2023 Foundation Annual Report

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Gogebic Community College, an equal opportunity institution, s strongly and actively committed to increasing diversity w thin its community

GCC is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools: https://www.hlcommission.org/ or 312-263-0456.

I n s i d e

Board of Trustees ..........................................................4

Statement of Financial Position ......................................4

Foundation Board of Directors ......................................5

Emeritus Recognition ....................................................6

Mt Zion Revitalized ........................................................7

What is a Samson? ........................................................8

Student Success Through Michigan Reconnect ............9

Thank You for Giving 2022 ..........................................10

Greetings, Gogebic Community Co lege is proud to serve the educat onal, career and persona nterests of our local and regional service areas. We take great pride in fulfilling this comprehensive responsibility. The College is a hub for academ c, cultural, economic, and social success for our students and region. We strive to empower and inspire people to thrive in a global environment.

Gogebic Community Co lege is essential to providing affordable and accessible post-secondary education, serving as a pathway to changing lives and advancing prosperity within the Upper Peninsula and Northern Wisconsin region. The College’s faculty and staff prior tize student success in our daily work and strive to be leaders in the community through the advancement of strategic goals of enhancing the student experience, expanding academic programming and services, and increasing community and campus engagement

The work of our robust Institutional Development and Foundation Office and caring Board of D rectors has helped the College to serve many areas of student needs This important work is made possible by you Please take a moment to review the Annual Report and see f rsthand how your contributions make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of our students From the campus in Ironwood and the Cooper Country Center in Houghton, thank you for your generous support of Gogebic Community College!

Ironwood Campus

E4946 Jackson Road Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-4231

Copper Country Center

Copper Country Mall 47420 Hwy M-26, Suite 107 Houghton, MI 49931 906-483-0070 gogebic.edu alumni@gogebic.edu

Thank You for Giving 2023 ..........................................12

Endowed Funds and Scholarships 15

Giving Runs in the Family ............................................15

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? 17

In Special Tribute ..........................................................18

GCC and NMU Enter an Agreement to Expand Nursing Education n the Western U P 20

Volleyba l Returns to GCC ............................................21

Athletic ‘Honors’ Roll 21

Talent Pipeline Offers Infinite Possibilities ..................22

Gold Status Earned for Veteran Program 23

Interim President
“ You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
– Jane Goodall
Jennifer Sabourin, Ph.D. nterim President

The Gogebic Community College Foundation was estab ished in 1977 to promote, encourage, aid and support the Col ege by receiving and investing monies to fulfil the needs of the College which cannot or are not easily met by State and local tax revenue The Foundation is supervised by a Board of Directors made up of dedicated and involved community leaders and is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.

Board Emer t

Dr R Ernest Dear (1933-2008

Dona d Fortune (1932-2016

Jack T Jacobs

David G Lindquist, ‘55 1929-2014)

David McDonald, Jr , 73

Sh r ey McDona d, ‘40 1920-2015)

Charlene Newhouse (1941-2020)

Mary Paol (1923-2020)

Robert J. Paqu n (1930-2014)




Steve Wesselhoft


Bea s GCC Board of Trustees Chairperson

Jenn fer Sabour n nterim President

E-Newsletter Available to Those Who Sign Up

4 B o a r d o f Tr u s t e e s
F o u n d a t i o n B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s
James Mi akovich, ‘69 John C Siira ‘74 Dan Jam son Dr Maria Sokol Kel y S Marczak, 86 Nei Beckman Tom Brown John Matonich Chad Lushua Hon Joe Massie ‘74 Greg Ryskey Linda Pao i Carol P san , ‘68 Judith Whitley-Yatchak ‘70 Dayle Jackson ‘98 George Samardich Dr Carl Raina do J Rajkovich Members Susan
B A C K R O W M i c h a e l M c P h e r s o n , D P T, T h o m a s B r o w n , E r i c F t t i n g , Tr e a s u r e r F R O N T R O W : R o b e r t S t e m p i h a r, J o h n L u p i n o , ’ 7 0 , S e c r e t a r y, S u s a n B e a s ’ 7 9 , C h a r p e r s o n W i l l i a m M a o y V i c e C h a i r p e r s o n
you like to keep up to date on College activ ties, students etc ? Please email Kelly Marczak, Foundation Director at Kellym@gogebic.edu or call her at 906-307-1202 to share your email address so that we can send you the e-newsletter S t a t e m e n t o f F i n a n c i a l P o s i t i o n 2 0 2 1 - 2 2 G o g e b i c C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e F o u n d a t i o n

The rank of Emeritus Status is a recognition of those that have made long-term contributions to GCC Emeritus Status is a special honor reserved for a member of the Board of Trustees, faculty, and staff. Each person who achieves this status has in their own distinctive manner supported the college’s mission to advance educational opportunities in the Upper Peninsula. They had unique skill sets and strengths that supported functional operations. Emeriti are a significant part of the col ege ’ s distinguished history and helped form the culture and image of the college as we know it today

You may see some very familiar faces in this photo of our Emeriti group that were recognized in May, 2023 to celebrate the installation of our Emeritus Honor Wall located in the David G Lindquist Student and Conference Center on the Ironwood campus. We thank our Emeriti for this commitment to Gogebic and for the knowledge they imparted over their many years of service

FIRST ROW: Don Pelkola, Lenore Jackson, Kit Malloy, Jeanne Graham, Therese Pawlak, Ela ne Skoveria, Gerry Westeen

SECOND ROW: Ray Niemi, Rod Smith, Brian Panich, Sue Forbes, Kim Wan nk, Mary Beth Barlock, Jim Dahlin

NOT PICTURED: Tim Kolesar, Alex Marciniak (deceased), Patricia Waech (Belmas), Keith Beckman, Cheryl Bunt, John Busch, David Erickson, Linda Gustafson, Laura Kre l, Walt Lessun, James Lorenson, Delaine Maki, Linda Montonati (deceased), Kathie Munn, Mark Wendt

To see a complete ist of our Emeriti, you can visit our website at https://www gogebic edu/ aboutus/emeritus.html.

GCC is the home of one of the few Ski Area Management programs n the United States, and the only community co lege with our own ski hill, Mt. Zion, on campus. Whi e an excellent hands-on learning lab for students in the Ski Area Management (SAM) program, Mt Zion s also well utilized by the community and home of Team Z racing program

The current chalet building was built and opened for operations in 1970, and that was the same year that the SAM program began at GCC The summer of 1979 the chairlift was put in and the summer of 1980 the chalet was moved to its current location on the hill.

Fast forward 53 years later and the same chalet is still in use This chalet has served our students and community well for many years, but it’s time for a new multi-purpose building that can be open for use year-round The college’s board of trustees and Foundation board members have given their approval on a $3.1 mill on project to construct a new 2-story ADA compliant multi-purpose building This bui ding will move downhill and sit on the current road looking up the hill while

increasing the size from a 1,568 square foot building to a 7,500 square foot building.

The main floor wou d be used for the operation of the ski hill to include the rental shop, lift ticket office, retail space, ADA compliant restrooms, elevator, kitchen and open seating The second floor would include classroom space for the SAM program and cont nuing education summer programs; office for SAM Director; open seating for overf ow of chalet visitors, and floor-to-ceiling w ndow viewing area for Ski and SnoCross races

For more information on this exciting project and to find out how you can help us make th s vision a reality, contact Kelly Marczak, Foundation Director at Kellym@gogebic edu or 715-3603-3030 or Jim VanderSpoel, Director of Ski Area Management at jimv@gogebic edu or 906-285-1341 To keep current on this project, scan this QR code to visit the link on our website, or visit gogebic.edu/news/mt zion campaign. All updates wil be provided on this page

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E m e r i t u s R e c o g n i t i o n
Mt. Zion Revitalized

What is a Samson?

The age-old question of “What is a Samson?” was answered this year! Gogebic Community College put a team together comprised of staff, faculty, administration, board members, foundation and the community to create an image behind the name. After months of contemplation and collaboration while working alongside Interact Communications of La Crosse, WI, Gogebic Community

Col ege unveiled its new mascot, a large white snow beast type creature called Sam, at one of the men ’ s basketball games this past season

Samsons are tenacious creatures who roam the dense forest of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

Surviving for ages n a harsh climate, Samsons are resilient and a force to be reckoned with. They live in communities that embrace diversity and can often be found rallying around each other when the need arises. Once believed to be mythical, Samsons have slowly been coming out of the woods and showing their faces to those who believe Sam is the BOLDEST of all the Samsons, which is why Gogebic Community

Col ege is now Sam’s home Sam loves to learn and be around students who have similar traits –ruggedness, adaptability, ferocity, and courage. Until now, shyness kept Sam in the shadows, but learning to make the most of chal enges, utilizing teamwork principles when accomplishing tasks, and honoring mental health and wellness helped Sam’s confidence be revealed.

The GCC Foundation helped to fund this initiative and, according to Jim Milakovich, GCC Foundation President, “We welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the birth

of Sam because having a Samson mascot will provide a more collegiate experience for our students ”

Sam loves the outdoors and to try new things. He was spotted on Mt. Zion this winter learning to ski, which is chal eng ng for a creature with such big feet! Sam can

Student Success Through Michigan Reconnect

Michigan Reconnect is a state-funded last-dollar scholarship program that provides free in-district tuition at a Michigan Community College to earn an associate degree or Peleligible skil certif cate. GCC is promoting this program in our region to encourage qualified students to consider this program as a cost-effic ent way to earn a degree or certification. MI Reconnect s open to students who are 25 years of age or older, have not received a col ege degree, and who have been a Michigan resident for at least a year The Foundation has taken th s a step further and has covered the out-of-district cost d fference for those students that qualify for this program

We encourage qualified students to contact our Admissions Office to learn more about this program We share some success stories of student who have successfully completed their degrees through Michigan Reconnect

often be found enjoying lunch at the Samson Canteen, hanging out with fr ends at GCC sporting events, and traveling between the Ironwood and Houghton Copper Country Center, getting to know why so many folks love the Upper Peninsula. Sam has been a great addition to the GCC family and the community. Many requests have come in for appearances, with Sam being a fan favorite for all ages!

“ Thank you, MI Reconnect for the generous financial support. It helped me to focus on my study without worr ying about tuition fees.”

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Kristie Peterson, 2023, Associate of Applied Business - General Business
“My entire experience at GCC for the past two years has been nothing short of phenomenal, I was so scared to go back to college later in life, plus I was able to utilize the MI Reconnect program, which was so helpful. I cannot say enough good about GCC, this community is so lucky to have the college. “
Shonda David, 2023, Licensed Practical Nursing
“Michigan Reconnect IS the reason I was able to go back to school and pursue my dreams. My appreciation is unmeasurable.”
Baisakhi Sen, 2023, Licensed Practical Nursing

Thank You for Giving 2022

The Gogebic Community College Foundation would like to honor our donors who support the college and our mission to help our students achieve success. In this report we are recognizing the donors that supported GCC in our fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) AND our fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023). To keep the integrity of the Giving Levels, we’re keeping the fiscal year donor listings separate. This is being done to provide a more timely recognition to our donors.

Gifts listed are those received between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 (FY2022)

FY22 Founders $10,000 + higher

ARC of Gogebic County

Ashland Industries, Inc.

The late Mary Paoli

Portage Health Foundation

James A. Ruppe Foundation

FY22 Benefactors $5,000 - $9,999

Virginia DeBenedictis

Marian J Nordberg and Carl Taylor

John and Marilyn Rintamak

FY22 President’s Circle

$1,000 - $4,999

William and Sylvia Aho

Robert and Elaine Allen Family Foundation

Banfield, Inc

Neil and Pam Beckman

Stacey Braemer

John Deere

Margaret “Peggy” Malovrh

John Carlson

Mark Da Pra, M.D.

Carol Diamond

Fiorio Wealth Advisors

Gary and Linda Harrington

Joyce Hazen

Daniel and Joan Hinch

Ironwood Kiwan s Club

Robert and Denise Jacquart

Glenn and Donna Korpi

John and Camille Lupino

George and Christie McNulty

Gerald and Mary Maki

Greg and Ellen Metko

Midwest Ski Areas Association

Jim and Jeannie Milakovich

Robb Pairolero

R Rodney and Charlotte Pakonen

Don Pelkola

Robert and Kathleen Re

George Reardon

Dennis and Robin Rolando

Angela Santini

Felicia Santini

Marc Santini, M D

The late Stanley Servia

SISU Ski Fest

John and Sharon Solin

Clay Thomason

Robert Trier

Upward Talent Council

Xcel Energy Foundation

FY22 Patron $500 - $999

Karl and Jennifer Ahonen

Bessemer Car Wash

David Bloshenko

J Dale and Julianne Bulinski

Burton Industries

Consumers Energy Foundation

David and Kris Darrow

Bob and Kris Dionne

Fred and Kathy Friedman

Charles and Jean Gallo

Gogebic Associat on of Retired School Personnel

Gogebic Range Bank

Dennis Huotari

Ironwood Hurley Rotary Club

Jacquart Fabric Products

Dayle Jackson and Chris Tweiten

Keegan Jackson

William and Joanne Johnson

Paul ne Karttunen

Klassic Kruisers Car Club

Norman Korpi

Matt Kurta

Masters Snowmobile Racing

David and Georgia McDonald

Dennis and Andrea Mackey

Mark Nelson

Doug and Cheryl Olsen

Linda Paoli

Brian Pearson

John and Paula Pelissero

Jerry and Carol Pisani

Monica and Jeff Ramme

William Rich e

George Samardich

John and Barbara Siira

Strong Dental Center

Bonnie Tiilikka

Ed and Carole Tuckey

Marion and Gayle True

Steve and Betsy Wesselhoft

FY22 Supporter $100 - $499

Abelman Co.

Glen and George Ackerman-Behr

Amazon Smile

American Electric Power

Brian and Shannon Anderson

Therese Angw n

Greta Armata

Lana Armstrong

Dick and Mary Beth Barlock

Brian Bauer

Dennis and Susan Beals

Stacy Brey

Thomas and LaVerna Brown

Kurt Bucknell

Calligaro Family

Jim and Karen Callovi

Karin Carlson

Kristine Carlson

Jesse and Haille Carroll

Brian Ceccon

Jon and Susan Christensen

Allen and Barbara Clishe

Bob and Kitty Colassacco

Bill Dahlgren

James and Lorraine Dahlin

Karen Damgard

Robert Duckstad

Dennis and Linda DuFrane

Paul and Sandy Dural

Laura Erickson

Marilyn Fassett

R Michael Foster

Jackie Franzoi

Mary Jean Fredrickson

Tibor and Kathleen Gal o

Robert Gamache

Gary and Wendy Gouin

Jeanne Graham

Heather Gritt

Eero Haukkala

Miranda and Derek Heglund

Jeffrey Hendrickson

Nicole Hocking

Rebecca Hoefs

Paula Marie Holevac

James and Judith Huss

Wil iam and Susan Imm ch

Iron County Commun ty Credit Union

Ironwood Chamber of Commerce

Ironwood Plastics

Keith and Lenore Jackson

Archie and Judy Johnson

Clifford and Ardyth Johnson

Robert and Sandra Jurkovich

Gavin King

Kari and Neil Klemme

Dave Knight

Angela Korteme er

Jean Kovalainen

Jamie Kovalaske

Lawrence Kriska

John Leppanen

Norbert and Luise Leppanen

Judy Leviton

Tod and Jeanean Lewis

Makela, Pollack and Ahonen

Marie Lindquist

Bill and Kit Malloy

Kelly Marczak

Pauline Martini

Joel and Janice Massie

John and Stephanie Maton ch

Bill and Susan Mattson

Ryan and Amy McDonald

William and Judith McMullin

Serena Mershon-Lohkamp

Kevin Miller

Mitchell Land, LLC

Lisa Morr s

Bill Newhouse

Christine Olgren

Cory Osterman

Gary Pelkola

Bill and Betty Perkis

Mary Joe Perry

Renee Peterson

Vincent Polkus

Michael Popko

Fred and Barbara Puente

RMF Enterprises

Paul Re

Marilyn Reardon

JR Richardson

Adele Rottenbucher

Nicole Rowe

Nancy Rudolph

Greg and Jessie Ryskey

Richard and Karen Sauter

Dennis Scholar

Paul and Sheila Semmerling

Nancy Skerchock

Dr Maria L Sokol

Richard and Joan Steiger

Steiger’s Home Center

Donald and Stephanie Stone

Jerry and Paulette Strelcheck

Amy Tarro

John and Bonnie Thayer

John Thors

Lanny and Mary Tibaldo

James and Sharon Tregembo

Tara Tregembo

Ronald and Carol Trethewey

Robert Trezise

Carl and Kathleen Vaara

John Valesano

Marlene Vuorenmaa

Wakefield Bessemer Rotary

Dav d and Michelle Wasielewski

Andrew Wirt

Lillian Wooley

Dav d and Doris Wroblewski

Jerome and Judith Yatchak

Carrie and Pete Yon

Tom and Kim Zeckov ch

Dav d and Mariane Zielinski

FY22 Friend Up to $99

Karen Balyeat

Susan Barker

John B oomquist

Danielle Boyette

Cynthia Brandon-Slocum

Diane Buchko

Bob and Annette Burchell

Linda Bybee

John Cox

Neil Everson

Richard and Janice Foley

Emily Geiger-Dedo

Carlos and Antonella Gheller

Henry and Norene Gilbertson

Gerald Gripper

Andrea Grube

Dennis and Shyanne Gulan

Eric Halfman

Holly Halvorson

Keri Hinshaw

Don and Judy Holst

Melissa Hymel

John and Sharon Iafolla

Debbie Janczak

Thomas Jewell

11 ➻

Sue Kaffine

Nancy Kangas

Richard and Carol Kinnunen

Stanley Kopacz

Virginia Kretschmar

Joseph Kryzewski

Dale Kupczyk

Judith Lake

Mary Lantz

Chenin K. Limback

Joyce Manzanares

Lawrence Mascotti

Terry Massoglia

Ronald Matonich

Daniel and Alice Michela

Tom and Pat Niksich

David Pahl

Tom Pairolero

Steve and Sue Pallin

Brian Panich

Ashley Paquette

John Petersen

Anna Mae Petrusha

Susan Piazza

Dale and Terrie Pohjola

Gerald and Shirley Prosek

Gerald Rintamaki

Susan Roberts

Jennifer Sabourin, Ph.D.

Jennifer Santini

Susan Scott

Paula Setterlund-Blair

Thank You for Giving 2023

Jessica Shetler

Jason Shrontz

Linda Slining

Marge Sliva

John Sokol

Joseph and Jennifer Kolesar-Springhetti

Larry and Barbara Tibaldo

David and Kandy Vuorenmaa

Steven and Michelle Wanie

Mary Westerberg

Janice Williams

Ryan Zahn

James Zawlocki

Gerald and Mary Maki

Margaret “Peggy” Malovrh

George and Christie McNulty

Midwest Ski Areas Association

Robb Pairolero

R Rodney and Charlotte Pakonen

Don Pelkola

Mon ca and Jeff Ramme

JR Richardson

Dennis and Robin Rolando

Ange a Santini

Felicia Santini

Robert Trier

FY23 Patron $500 - $999

Patty Ball and Mike Rebholz

Bessemer Plywood

David Bloshenko

Burton Industries

David and Kris Darrow

Leah Eder

First National Bank of Wakefield

Charles and Jean Gallo

Robb Garrett

Paula Marie Holevac

Dennis Huotari

The Gogebic Community College Foundation would like to honor our donors who support the college and our mission to help our students achieve success. In this report we are recognizing the donors that supported GCC in our fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) AND our fiscal year 2023 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023). To keep the integrity of the Giving Levels, we’re keeping the fiscal year donor listings separate. This is being done to provide a more timely recognition to our donors.

Gifts listed are those received between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023 (FY2023)

FY23 Founders $10,000 + higher


Trilby Cohen

Robert and Lorie Janssen

Eldred Mugford Trust

Portage Health Foundation

Robert and Kathleen Re

James A Ruppe Foundation

Dennis Scholar

The late James Scholar

Fred Scholar

FY23 Benefactors $5,000 - $9,999

Virginia DeBenedictis

Marian J Nordberg and Carl Taylor

John and Marilyn Rintamaki

Xcel Energy Foundation

FY23 President’s Circle

$1,000 - $4,999

Ne l and Pam Beckman

John Carlson

Consumers Energy Foundation

Dennis and Sarah DaPra

Mark DalPra, M.D.

Gogebic Range Bank

Gogebic Range United Way

Jeanne Graham

Gary and Linda Harr ngton

Joyce Hazen

Ironwood Kiwanis Club

Jacquart Fabric Products

William and Joanne Johnson

Thomas Kraynak

John and Camille Lupino

Dennis and Andrea Mackey

Incredib e Bank

Iron County Commun ty Credit Union

Dayle Jackson and Chris Tweiten

Keegan Jackson

Keith and Lenore Jackson

Klassic Kruisers Car Club

Matthew Kurta

Marie Lindquist

Adam Little

Marsha Lucas

Jim and Jeannie Milakovich

Dorothy Nelson

Linda Paoli

Bill and Betty Perkis

Jerry and Carol Pisani

George Reardon

Wil iam Richie

George Samardich

Marc Santini, M D

John and Barbara Siira

Bonnie Tiilikka

Robert Trezise

Marion and Gayle True

Steve and Betsy Wesselhoft

FY23 Supporter $100 - $499

Abelman Co.

Glen and George Ackerman-Behr

Melissa Adams

Karl and Jenn fer Ahonen

Alpha Delta Kappa Teacher’s Society

Amazon Smile

Br an and Shannon Anderson

Carne Andrews

Greta Armata

Waino and Carolyn Aukee

Karen Ball

Don and Joan Barbacovi

Dick and Mary Beth Barlock

Christine Barry

Dennis and Susan Beals

Dennis Beaudette

Betty Best

John Bloomquist

Charles Bown

Danielle Boyette

Cynthia Brandon-Slocum

David Brentar

Mike Bria

Arno d Brown

Raymond Brown

Florence Brownfield

Lawrence Burt

Linda Bybee

Calligaro Family

Jim and Karen Callovi

Karin Carlson

Jon and Susan Christensen

Bob and Kitty Colassacco

Kendra Connally

John Cox

Dean Law Office

Linda Delegan

Loreen Didier

Bob and Kris D onne

Robert Duckstad

Dennis and Linda DuFrane

Paul and Sandy Dura

Philip Eaton

William and Jean Eckloff

Gary and Cathie Erickson

Bob Franti

Mary Jean Fredrickson

Tibor and Kathleen Gallo

Gary and Wendy Gouin

Mark Graham

Glen Guilbault

Dennis and Shyanne Gulan

Wendy Hagstrom

Miranda and Derek Heglund

Jeffrey Hendrickson

Louis Henneck

Sue Hermann

Eileen Holmstrom

James and Judith Huss

Gary Ilminen

Susan Inglish

Ironwood Business and Professional Women

Alan Johnson

Archie and Judy Johnson

Clifford and Ardyth Johnson

Robert and Sandra Jurkov ch

Heather Kalm

Jim and Marie Kangas

Pauline Karttunen

Gavin King

Kari and Neil Klemme

Angela Kortemeier

Lawrence Kriska

Joseph Kryzewski

John Leppanen

Norbert and Lu se Leppanen

Tod and Jeanean Lewis

Doris Maccani

Makela, Pollack and Ahonen

Bill and Kit Malloy

Kelly Marczak

Sandra Martell

Pauline Martini

Lawrence Mascotti

Joel and Jan ce Massie

John and Stephanie Matonich

Bill and Karen McDonald

William and Judith McMullin

Serena Mershon-Lohkamp

Greg and Ellen Metko

Richard Miller

12 13

B ll Newhouse

Chr stine Olgren

Peter Pairolero

Pauline Pakonen

Peter Pairolero

Brian Panich

Joseph Paprocki

Tom and Joy Pelissero

Michael Popko

Gerald and Shirley Prosek

Marilyn Reardon

Adele Rottenbucher

Nicole Rowe

Greg and Jessie Ryskey

Jennifer Sabourin, Ph.D.

Ken and Alice Sauter

Richard and Karen Sauter

Paul and Sheila Semmerling

Yung Shiow-Jiau

Nancy Skerchock

Sam Skoviera

Dr. Maria L. Sokol

St Paul Lutheran Church

Richard and Joan Steiger

Steiger’s Home Center

Donald and Stephanie Stone

Jerry and Paulette Strelcheck

Matt and Cynthia Sturmer

Charles Supercynski

Amy Tarro

John and Bonnie Thayer

John Thors

Lanny and Mary Tiba do

James and Sharon Tregembo

Tara Tregembo

Ronald and Carol Trethewey

Jont and Anne Tyson

Carl and Kathleen Vaara

John Valesano

Marlene Vuorenmaa

Wakefield Bessemer Rotary

David and Michelle Wasielewski

Debra Wasley

Andrew Wirt

Michael Wirt

David and Doris Wrob ewski

Jerome and Judith Yatchak

David and Vicki Ylkanen

Carrie and Pete Yon

Tom and Kim Zeckovich

Zion Lutheran Church

FY23 Friend Up to $99

Robert and Sue Abelman

Rick Ant n

George and Patricia Bal

Karen Balyeat

Susan Barker

William Beltrone

George Boline

Diane Buchko

Peter and Jennifer Burla

James and Lorraine Dahl n

Karen Damgard

Laura Erickson

Bernie and Sue Finco

Richard and Janice Foley

Jackie Franzoi

Anthony and Sandra Furyk

Patrick and Deloris Gallinagh

Ingrid Gallo

Lee Ann Gayan

Emily Geiger-Dedo

Henry and Norene Gilbertson

Miche le Gil

Jennifer Gomel

Thomas and Mary Gorrilla

Jim Grenzow

Don and Judy Holst

Gary Jackson

Debbie Janczak

Carolyn Johnson

Sue Kaffine

Frank Kalan

McKenzie Kanipes

Rebecca Kendall

Robb and Theresa Kimmes

Richard and Carol Kinnunen

Kristin Kolesar

Stanley Kopacz

Mary Lantz

Chen n K. Limback

Mary Grace Loreti

Terry Massoglia

Ronald Matonich

Richard and Cara Matrella

Bill and Sue Mattson

Mark and Stephanie Mazzon

Daniel and Alice Michela

Tom and Pat Niksich

Gary Oberg

Steve and Sue Pal in

Jean Peterson

Anna Mae Petrusha

Sharon Potter

Andrea Puzakulich

John and Faye Racovitis

Angela Sands

Co e Schreiner

Paula Setterlund-Blair

Laura Skallerup

Marge Sliva

Sue Snyder

John Sokol

Jim and Marty Somerville

Joseph and Jennifer Kolesar-Springhetti

Larry and Barbara Tibaldo

David and Kandy Vuorenmaa

Erin Watson

James Wilman

Michae D Wirt

Mark Wourms

James Zawlocki

David and Mariane Zielinski

Endowed Funds and Scholarships

Establishing a scholarship fund

Establishing a scholarsh p fund with the Gogeb c Community College Foundation helps to improve the educational opportunities available to our students. Approximately 70% of GCC students qualify for financ al assistance, making scholarships vitally mportant to the achievement of their education goals Together we can make a positive difference in the r lives

There are three types of scholarships the Foundation administers ncluding Endowed Scholarsh ps, Annual Scholarships and Onetime Memorial or Honorary Scho arships. Gifts of any amount, at any time, are greatly appreciated and can be added to the general scholarship fund For more informat on on establishing a scholarship, please call Ke ly Marczak at (906) 307-1202

Giving Runs in the Family

Dean Pearson graduated from A D Johnston High School and continued his educat on at Northern Michigan University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in ndustr al education He taught automotive repair, small engine repair and other vocat ona educational courses at Ontonagon H gh School and cont nued to share his love of a l things automotive with students when he joined GCC as our Automotive Technology Instructor until his retirement from teaching in 1996

Dean passed away from an unexpected short battle with cancer in December, 2021 His family decided to establish a scholarship at GCC to continue Dean’s legacy of teaching and helping students They chose GCC for this scho arship because h s son Brian graduated from GCC in 1993 and cred ts his start at GCC to his educational and profess ona success After graduating from GCC Brian continued his educat on at Mich gan Techno og cal University (MTU) where he earned a degree in mechanica engineering

“When I got to MTU I had more cred ts than a close friend that went straight to MTU from h gh school,” said Brian “Th s enabled me to comp ete my education w th less expense, and to take lighter course loads at MTU which helped me to maintain a h gh grade po nt average ” Br an is now a Product Engineer Manager for uti ity vehicles for John Deere. “We’re glad that we can he p GCC students as they work towards their goa s ”

The Dean Pearson Memorial Scholarsh p wil be awarded each year to a student in an Applied Technology program

Ke th L Anderson Scholarship

Ange o ’ s Pizza Scholarship

ARC of Gogeb c County Scholarship

Ashland Industries/Bob Eder Memoria Scholarship

Ath etic Heritage Scholarsh p Fund

Bessemer A D Johnston Alumni Scholarship

Violet Anderson Bloshenko Scholarship

Cal igaro Family Endowment

Nancy M Caruso Memorial Scholarship

Wi liam and Bernice Chaney Memoria Scho arship

Alice Chaput-Huotar Memorial Scholarship

Oreste and Inez Chiantel o Memor al Scholarship

Sam M Cohodas Scholarsh p

Ange a Contratto Memorial Scholarship

Mary P Dahlen Memorial Scholarsh p

Gene L. Dahlin Memor al Business Scholarship

DeBenedict s Scho arship

Armand DeFelice Memoria Scho arship

Garfield R. ‘Skip’ Drake II Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Wa t and Dona Edwards Scholarsh p

Rutger F Erickson & Astr d Lorenson Memoria Scho arship

Clarence Forslund Memorial Scholarship

Gentile-Paol Business Scho arship

Den se Gertz-Cohen Memoria Scholarship

Louis A. Gheller Endowed Memor al Scholarship

GCC Achievement Scholarsh p

GCC Construction/Bui ding Trades Scholarship

GCC Faculty M.A.H.E. Occupational Scholarsh p

GCC Faculty M A H E Sophomore Scho arship

GCC Foundation Scholarship

John B. and Mae M. Hakala Scho arship

Ruth M Healy Academic Scholarsh p

Ironwood Woman’s Club Scholarship

Helen Ja onen Education Memoria Scholarship

Isaac and O ga Jalonen Memorial Scholarship

Aileen Hietanen Jarek Nursing Scholarsh p

Wil iam Leonard Johnson Memorial Scholarsh p

Ragnar and Irene Josephson Endowed Scholarship

Keweenaw Land Association LTD Scholarsh p

Rod Steve Kovacevich Memor al Scholarship

Joseph F and Judith A Krause Memoria Scho arship

Doris M Krell Scholarship

Mary M. and Tony J. Krizmanich Memorial Scholarship

Ladin Memor al Scholarsh p

Margaret Ruth LaForge Memor al Nursing Scholarship

14 15
E n d o w e d S c h o l a r s h i p s
Students in our building trades program really measure up!

Endowed Scholarships cont.

Lehtinen-Wain o Scholarship

Moses and Mary Levinstein Endowed Scholarship

E Wi liam and Nancy J Lindberg Memorial Scho arship

Edna M. L ndberg Memorial Scholarship

Lindberg Family Scholarsh p

Lorenson Fami y Endowed Scholarsh p

A fred and Irene Lund Memoria Scholarship

Verner J Lund Memorial Scholarsh p

David and Florence McDonald Nursing Scholarship

A ex Marc niak Memor al Scholarship

Madeleine M Mor chetti Memoria Nursing Scholarsh p

Serafino (“Suds”) Mor chetti Business Scholarsh p

Eldred George Mugford in Memory of Clare H Mugford, R N Scho arship

David Mussatti, Jr. Memorial Scholarsh p

Br an T Nasi Memorial Scho arship

Dr John A Niemi Scholarship

Marian J. Nordberg Nursing Scholarsh p

James Norman Memoria Scholarship

Arthur and Alma Pakonen Endowed Scholarship

Charlotte & Rod Pakonen Scho arship

John and Katie Patrick Memoria Scho arship

Mary Lou Pe issero Nursing Scholarsh p

George Franc s Pisca Memorial Scho arship

Steven R Plesh Memorial Scholarsh p

John J Rajkov ch Endowed Scho arship Fund

Pau S. Re Family Scho arship

Kathleen Mar e Santini Rich e Scholarship

Leonard and Lorraine Rooni Memorial Scholarsh p

Jennifer T. Ross – WIMI/WJMS Memor al Scholarship

Barbara Jean Samard ch Memoria Scholarship

Teresa Ann Santini Memorial Scholarsh p

Mary Louise and Oscar Sjowall Educat on Scholarship

Jacob A Sol n Memorial Scholarship

Gustave B Swanson Endowed Vocational Scho arship

Robert A. Swanson Scholarsh p Fund

Zera F Tabacchi Scho arship

John R Talaska Memorial Scholarship

Raymond R. Talaska Endowed Scholarship Fund

Tr er ’ s Scho ar-Ath ete Scholarsh p Fund

Vaara Athletic Scholarsh p

Garland and Jennie Vandermade Memorial Scholarship

Reginald T Wi liams Memorial Scho arship

Wirtanen/Minds Memorial Scho arship

Louis and Ann Yel ch Memoria Endowed Scho arship

Mary Louise Yel ch Scholarship

Raymond and Isabelle Ziem Endowed Scho arship

Judge Eugene Z nn Memorial Scholarship

Annnual Scholarships

Abelman Family Scho arship

Ashland Industries/Bob Eder Memor al Scholarship

Esko and Virg nia Aukee Memoria Scho arship

Wayne and Bonita Beckman Fami y Scholarship

Bloshenko Fami y Scholarship

Ken Bowman Memoria Scholarship

Concerned Hearts Club

Angela Contratto Memoria Scho arship

R Ernest Dear Memorial Scholarsh p

Walt and Dona Edwards Scholarship

Eppolite Fam ly Scholarship

Erickson-Lucas Women in STEMS Scho arship

Gogeb c Range Bank Scholarsh p

Dr and Mrs R R Harrington Scho arship

Mike Hazen Memorial Scho arship

Hinch Memorial Scholarship

ronwood Business & Professional Women’s Club Scholarship

ronwood-Hurley Rotary Club Scholarship

ronwood K wanis Club Freshman Scholarsh p

ronwood K wanis Club Sophomore Scholarship

Jodie L (Rye) Johnson Memorial Scholarship

W lliam ‘Bill’ Johnson Memorial Scholarship

Klassic Kru sers Car Club Scho arship

Joy Kraynak Memoria Scho arship

Laur Laht Automotive Scholarsh p

David G. and Audrey M. Lindquist Memorial

Gera d E and Mary E (Rokser) Mak Scholarsh p

Margaret ‘Peggy’ Malovrh Nursing Scholarship

Marvin E Marks Memorial Scholarship

Midwest Ski Areas Association Scholarship

Miche le Mil er Memoria Scholarsh p

Phil p ‘Bud’ and Angeline Nelson Scholarsh p

O ibway Correctional Fac lity Employee Scholarship

Rob Pairo ero Fam ly Scho arship

Franc s E Pao i Memoria Scholarship

Dean Pearson Memorial Scholarship

Portage Health Foundation Scholarsh p

Walter Prosek Annua Scholarship

David J. Ramme, Sr. and Linda K. Ramme Scholarsh p

Mon ca and Jeff Ramme Basketba l Scholarship

Mar o and Mary Re Memorial Scholarship

Kandy R chardson Memorial Scho arship

John and Marilyn Rintamaki Scho arship

Scho ar Fami y Memoria Scholarship

Fam ly of Frederic P. and Bessie M. Scholar Memoria Scholarship

Earle Sell Scholarship

Servia Fam ly Scholarship

Strauss Memoria Scholarsh p

John R Talaska Memor al Scholarship

Henry and Shirley Ti likka Memoria Scholarship

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

Gogebic Community College (GCC) in collaboration with the Wakefield-Marenisco (WM) School created a career exp oration program for middle school students to explore and engage with the various programs offered at GCC.

“Chris Tweiten, Middle/H gh School Social Studies teacher at WM, reached out with the idea to partner on this initiative. We were thrilled to collaborate and provide students w th a fun and exciting opportunity while showcasing our programs to this group of students,” said Kim Zeckovich, Director of Admissions, Marketing and Community Relations

GCC created a schedule throughout the year where WM would visit two programs per visit to GCC “We limited the timeframe to two hours including travel to and from schoo Each program was allotted 45 minutes for our faculty to inform the students about their respect ve program/department along with providing a hands-on activity for the students to really engage with the programs, ” said Zeckovich

Students earned about Biological Science, Forestry Technology, Computer Science, Business, Welding, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Ski Area Management, Automotive, Criminal Justice, Psychology, Chemistry,

Building Trades, CDL, Nursing, along with student services and support, transfer opportunities, athletics and spent an afternoon snow tubing at Mt Zion

“We’ve seen a need for earlier career explorat on, so our students have a better understanding of what career opportunities are out there. After contacting GCC, we were thrilled they were excited to partner with us to provide our students with hands-on experiences and exposure to new programming. I can’t say enough good things about this partnersh p and the faculty and staff at GCC that helped make this a reality Our middle schoolers at Wakef eld-Maren sco were beyond appreciative of the time they spent learning at GCC, and there s no doubt this experience was extreme y beneficial to them and their future career decisions,” stated Tweiten.

GCC plans to collaborate with other schools in the Gogebic-Ontonagon Intermediate School District (GOISD) on this same initiative in the upcoming year

The WM middle school students stand in front of the WM School wearing their GCC career explorer t-shirts provided by GCC for participating in this pilot program.

Picture from L-R include:

FIRST ROW: Kale Bart ett, Jenna Sandquist, Chase Lane, Blaike Paquette, Ava Lopac, Jacob Morrison

SECOND ROW: Cohen Kanto, Kaelyn Lillie, Avery Keast, Kenly Anderson, Chloe Meyer, Sydney Boetto, Carter Bouvette

THIRD ROW: Kara Prisbe, Mara Jacobson, Ellah Linna, Tara Kendrick, Levi Vogelsberg, Bryson Lynott, Teddy Reel

FOURTH ROW: Scarlett McNulty, Lailah Keast, Bella Elam, Dennis Elam, Leander Gourneau, Joey Lake

Fifth Row: Andy Ahonen, Max Ahonen, Logan Lamaide Students missing from photo include: Gavin Mayer, Zach Mayer, Katalina Bartlett, Emma Grayson, Ean Miskovich, Taavi Rooni and Zack Rossman


In Special Tribute

Special Tributes include memorial gifts made to the college for those who have passed away, or honor gifts to celebrate special occasions or events. Tribute and memorial gifts are a special way to remember a friend or family member. Special Tribute gifts can be sent to the GCC Foundation or online at www.gogebic.edu/alumni/make a donation. All tribute gifts received by the Foundation are acknowledged to the family members on behalf of the donor.

Here we recognize the Special Tributes received from July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2023


Beth Rondeau Deacon, author of

Seven Doors In

Carol and Jerry Pisani

Jim Halverson

David and Kris Darrow

Andrew Wirt

Michael D Wirt

Michael D. Wirt, II


Waino Aukee

Robert Trezise

Marcy Bracket

Michelle Gill

Angela Contratto

The ARC of Gogebic County

Steve & Betsy Wesselhoft

Bob Eder

Leah Eder

Janet Even

Brian Panich

Nancy Gehrke

James and Lorraine Dahlin

Dayle Jackson and Chris Tweiten

Gordon and Hazel Hagstrom

Wendy Hagstrom

Nancy Kangas

James and Lorraine Dahlin

Jeanne Graham

Keith & Lenore Jackson

Gregory & Ellen Metko

Joy Kraynak

Tom Kraynak

David and Audrey Lindquist

Marie Linduist

Shirley McDonald

Bill and Karen McDonald

Matt McGuire

Jean Kovalainen, Grandma

Michelle Miller

Keith and Sherri Aho

Tom and Chris Berquist

Maureen Broemer

Dave and Debbie Double

Bonnie Estola

Paul and Candace Forslund

Scott and Diane Maki

Mike and Anne Manzanares

Dr Richard Miller

Tony & Carol Rodeghiero

Erin and Ian Schoone

Superior Family Vision

Holly Swartz and family

Jeff and Debbie Wasley

Shane, Tracy and Stacey Wyzlik

Peter and Linda Montonati

Dayle Jackson and Chris Tweiten

Robert and Kath een Re

Philip ‘Bud’ and Angeline Nelson

Linda and Dennis DuFrane

Dayle Jackson and Chris Tweiten

Keegan Jackson

Lenore and Keith Jackson

Glenn and Donna Korpi

Norman Korpi

Lisa Morris

Dorothy Nelson

Mark Nelson

Carole Tuckey

Paul Panich

Tom and Pat Niksich

Jim “Tiny” Paynter

Jerry & Paulette Strelcheck

Dean Pearson

Brian Bauer

Scott & Stacey Braemer

Bill Dahlgren

John Deere

Heather Gritt

Andrea Grube

Eric Halfman

Keri Hinshaw

Becky Hoefs

Melissa Hymel

Dave Knight

Jamie Kovalaske

Ryan & Amy McDonald

David Pahl

Brian Pearson

John Peterson

Renee Peterson

Pau and Sheila Semmerling

Jessica Shetler

Steven & Michelle Wanie

Ryan Zahn

Betty Pelkola

Dayle Jackson and Chris Tweiten

Kelly Marczak

Michae Piazza, C ass of 1972

Susan Piazza

Bryn P eschel

Tom, Mary Gorrilla and Family

Pau Pisani

Karen Damgard

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Grenzow

Gary Jackson

Linda Paoli

Jerry & Carol Pisani

Dave Ramme

Steve and Betsy Wesselhoft

Pau Re

Robert and Kathy Re

Kandy Richardson

JR Richardson

Pau ine Karttunen

Carlton Rudolph

Nancy Rudolph

Jerry & Judith Yatchak

Doug Schulze

James and Lorraine Dahlin

Pau and Sheila Semmerling

Stanley and Michael Servia

Bob and Sue Abelman

Karl (Gus) & Jennifer Ahonen

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alonen

George and Patricia Bal

Jim and Christ ne Barry

Neil and Pam Beckman

MaryAnn Bennetts

Mr & Mrs George Boline

Mr & Mrs Charl e Bown

Bravatto Children – Amy & Kirk

Golbert, Erin Bravatto and Alan Johnson, Sara Bravatto and Jason Bravatto

David and Cheri Brentar

Ray Brown

Michelle Brunelle and family

Peter and Jennifer Burla

Gary and Rick Colasacco

Dave and Nancy Carpenedo

Dave and Debbie Cisewski

Mr and Mrs Jim Collins

James and Lorraine Dahlin

Lori Didier

Philip and Cherri Eaton

Mr & Mrs Pete Ellos

Mr & Mrs Jack Fiamoncini

Sam Fontecchio

Pat and De oris Gallinagh

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gayan

Mr & Mrs Tony Gheller and Family

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Glatzak

Dave and Jennifer Gomel

Jeanne Graham

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hautala

Paul and Debbie Janczak and Family

Jim Jilek Family

Kathy and Dennis Johnson

Mr & Mrs Dennis Johnson and Family

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Joki

Mr & Mrs Frank Kalan

Joyce Karling

Robb and Theresa Kimmes

Mr & Mrs Don Kontney

Carlo and Chris Lahti

Marie Linquist and Family

Donna Lipski

Mary Joe, Mary and Tom Maccani

Jay Maccani and family

Gail Maki-Dlabec

Gary Mariani

Sandra Martell

Joel and Janice Massie

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Matrella

Mark and Stephanie Mazzon

Shawn Melek

Jim and Jeannie M lakovich

Lora ne Mussatti

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Mykkanen

Gary Oberg

Mr. & Mrs. Zach Ofstad

Dr & Mrs Peter Pairolero

Mr & Mrs Joseph Paprocki

Tom & Joy Pelissero

Andrene Peterson

Jean Peterson

Mr & Mrs Jeff Pikka

Sharon Potter

Connie Pricco

Mr & Mrs Dan Quigley

Mr. & Mrs. John Racovitis

Sandy Ravaoldt

Rockford Chamber of Commerce

Rockford Regional Health Council

D anne Rundell

Angela Sands

Gene Schlais

Dr. Robert Schuster and Mary Jo Berenz

Sharon Smarzia and Louis Passink

Paul and Sheila Semmerling

Mr & Mrs George Servia

Sue Snyder

Sonja, Sue, Jeanne and Pam

Jerry and Pau ette Strelcheck

Mr & Mrs Mike Swartz

Bucca & Sharon Switzer

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Trcka

Fred Trevarthan

Mr. & Mrs. Dave Trevarthan

Mr & Mrs Bob Vestich

Dr Erin Watson

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Whitburn

Skeeter and Erin Winkowski

Mark & Patti Wourms

Shiow-Jiau Yung

Mr.& Mrs. David Zielinski and Boys

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Zychowski

Robert “Meatball” Vestich

Jerry & Paulette Strelcheck

Michael Wasley

Brian Panich

➻ 18 19

Gogebic Community College and Norther n Michigan University Enter an Agreement to Expand Nursing Education in the Wester n U.P.

Ironwood Nursing education will be increased in the Western end of the U.P. thanks to a new partnership signed recently by Gogebic Community College and Northern Michigan University.

By collaborating with Northern Michigan University, Gogebic Community College will now offer seamless opportunities for nurses with associate degrees to complete their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) without leaving the community college campus, thanks to a plan approved n the state’s Fiscal Year 2023 budget

“Gogebic Community College is excited to partner with NMU to bring BSN level education to the Houghton and Ironwood regions This partnership will build on GCC’s successful Associate Degree Nursing program, and al ow students to affordably continue their education close to home This initiative will help build a more prosperous Michigan,” said Dr. Jennifer Sabourin, GCC Interim President

Gogebic Community College will receive funding from the state to administer the program, which aims to sign ficantly increase the number of bachelor’s prepared registered nurses in this region

“NMU and GCC schools of nursing have been collaborating for several years to offer the BSN to GCC graduates This agreement will enhance our partnership and provide a flexib e and continuous pathway for working nurses to complete the BSN,” said Kristi Adair, Associate Dean and Department Head, Northern M chigan University School of Nursing.

This expanded partnersh p will be available at Gogebic Community College beginning in Fall 2023. Details on how to take advantage of the new nursing offerings at GCC are available on the college website: Gogebic edu or by contacting Robin Bock, Allied Health Programs Coordinator, at (906) 307-1268 or via email: robinb@gogebic.edu.

Volleyball Retur ns to GCC

McKenzie Kanipes, formerly of Ironwood, was selected as the new Head Volleyball Coach at Gogebic Community Co lege She attended the Ironwood Area School District before moving to Clayton, Wisconsin, where she graduated in 2013 McKenzie was a feted student athlete, earning Regional and State Honors in High School volleyball, basketball and track and field She also went on to play collegiate volleyball as a Yellow Jacket for the University of Wisconsin-Superior (UWS).

Kanipes holds a Master’s of Social Work from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota and a bachelor’s of science degree from the University of Wisconsin-Superior.

Athletic ‘Honors’ Roll

Congratu ations to the GCC Samsons players who made the Academic All-American teams for the 2022-23 seasons!

Men’s Basketball

Ethan Libertoski - First Team (4 0 GPA)

Elijah Owens - Second Team (3.8-3.99 GPA)

Women’s Basketball

Kylee Hewitt - First Team (4 0 GPA)

Ida Bengtsson - Third Team (3.6-3.79 GPA)

Hanna Hoskin - Third Team (3 6-3 79 GPA)

Emily Nelson - Third Team (3.6-3.79 GPA)

Women’s Basketball made the 2022-2023 NJCAA Women’s Basketball Academic Teams of the Year list with a cumulative GPA of 3 56 They ranked 15th highest GPA in all of NJCAA Women's Basketball

McKenzie currently serves as the GCC Career Counselor after being hired in November of 2022. “We are excited for volleyball to return to GCC and believe that Coach Kanipes has the compet tive mindset and vision to take our program to the nat onal level,” said Dr Jennifer Sabourin, GCC Interim President. Coach Kanipes states, “Being a part of the GCC community has been wonderful My mom he ped facilitate the start of the first women ’ s volleyba l program back in 1993. To be able to come in and work at the school and now to coach, is truly humbling and exciting The young ladies we have coming in will be able to provide a great foundat on for this program, they are the backbone in this.”

Congratu ations to the Esports Team for winning a National Championship in Rainbow 6 Siege in both Fall of 2022 and Spring of 2023 and National Championship in Call of Duty: MW2 in Spring 2023 •

The following ath etes achieved “All-Academic Student” through the NJCAAE (Esports) for the following semesters:

Fall 2022

Gr ffen McLaugh in

Jakob Wiemeri

Aydan MacLeod

Spring 2023

Aydan MacLeod

Jakob Wiemeri

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“Small class sizes, cost effective, and amazing instructors are why I chose GCC.”
Jillian Bastman, Nursing 2023
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• • •
• • •

Talent Pipeline Offers Infinite Possibilities

Did you know Gogebic Community College offers a top-notch welding program for students? Our weld ng and manufacturing facility, the Skilled Trades Center, is the outcome of a collaborative effort by the College, the State of Michigan, the American Welding Society, and regional employers Our environment offers robust environmental health and safety systems, robotics, advanced welding processes, precision fabrication and layout tables, and a CNC machine. Students enjoy a flexible training format, which is great for returning adults, and spacious American Welding Association (AWS)-approved workstations.

The GCC Foundation Board played a pivotal role in the acquisition and revitalization of a historic community structure into what is now a state-ofthe-art training facility In addition to c ass training, students have direct access to employment, job shadowing, and tours within the industry. Welding instructor, Gary Gouin of White Pine, explains, “Employment opportunities are expected to remain near 100% placement for we ding manufacturing and construction career paths.”

Gold Status Ear ned for Veteran Program

Gogebic Community College is proud to announce its designation as a Gold Level Veteran Friendly School for the 2022-23 academic year by the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency (MVAA).

MVAA’s Veteran-Friendly School program recognizes academic institutions of higher learning committed to support ng the need of student veterans and dependents. The program awards Gold, Silver or Bronze leve status to institutions that offer veteran centered services and programs “Your commitment to helping student veterans succeed was evident in your application and Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency is honore recognize your institution,” said Robert Nea Deputy Director, MVAA

Gold level is awarded to universities, colleg or trade schools meeting six or more of the criteria listed here:

1 Established process for identification of current student veterans

2. Veteran-specific website

3 Active student veteran organization or club

4. Veteran-specific career services, resources, advising, and/or outcome monitoring

5. On-campus veterans’ coordinator and/or designated staff point of contact

6 System to evaluate and award academic credit

based on prior military training and experience

7. Monitoring and evaluation of student veteran academic retention, progress, and aduation rates

AA was created to serve as a central t, connect ng those who have served he U S armed forces and their families services and benefits throughout the ate MVAA recognizes academic nstitutions of higher learning committed to supporting student veterans and their families

“Gogebic Community College is extremely proud to receive this honor as we continue to serve our student veterans both on and off p addition to online,” said Dr. Jennifer Sabourin, GCC Interim President “We take great pride in assisting our veteran students so they have a seam ess trans tion and positive experience at Gogebic Community College.”

For more information about Gogebic Community College’s commitment to attracting and supporting military students, visit the veteran’s benefit page on the college website at https://www.gogebic.edu/financial aid/veteransservices.ht

m You can also contact Karen Ball, Veteran’s Certifying Official at (906) 307-1219 or karenball@gogebic edu

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GCC 2023 Welding Students literally build a talent pipeline. Every aspect of pipe fabrication and weld ng was used to complete the build By the numbers: The piece weighs 1200 lbs has 38 pressure welds, consists of 75 feet of material, and 18 right-angle turns. The final step in the build was to complete a “hydro” pressure test and attach the base Summer Basketball Camp 2023
We are proud to serve a higher non-traditional gender population in our welding program. GCC graduates 10% more female welders than the national average!

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