19|90 Premium Wines Magazine #3 English

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GLOBAL NEWS Free distribution to all our clients, suppliers and friends

A new icon of Dão is born

Vinha do Contador Grande Júri Tinto 2011



Global Wines at EV 2018

Cycles with Miranda-Mortágua


2017 White and Rosé Wines

Global Wines was present, with its several brands in another edition of Essência do Vinho, which took place at Palácio da Bolsa, in Porto, from 22 to 25 February.

The brand Cabriz became the official sponsor of Miranda-Mortágua cycling professional team, through an agreement valid for the 2018 sports season.

With the coming spring days in mind, Global Wines presents to the market the new harvests of 2017 White and Rosé Wines.

Read all about it on page 4

The full story on page 5

Learn more on page 6

Global News - Number 3 / February 2018



A challenge overcome


e h a v e re c e n tly p res e n ted t o t h e m a r ke t, in a n u n p re c e d e n t in itia tiv e , s o m e o f t h e mo st refin ed win es p ro d u ce d i n t h i s h o u se . We a re co n fid en t i n t h e q u a l i t y o f th e wo r k ca r r ied o u t , a n d w e i n v ite d th e ex p er ts to e v a l u a t e w h a t we co n s id ered to b e w i n e s o f e x c e lle n ce . A n d s o it wa s c o n f i rme d , i n a n in itia tive th a t w a s a s mu c h b o ld , a s p io n e e r in g . A f t e r a l l , w e h a ve a lw a y s like d to t a k e ri sk s, b re a k n e w g ro u n d a n d p re se n t n e w tren d s . We a re su re o f o u r a b ilitie s a n d we w a n t t o ma k e w in e s th a t a re ev e n mo re g l o b a l a n d ca n ta k e th e b e s t o f P o rt u g a l t o th e fo u r c o r n e r s o f the planet. Wh e re v e r w e a re , o u r o p er a tio n a l ma t ri x a n d la b o u r p h ilo s o p h y a l w a y s a i m a t q u a lity, a cc u r a c y a n d a t t h e p a s s io n fo r a p ro d u ct a s n o b l e a s w in e . Ex c e l l e n c e , n o b ility, te r ro ir, id e n t i t y. F e a t u re s th a t we tr y to co n v e y i n t h e se n e w h a r v e s ts o f Vin h a d o C o n t a d o r, th e ico n ic b r a n d o f P a ç o d o s C u n h a s d e S a n ta r. We a re a c o mp a n y th a t c rea tes b ra n d s. A n d w e a re p ro u d o f it. We w i sh y o u a g o o d rea d in g a n d g o o d t a st i n g s .



o speak about Vinha do Contador is to speak about wines of excellence, either white or red. With the excellence of the wine production in mind, Global Wines submitted to the evaluation of a diversified panel of national and international critics, journalists, wine tasters and Masters of Wines a wine that the company believes is also of excellence. The challenge was simple but ambitious: according to its final classification it would receive one of two possible labels, both already printed. I.e., in practice, the wine was submitted to evaluation at the moment it was launched. And on the table, there was


the challenge to overcome the barrier of 94 points set as the goal to the diversified panel of tasters present. The nectar passed the test with distinction, by obtaining a final classification of 95,3 points, and it was labelled as “Vinha do Contador Grande Júri” due to that quantitative result. Given that, qualitatively, no one doubted its excellence. “The best ever”, many ended up by agreeing with the company’s view on this wine. An unprecedent initiative in Portugal, which took place at the idyllic Paço dos Cunhas, at the Village of Santar, whenever the producer is doubtful if a harvest is of exceptional quality. In such circumstances, the company will always ask a panel of critics to judge the wine it intends to present to the market. It is in this happy context that Dão sees the birth of another icon, with Global Wines bringing to the market another wine of exceptional quality, which comes from the expertise and devotion of the winemaking team led by Osvaldo Amado. Vinha do Contador Grande Júri 2011 is a red wine made with the varieties Touriga Nacional, Aragonez and Alfrocheiro, which rested for eighteen months in French oak barrels, and claims its position as a wine of world prominence, presenting, according to the experts present at the tasting, a great margin of evolution in the bottle. “It is an extraordinary rare wine coming from one of the oldest and most iconic properties of Dão, Paço dos Cunhas de Santar. We are certain that it will be a true star in the cellar of the most demanding wine lovers”, underlines the management of Global Wines.

posal: Paço dos Cunhas de Santar Vinha do Contador Aguardente Vínica Velha (Old Brandy). A brandy that comes from a careful selection of wines processed for the production of eau-de-vie and that is aged in limousine oak barrels for over two decades. A brandy that showcases an elegant amber colour, complex aromas, where fruit notes, exotic woods, toasted grains, praline and dried fruit predominate. Take note of the names: Paço dos Cunhas Vinha do Contador Grande Júri red 2011, Paço dos Cunhas Vinha do Contador white

2014 and Paço dos Cunhas de Santar Vinha do Contador Aguardente Vínica Velha. A triumvirate that will certainly be much talked about. Either by those who look for exclusivity, or by those who simply like great wines, these are proposals that will delight all wine lovers around the world. But hurry and buy your bottles. After all, only 5.200 bottles of Vinha do Contador Grande Júri 2011 have been produced. This is not fiction, it’s reality. And the wine? Delicious!

In this initiative another iconic reference from the portfolio of Global Wines was also presented, Paço dos Cunhas de Santar Vinha do Contador 2014 white, a high-quality nectar born form the traditional white varieties of Dão - Encruzado, Malvasia-Fina and Cerceal-Branco – which rested in French oak barrels with battonage for twelve months. But the news don’t end there, this family is reinforced with another added value pro-


Global News - Number 3 / February 2018

GW at Essência do Vinho 2018

Global Wines was present again at one of the most representative events of the industry, Essência do Vinho, which took place once again at Palácio da Bolsa, in Porto.


t was from 22 to 25 February that Palácio da Bolsa, in Porto, hosted the 14th edition of Essência do Vinho, and Global Wines was present at this initiative with several of its brands. Hence, the approximately 20 thousand visitors of the event had the chance to taste various references of brands Cabriz, Casa de Santar, Quinta do Encontro and Herdade Monte da Cal. In an edition that, according to the organisation, was the most international of them all, with approximately 30% of the visitors of EV2018 coming from abroad, this exhibition continues to be a privileged stage for the tasting of the totality of Global Wines’ portfolio,


including some new harvests, especially when it comes to the offer of white wines that are still not available in the market. Integrated into room Vinalda, the exclusive distributor in the domestic market, the stands of our brands received many visits, and, in a more discrete way, and with the presence of the oenologist Osvaldo Amado, our wines from Paço dos Cunhas de Santar, namely, Vinha do Contador white 2014, Vinha do Contador Grande Júri red 2011 and Vinha do Contador Aguardente were also made known. Four days with many tastings, conversations about wine and many winelovers toasts. See you next year! We will meet you there again!




lobal Wines has reinforced its team with two great professionals. Learn some more about each of them.

Martha Mendes Communication, Media Relations & Online Content

Martha Mendes was integrated into the Commercial and Marketing Department at the beginning of 2018 working in Communication, Press Office and Contents. Born in the United States of America (New Bedford, Massachusetts), in 1985, she has a degree in Journalism by the University of Coimbra and a Master in Communication and Journalism by the same institution, and has carried out some research work in the area of Communication and Media. She has 12 years of professional experience in the area of Communication, and has cooperated with several publications, companies and agencies. She has worked in Macau, as a journalist, in Jornal Tribuna de Macau (a Portuguese language daily newspaper), and was

a guest editor of the magazine Rua Larga (the magazine of the University of Coimbra). In the field of Communication, she has already worked in the areas of fashion, culture, technology, e-commerce, spirit drinks and interior design. She is mother of two girls, aged 7 and 4. Sónia Figueira Senior Export Manager for the European Markets Sónia Figueira started working in the world of wine as a guide for a wine cellar of a recognised brand of Porto wine. She was bitten by the wine bug and, in 2006, she began working as Export Manager for one of the largest companies producing Porto wine. Since January 2018 she acts, at Global Wines, as Senior Export Manager for the European markets. In her free time, she likes to walk by the sea and play football with her 7-year-old son.


Cabriz cycles with the professional cycling team Miranda-Mortágua

In the context of its promotion of sports and consequent policy of support to the sports institutions of region of Dão, the brand Cabriz became the official sponsor of the professional cycling team Miranda-Mortágua, through an agreement valid for the 2018 sports season. After being present in professional football, supporting the team of CD Tondela, the brand is now also present in cycling, a high visibility sport deeply rooted in Portuguese tradition. “Miranda-Mortágua will compete at the national and international levels, therefore this initiative allows Cabriz to keep its connection to the region and, at the same time, pursue its goal of becoming more and more global”, says Rui Correia, Commercial and Marketing Director of Global Wines. To stand side by side with the teams of the region of Dão has been a priority for the brand, which defends as one of its missions to promote the region.

Cabriz Colheita Selecionada 2015 is the best Portuguese wine in terms of quality/price



ISAB 2018 provided an opportunity for another edition of the traditional Global Wines dinner. This occasion served to strengthen ties with customers from countries as diverse as Estonia, Luxembourg, the United States, Germany, Switzerland and Mozambique, as well as to get acquainted with the news that follows, year after year. The Casa do Bacalhau restaurant in Lisbon welcomed this lively dinner, which featured a wine roster of luxury (see

aside about the new harvests in the next page).

Cabriz Colheita Selecionada red has a prominent place with international critics and has been considered the best Portuguese red wine in terms of quality/price ratio. This is the choice of Mark Squires, the Portuguese wine taster from the team of the greatest critic in the world, Robert Parker, confirming the consistency of the scores that this reference has been attaining in the North American market. “Global Wines has accustomed us to wines at affordable prices and with excellent quality. If you have a tight budget, invest in this fresh, elegant, easy to drink and versatile wine”, he says. Approximately one year ago, the North American magazine Wine Spectator included Cabriz Colheita Selecionada red 2014 in its annual list of the TOP 100 best wine, this being the highest-rated Portuguese wine.


Global News - Number 3 / February 2018

White and Rosé Wines for every occasion New harvests presented


ith the coming spring days in mind, Global Wines presents to the market the new harvests of 2017 White and Rosé Wines. Different proposals for different occasions with the excellence and quality that the brands held and traded by Global Wines usually present to the national and international market. Once again, the winemaking team led by Osvaldo Amado presents to the market elegant, distinguished wines that, we believe, will make the difference in your business, be it a restaurant, a hotel or organised retail. From Portugal to the world, from Dão and Alentejo to you,


the harvests of 2017 arrive. Starting with the new harvest of Cabriz Touriga Nacional white. The great variety of Dão presents itself again to the market as a white wine full of complexity and freshness, citrus colour, notes of red fruits and candied fruit, fruity and with long persistence. But Touriga Nacional white doesn’t come alone, as Cabriz presents also the harvests of 2017 of White and Rosé Wines Colheita Selecionada. In the case of the white wine, it is the return of a best-seller from Global Wines, a nectar that, with a blend of Encruzado (50%), Bical (30%), Malvasia-Fina (10%) and Cerceal-Branco (10%), has been conquering many consumers in the country

and abroad with its fruity, fresh profile, notorious volume in the mouth, which results in an elegant harmonious wine. As for the rosé wine it is born from the marriage in equal parts between Touriga Nacional and Alfrocheiro grapes, which results in a wine that is also fruity and fresh, but soft in the mouth and with a crispy freshness and an intense aroma of red fruits, where strawberry and raspberry dominate. Still in Dão, the unavoidable reference Casa de Santar white 2017 arrives with its blend of Encruzado (40%), Cerceal-Branco (30%) and Bical (30%) which makes it an undeniable ambassador of Dão. A wine for different occasions,

either as an aperitif, or not very seasoned meals based on fish or white meat, where the citrus, tropical and exotic fruits predominate. From Alentejo, Monte da Cal Colheita Selecionada white 2017 arrives at the market, a blend composed of Viognier (30%), Alvarinho (20%), Arinto (20%) and Antão Vaz (20%), which results in a fruity fresh wine, characterised by a harmonious volume in the mouth and long persistence. Different proposals for different moments, wines to be tasted and enjoyed. Always in good company!





artner of Global Wines in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Bebex S.A. is a company held by family Ferreira da Cunha and founded by Manuel Ferreira da Cunha in January 2002, following the merger of two companies that specialised in the distribution of drinks and various food products, present in the market in Luxembourg for many years. Based in Bascharage, Op Zaemer, canton of Capellen, and with a total area of 7 thousand m2, 3 thousand m2 of which correspond to the storage area, Bebex presents itself in the local market as a specialised distributer in the sale of high-quality Portuguese wine, spirit drinks, beers, coffee, food products in general, both fresh and frozen, 65% of which are imported directly from Portugal. Besides this wide range of Portuguese products of renowned quality, Bexeb also trades wines from Diekirch and Luxembourg Mosel. In order to foster the partnership established, Global Wines and Bebex have developed a set of initiatives last year, in particular the presence in events such as Springbreak Luxembourg (March), Expovin – Food & Wine Festival (June) and more recently, in November, our Brand Ambassador, Magnólia Ramos, was present, with the brand Casa de Santar, in an important tasting which took place at the Portuguese Embassy in Luxembourg, as well as in another initiative held in the headquarters of BNP Paribas.

A prestigious partner that has helped to take many and good Portuguese products to supermarkets, restaurants, bars and cafés of Luxembourg and surrounding regions, always with a great challenge in mind: to make the Portuguese products even more known in and around the Grand Duchy.


CABRIZ CLOSER TO YOU Cabriz wants to be even closer to you! The reference brand of Dão now presents itself in the market with a renewed display stand that will be present in the main retailers in Portugal. A closer way to communicate the brand and to show its different references. Can you resist trying it?


Global News - Number 3 / February 2018


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