July 2021

Page 30

Gò0dNews Business Spotlight

The McCuistions Open Bmac Scrap


rian and Gwen McCuistion purchased the scrap yard

Brian started

property at 3219 S. Dixie Hwy, now known as Bmac

in a small-town

Scrap, and moved to Dalton, Georgia, in July of 2020.

scrap yard in

Bmac Scrap buys all types of metals including, copper, iron,

Arkansas over

stainless steel, aluminum, and anything that has metal in it

thirty years ago,

such as appliances, furniture, plumbing parts, signs, etc.

cutting iron with


a torch. Over


the years, Brian

the office at the

worked his way up

scrap yard and

to management,

other major

running large


full-service scrap

such as adding

yards in multiple

two new scales,

locations. He also

one outside and

has several years

one inside—

of experience with

the scrap yard

steel mills and

officially opened

foundries. Gwen

at the beginning

is a certified teacher of twenty-six years. She has taught art to

of December

grades pre-k through 12 and will be teaching in Chatsworth

2020. It has been a

this year.

slow start for the

Gwen and Brian have not yet found a local church to

McCuistions, but

attend, but they have been very involved with church in past.

they are trying

Currently, they watch their church services online and look

to get the word

forward to attending church in-person again soon.

out that they are

A glass wall is in the office to separate office workers

open! Thankfully,

from the general public; other interactions between patrons

their prayers were

and workers is conducted outside. Brian is mostly a one-man

answered and

show, working six days a week in the office and outside. Gwen

the business has

teaches school during the week and helps out on Saturdays.

continued to have

She will also cover for the office as needed during the summer

new customers with time. Brian and Gwen have four grown daughters that live

months. The McCuistions hope to expand their services as more workers are hired and they can afford more equipment.

in various parts of the country. Family is very important to

Eventually, they plan to be able to pick up metal scrap

them. They try to support other local business, especially local

materials in addition to the current drop off at Bmac Scrap.

family-run businesses, whenever possible. “It has been a great

You can visit the Bmac Scrap office Monday through

pleasure to already start some friendships and reciprocate with

Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

our new customers. I am usually the first person customers will

You can follow Bmac

have contact with. I always treat customers the way I’d want to

Scrap on Facebook

be treated. I try to learn their names and educate them on the

@BmacScrap and

different types of metal we buy and how they can separate their

visit our website

metals to get the most money,” said Brian.

at Bmacscrap.com.

30 // July 2021

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