GOAL Magazine Fall 2016

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INSIDE Arnold Palmer Tribute Mental Health in America - by Tim Murphy The Simpson Voting House Subscriptions available at GO2GOALUS.COM INDIVIDUAL COMMITMENT TO A GROUP EFFORT

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FALL 2016

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GOAL Magazine: How to Get Involved and Why? GOAL Magazine arrived on the scene this summer and is quickly becoming known as a must-read publication for those looking to be enlightened by local professionals who are collaborating to provide the community a valuable source of information. GOAL Magazine’s progress over the last few months has been much faster than originally anticipated. The magazine was created as a way of bringing local professionals and leaders within the community together, collaboratively working to educate and interest readers with thought-provoking and intriguing content. Mission accomplished!

As a quarterly magazine, collecting valuable content that is not redundant is a challenge. The magazine boasts an impressive list of contributors already and it is our hope to add to this talented and diverse group. With that said, we are collecting names of local professionals who would like to be considered for the role as a core or roleplayer contributor for future issues of GOAL magazine. A “core” contributor has signed on to be an exclusive voice for that particular expertise for at least one year. A “role-player” is one that is used here and there, such as one issue a year or every other issue, as desired by the professional or GOAL magazine creators. For both types, GOAL magazine promises 100% exclusivity for each issue they are contributing which means there will be no other content in the magazine from competitors in the respective fields.

We hope to inspire entrepreneurs to share their wealth of knowledge, work collaboratively with others, and become a part of something bigger than they are individually---a collective and empowering voice of knowledge.

As an entrepreneur, professional or community leader, a large portion of the day is spent on education. This education can form in multiple ways: educating your staff, educating your clients and even educating yourself. With the evolution of multi-media and 24 hour news availability, it can be hard for people to see the road through the thick fog of political bias and media spin. Our duty, as professionals, is to remove the fog of misinformation and bias and communicate a clear and visible path for readers to follow.

Your role as a contributor can be rewarding in many ways. First, obviously, it is an opportunity to promote your business and show off your experience and wisdom. Second, as a leader, entrepreneur, or professional, you

Individual Commitment to a Group Effort

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William Urbanik, CEO

Jessica Marazza, Consultant

Anthony Slezak, COO

Coby Detar, Consultant

get to work collaboratively with others to bring value to our communities. With each contributor distributing and promoting the magazine in their own ways, everyone benefits from cross-promotion and shared expenses to do so. Third, due to the promise of 100% exclusivity, you have the opportunity to establish yourself as “the” person to go to in your region for the knowledge you have to share. Building relationships is important to not only growing your businesses, but learning from others and benefiting from others. The comedian and actor, Zach Braff, once stated, “It’s all about being a part of something in the community, socializing with people who share interests and coming together to help improve the world we live in.” When everyone works together, clients of one business can become prospects of another. Support, diligence and coming together can help grow our society in ways no one could have expected. You can be a part of that grand endeavor. If you want to be considered to be added as a GOAL Magazine contributor, please email us at info@go2goalus.com to request an application for consideration.

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Inside this issue |

FALL 2016

Deciding When to Retire.......................... 08

By The SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management Team Deciding when to retire may not be one decision but a series of decisions and calculations.

Benefits of Veterans ...................................... 13 By Quatrini & Rafferty How to apply for Veterans Disability Compensation.

How to Choose a Therapeutic Riding Center ............................................................................. 16 By Lin M. Podolinksy, Nickers ‘N Neighs Therapeutic Riding Center Improve the lives of children and adults with special challenges through a therapeutic partnership with horses.

Education Tax Credits and Deductions ................................................................ 18 By Brian Kisiel, CPA Those who are managing college bills and student loan payment take advantage of the federal government education-related tax benefits.

Cooking with the right side of the brain? ........................................................... 21 By Chef Mark Henry Compose food with the right side of your brain, think of your ingredients as colors on a palate.

Keeping your look fresh, relevant and reflective of who you are today! ........................................ 24 By Bear Brandegee See how the winner of the style makeover from the summer issue looks today and learn how you can update your style.


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A Tribute to Arnold Palmer as told by Latrobe High School students

Being able to see all the people Mr. Palmer had an influence on in his lifetime was breathtaking. I came to realize that he wasn’t just a famous golfer, but a friend to most people he met. I never knew all the things he did. Coming from the same high school we all hear about his golfing skills. We don’t hear about his flying or even his family and what they do. I was asked to take pictures from my teacher and I thought it would just be like any other memorial service. I was wrong. It caught me off guard when the lady said the floor would be packed and it actually was. The people just never seemed to stop coming in. Hearing all the planes come in to the airport, I wonder where they were putting all of them. They said that there were 100 or so private jets flying in just for that day.

His family was there. Mr. Palmer made all the time in the world for his family. That is why, some people think, he kept a house in Latrobe. He was staying close to home. The speakers talked about how he was more than just a friend to them, how he would drop his things to help them. They spoke of times where all they needed was advice for things going on in their lives and he was there to give it.

"Being able to see all the people Mr. Palmer had an influence on in his lifetime was breathtaking."

We were sitting above everyone on the balcony when it started. It started with the symphony playing. They sounded so good in the church. Then it came from nowhere they started singing. It gave me goose bumps. There is no way to explain it, it was moving. There weren’t a few eyes that were still dry after that. The American flag came in and everyone stood up and it was something that you needed to be there to see.

Mr. Palmer’s grandson Will Palmer spoke. He was the second to speak. I feel like he had to best speech. He spoke about how Mr. Palmer would always answer his phone. He was always there for Will. He picked up the phone when he was with the president just so he could take to Will. Mr. Palmer didn’t care who he was with, family came first. Mr. Palmer never let golfing come before family.

Knowing what he meant to friends and family will never be something that I’ll forget. He was and will be remembered for not only being a famous golfer and pilot but also a great friend and father. I will now take pride in the fact that I live in Mr. Palmer’s hometown and I’m able to see all the things he has done here in Latrobe, PA. Thank you Mr. Palmer for everything you have done to make this town the way it is today.

- Paige McClintock Individual Commitment to a Group Effort

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Mr. Arnold Palmer, thank you for everything! When people hear Mr. Palmer, or Arnie, most think of “The King”, or one of the greatest golfers and persons to ever live. Although most people think of Mr. Palmer as a great golfer, most people that know Mr. Palmer would think of not only his accomplishments on the course, but his accomplishments and generosity toward our community and the world. Having had personal conversations with him through my employment at Latrobe Country Club, and as a member of the Varsity Golf Team, those things have given me a greater appreciation of just how special Mr. Palmer was and will continue to be for years to come. A few weeks ago I had one of the most interesting and stressful golf matches of my life. I played in the first group with the best kids from both of the teams, and had Mr. Palmer following my group. Most people dream of watching Mr. Palmer play, let alone “The King” himself watching them play golf. Mr. Palmer followed us for a total of seven holes, which was the most nerve-wracking seven holes of my life. In my opinion, we on the golf team have an advantage against our opponents with having Mr. Palmer follow us. Although I was able to work for Mr. Palmer and see him everyday throughout the summer, nothing was as great as him watching us play a few weeks ago. Until that last day he followed us for seven holes, I had never hit a straight drive on number one in front of him until that day. I remember a round not long ago when I wasn’t playing all that well, and Mr. Palmer drove up and engaged us in conversation. Mr. Palmer asked how I was playing, and I told him it wasn’t all that good today. He replied, “I have been there many times, just keep plugging away.” It is that, which makes Mr. Palmer such a great man. Mr. Arnold Palmer, thank you for everything!

- Michael Sherid 4

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The Arnold Palmer memorial was filled with memorable sentiments, beautiful words, and grandiose praise. The Arnold Palmer memorial was filled with memorable sentiments, beautiful words, and grandiose praise. For a public mourning, it was pretty exclusive and I received the tremendous honor of getting to go as a photographer. Although I’ve only met Arnie in a distant time which has faded in my mind, I was still incredibly honored and humbled at just being in the St. Vincent Basilica. The thought of the magnificence of the Basilica and how it complemented Arnie’s humility and love for his community passed through my mind as the ceremony began with the Coast Guard’s honoring of a fallen friend with orders being barked at younger recruits who walked at pace down the aisle until coming to rest at the flagpoles which they then mounted with two huge flags. After they had relaxed and taken their leave the priest stepped up to the stand and with tears in his eyes gave a wonderful sermon and also took leave to find a tissue. This was followed by many friend and family stories one of which really stood out. The first of which was Arnie’s grandson, Samuel Saunders who really tugged at heartstrings with his story of how all of the grandkids got to calling Arnie “Dumpy.” His truly splendid memory of Arnie however, was the time that he called his

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grandfather while Arnie was meeting with George W. Bush. Sam called Arnie during the meeting with the former president and fondly remembers his classic line, “Where are ya?” to which Sam responded with, “At home, you?” and Mr. Palmer said calmly back, “In the middle of a meeting with President Bush.” Shocked, Sam inquired as to why he would interrupt a meeting with the President of the United States to answer a call to which all Arnie had to say was, “Because I want to talk to you.” Sam also shared the last thing his beloved “Dumpy” said to him the day he died which was also a last slice of kindness by telling Sam to take care of his babies and the family and that he loved him very much. Some may think that this brought a sour mood to the event but really only added to it and gave us all a great story to tell about Mr. Palmer. The speakers were similarly making the crowd laugh with their retellings of mishaps with Arnie such as his plucking of chest hairs to tell wind speed, his love of the crowds cheering, and all his lovable mannerisms and I would like to think that is just the way the King would have wanted it.

- Michael Walstrom

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"He never forgot where he came from or where he started..." His dad was a PGA professional at Latrobe Country Club and that's how he started getting into golf. He would work in the pro shop and then hit balls after work every day. He loved to challenge himself. He found his own way to play golf and didn't do it the conventional way. He never forgot where he came from or where he started and was always as kind as he could be to everyone he met. I met him because I was friends with Willie, his grandson, and got to spend some time around him. I won the high school tournament, so every time he saw me from there on out he called me “champ.� He is a very family oriented man and had so many close friends and always found time to make sure he spent time with all of them. He built countless golf courses around the world and was the first true athlete to develop the idea of sports marketing which paved the way for athletes everywhere to make money from endorsements.

- Jake Reed

Arnold Palmer pictured with his father Deacon Palmer. 6

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Public Information Officer, Steven Limani By the Go2GOAL, LLC team

Steven Limani, a Public Information Officer for the Pennsylvania State Police, is an outstanding example of the positive impact an officer can make in a community. Limani is a resident of Latrobe and apart of the Troop A Barracks located in Greensburg. As an officer for 18 years, and graduate from Penn State University, he took the time out of his busy schedule to sit down with a few members of the Go2GOAL, LLC team. The following questions were a result of this meeting:


Being able to help people and getting to interact with the community is my favorite part. What makes me most proud is seeing the smile on the faces of not only the people I help personally, but also the children. I’ve been able to make a direct impact on a child’s life in a positive way, and that has been one of my favorite memories.


The hardest part of what I do is the media demand of information. Although necessary, there are times that it can be intrusive to our investigations. Also, the worst part of my job is addressing death notifications of children. It’s difficult to hear about any tragic events, but especially involving the kids of the community,


I believe what makes a good cop is making sure your heart is in the right place. If a police officer is trying to do the right thing, that’s what matters and all comes back to. Everything in our job is a judgment call, and sometimes things can be grey, but being able to step back and see the full picture is important.

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With the news lately, our families, I believe, have been affected the most by it all. My family checks in with me more to make sure I am safe, and it has been an unsettling feeling in general. I knew my job has always been dangerous, but I never felt the need to “double check” my surroundings. In addition to individual concerns, recruitment has been a struggle. We have noticed a significant decrease in men and women having the desire to join the State Police.


I think our job in general is a pretty hard concept to understand unless you’re personally in certain situations. We are all regular people with families, friends and outside business activities that involve helping the community. We all have a common goal: keep our communities safe.

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Deciding When to Retire: When Timing Becomes Critical By The SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management Team



Don’t underestimate the psychological issues involved in deciding when to retire. Many people welcome the opportunity to reinvent themselves. Others postpone retirement or return to some form of work so they can continue to feel connected and productive. You’ll also need to shift your mental focus from accumulating savings to investing for income and managing income streams from various sources.

There are other considerations as well. For example, if you expect to receive pension payments, early retirement may adversely affect them. Why? Because the greatest accrual of benefits generally occurs during your final years of employment, when your earning power is presumably highest. Early retirement could reduce your monthly benefits. It will affect your Social Security benefits too.

Deciding when to retire may not be one decision but a series of decisions and calculations. For example, you’ll need to estimate not only your anticipated expenses, but also what sources of retirement income you’ll have and how long you’ll need your retirement savings to last. You’ll need to take into account your life expectancy and health as well as when you want to start receiving Social Security or pension benefits, and when you’ll start to tap your retirement savings. Each of these factors may affect the others as part of an overall retirement income plan.

THINKING ABOUT EARLY RETIREMENT? Retiring early means fewer earning years and less accumulated savings. Also, the earlier you retire, the more years you’ll need your retirement savings to produce income. And your retirement could last quite a while. According to a National Vital Statistics Report, people today can expect to live more than 30 years longer than they did a century ago.

Source: NCHS Data Brief, Number 168, October 2014

Also, don’t forget that if you hope to retire before you turn 591⁄2 and plan to start using your 401(k) or IRA savings right away, you’ll generally pay a 10% early withdrawal penalty plus any regular income tax due (with some exceptions, including disability payments and distributions from employer plans such as 401(k)s after you reach age 55 and terminate employment). Finally, you’re not eligible for Medicare until you turn 65. Unless you’ll be eligible for retiree health benefits through your employer or take a job that offers health insurance, you’ll need to calculate the cost of paying for insurance or health care out-of-pocket, at least until you can receive Medicare coverage. Retirement: a state of mind Don't underestimate the psychological issues involved in deciding when to retire. Many people welcome the opportunity to reinvent themselves. Others postpone retirement or return to some form of work so they can continue to feel connected and productive. You'll also need to shift your mental focus from accumulating savings to investing for income and managing income streams from various sources.

Not only will you need your retirement savings to last longer, but inflation will have more time to eat away at your purchasing power. If inflation is 3% a year--its historical average since 1914--it will cut the purchasing power of a fixed annual income in half in roughly 23 years. Factoring inflation into the retirement equation, you’ll probably need your retirement income to increase each year just to cover the same expenses. Be sure to take this into account when considering how long you expect (or can afford) to be in retirement. 8

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DELAYING RETIREMENT Postponing retirement lets you continue to add to your retirement savings. That’s especially advantageous if you’re saving in tax-deferred accounts, and if you’re receiving employer contributions. For example, if you retire at age 65 instead of age 55, and manage to save an additional $20,000 per year at an 8% rate of return during that time, you can add an extra $312,909 to your retirement fund. (This is a hypothetical example and is not intended to reflect the actual performance of any specific investment.) Even if you’re no longer adding to your retirement savings, delaying retirement postpones the date that you’ll need to start withdrawing from them. That could enhance your nest egg’s ability to last throughout your lifetime. Postponing full retirement also gives you more transition time. If you hope to trade a full-time job for running your own small business or launching a new career after you “retire,” you might be able to lay the groundwork for a new life by taking classes at night or trying out your new role part-time. Testing your plans while you’re still employed can help you anticipate the challenges of your post-retirement role. Doing a reality check before relying on a new endeavor for retirement income can help you see how much income you can realistically expect from it. Also, you’ll learn whether it’s something you really want to do before you spend what might be a significant portion of your retirement savings on it.

PHASED RETIREMENT: THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Some employers have begun to offer phased retirement programs, which allow you to receive all or part of your pension benefit once you’ve reached retirement age, while you continue to work part-time for the same employer. Phased retirement programs are getting more attention as the baby boomer generation ages. In the past, pension law for private sector employers encouraged workers to retire early. Traditional pension plans generally weren’t allowed to pay benefits until an employee either stopped working completely or reached the plan’s normal retirement age (typically age 65). This frequently encouraged employees who wanted a reduced workload but hadn’t yet reached normal retirement age to take early retirement and go to work elsewhere (often for a competitor), allowing them to collect both a pension from the prior employer and a salary from the new employer. However, pension plans now are allowed to pay benefits when an employee reaches age 62, even if the employee is still working and hasn’t yet reached the plan’s normal retirement age. Phased retirement can benefit both prospective retirees, who can enjoy a more flexible work schedule and a smoother transition into full retirement; and employers, who are able to retain an experienced worker. Employers aren’t required to offer a phased retirement program, but if yours does, it’s worth at least a review to see how it might affect your plans.




At birth



At age 65



The sooner you start to plan the timing of your retirement, the more time you’ll have to make adjustments that can help ensure those years are everything you hope for. If you’ve already made some tentative assumptions or choices, you may need to revisit them, especially if you’re considering taking retirement in stages. And as you move into retirement, you’ll want to monitor your retirement income plan to ensure that your initial assumptions are still valid, that new laws and regulations haven’t affected your situation, and that your savings and investments are performing as you need them to.

Deciding when to retire will have a substantial impact on your Social Security benefits. If you decide to start receiving payments at age 62, they will be lower than if you waited until your full retirement age. Contact the Social Security Administration for more information.



Eligible to tap tax-deferred savings without penalty for early withdrawal

59 1⁄2*

Federal income taxes will be due on pretax contributions and earnings

Eligible for early Social Security benefits


Taking benefits before full retirement age reduces each monthly payment

Eligible for Medicare


Contact Medicare 3 months before your 65th birthday

Full retirement age for Social Security

65 to 67, depending on when you were born

After full retirement age, earned income no longer affects Social Security benefits

*Age 55 for distributions from employer plans upon termination of employment Deciding when to retire will have a substantial impact on your Social Security benefits. If you decide to start receiving payments at age 62, they will be lower than if you waited until your full retirement age. Contact the Social Security Administration for more information. IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. does not provide investment, tax, or legal advice. The information presented here is not specific to any individual's personal circumstances. To the extent that this material concerns tax matters, it is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each taxpayer should seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances. These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable—we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials. The information in these materials may change at any time and without notice. This disclosure applicable to all articles provided by The SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management team.

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pe o H ’s re e h T lp e H ’s Where TheMre urphy

By Congressman Tim Dear friends,

ntal lping Families in Me d H.R. 2646, the He sse largest pa es the tiv As . nta se 2-2 42 pre s e of Re e final vote wa Th . ort pp su alth In July, the U.S. Hous n isa nta art n’s broken me l he th overwhelming bip tical flaws in our natio cri s the Health Crisis Act, wi in sse s dre sit ad w it no , 46 ars . H.R. 26 bill in 50 ye evidence-based reform mental health reform d an t en atm tre l. ing bil on provid tion on the system, and focuses ek without taking ac to Washington this we ed urn ret o wh te, Sena every ctly. So this week, at ess - directly or indire illn alth l he nta l me nta m me fro sis cri die Americans diate need for my me im the ss Each year, over 950 cu y, ne dis kie Maho on the House floor to College student Chuc opportunity, I spoke stories of Allegheny ing roduced to ak int I bre ich art he wh 0, the 85 e about H.Res. ok reform bill. I shared sp I rs; me s of a recent So l ult nie res and Sgt. Da I shared the from Burgettstown, vention Month; and Pre e www. icid :// Su ps l na htt k tio as Na speeches, clic designate September alth. To watch those I’ll speak he l en nta wh me for of s tes tic da ne up Twitter to get on me study revealing the ge low fol d an 8 MurphyPA1 youtube.com/user/Tim next. ut, I returned to Newtown, Connectic in ry nta me Chairman Ele ok dy at Sandy Ho health system as the our nation’s mental After the 2012 trage o int a $130 on g: ati rin tig be es so inv d nched an shocking an Washington and lau What we found was e. suicide, of itte es mm rat Co s ing on ris ati to estig t bear witness bu le litt of Oversight and Inv es do t tha ent into a system billion federal investm arcerations. inc d an s, homelessnes tirelessly to provide ty and have worked ori pri top a orm ref l beds, yet the three de mental health il cells are not hospita Ja That’s why I have ma r. tte be ffer from do n ca because we 1,000 people who su hope for our nation, prisons. Out of every ty beds, un ric co iat are ych ps ns tio 00 h institu shortage of 100,0 a th Wi t. largest mental healt en m where atm roo tre emergency ly six can get true down is taken to the ak bre a drug addiction, on c nally oti sio ych ca ps oc ly re monitored on ddle of a seve ped down to a bed, someone is in the mi ap str es tim me so en or ev they sit alone, sedated weeks, for help. g hours, days, even itin wa , rse nu ng ssi by a pa in signify a turning point alth Crisis Act would He l are nta o Me wh in s ns lie ca mi eri many Am Helping Fa light of hope for so The passage of the ion to h reform, and be the alt e we make the decis he l tim nta it’s r, me ffe for su n o wh se our natio tho ore ign n ess. ess. Rather tha ffering with mental illn effected by mental illn to those who are su t en atm tre e vid pro confront and l, H.R. 2646. nt system, and my bil rre cu r ou h, alt he l rstand about menta There’s a lot to unde e, I sat down to try 40 years of experienc th wi t As a psychologis to my answers at se questions. Listen to answer some of tho 2646 tinyurl.com/MurphyHR d out mental health an are your thoughts ab e. t-m tac on v/c I encourage you to sh .go se g https://murphy.hou write to me by clickin Where there is help,


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there is hope.

Individual Commitment to a Group Effort

10/27/16 3:20 PM

5 Things You Need to Know About Mental Health in America By Congressman Tim Murphy




Over 950 people die each day as a direct or indirect result of mental illness. Each day we don’t act, over 950 people die, directly or indirectly, from mental illness. This is the greatest tragedy of our generation. When we look back, the embarrassment will be that the numbers were there, people were dying, and we chose not to act. Our nation spends $130 billion dollars each year on reforms that don’t work. After the 2012 tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, as Chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Committee, Congressman Murphy returned to Washington and launched an investigation into our nation’s broken mental health system. What he found was a $130 billion investment into over 100 federal programs that haven’t even met since 2009. In fact, since the creation of these programs, the rates of suicide, homelessness, and incarcerations have all increased in the U.S. The largest mental health “hospitals” are county prisons. It’s true that our country went through a period where those who were mentally ill were treated inhumanely. When the U.S. changed the way the mentally ill were treated, however, we didn’t solve the problem. We traded those hospital beds for jail cells. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 25 and 40 percent of all mentally ill Americans will be jailed or incarcerated at some point in their lives.



The United States has a shortage of 100,000 psychiatric beds. If you break your arm, or someone you love is having a heart attack, you know to call 911 to get an ambulance the emergency room (ER) where you or your loved one will receive immediate treatment in an intensive care unit (ICU). Those with mental illnesses need this emergency care too. Psychiatric beds are the ICU for those who are in immediate need of assistance in that they present danger to themselves or others. Instead, they are taken to the ER where they sit in a room, sedated or even sometimes strapped down to a bed, monitored only occasionally by a passing nurse. If we treat those who suffer from heart attacks or injuries with trained professionals and the best care, why shouldn’t we ensure the same for those who are mentally ill? Our nation prioritizes the right to be sick over the right to be well. From the way we treat mental illness, our country has decided that the right to be sick is more important than the right to be well. HIPAA privacy laws, once designed to protect personal medical records from insurance companies, now prevent worried family members from knowing the medication their loved ones take and even their whereabouts when they may be in the middle of a psychotic break. Instead, family members are kept out of the loop – until they are notified of the death of their son, daughter, sister, brother, wife, husband, mother, or father.

To learn more about H.R. 2646 and how it addresses these problems, visit http://tinyurl.com/HR2646summary

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Benefits for Veterans: Disability Compensation By Quatrini & Rafferty

While our armed Armed Forces are serving overseas, selfless individuals pack and send boxes with the comforts of home. When service members return home, families and friends greet them at the airport with open arms. But neither handshakes nor gift packs, nor a thankful pat on the back can fully make up for the physical and mental toll service members endure during their service, and, often bring home with them when that service is finished. For members of our military injured during active service or who incur a disease in the line of duty, the U.S. Veterans Administration operates a system to compensate injured veterans for their physical or mental impairments.

If the local VA office either denies the claim, or assigns a low or zero percentage to the disability, the claim can be appealed to a Decision Review Officer at the Regional Office and ultimately to a Veterans Law Judge. A veteran may have an attorney accredited by the VA help them throughout the process. For a copy of the Veterans Disability Compensation application, or for more information on other benefits (healthcare, aid and attendance benefits, vocational rehabilitation, employment services, etc.) payable to veterans and their families, visit www.benefits.va.gov or your local county veterans assistance office.

Veterans must submit an application (VA Form 26-526) to the VA Regional office. In the application, a veteran must describe: 1.

the specific medical condition;


the service-related event, and


medical evidence supporting the connection between the event and the injuries/condition.

Official military documentation of the injury, if available, is very beneficial to the claim, as is a plain statement from the veteran (Statement in Support of Claim). Statements from fellow service members – also called “buddy statements” – are also helpful. Discharge or separation papers (DD 214 or equivalent) are also needed. It should be noted that disability benefits are not available for those who received a dishonorable discharge. Once the application is complete it is submitted to a local VA office for review. The local office will then make a decision – called a Ratings Decision - as to (1) whether the claim is service connected, and if so, (2) the percentage of disability assigned to the injury. If a veteran is awarded, the amount of monthly benefits depends on the degree of disability. Additional benefits – for being unemployed due to your service-related condition - are payable in certain instances.

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Why Can’t You Talk Politics at the Dinner Table? You Should! By William J. Urbanik, MBA, RFC, Managing Partner/Financial Planner, The SecondHalf Coach, Inc.

call, don’t answer questions, lie to us, or refuse to work together. Yet, we ourselves can’t have cordial conversations, we don’t listen to each other’s views, and we spend more time voicing hate for a candidate we don’t want than we do love for the one we will ultimately choose to support. How can we be better? DISCUSS NOT ARGUE. Understand that discussing politics in a mixed social setting will lead you to people of opposing beliefs. Embrace this opportunity to be someone who proves that the best among us can discuss and find progress while remaining respectful. Be an example! LISTEN. Don’t jump to conclusions. Listen to the other person’s point of view. If their views are not completely clear or you think they can’t support their points, ask thoughtful questions. Politics have often been considered an unsafe topic of discussion among friends, at the dinner table, or around the water cooler. It is my personal opinion that not only should we openly discuss politics, it is our patriotic duty to do so in a cordial and respectful manner. After all, politics for the most part encompasses the direction our country is going and therefore directly affects each and every one of us. With that said, politics not only deserves our attention but our debate. One of the biggest problems in politics today are what I call “party blinders” where people fail to acknowledge where their own party or leaders are off base or falling short. In addition, people are so emotionally charged to issues and take positions of the extreme left or right vantage points that they have a hard time seeing other views and would never acknowledge a valid argument fearing it would be considered a concession. As voters, we get upset when candidates name


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PUT YOURSELF IN THEIR SHOES. Try to be empathetic toward their point of view which will likely lead to achieving more thoughtful conclusions about your own beliefs. BE HONEST ABOUT YOUR SOURCES. If you are quoting sources, make sure you recognize potential flaws in the validity of that source. Remember, they may not consider your sources to be objective. ADMIT NOT KNOWING. No one likes a “know-it-all”, so be prepared to learn something new in any discussion. The talk is much more likely to remain friendly if no one insists on always being right. ACKNOWLEDGE COMMON GROUND. During discussion, return to points you agree on from time to time. Most people can agree on a few things that they think are working or that they think need reform. RESPECT OTHERS WHO DO NOT WANT TO ENGAGE. Some party hosts, family members and work environments ask that people leave

political beliefs for private interactions. Respect! ONLY ENGAGE WITH THOSE WHO ARE STRONG ENOUGH TO NOT HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST THOSE THAT DISAGREE. Sadly, some people are not strong enough to be friends or socialize with those who differ in opinions. This is sad and frankly un-American, but unfortunately it happens a lot. CONCEDE A POINT WHEN EARNED. Part of maintaining a friendly discussion is acknowledging when a point was well-made, even if you don’t entirely agree. This indicates you understand their point, and conceding a good point will inspire the other to admit the same when warranted. DISCUSSIONS DON’T HAVE WINNERS AND LOSERS. Save the winning mentality for political debates or for people who you are very close to that enter willingly into a forum that a winner or loser will rise. Enter into polite political discussion to learn something and get a better background of your friends and the issues. Make no mistake, we live in a great country. However, we can be greater and need to be greater. Our ascension to achieving further greatness starts with the people acknowledging that they first have to be better, more informed, and more respectful and accepting of others and their beliefs. As the election nears, we will welcome the final days of one of the most polarizing and unsettling election cycles ever. A country by the people and for the people must be led by the people. Lead with me and engage in respectful and thoughtful discussions. Refuse the notion that politics have no place at our dinner tables and dayto-day lives. Become a better voter, a better American, and, ultimately, we will be an even better country.

Individual Commitment to a Group Effort

10/27/16 3:20 PM

Tips for the best fall photos! from Autumn Fall is upon us! I am excited about this time of year when the temps start to drop down a bit and you can just “feel” it changing into autumn! I get more requests for family portraits mid-October than any other time of the year. I agree, you can’t beat that beautiful color splashed background for a family photo session. I just wish the season lasted longer. It seems as soon as the leaves change, they fall and it’s all over. Perhaps that is what makes us so fond of this season though. Sometimes the most special things in life come in tiny amounts to make us appreciate it more. So here are my tips for capturing the best fall photos of the leaves and portraits of your family.


Plan ahead. Watch the forecast for the leaves changing. Weather websites and predictions are always online letting us know when they expect the peak of the leaves to hit our area. Typically where I am located (Greensburg, PA) it is about October 15-25. But depending on what happens with heat and precipitation in September, those dates can change! So plan ahead! Also, remember that the leaves will change at different times depending on the altitude and latitude. So if you would like to photograph them at Seven Springs and at Deep Creek Maryland, for example, they could peak weeks apart.

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If you plan to go out shooting yourself, remember that the light will fall much quicker in October, especially when we approach daylight savings time around Halloween. So going after work may be too late in the day. The best light for capturing the fall leaves is towards the end of the day (a few hours before sunset), or at sunrise if you’re an early riser! The light will peer through the trees at a lower angle and give a beautiful sparkle to your photos.


If you want a professional portrait done, contact your photographer as soon as possible. Personally, I begin booking fall portraits for my clients as early as July.

For more information on Autumn Stankay’s award winning photography & Greensburg studio, visit her website


GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC


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How to Choose a Therapeutic Riding Center By Lin M. Podolinsky Executive Director and Instructor at Nickers ‘N Neighs Therapeutic Riding Center PATH, Intl. PA State Representative & Mentor PACTH Board Treasurer and Instructor Evaluator The mission of Nickers ‘N Neighs Therapeutic Riding Center is to improve the lives of children and adults with special challenges through a therapeutic partnership with horses. Our therapeutic riding program works with individuals with autism spectrum disorders, mental health diagnoses, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, intellectual disabilities, children who are considered “at-risk,” veterans and many others. Our therapeutic riding program is a special education program that teaches horseback riding and horsemanship skills. In addition to riding and horsemanship skills, we witness improvements in our students that range from improved strength and balance to boosted self-confidence and self-esteem. There are additional equine assisted activities and therapies (EAAT), like: hippotherapy, carriage driving, interactive vaulting, equine-facilitated learning and equine-facilitated psychotherapy. These are specialty activities, which require additional certifications and, often, medical staff. Nickers ‘N Neighs is hoping to expand into some of these additional fields in the future.

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The EAAT field is not government-regulated. Therefore, it is up to the industry itself to self-regulate for quality programs. Across the industry, we hear consumers ask what they should be looking for in a therapeutic riding program. Nickers ‘N Neighs voluntarily became a PATH, Intl. accredited center to ensure that we are meeting or exceeding industry standards in center administration, facility and program safety, program quality, equine welfare and instructor credentialing. I recommend that consumers look for the following in a therapeutic riding program: • Accreditation • Certified instructors from organizations like PATH, Intl or PACTH • Individualized goal setting and lesson planning • Cleanliness & safety If you are considering a therapeutic riding program for you or your loved one, do some due diligence. Tour the facility, ask for references and talk to the staff. Choose a center that is not only a good fit, but also is dedicated to quality and safety.

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It’s Back To School Time… and that goes for everyone! By Chad Amond, President of the Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce


he night air is turning crisp. High school stadiums across Westmoreland County are aglow each Friday night lighting the way for touchdowns and marching bands. Plus, the morning commute is a few minutes longer while we wait for the kids to board the buses. That can mean only one thing. It’s back to school time. Every September it’s the same routine. Kids fill the office supply store stocking up on notebooks, pens and the other necessary tools for learning. Then it’s off to shop for the latest sneakers and hottest fashions. But school isn’t just for the kids – at least it shouldn’t be. Today’s business environment presents its share of challenges. The dynamic nature of today’s economy depends on a more nimble workforce that understands technology and its role in growing a business. Business practices are being refined and sharpened quarter by quarter and day by day. For some, it can be very difficult to keep pace. The skills that once made you cutting edge may now have you feeling like a dinosaur. At the Chamber office we hear time and again that member businesses struggle to find workers with the skills

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necessary to meet current business demands. Let’s face it, a four year degree in art history doesn’t do you much good if all of the job openings are for welders. At a time when the economy is already stressed, we must do a better job of matching the skills of our workers to the jobs that exist. If not, our people and our region are at risk of being left behind.

must be dedicated to lifelong learning. The continued success of our business community depends upon being able to employ workers with the skills necessary to drive today’s increasingly complex business environment. It also depends on affording those who possess an entrepreneurial spirit with the technical know how to put their ideas into action.

Westmoreland County is fortunate to have a number of adult education centers geared toward helping you keep up with the changing business environment. From the outstanding programs at Westmoreland County Community College and numerous four year schools to trade and technical schools, Westmoreland County is well positioned to meet the challenge of workforce development head on. But like any journey it begins with taking the first step. And that step begins with you. It also requires that we guide our kids into realistic career paths. And that path may look very different for different people.

So whether you go back to school to learn a trade, finish a degree, pursue a graduate degree, or simply commit to attending a few professional development seminars, remember that education is the key to our collective success. To learn more about schools in our area offering adult education programs, visit the Chamber’s website or talk with one of our many members who make education their business.

To compete with other parts of Southwestern Pennsylvania – the rest of our nation and the rest of the world – business owners and their employees

Happy learning!

Chad Amond President

10/27/16 3:20 PM

Education Tax Credits and Deductions By Bryan Kisiel, CPA, Director of Tax Planning, The SecondHalf Coach CEO, Kisiel & Associates For parents and students trying to manage college bills and student loan payments, the federal government offers education-related tax benefits. The requirements for each are different, so here’s what you need to know.


The American Opportunity credit (formerly the Hope credit) is a tax credit available for the first four years of a student’s undergraduate education, provided the student is attending school at least half-time in a program leading to a degree or certificate. The credit is worth up to $2,500 in 2016 (it’s calculated as 100% of the first $2,000 of qualified expenses plus 25% of the next $2,000 of expenses). The credit must be taken for the tax year that the expenses are paid, and parents must claim their child as a dependent on their tax return to take the credit.

LIFETIME LEARNING CREDIT The Lifetime Learning credit is another education tax credit, but it has a broader reach than the American Opportunity credit. As the name implies, the Lifetime Learning credit is available for college or graduate courses taken throughout your lifetime (the student can be you, your spouse, or your dependents), even if those courses are taken on a less than halftime basis and don’t lead to a formal

Bryan Kisiel

degree. However, this credit can’t be taken in the same year as the American Opportunity credit on behalf of the same student. The Lifetime Learning credit is worth up to $2,000 in 2016 (it’s calculated as 20% of the first $10,000 of qualified expenses). The Lifetime Learning credit must be taken for the same year that expenses are paid, and you must file Form 8863 with your federal tax return to claim the credit. In 2016, a full credit is available to single filers with a MAGI

To be eligible for the credit, your income must fall below certain limits. In 2016, a full credit is available to single filers with a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) below $80,000 and joint filers with a MAGI below $160,000. A partial credit is available to single filers with a MAGI between $80,000 and $90,000 and joint filers with a MAGI between $160,000 and $180,000. One benefit of the American Opportunity credit is that it’s calculated per student, not per tax return. So parents with two (or more) qualifying children in a given year can claim a separate credit for each child (assuming income limits are met). The mechanics of claiming the credit are relatively easy. If you paid tuition and related expenses to an eligible educational institution during the year, the college generally must send you a Form 1098-T by February 1 of the following year. You then file Form 8863 with your federal tax return to claim the credit. 18

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A tax credit is more valuable than a tax deduction of the same amount. Why? A tax credit reduces any taxes owed on a dollar-for-dollar basis, whereas a tax deduction simply reduces the total income on which your taxes are based. Individual Commitment to a Group Effort

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below $55,000 and joint filers with a MAGI below $111,000. A partial credit is available to single filers with a MAGI between $55,000 and $65,000 and joint filers with a MAGI between $111,000 and $131,000. Unlike the American Opportunity credit, the Lifetime Learning credit is limited to $2,000 per tax return per year, even if more than one person in your household qualifies independently in a given year. If you have more than one family member attending college or taking courses at the same time, you’ll need to decide which credit to take. Example: Joe and Ann have a college freshman and sophomore, Mary and Ben, who are attending school full-time. In addition, Joe is enrolled at a local community college taking two graduate courses related to his job. Mary and Ben each qualify for the American Opportunity credit. Plus, Mary, Ben, and Joe each qualify for the Lifetime Learning credit. Because the American Opportunity credit isn’t limited to one per tax return, Joe and Ann should claim this credit for both Mary and Ben, and then claim a Lifetime Learning credit for Joe. Joe and Ann can claim both the American Opportunity credit and the Lifetime Learning credit in the same year because each credit is taken on behalf of a different qualified student.

STUDENT LOAN INTEREST DEDUCTION The student loan interest deduction allows borrowers to deduct up to $2,500 worth of interest paid in 2016 on qualified student loans. Generally, federal student loans, private bank loans, college loans, and state loans are eligible. However, the debt must have been incurred while the student was attending school on at least a halftime basis in a program leading to a degree, certificate, or other recognized educational credential. So loans obtained to take courses that do not lead to a degree or other educational credential are not eligible for this deduction. Your ability to take the student loan interest deduction depends on your income. For 2016, to take the full $2,500 deduction (assuming that much interest is paid during the year) single filers must have a MAGI of $65,000 or less and joint filers $130,000 or less. A partial deduction is available for single filers with a MAGI between $65,000 and $80,000 and joint filers with a MAGI between $130,000 and $160,000.

Also, to be eligible for the deduction, an individual must have the primary obligation to pay the loan and must pay the interest during the tax year. The deduction may not be claimed by someone who can be claimed as a dependent on another taxpayer’s return. Borrowers can take the student loan interest deduction in the same year as the American Opportunity credit or Lifetime Learning credit, provided they qualify for each independently.

DEDUCTION FOR QUALIFIED HIGHER EDUCATION EXPENSES The deduction for qualified higher education expenses is available in 2016 (and 2015). It is worth up to $4,000 for out-of-pocket qualified higher education expenses paid during the year; single filers with a modified gross income (MAGI) of $65,000 or less and joint filers with a MAGI of $130,000 or less can take the full $4,000 deduction. A $2,000 deduction is available for single filers with a MAGI between $65,000 and $80,000 and joint filers with a MAGI between $130,000 and $160,000.


Qualified expenses include

American Opportunity credit $2,500

Single filer: $80,000 or less for full credit; partial credit if MAGI $80,000 to $90,000 Joint filer: $160,000 or less for full credit; partial credit if MAGI $160,000 to $180,000

Tuition and fees, plus course materials

Lifetime Learning credit $2,000

Single filer: $55,000 or less for full credit; partial credit if MAGI $55,000 to $65,000 Joint filer: $111,000 or less for full credit; partial credit if MAGI $111,000 to $131,000

Tuition and fees only

Student loan interest deduction $2,500

Single filer: $65,000 or less for full deduction, partial deduction if MAGI $65,000 to $80,000 Joint filer: $130,000 or less for full deduction; partial deduction if MAGI $130,000 to $160,000

Tuition and fees, room and board, books, equipment, and other necessary expenses

Deduction qualified higher education expenses $4,000 (full); $2,000 (partial)

Single filer: $65,000 or less for full deduction; partial deduction if MAGI $65,000 to $80,000 Joint filer: $130,000 or less for full deduction; partial deduction if MAGI $130,000 to $160,000

Tuition and fees only

IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. does not provide investment, tax, or legal advice. The information presented here is not specific to any individual’s personal circumstances. To the extent that this material concerns tax matters, it is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each taxpayer should seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances. These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable—we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials. The information in these materials may change at any time and without notice.

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10/27/16 3:20 PM

Embracing the Pennsylvania Fall Outdoor Experience By Anthony E. Slezak, Managing Partner/Financial Planner, The SecondHalf Coach, Inc.

I know I am not alone in these thoughts. For some this feeling is deer hunting and others trout fishing in our beautiful Pennsylvania streams, but one thing is for sure- it adds up financially in our state. In 2015 The Pennsylvania Game Commission generated $101,623,447 in game fund revenue. Interestingly a large part of this is not just hunting license, but also gas development, rights of way, and timber sales totaling $31,000,000. All revenue generated, less 12% in administration costs, were spent on wildlife habitat management, protection, education, and purchase of land. The very woods you hike in are in a large part managed and preserved by hunting license sales and natural resource harvesting.


all is upon us and many people, like myself, get lost in the thought of the open woods and hunting season. For over 40 years I have waited anxiously for early September warm days to turn to cooler nights and changes to the fall foliage. For me, there is nothing like watching my dogs quarter through the woods and flushing a grouse. I can shut my eyes and envision every flush, shot, and retrieve. Most hunters know the many “been” shots. Dad always said, “You have to shoot where they’re going, not where they’ve been” Hunting and fishing, for the most part, is a family affair. My parties have grown and shrunk over the years, but one thing stays constant: I get to spend time with the people that matter to me the most. Whether I am walking through the woods or fishing on a lake, stream, or ocean, I have always done it with family and that special group who has been with me over the years. The ones that are not just friends, but extended family.


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In the interest of gender equality, the game commission has marketed and kept statistics on the increase of female sportsmen. In the 2009-10 license year 67,165 females bought a hunting license. Participation has grown 44% to 96,555 females purchasing in the 201516 license year. That is more than 10% of all license buyers. National statistics show females as the fastest growing segment among all outdoor users in the United States. There are now about 500,000 female hunters nationally. For the fanatical fishermen, which I consider myself as one, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission generated $49,889,051 in 2015. Of that, $13,492,214 in revenue was generated by the pleasure boating population. In 2015 the commission produced and stocked 21 different species totaling 50,557,047 fish. I was amazed by that number especially knowing how many days I have come home without a fish. I guess that’s why they call this sport fishing and not catching.

The demand for this resource has grown to a point that I could never have imagined. There is a common theme in the reports made by the commission. People want and demand more bang for their buck, pardon the pun. They are under constant pressure to produce more and manage better because the competition of other activities plays into this equation. My childhood revolved around what season was next. Hunting starts in the fall, and fishing starts in the spring. It wasn’t until I was a parent myself that I realized how easy I made it for my mom and dad when it came to discipline. I loved these activities so much that they could easily control me by merely mentioning that if my behavior or grades were not up to par, my participation would be greatly reduced. I saw a Facebook quote that said we need less XBoxes and more tackle boxes. Maybe we just need to spend more time with our kids and hunting and fishing did just that for my dad and me. Here he is going on 83-years-old, and we still talk about the next fishing or hunting expedition, and we get sentimental laughing about the past trips and all of Tony’s “been” shots. As we move into this most beautiful time of year, I have a request. Go afield with a good attitude with respect for the forest and the fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.

Whether I am walking through the woods or fishing on a lake, stream, or ocean, I have always done it with family and that special group who has been with me over the years.

They are the ones we have our kids call aunt and uncle, but we have to explain as they get older that we’re not really related.

Individual Commitment to a Group Effort

10/27/16 3:20 PM

Cooking with the right side of the brain? By Chef Mark Henry, Chef Mark's Palate

Compose food with the right side of your brain, think of your ingredients as colors on a palate. Look for fresh elements, I never start with the recipe and then seek the ingredients, I start with the ingredient and then seek to present it in its best light. Taste them and balance by selecting their opposites to create, contrast and intensify flavor, like complimentary colors in a color wheel. An artist first finds its subject, and then builds a composition to amplify its qualities. As a chef your palate is made up primarily of these five tastes: 1. Sweet – Fruit, roasted vegetables, baked grains, sugar, honey, agave syrup, maple syrup and milk have a sweet taste. 2. Sour/acidic – Sour fruits like limes and lemons, buttermilk, green tomatoes, vinegar, yogurt, and fermented foods like sauerkraut have a sour or acidic taste. 3. Salty – Snacks, seaweed, ham, olives, cheese, and some seafood like oysters and clams have a salty taste. Breads and rolls, cold cuts and cured meats, pizza, poultry, soup, 4. Bitter – Dark leafy greens, coffee, grapefruit, unsweetened cocoa, tonic water all have a bitter taste. 5. Umami – Defined as the ‘fifth taste,’ it is described as meaty or savory. Examples are beef, chicken, pork, tomato sauce, ripe tomatoes, mushrooms, fermented cheeses and soy sauce.

Balancing the intensity of flavors leads to incredible dishes. Here are some thoughts on how to make beautiful culinary creations

GOAT CHEESE BLOSSOM WITH CANDIED NUTS BERRIES AND BITTER GREENS Recipe will make 4 salads INGREDIENTS: 8 ounces Local goat cheese 8 sheets Filo pastry cut into 4” squares Pan coating spray as needed 8 ounces walnuts candied (boil the nuts in 1 C water and 1 T salt while hot toss with ¼ C sugar and bake at 350 until nuts are browning and sugar is melted, cool break up and reserve)

2 ounces balsamic syrup (1/2 C balsamic vinegar ½ cup sugar boiled and reduced to a syrup)

Good fresh bitter greens to include oak leaf, red romaine frissee arugula Fresh berries ¼ C Gorgonzola

Balance flavors

lemon zest as needed

• • • •

Compose first the blossoms; utilize a muffin tin, spray with pan coating, place 3 or 4 squares of filo in the bottom of 4 muffin pockets fill with 2 oz each goat cheese and utilize the balance of the filo to create a “blossom” of pastry bake until golden and prepare the salad

Foods that have similar flavors, intensity, aromas or textures: Bold flavors: Fish, mint and lime Earthy flavors: Mushrooms, lentils, bay leaves Crunchy textures: Apples, celery, nuts Sweet aromas: Roasted beets and orange juice

Counter-act flavors

Mixing flavors and textures let your palate lead you, taste constantly to understand how flavors will affect one and other • • • • •

Bitter collard greens vs. umami, chopped mushrooms. Sweet tomatoes vs. bitter arugula Burning spicy hot pepper vs. soothing yogurt Sour grapefruit* vs. sweet natural sugars Crunchy sweet pineapple vs. creamy avocado

Start with greens, add nuts, berries, gorgonzola, place blossom in the center drizzle with balsamic vinegar reduction and sprinkle with lemon zest just prior to service You should find the aroma of the fresh lemon activates your palate, visually the colors will draw you in, the crisp filo balanced by the soft goat cheese, the balsamic, the berries, cool greens and crunchy nuts all come together for a very unique culinary composition.

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Declan Wilson By Coby Detar, Director of Public Relations and Education, The SecondHalf Coach, Inc.

In a continued effort to showcase local entrepreneurs, this series focuses on people who are hard working, dedicated and have a vision for success. It is important as small business owners to support other business owners in their endeavors to expand in order to grow our community collaboratively. Coby Detar, Communications Manager of The SecondHalf Coach, Inc., will conduct interviews with successful entrepreneurs to spotlight them on a quarterly basis. Declan Wilson is a writer and blogger who currently lives in Pittsburgh. Although Wilson has a full-time job on the side, his passion of writing and connecting with people has lead him to becoming an author. Wilson grew up in Greensburg and graduated from the University of Pittsburgh where he majored in Industrial Engineering and minored in Film Studies. The following questions were a result of the interview between Coby Detar and Declan Wilson:


I hated writing growing up, I was more into math and science (hence the engineering degree). But in college my girlfriend (now wife) and I started a cooking blog called Cooking in College. I wrote the posts and managed the website while she photographed the food and created the recipes. It was such a fun project to work on together. After we graduated, we stopped contributing to the blog, but I realized I couldn’t stop writing. That’s when Millennial Type was born.


I get this one a lot! Millennials are often stereotyped into broad, generalized categories. We may fit certain trends or share common traits, but we are each our own unique type of Millennial. I use the blog to meet and learn from as many inspiring Millennials as I can, and sometimes feature them on my blog. I’m interested in people who break the mold or social norms and create a life they want to live. These are the type of people I want to surround myself with and my blog is the tool I use to connect with them.


My book, The Millennial Way, is a collection of stories from five Millennials who didn’t conform to the traditional career track and instead created their own journey. I’m currently in the middle of creating my own career, but not so long ago I needed motivation and courage. So I sought the help of these five Millennials and ended up compiling everything I learned from them (as well as my personal findings) into this book.


I try to focus on a problem I’m facing and share what I am doing to overcome it. I also read a lot of articles online about the future of work, culture, entertainment, etc. and use what I learn to help our generation prepare for what’s coming.

Declan’s blog and book can be found by visiting MillennialType.com


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If you have questions about this, or anything real estate related - reach out to Scott Ludwick at 724-838-3660 or scott@scottludwick.com

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KEEPING YOUR LOOK FRESH, RELEVANT AND REFLECTIVE OF WHO YOU ARE TODAY! Curated by Style Strategist Bear Brandegee Stacie R. Fouty-Upright looks fresh and stunning in this issue. If this photo had been taken just one year ago, you’d be looking at a Stacie in a dress five sizes larger. In the past 365 days she made a transformative change in her life by losing 50 pounds. Her motivation was simple, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and that’s all it took - an honest assessment that her health was important and she wanted it back! Stacie is first and foremost a kind and giving person. I’m sure her husband Curt, her kids Grant and Melina would agree. Whether enjoying family vacations at the ocean, spending quality time with her parents and her niece Alayna or shuttling between dance, karate and baseball games, her grace is impressive. Especially considering that back in 1992 she founded Stacie R. Fouty Court Reporting Services. Inc., and has since built a nationwide reputation among premier law firms and their clients. Stacie strives on providing expert services that have a positive impact on so many lives. “For everyone I meet a sincere gesture or word of kindness from me or my staff is just as important as doing a first-rate job for the law firms for whom we work.” To ensure she continues on her path, Stacie invested in a Peloton indoor bike that she rides while enjoying instructional riding videos with music. She can now look in the mirror and feel really great about her commitment to a healthier lifestyle. Stacie prefers to wear looks that are modern, fresh and uncomplicated. She enjoys quality fabrics, comfort and a pop of color to energize her wardrobe.


Photos of Stacie Fouty Upright by Autumn Stankay of SkySight Photography. Stacie’s wardrobe by Worth New York available through Bear Brandegee.

When selecting her outfits for this photo shoot, I looked for items that were chic and sophisticated with clean lines. I know that Stacie loves basics in black and that her style icon is Coco Chanel so my first pick was a black shift dress and matching topper. And while the shape of both garments is dead simple, the fabric is anything but. The bright and colorful tweed dots with a subtle iridescence in the black weave creates a modern feel and sense of interest. In her second outfit, I selected a slim fit deep navy jacquard jean and a violet berry fringe tweed lurex jacket boasting major attitude. Both of these looks complement Stacie’s vibrancy, energy and charm. They are tailored yet have a personality that harmonizes with hers.


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BEAR’S TEN STEP APPROACH To keep your look fresh, relevant and reflective of who you are today, every couple years it’s a sound practice to assess your closet and give your wardrobe a facelift. The ten step approach outlined below includes steps that you’ll want to take to update your closet area to make getting dressed each day a joy.

STEP 1: Remove from your closet anything that is

STEP 7: Remove all items that need to be repaired or altered and have these items tended to.

STEP 2: Make an investment in hangers that are

STEP 8: Next go through your outerwear, shoes and accessories with the same keep or eliminate process. Followed by categorized and color coding.

non-wearable including luggage, safes, and keepsake clothing finding a new location for these items.

the same style and color. This will create a sense of continuity and streamline the look and feel to your closet.

STEP 3: Install a three way mirror so that you can take a full circle check of your outfit before heading out the door. STEP 4: Invest in quality natural lighting for your closet and dressing area.

STEP 5: Organize by category and then by color from dark to light. STEP 6: Remove all items you don’t wear (outdated, no longer flattering or are ill fitting) and donate or consign them.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about Stacie, her transformation and tips for undertaking your own style update - whether motivated by life changes or ones you want to inspire in yourself!


Style Strategist

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STEP 9: Now you’re ready to assess your newly cleaned, organized and honed wardrobe to determine if it reflects your style and lifestyle today. Here are key questions I ask when conducting a closet assessment: Do the items I have in my wardrobe support my lifestyle? Do the styles, colors and silhouettes reflect who I am today? Do I enjoy wearing this item - does it make be feel comfortable and confident? Is each item flattering?

STEP 10: Now you’re ready to create your shopping list of items to fill in specific needs.

Want a style makeover? If you’d like to be considered for a style makeover for publication, please write to me at wardrobe@bearbrandegee.com. I consult with both men and women and look forward to hearing from you.

GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC


10/27/16 3:20 PM

Divorce and Social Security By The SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management Team

HOW DOES DIVORCE AFFECT SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT BENEFITS? After a divorce, you can claim retirement benefits based on your own earnings record (if you have been employed and have accumulated enough credits over the years), or you can claim benefits based on your ex-spouse’s earnings record (whether or not you ever worked), provided that certain requirements are met. WHAT REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET?

You may qualify for benefits based on your ex-spouse’s earnings record if all of the following conditions are met: • Your ex-spouse is currently entitled to receive Social Security retirement or disability benefits • You and your ex-spouse were married for at least 10 years before the divorce became final • You are not currently married • You are age 62 or older, and • You aren’t entitled to collect a retirement or disability benefit based on your own earnings record that equals (or exceeds) one-half of your ex-spouse’s PIA


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If you are age 62 or older and you’ve been divorced for at least two years, you can receive Social Security benefits based on your former spouse’s earnings regardless of whether that spouse is already receiving benefits. This, of course, is assuming that the other four requirements listed above have been satisfied.

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If you begin receiving benefits at your full retirement age (66 to 67, depending on your year of birth), your spousal benefit is equal to 50% of your ex-spouse’s full retirement benefit (or disability benefit). For example, if your ex-spouse’s benefit at full retirement age is $1,500, then your spousal benefit is $750. However, there are several factors that may affect how much you ultimately receive. For example, if you’re eligible for benefits based on your own earnings record then the Social Security Administration (SSA) will pay that amount first. But if you can receive a higher benefit based on your ex-spouse’s record, then you’ll receive a combination of benefits that equals the higher amount. When you begin receiving benefits will also affect the amount you receive. You can receive benefits as early as age 62, but your monthly benefit will be reduced (reduction applies whether the benefit is based on your own earnings record or on your ex-spouse’s.) This reduction is permanent. In other words, if you choose to receive reduced benefits at age 62, you will not be entitled to collect full benefits when you reach your full retirement age. If you decide to receive benefits later than your full retirement age, your benefit will increase by 8% for each year you wait past your full retirement age, up until age 70 (increase applies only if benefit is based on your own earnings record). In addition, if you work after you begin receiving benefits (before you reach your full retirement age) and your earnings exceed the annual earnings limit that applies, your Social Security benefit may be reduced. Receiving a pension based on work not covered by Social Security may also result in a benefit reduction. If you decide not to collect retirement benefits until full retirement age, you may be able to maximize your Social Security income by claiming your spousal benefit first. The option to file a restricted application for spousal benefits may be available to you if you were born on January 1, 1954 or earlier. By opting to receive your spousal benefit at full retirement age, you can delay claiming benefits based on your own earnings record (up until age 70) in order to earn delayed retirement credits. This can boost your benefit by as much as 32%. Because deciding when to begin receiving Social Security benefits is a complicated decision and may have tax consequences, consult a professional for help with your individual situation.

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HOW DOES REMARRIAGE AFFECT SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS? If your ex-spouse gets remarried and you don’t, your Social Security entitlement will be unaffected. If you remarry, you generally can’t collect benefits based on your ex-spouse’s record unless your current marriage ends. Any spousal benefits you receive will instead be based on your current spouse’s earnings record.


• You may also qualify for Social Security survivors benefits based on your ex-spouse’s earnings record if your former spouse has died. You may qualify if: • Your ex-spouse was entitled to Social Security benefits • You and your ex-spouse had been married to each other for at least 10 years before the divorce was finalized • You are age 60 or over (or are between ages 50 and 60 and are disabled) • You aren’t currently married, and • You aren’t entitled to a retirement benefit that is equal to or greater than 100 percent of your deceased spouse’s benefit Note that if you meet the above conditions, you will be entitled to full survivors benefits; that is, you will collect an amount equal to 100 percent of your former spouse’s PIA, not merely one-half. However, if you’re under full retirement age, your benefits will be reduced for each month you receive benefits under your full retirement age. Benefits at age 60 will be 71.5 percent of your former spouse’s PIA. It’s also important to note that a divorced spouse may be entitled to a mother’s or father’s benefit if caring for the dependent child (under age 16 or disabled) of his or her deceased former spouse. Typically, the amount of a mother or father’s benefit is equal to 75 percent of the deceased spouse’s PIA. Unlike a spousal benefit, it isn’t necessary for the marriage to have lasted 10 years. For more information on how divorce may affect your Social Security benefits, contact the SSA at (800) 772-1213 or visit socialsecurity.gov.

GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC


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The first step is to answer a 5-minute questionnaire that covers topics such as portfolio size, top financial goals, and what you’re willing to risk for potential gains. Then we’ll pinpoint your exact Risk Number to guide our decision-making process.

Review Your Current Investments

It turns out 4 out of 5 people have more risk in their portfolios than they previously realized. Riskalyze technology empowers us to make sure the Risk Number of your portfolio matches your personal Risk Number.

2. Aligning Your Portfolio

After pinpointing your Risk Number, we’ll craft a portfolio that aligns with your personal preferences and priorities, allowing you to feel comfortable with your expected outcomes. The resulting proposed portfolio will include projections for the potential gains and losses we should expect over time.

Stress Test Investments


Stress tests illustrate how your proposed portfolio would have fared through various market events over the past 8 years, including the 2008 financial crisis.

Review Risk & Reward Potential

We can visualize the risk and reward profile for each individual investment we propose for your portfolio. Illustrating risk, reward and diversified risk gives us a powerful tool to review before we make any final investment decisions.

3. Build Your Retirement Map

Review goals and progress and maintain an illustrated probability of success rate which enables investors to visualize whether the charted path remains on course.

Provided by

Powered by


2013-Like Bull Market The estimated performance is the likely result if this portfolio had been invested from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. During that time frame, the S&P 500 gained 32%

Calendar Year 2008 The estimated performance is the likely result if this portfolio had been invested from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008. During that time frame, the S&P 500 dropped 38%

Financial Crisis Redux The estimated performance is the likely result if this portfolio had been invested from October 15, 2007 to March 2, 2009. During that time frame, the S&P 500 dropped 53%


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+14.4% ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE JAN 1, 2013 TO DEC 31, 2013.

-15.8% ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE JAN 1, 2008 TO DEC 31, 2008.

-22.3% ESTIMATED PERFORMANCE OCT 15, 2007 TO MAR 2, 2009.

Individual Commitment to a Group Effort

10/27/16 3:20 PM

How an Interactive Display System is the Ultimate Communications Device for Businesses and Schools By Total Service, Inc.

The future is here. Today, interactive display systems are helping organizations from education and financial institutions to hospitals and any business requiring strong visual presentation and keeping meeting attendees attention through Internet, video, Microsoft®Office applications and more. Interactive display systems motivate and add collaboration. Multiple people can write on the screens at the same time. Students and business people can use laptops, tablets and smartphones to view the same content as on the board. Sharp has a line of AQUOS BOARD™ interactive display systems to enhance communication in the classroom or meeting room. One feature that many find particularly fascinating is the handwriting recognition. When you write by hand on the board, it gets automatically converted to a typed font! You can also manipulate images on the screen. When emphasizing an object, it’s more impressive to draw a circle around it than to use a laser pen. To erase, simply wipe away with your hand. Then save what’s on the screen and send it to your colleagues or students. When connected to a compatible Sharp MFP (multi-functional printer), scanned documents and color images can be shown on the display. For added convenience, image data shown onscreen, including notations, can be saved to a PC or sent directly to an MFP for printout. Sharp has many AQUOS BOARD display models to choose from, offering you the size and features needed.

Improve the way you communicate! “We did!” "We came to identifying the need for the displays in our office when we realized meetings can require extensive visuals of our clients' portfolios. It has also been extremely helpful when we bring our clients in to show them how to use and implement our new application, MyPlan.”

To learn more, visit www.totalserviceinc.com or contact us at 724-539-8824.

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A Lasting Legacy

By Jessica M. Marazza, Financial Planner, The SecondHalf Coach, Inc.


ports have always been a passion of mine. Mix in the adventure you get traveling the world, and HELLO Olympic Games!! Watching the phenomenal ability of the athletes reminds us internationally of the togetherness sports bring to the world. That always makes me proud. It also generates a wonder of what it does to the host country’s economy. Take the opening ceremonies, for example. Every host puts their own spin on it and allocates a unique budget to make the games stand out. As mandated by the Olympic committee, the host combines the formal ceremonial opening with an artistic spectacle to showcase the country’s unique culture. Jumping back to 2008, Beijing made pyrotechnics the lead exhibitor of their


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London then decided to do everything opposite of Beijing and make things light-hearted and whimsical, theming their games “Inspire a Generation”. It was the most ever watched Olympic opening by the U.K. and U.S.A. The bulk of the message centered around Britain’s industrial revolution, National Health Service, popular music and literary culture. During these games, I also remember the media edits that would cut to Buckingham Palace or Westminster Abbey prior to a commercial, which was almost a free tourist brochure for London as many admired the historic landmarks which were backdrop for these games. Not as picturesque, this year we had the Rio games, where the negative publicity leading up to the games highlighted poor living conditions for the visiting athletes and an even iller water supply. Focusing the attention to the national tribulations rather than assets as countries usually do, an analogue was used to stress the importance of environmental conservation and climate change, currently affecting their greatest ecosystem. Portions of the opening ceremony also highlighted the history of Brazil, the history of the Portuguese people, music, samba and favelas. The cost of these elaborate ceremonies varies by country. Rio equated to $12 billion, London $15 billion and Beijing topped the scale at $42 billion. While

many countries lay out budgets for their games, most blow the budgets out of the water by 167%. Demands for grander facilities, heightened security and added luxuries for visitors often expand the host country’s budget as the games draw near and the world watches from afar. But what happens when the ceremonies are over, medals are won, and the crowds go home? In the case of Beijing and London, the sports facilities are used as training facilities and tourist destinations to see what once was. In Olympics past, such as the softball field in Athens and even Atlanta’s tennis courts, some facilities are now unused property. For Rio, there are plans to repurpose several of the facilities, so they don’t become wasted space. They built everything around the concept of temporary architecture, intending to turn the Aquatic Stadium into two separate public pools and the Future Arena into four separate school buildings; a concept I’m sure we’ll see reused in future Olympic Games as the world transitions to a greener concept. As Tokyo embarks on the 2020 Olympic Games, I hope they are able to exemplify both the most repurposed facilities to date and also further showcase the power of unity the world has to offer.

Watching the phenomenal ability of the athletes reminds us internationally of the togetherness sports bring to the world. That always makes me proud.

serious and outrageous ceremony. The ceremony represented a theme around the hit song, “You and Me” by Chen Qigang and marketed the emblem Dancing Beijing which symbolized China’s invitation to the world to share in its culture. This coupled with the motto “One World, One Dream” appeared worldwide to boost Olympic spirit and awareness for building a better future for humanity.

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10/27/16 3:20 PM

Lori Gradwell, Bart Brice & Heather Delaney

Photo By: Tiffany Jackson, Jackson Signature Photography

THE DOUDS DIFFERENCE In 1947, J.L. “Red” Douds bought fruit, vegetables, and

poultry from farmers in the Plumville area and sold them at the produce market in Pittsburgh. After developing strong business relationships with the local farmers, one of them asked “Red” if he could find a wringer washing machine for him in the city. That simple request was the seed that would eventually germinate into a flourishing appliance business.

Douds Furniture opened its second location on Route 30 in Greensburg in 1994. “We were looking to expand our market area and Greensburg seemed like the right fit for us,” states Bart. Both locations offer a staff of interior designers and a variety of products that allow for a one-stop shopping experience. Customers can find examples of Harden’s solid cherry collection, and premier carpeting from Karastan. Douds makes furniture shopping easy by educating customers on all available products and offering everything that is needed to complete their interior design projects.

Just three years later, Mr. Douds built a store in Plumville and added furniture and carpet to his inventory. Additionally, Mr. Douds was interested in developing a reason for people to drive to Plumville to furnish their homes and offices. Realizing his vision, Douds became one of the first showrooms in Western Pennsylvania to offer not only top quality furniture displayed in stylish room settings, but also professional interior design services. This kind of display and personal service enabled customers to imagine and create custom looks in their own homes. This combination created a market niche for the company. Douds of Plumville became a destination and to this day continues to attract customers from all around the tri-state area.

“What most people don’t know about Douds is our ability to assist with commercial interior design projects. Our commercial design business is a huge part of what we do and we have completed for banks, car dealerships, hospitals, and other large and small businesses,” explains Bart. Lori confirms, “Our goal is to help our customers turn their dreams into reality.”

Now, in its third generation, Mr. Douds would be pleased that his grandchildren, Bart Brice, General Manager and Lori Gradwell, Head Designer, are committed to maintain his commitment to outstanding quality, genuine value, and unrivaled service. “It has been an honor to work in our family business and to continue something both our grandfather and father Tom Brice, worked so hard to build. They always wanted to offer quality merchandise, at a fair price. It is also wonderful that our younger sister, Heather Delaney, has joined our design team, concentrating mainly with customers in the greater Pittsburgh metropolitan area,” comments Lori.

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“Come see for yourself what fine stores our customers have helped us build and discover the Douds difference at Douds of Plumville and Greensburg,” Lori concluded.


Doesn’t your home deserve Douds?

PLUMVILLE 254 Main Street 724-397-5511

Greensburg Route 30 East 724-834-5182


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10/27/16 3:20 PM

INNATE FITNESS LATROBE Something for everyone!


We look to help people move with a purpose so they feel better in everyday life and activities. People feel and perform better when they move better, so we look to improve your movement while progressing you to your major goal. Anyone can benefit from one of our programs whether their goals are for weight-loss, strength, core/hip stability, flexibility, sports, corrective exercise, joint relief, feel better, and so on. PROGRAMS • Chaos Class • 1 on 1 personal training • Small group personal training (2-6 people) • Sports performance for athletes • Youth Chaos (ages 3-10) • Birthday parties


Functional exercises tend to be multi-joint, multi-muscle exercises. Instead of only moving the elbows, for example, a functional exercise might involve the elbows, shoulders, spine, hips, knees and ankles. This type of training, properly applied, can make everyday activities easier, reduce your risk of injury and improve your quality of life. Functional exercise training may be especially beneficial as part of a comprehensive program for older adults to improve balance, agility and muscle strength, and reduce the risk of falls. http://www.mayoclinic.org/functional-fitness/ART20047680?p=1

Contact us today to start moving, feeling, and performing better with Innate Fitness Latrobe!

Search: innatefitnesslatrobe.com Or find us on:


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10/27/16 3:20 PM

FALL CLEAN UP Fall is a great time for carving pumpkins, getting ready for the holidays, and of course, raking up the leaves. Cleaning up your leaves from your yard is important to its overall growth later. Having a big pile of leaves can cause damage to grass later because even though it can become chilly, the grass still needs sunlight to store energy in its roots. The more raking you can do now, the better! Try to not wait until the spring and get as much done now as possible, just to ensure the leaves do not become compacted or rotten. In preparation for winter, it is also essential to trim your trees and bushes. It can help when it’s time for the limbs to start growing again in the warmer weather. We can help with all of these necessary tasks, but if you do prepare for the winter on your own, be sure to check with your local city requirements on how to dispose of leaves and tree limbs properly!

Winter is just around the corner, and we’d love to help with your snow removal!

724-454-7034 www.shafferslandscaping.com

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10/27/16 3:20 PM

A Keystone of Democracy By Jerry Ferraro A simple white structure stands adjacent to the newly renovated Route 22 Highway between New Alexandria and Blairsville. It proudly flies Old Glory and boasts enough parking for upwards of 10 vehicles. The Simpson Voting House has served as a polling place for over 113 years. With all the hype of the 2016 presidential election, the voting house is sure to be a buzz with activity this November. Had it not been for the leadership and persistence of Evelyn Baker-Ruffing, this piece of history might have been lost forever.

In 1876, the building first appeared on the Westmoreland County atlas as a structure on the Joseph Simpson Farm. Conjectured to have been a hay barn, the structure’s deed assured its future as a polling place. In 1891, the house hosted its first ballot. On May 26th, 1900, the Simpson family sold the house to the Westmoreland County Commissioners for a cost of $25. After enduring two world wars, women’s suffrage, a great depression and 21 presidents, the house was found in 2003 abandoned and in disrepair. Having served the community for 112 continuous years, the house was abandoned as a polling place. Residents were instead redirected that year to begin voting at the New Alexandria Fireman’s Club. In 2006, the Derry Area Historical Society began a restoration process on the building under the leadership of


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retired Derry Area History teacher Bob Rankin. From the beginning, the society faced several obstacles in realizing its goal. The first major obstacle surfaced in August of 2007 with a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDot) project to widen Route 22. For the amount of one dollar, the commissioners purchased from Derry local Dale Latimer, the parcel of land on which it currently rests and established a restoration fund. After three years, the Simpson Voting House was relocated to its current site while restoration resumed.

The second obstacle came in the form of finances when in February of 2012, the county withdrew restoration funds. Under the new leadership of Evelyn Baker-Ruffing, the Derry Area Historical Society revitalized the restoration on a donation basis. That October 5th, the Simpson Voting House was awarded the coveted Derry Area Historical Society “Historic Plaque” designation. This process, initiated by Evelyn, marked their 29th structure bearing that designation. The final obstacle to restoration of the Simpson Voting House was a lack of adequate parking, handicap access and other modern amenities. With the help of volunteers and thousands of dollars in donations, in April of 2013, a railing, bumpers and a lined parking lot were installed. In a quaint ceremony on May 16, 2013, at 10:30 in the morning,

the Simpson Voting House received the designation as a “Keystone of Democracy” from the State of Pennsylvania. In attendance were Carole Aichele, Secretary of the Commonwealth; Kim Ward, State Senator; Ted Kopas and Charles Anderson, Westmoreland County Commissioners; Joe Petrarca, Pennsylvania House of Representative; Dan Rullo, Derry Township Supervisor; and Derry Area Historical Society’s driving force Evelyn Baker-Ruffing. The Simpson Voting House is only one of three known freestanding polling places in the state of Pennsylvania, and the last of its kind in Westmoreland County. Voting attendance has increased at each election since the house has been reestablished in 2013. Local residents have complimented it for its communal feel. Third and fourth generation poll workers take special pride in their unique piece of Americana. Tradition, heritage, duty and service are all alive and at work inside the four walls of the Simpson Voting House. Evelyn Baker-Ruffing has a degree in Ethnology. Having built numerous historic homes from repurposed and salvaged materials, she knew the Simpson Voting House could be rescued. Her prior projects include the Swiss Nationality room at the University of Pittsburgh and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unity Temple in Oak Park Illinois. Evelyn was awarded the “Arthur Sinclair” award from the Derry Area Historical Society for her efforts in returning the Simpson Voting House to a polling place. Jerry Ferraro is the contributing history consultant for GOAL magazine. He teaches history at Greater Latrobe High School and has over 19 years of classroom experience. He travels throughout Europe and the U.S. for both professional and personal development. He lives with his wife and daughter near Latrobe, PA.

Individual Commitment to a Group Effort

10/27/16 3:20 PM

Evaluating a Job Offer By The SecondHalf Coach Wealth Management Team If you’re considering changing jobs, you’re not alone. Today, few people stay with one employer until retirement. It’s likely that at some point during your career, you’ll be looking for a new job. You may be looking to make more money or seeking greater career opportunities. Or, you may be forced to look for new employment if your company restructures. Whatever the reason, you’ll eventually be faced with an important decision: When you receive an offer, should you take it? You can find the job that’s right for you by following a few sensible steps.

work environment. You may be getting a good salary and great benefits, but you may still be unhappy if the work environment doesn’t suit you. Try to meet the individuals you will be closely working with. It may also be helpful to find out something about the company’s key executives and to read a copy of the mission statement.


You’ve spent a lot of time and energy researching and evaluating a potential job, but the hardest part is yet to come: Now that you have received a job offer, you must decide whether to accept it. Review the information you’ve gathered. Think back to the interview, paying close attention to your feelings and intuition about the company, the position, and the people you came in contact with. Consider HOW DOES THE SALARY OFFER not only the salary and benefits you’ve been offered, but also STACK UP? the future opportunities you might expect with the company. What if the salary you’ve been offered is less than you How strong is the company financially, and is it part of a expected? First, find out how frequently you can expect growing industry? Decide if you would be happy and excited performance reviews and/or pay increases. Expect working there. If you’re having trouble making a decision, the company to increase your salary at least make a list of the pros and cons. It may soon become annually. To fully evaluate the salary being clear whether the positives outweigh the negatives, offered, compare it with the average pay Don’t overlook or vice versa. of other professionals working in the the value of same field. You can do this by talking to NEGOTIATING A BETTER OFFER others who hold similar jobs, calling a Sometimes you really want the job you’ve been recruiter (i.e., a headhunter), or doing employee offered, but you find the salary, benefits, or hours research at your local library or on the unfavorable. In this case, it’s time to negotiate. Internet. The Bureau of Labor Statistics You may be reluctant to negotiate because you is a good source for this information. fear that the company will rescind the offer or respond negatively. However, if you truly want the BONUSES AND OTHER job but find the offer unacceptable, you may as well BENEFITS negotiate for a better offer rather than walk away from a Next, ask about bonuses, commissions, and profitgreat opportunity without trying. The first step in negotiating sharing plans that can increase your total income. Find out is to tell your potential employer specifically what it is that what benefits the company offers and how much of the cost you want. State the amount of money you want or the exact you’ll bear as an employee. Don’t overlook the value of good hours you wish to work. Make it clear that if the company employee benefits. They can add the equivalent of thousands accepts your terms, you are willing and able to accept its of dollars to your base pay. Ask to look over the benefits offer immediately. package available to new employees. Also, find out what opportunities exist for you to move up in the company. This includes determining what the company’s goals are and the What happens next? It’s possible that the company type of employee that the company values. will accept your counteroffer. Or, the company may reject it, because either company policy does not allow negotiation PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL or the company is unwilling to move from its original offer. CONSEQUENCES The company may make you a second offer, typically a Will you be better off financially if you take the job? Will compromise between its first offer and your counteroffer. you work a lot of overtime, and is the scheduling somewhat In either case, the ball is back in your court. If you still can’t flexible? Must you travel extensively? Consider the related decide whether to take the job, ask for a day or two to think costs of taking the job, including the cost of transportation, about it. Take your time. Accepting a new job is a big step. new clothes, a cell phone, increased day-care expenses, and the cost of your spouse leaving his or her job if you are required to relocate. Also, take a look at the company’s


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DESTRESSING DURING A HOUSE BUILD By Inselmini Construction Company Building a house can seem like a daunting task, and for anyone who has not been through the process before, it could mean feeling a lot of stress. With the right thought process and mentality throughout the build process, you can enjoy building your dream house, almost as much as living in it. Before building a house, know what you want. Narrow down to three floor plans, along with the reasons you like them. Use the wealth of incredibly detailed sources out there to collect ideas for what you like. There are so many online sources like Pinterest, HGTV and Houzz that are well known, but don’t forget to look elsewhere (have you checked out our Houzz site yet?) Whether it’s a herringbone tile, brick archways, or specific flooring or ceiling treatment, knowing what you want will help you and your builder minimize surprises, while delivering your dream home exactly how you want it. This brings up the second tip. Be flexible. Contractors and builders know their profession well, and want nothing more than to take your plans, and turn them into something beautiful for you and your family. Any good builder will take a great amount of pride in the work they do, so if they make a recommendation, it’s not to squash your dream. Builders have to work within budgets, time frames, and environmental factors that often can change. If a problem or question comes up, be open minded and work through the issue with your builder in a way that’s agreeable to both parties. Being open minded in general will help you and your builder. Realize that you’ve signed a contract with your builder, so read that contract, all of it. Know what was stated in that contract, and as importantly, what wasn’t in the contract. Most builders won’t have any issue making changes to a plan during the build, but do realize that it will likely cost you time and money depending on how big a change you are asking for.


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Finally, let the professionals do the work. You’ve gone through a vigorous process of choosing a builder; now let them do what you are paying them to do. That doesn’t mean don’t check in with them regularly, but micromanaging your builder won’t help things get completed any faster, or cheaper for that matter. Trust your builder to build a house that will be a good reflection on them as a professional, and be a happy home for you and your family for a lifetime. Use these tips and have an enjoyable experience when it comes to building (or remodeling) your house. And if you do have a wonderful experience with your builder, don’t forget to tell others about it. The absolute best thing you can do for a builder is let them know publicly how amazing your experience was. Give them reviews online and refer them to others for builds or remodels. Word of mouth reviews are better than any billboard or portfolio out there! And don’t forget to contact Inselmini Construction Company, Inc. for your stress free home build or remodel.

Until next time... this is The Hammer Reports

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10/27/16 3:20 PM

HOW DOES MAKING BEER WORK? Making beer begins with malted grains. The malting process develops enzymes in the grain that enables the brewer to convert starches into sugars. Then, the brewer takes the malted grain and soaks it in hot water (~154 degrees


Fahrenheit). The enzymes convert the starches into sugars and the brewers remove the liquid leaving the grain behind. This liquid is transferred to another vessel and it boils for 75 minutes. This is called “wort.” At this stage, the hops are added for additional bitterness, flavor and aroma. After boiling, it is cooled down and transferred to another vessel

• • •

called a fermenter. It is at this point the yeast is added. The yeast consumes the oxygen and sugar from the word and produces Ethanol (alcohol) and carbon dioxide. After the yeast is finished, it is cooled down, carbonated and kegged.

We always have 12 beers on tap at the pub, but this fall we will be expanding to 16 taps. The name Four Seasons pays homage to Western Pennsylvania. You truly get to experience all four seasons. Our best seller for the fall season is currently the Darkside of the Pint – Oatmeal Stout and our Pumpkin Ale. We offer live music every Friday and Saturday. We regularly have food trucks on the weekends with special beer releases and bottle releases throughout the year. We got to where we are today through hard work, dedication, sacrifice and having an amazing group of employees that really believes in Four Seasons.

Feel free to stop by or call us for questions at (724) 520-4111

745 Lloyd Avenue, Ext Latrobe, PA 15650 (724) 520-4111

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HOURS: Tuesday – Thursday : 3-9PM Friday : 3-11PM Saturday : 12-11PM Sunday : 12-6PM

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RIGHT NOW, people are searching for businesses just like yours. We can help your business show up on Google the moment potential customers search for what you have to offer.

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Today, when people want a quick answer they turn to whatever device they have on hand to search on Google, explore something nearby, or learn something new on YouTube. When these moments are happening, are you there? Is your business being seen by its target audience at the right time and place? With an ad on Google, you can reach people across the web when they’re looking for the products or services you offer. This method of advertising is a great, cost-efficient method to reach your target audience because you set your budget and we do the work. We will monitor and adjust the ad as needed to get you conversions (a user taking action on your page), not just a click on your advertisement. Helping you get the best return on investment (ROI).

have made a purchase (either online or in a store) after doing a related search on their smartphones in the past 3 months.1 82% of smartphone users say they use search to find a local business. 2

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GLLV Regional Chamber Announces Award Recipients for Annual Community Service Dinner By Mike Dudurich The Greater Latrobe-Laurel Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce will host its 71st Annual Dinner & Awards Celebration October 24 at the Greensburg Ramada, recognizing outstanding individuals and businesses for their achievements over the last year. Highlighting the seven awards presented that night will be the Community Service Award to Westmoreland County Commissioner Chuck Anderson and the Chamber’s Legacy Award which will be presented to Dick Groat, one of the great twosport athletes of all-time and the owner of Champion Lakes Golf Course, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Anderson was appointed to fill out the term of Kim Ward as a commissioner in 2008 after she was elected to the state senate. He’s been there since, doing his best to serve his constituents in Westmoreland County. Prior to getting into public service, Anderson, a native of Greensburg, had a highly decorated career in the military and after flying jets of all types, rose through the ranks and retired as a Colonel in the Marine Corps. “I try every day to move this county forward, I want to make this place the very best it can be,” Anderson, 74, said. “I have an opportunity to make things happen and that’s the goal. I’m proud of the job the people here in the county do.

there bumps in the road? Absolutely and we’re working every day to smooth those out.” Groat, 86, was an eight-time All-Star shortstop. He was the National League MVP and batting champion (.325) in 1960 as he led the Pirates to a World Series title. He was also a member of the 1964 St. Louis Cardinals which won the World Series. Groat was also a two-sport star at Duke University and is the only man to be inducted into both the college basketball and baseball Halls of Fame. Groat and Pirates’ teammate Jerry Lynch founded and designed Champion Lakes, endured the considerable ups and downs of owning a golf course and made it a big part of the Ligonier Valley. “I’ve really enjoyed my 50 years here in Westmoreland County,” Groat said. “When Jerry Lynch and I came up with the idea, we decided we would build a country club and make it available to the man who couldn’t afford to belong to a country club. I’ve met some great people, some who have become my dear friends. It really has been a very unique experience and one thing for sure, 50 years sure went by in a hurry.” Groat will be presented with his award by his long-time partner on University of Pittsburgh basketball radio broadcasts, Bill Hillgrove.

“The annual Greater Latrobe Laurel Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce dinner has a long history of being one of the area’s must-go-to events,” commented Don Orlando, chair of the GLLV board and director of public relations at Saint Vincent College. “This year we have a stellar program hat promises to be another memorable evening.”

OTHER AWARD-WINNERS TO BE RECOGNIZED ARE: BOB DEMANGONE, Vice-President at Arnold Palmer Enterprises, will receive the Volunteer of the Year Award. TAYLOR KILMER, Marketing Specialist at Lesco Federal Credit Union is this year’s Ambassador of the Year recipient. ANNIE URBAN, Executive Director of Fort Ligonier, will accept the Non-Profit of the Year award. GENE MCELHANEY, owner of Total Service Inc., will accept the Small Business of the Year Award.

A NEW AWARD, THE FRED ROGERS GOOD NEIGHBOR AWARD, will be given posthumously to DOW CARNAHAN, the legendary WCNS radio personality who passed away in April. His parents will accept the award.

The Pennsylvania Attorney General was here recently and he said we’re one of the poster counties in the state. Are

GLLV president David Martin speaking at the recent Excela Square at Latrobe groundbreaking

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GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC


10/27/16 3:20 PM

When is it too cold to paint the exterior of your residence? By Andy Krinock, Krinock Painting


horter days, colder nights, and of course, Steeler games. As the season changes to fall, we begin to schedule more interior paint projects to freshen up for winter.

Although the crispness of fall is in the air, the exterior paintwork is not quite over yet. Our exterior work season has recently been extended due to the availability of built in technology in new paint products. Anything is possible during any season. If you are wavering on painting your home during a colder season, there are a few things to consider before you decide: For best results, apply paint only when the temperature doesn’t rise too high or drop too low.

1 2

If the temperature is expected to fluctuate, try using paint with moisture guard technology. It resists moisture and has a much quicker dry time.


Apply paint during the warmest part of the day. This is only true in the colder months, usually during summer we stay away from painting in direct sunlight. Instead, we try to follow the shade areas when possible. Again, during the colder months it is best to paint on the warmer side of the house when possible for quicker dry time and maximum adhesion.

4 40

If the outside temperature drops too quickly in the evening, there is a greater chance that dew will develop which can cause a huge issue; it may soak in the paint that was applied during the day. Trust me because I have made this mistake once before.

Use the correct product for the job – there are new paint products available to ensure successful results. Sherwin Williams Emerald, Superpaint and Duration offers quality results during fluctuating temperatures or moisture in the air.

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As long as evening temperatures stay above 35°, you can paint the exterior of your home. A few years back, I actually painted the exterior of an entire house during January! A word of advice from a professional is to always be sure to follow manufacturer guidelines on the paint can before application. In summary, painting the exterior of your home during fall or winter is possible as long as you use precautions and pay attention to the changing environment. For more information in regards to interior or exterior paint projects, please contact the experts at A Krinock Painting at 724.953.9660. Our reputation exceeds your expectations.

We appreciate all of our business, every season. Individual Commitment to a Group Effort

10/27/16 3:20 PM

Enjoy what the world has to offer ...Time To Travel by Tropical Sunsations, LLC’s motto



Jason Brunozzi, owner of Tropical Sunsations tanning salons and Amy Watt, Owner of Time To Travel joined together in February 2016 and created Time To Travel by Tropical Sunsations, LLC. We currently have offices in both tanning salons in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Our offices are located at 600 Cedar Street and at the Latrobe 30 Plaza off Route 30, Latrobe, Pennsylvania. We have plans on expanding to other Tropical Sunsations tanning salons in the future which will be located in Greensburg, Delmont and Murrysville, Pennsylvania.

JASON BRUNOZZI is an experienced traveler, having been to Aruba, Bahamas, Jamaica, Mexico, Costa Rica, Arizona, California and Nevada, to name a few. He has a keen sense of the finer resorts and hotels with what each resort/hotel and destination have to offer. Jason does the bookkeeper part of the business and will eventually also become a travel consultant and book packages for clients. AMY WATT is an experienced Travel Consultant, also

having been to most of the Caribbean, Mexico, Alaska, Australia, has cruised, as well as traveled domestically in the United States, including Hawaii. She has been in the travel industry as a Travel Consultant since 1989 and will do her best to find you the best price to fit your budget, will accommodate you by finding your likes and dislikes, and what fits the traveler best. She likes to inform her clients that the best part of her travels have always been meeting the locals, seeing how they live, their architecture, food, area history, their activities and the many sights there is to see in this world!


OFF-SEASON is the most economical time to travel. Example: The Caribbean and Mexico are most economical during hurricane season, which begins around the end of August to Mid-December. Thanksgiving is not a part of the off-season. Australia’s season are opposite ours in North America, which makes it a good option as well. DESTINATION WEDDINGS are becoming the most popular way to say “I DO”. From a small intimate wedding to the most extravagant, every detail from the flowers, time of day, your wedding spot, the photographer, to a candlelit dinner is taken care of for you. To relieve a lot of stress in planning your wedding, why not leave the details to the wedding planners? Now you can sit back and enjoy your special day!

GROUP TRAVEL whether the groups are small, around 10 people, to large groups of 20 or more, there are discounts to be found! Most packages for smaller groups give discounts off the land/hotel portion; for larger groups, they are able to receive discounts off air and land combined. To be sure space is available for your group, large or small, plan well in advance or your trip.

Time To Travel by Tropical Sunsations, LLC is a full-service travel agency that does not just provide vacations to the Caribbean and Mexico, but also has the ability and expertise to provide Escorted trips to Europe, European River Cruises, Individual Travel to fit the traveler’s needs, as well as Rail, Cruises and Specialty Travel to the Tahitian Islands and as far away as Asia. We are here to help you set up the vacation of your dreams.

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GOAL: A Publication of Go2Goal, LLC


10/27/16 3:20 PM

Quarterly Market Review: July-September 2016 The Markets (as of market close September 30, 2016)

The second quarter provided a bumpy ride for investors. Following the upheaval caused by the Brexit vote in June, July kicked off the third quarter by ending the month in favorable fashion, as each of the indexes listed here posted month-to-month gains, led by the Russell 2000 (5.90%) and the Nasdaq (6.60%). Stocks held their own for July, despite falling energy shares, as crude oil prices (WTI) sank from around $49 per barrel to under $42 by the close of July. As money moved into equities, bond yields remained on the low side as the yield on 10-year Treasuries remained below 1.60%, closing July at just about where it started at 1.45%. The dog days of summer saw light trading in August, but that didn’t stop the markets from moving sharply. By the middle of the month, the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq had surged to all-time highs — the first time since 1999 that all three indexes reached a new high at the same time. Yet by the end of August, each of the indexes listed here saw their values fall back to about where they were at the beginning of the month. The large-cap Dow and S&P 500 fell ever so slightly from July’s closing values, while the Russell 2000 and Global 42

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Dow posted modest gains for the month. Crude oil fell below $40 per barrel during the month, but rebounded to close the month at about $45 per barrel. Bond prices fell as the yield on 10-year Treasuries reached 1.60%. For the month, September ended about where it began for equities. Of the indexes listed here, there was relatively little movement during the month, except for the Russell 2000 and the Nasdaq, each of which posted gains for the month close to or over 1.0%. Overall, the third quarter proved to be a good month for stocks as the indexes listed here posted notable gains, led by Nasdaq, the Russell 2000, and the Global Dow. Long-term bond yields measured by 10-year Treasuries hovered around 1.60% for September, closing the month and quarter at 1.59% — just about where they ended the second quarter. Gold lost value, closing the second quarter at $1,318.80, down from its June closing value of 1,324.90. Crude oil (WTI) ended the second quarter at about $48.59 per barrel, just about the same price it ended the third quarter ($48.05). Individual Commitment to a Group Effort

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($48.05). Market/Index

2015 Close

As of September 30

Month Change Quarter Change

YTD Change













S&P 500






Russell 2000






Global Dow






Fed. Funds



0 bps

0 bps

0 bps

10-year Treasuries



1 bps

-20 bps

-67 bps

Chart reflects price changes, not total return. Because it does not include dividends or splits, it should not be used to benchmark performance of specific investments.

MONTHLY ECONOMIC NEWS EMPLOYMENT: The employment sector slowed a bit in August, but remained steady with 151,000 new jobs added for the month, compared to 275,000 new jobs added in July. The unemployment rate remained at 4.9% in August — the same as July. There were 7.8 million unemployed persons. Both the unemployment rate and the number of unemployed persons have shown little movement. Interestingly, the unemployment rate for adult men and adult women was the same — 4.5%. The labor force participation rate remained at 62.8% as did the employment/population ratio, which was 59.7%. According to the latest figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average workweek decreased by 0.1 hour to 34.3 hours, while average hourly earnings rose to $25.73 compared to $25.59 at the end of July. FOMC/INTEREST RATES: The Fed did not raise interest rates in September, keeping the federal funds target rate at the 0.25%-0.50% range. Following its September meeting, The FOMC’s Chair Janet Yellen noted that while a case for a rate increase has strengthened based on overall economic strengthening, consumer price inflation continues to run at a rate that is under the Committee’s target of 2.0% and labor market slack is being taken up at a somewhat slower pace than in previous years. Nevertheless, it appears more likely that the Fed will increase rates by the end of the year. OIL: The price of crude oil (WTI) fluctuated some during September, hovering between $43 and $45 per barrel, finally settling at $48.05 per barrel by the end of the month. The national average retail regular gasoline price was $2.224 on September 26, down from the August 29 selling price of $2.237. GDP/BUDGET: The U.S. economy is expanding, but at a slow pace. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the final estimate of the second quarter 2016 gross domestic product grew at an annualized rate of 1.4%, compared to the first quarter, which grew at an annual rate of 0.8%. The primary positives driving the upward movement of the GDP were nonresidential (e.g., business) fixed investment, private inventory investment, and exports. An indicator of inflationary trends, the price index for gross domestic purchases increased 2.1% in the second quarter, compared to an increase of 0.2% in the first quarter. As to the government’s budget, the federal deficit for August was $107

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KEY DATES/DATA RELEASES 10/3: 10/5: 10/7: 10/12: 10/13: 10/14: 10/17: 10/18: 10/19: 10/20: 10/26: 10/27: 10/31:

PMI Manufacturing Index, ISM Manufacturing Index International trade Employment situation JOLTS Treasury budget Producer Price Index, retail sales Industrial production Consumer Price Index Housing starts Existing home sales International trade in goods, new home sales Durable goods orders 10/28: GDP Personal income and outlays

billion, as total receipts came in at about $231 billion and total outlays were $338 billion. The deficit at the end of July was about $113 billion. Through the first 10 months of the fiscal year, the deficit sits at $620.8 billion, compared to $530 billion over the same period last year. The government’s fiscal year ends in October. INFLATION/CONSUMER SPENDING: Inflation slowed in August as consumer income and spending increased only marginally. Personal income (pretax earnings) and disposable personal income (income less taxes) each rose 0.2%, while personal spending, as measured by personal consumption expenditures, gained less than 0.1%. Core personal consumption expenditures (personal spending excluding volatile food and energy costs) rose 0.2% in August, following a 0.1% monthly increase in July. The price index increased 0.2% for the month, and is up 1.0% year-over-year. The Producer Price Index, which measures the prices companies receive for goods and services, was unchanged in August from July, when prices fell 0.4%. Excluding food, trade services, and energy, prices crept up 0.3% for the month. For the 12 months ended in August, the index for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services moved up 1.2%, the largest increase since climbing 1.3% for the 12 months ended December 2014. The index for final demand services edged up 0.1% in August following a 0.3% decline in July. The Consumer Price Index, which measures what consumers pay for both goods and services, increased 0.2% in August. Over the last 12 months, the CPI has risen 1.1%. The index less food and energy increased 0.3%.

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HOUSING: The housing market definitely slowed in August. Higher home prices and a lack of available homes for sale are the main reasons given for the drop in the housing sector. Existing home sales fell 0.9% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.33 billion, down from July’s downwardly revised annual rate of 5.38 billion, according to the National Association of Realtors®. However, existing home sales are slightly ahead of last year’s rate of 5.29 billion. The median sales price for existing homes was $240,200 — up 5.1% from August 2015. Total housing inventory at the end of August fell 3.3% to 2.04 million existing homes available for sale, and is now 10.1% lower than a year ago (2.27 million) and has declined year-over-year for 15 straight months. The Census Bureau’s latest report reveals a fall in new home sales as well. Sales of new single-family homes fell 7.6% in August to an annual rate of 609,000 — down from July’s rate of 659,000. The median sales price of new houses sold in August was $284,000, while the average sales price was $353,600. Available inventory of new homes for sale did expand slightly from July. The seasonally adjusted estimate of new houses for sale at the end of August was 235,000. This represents a supply of 4.6 months at the current sales rate, which is up from 231,000 homes available (supply of 4.2 months) in July.

of England are expected, including further interest rate decreases.

MANUFACTURING: One of the reasons the Fed has held off on raising interest rates is the continued weakness in the manufacturing and industrial production sectors. The Federal Reserve’s monthly index of industrial production (which includes factories, mines, and utilities) fell 0.4% in August after rising 0.6% in July. Manufacturing output also declined 0.4% for the month. At 104.4% of its 2012 average, total industrial production in August was 1.1% lower than its year-earlier level. Capacity utilization for the industrial sector decreased 0.4 percentage point in August to 75.5%, a rate that is 4.5 percentage points below its long-run (1972-2015) average. The latest report from the Census Bureau shows new orders for all durable goods (expected to last at least three years) fell $0.1 billion in August from the prior month. Excluding the volatile transportation segment, new orders fell a disappointing 0.4%. Orders for capital goods dropped 4.4%, while shipments fell 0.4%.

Data sources: Economic: Based on data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (unemployment, inflation); U.S. Department of Commerce (GDP, corporate profits, retail sales, housing); S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Index (home prices); Institute for Supply Management (manufacturing/services). Performance: Based on data reported in WSJ Market Data Center (indexes); U.S. Treasury (Treasury yields); U.S. Energy Information Administration/Bloomberg.com Market Data (oil spot price, WTI Cushing, OK); www.goldprice.org (spot gold/silver); Oanda/FX Street (currency exchange rates). News items are based on reports from multiple commonly available international news sources (i.e. wire services) and are independently verified when necessary with secondary sources such as government agencies, corporate press releases, or trade organizations. All information is based on sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or guarantee is made as to its accuracy or completeness. Neither the information nor any opinion expressed herein constitutes a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any securities, and should not be relied on as financial advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. All investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal, and there can be no guarantee that any investing strategy will be successful.

IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: The advance report on international trade in goods revealed that the trade gap narrowed by 0.6% in August. The overall trade deficit was $58.4 billion in August, down $0.4 billion from July. Exports rose 0.7% to $124.6 billion, $0.9 billion more than July exports. Imports jumped 0.3% to $183.0 billion, $0.5 billion more than July imports. The prices for U.S. imports (goods purchased here but produced abroad) fell for the first time since February, primarily driven by lower fuel prices. August imports sank 0.2% following a 0.1% gain in July. The prices for exports declined 0.8% following four consecutive months of increases. Year-on-year, import prices are down 2.2% and export prices have fallen 2.4%. International markets: According to the World Trade Organization, world trade will grow more slowly than expected in 2016, expanding by just 1.7%, well below the April forecast of 2.8%. With expected global GDP growth of 2.2% in 2016, this year would mark the slowest pace of trade and output growth since the financial crisis of 2009. The WTO warned that long-term economic growth could be weakened if growing antiglobalization continues to slow trade. The Bank of Japan maintained its stimulus policy, hoping to rally equities and spur inflation. Great Britain is still trying to stem its economic slowdown following voters’ decision to leave the European Union. More stimulus measures from the Bank 44

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CONSUMER SENTIMENT: Despite several weakening economic indicators, consumer confidence gained some momentum in August. The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index® for August rose 4.5 points to 101.1. On the other hand, the Surveys of Consumers of the University of Michigan Index of Consumer Sentiment dipped from 90.4 in July to 89.8 in August.

EYE ON THE MONTH AHEAD Volatility best described the U.S. stock market over this past summer. However, September saw some positive gains overall in equities as the employment sector and consumer spending were positive developments as was news that the Fed would not be raising interest rates during the month. The FOMC doesn’t meet in October, so changing interest rates are not an issue. However, October is particularly important as economic trends for the month will influence the course of action taken by the Fed when it meets again in November.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a price-weighted index composed of 30 widely traded blue-chip U.S. common stocks. The S&P 500 is a market-cap weighted index composed of the common stocks of 500 leading companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy. The NASDAQ Composite Index is a market-value weighted index of all common stocks listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. The Russell 2000 is a market-cap weighted index composed of 2,000 U.S. small-cap common stocks. The Global Dow is an equally weighted index of 150 widely traded blue-chip common stocks worldwide. The U.S. Dollar Index is a geometrically weighted index of the value of the U.S. dollar relative to six foreign currencies. Market indices listed are unmanaged and are not available for direct investment.

Disclosure applicable to The SecondHalf Coach, Inc: Securities and advisory services offered through SagePoint Financial, Inc. member FINRA/SIPC. Insurance services offered through The SecondHalf Coach, Inc. which is not affiliated with SagePoint Financial, Inc. SecondHalf Coach and SagePoint Financial, Inc., are not affiliated with any third party entities, sponsors or contributors included in this publication. 2519 Ligonier Street, P.O. Box 421, Latrobe, PA 15650. 724-537-2799.

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10/27/16 3:20 PM


The Carriage House on Slope Hill Your Your Home Home Away Away From From Home Home Do you have friends or family visiting and there’s no room in your house? Or maybe someone you know is coming to town for a family reunion, wedding or class reunion? The Carriage House on Slope Hill sleeps six, has a fully equipped kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a dining room and a living room.

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There’s cable TV, a playhouse, swing set and a trampoline to entertain the little ones. Relax on the patio and enjoy the gardens. Call 724-244-5457 or visit booking.com to reserve your dates. 4182 Slope Hill Road Mount Pleasant, PA 15666

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P.O. Box 304, Latrobe, Pa 15650 412-995-8826 go2goalus.com

Content provided in GOAL Magazine is for educational, informational, and promotional purposes only. GOAL Magazine does not render professional advice. Recommendations expressed in articles have not been independently tested. Articles contained in GOAL Magazine reflect the perspective and advice of their authors, not necessarily the magazine's publisher.


To innovatively reveal to readers the power of being diversely informed and doing so with style, class, and authenticity.



Promote entrepreneurial spirit while enriching minds with meaningful and thought provoking information through an eclectic and collaborative effort of local professionals.


Individual Commitment to a Group Effort was chosen as our motto to reinforce the commitment all the contributors have collectively made to bring this magazine and its purpose to life.

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Authenticity is defined as being real or genuine, true and accurate and worthy of acceptance and belief while remaining true to one’s own personality, spirit, talent, and character. The intention of GOAL Magazine, first and foremost, is to be considered a valuable ambassador of information you can trust.


Collaboration is defined as the willingness to work, one with another; to cooperate and connect in order to achieve a desired result. The value of GOAL Magazine is in the eclectic content provided without compensation by some of the most respected and well-known professionals in their fields, while effectively connecting readers to one all-encompassing fountain of local knowledge.


Enrichment is defined as the result of being supplied with an abundance of anything desirable; to add significance or value; to make finer in quality. GOAL Magazine was created with the intention of breathing life into the desire of information and recognition of the value of expertise within their communities.

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