GMP+ International Annual Report 2015

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Table of Content





1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10

4 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9

Introduction Global trends Local trends Developments Developments Developments Developments Developments Developments Developments

within GMP+ International GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (GMP+ FSA) GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance (GMP+ FRA) Responsible Biomass Assurance (GMP+ RBA) Certification & Compliance Early Warning System (EWS) Feed Support Products (FSP)



2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7

12 13 14 14 15 16 17

Vision and mission Core values Corporate objectives Platform function GMP+ Certified companies Certification bodies Integrity policy



3.1 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

19 20 21 22 23 24

GMP+ Partners GMP+ National representatives Certification bodies GMP+ Academy Mutual recognition other scheme holders Collaboration with quality (certification) schemes

GMP+ International



4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

26 28 28 29 30

GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance Support GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance Early Warning System Feed Support Products (FSP) Communication



5.1 5.2 5.3

33 33 34

Balance sheet as per December 31, 2015 Profit and loss account over 2015 Explanatory note to financial figures









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Trends & Develop


The success of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme depends entirely upon the input and commitment of participants. Nevedi has the opportunity to put policy-related or social topics on the agenda on beh of its members. This allows for current themes to be discussed and gives rise to meetings with other partners.

Henk Flipsen, Managing Director

Nevedi - Nederlandse Vereniging Diervoederin (The Netherlands)

GMP+ International







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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments

1.1 INTRODUCTION I proudly present to you the annual report 2015 of GMP+ International. You will notice that this report has a different structure than previous years. With the growth of our organization on five continents, comes new insights about our customer groups. This report more clearly puts these groups forward, taking into account the five pillars of our organization;

DD Multi-stakeholder participation DD Integrity DD Best practices DD Shared responsibility and DD Global presence An auditor at a certification body, existing and potential GMP+ participants and members of our Expert Committees simply have different expectations and challenges. Over the past year, we have taken the first steps towards an organization with more attention to these needs and challenges.

For GMP+ International, th about a development proc a critical look at how our w are organized, whether we correctly, but above all, ho of the quality of our work.

Customer centricity does n It begins by gaining insigh challenges of the various s about documenting these and, eventually, acting bas made. We have shaped th our vision, mission and co 2.1).

With the arrival of Mr. Rola Operational Director in No is made more tangible. It that I look at the future, in will face many challenges, opportunities to learn from safety across the globe in participants and stakehold

After all, we thank our existence to professionals across the globe, who commit every day to produce, trade or transport safe and sustainable feed. We are very aware of the fact that this shared responsibility is demanding a lot from companies but also offering great challenges in the market, and we wish to play a facilitating, connecting and educational role in this.

GMP+ International

he year 2015 was all cess, in which we took work and our systems e are deploying these ow we can keep track .

not happen overnight. ht into the needs and stakeholders. Next it is findings, analyzing them sed on the conclusions his ambition by refining ore values (please see

and van der Post as ovember 2015, this vision is with great confidence n which our organization , but also a lot of m, in the interest of feed general but the GMP+ ders in particular.

Annual Report 2015

Johan den Hartog, Managing Director

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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments

1.2 GLOBAL TRENDS Global feed production is still growing: from 980 million tons in 2014 to 996 million tons in 2015. This increase is triggered by raised consumption demand of animal protein worldwide and especially caused by improved purchase power of the middle class in developing countries like the Middle East, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. The mixed feed production is focused on local livestock farming and aqua culture. Meanwhile, the supply of micro-components, pre-mixtures and feed materials are very global. The production of these ingredients is not always located in the same country as where the production of mixed feed takes place. International trade of feed products is therefore growing. Moreover, raised awareness for food security, including food & feed safety and sustainable production, is reflected by raised demands by feed companies, the food production chain, but also in regulatory systems.

1.3 LOCAL TRENDS In 2015 the developments in the animal feed sector varied between regions.* In Europe, the feed production volume grew by +4.5%, followed by Africa +4.0% and Latin America +2.6%. Asia showed a slight increase +0.4%. In the Middle East the feed production volume decreased with 7.0%. (*source: Alltech, 2016)

GMP+ International

1.4 DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN GMP+ INTERNATIONAL The GMP+ International work organization made some changes to reflect market developments, resulting in new challenges and substantial growth in some countries and regions. In 2015, a management & organization development program resulted in a redesign of the organization structure and follow up projects were planned to improve operations and performance. Our operational management has been strengthened in order to ensure the implementation of the organizational changes by appointing an Operational Director since November 2015 Our final goal is to create a professional organization with:

D A customer oriented approach; D A solid network of distributors (certification bodies, consultants) in target countries;

D A good relationship with this distributor network; D Served by a competent team of professionals; D With a powerful set of IT solutions to support internal processes & organization;

D Effective involvement and commitment of stakeholders in feed and food chain in target countries;

D Firm anchoring in the food chain through leading G.A.P. certification scheme holders active in target countries.

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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments

1.5 DEVELOPMENTS GMP+ FEED SAFETY ASSURANCE (GMP+ FSA) GMP+ International is consistently working with partner organizations to improve the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. 2015 has been no exception and a number of improvements have been implemented. With regard to the GMP+ B standards, containing requirements for the assurance of feed safety, a number of changes stand out:

D Partly upon the initiative of GMP+ International – a so-called monitoring protocol for Aflatoxin in maize was established in collaboration with a number of other European feed safety schemes. We believed that the existing protocol was too static and offered insufficient possibilities to provide an active and risk-oriented response to the current Aflatoxin levels in maize. The Aflatoxin B1 protocol allows GMP+ companies to perform a more risk-oriented monitoring of the Aflatoxin levels in maize. Ultimately, leading to better assurance of the maize quality, particularly important for the dairy industry.

D Upon the initiative of a number of German organizations, we published the country note ‘QM-Milch’ (GMP+ BCN-DE1 QM Milch). This standard contains a number of specific safety requirements for dairy feed. It mainly concerns intensive monitoring of a number of parameters in dairy feed supplied to livestock farmers that supply milk in the QM-Milch program. We drew up this country note – which can be applied in addition to the GMP+ basic standards – together with our German partners in consultation with QM-Milch e.V. GMP+ certified companies can fairly easily qualify as QM-Milch worthy supplier via the so-called one-stop-shop principle.

GMP+ International

D In addition, another GMP+ Country Note was published in 2015, being: GMP+ BCN-IT Specific requirements for Italy. This country note provides special requirements for Italian companies, allowing them to meet the GMP+ requirements for safety of feed. These specific requirements have been defined in close collaboration with leading Italian feed companies and certification bodies.

D We also adjusted the so-called positive declaration: GMP+ BA6 Minimum Requirements Labeling and Delivery. This positive declaration has been included in the GMP+ requirements following a number of incidents with feed in previous years, where the status of the feed was not always clear to the buyer. A GMP+ certified buyer must from now on actively declare the status of the GMP+ feed to its buyer.

Finally a number of transport standards were permanently removed from our scheme. The requirements from these standards were included in a new GMP+ standard three years ago. Companies have been allowed to serve the remainder of the certification period based on the old standards, and could switch to the new transport standard on recertification. At the end of 2015 the last certificates were replaced.

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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments

1.6 DEVELOPMENTS GMP+ FEED RESPONSIBILITY ASSURANCE (GMP+ FRA) After the development of the policy regarding feed responsibility in 2014, GMP+ International published several new GMP+ FRA standards:

D GMP+ B100 Feed Responsibility Management System D GMP+ MI101 Production and trade of RTRS soy (previously GMP+ B101) D GMP+ MI102 Responsible pig & poultry feed D GMP+ MI103 Responsible dairy feed

The GMP+ B100 contains the requirements for a Feed Responsibility Management System where the participant can assure compliance with various market initatives for Responsible Feed. Both SMK (manager of the ‘Milieukeur’ certification scheme for pork, eggs and poultry meat) and the Dutch dairy industry (via the Responsible Dairy Chain – Duurzame Zuivelketen) requested a certification option for feed companies to demonstrate the use of responsible soy in feed supplied to pigs, poultry and dairy cows. Their requests are laid down in the applicable MI documents. Last year was the start-up year for GMP+ FRA certification. After a slow beginning companies started working on GMP+ FRA certification, mainly driven by a strong pull from the Dutch dairy industry. At the end of 2015, 164 locations were GMP+ FRA certified (see appendix 4). Also from certification perspective a lot improved during 2015. By the end of the year, 9 certification bodies were approved by GMP+ International to perform GMP+ FRA audits. In total 28 auditors followed the required training and are now accepted as auditors for the GMP+ FRA module. More information about the GMP+ FRA module can be found in paragraph 4.2.

GMP+ International

1.7 DEVELOPMENTS RESPONSIBLE BIOMASS ASSURANCE (GMP+ RBA) In 2013, GMP+ International published the RBC B2 standard ‘Assurance of co-substrates for fermentation’, under the assumption that the Dutch government would tighten the requirements regarding the use of co-fermentation products through legislation, in order to encourage assurance via private certification. That intention was explicitly expressed, but it has still not been effectuated in practice. In 2015, three certification bodies qualified for carrying out audits of companies based on this standard. After two years, only 9 companies appear to be RBC B2 certified. The main reason for this little interest is the lack of any added value for a company in the market to obtain this certificate. An important requirement for sufficient perspective is that the Dutch legislation actually dictates that all co-fermentation products cannot be used, unless their quality is assured by means of a certificate. The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs clearly indicates that they still believe in the value of increasing the compliance level of the Fertilizer Legislation regarding the use of co-fermentation products and the fact that private certification may contribute to that. Until now, we notice a lack of effectuation of the expressed intentions. We emphasize that we need more clarity on short notice to be able to make a decision on whether or not to proceed with the management of the aforementioned RBC standard. If the conditions will not change, we will be forced to stop this service.

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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments

1.8 DEVELOPMENTS CERTIFICATION & COMPLIANCE To ensure the global use, acceptance and interpretation of our GMP+ Feed Certification scheme, we submitted an application to the European Accreditation (EA) Council for Feed Safety Management System (FSMS) certification, early 2013. Mid of 2015 the GMP+ FSA standards B1 and B2 - in combination with C12 - were accepted by the European Accreditation Council in accordance with EA-1/22. This means that the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme is accepted by those EA-members Accreditation Bodies. One of our strategic objectives for 2015 onwards is to improve the quality of certification. Therefore one of the main goals of GMP+ International for 2015 was to implement and enforce the GMP+ Integrity Policy. The results of this implementation are further reported in chapter 2.4.

Summary of compliance assessment results conducted by GMP+ International in 2015

Type of Assessment

Total number of audits

Critical Major Minor

Acceptation audit





Additional audit (QS audit)





Absent harmonization meeting





Witness audit





Certification Body office audit





Parallel audit





Repeat audit










GMP+ International

1.9 DEVELOPMENTS EARLY WARNING SYSTEM (EWS) Trend: increased EWS reports & cases in 2015 With 147 EWS notifications divided across 98 EWS cases, we faced a significant increase in the number of EWS notifications compared to 2014 (75). The number of warnings, however, was significantly less (17) than the 45 warnings in 2014. This shows that GMP+ certified companies have the situation under control faster, reducing risks of contamination in the chain, due to which feed safety was not compromised. Most notifications were related to pesticides in feed materials. Thirteen additional audits were required to further investigate correct compliance with the GMP+ FSA requirements (10 notifications) or correct compliance with specific GMP+ BA5 requirements (EWS) (3 notifications). GMP+ certified companies have situations better under control

Early Warning System (EWS) Key Figures 2015 The main conclusions of EWS 2015 were reported in an Infographic, click to open the Infographic

Of which


Resulted in


147 98 +73 notifications compared to 2014

+60 cases compared to 2014

Product types Feed materials Annual Report 2015





-28 warnings compared to 2014

+1 audit compared to 2014

Hazards 2014 117


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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments

1.10 DEVELOPMENTS FEED SUPPORT PRODUCTS (FSP) Risk assessments Our focus in 2015 was to update the complete set of risk assessments. This process was started in 2014 in collaboration with the Dutch SecureFeed and European EFISC and should result in a complete set of risk assessments of all feed materials available in the Feed Support Products by 2016. We noticed an increase of 75 ‘new Feed Materials’ in 2015. In 2014 we had 29 new feed materials. This raised number is caused by:

D Changes in EU regulations (e.g. former feed additives) but also because of product innovations (e.g. insect meal and oil) more products are nowadays considered as a feed material;

D EU regulation has extended the scope for animal by products for aqua. As a result these feed materials also need to be listed on the FSP product list;

D Because of the application of different processing, such as hydrolysis, the application of feed materials has been expanded.

Multi Stakeholer Participation,

GMP+ International

GMP+ Monitoring database The GMP+ Monitoring database is an extra service for all GMP+ certified companies to manage their monitoring program. In addition to that, this tool allows to work together with other companies in a group and share analysis results. By sharing analysis results (anonymously) with the GMP+ Community, analysis results become available for all GMP+ FSA participants. The more data is available, the more interesting this data becomes to update the companies monitoring program, for example. In 2015, totally 32,335 analysis results were stored in the GMP+ Monitoring database and, 23,149 analysis results were shared with the GMP+ Community. That is 10% more than the year before. In 2015, we worked on an improvement of the functionality ‘to submit analysis results digitally’. Feedback received from users since the launch of the GMP+ Monitoring database, lead to a project to improve the user-friendliness of the system. One of the biggest improvements was the launch of a new test service for digital analysis results. Also the e-mail responses of the database were improved.

, one of the five pillars

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Chapter 1 Trends & Developments

Feed Fraud Guidance In 2015 a working group was established to develop a Feed Fraud Guidance. The need for such a guideline increases due to raised number of fraud incidents, decreasing consumer confidence and requirements imposed by several quality schemes and governments. Feed is part of the food chain, we want to make GMP+ certified companies aware of the vulnerability for fraud and support them by implementing a vulnerability assessment within the current GMP+ FSA scheme.

HACCP calculation mode The ‘HACCP calculation mo processes’- a useful tool, i systematic implementation analysis of direct drying in situations – was updated i

The various factors involve are considered, as well as of a product.

We cooperated with Prof.Dr.MSc S.M. van Ruth of Wageningen University on this project.

The Feed Fraud Guidance will be available in the second half of 2016.

GMP+ International

el for drying processes odel for drying intended for the n of an initial HACCP n various practical in 2015.

ed in the drying process their effect on the safety

Annual Report 2015

This model was developed based on the results of a study into the hazards and risks of drying feed (feed ingredients) in direct contact with hot combustion gases, whether or not mixed with tertiary dry air. This study, called “Study of drying processes for animal feed raw materials and HACCP� as well as the HACCP calculation model is available on our web shop. This study also contains suggestions for control measures.

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Targ & Rela


Integrity and discouragement of fraud is a joint effort between GMP+ International, the GMP+ participants and Certification Bodies. GMP+ International provides the tools which must be applied by particip Certification Bodies and auditors must be impartial, independent, object comply with the competency requirements of GMP+ International. With audit program, Certification Bodies and GMP+ International secure the v the GMP+ certificate for customers worldwide.

Evert van de Pest, Managing Director Schouten Certification B.V. (The Netherlands)


GMP+ International

get Audience


pants. tive and h a solid value of

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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship

2.1 VISION AND MISSION It is crucial that feed companies realize they are part of the food chain too. This means that animal feed must be safe in order to allow farmers to produce safe milk, eggs and meat for the consumers. Each individual entrepreneur in every link in the feed chain is contributing and therefore responsible to the realization of safe feed for safe food. In our vision, stakeholders in the whole feed (and food) chain are collectively responsible to define the basic principles of feed safety assurance.

GMP+ International involves all stakeholders’ groups in the feed and food chain to develop the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. This is the result of our chain approach and the conviction that the chain is as strong as its weakest link.

GMP+ International

D VISION In 2015 we redefined our vision, mission and core values to express our ambitions for the future and to guide our organization towards a more customer centric approach. Our dream is that all companies in the feed chain worldwide are committed to contribute to the production of safe and responsible food of animal origin.

D MISSION We see our role as a provider of a reliable, practical and comprehensive feed certification scheme, leading internationally. We also wish to link parties, stimulate shared responsibility and exchange knowledge and information.

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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship


In 2015, we also redefined our organization’s guiding principles (‘core values’) to different stakeholders: CIAO.

CONNECTED We are accessible, with an open attitude towards our partners and are involved with our partners and customers. We realize that feed is part of the food chain.



Our choices are made based on rationally defensible arguments, best practices and are if possible scientifically motivated.

GMP+ International

o express our intentions towards our internal conduct and our relationships with




We are reliable and transparent. We do what we say and we make clear why and how we do this in a morally and justified way.

AWARE We are knowledgeable and respond to developments, changes and wishes of both our external environment and our internal organization.

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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship



The following corporate objectives were leading for our organization in 2015:

GMP+ International aims t providing uniform and sta we provide responsible fee been based on support, in means of partnership.

D Improvement of the quality of certification; D Strengthening work organization focus on customer’s services;

D Targeted growth;

To ensure global acceptan participation in our expert Subcommittees). The mem key role in the decision m

D Anchoring GMP+ certification in the feed & food chain.

Decision making process


1. Preparation of


2. Consultation o


3. Public consult


4. Consultation o


5. Finalization de

GMP+ International


to be an international platform for stakeholders in the feed and food chain by andardized guidelines and tools to assure safe and sustainable feed. Additionally ed as well as biomass certification. Managing these certification schemes has nvolvement and engagement of stakeholders in the whole feed and food chain by

nce of our decisions we apply the principle of well-balanced multi-stakeholders’ t committees (see appendix 1 for the composition of board, IEC and mbers are appointed on nomination of GMP+ International’s partners and play a making process of our standards.

f draft by GMP+ International

of involved International subcommittee

tation of all stakeholders

of International Expert Committee

ecision process and publication

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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship

2.5 GMP+ CERTIFIED COMPANIES The GMP+ certified companies are the reason of our existence. At the end of 2015, the number of GMP+ FSA certificates was 14,739 (see appendix 3), the number of GMP+ FRA certificates was 164 (see appendix 4) and there were 9 GMP+ RBA certified companies. Our year over year growth was 10% in 2015. Companies in Austria, Poland, Italy and the Czech Republic were the main drivers for this growth. In Latin America (Brazil) and Asia (Indonesia) we noticed an ongoing moderate growth. Challenges on entry Own investigation with recently certified companies shows that new participants don’t just struggle with language and culture, but also with the interpretation of our standards. A lack of knowledge of EU legislation (on which GMP+ FC is strongly based), finding local qualified suppliers, or applying gatekeeper protocols are also frequently mentioned bottlenecks regarding entry. Solutions Our role is to focus on developing resources to better support companies facing these challenges. In our communication we introduce more visuals and animations. Focus newsletters, seminars and webinars are other communication tools to better educate our target audiences. New partnerships with training institutes (in the context of GMP+ Academy), or the introduction of “Registered Consultants” as well as the simplification of our scheme serve the same purpose. (see paragraph 4.1)

GMP+ International

Motivation for feed companies to obtain a GMP+ FSA certificate:

D Demand of customers D Access to the international market D Better risk management and control of supply chain D Higher corporate image profile D Access to international markets D Demonstrable compliance with legal requirements (HACCP)

The GMP+ certified companies are the reason of our existence

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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship

2.6 CERTIFICATION BODIES Certification bodies are vital to ensure compliance for the GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance scheme. In 2015 30 certification bodies and 413 qualified auditors were accepted. This is one certification body less and 35 auditors more compared to 2014. Also the following 9 certification bodies and 28 auditors are accredited for GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance:

D Control Union Certification B.V. D DEKRA Certification GmbH D DNV GL Business Assurance B.V. D IFTA A.G. D Kiwa Nederland D Lloyds Register Quality Assurance D Schouten Certification B.V. D Schutter Certification B.V. D SGS Product & Process Certification B.V.


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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship

2.7 INTEGRITY POLICY One of the main goals of GMP+ International for 2015 was to implement and enforce the GMP+ Integrity Policy. The aim for this policy is to ensure the confidence that the certified companies comply with the principles and requirements of the applicable GMP+ normative standards in a proper and unimpaired manner. The following achievements were made:

D Renewed risk assessment: A new risk assessment methodology to plan compliance audits has been implemented.

D QMS documentation: Compliance assessment methods and internal procedures are being documented in a Quality Management System.

D The GMP+ C2 “Method of and Criteria for Supervision Certification Bodies” has been replaced by the improved GMP+ C11 “Method of and Criteria for Supervision Certification Bodies FSMS Certification”.

D An internal harmonization procedure for the Certification & Compliance team has been developed and implemented.

D A new grading system for the assessment of Certification Bodies is currently being implemented.

GMP+ International

Integrity, one of the five pillars

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3 Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship

Partn & Stake

GMP+ International


Kernel Company is the largest supplier of sunflower oil and meal in the international market and feels responsible towards feed safety. From the total of 66 GMP+ certificates in the Ukraine, 12 GMP+ certificates are issued to sites owned by the enterprises of Kernel Company. GMP+ Certification allowed us to cover the whole production cycle with one certification scheme, supporting us to provide safe products of consistent high quality today and in the near future.


Denys Gonchar, Quality Manager KERNEL (Ukraine)

eholders BEST PRACTICES Annual Report 2015

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Chapter 3 Partners & Stakeholders

3.1 GMP+ PARTNERS We pursue support, involvement, and engagement of our stakeholders in the feed & food chain through partnerships. When a trade association in the feed and food chain or in the biomass chain endorses our vision, values, and ambitions, it can express its support and commitment by becoming a partner. Ultimo 2015, GMP+ International had 35 partners. These partners represent the whole feed chain as well as livestock farming, dairy, meat and egg processing industry.

D 30 national trade associations from the Netherlands (19), Germany (7), Ireland (1), France (1), Ukraine (1), and Chile (1);

D 1 international trade association (International Marine Fumigation Organisation);

D 1 European trade association (EFPRA); D 3 Dutch based but international operating food companies (veal, pork, and dairy).

GMP+ International


vereniging van nederl

Vereniging Gemeenschappelijk Zuivelsecretariaat

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Chapter 3 Partners & Stakeholders

3.2 GMP+ NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES In the regions that are experiencing growth or that have growth potential; where the number of interested companies is raising; and where cultural differences and language barriers are an obstacle, we work with local professionals that help us better understand the regional challenges. This assistance is sometimes temporary and is phased out after a while, whereas in other regions this support is more permanent in nature. Brazil Since the beginning of 2015, we have been represented by Mrs. Angela Pellegrino in Brazil ( Upon taking office, she launched a survey to better map the local problems and needs. Because of the interconnectedness of the GMP+ FC scheme with European regulations, our requirements are sometimes difficult to interpret for companies outside Europe. Our local representative helps these companies to gain insight. With her help, we publish articles in local trade journals and organize events and trainings.

In addition, she represent governments and bodies ( bodies) and during events received from Chinese com determine suitable topics and articles and she assist and workshops.

Chinese companies are mo certification mainly driven export to Europe. Due to t circumstances, the growth short of 10%.

France The representation of Mr. since 2013) has been grad 2014.

China To bridge the language barrier and cultural differences in China, we have been working together with a representative in China since 2013, Ms. Berry Wang (Wang Wei). Via china_ Chinese companies can contact her for substantive questions.

GMP+ International

ts us at local (MOA/CNCA, Certification s. Based on questions mpanies, she helps us for Chinese newsletters ts in organizing seminars

otivated for GMP+ FSA n by possibilities for the difficult economic h in China just came

His activities will be adopted by the Program Manager Marketing & Communication. Mr. Callewaert did play a strategic role in the realization of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with OQUALIM in preparation of a supplement between the OQUALIM standards and the GMP+ B1 standards that will be further implemented in 2016. The small amount of questions received in 2015 via the helpdesk in France, has prompted us to fulfill this role centrally from the Netherlands as of April 1st 2016, by means of a helpdesk.

Lieven Callewaert (active dually phased out since Shared Best Practices, one of the five pillars

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Chapter 3 Partners & Stakeholders

Ukraine In 2015 Mrs. Tatiana Kopnyak (tatiana.kopnyak@ played an important role in the communication with Ukrainian companies. Also, because of the unrest in this country, finding auditors was very difficult. Auditors in this region often work for international companies and due to a negative travel advice, it was very difficult scheduling audits in the Ukraine. Therefore, in April 2015, a training for auditors was organized. In addition, it was possible to participate in the exam after this training. Of the 10 auditors that participated in the training and the exam, 6 auditors were accepted. In addition, we organized two seminars in 2015 (February and October). These seminars had an extremely high participation rate, suggesting that people in the Ukraine are interested in Feed Safety Assurance. Despite previously mentioned challenges, this country shows double the amount of GMP+ certified companies year over year.


more partners / nominees Therefore, we will review t appointment procedure in

For the composition of boa subcommittees anno 2015


The main goal of GMP+ In was to implement and enf Policy. In this context it is that our Integrity Policy is but part and breech block roles and responsibilities o


We operate with the principle of well-balanced multi-stakeholders’ participation in our expert committees. Partners are allowed to nominate candidates in the International Expert Committee and its subcommittees. In 2015, all committee members were nominated and appointed for the next term 2015 – 2018. We were confronted with the situation that there are

GMP+ International

s then available seats. the nomination and the near future.

ard, IEC and 5.12.31 see appendix 1.


nternational for 2015 force the GMP+ Integrity important to mention s not a stand-alone item, of a coherent set of of involved parties.

Annual Report 2015

The certified company is responsible to comply with the requirements appropriately but the certification body has the responsibility to assess and certify companies. Issuing a certificate expresses a justifiable confidence that the company complies with the applicable requirements of the GMP+ Feed Certification scheme. One of the important roles of the Certification Body is to ensure skills, knowledge and competences of their auditors and technical reviewers, so they can act impartially and can assess compliance with the normative standards in a consistent way. To obtain and maintain confidence, it is essential that a Certification Body’s decisions are based on objective evidence of (non)conformity, and that its decisions are not influenced by other interests or by other parties as mentioned in the ISO 17021 requirements.

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Chapter 3 Partners & Stakeholders

3.5 GMP+ ACADEMY GMP+ Academy is an initiative of GMP+ International, in co-operation with several training institutes and has been set up with the objective of transferring knowledge about Feed Safety Management on all levels and of achieving maximum safety in the whole feed chain. In 2015 a new training institute applied for membership of the GMP+ Academy: ONAFT. With the addition of this Ukrainian expertise center the GMP+ Academy courses were expelled with several Russian courses.

Overview of GMP+ Academ

Company Asfona

Bundeslehranstalt Burg Warberg

Internationale Forschungsgemeinscha Futtermitteltechnik (IFF Braunschweig ONAFT


Schothorst Feed Resear

GMP+ International

my member and country of location


Country France




aft F)


The Netherlands


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The Netherlands

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Chapter 3 Partners & Stakeholders

3.6 MUTUAL RECOGNITION OTHER SCHEME HOLDERS With some of the leading feed certification schemes active in Europe an official mutual recognition has been agreed. This means that companies, certified for one scheme are allowed to supply their products (to certified companies) into the other scheme. This reduces the burden and the costs for a company with respect to feed safety assurance and certification and avoids trade barriers.

Benchmarking tool by F Together with FAMIqs, GM taken the initiative to star independent and impartial system for the conformity operating in the feed secto the requirements of intern the global trade rules.

This system is called FSO, for Feed Scheme Observat scheme owners are workin industry partners (Nutreco organizations (IFIF, Sindira bodies (SGS, HSL) from al

The International Trade Ce facilitating the database p The FSO tool aims to ensu conformity assessment sch confidence on the safety o food and non-food produc level.

GMP+ International

FSO MP+ International has rt a project to build an l global benchmark y assessment schemes or, which will meet both national standards and

The objectives of this Benchmark project are:

D to create an independent, transparent and impartial benchmark system for the global feed chain;

D to improve the comparability of the main

, which is an abbreviation tory. In this project, both ng closely together with o, Evonik, DSM), feed acoes) and certification ll over the world.

entre in Geneva is part of this tool. ure that the feed sector’s hemes will deliver of feed, delivered to both cing animals, at a global

Annual Report 2015

principles and requirements of feed safety assurance schemes;

D to reduce technical barriers to trade (TBT) in the feed chain;

D to transfer knowledge and capacity building; D to raise awareness on the importance of auditing and certification, for safety in the feed sector. The FSO tool has been built and tested in 2015. Already a lot of feed safety schemes have entered data into the tool. In 2016 it will be decided how to continue with this project.

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Chapter 3 Partners & Stakeholders

3.7 COLLABORATION WITH QUALITY (CERTIFICATION) SCHEMES Already for many years, a number of national (Dutch) quality certification schemes require of the participating livestock farmers that they only buy feed from GMP+ FSA or equivalent certified feed suppliers. GLOBAL G.A.P. GLOBALG.A.P. and GMP+ International entered into a world-wide strategic partnership last year, which was confirmed with a Letter of Intent. Both organizations, while keeping their independence, are looking to harmonize governance and system rules in order to provide a strong, efficient and transparent tool for the feed industry, which is also in the best interest of downstream livestock and aquaculture farmers. Polish Beef Association In 2015, Polish Beef Association (Polskie Zrzeszenie Producentów Bydła Mięsnego - PZPBM) and GMP+ International signed also a Letter of Intent. PZPBM wants to add value to Polish beef by linking feed safety to its quality label. PZPBM is convinced that it will be in the interest of the Polish beef producers to use feed of which the safety is assured, because it is in the interest of beef consumers.

QM-Milch Furthermore GMP+ Intern agreement with QM-Milch for Qualitätsmanagement a Country Note for supplie farmers participating in th It focuses on the productio and safety.

Oqualim In June 2015 a Memorand (MOU) was signed with Oq Currently there is no recog International and Oqualim work together on different interest. One of the projec the GMP+ feed safety con not (yet) part of the Oqua production of pre-mixtures Successful application of t Oqualim certified company an additional GMP+ certifi This initiative aims to facil French companies and GM internationally.

GMP+ International

national reached an e.V. (QM-Milch stands Milch) (Germany) about ers of feed to dairy he QM-Milch standard. on of high quality milk

dum Of Understanding qualim in France. gnition between GMP+ m. This MOU aims to t topics of mutual cts goals is to identify nditions - which are alim standard - for the s and compound feed. this document by an y can result in obtaining ficate in an efficient way. litate trade between MP+ certified counterparts

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Servic & Chann


Every day AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG shares re with more than 14,800 GMP+FSA particip worldwide, to ensure Feed Safety Assura supported by 25 years of experience of G International and many professionals in expert committees.

Friedrich Wilhelm

VERAVIS GmbH, su AGRAVIS Raiffeise (Germany)

GMP+ International



esponsibility pants ance, GMP+ various


m Schneider, Managing Director

Annual Report 2015


ubsidiary company of en AG

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Chapter 4 Services & Channels

4.1 GMP+ FEED SAFETY ASSURANCE SUPPORT Last year the following methods were used to provide support and explanation about existing and renewed requirements:

D Clarification

D Guidance

In 2015 we also releas documents. These Gui not part of the normat provide background in specific elements of ou

Through our newsletters we frequently clarified new requirements, renewed standards and country notes. By shedding light on backgrounds and considerations for these changes, we aim for better understanding, application and implementation.

D Training In Thailand, the Ukraine and in the Netherlands, we have provided training. During these multi-day sessions, all kinds of requirements from the GMP+ standards were clarified. Real life cases were used to make these events as practical as possible.

D Helpdesk Throughout the year we receive numerous questions about the application of our standards. Answering these questions is time consuming but valuable. It gives us better insight into bottlenecks and it serves as inspiration to discuss improvements in our subcommittees. In relation to our ambition to become more customer oriented in 2016, a service desk will be set up to respond to all these questions adequately and timely.

GMP+ International

sed several GMP+ D idance documents are tive documents. They nformation and explain ur scheme.

In consultation with the International Expert Committee and other parties, the following initiatives were started in 2015:

D Harmonization of Purchase Requirements With 3 leading European feed safety schemes important first steps were made to harmonize our purchasing requirements. All parties involved aim for uniformity, transparency and clarity in the (international) market. Currently there is too much confusion due to the differences, and companies sometimes take advantage of this situation. Additionally uniform purchasing requirements should also lead to improved safety in the food supply chains.

D Document changes Changed legislation, market demand or new insights on risk control triggered the following initiatives and changes in our documents: »D Revision of monitoring protocols in general; »D Salmonella monitoring in particular; »D Dioxin monitoring in fats and oils; »D Medicated feed.

D Reliable Laboratories and Testing This pending project should result in improved requirements for laboratories and analysis methods. These requirements will be implemented into the standards in due time.

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Chapter 4 Services & Channels

Future Trends

D Participating and new companies appear to have an increasing need for explanation and support in the implementation of the standards. In this regard, GMP+ International wants to develop more activities, through the deployment of “registered consultants�, focus newsletters, webinars, explanations, manuals, trainings and workshops.

D In 2016 we will publish a general introduction to the scopes, the question where the GMP+ chain begins and how one builds a GMP+ system and obtains a certificate.

D Companies are increasingly establishing internal management systems, allowing them to assure all market demands, whether or not documented in standards. The ISO9001 standard is used less and less for such a management system. Since 2008 the GMP+ B1-standard uses the same structure as the ISO9001 standard. With the new release of the ISO9001 standard, a survey with our participants should measure whether it is still desirable to link the structure of our standards with ISO9001.

D GMP+ International has signed up in the contest of the Dutch Such acknowledgement by the government is in the interest of Dutch companies. It will lead to less audit and inspection pressure. Key words in these changes are: accessible, comprehensive & practical.

GMP+ International

Customer centricity, one of our goals for 2016.

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Chapter 4 Services & Channels


GMP+ FRA framework with m

With the development of the GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance module, we are responding to requests from GMP+ participants. The animal feed sector is confronted with demands on working responsibly. This includes, for example, the use of soy (including soy derivatives and soy products) and fishmeal which are produced and traded with respect for humans, animals and the environment. In order to demonstrate responsible production and trade, a company can certify for the GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance module. The main goal of this module is to facilitate GMP+ participants to meet these market requirements for responsibly produced feed. This creates for GMP+ participants a one stop shop – multiple certification possibility by including (other) relevant responsibility aspects regarding feed in GMP+ Feed Certification scheme (GMP+ Feed Responsibility Assurance module). The image on the right is a visual of how we handle various market initiatives concerning responsible feed. GMP+ International created the ‘GMP+ FRA Framework’ in which these market initiatives can be plugged in.

GMP+ International

market initiatives

4.3 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM EWS notifications are important for damage control, but all the information gathered through the notifications can also contribute to avoid future risks. Therefore we continuously evaluate EWS notifications. This knowledge, combined with other relevant information collected during these cases, can result in improved products and services. Companies in the feed chain are confused about pesticides legislation. This year, GMP+ International will, in consultation with experts and companies involved, provide insight and information. Starting this year we will also communicate the results of EWS in a more visual way. With the help of an infographic, the main findings will be shared. This will be published at least twice a year. More awareness in the field of upcoming (new and existing) threats and risks will also contribute to a more frequent and faster exchange of information. In addition, an adjustment of the EWS procedure is being prepared (the GMP+ BA5 Minimum requirements EWS). Purpose of this adjustment is to provide clarity following questions we received from companies. We expect to publish this adjustment in Q2 2016.

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Chapter 4 Services & Channels

4.4 FEED SUPPORT PRODUCTS (FSP) Several improvements have been introduced to the GMP+ Monitoring database that should simplify its use. These adjustments are based on user feedback. Finding risk assessments will be simplified as well. In the further development of FSP products, the needs of our users are central. For that reason, in the coming year, we will actively ask the users about their needs regarding the support of GMP+ services and products. This should lead to a clear vision at the end of the year.

GMP+ International

Shared Responsibility, one of the five pillars

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Chapter 4 Services & Channels

4.5 COMMUNICATION With our communication we explain complex matters to a varied audience with great diversity in language, culture, knowledge and background. Moreover, there is an increasing need for explanation through various and new channels. As a non-profit organization we work with limited budgets and resources. This makes fulfilling this role challenging. We use the following tools to communicate with our target audiences:

D Representatives in Brazil, China, France and the Ukraine serve as an gateway and have a signaling function with regard to the needs in their region (see 3.2)

D By publishing articles, in international professional magazines, we reach a larger target audience. We explain our basic principles or clarify new developments. »D In 2015 we published 11 articles in various magazines.

D Newsletters are an important communication tool for us. Changes to our standards, EWS reports, regional events but also practical tips and learning effects from EWS are explained in our newsletters. »D In 2015 we published 83 newsletters in an average of 4 languages (English, German, Dutch and French).

D Our website forms the backbone of all information that is available about our scheme. It is available for certification bodies and companies for information – in ten languages – about our requirements, certified companies, suspensions, events and much more. »D In 2015 we had 123,505 visitors from 160 countries. The top 10 countries are: The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, France, Czech Republic, Belgium, Italy, U.K., Spain and the Ukraine.

GMP+ International

D Social media, and LinkedIn in particular is frequently used to draw attention to publications and events. ÂťD In 2015 we had 1041 followers on LinkedIn.

D Workshops and seminars are a more personal way to get in touch with the participants and various target audiences in a more direct manner. Workshops and seminars are used in regions with an increasing need for knowledge expansion or information exchange. ÂťD In 2015 we organized 7 seminars and 4 workshops. Newsletter tool Just before the end of 2015, we invested in a new tool for sending newsletters. With this system, the subscribers to our newsletters can define their desired topics and language preferences, so that we can communicate with these target audiences in a more focused manner. In addition, the built-in reporting options give us insight into how our newsletters are being received and read. New GMP+ International EWS Newsletter

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New GMP+ International Newsletter


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Chapter 4 Services & Channels

Plans for 2016 The upcoming year two challenging projects are scheduled; an improved website and webinars. Website Considered our platform function and the role our website plays in this, it is important that this tool remains in line with the needs of the visitors to our website. Information is sometimes hard to find, visitors to our website use mobile devices to access information and different type of information is requested. Technological developments are progressing at a fast pace and connecting different information sources and databases is becoming increasingly important. These are just a few reasons why we will update our website next year, where efficiency and usability are important objectives. Webinars To meet the growing demand for complex information internationally, we consider the use of webinars in the future. The first preparations have been initiated. We believe that transferring our knowledge and connecting people this way is more effective and that we will be able to better learn about the needs of our stakeholders.

GMP+ International

Future plans are focussed on providing customer value

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5 Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship

Facts & Figur


When working with a GMP+ certified supplier all over the world, I feel like participating on a championship where all players know and respect the rules giving the best of themselves.


Ilma Andrade, Supply Ch

ICC Industrial Comercio Ex (Brazil)

GMP+ International




hain Director

xportacao Ltda.


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Chapter 5 Facts & Figures

5.1 BALANCE SHEET AS PER DECEMBER 31, 2015 December 31, 2015

December 31, 2014

Tangible fixed assets

€ 236,899

€ 247,490

Financial fixed assets


€ 6,933

€ 877,456

€ 812,949

€ 1,299,742

€ 1,198,365

€ 2,414,097

€ 2,265,737


CURRENT ASSETS Receivables Cash and cash equivalents

December 31, 2015 December 31, 2014 LIABILITIES Equity Provision Short-term debts

€ 1,948,609

€ 1,799,959

€ 1,694 € 463,794

€ 465,778

€ 2,414,097

€ 2,265,737

GMP+ International

5.2 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT OVER 2015 December 31, 2015

December 31, 2014

Gross Margin

€ 3,319,924

€ 3,040,566

Total operation costs

€ 3,129,287

€ 2,714,686

€ 190,637

€ 325,880

€ 4,456

€ 6,204

Result on ordinary activities before taxation

€ 195,093

€ 332,084

Taxation on result from ordinary activities

€ -37,816

€ -72,050

€ 157,277

€ 260,034

€ -8,627

€ -27,951

€ 148,650

€ 232,083

Operating result

Financial benefits and charges

Share in the result of participations Result after taxation

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Chapter 5 Facts & Figures


Results The result over 2015, after tax, is € 148,651. This is a decrease compared to 201 caused by extensive investments in the professionalization of the organization. T established, procedures and work processes have been adjusted, the Operations hired and projects have been launched. This is mainly reflected in the cost of out other external cost. In addition, the number of employees has been expanded. B operating expenses have grown from € 2,714,686 in 2014 to € 3,129,287 in 201

On the other hand, there is a significant increase of the net turnover (>10%). Ma increase of the number of GMP+ certified company sites.

This development is expected to continue in 2016. The operating expenses will in the objective to further reinforce and professionalize the organization. In addition number of GMP+ certified company sites has been budgeted.

Investment In 2015, less (IT) investments were made than expected. Because of this, there value of the tangible fixed assets caused by the amount of the depreciations from

For 2016, various investments are scheduled. A change budget of about € 500,00 Key figures Key figures













€ 1,713,404

€ 1,293,302

€ 981,091


Liquidity Current ratio Solvency Equity / Total assets


Other key figures Number of employees (FTE) Working capital

€ 1,040,

GMP+ International

14 (â‚Ź 232,083) The structure has been Director has been tsourced work and Because of this, the 15.

ain reason is the

ncrease as a result of n, a 7% increase in the

is a decrease of the m previous years.

Liquidity The current ratio has increased to 4.78 in 2015. This is caused by an increase of liquid assets. Solvency The solvency in 2015 (0.81) is almost identical to the previous year 2014. Other In 2015 the workforce has been expanded to 25 employees (20.1 FTE). In 2016 it is scheduled to grow even further as part of the reinforcement of the organization.

Global presence, one of the five pillars

00 is allocated for that.










â‚Ź 912,273

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Appendix 1 Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees


GMP+ International

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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees

General Shareholders Mr. J. (Johan) Schuttert MSc – for Foundation GMP+ International Mr. M. (Matthé) Vermeulen – for Foundation GMP+ International

Supervisory Board Mr. Prof. Dr. A. (Anton) Pijpers Mr. W.J.M. (Wim) Thus BSc Mr. P. (Pieter) van Baal LLM Management Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog, Managing Director Mr. R. (Roland) van der Post, Operations Director (per November 2015) Mrs. M. (Mireille) Tulp, Program Manager Marketing & Communication

GMP+ International

Dispute committee Mr. J. Nicolai Mr. M. Helmstaedt Mr. F.A.M. Bouvy Mr. A. Fikse Mr. A. Merks Mr. C. GrĂźtters Secretary: Hill International Lawyers

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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees International Expert Committee Animal Feed Subsector


Production of dry feed materials

Mr. R.

Production of moist feed materials

Mr. W

Production of feed additives

Mr. P.

Trade in and collection of feed materials

Mr. S.

Storage and transshipment of feed materials and feeds

Ms. P.

Treatment of feed materials

Ms. D

Forage Trade

Ms. H

Transport and chartering of feed materials and feeds

Mr. M

Mr. H.

Mr. H. Production of pet foods

Mr. D.

Production of premixes and compound feeds

Ms. B

Mr. F.W

Mr. M

Mr. Y. Livestock Farming

Mr. H.

Processing, wholesale and retail of animal products for human consumption (food sector)

Mr. J.L

Independent chairman


Mr. R.B.M. (Ruud) Huirne

Ms. C

Chairman Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Mrs. L. (Leyla) Alpaca

GMP+ International


Deputy members

. (Ron) van Noord

Ms. A. (Anette) Klomp

W.J.G. (Wim) Thielen

Mr. C. (Cees) van Rij

. (Peter) Fidder

Mr. H. (Diek) van Ramshorst

. (Stefan) Hodapp

Ms. B. (Beate) Dahl

P. (Paulien) van de Graaff

Mr. G.P.J. (Govert) Schouten

D. (Deirdre) Webb

H. (Huguette) Tychon

M. (Marcus) Gersinske

. (Hans) Ruumpol

Mr. F. (Frank) van den Eijnden

.E. (Henk) Steinmann

Mr. J. (Jan) Vogelaar

. (Dirk) van Korven

Mr. M.J.M. (Martin) van Bohemen

B. (Birgit) Maier-Stein

Mr. W.G. (Wilco) Engberts

W. (Friedrich) Schneider

M.J.C. (Manfred) Hessing

.J. (Ymte) Yntema

Mr. P. (Pieter) Kling Mr. F. (Fred) Nijskens

.J.M. (Henk) Boelrijk

L. (Jacques) de Groot

Mr. D. (Derk) Oorburg

da member

C. (Clara) Hagen

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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees International Expert Committee Responsible Biomass Subsector


Production of bio-energy

Mr. A. Mr. K.

Trade in and collection of biomass products/ingredients

Mr. M Mr. J.

Independent expert Mr. B. (Bert) van Asselt Chairman Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Ms. D. (Dalia) Brkulic

GMP+ International


Deputy members

.J. (Anne Jacob) Waterlander . (Koos) Felsbourg

M. (Maarten) van Vulpen (John) van de Ven

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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Subcommittee Certification and Compliance Subsector


Production of dry feed materials Production of liquid feed materials Production of additives

Mr. C.

Trade & collection of feed materials

Mr. C.

Road transport Rail transport Inland waterway transport Sea vessel transport

Mr. F.

Production of pet foods Production of premixes and compound feeds

Mr. D.

Processing, wholesale and retail of animal products for human consumption (food sector)

Mr. D.

Certification bodies

Ms. B

Mr. H.

Ms. P.

Mr. A.

Mr. D.

Mr. M Mr. J.

Mr. R.



Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog

Mr. M

Secretary Mr. A. (Lex) van Ee Secretary Mrs. L. (Leyla) Alpaca

GMP+ International


Deputy members

. (Carl) van der Auwera

Mr. B. (Ben) van den Berg

. (Christian) Grütters (Frank) van den Eijnden

.E. (Henk) Steinmann

Mr. J. (Jan) Vogelaar

. (Dirk) van Korven

Mr. M. (Michaël) Hovenjürgen Ms. I. (Imelda) Gielen

. (Derk) Oorburg

P. (Petra) Kock

B. (Birgitta) Kratochwil

. (Alan) Baccon

.J. (Erik) Verweij

M.E. (Evert) van de Pest (Joachim) Mehnert

Ms. M. (Marjolein) van Meel Mr. J. (Jobst) Düstersiek

. (Remco) Pieters

da member

M. (Martin) van Bohemen

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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Subcommittee Production Subsector


Production of dry feed materials

Ms. A. (Alice Ms. C. (Carin

Production of liquid feed materials

Mr. C. (Carl) Mrs. A.T. (An

Production of additives

Mr. H. (Diek

Production of pet foods

Mr. D. (Dirk)

Production of premixes and compound feeds

Mr. G. (Geo) Mr. H. (Heiko Mrs. A. (Astr

Livestock farming & aquaculture

Mr. H.J.M. (H

Processing, wholesale and retail of animal products for human consumption (food sector)

Mr. J. (Jan) v


Agenda me

Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog

Mr. C. (Coen

Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Mr. J. (Jaap) van der Kloet

GMP+ International

Deputy members

e) Visser ne) van Vuure

Mr. A. (Andreas) Bolte Mr. M. (Martin) Alm

) van der Auwera nne) Sikkema-Hof

Mr. D.G. (Derk) van Manen

k) van Ramshorst

Ms. N. (Natasja) Wouters

Mr. R. (Rene) Schepens

) van Korven

Mr. M. (Martin) van Bohemen

) Hengeveld o) Almann rid) den Hartog-den Bruinen

Mr. A.(Achim) Hedwig Mr. G.(Gerrit) van Heerikhuize

Henk) Boelrijk

van Esch

Ms. C.L. (Clara) Hagen


n) van der Geest and Mr. P. (Piet) Barten

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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Subcommittee Trade & Collection Subsector


Production of dry feed materials

Mr. C. (Coen

Production of liquid feed materials

Mr. K. (Koos

Trade & Collection of feed materials Storage & transshipment of feed materials and feeds

Mr. R. (Robin Ms. A. (Andr Mr. J. (Jaco) Mrs. A. (Aud Mr. B. (Bern

Treatment of feed materials

Mr. M. (Mart

Production of premixes and compound feeds

Ms. K. (Katja Mr. J.E.G.M.(

Livestock farming & aqua culture

Mr. H.J.M.(H

Chairman Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Ms. A.J.M. (Sandra) de Bruin

GMP+ International

Deputy members

n) van der Geest

Ms. A. (Alice) Visser

s) Felsbourg

Mr. D.G. (Derk) van Manen

n) Sanders rea) Wenzel ) Scheurwater drey) Rensen-van Lijden nard) Kilcline

Mr. P. (Peter) van Vuren Mr. J. (Jan) Knol Mr. J.W. (Jan Willem) Baas Mr. B. (Billy) Stack

tin) Villa

Mr. C. (Cornel) Boere

a) Kubaschek (Jos) Kroonen

Ms. J. (Julia) Danoci Mr. K.G. (Klaas Gerrit) Sikma

Henk) Boelrijk

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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Subcommittee Transport Subsector


Production of dry feed materials

Mr. R. (Ron)

Production of liquid feed materials

Mr. C. (Cyrie

Production of premixes and compound feeds

Ms. J. (Jutta Ms. E. (Eva)

Trade in and collection of feed materials

Mr. A. (Arno Mr. J.D. (Jan

Road transport

Mr. F. (Frank

Rail transport

Mr. P. (Patric

Sea vessel transport Inland waterway transport

Mr. U. (Uwe) Mr. G.K.M. ( Mr. H.E. (He

Chairman Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Ms. D. (Dalia) Brkulic

GMP+ International

Deputy members

) van Noord

Mr. A. (Andreas) Bolte

el) van Erve

Ms. J. (Judith) Hoes

a) Meyl-Sievers ) Hörstmann

o) Mählmann n Dirk) Stouten

Mr. R. (Robin) Sanders

k) van den Eijnden

ck) Schlicht

) Schiemann (Gerard) Kester enk) Steinmann

Annual Report 2015

Mr. J. (Jörg) Wochnik Mr. J. (Jan) Vogelaar

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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Technical Committee Feed Support Products Subsector


Production of dry feed materials

Mr. R. (Ron) Mrs. M. (Mar

Production of liquid feed materials

Mr. C. (Cyrie Mr. E. (Enge

Production of additives Production of premixes and compound feeds

Mr. T. (Ton) Mr. J. (Jelle) Ms. S. (Suza

Trade in and collection of feed materials

Ms. H. (Hug Mr. G.P.J. (G

Independent experts Mr. R. (Richard) Hageraats Mr. R. (Rob) Margry Mr. J. (John) Tersteeg Mr. F. (Frank) Gort Chairman Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog Secretary Mrs. E.A.J. (Els) van der Boon Secretary Mrs. L. (Liliana) Quillama Torres

GMP+ International

Deputy members

) van Noord rjoke) Collombon-Scherpenzeel

Mr. A. (Alexander) Romme

el) van Erve elbert) Heutink

Mr. K. (Koos) Felsbourg Ms. J. (Judith) Hoes

van Paassen ) van Bruggen anne) Zebregs

Mr. H. (Huub) Rotink Ms. A. (Arianne) Schoofs Mr. W. (Walter) Scholten

guette) Tychon Govert) Schouten

Mr. M. (Maarten) van Vulpen

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Appendix 1 - Composition of board, IEC and subcommittees Subcommittee Responsible Feed Subsector


Production of dry feed materials

Mr. E. (Eddy Mr. K. (Kees

Production of liquid feed materials Production of additives Trade & collection of feed materials

Mr. R. (Roel) Ms. P.D. (Pa

Road Transport Rail Transport Inland waterway transport

Mr. U. (Uwe)

Production of pet foods

Mr. D. (Dirk)

Production of premixes and compound feeds

Ms. S. (Suza Mr. Y.J. (Ymt Mr. H. (Herm

Livestock farming & aqua culture Processing wholesale and retail of animal products for human consumption (food sector)


Agenda me

Mr. J. (Johan) den Hartog


Secretary Mr. D. (Dik) Wolters Secretary Ms. A.J.M. (Sandra) de Bruin

GMP+ International

Deputy members

y) Esselink s) van Gorp

) Baakman aulien) van de Graaff

) Schiemann

Mr. J. (Jรถrg) Wochnik

) van Korven

anne) Zebregs te) Yntema mann-Josef) Baaken


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Appendix 2

Partners of GMP+ Internationa


GMP+ International


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Appendix 2 - Partners of GMP+ International Overview of partners anno 2015.12.31 Partner


Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging van Eierhandelaren (ANEVEI) The Netherlands

Processing, products int sector)

Association of Dutch Poultry Processing Industry (Nederlandse Pluimvee Industrie) The Netherlands

Processing, products int sector)

Binnenvaart Branche Unie (BBU) The Netherlands

Transport an feeds

Biogas Branche Organisatie The Netherlands

Production o

Bundesverband der Deutschen Binnenschiffahrt e.V. Germany

Transport an and feeds

Centraal Bureau voor de Rijn- en Binnenvaart The Netherlands

Trade and c feeds Production o compound f

Cluster West France

Processing, products int sector)

Deutscher Verband Tiernahrung e.V. Germany

Production o collection of Production o compound f

Dutch Association Processors Slaughter by/products (Vereniging Verwerkers Slachtbijproducten) The Netherlands

Production o

GMP+ International

tive of following economic activities*

Website wholesale and retail of animal tended for human consumption (food wholesale and retail of animal tended for human consumption (food

nd chartering of feed materials and

of bio energy

nd chartering of feed ingredients

collection of feed ingredients and

of premixes, concentrates and feeds wholesale and retail of animal tended for human consumption (food

of feed ingredients Trade and f feed ingredients and feeds of premixes, concentrates and feeds

of feed ingredients

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Appendix 2 - Partners of GMP+ International Overview of partners anno 2015.12.31 Partner


Dutch Feed Additive Group (Dufagro) The Netherlands

Production o

European Fat Processors and Renderers Association (EFPRA) Belgium

Production o moist feed m

Feed Chile A.G. Chile

Production o Trade in and

GemZu (Vereniging Gemeenschappelijk Zuivelsecretariaat) The Netherlands

Trade in and

IMFO (International Maritime Fumigation Organization) United Kingdom

Treatment o

Interregional Union of Poultry and Feed Producers Ukraine

Production o

Irish Grain and Feed Association (IGFA) Ireland

Production o Storage and and feeds Trade in and Transport an feeds Treatment o

LTO Nederland The Netherlands

Livestock fa

MVO The Netherlands

Trade in and Production o transshipme

GMP+ International

tive of following economic activities*


of feed additives

of dry feed materials Production of materials

of premixes and compound feeds d collection of feed materials

d collection of feed materials

of feed materials

of premixes and compound feeds

of premixes and compound feeds d transshipment of feed materials

d collection of feed materials nd chartering of feed materials and

of feed materials


d collection of feed materials of moist feed materials Storage and ent of feed materials and feeds

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Appendix 2 - Partners of GMP+ International Overview of partners anno 2015.12.31 Partner


Nederlandse Vereniging Diervoederindustrie The Netherlands

Production o compound f

Nederlandse Vereniging van Handelaren in Stro, Fourages en Aanverwante produkten (HISFA) The Netherlands

Forage trade Trade in and Trade in and ingredients

Nederlandse Voedingsindustrie Gezelschapsdieren The Netherlands

Production o

Raiffeisen Futterring e.V. Germany

Production o Trade in and

Royal Dutch Grain and Feed Trade Association (Het ComitĂŠ) The Netherlands

Transport an feeds Trade in and Trade in and ingredients

Royal Friesland Campina The Netherlands

Processing, products int sector)

Transport en Logistiek Nederland (TLN) The Netherlands

Transport an ingredients Transport an feeds

VanDrie Group The Netherlands

Processing, products int sector)

GMP+ International

tive of following economic activities*


of premixes, concentrates and feeds

e d collection of feed materials d collection of biomass products/

of pet foods

of premixes and compound feeds d collection of feed materials

nd chartering of feed materials and

d collection of feed materials d collection of biomass products/ wholesale and retail of animal tended for human consumption (food

nd chartering of biomass products/

nd chartering of feed materials and wholesale and retail of animal tended for human consumption (food

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Appendix 2 - Partners of GMP+ International Overview of partners anno 2015.12.31 Partner


Verband Deutscher Mühlen Germany

Production o

Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen e.V. (VDV) Germany

Transport an feeds

Verein der Getreidehändler der Hamburger Börse E.V. (VdG) Germany

Trade in and Storage and and feeds

Verein der Zucker-Industrie Germany

Production o moist feed m

Vereniging van Nederlandse Fabrikanten van Eetbare Oliën en Vetten (Vernof) The Netherlands

Production o

Vereniging van Nederlandse Fabrikanten van Voedertoevoegingen (Nefato) The Netherlands

Production o

Vereniging Overleggroep Producenten Natte Veevoeder (OPNV) The Netherlands

Production o

Vereniging Voedingsmiddelen in Diervoeder Overleg (VIDO) The Netherlands

Production o Production o collection of Treatment o

VION Food Group The Netherlands

Processing, products for

* These are the economic activities mentioned in section 3.

GMP+ International

tive of following economic activities*


of dry feed materials

nd chartering of feed materials and

d collection of feed materials d transshipment of feed materials

of dry feed materials Production of materials

of dry feed materials

of feed additives

of moist feed materials

of dry feed materials of moist feed materials Trade in and f feed materials of feed materials

wholesale and retail of animal r human consumption (food sector)

.1 of the Regulation for Partnership of GMP+ International

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Appendix 3

Participants of the GMP+ FSA M


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Participants of GMP+ FSA


1 - 100 101 - 500 > 500

Argentina 56 Australia 1 Austria 486 Bahamas 1 Belarus 4 Belgium 151 Belize 1 Bosnia Herzegovina 1 Brazil 148 Bulgaria 28 Canada 129 Cayman Islands 1

Chile China Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador Estonia Faroe Islands Finland France Germany

3 61 10 6 684 185 2 7 3 10 267 5,020

Greece Greenland Guatemala Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan Latvia

3 1 1 166 44 63 28 2 408 3 4 8

Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malaysia Maldives Malta Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Morocco Netherlands Nicaragua GMP+ International

ry 2016

13 35 1 81 1 1 1 4 3 10 4,434 2

Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Singapore Slovakia

Annual Report 2015

Total: 14,739

17 23 1 11 64 1,291 8 69 17 30 14 141

Slovenia 13 South Korea 1 Spain 112 Suriname 1 Sweden 18 Switzerland 44 Taiwan 3 Thailand 8 Tunisia 1 Turkey 22 Ukraine 64 United Arab Emirates 1 full screen


United Kingdom United States Uruguay Vietnam Virgin Islands, British Total:

38 124 8 12 1


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Appendix 4

Participants of the GMP+ FRA M


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Chapter 2 Target Audience & Relationship

Participants of GMP+ FRA


0 1 - 100 > 100

GMP+ International

ry 2016

Annual Report 2015

Total: 164

Belgium Germany The Netherlands

2 2 160


164 full screen


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GMP+ International

GMP+ INTERNATIONAL Braillelaan 9 2289 CL Rijswijk The Netherlands  070 3074 120

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COLOPHON Published by GMP+ International B.V., Rijswijk, The Netherlands Concept, Copywriting and Coordination: Natasja Zonneveld Graphics and Layout: Anouk van der Steenoven

© GMP+ International B.V. All rights reserved. The information in this publication may be consulted as long as this is done for your own, non-commercial use. For other desired uses, prior written permission should be obtained from GMP+ International B.V.

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