2022 Annual Report

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CONTENTS Vision and Values Staff & Leadership Team Board Report Pastoral Letter / ILT Finance Team V &V Report Facility Management Team Changes in the Church Family GATHERING TOGETHER Worship Ministry Prayer Young Adults Ministry Children's Ministry Youth Ministry Neighbourhood Church Kitchen GOING DEEPER Community Groups Refugee Team Women's Ministry IN THE COMMUNITY Pastoral Tribute Pastoral Care Team English Plus Daybreak Point Bible Camp Meet The Need Community Meal Missions Team 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 11 12 13 15 17 19 22 24 25 26 29 32 33 35 36 37 39 2022 ANNUAL REPORT

V i s i o n & V a l u e s



EXTENDING HIS KINGDOM in our city and around the world

Christ-centered Spirit-led

We pursue Jesus Christ as the model for our lives and the focus of our worship

We depend on God’s Holy Spirit to guide, transform, equip, fill, and empower us for Christian living

The Bible Prayer

We believe Scripture to be the timeless, inspired Word of God by which He reveals Himself and His truth to us

We experience the presence and power of the Holy Spirit through prayer, both individually and corporately

Loving one another Transformed lives

We provide a welcoming, safe and accepting place where people experience genuine community and extend our heavenly Father’s love in practical ways to those in need

Unity in Diversity Service

We desire to see all people experience Jesus’ transforming love, deepening their relationship with Him, and effectively living out His plan and purpose for their lives

We intentionally embrace and celebrate our diversity, woven together by God as a colourful tapestry of ethnicity, age, gender, marital and socioeconomic status

We encourage and equip each other to develop and to share our diverse God-given talents and spiritual gifts in our community and the world




Paul Williams (until Nov. 2022)


Steve Hankinson, Rebecca Janke and Edith Rae (since Nov. 2022)


Don Crawford (since Mar. 2023)


Dan Kim (since Aug 2022)


Mike Bennett (until Feb 12)

Max Janssen (since Mar 1st)


David Morgan


Susan Robertson


Tiago Williams - Worship

Jonatán Vila - Media


Leidy Calderón de Vila (maternity leave until Nov. 2022)

Sharon Wang (maternity cover until Nov. 2022)


Luke Mulder

Merhawit Beyene


Jan Quiring


Steve Hankinson (Chair)

Rebecca Janke (Vice-Chair)

Matthew Kloeble (Secretary)

Merrill Leung (Treasurer)

Andrea Corbett

Charlene Kane

Edith Rae

Michael (Qing) Zhu

Vivian Scott

Wayne Elderton

Paul Williams (Acting Lead Pastor)


REPORT board

The Board exists to:

Fulfill the legal requirements and responsibilities of the Granville Chapel Society.

Establish the vision and general direction for Granville Chapel

·Encourage and provide accountability to the Lead Pastor

·Demonstrate spiritual support and leadership to the church.

Directors also serve on various sub-teams and task forces of the Board which provide support in key areas including finances, personnel, building, policies and procedures, communication, nominations and membership, and special projects We do this prayerfully – seeking the Lord’s plan and direction for Granville Chapel with wisdom, discernment, grace, and unity.

As the year progressed, the Board priorities centred on reopening post-COVID, caring and supporting the Perrett family and transitioning leadership when Paul William stepped down and Mike Bennett moved to another church

The Board worked on refreshing the vision and values that had been created in 2004. The vision and values work culminated in workshops for ministry leaders and the congregation in early 2023. In addition, the Board established the Lead Pastor Search team

As a Board, we miss Andy who provided that discerning and wise counsel and guidance at every Board meeting We are so thankful that he led with integrity and humility He helped us all walk with the Lord and to rely on Him to lead His church

The Board is so grateful to the Granville community for the prayer and support through 2022. The Lord has directed our path throughout this eventful year. The most important part of each meeting is the prayer time for the community. The “ year of extensive changes” required Board members to commit more time and energy than is typical I am so thankful for the capabilities, commitment, and service of the Board this year

Continually pray with us for discernment and wisdom as we look ahead to all that the Lord has for His church in 2023 and beyond.

T h e b o a r d i s s o g r a t e f u l t o t h e G r a n v i l l e c o m m u n i t y f o r t h e p r a y e r a n d s u p p o r t t h r o u g h 2 0 2 2 .

LETTER pastoral

Submitted by the Interim Leadership Team

(Edith Rae, Rebecca Janke and Steve Hankinson)

The Granville community experienced more change and transition than any time in the last decade or longer. It was a remarkable year because the Lord led the Granville journey. Looking back, we see how the Lord guided and provided for the community. We are so thankful for the Lord's faithful provisions and love and consider this a testimony of His goodness to the community

The year began with the continued uncertainties COVID introduced We are so thankful for the diligent work and leadership of the staff team throughout this time As restrictions eased, we re-entered community life to be reminded how important we are to each other. The opportunity to talk, pray and worship together encouraged our hearts. We rekindled friendships and made new friends. We had opportunity to serve and help each other. Meeting face-to-face in the spring and summer prepared us for the losses experienced in the Fall.

Our dear pastor and friend, Andy Perrett, transitioned to heaven in August A personal and collective loss for each one of us at Granville We miss Andy's easy way, wisdom, and encouragement to walk with the Lord Here too, the Lord ordered our steps as we came together to celebrate Andy's life in September. A time to care for the family and to grieve as a community. We give thanks to God for Andy and the family for the outpouring of themselves to us and God's Kingdom.

In August, we welcomed Dan Kim who joined staff as the Ministry Operations Pastor. As summer transitioned into Fall, more change was upon us. Paul Williams (Acting Lead Pastor) felt called to step down We are thankful for his 10 years of faithful service at Granville

To fill the role of the Lead Pastor, the Board created the Interim Leadership Team The volunteer team of Edith, Rebecca and Steve was privileged to serve alongside staff and to support their ministry The staff team was remarkable for the flexibility and extra effort given to help lead and serve in a year full of transitions.


As we concluded 2022 and stepped into 2023, the last significant transition occurred as Mike Bennett answered the call to be a Site Pastor at Tenth Church. Mike served as Youth & Young Adults Pastor for three years. We are thankful for his years of service and leading youth and young adults.

This momentous year, full of major transition milestones, was interspersed with the Lord using the people of Granville to share His love Through the year, people grew closer to God through bible study, group prayer and participating on Sundays We witnessed people coming to faith and following the Lord in baptism. Stories abound of how those in this community served others through the Pastoral Care team, Meet the Need team and other teams to expand the Lord’s goodness. The service of the community extended to refugee families not yet in Canada as well as missionaries serving the Lord around the world. To borrow from the words of the Apostle Paul written to the community of Philippi, (Phil. 1:3) we thank our God every time we remember you.

To our staff team, thank you for all you do in this community: Susan (KingdomKids, Women’s Ministry & ESL), Dan (Ministry Operations), David (Worship & Creative Media), Jonatán (Media Assistant), Leidy (Office Administration), Max (Youth), Tiago (Worship)

How wonderful that amid turbulent times we can trust the good Shepherd! His Kingdom will never be shaken!


TEAM finance

And the people continued to bring freewill offerings morning after morning. So all the skilled workers who were doing all the work on the sanctuary left what they were doing and said to Moses, “The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the Lord commanded to be done ” Exodus 36:3b -5

A common refrain from 2022 is how the price of everything seems to be going up and the struggle of people to keep up. In these uncertain times of inflation, economic uncertainty and financial struggle, God’s people look to Him to provide for their needs and even to prosper.

Amazingly, the church has the financial resources it needs because the LORD provides and you have been faithful in giving. Your offerings support the important ministries of Granville Chapel. We are grateful for our staff who lead worship, children ministries, youth ministries, adult ministries, and outreach We value the opportunities to partner with missionaries and missions organizations through the oversight of our Missions team Your giving helps to support these initiatives and covers the costs of supplies and services needed for the day-to-day

operations of the church

Thank you for stepping up by giving $760,000 of offerings in 2022, which exceeded budget. Combined with other revenues of $26,000, Granville Chapel was able to cover most of the 2022 operating costs of $841,000. The excess costs of $55,000 relate to $75,000 of special accruals which were partially offset by $20,000 of cost savings. The special accruals will be funded from cash surpluses from prior years. A full and detailed financial review of the 2022 financial results, including the special accruals, will be provided at the April Annual General Meeting

Looking forward to 2023, Granville Chapel has budgeted costs of $745,000 which was approved by the congregation In developing the budget, the leadership looked for cost savings where available and is striving to be prudent with spending. For the three months ended March 31, 2023, estimated revenues of $140,000 were less than budget of $187,000, and estimated expenses of $186,000 were lower than budget of $216,000. Please keep our church finances in your prayers as we strive to ensure church operations are adequately funded.

I would like to thank Leidy Calderon, Dan Kim and Jan Quiring for taking care of the day-to-day finances, and Jan, Michael Zhu, Liz Becker for their work on the Finance Team with me

"Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."

1 Timothy 6:18-19


TEAM vision & values

Coming out of Covid and with the passing of our beloved Pastor Andy Perrett, the Board was prompted to take the opportunity to re-visit our current Vision and Values With so much change and the possible search for a new Lead Pastor, it was essential to clarify who we are as congregation and inform where we are going. An organization’s Vision and Values are not the whole picture but an important starting point

To do all the initial work and manage the process, the Board established the Vision & Values Board Task Force. The team consists of Wayne Elderton (Chair) and team members Steve Hankinson (Board Chair), Rebecca Janke (Board Vice-Chair) and Board members Edith Rae and Matthew Kloeble.

The team ran the initial workshops with the Board to create the preliminary rough draft and then steered a process to gather feedback. The process included intentional steps of ‘widening the circle’ through workshops with Staff, community leaders and the general congregation. The goal was to keep listening for God’s voice through the voices of the people of Granville to shape the final version, which is to be presented at the 2023 AGM

It is the Board’s hope and prayer that this work will be a useful tool used by God to shape the direction and culture of His church at Granville


TEAM facility management

The Facility Management Team continues to maintain and improve the building to ensure we can continue to use it for God's glory for many years to come.

We want to say a special thank you to Dick Barkess for his years of loving service to Granville Chapel in doing fix-it jobs whenever needed This behind the scenes role is up for grabs and is a practical way you could bless our community.

Our team of two, Jan Quiring and Andrea Corbett, would welcome new members who love Granville and want to help steward the building

It has been a delight to gather in the sanctuary for services and host community lunches again this year. Praise God for the gift of our building. Please join us in praying for God to continue to bless and transform lives through Granville Chapel

– Submitted by Andrea Corbett


CHURCH FAMILY changes in the


Evan Larson

Yikai (Simon) Yang

Gabrielle Sterling

Arman & Yunjeoo Fallaj-Kim

Sydney & Yeeun Archer

Simon & Elisabeth Anderson

Max & Kiara Janssen


Tom Hill

Silvia Marshall

Malcolm Marshall

Andy Perrett


Simon Anderson

Elisabeth Anderson

Lyon Lin

Yunjeoo Fallaj-Kim


TOGETHER gathering


MINISTRY worship & media

2022. What can I say? This was a hard year, to say the least. It is interesting though... every time I was asked how things were going with the worship ministry at Granville, I found myself surprised at my answer.

In the midst of all the change, grief, and challenges, there seemed to be a poignant spiritual vibrancy in the community that I could sense every time we worshipped.

Often when people come on any given Sunday for a worship service, there is a certain degree of "fluff" that is carried into the building, that is, the comfortable buffer between what we present to those around us and the real stuff deep down. On a typical Sunday, it takes a bit for people to warm up, to step into worship, to become aware of what God might be saying or doing, and to move beyond the ‘fluff’ to enter that space of transformative encounter

This year that 'fluffy' insulating buffer of comfort seems to have been worn thin, and our times of worship have been a different experience. I found time and time again, both in myself and in our community, that we were much quicker to proclaim our need for God as we cried out singing things like "Lord I Need you"... and hand in hand with that, we were much more ready to proclaim the greatness and goodness of God in desperate faith There is something about coming to God in desperation... it seems to me that perhaps He gifts us with a tad more awareness in the midst of our pain

In desperate hope we cry to God for help... and then again, in times where it seems that we have been let down and we muddle our way through grief, we are continuously invited into the comfort and healing of our God who cares for us... and again we stake our trust in him who is still good.

Does that make life easier or more 'nice'? No Does that undo the experiences we have had? No And still we sing

You are worthy of it all For from You are all things and to You are all things You deserve the glory

Into and through this 2023 year, I am excited for where God is taking and will take Granville Chapel In regards to worship ministry, Tiago Williams has stepped into the role of Worship Coordinator taking on the multi-faceted role in stride, in conjunction with Dan Kim, our Ministry Operations Pastor Regarding design and communications, Leidy Calderón de Vila and Jonatán Vila continue to exercise their gifts in incredible ways for this community. Particular thanks to our many volunteers on stage and behind the scenes - our devoted community that continues to truly move these ministries forward in service and love.

I close with the words I wrote for the 2021 ministry report, as I believe the sentiment has not changed:

"While we continue to press forward into uncertainty, we continue to place our trust in our God who loves us, who leads us, and who uses us for his kingdom purposes For this current year, and the years to come, we shuffle forward, palms open in surrender - for his kingdom, and for his Glory "



Whether its praying before Sunday services, in community groups, or individually at home - prayer continues to permeate our life, community, and all our ministries at Granville Chapel

A group of intercessors on our Prayer Chain continues to faithfully pray throughout the year for needs and requests arising from our community. In addition, we have a newly formed Care and Prayer Team who not only pray for others, but also provide encouragement and practical help through a variety of means such as: providing meals, regular visits, sending flowers, and writing cards/notes of encouragement

Granville Chapel’s early morning prayer group (Wednesday’s at 7am) continued to meet this past year on Zoom The group is typically 4-6 people and they pray for our weekly services & programs, individuals/families in need (as alerted through the Prayer Chain), our missionaries and other concerns for our community and the world… all in order that His Kingdom would come and His will be done. New members are welcome and can contact Mike Manning at mmvanbc@gmail com for the Zoom link

Prayer is also a point of emphasis during our Sunday worship gatherings Every week, we create space and opportunities for anyone who needs prayer to come and be prayed for by our Prayer Ministry Team This team has expanded in recent months and we continue to think about how we can help make prayer more accessible for more people on Sunday mornings.

Finally, during this past season of Lent, our church community was encouraged to pray through an initiative called 40 Days of Prayer The goal was for each member of our church to learn, grow in, and develop daily rhythms and practices of prayer Here are some testimonies arising from this time from members of our community:

“During the 40 Days of Prayer, we were prompted to connect with God as a whole family. Instead of a short cartoon to keep the children calm and quiet before school in the morning, we now start with a worship song (that the kids are familiar with), a short bible passage (we’re going through the Psalms), a quick discussion of the passage, and then we end with a round of prayers (from the youngest to the oldest). It can be hard to keep up with this routine but it has been so worth it!”

“As I began 40 Days of Prayer, I wanted to be more worshipful in my prayers, rather than primarily making requests of God. Well, an unusual thing happened as I woke up on two consecutive mornings with a different worship song going through my head. With joy I realized the Spirit was guiding me to include, “singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19). God has blessed me in this, as I feel His presence more in prayer.”

We are grateful to God for how he continues to answer and grow us through our prayers. Looking forward, we want to continue to cultivate a deeper culture of prayer at Granville Chapel, where every member is encouraged and equipped to draw closer to God in prayer, both together with others and individually in our personal lives.


MINISTRY young adults

Over the past year, the Young Adults ministry has gone through a number of changes and shifts, mirroring the many changes we have experienced overall as a church community.

However, despite this season of change, we are nonetheless grateful to God for his faithfulness and what He has done in our young adults community over the past year.

In the first half of 2022, the Young Adults ministry was led by Mike Bennett and Jerusha Lieow who provided regular opportunities for bible study, worship, and fellowship through social events and hangouts together

Starting in the fall of 2022, Mike Bennett and Dan Kim led a weekly Young Adults bible study on Thursday nights while also hosting larger gatherings and events such as our Fall Kickoff BBQ and Christmas Party

Then in the beginning of 2023, the decision was made to combine this Thursday bible study with an existing young adults community group led by Eric and Joanna Miller, called the Sojourners The Sojourners community group has thrived as we have welcomed many new faces in the past several months

In addition, many young adults have been able to connect and grow in relationship through weekly Sunday lunches taking place after the service. The biggest hurdle for this group is to find restaurants that can accommodate such large groups of young adults + some young kiddos!

By far the greatest change for the young adults ministry was the departure of our Youth and Young Adults Pastor, Mike Bennett, in February of this year. We are incredibly grateful to Mike for his faithful service and care for the young people in our community.


Moving forwards, Max Janssen in his role as Youth Pastor will take on responsibility to care for youth graduates up until the age of 22 For some, this will mean caring for them as they go abroad for study or for work For those who stay locally in Vancouver, the goal will be to help these young adults to integrate into the regular life and community of Granville Chapel.

In addition to Max, we have a number of other people in our church who have a heart for the young adults of our community Joanna and Eric Miller have already been mentioned; David and Chandehl Morgan continue to graciously open up their home for regular meals and social events We also have a number of “connectors” who intentionally seek to reach out and welcome any new young adults who come to visit our church

I personally am also invested in the young adults community and hope to see a culture developing in our church where the “older” young adults (or just adults in general) see themselves as having the responsibility and privilege to help the next generation grow up into mature, joyful, and faithful followers of Christ

We would deeply appreciate your prayers for this group of young people at our church If you would like to be involved somehow in supporting this group, please feel free to reach out anytime.


MINISTRY children's

Children's Ministry serves and encourages the children and families of Granville Chapel. Our goals are to provide a nurturing environment in which children come into relationship with Jesus Christ and grow in their walks with Him, and to support and encourage parents in their roles as primary spiritual guides and leaders for their children

Our vision statement for Children’s Ministry is “To be a spiritually vibrant community, transformed by God's love, and extending his Kingdom in our city and around the world"

KingdomKids has continued in its role as our foundational Sunday morning program - whether on Zoom or in person! We aim to guide children in understanding the "big picture" of God's love for them personallythrough the power of the Holy Spirit - in learning about and understanding the Bible and its truth and relevance to them, and in understanding what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus, and to follow Him

From babies in the Nursery to elementary school-aged children upstairs, we think of this ministry as a twofold endeavour: "showing" God's love and "telling" the Good News We want children to feel loved, as a reflection of Jesus’ love for them.

During 2022 we continued with our “post-Covid” gatherings on Sundays: (1) KingdomKids Meet Up on Zoom and (2) KingdomKids in person at the church as part of our weekly worship service (back to the way things


In the Nursery, another wonderful team of 6 Adults and 6 Youth care for babies and toddlers on a rotational basis, giving parents an opportunity to join the worship service on Sunday mornings

Our Children’s Ministry is very dependent upon (and I am thankful for!) all of these willing folks who serve both KingdomKids and Nursery children throughout the year. Thank you!

Brief Ministry Highlights from the Year:

We are so thankful to be able to meet together, and share the love of Jesus with children The programs we plan and the activities we carry out are simply tools that we use to support and encourage families and children; we are, in fact, dependent on the Holy Spirit, who is the one who renews and transforms lives. As Leaders’ and parents’ lives are transformed, we pray that, in turn, the lives of those whom they serve will also be transformed

(1)“Adventures on Promise Island” Summer Fun Kids Camp, July 11-14:

We had a really fun few days at Maple Grove Park run by a team of about 11 Youth and 5 Adult leaders leading a group of about 15-17 energetic children! We were thankful for beautiful weather, and being in the park enabled children to run around and enjoy the great outdoors The love of Jesus was shared through games, crafts, snacks, music, and - of course, Bible drama (thanks, Jane Saborio!) Of course, preparation for the camp is part of the big purpose: Training the youth and having some “paint and prep” sessions with the team was a good way to connect prior to the camp itself. After the camp, the youth team enjoyed a swim and pizza party at Maple Grove Park Pool A highlight this year was having one of our parents and two children from our English Plus (ESL) program involved Following the camp, this parent wrote: “...It is a pleasure for us to be a part of the event where we met and made new friends. My kids were so excited about games, drama, songs, craft and post-camp swimming, surely it is a great memory for our first summer in the beautiful land of Vancouver ”

(2)Christmas songs and costumes: Of course, the children had an opportunity to sing Christmas carols and dress as shepherds and angels in early December as we took part in the celebration of the good news of Jesus’ birth! Some amazing Youth singers also contributed their talents

(3) Christmas Care Packages: KingdomKids

Families gave gifts and money towards Christmas Care Packages for our Community Meal families.

(4) Children bring their “offering” each week to contribute towards a ministry. In the past several months, we have been focusing on Himalayan Life and the 398 children they serve! We are happy to be able to play a part in supporting this ministry

(5) In conjunction with the Youth Ministry and the board, we have been working on a revised Safety and Risk Management policy for all ministries, for the protection of children and youth.

We are so thankful to our Lord for his encouragement and sustaining power through this season It has not always been an easy time, with losses to our community and remnant effects of Covid. Through it all, the Lord is our “...refuge and strength; an ever-present help in times of trouble.” (Psalm 46:1).

He gives us hope and joy - and energy! Thank you to all who have been involved this past year!

– Submitted by Susan Robertson, Children's Ministry Coordinator



Be with Jesus. Become like Jesus. Do what Jesus did.

This is a phrase that Mike Bennett (my father-in-law, mentor, and former youth pastor at Granville) and I have continued to say often to Granville Youth and to each other this year as we articulated what our hopes were for the youth and leading team

As we enter the spring of 2023, we look back on a year of trying to find new rhythms after a 3 year period marked by twists, turns and ups and downs. A season which left our families and youth with little to no consistency in school, work, and family life. Looking wider, this was a time that displayed an increase in worldwide divisiveness, polarization, and outrage, especially on social media. We look back on a year in our church community of great change and great loss as well, as we found ourselves saying “God where are you in all this?” However in the midst of this hectic time there has been a unique sentiment of budding hope, and glimpses of the coming newness the Lord is walking our youth ministry and wider community into. The church staff and I have begun to truly see how the Lord can and is committed to redeeming all things for the good of those who love him

Winter saw a strong youth turnout with many inviting friends to take part in our events We took to a focus on prayer looking together at what it is, its purpose, and its many forms. We learned that in prayer, practice is far more important than theory and that its wonder and beauty is something that must be discovered and cannot be learned. We integrated a rule of life amidst our Jr. & Sr. High youth, a way of prioritizing time with Jesus in our daily rhythms and schedules, and have been building on it over the last months We were also able to find a few nights to engage in our youth’s favorite activity: skating together! These nights were full of laughter, joy, and rich connection as we got together to enjoy the ice.

Coming into 2023 our church began looking at reconstructing our Vision & Values. In turn we decided to do the same with our youth. A few nights of creatively engaging our youth in the questions of: Who are we, what do we do, and who do we want to become, proved to be a fruitful time of intentional thought. Over the last months we have been sifting through their inputs in hopes of curating the ministry towards these longings that we believe the Lord has put on the youth’s hearts


At the onset of this year, Mike Bennett, our beloved and gifted youth Pastor of three years expressed that the Lord may be calling him elsewhere for his next season of life. Mike’s leaving has been felt by the whole community, the leaders, and the youth as he gave himself in love to whoever he came across. We are all grateful to call ourselves co-labourers, friends, and family of Mike and have all been gifted with what he did and what he left behind here at Granville

With the departure of Mike Bennett from his role in mid-February 2022, I was graciously invited to step into the open Youth Pastor position here at Granville A couple weeks of prayer and discernment with my wife, family, and close community ended in me deciding to gratefully step into the role officially in the beginning of May after four years of attending and serving in the community. I can not put words to the gift that it is to be given the responsibility and trust to shepherd and walk alongside these leaders and youth in this season of our communities life. Over the past two months my wife and I have been met with many personal losses alongside those in our community In the midst of this I have truly experienced God’s grace through the leaders, the wider community, and the youth as I process, adjust, and transition into this new role

I am beyond grateful for our team of dedicated youth leaders who spend many hours leading and walking through life alongside our young people. Francesca Turner, Kiara Janssen, Arman & Yeonjoo Fallah-Kim, Ryan Manning, Seth Lynch, and Macy Larson have all played roles in shaping our Jr. High youth ministry. Kiara Janssen, Lyon Lin, Janelle Xie, and Joanna Miller have also played a major role in contributing to where our Sr. High ministry is today. It has been a gift to work alongside them while being led by Mike and now in this new role as Youth Pastor. Relationships are developing and youth are visibly feeling more comfortable contemplating, questioning, laughing, and bringing their full selves to youth each week In the coming months we will seek to bring our team closer together, acknowledging that how we interact and love each other as leaders directly transfers into the way the youth will be formed We also seek to grow these discipling relationships deeper, hoping that each youth may have at least one more stable, caring, Jesus-loving adult presence in their lives in addition to their parents and family. Please pray for us as our team as we continue to journey with the youth in these formative years.

– Submitted by Max Janssen


CHURCH neighbourhood

Granville Chapel, as your missionaries to the Jackson Neighbourhood in Fresno, California, 2022 has been a year filled with dreams coming true. Your support of our family and the work God is doing is a direct result of Granville‘s vision to extend God’s kingdom in the world We continue to feel as though we are the embodiment of that mission Because our joy is your joy, we want to share with you five dreams that God has brought to fruition in 2022

As a family on mission, we have prayed this year that God would “stir the gifts of the body by the laying on of hands.” 2 Tim. 1:6

We prayed that our missionary movement would multiply — that God would bring Christians to the Jackson Neighbourhood

First, We’ve persistently prayed over the course of this year that Jesus would fan into flame new spiritual gifts among our flock As a result, we have seen people become preachers, worship leaders, prayer partners, shepherds, and evangelists For instance, a neighbour named Breana, having recently begun a serious commitment to following Jesus, began to express interest in teaching God‘s word She said to us one evening after worship, “When you guys teach the Scriptures, I always feel something inside of me I want to learn how to do that for others Can you teach me?“ It’s been our delight to walk with her and many others as they discover and use their gifts in the church and in the Jackson Neighbourhood Dreams come true!

...to love and seek its well- being, that more people would accept Christ, that new initiatives would emerge, and that the effect of the gospel would multiply the body of Christ through church multiplication. We are excited to announce that we have started a second gathering in the Jackson neighbourhood! We sent 20 of our most gifted people to incubate a new gathering on a different block of the neighborhood at a different time on Sunday. It’s been our joy to support these leaders and watch this community reach a new set of neighbours in the Jackson neighborhood. Our former pastor and humble visionary of Granville Chapel, Andy Perrett, once believed that Granville was to be a church that planted new things. Do you remember? We are an extension of that vision: a church plant of Granville Chapel now planting more churches. And we believe this is only the first of more worship gatherings spread across the Jackson Neighbourhood! Dreams come true!


Our dream has always been that our neighbours come to know and follow Jesus. This year we have seen more of our neighbours, our actual neighbours, the ones living right next to us! — come to Christ.

Recently, a neighbour named Brenda contacted us We had no real connection to her and she had no real interest in church. But, she knew we were there. Her life recently became unmanageable and she realized, as so many of us do, that we are incapable of fixing it on our own power. She called us in tears saying simply, “I really need to meet with someone Can I meet with you?” We sat on our porch with Brenda that evening as she poured out her heart She expressed her inability to manage her life and many of the traumas that led her to the situation she was in. She simply said, “I just can’t do it anymore.” Heidi shared with her good news, which is that God doesn’t require her perfection and wants a relationship with her anyways That God has always loved her and that God is there She shared verses like John 3:16 and John 1:12 And right there, on our porch, Brenda accepted Christ! We could tell you about our neighbors Z and Helena, Marshall and Brenda, Sarah and her kids, Rachel, Richard and their kids. These are our actual neighbors who live next-door and down the street, and all of them have come to know, and are beginning to learn what it means to follow Jesus Dreams come true!


We prayed that our missionary movement would multiply — that God would bring Christians to the Jackson Neighbourhood

like every parent, we’ve always prayed for certain things for our kids: that they know and follow Jesus, that they serve Jesus on mission, that they are protected from the evil one as they walk through this dangerous world, and that they remain healthy This past year we experienced a significant family trauma when our son, Josiah, now 11, suddenly experienced double vision, and daily migraines He spent four days in the hospital with an inability to see properly along with debilitating headaches Four doctors, two neurologists, and one ophthalmologist all concluded that it was a mystery There was no real explanation for why he suddenly couldn’t see and function properly We prayed many many times, with tears in our eyes, pleading with God to heal him And for months, we asked Jesus to take away his pain We tried everything therapy, medication, pain management options, but nothing worked Watching Josiah in excruciating pain took its toll on our family Yet during this season, we saw Josiah’s true character emerge He was a person of integrity, not putting on a happy face on the outside and complaining on the inside He was simply his normal self, gracious, humble, trusting of the Lord, and resilient He inspired us! Conversely, Joe learned a lot about himself He doubted God‘s provision, complained, and found himself overwhelmed with worry and anxiety He learned a lot from Josiah how to trust God in difficult times, not by pretending it’s not there, but by seeing the Lord and his handiwork in the midst of it The Lord permitted this struggle for a few months until a particular chiropractor made a precise adjustment on the atlas bone in Josiah’s neck, which completely altered Josiah’s life. He regained singular vision and the headaches went away, never to return! If you asked him today, “Who healed you?” he would say, “People prayed for me, my parents prayed for me, donors give me opportunities to see different specialists, and Jesus used all of that to heal me. “ Dreams come true, even the ones that come at a cost!

4 20

It’s been a joy this past year to serve the Jackson Neighbourhood as Granville’s missionaries. Granville Chapel is our home church, our family, and our hearts long to be with you! But we continue to faithfully serve Jesus in the way that He’s asked us because you are courageous enough to continue to send us Thank you for loving our family this past year Thank you for supporting us financially, in prayer, and through your encouragement! If you would like to join us in prayer, here are a few things that you can be praying for as we continue our ministry throughout 2023:



Please pray for increased donor support for us. We need to raise an additional $2,000 a month to provide a basic income for Heidi’s work in the Jackson Neighborhood.

Please pray for our two Neighborhood Church gatherings. Pray that each gathering grows, that it remains healthy, and that we keep evangelism and disciple making as our DNA to reach more neighbours with the good news of Jesus


Please pray that God protects us, our church family, and neighbors from the evil one Recently, there have been many spiritual attacks, attacks on the physical safety of our neighbors, and a spirit of discouragement that we sometimes face when our efforts don’t seem to meet the volume of need we experience weekly in the Jackson Neighbourhood.

We need your prayers! With gratitude, The White Family - Joe, Heidi, Elizabeth (13), Josiah (11), Noah (9), & Joel (7)



2022 saw the awakening of the kitchen after sitting quiet for 2 years during the pandemic.

It started with making coffee and serving it outside and gradually moving back into serving from the kitchen. A big thank you to our hospitality team for being so adaptable during this transitional time.

Christina Singh, helped by Marie Dowell and Judy Lerner, has stepped down from her role as kitchen coordinator She has served faithfully for many years and we are very grateful for her and her team

The kitchen is a shared space, used by many groups It is expected that at the end of an event, the kitchen is left clean, tidy and ready for the next group to use it


wash your hands before working in the kitchen

Do not leave food in the fridge

Items for ministries and staff must be labeled (with name and date) and used in a timely manner.

All dishes/utensils used must go through the sanitizer Leave the sinks empty and clean

Sanitize all counter tops and clean the floor after kitchen use

take the garbage and food waste to the dumpsters in the parking lot after your event (key in cupboard by phone)

Containers must be rinsed clean before recycling

Please use the white board to make a note of any needed items or borrow requests

It has been good to see the kitchen being used once again to provide food and drink for many of our church gatherings and events. We are grateful for the many volunteers who pitch in to help prepare the food and clean up afterwards.


DEEPER going


A quick check on Granville’s website will show a baker’s dozen of Community Groups listed. You will also find information about DNA groups, and we also know that most ministries at Granville have a significant community component to them. The bottom line is we want to be encouraging and facilitating community across the board as much as possible: generations, affinities, interests and geographically. That said, Granville’s leadership – Board and Staff – are very aware that GC’s Community Groups are a ministry area that needs attention, encouragement, development and TLC

It's beneficial to have a safe place to share our struggles with others who understand.

A faith-based support for those living with a mood disorder (E.g. Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, etc.).

Since the pandemic restrictions have been lifted we have been meeting in person again once per month. However, we continue to meet on zoom weekly on the other weeks which has allowed even people from outside Vancouver to be included. We have members from Thunder Bay, Alberta, Montana and even Taiwan.

Mental health issues are on the rise and some in the group suffer tremendously. It is hard to see them in such difficult circumstances but, they have expressed their appreciation for a group like this where there is support and understanding.

Please continue to pray for Living Room to be a support for those that need it. For more information please contact me at: janiceelderton@gmail.com

The 2021 AGM Report on Community Groups put GC’s intent this way:




Individualshavebeenpart ofagroupin2022


Attendeesstayedintheir groupoverthelastyear

“Your community groups vary in size, purpose, frequency and shape but it is our intention that these gatherings provide moments when we can be nurtured in our faith, grow in Christ-likeness, and serve together in God’s Kingdom ministry”

So whether it is the Dunbar Community Group, Eat, Love, Pray Sistas, The LivingRoom, Morningside, Eveningside, Grace Fellowship, Sojourners, Woods Fellowship, Sacred Group Art Journal Group, Meet the Need Team, Granville Cycling, or other informal and unofficial small group gathering we want to be about building Christian Community any way possible.


MINISTRY refugee

Refugee Team report on the JG family Sponsorship

Please note that as the family members in India are still fearing for their lives, we have abbreviated the family’s name for their protection After two years of waiting, our church welcomed Shahram, a member of the JG family in August 2022. When we received confirmation of Shahram’s arrival date, a group of volunteers dusted, cleaned and set up the suite for Shahram, with donated items.

Many more in our community have opened their homes and hearts to welcome Shahram since his arrival. With the community’s warm embrace, Shahram has settled into his new country very well He’s made new friends through Susan’s ESL classes, regularly attends Sunday services, and enthusiastically lends a hand in the dish pit during our monthly Community Meal The Lord also blessed him with a permanent full-time job that he enjoys, assembling high-end chandeliers sold to commercial properties Our church rejoiced greatly when Shahram took a step of faith to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour in November. Your friendship, encouragement and prayers are vital as Shahram continues to learn and grow in his faith.

Shahram misses his family terribly; while he’s able to speak with them regularly on WhatsApp calls, they remain an ocean apart. Please pray that Shahram’s parents and his 4 siblings who are still waiting in India will be granted entry visas as soon as possible for the family to be reunited

Refugee Team: Gnoc Day, Barry Jung, Edith Rae, Joan Shannon, LaVerne Adams, Peter Foggin, Suzanne Barclay



We are each thankful for God’s Word and the freedom to study it. It is alive and active in each of us. We are thankful, too, for being part of a community that spurs us on in our faith.


We meet for Morningside on Friday mornings - a gathering of women of all ages and a variety of backgrounds. Our focus is the Bible, and we enjoy conversation, prayer, and friendship. Through our gatherings, we are spurred on in our faith walks and build community We consider prayer a very important part of the morning, and we are encouraged through praying together

Our Vision is: “To be transformed by God’s love, to mature in spiritual vibrancy and to extend His Kingdom, through: Bible study, fellowship, prayer, and personal application.”

In the past year, we have met in groups - both in person and on Zoom. Some women have preferred to come to Granville Chapel, and others have found that meeting on Zoom worked well Currently we are all meeting as one group on Friday mornings, in a hybrid format There are about 15 attendees

The Bible studies we worked through in Morningside from January 2022 until February 2023 have been: 1. 2.

January - mid June, 2022: “Paul’s Letter to the Romans” with Timothy Keller sermons and notes Sept. 2022- Feb. 2023: “Paul Letter to the Ephesians” with Darrell Johnson sermons and his book: “The Wonder and Walk of Being Alive in Christ”

We, as leaders, have enjoyed taking turns writing the study questions weekly for this current study in Ephesians It’s been great to be part of a team like this! We have, as well, seen women in our groups encouraged, challenged, and enlightened in their faith journeys through this in-depth study in Ephesians.

On the third of December, 2022 we all met together in the afternoon for a women’s invitational event: “Behold Him” We enjoyed food, conversation, carol-singing, and inspiration from some wonderful speakers who shared from their life experience with the Lord Many women participated - both in inviting friends and also in preparing for the afternoon A wonderful celebration!

Small Group Leaders for Morningside during this season have been: Liz Becker, Rachel Woods, Claire Westlake and Susan Robertson

Eveningside Leaders have been: Edith Rae, Heather Lim, Petra Anderson, Susan Coburn (please see their Eveningside Report)

Thank you to all the Leaders for your time, preparation, facilitation, prayer and leadership!



Eveningside continues to be a group of women who love to share life and laughter together as we study God’s word on Thursday evenings, learning from each other’s insights as the Spirit is speaking in our preparation for each week’s study Praying for one another as well as things and situations larger than our little lives (e.g. Crisis Pregnancy Center) has once again been an important part of our time together. Part of that is now also starting our study time with a worship song as well as trying to be quiet together to allow the Spirit to move our hearts and hear God speak into our lives based on what we have heard in the Scriptures

At the beginning of 2022, our group continued the study on Romans which we had started in the fall of 2021 guided by sermons and a study guide by Tim Keller. Everyone enjoyed this challenging deep dive into Paul’s letter to the Romans. Among other things were lifetransforming new insights what unity and being all one in Christ really means

No Summer Spots meetings during 2022 but quite a few of us made an intentional effort to get together with others outside of Bible study during the summer

In the fall of 2022 we started another challenging study on the book of Ephesians accompanied by Darrell Johnson’s sermons which have been compiled in his book “Ephesians, The Wonder and Walk of Being Alive in Christ” We very much enjoyed to spend sometimes a whole evening on only a few verses at a time which led to deeper insight into background and context than otherwise would have been possible Although a much shorter book than Romans, we are only now finishing off the last couple of verses challenged by Paul’s revolutionary ways to look at our world and lives as followers of Jesus.

We would like all women to now that any one of you can in us any time and would be welcomed with open arms!


TRIBUTE pastoral

Andy, Marlene, Daniel and Lisa have been well known to our community for many years through their attendance at the church and through Andy’s work at Inter Varsity. In 2006, Andy felt the call to serve formally as our Lead Pastor and stepped into this role on April 2, 2006. Andy served us faithfully and cheerfully for 15 years.

The role of a pastor spans many tasks but through each, he would look each of us in the eye and encourage with love, care and grace. Andy often saw the worst in us as he walked with us through moments of pain, doubt, strife and even end of days. Yet he always saw the best in us. He held our babies, married us, and counselled those in challenge. He celebrated and gave space for us to be a ‘community of broken people’; to be authentic with one another and with God.

He valued people over process and faithful grace over judgment. Andy had no pretense – he was genuine, consistent; always cheering us on. Marlene and Andy were a united team – they partnered in pastoral care, and opening their hearts and home to our community. They modeled what a loving and respectful marriage looks like and how to parent and support children well. We got to watch Daniel and Lisa grow up and see them find purpose in careers and find love. We also got to celebrate their unbridled joy in their grandchildren. Thank you for sharing your family and home with us!


April 3, 1959 – August 28, 2022

I feel a deep privilege that I got to work alongside Andy on the Board for the better part of 10 years and consider this one of the largest blessings in my life. He led by example; he was the first to wash a dish, rake the leaves, and work quietly and consistently on all that was before him. He knew how to give attention to each task and person without getting overwhelmed or side tracked.

I would marvel at hearing the details of the dynamics of church life and yet, Andy’s peaceful, cheerful presence reminded day after day that the Lord is faithful and good.

Along with his deep faith, he trusted the Lord. Not in a saccharine everything will work out way but in a deeper, no matter what comes, I will trust in the Lord. He taught me to take my anxious heart and lay it before Jesus and trust in the beauty and the mess. He also quietly and without any fanfare, promoted the voice of women in the role of our church and never made anyone’s gender be a liability or a limitation. This is a legacy that is bearing fruit in our community today.

“"Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith." Heb. 13: 7

Andy was promoted to his Father’s house on August 28 last year. I know each of us has grieved personally as well as within our community. Although death still has an earthly sting, Andy never held this community as ‘his’ in any way.

A number of people have remarked at the sense of hope within our walls on a Sunday. I quietly smile –yes, indeed, there is hope here. Andy has been preparing us for this time of transition for a while now. Along with our grief and loss, there is hopeful expectation that the Lord is faithful, and we can lean on this with trust as we anticipate the days ahead. My heart bursts with gratitude as I think of Andy and his legacy to us at Granville.

As I prepared to write this tribute, I asked for a few extra voices. I know there are many other stories –let’s keep sharing them. Thank you, Andy. See you soon.

Andy is one of the people I know that resembles Jesus the most. He shepherded us during a critical time in life. Eight years ago, we had just immigrated from Brazil and everything was extra hard, but Andy welcomed us into the Granville community with his big smile and his kind eyes His care, wisdom, and vulnerability marked our lives forever Gustavo Santos

A lot of people think that meek means being quiet and keeping to themselves and not participating much. Although, the way I see it, is that the meek are like silent heroes. Jesus never picked a fight, or shouted at others. He cared more for others than himself. Being humble and kind are things that everyone struggles with sometimes. Being meek means not self-willed and not very concerned with their own ideas and wants. I always found it so remarkable how meek my [pastor] was. Don’t get me wrong, he was a funny, outgoing, fun guy. However, even though we had a million things to do, he would always help out in the church kitchen He would set up tables and sweep the floors He never forgot someone's birthday He didn’t like talking about himself Instead he would praise everyone else’s accomplishments He was, by far, the most amazing person I'd ever met – Hannah Corbett


Andy let himself be known, made himself accessible, and was genuinely interested in us and our children. He truly trusted God, was open handed with God and reliant on His grace for these postures. Widely read, always learning, curious about so much and ever so enjoyable to be with - he did love a good party!

"Andy was so happy when he discovered that I had been working with A Rocha in Brazil before we moved to Canada. As a good friend of Peter Harris (the A Rocha founder) and a keen birdwatcher, he always encouraged me in my vocation with the environment and creation care. Thanks to him I was able to… connect with A Rocha here in Canada. I'm deeply grateful for his vision and care, and I deeply miss him "

"Andy's life was a testament to his faith in God He lived out his calling as a servant of Christ with humility and grace He had a gift for making everyone feel valued and appreciated As a leader of our staff, Andy was exceptional He provided clear direction and guidance, and encouraged us to use our gifts and talents to serve the church and community. His passing has left a void in our hearts and in our church community. We miss him dearly, but we are grateful for the time that we had with him and the impact that he made on our lives. We are comforted by the knowledge that he is now in the loving presence of our Heavenly Father, and we pray that his legacy will continue to inspire us to live out our faith with humility, simplicity, and love." —



Pastoral care is caring for the needs of the people of God in the Church under the headship of Christ Our God is by His very nature compassionate, loving and cares deeply for the needs of each of His beloved children. One of the main ways He cares for us is through His people as God intends for us to care for each other as the body of Christ

In November 2022 the Lord prompted a group of women at Granville Chapel to form a Pastoral Care Team to meet the pastoral care needs of our church. This group has grown organically under the direction of the Holy Spirit and now has 21 members actively involved in caring for our community in various ways

Since its inception we have done the following for our community:

Provided meals, visitation, practical help, and prayer support to many of our brothers and sisters facing struggles of various kinds.

Provided emotional and spiritual support to members as they walked with family through sickness and loss

Prepared Christmas and Easter baskets and delivered them to our elderly or shut in members as well as those in need of some extra encouragement or care

Contacted church members to encourage and pray with them and let them know about the AGM in December

Organized a sandwich lunch in December for the AGM and a potluck lunch on Palm Sunday which were both enormous fun and enthusiastically embraced by our congregation

Established a new “ care and prayer” email so that anyone can contact us for prayer or practical support

For those of us on the Pastoral Care Team it has been such a joy to watch our Lord bring this committee to life and use it so powerfully to encourage, strengthen and help so many in our community

To God be the Glory!

– Submitted on behalf of the Pastoral Care Team by Susan Reddy



The English language program at Granville Chapel has been running for twenty five “plus” years! Through our current program, English Plus, our goal is to offer newcomers to Vancouver the opportunity to learn English and to build friendships with each other and with their teachers. We also hope to create a bridge to the broader community of Granville Chapel and an opportunity to hear the good news that God loves us and offers forgiveness and a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.

English Plus offers English Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking classes, and also an informal round-table conversation time called “Table Topics” on Tuesdays.

Our team currently consists of Susan Robertson, Laverne Adams, Sharon Pasivirta and Ava Yip.

In January 2022 we were still running a hybrid English class at Granville Chapel with some students on Zoom and some attending in person.

In February, we began a weekly “in person” beginners class for a few Kinbrace residents, led by LaVerne Adams. It was an exciting endeavour, offering English to folks who really needed it and were not yet able to access government-sponsored English classes. It wasn’t always easy for these students to travel to Granville, and some were very unsure when they arrived, but a connection was made with “teacher LaVerne”, particularly with female students (sisters) from Afghanistan. LaVerne moved her “class” to her home, and to date, continues to have a connection and friendship with these women. She has also tutored others along the way, including a Ukrainian couple at Parkdale Manor, among others.

In September when new “in person” classes started, we left our Zoom screens behind. Our classes were composed of people from many nations: Spain, Peru, Colombia, Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Afghanistan, Iran, Eritrea - to name a few. Some had arrived in Vancouver for school or work, and others were new refugees. We invited students to come to our monthly Community Meal, and a few have enjoyed coming quite regularly since then. In December, we were excited to learn that there were refugees from the island of Nauru wanting to learn English, and through connecting with their Mosaic settlement workers, we invited them to join our classes. Seven men joined us for English. It’s been wonderful getting to know them.

We have enjoyed some potluck lunches together with students and extra “guests” from our Granville Chapel community. Connecting with each other is always a pleasure, as it’s a privilege to engage with newcomers from many parts of the world! We hope to see more students come to our programs in the future and find hope in Christ through our extended community.

In September when new “in person” classes started, we left our Zoom screens behind. Our classes were composed of people from many nations: Spain, Peru, Colombia, Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Afghanistan, Iran, Eritrea - to name a few. Some had arrived in Vancouver for school or work, and others were new refugees. We invited students to come to our monthly Community Meal, and a few have enjoyed coming quite regularly since then.

In December, we were excited to learn that there were refugees from the island of Nauru wanting to learn English, and through connecting with their Mosaic settlement workers, we invited them to join our classes. Seven men joined us for English. It’s been wonderful getting to know them.

We have enjoyed some potluck lunches together with students and extra “guests” from our Granville Chapel community. Connecting with each other is always a pleasure, as it’s a privilege to engage with newcomers from many parts of the world! We hope to see more students come to our programs in the future and find hope in Christ through our extended community.

Very recently two new volunteers have stepped in to engage with students through tutoring and conversations. We always welcome more people from Granville Chapel to get involved. Each of us has something to share with newcomers, and sharing our English language is an excellent way to allow Jesus to work in and through us.


ISLAND anvil

Camp is a unique experience for the campers, and for the staff

Campers are in for a week of amazing activities including tubing, water trampoline, slide, hiking, hut trips, crafts, beach volleyball, kayaking, Outdoor Sports, and Wide Games as well as Chapel and cabin times including worshiping, teaching, sharing and group discussions in cabin times As part of the volunteer staff, I experienced the joy of working great teams to serve the campers, witnessing the work of the spirit, feeling Christs presence and just experiencing the reward of being part of such an important ministry

Many thanks to all of you for supporting Daybreak Point Bible Camp on Anvil Island in 2022 through your prayers, donations and volunteer service at camp!

Registration for the 2023 summer camps are open and some camps already have a waiting list! For more information, please visit the Anvil camp website: www anvilisland ca or contact:

Holger Janssen hjanssen12345@gmail com

About Anvil:

As many of you know, Granville Chapel was one of the founding churches of Daybreak Bible Camp, also known as “Anvil”, over 80 years ago. Granville Chapel is one of twelve member churches and has a longstanding, supportive relationship with Anvil

Our mission at Daybreak Point Bible Camp is to encourage campers to encounter the love and life of Jesus Christ through:

Christ-centred teaching and programs

Christian Community

Personal relationships

A safe and fun camp experience


NEED meet the

The focus of the Meet the Need ministry is on Extending God’s Kingdom in our city. Our mandate is to administer the donations received in the Meet the Need offering, and to encourage the congregation in serving those less fortunate in the Vancouver area


We supported 7 different local ministries over the past year:

Mothers Offering Mentorship and Support (MOMS), $350/month (Jan-Sept) *

Kinbrace, $400/month

City Gate Leadership Forum (Tim Dickau), $250/month

Vancouver Crisis Pregnancy Centre, $300/month

Just Work, $150/month

Jacob’s Well, $150/month

Granville Chapel Community Meal, $1270 in total for the year **

2 3

We have also cared for and connected with these ministries by:

Seeking to know more about each ministry’s blessings and needs and praying for each ministry Inviting ministry leaders to attend a monthly MTN meeting to provide updates on their ministries. We welcomed representatives from MOMS, CPC, Jacob’s Well and Kinbrace to join us over the past year (via Zoom and in-person) During the meeting with Fiona from MOMS, Fiona shared that this ministry is paused and seeking God’s guidance.

We would like to celebrate these things from 2022:

We were able to meet our monthly financial commitments to each Ministry in 2022, thanks to generous donations from the congregation.

Each of our ministries have had encouraging stories to share about how God has worked in their communities during this past year, despite the ongoing challenges brought on by Covid 19. We were able to provide Christmas care packages, consisting of gift cards, cookies, and children’s gifts, to 34 families in need (in our Granville community and beyond)

We participated in a hybrid Operation Baby Bottle last spring in order to support the Vancouver Crisis Pregnancy Centre and contributed $845 towards their $27,520 total.

The Granville Chapel Community Meal is back in person with 40-50 people participating every month. In the fall, we added a prayer box, and everyone is encouraged to submit a confidential prayer request, which team leads will pray for

We supported two students with bus fare to attend Susan’s English Plus Classes in the spring, and also to go for further English tutoring at LaVerne’s home during the summer. The students were refugee claimants living at Kinbrace.

* MOMS ministry stopped in September 2022

** Due to Covid 19 restrictions, Granville Chapel Community Meal met for picnics from April through to August and in Sept resumed preparing and sharing a meal together at the church.


MEAL Community

The Granville Chapel Community Meal is a ministry specifically for families with young children. We meet once a month to prepare and eat a meal together, as a mix of people of all ages from babies to grandparents. At the beginning of 2022, the Covid Omicron wave was still happening, so our first meeting of 2022 was a picnic in April. It was close to Easter, so we had an Easter egg hunt for the kids, which was enjoyed by all! We had a picnic in the park each month from April through August, with menus such as pizza, sushi, or barbecued hot dogs, and of course, popsicles!

In September, we were back in the Fireside room for the first time in two and half years! We kicked off the fall with the ever-popular “breakfast for dinner”, and over 40 people came. It was great to be back in the church! Since then there have been between 30 and 55 people coming to the meals each month.

Some highlights from 2022:

Several new families with babies/toddlers started coming last summer. It’s been wonderful to get to know these new moms and their little ones, who connected to us through the Vancouver Crisis Pregnancy Centre

A number of students and their families from the English Plus class joined us in the fall

In November, we made a “ prayer box”, which we put out each time we meet. People can write prayer requests and put them in the box, and the community meal team will pray for them.

In December, we had a Christmas party with a full turkey dinner (thanks to Janice Elderton!), games, cookie decorating and a visit from Santa and Mrs Claus

In February 2023, Joana Hill joined the community meal team

Thanks to everyone who has been part of the community meal this year, helping with meal prep, dishwashing, children’s activities, or just connecting with people. Also, thanks to all of you for your prayers!

- Submitted by Claire Tweeddale

On behalf of the rest of the team (Debra Barnes, Beth Hankinson, Joana Hill, and Susan Robertson)


TEAM missions

The Missions Team, faithfully, and consistently serves the Granville community through its encouragement of missionaries and the stewarding of resources provided. Both of these we take seriously, and this requires that we balance accountability along with encouragement and support. We want to ensure that Granville is giving into fruitful ministries that are consistent with what they have planned, what they have informed donors, and have good ongoing communication with their supporters. Also, for those missions that have local presence, we desire to see more than one Granville member engaged in those ministries.

The engagement in new ministries comes out of relationships. This typically means that these missionaries are known by us, or have been with us in community for a time. Also, it comes through a bubbling up of interest and action by a number of Granville members who are engaged in an emerging ministry. If any member has a particular ministry they think Granville could be involved with, and you have a number of members interested in being a part of it, the Missions Team would be happy to discuss.

All of the above is covered in prayer and a sense of the movement of the Holy Spirit.

Rom 8:37: “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors though Christ Jesus.”


The Way/CCLN and Calling ministries:

Granville continued to support the fruitful church plants and ministries of The Way and the Canadian Christian Leaders Network under the able leadership of Jason Ballard and the remarkable team he serves with. This involved the collaboration of a number of ministries Granville is partnered with. Through our relationship with Strathcona Church, Terry was able to assist The Way in leasing the space to anchor a service that has two that filled up each Sunday.


The Way is launching a second service in March 2023. The Way is also now The Way Sutherland in North Vancouver, and they started another church near UBC Sunday evenings at West Point Grey. Calling Ministries is partnered with The Way in developing and participating in their Apprenticeship program. This 9 month program seeks to develop three young folks, interested to explore a church ministry path. The Way effectively recruits from across Canada to find young folks just out of college or with 4 years of ministry experience. Calling is also providing $500.00 training funds to those involved at The Way/CCLN and other churches in the support of theology studies, seminars, conferences, etc. These grants are also available to folk at Granville Chapel. Talk to Terry for more info. Many Granville folks have attended excellent seminars put on by The Way and CCLN this past year. The Way is planning their first intake of students into their new college in September 2023.

Calling Ministries continues to be a ministry with much involvement by Granville Chapel folks on staff, board, volunteers, and residents. In addition to ministry to seniors and missionaries, Calling has ramped up ministry to students. We currently have 14 Regent, Apprentice, and Interns staying at Parkdale.

Three Year Plan: The Missions Team has begun a new three year plan for 2023 to 2026, with renewal, reconciliation, and redemption in mind. As per our policy, this plan is produced every three years to guide the team in purpose of direction and decision making. The plan will reflect the new vision and values developed by the Granville community and has had a member of the ILT involved. We are excited that the new plan will be presented directly to the Board and then extended to each member. We believe this is important for leadership to know where we are going, to see how it is connected to Granville’s overall vision and plans, and importantly for accountability and transparency.

The Team has enjoyed meeting with Local partners and supporting our overseas missionaries. We met up with former Morningstar members and prayed for their mission’s trip to Peru. We met with our partner at Inner Hope and put together a team for supporting this ministry through Ride for Refuge. Thanks to the Millers for leading us on. We provided support and met with Georgia Macad before she returned to the Philippines after Sabbatical here in Vancouver with family. –

granvillechapel com
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