by Jenn Walker
For years, the Pinal Mountain trail system has been known in the mountain biking community as a well-kept secret and a mustride experience within Arizona, offering a 3,000foot change in both elevation and scenery, from ponderosa pines and aspens to desert scrub. The secret has often been passed through wordof-mouth, and with some help from trail guide writers such as Cosmic Ray, who, in the mid2000s, penned a number of Arizona hiking and mountain biking guidebooks, with the Pinal Mountain trail system included.
Ray lists Six Shooter Canyon trail in one of his guides, giving the trail a “puck-o-meter” rating of 9 for its steep switchbacks.
“While it’s true this ride is mostly downhill, this downhill ain’t for candy asses.” Ray states. “Starts off steep, stays that way for a while and remains way too fast the rest of the way home… It’s wicked cool.”
Such appeal has attracted mountain biking enthusiasts hailing from around the Phoenix area, including a particularly die-hard bunch who realized over the years that the Pinal trails could use a little “TLC.” This includes
Chris Johnson, founder, CEO, president, and volunteer crew leader of the nonprofit trail building organization Tonto Gravity Riders. Johnson, alongside other biking enthusiasts who had been frequenting the Pinal Mountain trail system for its spectacular elevation drop (perfect for gravity riding, aka downhill biking), saw a real need for trail upkeep in the Pinals, and started what Johnson describes as a sort of grassroots movement.
TONTO GRAVITY RIDERS, Continued on page 19
by Linda Gross
There are moments in a business or organization that you can look back on and think we wouldn't be here today if not for moments like this.
Inflection points that completely alter the outlook and possibilities. These pivotal moments can be obvious like the landmark deal to save Bullion Plaza from destruction in 1995, or more subtle, as in a chance opportunity that unexpectedly snowballs into a breakthrough partnership.
For the museum, that breakthrough came when Tom Foster walked through the door.
He first volunteered for the museum in 2003.
As he noted in an interview for the museum’s 100th anniversary:
“They were just getting started and needed volunteers with museum experience, so I went to a board meeting. They had gone through a laundry list of ideas for the building: a FEMA management center, a retirement home, a police station or town hall.” TOM FOSTER, Continued on page 9
The 16th Annual Superior Home Tour & Antique Show will take place on January 25th and 26th in the historic mining town of Superior, Arizona. Hosted by the Superior Chamber of Commerce, the event offers ticket holders a chance to explore several unique homes in the historic community. This year’s tour includes “The Hill House,” a beautiful house owned by the Boyce Thompson Arboretum. What was once in disrepair is now a popular Airbnb with personal touches and clever uses of space throughout. Tickets are $20 on the day of the event, or $17 presale. All ticket holders receive 2-for-1 tickets to the Renaissance Festival and Boyce Thompson Arboretum. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www. superiorazhometour.com.
Linda Gross
Patricia Sanders
Creative Designer Jenifer Lee
Contributing Writers
David Abbott
Patti Daley
Linda Gross
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Linda Gross
Yevette Vargas
Deb Yerkovich
Globe Miami Times
Globe Miami Official Community Guide published annually
175 E Cedar Street Globe, AZ 85501
Office: 928.961.4297
Cell: 928.701.3320
editor@globemiamitimes.com www.GlobeMiamiTimes.com
Advertising Deadline
Artwork is due the 25th of the month preceding publication. Design and photography services are available beginning at $55 hr.
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“Relationships are all there is. Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.”
– Margaret Wheatley, organizational theorist and writer
New Year resolutions and grand plans have a way of being thrown off course by things well beyond our scope of imagination - like the LA fires or the death of someone close to us. So I tend to shy away from putting pen to paper on things like this. But some things are clearly in our best interests, and the argument for joining up is solid advice for making life better in the coming year (p. 4).
Along with that is a concept I recently read from writer Thomas Oppong, who asks, “Do you live in a minefield or a garden?” Are you always living defensively, seeing life as hostile or filled with obstacles? Oppong notes that with a minefield mentality, we spend all our energy on avoiding explosions rather than building anything meaningful. We avoid risks, suppress awe, and limit ourselves to what feels “safe.” A garden mindset is more than survival; it’s creation. Living in a garden changes how we respond to setbacks.
a minefield, setbacks explode in our minds. We treat failure as if it defines us, as if it is a threat. But in a garden, setbacks are setups for a comeback.”
– Thomas Oppong
Case in point: the Telegraph Fire in 2021, which devastated the Pinals and our beloved trails and vistas which so many had come to know and love. Enter the Tonto Gravity Riders, who started as a grassroots movement and have committed close to 5,000 hours and 98 days to repairing and restoring the trails of the Pinal Mountains (p. 1).
The garden mentality at work. In 2023 the Gravity Riders were awarded the USDA Forest Service Southwestern Regional Volunteers and Service Award in the category of Citizen Stewardships and Partnerships.
On a more personal note regarding the paper, I remember in 2020 when COVID hit and closed so many businesses, hitting us in the publishing industry hard, my printer went ahead with a significant investment in a state-of-the-art printing press - setting us all up for a comeback. They are one of the best (and few) doing what they do now, and I’m glad to say I’ve been a client for 17 years.
Whether it’s fires, floods, or something more personal, challenges and setbacks come into every person’s life. But when you have a garden mentality, resilience is baked in.
Or, as my mother would say: Don’t forget to see the forest for the trees.
Wishing you a 2025 full of growth and connection.
by Linda Gross
We used to be quick to say, “Sign me up!”—whether for the local bowling league, the newly formed chess club, or established organizations like the Elks or Rotary Club. But now, more often than not, we hear, “I’m just not a joiner.”
A new Netflix documentary, Join or Die, explores the consequences of this shift and why, in 2025, we should all reconsider becoming “joiners.” At the heart of the film is the concept of social capital—the many ways in which our connections with others strengthen not just our personal resilience but also the fabric of our communities and democracy itself.
Social capital isn’t just a feel-good concept; it has real, measurable effects on our well-being. As Robert Putnam, author of Bowling Alone, explains:
“As a rough rule of thumb, if you belong to no groups but decide to join one, you cut your risk of dying over the next year in half.”
The science behind this is clear: Joining even a single group fosters meaningful interactions, reduces stress, and provides emotional support—all of which contribute to better health and longevity. It also helps rebuild the connections and trust that form the foundation of a thriving community.
But we don’t get any of that when we “bowl alone.”
Join or Die uses Putnam’s personal journey—from smalltown Ohio to Harvard—to frame its exploration of America’s unraveling social fabric. Through interviews, archival footage, and contemporary examples, the film vividly illustrates the decline of civic engagement and the weakening of community organizations that once held us together.
Putnam’s work on social capital shines through as the documentary delves into how networks of trust, reciprocity, and engagement lead to healthier, more vibrant societies. The hard truths are undeniable: declining PTA membership, shuttered bowling leagues, and the rise of individualism have left many communities fragmented and struggling.
“The single most common finding from a half-century’s research on the correlates of life satisfaction—not only in the United States but around the world—is that happiness is best predicted by the breadth and depth of one’s social connections.”
– Robert D. Putnam in Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community
One of the film’s strengths lies in its ability to make the data personal. Statistics about the erosion of social capital come alive through stories of individuals and communities grappling with loneliness, isolation, and polarization. At the same time, the documentary offers hope, spotlighting initiatives where people are rebuilding connections and fostering a sense of belonging.
Interspersed with these stories are insights from scholars, activists, and community leaders, who expand on Putnam’s findings and their relevance today. This blend of academic rigor and emotional resonance makes the film both intellectually stimulating and deeply moving.
Join or Die delivers a dual message of warning and hope. It highlights the consequences of eroding social capital: from worsening public health to increased political division. Yet it also offers a clear path forward. By investing in relationships, participating in local organizations, and fostering trust, we can not only improve our own lives but also contribute to a healthier, more connected society.
Whether you’re familiar with Robert Putnam’s groundbreaking work or encountering his ideas for the first time, Join or Die is a powerful reminder of the importance of human connection. It underscores the simple yet profound truth that the strength of a society lies in its people—and their willingness to join together.
Be a joiner this year.
*Coming in February is our feature on local clubs and organizations that welcome joiners and the like.
HAPPY NEW YEAR - 2025: On behalf of your Globe City Council and staff, we want to wish everyone a Happy New Year – 2025. We want to thank our residents for your continued support and patience moving forward into the new year as we continue to navigate our plan and overcome challenges as we work towards building a strong sustainable economic base for the future of our city. There are many more projects that you will witness in the new year that will come to fruition that have been in the works. Your city council and staff remain committed to improving the quality of life for not only our city residents, but for the entire community. May 2025 bring hope, peace, happiness, and unity in our community
LOYALTY OATH TAKEN: At the December 10th meeting, Judge John Perlman administered the Loyalty Oath for the three re-elected Council members for another four years. That included Mayor Al Gameros, Councilman Freddy Rios, and Councilman Mike Pastor.
PUBLIC HEARING TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 1899 – ADJUSTING WATER AND WASTEWATER RATES: A public hearing was held on December 10, 2024 to hear input from the public, staff, and council as part of the legal process on implementing rate adjustments and timelines as presented at the November 7th meeting. The justification of the anticipated increases is part of a study completed by the Wilden Financial Services giving projections for the next five years on infrastructure and
inflation. There were no public comments received at the hearing.
This topic was an agenda item for council to further discuss and how to move forward. After discussion, council unanimously approved a 12% increase to be implemented on March of 2025. It was also agreed that with this increase, there will be no other increases brought forward for the next five years.
CHANGE: Council approved a letter of recommendation to the Copper Mountain Transit Advisory Board to consider the location of Transit Bus stop #23 at Globe Safeway to be relocated to a designated site on the corner of Hill Street and Maple Street near the Hill Street School Apartments and renaming it Bus Stop #23, Hill Street School. Letters of recommendation were also received from the other two stakeholders, the Town of Miami and Gila County for the change. The next step is to submit an application to the Arizona Department of Transportation for final approval.
CONNIES BRIDGE UPDATE: The final remediation required on the bridge by the City of Globe engineering department is now scheduled and approved. We hear and understand the frustration of our residents as we are also frustrated with the length of this project. There are three key points to be considered as we move forward with the completion of this project. First, we will not accept or approve the final project until it meets all the design and safety
requirements, and construction approvals of the initial contract. Second, there has been no additional cost to the city due to the length of time and additional required work. Third, we have the old Connies Bridge to still access the area. We hear the concerns of our residents about the island that was constructed as part of the original design. Once the bridge is completed and opened, staff will evaluate the traffic flow of the island design and if necessary, bring forward and alternate curbing design as part of the Jess Hayes Road sidewalk improvement project.
COURT SYSTEM: On September 24, 2024, I had a meeting with Gila County Attorney Brad Beauchamp. The purpose of the meeting was to review a letter received from Mr. Beauchamp stating that the County Attorney’s office would no longer prosecute the City of Globe criminal misdemeanor cases effective January 1, 2025.
This prompted our staff to work on an alternative plan to move forward after the deadline. At the December 10, 2024 meeting, the Council approved an IGA with Gila County for the Consolidated Adjudication of Hearings and Trials and the sharing of the Magistrate Court Administration and Operations in order to keep misdemeanor prosecution cases moving forward without any delay. This IGA was then forwarded to the Board of Supervisors, and on December 17, 2024, the Gila County Board of Supervisors also approved the IGA.
At the December 19, 2024 meeting, council approved several contracts as part of the plan for the restructure. A contract was approved with, Andy Jolley, for an inhouse staff position as the city’s Prosecutor effective December 31, 2024. A contract was approved with Judge Jordan Reardon
appointing him as the Presiding Magistrate of the Globe Magistrate Court for two years, effective January 1, 2025. A contract was approved with Daisy Flores, to provide indigent legal services to the City of Globe Magistrate Court for two years, effective January 1, 2025.
I want to thank our city manager and staff for their diligent work on developing an alternative plan and securing contracts in such a short period of time to make sure that the transition is seamless. I also want to thank the Gila County Supervisors for approving and expediting an IGA to continue the legal process for hearings and trials that are vital to our community in order to hold all violators accountable for their actions.
COFFEE WITH THE MAYOR: City staff and your city council continue various efforts of transparency and communication to our community. There are several ways to keep informed of what is going on in your city. You can attend monthly meetings scheduled every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6 pm, visit our city website, read articles posted in the Arizona Silver Belt and Globe-Miami Times, or contact staff, any of your council members, or myself for any updates. As part of the continued efforts of communication, I will have a “Coffee With The Mayor” event every third Wednesday of the month at 1 pm to answer any questions of what is happening in your city. I will continue these events as long as there is continued interest in them. You can also get updates by reading my monthly reports that are posted in the Arizona Silver Belt, Globe-Miami Times, and on Facebook. I also utilize KIKO radio open line and KQSS FM Radio monthly. This month’s Coffee with The Mayor is Wednesday, January 15th at 1 pm at Copper Cities Coffee at 1100 N. Broad St., Suite F. See you there.
by David Abbott
As Globe’s City Council heads into the next phase of the Strategic Action Plan (SAP) update in February, the City’s new website gives residents additional tools to access information and make sure their voices are heard.
In addition to attending council meetings or watching online, or contacting Councilmembers directly, Globe now has a notification application that brings updates of City news directly to citizens’ phones.
As part of the SAP process, Council is asking residents of Globe to take a short online survey to weigh in on Globe’s longrange plans that will have lasting impacts in the coming decades.
“We’re preparing for the SAP and have a new website that allows people to sign up for text alerts directly to your phone,” says Globe’s Assistant City Manager Linda Oddonetto. “We want to encourage citizens to participate in our Community Survey so their voices can be heard and so they can further understand the planning process.”
Created through a collaborative process with Council members and the public, the SAP helps Council identify priorities that
are included in the existing blueprint for the City’s future.
The SAP update will also help Council create a roadmap for the 2025-2026 budget. Additionally, the document acts as a guide for City Council’s future meeting agendas.
Recent SAPs have focused on four main areas of action for Council, including economic and community development; infrastructure; public safety, and quality of life for residents.
Thanks to efforts that began in 2018 with the establishment of the Economic and Community Development Department, Globe is well on its way to completing the groundwork for future economic development, despite external forces that could have derailed progress along the way.
“When you’re doing these improvements to infrastructure, you have to do long range planning,” says Globe Mayor Al Gameros.
“Things aren’t going to be magically fixed overnight. I hear the frustration some of our residents feel, but I think they understand and I think they’ve been patient. It takes time to get some of the projects to come to fruition and go vertical on them. It’s been six years and we predicted 10 years to get to where we want to be, so we’re getting to the end game.”
While several infrastructure projects have been completed—upgrades to local parks, repaving many streets and a large swath of blight reduction—many are still underway or have been delayed due to
COVID, fires, floods and other issues out of the City’s control.
Council recently celebrated completion of the Cottonwood Bridge, and the Community Center Pool and Splash Pad is approaching its third year of operation this spring. But other projects such as the Michaelson Building Coworkspace and Business Incubator, the Silver King building demolition, and rehabilitation of the 100-year-old Connie’s Bridge have hit snags that have slowed completion and led to wild speculation on local social media sites.
“I’ve heard the frustration of our residents and the community in general, Council shares their concerns,” Gameros says of delays that have beset the project. “There were a lot of obstacles, and some remediation work that had to be done, but now we have a contractor that has been approved to do the final remediation.”
Gameros adds that the delays had nothing to do with City planning and were it not for the professional experience of City Engineer Luis Chavez, the final product might not have been up to the City’s standards. Gameros is hesitant to put a date on final completion of the bridge and is more concerned with a quality project than a timeline at this point in the process.
But all of the current projects are individual pieces of the overall plan to build for Globe’s future and in many cases each project acts as a stepping-stone to the next. For instance, once Connie’s Bridge is complete, the City will embark on a sidewalk project along Jesse Hayes Road from the crossing to the Gila College campus with access points to the Community Center, Besh ba Gowah and a future walkway that is in the planning stages.
All the while, Council and City staff will continue to plan for the future and work to acquire external funding to facilitate future growth.
Thanks to the model the City has created, much of the money required to bring Globe’s aging infrastructure into the 21st century has come from outside sources.
Since 2018, the City brought in more than $127 million in outside funding for many aspects of the existing SAP, from building bridges and sidewalks to rehabilitating parks and beautifying the downtown historic district.
Highlights include:
• The $22 million Gorman Hill Street School project, creating 64 units of affordable senior housing;
• A $100,000 feasibility study to rehabilitate the McCormack Tunnel with funding from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers;
• $3.5 million for the Jesse Hayes sidewalk project;
$158,000 Safe streets and roads project to improve the safety of pedestrian and vehicle traffic in historic downtown on Broad Street; as well as,
• $254,000 project to upgrade the skate park at the Community center and a $100,000 project funded by BHP to install additional outdoor exercise equipment at the community center
External funding has also been responsible for:
• 173% budget increase from $24.2 million in 2016 to $66.3 million for fiscal year 2024-2025; 68% increase in the operational budget over the same period from $11,465,632 to $19,260,943;
• 134% increase in sales tax revenue from $3,614,792 to $8,456,299; and, 183% increase in Bed Tax revenue from $90,567 to $256,592.
$14.4 million for water and sewer improvements;
• $9.4 million for roads maintenance and bridge construction;
• $19 million set aside for possible grants and donations.
“I think the key point is, when you’re dealing with funding that’s coming from state and federal governments, it’s a process and it doesn’t happen overnight,” Gameros says. “We’re awarded the money, but it’s often an arduous process to put that funding to work, so there’s a little bit of a lag there. You have to have personnel to be able to follow through, too.”
Residents interested in the happenings of their local government can go to Globe’s updated website at www.globeaz.gov, where they can find a link to the Community Survey. There is also a link to sign up to the notification app on the homepage.
City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesdays each month at 6pm in Council chambers in the Municipal Building at 150 North Pine Street. Information, including meeting agendas and minutes can be found at the City of Globe website.
Gameros is also hosting an inaugural “Coffee With the Mayor” to discuss current events and issues face-to-face with the public on Wednesday, January 16 at 1pm at Copper Cities Coffee at 1100 N. Broad Street, Suite F. If there is sufficient interest, Gameros plans to host future meetings on the third Wednesday of each month at revolving locations around Globe.
“We’ve had some challenges that could have derailed our agenda, but we have stayed focused on the end goal,” Gameros says. “We don’t just attend Council meetings every two weeks, we’re involved not only locally, but statewide and nationally. We have to be involved at every level and Globe is seeing the impacts because of that.”
Be A Part of the PlanNING!
Welcome to the Kismet Foundation! You may have seen us at First Friday events or noticed our lively fundraisers, but let us take a moment to formally introduce ourselves.
Located in Globe, AZ, the Kismet Foundation is a charitable organization driven by our motto: “Create Your Own Destiny.” We aim to uplift and strengthen our community by focusing on key areas such as education, community rejuvenation, support for underserved populations, and animal welfare. This is made possible through the generosity of local businesses, individuals, and community events.
Stay tuned for our exciting 2025 lineup, and in the meantime, let’s celebrate a few of the extraordinary individuals who make our community shine.
This month we spotlight individuals nominated as outstanding Globe-Miami-San Carlos residents who have made a significant contribution to our community.
Joe Sanchez is a familiar face in the GlobeMiami area, known for his decades of dedication to public service and community involvement. From holding public office to delivering mail, Joe’s efforts have demonstrated his unwavering commitment to service and touched countless lives. He has devoted over 15 years to the “chain gang” at Miami High School football games, moving chains on the sidelines and has risen to the position of captain. While the role may lack glamour, it reflects Mr. Sanchez’s character, as he consistently steps up to assist whenever needed. Joe attributes his commitment of giving back to the example set by his parents. Volunteering, for him, is a way to honor their sacrifices and continue their legacy. This ethos of gratitude and responsibility was instilled in him from a young age, emphasizing the importance of supporting one another and maintaining strong family ties. His initial foray into volunteering began with the Lions Club alongside his brother George, where they sold light bulbs and sang Christmas carols during the holiday season, often prompting donations from those who preferred to avoid their singing. Whether singing Christmas carols or
Mrs. Dora Buckley
Mrs. Buckley has been a dedicated volunteer in the Miami Unified School District since 2009. At 80 years young, her passion for education and helping others remains as vibrant as ever. She raised four children in Globe instilling in them the values of hard work and community service.
Before her volunteer work, Dora had a fulfilling 22 year career with the Arizona Department of Transportation. After retiring she spent five years at Holy Angels, then her educational journey continued as she worked at Globe and later the Junior High in Miami. Her Passion for helping students led her to spend a decade as a special education paraprofessional, where she made a significant impact on the lives of many children, providing them with the support they needed to thrive.
Every Thursday, Mrs. Buckley brings joy to her students by engaging them in various activities such as crafts, reading groups, research projects, and providing special snacks. She believes in the power of positivity and encourages children to listen to themselves. Her words of wisdom emphasize the importance of believing in yourself and supporting others to reach their potential. Through her unwavering dedication, Mrs. Buckley continues to inspire and uplift the students she serves.
Greg and Kathy Walker: Building Strength and Community
Eight years ago, Greg and Kathy Walker brought their passion for fitness and personal growth to GlobeCobre Valley CrossFit. Starting with just a couple of classes, their gym now offers up to seven classes a day, catering to members aged 8 to 96! If you get to know the Walkers, you will quickly find they aren’t here to just cycle people through classes, but to help improve the quality of life of their members.
Greg, a coach since 2009, is especially proud of working with the “Boomers” and “Legends” (ages 60+). Seeing these members transform their balance, mobility, and strength is incredibly rewarding.
Kathy, coaching since 2013, is equally devoted to fostering healthier lifestyles. She is passionate about teaching nutrition and helping people set goals. She has spent countless hours over the years putting together gym challenges, and counseling with members to help them create healthy lifestyles outside of the gym.
Greg and Kathy have helped many people overcome personal and physical challenges. Their dedication goes beyond fitness—they’ve created a welcoming community where members of all ages and fitness levels encourage one another and build strength physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Mr. and Mrs. Kim: Quiet Champions of Faith and Service
The Kims, founders of Kim’s Martial Arts, are known for their incredible work in youth development and their dedication to the Globe-Miami community. Although they humbly declined recognition, they requested a small insert focusing on Christ.
“When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God.”
Their example of faith and service continues to inspire everyone they encounter. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Kim, for your tireless contributions to our community.
From dedicated volunteers to fitness leaders and humble servants, the Kismet Foundation celebrates the individuals who make Globe-Miami a vibrant and supportive community. Let’s keep creating our own destinies together!
by Dr. Richard Ramos
Teaching and learning are evolving in the Miami Unified School District (MUSD) No. 40. Establishing a partnership with the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET), MUSD implements a structure supporting teacher effectiveness. Leveraging the experience of its own teachers serves as the catalyst in this critical shift in mindset. MUSD is laser-focused on increasing student achievement by utilizing the knowledge of master and mentor teachers, adopting a new teacher evaluation rubric, developing sitelevel instructional leadership teams, and planning cluster meetings for professional learning.
Starting with master and mentor teachers, educational experts have been identified at each campus. These educational specialists work diligently to support career teachers to improve instructional practices. Master and mentor teachers are released during the day to observe, coach peers, team-teach, and provide feedback to teachers in real time. In addition, they plan professional learning on a weekly basis to support career teachers with effective instructional strategies to promote student performance. To be effective, master and mentor teachers spend an inordinate amount of time establishing trust with career teachers to provide open and honest dialogue for improvement. According to Master Teacher Jo Ann Steele, “NIET has provided us the resources necessary to support our classroom teachers. We are committed to assisting our teachers and their classrooms. We know that we are making a difference.”
Since establishing the NIET partnership during summer 2024, master and mentor teachers were trained to support career teachers in every instructional aspect. Master Teacher Rayla Mills shared, “The extensive and informative training I have received from NIET has been invaluable. The concepts and pedagogical methods have been revolutionary to my teaching abilities. The best outcome from my continued experience with the NIET process is the positive impact on students in my classroom.” The work has been intense and transformational. It has been rewarding for many teachers who have been in the educational field for many years. Master Teacher Sammy Gonzales affirmed, “Partnering with NIET requires supporting career teachers to improve student outcomes. This is the part I enjoy the most because I’m collaborating with likeminded teachers to ignite professional growth while promoting student achievement.”
In addition to using a master and mentor teacher model, adopting a new teaching evaluation rubric has been instrumental in the MUSD cultural shift. With a focus on effectiveness, teachers share a common language around evaluation. During the fall, teachers spent time analyzing the new evaluation rubric and discussing the meaning of each domain: instruction, designing and planning, and the learning environment. The rubric provides teachers with a clear definition of effective teaching by building student agency in the classroom. Elementary Principal Juan Sierra said, “The rubric has allowed teachers to analyze instruction, pointing them to areas for improvement.” Moreover, ongoing collaboration and coaching by master and mentor teachers, MUSD career teachers have an opportunity to strengthen their instructional practices. After a fall evaluation, Career Teacher Stephen Palmer said, “I appreciate my evaluator taking the time to be specific, and to take notes during my lesson evaluation.
One of the things suggested to me was to allow time for grouping students to work together. Today we had a guest speaker and I took a deep breath and I remembered what I was taught and asked students to take two minutes with their table partners to prepare questions and it worked.” This is just one example of how dialogue around the evaluation rubric is changing instructional practices in MUSD.
Another component being implemented in MUSD is the site-level instructional leadership teams (ILT). The ILT meetings occur on a weekly basis. This is an opportunity for school administration, master and mentor teachers, and other teachers to discuss the direction of the campus. It is common for these teams to analyze student data, monitor goals, and drive school improvements. The goal is to empower teachers to make school-wide decisions and serve as influential agents. According to Miami Junior Senior High School (MJSHS) Principal Cynthia Cramer, “NIET understands that great leadership is essential for transforming education. By drawing on our leadership experiences, they guide educators not only in refining their instructional practices, but also fostering a culture of continuous improvement.” The ILT at each school continues to focus on ways to shift the culture from teacher-centered to student-centered environments where students have more control and input in their own learning. The MJSHS Assistant Principal Paul Fine contributed, “NIET has provided us a structure and framework to collaborate in analyzing data and targeting areas of instructional growth that, in turn, will allow us to see improved student results.”
A final component of this transformational process at MUSD has been the addition of cluster meetings for professional learning. Master and mentor teachers facilitate weekly cluster meetings with career teachers around a culture of continuous improvement. During professional learning, teachers analyze student achievement data to identify student needs, create benchmark targets and monitor progress, and adjust the course of action as needed. The goal of weekly meetings is to support teachers with instructional practices to promote student academic progress. Master Teacher Ellen Beydler said, “Cluster meetings provide support allowing all teachers to set goals, receive individualized support, and participate in training to meet their needs. It also provides feedback to ensure we are in alignment with students› needs and best practices to make it happen.” Teaching and learning has shifted from a teacher focus to what the students need to perform at high academic levels. Career Teacher Rebecca Marquez shared, “Cluster meetings provide teachers the ability to identity and implement teaching standards that significantly enhance our practices and contribute to a more effective classroom experience.”
The educational landscape looks different in MUSD No. 40. The focus is on building student agency to prepare a learner to take on the challenges in the 21st Century. According to MJSH Andrew Brown, “The current
environment reflects the ideals of a progressive school district. Although further work lies ahead, there is strong confidence that we will receive an A+ rating as a district.” Partnering with NIET has provided MUSD the structures and frameworks to increase student achievement. MUSD continues to leverage teacher experience by implementing a master and mentor teacher model, adopting a new teacher evaluation rubric, developing site-level instructional leadership teams, and fostering cluster meetings for professional learning. Mentor Teacher Shayleigh Price summarized the evolution this way, “Through our partnership with NIET, we’ve been able to tap into the knowledge and experience of our teachers to make meaningful changes in how we teach. It’s been exciting to see how these adjustments are making a real difference for our students.”
Mila Besich, Mayor of Superior, Arizona, has been appointed as Vice Chair of the National League of Cities (NLC) 2025 Energy, Environment and Natural Resources (EENR) Federal Advocacy Committee. Mayor Besich was selected to serve a oneyear term and will provide strategic direction and guidance for NLC’s federal advocacy agenda and policy priorities on sustainability, climate change, community resilience, water infrastructure, solid waste management and more. The appointment was announced by NLC President Sharon Weston Broome, Mayor-President of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
“Serving as a member of the NLC EENR Committee has provided an outstanding opportunity to learn more about how national environmental policy affects Cities and Towns across the United States. I am honored to serve as a Vice President on the EENR Committee to further advance environmental policies that will improve upon environmental standards while also advocating for increased federal investment in water and wastewater systems. Being involved at the national level also helps to ensure that Superior is fully aware of the programs and policies that directly impact our
TOM FOSTER, continued from page 1
–Mayor Besich
As Vice Chair of the committee, Mayor Besich will play a key role in shaping NLC’s policy positions and advocating on behalf of America’s cities, towns and villages before
Instead, they settled on a museum and appointed Tom Foster, as its executive director.
The partnership would enable the nascent concept of saving the building to blossom into the reality of a museum of note with statewide recognition.
He not only understood how to curate exhibitions and collections, overseeing these with scholarly rigor, artistic integrity and audience appeal, but was adept at securing donations, writing grants and developing strong relationships both within our community and statewide, which paid off time and time again.
As Bullion Plaza Museum’s director, he saw his job as not just managing day-to-day operations but inspiring the organization and stakeholders to reach new heights. By aligning curatorial vision, financial stewardship, community engagement, and organizational culture, his tenure was defined by the quality of his work and personal connections, which secured Bullion’s bona fides as a Museum and Cultural Center.
At the time of his death, he had completed the renovation of two rooms on the second floor designated as the Ed Pastor rooms, thanks to generous donations by the family in terms of money and artifacts. Pastor was a well-respected and much-loved native son, who grew up in Miami, served 23 years in Congress and was one of the founding supporters of saving Bullion Plaza in the late 1990s. (The work of curating an exhibit and opening the rooms to the public has been taken over by the Board and the Pastor family, who are hoping to announce an opening this winter.)
A Tom Foster Day on January 18th is designed to celebrate the man and the museum.
Congress, with the administration and at home in Superior, Arizona.
“NLC’s federal advocacy committees are vital for uplifting the voices and needs of America’s 19,000 cities, towns and villages to decision-makers in Washington,” said National League of Cities President Sharon Weston Broome, Mayor-President of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. “I am excited to work with Mayor Besich and look forward to supporting their vision and leadership as they lead the
EENR Committee this year and help grow the partnership between local and federal leaders.” The leadership of the 2025 EENR Committee will consist of Chair Katrina Thompson, Mayor of Broadview, Illinois; Vice Chair Mila Besich, Mayor of Superior, Arizona; and Vice Chair Abbie Kamin, Councilmember of Houston, Texas.
For more information on NLC’s Federal Advocacy Committees, visit https://www.nlc. org/advocacy/federal-advocacy-committees/.
by David Abbott
The San Carlos Unified School District (SCUSD) has greatly expanded its dual enrollment offerings, giving students an opportunity to earn college credits while they attend high school and encouraging teachers to seek advanced degrees to qualify to teach classes.
Thanks to partnerships with San Carlos Apache College (SCAC) and the Cobre Valley Institute of Technology (CVIT), the District’s vision of increased opportunities for San Carlos Apache students has taken a leap forward with more options to earn college credits or Career and Technology Education (CTE) certificates.
“This year has seen a significant expansion to the program that has been in place the last seven years,” says San Carlos High School Associate Principal and CTE Director Dr. Navdeep Rajput. “It was not on this large scale and was only offered to high school seniors, but has been extended to our juniors.”
Rajput has been with the District since 2016 and is a former chemistry teacher at the high school. Two years ago, she was moved to an administrative position as an associate principal. In addition to her duties at SCHS, Rajput is an adjunct chemistry professor at SCAC.
Dual credit means students get double credit—both high school and college simultaneously—for classes included in the program that are taught by qualified instructors. Students need 60 college credits to achieve an associate's degree in Arizona, which translates into 10 to 12 classes throughout high school, according to Rajput.
Classes must be taught by instructors with a masters degree or higher and they must serve as adjunct faculty at SCAC. Thanks to nine years of teacher recruitment under the leadership of SCUSD Superintendent Dr. Deborah Dennison, the District has increased the number of qualified instructors, with added incentives for teachers to pursue graduate degrees if they do not already have them.
“We want to guide the teachers who do not have a masters degree yet, so that they should be inspired to get the degree,” SCHS Principal Durena Thompson says. “It’s kind of a symbiotic relationship, that they will benefit and the school will also be benefited. That will be our goal when recruiting instructors who can teach in our dual credit program.”
Students earn 0.5 credit for each semester’s class toward their high school transcript, while the same class for college is usually three to five credits depending on the subject. The credits go on students’ transcripts for life, but they must earn a letter grade from A to C for it to count towards college.
“We have to tell them before enrolling in the class that this is serious business because they are getting double credit,” Rajput adds.
The expansion of the program means that a record 61 SCHS seniors have enrolled in the current school year and 55 from grade 11 have matriculated as well. Classes
offered include a wide range of disciplines, including college writing, pre-calculus and other math classes, business management and the Apache language, among many offerings.
In the 2025-26 school year, the District is planning to offer courses to sophomores in order to allow participants sufficient time to earn an associates degree. Earning the requisite number of credits can only be accomplished if the classes are offered for three full years.
San Carlos students can also elect to participate in CVIT programs to earn certificates in medical assistant, nursing assistant, welding, early childhood, and cosmetology. Beginning this year, electrical insulation and counseling programs have been added as well as HVAC. Thanks to help from CVIT, transportation is being offered to the EAC campus for students who may not have other options to attend classes in Thatcher, which is 30 miles from the SCHS campus.
In order to take CTE dual credit classes in the junior year, students must be on track to graduate and have good attendance, and “good discipline.”
“The vision is in place and we are very proud, but we have a lot to do,” Rajput says. “I’m so thankful for Ms. Thompson and Assistant Superintendent Mr. Shawn Pietila because we all share a common vision, and when the vision is common and when the goals are crystal
clear, it’s more likely that you can achieve them.”
In addition to being SCHS Principal, Thompson is the President of the governing board for SCAC, which Rajput says has accelerated this enrollment “because of her vision, because she knows what’s going on in the college.”
“She knows the challenges and opportunities in the community, and her vision is to empower students in such a way that after graduation they have options,” Rajput says. “They should be so enlightened with these dual credits that they have the intrinsic motivation that as soon as they graduate from high school, their option is to contribute to the community, by either going to college to earn a degree or diploma, or go into the workforce or military. Knowledge is power for sure so we are just enlightening them, showing them that there is a different world out there they should go out and conquer.”
Ultimately, the goal of the District’s staff and administration is to give San Carlos Apache youths every possible opportunity to succeed in the world, both on the Reservation and beyond San Carlos.
“We share a common vision for a stronger, healthier San Carlos community,” Thompson says. “SCHS is grateful for the work of Dr. Rajput in working with students and staff on dual credit and grateful for the team and input of both Dr. Rajput and Mr. Pietila.”
Do you have a burning question, a passionate opinion, or a personal experience you want to share with your neighbors? The Globe Miami Times invites you to make your voice heard and help shape the community conversation by submitting a letter to the editor. Whether you’re excited about local developments, concerned about important issues, or want to celebrate the stories that unite us, your words can spark dialogue and inspire change. Add your perspective to the mix and let our readers know what matters most to you!
Deadline is the 5th of each month and the suggested length is 100-400 words.
CRITERIA: In order to be considered for publication, please be sure your letter meets the following criteria:
• Topics must be local! Related to Globe, Miami, San Carlos, and outlying areas.
• Include your full name, phone number, and city of residence/neighborhood with your submission.
Note: This information will not be published. It is only asked for to ensure submissions stay local. Sign a letter with your first name OR a pen name of your choice, ie: " frustrated citizen" "concerned parent" "local teacher" etc.
• Keep letters civil and respectful. Letters containing obscenities, discriminatory language, material that is offensive or harassing in nature, insults, threats, etc. will not be published.
The deadline is the 1st of each month. Submit story to editor@globemiamiitimes.com
STORIES: We are always looking for a good story and if you have one, we invite you to email us and pitch your idea. It can be inspiring or investigative. We will consider your idea and let you know if it's something we will add to our editorial calendar.
PRESS RELEASES: Include at least one optional photo and the key details in the opening paragraph, which provide the who, what, when, where, and why to help readers (and editors) understand your press release at a glance. Include contact information for follow-up questions. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and/or space.
Have you ever wondered why you see GMT Out and About photo coverage of some events but not others? One of the key determining factors is whether people have reached out to us and asked us to cover their event. We are not all-knowing. So this helps. After that, it is a matter of our availability. We do what we can. But you need to make the call.
Jenn Walker will re-join the GMT staff after moving away several years ago. During her time with GMT, she wrote pieces on Ed Pastor, Nancy Sheppard, The Struggles of Sheltering Animals, our Get Er Done series and many more memorable articles. In addition, she worked on several of GMTs signature events including, “The Final Salute to Apache Drive In.” David Sowder will cover Miami Town Hall for us this year and join us as a freelance writer. He recently did the piece on the Pipeline Trail and will be writing about Miami’s plans for the Keystone stairs.
December 14th
Pre-New Year's Eve at the Historic Elks Building
This Copper Trophy, first awarded in 1946, has been purchased by Globe Miami Times on behalf of the
The final play of the season Arizona Vintage Territorial BaseBall League April 26- 27 8 Teams will compete at CENTRAL field- formerly known as the old SchoolHill fieldfor the Prize!
Destined to become a traveling trophy, it will be taken home by the winning team and displayed proudly each year until it is brought back to Globe and the competition for the CUP begins again!
The other side of the Trophy is in the process of a new engraving to be revealed in late January!
by David Sowders
For decades the Pipeline OHV area, located on the eastern side of Globe, has been a popular spot with dirt bikers, side-by-siders and quad drivers, along with mountain bikers, joggers, hikers and dog walkers. Last month, a project to spruce up the area came to fruition, with improvements based on feedback from the local community.
The upgrades started with a restroom building, a brand new amenity at Pipeline that was delivered and installed December 12. This was one of the ideas to come from a 2022 community meeting hosted by the Tonto National Forest’s Globe Ranger District and the Tonto Recreation Alliance.
That meeting was held at Pipeline, whose off-road trails give access to popular Forest Service roads leading north into the foothills above Six Shooter Canyon and Ice House Canyon, and up to the Pinal Mountains.
“We had several people show up from the community, maybe about 15 or so, and they gave us their input,” said District Recreation Management Specialist Sheryl Cormack. “We talked about the area, how it was used, and what sort of facilities the community might want. One of the items that came out of that meeting was a toilet, and so we looked around for funding for that.”
Cormack said their search netted about $300,000 in federal funding through the Great American Outdoors Act {GAOA] of 2020, which established the National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund to address a maintenance backlog in national parks, public lands and roads, national wildlife refuges, and Bureau of Indian Education-funded schools. “A lot of funding
went to a lot of different [national] forests, and one of them was ours,” Cormack said.
Work on the new restrooms started December 9, when the contractor, a Phoenix firm named C2 Construction, began preparing the site. Four days later, Cormack and other Forest Service staff were there to see the delivery and installation of the building and toilets.
Another idea community members suggested in the 2022 meeting was improving the area around Pipeline’s four ramadas, and the District is also using the GAOA funds to make that happen.
“The ramadas are going to be refurbished
with new picnic tables in the next couple of weeks,” Cormack said December 12, the day the new restrooms were brought in. “We’re going to use some tables from Tonto Basin because they’re decommissioning their sites.”
The ramadas will also get new tin roofs and a fresh paint job, as the District replaces their current blue paint with a tan color to match the restroom building. “It’ll blend better with the environment,” said Cormack. “Right now they stand out and they’re old-looking, so the contractor’s going to refurbish them, make them look a little bit cleaner.”
The improvements planned for Pipeline don’t stop there. Cormack said the District also
has plans to add a three-paneled informational kiosk, including a map made by the Tonto Recreation Alliance on one panel. The second would likely contain regulatory information.
“Hopefully, on another panel, we’ll be able to do some interpretive stuff about the environment, how to protect the environment, maybe what kind of flora and fauna is out here, maybe the history,” said Cormack. “We haven’t decided on the interpretive panel.”
“I feel proud, and happy for the community,” she said, seeing the project finally come to fruition. “In the end, I think the visitors to the area will have a nicer place to enjoy. It’s pretty exciting.”
by Paul Wolterbeek, Gila County Government
In December 2024, KIKO AM/FM Radio signed off for the last time, concluding an extraordinary chapter that began in 1958. Under the visionary leadership of Willard Shoecraft, KIKO grew from broadcasting in the Copper Hills Hotel lobby to a revered institution in Globe-Miami, Arizona.
“Welcome to another broadcast day of local programming on KIKO Radio. We are glad to have you along with us. And we hope you have a good enjoyable
JOHN J GORHAM, December 22, 1932 – December 30, 2024, age 92, passed away. Jack worked first at Holsum Bakery, then at the San Manuel copper mine as a boilermaker and later as supervisor. He helped at the JF Ranch for over 50 years. He was originally from Superior. (BM)
RAYVON RAY DOSELA SR., August 3, 1994 –December 30, 2024, age 30, of Peridot, passed away in Phoenix. (LM)
REYNALDO RAMIREZ, January 19, 1927 – December 29, 2024, age 97, of Superior, passed away. Ray worked in the Magma Mine and was known as a jack of all trades, including carpentry and framework. He also volunteered at the VFW as commander. He served in the Army in WWII. (BM)
RAMON QUIROZ, December 31, 1931 – December 29, 2024, age 92, passed away in Oro Valley. Ramon was originally from Magdalena of Sonora, Mexico, and came to the US in 1957. (BM)
JAMES ARTHUR PETERS, October 24, 1959 –December 29, 2024, age 65, passed away in Miami. James worked for BLM in Safford for 38 years. He was originally from Ohio. (LM)
WESTLEY (WES) SUKOSKY, December 1, 1967 –December 29, 2024, age 57, of Globe, passed away at Honor Health in Scottsdale. Wes grew up in Miami and first worked as a heavy-duty mechanic for the mines. Later he became a home inspector and Public Works director for Miami. But he was best loved as Tiger baseball coach and manager of the GUSD baseball field. He also coached Pinal Mountain Little League and was instrumental in renovating the PMLL playing fields. He was originally from Prescott. (BM)
JOSEPHINE URTUZUASTEGUI TURNER, November 28, 1935 – December 26, 2024, age 89, passed away. Josephine taught primary school in Kearny in her early years. She was originally from Somerton, AZ. (BM)
MICHAEL WAYNE LOYD, July 17, 1955 – December 26, 2024, age 69, of Globe, passed away. Michael worked in trades including mechanics, masonry, flooring, and most recently as an electrician for the local smelter. He was originally from Amarillo, TX. (BM)
RUBEN FLORES AVALOS, April 2, 1934 – December 25, 2024, age 90, passed away. Ruben worked in underground mining, wildland firefighting, and as a prison guard. (LM)
RONALD LEE HUGHES, October 22, 1946 – December 23, 2024, age 78, passed away. Ron retired as a
day,” said broadcaster JB, echoing a familiar greeting that encapsulates the spirit of KIKO’s legacy.
Shoecraft’s formula was more than radio, it was a lifeline for the community, exemplified by Morning “Open Line” call-in show, “The Money Tree” contest, Daily “Trading Post” swap shop and local requests and citizen help.
General Manager Lucy Rodriguez and the devoted staff at KIKO, JB Barter, Willie Powers, Noreen Prater Valdez, Liz Mata and Paul Wolterbeek and Roland
and operated Soda Pop Antiques. His passion was restoring antique cars, pedal cars, coke machines, and old gas pumps. He served in Vietnam. (LM)
CLARA WARD, September 26, 1949 – December 25, 2024, age 75, of San Carlos, passed away. Clara was a caregiver in the healthcare industry. (LM)
JENNIFER NORMAN, April 4, 1971 – December 23, 2024, age 53, of San Carlos, passed away at Banner Ironwood in Queen Creek. (LM)
JOHN HARRIS, February 10, 1931 – December 22, 2024, age 93, passed away. (BM)
DELILAH AGNES HAOZOUS, June 22, 2000 –December 22, 2024, age 24, of San Carlos, passed away at the Indian Healthcare Center in Peridot. (LM)
MANISHA TALISA LONGSTREET, December 31, 1973 – December 21, 2024, age 50, of Peridot, passed away at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix. (LM)
ADAM CHRISTOPHER BROWN, October 24, 2003 –December 20, 2024, age 21, of San Carlos, passed away in San Carlos. Adam worked for Apache Gold Casino as a dishwasher and then as cook. He was originally from Phoenix. (LM)
ETHEL MAE LONG, July 23, 1929 – December 19, 2024, age 95, of Globe, passed away at her home. She was originally from Kimball, KS. (LM)
ALYSHA ROSE KEY, October 7, 1988 – December 19, 2024, age 36, passed away. (LM)
RAMON RAMIREZ, March 4, 1946 – December 17, 2024, age 78, of Miami, passed away. He worked for Miami Inspiration’s rod plant, later Freeport, as a lead tech. He was originally from Cedillos, Mexico. (LM)
CHARLENE ALLEN, April 29, 1964 – December 15, 2024, age 60, passed away. (BM)
MARY JUVERA, September 6, 1938 – December 13, 2024, age 86, passed away. Mary was known as the cake lady in Mammoth. She was originally from Sonora, AZ. (BM)
RICHARD ORMUS SHARP, April 2, 1967 – December 13, 2024, age 57, of Mammoth, passed away. (BM)
LINDA CAROL CAYOUETTE, March 4, 1956 –December 7, 2024, age 68, of Globe, passed away at Heritage Healthcare in Globe. She was a housekeeper and was originally from Safford. (LM)
MARTHA ELLEN GILLETTE, July 13, 1933 – December 24, 2024, age 91, of Globe, passed away. Martha worked in the old Gila County Courthouse in Globe, and later for Dr. Frank Rooney and the Miles-Dameron funeral home.
Foster upheld Shoecraft’s mission of integrity and community service, fostering partnerships with the Phoenix Suns, the Arizona Diamondbacks, and the Arizona Cardinals. KIKO’s broadcasts informed, entertained, and united Globe-Miami residents, promoting local businesses, schools, and events.
As we bid farewell, KIKO thanks its loyal listeners and supporters. KIKO’s heartbeat will echo in the memories and hearts of Globe-Miami for years to come.
BETTY LOUISE SMYERS, January 3, 1929 – December 11, 2024, age 95, passed away. She worked at Gila General as a nursing assistant and later at Dr. O’Brian’s office, then at the Gila County recorder’s office. Later, she made and taught ceramics along with her sister. She was originally from Payson. (LM)
JOSE ARMANDO RODRIGUEZ, June 17, 1943 –December 5, 2024, age 81, of Globe, passed away in Globe. Mondo served in the Navy for six years, then went to work in the mines at Inspiration Consolidated, later Freeport, where he worked for 36 years. He was active in the Globe Miami Elk Lodge. (LM)
JUNIOR LOREN BROWN, September 3, 1996 –December 5, 2024, age 28, of Peridot, passed away in Peridot. Junior worked for the copper mines as a smelter operator. He was born in Miami. (LM)
CHARLES GERALD ALIPRANDINI, October 10, 1928 –December 4, 2024, age 96, passed away. Bud served in the Army’s 82nd Airborne and then worked in mining, first in Michigan and later for Magma. He also helped his father run the Shamrock Bar in Claypool, and owned Claypool Cabinets. He was also a volunteer firefighter for Tri-City for 25 years. He was originally from Crystal Falls, MI. (LM)
ERNEST CONTRERAS HERRERA, August 5, 1953 –December 4, 2024, age 71, passed away. Ernie worked at BHP. (LM)
JERRY MOORE, October 21, 1965 – December 4, 2024, age 59, passed away. (BM)
JESUS LARA DARUGNA, November 14, 1933 –December 3, 2024, age 91, of Superior, passed away. Jesus worked for Magma in Superior, Rowley Pipeline, and BHP. He was originally from Jerome, and served in the Korean War. (BM)
PATRICIA JANE ROMERO, June 14, 1934 – December 3, 2024, age 90, of Globe, passed away. Pat taught junior, high school, and college English, and played piano and organ, sang, and directed choir at the Methodist Church and St. John’s Episcopal. She was also a Master Gardener, helping found the Globe-Miami Farmers Market and running the Sunrise Sunset Chili and Herb Gardens with her husband Manuel. She was originally from Independence, MO. (LM)
JARVIS COSAY JR., September 7, 1986 – December 1, 2024, age 38, of Peridot, passed away at San Carlos Apache Healthcare in Peridot. Jarvis was born in San Carlos. (LM)
“We took it upon ourselves to perform (unauthorized trail) maintenance,” Johnson says, noting that the work began as “unauthorized” since the group at that time had no formal affiliation.
He and the other riders founded Tonto Gravity Riders in 2010 with the intent to repair and maintain the Pinal trails, not just for mountain bikers, but for everyone – hikers, horseback riders, campers, locals, and visitors alike – to enjoy.
Johnson, who resides in east Mesa, had already been volunteering his time to build trails throughout the state since the early 2000s, learning trail building from research and reading building guides, and firsthand by trial and error.
Fast forward 13 years, and Tonto Gravity Riders (TGR) is now an official nonprofit and gained regional recognition in 2023 –the group was awarded the USDA Forest Service Southwestern Regional Volunteers and Service Award in the category “Citizen Stewardships and Partnerships.”
Since October of 2021 alone, Johnson approximates that the organization has restored 18 miles of trail in the Pinals, committing just under 5,000 hours and 98 trail days to the cause.
This work has primarily been focused on the destruction caused in the mountains by the Telegraph Fire in the summer of 2021, which essentially shut down every trail from peak to peak, followed by sustained record monsoons.
“That wreaked havoc on the mountain. It wreaked havoc on the town, too,” Johnson recalls. “Many, many miles of trail on the mountain were completely obliterated, and trail would need to be rebuilt again in the same corridor as it was previously. Our knowledge of pre-fire conditions and trail location was critical in that process and we also had the volunteer base to get it done.”
The group has been working to bring the trails back to at least pre-fire state, if not better.
“We’re still in restoration mode, getting trails opened back up and getting them friendly for all users,” he adds.
Thanks to TGR, Icehouse, Kellner, and Six Shooter Canyon trails have all been restored
since the fire, and Telephone Trail is nearly complete. Then TGR will begin restoration on Pioneer Pass.
A look at the group’s website shows their monumental progress; they essentially work on the trails every week through fall, winter and spring.
The group averages three to 12 volunteers per trail day, though sometimes it’s just Johnson working alone. Volunteers range from those just out of high school to retirees, mountain bikers, hikers, and horseback riders. As of right now, Johnson estimates 98 percent of volunteers are based in the Valley.
A trail day is long, usually starting between 7 to 9 in the morning and ending between 4 to 6 in the evening. The volunteers hike to the area where they’ll be working carrying their equipment, including shovels, rock bars, pulaskis, and pruning saws. They spend the day clearing brush, rocks, downed trees and debris from the trail, fixing drains, addressing erosion issues, and reestablishing or cleaning up the “tread” (trail surface).
“All of these trails are quite long, getting
to the middle of them requires a lot of effort,” Johnson says. “If you don’t do it that often, it definitely hurts.”
“We’re appreciative of every minute we get help,” he adds.
Becoming a 501(c)(3) has given TGR more legitimacy, a collaborative partnership with the Forest Service, and has allowed the group to have a voice in proposing the construction of new trails.
In the future, the organization aspires to grow the Pinal Mountain trail system significantly, with hopes of adding 35 miles worth of trails for all to enjoy. New construction will start with what they call “Upper Lollipop Loop,” which would comprise five and a half to six miles of trail interconnecting three other trails at the top of the Pinals.
“It is one of the most needed additions on the mountain and will be one of the biggest factors for increasing recreation for all users on Pinal Mountain due to the location,” Johnson says.
The idea is to develop a trail that can see near year-round use, “staying above 7,000 feet, where it isn’t scorching hot during the summer,” he adds.
The Upper Lollipop Loop has received approval at all levels, according to Johnson, and if TGR is given the green light, they will break dirt October of this year.
Future work done by the organization will require infrastructure funding, such as improved signage, new trailhead access points, and parking lots, Johnson says, as well as funding for NEPA and ecological studies.
For now, though, TGRs’ operational expenses are low. Most equipment used by the group was either purchased with TGR funds or donated. Local bike shop Topo
Joes provides the volunteers rides to the trails. Johnson purchased his own excavator, which was a huge investment, simply for his love of trail building. The crew uses it in tandem with working by hand, reducing the need for TGR to apply for large grants.
“We save $30,000 to $40,000 per mile built on Pinal Mountain with the same result,” he says.
The organization is working to build its reputation and support base in Globe, frequenting First Fridays where TGR receives individual donations. They attend mountain biking events where they promote their cause, selling t-shirts and stickers, and the proceeds have been used to build up their trail fund. The Goff Family Foundation donates several thousand dollars to the group on an annual basis.
Johnson hopes more locals join the cause and volunteer with TGR.
“It’s a special place… the town is awesome,” he says. “The mountains are gorgeous… And it’s minutes away from [their] doorsteps.”
Interested in volunteering or donating to Tonto Gravity Riders, or just want to learn more? Visit: https://www.tontogravityriders. org/volunteer.