How to prevent common golf injuries

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• Yes, there are a lot of benefits of playing golf, and for an observer, golf may seem to be a sport without any risk of injuries. • Some may consider it the safest sport. The fact is that, the excessive repetition of swings and strain that is put on the body while playing golf can lead to some serious injuries to the golfers.

• Similar to many outdoor party games for adults, golf too can cause injuries. • Every swing that a golfer makes puts pressure on the various tendons, muscles and joints of the body, which may cause injuries in the long run. • Here are a few common golf injuries and how you can prevent them.

Figure (1): Outdoor party games for adults

Back pain • One of the most common injuries that may occur as a result of golfing is back pain. • From carrying the heavy golf bags to rotating and moving during a swing can cause a heavy burden on the back of a golfer. • The back pain usually develops in the lower portion of the back and may be combined with numbness, weakness and muscle spasms.

• Numerous other structures of the back are also affected like ligaments, facet joints, discs and muscles. • Golfers can prevent back pain while golfing by following some back exercises including stability & core strength exercises. • Before the game starts, make sure you warm up and practice your swing. It is suggested that back should be as loose as possible to prevent back pains.

Shoulder pain • A golfer may suffer from shoulder pain that can be caused by a number of underlying conditions, such as impingement or tear in rotator cuff, joint arthritis, instability in joints, or rotator cuff tendinitis. • A golfer can prevent shoulder pain by working on strengthening and increasing flexibility of the scapular and shoulder muscles.

• Also, you may choose to slow down when you backswing to minimize the stress on the shoulders. • Additionally, it is critical that you warm up before the game, and also ensure that you use appropriate form during each swing. • And if it is possible, you can work on build supporting muscles in your shoulders and improve your flexibility to prevent shoulder pains.

• And if it still feels like too much, there’s always miniature golf Atlanta, where you can hone your skills in a safe and secure way. Knee pain • A golfer may face knee pain due to a number of underlying issues including knee arthritis, a torn meniscus, or a kneecap pain.

• Knee pain in golf usually happens when, over time, excessive forces is placed repetitively on the knee joints. • You can avoid knee pain by improving your range of hip motions that impact the pressure being put on the knee joints. Add fun to your golf game with glow in the dark golf.

Wrist pain • Over time, improper wrist motion and repetitive strain could lead to sprains, ruptured tendons and fractures that may lead to limited mobility and chronic pain. • You can prevent this injury by slowing down your backswing.

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