Temple Sinai of North Dade MOSAIC June & July 2019

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Rabbi's Study What Does It Mean...

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The Pursuit Of Meaning By Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Mazel Tov! And Other Celebratory Things

A C K pageT3H E M I L L E N I A L B page 8PACKER


TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 From Rabbi Litwak's Study 02 Annual Congregational Meeting 03 Pursuit of Meaning 05 Early Childhood Happenings 06 Congrats to our PK4 Grads! 07 Shavuot 08 Mazel Tov 10 SNFTY 11 Shoutouts & Thank You's



What does it mean to be a part of the Jewish People?

SUSAN WARECH Director of Administration RABBI DAVID PASKIN Director of Youth and Family Engagement MARJORIE COHN DOLAN Interim Director ECE RALPH P. KINGSLEY, DD Rabbi Emeritus IRVING SHULKES, DM Cantor Emeritus

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Doris Pienknagura | President Darren Friedman | 1st VP Lenny Feldman | 2nd VP Bob Mirel

| Treasurer

Carol Moss | Secretary Sue Klau | Past President

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Courtney Augusta

From the very beginning of Jewish history, Judaism has expressed itself in the collective. Even when God spoke to Abraham, the promise was that this new identity and ideology would manifest itself within the context of a great nation. The enduring Jewish people is the fulfillment of that promise. I have just returned from a wonderful Empty Nesters Shabbaton (if you fit that demographic, you should come next year!) where we explored this issue. Even as the Jewish People is experiencing a renaissance in creativity unlike any point in history, there are challenges to the notion of Jewish Peoplehood. The Jewish People is both closer and more divided than ever. The wider Jewish family has greater capacity to celebrate and suffer together when events occur regarding any part of that family, and yet we feel a greater disconnect. Our sense of shared culture and religious identity is being challenged by individualism.

Maureen Boiarsky Sharron Botwinick Andrew Chesnick Donald Goodman Henry Hirsch Howard Katzman Claudia Leib Ryan Sherman Gail Slatko Renee Yeslow

TRUSTEES EMERITI George Berlin* Sam Bloom* Rose Ellen Glickman Ralph Hollander* Stuart Israelson Jeannette Jacobson* Sue Shapiro Klau Norman S. Klein

Our ending session was capped off with what I believe is the essence of Jewish Peoplehood: “Kol Yisrael areivim zeh b’zeh - All Jews are responsible one for another.” When push comes to shove; when we set aside our ethnic, political, cultural, religious, economic, and geographic differences, what brings us together is a recognition that we are one people who need to take care of each other. If you wonder why you are a part of Temple Sinai, it is to fulfill your responsibility to partner in that collective destiny. I feel blessed to be engaged in this work on a daily basis. I hope you will join me on June 4 at our Temple Sinai Annual Meeting to celebrate another successful year of fulfilling our mission, thank our officers and Board of Trustees, recognize the commitment of a number of our partners, and welcome new leadership. - Rabbi Alan Litwak

Robert Layton Murphy Leopold Norman Leopold Arnold Meyer* Florence Nelson* Aaron Podhurst Kenneth Schwartz*

Empty Nester's Shabbaton 2019

Al Sherman* Barbara Silverman Daniel Supon* Jon Sussman Brian Tarasuk* *in loving memory



Tuesday, June 4, 2019 @ 7:00 PM Please join us for our Annual Congregational Meeting. Highlights of the agenda are as follows: Presentation of the 2019-2020 Budget

Recognition of our LEAP Grads!

Installation of new 2019-2020 Board of Trustees members.

Presentation of the 2019-2020 Board of Trustees Slate


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High Holy Day Aliyah

Chai Donor


Music Fest


Reserved HHD





Parking (1 Car)



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Tak you donatio t th nex leve ! *Patron Tix





THE PURSUIT OF MEANING The American Declaration of Independence speaks of the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Recently, following the pioneering work of Martin Seligman, founder of Positive Psychology, there have been hundreds of books published on happiness. Yet there is something more fundamental still to the sense of a life well-lived, namely, meaning. The two seem similar. It’s easy to suppose that people who find meaning are happy, and people who are happy have found meaning. But the two are not the same, nor do they always overlap. Happiness is largely a matter of satisfying needs and wants. Meaning, by contrast, is about a sense of purpose in life, especially by making positive contributions to the lives of others. Happiness is largely about how you feel in the present. Meaning is about how you judge your life as a whole: past, present and future. Happiness is associated with taking, meaning with giving. Individuals who suffer stress, worry or anxiety are not happy, but they may be living lives rich with meaning. Past misfortunes reduce present happiness, but people often connect such moments with the discovery of meaning. Furthermore, happiness is not unique to humans. Animals also experience contentment when their wants and needs are satisfied. But meaning is a distinctively human phenomenon. It has to do not with nature but with culture. It is not about what happens to us, but about how we interpret what happens to us. There can be happiness without meaning, and there can be meaning in the absence of happiness, even in the midst of darkness and pain. In a fascinating article in The Atlantic, ‘There’s more to life than being happy, Emily Smith 2 argued that the pursuit of happiness can result in a relatively shallow, self-absorbed, even selfish life. What makes the pursuit of meaning different is that it is about the search for something larger than the self. No one did more to put the question of meaning into modern discourse than the late Viktor Frankl. In the three years he spent in Auschwitz, Frankl survived and helped others to survive by inspiring them to discover a purpose in life even in the midst of hell on earth. It was there that he formulated the ideas he later turned into a new type of psychotherapy based on what he called “man’s search for meaning." His book of that title, written in the course of nine days in 1946, has sold more than ten million copies throughout the world, and ranks as one of the most influential works of the twentieth century.

Frankl knew that in the camps, those who lost the will to live died. He tells of how he helped two individuals to find a reason to survive. One, a woman, had a child waiting for her in another country. Another had written the first volumes of a series of travel books, and there were others yet to write. Both therefore had a reason to live. Frankl used to say that the way to find meaning was not to ask what we want from life. Instead we should ask what life wants from us. We are each, he said, unique: in our gifts, our abilities, our skills and talents, and in the circumstances of our life. For each of us, then, there is a task only we can do. This does not mean that we are better than others. But if we believe we are here for a reason, then there is a tikkun, a mending, only we can perform, a fragment of light only we can redeem, an act of kindness or courage, generosity or hospitality, even a word of encouragement or a smile, only we can perform, because we are here, in this place, at this time, facing this person at this moment in their lives.

“FOR EACH OF US, THERE IS A TASK ONLY WE CAN DO.” “Life is a task," he used to say, and added, “The religious man differs from the apparently irreligious man only by experiencing his existence not simply as a task, but as a mission.” He or she is aware of being summoned, called, by a Source. “For thousands of years that source has been called God.” That is the significance of the word that gives our parsha, and the third book of the Torah, its name: Vayikra, “And He called.” The precise meaning of this opening verse is difficult to understand. Literally translated it reads: “And He called to Moses, and God spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying ...” The first phrase seems to be redundant. If we are told that God spoke to Moses, why say in addition, “And He called”? Rashi explains as follows: And He called to Moses: Every [time God communicated with Moses, whether signalled by the expression] “And He spoke," or “and He said," or “and He commanded," it was always preceded by [God] calling [to Moses by name]. “Calling” is an expression of endearment. It is the 4 expressions employed by the ministering angels, as it says, “And one called to the other…” (Isaiah 6:3).


Vayikra, Rashi is telling us, means to be called to a task in love. This is the source of one of the key ideas of Western thought, namely the concept of a vocation or a calling, that is, the choice of a career or way of life not just because you want to do it, or because it offers certain benefits, but because you feel summoned to it. You feel this is your meaning and mission in life. This is what you were placed on earth to do.

“THE CONCEPT OF A VOCATION OR A CALLING IS THE CHOICE OF A CAREER OR WAY OF LIFE BECAUSE YOU FEEL SUMMONED TO IT.” There are many such calls in Tanach. There was the call Abraham received, telling to leave his land and family. There was the call to Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3:4). There was the one experienced by Isaiah when he saw in a mystical vision God enthroned and surrounded by angels: Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8) One of the most touching is the story of the young Samuel, dedicated by his mother Hannah to serve in the sanctuary at Shiloh where he acted as an assistant to Eli the priest. In bed at night he heard a voice calling his name. He assumed it was Eli. He ran to see what he wanted but Eli told him he had not called. This happened a second time and then a third, and by then Eli realised that it was God calling the child. He told Samuel that the next time the voice called his name, he should reply, ‘Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening.’ It did not occur to the child that it might be God summoning him to a mission, but it was. Thus began his career as a prophet, judge and anointer of Israel’s first two kings, Saul and David (1 Samuel 3). When we see a wrong to be righted, a sickness to be healed, a need to be met, and we feel it speaking to us, that is when we come as close as we can in a postprophetic age to hearing Vayikra, God’s call. And why does the word appear here, at the beginning of the third and central book of the Torah? Because the book of Vayikra is about sacrifices, and a vocation is about sacrifices. We are willing to make sacrifices when we feel they are part of the task we are called on to do.

From the perspective of eternity we may sometimes be overwhelmed by a sense of our own insignificance. We are no more than a wave in the ocean, a grain of sand on the sea shore, a speck of dust on the surface of infinity. Yet we are here because God wanted us to be, because there is a task He wants us to perform. The search for meaning is the quest for this task. Each of us is unique. Even genetically identical twins are different. There are things only we can do, we who are what we are, in this time, this place and these circumstances. For each of us God has a task: work to perform, a kindness to show, a gift to give, love to share, loneliness to ease, pain to heal, or broken lives to help mend. Discerning that task, hearing Vayikra, God’s call, is one of the great spiritual challenges for each of us. How do we know what it is? Some years ago, in To Heal a Fractured World, I offered this as a guide, and it still seems to me to make sense: Where what we want to do meets what needs to be done, that is where God wants us to be.






Shavuot JUNE 08 - 09, 2019

Shavuot is the Hebrew word for “weeks� and refers to the Jewish festival marking the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, which occurs seven weeks after Passover. Shavuot, like many other Jewish holidays, began as an ancient agricultural festival that marked the end of the spring barley harvest and the beginning of the summer wheat harvest. In ancient times, Shavuot was a pilgrimage festival during which Israelites brought crop offerings to the Temple in Jerusalem. Today, it is a celebration of Torah, education, and actively choosing to participate in Jewish life.


Join Temple Sinai on Sunday, June 9th at 10:30am for a special Shavuot Service with Yizkor. Light bites to follow.

t ou Templ Sina Choi

for performing at the Holocaust Memorial in Miami Beach on April 28th for Yom Hashoa and at ATJC for Communal Yom Ha'atzmaut on May 9th!

7 4

Temple Sinai’s own Merle Saferstein was recently

awarded the 2019 Volunteer of the Year by the

Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s Jewish Volunteer

Center. We are so incredibly proud of the work that

you are doing to help others preserve their legacies.

Merle and her husband Daryl have been Temple Sinai

partners for many many years. She taught in our ECE

and was Director of our Summer Camp and youth

programs. She currently sits on the Early Childhood



MAXINE SCHWARTZ On April 14, the Center for the Advancement of Jewish

Education honored our long standing partner, Maxine

Schwartz. She was given a beautiful piece of glass

art with a plaque acknowledging "her love of learning

and her deep commitment to education, ensuring

that a strong Jewish future continues to bloom like a

field of endless flowers."

Mazel Tov Maxine!


Education Advisory Team and the Search Committee

for our new ECE Director. Mazel Tov Merle!

Nick & Simma Ferber

JUNE BIRTHDAYS 6/1 Karen Leopold 6/4 Cila Eilat 6/5 Lara Leader 6/5 Sydell Howitt 6/6 Alex Falcon 6/6 Ivan Lambert 6/6 Paula Ross 6/9 Leonard Feldman 6/10 Debora BeitschPienknagura 6/11 Irene J. Baros 6/12 Susan Jones 6/14 Dr. Sylvan Lewis 6/14 Barry Fishman 6/15 Nichole Eckert 6/16 Jorge Garcia 6/16 Bruce Sher 6/17 Debra Albo Steiger 6/17 Sharron Botwinick 6/17 Adam Frankel 6/18 Roberta Bendell 6/19 Lucenis Brodsky 6/20 Robert Schwartz 6/20 Toby Sandler 6/21 Brenda Kingsley 6/21 Susan Warech 6/22 Marsha Schugar 6/23 Dr. Stacey Kesten

6/23 Regina Gordon 6/24 Deborah Litwak 6/24 Esther Fintz 6/25 Barbara Silverman 6/26 Eduardo Brender 6/27 Amanda Gottlieb 6/29 Marjorie Sussman 6/30 Howard Gordon

JUNE ANNIVERSARIES 6/2 Dr. Jeff & Karen Steinberg 6/7 Richard Berkowitz & Sandy Grossman 6/7 Brian & Meredith Foster 6/11 Richard & Truly Burton 6/11 Dr. Daryl & Merle Saferstein 6/13 Nick & Simma Ferber 6/15 Dr. Howard & Margery Sanford 6/15 Dr. Steven & Ruth Marcus 6/17 Charles & Lonnie Kantor 6/19 Brian & Sage Kantor 6/21 Dr. Barry & Neena Glassman 6/21 Rabbi Ralph P. & Brenda Kingsley 6/22 Boris & Pairat Dolinsky 6/23 Roberta & Leonard Bendell 6/25 Jesse & Ida Sims 6/25 Dr. Frank & Suzanne Pearl 6/26 Dr. Joel & Adele Sandberg 6/27 Dr. Herbert & Susan Fields



7/2 Alina Lyuba 7/4 Deborah Berkowitz 7/6 Eugene Lakin 7/7 Brian Kantor 7/7 Anat Lieberman 7/8 David Rosen 7/9 Linda Lockshin 7/12 Susana Kanner 7/12 Laura Sanders 7/12 Stephanie Hirsch 7/14 Steven Sanford 7/14 Melissa Goldstein Grosfeld 7/15 Roberta Levitt 7/16 Brett Friedman 7/17 Rachel Silverman 7/18 David Garfinkle 7/18 Howard Shiman 7/23 Dr. Irwin Klau 7/23 Dr. Richard Mautner 7/24 Mauricio Assael 7/24 Dr. Joel Mintz 7/25 Rachel Moss 7/27 Martin Oppenheimer 7/28 Dianne Katzker 7/28 Dr. Margo Brilliant 7/28 Marla Garfinkle 7/29 Dale Friedman 7/30 Maxine Schwartz

7/2 Kenneth & Marla Bern 7/4 Dr. Irwin & Sue Klau 7/6 Rodney & Ivania Max 7/6 James & Ita Schenkel 7/9 Stuart & Marisa Sacks 7/10 Dr. Pedro & Barbara Bermann 7/15 Steven & Lucenis Brodsky 7/18 Carlos & Elisa Tornel 7/24 Norman & Alice Klein 7/27 Ryan & Vania Udelson 7/27 Dr. Sylvan & Carol Lewis 7/30 Steven & Rosanne Mishan 7/31 Joel & Laura Sanders


Cantor Norman Falah's Discretionary Fund Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Mary Lou Brotherson Mary Lou Brotherson Sandy & Don Goodman Ivan & Barbara Lambert Lillian Schwartz Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Joel & Adele Sandberg Marcos & Esther Fintz Howard & Ingrid Roskin Howard & Ingrid Roskin Howard & Ingrid Roskin Howard & Ingrid Roskin Fredric Berger Merritt & Ellen Halem

In honor of Martin & Heather Oppenheimer's anniversary In honor of Florencia Cohen Falah's birthday In honor of her grandson, Jonah Barricklo receiving a full academic tuition scholarship to Emerson College In memory of Donald Brotherson In honor of Jason Rindler's birthday In memory of her parents and sisters In honor of the anniversary of Isamar Perez's conversion to Judaism Thank you to Cantor Norman Cohen Falah for a wonderful Spring Music Festival Sending get well wishes for Stephanie Hirsch In honor of Harry Berkowitz's birthday In honor of the B'not Mitzvah of Jane Hiller and Nancy Simon In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Jane Hiller In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Nancy Simon In honor of Martin Claire's birthday In honor of Joanne Shulkes's birthday In honor of the B'not Mitzvah of Jane Hiller and Nancy Simon In memory of Issac Halem

Caring Community Martin & Lynn Mendelssohn Martin & Lynn Mendelssohn Martin & Lynn Mendelssohn

Happy Birthday to Sandy and Don Goodman Congratulations on Jon Sussman's retirement In honor of Dr. Henry & Stephanie Hirsch's anniversary

Sponsorship of Casino Night


General Donation Fund Mitchell & Marcia Silverstein Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Darren & Kara Friedman David & Rose Ellen Glickman David & Rose Ellen Glickman David & Rose Ellen Glickman David & Rose Ellen Glickman Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Richard Berkowitz & Sandy Grossman Daria Chesnick Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Henry & Janet Solomon Renee Yeslow Cathy S. & Samuel Pearlman Jeffrey & Joni Futernick Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Raisa Ilyutovich Doris & Leon Pienknagura Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Susan Jones Mark & Sandi-Jo Gordon Mark & Sandi-Jo Gordon Mark & Sandi-Jo Gordon Lenny & Julie Feldman Lenny & Julie Feldman Lenny & Julie Feldman Joel Mintz & Meri-Jane Rochelson Claudia Leib Claudia Leib Ivan & Barbara Lambert

In memory of Lynn Cromer In memory of Mazie Cherry Golin Ford Sponsorship of Sanctuary Security In honor of Sage Kantor's birthday In honor of Ellen and Merritt Halem's anniversary In honor of Gerard Moss's birthday In honor of Sharron Botwinick's new home In memory of Dr. Marilyn Seskin In honor of the birth of Ariane and Mark Dweck's son, Oliver Joseph General donation In honor of her becoming a Bat Mitzvah In memory of Norman Fishman In honor of the birth of Bill and Shirley Lehman's granddaughter, Rafaella Billy In honor of the birth of Bill and Shirley Lehman's granddaughter, Rafaella Billy In honor of Jane Hiller and Nancy Simon Bnot Mitzvah General donation In honor of Maxine Schwartz being honored by CAJE In honor of Cantor Norman and Florencia Cohen Falah's anniversary In honor of Leon and Doris Pienknagura's anniversary Refuah shlemah for Pat Barski In honor of Ira Zweifler's Birthday Mazal Tov to Bill & Shirley Lehman on the birth of their granddaughter, Rafaella Billy In honor of Henry Hirsch's birthday In honor of the birth of Bill & Shirley Lehman granddaughter, Rafaella Billy In honor of Harry Berkowitz's 70th birthday In honor of Maxine Schwartz being honored by CAJE In honor of Daria Chesnick becoming a Bat Mitzvah In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Roberta Bendell, Jane Hiller and Nancy Simon In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Jane Hiller and Nancy Simon In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Jane Hiller, Nancy Simon and Robert Bendell In memory of Maggie Belaunde In memory of Rick Shapiro Sponsorship of the Purim Kiddush

Murray & Judy Swift Fund Murray & Judy Swift Murray & Judy Swift Murray & Judy Swift Murray & Judy Swift Murray & Judy Swift Murray & Judy Swift Murray & Judy Swift Sandy & Don Goodman

In honor of Marty & Heather Oppenheimer's anniversary In honor of Cantor Norman and Flor Cohen Falah's anniversary In honor of Susan Shalev's birthday In honor of Sue Klau's birthday In honor of Gary Moss's birthday In honor of Joanne Shulkes's birthday In honor of Alice Klein's birthday In honor of Judy and Murray Swift's 70th anniversary

L'dor v'dor Fund Sandy & Don Goodman Gerard & Carol Ann Moss Howard & Ingrid Roskin Howard & Jean Gordon Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman

Irwin & Sue Klau Irwin & Sue Klau Sharron Botwinick Sara (Dixie) Lampert Sandy & Don Goodman

In memory of Dr. Marilyn Seskin In memory of Dr. Marilyn Seskin In memory of Dr. Marilyn Seskin In honor of Arlene Friedman's special birthday In memory of Susan Altholz In memory of Ruth Deitch In memory of Sally Lerner In memory of David Robinson In honor of Maxine Schwartz being honored by CAJE In honor of Rhonda Faro's birthday In honor of Joanne Shulkes's birthday Sending get well wishes for Brenda Kingsley In honor of Alice Klein's birthday In honor of Rose Ellen Glickman's birthday In honor of Jan Brodkey's birthday Sending get well wishes for Ingrid Roskin Mazal Tov Bill & Shirley Lehman on the birth of their granddaughter, Rafaella Billy In honor of the birth of Bill & Shirley Lehman granddaughter, Rafaella Billy In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Merle and Daryl Saferstein's granddaughter, Bella In honor of the B'Not Mitzvah of Nancy Simon and Jane Hiller In honor of the B'not Mitzvah of Jane Hiller and Nancy Simon In honor of the B'not Mitzvah of Jane Hiller and Nancy Simon

Lindo Wassermann Music Fund

Fundraising Activity Gerard & Carol Ann Moss

L'dor v'dor Fund Mary Lou Brotherson Gerard & Carol Ann Moss Aaron & Carol Schectman Irene J. Baros Renee Yeslow Bonnie Bloom Bonnie Bloom Gerard & Carol Ann Moss Gerard & Carol Ann Moss Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Howard & Regina Gordon

In honor of May Lipschutz's birthday In memory of Allan Greenfield In memory of Dr. Marilyn Seskin In memory of Dr. Marilyn Seskin In honor of Jonathan Sussman's birthday In honor of Sue Klau's birthday In honor of Gerard Moss's birthday In honor of Dr. Joel Sandberg's birthday

Sandy & Don Goodman Barton & Lyanne L. Wassermann

Sending Lyanne Wassermann well wishes In memory of Bertha N. Wassermann

Max & Bernice Israelson Bldg/Landscape/Beautification Fund Joel Mintz & Meri-Jane Rochelson

In honor of Leah Stock's 100th birthday

Memorial Fund Ilene & Larry Cohen Maureen Boiarsky Mark & Sandi-Jo Gordon Mark & Sandi-Jo Gordon Martin & Lynn Mendelssohn Marc & Phyllis Pechter Judith Matz Lenny & Roberta Bendell Alex & Barbara Falcon Madge Hyman Mark J. & Martha Schuldiner Joel Mintz & Meri-Jane Rochelson Jon & Marjorie Sussman Neil & Dorothy Koreman Stanley & Barbara Price Harriett Robinson Elsie Weiss Elsie Weiss Mark Rokhfeld Mark Rokhfeld Doris & Leon Pienknagura Lillian Schwartz Roslyn Silverman Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Cynthia Vogel Cynthia Vogel Joel & Adele Sandberg Maurice & Judith Garcia Mark & Sandi-Jo Gordon Toby & Dee Dee Katzker Sandy & Don Goodman Jon & Marjorie Sussman Susan Jones Renee Yeslow Mark & Irene Thaw Bernard Rehhaut & Jeri Buxton Elsie Weiss Phyllis Goldman Fridell Feibus

In memory of Millie Steinberg In memory of Marilyn Seskin In memory of Mazie Cherry Golin Ford In memory of Marilyn Seskin In memory of Annie Mendelssohn In memory of Joe Yantz In memory of Martin H. Matz In memory of Hilda & David Bendell In memory of Sol Fox In memory of Joseph Rosky In memory of Ruth Schuldiner In memory of all our grandfathers, and our aunt Chaye Anna Rochelson Arendt In memory of Ida A. Sussman In memory of Ida Goldstein In memory of Lorraine Bendel In memory of Howard Robinson In memory of Harry Weiss In memory of Jack Cohen In memory of Moshe Tuninskiy In memory of Liza Kaga In memory of Max Beitsch In memory of Molly Gottlieb In memory of Evelyn Dubin In loving memory of Norman Fishman In memory of Anna Mae Fishman In memory of Julius Fishman In memory of Sadie Sandberg In memory of Jerry Paskal In memory of Craig Gorson In memory of Jack Katzker In memory of Philip Alman In memory of Harry Sussman In loving memory of Rochelle In memory of Hyman Demberg In memory of Norene S. Hornstein In memory of Ben Benczer In memory of Jack Cohen In memory of Max Goldman In memory of Blanche K. Reiss

Men's Club Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman David & Rose Ellen Glickman

In honor of Henry & Stephanie Hirsch's anniversary In honor of Merritt & Ellen Halem's anniversary In honor of Merritt and Ellen Halem's anniversary

Continued Page 10



Oneg and Kiddush Sponsorship Martin & Heather Oppenheimer Herbert & Connie Weinberg Ron & Shoshanah Bloom Maybel Pitta & Mimi Cooperman Henry & Stephanie Hirsch Marcos & Esther Fintz Carol Ann Moss Bonnie Bloom Brandon, Andrea and Kelly Angel Robert Schwartz & Margo Brilliant Gary & Barbara Donshik Barry & Meredith Fishman Marcos & Esther Fintz

Sisterhood Collegiate Fund Susan Jones

In honor of their wedding anniversary In honor of their anniversary In memory of Sam Bloom In memory of Eric J. Cooperman In honor of their anniversary In memory of Leon "Pipo" Behar In honor of Gerard Moss's birthday In memory of Sam Bloom In memory of Ruth Studinsky In honor of their anniversary In honor of their anniversary In honor of their anniversary In memory of Sarita Rosenwald

Sisterhood Donation Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Sandy & Don Goodman Susan Jones

Rabbi Alan Litwack Discretionary Fund Marilyn Chesnick Joel & Adele Sandberg Irene J. Baros Marilyn Ladis Susan Cooper Roslyn Silverman Norman & Alice Klein Don & Linda Lockshin Don & Linda Lockshin

In loving memory of Leonard Toonkel's brother, Mel

In memory of Harry Chesnick In memory of Marilyn Seskin In memory of Marilyn Seskin General donation General donation In honor of Goldie Gleiberman's special birthday In appreciation of the Aliyah In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Nancy Simon In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Jane Hiller

In honor of Kenneth Friedman's birthday In honor of Maureen Boiarsky's birthday Sending Carol Lewis get well wishes In honor of Sage Kantor's birthday In memory of Ms. Ronni Buchman's brother, Mel

Thank You!




2019/2020 BOARD...

Happy Summer!! SNFTY, Temple Sinai’s proud and silly TYG (Temple Youth Group) is closing out our 2018-2019 season with a pow! We devoured a lovely meal with our amazing friends and family at our SNFTY Family Closing Dinner on May 29th. We hope to see every single SNFTY-ite, new and old, at our first event next year! Details TBA!! Even though SNFTY will be at a pause during summertime, don’t forget to check out our Instagram @sinainfty and our Facebook SNFTY for all of the updates and reminders! Also congrats to our 2019-2020 Board which will become fully established on June 1st!!


Jake Feldman



Religious & Cultural VP

Sky Augusta


Membership & Communications VP


Programming VP

Serena Sims

Sky Augusta


Social Action VP 10


A special thank

you to our Early Childhood Interim Director, Marjorie Cohn Dolan, for her devotion to our ECE and Temple Sinai Community!


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