Annual Report 2015-16

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Annual Report 2015-16

On October 1, Golda Och Academy celebrated the opening of the state-of-the-art Dr Lynne B Harrison STEM Center, a 4,000+ square-foot addition to the Eric F. Ross Upper School Campus, with community leaders, board members, school faculty and administration, and student leaders.

From the Head of School


50th Anniversary

t was absolutely incredible to celebrate our 50th anniversary with a host of momentous events throughout the year – events that brought together the entire Golda Och Academy community, from former faculty to alumni from our days when we were known as Solomon Schechter Day School of Essex & Union. We were honored to welcome back our alumni in February who performed in our Choir Benefit Concert led by our former choir directors, and it was quite memorable to see our current middle and high school students sharing the stage with many of the fantastic singers who came before them. In May, we brought our alumni together again with current and former faculty members for our first-ever Homecoming Day. To see so many familiar faces return to our halls with their families was simply remarkable. Of course, capping off our year-long celebration was our Birthday Celebration in June. More than 425 people from our present and past attended this milestone event: faculty, parents, grandparents, alumni, community members and leaders and many wonderful SSDSEU/GOA friends. It was an evening that will not soon be forgotten as a powerful video presentation provided everyone with a wonderful glimpse into our school’s history and a sense of excitement for our vibrant future. One of the highlights of the evening was our former student and school benefactor Daniel Och’s moving speech about how meaningful this school has been to him, his family and our entire community over the past 50 years. Though the year was filled with celebrations for our 50th, our students also gave us much to celebrate. At the start of the school year, we opened our beautiful, state-of-the-art Dr Lynne B Harrison STEM Center on our Eric F. Ross Upper School Campus, and our students showed us that the investment paid off. Our Upper School robotics team, the CodeRunners, advanced to the International RoboCup Junior soccer competition and was the only team in their division to represent the United States as well as the only Jewish day school. The team competed on the world’s largest stage against some incredible competition and took home the Robot Design Award and the Team Spirit Award. From our oldest students to our youngest students, STEM achievements were prominent this past year. Our Gan students entered the 2016 DuPont Challenge Science Writing Competition investigating the effects of cold vs. hot water on the growth of plants and won the Kindergarten Grand Prize award in the Elementary Division. It has been so rewarding for us to see that the seeds we are planting in our youngest students sparks the creativity that sprouts in the oldest students in our school. This year also marked the first Mexican exchange program for our 10th grade students with the 10th graders from Colegio Israelita de México ORT (CIM-ORT) School in Mexico City. This partnership, which brought the Mexican students here in November and our students to Mexico City in February, provided an incredible opportunity for our students to learn firsthand about the lives of Jewish people in another part of the world. In addition to expanding their Spanish speaking skills and comprehension, the program fully immersed the students in the culture, beauty and traditions of Mexico City. We are quite fortunate that a large portion of this program was made possible through funding from the Arie and Eva Halpern Fund for Jewish Heritage. Our 50th celebration year allowed us to look back all the way to the beginning of our school’s history when our founding families had a vision and turned that vision into a reality. That’s precisely the example we set for our students on a daily basis – teaching them to set goals and giving them the tools and encouragement to attain them. The accomplishments over the past year have no doubt demonstrated that, and I look forward with great anticipation to the possibilities for our future.

Adam Shapiro Head of School


From The Board Chair


50th Anniversary

ast year was an exciting year at Golda Och Academy as we reached our 50th birthday. Between the Choir Benefit Concert, the Homecoming event for faculty and alumni, and our June Birthday Celebration, more than 600 people came together to mark this important milestone in the history of our school. Even beyond these celebrations, hundreds of parents, grandparents, students, alumni and community members supported our school this year, donating much-needed time, effort and funds. Thank you to everyone who generously worked to make us a stronger school and community. We also strengthened the school in many other ways, including: •

New Leadership — Adam Shapiro transitioned seamlessly from Upper School Principal to Head of School, and he immediately began implementing his vision for the school while taking on the leadership of two campuses, 14 grades and nearly 550 students.

Academic Excellence — New, innovative programs spanned the school this year, reaching across disciplines, departments and grades to allow our students reach their fullest potential with support from a strong faculty of teachers and specialists.

Affordability and Fundraising — Your generosity to the GOA Annual Fund and Birthday Journal enabled us to surpass fundraising targets. Parent participation in the Annual Fund even reached a record 74 percent! These efforts bridge the gap between tuition and operating expenses, and support affordability programs.

Tikkun Olam and Jewish Community — We continued to serve and connect with the larger Jewish community through a wide range of efforts, including our support of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest’s Super Sunday, the ongoing rebuilding of New Orleans and an exchange program with Jewish students in Mexico City. Locally, our children visited The Daughters of Israel senior facility, planted sustainable gardens in our own backyard and participated in community service days. Of course, we also proudly hosted our annual Israel programs: Na’ale (9th grade) and Neshama (12th grade).

There is so much more to be proud of…and so much more to do. We will continue to seek new opportunities to open the minds — and hearts — of our students so that they remain curious and maintain a passion for learning. We will continue to pursue excellence in academics and student experiences. We will work tirelessly to grow our school and provide support to families who need our help, and we will celebrate our accomplishments as a community. Traditionally, when we complete a book of Torah we chant Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazek – Be strong, be strong, and may we be strengthened. We just completed our first 50 years. May the next 50 years build on our strengths, and may we continue to see successes in our school for decades to come. Have a happy and healthy new year. Shana Tova.

Atara Jacobson ’87 Board Chair


Seniors in Israel on Neshama 24 begin their ascent up Masada on March 17.

2015-16 Financial Information 50th Anniversary

Endowment Value (in millions) 6.3
















Operating Income Total Income: 16.4M

Billed Tuition 12.7M Endowment Income 2.1M Fundraising 1.3M Federation Support 0.2M Other Misc Income 0.1M

Operating Expenses Total Expenses: 16.4M

Compensation 10.1M Tuition Reductions/Scholarships 3.5M Operating Expenses 1.3M Facilities Expenses 1.0M Educational Supplies and Programs 0.5M

For a copy of our school’s full final audit report or the IRS form 990, please contact Julia Malaga, CFO.


Golda Och Academy is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ.

The Middle School Arts Department mounted a production of A Year With Frog and Toad in April.

In April, the Gan Planting Club, taught by Science and Outdoor Education teacher Ms. Rebecca Kurson, learned they won the Kindergarten Grand Prize in The DuPont Challenge - Elementary Division. The project represents Golda Och Academy’s commitment to academic excellence and outstanding teaching and learning on a daily basis.

Teaching Excellence Grants 50th Anniversary

The 2016 Recipients of Grants Promoting Teaching Excellence The Peter J. Herzberg Memorial Grant Fund The Peter J. Herzberg Memorial Grant Fund was established in 2008 in memory of Peter J. Herzberg z”l, a beloved past president of the school’s Board of Trustees. Herzberg recognized the important work of the Golda Och Academy faculty and made his support a priority. Golda Och Academy is grateful to his wife, Hon. Lisa Chrystal, and three children: Ben Herzberg (Class of 2006), Arielle Herzberg (Class of 2009) and Ilana Herzberg (Class of 2009), who have continued this important legacy. This year’s recipients of the Peter J. Herzberg Memorial Grant Fund include: •

Cory Berger, Lower School teacher, to attend the Teachers College Writing Institute

Valerie Bloch, Lower School learning specialist, to attend the Bank Street College Course Clarifying Comprehension: Practical Strategies for Educators

Sandi Fein, Lower School reading specialist, to attend the Teachers College Writing Institute

Alexis Gruber, Lower School teacher, for an online course through Bank Street College, Play Techniques for Early Childhood Settings

Diane Kleinman, Lower School teacher, for a Responsive Classroom course for elementary educators, learning core practices to engage students academically, build positive community, manage the classroom effectively and create a developmentally appropriate learning environment

Dr. Liati Mayk-Hai, Upper School Judaics teacher, to attend Mechon Hadar’s Jewish Professional’s Week deepening educators’ connections to Jewish learning around relevant and substantive issues, specifically examining broad themes from Jewish prayer. This seminar was offered in partnership with the Schechter Day School Network

Kelly McAllister, Lower School teacher, to attend Summer Sandbox, a training course on project-based learning

Elissa Siegel, Lower School teacher, to attend the Bank Street College Course Clarifying Comprehension: Practical Strategies for Educators

Paula Spack, Lower School teacher, for two Mindful Schools online courses: Mindfulness Fundamentals, examining skills and techniques to maintain a moment-by-moment awareness, and Mindful Educator Essentials, bringing mindfulness to students to build attention, self-regulation and empathy

Tsipi Taube, Lower School teacher, to attend TaL AM Training Institute, a comprehensive, curriculum-based development program providing teachers with skills essential to the successful implementation of the TaL AM program

Karen Ulric, Upper School librarian, to attend the Association of Jewish Libraries Annual Conference in Charleston, SC

The Fund for Faculty Innovation and Excellence The Fund for Faculty Innovation and Excellence, now offered for a fourth consecutive year, was created by GOA parents Elizabeth and Gerald Cohen to reward teachers with unique and cutting-edge plans for the classroom and provide them with the resources to put their plans into action. Last year’s grant recipient, Upper School Judaics teacher Rabbi Shira Johnston, launched the Middle School Garden Project with a group of Middle School students. The new garden, located adjacent to the lower parking lot at the Eric F. Ross Upper School Campus, is thriving with beautiful flowers and a variety of vegetables. Thanks to Rabbi Johnston’s efforts, this project has allowed our students to have a hands-on learning experience outside the classroom. This year, the recipients of the Fund for Faculty Innovation and Excellence grant are a group of our Lower School teachers — Jamie Breitman, Gena Jarmel, Rebecca Kurson, Jul McCormick and Michael Newman — who will implement a new 3D printing program at the Wilf Lower School Campus. With the addition of new equipment and professional training, the program will enhance our technology classes, STEM Club and extra-curricular opportunities, such as Lego Robotics. The teachers plan to have students, as early as first grade, designing and printing projects.


2015-16 School Fundraising 50th Anniversary

Annual Giving in 2015-16 The GOA Annual Fund is our school’s most important annual fundraiser and supports academic excellence, extra-curricular opportunities, faculty development and financial aid at our school. This year, the campaign surpassed its goal and raised $689,127 from 638 donors. We appreciate the generous support of parent, alumni, grandparent and community donors who make The GOA Annual Fund a success! This important grassroots campaign relies on the work of many volunteer leaders who partner with professional staff. Thank you to our dedicated volunteers! We were pleased that 74% of school families participated this year. Thank you to school grandparents Ed and Barbara Zinbarg for their generous alumni match challenge this year! Our school’s 50th Birthday Celebration this year held on June 8, 2016, attracted over 425 guests and raised over $225,000! In addition, $420,000 in grants were raised for our school in the area of financial aid. Thank you to Paula and Jerry Gottesman and the Greater MetroWest Day School Council of the Jewish Community Foundation for their transformative support through the Vision 2025 Affordability Initiative. Thank you to The Gottesman Fund and Robert and Trudy Elbaum Gottesman in NYC for their generous support of our school through their High School Scholarship program. Total annual support raised for Golda Och Academy reached $1.3M in 2015-16.

Capital, Endowment and Designated Support Capital and endowment support helps our school to continually improve our facilities and provide for the longterm sustainability of our school. We are fortunate that thanks to our recent Building on Tradition campaign, our current endowment provides 17% of our school’s operating budget on an annual basis. The school seeks ongoing support in this area. Planned giving is a way to provide future support to our school through a life insurance, IRA or bequest gift. There are many exciting capital naming opportunities still available at our Wilf Lower School Campus. A designated gift in an area of interest is a wonderful way to help support a specific school area or program of interest to the donor, such as arts, drama, STEM or athletics. Opportunities to create named endowment funds in honor of, or in memory of, a loved one are also available. For more information on making a difference through any of these opportunities, please contact Stephanie Bash-Soudry, Director of Development & Alumni Relations, at (973) 602-2612 or


50th Anniversary

In May, to commemorate Yom HaShoah, Holocaust survivor Edward Mosberg, an alumni parent and grandparent, spoke about his experiences during the war as part of the Sala Elbaum Lecture Series, started by Steven and Judy Elbaum in memory of their parents, Sala Elbaum and David Urman, who were Holocaust survivors.

2015-16 School Year Highlights 50th Anniversary

In April, more than 200 bubbies and zaydes came for Grandparents Day on both campuses.

Gan students and their 5th grade buddies enjoyed a wonderful Seder.

In February, 10th graders spent a week at Colegio Israelito de Mexico ORT as part of GOA’s GOAbroad Program.

In the spirit of tikkun olam, middle schoolers participated in Community Service Day.

Ninth graders went to Israel in November for Na’ale.

From Albert Einstein to Babe Ruth, everyone enjoyed Biography Day at the Lower School in May. In February, 2nd graders performed beautifully at their Chumash Celebration.

2015-16 School Year Highlights 50th Anniversary

On June 3, students and faculty joined together for the 22nd annual Walk for Life.

The 10th annual Mission: New Orleans trip was held in December.

It was a big year for the CodeRunners, our high school robotics team. In March, 7th graders held their Tzedakah Fair, learned about tzedakah in Jewish texts, and chose worthy nonprofits.

In March, 4th graders presented some very impressive projects at the Science Fair.

Our 5th graders moved up in June.

In May, Kitah Aleph did an amazing job at their Siddur Celebration.

More than 200 Golda Och Academy students participated in athletics during the past year—that’s more than 70 percent of GOA students who played one or more sports, surpassing the national average of 55 percent participation. Students filled over 300 roster spots and competed in over 300 contests, including the inaugural season of girls lacrosse.

Annual Fund 2015-16 Golda Och Academy’s Annual Fund campaign contributions help provide essential funds that ensure academic excellence and affordability at Golda Och Academy every day. Thanks to all the donors who have contributed this year (as of May 31, 2016) .

50th Anniversary

Am Yisrael (People of Israel) ($50,000+)

Dr. and Mrs. Edward Zinbarg Etz Chaim (Tree of Life) ($25,000-$49,999)

Marty and Ahuva Gross Ohavei Yisrael (Lovers of Israel) ($18,000-$24,999)

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bier ’90

Wilf Foundation

Or L’Torah (Light of the Torah) ($10,000-$17,999)

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bier Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bier ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Falkenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Falkenstein Dr. David E. Gutstein and Dr. Alison Grann Ms. Judi Harrison and Mr. Steve Gross Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Landau Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Migdal Mr. and Mrs. Josef Paradis Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pearlstein Mr. and Mrs. Marc Romanoff Mr. and Mrs. Mike Saranga Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. James Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wingens The Arie & Eva Halpern Family Foundation Tomchei Torah (Supporters of the Torah) ($5,000-$9,999) Dr. Matthew Askin and Dr. Miriam Linver Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Mevorah Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Berelowitz Mr. and Mrs. Gonen Paradis ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berger Ms. Judy Rosenberg and Mr. Randall Haase Mr. Gerald D. Cohen and Ms. Elizabeth Brandwein Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rothenberg Ms. Rachel Fink ’97 and Mr. Robert Fink Ms. Mindy Schall ’97 and Mr. Alan Schall ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gebroe Mr. Scott Schonfeld ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Geschwind Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Schor Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Glass Mr. Jonathan Schor and Ms. Michelle Neier Dr. and Mrs. Victor Grann Mr. and Mrs. Marc Schwartz Mrs. Gladys Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. David Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Seiden Ms. Atara Jacobson ’87 and Mr. Scott Bieber Dr. and Mrs. Skip Vichness Mrs. Marion Jacobson GOA Parents Association Mr. and Mrs. Lance Kaplan The Estate of Lillian Fertig Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lefkowitz


Annual Fund 2015-16 50th Anniversary

Tzur Yisrael (Rock of Israel) ($2,500-$4,999)

Mr. and Mrs. Evan Blum Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Broder Ms. Sara Bucholtz ’87 and Rabbi Adam Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lavitsky Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Liss Mr. and Mrs. Steven Nadel Mr. Jonathan Och and Ms. Rita Halbright Mr. David Pantirer ’99

Dr. Ellen Ronnen and Mr. Dan Ronnen Ms. Bella Savran Mr. and Mrs. Bennet Schonfeld Ms. Amelia Seiden Perlstein ’96 and Mr. Cory Perlstein Mr. and Mrs. Adam Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Keith Slobodien Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wieseneck The Colton Family Foundation

Ohavei Torah (Lovers of the Torah) ($1,800-$2,499)

Mr. and Mrs. Avi Abergel Mrs. Claire Akselrad Ms. Stephanie Bash-Soudry and Mr. Michael Soudry Mr. and Mrs. Steven Berg Mr. and Mrs. Felix Buber Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Bucholtz Dr. Cindy Cohen and Mr. Jonathan Cohen Dr. Ada Beth Cutler and Dr. Charles Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Mark Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goldman

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Murray Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Etai Har-El Mr. Marc Heimowitz and Ms. Miriam Lefkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Steven Klinghoffer Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Kroll Dr. Stacey Leibowitz ’89 and Mr. David Leibowitz Mr. and Mrs. Steven Levy Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moskowitz Mr. and Mrs. David Nagelberg Dr. Michael Och

Cantor Brian Kalver and Ms. Susan Och Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rabner Mr. and Mrs. Gil Raviv ’88 Dr. Joyce Raynor and Dr. Ron Meier Dr. and Mrs. Michael Rieber Ms. Rhea Stadtmauer and Ms. Janice Maiman Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stein Mr. Ben Stein Dr. Sharon Stoch and Dr. Aubrey Stoch Mr. and Mrs. Ari Wise Congregation Agudath Israel

Shomrei Torah (Guardians of the Torah) ($1,000 to $1,799)


Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bash Mr. and Mrs. Ari Berman Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bier ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bier ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Biloon Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bonder Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bruch Ms. Nomi Colton-Max and Mr. Harold Colton-Max Mr. and Mrs. Alan Davis Mr. and Mrs. Bert Distelburger Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fulop ’92 Ms. Diane G. Gelman and Mr. Michael Lichtenstein Dr. and Mrs. David Glick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodes Rabbi Meirav Kallush

Ms. Lori Katz Mr. and Mrs. Marc Kramer Mr. Larry Kramer and Ms. Catherine Brown Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kushner Dr. Terje Z. Lande and Rabbi Mary L. Zamore Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lederman Mr. and Mrs. Neal Lipschitz Dr. and Mrs. William Lipshutz Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lucas Mrs. Julia Malaga Dr. Gilbert Mayor and Dr. Jacquelin Holubka Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moskowitz Mr. and Mrs. Harris Nydick Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ostrow Dr. Peggy K. Pearlstein Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rasch Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rockman

Mr. Donald Rosenthal and Ms. Joanie Schwartz Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Roth Drs. Eric and Jill Sacks Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scherzer Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schiffman Mr. and Mrs. William Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Jason Silberfein Mr. and Mrs. David Slater Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sobel Dr. and Mrs. Eliot Spack Rabbi and Mrs. Geoffrey Spector Mr. and Mrs. Alan Spierer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wallach Ms. Carrie Zucker Siegel ’92 and Mr. Jeff Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Seth Zuckerman Sarah Finkelstein Memorial Fund Fox Rothschild LLP

Annual Fund 2015-16 Kehilat Yisrael (Community of Israel) ($500-$999) Mr. and Mrs. John Benvent Mr. Zachary Bier ’05 Mr. Michael Bier ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Elliot J. Bramnick Mr. Andrew Ely and Ms. Rachel Kanter Mr. Stuart M. Feinblatt and Dr. Renee Gross Mr. Matthew Fischer and Ms. Alexis Gruber Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gaffen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Goldberg Rabbi Solomon Gutstein

Dr. Michael Hecht and Dr. Judith Swan Ms. Julie Kopel ’95 and Mr. Reuben Kopel Rabbi and Mrs. William Lebeau Mr. Barry Levine ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Levine Mr. and Mrs. Phill Levy Dr. and Mrs. Michael Margolin Mr. and Mrs. A. Zorel Paritzky Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ploscowe Ms. Rachel Schwarz ’87 and Mr. Marc Schiffman

50th Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sherman Mr. and Mrs. David Silverstein Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stern Ms. Haya Taitel and Mr. Steve Becker Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wasserman Ms. Susan Werk Mr. Neal Wolkoff and Ms. Janet Armuth Wolkoff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zeitlin Mr. Mark Zitomer

Klal Yisrael (All of Israel) ($180-$499) Mr. Alexey Aksyonenko ’94 Dr. and Mrs. Dory Altmann Alumni March Madness Challenge Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Aronoff Rabbi and Mrs. Stanley Asekoff Mr. and Mrs. Martin Barr Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Benisty Dr. Errol Berman Mr. Ronald Biloon Dr. and Mrs. David Blady Dr. Sarah Blecherman and Dr. Barry Blecherman Mr. and Mrs. Saul Brenner Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brodesser-Akner Mr. and Mrs. Seth Brown Mr. Louis Brown and Dr. Clair Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Brown Dr. and Mrs. Richard Bullock Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Carmel Mr. Ira Casel and Ms. Galit Kierkut Casel Hon. Lisa F. Chrystal Mr. and Mrs. Barry Coffsky Rabbi and Mrs. Martin Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cytrynbaum Ms. Pamela Davis ’02 and Mr. Jordan Davis ’01 Mrs. Rise Dimson Mr. and Mrs. David Dobrowski Mrs. Barbara Drench Mr. Jonathan Drill and Rabbi Paula M. Drill Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Elbaum ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Elias Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Elliasevich Mr. Michael Farbiarz and Ms. Megan Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Leon Faynshteyn Ms. Hynda Feit Ms. Sara Feit Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Feldman Ms. Lee Fine ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freedman Dr. and Mrs. Barry Freeman Dr. and Mrs. David Gleaner Dr. Amy B. Glickman and Dr. Alexander Glickman Mr. and Mrs. Yaron Gohar Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Gold Mr. David Goldman and Ms. Vivian Zamel Ms. Reisha Goldman ’98 and Mr. Michael Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Philip Goldsmith Mr. James Grayer and Ms. Sheryl Parker

Mr. Jonathan Greenberg and Ms. Stacey Sern Mr. Mark Greenspan Mr. and Mrs. Todd Gutnick Mr. and Mrs. Edward Guttenplan Mr. Craig Guttenplan ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Zalman Gutterman Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell N. Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Shai Har-El Ms. Tanya Helfand Ms. Joyce Heller Dr. Benjamin Herzberg ’06 Ms. Arielle Herzberg ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hessdorf Mrs. Roslyn Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyman Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Inzelbuch Mr. Zachary Isaacs ’00 Rabbi Ronald Isaacs and Dr. Leora Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jacobs Mr. Benjamin Jacobs and Ms. Heidi Rivkin Ms. Gena Jarmel Mr. Michael Kalet and Cantor Lorna Wallach Rabbi and Mrs. Sylvan Kamens Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kamens Ms. Hannah S. Kaplan ’02 Mr. Jonah Kaplan ’04 Mrs. Fran Karpel Mr. and Mrs. Sol Kempinski ’80 Mr. Michael Kishelev and Ms. Irina Gomelskaya Mrs. Rhoda Kleiman Mr. Eric D. Knapp ’02 Ms. Batia Kramer Ms. Arielle Kramer ’08 Dr. Jeffrey Kress and Ms. Adena Lebeau Ms. Doni Landy ’91 Mr. Steve Leeds and Ms. Wendy Biermann-Leeds Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lefkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lefkowitz Mr. Aaron Liebman and Dr. Leora Heckelman Dr. and Mrs. Michael Linver Ms. Shara Lipson and Mr. Gideon Schor Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Liss Dr. Adinah Liss-Bialik and Mr. Gary Bialik Mr. and Mrs. Yaniv Livneh Ms. Elke Luftig ’96 and Mr. Matthew Luftig Mr. and Mrs. Evan Majzner ’01 Mrs. Camille Mandel Mr. Steven Mark ’00 Mr. Keith Marlowe and Ms. Marian Garber Ms. Susan Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mechanick Mr. and Mrs. Moises Messulan

Mr. and Mrs. Len Migdal Dr. Hal Miller-Jacobs and Dr. Sandy Miller-Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moel Ms. Anna Mohl ’86 and Mr. Mitchell Revsine Ms. Roz Moskovitz-Bielski Mr. Scott Nadler ’04 Mr. Joshua Pearlstein ’12 Mr. Elliot Pines ’07 Dr. Rachel Plafker Esrig and Mr. Dave S. Esrig Mr. and Mrs. James Potechin Ms. Cheryl Prince and Ms. Michelle Taylor Hon. Stuart Rabner and Dr. Deborah Rabner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ramer Mrs. Joann Ramer Mr. and Mrs. David Raport Mr. and Mrs. Yoav Rekem Mrs. Sonia Rieber Ms. Danielle Rockman ’12 Dr. Harvey Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Russo Mr. Jay Sandys and Ms. Shawna Starkman Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Saposh ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Zev S. Scherl Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schmidt Ms. Sarah Schonfeld ’06 and Mr. Evan Schonfeld ’06 Mr. Lewis Schwarz Ms. Karen Secular and Mr. Doron Grosman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. David Sharret ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ira Spinrad Mr. and Mrs. Vlad Stelmak Mr. and Mrs. Robert Z. Stern Ms. Christine Stodolski Mr. Stanley Strauss Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Sturm Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tanzer Mr. and Mrs. Anschel Tarlie Ms. Rachel Tolins Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Twersky Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wagner Ms. Peggy Weiss and Mr. Richard Grin Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weiss Rabbi Steven Wernick and Ms. Jody Wernick Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Woocher Ms. Tina Wyatt Dr. Neal Yudkoff and Dr. Judith Post Short Hills Radiation Oncology Congregation Shomrei Emunah Jewish Memorial Chapel Zadie’s Bake Shop


Annual Fund 2015-16 50th Anniversary


Chaverim (Friends) ($18-$179)

Mrs. Rena Abrams ’01 Mr. Eric Goldman Mrs. Miriam Adelsberg Ms. Joy Goldstein ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Ron Adiel Rabbi Ben Goldstein and Ms. Caren Heller Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Adler Ms. Marsha Kheel Goldwasser ’90 and Rabbi Daniel and Mary Lou Allen Mr. Philip Goldwasser Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gordon Anonymous Dr. Cheryl Goren-Robins and Mr. Richard Robins Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Grayer Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Greenwald Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Louis Griffel Mrs. Janette Antiles and Dr. Seth Antiles Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths Dr. Yoav Arieh and Ms. Tamar Livnat-Arieh Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grossman Mr. Martin Aronoff Ms. Whitney Gruhin ’07 Mr. Toren Aronoff ’13 Ms. Miki Gurman Mr. Sion Aronoff ’15 Mr. Jacob Gutstein ’16 Mr. and Mrs. David Ball Ms. Naomi Gutstein ’13 Mr. Steven Balter ’07 Ms. Allison Guttenplan ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bannerman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hazan Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bargad Mr. Keith Heller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berger Ms. Della Henderson Ms. Davida Berkowitz and Mr. Kenny Lavroff Rabbi Jason Herman ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Berkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Herman Mr. Jeremy Berkowitz ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hersch Mr. and Mrs. Mark Berkowitz Mr. Jordan Herskowitz Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berman Ms. Ilana Herzberg ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Biebelberg Ms. Sara Hessdorf ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bilmes Ms. Jamie Himmelstein Ms. Mira Blecherman ’16 Mr. Jeremy Hirsh and Prof. Sabrina S. Hirsh Mr. and Mrs. Yaron Bluevise Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman Mr. Matthew Blum ’16 Ms. Vicki Hyman and Mr. David Bockman Mr. and Mrs. Jay Blumenfeld Ms. Sherry Izak Mrs. Marjory Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobi Ms. Jamie Breitman Mr. and Mrs. David Jacoboff Ms. Irina Briller ’99 Ms. Deborah Fass Jacobs ’95 Mrs. Rita Broder Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Jacobs Mr. Zachary Broder ’14 Dr. Arco Jeng Mr. Jordan Broder ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Oron Brokman Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Kadosh Mrs. Ruth Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Marc Kallus Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Brown Mr. Jerrold Kaminsky and Mr. and Mrs. William Brown Dr. Lois Shulman-Kaminsky Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown Ms. Jan Kaminsky and Ms. Samantha Kaminsky Ms. Lissy Carr ’99 and Mr. Ben Carr Dr. Denise Kanrich and Mr. Andrew Kanrich Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Caspi Mr. and Mrs. Elchanan Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chaleff Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Allan Chernoff Ms. Megan Kaplan ’16 Mrs. Jaclyn Cistaro Dr. and Mrs. Henry Kaplowitz Mr. and Mrs. Seth Cohen Mr. Aaron Kardon and Ms. Lisa Miller Rabbi Mark Cooper and Ms. Amy S. Cooper ’81 Rabbi and Mrs. Gary Karlin Ms. Moriel Daniel ’10 Ms. Lisa Kasdan ’01 Mr. Alan Denlow and Dr. Rebecca Denlow Dr. Mark Kayton and Mrs. Tracy Kayton Mr. Asaf Dor and Ms. Orit Levy-Dor Ms. Aubrey Keene Dr. Tammy Dorff Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kessler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dovdavany Ms. Leia Kessler ’16 Dr. and Mrs. Lester Eckman Mr. Daniel Kestin and Ms. Elissa Meth Kestin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Feig Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kimmel Ms. Sandi Fein Ms. Navah Kogen ’04 Mr. Milton Feldman Rabbi Avram Kogen and Ms. Linda Ripps Mr. Samuel Feldman and Dr. Russet Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kohan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kotik Ms. Anna Feldman and Mr. George Bondarchuk Ms. Naomi Kramer ’10 Ms. Jane Felton Ms. Rachel Kramer ’16 Cantor and Morah Perry Fine Mr. and Mrs. Sid Kress Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Fineberg Mr. and Mrs. Noam J. Kritzer Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kron Mr. and Mrs. Rafi Footerman ’84 Mrs. Galina Krupkina Mr. Elan Footerman ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kurson Mr. Jonathan Fox and Ms. Shira Vickar-Fox Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lager Ms. Beth Freiman Cannon and Mr. Howard Cannon Mrs. Jessica Lampert Ms. Sophia Friedman ’16 Dr. and Mrs. Craig Lampert Mr. and Mrs. Grigory Fulman Dr. Jerome Langer and Ms. Pamela Dorman Mrs. Peggy Garner Mr. Paul Langer Mr. and Mrs. David Gelband Mrs. Francoise Lavitsky Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gelber Mr. Aryeh Lebeau and Dr. Keren Lebeau ’94 Mr. Brad Gerstle and Rabbi Deborah Joselow Ms. Alisa Lebeau Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ginsburg Ms. Elsie Lederman Mr. and Mrs. William Glasofer Ms. Jodi Lederman ’09 Mr. Seth Gleaner ’16 Ms. Judy Leeds Mr. and Mrs. Liran Golan Dr. Stephanie Levey and Dr. James Levey Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goldgaber Mr. and Mrs. Moe Levine Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Goldgaber Mr. and Mrs. David Lurie Dr. and Mrs. Eric Goldman Ms. Ilana Lutman

Rabbi and Mrs. Mark Mallach Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mandel Dr. Jonathan Zellan and Ms. Stephanie Marks Mr. Samuel Markstein ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Avi Matuszewicz Ms. Arielle Matuszewicz ’16 Rabbi and Mrs. Richard Mayer Ms. Brenda Mechanick Mr. and Mrs. Alan Meirzon Ms. Roseanne Mendelowitz Mr. and Mrs. Warren Meth Mr. Harris Mevorah ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moench Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Moran Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris Ms. Flora Musleah Mr. Daniel Nadelmann Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nagelberg Mr. Jesse Nagelberg ’12 Ms. Sara Natelson Berger ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Nathan Dr. Dov Nelkin and Dr. Yosefa Lebeau Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newman Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Nierenberg Rabbi Debra Orenstein ’79 Ms. Teresa Patel Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Paternite Rabbi Harry Pell ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Mort Perchick Mr. Richard Perini Mr. and Mrs. Philip Perlstein Dr. and Mrs. Jules Plafker Mr. Robert Podgursky and Ms. Alison Baker Mr. and Mrs. Glen Poller Mr. and Mrs. Henry Poller Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Potash Mr. Sandy Pyonin Mrs. Shari Rachlin Bates ’86 and Mr. John Bates Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Raskin Ms. Monica Rawicz and Rabbi E. Noach Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Abe Reback Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reich Ms. Michelle Rennert Rabbi and Mrs. Paul Resnick Mr. Evan Robbins and Dr. Lisa Robbins Mrs. Henriann Robins Mr. Elijah Rockman ’15 Ms. Karen Rodney Dr. and Mrs. David Romanoff Mr. and Mrs. Offer Nathan Ronen Ms. Corinna Ronen ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rosenblum Mr. Alexander Rothschild ’16 Ms. Jillian Rudnitzky ’04 Mr. and Mrs. Eli Saar Mr. Gerald Sackin Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sandberg Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schenker Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Dean Schuman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schuman Ms. Amanda Schuman ’13 Mr. Andrew Schwartz ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schweitzer Mr. Samuel Seiden ’99 Mr. Marc Sessler and Ms. Lynne Kestin Ms. Daniella Shalmoni and Mr. Jeffrey Akner Dr. and Mrs. Steven Shapiro Ms. C. Daniela Shapiro ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sharret Mr. Michael Shaykevich Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shepard Ms. Andrea Sherman ’95 and Mr. Joshua Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Todd Sherman Mr. Lev Shpilsky and Ms. Maria Topel Mrs. Tova Silberman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Silva Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Slater Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Slavin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Slifer Mr. Harrison Slobodien ’16 Ms. Rachel Slobodien ’16

Mr. David Smokler and Mrs. Ellen Seidman Ms. Arielle Solomon ’16 Dr. Frederic Solomon and Ms. Randee Rappoport Solomon Mr. Benjamin Soudry ’16 Ms. Jessica Spierer ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Eliezer Spigler Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Stambler Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stambler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stein Ms. Alanna ’07 and Mr. Jason Steinberg ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Ofer Steinberg Ms. Joanna R. Stern ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sternberg Mr. and Mrs. Matt Sternthal Mr. and Mrs. Ron Strulowitz Mr. and Mrs. David Suskauer Mr. Noah Susskind ’16 Ms. Florence Sweifach Mr. and Mrs. Edward Szteinbaum Mr. and Mrs. Steven Talmud Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Talpins Ms. Liora Tarlowe ’01 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Taubenfeld Mr. Misha Tsirulik and Ms. Leah Shulman Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Vinick Mr. Jason Vollen and Ms. Karen Bridbord Mrs. Roberta Wallach Dr. Marc Weinstein and Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein Mr. and Mrs. Seth Weisleder Mr. and Mrs. Neil Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Avi Weiss Ms. Ziva Wernick ’14 Ms. Hannah Wernick ’16 Mr. Andrew Wingens ’10 Mr. Jonathan Wingens ’15 Mrs. Fran Witherington Ms. Gabrielle Wolberger ’13 Ms. Judith Yellin Ms. Cecile Yoon-Tarlie and Mr. Martin Tarlie Ms. Ellen Zamore Ms. Joelle Zegas ’09 Mr. Mark Zitter and Dr. Jessica N. Zitter Mr. and Mrs. Leeor Zorel Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Zwang At Home Studios Air-O-Matic Survivor Fire & Security Systems, Inc. New Jersey Family Sisterhood Summit JCC Dental Group of Millburn, PA Tamburri Associates Premier Plus

Thank you to the following Matching Gifts companies who supported GOA in 2015-16 AIG Matching Grants Program American Express Company Bank of America Matching Gifts Bank of NY Mellon BlackRock Matching Gift Program Colgate-Palmolive Company Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Google Matching Gifts Program Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC Merck Partnership for Giving Northwestern Mutual Foundation Matching Gifts Program Prudential Foundation Matching Gift TIAA-CREF Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

From the first day to the last, Golda Och Academy’s 50th birthday celebration was infused throughout.

We were so honored to have 15 of our board presidents join us at our 50th Birthday Celebration on June 9.

(L-R) Jeffrey Landau, Board Chair 2014-16; Daniel Och, former student and school benefactor; Adam Shapiro, Head of School; and Atara Jacobson ‘87, Board Chair 2016-18.

50th Birthday Celebration 50th Anniversary

We would like to thank the following donors who contributed to the Virtual Ad Journal in support of our school. The Virtual Journal can be viewed online at


Jane and Daniel Och DIAMOND

Marty and Ahuva Gross RUBY

Steve and Debbie Nadel PLATINUM

Dr Lynne B Harrison GOLD Judi Harrison and Steve Gross

Howard and Betty Pantirer Schwartz, Jonathan and Julie Schwartz

Eleanor and Marc Kramer Michele and Jeffrey Landau Dr. Michael Och, Susan Och and Brian Kalver Shelley and Josef Paradis Sheryl and Sam Pearlstein

Sharon and Jimmy Schwarz, Marc Schiffman and Rachel Schwarz ’87 Sharon and Stephen Seiden, Amelia ’96 and Cory Perlstein, Talia, Seth and Eliana Jane and Mark Wilf

Mindy ’97, Alan ’92, Emily, Sophie, Brandon and Zoe Schall

Helene and Gary Wingens Barbara and Ed Zinbarg


Sacks Orthodontics

The Saritte Harel Team SILVER

Michelle and Bruce Berger Robyn and Joseph Bier ’79 Elizabeth and Gerald Cohen

The Gutstein Family Sharon and David Halpern Jennifer and Marc Romanoff Caren and Larry Rothenberg


50th Birthday Celebration 50th Anniversary


Lilach and Avi Abergel

Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ

Dr. Matthew Askin, Dr. Miriam Linver, and Family

Kroll Commercial Realty

Bakos and Kritzer

Miriam Lefkowitz and Marc Heimowitz

Ruth and Bruce Bier

Stephen A. Ploscowe, Esq/Fox Rothschild, LLP

Shari and Mitch Broder and Family

Emily and Gil Raviv ’88

Bucholtz, Leibowitz and Green Families

Sari and Gil Schorr ’90

ConnectOne Bank

Noel Siegel

Jane J. Felton, Partner Skoloff and Wolfe, PC

Alette and Keith Slobodien, Sayde ’14, Rachel ’16 and Harrison ’16

Rachel ’97 and Robert Fink

The Wieseneck Family

Mindy and Stephen Goldman

Jessica and Ari Wise and family

Jacobson and Bieber Families



Taryn and Gavin Berelowitz

BatSheva and Murray Halpern

Susie and Howard Bruch and Family

Judy Rosenberg and Randy Haase

Elizabeth and Jeffrey Bier ’90

Barry Levine ’98

Joan and Harvey Bucholtz

Cecile and Edward Mosberg

Eco-Stat LLC, Michael Soudry

PIP Printing, Livingston

Joyce and Neil Goldstein

Yana, Kenny, Giselle and Ashton Weiss

Guzzo + Guzzo Architects

Dr. Marcia Robbins-Wilf and Dr. Perry Robbins

50th Birthday Celebration 50th Anniversary

FRIEND At Home Studios

Rutgers Hillel

Congregation Beth El

Saint Barnabas Medical Center

Barbara and Dr. Andrew Hutter

Signature Creations Caterers

Oheb Shalom Congregation

Susan and Daniel Stern

Judy Rachlin SUPPORTER Scott Baird, RBA Management, LLC

Kheel Family

Mindy and Evan Blum

Julie Schwartz Kopel ’95 and Reuben Kopel

Roz Moskowitz Bielski, Rachel and Jessica Bielski ’11

Jill, Eric, Jonathan ’16 and Aaron ’19 Lavitsky

Stephanie and Alan Bonder and Family

Ronni and Mark Lederman

Connie and Uzi Lior, CBL Fine Art

Liz and Jonathan Liss

Sharon and Howard Charish

Luftig Family

CodeRunners Robotics Team

Rabbi Joyce Raynor and Dr. Ron Meier

Congregation Agudath Israel, Rabbi Alan Silverstein, Cantor Caplan, Susan Werk

Dr. Sandy and Dr. Hal Miller Jacobs

Dr. Ada Beth and Dr. Chuck Cutler Brenda and Jerry Deener Estelle and Lenny Edelson Dr. Linda Aboody and Dr. Neil Freeman Ethelyn and Ben Geschwind GOA Administrators Bambi and Bob Granovsky Harbor Haven Day Camp Rabbi Joshua Heller ’90, Congregation B’nai Torah Sabrina Safrin and Jeremy Hirsh Janice, Dr. Howard and Sarah ’08 Hoffman

The Parker Grayer Family Gail, Dennis, Carli and Jason Roth ’13 Judy and Adam Schlesinger Lew Schwarz Rena and Adam Shapiro Judi and Dr. Steven Shapiro Yvette and David Sharret ’92 The Sokolic Family, Joyce, Irvin z”l, David ’85, Robert ’87 and Jeremy ’88 Tamburri Associates Temple Beth Shalom

The Horn Family

Sherry and Jon Woocher

Dena and Rabbi Bill Horn

Violet and Richard Zeitlin

Jarmel Kizel Architects and Engineers


50th Birthday Celebration 50th Anniversary

LISTING Wendy and Robert Adler

Lisa Chrystal Herzberg, Ben ’06, Arielle ’09 and Ilana ’09

Jo Anne Adlerstein

Dr. Gilbert Mayor and Dr. Jacquelin Holubka

Danielle Schwartz Auerbach and Jon Auerbach

Heidi Rivkin and Ben Jacobs

Joanne and Elliot Bramnick and Family

Max and Hunter Janoff

Rebecca Berman, Berman Consulting Services, Ltd.

Gabby and Zach Jaffee

Dr. Elaine R. S. Cohen

Eric Knapp ’02

Nomi, Harold, Zach and Rafi Colton-Max

Ravit and Michael Landsberg

Cathy and Bert Distelburger

Genya and Rabbi Mark Mallach

Nikki and Leonard Feldman

Susan L. Mayer, EdD, RN-BC

David Gardner

Bobbi and Mel Ostrow

Amy and Alex Glickman and Family

Molly and Alfred Pasternak

Carol and Phil Goldsmith

Alia and Dan Ramer

Laura, Jeff and Jonathan ’12 Greif

Paige and Jason Silberfein

Beverly and Saul Gutterman

Dottie and Donald Wagner

Marlene and Edward Herman

Janet and Neal Wolkoff and Family DONATION

Heather and Seth Brown Ruth and Daniel Dovdavany Cantor Perry and Miki Fine Kathryn and Richard Gordon Bat Sheva and Robert Hodes Marilyn Kohan Batia Kramer Margot Luftig and Carl Lebowitz Molly and Moe Levine Debbie and David Lurie David Miller ‘83 Salome and Aron Nadel

Leonard Neuringer Richard Perini Miriam and Henry Poller Dr. Lisa and Evan Robbins Janet and Melvin Rosenblum Sima and Ben Schall Adele and Charles Schuman Neta Shvartsman Fran Urman Brenda Velasco Dr. Laura Weitzman



Lisa ’01, Marcia and Abe Kasdan Samuel Convissor Lori and Steven Klinghoffer Louise and Stuart Levine

Margot and Marc Schwartz Ilana and Skip Vichness Jody and Rabbi Steven Wernick

50th Birthday Celebration 50th Anniversary

Alumni Homecoming: May 23, 2016 50th Anniversary

Alumni Supporters Thank you to our SSDS-GOA Alumni Supporters 2015-2016* 1978 Bryan and Andrea Bier Ora Horn Prouser

1986 Shari Rachlin Bates and John Bates Anna Mohl and Mitchell Revsine

1995 Sarah Allen Tamar Banner Jennifer Brown Rachel Charish Abel David Cutler Michael and Sarah Diamond Deborah and Eric Edell Danielle Epstein Deborah Fass Jacobs and Brad Jacobs Avi Feinberg Beth and Christopher Flippo Yoav Gluckman Mark Greenspan Rabbi Jason Herman Daniella Korman Weinberg and Andrew Weinberg Jonathan and Kim Kushner Rabbi Harry Pell and Lisa Pell Julie Schwartz Kopel and Reuben Kopel Andrea and Joshua Sherman Michael and Brooke Skolnick Tamara Ween Julie Zucker Krider and Greg Krider

1987 Sara Bucholtz and Rabbi Adam Feldman Atara Jacobson and Scott Bieber Rachel Schwarz and Marc Schiffman

1996 Elke and Matthew Luftig Amelia Seiden Perlstein and Cory Perlstein David and Kim Solondz

2004 Daniel Bellehsen Jill and Daniel Brand Jonah Kaplan Navah Kogen Scott Nadler

1988 Gil and Emily Raviv

1997 Rachel and Robert Fink Michelle and Daniel Jacobs Joshua Jashinski Sarah Knapp Smith and Zachary Smith Eitan Melamed Jordan Rubenstein Jonathan and Arielle Saposh Alan and Mindy Schall

2005 Hillary Aaron Zachary Bier Jeremy Borovitz Sally and Mark Friedman Liza Kuritsky Sophie Milrom

1979 Joseph and Robyn Bier Rabbi Debra Orenstein 1980 Sol and Debbie Kempinski Judi and Robert Osbahr 1981 Rabbi Mark Cooper and Amy S. Cooper 1983 David Miller 1984 Rafi and Andrea Footerman

1989 Jessica Bucholtz Green Wendy and Marc Herman Roni Jacobson and David Feldman Dr. Stacey Leibowitz and David Leibowitz 1990 Jeffrey and Liz Bier Marsha and Philip Goldwasser Rabbi Joshua Heller Wendy and Marc Herman Gil and Sari Schorr 1991 Joseph and Robyn Glatt Doni Landy 1992 Scott and Sarah Bier Daniel and Elissa Fulop Joy Goldstein Jessica and Jay Lampert Alan and Mindy Schall David and Yvette Sharret Eve and David Sorkin Carrie Zucker Siegel and Jeff Siegel 1994 Alexey Aksyonenko Jessica Gorbis Martin and Eric Martin Rabbi Tracy Kaplowitz and Jonathan Boxer Sara Natelson Berger and Danny Berger

1998 Lawrence and Melissa Elbaum Reisha and Michael Goldman Gregory and Jocelyn Klar Barry Levine Eric Mark Gonen and Jaclyn Paradis Jason and Cori Wilf 1999 Irina Briller and Dimitri Nemirovsky Lissy and Benjamin Carr Andrew Joseph David Pantirer Jonathan Schwartz and Julie Bookbinder Scott Schonfeld Samuel and Lisa Seiden Amy Watenmaker 2000 Lee Fine Craig Guttenplan Zachary Isaacs Steven Mark Shai Vichness Aviva Wilcox

2001 Rena and Matt Abrams Jordan and Pamela Davis Lili and Scott Jacobson Blair Kaminsky and Daniel Klingenstein Lisa Kasdan Gregory and Jocelyn Klar Aaron Klein Evan and Lindsay Majzner Liora Tarlowe Abby Wolff Rachel and Dean Yogev 2002 Jordan and Pamela Davis Hannah S. Kaplan Eric D. Knapp Rabbi Jesse Olitzky and Andrea Olitzky Joanna R. Stern Jessica and Jason Werner 2003 Michelle and Joshua Bandes

2006 Dr. Benjamin Herzberg Evan and Sarah Schonfeld 2007 Steven Balter and Aviva Bukiet Whitney Gruhin Allison Guttenplan Elliot Pines Alanna and Jason Steinberg 2008 Arielle Kramer 2009 Michael Bier Joshua Greenberg Arielle Herzberg Ilana Herzberg Jodi Lederman Joelle Zegas 2010 Moriel Daniel Naomi Kramer Andrew Wingens

*(As of 8-15-16) Including Golda Och Academy Annual Fund 15-16, 50th Birthday Celebration, Building on Tradition, Library Project for Rabbi Joyce Raynor and Art Room Project for Avi Svirsky z�l. We apologize for any errors or omissions.

50th Anniversary

2011 Samuel Markstein Donna Ra’anan-Lerner Carly Rabner Orli Segal Danielle Wolberger 2012 Jesse Nagelberg Joshua Pearlstein Danielle Rockman 2013 Toren Aronoff Naomi Gutstein Amanda Schuman Gabrielle Wolberger 2014 Zachary Broder Noah Hessdorf Jessica Spierer Ziva Wernick 2015 Sion Aronoff Harris Mevorah Elijah Rockman Jonathan Wingens 2016 Jeremy Berkowitz Mira Blecherman Matthew Blum Jordan Broder Elan Footerman Sophia Friedman Seth Gleaner Jacob Gutstein Sara Hessdorf Megan Kaplan Leia Kessler Rachel Kramer Arielle Matuszewicz Corinna Ronen Alexander Rothschild Andrew Schwartz C. Daniela Shapiro Harrison Slobodien Rachel Slobodien Arielle Solomon Benjamin Soudry Noah Susskind Hannah Wernick Former Students, Friends and Family Danielle and Jonathan Auerbach Charles and Suzanne Berman Abbey Brod-Rosen Keith Heller JSS March Madness Bracket Challenge Daniel and Jane Och Jonathan Och and Rita Halbright Susan Och and Brian Kalver Judy Rosenberg and Mr. Randall Haase Jonathan and Julie Schwartz Eric and Danielle Sharret Ed and Barbara Zinbarg 23

Mazel Tov to the Class of 2016! Eric F. Ross Upper School Campus

Wilf Lower School Campus

1418 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange, NJ 07052 Phone: 973-602-3600

122 Gregory Avenue West Orange, NJ 07052 Phone: 973-602-3700

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