4 health benefits of golf

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• Golf is a sport of leisure and is also known as a gentleman’s game. • It is one of the well-received and most popular sports in the world. • It is a sport that is physically challenging as well as mentally stimulating. • It is traditionally played on large outdoor golf courses covering an area of anywhere between thirty to two hundred acres.

• However, portable golf simulator as made it possible for golf lovers to enjoy the sport even inside their home, in their office, basement, or basically anywhere. • The aim of the sport is to hit the ball into holes using irontipped or wood sticks called clubs. • While golf was a game usually played by corporate executives and rich people as course fees tend to be quite high.





glow in the dark golf, it is popular among masses.


Figure (1): Portable Golf Simulator

Figure (2): Glow in the Dark Golf

Here are some of the top health benefits of playing golf: 1.Exposure to outdoors •Golf is played on golf courses that can cover an area as large as 200 acres or even larger. Which means that you would be spending a lot of time outdoors. •Spending time in nature has its own health benefits that are good both for the body and mind.

• Studies show that constant exposure to outdoors, especially green areas reduces stress, aid in alleviating anxiety and relaxes the body. • Taking kids along to golf courses can be a great idea as well, with some fun outdoor games for kids. Your kids will benefit by soaking up vital vitamin D from staying outdoors. • It will promote bone growth. Also, it minimizes the risk of depression, certain cancers, as well as heart diseases.

2. Fosters relationships. •Golf is a sport that is enjoyed in social groups, and there are usually golf clubs that one needs to join to be eligible to play in a particular course. •Golf can be a good way of keeping in touch with colleagues and friends, and golf clubs provides opportunities to meet with new people. •Also, golf is a leisure game and is not as competitive or intense as basketball or soccer. There is a lot of down time for fellow golfers to interact and socialize.

3. Burns calories •Playing golf on a course covering thirty to two hundred acres would mean one would have to move from one place to another a lot. •If you choose to walk the average course instead of taking the golf cart, you can easily cover distance of up to 7 kilometers.

• And one’d be able to burn even more calories if they opt to carry around their own clubs. • With all these activities including walking, swinging and carrying, a golfer can burn a lot of calories. 4. Improves vision • Golfers need to constantly zoom in and out on small targets that are at long distances. • They need to spot their small white golf ball from great distances too. And along with this honed sense of vision.

Thank You Visit @ http://www.glowormgolf.com/

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