Temple Sinai December 18/ January 19 Mosaic

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Rabbi's Study



Shmittah, Sabbatical & Sinai

Chanukah, Tikkun Olam & Religious Freedom

Reflections from Pittsburgh

A C K4 P A C K E R page 1 T H E M I L L E N I A L B page

page 7


01 From Rabbi Litwak's Study 02 A Note From Our President 03 Chanukah Fun-ukah 05 MLK Shabbat Synagogue + Church 06 Join Us! ECE Events + Happenings


07 Thoughts on Pittsburgh 08 Celebrate 09 Donations 10 Thank You +Â SNFTY


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Doris Pienknagura | President Darren Friedman | 1st VP Lenny Feldman | 2nd VP Bob Mirel

I have to admit that I am writing this Mosaic article prior to my leaving on sabbatical. By the time you read this, I should be finishing the New Zealand part of my adventure and moving on to Tasmania, where I will spend Chanukah with the Hobart Congregation - all 37 families. They have invited my family to share their Chanukah Picnic and then later in the week, I will be teaching about Progressive/Reform Judaism in their synagogue - the oldest one in the Southern Hemisphere. Let me to wish each of you a Chanukah filled with the light and warmth of family, friends, and community. I am also writing this in the weeks following the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. Yesterday, there was another mass shooting, in Thousand Oaks, California. In between these two events, we had elections and, once again, it was clear that our country is broken and badly divided. Anti-Semitic acts have risen almost 50% in the past two years. Rhetoric from our government seems to foment divisiveness. Leaders around our country inculcate an atmosphere of conspiracy minded thinking. Anti-Zionism is only thinly veiled anti-Semitism. Gun violence is rampant.

| Treasurer

Carol Moss | Secretary Sue Klau | Past President

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Courtney Augusta Maureen Boiarsky

We have ways to combat these challenges. Since 2008, Temple Sinai has sponsored our annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Shabbat. This has come to be one of my favorite Shabbatot of the year, as we bring other faiths together. In such trying times, it is crucial that we build and constantly strengthen the bridges that we have between faith communities. In our unity and our diversity, we find common cause and strength.

Sharron Botwinick Andrew Chesnick Donald Goodman Henry Hirsch Howard Katzman Claudia Leib

If anyone in modern history carried the prophetic torch of peace and justice, freedom and equality, it was Dr. King. His life reminds us that we can be better as individuals and as a country. I look forward to seeing you upon my return and celebrating with you on January 18. - Rabbi Alan

Ryan Sherman Gail Slatko


Renee Yeslow

TRUSTEES EMERITI George Berlin* Sam Bloom* Rose Ellen Glickman Ralph Hollander* Stuart Israelson Jeannette Jacobson* Sue Shapiro Klau Norman S. Klein Robert Layton Murphy Leopold Norman Leopold Arnold Meyer* Florence Nelson* Aaron Podhurst Kenneth Schwartz* Al Sherman* Barbara Silverman Daniel Supon* Jon Sussman Brian Tarasuk* *in loving memory



No religion is an island; there is no monopoly on holiness. We are companions of all who revere the Holy One. We rejoice when God’s name is praised. No religion is an island; We share the kinship of humanity, the capacity for compassion. God’s spirit rests upon all, Jew or Gentile, man or woman, in consonance with their deeds. The creation of one Adam and one Eve promotes peace. No one can claim: my ancestry is nobler than yours. There is no monopoly on holiness There is no truth without humility, We are diverse in our devotion and commitment. We must be united in working for the reign of God. There can be disagreement without disrespect.

Let us help one another overcome the hardness of heart, opening minds to the challenges of faith. Should we hope for each other’s failures? Or should we pray for each other’s welfare? Let mutual concern replace mutual contempt, as we share the precarious position of being human. Have we not all one Creator? Are we not all equal children? Let us not be guided by ignorance or disdain. Let lives of holiness illumine our paths. God is open to all who seek the Holy One. Let our deed reflect that we share the image of God. Let those who revere the Holy One speak to one another, leading everyone to acknowledge the splendor of God.




Dear Temple Sinai Partners, Having completed the first quarter of the current fiscal year, I am providing you with an update of our activities and results of this quarter. Our calendar continues to be filled with successful events and activities: Sukkah Sunday, Simchat Torah BBQ, Cu@Shabbat, Eliana Light Musician in Residence, Meet the Author with Martin Fletcher, Sisterhood Circle Sunday Morning Yoga, Cabi, Book Review and Empty Nester’s trip to Fort Myers were carried out as planned. Our campus has been extremely busy and active. Kristallnacht was commemorated with a solemn and inspiring Shabbat service. Rabbi David’s joy, enthusiasm and energy have motivated our teenagers. They are totally engaged and have their own Lounge where they can meet and plan their activities. Temple Sinai’s solidarity with Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh was immediate with a moving #ShowupforShabbat service. This sad event has made us re-evaluate our security with the help of Greater Miami Jewish Federation. Our tenant BridgePrep is also collaborating in our efforts by hiring a third guard to better control access to our campus. As always, we continue to monitor closely our finances. Camp Sinai’s revenues were lower than expected due to a reduction in participants. Still, we are on track and have not needed to draw funds from our reserves thanks to a slightly higher enrollment at our ECE and a very successful registration at BridgePrep. We have met the High Holy Day Matching Grant but still need your support to meet all our fundraising goals both in the Annual Giving Campaign and General Donations. We would like to clarify that the matching grant given to us by a very generous donor must be dedicated to capital improvements. In accordance with this stipulation, we purchased a new chiller for the Feinbloom Sanctuary/Wiener Social Hall last year, and this year we have replaced the twelve AC units in our ECE building. We were also able to replace the AC unit in the Feinbloom Administration building. These investments are therefore not part of our operational cash flow.

Rabbi David

It seems also that there has been some confusion regarding our fiscal year and how all your generous donations are booked. Our fiscal year runs from July 1st to June 30th and donations must be booked within those dates to be counted towards chai donor qualification for the following year. We totally understand how this can be confusing since it does not match the calendar year. Please make sure you join our Chanukah Fun-ukah celebration. Our Outreach and Partnership Team has planned a wonderful evening for all ages. This will be an amazing end of the calendar year for our Congregation. I wish all of you a Happy Chanukah and a joyful, healthy and peaceful new year. Best Regards, Doris Pienknagura


Chanukah Fun-ukah Friday, December 7th 6:15pm Oneg w/ food for the littles @ 5:45pm! Fun activities for all ages!

Adults $18 (partner) $25 (non partner) Kids 6-13 $12 (partner) $15 (non partner) Kids 5 & Under Free

Come dine at our LATKE BAR!

Sing with Temple Sinai's Choral Ensemble

Design your own donuts

Take photos with your friends...

Bring your own Chanukiyah

Enter to be "Sinai's Top Latke Chef"

Brisket, Pulled Chicken & Veggie Chili

at our Donut Bar!


Special Performance Put a smile on a child’s face by bringing an unopened & unwrapped gift for the children of JAFCO @TEMPLESINAIND








By returning to and reclaiming the Temple, the Maccabees recommitted themselves to a Jewish way of life, to all that they held dear. Thus, Hanukkah prompts a rededication not only to Judaism, but also to the values at the center of the Jewish faith. In particular, Hanukkah can be a time for us to rededicate ourselves to the Jewish value of tikkun olam, repair of the world. The story of Hanukkah also reminds us of the precious religious liberty that was denied to the Jews under King Antiochus but is guaranteed to us. The North American Jewish experience has been different than that told in the story of Hanukkah. Thankfully, we are able to practice our faith without the threat of conversion, expulsion, revoked citizenship or imprisonment. The United States, founded by people descended from religious exiles, is rooted in the principle of religious liberty. As the Constitution’s First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Those words mean that Jews have the same right to celebrate religious traditions as do Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and every other religious faith that makes up the rich fabric of American society, including those who choose to follow no faith tradition at all. The experience of Canadian Jews has been similarly positive, owed in part to the 1982 Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which protects freedom of conscience and religion.

Ner Shel Tzedakah: Candle of Righteousness Hanukkah has traditionally been a time of giving gifts and/or gelt (money) to children. In Eastern Europe, children were dismissed from school early to enjoy their small bit of pocket money and have some time off during the holiday. This tradition of gift giving and receiving has magnified over the years. Nowadays, it is not uncommon for families to give ever larger presents each night of the holiday. This emphasis on lavish gifts is a product of our interaction with modern North American culture, a culture in which the “Holiday Shopping Season” has grown longer each year.

Just as Jews in the time of the Maccabees wrestled with the extent to which they should allow Greek culture to influence their lives, so, too, do North American Jews wrestle with the extent to which we should allow secular culture to influence our lives. This culture of commercialism undermines the true meaning of our celebration. Even many Christian leaders bemoan the loss of a meaningful Christmas that gets overshadowed by an emphasis on gifts. Hanukkah can be a time to reexamine what we consider gifts to be and how we go about giving and receiving gifts. Ner Shel Tzedakah ("Candle of Righteousness") is a project in which families and individuals devote the sixth night of Hanukkah to learning about the problem of poverty. They donate the value of the gifts (or the gifts themselves) that otherwise would be exchanged on that night to organizations that assist the poor, locally or globally. By making donations on the sixth night of Hanukkah, families help the Jewish candle of righteousness glow brightly for those in need. Don’t let the light go out!

A Blessing for the Sixth Night of Hanukkah Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Haolam, Asher Kidshanu B'mitzvotav, V'limdeinu L'Hadlik Ner Shel Tzedakah Blessed are You, Eternal, our God, who makes us holy through the performance of Mitzvot, and inspires us to light the Candle of Righteousness. As we light this "Ner Shel Tzedakah" tonight, we pray that its light will shine into the dark corners of our world, bringing relief to those suffering from the indignity and pain that accompany poverty. May our act of giving inspire others to join with us in the fight against the scourge of hunger, homelessness, need and want. Together, let us raise our voices to cry out for justice, and may that clarion call burst through the night's silence and declare that change must come.

Suggestions for Observing Ner Shel Tzedakah On the sixth night of Hanukkah, gather as a family to discuss ways to donate the value of Hanukkah presents received. Here are some possibilities: In lieu of giving Hanukkah gifts, consider making donations in honor of friends and family to help poor families keep the heat on during the cold winter months. Invite a local welfare agency to match your family with a local family in need. Provide the family with items from "wish lists" that the family members create. Join a local Meals on Wheels program to deliver hot meals to homebound individuals. Volunteer at a hospital, shelter or soup kitchen on the sixth night of Hanukkah. Encourage a high school student to register for a Mitzvah Corps program this summer, where they can travel to communities like Seattle, Chicago, New Orleans, and New Jersey, and take hands-on action to alleviate poverty.



Please join us for our special Shabbat service and program celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with guest Dr. Jeffrey Swain, Dean of Campus Ministry (Chaplain) at the Susie C. Holley Religious Center at Florida Memorial University in Miami Gardens, Florida. Dr. Swain has 25 years of ministerial experience, having served as Minister of Christian Education and Associate Minister at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Miami for more than a decade. He is an avid teacher of the Word, having been groomed under the leadership of Rev. D. L. Powell. He has preached throughout the southeastern United States and New York and believes deeply in the efficacy of the Word to do “its perfect work.”

only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."- MLK, JR.

Dr. Swain is the author of six books: Black and Still Here, A World of Color, Education in America: A Dilemma in the 21st Century, The Soul Unsettled, The Poetry Café for Women and Ancestors of the African Diaspora: A Tribute in Prosetry. His opinion column on issues of race, culture and politics can be seen regularly in the South Florida Times. He has a passion for the history of people of the African diaspora and writes and studies constantly in this area. A reception will follow the service. For more information, contact us at templesinai@tsnd.org or call 305.932.9010 TEMPLE SINAI OF NORTH DADE 18801 NE 22 AVENUE NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FL 33180




Bilingual Program


English + Spanish w/ Intertwined Hebrew

Small Class Size Standards After-School Enrichments Yoga + Robotics + Athletics

Opens December 10th! Ages 18MO - 5YR


Sinai Winter

Vegetables, Herbs & Flowers

For More Info

TSND.ORG/ECE or 305.932.9012 to Schedule a Tour!






2018 2018




Garden Project


Mini Camp

$ 36

14 Wooded-Acre Campus

HALF DAY: 9-12:30, $170 FULL DAY: 9-3, $250 DAILY RATE: $60.00 SARA IN THE ECE OFFICE 305-932-9012

cu@shabbat FRIDAY, JANUARY 11TH @ 6PM cu@shabbat Save-the-Date MARCH 1 @6PM

Join us for an exciting Shabbat! Designed and created especially for children under the age of 10 and their families. Enjoy a family style Shabbat dinner, blessings, songs and then stay for a fun show!



What I am left with is the silence. Standing outside of Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, a normally busy neighborhood of Pittsburgh, it was eerily quiet. Overcast and cold, blocked by a police barricade, the only movement came from law enforcement and tv crews in the unnerving stillness. It was Sunday morning. There should have been parents dropping off their children for Sunday School, people out walking, dogs on leashes, bikes on the road. Instead it was just… silent. Saturday, October 27 marked one of the darkest days in American Jewish history. During Shabbat morning services, a gunman carrying an AR-15 style rifle and three handguns entered the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and opened fire. When all was said and done, 11 Jews, gathered to worship in peace, regulars of Saturday morning prayer, members of our extended Jewish family, lay murdered in their house of worship.

There are no easy words of comfort in times like these. We are confronting unanswerable theological questions. As I said on Sunday, as a father I, too, have to make decisions about the safety of my family in our sacred spaces. We are afraid. I am afraid. When I sat down to write this reflection, I thought back over my time in Pittsburgh this weekend. I thought back to my arrival at Temple Ohav Shalom which, despite the fear and uncertainty of the moment, refused to cancel the URJ Day of Leadership Learning scheduled to take place at their synagogue. I thought back to the remarkable Sunday evening vigil near Squirrel Hill where thousands gathered in support and solidarity. I thought back to Wasi Mohamed, executive director of the Islamic Center for Pittsburgh, who announced $70,000 in funds raised from the Muslim community toward the care and support of the local Jewish community.

I thought back to Reverend Vincent Kolb who, as he reiterated Pittsburgh’s commitment as an open and welcoming sanctuary city, was met with spontaneous chants of “VOTE. VOTE. VOTE.” Most of all, I thought back to a question I heard from a student at the University of Pittsburgh Hillel. Faced with the daunting task of processing Saturday’s violence, this student asked me: “After Parkland, has nothing changed?” This question broke my heart. Then I realized, something has changed. We have changed. Our people are grappling with the reality that, though antiSemitism has always existed, this act of violence—gunning down Jews in a house of worship—is unprecedented in the United States. We are asking ourselves: how do we keep ourselves safe and secure in Jewish spaces? How do we ensure that Jews of color are not targeted or profiled in the name of this security? How do we ensure this never happens again—to any community, not just our own? -Continued Page 8


The answer is that we will not change who we are. We will confront these challenges head on, comforted and bolstered by the resilience of our community. We must remain steadfast in the work of tikkun olam, the work that began with Creation and continues to this day. And we will do this work together.

- Urge Congress to take immediate action to stem the destructive tide of gun violence. After Parkland, the Reform Jewish Movement, led by our resolute Jewish college and high school students, recommitted to working consistently and courageously to stem the overwhelming tide of gun violence in the United States.

NFTY – The Reform Jewish Youth Movement, joined by our passionate college student leaders and the full weight of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC), will continue to lead us in sustained, meaningful gun violence prevention advocacy in Florida, Washington State, and across the United States.

- Vote. If you can’t vote, canvass. If you can’t canvass, phone bank. This election, now only days away, will have a profound and long-lasting impact on the way our nation addresses the treatment of refugees and immigrants, the profound challenge of gun violence, the erasure of the transgender community, and so many other critical contemporary issues. Let our deeds of justice and our words of love turn the silent stillness of death into the possibility of liberty and new life.

The 200th congregation just signed the Brit Olam, publicly reaffirming its commitment to meaningful social justice work, grounded in our sacred and enduring Jewish values. They join a growing network of congregations working in concert to repair our world. The RAC’s Civic Engagement Campaign has helped tens of thousands of Reform Jews mobilize around this year’s midterm election (now just days away). We may cast our ballots with heavy hearts, but we will vote proudly, with optimism for the better future we will build together.

* This article was written by Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. While some of the content is no longer relative, we hope you find the message both inspiration and actionable.

So, to this student and to the entire Reform Movement I say: something has changed. Our resolve, already so strong, has hardened even further. We are stronger than ever and together we will overcome this. For those asking what can be done to push us forward, I offer these suggestions: - Attend Shabbat services this weekend as part of North American Solidarity Shabbat. Find a congregation near you. - Urge your elected officials to visibly and consistently act to delegitimize anti-Semitism, white supremacy, and other forms of bigotry. This act of violence does not exist in a vacuum. Anti-Semitism is on the rise, as is hateful rhetoric and action towards so many marginalized communities including Sikhs, Muslims, people of color, and the LGBTQ community. We must work together to combat a culture of violent rhetoric that is all too quickly becoming a culture of violent action.




Elaine & Steve Bachenheimer

Nichole Eckert


Daneya Eid

Brandee & Scott Goldstein

Mark Jaffe &

Sandra Henderson

Adam is is 13 years old and is a 7th grader at Pine

Open your mail from your inbox

instead of your mailbox. Each year,

millions of pounds of paper, trees and

gallons of gasoline are used to deliver

mail in the U.S. By going paperless,

Crest School, Fort Lauderdale. Adam loves sports. He you reduce waste, save money on has been a diver and soccer player since his early

Susana Kanner

stamps and streamline your days. He also enjoys track, skiing and scuba diving.

Ed Marcus

information! He’s passionate about animals and an advocate for

Ruthie Metcalfe their well being wherever he goes. Adam enjoys Steven & Kristen Nitsberg traveling the world with his family, getting to know Laura & Joel Sanders new places, new cultures and new foods. For his Danielle & Josh Snyder

Alan Stahler

If you wish to join us in the paperless

movement, click the "Go Paperless"

mitzvah work Adam raised money in order to donate to

button included in the Sinai Scene

Jewish charities and causes that are dear to him.

email or send us an email at

Some of the charities are the Holocaust Memorial in


Miami Beach, the Jewish National Fund, Florida Jewish

Museum, and Friends of the IDF.

DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS 12/1 Cantor Irving Shulkes 12/1 Irwin Katz 12/1 Meredith Fishman 12/1 Ellen Halem A 12/2 Sophy Rindler 12/3 Ronald Book 12/7 Mario Grosfeld 12/7 Ida Sims 12/7 Toby Katzker 12/8 Ronnie Fromberg 12/12 Inna Armel 12/12 Merle Saferstein 12/12 Iris Blumenau 12/13 Bonnie Bloom 12/13 Ronnie Zindorf 12/14 Frances Foster 12/16 Carrie Mintz 12/17 Nirvana Sherman 12/18 Michael Sims 12/19 Holly Leinwand 12/20 Judy Agron 12/21 Lori Novick 12/22 Moises Portnoy 12/22 Aaron Mirel 12/23 Elizabeth Kittay 12/23 Robin Silverman 12/24 Jeff Steinberg 12/24 Charles Kantor 12/26 Adrienne Roth

112/28 Marcos Fintz 12/28 Shirley Lehman 12/30 Roslynn Averbook 12/31 Helayne Gordon

DECEMBER NNIVERSARIES 12/4 Mark & Gail Slatko 12/4 Cantor Irving & Joanne Shulkes 12/17 Sanford & Ellen Nusbaum 12/17 Donald & Sandra Goodman 12/18 Jonathan & Holly Leinwand 12/18 David & Evelyn Rosen 12/20 Kevin & Sharon Garroway 12/20 Alex & Barbara Falcon 12/22 Irwin & Dena Katz 12/23 Barton & Lyanne L. Wassermann 12/24 Charles & Ferris Shenker 12/25 Mark & Sandi-Jo Gordon 12/27 William & Shirley Lehman 12/27 Howard & Ingrid Roskin 12/28 Toby & Dianne Katzker 12/30 Jay & Robin Chernoff

JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 1/1 Sharon Garroway 1/4 Lynn Mendelssohn 1/4 Millard Cummins 1/4 Mark Mintz 1/5 Carol Schectman 1/5 Lillian Stein 1/10 Sandi-Jo Gordon 1/10 Howard Sanford 1/11 Audina Berrocal 1/12 Mark Gordon 1/13 Jerry Leader 1/13 Joel Wolf 1/18 Kara Friedman 1/21 James Schenkel 1/23 Terry Drucker 1/23 Deborah Frankel 1/25 Ivania Max 1/26 Steven Brodsky 1/27 Steven Weinstein 1/27 Diana Leader 1/28 Rochelle Weinstein 1/28 Rodney Max 1/29 Alain Ohana 1/31 Jeffrey Futernick 1/31 Dena Katz

JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES 1/3 Robert & Louise Mirel 1/3 Javier & Isabel Alvarez-Levey 1/6 Jeffrey & Joni Futernick 1/18 Robert Sugarman & Marilyn Seskin 1/20 Steven & Cila Eilat 1/25 Norman & Karen Leopold 1/28 Jonathan & Marjorie Sussman 1/29 Murray & Judith Swift 1/30 Ryan & Nirvana Sherman 1/31 Lynn & Ronnie Fromberg


Arnold & Roselyn Meyer ECE Fund Mark Rokhfeld

Memorial Fund General Donation

Brick Paver Dedication Keith & Suzanne Summers

Brick Paver Dedication

Cantor Norman Falah's Discretionary Fund Irene J. Baros Merritt & Ellen Halem Isamar Perez Joel & Adele Sandberg Irene J. Baros Lillian Stein Rabbi Ralph P. & Brenda Kingsley Merritt & Ellen Halem Aaron & Carol Schectman Barton & Lyanne L. Wassermann Isamar Perez Mary Lou Brotherson Mary Lou Brotherson

In memory of Norman D. Jacobs In memory of Benjamin Halem In honor of Lillian Schwartz's birthday In memory of Rosalind Einhorn In memory of H. Jack Miller In honor of Talia Cohen Falah's birthday In appreciation for the aliyah on Yom Kippur In appreciation In honor of Mary Lou Brotherson's birthday In honor of Carol Lewis's birthday In honor of Talia Cohen Falah's birthday In appreciation of Marty and Heather Oppenheimer's hospitality In appreciation of Esther and Mordechai's kindness

Caring Community Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman

In honor of Linda and Lee Hertz's anniversary In honor of the birth of Linda and Lee Hertz granddaughter, Zoe Reese Licht

General Donation Fund Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Rosalie Borg Irwin & Sue Klau Lee & Linda Hertz

To Eric Zinn & Family for their loss In memory of Sally Lipman In memory of Bernard Ross In memory of Ethel Leventhal In memory of Florence Pearl In memory of Rose Gittelman In memory of Franklyn Stern In memory of Harold Falcon In memory of Jacob E. Raffel In memory of Arlene Durnst Frederick In memory of Sylvia Wax In memory of Harold Falcon In memory of Bertha Nelson In memory of Max R. Israelson In memory of Phyllis Maier In memory of Elsie Schiffman In memory of David Schiffman In memory of Hyman Mendelssohn In memory of Max Banner In memory of Eugene Silverstein In memory of Jack F. Leonard In memory of Morton I. Boiarsky In memory of Morton I. Boiarsky In memory of Sally Jones In memory of Brant Gordon In Memory of Mildred Epstein In Memory of William Blumenau In Memory of William Blumenau In memory of Dorothy Kovnat In memory of Miriam Alma In memory of Carl Lipton In memory of Jonah Goldberg In memory Skip Turchin In memory of Roberta Sandler In memory of Helen Skolnik In memory of Irith Pienknagura In memory of Max Beitsch In memory of Rosa Nimelman In memory of Hilda Bendell In memory of William Roberts In memory of Bea Roberts

Sylvan & Carol Lewis Sylvan & Carol Lewis Sylvan & Carol Lewis Irwin & Sue Klau Irwin & Sue Klau

In memory of Hilda Bendell In honor of Rabbi Ralph P. Kingsley's special birthday In honor of Luis Hernandez's conversion In honor of the birth of their newest granddaughter, Zoe Reese Licht and her sister In honor of the birth of Carolina and Carlos Moscovici's daughter, Anabella In honor of the birth of Linda and Lee Hertz granddaughter, Zoe Reese Licht In honor of the birth of Linda and Lee Hertz granddaughter, Zoe Reese Licht Sponsorship of Off Duty Officer In memory of Ingrid Nelson In memory of Elaine Goldberg In honor of Margery Sanford's 80th birthday In honor of Audrey Aronchick's birthday In Honor of Ann Landau's Birthday Men's Club In Honor of Carol Lewis's Birthday In Honor of Carol Lewis's Birthday Isamar Perez Happy Birthday to Boris Dolinsky In Honor of Ann Landau's Birthday Oneg and Kiddush Sponsorship In honor of the birth of Sara and Marcos Kerpel's grandson Honoring Carol Lewis on her 70th birthday In memory of Benjamin Halem Merritt & Ellen Halem In honor of Merritt's birthday Merritt & Ellen Halem In honor of their anniversary Melvyn & Terry Drucker In honor of Jake's Bar Mitzvah Birthday Lenny & Julie Feldman In honor of the birth of Rhonda and Richard Mautner's In memory of Janice Frank Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank granddaughter, Vivian Hayes Mautner Sponsorship of the bimah flowers in honor of their anniversary Nelson & Rhonda Faro In memory of Elaine Goldberg In honor of their anniversary Greg Thomas & Eva Lebovic In memory of Salomon Fresco Cantor Norman & Florencia Cohen In honor of Talia Cohen Falah's birthday In honor of the birth of Irwin Klau's grandson, Beckett Ezra Klau In memory of Lea (Mima) Behar Falah Marcos & Esther Fintz In honor of Elijah Lieberman becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of Isamar's birthday Isamar Perez In honor of the birth of Elise and Ronny Udelson's grandson,

Irwin & Sue Klau Irwin & Sue Klau Irwin & Sue Klau Jon & Marjorie Sussman

Nathan Pierce Crown Wishing Margery Sanford a Happy Birthday Wishing Norman Klein a refuah shlemah Wishing Jerry Reich a refuah shlemah In honor of Norman Leopold's birthday

Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Mark & Sandi-Jo Gordon


Marilyn Ladis Susan & Irwin Hart Howard & Paula Ross Dr. Frederick & Joyce Seley Frank & Suzanne Pearl Sol Gittelman Mae Stern Alex & Barbara Falcon Leroy & Shirley Raffel Stanley L. & Alana Simpson Peter & Marsha Posner Alex & Barbara Falcon Joshua Nelson Stuart Israelson Rabbi Ralph P. & Brenda Kingsley Rabbi Ralph P. & Brenda Kingsley Rabbi Ralph P. & Brenda Kingsley Martin & Lynn Mendelssohn Leonard & Harriet Hollander Mitchell & Marcia Silverstein Marilyn Leonard Leah Stock Maureen Boiarsky Susan Jones Lauren Anscher Lawrence & Carole Epstein Iris Blumenau Iris Blumenau Gerard & Carol Ann Moss Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Robert Schwartz & Margo Brilliant Murray & Judy Swift Marilyn Baumoehl Sydell Howitt Doris & Leon Pienknagura Doris & Leon Pienknagura Doris & Leon Pienknagura Doris & Leon Pienknagura Toby & Dee Dee Katzker Toby & Dee Dee Katzker

Darren & Kara Friedman Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Sandy & Don Goodman Isamar Perez Doris & Leon Pienknagura Doris & Leon Pienknagura David & Rose Ellen Glickman David & Rose Ellen Glickman Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Roslyn Silverman L'dor v'dor Fund Sylvan & Carol Lewis

Memorial Fund Darren & Kara Friedman Howard & Paula Ross Sylvan & Carol Lewis Sylvan & Carol Lewis Samuel & Sara Brenner Sheryl Greenwald Stanley & Barbara Price Marc & Phyllis Pechter Alma Hyman Barton & Lyanne L. Wassermann Barton & Lyanne L. Wassermann Alan & Laura Drexler Alan & Laura Drexler Marilyn Ladis Henry & Stephanie Hirsch Ruby Schwalb Toby & Dee Dee Katzker Maurice & Judith Garcia Suzanne Schild Barry & Marsha Schugar Murray & Judy Swift Murray & Judy Swift Gerard & Carol Ann Moss Gerard & Carol Ann Moss Madelyn Lorber Robert Schwartz & Margo Brilliant Robert Schwartz & Margo Brilliant Morris Glickman Richard Waldman

In memory of Hilda Bendell In memory of Hilda Bendell In memory of Dorothy Breindel Lewis In memory of Candi Rubin In memory of Julia Brenner In memory of Rose Tanofsky In memory of Louis Price In memory of Ethel Miller In memory of Rosalie Miller Strauss In memory of Marguerite T. Lindo In memory of Gladys T. Findanque In memory of David Tobin In memory of Jacob Drexler In memory of Murray Glickstein In memory of Murylin Berger In memory of Leonard Schwalb In memory of Leonard Katzker In memory of Ethel Miller In memory of Elise Dreyfus In memory of Michael Fader In memory of Florence Eisenberg In memory of Louis Kastenbaum In memory of Grete Moos In memory of Dr. Maurice Kovnat In memory of Candi Rubin In memory of Albert Gottlieb In memory of Simon Beda In memory of Paul Glickman In memory of Bryce Waldman

Programming Donations Brian & Sage Kantor Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Doris & Leon Pienknagura Sandy & Don Goodman

Sponsorship of October SNFTY Dinner His house project His house project His house project

Rabbi Alan Litwak Discretionary Fund Howard & Pamela Shiman Bonnie Bloom and Gary Frank Lillian Stein Michael & Rita Goldberg Merritt & Ellen Halem Michael & Merle Orlove Irene J. Baros Pedro & Barbara Bermann Ashley Baros-Kabler Mary Lou Brotherson

In memory of Simi Shiman Wishing Nancy Simon a speedy and complete healing In honor of Greg Thomas and Eva Lebovic's anniversary General Donation In appreciation Project up-start Project up-start Project Start up Project up-start In appreciation of her HHD aliyah

Sisterhood Collegiate Fund Nelson & Rhonda Faro Marilyn Ladis Sylvan & Carol Lewis Steven & Kristen Nitsberg Helayne Gordon Helayne Gordon Mary Lou Brotherson Isamar Perez Susan Jones Susan Jones Joel & Maria Wolf

General donation College Package Congratulations on Marcos and Esther Fintz's enlightening new book General Contribution In memory of Jennie Melnick Cohen In memory of Melanie Metrano In memory of Harry David Nelson Happy Anniversary to Eva Lebovic & Greg Thomas In loving memory of Colt Weller Dell Wishing Alyssa Mishcon a Speedy Recovery In honor of Margery Sandford's birthday

SNFTY Jonathan & Marjorie Sussman

Happy Birthday to Suzanne Schild


Thank You! To our Partners and Friends who gave generously on Give Miami

Day 2018. A total of $18,279 was donated, representing 39 gifts!



Did You Know?

If you pay your outstanding taxdeductible dues/annual commitment by December 31st, you can include that in your 2018 charitable contributions on your tax return.

If you pay your dues/annual commitment by December 31st with appreciated assets, such as stocks, it may give you additional tax savings.

If you are age 70 1/2 or older, you may instruct the Trustee or Custodian of your IRA to directly transfer up to $100,000 of your IRA to a qualified public charity, such as Temple Sinai, tax free.


SNFTY is Temple Sinai’s chapter of NFTY (North Federation of Temple Youth). SNFTY is an integral part of the teens here, at Sinai. Every 2nd and 4th week of the month we get together, meet new people, and have tons of fun. We have been kicking off the new year with events like Candy Sukkah Competition, Jewpardy, roller skating and plenty of ruah! Our Snfty board, Sinai’s teen finest, work hard brainstorming the events geared to make lifelong memories. Snfty also prioritizes giving back to the community, recently making beautiful no sew blankets for the Humane Society. Sky Augusta



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