis the season for autumn chili, stew and other comfort foods. That means it’s also time to put your essential slow cookers and pans where you can reach them, so food prep will be hassle-free.

“When the weather starts to cool, I swap out summer cook ware for winter bakeware,” says Litman. “I put the grilling items in the back of the cabinet and pull the turkey roaster and bak ing dishes to the front.”

For added storage, Litman recommends using a shelf rack or vertical organizer to keep cut ting boards and pie pans neatly upright and easily accessible. Prep the Pantry. Create a system that gives grab-and-go snacks and cooking necessities a home. This will help keep the kitchen tidy in the midst of busy work and school schedules.

“Do a pantry cleanout,” Lit man says. “Remove everything from the area and wipe down the shelves. Take the canned goods you didn’t eat and donate them to a local food bank.”

Use a combination of Duck brand’s Clear Classic EasyLiner shelf liner and new containers to restore order to the space. Mea sure the shelves, cut the liner to length and then lay it flat. The shelf liner is durable, waterproof and designed to keep surfaces dry while making them easy to wipe clean. Use the measure ments to get an idea of what size bins will best fit the area. Store crackers, cereal, oats and pasta in clear containers with labels, and put spices and seasonings in a slim organizer.

“Set up items similarly to grocery store shelves by plac ing like items together,” Litman suggests. “When you do this, it's

like you are shopping in your pantry instead of hunting for things.”

Out with the Old. Before pull ing out your fall wardrobe, de clutter the piles of “stuff” from the closet. This will make your space seem bigger and more or ganized.

“Remove clothes from this past season,” Litman recom mends. “Look through each garment. If you didn’t wear it, donate, toss or sell it.”

Now that there is more room, hang an over-the-door shoe rack for rain boots and work shoes and use a closet organizer to store accessories, such as belts, purses and scarves. Litman also

Litman says to wipe and line surfaces, especially under the sink, with Solid Grip EasyLiner with Clorox before putting es sentials away. Antimicrobial agents inhibit mold and mildew growth to protect the liner, and will catch makeup smudges and water spills to give the area an extra clean feeling. She also rec ommends waiting until after the organizing process to buy bins and caddies, so you know ex actly what you need.

Once these organizing proj ects are complete, your home will be ready for all the fun fall festivities and family gather ings. ♦

Page 11 November 2022 AroundTown
Page 12 November 2022

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