Temple Sinai of North Dade September & October 2019

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Join Us!

A Note From Our President

The Sacred Partnership

High Holy Days 5780

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A C K 5PACKER page T3 H E M I L L E N I A L B page


TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 A Note From Our President 02 From Rabbi Litwak's Study 03 Philanthropy: The Sacred Partnership 05 High Holy Days 5780 08 Upcoming Events 10 ECE, SNFTY & JPAL 11 Mazel Tov 12 Shoutouts & Thank You's


RENEWAL A Note From Our President RABBI ALAN E. LITWAK CANTOR NORMAN COHEN FALAH SUSAN WARECH Director of Administration RABBI DAVID PASKIN Director of Youth Education RALPH P. KINGSLEY, DD Rabbi Emeritus IRVING SHULKES, DM Cantor Emeritus

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Darren Friedman | President Lenny Feldman | 1st VP Sage Kantor | 2nd VP Andrew Chesnick

| Treasurer

Carol Moss | Secretary Doris Pienknagura | Past President

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Courtney Augusta

September is always an exciting month. It marks the end of summer (and hopefully summer heat). It marks the start of the new school year as we welcome fresh faces on to our campus; And, of course the start of our programming year and the Jewish New Year. In very quick fashion we go from the slow days of August to Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah. September is the perfect time of the year to reflect and renew. Rosh Hashanah is the first day of the Jewish calendar, the start of the High Holy Days, the 10 Days of Repentance when we have the opportunity to atone, seek forgiveness, and make amends for past wrongdoings. Before we are judged (by God or our friends or ourselves), we have the opportunity to change by engaging in “teshuvah, tefilah, and tzedakah, ”repentance, prayer, and righteous giving. And, by all means please direct your tzedakah to your favorite Temple). Sukkot is similarly about renewal – rejoicing over our harvest and the new foods provided to us for the year. And, Simchat Torah is quite literally a renewal; we conclude one year’s reading of the Torah and are given the opportunity to start over, to renew the cycle and hopefully discover something new; to dive deeper and understand more fully. What a wonderful opportunity we are given every year to reflect and renew; to seek forgiveness - and actually receive it - and to create a better version of ourselves; a personal renewal, a rebirth of everything that makes you, you.

Maureen Boiarsky Meredith Foster Adam Frankel Donald Goodman Henry Hirsch Howard Katzman Robin Leader-Landau Claudia Leib Shaun Moss Gail Slatko Danielle Snyder Renee Yeslow

TRUSTEES EMERITI George Berlin* Sam Bloom* Rose Ellen Glickman Ralph Hollander* Stuart Israelson Jeannette Jacobson* Sue Shapiro Klau

Science seems to suggest we are all constantly renewing. The Higgs boson, or “God particle,” which is considered a building block of the universe, lasts only a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a second—taking tiny fast loops into and out of existence—so that the universe is continuously being reborn. Similarly, our bodies are constantly renewing. Hair falls out and is regrown. We donate blood knowing our body will create more. The cells that make up our body are constantly in a state of death and rebirth. As described by the author Taylor Plimpton, “Life is in a near constant state of refreshing itself, and in so doing, suggesting that we can do the same. Yes, we are offered beginning after beginning, the moment at hand forever a truly clean slate to do with as we please.” So, as we fall in to September and a new year, think about the past year and how you want to start over. It doesn’t take much to recenter and refocus yourself. Sometimes, it can be as simple as taking a deep breath, soaking in a hot bath, getting a haircut, putting on a new shirt or giving an old pair of shoes a fresh shine. Do something that allows you to take a moment and renew. What can you do to renew and recharge? How can we as a Temple renew and recharge. My email is dfriedman@fflegal.com and I want to hear from you.

Norman S. Klein Robert Layton

- Darren

Murphy Leopold


Norman Leopold Arnold Meyer* Florence Nelson* Aaron Podhurst Kenneth Schwartz* Al Sherman* Barbara Silverman Daniel Supon*


Jon Sussman Brian Tarasuk* *in loving memory




FROM RABBI LITWAK’S STUDY . . . NO ONE IS POOR EXCEPT HE WHO LACKS KNOWLEDGE. A PERSON WHO HAS KNOWLEDGE HAS EVERYTHING. - TALMUD Historically, Jews have always valued education. In the Torah and in our daily liturgy, we read the words of the V’Ahavatah, “Set these words which I command you this day upon your heart. Teach them faithfully to your children; speak of them in your home and on your way, when you lie down and when you rise up.” In Talmudic times, we saw the value of education as scholars were elevated above kings. Later, in the 8th-10th centuries, it was the geonim, the heads of the yeshivot, who were the leaders of the community. Even in the poorest shtetls of Europe, it was the learned who were revered. However, during the Enlightenment and, again, when we reached America, we sought to shed our “old world” ways. We fought to have our children succeed in the new country, to go to the best schools, and receive the best education. In doing so, we dropped our own rich culture of knowledge. We maintained a respect for learning, but not Jewish learning. Now, we are the most successful ethnic group in America, and yet we cannot explain what makes us unique. If we hearken back to the Talmud’s message, we may be economically well-off because of our secular education, but we are spiritually poor because we lack Jewish knowledge. Many of you have heard me say throughout the years that, if I could guarantee every Jewish adult would devote two years to serious Jewish study, I would abolish the Religious School experience. Not because we do a poor job (in fact, I am excited for what Rabbi David has planned for our JPal program this year!); rather, because the richness and depth of Judaism can only truly be appreciated with maturity. We are blessed to be a community that offers so many opportunities for adults to enrich their Jewish knowledge. As we begin the new year, here are three options of varying times and commitment levels. The key is to start . . . -Rabbi Alan Litwak



The Talmud teaches us “Tzedakah is equal to all the other commandments combined.” (Bava Bathra 9b). While the concept of tzedakah includes helping those in need, it also embodies the sacred partnership with you, our congregants, of charitable giving. When you step foot on Temple Sinai’s campus its natural setting is only made more beautiful by the way in which we nurture the Jewish soul. In other words, this is a unique and special place where we naturally nurture! The generosity of our partners and friends supports our temple services, educational initiatives, grounds and infrastructure as well as our holiday, cultural and social action programs. Temple Sinai thanks you for your kindness. B’Shalom, Carol Moss & Lenny Feldman Co-Chairs, Philanthropic Giving & Events

We have begun our Annual Campaign and thank our congregants below for their contributions since July 1st. Thank you !

Rose Ellen and David Glickman Sue and Irwin Klau Alice and Norman Klein Meri - Jane Rochelson and Joel Mintz Celia Mussman Suzanne Schulz Maxine Schwartz Miriam and Peter Segall Renee Yeslow


Become a Chai Donor! Chai Donors are those in our congregation who donate $1,000 or more above their partnership commitment (dues). All donations cumulatively made during a given fiscal year (July 1-June 30) determine your Chai Donor category for the following year. Please see some of the longstanding and new ways we honor and thank those of you whose generosity brings “life” to our congregational family!

Would you like to . . . Support the education of the next generation of Jews Give opportunities for our teenagers to learn and demonstrate leadership


Provide a Shabbat dinner for a partner who is sick or in mourning Welcome those who are in need of a Jewish community, regardless of financial capacity Ensure the long term continuity of Temple Sinai

CJL represents a shared commitment by area synagogues, agencies and day schools to work together to secure a more vibrant Jewish future. Create a Jewish Legacy is sponsored and presented by The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. Your legacy ensures that you'll be remembered and your work and Jewish values will continue beyond your lifetime. Want to know how you can ensure a lasting legacy with Temple Sinai? RABBI.LITWAK@TSND.ORG SUSAN.WARECH@TSND.ORG

Our new Chai Honor Board for participants that gave $5400 and up last fiscal year (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019) will be hung in the fall! 4

Joi U !



Sunday, September 29 5:15 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

FIRST DAY ROSH HASHANAH SERVICES Monday, September 30 Morning Service 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Family Service 12 p.m.-1 p.m.

SECOND DAY ROSH HASHANAH SERVICE WITH TASHLICH Tuesday, October 1 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Tashlich 1 p.m

KOL NIDRE/ EREV YOM KIPPUR Tuesday, October 8 8 p.m.-10 p.m.

YOM KIPPUR Wednesday, October 9 Morning Service 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Family Service 12 p.m.-1 p.m. Study Session 2 p.m.-3 p.m. Yom Kippur Afternoon 3:30 p.m.-7 p.m. (Minchah, Yizkor, N’ilah, Havdalah) Break Fast Sponsored by Sisterhood

FIRST DAY SUKKOT SERVICE Monday, October 14 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

ATZERET/SIMCHAT TORAH SERVICE WITH YIZKOR: Monday, October 21 10 am.-12:30 p.m


SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES u’tzedakah ma’avirin et ro’ah hagezeirah Tzedakah tempers judgment’s severe decree

Rosh HaShanah or Yom Kippur Family Service


Choir Director/ HHD Accompaniment


Choir for Rosh HaShana/ Yom Kippur


Rosh HaShanah Bimah Flowers

$360 per donor

Yom Kippur Bimah Flowers

$360 per donor

Rosh HaShana/ Yom Kippur Flutist

$500 per donor

Yom Kippur Harpist

$500 per donor

Kol Nidre Cellist

$500 per donor

Sisterhood Break the Fast



Temple Sinai partners have traditionally extended New Year greetings in our annual booklet which is given out on Rosh HaShanah. This year we are changing the format to a Rosh HaShanah Greetings Card. If you would like to be included in this years greeting card, please complete the online form or this printed form and return it to us along with your $36 payment no later than Thursday, September 5th.


MEMORIAL DEDICATIONS Should you wish to give tzedakah in memory of your loved ones, the following gifts will be acknowledged in the Book of Memory.

I/we would like the following Memorial Dedication(s) to be inscribed in the 2019 Book of Memory. Dedicated by: $600 Dedication of a Pew Seat in the Feinbloom Sanctuary In memory of $650 Permanent Memorial Plaque in the Feinbloom Sanctuary In memory of Date of death

$360 Brick Paver Dedication (8X8 Brick) George J. & Lila M. Berlin Community Bridge Fund In memory of $18,000 Memorial Plaque Wall In memory of $100 Chumash Dedication In memory of

$180 Brick Paver Dedication (4X8 Brick) George J. & Lila M. Berlin Community Bridge Fund In memory of



BOOK OF MEMORY Should you wish to give tzedakah in memory of your loved ones, the following options will be acknowledged in the Book of Memory.

Inside Cover Full Page with Verse


Full Page with Verse

$360 (max 18 names)

Half Page no Verse

$250 (max 12 names)

Individual Name(s)

$18 (per name)




"Fully compassionate God… To our loved ones who have entered eternity, grant clear and certain rest with You.” “In the rising of the sun, and in its going down, we remember them.” “May the beauty of their lives shine forevermore, and may my life always bring honor to their memory.” “…life is a journey, from birth to death to life everlasting.” “We remember them now, they live in our hearts; they are an abiding blessing.” “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” Thank you, no verse is necessary. Other :



Upcoming Events TEMPLE SINAI Ages 18MO - 5YR


Save the Date


Join Us! TEMPLE SINAI Ages 18MO - 5YR

Join Temple Sinai's Adult Choir!

Temple Sinai's Adult Choir, following a very successful season, is recruiting new members to join them in a wonderful, musically vibrant experience. If you love singing, this is your opportunity to join an activity that will give you not only the naches (pleasure) to sing but also the opportunity to share a great time with other music lovers. Under the leadership of Cantor Norman Cohen Falah and the direction of Juvenal Correa-Salas, rehearsals take place every Wednesday from 7:009:00 PM in the Feinbloom Sanctuary. Music reading is not a requirement, nor is Hebrew knowledge, only the ability to carry a tune, the love of Jewish music and the joy of singing with an enthusiastic, dedicated group of adults. We welcome all interested singers. For more information, call Cantor Norman at 305-932-9010 or e-mail: cantor.norman@tsnd.org.Â

9 3


JPaL for children in grades K-7 is off to a great start. At JPaL, we believe that learning happens when our spirits are ignited, when we're having fun and when we can explore and discover our


Jewish passion. That's why we're called the Jewish Play & Pray Learning Lab. Our program nurtures our children's souls, encourages them to have

Hi Temple Sinai! If you’re a teen

Jewish fun and celebrates their natural instinct to

and haven’t heard of SNFTY you’re

find amazement at every turn.

really missing out... from cupcake wars to the amazing race to ice cream parties in the

Each Sunday, our students spend time in the

lounge-SNFTY has it all. SNFTY is a place where you

Learning Lab. The Learning Lab is a space in which

can come meet new Jewish friends, reconnect with

students take ownership of their learning. They are

your old Jewish friends, and be a part of a community

given the tools and guidance to deepen and broaden their knowledge along with the trust and respect to discover their own learning path. To help students in their learning both at JPaL and at home we have created a one-of-a-kind learning website at www.jpal.online Jpal.online helps students meet their learning goals and explore aspects of Jewish life and learning that they may have never encountered

like no other. Follow us on Instagram @sinainfty for more updates and reminders!! We can’t wait to see you at one of our events!! We have so much in store for September, and October including MediaPalooza, Movies and Milkshakes, and a Sunset Swim!! RSVP for upcoming events at www.tsnd.org/snfty !! Also if you have any questions please contact Sky Augusta MCVP @ (305)965-1529!

#ONWARDHEBREW methodology of teaching Hebrew, which is changing the culture of Hebrew learning in part-time/congregational educational programs. Hebrew is no longer confined to 45-60 minute classes, but rather it moves (literally!) with


with spoken Hebrew. We use the



our outstanding teachers also infuse every session




In addition to all that we learn in the Learning Lab,








Hebrew Through Movement, is brought into the minds and hearts of children via Hebrew-rich t'fillot/worship, and is regularly intermingled with English. We are so excited for the year of learning ahead of us. If you know someone who might want to become our JPaL, invite them to visit www.tsnd.org/jpal or reach out to Rabbi David at rabbi.david@tsnd.org

Our 2019- 2020 Early Childhood Education program is in full swing! We are looking forward to a wonderful year! Limited space available. Contact the ECE office 305.932.9012 to schedule a tour.





Tyler is 13 years old and in the eighth grade at

Bella will turn 13 years old on September 20, 2019

Joss Love Tuff, 13, is an artist who loves cats,

Highland Oaks Middle School. This summer, Tyler

and she is in 7th grade at Highland Oaks Middle

sleep, plushies, being comfy, and her GoldenDoodle

organized a video game tournament to raise funds

School. In addition to being an extremely

puppy, Khaleesi Rey. She attends Highland Oaks

for Families Helping Families, a scholarship fund

dedicated student, she also plays the violin in

Middle School and her Mitzvah Work will help raise

at the Michael Ann Russell Jewish Community

orchestra and she is on the school volleyball team.

money for Operation Airways, a foundation that

Center that helps children attend various

Her other hobbies are baking, playing tennis,

aims to make life-changing airway reconstructive


programming at the center. During his free time,

skiing, and she loves animals. She also volunteers

surgery and post-operative care available to all

Tyler enjoys reading, studying science, and playing

at Sky Lake Animal Hospital in her free time and is

children who cannot breathe or speak on their

video games.

part of the SNFTY youth group.

own. This organization is close to her heart

because it was founded by the Kantors' close

As her Mitzvah Work, Bella has combined her

family friends whose child suffers from airway

passion for animals with her love of baking to

issues of his own.

raise money for animals. She has been baking and


selling cupcakes by the dozen and all the proceeds

will be donated to Animal Services of Miami-Dade.

This cause is especially important to her because

her family dog, Lance, was rescued and she would

like to help more animals find happy homes.

SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS 9/1 Jesse Sims 9/1 Judith Swift 9/2 Derry Fishman 9/3 Dr. Neil Koreman 9/5 Beth Albert 9/6 Jane Hiller 9/7 Dr. Frank Pearl 9/8 Renée Yeslow 9/9 Barbara Falcon 9/9 Dr. Martin Mendelssohn 9/9 Lidia Sims 9/10 Dr. Aaron Schectman 9/10 Rabbi Efrat Zarren-Zohar 9/11 Suzanne Pearl 9/12 Beverly Feldman 9/12 Lyanne L. Wassermann 9/13 Wendy Friedman 9/14 Nelson Faro 9/14 Freda Sussman 9/16 Syd Wiesel 9/18 Brian Gale 9/19 Robert Kofman 9/20 Ingrid Roskin 9/21 Rabbi Jody Cohen-Gavarian 9/21 Stanton Greene 9/22 Dr. Peter Segall 9/23 Dr. Robin Leader-Landau 9/25 Audrey Aronchick 9/26 Candice Poliakoff

9/26 Henry Solomon 9/27 Suzanne Schild 9/28 Robert Mirel 9/30 Same Krivoruk 9/30 Dr. Michael Wilensky

SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 9/1 David & Marla Garfinkle 9/3 Jason & Sophy Rindler 9/9 Marc & Amanda Gottlieb 9/10 Lawrence & Carole Epstein 9/11 Leroy & Shirley Raffel 9/13 David & Stacy Barnett 9/14 Steven & Kristen Nitsberg 9/16 Donald & Linda Lockshin 9/25 Zvi & Lorena Shiff

OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 10/1 Helen Berne 10/1 Amy Ohana 10/2 Nicholas Ferber 10/3 Dean Gettis 10/3 Ann Landau 10/4 Ruth Marcus 10/5 Evelyn Portnoy 10/5 Margery Sanford

10/6 Norman Leopold 10/9 Dr. Mary Lou Brotherson 10/10 Debbie Bloomfield 10/10 Rosa Kofman 10/10 Jacques Malfi 10/10 Nancy Stabinski 10/11 Michael Leader 10/12 Dr. Meri-Jane Rochelson 10/13 Louise Mirel 10/16 Evelyn Rosen 10/18 Sara Cooperman Frankel 10/18 Stuart Sacks 10/18 Miriam Segall 10/19 Boris Dolinsky 10/19 Diego Ratowiecki 10/21 Daneya Eid 10/22 Howard Katzman 10/22 Kimberly LeCompte 10/23 Bari Schanerman 10/24 George Leader 10/24 Ferris Shenker 10/25 Rosanne Mishan 10/27 Dr. Michael Roth

OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES 10/5 Jorge & Marlene Garcia 10/11 Granville & Kimberly LeCompte 10/11 Peter & Starr Stein 10/12 Eduardo & Sisa Brender 10/13 Alain & Amy Ohana 10/20 Louis & Nancy Berlin 10/21 Eva Lebovic & Greg Thomas 10/21 Mark & Carrie Mintz 10/22 Mario & Melissa Grosfeld 10/29 Nelson & Rhonda Faro 10/29 Adam & Robin Silverman 10/30 Dr. Michael & Adrienne Roth



D O N A T I O N S Arnold & Roselyn Meyer ECE Fund

Mark Rokhfeld


Cantor Norman Falah's Discretionary Fund

Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Bonnie Bloom Mary Lou Brotherson Mary Lou Brotherson Henry & Stephanie Hirsch Henry & Stephanie Hirsch Henry & Stephanie Hirsch Isamar Perez Isamar Perez

In honor of Eva Lebovic's birthday In honor of Celia Mussman's birthday In honor of the anniversary of Meri-Jane Rochelson & Joel Mintz In honor of the anniversary of Howard and Jean Gordon In honor of the anniversary of Esther & Mordechai Fintz In honor of the anniversary of Dr. Martin & Lynn Mendelssohn In honor of Beckett Ezra Klau's 1st birthday In honor of Dr. Irwin Klau's 75th birthday In memory of my cousin, Father Richard Deitch Congratulations to Lyanne and Barry Wassermann's granddaughters graduating from college Best wishes on the 55th anniversary of Esther and Mordechai Fintz Sending love and care to Susan Jones Wishing Marty Mendelssohn a speedy recovery In memory of Irving Hirsch In honor of Marcos & Esther Fintz's anniversary In acknowledgment of G~d's blessings

Caring Community Emmanuel Avila

General donation

General Donation Fund Irene J. Baros Avi & Leigh Benayoun David & Rose Ellen Glickman Vicki Hatch Susan Jones Irwin & Sue Klau Roz Ladov Aaron & Shiela Margolis Martin & Lynn Mendelssohn Martin & Lynn Mendelssohn Martin & Lynn Mendelssohn Roz Silverman Roz Silverman Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Temple Sinai Board of Trustees Michael Wilensky Susan Warech

In memory of Barbara Goodman General donation In memory of Joan Greenberg In memory of Ronald Ellis In appreciation of William and Shirley Lehman's kindness Benniel Happy Birthday to Irwin Klau In honor of Irwin Klau's 75th birthday In memory of Seymour Mendelssohn In honor of Rabbi & Deborah Litwak's anniversary In honor of their anniversary Best wishes on Suzette Schultz's new home In honor of the birth of Rita Ullman's first great grandson In memory of Joan Greenberg Mazal Tov to grandparents Anat and Uri Evron on the birth of their grandson General donation In honor of Doris Pienknagura becoming an American citizen

Irwin & Sue Klau Gerard & Carol Ann Moss

In honor of Rabbi and Deborah Litwak's anniversary Wishing Karen Epstein a very happy 75th birthday Wishing Jean and Howard Gordon a very Happy 55th Anniversary Wishing Rabbi and Deborah Litwak a very Happy 25th Anniversary In honor of Rabbi Ralph P. & Brenda Kingsley's 60th anniversary

Lindo Wassermann Music Fund Barton & Lyanne L. Wassermann

In honor of Doris Pienknagura becoming an American citizeny

Memorial Fund Judy Agron Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Bonnie Bloom Bonnie Bloom Sharron Botwinick Sara Brenner Elaine Brodsky Bernard Rehhaut & Jeri Buxton Maggie DeLeon Frederick & Joyce Seley

Roz Silverman Stanley L. & Alana Simpson Jonathan & Marjorie Sussman Renee Yeslow

In memory of Joan Greenberg In memory of Paul Sher In memory of Pearl Tellerman In memory of Morris Tellerman In memory of Ed Pickard In memory of Ruth Lowe In memory of Joan Greenberg In memory of Dorothy Berenson Blau In memory of Paul Elgart In memory of Dolek Rehhaut In memory of Flo DeLeon In memory of David Leventhal

In memory of Albert Dublin In memory of Fanni Baumann In memory of Joan Greenberg In memory of Harry Altholz

Oneg and Kiddush Sponsorship Harry & Deborah Berkowitz Bonnie Bloom The Fintz & Fresco Family Howard & Regina Gordon Sheryl Greenwald Neil & Dorothy Koreman Greg Thomas & Eva Lebovic Don & Linda Lockshin

In honor of their anniversary In memory of Bernice Bloom In memory of Salomon Fresco In honor of their anniversary In memory of Sam Berman In honor of their 55th anniversary In memory of Malvina Leibovic In honor of their anniversary and in honor of the dedication of the memorial plaque of Marilyn Frisch Pisseri Joel Mintz & Meri-Jane Rochelson In honor of their anniversary Bob & Louise Mirel In memory of Irving Leopold, Ivan Kaplin, Benjamin Center and Milton Agron Gerard & Carol Ann Moss In honor of their anniversary Janice Schneider In memory of Jerome Schneider Barry & Marsha Schugar In honor of their 53rd anniversary Suzette Schultz In memory of Morris Kaltman Ronny & Elise Udelson In honor of their anniversary Barton & Lyanne L. Wassermann In honor of the engagement of Emily Mara Wassermann to Brandon Kale Larry & Carole Epstein In memory of Perry Epstein Helayne Gordon In memory of Anne Gordon Susan Greenberg In memory of Sidney Lipman Susan Jones In memory of Fannie Lifschultz Martin Kleinbart In memory of Gertrude & Leon Kleinbart Neil & Dorothy Koreman In memory of Benjamin Goldstein Leonard Kraus In memory of Ethel Kraus Marilyn Leonard In memory of Mark Leonard Phyllis Mickenberg In memory of Larry Mickenberg Frank & Sue Pearl In memory of Martin Peal Estelle Pregen In memory of Ann & Herman Rosenbaum Gloria Raffel In memory of Forrest Raffel Gloria Raffel In memory of Frida Friedman Kohn Howard & Ingrid Roskin In memory of Shirley E. Roskin Barry & Marsha Schugar In memory of Lillian Schugar Barry & Marsha Schugar In memory of Ruth Fader Howard & Pamela Shiman In memory of Gilda Rose Prayer Book Dedication - Etz Chayim

Bonnie Bloom

L'dor v'dor Fund Jane Hiller & Nancy Simon Irwin & Sue Klau Irwin & Sue Klau

Memorial Fund (Cont'd)

Bonnie Bloom Howard & Jean Gordon

In honor of Rabbi Alan and Deborah Litwak's 25th Wedding Anniversary In honor of Mordechai and Esther Fintz's 55th Wedding Anniversary In honor of Dr. Irwin Klau's 75th birthday

Rabbi Alan Litwak's Discretionary Fund

Irene J. Baros Bonnie Bloom Bonnie Bloom Mary Lou Brotherson Sheryl Greenwald Jane Hiller Jacqueline Kapnek Jenna Leopold Martin & Lynn Mendelssohn Celia Mussman Isamar Perez Isamar Perez Aaron & Carol Schectman Suzanne Schild Suzanne Schild Roz Silverman

His House Project In honor of Rabbi Alan Litwak's birthday In memory of her cousin, Father Richard Deitch In memory of Estelle Cohen Nelson His House Project In honor of Nancy Simon's birthday In honor of Irwin Klau's Happy 75th Birthday In memory of Joan Greenberg General donation His House Project Wishing Rabbi and Deborah Litwak a Happy Anniversary In acknowledgment of G~d's blessings His House Project In memory of Bertram Schild In appreciation of Angela Mardy His House Project

Sisterhood Donation

Susan Jones Isamar Perez

Congratulations on the engagement of Carol and Sylvan Lewis's daughter, Claudia to Jordan Barrocas In honor of Eva Lebovic's birthday



A special thank

you to Stephanie & Henry Hirsch for graciously donating a new Tallit Holder housed in the Kemelhor Chapel!

A special thank you to Temple Sinai's Baking Brigade for lovingly preparing and providing delicious baked goods for our Partners, Staff and friends to enjoy at events !


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