by David Abbott
Arizona native Thomas Lopez was going about his business fixing municipal pools when he noticed a two-story building beside one of Miami’s five historic bridges.
“I fell in love with that particular building because it was next to one of the Luten Arches, which are cool-looking, and the facade was charming,” Lopez says. “It had the outside attraction that reminded me of the House of Joy, which is one of the historic beacons and landmarks of Jerome.”
The House of Joy is a two-story building perched high atop the winding road to Mingus Mountain that was once a brothel, but is currently an art gallery in that iconic copper mining town.
While the Miami structure built in 1912 was not a house of joy in the biblical sense, it spent more than 20 years as an antique store, and prior to that, was Wilson’s Paint & Wallpaper store. A mis-print in a commercial listing showing it as Wilton’s Paint and Wallpaper is why the current owners named their business The Wilton.
Turns out the spin on the name is appropriate. The name Wilton, in old English means “by the stream” which is fitting since the property rests next to the town stream and one of the famous luten arches in town.
HOUSE, continued on page 15
Partnerships help expand preparation work for fire season, help with forest management
By David Abbott
While it’s the big wildfires that usually make the news, there are hundreds of smaller fires barely noticed by the public at large, but local fire agencies are not idle between those events and spend the majority of their time planning for fire season and working to reduce the chances of the next big fire.
Much of the work involves coordinating with various state and federal agencies to manage forests through fuels reduction and strategic planning.
On August 2, the Forestry Department eased fire restrictions due to the amount of monsoon activity, but there have already been a number of fires that have burned about 200,000 acres throughout the state by the end of July.
While the Black Fire affected about 11,000 acres west of Roosevelt in the Superstition Mountains, there have been several other wildfires that have burned at least 10,000 acres, including the Wildcat, Sand Stone, Skeleton and Freeman, which burned up more than 32,000 acres between Florence and Oracle in mid-July.
The Watch fire in San Carlos, believed to be set by an arsonist , burned more than 2,000 acres, destroyed 21 homes, and was officially contained on July 17.
Publisher Linda Gross
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This month we bring you news about a new electrical installation program through CVIT. This is another partnership between CVIT and Freeport-McMoRan, who will be underwriting the program. It is a winwin for both students and FMI, ensuring a qualified workforce to help meet local needs (see p. 13). Other programs that also draw on partnerships include the welding program initiated in 2022 and the nursing and medical assistant students who complete their clinicals or externships with our local hospital.
We’re happy to be working with the San Carlos Unified School District again this year, and will bring you feature stories each month on what SCUSD is accomplishing throughout the year. This month, we look at new hires and their connection to the San Carlos community.
You can find the results of the Primary election on page 11. This election did not see much change in key races like the Gila County Supervisors, Gila County Sheriff’s race and Globe City Council, but some important changes are taking place to Miami Town Council.
We’re in a groundbreaking election year, and at GMT we’re directing our focus to the importance of those making policy on our behalf. Our op-ed piece this month, by guest author Glen Lineberry - “What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?” (see p. 4)reminds us of what governments accomplish for all of us.
Recently, I listened to an excellent panel of Republicans, Democrats, and others discuss ‘Autocracy in America.’ It was refreshing to go beyond the soundbites and listen to these individuals discuss democracy, governing, and our system of checks and balances, which has served us well for the last 200+ years.
“Voters will want things,” points out a panelist. “They will want policies, they will want things done on health care, they will want things done on debt, and they will want things done on immigration. But many do not want their politicians to compromise to get there.”
Going forward, the panelist suggests, we are going to have to build an appetite not just for moderation, pragmatism, and working for people - but also for compromise.
Compromise doesn’t mean giving up principles. Rule of law, morals, and ethics are the highest authority, and nonnegotiable. Compromise means recognizing that, for those who have genuine loyalty to democracy, everyone’s views matter - our own and those we disagree with.
America’s bedrock foundation is the idea that disagreement doesn’t have to lead to outright conflict - because our forefathers found a better way. It’s called democracy.
And compromise means recognizing that in a democracy, every American belongs here and deserves a voice. And working toward a solution that everyone involved can live with.
In the midst of disagreement, compromise is the only way forward that respects the rights and values of all parties, and preserves the purity of democracy.
And as the parent of any teenager knows about the art of compromise: It works.
As the summer progresses, we’re all enduring the heat and discomfort as best we can - finding relief in going to the forest to cool off, the lake to get wet and put cares aside for a while, or staying home next to the A/C or a fan. We all have different ways to make it through the dog days of August.
But in just a few more weeks, summer will come to an end. As the temperatures lower, we’ll each look back to how we spent this time, and hopefully appreciate that we made the best of it.
Here’s to making the best of the dog days.
One of Monty Python’s greatest scenes features a meeting in Roman Jerusalem. John Cleese introduces the motion, “What have the Romans ever done for us?” It all starts to go downhill when someone says, “Well, there’s the aqueduct.”
A couple years into my time as principal at Miami High School, a lovely couple dropped by to visit. Really nice people who graduated from Miami sometime in the late 1960s, had been up at one of the state parks for a Tea Party rally, and thought they’d drop by on their way back to the Valley. After a tour of campus and their stories about how being Vandals had set them up for successful careers and family life, they started talking about their day.
You may recall the Tea Party about a decade ago, people who wanted to reduce taxes and government regulation, tighten the borders, things that are pretty sensible unless they go too far. As the lady was telling me the story of their day, I started to see a disconnect between what she was describing and how she was describing it. Everything was negative, unfair, wrong, needed to be completely overthrown. But these were nice, successful people who had taken time out of their day to stop at their old high school and tell us how much they appreciated the education they had received.
Eventually the husband caught my eye and said, “You’re not convinced, are you? What’s your take?”
You know, in a school all sorts of things go on every day that people don’t even see. I call them “of course” things. The building is open, well lit, clean, maintained, of course, but that takes a lot of work. The classrooms are all led by teachers, highly qualified teachers in Miami’s case, of course, but hiring and developing and supporting highly qualified teachers in a small, rural town is a serious enterprise. The kids show up and are mostly well behaved and actually attend class, of course, but that takes a lot of effort and guidance and training as well. And years of being responsible for all that in a school has taught me that there’s a similar amount of unseen work most places, like
By Glen Lineberry
the part of the iceberg we don’t actually see.
So here’s what I heard our lovely alumna say. They woke up that morning, took their daily medications [safe because of FDA oversight] that were provided by Medicare [government program] and checked the forecast on the National Weather Service [government agency] on the internet [created by a Defense Department research project]. They got in their car [which conformed to government safety regulations], drove at no cost on state and federal highways to a state park that didn’t charge an entrance fee to senior citizens. After leaving their rally about how government doesn’t do anything for us, they stopped at the high school that prepared them for college and career for a nice chat. Then they planned to drive those highways back to the Valley and pick up their grandkids at their free public school.
None of that made her critiques of government spending and regulation and immigration policy wrong. Reasonable people can differ on those things. But it did provide context. And that context was that we all benefit from government every day, even when we think the price is too high.
I suspect everyone has been on the receiving end of this lesson. Just the other day I saw someone verbally abusing the clerk at the grocery store. Not for any good reason, at least not anything the clerk had done wrong, but there it was and they had two little kids with them who were watching closely and now probably think that’s how we should treat each other.
Certainly, principals come in for this. From grandparents who don’t understand why we can’t accept food deliveries for their grandkids and their friends – the answer is allergies and the fact that they didn’t bring the food during the right lunch period, and that we once caught someone bringing drugs in between the pizza and the box. From parents who want their kid to walk at graduation even though they’re still several credits away from a diploma. From the guy who got mad when I flew the flag at half-staff for a teacher who
was drowned in a flood.
Don’t get me wrong. I’d bet good money that we could have handled each of those situations better, but we still ought to remember that the important thing is that the store is there and full of food, that the school is there educating our kids. I saw a great line recently: We’re all just walking each other home.
And that’s why context matters. No matter how those lovely alums felt about their taxes, they had an awfully nice day and awfully nice lives, at least in part because there’s a whole system around us to guarantee the “of course” things like opportunity and safety and a chance to live a good life.
And that’s where John Cleese finally gets in the scene from Life of Brian: “All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a freshwater system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?”
Glen Lineberry taught at San Carlos High School from 2010-2014 and served as principal at Miami High from 2014-2023. He is extending that work in an effort to fill instructional gaps faced by rural students and schools in Arizona and elsewhere. He shares his days with his lovely wife and the coolest dog on the planet.
I want to thank everyone who voted for me in the primary election. Although I was unopposed, I truly appreciate the continued support that has been shown to me in my first eight years serving as your mayor. My intention was to serve for only two terms and then retire thinking that a lot could be accomplished in that time frame. I found out that ideas, plans, and projects take time to happen. Although, there have already been many projects that have been completed, there are many more pending in the next couple of years that I want to be part of to continue to move our city forward.
I want to congratulate my two cocouncil members, Freddie Rios and Mike Pastor, on being re-elected to their council positions for the next four years. Our full council has a unified vision and is committed to continuing to work hard to elevate our city to the next level. I want to make clear that it takes time and an army to make things happen, so nothing would be possible without the continued dedicated hard work and commitment of our city staff. I also want to thank our residents for voting yes and passing Proposition 412 (Home Rule) for the next four years, which allows us to set our budget with currenttime revenue.
A public meeting has been scheduled for August 14th at 2 p.m. in the city council chambers to begin the initial discussion and process to update our twenty-plus-year-old fire and building codes. This meeting is open to all stakeholders, including licensed contractors, business owners, realtors, and the general public. We are currently operating on the 2003 Building Code and the 2003 Fire Code.
Adopting the most current codes and standards is the most efficient and effective method of creating safe environments that protect and improve public health, safety, welfare, and the economic interests of the community. Updated fire codes help develop a better ISO rating, which affects insurance rates for both residential and commercial properties.
Having worked in the fire service for thirty years in Globe, I know the challenges and dangers of our 100-year-old city. It is important to understand that when doing modifications in any commercial building where the public has access; both building code and fire code are met. Over 80 percent of our downtown buildings have basements and are built against each other which increases the risk. Doing modifications to any commercial building without following the fire and building codes could create a dangerous environment not only for the public, but for our firefighters in the case of a fire emergency.
I encourage everyone to attend this initial meeting on August 14th to ask your questions and better understand the importance of updated codes. Codes are developed for the protection and safety of the public and the investment of all business owners.
The next Citizens Academy is scheduled to start September 4th and end on October 22nd. It is held every Wednesday from 6 pm to 8 pm. For more information or to sign up, contact Lisa Fletcher at 628-940-9207.
Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 26th at 5:30 pm for this year’s 4th Annual State of The City Address. You will get an update on the past year’s
activities and what lies ahead for the future of our city. There will be food, music, and an opportunity to talk to your council members.
An end of the year pool party was held at the Globe Community Center Pool on July 26th to celebrate the beginning of the school year. There were approximately 300 attendees that attended the event. We want to recognize and thank the sponsors for this event, Arizona Complete
Health, Freeport McMoran, and the City of Globe. During the peak hours of this summer, there were anywhere from 100 to 200 attendees daily.
The Community Center Pool still remains open now that school has begun with modified hours. The modified hours are as follows: Monday-Saturday Lap Swimming (8 am-10:30 am). MondayWednesday Open Swim (4 pm-6 pm) / Water Aerobics (6 pm-7:30 pm) Water. Thursday Open Swim (4 pm-8 pm). Friday-Saturday Open Swim (11 am-8 pm). Sunday Open Swim (11 am-7 pm). A huge thank you to Lisa Fletcher for managing this year’s pool activities.
by David Abbott
The Pinal Creek Bridge project, aka Connie’s Bridge, is nearly a year behind schedule, but the City is focused on the long-term viability of the bridge rather than the reasons behind the delays or a timeline to completion.
“I’m not really worried about a deadline,” says Globe Mayor Al Gameros. “I’m more concerned about quality and making sure we get the bridge that we really anticipate, not only structurally, but in design as well.”
To that end, the City is working with the Meridian Engineering Company to ensure the final project is engineered and built to last another 50 to 100 years.
The original bridge was built in 1920 and has been repaired and widened twice over the course of time. ADOT classified the bridge to be in “poor” condition and even lowered the maximum weight limit from 20 to 10 tons.
Meridian is a Tucson-based construction firm founded in 2003 that builds critical infrastructure throughout the southwest and specializes in heavy civil and industrial construction.
Council approved the $5.5 million project in November 2022, with construction slated to begin in January 2023 and a completion date of September that year. But a number of unforeseen problems caused serious delays, some that were beyond Meridian’s control and others led to the need for a complete redesign of the structure.
The wet winter of 2022-2023 halted construction with three months’ of consistent flow in the creek and more recent monsoon flooding contributed. In addition to weather delays, ongoing coordination with the railroads and other agencies, also slowed things down.
Representatives from Meridian presented a public update to Council on July 23, largely taking responsibility for structural problems that arose in the early stages of the project.
If not for monitoring by City officials, particularly the efforts of City Engineer Luis Chavez, the bridge may have had serious flaws built in that likely would not have shown up for years.
“I think the City of Globe is fortunate to have a former ADOT engineer on staff who has the experience in the construction of over 100 bridges in his career,” says City Manager Paul Jepson. “He understands the complexities of a project like this.”
Jepson added that were it not for the cooperation of all stakeholders involved, the project, which is a cornerstone of all the development Globe is planning for access along Jesse Hayes Road, might have stopped in its tracks.
“We have to look at the environment when this project came to fruition: It was the tail end of the pandemic and Washington DC was pumping dollars out to invest in infrastructure,” Jepson says. “So you had a lot of projects and shortages of both concrete and labor. We didn’t run into too much of that, but every construction company was dealing with multiple projects and multiple opportunities that stretched their resources.”
Connie’s Bridge replacement is just one piece of a series of projects intended to increase walkability along Jesse Hayes Road and connect the Community Center and the refurbished pool to the downtown area, as well as easing traffic flows to the Globe Ranger Station and the Gila Pueblo Campus.
Moving forward, Jepson and Chavez will attend weekly meetings with Meridian to monitor progress and
ensure quality construction.
“Meridan will finish this,” said Meridian representative Eric Lydia at the July 23 meeting. “We started it and we’ll finish it. … Schedule-wise it probably won’t be as scheduled, but the quality and the structural integrity of it will be there.”
Gameros says that thanks to the Council’s focus on attracting quality employees, many future problems have likely been avoided.
“We’re lucky to have such a committed group,” Gameros says. “This is something that we couldn’t have done on our own without our partners and the contractor is being really good about it. We want residents to understand why there have been delays and that it’s not costing us any more money.”
On August 14 (after press time), the City of Globe presented its preliminary building code updates to stakeholders in the community.
The process that began nearly two years ago with the hiring of Building Official Tony Manfredi has been ongoing but should be ready for adoption by next January.
Globe’s current codes are from 2003 and the updates will bring them to 2021 standards. The state updates building codes every three years, so once Globe’s codes are brought up to those standards, Manfredi expects updates to happen every other cycle. The next code update would be scheduled for 2027.
The codes will align with International Codes and Standards published by the International Code Council (ICC) used in municipalities throughout the world. There is a baseline set of codes that are tailored for each community based on local climate, types of construction and other factors.
Manfredi says the work has been going on for more than a year and has been a collaboration between his office, the fire marshal and a third-party consultant to help identify necessary amendments. Unnecessary or out of
date codes will be taken off the books as well.
“This will make permitting easier, more efficient and understandable,” Manfredi says. “Adoption of up-to-date code is the most efficient and effective measure in creating safe environments that protect and improve public health, safety and welfare, as well as the economic interest of the community. It keeps up with professional designers’ best practices, latest technology, improves design options and provides opportunities for cost savings by being able to use these new options.”
The updates will also make it easier for the City to communicate with contractors who already operate under the most modern building codes, which they must do in order to be licensed with the state.
Mayor Gameros, who retired from the Globe Fire Department in 2016 after 29 years of service, 18 of those as chief, says building codes are important for public safety and the safety of public servants.
“I think people get the wrong idea of what code does,” Gameros says. “Codes are established not to work against the developer or the property owner, they’re developed for the safety of the public and protection of property.”
Gameros adds that adhering to current municipal code standards can also improve a community’s Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating—also known as a fire score— which can lower insurance rates for property owners. The City hopes to have the updates in place before the next ISO inspection at the beginning of 2025.
Once Globe’s codes are up to 2021 standards, Manfredi says the city plans to do updates every other cycle, in order to reduce the cost of the work and to help future councils maintain the baseline.
Ultimately, building codes are about safety and creating guidelines and standards that are applied fairly to all citizens.
“It’s about treating everybody equally and making sure everybody operates off the same concept,” Gameros says. “It doesn’t affect you if you don’t think about it, until something happens and then it’s too late.”
I would like to personally thank everyone for their votes. Eight years ago, I applied for the job of District 2 Supervisor. I have worked hard and accomplished many of the goals I set for District 2. Thank you for re-electing me for another four years. There are still numerous things I hope to accomplish as your Supervisor.
• Landscaping with new trees, cacti, and desert plants continues to progress.
• A section of asphalt failed the QA/ QC tests and is being replaced to meet project specifications.
• Continued coordination on waterline relocation and new electrical tie-ins.
• Walkthroughs with key stakeholders conducted and punch list items are being addressed.
by David Abbott
The San Carlos Unified School District has focused on hiring and retaining administration, teachers and staff who are alums of the school system, bringing San Carlos people home to teach San Carlos students.
Many of the District’s new, young hires have seen the struggles of Apache students first-hand and are now in a position to offer empathy and advice to those who may have a hard time juggling the demands of school with their lives outside the classroom.
In order to help students who may need an extra boost, SCUSD support services created a Cultural Success Coaching program that offers services from mental health support to providing basic hygiene products or clothing.
A number of the counselors are products of the SCUSD who grew up on the Reservation and have returned to share their experiences to mentor troubled students.
“Our duty is to take care of the kids and meet the kids’ needs,” says San Carlos High School Cultural Success Coach Bernard Thompson. “We’re here for the kids and partner with our counselors, so they can also get emotional and mental health care too.”
Thompson is a 23-year-old who graduated from SCHS in 2018. He says he was a “naughty kid” and that he was going down a bad path until he met a new group of friends in his sophomore year.
“They became my lifelong friends, and we’re still friends to this day,” Thompson says. “They set me straight and helped me get on the right path. We just helped guide each other through school.”
After he graduated, he went to work for the San Carlos Wellness Center and spent four years as a behavioral health technician, working with the schools in a mentoring program called Young Warriors.
But when the school District created the Cultural Success Coaching program, he decided that was where he wanted to go.
Thompson is now entering his second year in the program, and uses his experiences to help relate to and mentor students who may not have the opportunities he’s created for himself.
“When I was in high school, I did not see myself doing stuff like this but
everything just fell into place and I found my opportunity to make a difference in the community, so I took it,” Thompson says. “We have a few kids that we’ve built a personal connection with and they’ve really turned it around.”
Additionally, working for the school district has motivated him to pursue a college degree at some point in his future.
For Tricia Logan, the job as a Success Coach to Pre-K-2nd at Rice Primary School has been therapeutic and helped her deal with her own issues from her past. She also mentors students as the volleyball coach for the Lady Braves after she played volleyball throughout high school. She has now stepped up to help Athletic Director Donna Antonio.
The 22-year-old SCHS graduate grew up in the District with the exception of her seventh grade year spent at High Desert Middle School in Globe.
Logan also spent much of her youth in foster care with two siblings, so she brings a special understanding of the needs of students who may have challenges in their personal lives. While her personal life has had its share of tragedy and even abuse, she finds encouragement both in the thought of mentoring but is also surrounded by many of the people who helped her cope.
“It was counselors, mentors and pen pals that impacted my life, and helped me become the person I am,” Logan says. “I came back and started working under the success coach and counselors, so I really enjoy it. I like to think it’s for the kids.”
Logan says she wants to continue her education—she currently has an AA in social work from Eastern Arizona College—and hopes to be accepted at Northern Arizona University to earn her Bachelor’s degree in social work to eventually become a school counselor.
Tenth grade English teacher Noelia Ferreira comes to SCUSD with an entirely different experience, as her family has close ties to education. She not only spent her entire Pre-K through 12 in the school district, but her grandfather Fred was on the SCUSD governing school board, and was also the tribal education director for 13 years and her aunt teaches school in the Valley.
Ferreira never had any doubt about pursuing higher education, although for most of her youth believed she wanted to be a veterinarian.
But due to sheer happenstance, Ferreira’s goals changed as she pursued her AA at EAC. Needing an elective to earn her degree, she enrolled in a general education class that drew her into the classroom.
“It was in that class that I figured out I actually love the backgrounds of education,” Ferreira says. “It helped that I had great, great professors. They were super helpful and great people that I wanted to model myself after becoming a teacher.”
She also credits the teachers and administrators of the district, including her English teacher Sarah Curd and incoming Assistant Superintendent Shawn Pietila, with nurturing her love for education.
Bernard Thompson
Noelia L. Ferreira
“It really started to feel like an actual option,” Ferreira added. “It just never felt like that was a choice, so I decided to just go for it. I signed up for ASU and was paired with amazing counselors who helped me really put into work an actual plan that felt even more physical and doable than veterinarian ever felt. They were extremely supportive in my future.”
Ultimately, though, Ferreira is glad to return to her home in the role of a San Carlos Apache woman teaching Apache students who are at this point in her life the younger siblings of students she attended school with.
“I don’t know if I necessarily get more respect from my students, but I do feel like there’s already a foundation of knowledge in general,” Ferreira says. “The support here from teachers and administration has been insane and so many people have just been so sweet.”
by David Abbott
The votes have been cast in Gila County’s primary election and with the exception of one race, the results are in. Despite the low turnout, County election officials are preparing for the possibility of a record-breaking vote in November.
“A lot of the times the primary election, especially in a gubernatorial cycle, and even sometimes in the presidential cycle, can have low turnouts, so it’s not out of the norm for us,” says Elections Director Eric Mariscal. “We’re planning for high turnout in the general because there’s a lot of propositions on the ballot that are going to be some touchstones for a lot of people.”
He added that there will also be “controversial” races, including school boards and a presidential race that most residents are deeply passionate about.
Overall, there was a 43.33% voter turnout for the primary, with 66.73% of registered Republicans and 45.82% of Democrats casting votes. Other parties included Libertarian, 22.22%; Green, 4.76%; No Labels, 8.78% and Nonpartisan at .81%.
Mariscal says those results, in part, are due to a dearth of non-Republicans in any of the races and historical voting trends in Gila County.
There are 39 precincts with a total of 33,109 voters in the county, 15,968 registered Republicans and 7,765 Democrats. There are 9,000 Nonpartisan voters and the remaining party affiliations total less than 500 registered voters. A vast majority of voters also chose early voting: Out of 11,814 early ballots cast, 8,567 Republicans and 3,163 Democrats opted for early voting. Election day votes totaled 2,485 with 47 total provisional ballots.
Locally, Globe City Council will not change as all three candidates, Mayor Al Gameros and Councilmen Freddy Rios and Michael Pastor, ran unopposed. Likewise the makeup of the Gila County Board of Supervisors will remain, as Tim Humphrey, Woody Cline and Steve Christensen will all maintain their seats.
The Town of Miami, on the other hand, will see the biggest change locally, as longtime Councilman Mike Black’s 16-year tenure will end. Councilman Sammy Gonzales was re-elected, but there will be two new councilmen, longtime Miami resident Ray Webb and Miami native Gil Madrid.
Representative David Cook lost his bid to represent local Republicans in the State Senate race for District 7 to Wendy Rogers, who will go against Miami native Roberto Reveles in November.
Given the small number of voters in the county, many of the races can be decided by a handful of votes or can lead to a landslide.
In Hayden, Mayor Dean Hetrick was elected with 98 of the 100 votes cast, while in the Town of Payson, the only race in the county that will require a recount, the mayoral race between Chris Higgins and Stephen Otto saw a total of 5,750 votes cast with 2,923 going for Otto, 50.83%, and 2,817 for Higgins, 48.99%.
Payson City Council was even closer with six candidates—Charlie Bell; Dallin Haws; Craig Howard;
Scott Nossek; Guy Pfister and Barbara Underwood—all within a few votes of each other.
Initial results showed that Haws and Nossek were in a tie with 2,573 votes each and the lowest vote-getter being Howard with 2,497 votes.
As a result, Mariscal says, his office must run several tests on its voting machines, but the results will not be done in time for the August 12 deadline for counties to canvass—or verify—their returns (after GMT press time).
Other than Payson, all of the other County races are in the books, with some decided and others setting the stage for what promises to be an historic election in a few short months.
Mariscal says tensions have been high. The County has had to increase security, and he regularly receives questions or accusations based on misinformation being pushed on social media.
In addition to the installation of security cameras in counting rooms, security doors have been added to the elections office and workers had sheriff’s escorts when they worked on election night or moved ballots.
There is also a Threat Liaison Officer that coordinates with the Arizona Counterterrorism Information Center to be prepared to intercede should there be any potential issues or problems.
“So far so good,” Mariscal says. “There are always going to be people upset about stuff, but right now it’s business as usual, but we’re hoping to keep that trend going in November, and we can get in and out of that one too.”
Following a shake-up of elections offices throughout the country in the wake of the 2020 presidential election and threats of violence against election workers and officials, the Department of Justice set up an Elections Threats Task Force in order to “uphold the rule of law, to keep our country safe, and to protect civil rights.”
Mariscal has worked for Gila County Elections since 2007 and has led the department since 2013, so he has been through many elections in his professional life.
While much of the criticism he has received in the past few election cycles has been mild, he says that the majority of it comes from people who don’t fully understand Arizona’s election laws or processes.
“The biggest thing that kind of cracks me up is, in those previous elections, all their candidates won in Gila County,” Mariscal says. “So what exactly did we do wrong? I mean, the candidates they wanted to win, won.”
Be that as it may, Mariscal and his staff and volunteers soldier on to ensure Gila County elections are free, fair and secure for all citizens. The office is preparing for a huge turnout, possibly historic and more than 75% turnout.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen November 5, but I know on November 6 half the people are going to wake up throughout the country and they’re going to be upset about one thing or another,” Mariscal says. “Once we get there and it’s done, hopefully, we’ll just take a look at it, digest it for a little bit, and maybe say something. But hopefully we’ll just let the better angels of our nature take over, and we’ll just keep going.”
City of Globe (nonpartisan)
Town of Miami
Sammy Gonzales, 184 votes, 26.55% Gil Madrid, 173 votes, 24.96% Ray Webb, 108 votes, 15.58%
Gila County Board of Supervisors
District 1, Steve Christensen (R), 4,026 votes, 96.41%
District 2, Tim Humphrey (R), 1,428
Other county offices
County Attorney, Bradley Beauchamp (R), 8,004 votes, 99.18% Sheriff, Adam Shepherd (R), 5,504 votes, 54.17%
County Treasurer, Monica Wohlforth (R), 8,043 votes, 99.51%
County Superintendent of Schools, Roy Sandoval (R), 5,446 votes, 60.38%
County Recorder, Sadie Jo Bingham (R), 6,660 votes, 70.05%
County Assessor, Sherra Kissee (R), 8,046 votes, 99.41%
U.S. Senator
Kari Lake (R), 5,561 votes, 53.28% Ruben Gallego (D), 3,319 votes, 99.16%
District 2 Representative
Eli Crane (R), 8,135 votes, 81.73% Jonathan Nez (D) 3,064 votes, 99.42%
State Senator, District 7
Wendy Rogers (R), 5,811 votes, 57.09% Roberto Apodaca Reveles (D), 1,528 votes, 51.69%
Recognizing 28 years of service to Globe Unified School District.
June 27, 2024
AZYP hosts Rock the Block at the Train Depot on Saturday, August 6. The organizers handed out 400 backpacks, plus school supplies and more to help kids start the new year.
by Carissa Pool
Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT) is at the forefront of shaping our community’s future by partnering with local industries and offering programs that provide employers with a steady stream of well-trained, job-ready candidates. As a Career Technical Education District (CTED), CVIT offers high school students from Globe, Hayden-Winkelman, Miami, San Carlos, Ray, and Superior programs in cosmetology, dental assisting, early childhood education, electrical installation, HVAC-R, medical assisting, mental and social health, nurse assisting, welding, and wildland fire science. Courses are taught off of their high school campuses at Eastern Arizona College - Gila Pueblo Campus (EAC), Central Arizona College (CAC), as well as on-site for specific areas of study.
Each of these programs is designed to provide high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors the opportunity to graduate with a high school diploma, dual credits, certifications, and industryrecognized credentials. However, for CVIT to be successful, strong partnerships with local organizations and industries are essential. These collaborations provide the educational resources needed for CVIT students to complete the programs that eventually provide them (the local employers) with job candidates specifically trained for their needs.
One of the standout partnerships CVIT has developed is with Freeport-McMoRan, a leading natural resources company that mines copper and gold in Globe. FreeportMcMoRan’s commitment to investing in our community’s future workforce is exemplified through its support for CVIT’s welding and electrical installation programs.
The welding program, initiated in 2022, has been a resounding success. Freeport-McMoRan provides the program with company trainers, resulting in a pipeline of skilled welders ready to meet industry demands. Building on this success, Freeport-McMoRan is now also supporting the new electrical installation program, which begins on August 19, 2024. This two-year program is designed to offer high school students foundational training in electrical work. The goal is for students to complete the CVIT program and then be accepted into a two-year paid apprenticeship at Freeport-McMoRan, eventually becoming company electricians.
Mike O’Neal, CVIT Superintendent, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, stating, “We like to say ‘We grow our own.’ Freeport-McMoRan is an instrumental partner in making the welding and electrical installation programs in the Globe-Miami area successful. By getting
our high school students trained in the areas of need in our community, we are building a sustainable workforce for our local industries.”
Other partnerships include Resolution Copper in Superior, where welding students get to experience a top-of-theline welding lab; and Cobre Valley Regional Medical where CVIT’s nursing and medical assistant students complete their clinicals or externships. “We have an 80% placement rate for our health occupation students, which is so needed, as there is a big need for healthcare workers in our community,” said O’Neal. “The support from both, Resolution Copper and Cobre Valley Regional Medical have been phenomenal, ensuring our students get the practical experience they need to excel in their careers.”
The new mental and social health tech program is another example of CVIT’s proactive approach to addressing community needs. “We know that there is a shortage in our local community, the state, and even nationwide, for mental health experts. Most schools don’t even have counselors anymore,” O’Neal noted. “We’re proud to offer these programs so we can help bring trained candidates to the mental health professions.”
CVIT’s comprehensive support for students includes covering all tuition, books, fees, personal protective equipment (PPE), supplies, and certification or licensing fees. “Many students do not have the resources to cover the additional costs associated with vocational training and certification. By eliminating these financial
barriers, we ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to succeed,” said O’Neal. CVIT’s commitment to accessibility ensures that students can focus on their education and training without the burden of financial stress.
The impact of CVIT’s programs is evident in their impressive placement rate. Eight out of ten students who complete a CVIT program find jobs or continue their education in their chosen field. This success rate is a testament to the quality of education and training provided by CVIT, as well as the vital support from community partners. “Our students graduate not just with a high school diploma, but with certifications and skills that make them immediately employable,” O’Neal added.
This year, CVIT expects to have close to 150 students enrolled in its programs. These students will benefit from the hands-
on training, industry connections, and comprehensive support that CVIT offers, setting them on a path to successful and rewarding careers. “Our goal is to prepare students for the real world, whether that means entering the workforce directly or continuing their education,” said O’Neal.
CVIT’s role in the community extends beyond immediate job placement. By addressing the specific needs of local industries and providing students with essential skills, CVIT is fostering a future workforce that is both adaptable and highly competent. The ongoing collaboration with industry leaders ensures that the curriculum remains relevant and that students are well-prepared to meet the demands of our local job market.
For additional information about CVIT and the programs they offer, visit CVIT81. org or call (480) 204-0325.
CVIT serves students from Superior, Miami, Globe, San Carlos, Hayden-Winkelman and Kearny including home school and charter students. Our career and technical programs are approved by the Arizona Department of Education and supported by community partners including Eastern Arizona College Gila Pueblo Campus and Central Arizona College Aravaipa Campus.
Dr. Jeff Eubank receives the 2024 Distinguisehed Service Award from AzVMA
We, at GMT, are not the only ones to recognize the contributions of Dr. Eubank both to the well-being of our animals here but for his community involvement at many levels. This year the Arizona Veterinary Medical Awards honored him with the 2024 Distinguished Service Award. “A veterinarian with over four decades of exceptional service in both animal welfare and community care.. Renowned for his dedication, he has performed thousands of low-cost sterilizations and has tirelessly served an underserved rural population. Beyond his practice, he is actively involved in county fairs, horse races, law enforcement canine care and mentoring future veterinarians. His career is a testament to his excellence, compassion, and unwavering commitment.
Dr. Linda Sue Warner, Ph.D., has extensive experience and knowledge in indigenous pedagogy using native ways of knowing as the primary framework and is currently the Special Assistant to the President on Tribal Affairs at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, OK. Previously, Dr. Warner served as the President of Haskell Indian Nations University, KS. She has over fifty years of experience working with American Indian/ Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian peoples. Dr. Warner is extensively published with over two hundred fifty articles, presentations, technical reports, books and book chapters that explore processes linked to cultural knowledge bases and pedagogy. Dr. Warner earned a Doctor of Philosophy in General Administration from the University of Oklahoma; a Master’s in Education in Administration from Pennsylvania State University; a Bachelors of Arts in Language Arts Education from Northeastern State University and an Associate of Arts from Northeastern A&M Junior College, OK. Dr. Warner is a member of the Comanche Tribe of Oklahoma.
Now that Lopez is the building’s owner, he and his partner Mitch Phillips are in the process of clearing out decades of antique collecting and buried personal items of the former owners to create The Wilton Lounge. The pair hope to participate in Miami’s “Renaissance” and help preserve a piece of local history that sits beside one of five historic bridges in town.
Lopez was born and raised in Phoenix and “landed in the pool industry” in 1992 when he worked construction. Since then, he has become an innovator in the industry after establishing his own business in 2005. He has developed a line of swimming pool-related products—most notably Pool Patch—and specializes in municipal pool repair.
Most of his business is done online, but fixing pools is what originally brought him to the Copper Corridor, when FreeportMcMoRan hired him to do some work on the Cobre Valley Recreation Center pool. From there, the Town of Miami brought him back last October to work on Hostetler Pool and that is when he found an affinity for the historic aspects of the town.
“It reminds me a little bit of other mining areas like Jerome, which is a place we have investments in,” Lopez says. “I saw buildings that looked abandoned or not fully developed and started asking some of the locals about stuff that was for sale.”
He ended up purchasing the building and began the arduous task of rehabilitating the high-profile structure.
Phillips, his partner of 18 years, is the artistic drive behind The Wilton and brings her own unique bonafides to the mix.
She moved from rural Minnesota to Phoenix 30 years ago and started her own interior design company in the Valley more than 20 years ago. Phillips has done both residential and commercial design throughout the state, including extensive work for Grand Canyon University, the original Jerome Winery, Cellar 433 in Cottonwood and a decade ago opened a vintage clothing store in the Sunnyslope neighborhood of Phoenix that has gone online in the wake of COVID.
“We still have the building, but we shut it down and I just sell online,” she says. “I do pop-ups down in Tucson and in the Valley and that led me into doing styling for fashion shoots for fashion magazines as well.”
As a result of that work, she even picked up a gig working for UFC fighter Sugar Sean O’Malley.
“I style him for his events when he does appearances,” Phillips explains. “So I have a little variety in my background and I even do art shows every year here in Phoenix.”
History and rural Arizona are at the forefront of the pair’s businesses and lives. Lopez runs his pool business out of the Charles and Eleanor Abel House on Cave Creek Road. It was built in 1930 by Charles H. Abels, a World War I veteran who homesteaded 80 acres in 1921, in the area then known as Cactus, Arizona. It was the first house in Sunnyslope with a bomb shelter that also served as a basement.
The partners also own two houses in Jerome they are renovating, so they have a lot of experience working in rural communities and maintaining the historic aspects of iconic buildings.
“I am familiar with rural Arizona and how it can be a scary thing for an outsider to come in,” Lopez says. “We purchased in Jerome, and we’ve been there over three years and have gotten very connected, even though we’re not technically living in the community. It takes some time to build that faith that you will do the right thing and not exploit them in a way they won’t appreciate. I have a pretty good understanding of what to do and what not to do and how to do the right thing for the community.”
The work so far has been difficult. Lopez and Phillips have combed through rooms full of flotsam and jetsam collected over the decades while maintaining full-time jobs in the Valley. They have carefully sorted family heirlooms belonging to the previous owners and hauled out six 30-yard dumpsters full of random detritus.
“I fell in love with that particular building because it was next to one of the Luten Arches, which are cool-looking, and the facade was charming.”
– Thomas Lopez
Their plan is to rehabilitate the upstairs living quarters so they have a place to stay when they are in town and hope to open the doors on the wine bar and lounge within the next year.
While Lopez has his own ideas, the project will largely be driven by Phillips’ vision, but she is mum on the details and wants the final product to speak for itself.
“I have the plans in my mind, and the whole idea of what’s gonna look like, but I want to leave an element of surprise,” Phillips says.” I don’t want to give away what I’m going to do inside until the reveal, but it’s going to be very cozy and I’m gonna work in the history of Globe-Miami into some design, but I can’t say what that is.”
Envisioning a place where family and friends could enjoy an evening of good food and entertainment for both adults and kids, David and Erica Salinas are investing heavily in creating a new dining experience.
“We both love the atmosphere at San Tan Flats,” David says, referring to the hugely popular steakhouse in San Tan. He and Erica found inspiration for their place there.
With its large outdoor seating area, picnic tables, fire pits, and entertainment, San Tan Flats delivers good food and family-friendly vibes. Salina’s Smokestreet plans to bring that vibe to its new location, set on a large piece of Globe real estate just outside the Historic District.
Bordered by Highway 60 and the creekbed, the back half of the property is shaded by large oak trees where the couple will set up picnic tables, firepits and mobile stage.
Patrons can choose indoor and outdoor seating with an occupancy of 150+. The couple will retire the 30ft trailer that has been their signature “food truck” for the last 4 years to concentrate solely on the new restaurant, a significant step in their business journey.
ERNEST THOMAS VASQUEZ SR., February 23, 1935 – July 30, 2024, age 89, of Central Heights, passed away at his home. Ernie founded the La Luz del Dia Bakeries in Miami, Globe, and Superior. He was originally from Los Angeles and moved to Miami in 1973. (BM)
DONNA “JEAN” GERHARDT, December 23, 1939 – July 29, 2024, age 84, of Globe, passed away at her home. Jeanie taught for Mesa schools for two years and then in Globe schools for over 30 years. (LM)
LARRY JOSEPH BROWN, September 21, 1951 – July 29, 2024, age 72, of Peridot, passed away at Chandler Regional Medical Center in Chandler. (LM)
JOHNNY ELLS, September 4, 1961 – July 29, 2024, age 62, passed away. (BM)
DALE E. SHACKLETT, February 14, 1948 – July 28, 2024, age 76, passed away. (BM)
STEPHANIE ELAINE SERNA, May 18, 1977 – July 28, 2024, age 47, of Glendale, passed away at her home. She worked as a mortgage underwriter. (BM)
WILLIAM ROBERT JOY, June 4, 1939 – July 27, 2024, age 85, of Globe, passed away at CVRMC. Bill was the owner of Tri-City Furniture store for 37 years. He was originally from Providence, Rhode Island. (LM)
MICHAEL EMERSON STARR, November 26, 1954 – July 24, 2024, age 69, of Peridot, passed away at his home. He worked as a security guard for the Indian Health Service at Whiteriver and San Carlos, and at Apache Gold Casino. He also worked as a seasonal firefighter. (LM)
CATHERINE ANNE GREGG, October 21, 1945 – July 23, 2024, age 78, of Globe, passed away at Haven of Globe. She worked as a phone operator for Mountain Bell and teacher’s aide for GUSD. She was a foster parent to many Gila County children for over 10 years. (LM)
JAMES THOMAS TWOHEY, September 28, 1948 – July 22, 2024, age 75, of Globe, passed away at his home. James worked as a boilermaker for Pinto Valley Magma. He was originally from Chicago. (LM)
RONELL SUSAN REEDE, April 2, 1966 – July 22, 2024, age 58, of Bylas, passed away at San Carlos Hospital in Peridot. (LM)
SHIRLEY JEAN GRAHAM, January 9, 1929 – July 21, 2024, age 95, passed away. She had a 25+ year career in banking, as a bookkeeper and then branch manager at Valley National Bank’s Hayden branch. After retiring she served as a classroom volunteer in Mesa for over 15 years. (BM)
ORLANDO BELVADO, August 17, 1960 – July 20, 2024, age 63, of San Carlos, passed away at Banner University Medical Center in Phoenix. (LM)
MANUEL F. MIRANDA, April 30, 1931 – July 19, 2024, age 93, passed away in Globe. He was employed by Magma Copper for 30 years. (BM)
JOHN ARTHUR WILDER JR., May 11, 1962 – July 18, 2024, age 62, of Globe, passed away at Haven Health in Globe. He worked as a foreman and mechanic at Krupa’s Boat Mart in Michigan before retiring to Arizona, where he worked at K&S Marina Ace Hardware, the Roosevelt campground as camp host, and as a volunteer at the Gila Community Food Bank. (BM)
TEVIN AUGUSTINE TSOSIE, October 16, 1993 – July 18, 2024, age 30, passed away. Tevin was employed with the Ash Creek Cattle Association. (LM)
RENE DOW, July 13, 1956 – July 16, 2024, age 68, passed away. (BM)
TOMMY EDWARD DEEN, January 12, 1931 – July 15, 2024, age 93, of Kearny, passed away in Globe. He was originally from Fort Stockton, Texas. (LM)
CARROLL JANE DUWYENIE, August 14, 1946 – July 15, 2024, age 77, of Peridot, passed away in Phoenix. (LM)
MERLE EUGENE PALMER, October 18, 1936 – July 13, 2024, age 87, passed away at his home. He owned funeral homes in Illinois and Globe, and was originally from Rushville, Illinois. (LM)
FREDDIE CARL GOSS, March 13, 1938 – July 13, 2024, age 86, of Globe, passed away at Heritage Health Care in Globe. He was originally from Pitcher, Oklahoma. (LM)
MICHAEL JAMES SALAZAR, January 28, 1959 – July 13, 2024, age 65, passed away. Michael devoted 37 years to the local mines as a diagnostic mechanic and welder. He designed and built all the park benches throughout the Globe downtown area. (LM)
MAXX MITCHELL NORMAN, June 15, 1982 – July 12, 2024, age 42, of Glendale, passed away in Phoenix. He worked as a line cook, prep cook, and a chef in the restaurant industry, including at Xanterra Parks and Resort Grand Canyon Village. (LM)
FRANK JOHN DUFRIEND, February 2, 1968 – July 11, 2024, age 56, passed away at Pro-Medica Hospital in Toledo, Ohio. Frank was a registered nurse who worked at hospitals in Tucson and San Diego, and then at the Northwest Ohio Psychiatric Hospital in Toledo. He grew up in Globe. (LM)
THOMAS FRANCIS JR., November 29, 1946 – July 10, 2024, age 77, of San Carlos, passed away at Banner Desert Medical Center in Mesa. (LM)
DESIRAY MAREE LYNCH, September 7, 1984 – July 10, 2024, age 39, passed away at Banner Estrella Medical Center in Phoenix. (LM)
EULES EARL LANE, September 3, 1947 – July 8, 2024, age 76, of Globe, passed away at his home. (LM)
RAYMOND MICHAEL DUDE JR., August 25, 1978 – July 7, 2024, age 45, of San Carlos, passed away at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix. He worked as a security guard for the San Carlos Apache Tribe. (LM)
MANZEL WILLIAM UNDERWOOD, October 2, 1969 – July 6, 2024, age 54, passed away at his cabin on Mt. Taylor in New Mexico. He was a partner of C&M Service Center and a master mechanic of 35 years. (LM)
TERRY SALAS, May 9, 1942 – July 5, 2024, age 82, passed away at her home. (BM)
LAWRENCE ORTIZ, April 9, 1924 – July 4, 2024, age 100, passed away. (BM)
DENNIS ROY UMPHENOUR JR., July 23, 1968 – July 4, 2024, age 55, of Miami, passed away at CVRMC. (LM)
PATRICK PADILLA CONTRERAS, March 17, 1935 – July 3, 2024, age 89, passed away. He retired from Magma Copper as a supervisor at the mill plant. He also worked at the Florence Immigration Center and the Arizona State Prison. (BM)
(LM= Lamont Mortuary BM=Bulman Miles Funeral Home)
There have been dozens of other fires, some named, some not, and the Forestry Department continuously works with other agencies to ensure the safety of the public and firefighters and to protect the environment using the best available data.
“We have predefined areas that are identified for us to hold fires back: It’s our pre-attack lens, if you will,” says Barry Johnson, Fire Management Officer for the Tonto National Forest (TNF) Globe Ranger District. “For any fire that starts anywhere in our district, we know where our lines are, we know our plan and we have that all identified.”
The predefined areas are known as PODs, Potential Operational Delineations, that delineate the region not by the political lines of numerous jurisdictions, but by natural lines including fuel type, geography and weather patterns.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines PODs in part as, “cross-boundary, collaborative, and integrative fire planning that can support place-based implementation of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy. PODs are based on best available science about fire operations and risks to communities, ecosystems, and responders. The PODs process is holistic. It brings together local managers and stakeholders to plan for future fires using a sophisticated science framework.”
Given that the Globe-Miami-San Carlos region is a patchwork of various federal agencies, including numerous national forests, Bureau of Land Management land and the San Carlos Reservation, the integrative approach attempts to make firefighting and forest management less ponderous when it comes to getting things done.
In recent years, the Globe Ranger District and other agencies have worked with the San Carlos Tribe to reduce excessive vegetation and clear out non-native species that can act as fuels for both man-made and natural fires throughout the region.
With the help of federal funding from the USDA provided through a 638 Agreement with the Tribe, fuel reduction efforts in a number of national forests, including Apache-Sitgreaves, the Coronado and the Tonto, have been well underway. Those efforts have stepped up this year with the acquisition of two masticators—also known as mulchers or brush cutters—that can take out smaller trees to reduce fuels and also make fire roads easier to navigate.
The work is the first phase of a multi-year “keystone partnership agreement” to treat 2,314 acres in the Highway Tanks project northeast of Globe in the Globe Ranger District.
The project is a collaboration between the Tonto National Forest and San Carlos
Apache Tribe under the overarching San Carlos Apache Tribal Forest Protection (TFPA) landscape that includes the ApacheSitgreaves, Coronado, Tonto National forests and the San Carlos Apache Tribal Lands.
Keystone agreements are partnerships “that allow the Forest Service to execute priority projects quickly and efficiently while facilitating new local agreements and/or expanding existing agreements at the region and unit levels,” according to a June 2024 press release from TNF.
“We’re working with our neighbors and tribal partners to masticate our POD boundaries,” Johnson says. “We’re helping fund them to get bulldozers, a road grader and a couple of masticators for these projects and they’re gonna provide the operators and employ them on our lands.”
Fighting fires in national forests has evolved over the years, as changing climate and dense vegetation makes the threat of wildfires a year-round possibility. In response, forest management has been overhauled as well, after years of fire suppression that has led to thick vegetation that can only be cleared out by fire.
In addition to clearing out vegetation using man and machine, prescribed burning is also a useful strategy, but it can take years of preliminary work to accomplish. When the conditions are right, natural fires are sometimes left to burn, but with man-made fires, about 80% of the wildfires that happen in the state, local agencies do not hesitate to put them out.
“That fire exclusion has put us in the situation that we’re in now, but the solution isn’t so simple,” says Justin Wedo, Fuels Fire Management Officer for the TNF Globe District. “Putting the fires out is causing this problem, so do we then stop putting them out?”
Whether or not to put “natural” fires out depends in large part on weather conditions and the amount of fuels that can quickly lead to out-of-control wildfires that can “nuke”
the whole area, Wedo says.
He added that sometimes when the conditions are right the fire can burn and lead to “desirable fire effects,” but if the area is extremely dry the fire can “stand up and take off.”
“For it to bounce back to a more resilient condition could take generations,” Wedo says. “We know we need to let fire take its course as part of the ecosystem. It’s a tool for us to use, for the Earth to use, but if you don’t know what you’re doing with it you can probably cause more damage and do more harm than good.”
In addition to its 638 agreement with San Carlos, which provided about $32 million for equipment and staffing, $24 million of which went to Tribal interests, the Mule Deer Foundation has contributed time, money and effort to help with habitat rehabilitation to benefit the environment and recreational hunters.
“We’re mitigating fuels and creating habitat for wildlife as well as creating buffer areas for when we have wildfires,” Johnson says. “Those masticators are prepping our natural features and grinding 50 feet off the side of the road, which is a lot more of a buffer for us to hold a firing operation or do a prescribed burn. That makes it easier to get equipment in too.”
But the best way to fight fires is to not start them in the first place. While natural fires started by monsoon lightning is nature’s way of long-term fire suppression, man-made fires are far and away the most common and most destructive type.
Common causes include careless disposal of cigarette butts, dragging trailer chains that throw up sparks, or overheated vehicles parked on dried out vegetation that might ignite.
“With human caused fire, you have to smash it and keep it as small as you can or put it out safely,” Johnson says. “Success for us is putting out the fire without anybody getting hurt. At the top of our list is, obviously, public and firefighter safety.”
The Forestry Department has released a booklet, Living With Wildfire, a homeowner’s guide to fire prevention that explains southwestern fire behavior and offers advice for reducing the chances of unintentionally setting off the next wildfire.
“It all comes down to common sense,” Johnson says. “Get rid of those cigarette butts appropriately, and be aware of your surroundings. We have to remind people every day. Together, if we all pay attention, we can avoid some of these fire situations.”