GMP+ International Annual Report 2022

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Safe & Sustainable

Annual report 2022



Joris de Gooijer - Marketing & Communication GMP+ International Richard Doughty - Doughty Consultancy


Thijs Ruijgrok - Studio Ruig


Adriaan Verhoeven, Der Fotograf Gerald Schmidt, Shutterstock, Pexels


This publication was established for the purpose of providing information to interested parties with respect to GMP+-standards. The publication will be updated regularly. GMP+ International B.V. is not liable for any inaccuracies in this publication.

© GMP+ International B.V.

All rights reserved. The information in this publication may be consulted on the screen, downloaded and printed as long as this is done for your own, non-commercial use. For other desired uses, prior written permission should be obtained from the GMP+ International B.V.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
3 Introduction 4 2022 in numbers 6 Spotlight: 30 years of GMP 8 Organisation Overview 12 Vision & Mission Core values Governance Corporate objectives Business strategy Spotlight: Global Feed Safety Summit 2022 26 Department highlights 30 Department highlight: Scheme & Customer Services Department highlight: Marketing & Communication Department highlight: Business Development Department highlight: Business Operations Department highlight: Human Resources/Works Council Spotlight: GMP+ Academy 44 GMP+ Community 58 GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (FSA) certified companies GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance (FRA) certified companies Strategic partners Certification Bodies Mutual Recognition International Expert Committee (IEC) GMP+ Registered Consultants Financial results 62

A safe and sustainable community

Welcome to our 2022 annual report.

This year we celebrated 30 years as a community. For three decades feed safety has always been at our heart, and in that time the number of contamination incidents has significantly dropped, the potential for contamination to spread through the system is much lower, and this practice is spreading around the world. This work is never done, but we are proud to have played a leading role in this significant change.

A ‘forward-looking’ summit As we look to the next thirty years, we have to also think about sustainability. This is not a choice - we will never compromise feed safety, but our GMP+ Community is supporting and demanding us to not just facilitate, but to also take initiative. We will be building on our existing responsibility standards, and looking at what role we can play in supporting our industry.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
Watch the video

We already knew that sustainability was becoming an important topic for our GMP+ Community even before we hosted the first major event in the feed sector since the pandemic. At the Global Feed Safety Summit in Berlin our community’s commitment and concern breathed new energy into this topic.

Over three days we developed the agenda for future-proofing our sector. It was truly a special event, which one of our speakers described as ‘the most forward-looking conference’ they had attended in a decade.

Our work goes on The GMP+ International team has been working hard this past year, implementing our new market strategy with the focus on eastern and southern Europe. We kept building on the GMP+ Academy, and continuously working on feed safety worldwide.

I want to truly thank both our team, and our GMP+ Community. Not just for the hard work in 2022, the creativity and determination you showed through the pandemic, but also for the past 30 years. We have shown that together we can achieve amazing things.

Rijswijk, the Netherlands, April 2023
Roland van
Post Managing Director
‘We are proud to have played a leading role in this significant change’

32 GMP+ accepted Certification Bodies

362 GMP+ accepted auditors

65 Feed & Food strategic chain partnerships


89 Countries with GMP+ FSA certified companies

500+ certificates

101 to 500 certificates

< 100 certificates No certificates



Resolved GMP+ Helpdesk cases Notifications received on our Early Warning System (EWS) EWS Warnings published

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022 2022 in numbers


GMP+ FSA Certified companies as of December 31, 2022 900 GMP+ FRA Certified companies as of December 31, 2022

30 years of GMP

For three decades we have been committed to ensuring that the animal feed industry produces safe and sustainable products. We’ve come a long way since our inception in the Netherlands in 1992, and we’re now a global community of over 19,000 certified companies in 89 countries.

GMP+ International was founded following a number of animal feed contaminations. Since then, our efforts have been dedicated to promoting best practices in the animal feed industry, and increasingly now towards sustainability.

1980s - 90s

Several feed contaminations, including Salmonella, heavy metals, carry-over of anticoccidiostats. BSE is found in the UK.


Good Manufacturing Practices code founded in the Netherlands by Board of Productschap Diervoeder (PDV).


Production of premixtures and compound feed.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022 | First GMP certificates issued | | | Spotlight: 30 years of GMP+ FSA
| | !



GMP incorporates the first ISO 9001 requirements.

Scope extended: Trade, storage and transshipment.



Dioxin contaminations in Brazil, Belgium, and kaolinite. First BSE case in the Netherlands.

Scope extended: Laboratories through ‘Labcode’.


GMP becomes GMP+.

Scope extended: Road transport & production of feed ingredients.

9 | Laboratory managers with GMP Certificates | | |
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1992-3 Large BSE outbreak in UK.
The first Traders with GMP certificates |

Although contamination incidents can never be completely ruled out, the sector has been spared major incidents for the past 15 years. Partly thanks to the incorporation of HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control points) into the scheme, feed companies are working more proactively than ever before. If contaminations do take place, thanks to the Early Warning System, they are quickly detected and nipped in the bud.

As GMP+ International celebrates its 30th anniversary, we reflect on the tremendous progress that has been made in animal feed safety and sustainability. But there is still much work to be done. With continued dedication and collaboration, we can ensure that animal feed remains safe for generations to come.

Start of (full) Third-Party Certification.


Illegal steroid hormones (MPA) found in sugar water, and Dioxin contamination in potato stem peels.

Scope extended: inland waterway transport.

GMP+ Feed Certification scheme launched.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2016
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Redesign the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. 2010 GMP+ becomes GMP+ International.
2005-6 Introduction
2014 Spotlight: 30 years of GMP+ FSA
Redesign GMP+ scheme.
of the
Roland van der Post Managing Director
| | | | | |
‘We are enormously proud of what we have achieved as a sector over the past 30 years.’
2017 Rebranding GMP+ International Global Feed Safety Summit held in Berlin. 2022 2020 GMP+ Feed Certification scheme updated. COVID-19 Pandemic changes how GMP+ International and the community operate.
2021 GMP+ Academy launched.

Organisation Overview


Everyone in the world should have access to safe food. Therefore every company in the animal feed chain should be committed to safe feed.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022 Vision & mission


We deploy a certification scheme that facilitates companies to contribute to safe feed. To keep our scheme and community up to date we gather and share worldwide valuable information regarding feed safety assurance.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022 Core values

Core values

As we strive to realise our vision and mission, we adhere to our core values. They guide our decision-making process and collaboration with stakeholders.

Thought Leadership

As an international platform, we are in a unique position for the whole feed supply chain. We feel the moral obligation to inspire our community through innovative ideas. We turn ideas into reality towards Feed Safety Worldwide.

Market Focus

Our drive is to facilitate our customers to provide Feed Safety Worldwide. By nature we are curious to understand the needs of our customers in this mission. So we can align our approach effectively.


Our passion is Feed Safety Worldwide. We believe we can achieve this by acting in a way that makes sense and is realistic in daily practice.


We can achieve the best results in the whole chain by working together both in and with our community in weighing the various interests towards Feed Safety Worldwide.



GMP+ International is an independent not for profit organisation, and registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (registration no. 27364542) as a private company with limited liability under Dutch law (B.V.). This legal form enables us to operate independently and in cooperation with partners around the world.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022

The mandate for the management of the organisation is laid down in our Articles of Association.

• Our shareholder is the GMP+ International Foundation; ten Dutch trade associations representing the whole feed chain.

• The chairman and secretary of GMP+ International Foundation compose the General Shareholders Meeting.

• Our Supervisory Board consists of three persons. It serves as a sounding board and advises the Management Board.

• Our Managing Director is the board of the organisation and authorised for final decision making in accordance with Dutch law.

• Our staff includes our Management Board (GMP+ International’s Managing Director and Commercial Director), who are supported by 35 employees in several teams and a number of external service providers.

• The International Expert Committee advises Management on the FSA and FRA scheme, the requirements for certification bodies, and mutual recognitions.

International Expert Comittee Animal Feed Supervisory board General Meeting of Shareholders Foundation GMP+ International Shareholders GMP+ International Managing Director Staff Partners Animal Feed

Corporate objectives

For 2022 we continued to work in accordance with the corporate strategic objectives established in 2017, and our 2018-2023 roadmap. Extra emphasis was placed on the market approach.

Corporate objectives for 2022

Systematic market approach

Optimising services & products according to customer needs

Anchoring GMP+ certification in the feed & food chain

We also began developing our Objectives, Goals, Strategies, and Measures for 2023-2025, which will serve as our new corporate objectives for next year.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022 Corporate objectives

Business strategy

Our Strategic Business Plan 2019-2023 formed the basis of our 2022 Annual Plan. 2022 is in practice the final year of our current strategy. By focusing on five main areas, we worked in an efficient way to realise the following achievements:

Market & customers

Certification Scheme

Expanded capacity by collaborating with more Registered Consultants and Certification Bodies, as well as our National Representatives in Spain and Italy.

Expanded our network of Task Forces to connect stakeholders and support them to implement the GMP+ FC scheme in their unique setting.

Increased the number of feed and food partners.

Expanded GMP+ Academy’s community and offering.

Organised regional webinars to offer support.

Increased focus on customer needs to improve services.

Started our Feed Support Products improvement strategic programme.

Optimised the Certification Body support program to offer local support.

Promoted Registered Services to provide practical third-party tools to our community.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
Corporate objectives

Anchoring GMP+ in the feed and food chain

Harmonised feed safety procedures with other feed safety schemes.

Increased involvement of chain partners in the GMP+ International program/events.


Merged the Business Operation team to improve work processes.

Filled open vacancies to secure operational continuity.

To contribute towards being a good employer we conducted a benchmarking exercise for our working conditions and salaries.

Trained Works Council to improve HR knowledge and skills.

Progressed positioning BIM function throughout the organisation to improve processes.

Optimised and automated (pre-)audit accounting process of Finance.

Integrated DYN365 to ensure future business and marketing opportunities.

Started data quality, validation, enrichment and data cleaning project.

‘We adapted our market strategy from 2022 onwards to combine efforts and maximise impact in our focus countries. Feed safety awareness is strong in Europe, so with this renewed market focus we are working towards long-term investments in these countries. In addition to our European market strategy, we also identified markets with the most potential in Asia and Latin America, and ensured they are part of our ongoing development and investment strategy.’


‘GMP+ International stands with companies, not above them. That’s what I like most about them.’

‘ As a complete and detailed certification scheme, GMP+ really contributes the development of a feed/food culture within our company.’

Maria Reyes Gutierrez Martin Nutrition - Spain
Marco Sigola Cereal Docks Group - Italy

certification contributes to feed/food safety

Global Feed Safety Summit 2022

How do we feed 10 billion people in 2050? How can we give a push to the sustainability transition as a sector? These were among the big questions at the 3-day 2022 Global Feed Safety Summit in Berlin.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022 New GMP+ International office


The 180 participants at the Global Feed Safety Summit were surveyed to ask which challenge they felt will have the highest impact on the feed industry;


Foster a feed safety culture: focus on people and behaviour.

Define shared definitions and objectives on sustainability.

Increase the use of alternative proteins in feed production.

Invest in the next generation, the future of feed and food safety.

Reduce food waste and transition to circular feed & food production.

Embrace new technologies like remote auditing and blockchain for feed safety and sustainability.

Accelerate our fight against antimicrobial resistance.

Share feed safety knowledge within the worldwide feed industry, like the GMP+ Academy does.

8 takeaways from the summit:
1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8
Climate change 42% Growing population 24% Legislation 16% Feed Safety Culture 10%

GMP+ International is actively working on 3 key actions:

Together with GFLI, we are looking at ways to verify sustainability claims.

Promoting and expanding our antimicrobial resistance scheme standards to vulnerable regions.

Together with Covantis, we are exploring blockchain options for elements of feed safety.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022 New GMP+ International office
1 2 3
Watch the video

At the summit, GMP+ International’s founder Johan den Hartog was appointed Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau, a Royal decoration for people who have rendered outstanding service to Dutch society.


Department hightlights

Updates from GMP+ International’s team on what they’ve been up to in 2022.

The Scheme & Customer Services team looks after GMP+ International’s certification scheme and supporting services. This includes our standards which are regularly updated based on new insights on feed safety management, as well as customer services like our GMP+ Helpdesk and Feed Support Products.

What have you done this year to develop our standards that look at sustainability?

‘ Our Feed Responsibility Assurance (GMP+ FRA) standards will help companies to look at their work processes and the environment. We looked into how we can act towards new developments that influence sustainability and responsibility. As we develop this module further we want to be an inspiring partner, and play a leading role in finding market opportunities and bringing partners together, so great ideas can be applied in practice.’

‘ Absolutely, and this meant we also took the time to find the right people. Our team is passionate about safe and responsible feed, and we now have two colleagues specialising in GMP+ FRA. This is an investment, and a great first step in laying the foundations for our future sustainability work. We want to make GMP+ FRA as important to our community as our GMP+ FSA standards, so we become a one-stop-shop for companies throughout the value chain who want to take safety and sustainability seriously.’

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
Department highlights
‘We are becoming a more inspiring partner by listening to our customers.’
Scheme & Customer Services

Alongside sustainability, what else have you been doing to help the GMP+ Community?

‘ This year we continued an improvement programme for customer services. We listened to our customers through interviews, customer journey sessions, Task Force discussions, and the GMP+ Helpdesk - and we heard that our customers appreciate and value our products, as well as helping us improve them based on their needs. One important request from our customers was to replace and update our Feed Support and GMP+ Monitoring databases. We have begun this process that ultimately will make our databases more user-friendly, accessible, and give participants more control over their data. In the meantime, we updated our support documents, and made some instruction videos for the databases so users can still make the most of them.’

‘ We also developed a tool to help Certification Bodies calculate how much time is needed to conduct an audit, and launched the feed legislation website to provide easy access and monthly updates on Dutch and EU legislation. We’re delighted that both of these are showing early positive signs.’

‘ We also wanted to give quicker and better answers through our GMP+ Helpdesk. We were able to improve our response times so now almost two-thirds of GMP+ Helpdesk queries are being answered in less than 24 hours. But we also invested in improving our team’s knowledge, so the quality of service has also improved. We’re happy to say that our customers have noticed, and they appreciate the support on offer.’

33 more listening
Remco Els Els Remco Veelenturf Team manager - Scheme & Customer Services Els Boon Team manager - Scheme & Customer Services

Marketing & Communication ensures communications are aligned with GMP+ International’s objectives and meet the needs of our stakeholders. They develop and implement marketing & communication strategies, and support the wider team to communicate with our community.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
‘Making it easy for our customersadding value, and making ‘customerdriven’ a reality.’
Marketing & Communication
Department highlights

What interaction with the GMP+ Community was the highlight this year?

‘ In addition to our regular internal and external communications activities, we were very proud to make the Global Feed Safety Summit happen. Events like that are a huge undertaking for the team, not just logistically, but also for all the communications surrounding it. We especially wanted to make the event interactive, for both the programme and the attendees so they could connect with one another. Feedback from the attendees showed that they valued the networking opportunities. The summit enabled us to set the strategic agenda for the coming years together.’

Which activities in 2022 do you think will have the most lasting benefit?

‘ We have a project to optimise our customer services. We held three sessions with different representative groups of customers to talk directly about their experiences with our services - we call that customer journey mapping. Together with all our other surveys, this gave us a more objective overview of our customer segments and their different needs. This is part of our overall commitment to be customer-driven, so we remain relevant and continue to add value. Lots of actions came from these sessions, and I look forward to sharing more in the near future.’

What other highlights do you have from 2022?

‘ We worked this year to update our corporate communications means. It’s important for us that we align our identity and image, so what our community sees is reflective of who we are and what they can expect from us. We put in place plans to update our website and imagery, and looked at ways we can communicate more simply and effectively.

Also, as GMP+ International took on the website, we wanted to ensure that it kept adding value to our community. As well as refreshing the website and making it easier to use, we also conducted a survey of website users and non-users. We learned that they believe it has real value, that we should continue this service, and that the feed legislation newsletter is also well received and seen more subscribers.’

Marjon Marjon Marjon

‘Together we do better, and go further.’

The Business Development team analyses market needs, promotes feed safety awareness, and finds opportunities to expand the GMP+ Feed Certification Scheme. They often represent the organisation internationally.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
Department highlights
Business Development

How has GMP+’s market approach changed in 2022?

‘ We slightly adjusted our market strategy this year to focus on countries where we see strong growth potential. Feed safety awareness is strong in Europe, so in addition to sustaining our core market of the Netherlands and Germany, we are focusing on growth in Europe, particularly around the Danube region and Southwest Europe. We started to develop and strengthen our external support and connection with leading companies, certification bodies, consultants, and associations. We will also stay connected with other key markets in Asia and Latin America. We are optimistic with this new direction as we retain our consolidate, grow and build strategies that we initiated 5 years ago.

So how do our partner organisations fit into our business plans?

‘ Our partners are our ambassadors, and over our 30 year journey in feed safety management we have been supported by many associations around the globe. Every year, we increase the number of our strategic chain partners and partnerships in programs we initiate to support our community, and we are happy that our efforts over the last few years have had positive developments. In 2022, we welcomed our new strategic chain partners, registered consultants, registered services partners and GMP+ Academy partners from Europe, Asia and Latin America including Feed Ingredients & Premix Association of Asia (FIPAA). But more important to us than quantity is quality, and we are proud that our partners are committed to serve the interest of our GMP+ Community globally.

And how have the Task Forces been doing this year?

‘ Our Task Forces connect stakeholders in specific countries/regions to share issues, ideas, and cases that will support us to help companies implement the GMP+ feed safety schemes. This year we formed an additional Task Force group for the Danube region (Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia). Alongside our existing Task Forces in Spain, Italy, Poland, and Brazil, we now have more than 80 volunteers (and growing), who have addressed more than 30 topics relating to transport, monitoring, purchasing, certification, and other matters. We will be sharing their reflections with our wider community via our website. Our Task Force members all give their time and expertise for the benefit of the community, so I want to sincerely thank them all.

Bram Bram Bram Bram

‘Forming the team to support the team.’

The Business Operations team provides IT, HR operations, Office & Facilities management, Finance and Support for the whole organisation.

Your team is quite young. Do you feel you are making an impact?

‘Before we had four smaller teams; Support, Finance, Business Information Management, and Office Management. In 2021 we decided to merge these teams into one. I am so proud of our team, especially the progress we made into becoming one team. Not only for ourselves, but also for our colleagues and community.

Together we have already delivered big changes to our database systems, forged stronger relationships with key external suppliers, and launched two apps to support our functions internally; a time-sheet application, and a new payment system that has benefitted both our staff and auditors. We also improved our accounting processes to make them more efficient and effective - for which we were complimented by our Supervisory Board.

What did you do this year to support the GMP+ Community?

‘We launched the Feed Legislation website. We are delighted at how positively has been received. This website provides valuable information about legislation relating to animal feed. We were able to build on FND-Nevedi’s foundations, and build a functional, clean and simple website that has grown rapidly and exceeded our expectations.

Did you start any big projects this year that will help our companies?

‘We took our first steps towards updating our Feed Support database. We know a lot of our companies rely on that system, but we also know that it is technically outdated and beginning to show its age. This year we got the ball rolling on a huge renewal for this application, as well as our portal and corporate website. After implementing these new applications, planned for the beginning of 2024, we know this will give users an improved experience in unlocking the data they need in a relevant way. Watch this space!

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
Department highlights
Martin Martin
Martin van den Bedum Team Manager, Business Operation
Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022 Human Resources
Department highlights
‘The team worked together to find a new normal.’

The Human Resources team aligns GMP+ International’s workforce with its mission and core values. Our HR strategy, including working conditions and employment contracts, is integral to achieving our strategic goals.

What did 2022 mean for the GMP+ team?

‘ We had a lot of new team members last year - partly to anticipate for the future, and partly to secure relevant skills and experience. Though mostly this is so we can continuously innovate and improve our services, including as we look to meet market demand for support around sustainability. And, like everyone else, 2022 meant transitioning to a new normal after the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team organically, creatively, and collaboratively found this new normal.

Do you think GMP+ is an attractive place to work?

‘ I strongly believe that a satisfied team is crucial to satisfied customers - that isn’t just about an employee being happy with their work, it’s about feeling excited by the mission of the organisation. Things like salary and labour conditions are also relevant, and our accountant independently confirmed this year that we are still aligned with our employment market. Equally important though is how we cooperate and find inspiration in our daily work.

How have you done that this year?

‘ We’re not a large company, so looking after each other is all the more important. We want to support our colleagues’ vitality in the broadest sense of the word so they can be healthy, happy, and helpful to our community. Together with our Works Council we revitalised our Vitality Policy, which covers everything from a good balance between professional and personal lives, to how we work at our desks. But it isn’t just words; we provided health checks for the whole team, and have a budget for healthy choices like gym memberships or activities.

41 Roland
Roland Roland

Our Works Council

‘The Works Council looks back on a productive year. Our focus has been on improving our strategic role within the organisation in order to ensure overall labour conditions. The Works Council successfully undertook training to ensure knowledge and development of skills.’

‘Our Works Council has an important contribution to our company. In 2022 our Works Council members received training for this role to improve strategic skills to help ensure our employees are well represented. We have a great collaboration, and I value having a partner to discuss ideas with.’

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022 Our Works Council
The members of GMP+ International Works Council
‘Let’s work together to create an optimal work-life balance and a workplace environment that makes you excel.’

GMP+ Academy

The GMP+ Academy is an online platform that gathers and shares knowledge about feed safety for the entire feed community. This is made possible through collaboration with our partners in the Collective Knowledge Programme (CKP), GMP+ Registered Training Institutes and GMP+ Registered trainers.

Together with industry leading companies, the CKP initiative has successfully delivered a Feed Safety Culture module which every feed professional can access via the platform. The platform has been further developed based on feedback from users, including making it more user-friendly, and some technical improvements to make a smoother user experience.

7,199 Sessions to the platform


1,771 Unique visitors Accounts created

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022 Spotlight: GMP+ Academy

‘With its e-learning courses, the GMP+ Academy provides us with a good alternative to time-consuming training courses. As our employees can participate flexibly at any time.’

6 7

35 7

419% 11

Newsletters sent New Transport modules added Linkedin posts New Feed Safety Culture modules added More Linkedin followers Active Training Institutes

Maria Schiffner Quality Management Officer - Magdeburger Getreide GmbH Watch
the video
GMP+ Community

‘TOGETHER: We can achieve the best results in the whole chain by working together both in and with our community in weighing the various interests towards Feed


Worldwide.’ GMP+ Community

GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (FSA) certified companies

As of December 2022, 19,227 companies in 89 countries worldwide were GMP+ FSA certified. That represents 60% growth in the past decade.

In close cooperation with the GMP+ committees, who represent the GMP+ Community, a number of changes to the scheme have been prepared and implemented in the GMP+ standards.

The changes mainly concern corrections - better explanation of the requirements, alignment with the GMP+ FC scheme 2020 principles, and better alignment with the daily practice of GMP+ certified companies. Some changes address content topics:

• Sampling

• Monitoring of Salmonella in feed

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
Region/s 2018 Region/s 2019 Asia (ex. Near East) 583 Asia (ex. Near East) 531 C.w. of Ind. States 49 C.w. of Ind. States 71 Northern & Southern Europe 74 Northern & Southern Europe 1,810 Eastern Europe 4,373 Eastern Europe 4,708 Western Europe 11,831 Western Europe 10,384 Latin America & Caribians 344 Latin America & Caribians 416 Near East 63 Middle East 33 Northern Africa 21 Africa 39 Sub-Saharan Africa 19 Northern America 240 Northern America 270 Oceania 13 Oceania 8 Total 17,610 18,270 Product
overview /
GMP+ FSA certified companies

89 Countries with GMP+ FSA certified companies

500+ certificates

101 to 500 certificates

< 100 certificates

No certificates

49 Region/s 2020 2021 2022 Asia (ex. Near East) 572 625 683 C.w. of Ind. States 84 97 28 Europe 17,213 17,586 17,637 Latin America & Caribians 418 473 509 Middle East 31 31 31 Africa 38 42 46 Northern America 261 276 285 Oceania 9 9 8 18,626 19,138 19,227

GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance (FRA) certified companies

As of December 2022, 900 companies in 19 countries worldwide were GMP+ FRA certified. That represents 449% growth in the past eight years.

In close cooperation with the GMP+ committees, who represent the GMP+ Community, one standard of the GMP+ FRA module received an update;

• GMP+ MI5.4/MI105. The changes in MI5.4/MI105 (GMO Controlled) aligned the standard with the updated VLOG requirements (published in June 2022).

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
Product overview / performance 19 Countries with GMP+ FRA certified companies 50+ certificates < 50 certificates No certificates

GMP+ FRA certified companies

Country 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Austria - - 30 1 1 Belgium 15 30 35 34 37 Czech Republic - 2 6 8 13 Denmark - - - - 6 France - 7 9 11 12 Germany 9 160 225 242 325 Hungary - - 1 1 2 Norway - - - - 1 Poland 2 53 86 95 79 Serbia - 1 1 1 1 Singapore - - 1 1 1 Slovakia - - 3 3 3 Spain - 3 3 3 3 Sweden - - - - 1 Switzerland - - 1 1 2 The Netherlands 325 363 363 397 408 Ukraine - 1 1 1 3 United Kingdom - - - 1 1 United States - - 1 1 1 Total 351 620 757 801 900

to across borders

‘ We would certainly recommend GMP+ certification to our partners, because countless business opportunities it well as increased visibility. GMP+ gives the opportunity to grow.’
Vincze Tamás & Pásztor Attila EastGrain/Cargolog - Romania



because of the offers, as gives us

to GMP+ certification, we operate borders with the same standards and requirements everywhere.’

Strategic partners

In 2022, GMP+ International continued to support, involve, and engage stakeholders through our partnerships. While our partnerships extend beyond the feed and food value chain, many of our international strategic partners are organisations and trade associations in the industry who endorse our vision, values, and ambitions.

Feed and Food Partners

Private Associations & Food Companies

Private Collectives

Feed Scheme Holders

Food Scheme Holders

Good Agriculture Practice Scheme Holders (GAP)

Food Safety and Responsibility Assurance Scheme Holders

Registered Consultants

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
GMP+ International strategic partner
GMP+ Community
The graph presents an overview of the structure of GMP+ International’s (strategic) partners.

For us, being GMP+ FSA certified means being a leading force in our industry, and it enables us to find new business opportunities.
Rodrigo Radi
Terminal XXXIX de Santos S.A. - Brazil

Feed and Food Partners

Private Associations & Food Companies

Our feed and food partners help develop the GMP+ certification schemes and supporting services, so we maintain our market focus.

Private Collectives

We collaborate with our private collective partners to help optimise each other's expertise and services so we remain efficient and effective for our stakeholders.

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
voederspecialiteiten VDDN GMP+ Community

Feed Scheme Owners

We align with other feed schemes and provide mutual recognition.

G.A.P. Scheme Owners

We align with the requirements of Good Agricultural Practices (G.A.P) schemes for livestock and aqua farming.

Food Safety and Responsibility Assurance Scheme Owners

We align with food industry schemes, as well as providing combined audits for food companies who also produce by-products for animal feed.


Certification Bodies

Certification Bodies (CBs), and their auditors, assess and certify companies to ensure they comply with the principles and requirements of GMP+’s standards.

In 2022 we worked with 32 CBs and 362 accepted auditors.

32 Total number of Certification Bodies for the GMP+ feed certification scheme

2 Critical locations

362 Total number of accepted auditors

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
GMP+ Community

Mutual Recognition

GMP+ International works with other feed safety schemes on a safe feed chain worldwide. This cooperation makes it possible for GMP+ certified companies to purchase products from equivalent certified companies.

In 2022 we had mutual recognition in place with 17 Feed Safety Assurance Schemes across Europe, and 4 Feed Responsibility Assurance Schemes around the world.

International Expert Committee (IEC)

GMP+ International seeks advice from the International Expert Committee and various subcommittees. They are made up of representatives from across the feed chain.

Task Forces

Our Task Forces bring business representatives, consultants, and certification bodies from a particular region together to give us an insight into region-specific challenges.

In 2022, 80 volunteers participated in 5 Task Forces in Italy, Poland, Brazil, Spain, and the Danube region (Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia).

GMP+ Registered Consultants

Registered Consultants are independent companies recognised by GMP+ International. They advise companies about the implementation of the requirements of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme.

In 2022, 24 Registered Consultants were active around the world.


Explanatory note to financial figures

This year our income has increased, but like for many organisations our costs increased even more. Our fees increased by 2%, however due to costs for traveling, personnel, recruitment and some necessary allocations, the cost increase was higher. This is the main reason that the net margin is negative over the year 2022. We are still growing liquidity and we have a healthy financial reserve, so there is no underlying cause for concern. Therefore, our financial position for the coming years is still solid.

Key figures

Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022
Financial results Key figures 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Liquidity Current Ratio 4,4 3,8 2,7 2,5 2,7 Solvency 0,82 0,82 0,76 0,73 0,75 Other Number of FTE 28 26 27 27 25 Working capital € 2,021,773 € 1,834,521 € 1,322,908 € 1,079,370 € 1,045,119

Balance sheet as per December 31, 2022

Profit and loss account over 2022

Dec. 31, 2022 Dec. 31, 2021 Gross Margin 5,653,209 5,270,654 Total operation costs 5,678,892 4,583,801 Operating result -25,683 686,853 Financial benefits and charges -4,739 -4,000 Result on ordinary activities before taxation -30,422 682,853 Taxation on result from ordinary activities 9,374 -144,945 -21,048 537,908
Assets Dec, 31, 2022 Dec, 31, 2021 Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets 888,517 1,077,904 Financial fixed assets 26,120 26,120 Current assets Receivables 1,410,610 1,335,794 Cash and cash equivalents 1,204,860 1,142,626 3,530,107 3,582,444 Liabilities Dec. 31, 2022 Dec. 31, 2021 Equity 2,893,412 2,938,545 Allocation 43,000 Short-term debts 593,695 643,899 3,530,107 3,582,444
Safe & Sustainable GMP+ International annual report 2022 GMP+ International Braillelaan 9 2289 CL Rijswijk The Netherlands t. +31 (0)70 - 307 41 20 (Office) +31 (0)70 - 307 41 44 (Help Desk) e. We
where they live, should have access to safe food.
believe everybody, no matter who they

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